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Hizpide, 2023
Bideoaren erabilera helduen euskalduntzean ForVid ikerketaren argitan Hizkuntzen hezkuntzan bideoaren erabilerari buruzko inkesta digital baten emaitzak laburbilduko ditugu artikulu honetan; euskara, katalana, gaztelania edo galegoa bigarren hizkuntza edo hizkuntza gehigarri gisa ikasten ari diren helduen esparru ez formala izan da aztertutakoa. 1.658 irakasle izan ditugu informatzaile guztira; 327 izan dira horien artean euskararen eremukoak. Bideoa erabiltzeko oinarrizko hiru modu hartu dira aintzat: eskolan besteren batek grabatutako bideoak ikustea, ikasleek bideoak grabatzea eta irakasleek bideoak grabatzea. Euskararen eremuko emaitzek erakutsi dutenez, irakasleen % 94k ikusten dituzte bideoak eskolan baina ikasleen % 13k eta irakasleen % 11k baino ez dituzte bideoak grabatzen. Emaitza horiek, oro har, bat datoz beste hizkuntzen lortutakoekin, baina badago desbideratzerik. Eskolako praktikarik prototipikoena azaleratzen du modalitate bakoitzaren azterketa zehatzak, helburuak, edukiak, ebaluazioa, ikasgelako dinamika (elkarreragina, idazketa) edota erabilitako bideo-mota barne. Halaber, eskolan gero eta modalitate, genero eta praktika berri gehiago ari direla sartzen nabarmentzen dute emaitzek. Interesaturik dagoenak e-Hizpide aldizkariaren 9. monografian du euskararen esparruko ikerketari buruzko informazio zabalagoa; ForVid proiektuaren webgunean bertan, berriz, gaztelaniari eta katalalanari dagozkien txostenak. Gako-hitzak bideoa, bideo didaktikoa, bideo-grabaketa, multimodalitatea, vloggin-a 102. zenb.
Fundamentals Of Biochemical Engineering
The cult of Cybele, an "oriental cult" that Rome imported from Asia Minor, expresses how Roman power was extended to the East at the end of third century BC. In Greece, the goddess was adopted with her Phrygian name Cybele, and identified with other Greek mother goddesses, while in Rome she was called by a Latin name, Magna Mater, and not simply identified with Roman goddesses, even though her affinity with Hera and Vesta. The incorporation of this cult in the Roman religious system shows on the one hand the Roman openness to foreign cults, and on the other the tension between what is Roman and what is not. It was especially the original rituals practiced to honour the goddess that were too wild in the eyes of the Romans, who therefore adopted a compromise solution: they allowed the Galli, eunuch priests of the goddess, to perform the cult in accordance with the original foreign practice, but they also adapted the cult to their own system through the very traditional Roman ludi, the ludi Megalenses. My paper will focus on the tension between the non-Roman ritual elements of the cult of Cybele and the sense of Romanness that Romans bestowed on the cult in order to render it acceptable. I will do so by analyzing the most significant literary sources for understanding how ritual aspects, characters and myths of the goddess were adopted / adapted in Roman religion and culture. Whereas the majority of literary texts reflects the dialectical fluctuation between rejection and integration of this foreign cult in Rome, Ovid (Fasti 4, 179-372) gives it a special Roman patina, identifying in the goddess the model of the most typically Roman female virtue, the chastity. Comparing chronologically literary sources will also allow me to investigate the significance of this cult for the republican and Augustan Roman mentality.
I would like to thank all contributors to this symposium for their terrific comments. I have learnt a lot from their criticisms and I am grateful for having the opportunity to respond. Despite several points of disagreement, I think consensus emerges that pluralism about self-knowledge, which is the key take-home message of The Varieties of Self-Knowledge, commends itself as the most promising outlook on the mental and on our own knowledge of it.
The eastern Mediterranean is a tectonically complex region evolving in the long term located in the midst of the progressive Afro-Eurasian collision. Despite years of investigation, its geological-geophysical structure is not completely known. At the same time, the recent discovery of large gas deposits has attracted the attention of many researchers to this region. For instance, the latest U. S. Geological Survey estimates using conventional assessment methodology suggest that there are on the order of 1.7 billion barrels of recoverable oil and more than 4 trillion m 3 of recoverable gas in the Levant Basin [1]. This highlights the need for analysis of the paleogeographical conditions that can yield deep paleotectonic criteria for oil and gas discovery in this region. For this purpose, isopach maps of the Middle-Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous were generated from detailed examinations of numerous well sections and the most significant outcroppings in the eastern Mediterranean. The maps confirm an earlier model of continental accretion [2]. In particular, abrupt changes in the trend and thickness of the Early Mesozoic formations coincide with the terrane boundaries. These compiled isopach maps also pinpoint significant distinctions between the Arabian and Sinai plates on the one hand and the Syrian arc on the other. A new tectonic map of the eastern Mediterranean is presented that first of all integrates geophysical satellite-derived gravity and airborne magnetic fields, as well as tectonic-structural, paleogeographical and facial analyses. The results have clear implications for hydrocarbon prospecting in this region.
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