Current POSITION: Professor, Department of Biological Sciences
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803
Phone 225/388-6586; FAX 225/388-2597
Email: btplat@lsu.edu
Population/Community/Landscape Ecology
Disturbance Ecology: Fire Ecology/Hurricane Ecology
Global Climate Change Ecology: Effects of Changing Climate and Environments on Disturbance Ecology
Conservation Biology:
Conservation of High Biodiversity Fiery Ecosystems
Restoration & Adaptive Management of Southeastern Fiery Ecosystems and Landscapes in the Context of Global Climate Change
Gainesville High School, Gainesville, Florida: 1956-1960
National 4-H Winner: Poultry (1958), Entomology (1959), Conservation/Ecology (1960); Westinghouse National Science Talent Search Finalist-1959; State and National Science Fair Winner-1960; Valedictorian, Graduating Class of 1960
University of Florida: 1960-1964; B.S., Magna Cum Laude
Tuition scholarships, National 4-H scholarships 1960-64; Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Kappa Phi; Research Associate, Florida State Museum 1960-64; Undergraduate research & teaching assistant 1962-64
Cornell University: 1964-1970; Ph.D.
Woodrow Wilson Fellowship-1964; Andrew Dickson White Fellowship 1965-1968; National Institute of Health Graduate Fellowship 1967-69; Cornell Teaching Award 1966-68; Graduate research & teaching assistant 1964-70
University of Iowa: Assistant Professor 1970-1975; Assistant Professor, Iowa Lakeside Laboratory 1970-1987
University of Illinois at Chicago: Assistant Professor 1975-1978; Associate Professor 1978
Tall Timbers Research Station: Research Biologist 1978-1987; Associate Scientist 1988-2017; Henry Beadel Fellow 2009-2017
Florida State University: Adjunct Associate Professor 1979-1987
Louisiana State University: Associate Professor, 1988-1994; Professor, 1994-2017; 2002 – BASC teaching excellence award; 2007 - LSU Alumni Association Faculty Excellence Award; 2009, 2012 – Tiger Athletic Foundation Undergraduate Honors College Teaching Award;
Impact rating (41 years – 1975-2015)
Google Scholar
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Web of Knowledge (Science Citation Index)
Total publications
Total citations
Mean citations per year
Mean citations per article
Refereed Publications (in chronological order; total = 110)
Platt, W.J. and N. Blakley. 1973. Short-term effects of shrew predation upon invertebrate prey in prairie ecosystems. Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Sciences 80:60-66.
Platt, W.J. 1973. Comparison of vertebrate communities of the Coralville Reservoir and Cone Marsh, Iowa. Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Sciences 80:117-128.
Platt, W.J. 1974. Metabolic rates of short-tailed shrews. Physiological Zoology 47:75-90.
Platt, W.J., G.R. Hill, and S. Clark. 1974. Seed production in a prairie legume (Astragalus canadensis L.): interactions between pollination, pre-dispersal predation, and plant density. Oecologia 17:55-64.
Platt, W.J. 1975. The colonization and formation of equilibrium plant species associations on badger disturbances in a tall-grass prairie. Ecological Monographs 45:285-305.
Platt, W.J. 1975. The vertebrate fauna of the Cayler Prairie Preserve, Dickinson County, Iowa. Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Sciences 82:106-108.
Platt, W.J. 1976. The natural history of a fugitive prairie plant (Mirabilis hirsuta (Pursh) MacM.). Oecologia 22:399-409.
Platt, W.J. 1976. The social organization and territoriality of short-tailed shrew (Blarina brevicauda) populations in old-field habitat. Animal Behaviour 24:305-318.
Werner, P.A. and W.J. Platt. 1976. Ecological relationships among co-occurring goldenrods (Solidago; Compositae). The American Naturalist 110:959-971.
Platt, W.J. and I.M. Weis. 1977. Resource partitioning and competition within a guild of fugitive prairie plants. The American Naturalist 111:479-513.
Kinsman, S. and W.J. Platt. 1984. The impact of a herbivore upon Mirabilis hirsuta, a fugitive prairie plant. Oecologia 65:2-6.
Platt, W.J. and I.M. Weis. 1985. An experimental study of competition among fugitive prairie plants. Ecology 66:708-720.
Platt, W.J., G.W. Evans, and S.L. Rathbun. 1988. The population dynamics of a long-lived conifer (Pinus palustris). The American Naturalist 131:491-525.
Platt, W.J., G.W. Evans, and M.M. Davis. 1988. Effects of fire season on flowering of forbs and shrubs in longleaf pine forests. Oecologia 76:353-363.
Poulson, T.L. and W.J. Platt. 1989. Gap light regimes influence canopy tree diversity. Ecology 70:553-555.
Platt, W.J. and D.R. Strong. 1989. Gaps in forest ecology. Ecology 70:535.
Canham, C.D., J.S. Denslow, W.J. Platt, J.R. Runkle, T.A. Spies, and P.S. White. 1990. Light regimes beneath closed canopies and tree-fall gaps in temperate and tropical forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 20:620-631.
Platt, W.J., J.S. Glitzenstein, and D.R. Streng. 1991. Evaluating pyrogenicity and its effects on vegetation in longleaf pine savannas. Proceedings of the Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference 17:143-161.
Freese, E.L. and W.J. Platt. 1991. Vascular flora of the Kettlehole, Freda Haffner State Preserve, Dickinson County, Iowa. Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science 98:102-107.
Robertson, K.M. and William J. Platt. 1992. Effects of fire on bromeliads in subtropical hammocks of Everglades National Park, Florida. Selbyana 13:39-49.
Doren, R.F., W.J. Platt, and L.D. Whiteaker. 1993. Density and size structure of slash pine stands in the everglades region of south Florida. Forest Ecology and Management 59:295-311.
Hamrick, J.L., W.J. Platt, and M. Hessing. 1993. Genetic variation in longleaf pine. Proceedings Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference 18:193-203.
Olmsted, I., H. Dunevitz, and W.J. Platt. 1993. Effects of freezes on tropical trees in Everglades National Park, Florida, USA. Tropical Ecology 34:17-34.
Platt, W.J. and S.L. Rathbun. 1993. Dynamics of an old-growth longleaf pine population. Proceedings Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference 18:275-297.
Rebertus, A.J., G.B. Williamson, and W.J. Platt. 1993. Impacts of temporal variation in fire regime on savanna oaks and pines. Proceedings Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference 18:215-225.
Streng, D.R., J.S. Glitzenstein, and W.J. Platt. 1993. Evaluating season of burn in longleaf pine forests: a critical literature review and some results from an ongoing long-term study. Proceedings Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference 18:227-263.
West, D.C., T.W. Doyle, M.L. Tharp, J.J. Beauchamp, W.J. Platt, and D.J. Downing. 1993. Recent growth increases in old-growth longleaf pine. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 23:846-853.
Brewer, J.S. and W.J. Platt. 1994. Effects of fire season and soil fertility on clonal growth in a pyrophilic forb, Pityopsis graminifolia (Asteraceae). American Journal of Botany 81:805-814.
Brewer, J.S. and W. J. Platt. 1994. Effects of fire season and herbivory on reproductive success in a clonal forb, Pityopsis graminifolia (Michx.) Nutt. Journal of Ecology 82:665-675.
Armentano, T.V., R.F. Doren, W.J. Platt, and T. Mullins. 1995. Effects of Hurricane Andrew on coastal and interior forests of southern Florida. Journal of Coastal Research 21:111-144.
Baldwin, A.H., W.J. Platt, K.L. Gathen, J.M. Lessman, and T.J. Rauch. 1995. Hurricane damage and regeneration in fringe mangrove forests of southeast Florida, USA. Journal of Coastal Research 21:169-183.
Glitzenstein, J.S., W.J. Platt, and D.R. Streng. 1995. Effects of fire regime and habitat on tree dynamics in north Florida longleaf pine savannas. Ecological Monographs 65:441-476.
Grace, S.L. and W.J. Platt. 1995. Effects of adult tree density and fire on the demography of pre-grass stage juvenile longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.). Journal of Ecology 95:75-86.
Grace, S.L. and W.J. Platt. 1995. Neighborhood effects on juveniles in an old-growth stand of longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.). Oikos 72:99-105.
Noel, J.M., A. Maxwell, W.J. Platt, and L. Pace. 1995. Effects of Hurricane Andrew on cypress (Taxodium distichum var. nutans) in south Florida. Journal of Coastal Research 21:184-196.
Olson, M.S. and W.J. Platt. 1995. Effects of habitat and growing season fires on resprouting of shrubs in longleaf pine savannas. Vegetatio 119:101-118.
Slater, H.H., W.J. Platt, D.B. Baker, and H.A. Johnson. 1995. Effects of Hurricane Andrew on damage and mortality of trees in subtropical hardwood hammocks of Long Pine Key, Everglades National Park, Florida, USA. Journal of Coastal Research 21:197-207.
Peters, R. and W.J. Platt. 1996. Growth strategies of main trees and forest architecture of a Fagus-Magnolia forest in Florida, U.S.A. Vegetatio 123:39-49.
Poulson, T.L. and W.J. Platt. 1996. Replacement patterns of beech and sugar maple in Warren Woods, Michigan. Ecology 77:1234-1253.
Quigley, M.F. and W.J. Platt. 1996. Structure and pattern in temperate seasonal forests. Vegetatio 123:117-138.
Brewer, J.S., W.J. Platt, J.S. Glitzenstein, and D.R. Streng. 1996. Effects of fire-generated gaps on growth and reproduction of golden aster (Pityopsis graminifolia). Bulletin Torrey Botanical Club 123:295-303.
Huck, R.B., A.F. Johnson, A.J. Parker, K.C. Parker, W.J. Platt, and D.B. Ward. 1996. Management of natural communities of Choctawhatchee sand pine [Pinus clausa (Engelm.) Sarg. var immuginata Ward] in the Florida panhandle. Resource Management Notes 8:89-91.
Batista, W.B. and W.J. Platt. 1997. An old-growth definition for southern mixed hardwood forests. United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station General Technical Report SRS-10. 12p.
Batista, W.B., W.J. Platt, and R. Machiavelli. 1998. Demography of a shade-tolerant tree (Fagus grandifolia) in a hurricane-disturbed forest. Ecology 79:38-53.
Kwit, C., M.W. Schwartz, W.J. Platt, and J. P. Geaghan. 1998. The distribution of tree species in steepheads of the Apalachicola Bluffs, Florida. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 125:309-318.
Noel, J.M., W.J. Platt, and E.B. Moser. 1998. Structural characteristics of old- and second-growth stands of longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) in the Gulf coastal region of the U.S.A. Conservation Biology 12:533-548.
Platt, W.J. and R.K. Peet. 1998. Ecological concepts in conservation biology: lessons from southeastern ecosystems. Ecological Applications 8:907-908.
Gilliam, F.S. and W.J. Platt 1999. Effects of long-term fire exclusion on the species composition and stand structure in an old-growth Pinus palustris (longleaf pine) forest. Plant Ecology 140:15-26.
Platt, W.J., R.F. Doren, and T. Armentano. 2000. Effects of Hurricane Andrew on stands of slash pine (Pinus elliottii var. densa) in the everglades region of south Florida (USA). Plant Ecology 146:43-60.
Kwit, C., W.J. Platt, and H.H. Slater. 2000. Post-hurricane regeneration of pioneer plant species in south Florida subtropical hardwood hammocks. Biotropica 32:244-251.
Baldwin, A.H., M.S. Egnotovich, M.A. Ford, and W.J. Platt. 2001. Regeneration in fringe mangrove forests damaged by Hurricane Andrew. Plant Ecology 57:151-164.
Platt, W.J. and R.M. Gottschalk. 2001. Effects of exotic grasses on potential fine fuel loads in the groundcover of south Florida slash pine savannas. International Journal of Wildland Fire 10:155-159.
Robertson, K.M. and W.J. Platt. 2001. Effects of multiple disturbances (fire, hurricane) on epiphyte-host tree associations in a subtropical forest, Florida, U.S.A. Biotropica 33:573-582.
Drewa, P.B., W.J. Platt, and E.B. Moser. 2002. Community structure along elevation gradients in southeastern longleaf pine savannas. Plant Ecology 160:61-78.
Drewa, P.B., W.J. Platt, and E.B. Moser. 2002. Fire effects on resprouting of shrubs in southeastern longleaf pine savannas. Ecology 83:755-767.
Platt, W. J., B. Beckage, R. F. Doren, and H.H. Slater. 2002. Interactions of large-scale disturbances: prior fire regimes and hurricane mortality of savanna pines. Ecology 83:1566-1572. (Report)
Schmitz, M., W.J. Platt, and J. DeCoster. 2002. Substrate heterogeneity and numbers of plant species in Everglades savannas (Florida, USA). Plant Ecology 160:137-148.
Batista, W.B. and W.J. Platt. 2003. Tree population response to hurricane disturbance: syndromes in a southeastern United States old-growth forest. Journal of Ecology 91:197-212.
Beckage, B. and W. J. Platt. 2003. Predicting severe wildfire years in the Florida Everglades. Frontiers in Ecology and Environment 1:235-239.
Beckage, B., W.J. Platt, M.G. Slocum, and R. Panko. 2003. Influence of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation on fire regimes in the Florida Everglades. Ecology 84:3124-3130.
Kwit, C. and W.J. Platt. 2003. Disturbance history influences regeneration of non-pioneer understory trees. Ecology 84:2575-2581.
Platt, W.J. and J.H. Connell. 2003. Natural disturbances and directional replacement of species. Ecological Monographs 73:507-522.
Quigley, M.F. and W.J. Platt. 2003. Composition and structure of seasonally deciduous forests in the Americas. Ecological Monographs 73:87-106.
Slocum, M.G., W.J. Platt, and H.C. Cooley. 2003. Effects of differences in prescribed fire regimes on patchiness and intensity of fires in subtropical savannas of Everglades National Park, Florida. Restoration Ecology 11:91-102.
Grace, S.L., J.L. Hamrick, and W.J. Platt. 2004. Estimation of seed dispersal in an old-growth population of longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) using maternity exclusion analysis. Castanea 69:207-215.
Kwit, C., C.C. Horvitz, and W.J. Platt. 2004. Conserving slow-growing, long-lived tree species: input from the demography of a rare understory conifer, Taxus floridana. Conservation Biology 18:432-443.
Huffman, J.M., W.J. Platt, H.D. Grissino-Mayer, and C.J. Boyce. 2004. Fire history of a barrier island slash pine (Pinus elliottii) savanna. Natural Areas Journal 24:258-268.
Beckage, B, W.J. Platt, and B. Panko. 2005. A climate-based approach to the restoration of fire-dependent ecosystems. Restoration Ecology 13:429-431.
Beckage, B., L. J. Gross, and W. J. Platt. 2006. Modelling responses of pine savannas to climate change and large-scale disturbance. Applied Vegetation Science 9:75-82.
Drewa, P B., J. M. Thaxton, and W. J. Platt. 2006. Responses of root-crown bearing shrubs to differences in fire regimes in Pinus palustris (longleaf pine) savannas: exploring old-growth questions in second-growth systems. Applied Vegetation Science 9:27-36.
Gilliam, F.S. and W. J. Platt. 2006. Conservation and restoration of the Pinus palustris ecosystem. Applied Vegetation Science 9:7-10.
Gilliam, F.S., W. J. Platt, and R.K. Peet. 2006. Natural disturbances and the physiognomy of pine savannas: a phenomenological model. Applied Vegetation Science 9:83-96.
Platt, W.J., S.M. Carr, M. Reilly, and J. Fahr. 2006. Pine savanna overstorey influences on ground-cover biodiversity. Applied Vegetation Science 9:37-50.
Vargas-Rodriguez, Y.L., J. A. Vázquez-García and W.J. Platt. 2006. Gradientes ambientales en el establecimento de poblaciones relictas de Acer saccharum subsp. Skutchii y Podocarpus reichei en el occidente de Mexico. Ibugana 12:35-41.
Thaxton, J.M. and W. J. Platt. 2006. Small-scale fuel variation alters fire intensity and shrub abundance in a pine savanna. Ecology 87:1331-1337.
Gagnon, P.R., W.J. Platt, and E.B. Moser. 2007. Response of a native bamboo [Arundinaria gigantea (Walt.) Muhl.] in a wind-disturbed forest. Forest Ecology and Management 241:288-294.
Slocum, M. G., W. J. Platt, B. Beckage, B. Panko, and J.B. Lushine. 2007. Decoupling natural and anthropogenic fire regimes: a case study in Everglades National Park, Florida. Natural Areas Journal 27:41-55.
Thaxton, J.M., S.J. DeWalt, and W.J. Platt. 2007. Spatial patterns of regeneration after Hurricane Andrew in two south Florida fringe mangrove forests. Florida Scientist 70:148-156.
Beckage, B., L. Joseph, P. Belisle, D. B. Wolfson, and W. J. Platt. 2007. Bayesian Change-Point Analyses in Ecology. New Phytologist 174:456 –467.
Drewa, P. B., W. J. Platt, C. Kwit, and T. W. Doyle. 2008. Stand structure and dynamics of sand pine differ between the Florida panhandle and peninsula. Plant Ecology 196:15–25.
Gagnon, P.R. and W.J. Platt. 2008. Multiple disturbances accelerate clonal growth in a potentially monodominant bamboo. Ecology 89:612-618.
Gagnon, P.R. and W.J. Platt. 2008. Reproductive and seedling ecology of a semelparous native bamboo (Arundinaria gigantea [Poaceae]). Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 135:309-316.
Carr, S.C., K.M. Robertson, W.J. Platt, and R.K. Peet. 2009. A model of geographic, environmental and regional variation in vegetation composition of pyrogenic grasslands of Florida. Journal of Biogeography 36:1600-1612.
Beckage, B., W. J. Platt, and L. Gross. 2009. Vegetation, fire, and feedbacks: a disturbance-mediated model of savannas. American Naturalist 174: 805-818.
Gagnon, P.R., H.A. Passmore, W.J. Platt, J.A. Myers, C.E.T. Paine, and K.E. Harms. 2010. Does pyrogenicity protect burning plants? Ecology 91: 3481-3486. (Concepts and Synthesis Section)
Kandalepas, D., K.J. Stevens, G. Shaffer, and W.J. Platt. 2010. How abundant are root colonizing fungi in southeastern Louisiana’s degraded marshes? Wetlands 30:189-199.
Slocum, M.G., W.J. Platt, B. Beckage, S.L. Orzell, and W. Taylor. 2010. Accurate Quantification of Seasonal Rainfall and Associated Climate-Wildfire Relationships. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 49:2559-2573.
Slocum, M.G., B. Beckage, W.J. Platt, S.L. Orzell, and W. Taylor. 2010. Effect of seasonal climate on wildfire size: a cross-scale analysis. Ecosystems 13:828-840.
Vargas-Rodriguez, Y. L., W. J. Platt, J. A. Vázquez-García, and G. Boquin. 2010. Selecting relict montane cloud forests for conservation priorities: the case of western Mexico. Natural Areas Journal 30:500-518.
Beckage, B., L.J. Gross, and W. J. Platt. 2011. Grass feedbacks on fire stabilize savannas. Ecological Modeling 222:2227-2233.
Leichty, E.R., B.J. Carmichael, and W.J. Platt. 2011. Invasion of a southeastern pine savanna by Japanese climbing fern. Castanea 76:293-299.
Beckage, B., L. Gross, W. Platt, W. Godsoe, and D. Simberloff. 2012. Individual variation, niches, and weak neutrality. Frontiers of Biogeography 3:145-155.
Gagnon, P.R., K.E. Harms, W.J. Platt, H.A. Passmore, and J.A. Myers. 2012. Small-scale variation in fuel loads drives dynamics of two co-dominant bunchgrasses in a species-rich pine savanna. PLoS ONE 7: e29674. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0029674.
Magnussen, S., L. Fehrman, and W.J. Platt. 2012. An adaptive composite density estimator for k-tree sampling. European Journal of Forest Research 131:307-320.
Vargas-Rodriguez, Y. L. and W. J. Platt. 2012. Remnant sugar maple (Acer saccharum subsp. skutchii) populations at their range edge: characteristics, environmental constraints and conservation implications in tropical America. Biological Conservation 150:111-120.
Crandall, R.M. and W.J. Platt. 2012. Habitat and fire heterogeneity explain the co-occurrence of congeneric resprouter and reseeder Hypericum along a Florida pine savanna ecocline. Plant Ecology 213:1643-1654. DOI: 10.1007/s11258-012-0119-0
Ellair, D.P. and W.J. Platt. 2013. Fuel composition influences fire characteristics and understory hardwoods in pine savannas. Journal of Ecology 101:192-201. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.12008
Gagnon, P.R., H.A. Passmore, and W.J. Platt. 2013. Multi-Year Salutary Effects of Windstorm and Fire on River Cane. Fire Ecology 9:55-65. DOI: 10.4996/fireecology.0901055
Hmielowski, T.L., K.M. Robertson, and W.J. Platt. 2014. Influence of season and method of topkill on resprouting characteristics and biomass of Quercus nigra saplings from a southeastern U.S. pine-grassland ecosystem. Plant Ecology 215:1221-1231. (DOI 10.1007/s11258-014-0380-5)
Fill, J.M., W.J. Platt, S.M. Welch, J.L. Waldron, and T.A. Mousseau. 2015. Updating models for restoration and management of fiery ecosystems. Forest Ecology and Management 356:54-63. (doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2015.07.021)
Gagnon, P.R., H.A. Passmore, M.G. Slocum, K.E. Harms, J.A. Myers, W.J. Platt, and C.E.T. Paine. 2015. Fuels and fires influence vegetation via above- and below-ground pathways in a high-diversity plant community. Journal of Ecology 103:1009-1019. (DOI:10.1111/1365-2745.12421)
Noss, R.F., W.J. Platt, B.A. Sorrie, A.S. Weakley, D.B. Means, J. Costanza, and R.K. Peet. 2015. How global biodiversity hotspots may go unrecognized: lessons from the North American Coastal Plain. Diversity and Distributions 21: 236-244. (DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12278)
Pivovaroff, A.L., C. Swift, L. Battaglia, B. Kunz, W.J. Platt, and C.L. Yoder. 2015. Physiological profiles as indicators of response to hurricane disturbance for three coastal wetland species. Journal of Coastal Research 31:986-993.
Platt, W.J., D. Joseph, and D.P. Ellair. 2015. Hurricane wrack enhances local plant biodiversity in coastal pine savannas. Ecography 38:63-73. (DOI 10.1111/ecog.00731)
Platt, W.J., S.L. Orzell, and M.G. Slocum. 2015. Seasonality of fire weather strongly influences fire regimes in south Florida savanna-grassland landscapes. PLoS ONE 10(1): e0116952. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0116952)
Platt, W.J., A.K. Entrup, E.K. Babl, C. Coryell-Turpin, V. Dao, J.A. Hebert, C.D. LaBarbera, J.F.L. Noto, S.O. Ogundare, L.K. Stamper, and N. Timilsina. 2015. Short-term effects of herbicides and a prescribed fire on restoration of a shrub-encroached pine savanna. Restoration Ecology 23:909-917. (doi: 10.111/rec.12243).
Yao, Q., K. Liu, W.J. Platt, and V.H. Rivera-Monroy. 2015. Palynological reconstruction of environmental changes in coastal wetlands of the Florida Everglades since the mid-Holocene. Quaternary Research 83:449-458. (doi:10.1016/j.yqres.2015.03.005)
Vargas-Rodriguez, Y.L., W.J. Platt, L.E. Urbatsch, and D. Foltz. 2015. Large scale patterns of genetic variation and differentiation in sugar maple from tropical Central America to temperate North America. BMC Evolutionary Biology, Section of Phylogenetics and Phylogeography 15:257 DOI 10.1186/s12862-015-0518-7
Platt, W.J, D.P. Ellair, J.M. Huffman, S.E. Potts, and B. Beckage. 2016. Pyrogenic fuels produced by savanna trees can engineer humid savannas. Ecological Monographs 86:352-372.
Harms, K., P. Gagnon, H. Passmore, J. Myers, and W.J. Platt. 2017. Groundcover community assembly in high-diversity pine savannas: Seed arrival and fire-generated environmental filtering. Ecosphere (accepted for publication).
Book Chapters & Symposium Proceedings (reviewed prior to publication) (total = 12)
Hill, G.R. and W.J. Platt. l975. Some effects of fire upon a tall-grass prairie plant community in northwestern Iowa. Pages 103-124 In (M.K. Wali, ed.), Prairie: A Multiple View. University of North Dakota Press, Grand Forks, North Dakota.
Platt, W.J. and S.M. Hermann. 1986. Relationships between dispersal syndrome and characteristics of populations of trees in a mixed-species forest. Pages 309-321 In (A. Estrada and T. H. Fleming, eds.), Frugivores and Seed Dispersal. Dr W. Junk, Amsterdam.
Platt, W.J. and M.W. Schwartz. 1990. Temperate hardwood forests. Pages 194-229, In (R. Myers and J. Ewel, eds.), Ecosystems of Florida. University of Florida Press, Orlando, Florida.
Devall, M.S., L.B. Thien, and W.J. Platt. 1991. The ecology of Ipomoea pes-caprae, a pantropical strand plant. Pages 231-249, In (R. Davidson-Arnott, ed.), Proceedings of the Coastal Sand Dunes Symposium 1990. National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada.
Platt, W.J. 1994. Evolutionary models of plant population/community dynamics and conservation of southeastern pine savannas. In J.S. Fralish, R.C. Anderson, J.E. Ebinger, & R. Szafoni (eds) Proceedings of the North American Conference on Savannas and Barrens. US Environmental Protection Agency, Chicago.
Glitzenstein, J.S., D.R. Streng, D.D. Wade, and W.J. Platt. 1998. Maintaining and restoring species diversity in longleaf pine groundcover: effects of fire regimes and seed/seedling introductions. Proceedings of the longleaf pine ecosystem restoration symposium: ecological restoration and regional conservation strategies. Longleaf Alliance Report 3:72-75.
DeCoster, J., W.J. Platt, and S.A. Riley. 1999. Pine savannas of Everglades National Park: An endangered ecosystem. Pages 81-88, in: Jones, D.T. and B.W. Gamble (Eds.), Florida's Garden of Good and Evil, Proceedings of the 1998 Joint Symposium of the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council and the Florida Native Plant Society. South Florida Water Management District, West Palm Beach, Florida.
Platt, W.J. 1999. Southeastern pine savannas. Pages 23-51, in, R.C. Anderson, J.S. Fralish, J. Baskin, eds. The savanna, barren, and rock outcrop communities of North America. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England.
Masters, R.E., K. Hitch, W.J. Platt, and J.A. Cox. 2005. Fire – the missing ingredient for natural regeneration and management of southern pines in Proceedings of the Joint 2004 Canadian Institute of Forestry and Society of American Foresters Annual Convention. Online reviewed ms & CD – ROM published by Society of American Foresters.
Platt, W. J., J. M. Huffman, M.G. Slocum, and B. Beckage. 2006. Fire Regimes and Trees in Florida Dry Prairie Landscapes. Pages 3-13, in R. Noss (ed.) Land of Fire and Water: The Florida Dry Prairie Ecosystem. Proceedings of the Florida Dry Prairie Conference.
Orzell, S. and W.J. Platt. 2008. The Effects of Natural and Man-Made Disturbances. Pages 128-139, In, Benton, N., J.D. Ripley, and F. Powledge, eds., Conserving biodiversity on military lands: A guide for natural resource managers. 2008 edition. Natureserve, Arlington, Virginia.
Lam, N. S.-N., K.-B. Liu , W. Liang, T. A. Bianchette, and W.J. Platt. 2011. Impacts of Hurricanes on Gulf Coast Ecosystems: A Remote Sensing Study of Land Cover Change in Weeks Bay, Alabama. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 64:1707-1711 (Proceedings 11th International Coastal Symposium).
Technical reports
Platt, W.J. 1990. Fire ecology of southeastern longleaf pine savannas. In, (L.C. Duever and R.F. Noss, eds.), Proceedings of the 1988 symposium on wiregrass biology and management. KBN Engineering & Applied Sciences. Gainesville, Florida, USA. 5p.
Platt, W.J., J. Stenberg, S. Husari, and D. Lentz. 1990. Fire ecology of everglades habitats: experimental study of effects of differences in fire regimes on short-hydroperiod savannas and imbedded rockridge habitats. Everglades National Park, 57p.
Platt, W.J. 1994. Evolutionary models of plant population/community dynamics and conservation of southeastern pine savannas. Pages 263-273, in Proceedings of the North American Conference on Savannas and Barrens. Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois, USA.
Glitzenstein, J.S., D.R. Streng, and W.J. Platt. 1996. Evaluating effects of season of burn on vegetation in longleaf pine savannas. Final report, GFC-84-014. Florida Game and Fish Commission, Nongame Wildlife Program, Tallahassee, Florida. 118 p.
Published Special Features and Symposia
Platt, W.J. and D.R. Strong (eds.). 1989. Special Feature: Treefall gaps and forest dynamics. Ecology 70:535-576.
Platt, W.J. and R.K. Peet (eds.). 1998. Ecological concepts in conservation biology: lessons from southeastern ecosystems. Special Feature: Ecological Applications 8:907-989.
Gilliam, F.S. and W.J. Platt (eds.) 2006. Old-Growth Pine Savannas as Models for Management of Upland Coastal Systems: The Role of Disturbance in a Time of Global Change. Applied Vegetation Science, Volume 9.
Beckage, B., W. Godsoe, L. Gross, W. Platt, and D. Simberloff. 2010. Individual Variation Slows Competitive Exclusion. Comment on Individuals and the Variation Needed for High Species Diversity in Forest Trees. Science (E-Letter, 14 July 2010), www.sciencemag.org/cgi/eletters/327/5969/1129.
Book Reviews
Platt, W.J. l976. Evolutionary concepts in the study of ecological systems. Evolution 30: 857-858. (Review of M. Cody and J. Diamond, eds., Ecology and Evolution of Communities)
Platt, W.J. l98l. Terrestrial plant ecology. American Scientist 69: 230. (Review of M. Barbour, J. Burk, and J.W. Pitts, eds., Terrestrial Plant Ecology)
Platt, W.J. l983. Ecology of fire. Ecology 65:333-334. (Review of H.A. Mooney, T.M. Bonnickson, N.L. Christensen, J.E. Lotan, and W.A. Reiners, eds. Fire Regimes and Ecosystem Properties)
Platt, W.J. 1994. Fire ecology of boreal forests. Journal of Vegetation Science 5:287-288. (Review of E.A. Johnson, Fire and Vegetation Dynamics: Studies from the North American Boreal Forest)
Platt, W.J. 1994. Ecology of the southeastern United States. Ecology 75: 1857. (Review of W.H. Martin, S.G. Boyce, A.C. Echternacht, eds. Biodiversity of the southeastern United States, Upland terrestrial communities and Lowland terrestrial communities)
Platt, W.J. 1997. Fire ecology. American Scientist 85:188-189. (Review of R. J. Whelan, The Ecology of Fire)
Platt, W.J. 2008. Pine savanna restoration. Ecological Restoration 25:152-154. (Review of Shibu Jose, Eric J. Jokela and Deborah L. Miller, eds., The Longleaf Pine Ecosystem: Ecology, Silviculture, and Restoration)
Submitted manuscripts (currently in review or revision following review)
Beckage, B., G. Bucini, L.J. Gross, W.J. Platt, S. Higgins, N.L. Fowler, and M.G. Slocum. Water, fire, and savanna persistence: A conceptual model. Ecosphere (in revision, following review)
Hmielowski, T.L., K.M. Robertson, W.J. Platt. Effects of time since fire, season, and ignition patterns on fire characteristics in shortleaf pine-oak-hickory woodlands. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry (in revision, following review)
Sikes, B.A., W.J. Platt, and T. Patterson. Frequent fires structure microbial communities, which produce feedbacks on subsequent fires through effects on fuels. (in revision after review)
Prior Grants and Contracts while at Louisiana State University (Total = $4,721,728; $334,563 with grad students)
1980-1988: National Science Foundation. The dynamics of fire-adapted communities: an experimental study of longleaf pine forests (LTREB). $260,000.
1988-1991: National Park Service, Everglades National Park. Fire ecology of Everglades habitats: effects of differences in fire regimes on short-hydroperiod prairies and
imbedded rock ridge habitats. 1988-1991: $20,000.
1988-1991: National Science Foundation. Collaborative research on spatial and temporal components of the genetic structure of a longleaf pine population. With J.L. Hamrick, co-PI. $146,000 (UGA), $114,000 (LSU).
1990-1991: National Science Foundation. Demography and genetic structure of seeds and juveniles in an old-growth longleaf pine population. Dissertation Improvement Grant, with S. Grace, co-PI. $3000.
1990-1991: Department of 600Natural Resources, State of Florida: Research on the ecology of longleaf pine in Myakka River State Park. $10,000.
1991-1993: National Science Foundation. Life history responses to fire in a clonal herb, Pityopsis graminifolia. Dissertation Improvement Grant, with S. Brewer, co-PI. $9,396.
1993-1994: National Science Foundation. Effects of fire on tree demography and species composition of south Florida tropical hammocks. Dissertation Improvement Grant, with H. Slater, co-PI. $10,000.
1993-1994. National Science Foundation. Effects of Hurricane Andrew on subtropical hardwood hammocks of Everglades National Park, Florida. SGER: $15,299.
1991-1995: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Evaluation of effects of large-scale disturbances on Gulf Coastal Wetlands. $225,000.
1993-1995. U.S. Forest Service. Ecological assessment of the Harrison Research Natural Area, DeSoto National Forest, Mississippi and Reed Brake Natural Area, Talladega National Forest, Alabama, with J. Noel. $13,000.
1993-1995. U.S. Forest Service. Ecological characterization of upland plant communities in the Evangeline District of the Kisatchie National Forest, with J. Bruser & S. Carr. $23,000.
1985-1996: Nongame Wildlife Program, State of Florida. Restoration & management of fire-adapted communities: experimental study of longleaf pine forests. 1985-1990: $151,223; 1990-1996: $84,061, J. Glitzenstein & D. Streng, co-Pis..
1994-1996. National Science Foundation. Plant community dynamics in southeastern coastal plain forests: demography of overstory species. Dissertation Improvement Grant, with W. Batista, co-PI. $5,280.
1994-1996: National Park Service, Everglades National Park. Effects of Hurricane Andrew on stands of south Florida slash pine (Pinus elliottii var. densa). $263,500.
1994-1996. National Park Service, Everglades National Park. Effects of Hurricane Andrew on subtropical hardwood hammocks of Long Pine Key, Everglades National Park, Florida, with H. Slater, co-PI. $136,000.
1996-1998: National Park Service, Everglades National Park. Community characterization and disturbance effects on wetland communities in Everglades National Park: understanding disturbance and wetlands restoration. $278,032.
1997-1998. Earthwatch Institute. Everglades ecology: long-term study of the effects of Hurricane Andrew on pine savannas and subtropical hardwood hammocks of Long Pine Key, Everglades National Park. with H. Slater, co-PI. $47,800.
1996-1999. Nongame Wildlife Program, State of Florida. The effects of fire on plant demography and species composition along environmental gradients in longleaf pine savannas. Dissertation Improvement Grant, with P. Drewa, co-PI. $13,084.
1997-1999. Florida Plant Conservation Program, State of Florida. Life history, demography, and conservation of the Florida Yew, Taxus floridana. Dissertation Improvement Grant, with C. Kwit, co-PI. $8,000.
1998-2001: National Park Service, Everglades National Park. Composition and structure of groundcover plant communities in the Long Pine Key region of Everglades National Park. $491,953.
2000-2003: TNC Ecosystem Research program. Effects of overstory removal on fire behavior and shrub invasion in pine savannas. with J. M. Thaxton, co-PI. $22,535.
2000-2003: TNC Ecosystem Research Program. Landscape-level patterns of fire and vegetation in frequent-fire ecosystems of south-central Florida. with J.M. Huffman, co-PI. $15,958.
2001-2002. Environmental Defense. Restoration and management of longleaf pine savannas: evaluation of five years of experimental approaches, with Girl Scout Council of Southeast Louisiana. $15,000.
2001-2002. Johnston Scientific Foundation. Testing the interactive effects of fire and selective logging as restoration techniques in longleaf pine savannas. With H.A. Passmore, co-PI. $5,000.
2001-2003: National Parks Foundation/Mellon Foundation. The effects of hurricane-fire interactions on the population dynamics of south Florida slash pine. With B. Beckage, co-PI. $150,000.
2002-2004. Johnston Scientific Foundation. Restoration and management of canebrakes. With P.R. Gagnon, co-PI. $5,000.
2003-2004. Johnston Scientific Foundation. Effects of fire intensity on invasive shrubs in a Louisiana pine savanna. With J. M. Thaxton, co-PI. $5,000.
2004. Louisiana State University Council on Research Grants. Effect of global climate change and natural disturbances on ecological landscapes along the northern Gulf of Mexico. $10,000.
2006-2007. National Science Foundation. Collaborative SGER Research: Do Hurricanes Spur Responses of Coastal Communities to Changing Sea Level? With K-B. Liu, L. Battaglia, J. Whitbeck, co-PIs. $50,000.
2006-2007. Louisiana State University Council on Research Grants. Climate change, sea level rise, and hurricanes/typhoons in two of the world’s largest river systems: developing comparative ecological study of the Yangtze and Mississippi River deltas. With K. Liu, co-PI. $10,000.
2005-2008. National Science Foundation. Ecological processes influencing local biodiversity in species-rich pine savanna groundcover. With K.E. Harms, co-PI. $ 400,000.
2005-2009. Department of Defense (Avon Park Air Force Range). Dendrochronological study of the fire history of Avon Park Air Force Range. With J. Huffman, M.Slocum, co-PIs. $234,122.
2009-2010. DOD (Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program): Assisted migration as a management tool in coastal ecosystems threatened by climate change. With L. Battaglia, co-PI. $83,979.
2004-2010. Department of Defense (Avon Park Air Force Range). Landscape fire models for the Avon Park Air Force Range. With B. Beckage, M. Slocum, co-PIs $553,754.
2008-2010. DOE: National Institute for Climatic Change Research. Effects of Past and Recent Hurricanes on Gulf Coast Ecosystems: Implications for Future Climate Changes. With K. Liu, N. Lam, co-PIs. $77,000.
2009-2010. Louisiana Sea Grant College Program (UROP). Effects of Hurricane Wrack on Coastal Slash Pine Savannas at the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Mississippi. With D. Joseph. $2,500.
2009-2011. Coastal restoration and enhancement through science and technology (CREST). Evaluating prescribed fire effects in hurricane-influenced coastal habitats along the northern Gulf of Mexico. With M.G. Slocum. $49,242.
2010-2013. National Science Foundation. Collaborative Research: “Linking models to data to investigate patterns and process in savannas”. With B. Beckage, co-PI. [$600,000: WJP $245,000; BB $355,000].
2011-2013. National Science Foundation. REU Supplement to “Collaborative Research: Linking models to data to investigate patterns and process in savannas”. $15,000.
2012-2013. LSU Board of Regents SURE Program. "Patch dynamics of longleaf pine (Pinus palustris): Do concepts of regeneration based on old-growth stand concepts predict regeneration in second-growth stands? With L.A. Griffin. $4,500.
Current Grants and Contracts:
2016-2019. National Science Foundation. Collaborative Research: Fire-Fungal Feedbacks in Pyrogenic Ecosystems. $860,000 ($450,000 Ben Sikes PI, University of Kansas, DEB 1557000; $410,000 Bill Platt, LSU, DEB 1556837).
Submitted Grants:
2016-2019. National Science Foundation. Dissertation Research: A multi-state hierarchical model for effects of changes in fire regimes on fungal life-histories in pine savannas. $19,240, with Stephen Potts. NSF Proposal 1701868.
Sabbatical Associates
Dr. Thomas Poulson: University of Illinois at Chicago, Spring semester, 1975
Dr. Carl von Ende: Northern Illinois University, Spring semester, 1986.
Dr. Norma Fowler: University of Texas, Fall semester, 1987.
Dr. Steve Brewer: University of Mississippi, Spring semester, 2005.
Dr. Peter Bellingham: Landcare Research, New Zealand, Spring semester, 2014.
Dr. Laurel Fox: University of California at Santa Cruz, Fall semester, 2015.
Research Professors
Dr. Matthew G. Slocum: Louisiana State University. 2008-2015
Postdoctoral Associates
Dr. Jeff Glitzenstein: Tall Timbers Research Station 1987-1990
Dr. Donna Streng: Tall Timbers Research Station. 1987-1990
Dr. Mark Hessing: Louisiana State University. 1988-1991
Dr. James DeCoster: Everglades National Park. 1996-1999
Dr. Stephen McMann: Everglades National Park. 1999
Dr. Matthew Slocum: Louisiana State University. 2000-2001; 2005-2007
Dr. Brian Beckage: Louisiana State University. 2000-2002
Dr. Jean Huffman: Louisiana State University, 2010-2013
Dr. Darin Ellair: Louisiana State University, 2012-2014
Prior Graduate Students at Louisiana State University
J. Stephen Brewer, Ph.D. 1994. NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant. Four published papers from dissertation. Current Position: Professor, Dept. of Biology, University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS.
Matthew S. Olson, M.S. 1994. USFS Challenge Cost-Share Grant. One published paper from thesis. Ph. D., 1999, Duke University. Current Position: Associate Professor, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.
Martin F. Quigley, Ph.D. 1994. LA Board of Regents Fellowship, Earthwatch Research Grant, LSU Distinguished Dissertation Award, 1994. Three papers published from dissertation. Current position: Professor & Arboretum Director, University of Denver, Denver, CO.
Susan L. Grace (Wilder), Ph.D. 1994. NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant. Graduate Student Teaching Award. Three published papers from dissertation. Current position: Southeastern Regional Fire Ecologist, USFWS, Slidell, LA.
William B. Batista, Ph.D. 1996. Conicet Fellowship, NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant, Invited speaker, Natural Areas Association Symposium. Three published papers from dissertation. Current position: Professor, Department of Quantitative Methods, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Paul B. Drewa, Ph.D. 1999. FL Nongame Research Grant, LSU Dissertation Fellowship, LSU teaching award, LSU Edgerton Award for Outstanding Dissertation, Nominated for LSU Distinguished Dissertation Award, 1999, Invited speaker, Society of Ecological Restoration Symposium. Three papers published from dissertation. Current position: Senior Data Analyst, Information Technology & Services, Progressive Corporation, Cleveland, OH
Jill M. Noel. M.S. 1999. USFS Challenge Cost-Share and Research Grants. One published paper from thesis. One published paper from independent research. Current position: Scientist, Parsons Corporation, Austin TX.
Charles Kwit, Ph.D. 2000. LA Board of Regents Fellowship, FL Nongame/DOF research grant for work on Taxus floridana demography. Three papers published from dissertation. Current position: Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN.
Susan M. Carr, M.S. 2000. USFS Challenge-Cost Share and Research Grants. One ms published from thesis. Current position: Private environmental consultant, Gainesville, FL.
Jarrod M. Thaxton, Ph.D. 2003. LA Board of Regents Fellowship, TNC Ecosystem Research Grant. Johnston Scientific Foundation Grant. Two manuscripts from dissertation published. Current position: high school teacher, Macomb, MS
Heather A. Passmore, Ph.D. 2005. Economic Development Assistantship, American Women in Science Fellowship, Johnston Scientific Foundation Grant. Current position: Visiting Scholar, Murray State University.
Jean M. Huffman, Ph.D. 2006. LA Board of Regents Fellowship, TNC Ecosystem Research Grant. Two manuscripts from dissertation research published. Current Position: Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
Paul R. Gagnon, Ph.D. 2006. Dissertation topic: Population demography and ecology of bamboos in southeastern canebrakes. LA Board of Regents Fellowship, EPA STAR Fellowship, American Bamboo Society Research Grant, Johnston Scientific Foundation Grant. Seven ms from dissertation published. Current Position: Assistant Professor, Murray State University, Murray, KY.
Mindy McCallum, M.S. 2009. Thesis topic: effects of seasonality on intensity and patchiness of fires in pine flatwood savannas. Current Position: Environmental coordinator, LA 4-H program, LSU.
Raelene Crandall, Ph.D. 2011. Dissertation topic: The ecology of congeneric resprouters and reseeders (Hypericum spp.) along fire-frequented pine savanna ecoclines. Garden Club of America Wetlands Research Grant, Office of Environmental Education Research Grant 2007, 2008, 2009. One ms published from Ph.D. dissertation. Current Position: Assistant Professor, School of Forest Resources & Conservation, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
Ellen Leichty, Ph.D. 2011. Dissertation topic: Effects of winter avian granivory and mammalian herbivory on pine savanna groundcover vegetation. LA Board of Regents Fellowship, Holmes Research Fellowship, Office of Environmental Education Research Grant 2007, 2008. One manuscript published from Ph.D. dissertation. Current position: unknown.
Becky Carmichael, Ph.D. 2012. Dissertation topic: Disturbances, invasive species and groundcover biodiversity in pine savannas. Office of Environmental Education Research Grant, 2007, 2008, 2009. Submitted NSF DDIG proposal. One ms from Ph.D. dissertation published. Current position: Science Coordinator, LSU Communication across the Curriculum Program, LSU, Baton Rouge, LA.
Demetra Kandalepas, Ph.D. 2012. Dissertation topic: effects of hurricanes and sea level rise on fungal-plant relationships in coastal plant communities. Carrie Yoder Fellowship, 2008, 2009. Office of Environmental Education Research Grant 2007, 2008, 2009. Submitted NSF DDIG proposal. First place in 2007 student presentations at Natural Areas Association Conference. One manuscript from dissertation research published. Current Position: Senior Scientist, Wetland Resources, LLC, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Darin P. Ellair, Ph.D. 2012. Dissertation topic: effects of fires and hurricanes on shrubs in pine savannas. Dendrology Research Assistantship. NSF Research Assistantship. One ms published from Ph.D. dissertation. Current position: postdoctoral researcher, LSU.
Yalma Vargas-Rodriguez, M.S. 2005. University of Guadalajara graduate research grant, IDEAWILD research grant. Two manuscripts from M.S. research published. Ph.D. 2013. Dissertation topic: Conservation genetics and ecology of disjunct maple populations in Mexico and Central America. University of Guadalajara graduate study and research grant, Mexican National Council for Science and Technology Grant. Two ms from dissertation published. Current position: Postdoctoral Research Scientist, University of Guadalajara.
Tracy Hmielowski, Ph.D. 2013. Dissertation topic: effects of fire season on shrubs in shortleaf pine savannas. Research Assistantship, Tall Timbers Research Station. One ms from dissertation published. Current position: Postdoctoral Fire Researcher, Tallgrass Prairie & Oak Savanna Fire Science Consortium, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin.
Current Graduate Students
Stephen Potts, Ph.D. candidate. Teaching Assistantship 2015-2017. Area of research: life history concepts in community ecology. Submitted NSF DDIG proposal (2016).
Lance Umlang, Ph.D. candidate. Teaching Assistantship 2015-2017. Area of research: community ecology of coastal transitions between marine and terrestrial habitats.
Matt Blanchard, Ph.D. candidate. Teaching Assistantship 2015-2017. Area of research: pine savanna community ecology and conservation biology.
Invited talks (last five years)
Conferences and Symposia
2010 - "A Connell legacy of paradigm shifts in community ecology: what are the most important determinants of local biodiversity?" Ecological Society of America Symposium on the legacy of Joe Connell, August, 2010.
2011 – “Engineering of Fire by Savanna Trees: Effects on Overstory and Groundcover Dynamics.” Ecological Society of America Symposium on models for the dynamics of savanna ecosystems, August, 2011.
2013 – The North American Coastal Plain: Global biodiversity hotspot #36. American Botanical Society & American Society of Plant Taxonomy Joint Symposium, July 2013
2015 – “Maintaining high endemism fiery refugia in the context of changing climate: managing for plant-fire feedbacks in savannas.” Ecological Society of America Symposium on high endemism hotspots as refugia in a time of climate change, August, 2015.
Invited Seminars
2010 – University of South Carolina
2011 – University of Vermont, University of Texas
2012 – University of Florida
2013 – University of California at Santa Cruz
Author of Papers Presented at Society Meetings
2010 - Society of Wetland Scientists, Ecological Society of America, Botanical Society of America
2011 - Society of Wetland Scientists, Ecological Society of America, Botanical Society of America
2012 - Society of Wetland Scientists, Ecological Society of America, Botanical Society of America
2013 - Society of Wetland Scientists, Ecological Society of America, Botanical Society of America
2014 - Society of Wetland Scientists, Ecological Society of America, Botanical Society of America
2015 - Society of Wetland Scientists, Ecological Society of America
Professional Societies
American Society of Naturalists, Association for Tropical Biology, Botanical Society of America, Ecological Society of America, International Wildland Fire Association, Natural Areas Association, Society for Conservation Biology, Society for Ecological Restoration, Society for Study of Evolution, Society of Wetland Scientists, Torrey Botanical Society
Ad hoc positions (last 10 years)
Mentor for Dr. Frank Gilliam, Marshall University, as part of EpsCor program for enhancement of science at smaller universities
Everglades scientific advisory panel for restoration of abandoned agricultural land
Forest Ecologist, scoping team for sustainable forestry certification of large timber companies: Smartwood/Forest Stewardship Council
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis workshop participant: A synthesis of demography and dispersal
North Florida Fire Council advisory panel member
Invited lecturer in Community Ecology, University of California at Irvine
Invited lecturer in Ecology, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
Organizer of Symposium for Botany 2013 in New Orleans, LA (American Botanical Society & American Society of Plant Taxonomy Joint Meeting): The North American Coastal Plain: a Global Biodiversity Hotspot
Organizer of Symposium for 100th Annual Ecological Society of America Meeting: Biodiversity and endemism hotspots as refugia in a time of climate change
Member of planning committee for workshop sponsored by National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine: A Century Of Wildland Fire Research: Contributions To Long-Term Approaches For Wildland Fire Management
Association for Fire Ecology: Lifetime Achievement Award in Fire Ecology, 2014
LSU Tiger Athletic Foundation Teaching Award 2009, 2012
LSU 2007 LSU Alumni Faculty Excellence Award
Editorial and Review Board Activities
NIH Review Panel for Environmental Health Proposals: 2012
Editorial Board: ESA publications (Ecology, Ecological Monographs) (1999-2003)
Editorial Board: Plant Ecology (1999-2005)
Special Features Editor for Ecology: forum on gap dynamics in forests (1988-1989)
Special Features Editor for Ecological Applications: invited feature on the role of ecological concepts in conservation biology, with R.K. Peet (1995-1998)
Special Features Editor for Applied Vegetation Science: invited feature on longleaf pine ecosystems, with F. Gilliam (2004-2006)
Special Issue editor for Annals of Botany: invited issue on hotspots of biodiversity and endemism as refuges in a time of rapid climate change, with Reed Noss, Susan Harrison
Reviewer of grant proposals for >20 agencies, including NSF, USDA, NPS, USFWS, Canada, Australia, State Agencies in U.S.A.
Ad hoc reviewer of textbook in Plant Ecology (M. Barbour, J. Burk, J.W. Pitts, F. Gilliam, eds., Terrestrial Plant Ecology)
Reviewer of manuscripts submitted to professional journals while at LSU: American Journal of Botany; American Midland Naturalist; American Naturalist; Animal Behavior; Applied Vegetation Science; Aquatic Botany; Biological Conservation; Bioscience; Biotropica; Canadian Journal of Botany; Canadian Journal of Forest Research; Castanea; Conservation Biology; Conservation Ecology; Ecography; Ecological Applications; Ecological Monographs; Ecology; Ecosphere, Ecosystems; Evolution; Forest Ecology and Management; Forest Science; Holarctic Ecology; International Journal of Wildland Fire; Journal of Biogeography; Journal of Coastal Research, Journal of Ecology; Journal of Forestry; Journal of Mammalogy; Journal of Range Management; Journal of Theoretical Biology; Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society; Journal of Vegetation Science; New Phytologist; Oecologia; Plant Ecology; Plos One; Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Society; Quaternary Research; Restoration Ecology; Science; Southwestern Naturalist; TREE; Vegetatio; Wetlands;
Courses Taught at Louisiana State University:
Undergraduate: General Biology, Plant Ecology, Genetics, Genetics of the Evolutionary Process, Conservation Biology, Conservation Biology Laboratory, Hurricane Ecology, Critical Analysis (Honors), Humans & Conservation (Honors), Gulf Coast Ecosystems
Graduate: Plant Population Biology, Population Demography, Disturbance Ecology, Fire Ecology, Hurricane Ecology, Biology of Invasions, Ecological Succession; Biodiversity Hotspot Ecology
Conservation and Management Activities (last five years)
1978-2016: Consultant for state of Florida (Department of Environmental Regulation) on management of coastal/barrier island systems, hardwood forests, and pine savannas in state parks; member of advisory panel on fire effects on pine-dominated ecosystems.
1976-2016: Advisor for The Nature Conservancy on acquisition, design, and stewardship of natural areas, and endangered lands; member Florida Board of Trustees; Louisiana Technical Advisory Board.
1979-2016: Consultant for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and U.S. Forest Service on the management of upland & lowland pine savannas, bog wetlands, and coastal transition habitats in the southeastern United States.
1993-2004: Advisor, Everglades National Park & Dade County Environmental Resources Management on management of areas affected by Hurricane Andrew; development of Hurricane Andrew recovery plan for pine savannas and subtropical forests in Everglades National Park.
1987-2008: Advisor for National Park Service (Everglades National Park) on: fire management plans for restoration and management of pine rockland and short-hydroperiod prairies, restoration of agricultural land, control of cogongrass (Imperata brasiliensis/cylindrica) in Everglades National Park.
1988-2013: Advisor to Girl Scout Council of Louisiana on: fire management of habitats at Girl Scout camps, management plans for Camp Whispering Pines; exotic control, and sustainable forestry programs at Camp Whispering Pines.
2001-2016: Advisor to National Estuarine Research Reserves on: hurricane and fire management of coastal transition habitats along the Gulf of Mexico.
Curriculum Vitae: William J. Platt
Curriculum Vitae: William J. Platt Page
Curriculum Vitae: William J. Platt
Curriculum Vitae: William J. Platt
Curriculum Vitae: William J. Platt
Curriculum Vitae: William J. Platt