Serratia marcescens
Recent papers in Serratia marcescens
Extracellular secretion of the Serratia marcescens nuclease occurs in a two-step process: (i) rapidly to the periplasm via a signal sequence-dependent pathway and then (ii) slowly to the extracellular growth medium without cell lysis.... more
Expression of recombinant proteins as inclusion bodies in bacteria is one of the most efficient ways to produce cloned proteins, as long as the inclusion bodies can be successfully refolded. In this study, the different parameters were... more
A novel dye-decolourizing strain of the bacterium Serratia marcescens efficiently decolourized two chemically different dyes Ranocid Fast Blue (RFB) and Procion Brilliant Blue-H-GR (PBB-HGR) belonging respectively to the azo and... more
message: Serratia marcescens infections that occur in older children and adults with chronic granulomatous disease have a pattern different from that seen in infants with CGD in that osteomyelitis is much less common; skin infections form... more
Background Ticks are regarded as the most relevant vectors of disease-causing pathogens in domestic and wild animals. The cattle tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus, hinders livestock production in tropical and subtropical parts of... more
A new bacterial disease of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) "Bacterial Pink Rot of Inflorescence" was found in a farmer's palm plantation in Kuwait. The symptoms of this disease were dark brown spots on the spathe cover.... more
Insects are able to combat infection by initiating an efficient immune response that involves synthesizing antimicrobial peptides and a range of other defense molecules. These responses may be costly to the organism, resulting in it... more
Background: The role of hands in disease transmission is well established, and the importance of handwashing is recognized. However, the exits of paper-towel dispensers used in hand drying may be contaminated, and the functionality of... more
Problem statement: Hospital cleanleness and hygene are consederd among the most important aspects of clinical success and in preventing nosocomial infections. In this study we will address the problem of effectiveness of commonly used... more
Metal pollution is a serious problem for environmental safety and programmes of monitoring and bioremediation are needed. Among the processes of bioremediation, the use of microbes to remove and degrade contaminants is considered a... more
Anewchromogenicplatemedium,CHROMagarOrientation,wasevaluatedforuseinthedifferentiationand presumptive identification of gram-negative bacilli and Enterococcus species by a multipoint inoculation (replicator) technique. In this study,... more
Aiming for the synthesis of new heterocyclic compounds containing a sulfonamido moiety suitable for use as antibacterial agents, the precursor ethyl {[4-N-(4,6dimethylpyrimidin-2-yl)sulfamoyl]phenylazo}cyanoacetate was reacted with a... more
The effect of four phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (PSB), (Burkholderia gladioli 10216, Burkholderia gladioli 10217, Enterobacter aerogenes 10208 and Serratia marcescens 10238) as identified on the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequencing was... more
Biofabricated metal nanoparticles are generally biocompatible, inexpensive, and ecofriendly, therefore, are used preferably in industries, medical and material science research. Considering the importance of biofabricated materials, we... more
Prodigiosins, a family of natural red pigments characterized by a common pyrrolylpyrromethane skeleton, are produced by various bacteria that first characterized from Serratia marcescens. This pigment is a promising drug owing to its... more
Considerando que la serratia marcescens, es un bacilo oportunista con una presentación atípica, se debe tener presente como posible agente etiológico en las sobre infecciones de patologías crónicas como la tuberculosis, donde el mal... more
A 78-year-old woman developed an early knee-prosthesis infection due to multiresistant Serratia marcescens that was successfully treated with high-dose meropenem, after failure of a long-term therapy combining imipenem and multiple... more
The present investigation includes isolation, enumeration and comparison of the gut microbial flora of Labeo rohita fed differentially treated Animal Fleshing (ANFL) as a sole protein source in their diets and related increase in enzyme... more
ESCRS Endophthalmitis Study Group. Clinical observations associated with proven and unproven cases in the ESCRS study of prophylaxis of postoperative endophthalmitis after cataract surgery.
The monomer and dimer of the bacterium Serratia marcescens endonuclease (SMnase) are each catalytically active, and the two subunits of the dimer function independently of each other. Nature, however, chooses the dimer form instead of the... more
Cancer therapy faces significant challenges, particularly in terms of specificity. It has been suggested that the ideal therapy would be able to selectively eradicate tumor cells, with limited toxicity to normal tissues. In addition, the... more
In order to determine whether hydrophobic surface properties of Serratia marcescens can be transferred to Escherichia coli, E. coli DHk cells were transformed by DNA fragments from S. marcescens RZ. Fifteen-hundred E. coli transformants... more
We live in a world full of external factors that can harm our cellular DNA, causing mutations that disturb and disrupt the cellular lifecycle (Gelbart et al, 2000). Radiation, either x-ray or ultraviolet , is one of the most common... more
Serratia plymithicum J7 culture supernatant displayed activity against many pathogenic strains of Erwinia amylovora, the causal agent of the most serious bacterial disease of apple and pear trees, fire blight, and against Klebsiella... more
Diversity-invasibility relationships were explored in the novel context of the colonization resistance provided by gut bacteria of the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria against pathogenic bacteria. Germ-free insects were associated with... more
THE method of Miles, has for many years been the standard technique for the determination of viable bacterial counts by surface inoculation of solid media. However, this method requires precision and skill if accurate results are to be... more
Several chemical changes in soil are associated with plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). Some bacterial strains directly regulate plant physiology by mimicking synthesis of plant hormones, whereas others increase mineral and... more
The production of energy from wastewater is a high priority for our society given the trends of over population and worldwide energy resource depletion. Aerobic sludge from wastewater treatment plant can be used to produce electricity.... more
An endochitinase gene from the Serratia marcescens Nima strain (chiA Nima) was cloned, sequenced, and expressed in Escherichia coli DH5αF′, and the recombinant protein (ChiA Nima) was purified by hydrophobic interaction chromatography.... more
Lipase genes originating from the Gram-negative bacteria Serrutiu marcescens and Pseudomonus urruginosa were cloned. S. marcescens lipase was overexpressed in Escherichia coli yielding inclusion bodies which were purified and finally... more
Lipase from Serratia marcescens ECU1010 was cloned and overexpressed in E. coli. After optimization, the maximum lipase activities reached 5000-6000 U/l and this recombinant lipase could enantioselectively hydrolyze (S)-ketoprofen esters... more
Microrobots developed by the technological advances are useful for application in various fields. Nevertheless, they have limitations with respect to their actuator and motility. Our experiments aim to determine whether a bioactuator... more
A new bacterial disease of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) "Bacterial Pink Rot of Inflorescence" was found in a farmer's palm plantation in Kuwait. The symptoms of this disease were dark brown spots on the spathe cover. Inside these... more
Prodigiosin, a pigment produced by Serratia marcescensinhibits the growth of different microorganisms and the proliferation of some human cancer cell lines. Prodigiosin is usually produced by fermentations of substrates such... more
Eighteen patients are described in whom initially sensitive microorganisms were replaced by resistant isolates during administration of eeftriaxone (n = 8), cefoperazone (n = 5), moxalactam (n = 4), eefotaxime (n = 2) or ceftazidime (n =... more
IMP-1 metallo-β-lactamase is a transferable carbapenem-hydrolyzing enzyme found in some clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Serratia marcescens and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Bacteria that express IMP-1 show significantly reduced... more
The mineral phosphate-solubilizing (MPS) activity of a Pantoea agglomerans strain, namely MMB051, isolated from an iron-rich, acidic soil near Ciudad Piar (Bolívar State, Venezuela), was characterized on a chemically defined medium... more
Urinary tract infections are one of the most common infectious diseases diagnosed in outpatients as well as in hospitalized patients. Recently, urinary tract infections have become more complicated and difficult to treat. Therefore, the... more