Background of the Study

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The study explores the phenomenon of video game addiction among teenagers, focusing on the factors leading to such addiction and its implications on their daily lives, education, and social interactions. It employs an exploratory research design and phenomenology to analyze respondents' experiences related to gaming. Findings indicate that while excessive gaming can disrupt academic performance, it may also offer stress relief and opportunities for socializing.

Chapter 1 Introduction Background of the Study Video games are electronic, interactive known for their sound effects and good quality of graphics. The first video game was out in the market in 1970, it was played by installing cartridges to a game box that is connected by wires to a television. The child or adult will manipulate a joystick or controller to command or to control as the character face displayed on the screen In 2004, nearly have home in the United States uses videogames. Video games became very popular from the start, especially in youths because of its satisfying entertainment. One of the most popular games ever created are Nintendo, Game cube, Sony, Play station 2, or Microsoft Xbox. The stated video game companies continuously expand and evolves every year. Significance of the Study A forementioned, the study aims to accomplish the following: 1. To know how addiction start on video gamers Statement of the Problem With the sudden interest on understanding why teens get addicted in playing video games, this phenomenology determines to answer the following How does addiction starts from playing video games? Scope and Delimitation The main focus on this study was to identify the reasons why teens get addicted to video games. The participants were chosen by random sampling, since only a total of five (5) participants were needed; all of whom belong to teenagers in San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan: A number of hours from March 20, 2017 to March 28, 2017 were allotted for observation and interview to understand the entire process and discover how these predicaments worked. Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature This chapter introduces various discussion, studies, points of view, ideas and findings on previous researchers conducted on the teens who addicted to video games. Through this review, the researchers developed high extent of discernment on present study. Theoretical Framework The time that video games existed, many parents became concerned to their children’s because of its possible negative effects. Video game is a electronic game in which players control images on a television or computer screen. The resulting excessive amount of time spent on playing video games can be severly disruptive to school, work and real life social contacts. (Chappel, 2006; Wan and Chiou 2016; Grusser 2007). Foreign Literature The teenage years are extremely difficult ones. Most of them does not know who they are struggling with their identity. In gaming, they find their virtual reality. (Cres, 2014). When they are playing, the can be anything that they want to be. Unfortunately, video games are created to be addictive. Game manufacturers complete each others to make their games the best possible game. (Cres, 2014). Being addicted to video games brings a variety of consequences, like difficulty in sleeping, poor nutrition and some migraines. The signs of being addicted involves continually thinking and talking about videogames. Sometime, mishandling of fund and money in an effort to buy more games or gaming supplies. (Cres, 2014) Foreign Study According to Conrad (nd), many parents are still worried about the possible negative effects of video games. The number of children and teen spending excessive time playing video games are rapidly increasing parent should be more worried about teenagers that are addicted to video games than the effects of violent video games. According to Lee (2013), the internet and smart phone addiction are similar to video game addiction, both of which are called novelty addiction. Nowadays, technology became engrained in ones daily lives, diverting their attention of the real world. Conceptual Framework RESULT EXPERIENCES TOPIC VIDEO GAMES UNDERSTANDING Definition of Terms Virtual Reality- Virtual reality is an artificial environment that is created with software and presented to the users in such a way that the user suspend belief and accept it as a real environment. Disruptive- tending to damage the orderly control of a situation Video game- an electronic game in which players control images on a television or computer screen. Excessive- more than is necessary, normal, or desirable; immoderate. Engrained- firmly fix or establish (a habit, belief, or attitude) in a person. Diverting- cause (someone or something) to change course or turn from one direction to another. CHAPTER 3 Methods of Research Research Design Exploratory type of research was used in this study. This type of research is concerned in identifying patterns, hypothesis and ideas on the different phenomena around us. This method is used because it allows exploration of the theory and allows the researchers to identify on the said topic. This research also used phenomenology. It include viewing and experiences as major procedure of the study. These are the factors needed to understand the judgement, action and perception in appreciating the social reality on existensial dimension. This will help us understand the community on reason why teens getting addicted on video games. Sampling Systematic sampling was used in this study. In this technique, the sampling frame is ordered accoding to some criteria and elements are selected as regular intervals through that ordered list. II. Participants The participants were (5) Five teen gamers of SJDM, Bulacan with specific criterion such as: 1. Gamers that can play five hours and above. 2. A gamers that knows a lot of games. The participants were given both the letter of intent and consent of interview. The interview was held on March 20, 2017 to March 28, 2017 participants was given beforehand to orient the participants corresponding question were asked to elaborate more their experiences which beneficial for the study. Instrument A set of research question was asked to the participants. Each question was allotted with opt time for the participants response. The list of questions was given beforehand to one, the participants corresponding questions were asked to elaborate more their experiences which were beneficial for the study. Treatment The answers of the respondents are now given interception through the said of the related literature and theory. Chapter 4 Presentation and Interpretation of data The researcher carefully analyzed the participant’s receipts and was able to express two categories. These categories occurred on almost the total of the population of the participants. These categories were synthesized with three categories each. The categories and subcategories are as shown below: CATEGORIES SUB-CATEGORIES addiction Spending too much money Time management Causing bad grades Behavior Relieves stress Enhances the socializing skills Tardiness Based on the respondent’s answers, addiction is one of the most common problem in video games. According to the respondents, they are using too much money for playing their games. Some of them spent thousands of money just to fulfill their need in the games. According to the respondents, they played video games about 5-8 hours a day. Playing too much video game can cause bad or lower grades. The respondents said that playing video games can relieve stress because they can enjoy themselves and it also enhance the socializing skills because they can communicate in other gamers too. Last according to the respondents playing video games can cause tardiness. The result have shown that being addictive to video games can severly disrupt the school homework or work. But somehow, the participants said that playing video games can relieve stress because they can enjoy themselves. This can also enhance the socializing skill because they can communicate in other players too Chapter 5 Summary, Recommendations, Conclusions Summary This paper aims to accomplish how addiction start on video gamers. For the results of the respondents, they are using too much money for playing their games. Some of them spent thousands of money just to fulfill their need in the games. According to the respondents, they played video games about 5-8 hours a day. The result have shown that being addictive to video games can severly disrupt the school homework or work. Playing too much video games can cause bad or lower grades. Recommendation The researchers highly recommend the findings and results of this study to the following: RESEARCHERS. Researchers this study shall give every future researchers a good head start and to have different idea about this study. They could use it in order to have further studies to propose more concrete ways on how to solve the problem. This study will guarantee knowledge about this topic continue on improving this research for others to gain knowledge they are looking for. TEENAGERS Being considered as the future of this country with their young minds this research helps them to know purpose of the different opinion about how bad is video games. Hopefully this research would help them to understand and expand this topic. TEACHERS The research may help them to teach their student about this topic and why this is good. This research hopes to understand their students why video games is bad and how it goes with our society. Conclusion The importance of the paper is to help future teenagers mostly student to understand how addiction to video game starts. How will this affect the gamers to cope about this problem. The researcher therefore concludes base on their experiences on video game addiction is bad but it have some good sides. Bibliography (n.d.). Retrieved from Conrad. (2014). Tech Addiction. Retrieved from Teenagers Addicted to Computer Games -: Hudson. (n.d.). Understanding Teens. Retrieved from 8 Reasons Why Teens Are Increasingly Addicted to Online Gaming: Lee. (2013). Video Game Addiction In Teens – What Is Too Much and How to Curb the Problem. Retrieved from Make use of: Manag. (2013). NCBI. Retrieved from Internet gaming addiction: current perspectives: Rauh. (2012). Video Game Addiction No Fun. Retrieved from Mental Health: Teens and Video Game Addictions. (2012). Retrieved from Teen Behavior: FIRST CITY PROVIDENTIAL COLLEGE 8 | Page Lifelong Education