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The Stratiomyidae, commonly known as soldier flies, consists of 2651 species characterized by their diverse morphology and worldwide distribution. This paper discusses the role of both adult flies and larvae in their ecosystems, including some species' significance in forensic entomology and as bioindicators of environmental quality. It also highlights gaps in knowledge concerning Oriental stratiomyid larvae, emphasizes the importance of rearing larvae for identification purposes, and suggests further research to enhance understanding of this group.
Microscopy Research and Technique, 2018
Nyssomyia umbratilis (Ward & Frahia) is the main vector of Leishmania guyanensis in the Brazilian Amazon region, where it is widely distributed. Studies have hypothesized that this phlebotomine is part of a cryptic species complex, spatially delimited by the Amazonian river systems, and with different transmission potential of L. guyanensis. In the present study, the immature stages of N. umbratilis are described from laboratory-reared specimens originating from the states of Amazonas and Pará, Brazil. Based on scanning electron and optical microscopy examinations, fine morphological structures (eggshell, setae, and mouthparts of larvae and pupae) are presented. A new form of sandfly pupae sexing (non-invasive) is also provided. The correct identification of insect is extremely important for the epidemiology of certain diseases. However, only the morphological characters of adult can be insufficient to separate accurately the closely related species. It is expected that the present description may contribute to solve the taxonomic problem involving N. umbratilis.
Journal of Medical Entomology, 2013
Arthropod development can be used to determine the time of colonization of human remains to infer a minimum postmortem interval. The black soldier ßy, Hermetia illucens L. (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) is native to North America and is unique in that its larvae can consume a wide range of decomposing organic material, including carrion. Larvae development was observed on six resources: control poultry feed, liver, manure, kitchen waste, fruits and vegetables, and Þsh rendering. Larvae fed manure were shorter, weighed less, and took longer to develop. Kitchen waste produced longer and heavier larvae, whereas larvae fed Þsh had almost 100% mortality. Black soldier ßies can colonize human remains, which in many instances can coincide with food and organic wastes. Therefore, it is necessary to understand black soldier ßy development on different food resources other than carrion tissue to properly estimate their age when recovered from human remains.
Aquatic Insects, 2008
The first detailed description of the larva and puparium of Stratiomys ruficornis (Macquart, 1838) and notes on its larval habitat are presented. The larva of S. ruficornis is unique among Stratiomys because its last abdominal segment and apical coronet of plumose hydrophobic hairs are both very short. These features are presumably an adaptation for life under semi-aquatic conditions. The problem of assigning the newly described larva to Stratiomys using the available identification keys is discussed. Chaetotaxy of S. ruficornis fully corresponds with the general scheme of the known Stratiomys larvae, but in contrast most setae of the head such as the first clypeofrontal and third ventrolateral seta are pubescent or plumate. The most important diagnostic character is the bush-like third ventral seta on the head, which has not yet been found in other species of Stratiomys.
To assess the ecological water quality in Flanders, macroinvertebrates have been collected by the Flemish Environment Agency (VMM). During the present study, larvae of soldier flies collected between 1997 and 2009 were identified to species level. In total, 722 specimens were identified, belonging to 18 different species. Oxycera meigenii Staeger, 1844 and Oxycera pardalina Meigen, 1822, two species from calcareous running water, are reported here for the first time from Flanders. Most species were found in waters with a moderate conductivity, however, a few were also found in waters with a high conductivity. Some species were only found at high oxygen levels, but most species also occurred at moderate concentrations. Almost all species were found in small streams, but larger watercourses and lakes also contained several species. Soldier flies were quite rare in macroinvertebrate samples and when present, they occurred at low densities. Most species did not seem to be indicators of ...
The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 2001
Males, larvae and puparia of Odontomyia pulcherrima Brunneti, 1920, are described for the first time and the female is redescribed. The larvae are unique among the Odontomyia species in that they live on wet rocks at waterfalls and are adapted to hygropetric conditions. The adults were reared from pupae collected in the field. O. pulcherrima is a widespread species occurring in India, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. Relationships of O. pulcherrima are briefly discussed and a preliminary key to the four Oriental Odontomyia larvae known so far is given.
European Journal of Entomology, 2007
Odontomyia ochropa Thomson, 1869, is redescribed and found to be identical with O. dorsoangulata Brunetti, 1920, which is proposed as a new synonym. The female holotype of O. ochropa from the Philippines was examined and compared with specimens from India, Thailand and Singapore. Terminalia and other diagnostic characters of both sexes are illustrated. The larva of O. ochropa is described in detail. The larval characters are in accordance with the characters of O. dorsoangulata mentioned by . The larva of O. ochropa is compared with that of O. cyanea described by . Cuticular structures and diagnostic characters of both larvae are documented by drawings and SEM micrographs. A new identification key to larvae of Odontomyia known from the Oriental Region is provided.
Acta aquatica turcica, 2022
Among invertebrates, Diptera, an aquatic insect, has the largest group of species. Aquatic Diptera larvae live in a highly distinctive environment in contact with vertebrates, humans, contaminated water, and depositing eggs in the host organism due to their life cycle. This study aims to describe various aspects of Clogmia albipunctata one of myiasis insects causing a disease that affects both living and dead vertebrates as well as humans and whose symptoms are often overlooked. Furthermore, the study is remarkable since it is the first report of C. albipunctata (Psychodidae) in an indoor drainage system, except for humans, vertebrates, and natural ecosystems. SEM images gave a detailed description of the larvae and confirmed the species identification. When their life cycles were investigated, it was determined that in addition to myiasis, C. albipunctata larvae (drain fly or moth fly) played a vital role in the movement of bacteria from drains to indoor places, such as toilets, bathrooms, showers, and kitchens. Multidrug resistant bacteria populate C. albipunctata, which possesses synanthropic behavior, and may play a major role in its transmission. This study focused on accidental myiasis. Keywords Aquatic Diptera Clogmia albipunctata Myiasis Psychodidae Turkey Özet: Omurgasızlar arasında Diptera, en fazla sucul türe sahip olan böcek grubudur. Sucul Diptera'nın yaşam döngüsünde omurgalılar ve insanlarla karşılaşması, konakçı organizmaya yumurtlaması veya yumurta bırakılan kontamine su ile olan temas, sucul Diptera larvalarının çok farklı bir çevrede yaşamasına sebep olur. Bu çalışmanın amacı, insanlar kadar canlı ve ölü omurgalıları etkileyen ve semptomları sıklıkla gözden kaçan miyaz böceklerinden biri olan Clogmia albipunctata' yı çeşitli yönleriyle tanımlamaktır. Ayrıca çalışma, C. albipunctata' nın (Psychodidae) insan, omurgalılar ve doğal ekosistemler dışında bir kapalı gider sistemindeki ilk kayıt olması nedeniyle dikkat çekicidir. SEM görüntüleri, larvanın detaylı tanımlamasına izin vermiş ve tür tanımlamasını doğrulamıştır. Yaşam döngüleri incelendiğinde miyazise ek olarak C. albipunctata larvalarının (gider sineği ya da güve sineği), bakterilerin giderlerden tuvalet, banyo, duş, mutfak gibi iç mekanlara taşınmasında kritik bir rol oynadığı görülmüştür. Ayrıca, çoklu ilaca dirençli bakteriler, sinantropik davranışa sahip olan ve bulaşıda önemli bir rol oynayabilen C. albipunctata' da yerleşir. Bu çalışma, sucul böceklerin tesadüfi miyazisi üzerine odaklanmıştır.
Arthropod Structure & Development, 2020
The larvae of the black soldier fly (BSF) Hermetia illucens are increasingly being used for waste management purposes given their ability to grow on a wide range of organic decaying materials. Although significant efforts have been spent to improve the mass rearing of BSF larvae on specific substrates and their bioconversion capability, little is known about the biology of this insect, especially with regards to the digestive system. In this study, we analyzed the morphology of the head and buccal apparatus of H. illucens larvae by using optical and scanning electron microscopy, evaluating the different mouthparts and their modifications during larval development. Our analysis showed that the larval head of H. illucens presents similarities to those of campodeiform insect larvae, whereas the mandibular-maxillary complex represents a food intake solution typical of Stratiomyidae that enables BSF larvae to ingest semiliquid food. The mouthparts resemble a "tunnel boring machine", where the hypopharynx separates finer organic particles from coarser and inorganic ones.
Para la explicación de la aberración de la luz, fue asumido por Fresnel, que el éter no participa en el movimiento anual de la Tierra, lo que naturalmente encierra en sí, que nuestro planeta es completamente permeable a esa substancia intermedia. Más tarde, Stokes ha intentado dar una explicación bajo la suposición de que el éter es arrastrado por la tierra y que, por lo tanto, en cada punto de la superficie terrestre, la velocidad del éter es la misma que la velocidad de la tierra.
Paper presentation at CIAC XX, PARIS 2024: ARCHAEOLOGY OF LIVED SPACES, Panel 20: Water Use in the Private and Public Spaces of the Ancient city. New Methodologies and Results from Interdisciplinary Research (org. M. Monteleone, H. Dessales, E. Sánchez-López)
The Gospel of John: The Hypothetical Original Text Restored and Translated, 2024
Mechanical engineering journal-Tokyo (Japan), 2024
Marmara Üniversitesi sanat ve tasarım dergisi, 2024
Psychology and Marketing, 2007
Transforming Anthropology, 2024
Energies, 2024
La Prensa, 2021
new media & society , 2019
Prosiding Temu Ilmiah IPLBI 2019, 2019
Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, 2025
Jurnal Ilmu Perbankan dan Keuangan Syariah
Materials Research, 2021