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Zakah is fardh on a person who owns at least equivalent to the nisab (a particular threshold) for one year. The nisaab of zakah in gold is 87.479 grams and for silver 612.36 grams. Therefore if a person has excess equivalent to 87.475 grams of gold or 612,34 grams of silver or their equivalent value in local currency besides his basic needs, then he must pay zakah. Answerstofatawa
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies 2017, 2017
The Battle of Cannae took place near the Ofanto River in Puglia and was the biggest battle of the Second Punic War. As a result of the events connected to it, Rome could become an imperial republic, master of the ecumene, or the known world of the time, or give in to the dominion of Carthage forever. At the dawn of August 2, 216 BC Hannibal gained an overwhelming victory, but the final outcome of the war, as is well known, ended definitively with the victory of the Romans under the guidance of Publius Cornelius Scipio at Zama in 202 BC. Rome thus gained control of the entire western basin of the Mediterranean, which would have decisive political, social, and economic repercussions that would be fundamental for the fate of not only the future empire, but also of the peoples overlooking the Mare Nostrum. The Battle of Cannae is recognized as "the battle par excellence", the war strategy made it into schools, studied by militaries of all time periods, but is described by many with significant differences in interpretation. So within a renovated Antiquarium, the direct study of the sources is combined with the use of technologies of representation and communication to offer new visitors the opportunity to musealize those events, the protagonists, and the political and social conditions in context. With the new exhibition, the museum opens up to a more dynamic and participatory vision of the public, attempting to become a cultural attraction capable of triggering virtuous processes of knowledge transfer thanks to the potential of new digital languages. The development of immersive content merged into the movie Apud Cannas, combined with thematic in-depth analysis on touch-screens provides diversified content for a heterogeneous public, which includes specialists, history experts and a “general public”, who has low knowledge of the history of Cannae. In this project, the approach of a simplified user-experience, useful for audience with low confidence with technologies, contrasts with the content created with the most innovative technologies for museum communication.
Basic concept of criminal justice , 2023
The criminal justice system represents society's response to crime. It consists of law enforcement, the courts, and the corrections systems at the local, State, and national levels. The police role is to apprehend offenders, collect evidence, protect the community, and respect the rights of the accused. A working definition of the criminal justice system would be as under: ♦ The Criminal Justice System (CJS) refers to a set of government institutions and systems that aim to apprehend, prosecute, punish, and rehabilitate criminal offenders. ♦ The concept of criminal justice refers to the system of laws, institutions, and procedures established by a society to maintain social order, deter crime, and punish those who violate the law. It encompasses various components, including law enforcement, the judiciary, corrections, and rehabilitation. ♦ The concept of criminal justice is often influenced by societal values, cultural norms, and the legal framework of a particular jurisdiction. It aims to strike a balance between punishment and rehabilitation, protecting the rights of both victims and defendants while maintaining order and public safety. ♦ The concept of criminal justice refers to the system of laws, institutions, and practices that are designed to maintain social order, deter criminal behavior, and administer punishment for those who violate the established laws of a society. It encompasses the processes and mechanisms through which individuals accused of committing crimes are identified, apprehended, prosecuted, and either acquitted or punished.
Gestión de seguridad de Activos Intangibles, 2020
La imagen organizacional es un paradigma evidenciable e identificable, basado en la percepción de una organización por parte de sus miembros, accionistas/stakeholders, proveedores y clientes, desarrollada continuamente por esfuerzos comunicacionales y resultados factuales. Es considerado como elemento estratégico intangible y un principio de gestión en las organizaciones actuales, siendo el reflejo efectivo de la cultura corporativa y/o organizacional que identifica de manera pragmática a una organización y su relación con el ecosistema o entorno en el que se desenvuelve.
As a manufacturing tool, the use of multi-axis machines is increasing rapidly. Nowadays, the Abrasive Water Jet Machining (AWJM) is a non-traditional method that offers a productive alternative to conventional techniques. Material removal occurs through erosion and results from the interaction between an abrasive material and given specimen. It is environment friendly and can machine any type of material almost up to depth over 100 mm. It is a non-conventional method used in industries, having wide range of applications from automotive and aerospace to medical and food industries. To vanish the tolerances, it is an attractive micro-machining method which uses different operations like cutting, polishing and deburring. In this present study, information of material, advantages, limitations, applications, characteristics and observations of AWJM are configured properly and equipped in definite manner.
Wabah virus covid 19/corona berdampak besar tehadap perekonomian dunia termasuk juga kawasan Asia juga ikut terpengaruh. Tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa Indonesia juga terpengaruh dengan Wabah virus covid 19 ini, dampak yang paling dirasakan yaitu tentang perekonomian, disini kita akan membahas tentang dampak corona terhadap keuangan.
Culture & History Digital Journal, 2019
La influencia del pensamiento feminista ha sido muy importante en el campo de la Historia, pues ha permitido develar la invisibilidad de las mujeres en este campo disciplinar, además de estudiar las relaciones de poder y sus efectos en la vida cotidiana, privada y pública en el que participan las mujeres y los hombres. El acceso a la educación, primero básica, después secundaria y más tarde superior en México abarcó un periodo de más de un siglo. En algunas de las regiones la presencia de las mujeres en los estudios superiores fue en el último tercio del siglo XIX en áreas consideradas femeninas como la partería, enfermería, entre otras. A las carreras su presencia se registra en el siglo XX. En este trabajo nos proponemos revisar la historiografía e historia de las mujeres que incursionaron a los diferentes campos del conocimiento a finales del siglo XIX y en la primera mitad del siglo XX, así como presentar un panorama de los espacios educativos a los que tuvieron acceso las mujeres mexicanas.
E. Laflı/C. S. Lightfoot/M. Ritter, Byzantine coins from Hadrianoupolis in Paphlagonia, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 40, 2, 2016, 187-206., 2016
This paper gives a brief report on the 21 Byzantine coins recovered during archaeological fieldwork in southwestern Paphlagonia (north-central Turkey) between 2005 and 2008. One coin is silver and the rest are all bronze or copper alloy. Chronologically, the latter are divided between the Early and the Middle Byzantine periods. Although the assemblage is small, it provides useful information about the distribution of Byzantine coins from one of the more remote rural areas of north -central Asia Minor. All the coins are stored today in the museum of Amasra.
Education Sciences , 2024
Apuntes del CENES, 2023
The Quaternary of the Lake District, 2015
chatarina suryaningsih , 2023
International Journal of Surgery Open, 2024
“Archaeology in Greece 2023-2024: Newsround.” Archaeological Reports 70: 43-90., 2024
Proceedings of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2020
General physiology and biophysics, 2018
Forest Ecology and Management, 2008
Physical Review Letters, 2011
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings
Open Access Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 2012