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Plática para padres de adolescentes sobre la disciplina positiva.
Esta es una cacería de persona a persona. * Trata de encontrar a alguien que reúna los requisitos de las preguntas. * La persona que reúna el requisito firmará y poner su nombre en la línea, junto a la pregunta. * Todas las firmas deben ser de personas diferentes. * Ganarán quienes tengan el mayor número de preguntas contestadas y firmas en tu hoja.
The model of positive adolescent development is a new approach to research and intervention during adolescence and youth that represents an alternative to the classical model focused on deficit and maladjustment. This model not only defines the competences of a healthy development, but also proposes the concept of development asset. These assets are the personal, family, school and neighborhood assets that give the support and experiences needed for the promotion of positive development during adolescence. In this article the most important assets in each of these contexts are presented, which can be very useful for all those professionals working in the promotion of healthy youth and adolescent development.
josé antonio vera lacárcel y juan antonio moreno-murcia razones intrínsecas para la disciplina en estudiantes adolescentes de educación física
Revista Electronica De Psicologia Iztacala, 2013
The central topic refers to the acquisition and exercise of the moral values in the adolescent students of a middle school; with the objective to identify the values to know the function and meaning that the adolescents give to them in addition to giving interest in the sources of acquisition of the values for the adolescents. This research work is of qualitative type it is made under the phenomenological approach. There were used the techniques of observation, interview and collection of permanent records for the elaboration of the relevant results of the work. The age range was from 12 to16 years of a sample of 23 students. Among the results obtained, it is important to mention that the adolescents acquire knowledge of the values first of all inside its families mainly with what their parents teach them; secondly the education is in the school and in the third place with their classmates through the relationships that establish occurs to the dissemination of their know through interaction. In the way of how do the adolescents live through the values, It was found that they possess sufficient knowledge on the values and are acquiring more concrete knowledge about them; nevertheless, the adolescents even having this knowledge neither demonstrate them nor take them to the practice.
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