J Comp Physiol A (2002) 188: 79±87
DOI 10.1007/s00359-002-0281-2
Thomas M. Weiger á Anton Hermann á Irwin B. Levitan
Modulation of calcium-activated potassium channels
Accepted: 2 January 2002 / Published online: 29 January 2002
Ó Springer-Verlag 2002
Abstract Potassium currents play a critical role in action
potential repolarization, setting of the resting membrane
potential, control of neuronal ®ring rates, and regulation
of neurotransmitter release. The diversity of the potassium channels that generate these currents is nothing less
than staggering. This diversity is generated by multiple
genes (as many as 100 and perhaps more in some creatures) encoding the pore-forming channel a subunits,
alternative splicing of channel gene transcripts, formation of heteromultimeric channels, participation of
auxiliary (non-pore-forming) b and other subunits, and
modulation of channel properties by post-translational
modi®cations and other mechanisms. Prominent among
the potassium channels are several families of calcium
activated potassium channels, which are highly selective
for potassium ions as their charge carrier, and require
intracellular calcium for channel gating. The modulation
of one of these families, that of the large conductance
calcium activated and voltage-dependent potassium
channels, has been especially widely studied. In this review we discuss a few selected examples of the modulation of these channels, to illustrate some of the
molecular mechanisms and physiological consequences
of ion channel modulation.
Keywords Calcium-activated potassium channel á
BK channel á Slo á Modulation
Abbreviations AMPA a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4isoxazolepropionic acid á ATP adenosine triphosphate á
T.M. Weiger (&) á A. Hermann
Department of Molecular Neurobiology
and Cellular Physiology,
University of Salzburg, Institute of Zoology,
Hellbrunnerstrasse 34, 5020 Salzburg, Austria
E-mail: thomas.weiger@sbg.ac.at
Fax: +43-662-63895679
I.B. Levitan
Department of Neuroscience,
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine,
Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
ATPcS adenosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) á BK
maxi calcium activated potassium channel á cAMP
adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate á cGMP
guanosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate á DHS-I
dehydrosoysaponin I á dSlo: Drosophila Slowpoke á
DTT dithiothreitol á EC50: half maximal eective
concentration á GC: guanylate cyclase á hSlo: human
Slowpoke á IK intermediate conductance calcium
activated potassium channel á IP3 inositol
triphosphate á Kv voltage-dependent potassium
channel á NMDA N-methyl-D-asparate á NO nitric
oxide á NOS nitric oxide synthase á SK small
conductance calcium activated potassium channel á Slo
Slowpoke á Slob Slo binding protein á Slip Slo
interacting protein á TEA tetraethylammonium
Ion channels are a ubiquitous class of specialized
membrane proteins that form hydrophilic pores,
through which ions move down their electrochemical
gradients across the membrane. The current carried by
ions ¯owing through plasma membrane ion channels
underlies a number of fundamental physiological phenomena, including for example sensory transduction,
muscle contraction, action potential generation and
propagation, and synaptic transmission. Ion channels
are dynamic proteins that can switch rapidly between
dierent conformational states, a phenomenon known
as channel gating. A channel that is in a conformation
that permits ion ¯ow is said to be ``open'', whereas
``closed'' channels are in a conformation that does not
allow ions to ¯ow. There is an equilibrium between these
open and closed states, that determines the amount of
current that ¯ows across the membrane as a function of
time. This equilibrium can be in¯uenced by such factors
as the membrane voltage, the binding of extracellular
ligands such as neurotransmitters or intracellular messengers including calcium and cyclic nucleotides to the
channel protein, or covalent modi®cation of the channel
by protein phosphorylation or other mechanisms. Such
modulation of the gating of ion channels can sometimes
last for a very long time, and certainly is critical for
long-term plastic changes in the electrical excitability
of neurons and other cells.
Among the voltage-dependent ion channels, those
that are selective for potassium ions are remarkable for
their diversity. Some 100 distinct genes encoding potassium channels have been described, in organisms
ranging from bacteria to humans. Potassium channels
were probably the ®rst ion channels to evolve, most
likely to participate (at least originally) in osmoregulation and cell volume control (Hille 2001). We will focus
in this review on a potassium channel subfamily whose
gating is regulated by the binding of intracellular calcium, the so-called calcium activated potassium channels.
Calcium-activated potassium channels
Calcium-activated potassium channels can be found in a
variety of tissues and cells including nerve, muscle, pituitary or chroman cells among others (Latorre and
Miller 1983; Vergara et al. 1998; Latorre et al. 1989).
They are found in both vertebrates and invertebrates,
and in fact the ®rst description of calcium activated
potassium conductance in excitable cells was in molluscan neurons (reviewed by Meech 1978; Hermann and
Hartung 1983). There are several categories of calcium
activated potassium channels that are de®ned by their
single channel conductances. These include the small
conductance (SK) and intermediate conductance (IK)
channels that we will not discuss here. Instead, we will
restrict ourselves in this brief review to the ubiquitous
large conductance calcium activated potassium channels, with single channel conductances in the range of
200±300 pS, whose gating is regulated not only by calcium but also by membrane voltage. These channels are
often known as ``maxi'' or ``BK'' (for big K) channels,
and more recently have been referred to as ``Slo''
channels because they are encoded by the Slowpoke gene
family (see below). Their dual regulation by voltage and
calcium allows BK channels to act as molecular integrators of the state of intracellular messenger systems
and the electrical properties of the plasma membrane.
They play a particularly important role in neuronal
signaling. For example, calcium-activated potassium
channels are enriched in synaptic terminals and axons
(Knaus et al.1996), where they facilitate membrane repolarization during an action potential and thereby
participate in the regulation of neurotransmitter release
(Gho and Ganetzky 1992; Bielefeldt and Jackson 1994).
In addition, genetic and molecular approaches have
demonstrated that BK channels are key determinants of
certain behaviors (Brenner et al. 2000a).
The ®rst BK channel to be cloned was from the fruit
¯y Drosophila (Atkinson et al. 1991; Adelman et al.
1992); for a review of insect ion channels including BK
channels see Wicher et al. (2001). A Drosophila mutant
called Slowpoke, whose behavioral phenotype is re¯ected in its name, was found to be defective in calcium
activated potassium current in nerve and muscle. The
Slowpoke (Slo) gene was cloned by a positional cloning
approach, and was found to share certain structural
characteristics (Fig. 1) with the Shaker family of voltage-dependent potassium channels that had been cloned
previously. Genes homologous to this Drosophila
Slowpoke (dSlo) were later identi®ed in a variety of
other species, including humans (Butler et al. 1993;
Dworetzky et al. 1994; Tseng-Crank et al. 1994; Wei
et al. 1996).
BK channels appear to be encoded by only a single
gene (Slo1 locus in the human genome; 10q22.3). Recently, however, two other genes, Slo2 and Slo3, were
shown to encode structurally similar channels (Schreiber
et al. 1998; Yuan et al. 2000). In addition, RNA splicing
at several dierent sites can give rise to multiple distinct
ion channels from the Slo1 gene (Butler et al. 1993;
Tseng-Crank et al. 1994). Some of the splice variants
dier from each other in their biophysical properties
(Lagrutta et al. 1994; Tseng-Crank et al. 1994), thereby
allowing ®ne-tuning of BK currents to the needs of a
particular cell. For example, alternative splicing seems to
play a particularly critical role in the tonotopic organization of the cochlea (Jones et al. 1999; Ramanathan
et al. 1999).
Fig. 1. Putative structures of maxi calcium-activated potassium
channel (BK) subunits. The pore-forming a subunits of the
Slowpoke family of BK channels are large proteins (1,200 amino
acids) that resemble other voltage-dependent potassium channels in
having six membrane-spanning domains (S1±S6), with a pore
region between S5 and S6. An additional membrane-spanning
domain (S0) places the amino terminal outside the plasma
membrane. Most notable is the extended carboxyl terminal tail
domain, comprising about two-thirds of the a subunit protein
sequence. It includes a negatively charged region (the so-called
calcium bowl) that has been implicated in calcium binding, and is
the site of interaction with several channel modulatory proteins
including protein kinases. The auxiliary b subunits are small
proteins (200 amino acids) with two membrane-spanning domains (T1 and T2). w, potential sites for N-linked glycosylation.
Modi®ed from Vergara et al. (1998)
BK channels consist basically of two parts (Fig. 1).
One part is a core membrane-spanning region (segments S1-S6) resembling the a subunit of voltagedependent potassium (Kv) channels. In contrast to Kv
channels, however, there is also a large carboxyl terminal tail domain that plays a role in calcium sensing
and acts as a partner for protein-protein interactions
(Wei et al. 1994; Schreiber and Salko 1997; Schopperle et al. 1998; Xia et al. 1998; Fig. 1). In addition,
BK channels contain a unique N-terminal segment (S0)
that is an additional membrane spanning domain, and
hence the amino terminus resides outside the cell
(Meera et al. 1997).
Gating of BK channels ± or how they are regulated by
calcium and voltage
Under physiological conditions BK channels are activated by voltage and an increase in free intracellular
calcium. Activation of the channel varies over a wide
range of calcium concentration from 10 nmol l±1 to
10 lmol l±1 (Marty 1989; Latorre et al. 1989; Soria and
Cena 1998), and open probability changes in a voltagedependent manner e-fold for every 10±15 mV of depolarization (Moczydlowski and Latorre 1983; Blatz and
Magleby 1984). However, the gating is considerably
more complex than was at ®rst thought. Under low- or
zero-calcium conditions the channel behaves like a
purely voltage-dependent channel. (Talukder and Aldrich 2000; Horrigan et al. 1999). The conclusion drawn
from these observations is that the voltage-sensing
mechanism is independent of the binding of calcium to
the channel during the activation process, and that calcium is not absolutely required to activate BK channels.
However, calcium shifts many of the voltage-dependent
parameters of BK channels to more negative voltages,
and thereby allows the channel to function under
physiological conditions (Barrett et al. 1982; Cox
et al.1997).
Modulation of BK channels
In addition to this complex pattern of gating by
voltage and calcium, the activity of BK channels can
be modulated by a wide variety of molecules and
molecular mechanisms (see Table 1). Other ion channels, including most or perhaps all other ¯avors of
potassium channel, are also subject to modulation by
similar mechanisms. We focus here on BK channels
because they have been especially widely studied in this
regard, and because their modulation is representative
of modulatory phenomena that have been seen with
other kinds of channels. A few selected examples of
modulatory molecules and mechanisms, discussed
below, serve to illustrate the general themes of BK
channel modulation.
Table 1. BK channel modulatory molecules and mechanisms.
Some of the molecules and molecular mechanisms that can in¯uence the properties of BK channels are listed here. A few selected
examples are discussed in the text
Polypeptide blockers including
charybdotoxin, iberiotoxin,
Indole alkaloids including paspalitrem
A, paspalitrem C, a¯atrem, penitrem
A, papalinine, paxilline, verruculogen,
paspalicine, paspalinine
Non-speci®c blockers including
tetraethylammonium (TEA), barium,
quinidine, sapecin B, clotrimazole,
ruthenium red
Maxi K diol, indole analogs (e.g., CGS
7184), benzimidazolone analogs (e.g.,
NS1619, NS004), substituted
diphenylurea (e.g., NS 1608),
phloretin, ni¯umic acid, ¯ufenamic
acid, NPPB [5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino) benzoic acid], Evans blue,
estradiol (requires b subunit), DHS-I
(requires b subunit)
Second messengers:
Adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate
(cAMP), cGMP, calcium, ceramide,
inositol triphosphate (IP3)
Auxiliary subunits including b1
through b4, Slob, Slo interacting
protein (Slip)
Other molecules:
Ethanol, fatty acids, diamines,
polyamines, NO
Voltage, pH, redox state, surface
electrostatics, phosphorylation,
Modulation of BK channels by pH
A change in pH from the physiological range of about
7.0 to more acidic values (6.0) decreases BK channel
activity. Mean channel open time decreases, and closing
times between openings are increased. The half-maximal
activation voltage is shifted to the right, i.e., the channel
needs a greater depolarization to be activated. (Laurido
et al. 1991; Andersen et al. 1995; Church et al. 1998).
Changes in pH are only eective from the cytoplasmic
side but not from the extracellular side of the channel
(Church et al. 1998).
Modulation of BK channels by redox potential
The reducing agent dithiothreitol (DTT) increases human Slowpoke (hSlo) channel activity without changing
the unitary current (DiChiara and Reinhart 1997). The
half-maximal activation voltage is shifted to the left,
making the channel more sensitive to depolarization.
DTT also prevents a ``run down'' phenomenon over
time in excised patches, which apparently results from
exposure to an oxidizing environment after patch excision. Oxidizing agents were shown to have the opposite
eect to DTT. For example, H2O2 causes a decrease in
open probability over time and does not prevent run
down of the channel. Several cysteine residues within the
channel protein appear to be the main targets for these
eects (DiChiara and Reinhart 1997). In contrast, oxidation of methionine residues enhances speci®c voltagedependent opening transitions and slows deactivation,
thereby eectively activating the channel (Tang et al.
2001). The physiological signi®cance of these complex
oxidation-reduction eects remains unclear, although it
is interesting that nitric oxide (see below) can confer a
redox-related BK channel modulation that in¯uences
the shape and duration of action potentials.
BK channel pharmacology
A number of creatures have evolved potent toxins that
target potassium channels in general, and BK channels
in particular. Many of these toxins block the channel
pore, and have proven exceptionally useful in elucidating features of channel structure. We will not discuss
these here, but will mention brie¯y some naturally-occurring and synthetic compounds that can act as BK
channel openers. By increasing potassium current and
thereby hyperpolarizing the cell, such compounds can
prevent or reverse the cytotoxic cell damage that often
results from hyperexcitability, and hence they are of
potential therapeutic interest. BK channel openers might
be a very promising target to control a number of diseases like asthma and other chronic lung diseases (for
review see Rogers 1996), as well as the neuronal damage
that results from stroke and trauma. Although most of
the currently available compounds have side eects that
render them unsuitable for clinical use, rational drug
design holds promise for the discovery of therapeutically
useful channel openers.
A number of benzimidazolone analogs are claimed to
be BK channels openers (Kaczorowski and Garcia
1999). For instance, NS 1619 has been reported to be
a speci®c BK channel opener (Olesen et al. 1994), although another group has challenged the conclusion
that this drug is speci®c for BK channels (Patel et al.
1998). Riluzole a drug used for the management of
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Neatherlin 1998), opens
BK channels in a direct, dose-dependent manner without aecting single channel current amplitude. This may
explain its inhibitory action on neurotransmission (Wu
and Li 1999). A recent report shows that monochloramine, a membrane-permeant oxidant generated during
colitis by a large amount of ambient luminal NH3 in the
colon, opens BK channels by a direct action on the
channel (Prasad et al. 1999). Nitric oxide (NO), a gas
produced in many cells of the body (see below), as well
as the herb dehydrosoysaponin I (DHS-I), also open BK
channels. Interestingly, at low concentrations, DHS-I
can increase BK channel activity only in the presence of
an auxiliary b subunit (see below). Although the list of
BK channel openers continues to expand, our present
understanding about their mechanism of action remains
limited, and thus it may be some time before they will be
introduced in routine clinical use.
Polyamines modulate BK channels
from the intracellular side
Polyamines (putrescine, spermidine, spermine) are
ubiquitously present in all prokaryotic and eukaryotic
cells. They consist of a class of simple aliphatic molecules with two, three or four positive charges under
physiological conditions (Tabor and Tabor 1984; Pegg
1986). Polyamines are known to be involved in many
biological phenomena including cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis and ion channel modulation.
After excessive electrical stimulation or induced epileptic
seizures their levels in brain increase (Pajunen et al.
1978; Baudry et al. 1986), raising the question of their
involvement in the modulation of neuronal electrical
activity. We know now that polyamines modulate a wide
range of ion channels, including inwardly rectifying
potassium channels, KATP channels, N-methyl-D-asparate (NMDA) receptors, a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptors, calcium
channels and ®nally BK channels (Herman et al. 1993;
Drouin and Hermann 1994; Ficker et al. 1994; Weiger
and Hermann 1994; Fakler et al. 1995; Gomez and
Hellstrand 1995; Williams et al. 1995, 1996; Kashiwagi
et al. 1996; Biedermann et al. 1998; Niu and Meech
1998). Spermine, apparently due to its four positive
charges, was found to be the most active molecule in
modulating the activity of the diverse channels listed
Drouin and Hermann (1994) reported that spermine, when applied from the internal side of the cell
membrane, caused a reduction of calcium activated
potassium current in neurons of Aplysia californica.
Polyamines do not aect channel activity when applied
from outside. These results were con®rmed by single
channel studies in GH3 pituitary tumor (Weiger and
Hermann 1994). Although only micromolar concentrations of polyamines can induce recti®cation in inwardly rectifying potassium channels, millimolar
concentrations are required to aect BK channels.
Spermine decreases not only BK channel open probability, but also single channel current amplitude. The
latter phenomenon results from a fast block, during
which the blocker moves so rapidly in and out of the
channel pore that the recording system clips the signal
like a lowpass ®lter. This blocking eect is greater at
more depolarized voltages.
The fact that polyamines are only eective when
applied from the inside of the cell membrane raised the
question of whether related molecules might block
from the outside. A number of diamines similar in
structure to polyamines were tested (Weiger et al.
1998); 1,12 diaminododecane, a molecule with the
same length as spermine but lacking the two middle
amino groups, turns out to be a very potent blocker of
BK channels when applied from the outside. Molecular modeling revealed that the size of the water shells
surrounding these molecules could account for their
dierent behaviors.
potential duration and ®ring rate. Since calcium activated potassium channels are often concentrated in
neuronal cell bodies and nerve terminals (Knaus et al.
1996), NO may modify membrane excitability at strategically important sites.
Phosphorylation of BK channels: a mechanism
for dynamic modulation
Nitric oxide modulates BK channel activity
NO, a radical gas, acts as a multifunctional intra- and
intercellular messenger in diverse physiological and
pathological processes in a great variety of animals and
tissues (Jacklet 1997; Marechal and Gailly 1999; Bredt
1999; Moroz 2000; Liaudet et al. 2000; Prast and Philippu 2001). NO is produced from the amino acid
L-arginine and converted to L-citrulline by calcium/
calmodulin activated nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and
various cofactors. Important features of NO in its biological action are its high membrane permeability and its
short half-life of a few seconds. Major targets of NO are
other radicals, metal containing proteins (ferrous heme
in enzymes, i.e., in guanylate cyclase, GC), thiols (sulfhydryl groups in proteins, L-cysteine), or oxygen. NO
acts on ion channels either by direct S-nitrosylation of
the channel protein, or by activation of the cyclic
guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) protein pathway, or
both, which eventually results in conformational
changes of the channel leading to changes in current
¯ow. For the nitrosylation process, hydrophobic pockets
within proteins may target NO (or its higher oxide
N2O3) to cysteine moieties (Nedospasov et al. 2000). In
general, reducing agents appear to mimic the eects of
NO (increase channel activity) while oxidizing agents
have the opposite eect (decrease channel activity). NO
was shown to activate BK channels by cGMP-dependent
(Robertson et al. 1993; Archer et al. 1994; Carrier et al.
1997; Lu et al. 1998; Nara et al. 2000) and cGMP-independent (Bolotina et al. 1994; Shin et al. 1997; Abderrahmane et al. 1998; Mistry and Garland 1998; Lang
et al. 2000) mechanisms, and to enhance BK channel
activity independently of voltage and calcium (Ahern
et al. 1999). The latter result raises the possibility of NO
activating BK channels independently of nerve stimulation. On the other hand, NO has also been reported to
depress BK currents (Erdemli and Krnjevic 1995;
Zsombok et al. 2000), leading to increased neuronal
excitability. Another gaseous messenger, CO, has been
shown to increase BK channel activity in a cGMP-independent manner in smooth muscle (Wang et al. 1997;
Kaide et al. 2001). Finally, it is interesting to note that
sildena®l, the active compound in Viagra, may in¯uence
synaptic transmission by modulating the activity of
presynaptic BK channels (Medina et al. 2000).
What is the biological signi®cance of the action of
NO on BK channels? An increase of potassium current
by NO, as reported in most cases, is likely to suppress
nerve or muscle excitability, thereby decreasing action
Protein phosphorylation by a number of dierent protein kinases is a ubiquitous mechanism for modulating
the physiological activity of proteins (Cohen 1988).
Phosphorylation of ion channels is a widespread modulatory mechanism that has been thoroughly investigated (for reviews see Kaczmarek 1988; Shearman et al.
1989; Levitan 1994, 1999; Catterall 2000). It is clear,
from measurements carried out on puri®ed BK channels, or on BK channels reconstituted in phospholipid
bilayers, that the phosphorylatable modulatory site is
either part of the ion channel protein itself or is located
on some regulatory component that is intimately associated with the ion channel protein (Ewald et al.1985;
Reinhart et al. 1991). In some cases, BK channel modulation has been shown to be associated with dephosphorylation by phosphoprotein phosphatases (White
et al. 1991; Shipston and Armstrong 1996; Hall and
Armstrong 2000; Shipston et al. 1999; Smith and Ashford 2000). There are multiple phosphorylation sites in
BK channels, that may be phosphorylated by dierent
protein kinases. The channel activity may be increased
or decreased by phosphorylation, depending on the
particular protein kinase involved and the speci®c site or
combination of sites that is phosphorylated. A general
theme is that most and perhaps all ion channels are
modulated by protein phosphorylation/dephosphorylation, but the precise molecular mechanism and the
physiological outcome may dier from channel to
channel, and even for the same channel under dierent
At least one type of BK channel reconstituted from
rat brain in an arti®cial bilayer was shown to be
modulated by the application of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) or adenosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate)
(ATPcS) in the absence of any exogenous protein
kinase, indicating phosphorylation by a protein kinase
activity that remains closely associated with the channel (Chung et al. 1991). Subsequent experiments have
indeed demonstrated the direct binding of several different protein kinases directly to BK channels (Wang
et al. 1999). As we shall discuss below, not only protein kinases but a variety of other signaling proteins
have been shown to bind directly to dierent kinds of
ion channel proteins. An emerging concept is that
many ion channels exist in the membrane simply as
one component of a dynamic signaling protein complex, that includes the ion channel protein itself together with one or more other proteins that contribute
to the regulation of channel activity.
Alcohol excites BK channels
During the last decade it has become clear that ethanol
acts on ion channels not only by disturbing the lipid
phase of the membrane, but also interacts with and
modulates some channels directly. BK channels are
among those channels modulated directly by ethanol. By
recording single channel currents it was shown that
ethanol at pharmacological concentrations activates BK
channels, with an EC50 of 24±65 mmol l±1 (equivalent
to 1.1±3.0 promille) (Jakab et al. 1997; Dopico et al.
1996, 1998, 1999). Experiments with cloned channels in
oocytes (Dopico et al.1998) indicate that an auxiliary
subunit is not required for the action of ethanol. By
opening BK channels, ethanol will hyperpolarize the cell
thereby suppressing the calcium triggered release of
hormones or neurotransmitters. For a recent review on
ethanol and BK channels see Dopico et al. (1999).
The BK channel is not a lonely channel:
auxiliary proteins that bind to the channel modulate
its properties
The early picture of an ion channel sitting on its own in
the plasma membrane has changed dramatically over the
last several years. It is now clear that ion channels can
bind tightly to a number of partner proteins, that in turn
modulate the channel's properties. The amino terminal
as well as the long carboxyl tail domain of BK channels
have been found to be attractive sites for binding partners. For example, two novel proteins that bind to and
modulate dSlo have been identi®ed by a yeast two-hybrid screen, using either part (Xia et al. 1998) or all
(Schopperle et al. 1998) of the tail domain as the ``bait''.
One of these proteins, named Slob (for slo-binding),
activates dSlo channel activity by shifting its voltage
dependence of activation to the left (Schopperle et al.
1998). In addition, the binding of another protein named
14±3-3 to Slob changes the picture completely, by
shifting the voltage dependence of activation to the
right, thereby making it more dicult to open the
channel (Zhou et al. 1999). The interaction of 14±3-3
with Slob is regulated by the phosphorylation of two
speci®c serine residues in Slob, by the type II calcium/
calmodulin-dependent protein kinase, and hence the
modulation of channel activity by these binding partners
is itself under dynamic control (Zhou et al. 1999).
Although the pore-forming a subunits of calciumactivated potassium channels can form functional
channels when expressed alone, they may often be associated with auxiliary subunits in native tissue. For
example, puri®ed BK channels from smooth muscle
tissue consist of an a subunit and a 25-kDa protein that
was termed a b subunit (Garcia-Calvo et al. 1994). When
this ®rst discovered b1 subunit is coexpressed with the a
subunit, it shifts the voltage dependence of activation to
the left, thereby making the channel more sensitive
to voltage (Knaus et al. 1994). b1 can also in¯uence
modulation of the channel by protein kinases, and alter
toxin binding to the channel protein (McManus et al.
1995; Dworetzky et al. 1996; Tseng-Crank et al. 1996).
Although the a subunits of BK channels are known to
form functional tetramers, there is as yet no information
available about the a-b stoichiometry in native cells. In
addition, it is not yet known whether the b subunits are
constitutively associated with the a subunits, or whether
their interaction is subject to dynamic regulation.
b subunits of the b1 type have now been cloned from
many sources. They consist of roughly 200 amino acids
with two transmembrane regions and a large extracellular loop (Fig. 1). All b1 subunits possess four conserved cysteines in the extracellular loop, as well as two
N-linked glycosylation sites. They are expressed predominantly in peripheral tissues, to a very limited extent
in brain, and not at all in endothelial cells (Tseng-Crank
et al. 1996; Papassotiriou et al. 2000). In contrast to
other BK channel binding proteins, b subunits are
functionally coupled to the amino terminal of the
channel protein (Wallner et al. 1996). More recently
another b subunit type that confers rapid inactivation on
BK channels has been identi®ed (Wallner et al. 1999; Xia
et al. 1999). This b2 subunit exhibits 45% amino acid
identity with b1, and has a similar membrane topology.
It is expressed mainly in chroman cells and some
hippocampal neurons. Another related b subunit, b3, is
highly enriched in testis (Brenner et al. 2000b).
Using a biochemical approach, Wanner et al. (1999)
puri®ed a 25-kDa protein tightly bound to BK channels
isolated from brain, providing the ®rst evidence for a
brain speci®c b subunit. In 2000 four groups independently cloned and characterized a nervous system speci®c b4 subunit from mouse and human (Brenner et al.
2000b; Weiger et al. 2000; Meera et al. 2000; Behrens
et al. 2000). b4 is only very distantly related in amino
acid sequence to the other b subunits, but its predicted
membrane topology is similar, with two membranespanning domains and a large extracellular loop. b4
binds tightly to the a subunit of BK channels, and colocalizes strikingly with the a subunit in brain (Weiger
et al. 2000). b4 modulates the voltage dependence of
channel activation, and protects the channel from its
interaction with classical BK channel blockers like
charybdotoxin or iberiotoxin by slowing the association
rate dramatically (Brenner et al. 2000b; Weiger et al.
2000; Meera et al. 2000; Behrens et al. 2000). It is interesting that, in an earlier functional study of BK
channels from rat brain, both toxin-sensitive and toxininsensitive varieties of BK channel were reported
(Reinhart et al. 1989).
From the data reviewed here, it is evident that calciumactivated potassium channels are key integrators in
many biological systems. Their activity can be modu-
lated over a very wide range by multiple and highly
diverse mechanisms. The challenge for the future is to
understand the roles these multiple mechanisms play in
the physiological regulation of cellular excitability.
Acknowledgements Supported by the Medical Research Coordination Center (Salzburg) and a grant from the US National
Institutes of Health.
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