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21 pages
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ABSTRACT From time immemorial humans used the sun to dry many things, a process known as sun drying. Sun drying is carried out in the farm, home, industry, laboratory, hospitals and other institutions for a number of reasons. These reasons range from totally eliminating water molecules from the things being dried, i.e. outright drying, like clothes, some farm produce, during building work, and in sculpture to exposing certain electronic materials/components directly to the sun so that the ultra- violet rays from the sun can cause some changes in the component, and in pharmaceutical/chemical industries where certain plants used for pharmaceutical purpose/chemicals are exposed to direct sunlight for a little while to cause some chemical changes in them and even at home sometimes when we open our windows to allow the sun rays to fall into our rooms to eliminate dampness, and allow for proper aeration. When rain falls, it will cause a setback to all the reasons for sun-drying enumerated above, especially when the materials being sun dried are not retrieved quickly. Thus, designing and constructing a device which gives one a heads-up the instant it starts to rain hopefully giving you time to retrieve the materials being sun dried, close your windows, and bring in possession is not only apropos but also absolutely imperative. The rain detector is a device that alerts the user when it is just about to rain. Minute droplets of rain water trigger the alarm, thus, alerting the user that rain is imminent. It is a battery powered device which combines sensors, a buzzer for the alarm system, silicon transistors, mmv and other components in its circuitry to realize its purpose. Key words: Rain water, mono-stable MMV, Buzzer.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT As we know electronics field is the art of combining the knowledge of science and physics to acquire the ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. So we would like to thank the department for giving this chance even if it is part of the course. ABSTRACT In this project we tried to present the essence of conservation of rain water. The main purpose of this project is to collect clear rain water automatically using water sensor. The rain water detector can be used to conserve Water, prevent Groundwater and Waterways Pollution, to save money on fertilizer. The rain alarm circuit produces an audible alarm whenever the rain falls. the rain detector circuit is based on simple idea.
This work focuses on using rain sensors to activate protectors using the agricultural sector as a case study. The intent of this work is to use rain sensor as a protector for valuable items that are rains sensitive to reduce over employment especially in the agricultural sector of the Nigerian economy. Thereby saving cost of labour to the employers and saving time and energy. The objective was to use original components and equipment in the construction, the programming language was also put into consideration. During the construction process, the rain sensor circuit was tested on a bread board before it was transferred to the Vero board and lastly the rain sensor was constructed. This was to get rid of excess cost resulting from errors in the implementation of the circuit design. The implementation procedure adopted in this work was first designing the circuit with the use of Proteus. The second step was to implement the circuit on a breadboard. The third step was to implement the circuit on a Vero board, test and run. Then extensive ranges of tests were performed to determine the reliability and functionality of the device for 10 days. This achieved desired results in the time it takes the protector to respond to the signal produced from the output of the sensor. Possible recommendations were highlighted aimed at improving it the more. The possible recommendations pointed out were the implementation of usage of the device to areas of the economy whether domestically, commercially or industrially, and the future researchers should follow up with a microcontroller like PIC or ARDUINO which has internal EEPROM and the more advance EEPROM technology/ data logger. This design can be controlled by a simple incorporation of a voltage or current control machine/ induction system. And with the EEPROM, the operational settings of this dryer controller and its logged data can then be permanently stored on non-volatile registers/ ROM that preserve the logged data/ settings even when battery has being removed.
During the Mumbai 26/7 rains, lot of vehicles lost their electronic capability due to water logging in the vehicles (refer figure 1). This resulted in loss of life of individuals as they were incapable of leaving the vehicle as all the power driven windows and doors were sealed. A rain sensing wiper system that works on a principle other than electronics would be a boon in such a situation. The electrical voltage can be made to close/roll down the windows or open the door locks when it rains allowing passengers to escape from the vehicles. In developing countries, there is heavy neck to neck traffic allowing very less reflection time on the part of the driver. Also, situations are common where the vehicles have to follow huge trucks without tail-lights. Such situations can cause the driver to panic resulting in him pressing some wrong button in-order to start the wiper. A low cost automatic rain sensing wiper will be very useful in such a scenario. In this paper, we have investigated an electrochemical switch which is rain sensitive and independent of the electronics of the vehicle. Also, a lot of electrical components are involved in electrically operated rain sensing wiper, hence, there is always a chance of short circuit since the system deals specifically with water as medium. As a result regular inspection and preventive maintenance prove to be crucial for it as compared to our wiper which is eco-friendly and offers high reliability. In this paper, we have compared our electrochemical based wiper system with other existing methods in literature.
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
Now a day's technology is running with time, it completely occupied the life style of human beings. Even though there is such an importance for technology in our routine life there are even people whose life styles are very far to this well-known term technology. So it is our responsibility to design few reliable systems which can be even efficiently used by them, farmers. The farmer who toil and does hard work to produce the crop suffers a lot at the end. The factors include unexpected rains when yielded crop is dried before selling, which will completely destroy the crop yield or make the yield second grade. To avoid such condition, automatic rain protected drying sheds are to be developed. In this project, we propose a system in which the rains are detected automatically and protective shield is wrapped on the rooftop sensor an intelligent microcontroller and a DC motor are employed. The rain sensor of such drying shed which protect the crop against rain and getting wet. To automate this task, a rain senses the rain and data is passed to the microcontroller. The microcontroller processes the data and activates the DC motor control circuit and a protective wrapper is wrapped on the roof top.
Rainfall measurement system is a useful tool in weather measurement system. In tropical country such as Malaysia, rainfall measurement for agricultural and weather forecasting system is very important. Sampling-related tipping-bucket (TB) rain gauge measurements have significant errors for short time estimation. In this paper, a stable electronic rain gauge system with comprehensive data manipulation is designed and developed. This project used two major systems (a) tipping bucket with potentiometer and (b) capacitive sensor. Data is recorded and analyzed before the output is displayed. The system measures rainfalls accurately, saves the data reading and shows specific calculated for display.
In situ weather sensors aiming at the measurement of liquid atmospheric precipitation (rainfall) experienced limited conceptual innovation in recent decades, except for the data recording and transmission components [...]
International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management, 2017
During the Mumbai 26/7 rains, lot of vehicles lost their electronic capability due to water logging in the vehicles (refer figure 1). This resulted in loss of life of individuals as they were incapable of leaving the vehicle as all the power driven windows and doors were sealed. A rain sensing wiper system that works on a principle other than electronics would be a boon in such a situation. The electrical voltage can be made to close/roll down the windows or open the door locks when it rains allowing passengers to escape from the vehicles. In developing countries, there is heavy neck to neck traffic allowing very less reflection time on the part of the driver. Also, situations are common where the vehicles have to follow huge trucks without tail-lights. Such situations can cause the driver to panic resulting in him pressing some wrong button in-order to start the wiper. A low cost automatic rain sensing wiper will be very useful in such a scenario. In this paper, we have investigated an electrochemical switch which is rain sensitive and independent of the electronics of the vehicle. Also, a lot of electrical components are involved in electrically operated rain sensing wiper, hence, there is always a chance of short circuit since the system deals specifically with water as medium. As a result regular inspection and preventive maintenance prove to be crucial for it as compared to our wiper which is eco-friendly and offers high reliability. In this paper, we have compared our electrochemical based wiper system with other existing methods in literature.
Atmospheric Environment, 2000
A classical rain sensor was modi"ed to meet the demand to detect all the precipitation of the minimum intensity of R"0.1 mm h\, in a time interval of not longer than 30 s. The calculation of the response time of the sensor is based on the raindrop size distribution for drizzle type of rain. Theoretical solution of the response time, for any type of raindrop size distribution and any intensity of rainfall, is presented. The response time was measured in an experiment in situ, and the results of measurement for various intensities of rainfall (0.02}1.44 mm h\), and snowfall (0.0012}1 mm h\) are presented. The experimental response times for rainfall are somewhat shorter than predicted by theory. In addition, it was shown that the sensor was sensitive even to the snowfall of 0.0012 mm h\ intensity.
Philosophies, 2019
Strong arguments have been formulated that the computational limits of disembodied artificial intelligence (AI) will, sooner or later, be a problem that needs to be addressed. Similarly, convincing cases for how embodied forms of AI can exceed these limits makes for worthwhile research avenues. This paper discusses how embodied cognition brings with it other forms of information integration and decision-making consequences that typically involve discussions of machine cognition and similarly, machine consciousness. N. Katherine Hayles's novel conception of nonconscious cognition in her analysis of the human cognition-consciousness connection is discussed in relation to how nonconscious cognition can be envisioned and exacerbated in embodied AI. Similarly, this paper offers a way of understanding the concept of suffering in a way that is different than the conventional sense of attributing it to either a purely physical state or a conscious state, instead of grounding at least a type of suffering in this form of cognition.
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