Department of Econo mics
University of Toronto
150 St. George Street
Toronto, Canado M5S lAI
U"luersit€de Lausanne
Ecole des Hautes Eudes Commerciales
of Toronto
Instirute for Policy Analysis
150 St. George Street
Toronto, Ontario, MsS
Department of Economics
University of lllinois
Champaign, Illinois
I 80
Kyoto Universiry
Institute of Economic Research
fukyo-Ku, Kyoto 606,
Michigan Stat e University
Department of Eonomics
Marshall Hall
East Lansing, Mich$an 48824
l,Nubcr I, l9ts
reaarrr of -Bgnlnctricr and-1':P'Tl:.11*'^;;-:'
von zur Muehlen
K. Conwsy,
{i v. i.$loern/, R.
$i;;-, o. thc Forndrtionr of Econometrics - Arc Thete
or rbc Foundrttonr of Economctricr
Aro Thcre
on thc Ponndrtlonr of Econonctricr
Arc Thetc
'lmpfopcr" Prlorr, rnd Finltc
on thc Poundrtl,on of Econometricr
Are Therc
jtt, t. Smlhy
:fcply lo Conrncntr on thc Foundrtirons of Econometricr
Swomy, R. K. Conway, ond P. von zur Muehlen
rod Llmltrtlonr of Prncl
Drtr . .
r Gomot
Dttr . .
Limitrtiorrc of Prncl
Dttr . .
of Prnel
Drtr . .
on Eenefitr rnd Limitrtions of Penel
i" O. lrtuoton and N. M. Kiefer
;i0mncrt ol lcrefitr ud
! Srrot on Dcocfitr rnd Limitrtionr
7 tr. Sobn
to Gomrncnts on Bencfitc rnd Limitrtiong of Prncl
i.C, Iltbo
IARCEL DEKKER,INC. New York end Bqcc!
4(I), !-6L
Special Studles
Bureau of Economic Analysis
Department of Conmerce
Washington, DC 20030
Federal Reserve Board
Washington, DC 20551
P. von zur
Special StudLes
Federal Reserve Board
I'lashington, DC 20551
of eeonornetrLes; the h,to-ttalued
Logie; the problen of induetion; inetnunentalien; Loeal eoheneneel
ila.7y-uaLued l,ogie; eoidential interpretation.
Keg llords arld Phr.ases: foundations
of a 1ogically conslstent economic theory
strictly adheres to Aristotlers axioms of logic are factually
true if its sufficient conditlons are all factually true. Alternatively, if a conclusion of such a theory is false, then at least
one of its assumptlons is false. Unfortunately, the factual truth
of sufficient conditlons carnot be established because the probleu
of induction is impossible to solve. It is alpo true that the
falsity of a conclueion cannot be established in the presence of
uncertainty. Whlle the philosophy of lnstrumentalisn applied to
The concluslons
Copyright @ 1985 by Marccl Dekkcr, Inc.
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sufficient and logically consistent explanations may provide useful solutlons to immediate practical problems' the principles
of simpliclty, parsinony and profligacy--al1 of them requiring
conditional deductive arguments--are useless as crlEerla for
rnodel choice.
Furthermore, Arlstotlers axioms can give rise to difficulties.
For example, as G6delrs lnconpleteness Eheorem shows, if our
supposed axioos for a Eheory do not permit any contradictions,
then the theory ls incomplete in the sense that Ehere are proposiEions that are undecLdable relatlve to those axioms' If we adhere
gq Popperts view that sclentiflc actlvity is inpossible wlthout
the adoption of Aristotlerg axion of noncontradiction, then we
nay achleve 1oca1 coherence (i.e., consistency within a glven
model) by adopting the axiom and conblning a prior distribuEion
satisfying certain conditions with the lnformation on a sufficient
and logically consistent model via the Bayes theorem. Intultlonlsts are correct ln denying the unlversal validity of lndirect
proofs and thus precluding the use of Aristotlers axLon of the
excluded-rniddle and we have denonstrated that roany-valued loglc
applies whenever this axlorn is not used. Probabllity theory ls a
version of many-val"ued loglc and one can provide strong or weak
(but inconcl_uslve) evidence for one statistical hypothesis against
another using thls theory. The actual predlctive perforrnance is
a good crlterion for Judging dlfferent approaches to lnference'
Merit of Two-Valued or Deductive Logic - Sone First Principles
2.7 Nature of loglc
2.2 Aristotlets axloms of loglc
2,3 Loglcally valid arguments
2.4 Modus ponens or nodus tollens
2.5 Exanples of the vlolations of Aristotlers axioms
3. Sufflcient and Logically Conslstent Models
3.1 The necessity of logical consLstency and an exanple
3.2 Alternatlve theories
4. Inductlvlsm and Approxlmations
4.L The problen of induction
4.2 The retreat Eo approximations
4.3 Attempts to solve the probl-ern of lnduction
Popperrs Falsificatlonlsm and Related Problems
5.1 Asynnetry
5.2 Loglcal anbigulty regarding refutatlons
5.3 The problem caused by uncertalnty
6. ObJective Knowledge, Instrumentalism, Simplicity and Parsimony
or ProfLigacy
6.1 Bolandrs (1982, p. 179) view
6.2 Instrumentallsm
6.3 Slnpllclty
6.4 Principle of parslmony vs. pri.nclple of profllgacy
7. Restrlctive Nature of Arlstotlers
Axiorns and methods of
Relaxlng Then
7.t G6delts chali.enge to the axiom of noncontradlctlon
7.2 Local vs. globa1 coherence
7.3 Locally coherent inference procedures
Intultionistsr crittclsm of the axion of
Brouwerrs and
Many vaLued
Birnbaumrs (1977)
the excluded-nlddle
or ftzzy logic-relaxlng the
evidential lnterpretation vs. the
llkellhood prlnclple or Bayes procedures
Appendlx: InterpreLations of Probability
1. Importance of probabLllty lnterpretations
2. Alternative meanings of the word "probabt1lty"
3. Dl-fferences and sinl-larltles of results based on dlfferent
4. CondLtlong for the relevance of frequency lnterpretation
5. Conditlons for the relevance of subJectlve lnterpretatlons
6. On frequentlst vs. posterl-or probablllty
1. Introduction
Eltle asks such a questlon is that few
econometrlc textbooks clarlfy or even conslder the foundatl-ons of
econometrics.l l{ence, our purpose in thls paper 1s to artlculate
these foundatlons. By 'foundations" we mean the econometrtclansr
vlew of the relationship between r'he economic theorles or asaumptions upon which they base thelr models and the statistical methods
Ehey use to reach concluslons about the nature of the real world'
I{hat is usually discussed under the rubric of economic methodology
is nore concerned with the nonstochastlc cases than wlth lhe
stochastlc cases lBlaug (1980) and Boland (1982)]' In contrast'
our vLew ls that a proper study of econometric foundatlons should
be concerned strictly nlth the foundatlons a8 manlfested ln the
nature of stochastic ry!3!9
In this paper' we argue that Ehe accepted views of the approprtate rnethodologles for enpirlcal lnvestigation of neoclasslcal
econonlc are lnadequate to clarlfy the foundatione of
The reason why our
cannot understand econometric
nethodology \tithout first understandlng economic theory; thus,
in Sections 2 chrough 4 we dlscuss the foundatl'ons of economics,
which are anchored on two dlfferent but not necessarlly mutually
We presume one
exclusive nethodological topics. The flrst toplc is the
Aristotellan logtcal system conelsting of only true or false
staEements and the other ls the "problem of induction,'both of
whlch are Ehe subJect of critical examination by philosophers of
science. Some examples of vlolatlons of Arlstotlers axLous of
logic will also be glven ln the6e sections to show thaL econometric models wLth all givens incorporated ln thelr "unlverse of
discourse" do not fa11 under the category of Arlstotellan systems.
A consLstent set of distrlbutional and behavloral assumptl-ons
should be added to nake such nodels logical'Ly valld. The loglcal
conslstency and valldicy of a nodel is a necessary conditlon for
-T-.ffi .-c"ptron is Zellner's
ln econonlcs.
1) renarks on inference
iis truth. Related questions about Popperts falsificatlonism
Friednanrs views based on Lnstrumentallsm wii-1 be examined in
Sections 5 and 6, respectively. It will be shown that these
philosophles applted to Arlstotelian systems have the sort of
logical Justificatlon which phllosophers generally insist on, but
ihey do not have a slmllar Justlfication when applied to econometric models. Section 6 also contains a discusslon about the non-
logical principles of slnpllcity,
parsl-mony and
profligacy slnce
they are frequently advocated as approprlate criteria for economet-
The restrictive nature of Arlstotlets axioms will be discussed
in Section 7. Specifically, it will be shown in this section that
not a1l- of Aristotlers axioms can be satl.sfied ln all econometric
applications and failure to satLsfy all of Aristotlets axLoms
renders the argument in favor of true conclusions inadequate.
Fortunately, in the present century there have been several
investlgatlons into an alternative logical system known as "nanyvalued 1ogic." The axioms of nany-valued logic, though weaker
than those of Aristotle, can be shown to form a valid foundation
for econometrics if a system of rules of inference can be established which will insure that what is provable is exactly what is
valid; however, it should be noEed that there is no unique way of
extending the notion of validity to the many-valued case. Fina11y,
in Sectlon 8 we offer our sunnary and conclusions.
Merit of Tvo-Valued or Deductive LoglcSome First Principles
2.1 Nature of loglc
Loglc deals Itith the correctness of arguments. In logic, an
argument is a group of indlvidual statements standing ln relatLon
to each other. One of theo ls the conclusl-on and the relnalning
statements are assunptLons or premises. The latter present the
evidence for the former. Obvlously, the truth of any statenents
not guarantee that a conclusLon ls true' Such statements
must also have gome bearlng upon that concluslon' It ls this
connection beEween premises and conclusions wlth which loglc
conconcerned and not wlth the truth or falsity of premises
clusions by themselves lsee Salmon (1973, pP' 3-4)]' Thus'
1ogic, as a dlscipline, is preoccupied ltlth establlehing the
valiclity of arguments. Truth or falsity is a property of
lndividual statements and not of arguments' 2
2.2 Aristotlets axl-ons of logic
Aristotle poslted three rules that are only ry939a cooditions for the adnissibility of statements into logical arguments'
"the axion
These "rulegr" "axioms" or "canons" of logic are: (1)
statements that are always neither true nor false nor both are
cannot be allowed to be both true and false'
Ite mean "factual truth"' In addition' there is
anothei type of truth known as "logicai' truth" (or truth lnfollows
frorn the deflnltlons of the words that occur ln them' Such
statements are called analytlc Etatements or tautolologies [see
r.rccawley (198r, p. 7o)ffi.-130)1.
statenent is one whose "1ogica1 falsity" follows fron the Treanings
are stateoenEs
i? rhat occur in lt. By contrast, there
whose truth or falsity is not determined solely by rhe meanings
ments." Synthetic statenents are not logical truths or falsehoods;
they are iactual statenentsr,each of whlch is either factually
ana1ytic statement is necessarily crue'
trrrl o, f;G;ffi;-an
it wl1l be true regardless of what cl-rcumstances hold' Its truth
does not exclude any inaglnable poesibillties' Loglcal truth is
always much stronger than factual truth because no empLrical
obeeivation could ever refute the former, but it night refute the
latter. We sha11 show Ln thl-s sectlon that no synthettc conclueLons can be valtdly deduced frorn analytic premises alone lsee
Salnon (1973, p. 132)1. Further, we wLll u8e the convention of
letiing .'true" or "faise" be "factually true" or "factually fa1se"
throughout the PaPer.
2.3 Iogicblly valid arguments
In Arl-stotellan 1ogic, an argument which does not violate
any of Arlstotlers axioms is loglcal whenever lt is a sufficient
argument in favor of its conclusions in the following sense: If
an argument is logicai-, then whenever 4 of its assumptlons are
true, all of its conclusions will be true as we11.
Having established the logical sufflciency of a formal argument, it can be used as part of a larger enplrical argument that
agrees wlth any particular conclusion of the formal argument. In
this sense, logical validity is a necessary (but not sufficient)
condltion for the truth of the concluslon of an enpirl-cal argument.
or modus tollens
The mere sufficiency of the assumptions of a logicaL argument
shows that whenever all the assumptLons are true then every
conclusion which logica11y follows from their conJunctLon must be
true or, equivalenti.y, whenever any concluslon turns out to be
false then the conJunction of all of Lts assumptions cannot be
true. Using a loglcal argument in favor of the truth of any of
Lts conclusions by arguing fron the truth of its assunptione Ls
said to be using the argument in modus ponens. Alternatlvely'
usLng a logical argument against the truth of an assumptlon by
arguing from the falslty of a concluslon is cal1ed nodus to11ens.
Put differently, any use of modus ponens is ca11ed "affirming
is called "denying
the antecedent" and any use of glglglfg
the consequent." It ls a logicaL fallacy to "affirn the coneequent"
(reverse modus ponene) or to "deny the antecedent" (rylg
tollene). A further discussion of these ldeas is given ln SaLmon
Modus ponens
(1973), Boland (1979), and Blaug (1980).
A loglcal argument Ln modus ponens or modus tollens cannot
be developed if Aristotlers axloms of logic are lgnored. For
example, if we actually arrive at an erroneous conclusion, at
least one of our assumptions ls guaranteed to be false, provlded
any of our statements which Ls not true l-s false, i.e., all of
satisfy Arl-stotlers axioms of the excluded-nlddle
c trrrdiction. In this sense, Aristotellan logle can be
mltbi e tw*alued logic in which statex0ents are assigned only
c orf the tsso values: "true" or "fa1se".
rDur s6.GsrrEEs
2-t Era+les of the violations of Aristotlers axiorns
Unfortunately, Aristotlers logical system is of linited use
in econorretrics because econonetric practices in general cannot
strictly adhere to Arlstotlers axloms. The following lllustrations
of the violations of these axioras form a representative sample of
size four drawn from the econorneEric literature.3
Exanple 1. Approxiuate demand systems. Theil (1975) has
shown that logarithndc differentials can be used to investigate
the general features of conplete sets of demand functions.
Goldberger (1967) has pointed out a robustness property of this
approach by arguing that a "differential formrlation quite possibly
provides an adequale approxination to utility-maxirnizing behavior
over a range of conceivably true utllity functLons; this without
being exactly appropriate for any particular one" (italtcs added).
In the same vein, Barnett (1983) has derived a demand sysEem from
a new Laurent series approximation to Ehe reclprocal of an indirect
utllity function on the contention that the Laurent series expansion provLdes a better-behaved remaioder term than the Taylor
series used by Thei1. C1-ear1y, both theories vlolate ArLstotlers
axiom of the excluded=niddle: the approxirnately true demand
systems of Theil and Barnett are neither absolutely true nor
absolutely fa1se.
Exanple 2. Causality tests. Typically, econometric modelbutldlng posits a set of autonomous conjectures as to basic
behavioral relationships, including an indicatlon of the relevant
varlables and a partitioning of those variables lnto endogenous
-T--Th-t purpose of presenting these four examples is not to accuse
econometrLcians of violating Arlstotlets axioms but to point out
that many-valued logic (to be discussed later in Section 7) is
needed Eo Justlfy econometrl-c practice.
and exogenous sets. This structural modellng approach has been
recently chall.enged by an alcernative nethodology utillzing vector
autoregressive (VAR) nodeling Ln conjunction with "exogenelty"
tesEs based on Grangerrs definitions of causality Isee Sins
(1980)1. I{owever, the implied statistlcal test results for
"exogeneity" can hold only wlth probabtlity less than one even
in sufficiently large sanples Isee Sargent (1979) and Conway,
Swamy, Yanagida, and von zur Muehlen (1984)1. Thls alternative
nethodology by naking the exogeneity assunption dependent on the
outcoxle of an inconslstent statistlcal test permtts assumptions
that are neither absolutely false nor absolutely true and therefore, vlolates the axlom of the excluded-niddle Isee Boland
(1982, p. l24)1.
Example 3. Ratlonal expectations. In 1961, Muth (1961)
posited an equilibrium nodel in which agents forrned expectations
rationally. AB stated by hin, "expectations of firrns (or, more
generally, the subJective probabllity distribution of outcomes)
tend Eo be distributed, for Ehe same information set, about the
predictlon of the theory (or the robJectLver probability di6tri--
bution of outcomes)" [Muth (1961, p. 316)]. Lucas (1976, p. 27),
among others, adopted thLs concept by posltlng that expectations
of individuals are "ratLonal" if a subjective distributLon on
whlch decisions are based is equal to a true (objective) probability distribution of Ehe event(s) under conslderation. Such
a Juxtaposltlon is lnapproprlate if, as SItaEy, Barth, and Tinsley
(1982) have shown, "subJective probability" is based on the
approach of subJectlvisEic BayesLans and "obJective probability"
ls based on long-term frequency considerations, because these
probabillty concepts are not conpatible \rithln the same definition of "probabi1lty.'4 Consequently, rational- expectatlons
arguments that are based on these two competing definltlone
vlolate Arlstotletg
of identity.
conprehensive discussion of subJective probability
and frequentist probabiltty ts gl-ven in the Appendix t.o the paper.
4. Specificatlon of rational expectations models.
can be seen from Sargent (1976) and Wal1ls (1980) that ratlonal
expectations models include Ehe following sets of equatLons:
(i) A set of structural equations specifled as of some time,
t, where sone rlght-hand side variables represent anticipatlons
formed by lndividuals about unobservable values of speciflc
variables in period t or Lacer.
(1i) A sec of corresponding reduced forxn equations.
(lil) A set of equations statlng that Ehe unobserved
antlcipatlons or expectations of indlvlduals are equal to the
condltional neans of the daLa-generatlng processes described by
the structural equatlons Ln set (i) given the data aval1ab1e when
the expectatLons were formed.
(1v) A set of time series models representing the processes
that generated the exogenous varlables.
The argument presented in Swany, Barth, and Tlnsley (1982'
pp. 139-141) and Conway, Swamy, Yanaglda, and von zur Muehlen
(1984) shows that the conJunction of the sets (f)-(iv) of equations can violate Aristotlers axlom of noncontradl-ction because
the identlfylng restrictions inposed on the structural equations
may conlradict the necessary and sufficient conditlons under
which the corresponding reduced form equatloos and the specified
tLme serles models exist. For addltlonal examples of econometric
pracEice possibly involvlng concradictlons, see Swany (1980),
Swamy and Mehta (1983a), and Swamy, von zur Huehlen, Tinsley,
and Farr (I983).
3. Sufflclent
Logically CoosLstent l{odels
of loglcal consietency and an eraTle
It follows from the scheoe of Aristotellan loglc presented
earlLer ln Sectlon 2 that the theoretlcal knorledge on shich a
uodelts speciflcation l-s based uuet b€ loglcally consistent if lt
The necesslty
is to provlde a "true" explanation of anything. Although the
logical consistency of a given expl-anatlon does not necessarily
i.nply lts truth, it is a necessary prior condition to any explanation of the reil world. Boland (L982, p. 24) expresses the same
view by argulng eloquently that "the only objective and nonarbitrary test to be applled to theories or models ls that of
1ogica1, consistency and validity. Even if we caonot prove a
theory or model is true, at the very mlni-mum to be true Lt must
be 1oglca11y consistent." If the assunptions underlying a nodel
contradict each other and/or violate Aristotlers axlom of identity,
as ln Exarnples 4 and 3, then our knowledge leading to these
assunptions is not 1ogica1Ly consistent and cannot provide the
true distribuElons of economic variables. For this reason, we
should specify a nodel without violatlng Arlstotlers axioms of
identity and noncontradlctLon as far as possible.
Exanple 5. A suffl-clent and logically consistent mode1.
We now consider an exarnple of a sufficient and 1ogical1y consistent
mode1 from orthodox statistics that conforng wlth Aristotlers
axiomg. In what fo11ows, we utllize an g1g!9.5g!9,9. calculus of
probablltty baeed on Kolmogorovre axlons [Rao (1973, 80-87)1.5
Suppose that x1 ls a k-dimensional. random vector having the
interpretations of probabtllty violate the
axion of the excluded-middle lsee Appendix to the paper]. Consequently, to avold this vlolation, we have chosen here to work
wlth an unlnterpreted calculus of probabillty dedtrced fron
Kolmogorovrs axions of probability. Howeverr we should point out
that not every statl-stician would llke to work with Kolnogorovts
axlons wl-thout a modificatlon. For example, L. J. Savage and
de Finetti (L974) replaced Kolmogorovre countable addttlvity
conditlon by a finite additivity conditi-on. Jeffreys (1961) and
Cox (1951) regarded the theory of probabillty as a generalization
of ordinary Boolean loglc. Jeffreys was also the first to propose
an axlomatlc foundation for "inproper" distrlbutions (1.e.,
distributlone whoee deneities lntegraEe to lnflnlty inetead of
to unity), whereLn certalnty is represented by lnflnlty lnstead
of by unity; for a nasterly exposltion of Jeffreyst axioms of
probablllty, see Zellner (1971, pp. 42-53; 1983, pp. 74-8f).
(t=L,z,... ,
xl represents anticipatlons of lndividuals formed about
the values of xg in perlod t-1 (as in Wallist model), and vg l-s
the diecrepancy of individualsr antl-clpatlons from lhe actual
observable xg. Further, 1et
xt* = efg
is a k x r matrix of less Ehan fu11 rank, every colunn of
whlch containe at l-east two nonzero elements and no row of whlch
ls nu1-1, and f1 is a r x 1 random vector conslsting of the
psychologlcal factors that determlne lndividual anticlpatlone'
Suppose also that the elernents of the vector (f!, vl)t are
where A
lr is a 1 x r fixed vector and €6g is a random varlable
independent of fr. WithouE Loss of generallty, 1et E fg = 0,
Evg = 0, and EGgg = 6. Then the following theoren due to Kagan'
Linnlk and Rao (KLR) (1973, p. 320) gives the conditl-one under
which the conditional rrnean E(Yglxg) extsts and is linear'
Theoren (KLR): Let k ) 2 and let the regression of € 9g on
vs be llnear: E(€pglvg) = 6tvs. Then E(Ygl*t) = x{8 if and only
if the followlng conditlons are satisfl-ed:
Ilowever, the probabillty calculus based on Boolean algebra or
finite addttlvtty conditlon is less general than that based on
Kolmogorovrs axloms. For example, the theory of conditional
alistributlons for flnitely addltlve probabillties 1s relatively
new and stlll incornplete [see l{eath and Sudderth (1978)]' we
sha11 say more about finlte addltivlty Later in thls paper'
To avold the vlolation of the axlom of identity, we use only
Kolr,oogorovrs axioms here.
(f) If the Jth element of I - A'B ls not zero, Ehen the Jth
elenent of f1 is normal.
(fi) If the JEh element of I - 6 is not zero, then the Jth
element of v1 ls noroal-.
(iii) If the Jth elernents of fg and vg ar€ normal, then the
vector B and the variances of the elernents of fg and vt are reLated
according to an identity glven in KLR (1973, p. 327,10.5.7).
This theoren has been extended by KLR to the cases where A
has fu11 colurnn rank, r=1, or k=1. The last case is especlalLy
interesting because when k=1, the randorn variables tx, vg r and €6a
need not be normal Ln order for the regression of Yg on xg to be
lLnear. Further, this regressl.on is not linear for all A and X.
Thuer,unllke Sargentrs or lJaLl-lsr rational expectations nodelthe expectations nodel
n(v.lx.) = xiB
in (3) and (l) respectively, follows
1oglca1l-y fron the conJunctl-on of the conditions of KtRrs Theorem.
ModeL (4) is true tf the condl-tlons of KLRrs Theoren are true; l-n
this sense, lt is sufficient and 1oglca1Ly conslstent. Notice
that the specification of nodel (4) does not violate any of
Aristotlets axions.6 KLR's Theoren ls an example of an argunent
ln modus ponens. In fact, all the characterization theorens
- - Mathernatfcfans, working with detentrinistic rnodels, give
sufflcient, necessary, or necessary and sufficient conditions for
their results. They do not violate any of Aristotlers axions.
In the same rtay, Kolmogorov deduces the entire probabiltty
calculus from a conelstent set of axions without vlolating
Arlstotlers axioms. Econometricians can, in principle, follow
the sane derivatl-on. They can take a consistent set of behavioral
assumptions nade by economists and conbLne then wlth Kofuoogorovrs
axlonrs of probability tn a consistent manner to obtain a full set
of consistent behavioral and stochastic assumptions. From these
assumptions they can deduce a 1ogical1y consistent, sufficLent
model, as ln Example 5. In this case, stochasticism does not
necessarily vLolate the axlom of the excluded-nidd1e.
where Yg and xg are aa defined
proved by KLR yield several
modus Ponens,
thereby renderlng the srochastic rnodels in their theorems
sufficient and loglca11y consistent.
3.2 Alternative theories
At any Point in time there nay not be only
one theory
economy. There can be several conpeting theorles favoring sone
glven propositions or speciflc predictlons. Kuhnrs view oo how
gcience works Ls very well known among nethodologists Isee Boland
(1982, p. l6f) and Blaug (1980, pp. 27-33)1. According to hls
vLew, scLentific progress is not sfunp1y the cunulative reeult of
normal sclentific actlvity. The scientlfic revolutions and the
controversLes that arl,se when one paradigm Ls deemed to be a blt
stale and a new and more promlsing paradigm takes ite place'
clearly do not flt lnto an lncrementallst view of the world' In
the case of a revolution in scientific paradigm ln this sense' we
slmply have one more theory to add to the existlng (economic)
theories. If each of these Eheorles is sufficient and 1ogical1y
conslstent, then its concluslons are true whenever all of lts
assumptions are true. If two theorles contradict each other,
then both of thern cannot be true.
4. Inductivlsn
and Approxinations
of induction
far has not yet addressed the neans by
which one knows the truth of the assumptions of a sufficlent and
logically coneistent explanatlon. Unfortunately, Arlstotellan
loglc ls of 1lttle help ln deEerroining the truth of an assumptlon'
It can only help by "passlng" along known truthe from assumptLons
Thls llnitatlon of tradltlonal
to conclusions as 1. glq-ry.
logic leads to a consideration of the so-ca11ed probleo of
inductlon: the problern of findlng a form of loglcal argument l-n
The problem
The discussion so
which (a) the conclusion ls a general statement and (b) the
assumptions lnclude gla slngular statements of partLcuLars
[Boland (7979, p. 506)]. Inductl-visn is the methodologlcal
doctrlne that asserts that any Justlfication of oners knowledge
must be 1ogica1ly based glg!1 on experiential evidence con6isting
of partlcular or sl.ngular obgervational statements IBoland (1982,
p. 14)1.7 Given inductivi-sm, any straightforward solution to
the problern of induction requlres an l-nducEive 1ogic. That
ls to say, there must be a forn of logic whlch permits correct
( arguments consisting of ooly singular statements
(..g., a finlte number of observatlons) to yield true conclusions
that are general statements (..g., "the conditions of KLR!s
Theorem are absolutely true"). Unfortunately, there is no solution to the problern of induction: no matter how maly "facts" one
has, one cannot ever prove the absol-ute truth of the conditLons
of KLR's Theoren. Popper (1972, pp. 23'29) considered induction
to be a "mythr" and, indeed, said so in no uncertaLn terms.
The personal (or subjective) probability theory also supports
the conclusion that there ls no solutl-on to the problem of lnductlon. In the vlew of a personall-stic Bayesian like Savage (f98f)'
our opinions today are the (rational) consequence of what they were
yesterday and of what we have seen since yesterday. Similarly'
yesterdayrs opinions can be traced to the day before' but the
theory of personal probability does not pretend to say what
system of opinions ne ought to have been born wlth. Thus, there
are no oblective grounds for any specific belief beyond recent
experience and there are none for believing a unlversal proposltion other than one that is tautological", gLven what has been
observed. Knowledge of a unlversal ls acceptance with a hlgh
personal probabtlity of a unlversal with flnlte domaLn or of many
such, vaguely speclfied. But Justification of opinione ln the
-7--ET;E'-how philosophers define the problern of inductlon.
Unless othernlse quallfied, this le the sense in whlch we use the
terrn "problem of lnductlon" throughout the paper.
that one ltho rejects them is guilty of an error
to a loglcal fallacy is not aval lab1e.
retreat to approxinations
Since there is no solution to the problem of induction'
tenptlng to argue that if the condltions of the real world
sufflciently well the conditions of KLRrs Theorern
(whatever this means), model (4) w111 be approxlmately true.
This tenptatlon 6hou1d be reslsted Lf we are lnterested in applylng Aristotellan two-valued logic because there ls no valid
approxinate modus poneng.8 Modus ponens is not valid for arguments consistlng of statements Ehat are only "approxirnately
correct." The reagon is that auch staEements vl-olate Ariatotlers
axiom of the excluded-mtddle and hence are not adnisslble into
Aristotellan type loglcal arguments [see Boland (1981, p. 85)].
The valldity of cerEain results under certain departures fron
certaLn assumptLons proved by Rao and Mitra (L97L' pp. 155-167)'
Box and Tiao (1964) and FLsher (1961) does not establlsh the
validity of an approxinate modus ponens, but, rather, stnply
demonstrates the fact that a result can be true even lf tts
sufflclent condltlon is fa1se.
4.3 Attenpts to solve the Problem of induction
Jeffreys (1961, p. 43) has constructed an axiomatlc system
for a Bayesian probabllity theory to formallze Lnductive loglc ln
such a way that lt lncludes deductlve logic as a special llnltlng
case [see Zellner (L97I, p. 4; f983' p. 74)1. An alternative
statemetrt of Jeffreys'argument given by Good (1962, p.488) ls
that an inducttve inference can approach certalnty or, aymbolica11y, that P(pnlpl,..., pn-l)+I, where Plr P2r... are the results
of experinents, all of which were "successful." Good (1962'
pp. 488-489) offers the criticisn that "it seems somewhat
8 An approprlate nethodology for handLing lnexact concepts such
as approxLmatlons is provided by the nany-valued logic franework
discussed in Section 7.
inconsistent to deny [as Jeffreys does] the validity of a limttlng definition for physical probabilities, and then to use [again
as Jeffreys doesl a lirnittng argument for the justificatlon of
lnduction." Good then goes on Eo argue that ln practice (after a
very 1ong, but of course, finlte sequence of successes) repeated
veriflcations of the consequencee of a hypothesls would not make
it practically certain that the next consequence of lt would be
verifled if the new consequence were kooltn to be of an entlrely
different character frorn Ehe previous ones.
To ilLustrace his inductive 1ogLc, Jeffreys (1961, p. i28)
considers the hypothesis lhat all animals with feathers have
beaks and clairns that the probabllity that this hypothesls ls
true will approach I as Ehe number of successes, wlthout fal-lures,
increases. Comrnenting on Jeffreysr l-l1ustratlon, Good (1962,
p. 489) polnts out that "[t]he argument and the conclusion are
both undermlned by the fact that the dlstribution of essentl-al1y
distlnct species of feathered anirnals rnight be very skewIed]...,
or even norse, so tha! there would always renaln species that had
not been sarnpled until about half of the entire population of
feathered aninals had been examined." Accordingly, Good (L962,
p. 489) says, "a general 1aw which does not itself refer to
probablllties will not usually tend to become certain, however
often lt ls verified. If the 1aw could be qualified by saying
that lt l-s to be lnterpreted as applying only to experiments and
observations of a sinllar nature to those already rnade, then it
night well tend to certainty, but lt l-s not easy to make this
klnd of qualification precise." Berk (1970) has attempted to
nake this quallflcation preclse by describtng the conditions
under which a sequence of poeterior distrlbutLons converges
weakly Eo a degenerate dlstrlbutlon. Therefore, under Berkrs
(1970) conditlons, a 1aw could be properly qualified so that it
tends to certalnty. llowever, the problen of establishing the
truth of Berkrs conditlons ls identlcal to the problem of induction. Thus, Goodrs deecrlptlon of the problem with Jeffreyst
i.nductive infereace appears to be consistent r'lEh Popperrs or
Boland's (1982) description of the problem with the philosophersr
type lnduction. Boland (1979) discusses several unsuccessful
attempts to solve the phii-osophersr problem of induction'
Therefore, we conclude that the problem of inductlon as stated
by Boland is not solvable and the attenpts to solve it are not
Falsiflcationism and Related
is a fundamental asymmetry between establishing the
truth of a statement and refuting it. No unlversal statement can
be 1ogica1ly derived from or conclusively established by any
finite number of singular statenents, but any unlversal statement
can be 1ogica11y contradicted or refuted with the aid of deductive
logic by only one singular statement. Popper exploits this
fundamental asynmetry in formulating his demarcatlon cricerlon
tlhich states: sclence is that body of synthetic proposltl-ons
about the real world that can, at least in prlnclple, be falsified
by enpirical observatlons because, in effect, Ehey rule out
cerLain events from occurrlng [B1aug (1980, p. 12)]. This
demarcatLon crlterlon then leads to the following program:
Whenever lt is shown t.hat one of the predictlons of a theory ls
fa1se, then, by modus tollens' lte can conclude that at least one
of its assunpcions must be fa1se, provided all of Arl-slotlers
axloms are satisfied. Predlctions have an overrlding importance
for Popper in refuting explanatory theories. Accordingly'
sclentl-sts seek to explain their observatlons, and they derlve
logical predlctlons that are lnherent in thelr explanatlons ln
order to refute thelr theories; all "true" theories are merely
provlsionally true, having so far defied falsiflcatioo; or'
reetating Popperts pol-nt' all the naterial tsruth we possess is
packed into lhose theorles that have not yet been falsified
lflaug (1980, p. 17)]. In econometrLcs, the question also arises:
falsify economic theories? If a nodel violates
Aristotlets axion of identity or noncontradictlon, then certainly,
we can reJebt it outright on the grounds of loglcal lnvalidity,
as we proposed in the preceding sections. If a model violates
Aristotlers axiom of the excluded-middle. then rte cannot uae
We can use many-valued logic, !o be
modus tollens to refute it.
dlscussed in Section 7 below, to analyze euch a nodel, but we cannot refute Lt. The difficult problem remalns: IIow do hre refute
a sufficient and 1ogica1Ly consistenE model of the forn (4)?
llow does one
5.2 Loglcal ambiguity regarding refutatlons
Equat.lon (4) nay represent the behavior of some unlt of the
economy. If lt does,lt will only partly do so because, at best,
economic theory suggests only lthlch variables are deflnltely
reLevant and whlch are possibly relevant. Theory night, in addition, outline aome broad features of the approprlate functional
form. In general, economl"c theories do not u8ually aasert a
specific functlonal form nor do they suggest a specific distrlbutlon for the pertlnent variables. Indeed, as a practical matter,
the epread of available observatlons and thelr number wl11 reetrLct
onets abllity to discrlml-nate anong general-Lzed. functional
forns. Therefore, in order to bul1d a eufficlent and logically
conslsten! model of the form (4), we mus! add extraneous assumptions of whlch the conditiono of KLRrs Theorem are examples. One
problen wlth eufficlent and Logically coflslstent rnodels is their
inherent logical anbigulty regardlng refutatlone. In other
words, if nodel (4) were refuted, one would not know whether the
source of the fallure rtas the set of extraneous assumptlone or
the seE of original behavioral assumptions underlylng (4) [Boland
(L982, p. 120)1.
The problen caused by uncertainty
loglcally cons{stent
econornetric nodel of
the foru (4) represents a sltuation of uncertainty' In the case
actions and consequences. In the presence of uncertalnty, model
(4) nerely generates a probabiltty dlstrlbutlon of coosequences
resulting fron a change in the exogenous variables, l-'€', 3o
exogenous change in xg in (4) generates a (Predictlve) dlstrlbutlon of Y1. Uncertainty, then' means that we [ust dlscriminate
and choose among sufficient and logtcally conslstent models by
inplled by those nodels. But then the basis of conparlson and
falslflcatlon becomes an issue. First, to dlstlnguish model (4)
from another nodel Lt must be identifiable. That is, if the
variabLe Y6 has different distributioas for dlfferent values of
E can be nade uslng an observed value of Ya'9 Seuinal work on
comparlng predletlve dlstrlbutions can be found ln Zellner
pp. 306-317). ThLs work has been taken further by Gelsel (1975)
and others. Second, as shown by DeGroot (1970, pp' 86-115)' the
speciflcation of a cornplete orderlng of a class of predictive
distrlbutlons requlres an approprl-ate utllity functlon' Apart
fron the obvl-ous practlcal difftculcies aasoclated with the determinarLon of an approprlate uttltty functlon, such an orderlng rnay
not concluslvely falelfy a nodel lGeisel (1975)]'
that identiftablllty ln this sense ls lmportant
ft"t i.ti the non-Bayesian and Eayeslan vl-ewpolnts'
quantif lcations
"t by (coherent) lndividuals about
of uncertainty are Lhose nade
observables. fte."for", .tt op"t"tionali'y lnterpretabfe !11Uffiuatirrtydistribut1onoveranyunobservab1e(11kea
is possltle lf there la a one-to-one correspondence
observables given the unobservable because in thie case the
there ls
about the ,rrrobse..r"ii".- rtt the unldlntlfiabiltty case' (subinterpretable
no such correspondence and an oPeratlonally
distrlbutlon over the parameters ilAy not be
falsify a model
arises if a sequence of posterior distributions for the nodel
converges weakly to a distribution which ls degenerate at a
correct point in the paraneter space whenever the nodel is true.
Sufficlent conditlons for this convergence are glven in Berk
(f970), as sre have already polnted out. In an earlier paper,
Berk (1966) has also shown that the posterior distrlbutl-on tends
to be confined to a special set in the paraneLer space when the
nodel is incorrecc. Verlficatlon of the truth of Berkrs conditions is unlikely siace it would seem to require a solution
to the problem of lnduction.
The situatl-on lrhere one can conclusively
6. Objective
Instrunentalisn, Sinplicity
or Profligacy
6.1 Bolandrs (1982, p. 179) view
A role of theoretical knowledge is one of providing sufficient and 1ogica11y consistent explanations of the real wor1d.
Boland (L982, p. I79) proposes that this role be separated from
one havl-ng to do with truth (i.e., whether statements derived
from theoretical knowledge are true or false). This separation
is Justified because the truth of someonefs knowledge is not
always necessary for successful action, as we show below ln this
section. By separatlng the role of knowledge fron its truth
status, Boland is not suggestlng that theories or knowledge
cannot be true. Rather he is asserting LhaL a theory can be true
even Lhough its truth status ls usually unknown to us. The truth
status of anyoners theoretlcal knowledge is conJectural, but by irs loglcal nature Lt must be capable of at
least belng staEed in language or in "other repeatable forms" to
the extent that it concerns the real world [Popper (L972,
pp. 106ff) l.
6.2 Instrumentaliso
There is a vLew that, as long as a 1ogically va1ld rnodel
does its lntended Job, there ls no apparent need to argue ln lte
favor, or on behaLf of any of its constituent parts. For poLicyorlented economLsts' the stated purpose ls the generat{on of
"Erue" or comparatl.vely successful predictlons. In this case a
nodelrs predlctlve success ls certainly a sufflcient argument ln
lts favor. This view of the gfg of models is ca11ed "instrumentall-sm. " Instrumentalism holds that nodels do not have to be
considered true statements about the nature of the worLd, but,
instead, nay be considered convenlent ways of (logtcal1y)
generating what have lurned out to be true (or successful)
predictions or conclusions lBoland (1982, p. 114)]. A prlori
truth of the assumptLons ls not required if it is already known
that the concLuslons are "true" or acceptable by sone conventionalist crl-terlon. It is ln this manner that instrumentalism'
such as the view presented by Friednan (1953), responds to the
failure to solve the probLem of lnduction. For the followers of
Lnstrunentall"t, glg po* wt11 now necessarlly be eeen as
irrelevant because they begin thelr analysls wlth a search--not
for the true assurnptlons--but for "true" or useful conclusions.
t{odus tollens ls likewlse irrelevant because lte use can only
begtn with false concluslons IBoland (1982, pp. 144-145)1.
Priedman concludes Ehat testing of assumptions ls
Lrrelevant for true conclusions since nodua tollens cannot be
used in reverse whenever tests reject assumptions, and statistlcal
testing vlolates Arlstotlets axlom of the excluded-niddle in any
eca11 saqle case. This leads Friedman to discuss the possibllity
that a false assumption nl-ght be applled as part of an explanatl-on
of sore observed phenomenon. llere he introduces hls fanous
version of the "as lf" theory of explanatLon: "[I]f we are trylng
to explain the effect of the assumed behavlor of sone
lndividua1s..., eo long as the effect Le in fact observed and lt
rould be the effect lf they were Ln fact to behave as ite assume'
se can use our behavioral assumption even when the assumption is
fa1se." IBoland, (1979, p. 513)]. Thus, under lnstrumentalism,
the use of 1ogically consistent but lncorrect assumptions ls
While FrLedrnanrs instrumentalisrn does not necessarily violate
any loglcal princlples, Lt can, nevertheless, give rise to the
sane difficulties as Popperra falslficationism when applied to
stochastic nodels of the type (4). For example, in the presence
of uncertalnty, the meanlng of the term "true or useful prediction"
ls not c1ear. Also, past auccess ln prediction ni11 not guarantee
future success. Therefore, DeGrootrs (1970, pp. 86-115) conplete
orderlng of predictive dlstributions can change over tine IGelsel
(1974)1. Furthermore, there exists no slngle econometric model
which predlcts all varlables better than any other nodel for all
tirne periods. Flnally, ae Boland (L982, p. l-96) points out,
LnsErumentalisn is approprlate only for lnrnedlate practlcal
problems and not for long-terrn phllosophical questLons and, as
Kyburg (1983, p. 27) argues, a "strongly instrunentalist vl-ew
of science is perfectly adequate to the design of experlmental
apparatus as well as to the creation of engLneering wonders."
But to understand the world, we need a nodel that repreaents it
adequately. There is no guarantee that Lnstrumentallsm leads to
such a model. "Repeated successes (or failed refutations) of
instrumentalisn... [are] 1ogtca11y equivalenE to repeated aucceaaful predictLone or true conclusions. We sti11 cannot conclude
1oglcaL1y that the assumptLone, l-.e., the basee of lnstrumentalisn
Itself, are true. They could very well be false, and in the
future someone nay be able to find a refutatlon" [Boland (L979,
6.3 Sinpl-lcity
Expllclt acknowledgement of modeling fallures can be indefinltely postponed by such patchwork devlces as dumy variables,
ratchet variables, Judgenental conetant-term adJustments, and
in applied econometrlcs.
Followlng Lakatos [Blaug (1980, P. 36)], thls practice ls cal1ed
"degenerating," since it involves the endless addition of 35|@
adjustrnents thaE nerely accommodate whatever new facts become
avallable. Ilistoricallyr thls type of resPonse Eo fallure has
given lrnpetus to a yearning for sl-nplicity in nodeling' Unfortunately, as Blaug (1980, 9. 25) polnts out' attenpEs to deflne
precisei,y what ls meant by a simple theory have so far falled
largely because the very notion (of the sinplielty of a theory)
is itself highly conditloned by the hlstorical perspective of
scientists. This view is shared by Good (I980b' P' 403) who'
after some heroic but unguccessful attenpts by Nagel IGood (1980b'
p. 402)l and hlmself [Good (l98ob, pp. 422'423)]' adnits that it
ls difflcult to specify sharply whether one 1aw Ls more general
than another. As ln physics and other highly developed sciences,
where it has become largely accepted that sords unaccompanl-ed by
operational meanlng are suspect and 1tke1y to prove meanlngless
IBridgman (1928)], we reject unquallfled termlnoLogy llke
"simpliclty" and "cornplexity. " Indeed, from the polnt of view
of l-nstrumentalisn, there is no need to imPose such undefinable
crlteria, since the only relevant criterion ought to be
priors whlch are
commonly used
efficaclousness: use whatever works, provided the meana are
derived from a 1ogtca11y valld nodel and are not influenced
patctrerork devlces designed to flt speclfic needs.
vs. principle of profllgacy
Occasionally, elther the "prlnciple of parsLmony' or the
"prlnclple of profligacy" is advocated as a crlterlon for model
choice. An example of the forrner vlew is given by Box (1976,
p. 792) who argues, "Just as the abiltty to devlse sinple but
evocative nodels ls the signature of the great eclentlst 8o
overelaboraEion and overParameterization is often the mark of
nedlocrlty." An advocate of the prlnciple of profligacy 18 Slns
(1980, p. 15). Where pure lnductlvisn requiree a final (absolute)
6.4 Prl-nciple of
inductive proof for any true model, these tlto so-called prlnci-p1-es
chosen model ls alternatively "slmple but evocatlve" or "extravagantly paraneterlzed." Ilowever, thls solution poses a new
problem. Since knowledge is Lmperfect, condltlonal deductive
argumenta necessarlly contain assumptLons. Therefore, the choice
of a rnodel is always open to question. In partlcular, one can,
crlterla used to deflne "parsimony" or
"profligacy." So thls posslbility then presents the new problen
of an lnflnLte regress ln whlch the next step lnvolves the choice
of a rnetacrlterLon to be used for defining what is evocaLlve
stnpllcity or paranetTic extravagance. A flnal unintended consequence of an appllcatlon of either of these "prlnciples" is,
lndeed, a circularlty whereby some operatlve crlteria are held to
be appropriate because Lhey are sufficient to Justtfy our choice.
The "prlnclple of parslmony" rnay nislead the lnvestlgator, sLnce
the true theory might actually be different frorn the one he
considers on the basls of his definition of the prlnclple of
parslnony. On the other hand, a profusely parameterized model
rnay not be falslflable or identiflable ln the econometric sense.
Therefore, without further qualifications, the nonlogical
princlples of parsimony and profligacy are vacuous, and, Lndeed,
have the smack of nunerology rather than of sclence.
as we1l, questlon the
7. Restrlctive Nature of Aristotlers
Axioms and Methods of
Relaxlng Then
7.L Giidelrs challenge to the axion of noncontradiction
In thls section we begin to address the following questions:
(1) can we satisfy Aristotlets axlome all the tine? and (2) what
are the conaequences of relaxing some of hls axloms?
The restriction imposed by the axiom of noncontradlctl.on can
best be expressed ln terms of a conpleteness concept. [The
following discossion ls borrowed from McCawley (1981, p. 76) and
pp. 4-5, 81 and 85)1. A systen is "deductively
complete" lf it inposes the most strlngent possible restrictlon
on states of affalrs: that there is only one sEate of affairs in
which the rulee of the system lead only Eo true conclusLons when
applied to true assuoptions, as l"n modus Ponens. A system ls
deductlvely complete if for every proposltlon p of the system'
either p or not-p is a theorern of the systen. The question of
"deductive cornpleteness" arl-ses ln connection with any system
that includes axlons for a particular subJecE matter. one exanple
concerns a formal system that ls intended as an axiomatizatlon of
the arithnetic of posltlve lntegers. In a most celebrated resul,t
Lyndon (1966,
regarding deductive completeness, G6delrs incompleteneas theorem
shows that any axiomatizatl-on of the arithneclc of positive
integers is elther deductively incomplete or inconsistent; that
ie, if our supposed axioms for arithnetic are consistent (i.e',
they dontt al1ow us to deduce any contradlctions), then there are
propositions of arithnetlc that are "undecidable" relative to
those axloms: proposiElons A such that neither A nor not-A can
be proven from those axioms.
ciiDEL's TNcoMPLETENESS TEEoREM: If the theory T ls valid'
it l-s not complete.
Thus, there ls a conflict betlteen deductlve completenese and
logical consistency. We have to glve up elther the goal of
achieving deductlve completeness or the goal of achieving logical
consistency. As we have already argued, lf at the very minlmum
to be true a theory or model must be 1oglca11y conslstent' Ehen
lre cannot give up logtcal consLstency. This means that we have
to give up deductlve cornpleteness. Once we give up deductlve
completeness, there are propositlons of econometrics that are
undecidable rel.ative to any assumed econonetric axloms tha! do
not permlt ue to deduce any contradictlons.
The usefulness of GiJdelrs theoren resldes ln lte abllity to
indicat.e a llnitatlon of an econometrlc approach, where one
hypothesls is tested agalnst another by conbining the trto rival
in a general nodel such that each of the hypotheses
can be derlved as speclal cases of the conbined nodel [see Pesaran
(1982)1. In other words, tn applied research Ln econometrics
there is a natural llmlt to the process of buildtng a general
nodel by enbedding a number of otherwise nonnested models tf the
general nodel is required to be logicall-y conslstent.
7.2 Local vs.
g1oba1 coherence
G6delre lncompletenesa theorem noEwithstanding, the discussion in Sections 2-6 shows that there 1s much to be said for
conducting the study of econometrics even within the weakest
possible netatheory that wl11 serve. In support of thls klnd of
proposltion, Barnard (I976, p. 121) states that "...a useful
distlnction can be drawn between r1oca1 coherencer and rglobal
coherencer. ...[T]he total process of naking eclentiflc
inferences... involves, among other thlngs, the cholce of a
rcde1, and rrnodel critlclsn. I The procees of nodel critlcLsn may
se11 lead to a change of model-, and in that case, we rnay well
cotrtradlct propositlons prevlously taken (tentatively) as true.
Such a change of model could lead to rLncoherencerr... But so
long as we contlnue to use the same mode1, our reasonl-ng should
of course, satisfy the rcoherencyt requirement. Thus, we should
be 1oca11y coherent (withtn the sane model) but good senae may
rel1 require Ehat we should be prepared Eo be rincoherentr when
e change of rnodel ls ca11ed for." Good (1983, p. f6), using the
t€n "type 2 princlple of ratlonality" to refer to Barnardrs term
'local coherencer" states that the procesa of enlargLng bodies of
bcliefs and of checking them for consl"stency can never be conpleted
crn l-n prlnciple, by vlrtue of Gijdelrs theoren. Ilence, the type
2 principle of ratlonaltty is a logical necessi.ty.
Denpster (1968, pp. 244-245) draws a distinction between
cmaistency ln the weak sense and consl-stency in the strong
oltrs€. L.J. Savage and other Bayesians have deecribed conslstent
bcbavior ln the senee of consistency wlth plausibl,e sets of
is consistency ln the weak
s€ns€r to Dempster' conslstency ln the atrong sense
referg to consistency rtith some unique true laws of thought and
behavior, rthl-1e consistency ln the weak sense Ls a mLnor achlevenent and provides no grounds for chooeLng among approaches'
Tverskyrs (1974, p. f58) view is sinllar. Ile doee not belleve
that (locaL) coherence, or lnternaL conslstency, of a given set
of probability Judgnents is the only criterion for their adequacy'
In his view "Judgnenta muat be conpatlble wlth the entire web of
bellefs held by the tndividual, and not only consiEtent among
themselves. Conpattbility anong beliefg is the essence of rational
Judgnent...l0 One of the lnpllcatlons of theorem is
Dempsterrs criEerlon of consistency ln the strong eense and
Tverskyte crl-terlon of the compatibllity of a set of probablllty
nay be
Judgrnents with the Judgets total systern of bellefs
lnpossible to satlsfY.
axLonts which
Dempsterts teros
7.3 Locally coherent Lnference procedures
Local coherence can be achleved by applying de Finettire
(Ig74) eubJectlve Bayesian method to a sufficlent and 1ogical1y
consistent model deftned earlier in sectlon 3. A declgion-maker
who employs such a model ls seen to be locally coherent lf antl
only lf his probabillties are conputed in accordance nith some
finirely additlve prior Isee l{eath and sudderth (1978)]. Unfortunately, there are technical difficulties lnvolved in erryloying
flnitely addltlve distrlbutlons which are not countably addltive.
For example, such prlors nay fall to yleld poeterlors; and even
lf poeEerlors exlst for a finitely additlve prlor, there may be
polnt about savagets axioms that Llndley (1974) brlngs
out ls that they refer to a large wor1d, l-n Savagers language'
Llndley warns that we should not take our worlde too sna11. When
thinklng about one probabllity that ls needed, Lindley says that
we should introduce othersr assess these as well, and then see if
the Judgnents cohere. Els guess ls that typicaLly-they-w111 not'
and ievlsion to make then so will be ca11ed for. One of the lnplicatl-ons of Giidelts theoreo is that coherence cannot be achleved
ln sufficlently large worlds.
no available al,gorLthn for coraputing thern [see Ileath and Sudderth
(L978, p. 336)1. To avoid such difficultLes, Lane and Sudderth
(1983) describe a fairl-y general inferential setting ln whlch all
locally coherent Lnferences can be obtained as posteriors from
proper, countably additive priors. Speciflcally, they prove
that if the (sufficlent and 1ogical1y consistent) sanpling nodel
is a contlnuous function of a parameter and if either the parameter apace or the observatl-on space is compact, then a coherent
Lnference whlch ls a continuous function of the obeervation nu6t
be the posterior of a proper, counEably additlve prior. These
conditions are not always satlsfied. Whenever the conditions
of lleath and Sudderthrs (1978, p. 335) Theorem 1 or Lane and
Sudderthrs (1983, p. 118) Corollary 3.1 are true and the sanpling nodel is grounded in a euffLcient and logtcally consistent
erplanation, Bayesian lnferences are 1,ocally coherent and do not
violate Arl-stotlets axlorn of noncontradiction for a gLven nodel.
An alternatl-ve nethod euggested by Jeffreys (1961) is based
on a calculus of credlbilities (= unique ratlonal degrees of
bellef or inteneLties of convictLon = logical probabilities). In
order to apply thls calculus to statlstics an assumptlon concerning inltial probabllittes of scientific lans or nu11 hypotheses
ls necessary in each appltcation [see Good (L962, p. 488)]. Once
initial probabtlities have been speclfl-ed, ernpirical evidence
lodifles such probabilittes via Bayee theoren, provided these
lnitlal (or prtor) probabilities possess posterl-or probabilltles.
Although it can be said that 1ogical1y inconslstent theories or
hypotheses have zero prlor probabtllty of being true, one philosophical difftculty here concerns the unprovable exlstence of
logical prlor probabilities for all (1ogica1ly conelstent)
scientlfic lawe or null hypotheses, whlch Jeffreys and his
followers stnply assutne. We say "unprovable" because the available evidence is confllctlng. For example, Tversky (1974) reports
sone results of a research proJect showing that lndividual subJects Judge the probability of a hypothesls by the degree to which
tt represents the evidence' Irith llttle or no regard for lts
prior probabtlicy, whereas Salmon (1973, p. f13) states that
scientistsr 3udgments about the reasonablenesa or plauslbility of
hypotheses constltute assessmenta of prior probabilltiee. DeGroot
(I974, p. 1053) asserts that "the person's rlnltialr probabilltlee
for X will no! be formed until he realLzes that X affects hls
llfe, and Ehese probabillties will then be personal ones based
on hls individual curuulative observatlonal experLence. There are
no correct initlal probabilities"; for a Justification of thls
assertation, see savage (1981, pp. 519-520). Another difflculty
is that ne may noE be abl-e to recognize inltial probabilltiea even
lf they exl-st. Agaln' as Salmon (L973, pp. 114-116) observes,
the assessment of prior probabilitlee Ls often a difflcult and
subEle matter. Jeffreysr own attempt to overcome thls dlfftculty
by means of some rules or l-nvariance theory (whlch says that the
prlor should be invariant under a rnodel transformation tha! does
not change the parameter space and the structure of the rnodel)
proved not entirely satisfactory even to hineelf and forced him
to use ad hoc adJustments when deciding wheEher or not to use the
theory lsee Good (1962, p. 488)1. More irnportantly' Good (1980a'
pp. 24-25) interpreEs Jeffreyst use of rules for deEerninlng
prLor probabllities as an application of "Type 2 rationallty"'
It ls lnterestlng, then, that de Finettlre and Jeffreysr approaches
make use of the notion of "locally coherent inferences."
It should be noted that Jeffreyst lnvarlance principle wll-1
not ahtays lead to unique prlor probablltties. Although the
invarlance prlnciple determlnes a uniquely defined prior for any
1l-near mode1, it is known that addltional princlples of inference
may be needed to flnd unlquely defined prl-ors for other models
whlch do not have the rlch algebralc atructure of linear models
[eee Vtllegas (f977b)]. one princlple that may be used for this
purpose is a compattbility prlnclple defined in Villegas (L977b,
p. 652) or a certain group structure defined in Vlllegas (1981'
p. 775, Proposition 2). It is aLeo true that nany of the prlors
Jeffreys (1961) uaes are not entLrely based on the invarlance
principle and the lnner structure of the nodel belng analyzed for
they may also be based on external Judgments lVillegas (1977a'
pp. 454)1. Posterior probabllltles nay have some desirable
interpretatlon lf these external Judgmenta are not imposed
lVillegas L977 a, l98l) I.
The invarl-ant prlor dlstrlbutione that produce the invarlant
procedures are, of course' typlcally lmproper. Renyi (1970)
provides an axiomatic system of probabillty that accomodates
inproper prlors. Howeverr not every irnproper prior can lead to
coherent inferences. This, J.n our oplnion, is a loglcal obJection
to the use of lnvariant or improper prlors. If tt is nathematically convenLent and reasonable to uae Lmproper, countably additLve prlors ln practlcal problems, then, in vlew of Eeath and
Sudderthrs (1978, pp. 336-337) Corollary I and Theorem 2, l-t ls
necesaary to tho\t that the chosen improper prlors have posterLors
shich could also be obtalned from properr flnitely additive
priors. If an inproper prLor does not lead to a posterior whLch
could have been obtained from a proper, flnltely additive prl-or,
then such a prlor results Ln lncoherence and should not be ueed.
As alternatives to lnproper prLors, Box and Ttao (1973) and
Zellner (1971) consider prlors whlch we call seeningly inproper.
That i6, by supposlng that to a eufflclent approxlmatlon the
prior follows the form of a partlcular lnproper prlor only over
the range of appreciable llkelthood and that it Euitably fa1ls to
zero outslde that range' Box and Tiao (1973' P. 21) and also
Zellner (1971) ensure that the prlors actually used are proper.
The posterior inferences for local-ly uniform, Proper prlors llke
those for l-mproper prlors are not coherent unless they could also
be obtalned from proper, finltely additlve priors, as lleath and
Sudderthrs (1978) and Stonere (1976) regults lndlcate. See aleo
Stonefs (L976, pp. L24'125) response to Barnard. Thus, ln the
final analyels, the cholce of a prlor should be dependent not
ooly on the nature of the argunents used to derlve it but also on
the coherence of the posterLor lnference lt leads to.
flnltely addltive probabillty
for a glven sarnpllng model
p lf and only lf p and q are conslstent. A rlgorous proof of
this result is glven by Lane and Sudderth (1983' pp. 115-116) who
have shown that, roughly speaking, p and q are conslstent if they
are the condltional dlstrlbutiona corresponding to sone Joint
distribution. An analogous result is Kol,rnogorovrs consLstency
theorem for countably additive dlstributlons stated in Rao (1973'
p. 108). It should be noted that coherence nay provlde a necessary
condltlon for reasonable lnference but ls not eufficlent. Lane
and Sudderth (1983, p. lf9) ilLustrate this polnt uslng an example
where the lnferrer wlth a prior ls capable of drawing coherent
lnferences, though he ls'free to be stupid in some clrcumstances."
Thls ls analogous to the result that loglcal conslsEency ls a
necessary condition for an argument to be true' as pointed out Ln
Section 3. l.
Hill- (f984) ls of rhe opi-nlon that lt is too restrlctive to
always restrLct oneself to proper prlor dlstributlons and that
lnproper or flnltely additlve prior dlstrlbutlons may provide
satlsfactory approxlnations ln obtainlng our posterlor distrlbutlons. Ile also presents an Lnteresting discusslon of an example
showlng that lf a Bayeslao uses the uniform prlor dlstrlbutlon
for the parameter 0 ln this example, then hls pogterl-or probabllity for an interval, given any data, ls at Least .95, while
given any 0, the frequentlst probabtlity for the interval is very
tiny. This ls a real paradox and ls known as the phenonenon of
non-conglonerability. The facE that the uniform lnproper prlor
dlstribution can be glven a finitely addltive lnterpretation
explalns why a non-congl,onerabllity occurs in the above example.
This means that nith de FinetLits subJective theory which ln
prlnclple does not rule out any flnltely addltive prlor distrlbution, we must Learn to 1lve wlth non-conglonerabil"ity orr ln
particular, we must accept that we can have Pr(a physical theoryl
data) = 0 for all poselble data, while Pr(a physlcal theory) ) 0.
Furthermore, if we only consider
measures, an lnference q is coherent
A rigorous proof of this result appears tn IIil1 (1981) who ends
his paper with the followlng conclusion: "For those of us who
wlsh to retaLn the subJectlve Bayeslan model for learning and
decLsLon-maklng there appear to be three main paths open. Flrst,
we can restrict Ehe model io finltletlc appllcations and/or to
bounded loss functl-ons and proper prior dlstrlbutlons ln Ehe
lnfinite case; second, we can persist lrith conventional improper
prlor distrlbutions ln the infinlte case, ignoring inadnisstbiHty
(and even exlended inadnisslbility) problems; thlrd, we can
develop the ftnitely addltive theory, learnlng to live wlth nonconglonerabllity. The flrst path ls qulte restrictive and nay
be unreallstlc even as an approxirnatlon. The second path, at
least ln sorne applicatlons, wl11 lead to unnecesgary losses.
Are Lhere any real obJectlone to the thlrd path?"
Brouwerrs and
IntuitionLstsr critlcisn of the axion of the
It ls clear from Section 2.2 that, for any proposltlon p
which satisfies both the excluded-mtddle and the noncontradLctlon
axions, the falslty of the falsity of p impliee the truth of p.
That is, slnce an adnlssible statement canoot be both true and
false and since lL can only be true or false, then lt is either
true or false. If it is not false, then slnce it cannot be falee
too, lt must be true. This ls the basls of all of the lndlrect
proofs that are used in nathematlcs. ll Brouwer and the lntuitlonlsts would not accept this proof. To see why, conslder the
followlng argument which ls borrowed liberally fron Lyndon (1966,
pp. 34-35) and Wl1der (L952, pp. 243-244). Inrultiontsm ls a
well-developed phllosophical posltion which proposes that
nathenatical reasonlng, especlally concerning inflnite sete, be
restrlcted to certain conetructLve and intuLtively tnmedlate
--Ti- Ar-Cuments in which we prove p by supposlng not-p and showlng that a contradtctlon fol-lows are generally referred to as
argunents by leductlo ad absurdun [see Mc0aw]_ey (1981, pp. 27-29)1.
principle. Ae a very rough exanple, consider the assertion that
there exists a natural nurnber n which can be found and shown to
have the property P. The fornal negation of the aesertton can
be underetood constructlvely only as statlng that there ls a
means of showing, for each n' that n does not have the property
p. Ivere G a flnite eet of numbers, one could eay it was
"intultively clear" that e{ther G contalned a number rtlth Ehe
property p or no elenent of G had the property p (the nurnber of
elemente in G is unlmPortant as long as it ls finite).
if G were infinite, lt could be entlrely conceivable that nelther
the assertl-on nor its negation Ls true in thls congtructl-ve
sense. 0n thls basls, intultionlsts deny lndirect proofs and
thus wl-sh to preclude the uee of excl'uded-mtddle eo as to nake
lndirect proofs lmposslble. Heyting subsequently axlomatized the
intultlonlstic proposttional or sentential Loglc. Ilis axlooatlzation differs frorn Arigtotellan sententiaL loglc only in the
onisslon of the axion of the excluded-mtddle. Additional examples
of such an axLomatlc system are those fron which elther frequentlst or Bayeslan statlstical rnodels are derlved Isee Lyndon (1966'
pp. 33-34) l.
or fuzzy loFic - relaxing the axion of
Whlle the earlier discusslon ln Sections 2-6 descrlbed a
loglcal syeten obeying Arletotlefs axlon (2) of the excludedmiddle-that for any statement s, "8 or not- a"--' it is
lnstructive to consider the consequences of abandonlng that
axiom so that statenents can be sonethlng other than true or
false. There is a sizeable Llterature ln whlch rules of inference
and princlples of truth value assignnents are formulated and
lnvestlgated for the aet or aets of truth values under consideration. An excellent survey of thls llterature ls given by HcCawley
(1981, Chapter 12).
Once we devl-ate fron Arlstotlete axl-om (2)' the conventLonal
problenatlcal. Thusr "t.ruth valuer" whlle
firmly established and thus hard to avoid, is mlsleading because
-values" assigned to proposltions need not be TRUTII values
but can be values for other parameters or combinations of paratsters auch aa probabllitles. Thus, the probabllltles assigned
3o sets belonging to the Borel field of sete ln a sample space in
.athematlcal statlstl-cs [Rao (1973, pp. 82-83)] do not always
i41y only sure or impossibl-e events. As Lyndon (1964, p. 33)
ootes, probablllty theory, in its most prinLtLve form, resembles
rany-valued logic in that it attaches to each event a probability
taken as a number tn [0, l]. Thus, probabllities can represent
degrees of certalnty applytng to unknown factual inforrnatlon.
lThere is an lnportant distinctLon between probabllitles as
ilegrees of certainty about unestablished facts and probabilities
as indices of eurprLse about facts which have become known. I
Statisticians treat all nlsslng values of observable varlables
lncludlng the unobserved future values of variabl-es as random
variables. Therefore, the probablltty that a prediction lnterval
rill cover the future value of a varl-able cannot be equal go 0 or
I and thus deserves a different va1ue, lnternediate between 0 and
I lsee Thel1 (1971, pp. 134-f35)]. Thle probabllity does not
hcome 0 or I even after the future value ls real-ized. By contrast, frequentiste refuse to regard (after the experlment) the
leyoan-Pearson confidence coefficl-ent as a "probabllity" of
correctly covering the true parameter valuer lnstead interpretlng
it8 oeaning before the experfunent Ls conducted Ln terns of the
.ctua1 frequency of successes in many (not necessarily identlcal)
crperLnents as Justifled by the law of Large numbere [see Kiefer
(1977b, pp. L73-L74)1. Thus, before the experinent i8 conducted,
e confl.dence lnterval ls random and it l-s reasonable for l-te confidence coefflcient to take a value between 0 and 1. Another
craqle of "truth values" that do not repreaent truth or falslty
ranld be a subJectlve Bayeslan assl-gnment of a real number (greater
ihan or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1) to a propositlon
oooenclature becomea
to expresa an indj.vidualts degree of belief that thls ProposlElon
is true. The statenent that an event occurs wifh probabiUty p
or that a varlabLe takes an lnterval of values wiLh probabllity p
vlolates the axlom of the excluded-middle unless p ls always
elther 0 or 1.
Dempster (1968, p. 244) has offered an interpreEatlon apPlytng Jointly to the pair of lnterlocklng concepts' probability and
betting. It ls that "probabillties are degrees of certainty
applylng to unknown factual informaLlon, while associated betLing
rules relaLe to decislon-making appropriate to those degrees of
certainty. ....The related use of the lerm EL!g!, as in degrees
of belief,... means only Ehat he who adopts any probabillty nusL
There ls a sl-mllar
have a commLtment to it or bellef in lt.
notion of bellef trnpliclt ln factual information, for he who
quotes a fact (as chough true) must feel conrniLted to it (though'
of course, Lt rnay not be true). Thus, the controversial concept
of probablllstl-c knowledge is no dlfferent as regards bellef from
the noncontroverslal, concePL of determlnistic knowleilge...'12
If what we know today about the future Ls not a part of our
deterministlc knowledge' then our statement about the future cannot properly be ca11ed either true or false (at least, not by our
speaking ln the present) and so deserves a different truth value'
intermedlate between truth and falsity. Thus' there is need for
a many-valued logic concerned ltith the assignment of "values"
Lo propositions without regard to whether those values are
appropriately ca11ed truth values, although such "values" wlll
nornally have sone relation to inference. For exanple, if "values"
are degrees of confidence ln propositions, one would be interested
in developing rules of lnference such that each rule of inference
ytelds conclusions whose confidence leve1 is at least that of
--iZ- a; FG-e i. (L974, pp. 7O'72) has used "predlctlon" and
"prevision" to deoote indivldualsf determlnlstlc and probablListic
knowledge, respectively.
no unique way of extending the notion of valldity
the many-valued case, although one may say that a formula is
valid tf and only if lt receives the same value t (truth) under
all adnlssible asslgnnent.s of truth values to the underl-ying
assumptions. Alternatlvel-y, one can a11ow a set of truth values
to be "deslgnated" and take a formula to be valid lf and only lf
1t recelves a designated truth value under all admissible assignments of truth values to the assunptlons. McCawley (1981, p. 368)
discusses the important question of what it means to say that a
systen of rules of lnference and a set of condltlons on truth
The criterion of fit in the two-valued
value assignrnent "fit.'
case (truth and false) consldered, for exarnple, in Sectlon 2 was
that, for any admisslble asslgnnent of Eruth values, the conclusions that can be lnferred fron assumptions that are true (l-n
that asslgnment) are also true. This crlterlon, in conJunction
sith the speclflc rules of inference of Section 2, imposed very
strong constrainLs on how truth values could be assigned to
complex propositlons. The constralnts were so strong largely
because there were only two truth values. I{owever, if truth
values can be any number from 0 to 1 (where 0 corresponds to
'falsityr" 1 to "truthr" and interrnediate val,ues to varlous
greater and lesser degrees of certal.nty), a less stringent
criterion of fit nay be admitted. A system with this range of
truth vaLues is useful in coplng wlth Lnexact concepts enumerated
in UcCawley (1981, pp. 360-394), such as APPROXII{ATION discussed
in Sectlon 4.2. In de Flnettirs (1974) Bayesian theory, ltself
a rurny-valued loglc, the condition of coherency serves the same
functLon as the criteria of flt ln the verslons of fuzzy logic
covered by McCawley (1981).
To produce rules of inference
it fuzzy logLc, the prlnciple
of "semantLc conpleteness" has been lnvoked [McCawley (1981,
p. 369)1. It requires that statements be provable if they are
valid ln the nany-valued sense. Clear1y, any system of rules of
l-nference designed to raake a ftzzy logic semanttcally complete
nu6t neceasarily differ from che rules of Sectlon 2. I{ere it must
be enphasized that 7rr frs.zzy 1ogic, concLusl-ons are restrLcted to
the status of belng only g!_fgg.11 as certain as at least one of
the assumptions. This llnltation ls the price we Pay for relaxing
Aristotlete axLom of the excl.uded-midd1e.
As we potnted out l-n footnote 5, the frequency or subJective
l-nterpretation of probablllty violates the axlom of the excludedniddLe. Our Exanple 5 glves a nodel, when conblned with
the frequency interpretatl-on of probabllity, rejects the axlom of
the excluded-middle but ls not lnpllclEly constructed on the basis
of the acceptance of that axlom. Surely, this nodel gives conclusions which hold wlth probabillty less than I in srna11 samples,
but doee not mean that we should reject probablllty theory.
These concLusl-ons may hold wlth probability I ln sufflclently
large samples.
7.6 Blrnbaunrs (1977) evldential interpretation vs. the llkellhood princlple or Bayes proceduree
Inductlon based upon a statistical analysis of a model can
easlly yleld false concluslons from true premlses. A11 we can do
is try to conatruct our l-nductive arguments ln a way that lti11
rnl-ninize the chances of obtainlng false concluslons from true
premises. Most statistical nethods applled to research data
for this purpose have been given their systematic nathernatical
Justlflcation ltithln the Neyrnan-Pearson theory. In thls theory
the nu11 and alternatlve statlsttcal hypotheses whlch are speclfied by the values of a parameter and which nay be "reJected" or
"accepted" on the basls of a testlng procedure can be assocl-ated
nlth the reepective "decisions" appearing in the formal rnodel' of
a decision problem. The slnplest nodels of declslon probleros
may be descrlbed in terms of schenata of the followlng forn:
Slmple hypotheses:
Posslble declslons:
d1 [=re
Error probabillties:
c = Pr[d1lltgl
d2[= do not reJect ltgl
B = Pr [d2lttl l
tern "reject" expresses here an lnterpretatlon of the statlstlcal evidence, as glvlng appreclable, but
linlted support to one statietical hypothesis agal-nst another.
As Birnbaurn rightly points out, statLstical evidence is adequately
The declsl-on-llke
represented noc by d1 and d2 but by
dl: (reJect 116 in favor of Il1, c,
dit (t"J."t Ht in favor of H6, o,
p. 23) uses the term "evidential interpretatlon"
of the decislon concept to refer to such applicatione of models
of decision problerns and uses the term "confldence concept" of
statistlcal evidence to refer to euch Lnterpretations of
statistical evidence. A definttion of Birnbaumrs "confl-dence
concept" is as follons.
The confidence concept: A concept of statistical evidence
ls not plausible unless it finds "strong evidence for H1 agalnst
E6'with snal1 probabiilty when IIg is true, and with rnuch larger
probabillty (l-B) when II1 is true [Birnbaum (Lg77, p. 24)].13
In evidentl-al lnterpretation, the result of a test is not
llteral1y an action, but ls lnetead a relative evidential- evaluatlon of tno or nore hypotheses. For exanple, Birnbaum (1977,
Birnbaurn (1,977,
-i5-Teyoan and Pearson suggest that a test procedure be selected
guch that B ls as sma11 as possible for a gLven value of c. The
probabllity I tends to 0 as the sanple size tends to € if the
test procedure is consLsteIrt. It is not possible to reduce both
s and B to zero. For an intultlve explanatl-on of Birnbaunrs confidence concept, see Salmon (L973, pp. 105-f12).
(reject H6 ln favor of Il1'
p. 25) interprets the decislon
.01, .2) as very strong (but inconclusive) evidence for E1 against
llgr and interprets the declslon df: (reJect II9 ln favor of IIl,
.5, .5) as rtorthless evidence. The latter declsion Ls no more
useful than ls the result of a toss of a fair coin, since the
error probabllitles (.5, .5) also represent the experlment of
tossing a fair coin, with one side labeled "reject Hg" and the
other "reJect II1." Consequentl-y, the exact vaLues of c and F go
a long way toward interpretlng statistlcal evidence'
in econometric research report decislons of these types' the
exact evaluation of o and B is exEremely difficult, lf not
imposslble, in several settings. For this reason' the probabilttles c and E play thelr basic roles largely lnpllcitly and
unsystematlcally in guiding applications and interpretatlons of
econonetrlc evidence. The failure in currenE econometrlc practlce
of not reportlng the values of boEh a and B Leaves much to be
desired in achleving the fu11 discLoeure needed to nake a study
convincl-ng to a crLtlcal reader and the palatabiltty needed to
reach a casual reader.
Blrnbaun (1977, pp. 26-27) Itarns that statistlcal evldence
is one among several basee for validating scientiflc conclusions.
The concluslons of a sclentific investigatlon ehould be based not
only on statlstical evidence of eufficiert strength concernlng
the appropriate statistical hypotheses, but also on (1) the
adequacy of the employed (sufflcienE and logica11y consistent)
nodel to represent the empirical situation ln ftnportant respects
and (2) the coupatibillty with other knowledge and evidence of
a conclusion that ls supported by statlstlcal evldence provided
by the current lnvestigation. The nain difficulty is that the
problen of providing avallable statlstical evidence of the form
al or al on the hypothesle of interest when thls evidence le nlxed
up wlth those on nuigance parameters is indeed complex lsee Basu
(L977)1. The reason ls that a nuisance paraneter may eubstantially
accuracy with which one can evaluate o and 0 for the
hypothesis of interest. [For an incl"sive discusslon on this
problern, see Kieferrs (L977a, pp. 824-825) reply to Denpsterrs
affect the
dlfficulty which should also be stressed here ls that
Lhe values of a and B may depend not only on the evidence but also
on the path by which it was reached. Put differently, o and B
may depend iodividually on Lhe pariicular long run [Cornfteld
(1970, pp 4-6)1. In view of rhis dependence, Cornfleld (1970'
p.6) argues Lhat ooe cannot always equate the concept of choosing between hypotheses on the basis of evidence and the concepi
of reJectlng a hypothesl-s at a fixed a with minimum B but one
shoul,l use the Savage and Lindley Bayeslan rule [Cornfield (1970'
pp. l5-16)l whlch is necessary and sufftcient to minilnize a
llnear compound a + lB, no matter what the long run is. The
posit.ive quantity tr can then be interpreted as the weight one
nould be willing to assign to B as compared to ct. The SavageLindley argument depends on the notion that L\to test procedures,
one of which has a srnaller a and the other a snaller B may be
equally acceptable.
Ilowever, a criticlso of the Savage-Lindley argumenE stas
given by Birnbaum (1977 pp. 37-39). CruciaL to this criticism
is the distinction beEween the evidentiaL interpretations defined
above and the following behavioral inEerpretations of the confidence concept. If the result of a test ls not a statement about
a hypothesis but a decision to lake some particular course of
action, then Birnbaum says that this result irnplles a behavloral
inLerpretatlon of the confidence concePt. The Savage-Llndley
argument concerns JudgrrnenLs of preference or else lndifference
(equivalence) betrteen alLernatlve decislon functlons (tests) in
problems of two simple hypotheses, with each declsion functlon
represented by a polnt p = (ct, 8) in the unlt square, determined
by lts error probabilitiee c and B. Birnbaum argues that in some
situatlons he would strongly prefer to u8e a Eest characterized
by (.05, .05) rather than one characLerized by (.1,0),
lndiffereot between (.1, 0) and (0, .I), i.e., that
(.05, .05) > (.1,0) - (0, .l). This paLtern of preferences ls
incompatible with the assurtrpcion of the Savage-Lindley argument
that the equivalence of sets in the unlt square deterrnined by error
probabilities (c,B) ie invariant under probabilistic mixing.
Thls assumptlon holds only for "decislons" under the behavioral
interpretations, but not under the evidential lnterpretations
which constitute the Neynen-pg3r'son statistical practice. Thus,
Blrobaum does not belleve that a 50-50 rnixture of (say) (0, .1)
and (.1, 0) error probabilities will have the same evidential
meaning for al-1 practltioners as the (.05, .05) error probabillties,
but this may not be relevanL to the consistency with which they
would bet, lf forced Eo do so, based on such nunbers. They do
not necessarily achleve a utility that is linear in (c,B). The
polnt which Birnbaum ls making here is that while behavl-ora1
lnterpretatLons of "decislons" nay play a very valuable heuristic
role ln the nathematical developments of the Neynan-Pearson
theorles, statlstlcal nethods based on those theories must be
lnterpreted etiLh care when considered for posslble use with
evidential loterpretaEions. This ls particularly true when the
utilltles of individuals are nonlinear.
Such seens to have been Blrnbaumts later view. IIis earlier
viev was that the process of interpretaElon of experinental
evidence could be reduced to that of lnterpretlng the likelihood
function. Birnbaunrs earller argument Lakes as the rnodel of an
experlment E the triplet (n, S, p) where S = {y} is the (discrete)
sanple space, CI = {0} is the parameLer space, and p = p(y,0) is
the probability functlon of |, for each 0. Then he takes the
palr (E,y), when y is observed, Lo coostitute a uodel of statlstical evldence. The statlgttcs h(Y), t(y) are defLned, respeetiveLy, to be (a) g!g!$g., or (b) sufflcienr if (a) p(y,O) =
g(h) p(yltr,O), where g(h) does not depend on 0,0G0, or (b)
p(y,O) = g(t,e) p(ylt), where p(ylr) does nor depend on 0, 0€fi.
Then some of the axioms of statistical evldence consldered are
he would be
(Cp): If h(y) is ancillary,
Ev(E,y) = Ev(85,y) where h = h(y), Ev(E,y) denores rhe evidence
deternined by an outcone y of the experiment E and E5 = (e, 56,
ph) with S5 = {y:h(y) = h} and p5 = p(ylh,o).
LIKELIHOOD PRINCIPLE (Lp): If, for some c)0, p(y,O) =
cp*(y*,0) for all 0 in 0, then Ev(E,y) = Ev(E*,y*).
MATIIEMATICAL EQUMLENCE (ME): If p(y,O) = p(y*,e) f or all
I 0, then Ev(E,y) = Ey(f,,y*).
Wlth these formulations Birnbaum proved that Cp and ME Jotntly
tnply LP [Barnard and Godambe (1982, p. 1035)]. In words, rhe Lp
says that the ltkeLihood function for the data that happen to
occur Ls alone an adequate descriptlon of an experlnent wLthout
any statement of the probablllty that thls or another ltkelihood
functlon would arise under various values of 0. Birnbaun also
considers the extensions of the above argument (which ls malnly
concerned lrlth the case where the posslble observations form a
discrete set) to the continuous case. Ilere it is polnted out
that the WEAK SUFFICIENCY PRINCIPLE [If, for some c)0, p(y,O) =
cp(y*,O) for a1-1 0 ln 0, then Ev(E,y) = Ev(E, y*)l rnay be needed
Eo replace ME in the derivation of LP fron CP. However, some
conpllcations rnay arise from the llmited degree of arbitrarlness
that exists ln the choice of a denslty functlon.
The LP ls very controversLal. Crltics havg pointed out that
in practice specific statistical nodels can never be who11y trusted
so that a statistlc sufflclent on the hypothesls of a gl-ven rnodells not sufficient under the wider hypothesls that that rnodel may
oot actually obtaln. A naJor crlticlsm of the Lp cane fron
Birnbaun hinself. Specifically, he recognized that the Lp is
inconpatible with hLs confLdence concept--under no 0 sha11 there
be high probablltty of outcomes lnterpreted as "strong evidence
aSainst 0"--deflned earlier. Any adequate concept of statistlcal
evldence must meet at least certain rnlnlmal verslons of both the
LP and the confidence concept, but it has become clear to Birnbaurn
that no such concept of statistical evLdence can exlst. This does
not mean that adequate concepts could not be found in speciflc
cases, chough Birnbaum thought that the domain to whlch such concepEs could be applied woul-d far from cover the rnaJor aPpll-catlons
of statlstlcal- rnethodl for further dlscusslon, see Barnard and
Godarnbe (1982) who give an exampLe where the ltkelthood function
provides nlsleadtng evidence wlth probabtllty l. Thts type of
likelthood functl-ons also arise ln the context of some econonetrLc
nodels ar.a1-yzed by Maddala (1983, p. 300) and others. Furthermore,
"the recording of the llkelihood function ls not an answer, 8lnce
l-n a subsequent decilt begs the question of gqlong@
sion or stage of lnvestigation to be determined frorn the data"'
pointed out by Kiefer (L977a, p. 823).
The problem of generallzing the LP so that the generallzed
version avoids some of the dtfficulties mentloned above is taken
up by Berger and Wolpert (1984). Ilowever, Lane (1984) ln his
dLscussion of Berger and Wo1-pertts (1984) work raises the
important issue of the neaning of 0 ln the (0, S,p)-paradign.
According to Lane, there are at leasE Ehree possible lnterpretations of the elenents of o: (a) e ts the distrtbutton p; (b) fl
l-s an abstract 6et and 0 rnerely indexes the distributlon p; (c) 0
ls a possi-b1e value for some "rea1" physical Parameter' and p l-s
to be regarded as the digtrlbutlon of the random quantity 9
should 0 be Ehe true value of that parameter. InterpretatLon
(c) ralses the difficult phlloaophlcal questlon: when--and in what
sense--do "rea1" physlcai, pararleters exlet. More l-mportantly, as
Lane points out, depending on whether one adopts interpretatLon
(a), (b), or (c), the (generalized) LP is devoid of lnterestlng
consequences, wrong or severely and amblguously restrLcted in ics
domain of appllcabtltty. In their reply to Laners comDents,
Berger and Wolpert (1984) adrnlt that while the (generaltzed) LP
will apply under l-nterpretatlon (c), tt also applles when 0 ie
onJ-y defined by sone aspect of the experiment. The fundanental
dlfflculty is that the information l-n (0, S, p) says nothing
about how the rnodel represents reall-ty, and it ts hard to aee how
a prlnclple of lnference can disregard the details of this representatlon. Slnce the (generallzed) LP lgnores alL euch details,
Lane belleves that lt ls inadequate. IIe says that not enough
lnformatLon ls encoded ln (O, S, p) upon whlch to base a general
princlple of lnference. Lane further shows the irrelevance of the
(0, S, p)-paradlgrn by argulng that the real aln of Lnference
is usuaLly not to make statements about the "true" value of an
unobservable parameter 0 on the basls of an observed quantlty y,
hlt to generate a predictlon about the value of some future
observables and the (generalized) LP does not address the question
of how to generate such a predictlon directly. Another reason
rhy Lane thlnks that the (0, S, p)-paradigm is lrrelevant ls that
especially in applications arising in nonexperinental scLencee
like econometrics, the nodel Ls sculptured either fron data
already in hand or perhaps fron a realistic view of what data are
potentlally available. In such cases, there is no rray to separate
nhat (E, y) Eays about 0 from "prlor" information about e. When
the "parameter" dependa upon the experLment for its existence and
oeaning, the (generalized) LP does not apply and the (o, S, p)paradigrn is lrrelevant. For all these reasons we shoul-d not take
the LP very serl-ously unless rle know lte are in a sltuatLon where
interpretation (c) is approPrlate.
The Bayeslan method applies under all lnterPretations of 0.
Sl-nce the appeal of the confidence concept is undeniabl,e, we now
lnvestigate whether a Bayesian nethod can be developed which is
conslstent wlth that concep!. In hls conmentary on Birnbaurnfs
(L977) paper, Llndley (1977) conatructs one example showing that
the descrlptlon of evidence in the forn of al or al is unsatisfactory and another exanple showing that the particular preference
pattern for teets [(.05' .05) > (.1' 0) - (0, .l)] nentioned by
Birnbaum amounts to preferring evidence that uses the toss of a
coin whose reeult ls irrelevanE to 116 or E1 to that whlch does not.
Accordlng to Ltndley (L977), the meanlng Bl-rnbaun attaches to
evLdence is not as satisfactory as that based on the LP and the
of Bayesf theoren.
follows from the Bayesian argument
and an important property of the llkellhood functlon ls that lt
does not depend on which long run rre conslder the result as
ernbedded ln [see Cornfield (1970, pp. f3-15)]. However, since
every posterior distribution, glven by Bayeer theorem, depends on
a likelihood functLon, the former also gives rnleleadl-ng evidence
whenever Che latter does, depending oo the cholce of prior. In
fact, thle statement agrees rrith the conclusion of Lindleyrs
(1977, p. 58) shorE derivation, the purpose of which is to ehow
that the interpretation of a large value of the posterior odde
ratlo in favor of II1 relatlve to 116 as an evidence agalnst IIg
if the prlor odds ratio
agreea wlth Birnbaunts g!!!g_ggg.9.
l-n favor of H1 relative to It6 ls sufftclently snall. Consequently,
the posterlor odds ratl-os based on arbltrary prior odds ratl-os may
give nisleading evidence.
As Kiefer (I977b, pp. L74-L75) notes, the basic problen ls
that "statistlcs ls too couplex to be codlfled ln terme of a
slmple prescriptlon that is a panacea for all Bettlngs, and...
one mu6t look as careful-ly as posslble at a varlety of possible
procedures..." In view of Kyburgrs (1983, pp. 91-93) conpelling
argumenls lsee Appendlx to the paperl, it is difficult to show
that a partlcular prlor distrtbutlon represents Eomeonets degrees
of beltef; but fron the well establlshed results that under sultable regularity condltlone the Bayesian procedurea and adnisslble
procedures coincide, lt appears reaeonable to conclude, aa
Wolfowltz [Kiefer (L977b, pp. 17t-L73)] doee, that the use of a
prlor distrtbutlon reflects, at the very least, a statistlclanrs
ability to plck an adnissible or a preferred 1ocal1y coherent
procedure fron thoee available or hie truth value assignnent.
Coneequently, lt does not seem unreaeonable to us that one ghould
make a tentatlve firet step at selecting a procedure ln accordance
with Klefer'e (1977b, p. 171) euggestion: Flret, chooge a prior
dlatrlbution that reflects eonethlng of what one would regard as
a desirable rlsk functlon (operating characteristlc), deflned in
The LP
of the relatlve importance of the risk values at various
states of nature. Then compare the rlsk function of the resulting
Bayes procedure with those of other candj.dates to make sure that
lt does not have a subadnisstbllity defect. For an appllcation,
see Swany and Tinsley (1980) and Swamy and Mehta (1983b) who have
attempted to follorr this suggestion ln econonetrlc contexts.
The theory and practLce of econometrics draws on Dany sources
knowledge lncludlng economic theory, statlstlcal theory, and
data. Often consideratLons describing lnstitutlonal or
psychological aspects of a problem must be entered. The intersection of all these sources forns a gray area which, as we have
descrlbed in the preceding pages, defles the established rlgors of
Aristotl-ers principles of logic. The foundations of econometrics
are weaker than those so1e1y supporEing econonic Eheory under
certainty. Thus, while Aristotelian principles may be applied to
determine the loglcal valldlty of economlc theory under certainty,
ihe truth of its conclusions so constructed cannot be determined
slnply by inspectlon of empirical results for two reasons: first,
the problem of induction (as defined by Boland) is lnpossible to
solve and, second, the uncertainty theorles and approximations
comonly adopted in econometrics violate Arlstotle's axiom of the
excluded-middle. To our eventual dislllusionment we have found
ihat econometricians cannot establlsh the truth or falsehood of
economl-c theorles unless they are 1oglca11y inconslstent, in
which case they are false. There are, oevertheless, real conirlbutlons to be rnade. Econometricians can develop sufficient
and 1ogica11y consistent theorles and lmpose them on thelr enpirlca1 nodels. Care should be taken to ensure that the behavloral
assuuptions of economic theory and the statlstlcal assumptlons
nade do not contradict each other. Many-valued logic, whlch ls
reaker than Aristotellan 1ogic, provldes a basls for the anaLysis
models. Probability theory, in lts nost prlnltive form,
resembles many-valued logic. lle have also noted the key lmportance of interpretatlons of probabllity in providing the modus
operandL for fitting a sufficient and 1ogical1y conslsten! model
to glven data. Rules of lnference that lead to "senantlcally
compLete" many-valued logic in econometrlcs, thereby ensuring that
nhat is provable is exactly what is va11d, ought to fit a set of
condltions regardlng truth value asslgnments. Our maln recomrnendation for achleving such senantic completeness is to fo11ow
Kieferrs advice and choose a prlor distrlbution (a truth value
assignnent) that reflects aomething of what one would regard as a
deslrable risk functlon and then compare the risk function of the
resulting Bayes procedure with those of other candidates to make
sure that it does not have a subadmlssibllity defect.
Sueh a prescription would, in our view, produce 1oca11y
(wlthin the same model) coherent inferences. I{owever, in ltght
of G'ddelrs incompleteness theorem' g1oba1 coherence or consLstency
among all possible cornpeting models is not possible. To facilitate
cholce among competing nodels' we suggest the following maxim:
When a given 1ogically consistent model produces better predictlons
than any other logica11y consistent rnodel, a researcher may favor
Lt over less successful cornpetitors. At the same tlme, the
researcher should recognize thaE because of uncertalnty, the
currently successful performance of a given nodel nay prove as
evanescent as the morning dew. Thls w111 requlre constant vigil-:
one must always be prepared to check the predictlons of a model
against those of its competltors' new and o1d, provlded the model
and iis competitors are logica11y consistent.
Interpretations of Probabllity
of probabllity lnterpretations
Indeed, the meaning of a crlterion of fttting a sufflclent
1oglca11y consistent model to glven data and even the con-
sequences of a fitting criterion will depend fundanentally on the
philosophical interpretation which is glven to the concept of
probability. Furthermore, there are interpretaEions of "probability" under whlch lt makes sense to look for a Justificatlon of
a fittlng crlterl-on, while there are other inferpretatlons under
shich a fitting criterion may be regarded as a part of the definttion of "rationalityr" and sti11 other interpretations under
rrhlch a criterlon l-s not always applicable.
2. Alternative rneanings of the word "probabl1lty"
The word "probablllty" has been used in various senses by a
nunber of writers [see Good (1983, Chapter 6)]. To quote Good
(1962, p. 487), "Ic]he most inportant distinction ls that between
physical, material, or lntrlnsic probabilities, chances, or propensities on the one hand, and non-physical or intuitive probabilities on the other... Intuitive probabilities can be subdivided
into credibilities = loglcal probabllities = unlque rational
degrees of be1lef or inEensltles of convlction on the one hand,
and on the other hand subJective or personal degrees of bellef to
nhich some canons of conslstency, honesty, and maturity have been
applled, in which case they are cal1ed subjectlve or personal
probabllities. "
Probabilttles in Ehese senses can be covered as special cases
of two fairl,y standard interpretaEions of probabllity: one is an
empirical-frequency and the other ls a subJectivistlc interpretaiion. BoEh of these are falrly well-known, each of them havlng
been clalmed by advocaEes to hold the key to the problem of
decl-sLon-rnakLng under situations of uncertalnty. Let us consider
ihen in turn.
The Frequency Interpretation: Probability statenents are
statistical hypotheses about the relative frequencles of occurrence
of events, subJect to confirmation and disconfirmation. They are
offen unknown. The arguments of the probablllty functlon (what we
refer to when we speak of the "probability of") are certaln classes
of events.
Interpretatlon: Probability statements
express personal opinions or subJective degrees of belief, and
are open to potentlal modiflcatlon so as to conform to Lhe rules
of the probability ca1cu1us. They can in no event be unknown.
The argumenis of the probablllty function are usually taken to be
statements, but they nay also be taken to be events.14
The SubJectivistlc
3. Differences
and similarities of results based on different vlews
While there are surprislng cases of agreenent among the various points of view, there are also many cases of disagreenent.l5
For example, the subJectivistst approach to lnference
is essentially Bayesian; but it may, in view of a connection
between the frequentistic criLerion of adnissibility and fhe
subjectivistic coodition of coherency polnted out by Ei11 (1975,
pp. 556-557), Lead to neEhods formally ldent.l-ca1 wlth methods put
forward from a frequentist point of view.15 As pointed out by
T-so-me personalists, taking the betElng background rnore
serlously, had doubts about lncluding ln the dornain of che probability function statements whose truth or falsity cannot be
settled ln a predlctable flnite length of time, see Kyburg (1983,
pp. 23-24).
15 As we shal1 see below, a frequency interpretatlon of probablltty ls valld under the conditlons of a law of large numbers.
But any assertion of the "appropriateness" of the conditlons of a
law of large numbers is itself, lnescapably, an act of personal
Judgnent. On the other hand, ln the subJectlvlst approach, the
nixing meaaure p on [0,1] 1n terms of whlch the law of exchangeable
dichotomous trials can be represented as a mi-xEure of lndependently
and ldentlcally distributed Bernoulll processes, can be lnterpreLed
as a bellef about long-run relative frequency. Thus, subJective
Judgnents as well as the notion of long-run relatlve frequency
enter Lnto both frequentist aod subJectivist approaches.
16 Rigorous statementa of this connectioo are given by Lehrnann
(1983, p. 263) and Heath and Sudderth (1978). Speciflcally,
Lehrnann has presented a simple proof to show that any unique
Bayes estimator ls adnlssible, and lleath and Sudderth prove that
lf a bounded loss functlon ls speclfled, then a decision rule is
extended adnisslble (1.e., not uniformly domlnated) if and only
1f lt ts Bayee for some flnitely addltive prior. [We have already
stated lleath and Sudderthrs (feZAl result which establlshes the
close connectlon between the coherent lnferences and flnitely
additlve prlors. l
Efron (1978), it is also true that while statistics, by R.A.
Fisherts deflnitlon, is lnterested ln sumnary statements about
large populations of objects, frequentlsts and Bayesians have
produced fundamentally dlfferent answers to the basic queeti.on
concernLng the cholce of sunmary statements most relevant to
drawing inferences from data.
4. Conditions for the relevance of frequency interpretatLon
The frequency lnterpretatlon is most prevalent. It takes
probabllity statements to be ernplrical statements that describe
lhe relative frequencles of occurrence of certain classes of
objecEs or events encountered in the world and does noE require
genuinely repetitive situations because the 1aw of large numbers
can also hold for nonidentical (and even dependent) trials.
any sltuaLlon
the condltlons
aoL hold (such as the variable that Eakes only one value), the
frequency interpretation of probabtlity nay be lncorrect. Even
in those situations where the condltions of a 1aw of large numbers
do ho1d, we may not knon exactly the lLmltlng frequencles ln
infinlte reference classes; thus our probabllity statements entall
assertlons about unknown rel-ative frequencies. Thls neans t.hat
probabillcy statements can at best be approxlmatlons to long-run
relative frequencies, and hence ArlsE.ote1lan logic does not apply
under a frequeney interpretation. The many-valued loglc applies
but requires the condltions of a law of large numbers and a
sufficientl-y large sanple to make the frequentist procedures
senantlcally conplete. [For a useful survey of the frequentistic
approaches to infereoce, see Efron (1982). I The c and B in
Elrnbaumrs evidential lnterpretatlon presented ln the preceding
section denotes frequentist probabllity.
5. Condltions for the relevance of subjectlve interpretations
Whlle the frequency interpretatlon posslbly conveys something
obJective about events, the subJectlvlstic lnterpretation is baslc-
ally psychologlcal. The representatlon of degrees of individualst
beliefs by probability statements ls fundamental to the latter
interpretation. Jeffreys and hls followers assume that unique
rational degrees of bellef exlst common to all rational mlnds
given the same factual lnforrnation. Good (1962) ca11s these
unique rational degrees of beltef crediblltries' a term whlch we
have already introduced. By eonErast, L.J. Savage, de Flnetti
and thelr fo110wers believe that different lndlviduals can have
different degrees of belief for the same event even when they are
glven the sane factual inforrnatlon. But these indivldually
varying subJective or personal degrees of belief are, in a sense
abstractl-ons. They are not necessarlly the actual degrees of
belLef of a llving individual but a rnodified version that satlsfies
de Flnetti's conditl-on of coherency. To illustrate' suppose that
an lndlvidual assesses dlrectly the probabllity Pi of each event
A1 in a partltlon of the universe, and then discovers that [iP1 =
P>1. If he were forced co bet simultaneousLy on each Ai occurring'
paying P1 for the chance to rtln a unit if A1 occurs, and winning
nothlng if A1 does not occur' then no matter which A1 actually
does occur, he would pay P unlts and receive one unit, and thus
be a sure 1oser. Using this example very effectively, Ilill (1975,
p. 557) argues that a rnethod of evaluatlng probabilities which
would make a llvlng human being a sure loser if he or she had to
act upon those probablllties (even hypothetically) would seero
suspicious and untrustworthy for any Purposes whatsoever, tncluding casual thought, and lt wou1d seem deslrable to remove such
incoherencles sherever possible. The theorems of total probabillty
and compound probability are only the lmrnediaLe coroLlarl-es of
the condition of coherency; that is, the nunbers representing
degrees of coherent bellef must satisfy a1-1 the axloms of the
probabil-1ty calculus.
While we are persuaded by llilLts (1975, p. 557) demonstration that incoherence is symptomatlc of a "basically unsound"
attitude, there ls no evidence that indlvldualsr degreee of be1lef
do in fact satisfy the probablllty calculus, and, to the contrary'
conslderable evldence has been presented by Kyburg (t983' pp.
91-93) to the effect that they do not. That indlvldualsr bellefs
foLlows from the
-y oot conform to probablllty calculus also
study eonducted by Tversky (L974) who descrlbes three heurlstics,
or mental operatlons, that are enployed ln Judgment under uncer-
heuristics are not dlscarded even though they
occaslonaLly lead to errors. Tversky exhlbits the failure of
both laynen (untutored in the laws of probablltty) and experts to
iofer from life-1ong experl-ence fundamental statlstical rules
such as the role of prior probablllty or Lhe effect of earnple
size on sampling varlab111ty.17 This nay lead to a probl-en ln
Bayeslan inference. If we suppose a ful-1 preference ranking
aEong acts there are two posslbllitles. Elther the preference
ranklng ls coherent, or lt ls not. If lt ls coherent, we are al-1
set. If tt is not' then somethtng must be changed; unfortunately'
subJectlvlstlc theory wil-1 not te11 us erhat to change.
As Kyburg (1983, pp. 81-85) polnts out' there may indeed be
a rough lntuitLve connectlon between an lndividualrs degree of
belief in a starement S and the least odds he or she is willing
to offer ln a bet on S. But this connectlon is much too loose
to generate by itself a set of numbers confornlng to the probabillty calculus. The Dutch Book argument cl-ted by Kyburgr glves
excellent reasons for adopting a table of odds or publishlng a
list of preferences which conform to the baslc axloms of probabl1lty, but coherence ls inposed at the coet of destroylng the
lmedlate and intuitlve connectLon between odds and degrees of
belief that the argument orlglnally depend on. Indeed, at thls
point, we may fl-nd ourselves wonderlng lf there ls such a thlng
as "degree of be11ef." Thts skepticism is also Justified by the
fact that L.J. Savage uses two "structure" axloms which are
exlstential ln character, ln conJunction wlth five "rationality'
reason, Lindley (7974, p. 181) thinks that a thor-I-F;Eis
ough drilling in the prlnclples of maxlrnun expected utlllty ln
the Laissez-faire schoolroons of today would not be anlss.
to prove the exlstence of a unique probabillty distributlon
on states of nature [see Suppes (1974)]. Thus, "sorne of Savagets
axloms do not in any dlrect sense represent rationality that
should be satlsfied by an ldeally ratlonal person but, rather they
represent structural assumptlons about the environment that may or
nay not be satlsfled ln glven appLlcations" [Suppes (l-974, p. ]'62)l'
It certalnly follovs fron the rlgorous derivatlon presented
in DeGroot (1970, pp. 70-82) that a subJectlvlst cannot asslgn a
unique subJective probablllty to each event in an unamblguous
nanner if he ls unable to lmaglne an ideal auxillary experlment in
which a unlformly dlstributed random varlable X can be generated,
and if he is unable to compare the reLattve likellhood of any
event whl-ch was origLnally of lnterest to hin with that of some
other event of the forn {XeI = an lnterval}. Consequently' if the
distributions conatructed ln DeGrootrs roanner are construed as
yieldlng subJective probabillties--i.e., degrees of bellef--this
means that subjective probability asslgnments do not requl-re a
unique degree-of-be1lef functlon.18 Thus, approxlmatlons are
necessary to represent someoners oplnlons by a distribution,
thereby ruling out any apPlicatlon of Aristotellan loglc to this
frequentLst v8. posterior probabllity
Once we have a sufflclent and 1ogica11y conslstent sanpllng
model and a coherent prior, the derlvation of a posterlor distributlon, lf lt exlsts, can be stralghtforward [Ze11ner (1971)]. So
we sklp this derivation and proceed to point out the dlstlnction
between the frequentlst probabillty and posterlor probabillty'
since we have made rnuch of this dlstlnctlon in Example 3 and in
T'-Tt ;froffi-be noted that de Flnetti only recommends the use
of finitely addltlve prlors, whereas I{111 (1976' p. 1000) Justifles
the use of countably additlve prlor distrlbution on the basis of
the usefulness of the approxlmations to whlch one ls led by means
of the latter distrlbutlons. However, a countably addltlve distrlbution nay provlde an adequate approxinatlon to more than one
degree-of-bellef function, thus destroylng a unlque connectlon
between prior dlstrlbutlons and degrees of bellef.
the beginning of thls Appendix. As lndlcated by Kiefer (L977b,
p. 774), frequentlst probabi.l-ity (e.g., that a confidence lnterval
w111 by chance cover the true parameter value) refers to a chance
experlnent yet to be conducted, whl1e posterior probability (re1ative to even a physical prlor 1aw and given some observed value
of the varlable under conslderation, say Y = 3.17) does not. The
fact that one may bet in a siurilar fashion in the two circumstances
does not alter this dlstlnctlon because the nature of bets based
on confidence coefficlents ls dlfferent fron the nature of bets
based on posterlor probabllities. For a frequentist, it ls the
posterlor probablllty given the yet-to-be-observed Y that is
descrlbed in terms of an experlnent etll-1 to be conductedr gnd
shose 1aw of large nurnbers behavior Justlfles the way he uses
it when Y = 3.17. Of course, subJectlvtsts requlre no such
in this paper are those of the authors and
reflect the views of the Board of Governors or the staff
of the Federal Reserve System, nor do they reflect the vl-ews of
the Departnent of Commerce. For thelr editorlal assistance and
helpful comments, the authorg are grateful lndeed to James Barth,
L.A. Boland, John Craven, Clark Edwards, Richard llaldacher,
Charles llallahan, Richard Heifner, Dennl-s EenLgan, Anl1 Kashyap,
Judlth Lathan, Hichael LeBlanc, DennLs Llndley, Thonas Lutton,
Jitendar Mann, Darrel Parke, Dale Poirier, Paul Prentice, Lloyd
Vlews expressed
do not
Teigen and Arnold Ze11ner. The authors are especially grateful
also to Michael Weiss for hls rnetlculoue revlew of our paper and
for lntroduclng us to ftzzy set theory arrd f'tzzy loglc. Thanks
are due to Nadlne Loften, ERS, USDA and Sharon Sherbert, Speclal
Studies, FRB, for thelr consclentious preparation of the manuacript.
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fn thls brief connent on the paper by Swanyr Conway and
Muehlen (SCM) I wltl present an al.ternative lnterpretation of the
logic of the sltuation faclng econonetric theorists. At the
outsel f wish to note, perhaps for obvious r€ssonsr that I accepl
alnost everything SCM discuss Arlstotlefs axions for
adnlsslbility of statenents into logical argunents. However, 1t
ls not necessary to base one I s appreclatlon of logic on the
suspicious nanalytlcal-synthetlcn distinctlon as SCM do in thelr
footnote 2 (see instead, Qulne 1961). Furthernorer any
conslderatlon of stat,enents about the future does not necessitate
a reJection of the traxion of the excluded-middlen slnce an
adnisslble statenent ls stlll either true or false even though we
nay not yet know 1ts truth status (see Bo1and 1982, Chapter 6).
l{ith these two exceptions notedr I will expLaln why, while I agree
with SCMfs reconnendatlon that the naxlom of noncontradictiontt
should not be abandonedr f dlsagree with thelr reconmendation that
ve should reject Aristotlers axlon of the excluded-mlddle in favor
of some form of nnany-valued logietr.
The najor polnt to be nade in favor of the axion of
noncontradiction ls that any argumenl that vlolates it can be used
to prove anything (see Popper 1965). Startlng with two
contradlcfory assumptions, nthe sun is shining nowr and nthe sun
is not shining nowrr, Popper shows how easy it is to infer that
iCaesar was a traitorn or if one wishesr to infer its denial
rCaesar was not a traitorrt using the sane two (contradlctory)
assurnptions. f doubt anyone wishlng to construct a convinclng
logical argunent ln favor of the truth of a given statenent rrould
@ 1985
by Marcol Dekkcr, Inc.
07 47 -493818s
ever be satisfied nilh an argunent that 1s also capable of
providing support for a denial of that given statenent'
The only theorists that are ever satisfied with bulldlng
argunents that vlolate the axlon of noncontradiction are those
desiring lo bu11d Marxian nodels of soclal dynanlcs (where
contradictlons are necessary elenents in a dialecttcal process).
unless this ls oners purpose for employing econonetrlc techniquesr
there is no need to reJect the axion of noncontradiction'
While lt is dlfflcult to see why one should give up the axion
of noncontradlction simply because G6del wants us to worry about
the loglcal conpleteness of fornal systems' it ls even more
difficult to see why the anti-fornalistts rejection of indirect
proofs nust necessitate a rejection of the axion of the
excluded-niddle .
To avoid any nisunderstandlng
herer let ne illustrate
role of the axions of noncontradictlon and the excluded-niddle in
lndirect proofs. Consider the form of an lndirect argunent in
favor of proposlllon P glven the truth of assunptlons A' and At'
An lndirect argunent is (like any arguloent) a conpound statenent'
It says that since all its parls are true, any conJunction formed
by a valid rearrangement of its parts is true' In lhe case of an
indlrect argunent ln favor of P the coniunction is forned by
conjolning the denlal of P (not-P) wlth A.| and Ar' An indirect
proof shows tha! such a conjunction contains a contradictlon. And
since A.| and A, are accepted as truer by the axlon of
noncontradictionr one cannot also accept the truth of not-P.
That 1s, accepting the truth A, and A, reQuires the rejection of
the falsity of P. ff P ls not falser what is it? Wel1r lf you
also accept the axion of lhe excluded-nlddle, then P ls true or
it is false. In thls case then, not-false is the sane as true
since there ls no olher optlon. Thls ihen constltutes a proof of
the truth of P (given A' and Ar) bf showing that not-P is false'
Historicalllfr aoo€ nathemaiicians (e.g. r rintultionistsr)
would always have us reJect indirecl proofs. Nevertheless, Euclid
supposedly provided an indlrect proof of his sixth proposition
that nif two angles of a triangle are equal then the sides
opposite are also equaln. I rnentlon this because there are many
propositions that are conmonly accepted on the basis of indirect
proofs. We should also recognize that every indirect proof
lnvolves both the axiom of noncontradlction and axion of the
excluded-niddfe. It 1s true thal if we were to give up eilher
axionr we would have to avoid relylng on any lenna or theoren
vbose proof ls indirect, but avoidlng lhe use of indi.rect proofs
of the axion of the excluded-middle !
Whlle it night be possible to axionatize the intuillonistsl
denial of the axiom of the excluded-niddle based on a denial of
indirect proofs, the real issue with the intuitionists was the use
of the concept of lnfinity ln proofs since the concepL of infinity
always refers to an impossible quantity (see Boland 1985' Chapter
5). It ntght nake nore sense to reject the use of the concept of
lnfinlty and retain the axlom of the excluded-niddle.
By advocaiing sone forrn of nany-val'ued or nfuzzyn loglc' SCM
yish us to replace Aristotlers axion of the excluded-niddle with
another axion whlch woufd aIlow adnlsslble statenents to be
sonething other than true or fa1se. Aristotfefs axiorn of the
excluded-niddle would need to be replaced because it would seen to
contradlct the econonetric model-bullderts use of Bayesr theorem.
Could we not avold such a contradlction by ensuring that whenever
does not require abandonnent
tJe use Bayeslan estimatlon technlques neither we nor the economic
theories that we have modelled have enployed a lenna or theoren
rhich has to be pqoven indirectly? If instead we htere to fol1ow
lhelr advicer we night also need sornething to replace the axj.on of
nonconbradictlon. If statenents can be nnany-valuednr what
conslitutes a contradiction? Presumably' a statement cannot have
two different lruth values. Butr can we say that a staLenent is, by any neaaurement, .5 true is also .5 false? Is this a
contradiclion? Just rhat does the axion of noncontradicllon mean
rhen ne abandon the axlon of the excluded-nlddle?
by SCM ln Sectlon 6 of their paperr we could
retreat fron the problen of ensuring that the concepts and
assunptions of econouetrie theory satisfy Aristotlers axions of
logic by instead 1i-miting applications of econonetrics to
ninnediate practlcal problemsn. That is, we could slnply take an
instrumentalist-type stance and thereby reject any need to ensure
that our'econonetric assunptlons are adequately based on accepted
logleal principles such as the axion of the excluded-midd1e. But
scM reject such instrumentallsn, quite correctly I thinkr because
they do not wish lo restrict econonetrics to inrnediate practical
As reeognlzed
But is current econonetric theory capable of dealing with
anything nore than lnnediate practlcal problens? Even if we limit
our extention beyond innediate practical problems to hypothesis
testingr it is not clear that nuch ean be acconplished. Every
econonetric nodel of an econonic theory yields anbiguous results
whenever one ls realty trying to test whether the theory ls lrue
or false (see Boland'1977 and Cross 1982). At bestr the queslion
of testing involves strategies and preferences concerning whether
alpha-type or beta-type error is the least preferred. Neynan and
dld not actually solve a theoretlcal problen. when rre
recognize the question of strategies and error-type preferences'
we are actuall-y offering an instrunentalist strategy to deal with
practical problens (e.g., whether lo vaccinate a population
agalnst a vlrus and thereby risk infecting that population)' No
matter holr nuch we nay disllke lnstrunentali.smr il seens difficult
to avold instrunentallsrn whenever econonetrics is invol"ved.
What more do SCM want econonetrics to do? The founders of
the Econonetric Society dld have greater thlngs in nind. For
exanple, Frj.sch saw econornetrlcs as a nunificatlon of the
theoretlcal-quantltative and the enplrical-quantitative approach
to econonic problensn with a nconstrucLive and rlgorous thinklng
slmilar to that whlch has cone to doninate in the natural
sciencest (1933' p.1). Schunpeter saw the ains of econonetrics to
be nflrst and last sclentificn while stressing nthe nunerical
aspectn to be able t,o nexpectr from constant endeavor to cope wlth
the difflcultles of nunerical work, a wholesoroe disclpline ...
[that] helps tn building up the econonlc theory of the futurer
(1933, p. 12).
It would seem that SCM have shown that the econonetrics of
the founders wiII forever renain as 111-founded npipe-dreansn.
And so long as econonic theory is built using ordlnary loglc as
represented by Aristotlets axions, to be consistently applled lo
current econonic lheory, econonetrlc lheory nust also be based on
Aristotlers axions. For thls reasonr a logical foundation for
econonetric theory that denles any of Aristotlers axions cannot be
used to nodel ordinary econonic theory. Thus' lhe applicability
of nfuzzyn econonetric theory would seen to be linited to only
bullding econonetric nodels of lfuzzyn econonic theory.
Lawrence A. Boland
Simon Fraser Unlversily
L. A., (1977). Testabllity in
L. A., (1985).
African J. of Econ., tl5, 93-105.
Boston: Allen and Unwln.
Econonic Sci.ence. So.
for a New Microecononlcs.
Cross, R., (1982). The Duhen{uine thesls, Lakatos and the
appralsalrof theorles in nacroecononics. Econ. J., 92, 320-\0.
Frlsch, R., (1933). Editorial. Econometrica, 1,
K., (1965). What is dlalectic? ConJectures
Refutations. New York: Baslc Books, 31'2-35.
I{. V. 0., (1961). Tvo dognas of enpiricisn. From a
Loglcal Point of Vlew. New lork: Harper Torchbooks, 20-46.
J., (1933).
Econonetriea, 1, 5-12.
The couron sense
of econonetrics.
4(1), 69-74
I shal,l refer to the pa.per under disctrssion ' and t'o ibs authorship '
by scu. It was nob clear Lo me rrhether it had ansuered lhe question
in iLs bible. since the empllasis was on multivalued logic' Perhaps it is
neither true nor false that bhey ansflered [he question. The comment in
the conclu.sions, "The foundabions of econometrics are ireaker than those
solely $rpporting economic theory under celtainLy" sholrs lhat scril
believe bhat hhe foundaLions do exisb but are not solid. It is
qrestionable rrhebher the foundahions of :ury science are enbirely solid'
not even bhe fotrndabions of rnathemalics or logic. The ambiguiLies o{
language almosL preclude the solidity of foundations. This is rrhy il wa-s
srch a good idea of Turing's to base lhe foundations of malhematics on
a carefully specuied comFrter, br! even so he had to rtake lhe
irdgement thal any Possible calculation corld be carried out on such a
is so much in the Paper thal in this discussion I can louch
cr only a fraction of i[. I agree wilh rnany oi the comments' but in
ttds discJssicn I shall concentrate more on points of disagleemenb.
one criterion that scu have used, to eursarer lhe question in lheir
title, is whether Aristotelean tro-valued logic is adequate for lesting
econometric bheories. Buu lhe discussion is really more general since
it deals wibh scientific inference as a whole, and not only with
inference in econometrics. Inference usually requires a theory of
probabitiby lthich certainly goes beyond Aristotelean logic.
Aristotle said, if the tlanslalion is Lo be Lrusted, "It, is Lherefore
pfain that it is not necessaty that of an affinnalion and a denial one
stpuld be true and lhe other false. For in lhe casb of bhab lthich
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exists potenllatly tnrt nob actually, the rule which applies to lhat which
next quobablon. ) But bhi.s is conLradicted in the table of conlents
ib is staled (and I agree somewhaL more with this) that "propositions
il is not refer to fulure [ime musb be either true or false ' brrl
deternined hrhich must be Lrue and which false"' (l{cKeon' ed"
pp. 38 and /.8; oE Eubchins, €d., 1952' Volume 8' PP' 23 and 29')
ebo Aristotle discussed probability Lo some exLent' Thus Arisbotle'
Iike other humans, went beyond Arislotelean logic brt PerhaPs'
others, vrithout often contradicting it'
I don't know whether Aristotle ever discussed the vagueness and
anbiguily of ordinary language. For example' lhe question rdhether
yes or no
man has a beard cannot alrrays be ansrrered with a clear
because beardednes€, like mosb Lhings, is a matber of degree'
This is a clear and simple exanPle showing Lhe need in princiPle for
non-ArisboLelean fuzzy logic. Tha! Uhere are degrees of meaning
Good (f95o' page ln) that "there are senlences for which it is
to decide rrhelher lhey are proPosilions. such 'par[ial ProPositions'
Aristotelean logic could be largely resLored to Lhe question of
breigh Lhe hair, so Uhe Uest would be "destruc[ive" (to use a term from
Lhe face end and the neck or head begin'
If something atst concrete as a beard c'ur be ^tzzy ' the fuzziness
of more abstract concePts i-s all the more Lo be exPecbed' An example
of a very imPortanl fuzzy concept in the PhilosoPhy of science is that
of slnpu,city or comPlexily, and bhe allied concept of parsimony of
assumPtions in hyPotheses or bhecries' Is simPucity to be defined
so in hrhat language? But, in my oPinion' the fuzziness of simplicity ot
IErsimony (which
Lhe same thing) and comPlexity does not by any
leans make them "useless as crileria for model choice" as staled by
SCH in lheir Abstrac!. on bhe other hand I hhink bhey are absolutely
essenbial for [hat purPose. To take a familiar examPle' given dala
(xt, yt), (x2, Yz), ..., (xn, Yn)' we can find a Polynomial fil y =
f(x) of lhe (n - 1)th degree ttEb exaclly fits the data. I hope scr't
nrld nob alhrays prefer lhis fib, for prediclive [rrrPoses ' over
polynomials of lower degree (which are more parsimonious) ' what
reason is Lhere, other than simplicity or parsimony , tor preferring a
polynomial of lower degree? Another exannPle where parsimony (or
sirpficiby) is of the essence is lhe Preference for lhe BuUiau/Nerrton
rrilrerse square law of gravita[ion (Brrlliau' 1645, p. 23) over the
epicycle bheory of uhe motion of lhe planebs.
scM say in their conctusions' and elsewhere, that Probability
tJEory i.s a version of nany-valued logii, and ib certainly can be so
regarded. But ib also obeys the u.sral larrs of Arisbolelean logic. If a
poposition is now only probable for us, lhen we don't know now whether
t is Urue or false, though we might knoh, later, and it can be true or
rrlce sysn if we never find or.rt which. similarly lhe statement Lhat
*thing i-s approximately true can itself be absolutely true if anvthing
caa be.
scl,t say that 'The statement that an event occurs with Probabiliby
p ...
violaLes bhe axiom
cit rer O
" It
bhe excluded-middle unless
p is
seems to me !hai. no violabion of the law
cacluded middle follows from this argument, whebher the probability is
ld€rpreted in the long-run frequency sense or in the srbjective
(personal) sense. Ijf uhere
is a violalion j.t is
because Probabilities
right nob take sharp values so bhat uhe sLatement Lhab a Probability is P
!s somewhal unclear. It night mean bhaL lhe probabilily Ues between
p j| €, for some €. It night be true or false thaL the long-run
relative frequency of getting heads, when bossing a coin, Iies bebween
O.45 and O.55 (provided bhat lhe long run is not too long). I{e don'U
r€d double-headed or double-tailed coins in order lo use bhe lan of
the excluded middle.
An interesting question is how one nighb measure degrees of
mearring, or degrees of belonging to a set as in the theory of frtz.zy
sets. Take the excrmple of the fuzzy beard. we night define it as
belonging to degree x, to the class of beards if a fraction x of some
specified pop$ation of people would caII i.t a beard if they were forced
to say either Uhab it is or is not a beard. According to Uhis
definition, degrees of belonging depend on nhat poprlation of itrdges is
assumed. I do not know whether bhis proposal ttas been made in bhe
extensive liberature on fuzzy sets. Also I do not know enough of the
liberature to judge \dhether bhe theory of f,Lzzy sebs is useful . ft is
not, by Lhe way, the same as a theory of partially-ordered
probabilities. This I once chec*ed in conversation with zadeh who was
probably the first person to study the theory of, fvz.zy sets intensively.
rt deals with degrees of meaning, not degrees of probabiliby.
on another topic, scM state that the problern of induction is
impossible to solve. lf they had said it has no complete solution' I
would have agreed. Part of the solution is bo drae a distinction
betireen induction from previous experiences to a general law on the
one hand ("universal induction") and only to bhe next case on lhe other
( "predictive inducbion" ) . The la[er form of induction is more secr.rre !
see also Good (1983, pp.2O5-2O7) where an abtempb is made to
quantiJy the matter. complete solutions to Uhe problems of bhe
philosophy of science are hard to come by. In view of Lhe comrnents in
their conclusions, scl,l might partly agree qualitabivel.y wilh ny comments
on induction. They refer bo ny criticisn of Jeffreys's argument for
(predictive) induc[ion. l,ly argument did show that Jeffreys's argumenl
did not enbirely solve the problem of induction. Bub I Uhink ScU
overstate their case when they repeatedly say there is no solution bo
bhe problem of induction. Parbial solutions can b€ valuable.
I an sympathetic to the views of SCU on instrumentalisn, bub
would like to add a cotrple of comments. (i) An instrumentalist theory
can be true or false provided that ib is formulated as a neans for
naking predictions. Iite don't have bo give concrete interpretations to
uE linear operators or
wave functions
Schroedinger fonntrlabions
of the
Eeisenberg and
quantum mechanics'
yet bolh
brue. The basic philosophical question is rrhether all bheories
are insbrumentalist. (ii) when discttssing Friedman's instrurentalisn'
sclt say bhat "in bhe presence of uncertainty' the neaning of 'Lrue or
refuI predicbon' is not clear." I agree' yet some clariJication is
pcible. For example, iJ we have bwo predictive theories !11 and E2r
ttEre are various ways Uo decide which is in some sense the better
tlEory. one apProach is by means of the concept of explicativity
(c@d, I97?; Good & ucuichael' 1984), though ib does nob stfficiently
u*e into account bhe question of comPlexity of bheories. The problens
d philosophy are seldom completely solved, bub partial soluLions are
esilable and can be useful . There are some commenbs in scH's
can be
cdrlusions that are consisbent with this
somerrhal mundane sentiment.
brlliau, Ismail (Bullialdus) (f6/.5). -@
philolaica opus nowm. in quo motus planetarun nouam ac veram
hypothesim demonstrantur. . . (Pariis, SunPtibus s. Piaget).
cited by Jeffreys (1957, P. I32n).
Goodr I. J. (1950). Probabilibv and the weishing of Evidence
(tondon: charles Griffin; New York3 Hafners).
eood, f . J. (f97?). "ExPlicativity: a mathemabical theory of
explanation Ltith stabistical apPlications"' Proc. Rov. soc'
(London) A 354, 3o3-33O. [RePrinted as (198Ob).]
{bd, I. J. (f983). 'The
of a Nerarchical model for
nrlLinomials and contingency tables", in Fclenti4g.-&l9g '
Data Analysis. and Rohrsbness (G. E. P. Bo:<, Tom f,eonard &
Chien-Rr lfu, eds.; Academic Press).
bd, I. J. & UcHichael, Alan (1984). "A Pragmatic modification
of explicabiviby for lhe acceptance of hyPotheses" ' Philosophv
of science 51, L2o-L27.
Elrins, R. ll . (edilor in chiet) (1952). -@
Jefireys, H. (1957). Fdentific hference, 2nd edn' cambridg€l
University Press.
llcKeon, R. (ed,) (1941). The Basic works of Aristotle' New York:
Random llouse.
I. J.
Polytechnic lIlst.
and Stale Univ.
2t O5L
4(1), 75-80
col{uElrT oN
Swamy, Conway and Muehlen (sCM), have written a thought
provoking paper addressing a number of jmportant philosophical
j'ssues that surround the theory and practice of econometrics.
l.Iany of the issues that they deal with are of general
philosophical interest and have been the subject of an intensive
on-going debate in the philosophy of science literature.l
problem of induction, the J-funitations of naive falsificationism,
the issues concerning Aristotle's tlro-valued aygtem of Logj-c,
and the alternative interpretations of probability discussed by
SCIII are al]. matters that have pre-occupi-ed philosopherg and
logicians for centuriea and remain largely un-resolved. As
Chalmers puts. it, with characteristi.c clarity,
"Ttrere is just no nethod that enabLeB sci.entific
theories to be proven true or even probabLy true ....
attempts to give a sinple and straightfonrard logical
reconatruction of the "scientifi.e method" encounterg
further difficulties wlren it is realized that there i.a
no method that enables scientific theories to be
conclugively disgroved either.' (p. xiv).
seen from thiE general perspective, one of scM's nain
ooncluaions that the truth or fa.l-eehood of economic theories can
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not be estabfished by econonetric methods is hardly surprising,
and follows directl"y from what we already 'know" from the
philosophy of science u.terature. If even in (hard) sciences
Iike physics, there is no way of conclusively Proving the truth
or falsehood of theories then thi"s must be even rnore so in
(soft) sciences uJ<e economics which are subject to additional
ambiguities arising largely from the socio-psychological nature
of hunan behaviour. 1[he methodological Problems surrounding the
use of econotnetric methods for the Purpose of testing economic
theories have long been recognized in the economic literature.
the early debate between Keynes and Tinbergen over the role of
econornetrics in testing of businegs cycle theories is one
prominent example urhich clearly brings out the limitatj.ons of
econometrics as a nethod of testing economic theories.2
Faced with the inevitable concLusion that econometricians
can not conclusively eatab]-ish the truth or falsehood of
economic theories, sclil advance the controversial view that the
Aristotelian system of two-valued fogic is inapplicable to
econometric rnodels, and that a system of many-valued logic is
needed if one is to justify the econonetric Practice. According
to scM the econor€tric practice violates Aristotle's axioms
prfunarily because of the uncertainty invo).ved in the nodeUing
In particular they argue that
of economic behaviour.
Aristotle's axiom of "the excluded-middle" is violated in the
case of econometric nodets as these npde].s can only be specifj-ecl
in a probabilistic manner. They regard any probabilistic
stater€nt as a violation of the axiom of the excluded-middle.
In their own words
"t'he statement that an event occurs with Probability p
or that a variable takes on interval of values rtith
probability p violates the axiom of the e:(cludedmiddle unless p is alnays either o or l' (P.36).
point of view. The fact that the truth
or falsehood of a propositj.on i9 not known a priori, does not
necessarily render that proposition indeterminabe (i.e. neither
true nor false). I'he axiom of the excluded-middle states that
every proposition ia ej.ther true or else false, although which
of theae j,s the case may well be indeterminable as regards our
knowledge of it. I'he problen with SCI-t's argument lies in the
fact that they regard the indeterminacy of the truth-value of a
proposition relative to our knowledge aEr evidence of itg
indeterminasy in general. I|lrey state
ftlis is
€rn extreme
"If what xte know today about the future is not a Part
of our deterministic knowledge, then our statenrent
about the future c.rn not properly be called either
true or false (at least not by our speaklng 7n tlra
present) and so deserves a different truth value,
intermediate between truth and falsity" (p.36).
In this quotation the authors justify their viey about the
violation of the a>(iom of excludedqniddle on the grounds that
relative to our knowledge "today", the truth or falsehood of a
statenent about the future is not determinate. But this does
not necessarily imply that the truth-status of the proposition
about the future is intrinsically indeterminate. lrthether a
sealed envelolE contains a red or a bihite colour tid(et may
(relative to our knowledge) be indeterminate, but this does not
Ean that the proposition
"Irhe envelope contains a red coloured ticket"
does not adnit a determi-nate truth-status.
Ille econornetric exanples of the vj-olations of Aristotle's
axions given by sCM are also baaed on a sileilar kind of misunderatanding. In exirmple I the authors regald the existence of
two alternative forms of aPproxinations for the denand systems
as evidence of the violation of Aristotle's axiom of excludedmiddle. Ihey do not, however, erq)Iain why this should be so'
If the original ctenand system is taken to be the truth, then
from a strictly logicat viewpoint both approximations are false.
The adequacy of aPProximations is an empirical rather than a
logical queation. t'lre fact that t e may not be able to
conclusj.vely reject one aPProxination in favour of the other in
particular apptj.cationa does not rnean that the truth-statuE of
the approxinations relative to the original exact denand sltstem
is indeterminate.
In exanl[)le 3, the authors argue that the Rational Expectations tlPothesis (REH) violates Aristotle's axiom of the
identity of meaning, because it involves a juxtaEosition of the
concept of the subjective probability distriSution with the
concept of the objective Probability distriSution. lfhey regard
this as evidence that two different notions or meanings are used
What the authors overlook,
for one concept of probability.
hoyrever, is the fact that under the REH the two concepts are by
ctefinition indistinguishable from one another as they will be
one and the same thing. only in situations where learning is
j-ncoru,lete, is there .rny possibility for the subjective
to diverge from the objective
probability distrilution
probability distribution.
But in such a circumstance tlre REH,
in the strong sense advanced ry iluth, will not be applicable in
any c.rse. Ehe issue of whether the nEH is a valiA h1E>otheeis or
not is again an erqPirical mater for wtrich tlrere seerns to be no
conclusive angwer.
In short I am highly scetr'tical of the authors' claifi that a
system of nany-valued logic providee a fir.trler foundation for the
analygis of econonetric models. sernantj,cg al)art, I altl also not
at all sure what relevance all thege philosophical consider-
ations have for econonEtrj-c practice. The Problemg the aPPlied
econolptrician faces in obtaining a model which is relevant to
the particular question, is derived from a logically consistent
econonic theory and which rePresents the data adequately' are
not lilety to be resolved by a course in nany-valued logic'
(:Ihese problens are discusEed in PeEaran and Smith (1985b))'
rhite I fully endorae the authors' vien that rte muEt alwaya be
prepared to check the Predictions of our nrodel against those of
it8 Cotu)etitors, I am not convinced that reaort to many-valued
logic is going to heIP us rtith this alifficult task. Any nove
away from the logical rigour of the Aristotelian Principlea is
lilely to make the outcorne of confronting competing theories
more rather ttran less inconclusive.
u. Hashem Pesaran
Trinity college
lFor a highly readable introductory survey of the philosoPhy of
science literature see Chalnerg (19?8), where relevant referenceg to
original sourcesr can also be found. Many of the lEthodological
issues raiged by SCU are also covered etctensively by Imre LatakoS'
(19?O) ercellent account of the basis of the nethodological claah
between PoPPer and Kuhn.
2por the relevant references and re-examj,natj.on of the KelmeETiribergen debate in the light of recent developrnents in econolptrics
nee Pes€rran and Snith (1985a).
A.F., (I9?8), What is This Thing Called Science?
University Press.
Lakatos, I., (1970), Falsification and the nethodologD, of
scientific rese€rrch prograrmes. Criticism and the Growth of
Knowledge (I. Iakatos and A. Itusgrave, Eds. ), cafibridge
University Press.
Pesaran, M.H. and Snith, R.P., (1985a), Kelmes on econometrics.
Kelmes' Econoroica: Methodological, Igsues (T. IJawson and
!!.t1. Pes€rran, Eds. ), Croom tlelm.
Pesaran, U.H. and $nith, R.P., (1985b), Evaluation of nacroeconometric tnodels. Economic llodelling, 2, L25-L3+,
4(1), 81-91
claims span important contributions from Aristotle to Zel-l"ner. I shal1 confine myself,
however, to issues of coherence of (finiteLy additive)
probability, "improper" priors, and representation of
Thus, my comment is focused
"ignorance" by such probability.
of their essay.
As Jeffreys showed nearly half a century ago, many farniliar
(textbook) "orthodox" statistical procedures have a Bayesian
nodel under an "improper" prior. (see 52,1 of his Ttreory of
Probability (1961).)
Exampler: Let x 'r, N(0rl), with 0 unknown. Ttren flJeffreys,
(1961, p. 137)] ordinary confidence intervals (and also fiducial
intervals) for Q are Bayes posterior probabiLities, provided the
"prior" for 0 (used in calculation with Bayes' Theorem for
densities) is the uniform, "improper" (Lebesgue) density.
Jeffreys (1961, chapter 3) argued for the existence of
"ignorancet' priors, Eo be used to represent an agentts uncertainty
quantities prior to the reLevant
abou! unknown statistical
the general background assurnptions of,
observations and given
e.g., B statistical mode1. His theory of Invariants (1946),
incorporated in the 2nd edition (1948) of the lheory of Probability,
offers a tractable nethod for cal.culating such "ignorance" priors
Not the
and gives reasons on behalf of the program of Invariants.
least of these reasons is the important, pragmatic consideration
mentioned above, to wit: Jeffreyst "ignorancett priors provide a
Bayesian model for sorne basic "orthodox" statistical
p, 421) I have argued that Jeffreys' theory
The authors' many interesting
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of Invariants is not Bayesian after aLL. The problem, in a
nutshell,, is that the theory of Invariants makes the prior a
function of the data through the likelihood. This leads to
Bayesian contradictions when, for instance, the data are composite,
Lack a common sufficient statistic,
yet admit (unique) "ignorance"
priors for separate components of the data. then different
posterior probabilities arise from Ehe same data depending merely
upon which component of the data is used to fix the (invariant)
prior. Thus, I do not find Jeffreys' program acceptable for rnaking
t'objectiver" i.e., observer invariant, a sense of statistical
"ignorance.t' Better, I think, to use sets of probabilities to
capture uncertainty than to rely on some one distinguished distribution to model a lack of knowledge. (See [tevi, (1980, chapter
9)] for a rich discussion of this approach, including its decisiontheoreEic consequences and variations due to Dempster, Good, Kyburg,
and C.A.B. Smith.)
Nonetheless, there are important questions worth asking about
ttimpropert' priors without supposing they serve as canonical
representations for states of (near) ignorance. (Recall their
pragmatic vaLue ir: linking Bayesian and orthodox statistics.)
do "improper" densities translate into probability distributions?
And do they stand the Bayesian test of coherence?
Of course, the 'rimproper" uniform (Lebesgue) density from
example, is no probability density: the sure-event carries
infinite measure. But, as Sir Harold points out (1961, p. 119),
There is
"... vre must use o instead of I to denote certainty ...
no difficulty
in this because the number assigned to certainty is
conventional.rr Ttrere is no difficulty so long as we keep our
conventional shifts consistent with one another. Towards this
end, and following Levi's (1980, 95.10-5.11) excel"lent presentation, let us partially define a probabiLity P(.) frorn a o-finite
measure U(.) (arising from an "irnproper" density) as fol-lows:
P(E) = I if u(E) = @ and u(E) < -.
As Levi (1980, p,129) shows, Lhis transl-ation from an "improper"
prior to a probability gives a reconslruction of Jeffreys' formal
calculations--where the "improper" density is used in Bayest
theorem for densities. It also makes sense of other of Jeffreys'
analyses, €.g., that the probability is 0 that a < 0< b, for
all -- < a < b < o,, under the "improper" density from example,
[J"ffr"ys, (1961, p. 122)). However, as has been noted by many:
Heath and Sudderth (i978); Hill (1980); Levi (1980), to mention
chree, the resulting probability l(') is merely finitely (not
countably) additive. In the exampler, by translation according
to (t), P(') is purely finitely additive (p.f.a.) as P(i < (r. i
Why should mathematical issues of additivit.y of measures
be of interest in a discussion of foundations of statistical
inference? After all, even Kolmogorov (1956, P. 15) thinks
is an expedient. So what if we alter the convention
that probabiliry is councably additive in reaction to the other
shift in convention: !o use o-finite but not finite measures to
depict certainty? The question is more than a mathematical nicety
given the serious allegations, €.8., of Dawid, Stone and Zidek
(1973), that "improper" priors engender inconsiscency and Bayesian
Ttre so-called "marginalization paradoxes" and "strong
inconsistencv" attributed to Jeffreys-styled analysis using
"improper" priors are, in my opinion, traceable to two distinct
features of "impropriety." FirsE, inadequate mathematical techniques have been employed to facror joint distributions for
continuous random variables into a product of a "oarginal" and
"conditional" density. Ihe inadequacy is evident through
leparzrmeterization. (I have discussed this in (1982).) Second,
finirely additive probabilities admit failures of what deFinetti
(L972, p. 99) calls "conglornerability" of distributions.
let n = {t'': i=I,'..)
a (denumerable) partition of the sure-event. If P(Elh.) < (>) k
for each i, then P(E) < (>) t.
additive probability i'(')
sa!isfies conglomerability in a partition n if and only if P(')
is disintegrabLe in n.) the following is an elemenrary illustration of non-conglornerability of a merely finitel'y additive
probability (reported in lderinetti (1972, p. 205)] and fDubins
(Dubins (1975) shoved that a finitely
(t975, p. e2)l).
ExamoLe^: Let the field be the set of (a11) subsets of
Let P-(a- ) = l/2J if i=1,
x = {a..:
1lc].ji=l ,21 i=L,2,...}.
i=2i hence P"(') is countably additive and lives on
each i, j, and let
the set X,r = {a..: i=l}.
Let P,(a,.)
d lJ = 0 for
ro(xr) = 0. rinally, let P(') = oP (.) + BPo(') (cr,B > 0, a +B= 1).
Then p(.) is not conglomerable in n
Fix n = {njrnj = {atj,"rj]}.
1 for each j. see fschervish
as P(xr) ="c, ihereas-r(xrln:)
et al, (1981+, p.2I7) for discussion of how neither conglomerability nor non-congLomerabiLity in a given partition is closed
and = 0 if
under convex combinations. ]
Recently, Schervish et al. (1984) have shown that (subject
to mild regularity conditions) every finitely but not countably
additive probability admils failures of (denumerabLe) conglomeraThe least upper bound of the failures is given by the
coefficient of the p.f.a, component in a decomposition of a finitely
additive probability into a convex combination of a countably
additive probability and a p.f.a. probability--corresponding to
B in exampLer.
Subject to the translation (1), o-finite measures arising
from "improper" densities convert to p.f.a. probabilities.
they adrnit arbitrariLy large failures of conglomerability. (ff
one adds clauses to (1) for using limits to translate u(')-measures
into P(.)-measures, as is done by lleath and Sudderth (1978), the
P(') which results is non-atomic as we11.) Here is a sirnple
ilLustration of non-conglomerabiLity with Jeffreys' prior from
example' where the failure exceeds .67.
Example": Let I t N(0,1) and Let p(O) be partially defined
as a p.f.a. probability according to (1) from the uniform "improper"
density. Let I. = {x,0: i-l < l"-ol. i} and let J. = {x: i-1
Note that P(I:) > 0 and P(I.,) > .67 in
: l"l . i] i=l ,2,...
particul-ar. Moreover, P(r.) = P(r. le) = r(r. lx). (The first
equality is by the confidence interval property of L and a
tacit assumption of conglomerability in the 0-partition,
second equality is by Jeffreys' analysis, as in exarnpler,)
Define a denurnerable partition n = {h.: hi = Ii*lg (r, n;.)}.
Then, since P(J.)=0 (according to (1)), P(rlltt.l=o for each
element of n, yet P(Il) > .67. Also, P(h,) > 0 so that, as in
exampler, for non-atomic distributions non-congLomerability is
present r^rithout conditioning upon events of probability 0'
Is a merely finitely additive probability coherent? Does
non-conglomerability entail a "Dutch Book" (sure loss) for
anyone posEing (conditional) odds that fail conglomerability?
liOl At least according to the positions defended by Savage
(1954) and deFinetti (1974) finiteLy additive probability is
coherent. (See lseidenfe].d and Schervish (1983)] for details.)
Savage's postulate system Pl-P7 adrnits all non-atornic finitely
DeFinettits criterion for
additive personal probability.
many cal1ed-off bets),
avoiding a sure-l-oss
or equivalentLy his criterion of admissibility of "previsions"
against his (proper) squared-error score' establishes coherence
of all finitely additive probabil-ity.
Ttrere are, however, rival accounts of coherence, even for
In their important (1978) paper'
finitely additive probability.
Eeath and Sudderth introduce conditions of coherence that (in
effect) require conglomerability simul-taneously in two specific
the partitioo by the unknown (and unobserveil)
parameter 0, and the partition by the random variable(s) to be
observed. (Typically, for textbook statistical problems, these
are partitions with cardinality of the continuum. ) Thus "H-S
coherence" is a stricter slandard than (deFinettits) coherence'
additive prior fails to carry a posterior disYhen a finitely
tribution that is conglomerable in the partition by the observed
then that prior is "H-S incoherent'" The
authors accept the H-S standard for, in this situation, they say
the prior fails to yield a posterior (p. 28) and should not be
used (p. 31). Of course, such priors have posteriors that are
coherent in the sense of deFinetti or Savage.
I queslion the appropriateness of the added restrictions
imposed by "H-S coherence" beyond what is required by coherence
(in the deFinetti sense). For one, a "H-S coherent" distribution can be "H-S incoherent" conditional on an event defined
This is
so1el-y in terms of the observed random variable(s).
random variable,
illustrated by the following.
Example4: Let (x|xr) be i.i.d N(0,o2), $tith both parameters
"unknown." It is straightforward to shos, that
'min- < 0 < xmax'I (0,o2)) ='5 for each pair
As Heath and Sudderth show (1978, P' 341) there is a "H-s coherent"
finitely additive prior, corresponding to Jeffreys' "improper"
ignorance density (uniform over 0 and independently uniform over
1n o). The posterior satisfies
(*,,x,)) =.5 for each observation (xl,xt)'
P(x-.'mln- < 0 < x*--max'I L' I
Define the random variable
t = (xr+ x) / (x, -x),
Buehler and Feddersen (t903) show that
(0'o2)' tt'"
,(*,nir, I01*r"*
| {0,o2), l.l '1'5) > '518 for each
xr) pairs
But, as \^re can partition the event ltl < 1.5 by those
(x' xr),
t), given congl-omerability
satisfying the inequality
it follows frorn (3) that' conditionally,
P(xmln <o<x max I ltl.1.5)=.s
but given conglomerability in (0,o2), it follows from (4) that,
P(xmln < o < xmax I ltl . 1.5) > .5]8
and (6) are contradictory, it cannot be that the
Thus, since
"H-S coherentt' distribution associated with (3) is also a "H-S
coherent" distribution given ltl . f.S. (As shown in [Kadane et
al. (1981)], such conditional "H-S incoherence"is restricted to
events of (unconditional) probabiLity 0. As the observation,
likewise, carries an unconditionaL probabiLity 0, iE can be that
for each possible observation there is some containing event
of probability 0 that, conditionally, establishes "H-S incoherence.")
It is open, I believe, when such condirional "li-S incoherence"
can arise. (The problern is equivalerrt to what Buehler (1959)
called the question of "relevant subsets.")
In light of these findings: that all merely finitely addiEive
probabilities suf fer non-conglomerability in a denumerable partition ;
that a "H-S coherent" distribution can be conditionally "H-S
incoherent"; and that this may be possible for each point in lhe
sample space, why do the authors subscribe to Ehe more resErictive
notion of "H-S coherence"? If coherence is to serve as a norm for
inductive logic, if incoherence is a mark of the irrational
analogous to the objection of deductive inconsistency, then one
nust justify the serious charge thac non-conglomerability is
I susPect
irrational in order that "H-S coherence" be justified,
that the family of pragmatically bettable propositions cannot be
insulared from the anomaly of non-conglomerability without
Better' I
reintroducing Ehe principle of countable additivity.
think, to use deFinettirs standard rhan to make coherence inEo
a procrustean bed.
A short Postscript on ttl,ogic"
The authors are intent on connecting problems in the foundafions of statistics with questions abouE logic and lhe foundations
of mathemalics. As one who teaches courses in the philosophy
of science and in mathematical logic, of course I am pleased
to see economisEs concerned about the "logic" of probability (in
Unfortunately, though the path aPPears evident lo
at least three economists, Ehere is one philosopher who does
not follow the trail from Aristotle through G6'de1 to Birnbaum.
For example, what is the economic relevance of Gddel's
celebrated incompleteness Lheorern? Should economists be more
concerned than, say, physicists or even mathematicians about
chis fact regarding formalized theories? Do Ehe authors know of
a single case where Godelean-incompleteness matters in economics?
What axiomatized economic theory and what economic
hypothesis are involved? I am nonpLussed by the repeated appeal
to G6de1's importanr result.
I'trere is a substantial literature dealing with Lhe idea
tha! probability theory gives a generalization of deductive 1ogic.
The theme is hardly surprising since it is natural lo think of
logic algebraically [H"lto" O96D 1 thro,,gh the pair (A,M),
where A is a Boolean algebra and M is a Boolean ideal in A
(generaEed by the "anEi-axioms"). Then a measure algebra over
the quotient algebra A/M (assuming M is a Proper ideal) provides
a quick link where exactly the deductive consequences of the
axioms carry probability 1. For a clear sufinary of the Program
to use probability for generalizing deductive to inductive 1ogic,
see carnap's (1950,9 43B). For a view of probability as multivalued logic, see Reichenbach's (1949, chapter 10)' However,
what I find surprising and rather puzzling is the authors'
assertion that the Aristotelean principle of excluded middle
does noE hold for the "standard" interpretations of probability,
by which they mean the "frequencyt' and "subjective" interpretations (see their fn. 5 and AppenaixS4 and55)' This is a much
stronger clairn than the modesE resulr that (formal) probabilicy
theory carries an interPretation as a non-classical logic'
Let us consider the reasons they offer on behalf of cheir
claim. In the Appendix 94, "orrcet"ing the "frequency" interpretation they write,
Even in Ehose situations where the conditions of a law
of large numbers do hold, lte may not know exactly the
limiting frequencies in infinite reference classesl
thus our probability statements entail assertions about
Itris means that probability
unknown relative friquencies.
sEatements can at best be approximations to long-run
relative frequencies, and hence Aristotelian logic does
noE apply under a frequency interpretation'
In the Appendix 55, concerning the "subjective" interpretation
rhey write,
Consequently, if the distribuEions constructed in
DeGroot's .manner are construed as yielding subjective
degrees of belief--this means that
subjective probability assignments do not require a unique
degree-of-belief function.l8 Thus, approximatione aiE
necessary Lo represent someone's opinions by a distribution,
thereby ruling out any application of Aristotelian logic to
Ehis siEuation.
As best I can make out, these arguments resE on a lacic assump:ion (which I reject) which amounts to the presumption that
approximations are at odds with Ariscotelean 1ogic. (I apologize,
in advance, if this is not what the authors intend.)
Of course, we are well aware of the problem posed by Ehe
i.nevitable vagueness of ordinary language, Just how few hairs
nake a given head bald? (If one more hair makes no difference,
then by mathemaEical induction the head is bald regardless the
Sr-rt I reject the assumption
auober of hairs growing on it!)
that approximations must involve the kind of vagueness that makes
by standards of classical 1ogic. The familiar
rhem unintelligible
terms "palm" and "back of my handt' are infected with vagueness:
lust where is the dividing line? But that does not preclude an
epplicarion of classical logic to statements 1ike, "I clap wiEh
tae palrns ofmy hands." And it is understood by all what. the
traffic cops means when it is reported that I was driving
:pproximately 45 mph in a 25 mph zone. I do not believe this
uaderstanding involves application of some non-standard logic!
Htrat is sorety rnissing from the authors' arguments (above) is
. demonstralion that the sense of "approximation" used in the
'sEandard" interpretations of probability is of the sort Ehat
cannot be captured by classical logic.
This is not to deny that I, too, find serious deficiencies
I think the
ia the frequency interpretation of probability.
*dispositional" theory is more reasonable: chance is a useful
(see hacking. (rgo:)] ana
r€nse of "empirical" probability.
chapter 11) ] for discussion of "chance.") J do noE
find classical logic to be a hindrance in the philosophically
task of producing defensible explications of "probabNor do I see where the authors have shown us good reason
Lo suspect classical logic as one of the sources of the conflicts
in the ongoing debates over the foundations of statisEics.
Teddy Seidenfeld
Washington University
Buehler, R,J., (1959). Some Validity Criteria For Statistical
Inferences. Annals Math. Statis! ' , 30, 845-863.
Buehler, R.J. & Feddersen, A.P., (1963). NoEe on conditional
property of Student's t. Annals Math. Statist., 34' 1098-1100'
Carnap, R., (1950). Logical Foundations of Probability.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Dawid, A.P., Stone, M. & Zidek, J.V., (1973). Marginaliza!ion
paradoxes in Bayesian and structural inference' J. Roy.
statisc, Soc. 35, 189-233 (with discussion).
deFinetti, B., (I97D.
New York: Wi1ey.
Induction and Statistics'
( lg7, . Finitely additive conditional probabilities,
Ann. Probability, 3' 89-99'
conglomerability and disinlegrations'
Dubins, L. ,
Hacking, I.,
(1965). Logic of Statistical
New York:
Cambridge Universi.ty Press.
Halmos, P.R. , 0962).
Algebraic Logic'
York: Chelsea'
Jeffreys, H., (Lg4O. An Invariant Form for the Prior Probability
in Estimation Problems. Proc. Roy' Soc., A, 186, 453.
Kadane, J.8., Schervish, M. & Seidenfeld, T., (1981) '
Imp1ications of Finitely Additive Probability, In: Bayesian
Inference and Decision Techniques with Applications: Essays
in Honor of Bruno deFinetti, Coel, P.K. & Zellner, A. (eds.),
Kolmogorov, A.N., (1956). Foundations of the Theory of Prob-
York: Chelsea.
Levi, r.,
The Enterprise of Knowledge. Cambridge, Mass':
MIT Press.
Reichenbach, H., (1949). The Iheory of Probability.
Los Angeles:
Savage, L.J. (1954). Foundations of Statistics.
York: wiley'
University of California Press'
Schervish, M., Seidenfeld, T. & Kadane, J.B., (1984). fn9 Extent
of Non-Conglomerability of Finitely Additive Probabilities.
Z. Wahrscheinl ichkei ts theorie verw. ' 66 , 205-226 '
Seidenfeld, T., (1979). Why I am not an objective Bayesian.
Theory and Decision, 11, 413-440,
Seidenfeld, T,, (1982). Paradoxes of Congl-omerability and
Fiducial Inference. In: Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of
Science VI, Cohen, L.J.r Los, J., Pfeiffer, H. & Podewski, K'
(eds.) Amsterdam: North Hol1and, 395-412.
Seidenfeld, T. & Schervish, M., (1983). A Conflict Between Finite
Additivity and Avoiding Dutch Book. Phil' Science, 50, 398-472'
4(1), 93-99
that logical lnference plays a large
part ln sclence and thaE it ls ioportant to get lt rlghc.
Even lnstrunentallsts, for whom sclence is magic, would
agree Ehat it ls lmportant to find the rlght - 1.e.
successful - spells. The authors under discusston - Swamy,
Conway and von zur Muehlen - pick out a cerEalo dominant
conceptlon of loglc whlch they call "Arlstotellan". Slnce
-Aristotellan 1oglc" norrnally neans a partlcular system
conflned to sylloglsms, I sha1l foLlow the customary usage
of loglcians and philosophers and talk of "classical" logtc.
The authors I thesls 1s that ecooometrtc practlce does not
conform to the prlnciples of classlcal loglc and calls for
a rlval loglc, namely some brand of many-valued loglc. I
sha11 argue that vtrtually everythlng they say about
classlcal loglc is mlstaken and thelr advocacy of
many-valued 1oglc ls mlsconcelved.
The authors see classlcal logtc as characterised by
three principles. The Law of Excluded Middle says that every
statement is elther true or faLse. The Law of Cont.radlctlon
(to glve lt lts customary name) says that a statement and
lts negation cannot both be true. And the Axioo of Identity
(as the authors call lt for want. of an accepted termtnology)
says that a term must oot be used in dlfferent senses ln the
same argument. I shall deal wlth these Ln reverse order,
Everyone agrees
Copyrigbt @ 1985 by Marcol Dekker, lnc.
07 47 -4938 | 85/040 l
4093 $3.s0/0
4(1), 93-99
that logical loference plays a large
part in sclence aod that tt ls important to get it rtght.
Even lnstrumentallsts, for whom sclence 1s maglc, would
agree Ehat it 1s important to find the right - i.e.
successful - spells. The authors under discusslon - Swamy,
Conway and von zur Muehlen - pick out a cerEaln dominant
conceptlon of logtc whtch they call "Arlstotelian". Since
-Aristot.elian 1oglc" norrnally neans a partlcular system
conflned to syllogisms, I sha1l follow the customary usage
of loglclans and philosophers and talk of "class1cal" 1oglc.
The authors I t.hesis 1s that econoneErlc practlce does oot
conform to the prlnclples of classical loglc and calls for
a rlval logic, narnely some brand of many-valued loglc. I
shal1 argue that vlrtua1ly everythlng they say about
classleal loglc ls mlstaken and thelr advocacy of
nany-valued loglc is misconcelved.
The authors see classlcal loglc as characterlsed by
three prlnclples. The Law of Excluded l,tiddle says that every
statement is either true or faLse. The Law of Contradletlon
(to glve 1t lts customary name) says that a statement and
lts negatlon cannot both be true. And the Axiom of Identity
(as the authors call tt for want of an accepted termtnology)
says that a tentr rnrst oot be used in different senses ln the
same argument. I shall cleal wlth these ln reverse order,
Everyone agrees
Copyright O 1985 by Marcel Dekker, Inc.
o7 47
4938 I 8s/040 l -0093 $3.50/0
followed by
some remarks on nany-valued
The Axion of Identlty. It is unfortunate that the one
economlst whom the authors cit.e as violatlng thls rule
actually provides a textbook example of obedlence co tt!
For thelr os,n quotatlon from Muth ln Exanple 3 shows hlm
uslng trro terms, namely "objectlve probabillty" and
"subjective probabi1lty", lnstead of uslng the same term
"probabtlity" ln t\to senses. But ln any case the l-ssue ls a
spurious one. The purpose of Ehe loglclanst rule is to
avoid fallacles due to amblgulty. Ustng a symbol to stand
for dlfferent things ln the same formula ls asking for
trouble. Outslde formal loglc, howeverr the fact that a term
stands for more than one thtng does not necessarlty create
arnblguity. The difference is that a fu11y formaL argument
leaves oo scope for the play of context' whereas in an
lnformal argument the context can make lt perfectty clear
which sense of a word ls ln question at (rhlch momentr so
there need be no genuine conflict wlth Ehe spirit of the
loglclansr house ru1e.
The Law of Contradlctlon. The authors say that cerEain
theorles of ratlooal expectatlons have been found to be
lnconslstent (1.e. self-contradictorY), and thls 1s supposed
t.o vlolate the law of contradictlon (Example 4). In itself
it does oothing of the sort: lt all depends oo what happens
next. If the dlscovery of lnconslstency ls taken as grounds
for abandonlng or anending the theory ln question, then far
from vlolating the law of contradictlon such behaviour will
vlndicate lt. For the 1aw of cootradictlon doesntt say EhaE
there cannot be an lnconslstent theory: i.t says that an
inconsistenE theory cannot be true; and this is what leads
usr as seekers after truth, to reject a theory once it ls
known to be lnconslstent. The only way an economlst could
violate the law of contradictlon would be by adoittlng that
his pet theory rtas lnconslsEent but clalming that thls
didnft matter.
The same nlsunderstandlng runs through the sectlon on
G6delts theorem, wlth lts extraordinary heading "Giidelrs
challenge to the axiom of noncontradictlon". Giidel showed
that any sufflclentLy strong theory must be lncooslstent or
incomplete, but he could only be seen as challenglng the law
of contradictlon 1f he had lnvited theorlsts to sacrlfice
consistency in order to achleve completeness, and of course
he atltl no such thing. I agree with the authorsr warnlng
about the danger of creatlng lnconslstency when rival
hypotheses are comblned into a more general nodel, but I
cannot see whab Ehey think thls has got to do wlth Giidel|s
theorem. Nor can I nake out the alleged impllcatlons of
G6delts theorem for Dempst.errs or Tverskyrs crlterla of
consistency, or for the clalm that "coherence cannot be
achleved ln sufflclently large worlds". 0n the contrary the
whole appeal to Giidel rs theorem appears to be a red
of Excluded Mlddle. This ls sald to be vlolated by
economlstsr reltance oo approxlmations, for example in
demand systems (Example 1) or Ehe lnterpreEation of
probabtllty (pp. 1In.r 51, 54). This Ls not so' If someone
puts forward an approximatlon as an approxiroatlon, e'9. by
assertlng that'il = 22/7 +.002, then what he says ls
The Law
straightforerardly true. On the other hand tf he puts it
forward wlthout quallficatlon, asserting baldly thaE T( =
22/7, then what he says 1s stralghtforwardly false. Neither
way 1s there any violatlon of the law of excluded ntddle.
The ldea that there is a status "approxlrnately true"
genulnely located somewhere between true and false 1s a
mlstake, llke that ldea that there ls a person called "the
average plumber" who genuinely has 1.3 chlldren and 1.9
Legs etc. The rnlstake ln each case ls to take at face value
an idiom that onty nakes sense when construed as shorthand
for something else. Thus the clalm that the average plumber
has 1.3 chlldren needs to be seen as shorthand for an
assertion about the ratlo of plumbers to chlldren of
plunbers, and llkewlse the clalm that Tf = 22/7 is
"approxlmately true" needs to be seen as shorthand for an
assertlon about the relative smallness of the difference
between the two numbers. When chis ls done the nystery
disappears along with the phrase that caused lt.
A common mlstake ln dlscussions of the law of excluded
rnlddle ls to confuse a statementrs being true wlth 1ts
being knowo to be true. The authors do thts when they
equate our inablllty Eo tell whether statementg abouE the
future are true or false with thelr actualty not betng
elther true or false. The same mistake lles behind thelr
clain that probable sEatements are nelther true nor false
(Example 2). Thelr authorlty here ls Boland fs "The
Foundatlons of Economlc Method", and what Boland says ls
"If \ile adopt the stochastic-conventlonallst vlew that
identlfies absolute truth wlth a probablltty of I and
absolute falslty with 0 then o.. a stochastlc statement
with a probablllty of 0.6 ls not absolutely true, oor ls lt
absolutely false". I canrt speak for "stochastic
conventLonalists", but any reputable wrlter on probablllty
w111 say that what corresponds to a statementrs having
probabllity I ls not its being true but lts belng known to
be true (or lts betng certaln, confirrned, etc. See for
exarnple Carnap, "The Logical Foundations of Probabtlity",
p.177). Probabtllty is not a continuum between truth and
falsity; it is a conEinuum in a different dlmenslon of
Less actually turns on the issue of excluded mlddle
than the authors thtnk. They say that the use of logic Eo
establlsh concLusl-ons (rnodus ponens), and to refute theortes
(modus tollens), both depend on the law of excluded otddle
(pp.7, 19). In fact neLther does so, as nay be conflrned by
observlng that both hold for lntultlonist loglc desplce its
rejectlon of excluded niddle. A11 modus ponens requlres 1s
Ehat valld arguments are truth-preservlng, plus the
presence of a set of true premlsses to work from. The lack
of true premlsses, not any supposed failure of excluded
niddle, ts the reason why "approxlmate modus ponens"
doesnrt work (p.16). Modus tollens llkewlse only requlres
that valid arguments are truth-preserving, plus the presence
of an untrue conclusion to work back from. The authors seem
to have been led astray agaln by Boland, who describes
refutation as lf it rtere a two-step process: (a) work back
from the untTuth of the concluslon to the untruth of the
assumptloos taken collectively; (b) argue from the
collective untruth of the assumptlons to the falslty of at
least one of them. The second step does indeed depend on he
law of excluded rnlddle, but lt is a polntless addition: the
flrst step is already an adequate account both of modus
tollens and of refutatlon.
logic. I have tried to show that Ehere ls no
reason for econometrlclans to reJect classlcal logic, but
in case anyone 1s unconvl-nced let IE cooclude with three
cautions about rnany-valued logic.
The flrst ls that, contrary to the i.mpresslon given by
the authors (p.2), not all the aLternatives to classical
logic wtll be found under Ehe heading of nany-vaLued logic.
As logiclans use Ehe idea, lt is not enough for a system to
posit more than two truth-values; lt also needs to be truthfunctional, where this rreans that the truth-values ascrlbed
to compound sentences are to depend solely on the truthvalues of their coilponents. Thls ls why probabiltty theory
will never make a mrny-valued 1ogic, for although negation
is Eruth-functlonal conJunctlon 1s not: the probabtLtty of
not-A ls a function of the probablllty of A, but the
probabtllty of A-and-B depends on other things than the
separate probablllt1es of A and B. Stnl1arly the fact that
lntultlonlsts replace the cLasslcal- dichotomy of "true"
and "fal-se" by a trlchotomy of "proved", "refuted" and
"undecided" does not
that lntuitlonist logic ls many'Dean
The second cautlon ls that an apparently many-valued
logic may t.urn out to be rrerely a sysEem of classlcal logic
in disgulse. Thls emerges very clearly frorn the most common
net.hod of constructlng many-valued loglcs, whereby some of
the truth-values are "deslgnaEed" and an argument ls counted
as valld if it always leads from deslgnated values to
deslgnated values (cf. p.37). For all thls tells usr
"designated" nay turn out to be just another name for
-true", with the designated values representlng various subcases of Eruth and the undeslgnated ones subcases of
In other words, what looks l-lke a rival to
classical logic rnay slmply be a fine-gralned versloo of it.
There are nonet,heless some genulne rlvals to classical
loglc. Fttzzy logic ls one of them, not because lt is
deslgned to handle fuzzy concepts but because 1t treats
truth as ltself a ftzzy concept. But - and thls ls the last
point - an econometrlclan who follows up the authors t
recommendatLon of ftzzy logtc as a tool for dealing wlth
-inexact concepts such as approxlmation" (p.37) is llable to
be disappolnted. The reason ls that "inexact" can mean at
least three things. The statement " 7[' i" . small number" is
inexact because it ls Eg. - lt lacks clear-cut truthcondltions owing to the ftzzy nature of the coocept "sroall".
The approxlmatlons " Tl = 22/7" aod " It = 22/7 + .002" are
not like this at all. One is lnexact because untrue; the
other 1s lnexact because tt is unspeclfic; but both have
perfectly cl-ear-cut trrrth-coodltions: there ts nothlng vague
or fuzzy about either of them. Even lf fuzzy logtc should be
the right tool for dealing with fuzzlness and vagueness,
wouldnrt lt be fatr to deflne econometrlcs as the part of
economLcs that avoids fuzzy concepts and vague statements?
T. J.
Clare College,
101-119 (1985)
are honored by professor Dale poirlerrs offer to publlsh
a compressed verslon of our paper along wLth commentarles by such
leadlng researchers 1n phllosophy of sclence and econometrlcs as
Professors L.A. Boland, I.J. Good, M.H. pesaran, T. Seldenfeld,
and r.J. sniley. Thelr comments and those offered earller by our
former colleague, Dr. Edward J. Green, have helped us rethlnk
sone of the materlal we have presented. Even where crltlclsn has
been well founded, falrness diccaces that we present our responses
here rather than ln an altered text. Where, ln our subJective
vlew, conments were illfounded, we wl1l so lndlcate. As our
followlng replles show, our posltlon remalns firm.
Analytlc-Synthetic Distlnction
It was good to read professor Bolandrs klnd remarks. Our
dlscusslon of Arlstotlers axloms for adrnlsslblllty of statements
lnto loglcal arguments orres so much to hls very inportant contrrbu:ions to the foundatlons of eeonomlcs. Ife concur ln the oplnlon
that the "analytlcal-synthetlc' dlstinctloo is susplcious. The
offendlng foocnote 2 containing Ehls distlnctlon was added to
paclfy sorne crltlcs nentloned in our authorsr footnote. In any
case' this dlstlnctlon ls not cruclal for our dlscussion, provlded
readers understand the word "true" in the same way as Boland does.
Arlstotellan Loslc
clearly lndlcated wldely known sources for our
c€rnlnology ln referrlng to Arlstotlers axlons, Sniley appears to
tave the curlous lrnpresslon that "The Law of contradlctlon'. ls a
c'lstomary name and that rre have re-chrlstened one of Arlstotlers
Even though we
@ 1985
by Marccl Dckkcr, Inc.
07 47
85 1 040
-0 1 0
101-119 (1985)
we are honored by professor Dare poirierrs offer to publlsh
a compressed versLon of our paper along wlth connentarles by such
leadlng researchers ln phllosophy of sclence and econometrlcs as
Professors L.A. Boland, I.J. Good, M.H. pesaran, T. Seldenfeld,
and r.J. sniley. Thelr comments and those offered earlier by our
former colleague, Dr. Edward J. Green, have helped us rethlnk
some of the materlal we have presented. Even where crltlclsm has
been well founded, falrness dictates that \re present our responses
here rather than ln an altered text. where, ln our subJectlve
view, comnents rrere lllfounded, we wl11 so lndlcate. As our
followlng replles show, our posltlon remalns flrm.
Analytlc-Synthetic Dlstlnctlon
It nas good to read professor Bolandrs klnd remarks. Our
dlscusslon of Arlstotlers axloms for adnnissibllity of statements
lnto loglcal arguments owes so much to hls very inportant contributions to the foundatlons of econoralcs. we concur in the oplnlon
Shat the "analytlcal-synthetic" dlstlnction ls susplclous. The
offending foocnote 2 concainlng Ehls distlnctlon was added to
paclfy some crltlcs nentloned in our authorsr footnote. In any
case' this dlstlnctlon ls not cruclal for our dlscusslon, provlded
readers understand the word "true" ln the same way as Boland does.
Arlstotellan Loglc
clearly lndlcated wldely known sources for our
lernlnol0gy in referrlng to Arlstotlers axlons, snlley appears to
have the curlous lmpressLon that "The Law of contradlctlon" is a
cuscomary name and that we have re-chrlstened one of Arlscotlers
Even though we
@ 1985
by Marccl Dckkcr, Inc.
0747 4938185104014t 0l $3.s0/0
axloms as "The Axlom of ldentity" "for lack of an accepted termlnology." Smlley and Boland nay settle between themselves the
assertion that we "have probably been 1ed astray by Bo1and." But
that the use of modus ponens and 99dus-!e11eng does not depend on
the axlom of the excluded-mlddle is absolutely false. Bolandrs
Ereatmenc of the lnterrelatlonshlp between modus ponens (or
modus tollens) and Arlstotlets axioms ls nothiog short of excellent. Smlleyrs claim that modus ponens or modus tollens only
requlres that valid arguments are Eruth-preservlng lacks a Program
guaranteeing that valid arguments are truth-preservlng, thereby
asklng readers to act b1lnd1y and mechanlcally.
The Axlom of Identlty
Snlleyts defense of one economlsE, some of whose work we had
found to be 1n vlolation of the axlon of ldentlty, ls based on
the somewhat objectlonable assertlon that "economists do not-thank God!--make use of formallzed argunents." Well!
Whatever economlsEs do or don't do, the axlom of ldenElty
neans that loglcal falslty of the sEatement 11ke "2=4" follows
fron the very definltlons of the terms. In an analogous manner'
loglcal falslty of the ratlonal expectatlons hypothesls (nnn)
as adopted by one "perfect example of obedience to lthe axlorn
of ldentlty] " follows from the very deflnltlons of the terms
"subjectlve and objectlve probabllity dlstrlbutions."
subjectlve and ob-'iective Probabllitles are entlrely dlfferent
concepcs, their lnterchangeable use 1n a theory therefore vlolates
The same must be said of Pesaran's statethe axlom of ldentlty.
the REH che two concepts [subjectlve and objecment that
tlve probabllitles] are by definltlon lndisElngulshable from one
another as they w111 be one and the same thlng." Two different
deflnltlons cannot be made equlvalent by deflnltion.
The Axlom of Noncontradlctlon
Although Boland agrees wlEh our reconmendatlon Ehat the
"axlon of noncontradlctlon" should not be abandoned, Sml1ey
evidently belleves Ehat there cannoE be any vlolatlons of the
axlom unless an economist acknowledges--without conErlElon--that
hls theory ls lnconslstent. Thls 1s just misgulded. There are
no a11bls for vlolatlons of t.hls axiom, acknowledged or not.
Incidentally, scientlfic progress is made by accumulaElng
evldence agalnst loglcally valld theorles' not by uncoverlng
thlnklng mlstakes. Our reasons for not abandonlng the axlom of
nonconcradlcclon are the sane as Bolandfs.
The Axlorn of the Excluded-Mlddle
Bolandrs polnt that "every lndirect proof lnvolves both the
axlom of noncontradictlon and axlom of the excluded-mlddle" 1s
rell taken. In fact, thls corrects an error ln an earller verslon
of the paper. We agree wlth Boland that "avoidlng the use of
indirect proofs does not require abandonnent of che axlom of the
excluded-mlddle!" Any scatemenE co Ehe contrary that nlght be
found ln the paper ls accidental. Our reason for abandoning the
axlom of che excluded-nlddle ls not that lndlrect proofs are
invalld, although they are so 1n the lnflnite case and ln other
cases menEloned above, but only that economeEric work cannot
proceed, and may be lmposslble, 1f we lnslst on satlsfylng the
axLon of the excluded-nlddle. Let us clarify thls polnt. The
real alm of lnference 1s usually to generate a predictlon about
che value of sorne future observables. Suppose that a predlctive
dlstributlon, say p(yl*), derl-ved from a 1oglca1ly conslstent
econometrlc roodel (the truth status of whlch is unknown) ls used
to produce an lnterval predlction, say 10.5 to 30.8, for the value
of the random variable f tn a future perlod, say T*s. Then both
sraremenrs, "pr(10.5!]1a"!30.4;=6.95" and "the probablllty that
the reallzed value of if+sr saY Y14g, lles between 10.5 and 30'8 ls
either 0 or 1r" are correct because the random varlable i1.r" must
be distlngulshed fron the value ylas taken by that random varlable.
The statement that 10.5jiT+s!30.8 dlffers from the statement that
L0.59T+s<30.8. I.le have therefore thls lmportant distlnctlon:
asslgnnent of a truth value of 0.95 to a statement about
violates the axlon of the excluded-rnlddle' wh1le the asslgnment
of a cruth value of 0 or 1 to a statemeot about yT+s does not.
Clearly, Bolandrs remark that "any conslderatlon of statenents
about the future does noc necessltate a rejectlon of the raxlom
of the excluded-nlddle' slnce an adnlsslble staternent ls stl11
elther Erue or false even chough we may not yet know lts truth
status" must refer to reallzatLons, not future events consldered
as random events. Indeed, when we lncroduce random varlables of
Ehe type iT+"r r. cannot even assign a truth value of 1 or 0 to
the statemenc, 10.5$1+s!30.4, and hence caonot avold violating the
axlom of the excluded-nlddle unless the lnterval 10.5-30.8 covers
the entire range of posslble values for Ir*. or ls outslde the
This dlfference ln Ehe asslgnnent of truth values
range of ]r*".
to the stateDents about I1*" and Yr*", lncldentally, applles
whether \re use Bayes theoren or not and cannot be bhanged by avoldlng the use of lndlrect proofs. Good's remark thac "[1]f a proposltlon is now only probable for us, then we donrE know now whether
lt ls true or false, though we mlght know later, and lt can be
crue or false even lf we never flnd out whlch" l-s lnconsequential
here. Further, Goodfs stacement chat "... lprobabtllcy theory]
also obeys the usual laws of ArlsEotelean logle" ls correct ln the
speclal case when by probablllty theory ls meant an unlnc.erpreted
calculus of probabillty as deduced, e.8., by Kolmogorov. In any
case, we do not know of any exanpLe where "pr(10.5ET+J30.8)=p,
01!n$," does not vlolate the of the excluded-middle.
Pesaran mlsses Ehe polnt that '10.5$1*1!30.8" and
"10.5(y1.r"(30.8" are two dlfferent statements, and nlthout reallzlng that we are asslgning a truth value p, Olpll, to the former
and noc to the latter, he lncorrectly critlclzes our argument.
Smlley says that a common mlstake ln dlscusslons of Ehe axlom of
the excluded-nlddle ls to confuse a statementrs belng true wlth lts
belng known to be true. Throughouc our dlscusslon of Arlstotellan
loglc we only refer to statements whlch are elEher true or false,
saylng speclflcally that the truth of assunptions cannot be known
the axlorn of the excluded-mlddle.
Since the concept of lnfinlty ls used extenslvely in econometrlc work, our objective of dlscoverlng the foundatlons as
manlfested in the nature of stochastlc econometrlc theorles cannot
be served by rejecclng the use of thls concept, as suggested by
Boland. Non-Bayesians as well as some Bayeslans use countablyadditlve dlstributlons where the very deflnltlon of countableaddltivity lnvolves the concept of lnflnlty.
Vagueness of Language
Both Good and Seldenfeld refer to vagueness and amblgulty
of ordlnary language to crltlclze some of our arguments. Good
belleves Ehat ArlscoEellan loglc can be used even when the concepts
ate fuzzy, but hls arguments are not clear to us. Hls statement
thaE "Ehe quesElon whether a rnan has a beard ... ls a clear and
sfunp1e exarnple showlng the need ln prlnclple for non-Arlstotelean
fr,zzy ].oglc." seems to contradlet another statement, "Arlstotelean
loglc could be largely restored to the questlon of beardedness..."
We do not deny thaE ordlnary language rnay be vague. Indeed we
took care noC to use vague language ourselves. What we have sald
ls that slnce there 1s no approxlmate modus ponens, modus ponens
or Arlstotelian loglc cannot be used 1f any of our assumptlons
are only approxlmately crue. Of course, Seldenfeld rejects
"a Eacit assumptlon ... whlch amounts to the presumptlon EhaC
approxlmatlons are at odds wlCh Arlscotelean loglcr" and no
apology 1s requlred. He also rejects the assumptlon that
"approxlmatlons must lnvolve the klnd of vagueness chat makes thern
unlncelllglble by standards of classlcal loglc." Thls criticlsm
ls beslde the polnt because we do not use Arlstotellan loglc to
dlstlngulsh "unlnrelllglble"
fron "1ntelliglble" scatenenrs buE
to pass along known truths (or falsltles) fron assumptlons (or
concluslons) to concluslons (or assunptlons). Let us conslder
Seldenfeldrs own example. He says, "... lt is understood by all
what the trafflc cop means when lt ls reported that I was drlvlng
approxlmately at 45 mph In a 25 mph zone. I do not belleve thls
understandlng lnvolves appllcatlon of some non-scandard loglc!"
A personrs understanding of any staEement depends on how well che
terms appearlng ln that scatement are defined and how nel1 chat
person understands those deflnitlons.
Our concern here 1s dlfferent; what can a trafflc courc conclude from the premlse that
Professor Seldenfeld was drlvlng approxlnately at 45 nph in a
25 nph zone? No judge ln his rlghc mlnd would allow such evldence
ln court because any number less than or greaEer than 25 ls stlll
approxlnaEely 45. The evldence ls legally inconcluslve.
A semantlc abuse llke Smlleyrs phrase "the average plumber has
1.3 chlldrenr" serving as shorthand for an assertlon about the
ratlo of plunbers to chlldren of plumbers would probably not pass
an edLtorrs scrutiny. Slmllar1y, no one who has studled nathemaEl-cs
w111 use Smlleyts phrase, "Il=22/7 ls rapproxlmately truer," as
shorthand for an assertlon about the relatl-ve smallness of the
dlfference between Ehe Ewo numbers. We repeat: the nain focus
ln our paper is on the connectlon between assumptions and concluslons and not on the usefulness of phrases as shorthands for
The Problen of InductLon
It has always been our understandlng that outslde of used-car
lots "solutlon" means "complete solutlonr" not partlal solutlon. In
Sectlon 4.1 and foocnote 7, we have clarifled what we rnean by "the
problern of lnducElon." Good agrees wlth the statemenE that thls
problem has no complete solutlon. I{ow do we overstate our case
by repeatlng Chls correct scatement whenever necessary? Indeed,
ln the paper we never say or funp1y that partlal solutlons cannot be
valuable. Concepts such as locally coherent procedures, Blrnbaumrs
confldence concept, and Kleferts suggestlons discussed in Sectlons
7.3 and 7.6 would be useful for gettlng partlal solutlons.
Boland and Good agree that the problem of lnductlon has no
(conplete) solutlon. Therefore ne cannoc verlfy the Eruth of Ehe
condltlons of Ehe laws of large nurnbers or the condltlons under
whlch subJectlve probablllty distributlons exlst. Because of thls
dlfflculty we are unable to pass along truchs to frequentlstsf or
subjectivlstst specl.ficatlon of probabillty dlstributlons slnce
these truths are always unknown to ua. It ls prudent to a1low for
the possiblllty that the Arlscotellan prlnciple of the excludedniddle does noc hold for frequency or subjectlve interpretaclons
of probabillty. What, then' ls so "surprlsing and rather puzzlTng"
(Seldenfeld) about thls assertlon? For exarnple, Cram6r
(1946, p. 143), a leadlng frequentlst, has sald that to any event
connecEed wlth a random experlment, we should be able to ascrlbe
a number p such EhaE, ln a long serles of repetltlons of the
experlnent, the frequency of the event would be approxlnately equal
to p. Slnllar1y' H111 (1975, p. 559), a leading subjectlvisE'
has pointed out that the notlon of a "true" denslty ls dlstasteful
to a subjectlvist such as hlmself. There are no approxlmately true
frequentist or subjectlve probabllitles from whlch unarnblguously
true concluslons w111 valldly fo1low r{lth the assurance of modus
ponens. If our presentatlon of Bolandrs demonstratlon that there
1s no approxlmate modus ponens or aPProxlmate rnodus tollens ls
not "a demonstraElon that the sense of rapproximatlonr used ln
the rstandardr lnterpreEatlons of probablllty ls of che sort that
cannot be captured by classlcal loglcr" then what is it?
It ls not classlcal loglc but the lack of a (complete) solutlon to the problem of lnductlon that ls a hlndrance ln che phllosophlcally dlfflculc task of produclng defenslble expllcations
of "probab11ity." It ls also the source of confllcts ln the
If we can
ongolng debates over Ehe foundatlons of statlstlcs.
verlfy the truth of the condltlons of a law of large numbers,
then we can say that the frequency lncerpretaclon of probablllty
ls also true. Alternatlvely, lf lte can verify the truth of the
condiclons under whlch subjectlve probabllltles exist, then we
can pass along that known truth to the subjectlve lnterpretaElon
In elther case' controversles of the type that
of probablllty.
appeared ln Kiefer (L977a, pp. 822-827 ) surroundlng the question:
I{hat 1s the correct lnterpretatlon of probablllty? should end.
Slnpllclty or
Returnlng to Goodrs comments, we do not agree that the concepts of slmpllclEy or parsimony and conplexlty, are absolutely
essentLal for model cholce. Conslder, for exarnple, Goodrs own
exanple of flttlng a polynonial to n observatlons of a dependent
and an lndependent varlable. Though Good belleves Ehat a polynonlal
of lower degree ls nore parslmonious than a polynomlal of che
(n-1)th degree Ehat fits the data exactly, the latter polynonlal
may not very often be the better predl-ctor of the dependent varlable outslde the saurple than polynornlals of lower degree. If it
is, then lt 1s useful, but the operatlonal meanlng Good attaches
Eo the word "parsLmony" ls nlsleadlng. If our purpose ls not to
predlct but to provlde a relative evldentlal evaluatlon of models,
then we cannot work wlEh exact flts because an equatlon thac flts
the glven data exactly will not enable us to estlmate the error
varlance, and hence staclstlcal evLdence 1o the form of Birnbaumrs
df and d! f" not possible. Exact fits are analogous to sltuatlons
presented by a slngle observatlon y fron a normal dlstrlbutlon wlth
unknown mean u and unknown sEandard devlatlon o. The 1lkellhood
here 1s inflnlte at the polnt o=0, U=y, suggestlng very strongly
that small values of o are more plauslble than larger values, no
natter what the value of j that 1s observed. What you get fron
thls ls not parsimony, but mlsleading evldence wlth probablllty 1!
The confldence concept of Blrnbaun lllunlnates the reason, ocher
than slnpllclty or parslmony, for preferrlng ldentlflable rnodels
to nonl.dentlflable models whlch nay flt the data exactly. Identlfiabl1lcy is a necessary conditlon for statlstlcal conslstency.
It should also be noted that there ls no necessary connectlon
between estlmatlon efflclency and predlctlve efflclency and Ehat
estlmatlon efflclency applles on1-y to rare sltuatlons. To see
thLs, recall the three posslble lnterpretatlons labeled (a), (b),
and (c) of the parameters ln the (fl,S,p)-paradigrn presented in
applles under all three
inEerpretatlons (a), (b), and (c), estlmation efficlency applles
only under lnterpretatton (c). Loosely speaking, one can guess
estimatlon efflclency, whenever 1c applies, by conputlng the
observatlon/parameter ratlo. When this ratlo ls not sufficlently
large, parameter estimates wl11 be lmpreclse or Ehe efficiency of
the parameter estlmates w111 be low. Also, lf we follow Blrnbaum
to provlde evldentlal interpretatlon, then thls evidence nay be
worthless ln thls case. However, the predictlons lmp1led by these
lmpreclse paramecer estlmates rnay be successful Isee Lad and Swany
(1985)1. Moreover, lt ls dlffLcult to opt for lnterprecatlon (c)
1n nonexperlrnental sltuatlons llke econometrlcs because there may
not be any model-free physlcal quantlcies standing behind each
model paramecer. If lnterpretati"on (c) does not apply' then
In any case, 1f we reject
estlmatlon efflciency ls irrelevant.
a roodel on the ground that lt has too many parameters' then we
rnay be rejectlng a best predlctor of our varlables.
the relevant conslderatlon for predlctlve purposes ls not the number of parameters 1n a nodel but a nodelrs predlctive efflciency.
Thus, the prlnclple of parsimony based on the number of unknown
parameters can be quite mlsleading.
Sectlon 7.6.
Though predlctlve efficlency
I-tany-Valued Loglc
Goodts openlng remark, "Slnce the enphasls was on nultlvalued
loglc, perhaps it ls nelther true nor false that they answered the
ltltle] questlon," is an amuslng pun. Let us establlsh here that
we dld not propose dropplng any of Arlstotlers axloms merely for
the purpose of understandlng our paper. More to che polntr whlle we
concede the lmportance of language and of avoiding lts amblgultles
(exarnples of anblguities ln language rnay be found even among the
commentaries here), our Lntent was Eo dellneaEe a mlnlmal set of
axloms for a foundatlon of econometrlcs' not physlcs' llngulsElcs
or posslbly psychology. We belleve we achieved our purpose.
Contrary to Che lmpresslon glven by Sm11ey, we do not say
thaE all the alCernatives to classlcal loglc w111 be found under
the headlng of "many-valued" loglc. We treat probablllty theory
as a verslon of many-valued logic as suggesEed by Lyndon (L966,
p. 33) under the headlng of "Many-valued 1oglcs." He proposes
that probablllty theory, ln 1ts most prlmltlve form, resembles
many-valued loglc 1n Chat lE atEaches to each formula f as
probabtllty a number p ln the lnterval [0,1]. We are arrrare that
probabllity dlffers from loglc 1n that pr(AUB) does noL depend on
only pr(A) and pr(B) [see Lyndon (1966, p. 33)]. For rhls reason,
a systein of rules of lnference that flEs the probability theory
ls dlfferent fron the system that flts Arlscotelian loglc Isee
McCawley (1981, p. 368)1. Good agrees that probablllty theory
certalnly can be regarded as a verslon of many-valued loglc.
In our dlscusslon of a verslon of many-valued loglc rJe are,
by the way, not dealing wlth degrees of meanlng but wlth degrees
of certalnty. The analogy bet$reen ftzzy set theory and probablllty
theory 1s merely senantlc. We lncluded a discusslon of flzzy
sets 1n Sectlon 7.5 because of 1ts analogles wlth probablllCy
theory. The act of asslgnlng truth values to proposltlons ln
fuzzy sets theory para11e1s the act of asslgnlng probablllties to
sets ln probablllEy theory. We do noE mean to say that the theory
of tuzzy sets ls the same as a theory of (part1a11y-ordered)
The arguments glven 1n McCawley (1981, Chapter 12)
dlsprove Snlleyts claim that fuzzy log|e cannot handle lnexact
concepts such as approxlmatlon. Our answer to Snl1ey's closlng
questlon 1s no lf by "flzzy concepts" and "vague sEatemenEs" he
neans all those statenents whlch violate the axlorn of the excludedmlddle.
Many-valued loglc can be used wlthout replaclng the axlorn of
noncontradlctlon. The answer to Bolandts questlon, "If st.atements
can be Inany-valuedr' what constitutes a contradlction?" depends on
the type of many-valued log1c we use. Let us conslder probablllty
theory whlch 1s a verslon of many-valued loglc. Glven the trlplet
(S,BrP)=(a sanple space, a Borel field, a probablllty set functlon), a set belonglng Eo B w111 have only one cruth value, vlz.,
a probablllEy. In thls sense, a sEatement cannot have ewo dlfferent
truth values. Boland further asks, "But, can we say thaE a staternent whlch ls, by any measurement,0.5 Erue is also 0.5 false?"
Our answer ls: 1f the probabtllty of a set AeB ls 0.5, then yes,
the probablllty of the complernent of A 1s 0.5. Thls is not a
conEradlctlon. Aga1n, ln Ehe case of probablllty theory, the
axlom of noncontradictlon means coherence ln de Finettlts sense.
Thls answers Bolandrs questlon: "Just what does the axlom of
noncontradlctloo mean when we abandon chis axlom of the excludedmtddle?" Incoherent oplnlons that do not conform to probabillty
calculus are noE free frorn contradlctlons.
Smlley mlsrepresents lnstrumentaliscs by saylng that they
conslder sclence as rnaglc. Whl1e we are not opposed Eo lnstrumenta11sm, we also do not want to relegate econometrlcs to lmmediate
practlcal problems. As Blrnbaurn polnts out, hypothesis testing
can be used for evldentlal lncerpretatlon.
Contrary to what Boland
has said, the questlon of testlng need not necessarlly lnvolve
sErategies and preferences concernlng whether a type I or type II
error 1s the least preferred on1y, but may lnstead concern relatlve evidentlal evaluatlons of trro or nore hypotheses. Idea11y,
we should follow Blrnbaumfs confl.dence concepE: under no rnodel
sha11 there be a hlgh probabllity of outcomes lnterpreted as strong
evldence agalnst thac rnodel. Thls is not to deny the presence of
practlcal dlfflcultles
lnvolved 1n the enplrlcal lmplementatlon
of Blrnbaumts confldence concept desplte lEs undenlable appeal.
Regardlng plpe dreams, \{e are afraid that the econometrics
of che founders w111 remaln 111usory 1f lc 1s based on pesaranrs
prescrlptlon. A requlrement that lts foundatlon should rest on all
of Aristotlers axl-ome includlng the axlom of the excluded-mlddle
nay Just remaln the dream of a mldsunmer nlght. But there ls l1ght
at the end of the tunnel lf Blrnbaunrs confldence concept 1s taken
serlously. More Eo the pol-nt, loglcally conslstent econometrlc
of endogenous
varlables, glven exogenous varlables, rarely, lf ever, produce
degenerate predlctive distrlbuclons of endogenous varlables.
Using nondegenerate predlcclve dlstrlbutlons' we can aL best make
probabllistlc statements about Ehe yet-to-be observed future value
of an endogenous varlable. The probablllties of such statements
wl11 usually be nelthet zero nor one. Alternatlvely, uslng
Blrnbaumrs confidence concept' we may glve an evldentlal evaluatlon of two or more competlng models, as long as they are 1oglcal1y
conslstenc, of course. This procedure nay not glve a strong
evldence agalnst a nodel unless the observaclon/parameter ratlo
is sufficlently high. A Ehlrd approach ls to conpare hypoEheses
concernlng real events by uslng posterlor odds ln favor of one
hypothesls relaElve to another, as ln Zellner (1971). However,
the atteinpt to do thls 1s often thwarted by sample lnformatlon
that ls weak and hence incapable of providlng the econometrlclan
wlth satlsfactory odds ln favor of elther hypothesls. Furthermore,
evaluatlon of posterior odds ls hlghly sensltive to the prlor
distrlbutlon of parameters under che nalntalned hypothesls. In
these cases, one ls not really comparlng hypotheses, but rather
To establlsh
comblnatlons of hypotheses wlth prlor dlstrlbutlons.
of competing hypotheses we may conslder
bounds on plauslblllty
this: As suggested by H111 (1984a), a sample could reveal how
extreme prlor dlstrlbutlons would have to be (wlthin a cercain
class of prlors) l-n order to produce declslve evidence for one
hypothesls versus another. We would then be in a posltlon to say
that such prlor dlstrlbutlons are not ln our "ball-parkr" and
therefore that such daEa are lncapable of glving a clear lndlcatlon
as to whlch rnodel is preferable. Thls program 1s conslsEenE with
Klefer's suggestlon summarized at che end of Sectlon 7.6. Thus' che
app1lcabl1lEy of "fvzzy" econometric cheory based on BLrnbaumrs,
Hl11ts and Klefer's suggesELons would not be lfunlted to bulldlng
economeEric models representlng merely "ftzzy" econonlc theory as
suggested by Boland.
models that specify Ehe condltlonal dlstrlbutlons
Achievlng Coherence
Returnl-ng to some technlcal comments, the accuracy of
Seldenfeldrs clalm that "nany fanlllar (textbook) rorchodoxt
statlsclcal procedures have a Bayeslan model under an rimproperr
prlor" seems s11ghtly exaggerated. Example 1 does not represenc
very many fanlllar (textbook) "orthodox" st.aCistical procedures.
For lnstance, frequentlst admissible procedures that are equally
famlliar are omltced. Thelr Bayeslan descrlptlons do not always
use "inproper" prlors! The "examples" he glves referrlng to
Jeffreysr prlors, flnite addlclvity and non-conglomerablllty, are
perhaps unnecessary 1n vlew of our references to Zellner's (1971),
Vlllegast (1977a, b, 1981) and H111's (1981,1982,1984) work on
those subjects.
We hope that our st.atement, "[1]f an inproper prlor does noc
lead to a posterlor whlch could have been obtalned from a proper,
flnitely addltlve prlor, then such a prlor results 1n incoherence
and should not be used." ls not really as outrageous as
Seidenfeldts crltlcism suggests. Because we hesltated co Eake a
chance on obtalnlng lncoherent lnferences, we felt obllged to err
on the slde of cautlon 1n reconmendlng the use of lnproper prlors.
It ls true that lf Che chosen lmproper prlor has a posterlor whlch
could not be obtalned from a proper, flnit.ely additive prlor, then
the Heath and Sudderth condltlon for coherency cannoE be used to
show that the chosen lmproper prlor 1s lncoherenc. It may be posslble to show, as 1n Hill (1984), that the apparenc 111 consequences
of uslng Ehe chosen lmproper prlor cannot really be nade operational. For thls reason, our cautlon may be excesslve. In any
case, ao lmproper prlor should not be used if 1c could not be shown
by any nethod that the bad consequences of uslng such a prlor
cannot be rnade operatlonal. Uslng a new condltlonal frequency
lnterpretation of statlstlcal Lnferences, V11legas (1977a, 1981)
shows that the posted condltlonal odds based on a posterlor for
a posslbly lmproper prlor can be coherenE.
The followlng are our responses to Seldenfeld's questlons on
the seventh page of hls conments. Flrst, we conslder lleath and
Sudderthts derivatlon of a necessary and sufflcient eonditlon for
In referring
coherency to be correct. That ls why we accept lt.
co our so cal1ed "lnterestlng clalns" spanning lnporcant contrlbutlons fron A-Z--a11 of which are, lncldentally, referenced with
proofs--Seldenfeld proposes Ewo proofs by assertlon: (1) the
'approprlateness of the added restrlctlons lmposed by 'H-S
coherencet" is to be questloned, and (2) "when ... condltlonal
'H-S lncoherencer can arlse" is an open questlon. If lt ls not
known when "11-S lncoherence" could arlse, how is lt chat one
should reject "H-S coherence?" [,{e understand H111rs (1981, 1982,
1984) argurnent leading to the concluslon that the I{-S requlrement
for coherence 1s too restrl-ctlve co the extent thac le goes beyond
the de Flnettl form of coherence (whlch only requires avoldance of
sure loss wlth a flnlte number of garnbles). Even Ehough the condltlon of coherency 1s fundarnental for de Finettlrs lnductlve 1oglc,
the requirement of conglornerabillty ls not part of that loglc.
As H111 (1981) has suggested, we should learn to undersEand aod
llve wlth non-conglomerablllty. Subjectlvlsts who' 1lke ltlll'
prefer the flnltely addltlve theory, regard Ehe counEably addltlve
sltuatlon as rnerely a speclal case of lnteresE' to be justlfied
or not ln each appllcatlon on lts own merlt. The congloneracl"ve
property should be considered ln the same manner. Whenever we
declde co work wlth a flnltely addlclve theory, the Il-S condltlon for coherency ls useful. We must justlfy the serlous charge
that non-conglonerablllty ls l-rraEional, as Seldenfeld has suggested, only lf we apply the H-S condltion for coherency bllndly
and mechanlcally.
Gidelrs Incornpleteness Theorem
Most practlcloners of the phllosophy of sclence and mathematlcal loglc wl11 appreci-ate attempts to develop the trall from
Arlstotle through Codel to Blrnbaum as long as such efforts pass
the tests that phllosophers of sclence have constructed. Thorough-
ness of coverage \dou1d be one of then. But Seldenfeld appears to
have sone mlsglvlngs concernlng our dlscussion of Godelts lncompleteness theorem, polntlng to a lack of plausible examples ln
economlcs. A confllct bet\teen deductlve conpleteness and loglcal
consistency ln econometrlcs necessarlly arlses 1f the econonetrlc
theorles we are deallng wlth are consistent, axlomaLlzed extenslons
of che theory of naeural numbers, as polnted out by Edward Green
(Unlverslty of PtEtsburgh) who klndly drew our attentlon to an
excellent book by Joseph R. Shoenfleld entltled Mathenatlcal Loglc.
There it 1s scated wlth proof that a conslstent Eheory T ls also
complete lf lt admlts ellnlnatlon of quantlfiers, if lt contalns
a constant, and lf lts every varlable-free formula ls decidable ln
T. In hls comments, Smlley neglected to conslder the posslblllty
that these condltlons are vlolated when rlval hypotheses are combined into a more general model or when one tries to achleve
Dempsterrs or Tversky's type of consi-stency. Likewlse, our
reference to Barnard and Good notwlthstandlng, Srnlley apParently
does not see the relatlonshlp between these conditlons and coherence ln sufficiently large worlds. Let us explaln why we think
that G;de1rs theorem has relevance to a foundatlonal dlscusslon
of ecooometrlcs.
A forrnula f of a theory T 1s decldable ln T lf either f or
not-f ls a theoren of T. The concept of completeness ls related to
dectdablllcy: lf an axlomatlzable theory T is cornplete and consistent, then 1t 1s decidable. For exanple, both predlcate loglc and
arlthnetlc are undecldable though the former ls axLomatlzable and
the latter ls not. As Lyndon (1966, p. 38) polnts out"'lt
the exceptlon rather than che rule that a theory of any genulne
nathematlcal cornplexlty 1s decldable." Llke nost decidabillty
proofs for theorles ln a language with quantlflers, the decldabi11ty proofs for econometric theorles can use the method of
ellmlnatlon of quantl-flers. If econometrlc theorles saclsfy the
lsornorphlsm condltion and the submodel condltlonr then they adnlt
ellnlnatlon of quantLflers [see Shoenfleld, op. cit.r p. 85]. It
ls not posslble to show that every econometric theory satlsfles
these condltlons. One set of undecldabtltty results whose proofs
are lndependent of Godelts proof of the undecidabtllcy of arlthnetlc Ls due to Post and Turlng who escabllsh the undecldablllty of
the questlon of whether an ldeallzed compuElng machlne, glven a
certaln lnput, will come to the end of lts conputation [see Lyndon
(1966, p. 42)1. Thls shows that, contrary to what Good has sald,
Turlngrs idea to base the foundations of nathematics (or econonetrlcs) on a carefully specifled computer was not so good. A
result related to that of Post and Turlng ls the unsolvabllity
of the word problern for senlgroups or groups [see Lyndon (1966,
g.42)l whlch 1s relevant here because lt ls posslble chat some
econometrlc theorles are the lsomorphlsms of the word problem for
semlgroups or groups.
Unacceptable resulEs can be easl1y obEalned lf che undecldabl1lty of formalized econometrlc theorles are lgnored. For
appealing axloms of group rationexample, Ithen two intultively
allty, viz., "external Bayeslanity" and "ltke1lhood prlnclple,"
are used to determlne an oplnlon pool ln a nultl-agent declslon
problem, then a generally unacceptable consensus may arlse whlch
lgnores alt but one of the oplnlons expressed [see Genest (1984)].
One posslble reason for M11Eon Frlednan's perennlal unhapplness
wtth Federal Reserve pollcy 1s perhaps the recurrlng lncompatlblllty of hls opinlons with those of the pools used by the Federal
Reserve. The lnpossibillty of obtalnlng a pollcy concluslon whlch
ls acceptable to all (ratlonal) economists even wlth ldentical
lnformatlon sets provldes one plauslble example of undecldablllty
ln economlcs.
The absence of consensus among economlsts even wlth ldentlcal
lnformatlon sets ls the result of the undecidabillty of certaln
formallzed econometrLc theorles. Thls means that such theorles
can be elther lnconsistent or lncomplete. If we denand conslstency,
then we may not be able to achl.eve completeness. But the axlom of
noncontradlction cannot be satlsfled lf the theorl-es are lnconsls-
tent. Our scatement 1s consistent $71th Nagel and Newmants (1958'
p. 6) observatlon thaL G;de1 "presenEed mathematiclanrs wlth the
asEoundlng and melancholy concluslon that the axlonatlc method has
certaln lnherent llnlcatlons ..." and Hofstadler's (1980, p, 25)
observatlon chat G;delts paper "1n some ways utterly demollshed
"noE only that there were
Hilbertrs program" ... by reveallng...
lrreparable rholesf ln the axlomatlc system proposed by Russell and
Whitehead, but more generally' that no axlonatic systen whatsoever
could produce all number-theoretlcal truths, unless lt were an
lnconslstent system!" If these statements donrt represent a
challange, then what does?! Thus, Godel poses a challenge to
che axlom of noncontradlctlon. This ls not the same as Smlleyrs
clalm that'[Coaef] could only be seen as challenglng the Law of
Contradictlon lf he had urged mathematlclans to sacriflce conslstency for the sake of completeness." The concluslon part of thls
sentence would not even follow from 1ts assumptlon part' Srnileyrs
suggestlon that the whole buslness of Godelts Eheorem ls sonethlng
of a red herrlng ls a red herrlng.
Tn conclusion, to errors and omlsslons catalogued by our klnd
dlscussants we plead not gul1ty. Any remalnlng lmpresslon that
our lnEerpretatlons of classical logic are lncorrect or Ehat our
advocacy of nany-valued logic ls mlsconcelved should, 1n Slr
Wlnston Churchlllrs fellcltous phrase, perhaps be wrltten off
as "gross termlnologlcal lnexactltude." As best as we can judge'
those crltlcisms are not based on a clear, correct, or even fair
understandlng of our paper. Nevertheless' we are wl111ng to
asslgn a truth value greater than zero (but less than one) to the
prospect that some readers w111 not agree wlth all we have to say.
P.A.V.B. Swany
Federal Reserve Board
Roger K. ConwaY
DeparEment of Commerce
P. von zur Muehlen
Federal Reserve Board
Crarn6r, H., (1946). Machernatlcal Methods of Statlsclcs.
Prlnceton Unlverslty Press.
Genest, C., (1984). A confllct
subjectlve dlst.ributlons.
between two axloms for cornblnlng
J.R. Staclst. Soc. B, 46, 403-405.
Hi1l, 8.M., (1982). Conglomerablllty for distributlons that are
only finltely additlve. Technlcal Report /il13, Unlverslty of
Mlchlgan, Ann Arbor.
H111, 8.M., (1984a;. Discusslon of che papers by DeGroot and
Erlksson, Rossl, and Lltterman. Proceedlngs of the Soclal and
Economlc Sectlon, Anerlcan Statlstlcal
Ilofstadter, D.R., (1980). Codel, Escher, Bach: An ELernal Golden
Brald. New York: Vintage Books.
Lad, F. and Swamy, P.A.V.B., (1985). Enplrical assessments of the
efflclent rLarkets hypothesls: A subjectlvlst analysls of the
variance bounds approach, Special Studles Paper, Federal Reserve
Board, Washlngton, DC.
Nagel, E. and Newman, J.R., (1958). Godelts Proof.
New York Unlverslty Press.
New York:
unless the problern of lnduction 1s solvable. Smileyrs dlstlnction
ls therefore not germane. In Sectlon 7.5 we dlscuss sEat,ements
llke, pr(10.5<iT+s<30.8)=p, 0311, and pr(10.5(y1*;!30.8)=0 or 1.
Both these statements, though dlfferent, are true. Therefore,
Snlleyrs asserElon Ehat ne equate people's present 1nabl1ity Co
tell whether fuEure statements are true or false wlth thelr
actually belng nelther true nor false is lncorrect. Furthermore,
he seerns t.o be lmplylng that in our Chlnklng probablllcy ls a
contl-nuum between truth and falslty.
Following Dempster, we
lnterpret probablllties as degrees of certalnty, and thls 1s what
Sniley may have meant.
In a related context, Goodrs renark that "... the statement
thac sonethlng ls approxlnately true can 1tse1f be absolutely
Erue lf anythlng can be." appears to be a semantlc puzzle Lnvolvlng
a contradlctlon. Indeed, Popper (1965), who ls quoted ln Bolandrs
comments, has shown that anythlng can be true if the axiom of noncontradlcElon 1s vlolaced. Popper put great emphasls on the fact
that ln standard logic a contradlctlon leads to loglcal anarchy,
as for example, in Pesaranrs statenent that "[1]f the orlglnal
denand system ls caken to be the truth, then from a strlccly
Loglcal vlewpolnt both approxlrnatlons are false."
Goodfs Justlflcatlon of the sEaEement that no vlolatlon of
the law of the excluded-mlddle follows fron the statenent thac an
event occurs wlch probablllty p, whether Ehe probablllty ls lnterpreted ln the long-run frequency sense or 1n the sub-jectlve
(personal) sense ls couched ln some conslderable quantlty of fuzzy
semantics, thereby undermlnlng itself:
"ntght notr" "somewhat
er" "mlght be true or falser"
'provlded long run 1s not too 1ong." If che parameter "p" 1n the
statement, "the probablllty of an event 1s pr" ls characterl-zed
ln such semantlc hedges, then lt ls, of courser funposslble to
determlne lf a specifled value of p ls true or false. Therefore
ee are justlfled ln assumlng that the probablllCy of an evenc ls
approxl.nately p. But thls assunptlon lnvolves the vlolatlon of