6: ENZYMATIC zyxwvutsrqpon
Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 3 (1997) 3-12
Bacterial lipases for biotechnological
Karl-Erich Jaeger a**, Bernd Schneidinger a, Frank Rosenau a, Michael Werner a,
Dietmar Lang b, Bauke W. Dijkstra b, Klaus Schimossek ‘, Albin Zonta ‘,
Manfred T. Reetz ’ zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQP
li Lehrstuhl Biologic der M ikroorganismen, Ruhr-Unirersitiit, D- 44780 Bochum, Germany
h Laborator?j of Biophy sical Chemistm. 9747 AC Groningen, The Netherlands
’ Max-Planck
D-45470 Miilheim, German!
Received 15 July 1996; accepted I3 September 1996
Lipase genes originating from the Gram-negative
bacteria Serrutiu marcescens
and Pseudomonus urruginosa
lipase was overexpressed
in Escherichia coli yielding inclusion bodies which were purified and
cloned. S. marcescens
finally refolded to give enzymatically active lipase. The lipase operon of P. aeruginosa consisting of genes 1ipA and lip14
P. aeruginosa
strain carrying a
was cloned behind the T7 410 promoter and overexpressed
in a lipase-negative
chromosomal insertion of the gene encoding T7 RNA polymerase. A 3D structural model was built for P. aeruginosu lipase
using the coordinates of the Burkholderiu cepacia lipase structure which has recently been solved in its open conformation
by X-ray crystallography.
Both lipases have been purified to homogeneity and were tested for their potential to catalyze
important reactions. S. marcescens
lipase stereoselectively
hydrolyzed racemic isopropylideneglycerol
acetate which is a basic building block in a variety of organic synthesis reactions. P. aeruginosa lipase was successfully
used for kinetic resolution of chiral alcohols and amines giving enantiomeric excess values of 2 95% at reaction rates of
40-50%. Our results demonstrate that both lipases can be produced at levels of 100 mg/l for S. marcescens and 150 mg/l
for P. arruginosa. The recombinant lipase proteins are promising candidates for biotechnological applications.
Lipase; Serratia marcescens;
aeruginosa; Overexpression; 3D structural model; Kinetic resolution
1. Introduction
The estimated world-wide sales volume for
industrial enzymes in 1995 is US$ 1 billion and
this volume is foreseen to double until 2005 [l].
At least 75% of all these enzymes are hydrolases, and 90% of them are produced from
by fermentation.
’ Corresponding author. Phone: (49) 234 700 3101, fax: (49)
234 7094 425, e-mail:
138 I I 17/97/$17.00
P/I S 138 I-1 177(96)00039-2
proteases and carbohydrases, lipases are considered to be the third largest group based on total
sales volume. Their biotechnological potential is
relying on their ability to catalyze not only the
hydrolysis of a given triglyceride, but also its
synthesis from glycerol and fatty acids. The
main application fields for lipases include detergents, dairy, diagnostics, oil processing, and
Recently, special emphasis
is lying on the production of chiral chemicals
which serve as basic building blocks in the
0 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved
K.-E. Jaeger et al./ Joumal of M olecular Cataly sis B: Enzy matic 3 (1997) 3- 12
production of pharmaceuticals,
and pesticides or insecticides [2].
In a survey of enzyme supplier companies,
136 companies were listed which produced at
least 23 different lipases, however, only 6 of
them were of bacterial origin [I]. This underrepresentation stands in a sharp contrast to the
actual knowledge in molecular biology and biochemistry of these lipases [3,4]. In this report,
we present a summary of recent results obtained
with extracellular lipases from the Gram-negaand Pseutive species Serratia marcescens
prehensive studies on biotechnological
applications of these two enzymes, we have constructed overexpression systems for both genes.
The overexpressed proteins have been isolated
and tested for their ability to catalyze the kinetic
resolution of racemic substrates.
2.1 .I.
lipase is a protein of M , 64800
which was purified to electrophoretic
homogeneity. The structural gene was cloned and
sequenced and the mechanism of secretion of
this enzyme has been studied [5-71. However,
of this lipase was not reported.
P. aeruginosa lipase (M ,: 29000) is encoded by
a structural gene ZipA which forms an operon
with a second gene ZipH encoding a lipasespecific foldase which is involved in lipase
folding and/or secretion. Both genes have been
and the corresponding
were purified and biochemically
[8]. Recently, experimental
evidence was obtained for a cell-density dependent type of regulation called ‘quorum sensing’ [9] of lipase gene
expression involving a regulatory protein LipR
S. marcescens
Only few biotechnological
these enzymes have been reported. The asymmetric hydrolysis of 3-phenylglycidic
acid ester
which is a key intermediate in the synthesis of
Diltiazem hydrochloride,
a widely used coronary vasodilator,
was carried out with S.
lipase [l I]. P. aeruginosa lipase
was able to convert the diester dimethyl 5(3-(2(7-chlorochinolin-2-yl)ethyl)phenyl)4,6_dithianoanedioate to its (S&ester acid which is a
chiral intermediate
in the synthesis of the
leukotriene receptor agonist Verlukast [12]. The
production of this lipase has been scaled up to
pilot plant bioreactors
1900 1) by
Merck US [ 131. In order to enable more com-
2. Results and discussion
Lipase from
O verexpression,
and refold-
ing t141
A fragment of chromosomal
S. marcescens
DNA carrying the lipase gene was cloned into
the T7-expression
vector pETlld
and overexpressed in E. coli JM109/DE3.
The vector
contains a T7 promoter and the host strain a
encoded T7 RNA polymerase
which are both inducible by addition of isopropyl-B-D-thiogalactopyranoside
(IPTG) [ 151.
Bacteria were grown until they reached the
logarithmic growth phase (OD,,, = 0.6) and lipase gene expression was induced by addition
of 0.4 mM IPTG. After further 3 h of growth
lipase was produced at about 40% of total cellular protein. However, the overexpressed protein
was not secreted but formed insoluble inclusion
bodies inside the bacterial cytoplasm. These
inclusion bodies were purified by centrifugation, denaturation in 50 mM Tris-HCl buffer
(pH 8.0) containing 1 mM Na,-EDTA, and 8 M
urea, and subsequent gel filtration, and were
finally refolded to enzymatic activity by rapid
dilution in 50 mM Tris-HCl buffer (pH 8.0)
containing 1 mM Na,-EDTA, and 10 mM CaCl,
[14]. Fig. 1 shows an SDS polyacrylamide
electrophoresis analysis at various stages of the
purification procedure. After gel filtration, the
silver-stained gel (lanes 4-6) revealed only one
major protein band at M , 64000 (theoretical
M ,: 64800).
Its identity was proven after blotting of this protein band by determination of the
N-terminal amino acid sequence (amino acids
no. l-20) showing 100% identity with the se-
K.-E. Jaeger et al. / Journal of M olecular Cataly sis B: Enzy matic 3 11997) 3- 12
Fig. 1. Purification of S. marcescens lipase. Samples obtained at various stages of the purification procedure were analyzed by SDS-PAGE
and staining with Coomassie Brilliant Blue R250 (lanes 1, 2, and 3 containing 10 kg of protein) and silver (lanes 4, 5, and 6 containing 5
(*g of protein). The band showing lipase (M ,: 64800) is marked with an arrow. Samples were obtained from: cell lysate obtained by
ultrasonication (lane 1); soluble fraction (lane 2) and sediment (lane 3) after centrifugation (Sorvall RCSB, Rotor SS34, 6000g for 1.5 min at
4°C); gel filtration chromatography
(Superdex TM200 column) (lane 4); ultracentrifugation
(Kontron TGA 65. rotor SW 40. 100000~ for
60 min at 4°C) and refolding (lane 5); concentration of refolded lipase by ultrafiltration (lane 6).
quence deduced from the DNA sequence of the
cloned gene [5]. The ability to refold extracellular lipase to enzymatic activity enabled us to
isolate significant amounts of protein (100 mg
per liter of culture) which could be purified in a
one-step purification giving electrophoretically
lipase protein with a yield of
30%. Recently, we have obtained a polyclonal
antiserum against this lipase which will be used
to study localization inside the bacterial cell.
Furthermore, lipase has been subjected to crystallization experiments in order to determine its
3D structure by X-ray crystallography.
2. I .2. Secretion
S. marcescens lipase does not possess an
N-terminal signal sequence but instead contains
multiple repeats of a glycine-rich consensus sequence (L-X-G-G-X-G-X-D)
at the Cterminus. This sequence is indicative for a secretion system which consists of three different
proteins, an ABC transporter (ABC), a membrane fusion protein (MFP), and an outer membrane component forming a pore-like structure
(OMP) extending from the cytoplasm into the
space. The corresponding
are organized in an operon with the structural
gene followed by the genes coding for ABC and
MFP whereas the gene coding for OMP may be
separated [ 161. We could demonstrate that S.
marcescens lipase was secreted from E. coli if
the strain contained a plasmid carrying either
the prt D, E, and F genes for metalloprotease
secretion in Envinia chrysanthemi or hlyB, C,
and tolC genes for ol-hemolysin secretion in E.
coli coding for the ABC, MFP, and OMP proteins [5]. More recently, an operon consisting of
three genes named ZipB, C, and D was cloned
from S. marcescens. Expression of these three
genes in E. coli allowed secretion of both metalloprotease and lipase of S. marcescens [7].
Although these authors have studied secretion
only in E. coli, genes lipB, C, and D presumably encode an ABC-secretion
system used in
S. marcescens. We have recently constructed a
S. marcescens mutant strain carrying an insertion in the 1ipB gene coding for the ABC-transporter which exhibited a lipase- and proteasenegative phenotype [ 141.
K.-E. Jaeger et al./ Journal of M olecular Cataly sis B: Enzy matic 3 (1997) 3- 12
Attempts to use S. marcescens
lipase for
synthesis reactions in organic solvent failed so
far. At present, we assume that this lipase may
need a water shell surrounding the molecule,
and its replacement by organic solvent may
cause irreversible denaturation.
This view is
supported by the finding that freeze-drying of S.
lipase led to a decrease in enzyme
activity by 75%.
However, this lipase may be useful for kinetic resolution of chiral compounds. Racemic
acetate (IPG) which is a
basic building block in a variety of organic
synthesis reactions was hydrolyzed at a reaction
rate of about 25% giving a 35% enantiomeric
excess of the D-enantiomer. Furthermore,
have observed the stereoselective esterification
of the racemic alcohol ( R,S)-2-phenyl- 1-propan01 at a conversion rate of 3 1% and an enantiomeric excess of 20% of the ester isomer. At
we are trying to immobilize
lipase by using a newly developed
method [17] in order to stabilize the enzyme
thereby improving its biotechnological
applications in organic chemistry.
2.2. Lipase from Pseudomonas
and overexpression
Initially, we used a two-component
T7 system developed by Darzins [ 181 to overexpress
P. aeruginosa
lipase. The gene coding for T7
RNA polymerase is stably integrated into the
chromosome of P. aeruginosa strain ADD1976
and a 2.8 Kb XmnI/SmaI
fragment of P.
aeruginosa DNA containing genes ZipA and H
necessary to obtain enzymatically active lipase
were cloned into the SmaI-site of plasmid pEB 12
giving pELl1 with the lipase genes being expressed from the T7 gene10 promotor. Fig. 2B
shows that we obtained an increase in extracellular lipase (mass of enzymatically active protein) of at least three orders of magnitude. In
order to further improve this expression level
and, in addition, to use this system for overex-
pression of mutated lipase genes we constructed
a novel host strain. A transposable element containing a ZacUV5 /ZacI q-regulated T7 RNA
polymerase gene [ 183 was stably integrated into
the chromosome of P. aeruginosa strain PABS
which carries a deletion in the lipase structural
gene ZipA to give strain
PABST7.1 (Fig. 2A). In addition, a 2.8 Kb
fragment containing genes ZipA and H was
cloned into a pUC18-derived broad host range
vector called pUCPKS which also contains the
T7 gene10 promotor [19] giving pUCPL7. When
P. aeruginosa
strain PABST7.1 /pUCPL7
grown in batch cultures (10 ml tryptone phosphate medium in Erlenmeyer flasks shaken at
180 rpm and 30°C) the yield of extracellular
lipase was 0.15 g per 1 of culture supematant
without any further optimization of media and
growth conditions. At present, we are trying to
set up a pilot-scale production protocol for extracellular P. aeruginosa lipase by high-cell
density fermentation
of this overexpressing
2.2.2. 30 structural model
A 3D structural model for P. aeruginosa
lipase had previously been constructed [20,21].
However, this model was based on the X-ray
structure of Burkholderia glumae (formerly P.
lipase [22] which was solved in the
closed conformation
and could therefore not
provide detailed information on the nature of
the active site and substrate binding domains.
This was the reason to build a new 3D structural
model (Fig. 3) by using the X-ray coordinates
of the lipase from B. cepacia (formerly
cepacia) the structure of which was solved in its
open conformation [24]. Equivalent amino acid
residues in this structure have been replaced
using the program 0 [25] and some of the side
chain positions were fitted manually to prevent
collisions between adjacent amino acid residues.
Subsequently, 40 cycles of conjugate gradient
minimisation were executed using the program
XPLOR [26] and the final coordinates were
analyzed with PROCHECK [27]. The resulting
K.-E. Jaeger
of Molecular Catal\sis B: Enzymatic 3 (1997) 3-12
infection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PABS
isolation of tet’ Cb” clones
Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains
Fig. 2. Overexpression
of lipase in P. aeruginosa. (A) Strategy to construct a host strain for overexpression
of lipase by mserting the
bacteriophage D3112-based transposable element mini-D31 12 (shown in large brackets, see also [ 181) containing the gene encoding RNA
polymerase into the chromosome of the lipase-negative strain P. aeruginosa PABS giving expression strain P. aeruginosa PABST7.1. (B)
levels given in mg of enzymatically
active lipase protein per I of P. aeruginosa culture supernatant obtained after
cultivation of different strains as described in the text. Note that the ordinate is drawn to a logarithmic scale.
8 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
K.-E. Jaeger et al./Journal of M olecular Cataly sis B: Enzy matic 3 (1997) 3- 12
Fig. 3. 3D structural model of P. aeruginosa lipase shown as a ribbon plot drawn with MOLSCRIPT [23]. The catalyti c triad residues S82,
D229, and H251 and residues Cl83 and C235 forming a disulfide bond are numbered and drawn in a ball-and-stic :k presentation. The
Ca’+-ion is shown as a green ball. Amino-(N) and carboxyterminus of the lipase are indicated.
Ramachandran plot showed a phi/psi distribution of conformational
angles in the allowed
regions with the exception of the active site
serine (Ser-82): this residue is located at the
so-called nucleophilic elbow which is a (3-eSerOLmotif placing the nucleophilic serine into the
active site [28]. This motif has also been found
in structures of hydrolytic enzymes sharing the
characteristic cxy/p hydrolase fold [29]. The features of the actual model further include a core
structure of six central P-strands with one of
them divided into a parallel and an antiparallel
part and a catalytic triad which is now completely surface-accessible
and consists of amino
acid residues Ser-82, Asp-229, and His-251. A
Ca*+-ion (shown as a green ball in Fig. 3) is
bound close to the active site and is stabilized
by cooperative
binding to residues Asp-209,
Asp-253, and main chain oxygens O-257 and
O-261. One disulfide bridge is formed between
residues Cys-183 and Cys-235. A loop extending from Pro-122 to Leu-156 which contains an
a-helix could serve as a possible lid covering
the active site in the closed conformation. Based
on this 3D structural model we have already
introduced by site-directed mutagenesis ten different mutations into the lipase gene thereby
exchanging amino acid residues involved in the
K.-E. Jaeger et al. / Journal of M olecular Cataly sis B: Enzy matic 3 (1997) 3- 12
formation of the active site pocket in order to
test their role in enzyme activity, substrate binding, and specificity of P. aemginosa lipase.
Table I
2.2.3. Biotechnological applications
P. aeruginosa lipase hydrolyzed triglyceride
substrates with a high stereoselectivity towards
of amines by P. aeruginosa lipase
conversion rate0
excess of amide
>99 b
a Values calculated from GC peaks represent area percent with the exception of N-acetyl-2-pentylamide
b (RI-enantiomer
determined by GC coinjection of amides obtained by amidation of the corresponding
which is mol percent.
optically pure amines.
10 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
K.-E. Jaeger et al./ Journal of M olecular Cataly sis B: Enzy matic 3 (1997) 3- 12
position sn-1 [30,31] which made it an interesting candidate for biotechnological
Recently, we have immobilized this lipase and
used it for the kinetic resolution of two racemic
model compounds,
and 2pentylamine,
Both compounds
were enantioselectively
acylated with high efficiency giving enantiomeric excesses of > 99%
ee for the alcohol and 96% ee for the amine
with average conversion rates of 50% [32]. These
results led us to further investigate the potential
of P. aeruginosa lipase for stereoselective conversion of a variety of amines, as well as primary and secondary alcohols. Culture supernatants obtained
from lipase-overexpressing
strains P. aeruginosa ADD1976/pELll
were sterile-filtered,
concentrated by ultrafiltration, and freeze-dried giving crude lipase powder. This powder was suspended in tert-butyl
methyl ether (for 2pentylamine in diethyl ether), and amines were
Table 2
acylated with ethyl acetate or alcohols with
propionic anhydride by shaking at room temperature. Periodically, aliquots were withdrawn and
analyzed by gas chromatography
as described
previously [32]. Table 1 shows that all amines
tested were acylated to give the corresponding
amides, although at differing conversion rates
when compared after 48 h of reaction time.
High enantiomeric excess rates exceeding 90%
ee were usually obtained. Interestingly,
( 1-cyclohexylethylamine,
aminoindane) were found to be efficiently acylated giving ee-values of 2 95%. An exception
was 3-amino- 1-phenylbutane
which reacted
slowly (conversion rate: 26%) and with a lower
ee (93%) than the other amines. It is to early to
speculate about the detailed interactions between substrate molecules and selected amino
of alcohols by P. aeruginosa lipase
reaction time
conversion rate
a Determined by GC coinjection
b Determined by GC coinjection
n.d.: not determined.
of the optically pure alcohol.
of esters obtained by esterification
of the optically
pure alcohols.
K.-E. Jaeger et al. / Journal
of Molecular Catalysis 9: Enzymatic 3 (1997) 3-12
acid residues forming the active site pocket in
P. aemginosa
lipase, however,
our results
demonstrate that aromatic amines generally fit
into the active site in P. aeruginosa lipase
whereas the carbon side chain seems to be too
short in butylamines and, on the contrary, too
long in octylamines as reflected by low conversion rates and/or ee-values.
Racemic primary and secondary
were stereoselectively
esterified with P. uerugimm
lipase. The results presented in Table 2
demonstrate that these alcohols reacted much
faster than did the amines (reaction time: 48 h);
however, the overall stereoselectivity
of the lipase as deduced from ee values was considerably lower towards alcohols as compared to
amine substrates. It is interesting to compare the
ee values obtained with racemic isomers (R,S)I -phenyl-2-propanol
and ( R,S)-2-phenyl- 1-propanol. The latter compound representing the
primary alcohol reacted much faster, however,
with inverse
forming the (S&ester and with a somewhat lower
of 15% ee. Our results demonstrate that P. aemginosu lipase (i) accepts a
wide variety of stereochemically
different substrates and (ii) yields in reasonable ee-values at
acceptable conversion rates. In conclusion, P.
lipase proved to be a promising
enzyme for biotechnological
applications, particularly in the field of chiral resolution to produce enantiomerically
pure compounds for synthetic organic chemistry.
KEJ wishes to thank Heinz-Jurgen Steinhoff,
Lehrstuhl Biophysik, Ruhr-Universit’at Bochum,
for his help and advice in preparing Fig. 3.
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