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[Book Review] in Kääpä, Pietari Eds., Interactions: Studies in Communication & Culture. Vol. 4.2 Issue on Ecocinema II. U.K.: Intellect Journals. 2014 (Title reviewed: Rust, Stephen, Salma Monani and Sean Cubitt, Eds., Ecocinema Theory and Practice, New York and London: Routledge, 2012.)
Ecozon@: European Journal of Literature, Culture and Environment
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture, 2014
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This paper is an ecolinguistic analysis of THK concept based on the stories-we-live-by. It aims at analyzing the underlying stories that lie behind the THK texts, and how they model the natural world. The data were taken from textbooks and online news published by Kantor Berita Nasional (KBN) Antara Bali 'the National News Offfice of Antara Bali'. The collected data were in Indonesian, Old Javanese (Bahasa Kawi), and English languages. In collecting the data, the writer applied reading and note taking methods. The collected data were analyzed through Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). This paper will describe (1) how the forms of underlying stories found in the textbooks and the online news; and (2) Whether, from ecological perspective, the text or discourses encourage people to destroy or protect the ecosystem that life depends on; whether the texts or discourses encourage people to improve relationship with other people; and whether the texts encourage people to improve the relationship with the Almighty God. The finding shows that the forms of stories implied in the texts of THK from ecological perspective, both in the text books and the online news are (1) ideology, (2) metaphor, (3) evaluation, and (4) salience. INTRODUCTION Language and environment problems are becoming a challenging phenomenon to search through ecolinguistic study. The AILA conference of 1990 and the publication of Halliday's 'New Ways of Meaning', there has been a growing interest, within ecolinguistics, in the role played by language in ecological issues and the environmental problems which affect more and more groupings and individuals. The name of 'environmental linguistics' has been suggested for such a study. However, the term ecology' or 'linguistic ecology' are to be preferred since they indicate that this research is being carried out within the general framework of ecolinguistic principal (Fill, 2001). Ecolinguistics is an umbrella term for a wide range of approaches, with different aim and goals. It analyses language to reveal the stories we live by, judges those stories according to an ecosophy, resists stories which oppose the ecosophy, and contributes to the search for new stories to live by (Stibbe, 2015: 183). Ecolinguistics focuses on language as relations between people and the world, and on language learning as ways of relating more effectively to people and the world. The crucial concept is that of affordance, which means a relationship between an organism and environment, that signals an opportunity for or inhibition of action. The environment includes all physical, social, and symbolic affordances that provide grounds for activity (van Lier, 2004). Furthermore, Lindø (2000) states the perception of environment as ideologically, sociologically and biologically constituted and constituting implies that all vital interpersonal relations are part of ecological questions. In relation to judging the emergence of the various kinds of stories in daily life, an ecosophy is worth using. The ecosophy, by definition, includes consideration of the life-sustaining interaction between human, other species and the physical environment. However, the exact principles, norms, and values of the ocosophy are for the individual analyst to determine. Ecosophies vary on a scale from anthropocentric (where the focus is only on human wellbeing), to
Contents 1. The challenge 2. Risk research and communication conflict 3. Water talk-an African field study 4. Objectives Glossary Bibliography Biographical Sketches Summary In an interdisciplinary perspective that combines media studies, intercultural communication, discourse analysis, environmental studies, and development communication, a case study is presented for the broad topic of culture and the environment. The way man has been exploiting the environment is an integral part of culture as such as well as of any particular cultural tradition. The case study presented here explicates this complex relationship between mankind, culture and the environment by the example of African development communication focusing on projects to improve water quality and sanitary conditions. 1. The challenge This is a report on a research project based on a joint initiative of the recently installed chair for génie sanitaire at the Institut du Génie de l'Environnement (IGE/GS) of the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and the chair for Discourse at the Department of Germanic Studies of the University of Berne. It aims at bringing together at least six different perspectives of research hitherto operating in entirely separate fields: media studies, intercultural communication, conversation analysis, environmental studies, sanitary engineering, and development communication. The focal meeting point of these perspectives is discourse. It opens a dialogue on an issue of vital importance to ecology world wide: water. This serves as an example for key questions such as the communication of environmental conflicts in the mass media: can environmental awareness be awakened by the media? Can they alter everyday behavioral routines with respect to sustainable development? Can they be used to
""It is perhaps a sign of the institutional acceptance of ecocriticism - by publishers, anyway - that YWCCT now includes ecocriticism. Original published version: Ecocriticism Greg Garrard The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory 2010 doi: 10.1093/ywcct/mbq005""
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