DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering LABORATORY MANUAL FOR ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS AND PULSE CIRCUITS LAB (II B.Tech. ECE - II – Sem) 1 LIST OF EXPERIMENTS Academic Year: 2014 – 15 (II Sem) Name of the Lab: ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS AND PULSE CIRCUITS LAB Class : II B.Tech., ECE Regulation : R 13 PART-1: ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS I) Design and Simulation in Simulation Laboratory using any Simulation Software (Any 6 Experiments to be Simulated) 1. Common Emitter Amplifier 2. Common Source amplifier 3. Two Stage RC Coupled Amplifier 4. Current shunt and Voltage Series Feedback Amplifier 5. Cascode Amplifier 6. Wien Bridge Oscillator using Transistors 7. RC Phase Shift Oscillator using Transistors 8. Class A Power Amplifier (Transformer less) 9. Class B Complementary Symmetry Amplifier 10. Common base (BJT) / Common gate (JFET) Amplifier. II) Testing in the Hardware Laboratory (Minimum 2 Experiments) : 1. Class A Power Amplifier (with transformer load) 2. Class C Power Amplifier 3. Single Tuned Voltage Amplifier 4. Hartley & Colpitt’s Oscillators 5. Darlington Pair Amplifier 6. MOS Common Source amplifier 2 PART-II: PULSE CIRCUITS Minimum 8 Experiments to be conducted: 1. Linear wave shaping 2. Non Linear wave shaping a)Transfer Characteristics and response of Clippers: b)The steady state output waveform of clampers for a square wave input 3. Comparision operation of Comparators. 4. Switching characteristics of a Transistor . 5. Design a Bistable Multivibrator and draw its waveforms. 6. Design a Astable Multivibrator and draw its waveforms. 7. Design a Monostable Multivibrator and draw its waveforms. 8. Response of Schmitt trigger circuit for loop gain less than and greater than one. 9. UJT Relaxation Oscillator 10.The out put-voltage wave form of Bootstrap sweep circuit. 11.The out put-voltage wave form of Miller sweep circuit. 3 SOFTWARE EXPERIMENTS 4 1. COMMON EMITTER AMPLIFIER AIM: To design a Single stage CE amplifier with following specifications and to study the frequency response of amplifier, calculate voltage gain and bandwidth from the response. DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS: VCC = 12V, IC = 2mA, RL = 1KΩ, S = 11, VCE = 5V, Silicon NPN Transistor SOFTWARE USED: Multisim V10. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: DESIGN PROCEDURE: AV = RC = h fe xR C hie KΩ VE = VCC - ICRC - VCE VE = RE  RE = AV = 100, V VE IC  I B KΩ 5 hfe = 180, hie = 9 KΩ S  1 RB RE Ω RB = VBB = VE + VBE VBB = V VBB  VCC x RB  R2 R1  R2 R1 xR2 R1  R2 - (1) - (2) Solve in equation (1) and (2) R1 = Ω R2 = Ω R1 = Ω, R2 = Ω, RC = Ω, RE = Ω PROCEDURE: 1. Switch ON the computer and open the multisim software. 2. Check whether the icons of the instruments are activated and enabled 3. Now connect the circuit using the designed values of each and every component. 4. Connect the function generator with sine wave of 50 mV p-p as input at the input terminals of the circuit. 5. Connect the Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) to the output terminals of the circuit. 6. Go to simulation button click it for simulation process. 7. From the CRO note the following values 1. Input voltage Vi 2. Output voltage V0 3. Voltage gain AV = V0/Vi 4. Phase shift θ 8. To study the frequency response click the displays the following options 1. Start frequency 2. Stop frequency 6 AC analysis, so that a screen 3. Vertical scale 9. Assign the proper values for start frequency, stop frequency and vertical scale according to the circuit requirements and observe the frequency response. 10. From the frequency response calculate the maximum gain AVmax lower cutoff frequency (f1) at AVmax - 3dB (decibel scale) value at AVmax/√2 (linear scale) value = Higher cutoff frequency (f2) at AVmax - 3dB (decibel scale) at AVmax/√2 (linear scale) value = OBSERVATIONS: From CRO: 1. Input voltage Vi = 2. Output voltage V0 = 3. Voltage gain AV = V0/Vi = 4. Phase shift θ = 7 From Frequency response: 1. Maximum gain AVmax 2. Lower cutoff frequency(f1) at AVmax - 3dB (decibel scale) value at AVmax/√2 (linear scale) = 3. Higher cutoff frequency(f2) at AVmax - 3dB (decibel scale) value at AVmax/√2 (linear scale) = CALCULATIONS: Band width (BW) = = RESULT: f2 - f1 Hz CE amplifier is design with the given specifications and from observed frequency response gain and band width are calculated. 8 2. COMMON SOURCE AMPLIFIER AIM: To design a Single stage Common Source JFET amplifier with following specifications and to study the frequency response of amplifier, calculate voltage gain and bandwidth from the response. DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS: AV = 8, Ri’ = 100 KΩ, R0 = 3.3 KΩ, VGS = -1 V, VDS = 5 V; ID = 4.5 mA, rd = 23 KΩ, VDD = 25 V. SOFTWARE USED: Multisim V10. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: DESIGN PROCEDURE: i. Determine Rd using AV  gmrd  Rd rd  Rd Rd= ii. Ω Determine Rs, by applying KVL around output loop VDD = (RD + RS) ID + VDS RS = iii. gm = 2.5x10-3, Ω Determine the R1, R2 as follows Applying KVL around input loop 9 VGG = IGX RG + VGS + IDX RS VGG = V VGG  VDD R2 R1  R2 R2 = R1  R2 VGG  VDD Ri ' R1 Ri ' = R1 R2 Ri ' = Ri '  R1 x iv. R2 R1  R2 R1= KΩ R2= KΩ Ri is very large The designed values are Ω, R2 = R1 = Ω, RD = Ω, RS = Ω PROCEDURE: 1. Switch ON the computer and open the multisim software. 2. Check whether the icons of the instruments are activated and enable. 3. Now connect the circuit using the designed values of each and every component. 4. Connect the function generator with sine wave of 50 mV p-p as input at the input of terminals of the circuit. 5. Connect the Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) to the output terminals of the circuit. 6. Go to simulation button click it for simulation process. 7. From the CRO note the following values 1. Input voltage Vi 2. Output voltage V0 3. Voltage gain AV = V0/Vi 4. Phase shift θ 10 8. To study the frequency response click the AC analysis, so that a screen displays the following options 1. Start frequency 2. Stop frequency 3. Vertical scale 9. Assign the proper values for start frequency, stop frequency and vertical scale according to the circuit requirements and observe the frequency response. 10. From the frequency response calculate the maximum gain AVmax lower cutoff frequency (f1) at AVmax - 3dB (decibel scale) value at AVmax/√2 (linear scale) = Higher cutoff frequency (f2) at AVmax-3dB (decibel scale) value at AVmax/√2 (linear scale) = OBSERVATIONS: From CRO: 1. Input voltage Vi = 2. Output voltage V0 = 3. Voltage gain AV = V0/Vi = 4. Phase shift θ = From Frequency response: 11 1. Maximum gain AVmax = 2. Lower cutoff frequency(f1) at AVmax-3dB (decibel scale) value at AVmax/√2 (linear scale) = 3. Higher cutoff frequency (f2) at AVmax-3dB (decibel scale) value at AVmax/√2 (linear scale) = CALCULATIONS: Band width (BW) = = RESULT: f2 - f1 Hz Common source FET amplifier is design with the given specifications and from observed frequency response gain and band width are calculated. 12 3. TWO STAGE RC COUPLED AMPLIFIER AIM: To design a Two stage RC coupled amplifier with following specifications and to study the frequency response of amplifier, calculate voltage gain and bandwidth from the response. DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS: RB1 ≥ 50 KΩ, VCC = 12 V, AV1 = 0.995, AV2 = 150, 125 < AV < 150, R0 = 3.3 KΩ, VCE = VCC/2 = 6 V, hie = 2.2 KΩ, IC = 1.5 mA, SOFTWARE USED: Multisim V10. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: DESIGN PROCEDURE: a) Design of IInd - stage Determine the RE2 as follows Apply KVL to the output loop of II-stage VCC = IC RC2 + VCE + IC RE2 RE 2  RE2 = b) VCC  I C RC 2  VCE IC (IE ~ IC) Ω Determine the R3 and R4 as follows Apply KVL to input loop VBB2 = IB RB2 + VBE + IE RE2 13 [IB2 = IC/β] S = 11. IB2 = µA VBE2 = 0.6 V To find RB2 by using S = 1 RB 2 RE 2 RB2 = Ω VBB2 = V As we know that VBB2 = VCC x V BB 2   R3  R R4 x 3 R3  R 4 R3 VCC R B 2 R3 VCC RB 2 VBB 2 Ω R3 = R4   RB2 = 1 1  R B 2 R3 R4 = Ω From the above calculations, components of IInd - stage are c) R3 = Ω R4 = Ω RE2 = Ω RC2 = Ω. Design for Ist - stage Determine the RE1 as follows Apply KVL to the output loop of Ist - stage VCC = VCE + ICRE1 RE 1  (IE ~ IC) VCC  VCE IC 14 R3 R 4 R3  R 4 Ω RE1 = Determine the R1 and R2 as follows Apply KVL to input loop VBB1 = IB RB1 + VBE + IE RE1 IB1 = µA VBE1 = 0.6 V Find RB1 by using RI 2  RB1 RI 1 1 1 1   RI 2 RB1 RI 1 1 1 1   R B1 R I 2 R I 1 Ω RI 2 = To find RI1 by using AV 1  h fe RL1  RE (R3 R4 ) RI 2 RL1 = RI 1  h fe RI1 = RL1 RI 1 Ω RL1 AV 1 Ω 1 1 1   R B1 R I 2 R I 1 As Ω RB1 =  VBB1 = IB1 + RB1 + VBE1 + IC1 RE1 VBB1 = V 15 [IB1 = IC/β] From the above equations find R1 and R2 VBB1 = VCC x V BB1  R2 R x 1 R1  R2 R1 R2 = R1 R2 R1  R2 VCC R B1 R1 Ω R1 = R2   RB1 = 1 1  RB1 R1 Ω From the above calculations components of I-stage are Ω, R2 = R1 = Ω, Ω RE1 = PROCEDURE: 1. Switch ON the computer and open the multisim software. 2. Check whether the icons of the instruments are activated and enable. 3. Now connect the circuit using the designed values of each and every component. 4. Connect the function generator with sine wave of 50 mV p-p as input at the input of terminals of the circuit. 5. Connect the Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) to the output terminals of the circuit. 6. Go to simulation button click it for simulation process. 7. From the CRO note the following values 1. Input voltage Vi = 2. Output voltage V0 = 3. Voltage gain AV = V0/Vi = 4. Phase shift θ = 8. To study the frequency response click the displays the following options 1. Start frequency 2. Stop frequency 3. Vertical scale 16 AC analysis, so that a screen 9. Assign the proper values for start frequency, stop frequency and vertical scale according to the circuit requirements and observe the frequency response. 10. From the frequency response calculate the maximum gain AVmax lower cutoff frequency (f1) at AVmax - 3dB (decibel scale) value at AVmax/√2 (linear scale) = Higher cutoff frequency (f2) at AVmax - 3dB (decibel scale) value at AVmax/√2 (linear scale) = OBSERVATIONS: From CRO: 1. Input voltage Vi = 2. Output voltage V0 = 3. Voltage gain AV = V0/Vi = 4. Phase shift θ = From Frequency response: 17 1. Maximum gain AVmax = 2. Lower cutoff frequency(f1) at AVmax-3dB (decibel scale) value at AVmax/√2 (linear scale) = 3. Higher cutoff frequency(f2) at AVmax-3dB (decibel scale) value at AVmax/√2 (linear scale) = CALCULATIONS: Band width (BW) = = RESULT: f2 - f1 Hz Two Stage RC coupled amplifier is design with the given specifications and from observed frequency response gain and band width are calculated. 18 4 (a). CURRENT SERIES FEEDBACK AMPLIFIER AIM: To plot the frequency of the feedback amplifier, to find the voltage and bandwidth. APPARATUS REQUIRED: 1. Trainer Board. 2. CRO, with probe 3. Function Generator. 4. Resistors 1k, 10k, 4.7k, 470Ω. 5. Capacitors 0.1uf, 47uf. 6. Transistor BC107. 7. Patch chords. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: PROCEDURE: 1. Connect the circuit as shown. 2. Keep the emitter resistance RE by passed by connecting the capacitor CE across RE from the circuit. Apply the AC signal voltage to the input of the 19 amplifier from the signal generator. Keep the input voltage low and freq at 1 KHz. 3. Now disconnect capacitor CE across RE from the circuit again measure the voltage at the output. 4. Find the gain of the amplifier i.e. with feedback and without feedback. 5. Vary the frequency of the input signal from 50Hz to 1MHz and measure the output at each value of frequency for with feedback and without feedback by keeping the input voltage constant. 6. Plot the frequency response curve and calculate band width for with feedback and without feedback. OBSERVATION TABLE: Vin=25mV(constant) Freq (Vo)without (Vo)with Av w/o . (Hz) fB(v) fB(v) FB Av with FB 1 20 2 50 3 100 4 200 5 400 6 600 7 800 8 1k 9 10k 10 50k 11 100k 12 200k 13 400k 14 600k 15 800k 16 1M 20 20 log 20 log Av Av With w/o FB FB EXPECTED GRAPH: BAND WIDTH: Without feedback (f2' - f1') = With feedback (f2 - f1) = RESULT: 21 4 (b) . VOLTAGE SERIES FEED BACK AMPLIFIER AIM: To design a voltage series feedback amplifier with following specifications and to study the frequency response of amplifier, calculate voltage gain and bandwidth from the response. DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS: AVf = 0.995, hfe = 125, Ri ’= 50 KΩ, VCC = 12V, hie = 2.2 KΩ, IC = 1.5 mA, VCE = 6 V SOFTWARE USED: Multisim V10 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: DESIGN PROCEDURE: i. Determine the RE using AV  h fe xRE RS  hie AV is calculated as follows AVf   h fe xRE hie (   1) AV AV  1  AV 1  AV AVf (1 + AV) = AV AVf + AVf AV = AV 22 AV(1 - AVf) = AVf AV  AV  AVf 1  AVf 0.995  199 1  0.995 RE  AV xhie h fe 199 x(22 x10 3 ) RE   3502 .4 125 RE = 3.5 KΩ ii. Determine the RC by applying KVL around output loop VCC = IC RC + VCE + IC RE VCC = VCE + IC (RC + RE) 12 = 6 + (1.5 x 10-3) [RC + 3.5 x 10-3] RC = 0.5 KΩ iii. Determine the R1 and R2 as follows R1 is calculated using VBB  R1  RB R1 VCC XRB VBB RB is calculated as follows Let we know that RI '  RB RIf RIf = hie + hfe x RE RIf = (22 x 103) + (125 x 3.5 x 103) RIf = 439.7 KΩ RI '  RB RIf 23 50K  RB xRIf RB  RIf RB = 56.41 KΩ VBB is calculated by applying KVL around input loop VBB = VBE + IB RB + IE RE VBB = 0.6 + 0.676 + 5.25 = 6.52 V VBB = 6.52 V R1  R1  VCC XRB VBB (12) x(56.41x10 3 )  103.82K 6.52 R1 = 103.82 KΩ RB= R1 R2 R1  R2 R2=123.59KΩ R1 = 103.82 KΩ, R2 = 123.59 KΩ, RC = 0.5 KΩ, RE = 3.5 KΩ PROCEDURE: 1. Switch ON the computer and open the multisim software. 2. Check whether the icons of the instruments are activated and enable. 3. Now connect the circuit using the designed values of each and every component. 4. Connect the function generator with sine wave of 50 mV p-p as input at the input of terminals of the circuit. 5. Connect the Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) to the out put terminals of the circuit. 6. Go to simulation button click it for simulation process. 7. From the CRO note the following values 24 1. Input voltage Vi = 2. Output voltage V0 = 3. Voltage gain AV = V0/Vi = 4. Phase shift θ = 8. To study the frequency response click the AC analysis, so that a screen displays the following options 1. Start frequency 2. Stop frequency 3. Vertical scale 9. Assign the proper values for start frequency, stop frequency and vertical scale according to the circuit requirements and observe the frequency response. 10. From the frequency response calculate the maximum gain AVmax = lower cutoff frequency (f1) at AVmax - 3dB (decibel scale) value at AVmax/√2 (linear scale) = Higher cutoff frequency (f2) at AVmax - 3dB (decibel scale) value at AVmax/√2 (linear scale) = OBSERVATIONS: From CRO: 25 1. Input voltage Vi = 2. Output voltage V0 = 3. Voltage gain AV = V0/Vi = 4. Phase shift θ = From Frequency response: 1. Maximum gain AVmax = 2. Lower cutoff frequency(f1) at AVmax-3dB (decibel scale) value at AVmax/√2 (linear scale) = 3. Higher cutoff frequency(f2) at AVmax-3dB (decibel scale) value at AVmax/√2 (linear scale) = CALCULATIONS: Band width (BW) = = f2 - f1 Hz RESULT: 26 5. CASCODE AMPLIFIER AIM: To design a Cascode amplifier with following specifications and to study the frequency response of amplifier, calculate voltage gain and bandwidth from the response. DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS: VCC = 15 V, IE1 = IE2 = 1 mA, AVT = 100, β1 = β2 = 100 SOFTWARE USED: Multisim V10. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: DESIGN PROCEDURE: Calculation of RE Applying KVL to output loop VCC = IC RC + VCE2 + VCE1 + IE RE VCE1 = VCE2 ≤ VCC/3 = 15/3 = 5 V IC = IE1 = 1 mA RE = Ω Calculation of R1 and R2 β1 = β2 = 100 27 f = 1 K Hz, RC = 4.7 KΩ,  IB  IC IB   IC 10 3 100 IB = I3  µA VB1 R3 VB1 = VBE2 + VE1 = 0.7 + IE RE VB1 = I3 = V mA I2 = IB1 + I3 I2 = I2  VB 2  VB1 R2 mA Where VB2 = VBE2 + VE1 VB2 = V R2 = Ω I1 = IB2 + I2 I1 = R1  VCC  VB 2 I1 R1 = A Ω PROCEDURE: 1. Switch ON the computer and open the multisim software. 2. Check whether the icons of the instruments are activated and enable. 3. Now connect the circuit using the designed values of each and every component. 4. Connect the function generator with sine wave of 50mVp-p as input at the input of terminals of the circuit. 5. Connect the Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) to the out put terminals of the circuit. 28 6. Go to simulation button click it for simulation process. 7. From the CRO note the following values 1. Input voltage Vi = 2. Output voltage V0 = 3. Voltage gain AV = V0/Vi = 4. Phase shift θ = 8. To study the frequency response click the AC analysis, so that a screen displays the following options 1. Start frequency 2. Stop frequency 3. Vertical scale 9. Assign the proper values for start frequency, stop frequency and vertical scale according to the circuit requirements and observe the frequency response. 10. From the frequency response calculate the maximum gain AVmax = lower cutoff frequency (f1) at AVmax-3dB (decibel scale) value at AVmax/√2 (linear scale) = Higher cutoff frequency (f2) at AVmax-3dB (decibel scale) value at AVmax/√2 (linear scale) = OBSERVATIONS: From CRO: 1. 2. Input voltage Vi = Output voltage V0 = 29 3. Voltage gain AV = V0/Vi = 4. Phase shift θ = From Frequency response: 1. Maximum gain AVmax = 2. Lower cutoff frequency(f1) at AVmax-3dB (decibel scale) value at AVmax/√2 (linear scale) = 3. Higher cutoff frequency(f2) at AVmax-3dB (decibel scale) value at AVmax/√2 (linear scale) = CALCULATIONS: Band width (BW) = RESULT: = f2 - f1 Hz Cascode amplifier is design with the given specifications and from observed frequency response, gain and band width are calculated. 30 6. WEIN BRIDGE OSCILLATOR AIM: To study the frequency response of amplifier, calculate voltage gain and bandwidth from the response. SOFTWARE USED: Multisim V10. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: PROCEDURE: 1. Switch ON the computer and open the multisim software. 2. Check whether the icons of the instruments are activated and enable. 3. Now connect the circuit using the designed values of each and every component. 4. Connect the Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) to the out put terminals of the circuit. 5. Go to simulation button click it for simulation process. 6. From the CRO note the following values 1. Amplitude of the output wave form 2. Time period of the signal 31 OBSERVATIONS: From CRO: 1. Amplitude of the output wave form 2. Time period of the signal CALCULATIONS: Theoretically: Where R = C= f  1 = 2 xxRxC Practically: RESULT: 32 7. RC PHASE SHIFT OSCILLATOR AIM: To study and determine the frequency of oscillations of RC phase shift oscillator and verify with the theoretical value. COMPONENTS REQUIRED: 1) Transistor (BC107) - 1No. 2) Resistors (47 K,12 K,3.9 K,1 K) - 1No. 10 K - 3No.s - 1No. - 3No.s 3) Capacitors (4.7 µF, 47 µF) 1 µF CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: PROCEDURE: 2. Switch ON the computer and open the multisim software. 3. Check whether the icons of the instruments are activated and enable. 4. Now connect the circuit using the designed values of each and every component. 5. Connect the Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) to the out put terminals of the circuit. 6. Go to simulation button click it for simulation process. 7. From the CRO note the following values 1. Amplitude of the output wave form 2. Time period of the signal 33 OBSERVATIONS: From CRO: 3. Amplitude of the output wave form 4. Time period of the signal CALCULATIONS: Theoretically: Where R = f  C= K 1 2 xxRxCx 6  4 K RC R Practically: RESULT: Oscillations of the RC phase shift oscillator are observed and the frequency of oscillations is calculated. 34 8. CLASS A POWER AMPLIFIER AIM: To calculate the efficiency of Class A power amplifier. SOFTWARE USED: Multisim V10. COMPONENTS REQUIRED: 1. Transistor (SL-100) - 1No. 2. Resistors (47 K, 220 Ω, 33 KΩ,220 Ω, 1 KΩ) 3. Capacitor (10 µF) - 1No. 2No.s CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: PROCEDURE: 1. Switch ON the computer and open the multisim software. 2. Check whether the icons of the instruments are activated and enable. 3. Now connect the circuit using the designed values of each and every component. 4. Connect the function generator with sine wave of 0.3 V p-p as input at the input terminals of the circuit 5. Go to simulation button click it for simulation process. 6. Note down the multi meter readings across the RL resistor. (Vac and Idc) 7. Calculate the efficiency. 35 OBSERVATIONS: From multimeter Vac = V Idc = mA Calculations: Pdc = VCC x Idc Pac = Vac2/RL  RESULT: Pac = Pdc Efficiency of the class A power amplifier is calculated 36 09. CLASS B COMPLEMENTARY SYMMETRY AMPLIFIER AIM: To observe the Cross over distortion of Class B complementary symmetry power amplifier. SOFTWARE USED: Multisim V10. APPARATUS REQUIRED: 1. Function generator 2. Cathode Ray oscilloscope (CRO) 3. Regulated power supply (0-30V) 4. Transistor (2N3905, 2N3904) 5. Resistor (1KΩ) - - 1No. 1No. 6. Connecting wires 7. CRO probe CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: PROCEDURE: 1. Switch ON the computer and open the multisim software. 2. Check whether the icons of the instruments are activated and enable. 37 3. Now connect the circuit using the designed values of each and every component. 4. Connect the function generator with sine wave of 30mV p-p as input at the input of terminals of the circuit. 5. Connect the Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) to the output terminals of the circuit. 6. Go to simulation button click it for simulation process. 7. Observe the cross over distortion in the CRO. OBSERVATION: RESULT: 38 39 10. COMMON BASE AMPLIFIER AIM: To study the frequency response of amplifier, calculate voltage gain and bandwidth from the response. SOFTWARE USED: Multisim V10. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: PROCEDURE: 11. Switch ON the computer and open the multisim software. 12. Check whether the icons of the instruments are activated and enabled 13. Now connect the circuit using the designed values of each and every component. 14. Connect the function generator with sine wave of 50mVp-p as input at the input terminals of the circuit. 15. Connect the Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) to the output terminals of the circuit. 16. Go to simulation button click it for simulation process. 17. From the CRO note the following values 1. Input voltage Vi 2. Output voltage V0 3. Voltage gain AV = V0/Vi 4. Phase shift θ 40 18. To study the frequency response click the AC analysis, so that a screen displays the following options 1. Start frequency 2. Stop frequency 3. Vertical scale 19. Assign the proper values for start frequency, stop frequency and vertical scale according to the circuit requirements and observe the frequency response. 20. From the frequency response calculate the maximum gain AVmax = lower cutoff frequency (f1) at AVmax - 3dB (decibel scale) value at AVmax/√2 (linear scale) = Higher cutoff frequency (f2) at AVmax - 3dB (decibel scale) value at AVmax/√2 (linear scale) = OBSERVATIONS: From CRO: 41 1. Input voltage Vi = 2. Output voltage V0 = 3. Voltage gain AV = V0/Vi = 4. Phase shift θ = From Frequency Response: 1. Maximum gain AVmax 2. Lower cutoff frequency(f1) at AVmax - 3dB (decibel scale) value at AVmax/√2 (linear scale) = 3. Higher cutoff frequency(f2) at AVmax - 3dB (decibel scale) value at AVmax/√2 (linear scale) = CALCULATIONS: Band width (BW) = = f2 - f1 Hz RESULT: 42 HARDWARE EXPERIMENTS 43 II (B) 1. CLASS A POWER AMPLIFIER AIM: To calculate the efficiency of Class A power amplifier. APPARATUS REQUIRED: 1. Function generator 2. Regulated power supply (0 - 30V) 3. Bread board 4. Transistor (SL - 100) - 1No. 5. Resistors (20 KΩ, 100 Ω) - 1No. 6. Capacitor (10 µF) - 1No. 7. Digital multi meter 8. Connecting wires CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: PROCEDURE: 1. Connect the circuit as per the diagram. 2. Connect the function generator with sine wave of 0.3 V p-p as input at the input terminals of the circuit. 3. Note down the multi meter readings across the RL resistor. (Vac and Idc) 4. Calculate the efficiency. 44 OBSERVATIONS: From Multimeter Vac = V Idc = mA Calculations: Pdc = VCC x Idc = Pac = Vac2/RL =  RESULT: Pac = Pdc The efficiency of Class A power amplifier is calculated. 45 II (B) 2. Class C Power Amplifier AIM To design and construct a class C tuned amplifier and obtain the frequency response characteristics. APPARATUS REQUIRED CIRCUIT DIAGRAM PROCEDURE  Connect the circuit as per the diagram.  Set the input voltage.  Vary the frequency of the input signal and note down the corresponding output voltage.  Tabulate the readings and calculate the gain in dB.  Plot the graph frequency Vs Gain in dB 46 DESIGN: Let frequency f = 10 kHz f = 1/2π√LC Let C = 0.1 μF then L = 2.5 mH. MODEL GRAPH OBSERVATIONS RESULT 47 II (B) 3. SINGLE TUNED VOLTAGE AMPLIFIER AIM: To study the frequency response curve of single tuned voltage amplifier and calculate voltage gain and bandwidth from the response. APPARATUS REQUIRED: 1. Function generator 2. Bread board. 3. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope 4. Regulated power supply (0 – 30 V) 5. Resistors (90 KΩ, 27 KΩ, 567 Ω, 10 KΩ) - 1No. 6. Capacitors (10 µF, 1 µF, 1 µF,100 µF) - 1No. 7. Inductors (1 mH) - 1No. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: PROCEDURE: 1. Make the connections as per the circuit diagram 2. Connect the input terminals to the Function generator and set the input voltage 50 mV p-p at 1 KHz. 3. Keep the input voltage constant and vary the input frequency from 500 Hz to 1M Hz with steps and note down the output voltage(V0). 48 4. Calculate the gain of amplifier using formula gain= Gain in dB  20 log V0 Vi V0 Vi 5. Plot the Gain in dB Vs frequency graph. 6. From the graph calculate the Maximum gain AVmax = Lower cutoff frequency(f1) at AVmax - 3dB (decibel scale) value at AVmax/√2 (linear scale) = Higher cutoff frequency(f2) at AVmax-3dB (decibel scale) value at AVmax/√2 (linear scale) = 7. Calculate the bandwidth BW = f2 - f1. OBSERVATION TABLE: Vin = 50 mV (constant) Freq (Hz) 1 50 2 100 3 200 4 500 5 800 6 1k 7 10k 8 50k 9 100k 10 400k 11 600k 12 800k 13 1M V0 (V) AV = V0/Vi EXPECTED GRAPH: 49 Gain in dB = 20 log(AV) CALCULATIONS: Band width (BW) = = RESULT: f2 - f1 Hz The frequency response of amplifier is studied, voltage gain and bandwidth from the response are calculated. 50 II (B) 4(a). HARTLEY OSCILLATOR AIM: To calculate the frequency of oscillator of Hartley oscillator theoretically as well as practically. APPARATUS REQUIRED: 1. Bread Board. 2. CRO with probes. 3. Resistors100 k,10 k - 2No’s, 1 k. 4. Capacitors10 uf - 4No’s 5. Inductors (2 mH) - 2 No’s 6. Transistor BC107 7. Patch cards. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: PROCEDURE: 1. Make the connections as shown in above diagram. 2. Connect the CRO at output terminals. 51 3. Observe and record the frequency of Oscillations of CRO. 4. Calculate the frequency of oscillations practically. 5. Calculate the frequency of oscillations theoretically by using the formula Where LT = L3 + L2 ; L3 = 2 mH, L2 = 2 mH, C = 10 uF 6. Draw the wave form on normal graph sheet indicating the amplitude and time period. EXPECTED GRAPH: CALCULATIONS: Theoretical calculations: Where LT = L3 + L2 ; L3 = 2 mH, L2 = 2 mH, C = 10 uF Practical calculations: T= F = 1/T = RESULT: Oscillations of the Hartley oscillator are observed and the frequency of oscillations is calculated. 52 II (B) 4(b). COLPITTS OSCILLATOR AIM: To calculate the frequency of Colpitts oscillator theoretically as well as practically. APPARATUS REQUIRED: 1. Bread board. 2. CRO with probes. 3. Patch cards 4. Resistors (100 k, 10 k – 2 No’s, 1 k.) 5. Capacitors (10 uf - 3No,100 nF - 2No’s) 6. Inductors107 mH, 2 mH. 7. Transistor BC107 8. Patch cards. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 53 PROCEDURE: 1. Make the connections as shown in above diagram. 2. Connect the CRO at output terminals. 3. Observe and record the frequency of Oscillations on CRO. 4. Calculate the frequency of oscillations practically. 1. Calculate the frequency of oscillations theoretically by using the formula f  1 2 xx L1CT CT  C1 xC2 C1  C2 where L1 = 2 mH 2. Draw the wave form on normal graph sheet indicating the amplitude and time period IDEAL GRAPH: 54 CALCULATIONS: Theoretical calculations: CT  C1 xC2 C1  C2 where L1 = 2 mH Practical calculations: T= F = 1/T = RESULT: Oscillations of the Colpitts oscillator are observed and the frequency of oscillations is calculated 55 II (B) 5. DARLINGTON PAIR AMPLIFIER AIM: To study the frequency response of amplifier, calculate voltage gain and bandwidth from the response. APPARATUS REQUIRED: 1. Bread board 2. Function Generator 3. Regulated power supply (0 – 30 V) 4. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope 5. Transistor (BC558BP) - 2No. 6. Resistors (100 Ω, 100 kΩ, 6.8 kΩ, 150 kΩ, 2.2 kΩ, 2.2 kΩ) - 1No. 7. Capacitors(100 nF, 10 µF, 1µF) - 1No. 8. Connecting wires 9. CRO probes CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: 56 PROCEDURE: 1. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram 2. Now connect the function generator to the input terminals of the amplifier circuit and keep the input voltage constant i.e., 30 mV, 1KHz. 3. Connect the CRO to the output of the amplifier 4. By varying the input frequency from 50 Hz to 100 MHz in steps take the output voltages from CRO. 5. Then calculate Voltage gain AV = In dB magnitude 20log VO Vi VO Vi 6. Then plot frequency Vs gain in dB on semilog sheet. 7. From semilog sheet find bandwidth (fH - fL) Band width = fH - fL OBSERVATION TABLE: Vin = 50 mV(constant) Freq (Hz) 1 20 2 50 3 100 4 200 5 400 6 600 7 800 8 1k 9 10k 10 50k 11 100k 12 200k 13 400k V0 (V) AV = V0/Vi 57 Gain in dB = 20log(AV) EXPECTED GRAPH: CALCULATIONS: Band width = = fH – fL Hz RESULT: 58 II (B) 6. MOS AMPLIFIER AIM: To study the frequency response of amplifier, calculate voltage gain and bandwidth from the response. APPARATUS REQUIRED: 10. Bread board 11. Function Generator 12. Regulated power supply (0 – 30 V) 13. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope 14. MOSFET (2N7000) - 1No. 15. Resistors (4.7MΩ, 1kΩ, 1kΩ, 500Ω, 2.2MΩ) - 1No. 16. Capacitors(1µF, 1µF, 100µF) - 1No. 17. Connecting wires 18. CRO probes CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: 59 PROCEDURE: 1. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram 2. Now connect the function generator to the input terminals of the amplifier circuit and keep the input voltage constant i.e., 30 mV, 1KHz. 3. Connect the CRO to the output of the amplifier 4. By varying the input frequency from 50 Hz to 100 MHz in steps take the output voltages from CRO. 5. Then calculate Voltage gain AV = In dB magnitude 20log VO Vi VO Vi 6. Then plot frequency Vs gain in dB on semilog sheet. 7. From semilog sheet find bandwidth (fH - fL) Band width = fH - fL OBSERVATION TABLE: Vin = 50 mV(constant) Freq (Hz) 1 20 2 50 3 100 4 200 5 400 6 600 7 800 8 1k 9 10k 10 50k 11 100k 12 200k V0 (V) AV = V0/Vi …1M 60 Gain in dB = 20log(AV) EXPECTED GRAPH: CALCULATIONS: Band width = = fH – fL Hz RESULT: 61 1. LINEAR WAVE SHAPING (a) RC HIGH PASS CIRCUIT AIM: 1. To draw the response of High Pass RC Circuit for the given square wave input. 2. Calculate the Percentage of Tilt. APPARATUS REQUIRED: 1. Capacitors 1μf 2. Resistor - 1 No. 0.1μf – 1 No. 0.01μf – 1 No. 10 kΩ - 1 No. 3. Function generator 4. Bread board Trainer 5. CRO & Connecting wires CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: PROCEDURE: 1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure. 2. Apply square wave input with voltage of 5V & frequency of 1 KHz. 3. Observe the reading of out put on CRO by placing different capacitors of values like 1μf, 0.1μf, 0.01μf. 4. Note down the reading of V1& V11(marked in expected waveforms) for each capacitor. 5. Find the percentage of tilt of RC high pass circuit. 6. Compare theoretical & practical values of response of RC high pass circuit. OBSERVATIONS: 62 S.No. R (KΩ) C (μf) V (V) V1 1 V1 (V) (V) % tilt = [(V1- V11)/(0.5XV)]X 100 THEORETICAL CALCULATIONS: T = RC; Step 1: Percentage tilt = T X 100 2 RC R=10kΩ ; C = 1μF. ; V = 5V; % tilt = T X 100 = 5 % 2 RC T = 0.001 Sec. Step 2: R=10 KΩ % tilt = ; R=10 KΩ % tilt = RC = 0.01 Sec. ; (RC >>T) C=0.1 μf; V=5V T X 100 = 50 % 2 RC T = 0.001 Sec. Step 3: ; ; ; RC = 0.001 Sec. ; (RC =T) C=0.01 μf; V=5V T X 100 = 500 % 2 RC T = 0.001 Sec. ; RC=0.0001 (RC << T) 63 PRACTICAL CALCULATIONS: % tilt = Condition V1  V1 ' V1  V1 ' X 100 = X 100 V Amplitude 2 % tilt % tilt (Theoretical) (Practical) RC >> T 5% RC = T 50% RC << T 500% EXPECTED WAVEFORMS: 64 RESULT: 65 (b) RC LOW PASS CIRCUIT AIM: 1. To draw the response of Low Pass RC Circuit for the given square wave input. 2. Calculate the Rise time (tr). APPARATUS REQUIRED: 1. Capacitors 1μf – 1, 0.1μf – 1, 0.01μf – 1 2. Resistor 1 kΩ - 1 3. Function Generator 4. Bread board Trainer 5. CRO & Connecting wires CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: PROCEDURE: 1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure. 2. Apply square wave input with voltage of 5V & frequency of 1 KHz. 3. Observe the reading of output on CRO by placing different capacitors of values like 1μf, 0.1μf, 0.01μf. 4. Note down the reading of V1 & V2 (marked in expected wave forms) for each capacitor. 5. Find the Rise time. 6. Compare the theoretical & practical values. 66 OBSERVATIONS: S.No. R C V V1 V2 Rise time (tr) (KΩ) ( μf) (V) (V) (V) (Sec) CALCULATIONS: a) Theoretical: V2 = V tan h(x) 2 where x = T 4 RC here V = 5V Case – 1: T << RC C = 10 μF ; R = 1 KΩ ; x= RC = 0.01; T = 0.001 T  0.025 4 RC V2 = 5 V tan h (x) = tan h (0.025) = 0.0625 2 2 V2 =0.0625. V Rise time (tr) = 2.2 (RC) = 2.2 ( 1X103X10X10-6) tr = 22 msec Case – 2: T = RC R = 1 kΩ ; x= C = 1 μf; RC = 0.001; T = 0.001 T  0.25 4 RC V2 = 5 V tan h (x) = tan h (0.025) = 0.06123 2 2 V2 = 0.06123 Rise time (tr) = 2.2 (RC) = 2.2 ( 1X103X1X10-6) tr = 2.2 msec 67 Case – 3: T >> RC R = 1 kΩ ; x= C = 0.1 μF ; RC = 0.0001; T = 0.001; T  2.5 4 RC V2 = 5 V tan h (x) = tan h (2.5) = 2.46653 2 2 V2 = 2.46653 Rise time (tr) = 2.2 (RC) = 2.2 ( 1X103X0.1X10-6) tr = 0.22 msec Practical Calculation Condition V2 = V tan h(x) 2 T << RC T = RC T >> RC 68 Rise time (tr) T>>RC EXPECTED WAVEFORMS RESULT: 69 2 (a). NON-LINEAR WAVE SHAPING - CLIPPERS AIM: To observe the output wave form for various types of Clipping circuits. APPARATUS: 1. Diodes (1N4007) -2 Nos 2. Resistors (1 KΩ -1 No) 3. Function generator 4. Bread board trainer 5. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) 6. Connecting Wires. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: 1. Shunt Positive Clipper: 2. Shunt Negative Clipper: 70 3. Negative Bias series Clipper: 4. Positive bias series Clipper: 5. Double ended shunt clipper: PROCEDURE: 1. Make the circuit connections as per circuit diagram 2. Set the sinusoidal input wave form with magnitude of 5 volts and frequency of 1KHz in the function generator 3. Apply sinusoidal input from function generator to the circuit. 4. Sketch the respective output waveforms. 5. Repeat above procedure for each circuit. 71 EXPECTED WAVE FORMS: Positive clipper: Negative clipper: Double ended shunt clipper: RESULT: 72 2 (b). NON-LINEAR WAVE SHAPING - CLAMPERS AIM: To observe the output wave form for various types of Clamping circuits. APPARATUS: 1. Diodes (1N4007)-1.No.s 2. Resistors (1 kΩ -1) 3. Capacitor - 10µf 4. Function generator 5. Bread board Trainer 6. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) 7. Connecting Wires CICRUIT DIAGRAM: 1.Positive peak clamper 2.Negative peak clamper 73 3. Positive peak bias clamper 4.Negative peak bias clamper PROCEDURE: 1. Make the circuit connections as per circuit diagram 2. Set the sinusoidal input wave form with magnitude of 5 volts and frequency of 1KHz in the function generator 3. Apply sinusoidal input from function generator to the circuit. 4. Sketch the respective output waveforms. 5. Repeat above procedure for each circuit. 74 EXPECTED WAVE FORMS: 75 RESULT: 76 3. SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS OF A TRANSISTOR AIM: Design transistor Switch by using the following specifications: VCC = 5V, VBB = -4V, ICSat = 4mA, hfe=20, VBECutoff = -1, IB=1.5 IBmin. APPARATUS REQUIRED: 1. Transistor (SL100) - 1 No. 2. Resistor 6.8 kΩ, 33 kΩ, 1kΩ 3. Bread board Trainer 4. Function Generator 5. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope 6. Connecting Wires CICRUIT DIAGRAM: PROCEDURE: 1. Connect the circuit as per circuit diagram. 2. Apply square wave of 5V with frequency of 1KHz from function generator. 3. Observe the input and output waveforms. 77 EXPECTED WAVEFORMS: RESULT: 78 5. BISTABLE MULTIVIBRATOR AIM: To observe the waveforms of Bistable Multivibrator at base and collector of the transistors and verify different states. APPARATUS REQUIRED: 1. Transistor (BC-107) – 2No’s 2. Resistors 1 kΩ-2 ; 10 kΩ-1No 2.7kΩ-2 ; 3.3kΩ-1No. 300kΩ-2 3. Capacitors 0.1μF – 3 No. 4. Diode (1N4007) - 1 No. 5. CRO & CRO Probes 6. Bread Board Trainer 7. Connecting wires CIRCUIT DIAGRAM TRIGGER CIRCUIT: 79 PROCEDURE: 1. Connect the circuit as per circuit diagram. 2. Find the values of voltages and currents for stable state with Multimeter. 3. First we have to check transistor Q1 is ON (or) OFF. 4. We should calculate the values of VCE1, VCE2, VBE and VBE2. 5. Apply negative voltage to the base of OFF Transistor. 6. Note down the values for VCE and VBE for Q1 & Q2 7. Observe the waveforms at base and collector terminals of both transistors. EXPECTED WAVEFORMS: RESULT: 80 6.ASTABLE MULTIVIBRATOR AIM:- To observe the waveforms of Astable Multivibrator at base and collector of the transistors and verify different states and find the frequency. APPARATUS REQUIRED:1. Transistors, (BC 107B) – 2 No.’s 2. Resistors- 10KΩ - 2, 1KΩ - 2 3. Capacitors- 100nf – 2No’s. 4. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope and CRO Probes 5. Bread Board Trainer 6. Connecting Wires CICRUIT DIAGRAM: PROCEDURE:1. Connect the circuit as shown in the diagram. 2. Observe the Waveforms at the base and collector of both transistors. 3. Calculate the frequency 4. Compare theoretical and practical values. CALCULATIONS: T = 1.38 RC f= 0.724 RC 81 EXPECTED WAVEFORMS: RESULT: 82 7.MONOSTABLE MULTIVIBRATOR AIM: To observe the waveforms of Monostable Multivibrator at base and collector of the transistors and find the Gate Width. APPARATUS REQUIRED: 1. Transistor (BC107B) - 2No’s. 2. Resistor R1 = 10kΩ, R = 12.5kΩ 3. Capacitor C = 100nF 4. CRO probes & CRO 5. Bread Board Trainer 6. Connecting wires. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: TRIGGER CIRCUIT: 83 PROCEDURE: 1. Connect the circuit as per circuit diagram. 2. Assume Q1 – OFF, Q2 – ON 3. Measure VB1, Vc1, VB2, Vc2. 4. Measure quasi stable state voltage and current Q1 – ON & Q2 – OFF 5. Connect the base of ON transistor and find out the Vc1, Vc2, VB1, VB2, 6. Connect the base of OFF transistor and observe the waveform. CALCULATIONS: Gate Width T = 0.69RC EXPECTED WAVEFORMS: RESULT: 84 8. SCHMITT TRIGGER AIM: To Study Schmitt Trigger circuit and observe waveforms. Find the UTP, LTP and Hystersis. APPARATUS REQUIRED: 1. Bread board trainer 2. Transistor BC – 107B – 2No’s. 3. Resistor 12.5kΩ - 4 No’s 1kΩ, 1.5kΩ - 1No. 4. CRO & CRO Probes 5. Connecting wires CICRUIT DIAGRAM: PROCEDURE: 1. Connect the circuit as shown in the diagram 2. Apply the Vcc=12V from bread board trainer 3. Apply the input 5V with a frequency 1KHz sinusoidal wave form and observe the output wave form. 4. Find UTP, LTP and Hysterisis. 85 EXPECTED WAVEFORMS: CALCULATIONS: Input T= Output T1 = T2 = T = T1 + T2 V1 = UTP=vcc v V2 = LTP= cc-IC2 RC2 Vh = UTP – LTP RESULT: 86 9. UJT RELAXATION OSCILLATOR AIM: To study UJT relaxation Oscillator with a frequency of 20 KHz and to observe waveforms. APPARATUS REQUIRED: 1. UJT 2N2646 – 1 No. 2. Resistors – 1KΩ, 47 KΩ, 470 KΩ, 1 KΩ 3. Capacitor-1uf 4. Connecting wires 5. Bread board trainer 6. CRO & Probes 7. Connecting wires. CICRUIT DIAGRAM: PROCEDURE:1. Connect the circuit as per circuit diagram. 2. Observe the response of the circuit across the capacitor using CRO. 3. By placing resistor R1 and R2 at each step observe the O / P response VB1 & VB2 respectively. 4. Sketch the Waveform observed. CALCULATIONS: T1 = RC log 1 1-  (  = 0.5) T2 = (2+5C)VE 87 EXPECTED WAVEFORMS: RESULT: 88 10. BOOTSTRAP SWEEP CIRCUIT AIM: To observe the characteristics of boot strap sweep generator APPARATUS REQUIRED: 1. Transistor BC-107B - 2 no.s 2. Diode (1N4007) - 1No. 3. Resistors 220kΩ, 18kΩ, 2kΩ – 1no 4. Capacitor 10uF – 2No.s 100uF – 1No. 5. CRO 6. Function generator 7. Bread board trainer CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: PROCEDURE: 1. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram 2. Generate a control square wave amplitude vc of 5v pp at 1khz Frequency and apply into the circuit. 3. Observe the out put wave forms 89 EXPECTED WAVE FORMS: RESULT: 90 11. MILLER SWEEP CIRCUIT AIM: To observe the characteristics of boot strap sweep generator APPARATUS REQUIRED: 1. Transistor BC-107B - 1 no.s 2. Resistors 22kΩ, 1kΩ – 2no, 2kΩ 4. Capacitor 1uF – 1No.s 5. CRO 6. Function generator 7. Bread board trainer CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: PROCEDURE: 1. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram 2. Generate a control square wave amplitude vc of 5v pp at 500 Hz Frequency and apply into the circuit. 3. Observe the output wave forms 91 EXPECTED WAVE FORMS: RESULT: 92