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ABSTRACr,-Despite the close association between spiders and human communities , ethnobiologists and anthropologists have paid little attention to knowledge and use of spiders, This paper briefly reviews ethnographic infonnation on human-spider interactions. \Ne contend that spiders are intrinsically no less edible or otherwise useful than many other arthropods, and that the lack of reporting on spiders in the ethnobiological literature may reflect inattention on the part of observers rather than actual indigenous ncm-utilization of a potential resource. The paper then provides an example of ethnobiological knO\'lledge and use of spiders among the Alune-speaking people of Sexam Island, eastern Indonesia, Several Alune taxa of spiders are considered edible. WillIe their contribution to the diet is undoubtedly minor. we suggest that spider eating is an element of a 'small foods' tradition of a mixed horticultural and foraging subsistence-oriented economy. Knowledge and use of spiders are components of Alune identity as forest-dwelling people, and of traditional patterns of livelihood that retain rele-va.nee in the contemporary context of widespread sodal unrest. The Nune example suggests the possible value of attention to spiders as dietary and medicinal items in the subsistence strategit"S of other indigenous cultures.
Los Premios Nobel son el máximo reconocimiento que un científico, un literato, un pacifista, o un economista puede pretender. Premian logros alcanzados en la física, la química, la medicina o la fisiología, la literatura, la paz y las ciencias económicas. Se otorgan cada año desde 1901, excepto el de Economía creado en 1968. El de la Paz comenzó dividido, el de Física se dividió en 1902, el de Litera-
The Medical journal of Australia
The public myth of the discovery of penicillin is an archetypal "quest story" of the type common to every human culture. But the real story of the discovery, testing and refinement of penicillin is a complex tale of accident, serendipity, oversight, conflict, the pressure of war, idiosyncratic personalities and even -the invention of history.
Es curioso saber que la observación sobre la actividad antibacteriana del Penicillum fue hecha en primer lugar por un físico y no por un microbiólogo o médico.
Invertebrate Biology, 2013
Cephalopod skin is soft, flexible, and produces rapid color changes for camouflage and signaling primarily by regulating the shapes of its numerous chromatophore organs. Each chromatophore has 10–30 radial muscle cells, termed fibers, under central nervous system control. Each fiber contains myofilaments that contract in concert to stretch the pigment-containing cell from its punctate, spherical state to a fully expanded thin disk of color. Expansion occurs in less than one second and can result in a 14-fold expansion in pigment cell diameter. We investigated the anchoring mechanism of radial muscle fibers that expand pigment cells in the longfin squid, Doryteuthis (Loligo) pealeii. The proximal Active Zone of a radial muscle fiber adheres to the pigment cell within an ensheathing sinus. The distal portion forms terminal arbors, thereby increasing the surface area, to adhere it to the dermal extracellular matrix (ECM). While the muscle fiber is attached to the pigment cell with haptosomes, the remainder of the fiber is adhered to the surrounding basal lamina (part of the ECM) by numerous, closely spaced, small costamere-like projections. Branching of the radial muscle fiber termini and the costamere-like attachments are key anatomical specializations that anchor the radial muscle fibers in the pliable skin while allowing the freedom of movement required for large changes in pigment cell diameter. We postulate that these features may be relevant for the development of soft actuation models in materials science.
Academic Pediatrics, 2013
Intensive efforts are underway across the world to improve the quality of health care. It is important to use evaluation methods to identify improvement efforts that work well before they are replicated across a broad range of contexts. Evaluation methods need to provide an understanding of why an improvement initiative has or has not worked and how it can be improved in the future. However, improvement initiatives are complex, and evaluation is not always well aligned with the intent and maturity of the intervention, thus limiting the applicability of the results. We describe how initiatives can be grouped into 1 of 3 improvement phases-innovation, testing, and scale-up and spread-depending on the degree of belief in the associated interventions. We describe how many evaluation approaches often lead to a finding of no effect, consistent with what has been termed Rossi's Iron Law of Evaluation. Alternatively, we recommend that the guiding question of evaluation in health care improvement be, "How and in what contexts does a new model work or can be amended to work?" To answer this, we argue for the adoption of formative, theory-driven evaluation. Specifically, evaluations start by identifying a program theory that comprises execution and content theories. These theories should be revised as the initiative develops by applying a rapid-cycle evaluation approach, in which evaluation findings are fed back to the initiative leaders on a regular basis. We describe such evaluation strategies, accounting for the phase of improvement as well as the context and setting in which the improvement concept is being deployed. Finally, we challenge the improvement and evaluation communities to come together to refine the specific methods required so as to avoid the trap of Rossi's Iron Law.
Journal of Management, 2006
The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) has not achieved its potential, in part, because those it sought to help have shown a reluctance to request accommodations. Using survey data from 229 hearing-impaired employees and an expert panel, logistic regression confirmed that monetary costs and impositions on others negatively influence the likelihood of requesting recurring accommodations. Furthermore, monetary costs and impositions on others negatively influence the requester's assessments of the social consequences of making such requests. These consequences, in turn, can also negatively influence future disability accommodation requests.
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 2013
Macroendocytic vacuoles formed by phagocytosis, or the live-cell engulfment program entosis, undergo sequential steps of maturation, leading to the fusion of lysosomes that digest internalized cargo. After cargo digestion, nutrients must be exported to the cytosol, and vacuole membranes must be processed by mechanisms that remain poorly defined.
Alexander Fleming's results about penicillin, published in 1929, were almost unnoticed ;the treasure remained hidden and nobody could in the least imagine he had discovered the most important chemotherapy to fight bacterial diseases (long before sulphamides); its use was understood much later, only in 1940. It required a hard work of many scientists involved and supported by the Australian pathologist Howard W. Florey, to show that he had found the “miracle drug”, a clinical tool, they had been searching for years, capable of defeating serious diseases with no side effects on patients.It was at the University of Oxford that Florey and Chain resumed Fleming's studies, from which penicillin was derived, so giving the world an antibacterial remedy never existed before: The twentieth century miracle.
The Microscope, 2014
The antibiotic era is compromised by medical attitudes that often encourage the development of resistant bacterial strains. We encounter ten researchers who noted the activity of penicillin before Fleming, and discuss revolutionary measures we will need to prevent overwhelming outbreaks of infection.
Journal of Peace Research, 2004
Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research, 2019
Anais Brasileiros De Dermatologia, 2006
Gnose et Manichéisme. Hommage à Jean-Daniel Dubois, eds. A. Van den Kerchove and L. G. Soares Santoprete, 2017
«Circula. Revue d'idéologies linquistiques», 17-18, 2023
Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 2019
Yoga Fahrezi, 2025
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2021
South African Journal of Psychiatry
Anais Da Academia Brasileira De Ciencias, 2018
Review article, 2024