Semiconductor Laser Stabilization by External
Optical Feedback
Dag Roar Hjelme, Member, IEEE, Alan Rolf Mickelson, Member, IEEE, and Raymond G . Beausoleil, Member, IEEE
Abstract-We report on a general theory describing the effect of external optical feedback on the steady-state noise characteristics of single-mode semiconductor lasers. The theory is valid for arbitrarily
strong feedback and arbitrary optical feedback configuration and spectrum. A generalized Langevin rate equation is derived. The equation
is, in general, infinite order in d / d t constituting an infinite-order correction to the low-frequency weak-feedback analysis. The general formalism includes relaxation oscillations, and allows us to analyze the
effect of feedback on both the laser linewidth, frequency noise, relative
intensity noise, and the relaxation oscillation sidebands in the field
spectrum. The theory is applied to two important feedback configurations; the laser coupled to a single mirror and the laser coupled to a
high-Q cavity. The analysis includes excess low-frequency noise due to
temperature fluctuations in the laser chip.
XTERNAL optical feedback has proven to be an effective
technique with which to modify intrinsic semiconductor
laser properties. During the last decade, many new experiments
using semiconductor lasers have been made possible by stabilizing the laser using external optical feedback, and numerous
studies of these laser have been reported. Multireflector FabryPerot resonators were used already in the early 1960’s to obtain
single-frequency output from generally multimoded lasers [ 11,
[2]. The additional reflecting surfaces resulted in a frequency
sensitive reflectance, increasing mode discrimination. Soon after
the first demonstration of the room temperature semiconductor
laser, the same techniques were used to stabilize and tune semiconductor lasers [3]. At this early stage, the effect on singlemode dynamics and linewidth was not considered. Only much
later was it found that the addition of a passive external cavity
could reduce the linewidth of the laser [4]-[6], and it was soon
realized that semiconductor lasers with external optical feedback could become compact and efficient sources for coherent
lightwave systems.
In general, by using feedback systems one can improve the
system performance far beyond the performance of the nonideal
elements of the system. From this point of view, the intrinsic
frequency noise and drift of the laser can be essentially totally
suppressed by a feedback system (optical and/or electrical) that
locks the laser to a reference interferometer [7]. A technology
based on optical and electronic feedback to diode lasers producing subkilohertz linewidths with broad tunability, will offer
relief from complex/expensive dye-laser systems. To understand and effectively design such laser systems, it is necessary
to have a detailed and quantitative knowledge of the physics
limiting the performance. It is the purpose of this paper to contribute a general theory describing most of the spectral properties of diode lasers with optical feedback as a function of the
system parameters.
The dynamical analysis of general laser structures. such as
semiconductor lasers with general optical feedback, is considerably more difficult than that of the simple Fabry-Perot cavity
laser. The traditional analysis of external optical feedback [8][ 121 has been based on a hybrid cross between a mode approach
and a traveling wave approach. Lang et al. [8] modeled the
external optical feedback by adding a delay term, K & ( t - T), to
the single-mode rate equation for the field. By adding a Langevin noise source [9], [lo], and including carrier density dynamics [ 1I], [ 121 many spectral properties of the laser could be
analyzed. This traditional approach works well for weak feedback from a single mirror, and has been shown to be a limit of
more accurate models [ 131-[ 151. The earliest generalization of
the analysis, applicable to more general feedback, was introduced by Patzak et al. [ 161 who related the frequency derivative
of the effective reflectivity to a new time constant. Patzak’s approach is similar to the one presented by Kurokawa [17] for
analysis of oscillating electrical circuits.
While the generalization of the laser rate equations to generic
optical feedback is not obvious, the steady-state analysis is, in
general, straightforward albeit complicated. By performing a
steady-state round-trip analysis of the complete laser structure,
the lasing frequency, photon density, and carrier density are
found to be solutions of a set of nonlinear equations for the
compound cavity modes [ 181. One approach to the dynamical
analysis of general laser structures is to use the excitation coefficients of the compound cavity modes as dynamical variables.
It has been shown that for many structures the laser dynamics
can be adequately described by a single complex amplitude of
a single compound cavity mode [18], [19] and the dynamical
equations can be obtained from an analytical continuation of the
steady-state equations. However, for many systems-semiconductor lasers with optical feedback in particular-even an analysis based on the compound cavity modes would have to take
many modes into account. This is due to the broad noise spectrum observed in semiconductor lasers. The noise spectrum
could span many compound cavity mode spacings, restricting
an analysis based on one compound cavity mode to the lowfrequency regime.
An alternative description of general multielement laser
structures is to use the field in each element of the laser as a
dynamical variable and derive a set of coupled-cavity equations
for these variables [ 131. In the case of weakly coupled cavities,
the laser dynamics can adequately be described by one mode
from each cavity, but for stronger coupling one needs to include
Manuscript received June 26, 1990. This work was supported by the
National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center Program by
Grant CDR 8622236.
D. R. Hjelme and A. R. Mickelson are with the Department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309.
R. G. Beausoleil was with Boeing High Technology Center, Seattle, WA
98124. He is now with Solidite Corporation, Redmond, WA 98052.
IEEE Log Number 9142991.
0 1991 IEEE
multiple modes from each cavity. A coupled-cavity approach
based on coupled equations between one mode in each cavity
will then be incomplete. Including other modes soon becomes
complicated and undesirable.
more general techniques have been
Lang et al. [I41 have used a local rate-equation technique and
have shown that a -general rate eauation can be derived from an
analytical continuation of the steady-state equation [20]. Hjelme
li5i> [211-[231
based On
nient operators describing the external cavity. Tromborg et al.
1241 used a traveling wave description ofthe field in the external
cavity and obtained a general rate equation given in terms of a
convolution involving the impulse response of the cavity. Any
proper analysis that includes coupling of the laser diode to an
external optical system, must treat open cavities, i.e., cavities
with low quality factors (@factor)' Even for the
modes with
cavity, the standard approach Of defining
equivalent mirror losses uniformly distributed throughout the
cavity, underestimates the coupling of spontaneous-emission
noise into the laser mode [25].
The purpose Of this paper is to present a
theory Of
semiconductor lasers with optical feedback. We have earlier reOf
ported On a general, accurate
Optical feedback, introducing an 'perator that completely describes the
feedback effects ["I,
this technique to various
feedback geometries [621.
we have extended the
ysis to include both relaxation oscillations, and frequency and
intensity noise spectra [221, [23i. In this paper we expand On
Our Previous
a general theory in tems Of
convenient operators that easily transform in the linearized noise
analysis, to allow analytical results for the various noise spectra' The theory is
strong feedback' However, the linearized analysis used to derive the noise spectra is
limited to operating regimes where the laser is operating in a
single mode. Hence, we do not consider the "coherence collapse" regime [26]-[30]. Our approach is similar to that of
Tromborg er al. [24], however, we include excess low-frequency noise (llf-noise), and derive formulas for the field
spectrum including the relaxation oscillation sidebands.
Another purpose of this paper is to present a systematic investigation of the spectral properties of the external cavity operated laser diode and the so called "self-locked'' laser diode.
Recently, some of the results to be presented in this paper have
been reported in papers on "self-locked'' laser diodes [31],
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 11 we derive a
generalized ~~~~~~i~ rate equation including both spontaneousemission noise and Iow-frequency noise due to temperature
fluctuation, I,, Section 111 we study the steady-state solutions
and derive the linearized small-signal rate equation. In Section
IV we study the dynamical properties, including the dynamical
stability of the steady-state so~utionsin Section IV-A, and mode
selection in Section IV-B. In Section IV-C, analytical results
for the linewidth, frequency noise, relative intensity noise, and
the field spectrum are presented. In Section V we present Some
approximate results valid in the weak feedback limit. In Section
VI we apply the theory to three cases of interest; the solitary
laser, the laser coupled to a single mirror, and the laser coupled
to a high-Q cavity. Some conclusions are drawn in Section VII.
~ l z - G G x & i q
Fig. 1 . Illustration of the geometry of a laser diode with generic optical
piing to any other optical system, is obtained by integrating the
traveling wave equation over the length of the laser, and using
the proper boundary
One can do this by assuming
that the interaction between the foMiard and backward propaInside the active
is weak except at the
cavity, the weak coupling between the forward and backward
is due to spatial inhomogeneities. These inpropagating
homogeneities can be due to temperature fluctuations and/or locarrier density fluctuations [33]-[35], and are believed to be
rise in both intensity noise and
part of the origin of the
frequency noise at ,ow frequencies,
The geometry under consideration here is illustrated in Fig,
1. A one-dimensional model, with the laser operating in the
fundamental transverse mode is assumed. The diode laser has
active cavity length L , left facet reflectivity r 2 , and right facet
effective reflectivity r e f f ( ~The
) , effective reflectivity includes
all coupling to the
optical system. The exact form of
is dependent on the details of the feedback geometry under consideration, and is in general straightforward to derive.
form of r e d W ) , Later
is independent of the
we will derive the effective reflection coefficient for those systems we consider in detail, but for now we will assume that it
exists and is known.
the laser is biased from a stable low-noise current
and the heat-sink temperature is controlled to avoid drift
and longitudinal mode jumps. The total optical field at a point
diode cavity will be represented as
in the
E(z, t )
i[E(z, f ) e ' W " r+ E * ( z , r)e-'""']
where W O is the lasing frequency. Following the treatment in
[36], the traveling wave equation for the complex field amplitude can be written
gE(z, t )
+ F(z, t )
An accurate treatment of the semiconductor laser that accounts explicitly for the open laser cavity, and thereby the cou-
= g(1 - t l ~ / ' )-
where k is the wavenumber, f i g is the
g is the gain, a is the linewidth enhancement factor, and E ( € , )
is the gain (index) compression factor. Typically 1s very small
and will be neglected in this study. However, E will be included
Osas it plays an important role in determining the
cillation damping in laser diodes. F(Z, [) represents the spantaneous-emission contribution to the polarization coupling into
the fomard propagating wave. To account for the small spatial
inhomogeneities in the cavity, we have to
the backward propagating wave. The coup1ed wave equations
can be written
+ &)EF = FF - iGkE,
(aZ - &)En
+ EB)
+ i6kEB + azk
(EF + E,)
where & = k - ( i a r / C g ) i f g is a nonlinear wavenumber operator that accounts for both the linear and nonlinear gain. The
perturbations, 6k and a,k, are assumed to be due to small temperature and camer density fluctuations, and are therefore stochastic variables. To proceed, we will treat the right-hand side
of (3) as noise sources. This can be justified by noting that the
fluctuations 6k and a, k are assumed small, hence the small fluctuations in the field variables EF(EB) would be second order.
The rate equation, including the spontaneous-emission noise
source, can be derived by considering the buildup of spontaneous emission [ 2 1 ] . As the laser oscillations build up, the total
field is the sum of the field generated by spontaneous transitions, and subsequently amplified by stimulated emission, in all
previous round-trips. The rate equation is then obtained from a
straight forward integration of the wave equation. A formal solution of (3) can be written
E&, t )
The correlation function for FL(r) is not known, however, it
should mainly contribute to the low-frequency fluctuations. In
the Appendix, we consider temperature fluctuations as the
source for the temporal varying spatial inhomogeneities and derive an expression for the power spectrum of FL(t).It is shown
that the power spectrum has a 1/f-like frequency dependence,
and is proportional to the photon number 1. Thus, the temperature fluctuations will result in a power independent contribution to the laser linewidth. .
The operators in equation (6) are, in principle, nonlinear. The
wavenumber operator k is assumed to be a function of the carrier number N , and is therefore implicitly a function of time.
By assuming that the time derivative of N is negligible compared to the time derivatives of E, the operators in (6) can be
made to commute with N , and therefore act only on E. With
these approximations, (6) can be written in a rate equation form
s: zyxwvutsrqponm
+ e-'"EF(O,
where FFT(z,I)is equal to the RHS of (3a). A similar solution
exists for E s ( z , t). The integral must be interpreted as a stochastic integral, and only its moments and correlations can be
related to observable quantities. Using the proper boundary
[a, -
EF(O) = r2 EB(0)
where we have defined
r e x ~ ~ ~ r )
[-i(o - wN) + i(G - y)
+ ;reXi~(t)
+ F ( t ) + FL(t)
6 = uRg = (1
+ ia)GN(N - N J
- eG(EI2
an integration of the equations over the cavity yields
where 7 = 2 La,k = 2L/v, is the diode cavity round-trip time,
F(t) is the noise source due to spontaneous-emission noise, and
FL(t) is the low-frequency noise source due to the temperature
fluctuations. Equation (6) describes the fact that the field after
one round-trip in the cavity is equal to itself plus the total contribution of spontaneous emission from the cavity. With F =
F L = 0, (6) has the form of the steady-state lasing condition
obtained from a round-trip analysis of the laser cavity. Note that
in (6) teffis an operator obtained by replacing w
wo + ia,
[21]. Similarly, dispersion in the gain medium can be included
by using the same replacement in g (w).
For convenience, the field amplitude E(t) is normalized such
that IE(t)I2 equals the photon number in the diode cavity. The
spontaneous-emission noise source can then be shown to have
the correlation function [21]
( F ( t ) F*(t')) = K2R6(t
- f')
where R is the spontaneous-emission rate and K 2 is the open
cavity correction to the spontaneous-emission rate [ 2 11, [25].
In the remainder of this paper, we will set K = 1, or equivalently include the open cavity correction in R. Equation (7)
shows F ( t ) to be 6 correlated. However, in a laser with external
optical feedback, the external cavity modifies the spectrum of
the integrated spontaneous emission. The resulting spectrum is
no longer white, and hence F ( t ) should not be 6 correlated.
However, we can show that this is a second order effect that is
negligible unless the feedback is very strong [21]. The lowfrequency noise source is written
FL(t) =
and wN is the solitary laser cavity resonant frequency closest to
the lasing frequency wo, GN = aNG is the differential gain, N,,
is the carrier number at which the laser material turns transparent, and rex(wo) is the complex number corresponding to the
such that it deoperator r e x ( w O - i d t ) . We have defined rex
scribes all deviations from the symmetric uncoated laser diode
with facet reflectivity r,.
The generalized rate equation (9) is essentially the same as
the one introduced in [ 1 5 ] , however, in this paper we have included the spontaneous-emission terms and spatial inhomogeneities. In [I51 it was shown that the operator f,, operating
on E(t) were equivalent to a sum of delay terms as used in most
standard optical feedback analyses with the notable exception
of Tromborg et al. [24]. The operator formalism we use simplifies the understanding of the dynamical properties of the system, with the frequency response of many cavity systems already known.
To describe the fluctuations in the high-frequency regime,
close to the relaxation oscillation frequency, it is essential to
include the carrier number as a dynamical variable. The equation for the total carrier number N ( t ) is found by integrating the
equation for the carrier density over the length of the diode cavity. It can be shown that the contribution from the spatial inhomogeneities can be ignored in the carrier density equation,
due to the strong damping of low-frequency carrier density fluctuations. With these approximations the carrier number equation can be written as
SLdzf(i26k+ 2
where P is the pump term given by the injection current divided
by the electron charge, T, is the carrier recombination time and
G is the real part of G. F N ( t )is a noise source with correlation
(FN(t) F d t ? ) = (FN(t) F , ( t ? )
where F[ = E * F
EF*. We should note that the open cavity
correction does not enter the spontaneous-emission term here as
in (9) [21].
A. Steady-State Analysis
In the steady state, the operating frequency, field amplitude,
and camer density are found by taking the time average of the
rate equations. However, due to the fluctuating phase, the average of the complex field amplitude is zero and the average of
the field rate equation would be undetermined. To proceed, we
therefore introduce the photon number I and the phase 6, and
write E(t) = f i exp (id).Using this definition in the generalized rate equation (9) results in
ia,4 -
frequency shift is found to be typically much less than 1 MHz,
and therefore negligible for most purposes when the laser is
operating far above threshold. Accordingly, in the rest of this
paper, this frequency shift will be neglected by setting R = 0
in (15).
It is instructive to combine (15a) and (15b) to one equation
- crfAG]' + [iAG]'
= (fI'ex12
describing a curve in the Aw - AG plane. As expected, (16)
shows that the maximum frequency deviation and excess gain
are directly proportional to the "additional losses" rex
by the external optical system. If lreXl2
is a constant, (16) describes an ellipse [27]. In the general case, the curve will be
slightly more complicated.
+ -21 (G - 7 ) + -2 rex + -
The steady-state equations are found by taking the time average over (13). Special attention must be paid to the third term.
In general, the time average of this term cannot be neglected.
For the particular case of modulated lasers Schiellerup et al.
€371 have shown that this term leads to an average frequency
shift. In this paper we are dealing only with unmodulated lasers
with narrow spectra and with relaxation oscillation sidebands
typically several tens of dB's below the central portion of the
line spectrum. Under these conditions, only frequencies close
to wo, the lasing frequency, are important for the steady state.
We can then use the approximation
B. Small Signal Equations
As is usual, we assume that the fluctuations of the optical
field and carrier number are small perturbations to the steadystate operating points. This allows us to linearize the rate equations. However, the presence of the operator fie, in (9) complicates the dynamical analysis. This operator could, in general,
introduce time constants that are long compared to the periods
of the relaxation oscillations. For the description of fluctuations
in this high-frequency regime, we cannot approximate (9) by a
first order differential equation as is usually done. To derive
simple analytical formulas for both the phase and amplitude
noise, as well as the field spectrum sidebands we use an expansion of the following form:
where ~ ( t and
) + ( t ) are slowly varying amplitude and phase
perturbations, respectively, wR is the relaxation oscillation frequency, ER+(t) is the complex amplitude of the relaxation oscillations, and AN@)and NR(t) are the low- and high-frequency
camer number perturbations, respectively. The correlation
function of F j ( t ) , i = 0 , , - , can be approximated as
Using Ito calculus [38], we can transform to the I and 4 variables. Assuming that R is approximately the same with and
without feedback, the steady-state condition can be written in
terms of the frequency shift, Aw, and the excess gain AG as
E 00
- G,
+ io)*)
where w, and G, is the frequency and gain of the solitary laser,
respectively, (rex
= 0) and Go = (1
ia)GN(No- Ntr).These
two equations together with the averaged camer equation, P No/~c GoI = 0, determines the steady-state solutions.
It is useful to estimate the additional frequency shift due to
the spontaneous-emission factor present in (15). With a typical
photon number of lo5 (a few mW output power), the additional
( F ; ( t )FJL(t')) = R6(t - t')
i , j = 0,
+, -.
Similarly, we can separate both FL(t) and F N ( t )into a low- and
high-frequency part.
The relaxation oscillation resonance induces low-intensity
sidebands at the frequencies wo f wR. Since the values of uR
are far larger than those of the laser linewidth, the strong optical
carrier component at ooand the weak sidebands at wo f wR are
well separated from each other in the frequency domain. Therefore, the relaxation oscillation sidebands can be treated eeparately from the low-frequency fluctuations as indicated in (17).
We have not specified the exact value to use for uR,but the
analysis to follow is not critically dependent on this value and
we can use whatever is most convenient. In what follows, we
will therefore choose uR = wR0, the relaxation oscillation frequency of the solitary laser. It should be noted that the field
spectrum will be different at +aRand -uR due to the amplitude-phase coupling in the laser.
To proceed, we must linearize (9) and (11) in terms of the
perturbations, and then separate the low- and high-frequency
fluctuations. To first order, we can do this if we define the new
A , ( t ) = ER*(t)e-'Q'r'.
It should be noted that the power spectra S
, calculated from
(19) will be the convolution of the true relaxation oscillation
sidebands and the central laser line. For narrow laser linewidths, SA+ should be approximately equal to the true field
spectrum SE.
Linearizing the rate equation, and separating the different frequency components, the resulting equations can be written as
+ icu)AoAN
+ iGI21Aop + Fo + FLO
@a, f iwR)A+ = i G ~ ( 1+ icU)AoiNR
+ iG,Z(A+ + A?) + F+ + FL+
@a, - iWR)A- = iGN(l + icu)AOiN:
+ ;GII(A*, + A-) + F- + FLBN(a,)AN = -2GoAoAop + FN
f i ~ ( a+
, iWR)NR = -2GoAoi(A+ + A*_)+ FNR
+ i+)
where we have defined the operator
+ iw) = 0(a, + iw) + (1 + i a ) w i D N ' ( a , + i o ) - GII.
It follows from (23a) that there is a form of "duality" between
the amplitude and phase dynamics.
A systematic interchange of symbols as follows:
* i+
leaves the equations unchanged. Hence, the phase dynamics
follows from the amplitude dynamics by replacing H by U and
vice versa. Similarly, by comparing (23a) to (23b) and (23c),
it follows that ;(A+ A?) has the properties of high-frequency
amplitude noise, and :(A+ - A!) has the properties of phase
noise. The same conclusions could be reached by arguing that
the amplitude spectrum should have Hermitian symmetry, while
the phase spectrum skew Hermitian symmetry. These symmetry
properties require that x,,,(f)
= i [ x ( f ) + x * ( - f ) ] , and
xPhase(f)= $ [ x ( f ) - x * ( - f ) ] in agreement with (23).
A. Dynamical Stability
The dynamical properties of interest includes the dynamical
stability, mode selection, and spectral properties. With linearwhere we have defined the operators
ized equations, we can most easily evaluate these characteristics in the frequfncy domai!. In the frequency domain, the lin+ i o ) = (a, + iw) - ;[f,,(wo - i t a , + iwl) - rex(wo)]
ear operators H , U , and DN becomes complex functions by
replacing ia, * w . The transform of the complex conjugates of
the operators are just the complex functions evaluated at negative frequencies. The two transformed equations for the low&(a, iwR) = (a, iw) r N
frequency fluctuations can be written in matrix form as
and defined r N E ( ( l / r c ) GNI) and GI = -eG. Because it
can be shown that any nonlinear gain term in the carrier number
equation is negligible compared to the nonlinear gain term in
the field equation, we have not considered any such terms. Furwhere the matrix A(iw) is defined as
thermore, we have neglected the phase factor e i min the noise
sources F i ( t ) . This factor has no effect on the second moments
needed for the calculations of the noise spectra.
A(iw) =
To gain some further insight into the dynamics of the linearized equations, we formally eliminate the camer number from
and FTOT is equal to the RHS of (23a). From the identifications
the equations by writing
done earlier, we can immediately write down the corresponding
A N = d,'(13,)[-2GoAoAop
NR = fi,'(a,
+ FN]
+ h~)[-2GoAo;(A+
After some manipulations we can write
P + ir<a,)
iAo 4
= F+
+ FNR]. (22b)
+ F~~ + +(I + ~ U ) G ~ A ~ D N I ( ~ , ) F , (234
A@,+ iWR) ;(A+ + A*) +
+ iw,)
equations for the high-frequency fluctuations
;(A+ - A i )
+ FL+ + ;(I + icU) GNA&N'(~, + iWR)FNR
where again FTOT* follows from the RHS of (23b) and (23c).
The dynamical stability of the steady-state solutions now follows from
A(a, - iwR) ;(A= F-
+ A*,) + 0(a, - io,) ;(A- - A*,)
;(I + icU) GNAoDN'(~,- iUR)FER
The system is unstable when one of the zeros of (29) has positive real part. In general, numerical techniques must be used to
track the roots. However, in the low-frequency regime (w -+
0), we can use the approximation ( 1 4 ) , and find the system to
be unstable when
where we have neglected a term proportional to G I I r N / w i .The
imaginary parts of the roots of ( 3 0 ) give the system resonances.
For the case when wR is much less than the spacing between the
resonances in the external optical system, the approximation
( 1 4 ) is valid at the relaxation oscillation frequency, and the only
significant resonance in the system is the relaxation oscillation,
with frequency and damping given by
as a result of mode hopping between external cavity modes in
analogy with noise-driven transitions of a potential between potential valleys [ 4 1 ] . MBrk et a l . [ 4 1 ] derived the associated potential for mirror feedback. Following their arguments, we can
derive a similar potential for arbitrary feedback.
At low frequencies and with bias high above threshold, we
can neglect a,I and write an equation for 4
= w,
- wo
+ i[Im
+ Fm.
In the case of weak mirror feedback, there is only one time
delay term, and one can derive an equation for the phase difference [ d ( t ) - + ( t - T ) ] . For arbitrary feedback, the operator
involves many time constants, me,, and no such equation
can be derived. However, if the laser is oscillating in one external cavity mode and the mode jump happens in a time interval less than T,,, we can consider the fluctuations on a time
scale r << T,, and treat f,, e '@ as constant, and derive an equation for [ + ( t ) - 4 ( 0 ) ] . We have to assume that the laser oscillates (without noise) in one mode for t < 0, then at t = 0 we
turn on the noise source. Assuming + ( t 5 0) = 0, we have
f , , e i g = rex,
and can write
where wR0 = q and
rI = (1 - Im P / l l + i P I 2 ) G , I .
rIis dominated by the nonlinear gain, since we have neglected
the spontaneous-emission term. The frequency pulling is mainly
due to the changed differential gain and the new coupling between intensity and carriers due to the optical feedback. In the
limit where ( 3 1 ) [and ( 1 4 ) ] is valid, one can in fact define new
effective differential gain and index constants [ 1 8 ] , [ 1 9 ] , and
immediately write down the small-signal response for the case
with optical feedback. In the general case, the dynamics are
more complex than just a change in effective parameters.
Nevertheless, in general, one will observe frequency pulling of
both the external cavity resonances and the relaxation oscillation resonance, due to the coupling mechanisms in the laser.
In addition to the stability of the steady-state solutions, the
sensitivity of these solutions to perturbations in the system parameters is of great importance for practical system design.
Fluctuations and drift in the operating frequency of the laser
can be caused by perturbation in the injection current or junction temperature. A change in the injection current or junction
temperature would induce a change in the solitary laser frequency. Accordingly, it is of interest to evaluate awo/aw,. As
we will show later, this derivative is identical to both the inverse of the left-hand side of ( 3 0 ) determining stability, and the
square root of the Lorentzian reduction factor. In addition,
changes in a particular delay time r, in the external optical system cause the operating frequency of the laser to be pulled according to the value of awo/aT,. Unless we specify rex(w), we
cannot evaluate these sensitivity figures. We will come back to
these figures when discussing the weak feedback approximation
in Section V.
With equations for the mode oscillation frequencies and the
excess gain and a criterion for dynamical stability, we are in
the position to determine the lasing frequency. The solutions of
( 1 5 ) give the mode spectrum induced around the solitary laser
mode. However, with many possible steady-state solutions, we
have to consider the problem of mode selection.
ar4 =
- a , ~+ F@
where V(4) is the potential
V(4) =
w0)4 - i[Im - a Re][iI',,(ao)e-'@]]. (34)
For weak feedback in an external cavity laser, this potential
reduces to the form given by MBrk et a l . [ 4 1 ] . In general, the
potential barriers depend on the complex value of r,,(ao)and
the frequency deviation from the solitary laser frequency a,.
The potential is similar for both the mirror feedback and the
self-locked laser, with the narrowest linewidth mode having the
largest potential barriers, hence being most stable and therefore
being the one to lase.
C. Spectral Characteristics
1 ) Noise Spectra: The fluctuation spectra are easily derived
from the linear set of equations ( 2 6 ) - ( 2 8 ) . With analytical
expressions for the transformed functions, we can find the fluctuation spectra by taking the proper ensemble averages of the
absolute value squared of the transformed functions. To keep
the analysis simple, we will neglect both the carrier noise source
and all off-diagonal correlations as given by ( 1 2 ) . It can be
shown that these correlations make only small contributions to
the noise spectra [ 3 5 ] . The spectra of interest includes the frequency noise spectrum, S $ ( a ) , and the relative intensity noise
spectrum, RIN (a)= 4 S , ( w ) . These spectra can be expressed
B. Mode Selection
It has been observed [ 3 9 ] , [ 4 0 ] that a laser with external optical feedback tends to oscillate in the external cavity mode with
the lowest linewidth and not in the mode with the lowest threshold gain. This unexpected result has recently been explained
. [ l H * ( - i w ) + H(iw)I2 t a $ H * ( - i w )
ID (iw)I
- H(iw)I2
. ..
tion function. However, due to the amplitude-phase coupling
and the complicated form of the noise spectra, no simple analytical result is possible. Within the low-frequency regime, the
camer number adiabatically follows the field amplitude fluctuations and provides gain saturation damping of the amplitude
fluctuations. Hence, the noise contribution to the field spectrum
comes from the frequency fluctuations only. Neglecting the amplitude fluctuations, the autocorrelation function is given by
where we have defined the function
D(iw) = U(iw) H*(-iw)
+ U*(-iw)
and U, H, and DN are defined in ( 2 1 ) and ( 2 4 ) by letting a, +
0. SL(w) is the power spectrum of the temperature related fluctuations and is defined in the Appendix. Since SL(w) is proportional to I , the low-frequency contribution to s, and RIN is
power independent. The amplitude and phase are
and we can define the cross-correlation spectrum [ 4 2 ]
SP4(4 = i [ ( & ( w ) i J * ( w ) ) -
~ ( 7=
[-; ([w+
A; exp
I r a
- [U(iw) H*(iw)
+ U*(iw) H(iw)]
U ( i w ) ] [ H ( - i w ) - H*(iw)]
+ [U(-iw) + U*(io)][H*(-io)- H(io)]
[U*(-iw) - U(iw)][H(-iw)
+ H*(iw)] + [U(-iw)
- U*(io)][H*(-io)
This correlation causes the field spectrum to be slightly asymmetric.
Away from the line center, the field spectrum can be approximated by the spectra of A , ( t ) ,
In general, we cannot solve the integral in (39)9 but we can
consider some limiting cases. If Sb (a)is approximately constant in the frequency range of interest, the Fourier transform
+ U(-io) H*(-iw)]
+ CY$
w 1 2 ) ]
+ H(iw)]
of (39) results in a Lorentzian line with linewidth
= sb(o) = Awo[l
(IliawRe r e x ] - ’
= Awo(~w,~/~o0)-’.
= (A+(w)
( A J - w ) AT(-w))
= R[lU*[-i(w
= (AT(w) AT (U))
- H*[-i(w
+ SdO)
+ CY;
+ IU[i(w + wR)] + H [ i ( w + wR)]I’
+ %)I2
+ wR1)) + ( ~ [ i ( +w wR)] + ~ [ i ( w+ oR)1)l2
+ wR)l - H * ( - i [ o
- H*(-i[o
resulting in analytical formulas for the relaxation oscillation
sidebands. In (38), w is the frequency deviation from the relaxation oscillation frequency wR.
2) Field Spectrum and Linewidrh: In general, the field spectrum is given by the Fourier transform of the field autocorrela-
+ WR]))
+ WR)I2
- (U[i(w
+ 4’
+ wR)] + H [ i ( o + wR)])12
We call the factor (aw,/aw,,)’ the Lorentzian linewidth reduction factor, to differentiate it from the smaller linewidth reduction seen in the presence of excess low-frequency noise [see
For excess low-frequency noise we can consider two limits.
For frequencies where the phase modulation index (0 = 6 w / w )
is comparable to unity, the “side-band power” is significant and
the line is broad compared to the Lorentzian line, and with wings
falling off faster than the Lorentzian [43]. For a low phase modulation index, very little power is in the sidebands, and the
wings fall off according to the phase noise spectrum [see (44)].
For l/f-noise, the integral in (39) would not converge. However, this is only due to the integration down to zero frequency.
Any practical measurements would have a finite measurement
time, and hence the lower integration limit would be wmin and
the integral converge. Similar conclusions can be reached if one
uses a self-heterodyne technique with finite delay time to measure the field spectrum.
Since l/f-noise is seen in most noise measurements, it is of
interest to learn more about the resulting field spectrum even if
we cannot solve the integral in (39). The laser linewidth will be
approximately equal to the Fourier frequency at which the unity
phase modulation index occurs [7], or equivalently, at the frequency at which the rms phase deviation reaches one [see (47)].
Halford [44] has used a definition of the linewidth consistent
with this, that can be evaluated directly from the phase noise
spectrum. For the case of white frequency noise, the rms square
phase noise for all frequencies larger than the linewidth is 1 /T
rad2. In general, we can write this as
S,(w) - = - rad2
This agrees, within a constant factor, with the linewidth of the
proposed Lorentzian to the power 3 / 2 [31], [44]. It is clear
from (40) and (42) that the important quantity for linewidth reduction is the frequency derivative of the effective losses in the
external optical system, the same quantity that determines the
dynamical stability of the steady-state solutions. As expected,
the linewidth and stability are closely related.
Consistent with the discussion in the Appendix, we can assume a frequency noise spectrum of the form
+ 1)
where S,, So, and S, are given in (35a), (35b), and (37), respectively. It should be noted that S,, s,, and s,, were derived
under the assumption that the equations where valid only in the
low-frequency regime, while (45) shows that they could be used
all the way up to the high-frequency regime. In fact, it seems
as if these equations could be used all the way up to high frequencies since the only assumption needed is that [4(t - 7) $(t)] << ~ / 2 which
is the case if 7 << 7,, where 7, is the
laser’s coherence length.
The first thing to note from (45) is the asymmetry due to the
amplitude-phase coupling introduced by both the CY factor and
the optical feedback. This asymmetry does not show up in the
central part of the field spectrum when we neglect the amplitude
fluctuations. Towards the line center the phase noise will dominate, and the field spectrum will be given by
and use it as a definition for the linewidth of a laser with an
arbitrary phase noise spectrum. In the case of dominating 1 /f
noise, the linewidth then follows as:
S&(w) = Am,(:
from a Lorentzian for small Lorentzian linewidth reductions, to
a 1/f-noise dominated line shape for stronger feedback.
In the high-frequency regime, we have already approximated
the field spectrum with SA, (38). It is very instructive to rewrite
the two spectra as
where Aw, is the Lorentzian linewidth and w, is the comer frequency below which the 1 /f-noise dominates. The linewidth
can now be written as
which for flat frequency noise spectrum will coincide with the
tails of the Lorentzian line. For the case of dominating
1/f-noise, the field spectra falls off like 1 / w 3 , rather than 1/U’
as for the Lorentzian, consistent with the line shapes proposed
by Halford [44] and Laurent er al. [31].
Some remarks are due on the general form of the field spectrum and the validity of the approximation (46). It follows from
(46) that the square rms phase deviation
determines the power ratio between the optical “camer” having width 2w and the side-band power [7], [45]. An optical feedback system will, in general, reduce the phase noise over only
a limited bandwidth. The resulting linewidth could be vary narrow, nevertheless the side-band power could still be significant.
Such a feedback system would capture only a small amount of
the power into a sharp spectral line.
For frequencies lower or equal to the linewidth, we cannot
find an analytical form for the line shape. However, for the
frequency noise spectra under consideration (no fine structure
at these low frequencies), the central portion of the line cannot
deviate much from a Lorentzian or a Lorentzian to the power
If we assume that Po, = Awo(~ws/C300)-2, then for feedback
such that (aw,/aw,)’ << Aw0/(2w,) the line shape is close to
a Lorentzian with the linewidth reduced by the Lorentzian linewidth reduction factor. On the other hand, if (aw,/13w,)~ >>
Aw0/(2w,), the line deviates strongly from a Lorentzian with
the linewidth reduced by the square root of the Lorentzian linewidth reduction factor. Consequently, the line shape changes
Even for the simplest feedback geometries, the general formulas derived in the previous sections are quite complex.
Therefore, it is of great interest to find simple approximate formulas for the important case of weak optical feedback. We assume that a feedback element with a general complex amplitude
reflection coefficient given by r3(w) exp [ -i43(w)] is located a
distance Le, from the laser. If Ir31 << 1, r2, then the feedback
weak, and the effective rear facet reflectivity can be written
where r L
2 L e , / c . Therefore, the “additional loss” caused
by the external cavity is given by
wherewehavedefinedD, = ( ? r / T d F d ) [ r 3 ( W o w ) e-iIorr+d3(wo+w)1
- r3(wo)]. To keep the analysis simple, we have neglected the
gain saturation coefficient G,and used aT = -1. From (53), it
follows that the frequency noise will exhibit strong reduction
across a bandwidth where I D 3 / w ( is large. For the limit w
0, we can write
S,(O) = - 1
- -
- W,
= Go - G,
r, sin (worL
+ 4, + tan-’
r3 cos (
+ ~43).7
~ (50b)
The linewidth reduction and stability are governed by
Often the term containing the time constant ( 7 L + a4,/aw0)
dominates the linewidth reduction. In particular, a4,/aw0 can
be very large if r3 is the reflection from a high-Q cavity with
very long storage times.
To gain some further insight, we consider the specific case
of operating the laser on an external cavity resonance. On resonance, r 3 ( ~ 0 w ) = symmetric in U , and 4 3 ( ~ 0+ U ) = antisymmetric in w . If, in addition, we choose the operating frequency such that worL + tan-’ a = 2 n a , n E I , the sensitivity
of the operating frequency of the laser to variations in the injection current, junction temperature, or the distance L , is governed by
3 ~ 4 ~ (54a)
The frequency noise is reduced by the Lorentzian linewidth reduction factor as expected. The RIN, on the other hand, is reduced by a factor (1 a’)at low frequencies independent of
the feedback level (we have-assumed the feedback to be strong
enough to dominate in the U-operator). For a
5, this corresponds to a 14 dB relative intensity noise reduction at low frequencies.
Because D, will in general be periodic, it follows from (53)
and (46) that the field spectrum will show strong external cavity
modes if the period of D, is smaller or comparable to the solitary laser linewidth. At the external cavity resonances ID,( =
0, and the frequency noise spectrum, and the field spectrum
would be equal to the solitary laser spectra. Away from the
resonances the spectra would be given by (53). As a result, the
field spectrum contains a number of narrow lines associated with
each cavity mode, with an envelope width equal to Awo [lo].
- -(rL+ ~
where Fd E ( 7 r r z ) / ( l - r : ) is the finesse of the laser diode
cavity. The corresponding frequency shift and excess gain are
given by
21, NO. 3, MARCH 1991
To check the formalism presented in the previous sections,
we apply it to the well-known case of a Fabry-Perot cavity
semiconductor laser. Moreover, by considering this case, we
have a reference with which to compare the optical feedback
systems considered in the next sections. The noise spectra are
found by simply letting reff= r, in the formulas derived in the
previous sections. The expressions for the frequency noise, relative intensity noise, and cross-correlation noise can be written:
S,(w) = q
2 1( 1
It is apparent from ( 5 2 ) that the “effective” time constant Teff
= rL a&/aw0 is a very important parameter for the feedback
system. To find simple expressions for the noise spectra we have
to assume that the frequencies under consideration are sufficiently low and the feedback sufficiently high that rex-term
dominates in U(w) [(21)]. The noise spectra can then be approximated as
A . Solitary Laser Diode
y)+ + .;y)
+ r;
i m 1 2
-- (1
+ 2SL(W)
Without thermal noise, the formulas for the relative intensity
noise and the frequency noise spectrum reduce to the wellknown formulas in the literature [46], [47]. It follows from these
results that the “comer frequency” in the relative intensity noise
and frequency noise differs by a factor a$, i.e., w , , ~ =
However, since cyT is close to unity, the two frequencies will be close.
To keep the number of parameters to a minimum, we normalize all frequencies, linewidths, and damping constants to
the relaxation oscillation frequency wR. We have used the following parameters; A o ~ / w R= 0.001, o,/oR = 0.001, 01 / O R
= io-', r N / W R = 0.05, G I I / w R = 0.15, W R T d = 0.1, a! = 5 ,
and oT = -0.9. Fig. 2(a) shows the relative intensity noise
RIN and the frequency noise Sd,showing excess low-frequency
noise and the characteristic relaxation oscillation peak. It is important to note that the relative strength/damping of the relaxation oscillations in RIN are very sensitive to the value of the
gain nonlinearity GI, RIN (wR)/RIN (0)
f&/[rN(rN +
G11)]2. We have chosen typical values of r N and G,I from the
literature. Fig. 2(b) shows the various components of the field
spectrum. The figure clearly shows how SA, approaches the tails
of the Lorentzian line at low frequencies, while showing relaxation oscillation resonances at higher frequencies. The
crosscorrelation spectrum S
, is also shown to peak at the relaxation oscillation frequency.
It is of interest to derive simple analytical results for the
strength and asymmetry of the relaxation oscillation sidebands.
Neglecting, for the moment, the asymmetry in the field spectrum, we find the amplitude of the relaxation oscillation sidebands to be SE(OR) = cy2R/81'i. Normalized to the Lorentzian
line this results in
Normalized Frequency
corresponding to relaxation oscillation sidebands typically 30
dB below the central Lorentzian line. The asymmetry in the
, (wR)
field spectrum is due to the cross-correlation spectrum S
The relative asymmetry can be approximated as
Fig. 2. Field and noise spectra for the solitary laser diode. (a) Normalized
frequency and relative intensity noise; S, ( U )/ A U ~(solid line), and N N
( U ) / [ ( ~ R ~ ; ) / ( I U(dashed
line). (b) Normalized field spectra, SA*(@)
(solid line) and S L ~ ~ (dashed
~ ~ ~ line),
~ ~ and
~ normalized
( U )
cross-correlation spectrum SPQ(o)(dotted line). All spectra in (b) are normalized to
For typical laser parameters this results in approximately 10%
asymmetry [42], [48].
Fig. 3. Illustration of the geometry used for a laser diode with mirror feedback.
B. Laser Coupled to a Single Mirror
In this section we consider the simplest form of optical feedback; external feedback from a mirror placed a distance Le, from
the laser. External cavity operation is attractive for a number of
applications requiring narrow (sub-MHz) linewidth. Monolithic
integrated semiconductor lasers are clearly advantageous, however, no monolithic laser has been reported with linewidths in
the sub-MHz region. So thus far, perhaps, the easiest way to
achieve narrow linewidths is to use external cavity operation.
Several authors [4]-[61, [81-[301, [371, [391-1411, 1491 have
considered the operating characteristics of the external cavity
operated laser. Here, we apply the general formalism developed
in the previous sections to this cavity configuration, to study
both the excess low-frequency noise, relaxation oscillations, and
field spectrum.
The geometry under consideration here is shown in Fig. 3.
Here r2 and r, are the amplitude reflection coefficients at the left
laser facet and the external mirror respectively. The coefficient
r, includes all losses due to imperfect coupling between the laser
diode mode and the external cavity mode. We define the feedback level as the value of r, in dB (feedback level = 20 log r 3 ) .
The effective reflection coefficient reff is the reflectivity seen
looking into the external cavity and takes the form
where rL = 2 L , , / c is the external cavity round-trip time.
We consider only the case of an uncoated symmetric laser
with facet reflectivity r2. To treat a laser with one coated facet
with reflectivity r, (the facet facing the external cavity), we
would replace r, with r, in (58) only, and keep the formula for
unchanged. This procedure avoids any possible singularities
when r, + 0 and lets rex
contain all the effects due to the deviation from the symmetric uncoated cavity.
1 ) Numerical Calculation of Noise Spectra: As one would
expect, we find that the effect of the external optical feedback
on the laser fluctuation spectra is markedly different if the external cavity free-spectral range Aue, = 27r/rL is larger or
smaller than the relaxation oscillation frequency oR.We therefore consider two cases, one with Aoex < uRand one with Awe,
> wR. For each cavity we consider various feedback levels and
operating frequencies.
First, consider a relatively short cavity with Awe, = 3wR with
feedback level varying from -30 to -60 dB. The fluctuation
spectra for an operating frequency such that 0 ~ +
7 tan-’
a! =
2n7r is shown in Fig. 4(a)-(c). Since our approximation for the
field spectrum is divergent at the origin and not valid for frequencies less than the linewidth, we have artificially set the
value at the origin to 0 dB. For weak feedback we have only a
slight narrowing of the line, while the strength of the relaxation
oscillation sidebands keeps growing until the feedback reaches
about -55 dB. Increasing the feedback beyond -55 dB starts
to dampen the relaxation oscillations and to pull the oscillation
frequency towards higher frequencies. At the same time the
linewidth continues to decrease. However, for such a short cavity, even at -30 dB feedback, the linewidth reduction is only
modest, approximately one order of magnitude. It is clear from
Fig. 4 that this feedback system has a very broad effective bandwidth, suppressing the noise to frequencies much larger than
the relaxation oscillation frequency. Fig. 5(a)-(c) shows the
variation of the spectra with deviation of the operating frequency away from the weak feedback optimum considered in
Fig. 4. For the feedback level considered in Fig. 5, -50 dB,
the relaxation oscillation resonances spike at a normalized offset frequency of about f 0 . 2 . For weaker feedback, the strongest resonances are observed for zero offset frequency. For
stronger feedback, the resonances become strongly damped for
offset frequencies around zero, and strong resonances are observed only for normalized offset frequencies close to $0.5.
Hence, for stronger feedback we observe both a strong narrowing of the line and strong damping of the relaxation oscillations
as we approach zero offset frequency. In fact, the minimum
linewidth and maximum damping of the relaxation oscillations
for stronger feedback, are for frequencies slightly more negative than the optimum weak feedback frequency.
To avoid any external cavity resonances and achieve strong
damping of the relaxation oscillations one would use a short
cavity. However, too short a cavity will not provide much linewidth reduction unless the feedback is very high. This can be
difficult to achieve in practice due to the small active region of
a laser diode.
Next, consider a relatively long cavity with Awe, = 0 . 2 5 0 ~ ~
with feedback level varying from -30 to -60 dB. The fluctuation spectra at the optimum weak feedback frequency,
tan-’ a! = 2 n a , is shown in Fig. 6(a)-(c). External cavity
modes starts to be noticeable already at low feedback levels. A
splitting and peaking of the relaxation oscillations happens at
approximately -50 dB. For stronger feedback, the external
cavity modes become more pronounced, and finally dominating
over the relaxation oscillations at -30 dB. Fig. 7(a)-(c) shows
the variation of the spectra with deviation of the operating frequency away from the optimum weak feedback frequency considered in Fig. 6. The feedback level is -50 dB. The variations
seen in Fig. 7 are very similar to the ones seen in Fig. 5 for the
short cavity. For weaker feedback ( I -55 dB), the relaxation
oscillations peak while the linewidth is narrowest as we approach zero “offset” frequency. For stronger feedback (-30
dB), the relaxation oscillations damp while the external cavity
modes become very sharp at the zero “offset” frequency. The
main drawback of the longer cavity is the narrower effective
bandwidth of the feedback system resulting in the strong external cavity modes. By increasing the feedback level the external
cavity modes will eventually grow to become comparable to the
Fig. 4. Field and noise spectra for a laser diode with mirror feedback from
a short cavity with free-spectral range Awex = 3wR, operating frequency
such that w o ~ +
L tan-’ CY = 2 n ~ and
, feedback level varying from -30 to
-60 dB. (a) Normalized frequency noise spectrum. (b) Normalized relative intensity noise spectrum. (c) Normalized field spectrum clipped at 0
dB. Normalization constants are the same as in Fig. 2.-In (a) and (b) the
normalized frequency varies from
to 10, and in (c) one frequency unit
is equal to oR.
main mode and the laser goes unstable [26]-[30]. However, the
present theory is a perturbation approach, and hence, not valid
in this operating regime.
A cavity with Awe, = wR is a somewhat unique case, since
Fig. 5 . Field and noise spectra as a function of operating frequency. Same
cavity as in Fig. 4 with -50 dB feedback. The offset frequency is defined
as the deviation from the operating frequency considered in Fig. 4, normalized to Awex.
the relaxation oscillation resonances and the external cavity resonances overlap. The resulting field spectrum is shown in Fig.
8. For intermediate feedback levels there is a competition between these resonances and the relaxation oscillation resonances split. For stronger feedback, the external cavity resonances at f w R dominate.
Fig. 6. Field and noise spectra for a laser diode with mirror feedback from
a long cavity with free-spectral range Awe, = 0.25wR, operating frequency
such that O ~ T tan-’
a = 2 n a , and feedback level varying from -30 to
-60 dB. (a) Normalized frequency noise spectrum. (b) Normalized relative intensity noise spectrum. (c) Normalized field spectrum clipped at 0
dB. Normalization constants are the same as in Fig. 2. In (a) and (b) the
normalized frequency varies from
to 2, and in (c) one frequency unit
is equal to wR.
I .
Fig. 8. Field spectrum for a laser diode with mirror feedback from a cavity
with free-spectral range Amex = w R , operating frequency such that o07‘ +
tan-’ a = 2n*, and feedback level varying from -30 to -60 dB. One
frequency unit is equal to wR. Normalization constant is the same as in Fig.
level. From these observations, one could try to find an optimum choice for the external cavity length and feedback level,
however, there are a number of trade offs. Depending on the
application, either long or short cavities could be used. It seems
that a good compromise is a relative short cavity with free-spectral range slightly larger than the relaxation oscillation frequency. For most lasers, this corresponds to a cavity of a few
2) Some Approximate Results: Even for the simple case of
mirror feedback, the general formulas are quite complex. To
easily compare this feedback configuration to the “self-locked”
laser diode considered in the next section, it is of great interest
to find simple approximate formulas for the case of weak feedback. Furthermore, the simplicity of the weak feedback results
allow simple expressions to be derived for the sensitivity figures
discussed in Section IV-A.
In the weak feedback limit, the phase and gain conditions are
well known. To show the similarities between optical feedback
and injection locking one can combine the two steady-state
equations to one equation describing an ellipse in the A u - AG
plane [27], [Au - a!AGl2 + [+AGl2 = [ T ~ ~ / T ~ FThe
linewidth reduction, and hence the stability is given by au,/auo
cos ( 0 ~ 7 ~tan-’ a).From this
= 1
we see that the stable solutions correspond to the lower part of
the ellipse. Because there will always be a solution with AG I
0, only the section with AG I0 is of interest for operating the
laser. This leads to an asymmetric “locking” range, the range
over which the laser “locks” to one external cavity resonance,
as in the injection locking case [46]. The total locking range is
given by
Fig. 7. Field and noise spectra as a function of operating frequency. Same
cavity as in Fig. 6 with -50 dB feedback. The offset frequency is defined
as the deviation from the operating frequency considered in Fig. 6, normalized to Awex.
To summarize, we see that the short cavities have the advantage of a large effective bandwidth. For weak feedback, this
bandwidth is less than the relaxation oscillation frequency and
the resonances are not strongly affected. For strong feedback,
the effective bandwidth grows and becomes larger than the relaxation frequency and strong damping of the resonances result.
The cost of using a long cavity is a narrower effective bandwidth resulting in many strong external cavity resonances. The
only advantage of the longer cavity is the resulting narrow linewidth compared to the shorter cavity with comparable feedback
Aulock= Au,
+ Aw-
a (1
+ m)
7d Fd
where A u + and A u - are the locking ranges on the positive and
negative side of Au = 0 axis in the Au - AG-plane. For long
external cavities, there are many possible steady-state solutions
along the ellipse. However, according to the discussion in Section IV-B, the laser will operate close to A u = 0 with maximum
linewidth reduction. Maximum stability and linewidth reduc-
tion are achieved when worL + tan-’ = 2n*, n d , corresponding to zero frequency shift, Aw = 0, and an excess gain of
A G = d ( ~ r ~ / r ~ F ~ ) ( la’)).
/ ( l The maximum Lorentzian
linewidth reduction is given by
Variations in the laser operating frequency due to perturbations in the injection current or junction temperature are reduced
by the amount a w o / a w , = ( m ( 1 r r 3 r L ) / ( F d r d ) ) - ’It.
should be noted that, even though it appears that the frequency
stability is better for longer cavities, the number of possible
cavity modes also increases, making the laser susceptible to
mode jumps. The sensitivity of the operating frequency to external cavity resonance variations or equivalently cavity length
variations is given by
where Awex = 27r/rL is the cavity free-spectral range. In other
words, a length change of X / 2 will tune the laser frequency an
amount equal to the free-spectral range. Cavity length perturbations could easily be due to air temperature and pressure variations, that could set the ultimate limit on the stability of a real
At the “optimum” operating frequency, wrL tan-’ a =
2 nr, the frequency noise spectrum can be approximated as
achieve substantial linewidth reduction are those that include
some form of optical feedback or use very fast electronic feedback (requiring bandwidth larger than the free-running laser
linewidth) [ 5 9 ] - [ 6 1 ] .
The system of interest in this section consists of a semiconductor laser with optical coupling to a separate Fabry-Perot reference cavity [ 6 2 ] , [ 6 3 ] , [ 3 1 ] , [ 3 2 ] . The success of the present
stabilization scheme relies on having optical feedback occur
only at the resonances of the reference cavity. With the appropriate geometry, the laser self-locks to the cavity resonance.
The reference cavity serves two purposes, it provides the necessary optical feedback that reduces the linewidth, and it provides the center frequency stabilization to the cavity resonance.
The stability and tunability of the optical self-locking system
make it a potentially very attractive source for many applications that earlier required dye lasers. Recently, self-locking laser
systems have been used for laser cooling of atomic vapor [U],
and high resolution spectroscopy [ 6 5 ] .
The basic frequency stabilization system is illustrated in Fig.
9. The confocal Fabry-Perot cavity (CFP) is operated off-axis
and has two reflected beams (labeled type I and 11). It is important to note that the two beams have very different characteristics. The beam of type I, the reflection mode, has a power
minimum at the cavity resonance. In contrast, the beam of type
11, the transmission mode, has the desired characteristic of a
power maximum on resonance. The configuration in Fig. 8 is
one of many possible configurations resulting in resonant optical feedback. The optical locking of the laser to the reference
cavity is observed directly with a photodiode monitoring the
power transmitted through the cavity. The transmitted power
versus laser frequency will be of the same type as the type I1
reflected power. As is evident from the linewidth formulas in
Section IV-C-2, the slope of the reflection coefficient as a function of frequency curve is a very important parameter for determining linewidth. Clearly, the slopes of the frequency curves
of the resonant feedback are going to be orders of magnitude
steeper than they would be for the simple mirror feedback considered in the previous section.
The effective reflection coefficient is straightforward to derive and is found to be
which obviously is valid only for w r L / 2 < T . Thus, we have
a significant noise reduction for frequencies w < min
, w e x ] ,where AWL^ is the laser diode free spectral
range. Hence, for short extemal cavities the effective bandwidth of the feedback system iz directly proportional to the
feedback level. A bandwidth larger than wR requires feedback
larger than approximately - 35 dB.
C . Laser Coupled to a High-Q Cavity
In the previous section we discussed the external cavity operated semiconductor laser. In that feedback configuration, large
linewidth reductions are possible. However, for long-term frequency stability and broad frequency tunability, the system
leaves much to be desired. The closely spaced external cavity
modes, the small-mode discrimination, and the lack of a sharp
frequency reference combined with the laser’s sensitivity to both
junction temperature and injection current drift/fluctuation
makes it very difficult to control the operating frequency in a
system with mirror feedback.
Due to its high efficiency, reliability, compact size and low
cost, the semiconductor laser remains an attractive component
for frequency-stabilized sources. Since the first reported frequency stabilized semiconductor laser in 1970 [ 5 0 ] , several frequency-stabilization techniques have been developed. Among
these techniques are locking to Fabry-Perot interference fringes
and to atomic or molecular transition lines using electronic servo
control with feedback to the injection current [ 5 0 ] - [ 5 3 ]or temperature [ 5 4 ] . Other systems use optical feedback [ 5 5 ] - [ 5 6 ] or
a hybrid method using electronic as well as optical feedback
[ 5 7 ] - [ 5 8 ] . Due to the spectral characteristics of the semiconductor laser frequency noise, the only systems which can
where rL = 2 L e x / c ,Lex is the distance between the laser diode
and the CFP cavity, and rCFP= r3 exp ( -i+3) is the reflection
coefficient seen at the input port of the reference cavity. r3(w)
and +3(w) are given by
where wq is the resonant angular frequency of mode 4 of the
resonator, AwFSR= 2 m / 4 L , is the free-spectral range, L, is
the distance between the mirrors, and K is the power feedback
ratio. The coefficient of finesse, E, and the finesse F, are related
by F, =
while the ratio of the free-spectral range to
the full width at half-maximum resolution of the cavity AwFWHM
is given by A w F S R / A w F w H M
= F,.
21, NO. 3, MARCH 1991
Fig. 9. Illustration of the resonant optical feedback system.
I ) Numerical Calculations of Noise Spectra: As for mirror
feedback, it is found that the effect of the coupling to the reference cavity on the noise spectra is quite different if the reference cavity free-spectral range AwFSR is larger or smaller than
the relaxation oscillation frequency wR. We therefore consider
two cases, one with ~ W F S R> wR and one with AwFSR < wR. For
each cavity we consider various feedback levels and operating
First, consider a cavity with relatively large free-spectral
range AwFsR = 5wR, finesse F, = 500, and feedback varying
from -30 to -60 dB. Fig. 10(a)-(c) shows the resulting spectra as a function of feedback level, at an operating frequency
such that 0 ~ 7 tan-'
a = 2 n ~ The
. overall behavior is very
similar to the case of feedback from a mirror close to the laser.
However, the linewidth reduction for the same feedback level
is much larger, and the relaxation oscillations are less damped.
The narrower linewidth (same feedback level) is mainly due to
the greatly increased effective time constant of the reference
cavity as compared to the mirror feedback cavity. Similarly, the
behavior of the noise spectra as a function of the operating frequency as shown in Fig. 1 l(a)-(c), is similar to the mirror feedback with Awex < wR. In Fig. 11, the feedback level is -50
dB. For stronger feedback, we note a stronger asymmetry, as
compared to mirror feedback, around the optimum weak feedback operating frequency for the strong feedback case. Feedback from this short cavity seems to be an almost ideal feedback
system. The system has a broad effective bandwidth, and simultaneously provides very good linewidth reduction.
Next, consider a cavity with AOFSR = 0.25wR, finesse F, =
25. As demonstrated in Fig. 12(a)-(c), the behavior of the noise
spectra as a function of feedback level, at an operating frequency such that
+ tan-' a = 2n7r, is almost the same as
for the short cavity. Only relatively weak resonances are noticeable at the cavity resonances away from the line center. The
same can be said about the spectra as a function the offset frequency as shown in Fig. 13(a)-(c). This long cavity provides
excellent linewidth reduction. However, the narrow effective
bandwidth of the feedback system can result in strong external
cavity resonances and only a modest reduction of the power in
the tails of the field spectrum. In Fig. 13 we have chosen 7 J 7 ,
= 1. Changing this ratio can enhance the cavity resonances in
the noise spectra.
To summarize, we see that for this system, as for mirror feedback, a cavity with large free-spectral range has the advantage
of large effective bandwidth. Furthermore, with a high finesse
cavity, a short cavity can also provide large linewidth reduction, unlike mirror feedback from a short cavity. In addition to
the reduction of the frequency noise, the main purpose the feedback system was designed to serve, Figs. 9 to 12 show a large
reduction of the amplitude noise. Reduction of more than 10 dB
can occur, in agreement with experimental observations [63]
and the discussion in Section V.
2) Some Approximate Results: Approximate results for the
steady-state condition in the weak feedback limit were already
given in Section V. The possible solutions describe the curve
[Aw - a ; A G l 2 + [ l A G ] ' = [ T ~ ~ ( W ) / T ~
~ /Aw
', - AG
Fig. 10. Field and noise spectra for a laser diode coupled to a high-Q cavity with free-spectral range AwFSR = 5wR, rL = r,, finesse F, = 500, operating frequency such that worL + tan-' CY = 2nir, and feedback level
varying from -30 to -60 db. (a) Normalized frequency noise spectrum.
(b) Normalized relative intensity noise spectrum. (b) Normalized field
spectrum clipped at 0 dB. Normalization constants are the same as in Fig.
2. In (a) and (b) the normalized frequency varies from
to 10, and in
(c) one frequency unit is equal to wR.
Fig. 11. Field and noise spectra as a function of operating frequency. Same
cavity as in Fig 9 with -50 dB feedback The offset frequency IS defined
as the deviation from the operating frequency considered in Fig 9, normalized to AwFWHM
plane, the same as for mirror feedback. However, with r d w )
varying from a very small value far from the cavity resonance,
to & at resonance, the curve Starts close to the origin (i.e.,
approximately at the solitary laser solution) for frequencies far
from the cavity resonance, and sweeps out a curve close to an
ellipse for frequencies close to the resonance. The resulting
Fig 12 Field and noise spectra for a laser diode coupled to a high-Q cavity with free-spectral range A W =~ O.25wR,
~ ~ T~ = 7 , . finesse F, = 25,
operating frequency such that wo7L + tan-' (Y = 2 n a , and feedback level
valylng from -30 to -60 dB. (a) Normalized frequency noise spectrum
(b) Normalized relative intensity noise spectrum (b) Normalized field
spectrum clipped at 0 dB Normalization constants are the same as in Fig
2. In (a) and (b) the normalized frequency vanes from
to 2, and in
(c) one frequency unit is equal to w R
I ”
The linewidth reduction and stability are governed by the
quantity aw,/awo. For wo E wq this may be written
. cos (worL + tan-’
where r, = 4L,/c. Consequently, maximum stability is
achieved when worL tan-’ a = 2 n r , n d . Under this condition, and in the high-resolution limit T di Fcrc/Fdrd << 1 , we
find for the Lorentzian linewidth reduction factor
Fluctuations in the operating frequency of the laser caused by
perturbations in the laser temperature or injection current
are dramatically reduced by the amount a w o / a w ,
(Y2)(FcT,/Fdrd)],where the inequality applies in the
high-resolution limit. In practice, for a Fabry-Perot resonator
with a resolution of 5 MHz, and a power feedback ratio of - 3 0
dB, the influence of temperature and current fluctuations can be
decreased by as high as a factor of 400. In addition, changes in
the distance L between the external resonator cause the operating frequency of the laser to be pulled according to the expression
-2A W F W H M
in other words, a length change of h / 2 will
tune the laser
frequency by an amount equal to the resolution of the stabilizing
When worL tan-’ a = 2n7r and wo = wq, the frequency
noise spectrum can be approximated as
Thus, we have a significant frequency noise reduction for frequencies w < min [ a & A w L D / 2 F d , A W F R S / ~From
(70) it
follows that for frequencies larger than A W F W H M the
/ ~ , phase
noise spectrum is approximately constant, S, ( U ) =
a’)]. Hence, we have flat sidebands in
the field spectrum, and the suppression of the side-band power
is only a function of the feedback level. The rms phase deviation is approximately [from (47)]
Fig. 13. Field and noise spectra as a function of operating frequency. Same
cavity as in Fig. 1 1 with -50 dB feedback. The offset frequency is defined
as the deviation from the operating frequency considered in Fig. 1 1 , normalized to AwFWHM.
locking range depends on the exact phase relations in the feedback system, however, the main contribution to the locking
range can be written
As for the mirror feedback, the locking range is determined by
the feedback level and a-factor.
Consequently, for the feedback system to capture most of the
laser power into a sharp spectral &function, the rms phase deviation should be much less than one. For typical parameters,
this requires K > -60 dB. Furthermore, from Figs. 10 to 13,
we see that typically the relaxation oscillations peak at a feedback level between -50 and -60 dB. Hence, to achieve good
system performance one should typically use more than -50
dB feedback.
Comparing the “self-locked’’ diode to the external cavity operated laser, we see that for weak feedback, in many ways, they
behave the same as if we had replaced rLfor the mirror feedback
with F,r, for the cavity feedback. It is interesting to note that
the “effective” bandwidth of the feedback system is independent of the resolution of the cavity. That means that there is not
necessarily a trade-off between the requirement of frequency
stability (requiring very high resolution cavities) and excess
noise in the tails of the field power spectrum. The only tradeoff is the requirement of a reference cavity with AwFsR larger
than wR, to ensure a large effective feedback system bandwidth
and low power in the tails. This is very different from the external cavity operated laser, where one cannot obtain a sharp
reference frequency without lengthening the cavity and introducing strong cavity modes and a large fraction of the power in
the tails. The feedback from a high-Q cavity can react to both
fast and slow variations in the laser, since it has a long storage
time Fcrc as well as a relative short round-trip time 7.,
icantly to the spectrum, so to keep the analysis simple, we consider only this first term. We include temperature fluctuations
in all three spatial dimensions by including an average over the
transverse dimensions of the laser mode. Hence, we can use the
In summary, we have provided a formalism for calculating
any spectral function of a semiconductor laser with external optical feedback. We have derived analytical expressions for the
relative intensity noise, the frequency noise, and the field spectrum including relaxation oscillations and the amplitude-phase
cross-correlation spectrum. Low-frequency temperature fluctuations are shown to introduce a l/f-noise component in the
laser noise spectra. This excess low-frequency noise results in
a weaker linewidth reduction as compared to the white noise
case. The linewidth reduction is shown to change from a square
law dependence on the storage time in the external cavity at low
feedback levels, to a linear dependence at stronger feedback.
General weak feedback approximations show the low-frequency frequency noise to be strongly reduced according to the
Lorentzian linewidth reduction factor, while the relative intensity noise reduction achieves a maximum value of (1 + 01 ’),
that is, typically 10-15 dB. In addition to a large linewidth reduction factor, it is shown that a large “effective” bandwidth
of the feedback system is important for the system to capture
most of the laser emission into a sharp spectral line. The effective bandwidth is shown to be approximately equal to the square
root of the power feedback ratio times the laser diode cavity
free-spectral range. Typically, more than -40 dB feedback is
required to achieve a bandwidth equal to the relaxation oscillation frequency.
We have applied the formalism to both the solitary laser diode
and two optical feedback configurations; the simple mirror
feedback and the feedback from a high-Q cavity. The external
cavity operated laser with short cavity is shown to provide modest linewidth reduction and stability, and excellent relaxation
oscillation damping. For the “self-locked’’ laser with a cavity
with large free-spectral range, we have the very fortunate case
of both wide effective bandwidth, large linewidth reduction, and
very good frequency stability. Such a system with more than
-50 dB feedback is able to capture most of the laser emission
in a sharp spectral delta function, with very little power distributed over the sidebands.
where x is the susceptibility, and T ( x , y, z, t ) represents the
temperature fluctuation in the laser diode. The power spectrum
can now be expressed as
FL(r) =
11 1:
dx dy
dz 2 i 6 k ( x , y , z, r)
where AT is the area of the laser mode. Assuming that the fluctuations 6 k ( z , i ) are due to temperature fluctuations, we can
In this appendix we will derive the power spectrum of the
low-frequency noise source FL(t)defined in (8). We can show
that, generally, only the first term in (8) will contribute signif-
1: 1:
dz dz’ ( T ( x , y ,
z , U ) T*(x’, y ’ , z’,
The temperature fluctuations should satisfy a diffusion equation
with a Langevin source such that
+ e.
a,T = D ~ V ’ T
With the proper boundary conditions stated, the diffusion equation can be solved using Fourier analysis techniques. Lang er
al. [35] have solved the diffusion equation and found the resulting low-frequency laser fluctuations. By restricting the dominant source of the temperature fluctuations to be in the active
region of the laser only, they used numerical integration and
found l/f-like behavior over only a limited frequency range.
Using arguments presented by Voss and Clarke [66], one can
in fact argue that temperature fluctuation sources located in only
a small transverse area, will not result in 1/f-noise over many
We find that for a case where the sources for the fluctuations
exist in a transverse area much larger than the active region, the
resulting power spectrum has 1 lf-like behavior over several
decades. Under these assumptions, we can approximate the
power spectrum of the temperature fluctuations in the active region as
Assuming that the temperature correlation function is approximately constant over the transverse dimensions of the laser
. ..
mode, and that 0 is a white noise source, we find
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Dag Roar Hjelme (S’86-M’87) was born in
Valldal, Norway, on March 25. 1959. He received the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from the Norwegian Institute of Technology, Trondheim, Norway, in 1982, and the
Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the
University of Colorado, Boulder, i n 1988.
From 1983 to 1984, he was with the Norwegian Institute of Technology, Division of
Physical Electronics, working on fiber optics
and integrated optics. He is currently a Postdoctoral Research Associate with the Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, University of Colorado. His current research
interests include spectral and dynamic properties of semiconductor lasers, ultrafast optics, and electrooptic sampling.
Alan Rolf Mickelson (S’72-M’78) was born
in Westport, CT, on May 2, 1950. He received
the B.S.E.E. degree from the University of
Texas, El Paso, in 1973, and the M.S. and
Ph.D. degrees from the California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, in 1974 and 1978, respectively.
Following a postdoctoral period at Caltech
in 1980, he joined the Electronics Research
Laboratory of the Norwegian Institute of Technology, Trondheim, Norway, at first as an
NTNF Postdoctoral Fellow, and later as a staff scientist. His research
in Norway primarily concerned characterization of optical fibers and
fiber compatible components and devices. In 1984 he joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of
Colorado, Boulder, where he became an Associate Professor in 1986.
His research presently involves semiconductor laser characterization,
integrated optic device fabrication and characterization, and fiber system characterization.
Raymond G. Beausoleil (S’86-M’86) was
born on May 25, 1958 in Waterbury, CI. He
received the B.S. degree in physics from the
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
in 1980, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in
physics from Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, in 1984 and 1987, respectively. His doctoral work involved the measurement of the hydrogen ground-state Lamb shift using high-resolution two-photon laser spectroscopy.
From 1980 to 1982, he was with the Optical
Sciences Group, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena,. CA,
where he worked on laser spectroscopy and computer-aided optical design. From 1986 to 1989, he was a research scientist with the Boeing
High Technology Center, Bellevue, WA, where he conducted research
and development on semiconductor laser frequency control and laser
radar systems. In 1989, he joined Solidite Corporation, Redmond, WA,
where he is currently the Director of Technical Operations. He is the
principle investigator of research and development projects on high
efficiency nonlinear optical frequency conversion, diode-pumped solidstate lasers, and Ti:Sapphire lasers.
Dr. Beausoleil is a member of the American Physical Society, the
Optical Society of America, and the Society of Sigma Xi.