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      Experimental FilmEcocinema
Briar March’s award-winning documentary There Once Was an Island chronicles the lives of the Polynesian inhabitants of Takuu, a small atoll in the Pacific, who are faced with the gradual submersion of their home due to sea level rise.... more
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      Cultural StudiesCommunicationMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural Studies
This book introduces a new form of documentary film: the Geo-Doc, designed to maximize the influential power of the documentary film as an agent of social change. By combining the proven methods and approaches of documentary film... more
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      Social ChangeFilm StudiesFilm TheoryAcademic Writing
打着环保意识这个旗号,《美人鱼》讲述了一个多层次的寓言故事。然而,作为一部商业爱情电影,《美人鱼》是否有效而明确地传达环境保护的意识?电影是如何透过人鱼族比喻现实世界中濒危的海洋生物?我们如何在近年生态电影批评(eco-film criticism)这个学科的框架内审视《美人鱼》的环保、生态理念?... more
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      Chinese CinemaMultispecies EthnographyEcocinema
Franny Armstrong’s climate change-documentary The Age of Stupid (2009) presents itself as a film about ecological risk and environmental injustice in different geographical regions, while at the same time appealing strongly to our... more
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      Cultural StudiesEmotionAmerican StudiesCommunication
How do cinematic portrayals of the weather reflect and affect our experience of the world? While weatherly predictability and surprise can impact our daily experience, the history of cinema attests to the stylistic and narrative... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryFilm AnalysisEnvironmental Studies
The chapter focuses on the ways in which Hollywood films have represented the material and emotional dimensions of nuclear risk and on how these representations engage viewers. James Bridges’s The China Syndrome and Mike Nichols’s... more
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      American HistoryCultural StudiesEmotionAmerican Studies
In Moving Environments: Affect, Emotion, Ecology, and Film, international scholars investigate how films portray human emotional relationships with the more-than-human world and how such films act upon their viewers’ emotions. Emotion and... more
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      Cultural StudiesEmotionCommunicationVisual Studies
In this paper, I posit a theoretical intersection that may seem counterintuitive on the surface, but through my analysis and interrogations, I hope to illuminate how each school of theory seems made to fit into the other. I will disclose... more
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      Queer StudiesNew Queer CinemaEcocriticism and EcofeminismQueer Ecology
And nursing element; My more than meat and drink, My meal at every wink; (Gerard Manley Hopkins) [1]
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      David LynchMulholland DriveEcocinema
Entangled in the hybrid fields of ecomedia studies and material ecocriticism, "Italian Ecocinema Beyond the Human" examines five Italian films shot on location and ponders the complex relationships that the production crews developed with... more
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      Film StudiesItalian StudiesPosthumanismItalian Cinema
Citations of over 100 titles of books and journal articles on "Ecocinema"
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      Film StudiesEcocinemaEcocinema Studies
My chapter shows that environmental nostalgia as reflected within these two films, Soylent Green (1973) and WALL-E (2008) is not merely environmental but also intimately connected to nostalgia for a privileged construction of race and... more
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      Environmental HumanitiesCritical Race and Whiteness StudiesEcocinemaFeminist Ecology
Audience reception has been an important area of research in literary, cinema, media, and performance studies in the West. The audience as a whole has become an influential force in the global cultural sphere today, as audience... more
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      Audience and Reception StudiesEcologyCinemaChinese Cinema
Drawing on Ernst Bloch’s writings on utopia, Michel Foucault’s notion of heterotopia, and the ‘affective turn’ in social theory, I argue that cinema is by its nature heterotopic: it creates worlds that are other than the ‘real world’ but... more
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      Film StudiesHeterotopiaUtopian StudiesDeep Ecology
This article studies several shots of large-scale natural disasters (flood, typhoon, volcanic eruption, and so on) that punctuate Dragonfly Eyes (2017), Chinese artist Xu Bing’s first foray into cinematic production which stitched and... more
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      Video ArtSurveillance StudiesEcocriticismChinese Cinema
The Work of Terrence Malick: Time-Based Ecocinema develops a timely ecocinema approach to film analysis illuminated by Walter Benjamin’s notion of the turn of time. Emphasizing the currency of phenomenological notions of film-experiences,... more
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      AestheticsFilm StudiesPhilosophy of FilmWalter Benjamin
The Work of Terrence Malick: Time-Based Ecocinema develops a timely ecocinema approach to film analysis illuminated by Walter Benjamin’s notion of the turn of time. Emphasizing the currency of phenomenological notions of film-experiences,... more
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      AestheticsArtFilm StudiesPhilosophy of Film
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      EcocriticismItalian cinema (Film Studies)Ecocinema
[Book Review] in Kääpä, Pietari Eds., Interactions: Studies in Communication & Culture. Vol. 4.2 Issue on Ecocinema II. U.K.: Intellect Journals. 2014 (Title reviewed: Rust, Stephen, Salma Monani and Sean Cubitt, Eds., Ecocinema Theory... more
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      Film StudiesEcocriticismEcocinemaEcocinema Studies
Roland Emmerich's disaster blockbuster The Day After Tomorrow appeals to both rational thinking and emotions as it tells its tale of abrupt and catastrophic climate change, turning current perceptions of risk—anticipated catastrophes, as... more
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      Cultural StudiesEmotionAmerican StudiesCommunication
"Global Perspectives on Eco-Aesthetics and Eco-Ethics: A Green Critique" focuses on the interface of the Anthropocene, sustainability, ecological aesthetics, multispecies relationality, and the environment as reflected in literature and... more
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      EcofeminismEnvironmental HumanitiesAnthropocenePostcolonial Ecocriticism
The essay investigates how science fiction visceralize our experience of threatened and threatening environments, looking at two pertinent examples: John Hillcoat’s 2009 film adaptation of Cormac McCarthy’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel... more
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      Cultural StudiesCommunicationVisual StudiesMedia Studies
After years of visiting zoos in Mexico City, Caracas, and New York-strolling and sketching animals, gathering ideas for poems-in 1938, the Mexican writer José Juan Tablada declared that zoos were, in fact, hellish. Contrary to... more
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      Environmental HumanitiesLatin American CinemaEcocinema
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      Visual AnthropologyNew MediaMedia and Cultural StudiesDigital Media
This book by filmmaker and educator Ronald B. Tobias, is important in helping us begin to think ecocritically about the enormous influence cinema, and particularly our hugely popular forms of “nature cinema” have, on how well we perceive... more
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      Nature and Wildlife FilmsEcocriticismEcocinemaWildlife documentary
Affective Ecologies is an exploration of our emotional engagement with environmental narrative. Focusing on the American cultural context, the book develops an ecocritical approach that draws on the insights of affective science and... more
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      American LiteratureEthologyEmotionAmerican Studies
(Draft of chapter for James Benning's Environments) James Benning is often described as a filmmaker who focuses on the relation between human beings and their surroundings. He uses very long takes that allow us to rethink our relation to... more
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      Avant-Garde CinemaCultural LandscapesSlow CinemaEssay Film
The story is now familiar. In the late 1960s humanity finally saw photographic evidence of the Earth in space for the first time. According to this narrative, the impact of such images in the consolidation of a planetary consciousness is... more
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      Media ArchaeologyEarly CinemaWorld CinemaPlanetary consciousness and cosmic consciousness
The dissertation explores the works of the Filipino filmmaker Lav Diaz, the idea of the Anthropocene, and sets up a conceptual dialogue between the two.With his films often extending upto 11 hours, Lav Diaz has by now achieved global... more
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      AnthropoceneLav DiazSlow CinemaEcocinema
While acknowledging earlier classic environmental documentaries such as South (1919), Rain (1926), and The Plough That Broke the Plains (1936), and others, ecocinema, or as it is sometimes referred to, the eco-doc, is a relatively new... more
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      SemioticsFilm StudiesEnvironmental StudiesEcocriticism
Ecocide is the missing 5th Crime Against Peace in detail: The first of a series of academic research papers examining various aspects of a law of Ecocide. A groundbreaking piece of research, this paper sets out the evidence that the... more
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      HistoryInternational RelationsDevelopment StudiesFilm Studies
With growing concerns in climatic change, environmental hazards and worsening pollution problems at a global scale, there is a recent flourish of ecocinema studies (or eco-film criticism) concerning the interplay between cinema and... more
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      China studiesEnvironmental GovernanceEcocinema
This article presents a comparative analysis of HBO's mini-series Chernobyl (2019) and Svetlana Alexievich's literary testimonies Voices of Chernobyl: The Oral History of a Nuclear Disaster (1997)-both of which represent the events and... more
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      IntermedialityEcocriticismChernobylHorror Cinema
The last 40 years of media's history is one of leaps and bounds. The digital revolution that fuels and drives a network of media production, distribution, and consumption has become so extensively global that many in the US, Europe,... more
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      Media StudiesEcocriticismEcomediaVisual Arts
Peter Strickland's film The Duke of Burgundy (2014) presents an all-female world of lepidopterists whose non-monetary economic exchanges consist of mounted butterfly specimens and whose interpersonal exchanges consist of BDSM roleplay.... more
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      EntomologyFeminist TheoryEuropean CinemaQueer Theory
Elsewhere, I have proposed a new, hybrid school of theory that hopefully has incredible potential in application with film, and this essay will apply praxis to theory. I claim a mode of analysis engaged with the queer ecosemiotics of... more
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      Film TheoryNew Queer CinemaQueer EcologyEcocinema
Within our distinguished literature lists, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, the world's leading academic publisher in the Humanities and Social Sciences, is pleased to receive submissions of book length manuscripts and book proposals,... more
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      Critical TheoryAmerican LiteratureWorld LiteraturesComparative Literature
This book addresses the intersections between the interdisciplinary realms of Ecocriticism and Indigenous and Native American Studies, and between academic theory and pragmatic eco-activism conducted by multiethnic and indigenous... more
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      AmazoniaEnvironmental HumanitiesEnvironmental movementsCosmopolitics
An early draft version of the entry on "ecomaterialism" I contributed to the Anthem Handbook of Screen Theory (ed. Hunter Vaughan and Tom Conley, Anthem Press 2018) - check out the book!
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      Media StudiesFilm TheoryPhilosophy of FilmFilm-Philosophy
This chapter focus on the ecocritical analysis of 2001 Turkish film Şellale, an example of New Turkish Cinema. The chapter begins with an overview of ecocinema studies, then explore the idea of nostalgia as a complex emotion that speaks... more
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      Turkish CinemaEcocriticismNostalgiaNew Turkish cinema
An ecological discourse has not yet arisen in the mainstream of Chinese film studies. Lu Chuan's Kekexili: Mountain Patrol (2004) is the first transnational feature film in China about the endangered Tibetan Antelope. This "eco-thriller"... more
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      Animal StudiesChinese Language and CultureAnimals in CultureChinese Cinemas
Martin Heidegger characterized the modern world as the “age of the world picture,” an era when the world became conquered as a picture or representation set fully and clearly before our gaze. In the 1960s, the first images of the Earth... more
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      Visual StudiesFilm StudiesVisual CultureReligion and Film
British artist David Theobald’s experimental animated works feel like structural avant-garde films that have been shot in the foreclosed and run-down parts of a Pixar film-world. Their resemblance to the high quality, colour-saturated... more
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      Environmental PhilosophyPosthumanismComputer AnimationEnvironmental Ethics
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      Film StudiesCritical Animal StudiesNature and Wildlife FilmsEcocinema
Contemporary eco-docs are never fully in control of the ‘sights of refuse’ that they show us. Toxicity and its resistance to representation only amplify the threats to stabilised meaning posed by the document. In many instances, the toxic... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryDocumentary (Film Studies)Ecocriticism
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      Animal StudiesEcofeminismEcocriticismEnvironmental Literature
The realist/formalist split, useful for categorisations and film theory classes, is a divide too readily maintained. This essay outlines contributions of each position to then consider the challenge of defining the wondrous osmotic... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryFrench CinemaFilm Analysis
Cinematic Affect in a Time of Ecological Emergency is situated within a moving image practice that applies methods aligned with essayist cinema and video installation, as well as historical avant-garde film. The project was initiated in... more
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      Art And EcologyCinematic AffectPolitics of AestheticsEcocinema