Wien, Austria, 7 - 11 September 2009
Supplementary Proceedings
of the
11th European Conference
on Computer Supported
Cooperative Work
Demos, Videos, Posters
Cooperative Software Development with [TIS] – Time Intelligence Solutions
J. Gärtner, D. Punzengruber & G. Edler
APOSDLE: Contextualized Collaborative Knowledge Work Support
S. Lindstaedt, R. de Hoog & M. Aehnelt
KnowSe: Fostering User Interaction Context Awareness
A. Rath, D. Devaurs & S. Lindstaedt
ITSME: the next generation workstation
G. De Michelis & M. Loregian
IdeaPitch – A tool for spatial notes
N. Jeners &W. Prinz
Peerclipse: Tool Awareness in Local Communities
S. Draxler, H. Sander, P. Jain, A, Jung & G. Stevens
Community Mirrors – Using public shared displays to move information “out of the box”
M. Koch, F. Ott & A. Richter
Why do you want to be a member of this online community? – Reasons for joining
an e-mentoring community.
Diana Schimke, Michael Heilemann and Heidrun Stoeger
Standardized Cancer Pathways: Layers of Sorting out Patients Suspected with Cancer
Naja Holten Møller
Head Tracking and Gesture Recognition in Museum Guide Robots for Multiparty Settings
Yoshinori Kobayashi, Takashi Shibata, Yosuke Hoshi, Yoshinori Kuno, Mai Okada,
Keiichi Yamazaki and Akiko Yamazaki
Towards a model-driven development method for collaborative modeling tools
Jesús Gallardo Casero, Crescencio Bravo Santos, Miguel Ángel Redondo Duque and
Fernando Gallego Gómez
Collaboration using Avatars vs. Text Chat – An Experimental Comparison
Andreas Schmeil and Martin J. Eppler
COMET: Collaboration in Mobile Environments by Twisting
Nitesh Goyal
Towards a groupware environment for collaborative programming learning
Crescencio Bravo, Fernando Gallego, Jesus Gallardo and Francisco Jurado
For a participative knowledge management
Thomas Martine
Co-constructing IT and Healthcare
Tariq Andersen, Jørgen Bansler, Pernille Bjorn, Erling Havn, Mie Jensen, Finn Kensing,
Jonas Moll, Troels Mønsted and Kjeld Schmidt
Pointing Accuracy in Collaborative Virtual Environments
Nelson Wong and Carl Gutwin
Mobile Social Media for Groups
Airi Lampinen, Vilma Lehtinen, Kai Huotari, Vesa Luusua, Martti Mäntylä, Risto Sarvas,
Lassi Seppälä and Jani Turunen
Kassi: Everyday Favors in Social Media. Matching Resources by Means of Campussourcing
Emmi Suhonen, Esko Nuutila, Seppo Törmä, Antti Virolainen, Juho Makkonen,
Ville Sundberg and Julia Wiikeri
How can we support engineering processes by marking-up emails
Craig Loftus, Christopher McMahon and Ben Hicks
How can information systems support collaboration between health-workers involved in
shared care across organizational boundaries?
Vigdis Heimly and Ole Andreas Alsos
Towards a commitment network on the Grid Shared Desktop
Germana Nobrega, Fernando Cruz, Carolina Santana and Jovanini Timo
Cooperative Software Development with
[TIS] – Time Intelligence Solutions
Johannes Gärtner, Dieter Punzengruber, Gerald Edler
XIMES GmbH, Austria,,
Abstract. Analyzing historical data and forecasting future personnel demand as well as
patterns of work is highly complex and situation dependant and calls for ongoing adaption, e.g. due to changes in environment or behavior. [TIS] eases such software development by providing adaptable building blocks within a framework that deals with general
software issues (data management, security, translation, …). Furthermore it provides an
infrastructure that facilitates cooperative software development as well as sharing and
reuse of building blocks.
Application domain and existing technology
Service related industries like Call Centers, Retail facilities, Airports etc. only
work when customer demand is met timely by staff to delivers the service. Staff
planners as well as Consultants typically analyze (“mine”) large amounts of historic “time stamped” transaction data to find pattern, foresee future demand lines
and to optimize staff attendance, working times and consequently service levels.
Time stamped data carries a multitude of information but also calculation problems: It comes in different structures that change over time, it is erroneous (e.g.
missing data) and has to be validated and corrected and it comes in large volumes.
Spreadsheets are one way to address these issues. However, there are several
shortcomings e.g. handling large data volumes, dealing with time, reusability and
scenario management. Database solutions lack the flexibility that is needed and
Business Intelligence systems lack computational depth.
[TIS] – Time Intelligence Solutions
[TIS] was specially developed to handle issues of time stamped data. It currently
provides more than 100 highly specialized calculation functions called “operations” to deal with many aspects of time related data calculations (e.g. import,
summation over time, sorting or visualizations). Users control operations with
parameters and Programmers can easily add operations for public or private use.
Chains of operations are grouped into “data nodes”, refer to other data nodes for
input and deliver result tables and visualizations for output. An example data node
to analyze Blood Pressure data is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Screenshot of [TIS]. A template data node that compares and visualizes blood pressure
time series is copied into a new solution.
A set of data nodes typically forms a “solution”, a sometimes complex network
of data nodes, which addresses a particular problem field. Data nodes as well as
solutions can be transformed into “Templates” to be easily copied, combined and
reused. A wiki based knowledge base classifies typical problems of time based
calculations and helps to select operations and templates to solve problems.
The [TIS] framework provides storage, import export of whole solutions, security, support for translation, etc. Debugging is supported strongly. [TIS] facilitates
joint development and sharing of templates as well as the underlying knowledge.
Critical research questions are: How to organize and support users in finding
existing know-how stored in templates? What are – ideally automatic – ways of
describing and organizing collections of templates? How to support revisions of
solutions developed by end users that are used by others? What are options for
organizing support structures?
2. Das [TIS] Workbook, XIMES GmbH, Wien,
APOSDLE: Contextualized
Collaborative Knowledge Work Support
Stefanie N. Lindstaedt
Know-Center and Graz University of Technology, Austria
Robert de Hoog
University of Twente, The Netherlands
Mario Aehnelt
Fraunhofer IGD Rostock, Germany
Abstract. This contribution shortly introduces the collaborative APOSDLE environment
for integrated knowledge work and learning. It proposes a video presentation and the
presentation of the third APOSDLE prototype.
In a world of rapid change and continuous technological innovation the economy
relies heavily on the ability of their knowledge workers to manage and apply new
knowledge effectively within their work processes. In order to realize the
productivity gain needed, the focus in learning has to be shifted away from the
acquisition to the application of knowledge.
APOSDLE (Advanced Process-Oriented Self-Directed Learning Environment, is an integrated project funded by the European Commission
under FP6 IST initiative. The goal of the project is to enhance knowledge worker
productivity by supporting informal learning activities (1) during work task
execution and tightly contextualized to the work context, (2) within the work
environment, and (3) utilizing knowledge artifacts and people available within the
organizational memory for learning.
The APOSDLE environment is a collaborative environment which provides
computational support for knowledge work and work-integrated learning. It
enables the individual knowledge worker to tap into the collective intelligence of
her organization and provides mechanisms to feed new knowledge back into the
system without much effort. APOSDLE combines semantic approaches with
‘scruffy’ methods (such as associative retrieval, statistical methods and heuristics)
which provide good results in the presence of uncertainty and the absence of finegranular models. It implements hybrid approaches to user context detection, user
profile management, context-based recommendation and awareness building,
expert identification, etc.
APOSDLE features include, but are not limited to:
! Suggest Artifacts: contextualized recommendation of knowledge artifacts
(text as well as video) based on the current work task of the user and her
prior knowledge (skills)
! Suggest People: contextualized recommendation of people within the
organization which have similar or more advanced skills than the user
! Collaboration Wizard: scripted support for collaboration between a
knowledge seeker and a knowledgeable person, the collaboration results can
be shared easily within the organization
! Learning Paths: contextualized recommendation of learning activities and
resources (including people) ordered according to learning prerequisites,
these learning paths can also be manually created and shared
! Shared collections: share artifacts, insights, and links to people
APOSDLE has been partially funded under grant 027023 in the IST work program of the
European Community. The Know-Center is funded within the Austrian COMET
Program - Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies - under the auspices of the
Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology, the Austrian Federal
Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth and by the State of Styria. COMET is managed
by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG.
KnowSe: Fostering User Interaction
Context Awareness
Andreas S. Rath, Didier Devaurs, and Stefanie N. Lindstaedt
Know-Center GmbH and Knowledge Management Institute, Graz University of
Technology, Inffeldgasse 21a 8010 Graz, Austria
(arath, ddevaurs, slind)
The CSCW area has recognized the concept of awareness as a critical issue to focus
on (Schmidt et al., 2002) since “users who work together require adequate information about their environment” (Gross and Prinz, 2003). The environment of an
individual encompasses her connections with other people, as well as with digital
resources and actions (tasks or processes). If connections are not clear or hidden
to the individual or to the group, the cost is a lack of awareness in the organization
(McArthur and Bruza, 2003), which not only leads to inefficient cooperation but can
even prevent it from being started. Unveiling the relations between persons, topics,
tasks and processes to computer workers facilitates cooperative work by increasing
the awareness of the personal social networks and the role of an individual in the
organization, a project, or a group. These connections can be created and modeled
manually but a better approach is to develop semi-automatic or even automatic tools
to create and share them (McArthur and Bruza, 2003). Based on emails, McArthur
and Bruza (2003) have computed such kind of connections, and suggest using more
global corpora as well as taking into account dynamic ones.
We propose an automatic approach (Rath et al., 2009) for (i) detecting the interaction context of a single user (i.e. the connections between her tasks, her used
digital resources and her social network) and (ii) combining the individual contexts for global awareness. Starting from low-level events captured on the user’s
desktop about the user’s interactions with resources and applications, we utilize
rule-based, information extraction and machine learning approaches to automatically derive connections, i.e. relations between our context model’s entities. For
specifying the types of connections and entities we use an ontology-based context
model. By following this semantic technology-based approach we benefit from a
well-defined model and specification of the connections; we then gain two advantages for increasing awareness: (i) representing the relations between the user and
her close environment (individual view) and (ii) merging multiple individual context models into a global one (organizational view).
KnowSe (Knowledge Services) is a service-oriented framework that includes this
automatic user interaction context detection as well as the following services for
supporting the user’s personal and collaborative work:
• Information Need Discovery: These needs can emerge from an active information request (e.g., a search on a web page) or from a change in the user
context (e.g., the switch from one task to another).
• Proactive Context-Aware Information Retrieval: Here we focus on utilizing
concepts and relations recently added to the individual and organizational
context model as a starting point for identifying relevant resources (e.g., people, documents, links, presentations, or folders) via spreading activation on
the graph-based representation of the global context model. Furthermore
we work on ranking search results (which include resources from personal
and organizational knowledge spaces) based on resource usage and interconnectivity. We support user initiated search as well as proactive search.
• Individual and Organizational Context Visualization: For the user to explore
her environment from her individual and from the organizational perspective we have developed specific visualization techniques for displaying connections between resources, applications and user actions (graph views), and
the usage history of resources in applications within tasks (timeline and selforganizing map views).
The Know-Center is funded within the Austrian COMET Program - Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies - under the auspices of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation
and Technology, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth and by the State of
Styria. COMET is managed by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG.
Gross, T. and W. Prinz (2003): ‘Awareness in context: A light-weight approach’. In: ECSCW ’03.
pp. 295–314.
McArthur, R. and P. Bruza (2003): ‘Discovery of implicit and explicit connections between people
using email utterance’. In: ECSCW ’03. pp. 21–40.
Rath, A. S., D. Devaurs, and S. N. Lindstaedt (2009): ‘UICO: an ontology-based user interaction
context model for automatic task detection on the computer desktop’. In: Workshop on Context,
Information and Ontologies, ESWC ’09. Heraklion, Greece.
Schmidt, K., C. Heath, and T. Rodden (eds.) (2002): Awareness in CSCW, Vol. 11 (3-4) of Computer
Supported Cooperative Work. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
ITSME: the next generation workstation
Giorgio De Michelis and Marco Loregian
DISCo, University of Milano-Bicocca and Itsme Srl
viale Sarca 336, 20126 Milano, Italy
Abstract. In the last 30 years, the desktop metaphor has become the standard user
interface for workstations, with its pros (e.g., ease of learning) and cons (e.g., interaction
constraints for skilled users, lack of context awareness). The ITSME workstation will
instead embody the new metaphor of stories and venues, and support cooperation by
providing individual users with a richer view of their work environment, allowing them to
have all they need at the right place, at the right time. In the development of ITSME we
are adopting a design approach based on participation, involving various communities in
all the steps we are taking.
From the desktop to stories and venues
The desktop metaphor (Kay, 1977) is obsolete, as new paradigms for
cooperation have been emerging all through its existence, – e.g., the Web, email,
social networking platforms, mobile and ubiquitous computing, – and still it has
not evolved significantly since 1984: the year the Apple Macintosh hit the market.
We are developing a next generation workstation, around the metaphor of stories
and venues (De Michelis et al., 2009). The idea is to move away from a purely
spatial metaphor, as in the desktop, in favor of another that is closer to what
working people experience today: a complex interleaving of events,
conversations, actions et cetera. In practical terms, we are collecting all that is
relevant to a specific story within a single space (called venue): for example
conversations involving the user, documents being produced collaboratively, tools
or applications, contacts, resources and so on. Our aim is to help users in dealing
with the natural complexity of work in the most natural way possible.
Today, users are continuously searching to collect what they need but, just like
on the Web, this habit often leads to distraction for their real intentions, even with
optimal search engines. Moreover, additional effort is required to put things in
place when and after work is performed: e.g., saving files with a proper name and
in a suitable folder. In ITSME, we are embodying our expertise on knowledge
work by designing a new product for people who think that what they do holds
value. Trying to reduce or avoid the dispersion of files in workspaces, we are
designing a new user interface (for a standard GNU/Linux operating system)
where all documents, URLs, people contact details, information sources, and tools
that are (potentially) useful for what the user is doing are presented all together.
Among the various presentations available on the ITSME website1, the
concept can be interactively tested using the Web emulator. We developed some
basic social computing features (private messaging, open posting, in-site
bookmarking, making fans) and presented them both in a standard way and in a
stories-and-venues fashion. The contents of our website (posts, community
members) and RSS feeds from other sites can be conveniently organized,
according to users preferences, in the two sample venues that we have created for
everyone: one about the ITSME project, the other about the workstation market
scenario in general. From within the emulator, community members can
communicate with one another, create new contents (blog posts, that are in this
sense similar to generic documents on a real workstation) or browse their existing
posts, bookmarks and media, comment others’ posts and also be informed on
news (that can then be discussed within the community). We are currently testing
the perception of the emulator from the community, and the feedback collected
will help us improve the “real” producet, i.e., the ITSME operating system.
At the same time, we are preparing for the first public release of Guglielmo,
our meta/data management system: a project in which we aim at involving the
Open Source Software community (Di Massa et al., 2009).
De Michelis, G., Loregian, M., Moderini, C. itsme: Interaction Design Innovating Workstations.
Knowledge, Technology, and Policy, 2009.
Di Massa, V., Loregian, M., Tameni, M. Guglielmo: an open source approach to the development
of a smart linux extension. Atti della III conferenza nazionale sul software libero, 155-161,
Kay, A. Microelectronics and the Personal Computer. Scientific American, 237(3):230–244,
IdeaPitch – A tool for spatial notes
Nils eners, Wolfgang Prinz
Fraunhofer FIT
{Nils.Jeners, Wolfgang.Prinz}
Abstract. IdeaPitch is an intuitive tool for passing notes between spatial distributed
clients. It uses a ball metaphor to illustrate the passing and encapsulation of notes.
Many applications exist that enable you to pass notes to people sitting next to you
or at a different location. owever the fun and user experience of these
applications is limited as they are mainly oriented to provide the functionality of
sending a message. Most programs often have a lot of features (e.g. FTP, IM), but
are not as intuitive as the real life equivalent.
Like ConnecTables (Tendler, 2001) and Pick and Drop (Rekimoto, 1997),
IdeaPitch connects screens virtually for information handover. With IdeaPitch we
build a tool which is unobtrusive and fun to use. Further it is small and intuitive to
apply for passing notes and provides a new user experience. It can be used to
inform or remind someone, to start a discussion, or to perform more complex
collaboration processes like a brainstorming session.
The design of IdeaPitch was intended to apply the metaphor of passing
information like throwing a ball. We are using balls from different sports
(baseball, basketball, golf, soccer, tennis and volleyball) that lie on your desktop
and can contain text in an attached text field.
The balls can be thrown by dragging them with the cursor and dropping them
while moving. As long as the ball remains on your screen, it is your ball.
Throwing a ball out of the screen means passing it to one of your neighbors. ou
can specify four neighbors, one for every edge of the screen (left, right, top,
bottom). These neighbors can be spatial (people sitting next to you) or logical
(people who work with you). In a spatial neighborhood, the relation of neighbors
is commutative, e.g. you are the left neighbor of your right neighbor and the same
with the other directions (Figure 1: ). However in a logical
neighborhood, the relation of neighbors is not commutative, e.g. your right
neighbor can have a left neighbor who differs from you (Figure 1: ).
Figure 1. Structure of the IdeaPitch setup.
By experimenting with IdeaPitch in an office environment with colleagues, we
found three use cases:
• Messaging – With common chat applications there often is a lot of noise
and less structure. With IdeaPitch you have one ball per discussion. The one
who has the ball can contribute to the conversation and chose the next
speaker by passing the ball.
• Voting – By choosing different types of balls, everybody can express their
opinion. These balls can be thrown to a leader who asked for voting. This
scenario is possible in distributed environments as well as in meeting
• Brainstorming – In brainstorming sessions it is also helpful to have unique
balls to cut between contribution and comments. Further you can throw a
ball very fast, so that the ball flies beyond the screen of your neighbor and
can land at an unexpected screen.
We would like to demonstrate IdeaPitch at the ECSCW. Therefore we would
setup a local server (Apache Server with PHP and MySQL). Every conference
member would be able to participate with their notebook (Windows, Mac, Linux)
by installing Adobe Air1 and the IdeaPitch client.
Tandler, P., Prante, T., Müller-Tomfelde, C., Streitz, N., and Steinmetz, R. 2001. Connectables:
dynamic coupling of displays for the flexible creation of shared workspaces. In Proceedings
of the 14th Annual ACM Symposium on User interface Software and Technology (Orlando,
Florida, November 11 - 14, 2001). UIST '01. ACM, New York, NY, 11-20.
Rekimoto, J. 1997. Pick-and-drop: a direct manipulation technique for multiple computer
environments. In Proceedings of the 10th Annual ACM Symposium on User interface
Software and Technology (Banff, Alberta, Canada, October 14 - 17, 1997). UIST '97. ACM,
New York, NY, 31-39.
Peerclipse: Tool Awareness in Local
Sebastian Draxler, Hendrik Sander, Piyush Jain, Adrian Jung, Gunnar
University of Siegen, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Fraunhofer FIT
{sebastian.draxler | hendrik.sander | adrian.jung },,
Abstract. Motivated by our research in the field of Eclipse users, we want to present our
idea of Peerclipse – an Eclipse plug-in to support tool awareness and tool sharing in local
communities, which are using Eclipse for software development.
Grounded Design of Peerclipse
Eclipse is a good example for a highly flexible contemporary software system. It
is based on an “everything is a plug-in”-philosophy and can be radically tailored
by adding some of the thousands of additional components available on the
Internet. Therefore, the user has the opportunity to adapt the software to the needs
of his local working context. Unfortunately it is very difficult to keep track of the
available components. In the CoEUD1 research project we investigated how
people use Eclipse as their daily working environment in Software companies.
One of the key findings showed that, when the need for a new tool arose, suitable
recommendations regarding tool selection, installation, and configuration were
sought out from co-workers who also found themselves in similar working
contexts. We especially could observe this in environments where software
development was organized in agile teams. People did trust in their co-workers
advice much more than in recommendations found on the Internet.
We therefore follow Mackay (1990), Kahler (2001) and our own observations,
and suggest that tailoring support for tools like Eclipse should mirror the
cooperative aspect of the users working environment.
Figure 1. The Peerclipse User Interface.
Our empirical study has sensitized our design, demonstrating that tool
awareness is an important issue. However there are often constraints that hinder
an organic awareness, but should be supported by an appropriate technical
infrastructure. Figure 1 presents first snapshots of the JXTA Peer-to-Peer based
Peerclipse plug-in for Eclipse. It gives a good impression of how awareness
support for tools used by co-workers could be integrated into Eclipse. It allows
ad-hoc, Peer-to-Peer browsing, search and sharing of tools, used within the team.
The team can be seen as a repository of tools in use and people with experience
using these tools.
Scenario 1 (see Figure 1) shows Peerclipse, as the user Eric is searching for an
appropriate user to look up for a desired component. In getting aware of his coworker David, Eric starts to study David’s configuration in detail. Scenario 2 (see
Figure 1) illustrates a reverse activity of first searching the component and then
looking up at the component’s profile prior downloading it.
Kahler, H. (2001). Supporting collaborative tailoring. Roskilde, Roskilde University, Denmark.
Mackay, W. E. (1990). Users and customizable Software: A Co-Adaptive Phenomenon. Boston,
Community Mirrors –
Using public shared displays to move
information “out of the box”
Michael Koch, Florian Ott, Alexander Richter
Bundeswehr University Munich
Abstract. CommunityMirrors make information, e.g. suggestions from innovation
management systems or personal content from social networking services which are
usually hidden inside of information systems available in a new and innovative way. In
semi-public places like lobbies or coffee corners people can see, touch and experience
digital content and find information by chance without having to look for it explicitly.
Intuitive presentation and interaction possibilities on large touch screens improve the
visibility of information, the awareness about what is happening in the underlying
systems and last but not least the appreciation for information providers. Through the
integration into the user’s social context CommunityMirrors support the communication
between people standing in front of the screen and so finally enhance the motivation of
information providers for the generation of new content.
The availability and modality of access to information – particularly to
information in community support applications – can be considered as a major
issue of today’s widely used client/server systems. Ubiquitous Computing and
Mobile Computing, i.e. new user interfaces that are integrated into the real world,
can address the boundaries of the existing community support and offer
possibilities for enlarging the reach of these applications.
As ubiquitous user interfaces our so-called “CommunityMirrors” provide
information about people and their activities on wall-sized interactive screens.
They are built using large touch screens or projections in public spaces showing
information that is otherwise hidden inside of enterprise information systems,
social networking services or other community platforms. In contrast to existing
solutions for (community) awareness support that mostly consist of single
applications dealing with information gathering, storing and visualization we
follow the idea of just connecting CommunityMirrors to existing platforms, and
getting information “out of the box” (in which they are usually held). By
providing easy to use and peripherally recognizable displays for existing systems
as lightweight “mirrors” without additional databases, we are seeking to increase
the visibility of the contained information and generate appreciation for the
contributors. Thereby CommunityMirrors enhance the awareness of community
members about each other in order to support interaction and matchmaking inside
the community. Through the generation of serendipity this approach is especially
helpful for information that is not searched deliberately, but profits a lot from
being displayed and consumed peripherally. With the use of CommunityMirrors
the process of searching is no longer guided by intention but intuition instead.
For the implementation of these hybrid systems different applications and
information feeds have to be integrated. Based on this need we have constructed
our so-called “CommunityMirror Framework”, a modular java toolset for
building CommunityMirror applications. The modularity of the framework allows
quick customization to the special needs of a given context and through the
intentional absence of additional databases existing platforms can be very easily
enhanced with CommunityMirrors – in a manner of speaking: “out of the box”.
More Information
Koch, M. and Möslein, K. (2006): ‘Community Mirrors for Supporting Corporate Innovation and
Motivation’, Proc. Europ. Conf. on Information Systems (ECIS), Göteborg, Sweden, Jun.
Koch, M. (2005): ‘Supporting Community Awareness with Public Shared Displays’, Proc. Bled
Intl. Conf. on Electronic Commerce, Bled, Slowenia, Jun. 2005.
Koch, M; Monaci, S.; Cabrera, A. B.; Huis in’t Veld, M. and Andronico, P. (2004):
‘Communication and Matchmaking Support for Physical Places of Exchange’, Proc. Intl.
Conf. On Web Based Communities (WBC 2004), Lisbon, Portugal, Mar. 2004, pp. 2-10.
Koch, M. (2004): ‘Building Community Mirrors with Public Shared Displays’, Proc. eChallenges
e-2004 Conference, Vienna, Austria, Oct. 2004.
Why do you want to be a member of this
online community? – Reasons for
joining an e-mentoring community.
Diana Schimke, Michael Heilemann, Heidrun Stoeger
University of Regensburg,,
Abstract. For the purpose of getting more females engaged in science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics (STEM), we set up an online community that brings
together female high school students and women engaged in STEM. The main foci of
this online community are (1) e-mentoring between women and girls who are interested
in STEM and (2) exchanging with other members within a web based community
platform. As in traditional mentoring programs, e-mentoring needs people who offer to
mentor or want to be mentored. Participants must invest time and effort into building a
relationship to a person, they have not known before. Here, we ask why people do this.
We look at reasons for women to get voluntarily engaged in an e-mentoring program as
well as at reasons for girls (mentees) to get involved in an e-mentoring community.
While research about online communities (OCs) covers a lot of areas (e.g.
benefits from participation (Barak & Dolev-Cohen, 2006), importance of active
involvement (McKenna & Bargh, 1998; Schimke, Stoeger, & Ziegler, 2009)), not
much is known about reasons for joining an OC. Ridings & Gefen (2004) found
that information exchange is the most important reason for joining OCs; reasons
depend furthermore on the background of the OC: e.g. obtaining or giving
career/social support is more important in OCs with professional topics, while
friendship is more important in OCs dealing with personal interests.
Leitner, Wolkerstorfer, and Tscheligi (2008) conducted semi-structured
interviews in order to answer the question “why” people join OCs. For their study
they interviewed 21 OC participants and identified three thematic pillars of OCs:
(1) The communication chain: People want to be informed and to communicate
upon certain topics, (2) The self-reflective chain: People want to learn from other
people for self-reflecting reasons, (3) The friendship chain: People want to
overcome certain space limitations to maintain and strengthen relationships.
Study, results, and prospects
We asked 246 girls and 211 women who applied for the CyberMentor community
(OC for girls and women who are interested in Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Mathematics) for reasons why they would like to participate. A
quantitative content analysis showed that for mentors the main reasons were
passing on experience and encouragement of young women. Girls mostly named
learning about study courses/professions and getting more information about
STEM topics as reasons for joining the e-mentoring community.
Applying Leitner et al.’s three thematic pillars to the categories we conveyed
from our data, we found that they were fairly applicable for the girls. The
mentor’s reasons did not fit so well in their categories. This might be due to the
different roles mentors and mentees have in mentoring settings. Mentors mostly
pass on information and experiences while mentees are usually receivers and
learners. For girls the self-reflective (44%) and the communication chain (32%)
are the most important aspects, followed by friendship (15%) and other reasons
(9%). The mentees want to learn from others and get information about topics
they are interested in. For the mentors the communication chain (37%) and other
reasons not applicable to the three pillars (35%) are mostly important for joining
the OC, followed by the self-reflective chain (27%) and friendship (1%).
Summarizing our findings we can say that the three thematic pillars of OCs
defined by Leitner et al. (2008) fit well for the girls who are participating in the
CyberMentor community. For the mentors though – who are rather ‘givers’ than
‘receivers’ – other reasons seem to be important. Thus specific roles of online
community members can evoke different motivations for joining an OC. Future
research might be able to answer open questions concerning links between such
roles and reasons for joining an online community.
Barak, A., & Dolev-Cohen, M. (2006). Does activity level in online support groups for distressed
adolescents determine emotional relief. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 6(3),
Leitner, M., Wolkerstorfer, P., & Tscheligi, M. (2008). How online communities support human
values. Paper presented at the NordiCHI '08, Lund, Sweden.
McKenna, K. Y. A., & Bargh, J. A. (1998). Coming Out in the Age of the Internet: Identity
"Demarginalization" Through Virtual Group Participation. Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology, 75(3), 681-694.
Ridings, C. & Gefen, D. (2004). Virtual Community Attraction: Why People Hang Out Online.
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 10(1), Article 4.
Schimke, D., Stoeger, H., & Ziegler, A. (2009). The Influence of Participation and Activity Level
in an Online Community on Academic Elective Intents for STEM. Paper presented at the 5th
European Symposium on Gender & ICT, Bremen, Germany.
Standardized Cancer Pathways:
Layers of Sorting out Patients Suspected
with Cancer
Naja Holten Møller
IT University of Copenhagen
Abstract. Cancer patient pathways are well-defined sequences, where steps are planned
and pre-booked in order to manage patient trajectories of diagnostics and treatment. This
paper investigates the process of initiating a standardized cancer pathway. It is argued
that while this process from the outside may appear as a straightforward individual
activity, it is in fact a collaborative negotiation activity enacted in layers of sorting and
selecting involving multiple healthcare professionals. Moreover, it is argued that in these
layers of sorting and selecting health care professionals construct situated categories
useful to distinguish between degrees of suspicion of cancer. This changes and reframes the design foundation for electronic referral and booking systems in healthcare.
In 2007 Denmark introduced ‘packages’ or standardized cancer pathways as a
strategy for standardizing waiting times for diagnostic examinations and
treatments of patients suspected with cancer. A key issue concerns the decision to
initiate a standardized cancer pathway for a particular patient. Due to the limited
resources within the health care system, initiating cancer pathways for all patients
with remotely suspicion of cancer would crash the system, since it would be
impossible for the healthcare professionals to commit to the prescribed schedules
and times defined by the standardized cancer pathways. Sorting and selecting
patients suspected with cancer are interdependent with the classification activities
involved. Classification systems are inherently dynamic compromises (Bowker
and Star 2000), and studies of sorting patients conceptualizes this as a complex
collaborative multiplicity of work practices and processes, simultaneously
working together to accomplish the successful sorting of patients (Bjørn and
Rødje, 2008). Templates within the electronic referral system (Edifact) display
important information guiding the sorting of patients if obs cancer - ‘c. obs pro’ is
stated. However, the same template might be used implicitly if ‘patient lost 10 kg’
is stated in the free text as an indicator of obs cancer, though, weaker. Therefore,
while sorting possible cancer patients might seem as a straightforward individual
activity performed by the general practitioner (GP), where the decision to initiate
a cancer pathway is determined using the standardized classification scheme, this
paper embrace sorting and selecting as a collaborative activity.
Argument: Layers of Sorting and Selecting
The collaborative activity of sorting and selecting patients suspected with cancer
comprises referring, booking, examining, and communicating results between
various hospital departments and the GP. Contributing to the collaborative
activity multiple interdisciplinary healthcare professionals (GPs, secretaries,
nurses, specialists, private working specialists) engage in continuous interlinked
assessing and sorting activities based upon input from the other actors. The
multiplicity of actors increases both ambiguity and complexity, because
healthcare professionals are sorting and selecting simultaneously in different
layers. Layers of sorting and selecting comprise collaborative interrelated iterative
practices crucial for getting the work done, although invisible in the formal
prescribed standardized cancer pathways. When a patient does not fit into the
standardized cancer pathway, though, showing signs of cancer these practices
becomes visible. Thus, what counts as work varies in different perspectives and
leaves out essential activities crucial for getting the work done (Star and Strauss
1999). While the official arena of voice forms the standardized cancer pathways,
the invisible layers of silence comprise the negotiations involved in sorting and
selecting patients.
Bjørn, P. and K. Rødje (2008) 'Triage drift: A worksplace study in a pediatric emergency
department', Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 17(4): 395-419.
Bowker, G. C. and S. L. Star (2000) 'Sorting Things Out: Classification and Its Consequences',
Cambridge, The MIT Press.
Star, S. L. and A. Strauss (1999) 'Layers of Silence, Arenas of Voice: The Ecology of Visible and
Invisible Work', Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 8: 9-30.
Head Tracking and Gesture Recognition
in Museum Guide Robots for Multiparty
Yoshinori Kobayashi∗+, Takashi Shibata∗, Yosuke Hoshi∗,
Yoshinori Kuno∗, Mai Okada∗, Keiichi Yamazaki∗, Akiko Yamazaki∗∗
Saitama University, Japan, ∗∗ Tokyo University of Technology, Japan
Abstract. In this paper, we describe head tracking and gesture recognition techniques
in a museum guide robot. The vision system we propose has been developed to deal
with challenges we discovered through experiments using our robot guide in an actual art
museum. Based on these observations, we developed a prototype guide robot that can
explain an exhibit to multiple visitors.
Recently, several museum guide robots that engage visitors in their talk in one-onone settings have been proposed. In particular, K. Yamazaki et al. (2009) reported
that the guide robot increases visitor engagement when it turns its head towards
the visitor at interactionally relevant places (or TRPs, transition relevance places)
in its talk. Through experiments using our guide robot in an actual museum, we
found that we need to consider not only one-on-one settings but also multiparty
settings, as our guide robot often attracted multiple visitors at the same time. In this
study, we propose a new vision system that enables the robot to explain exhibits to
multiple visitors. In our previous experiment at an actual museum, there were some
cases when visitors appeared to lose interest, such as when the robot provided the
same explanation to the same visitor or changed the addressee (target person) during
the explanation. Based on ethnographic observations of human museum guides,
we found that facework plays an important role in engaging multiple visitors in
their talk. We also found that the visitor who is the addressee of the human guide
may avoid eye contact to display a negative answer. So it is important for a guide
robot to be able to track and identify multiple visitors and recognize their implicitly
displayed intentions.
In addressing this issue, we propose a new vision system that enables a museum
guide robot to interact with multiple visitors (Figure.1). This system does principally three things: it tracks and identifies visitors, and recognizes their displayed
intentions. 1) In tracking visitors, the system first detects faces using the frontal
face classifier based on AdaBoost and Haar-like features. The system then starts to
track each face using a particle filter framework. When the detected faces have been
tracked, the system does not start to track these faces. We divide face region into
4x4 blocks and calculate the optical flow vector for each block between consecutive
frames. We use these optical flow vectors for the motion prediction in the particle
filter framework. Hypotheses are evaluated using multiple classifiers, each of which
is trained to detect human heads in a particular direction. The most suitable classifier is selected adaptively by considering face direction with respect to the camera.
In this way, we track not only visitor head position but also head direction simultaneously. 2) In identifying visitors, the system records color histograms of each
image region corresponding to the clothes and motion histories of each visitor. The
robot can continue to explain to the same visitor even when the system temporarily loses track of the head due to occlusion. 3) In recognizing visitors’ intentions,
as displayed in head nodding and head shaking, we calculate the mean value of
the vertical and horizontal components of the optical flow vectors and use them to
recognize these actions. The system evaluates the score of positive intentions by
considering the context of the robot’s talk especially focused on synchronization
with TRPs.
We developed a prototype robot that can explain paintings to multiple persons.
The robot turns its head towards the person who displays positive intention. We
conducted experiment in which the robot explains a painting to 15 participants and
asked the participants at the end to answer the question, ”Did you feel that the robot
was looking at you and other participants?” The participants’ answers suggest that
the robot gazes towards participants in an effective way.
Guide Scenario
Particle Filter based
Head Tracker
Color & Motion based
User Identifier
Head Gesture
Estimate users’
Vision-based Observation
Intention Estimation
Figure 1. Vision system for museum guide robot.
K. Yamazaki, A. Yamazaki, M. Okada, Y. Kuno, Y. Kobayashi, Y. Hoshi, K. Pitsch, P. Luff, D. Lehn,
and C. Heath (2009): ‘Revealing Gauguin: Engaging Visitors in Robot Guide’s Explanation in
an Art Museum’. In: CHI2009. pp. 1437–1446.
Towards a model-driven development
method for collaborative modeling tools
Jesús Gallardo, Crescencio Bravo, Miguel A. Redondo, Fernando
Escuela Superior de Informática
Departamento de Tecnologías y Sistemas de Información
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
{jesus.gallardo; crescencio.bravo; miguel.redondo; fernando.gallego}
Collaborative modeling tools are useful and promising for many tasks within
design or learning processes. However, they are difficult to build and are usually
domain-specific. In response to this situation, we propose a model-driven method
for the development of domain-independent collaborative modeling tools. Such a
method is targeted at any user who does not have an advanced knowledge of
groupware programming and needs to use a collaborative modeling tool in his/her
Within the area of groupware tools, in this paper we focus on distributed
synchronous tools to support the construction of models. Designers work on a
shared workspace, in which they create a model in a collaborative way. The
collaborative modeling task can refer to a group work activity, if the problem is a
real situation to be solved in the scope of a company or institution, as well as to
an e-learning system, if a learning method based on collaborative problem solving
is followed.
The particularity of the tools we are going to handle with respect to other
modeling systems in the literature is that the design to be created is not going to
be restricted to a specific domain; that is to say, the tool will be able to deal with
diverse scopes of design described by means of a configuration process (Gallardo,
2007). This differs from domain-specific tools, which only allow the building of
diagrams in a specific domain. An example of this kind of systems is DomoSimTPC (Bravo, 2006), which works with the domain of Domotics. Some studies
show how the use of domain-independent collaborative tools has some
advantages over the use of single user tools shared by means of a shared windows
system (Gallardo, 2008).
In order to make the development of such a collaborative tool easier, we are
going to follow the Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) paradigm (Favre, 2004).
Hence, we are going to propose a method that avoids the problems of having to
re-design the tool for each new application domain. Our development method is
based on three frameworks: a methodological framework, a conceptual
framework and a technological framework. The methodological framework
consists of a series of phases that must be followed in order to develop a
collaborative modeling tool. Those phases are (Fig. 1): (1) identification of the
domain, (2) modeling of the domain and the shared workspaces, (3) production of
the collaborative modeling tool that includes (3a) model transformations and (3b)
generation of the tool, and (4) use of the generated tool. The conceptual
framework is made up of the meta-models that are used in the meta-modeling
process. Finally, the technological framework consists of a series of plug-ins for
the Eclipse platform (Eclipse Modeling Framework, EMF, and Graphical
Modeling Framework, GMF) that have been modified to acquire collaborative
functionality and have been integrated to give support to the development method
in its totality. Figure 1 shows, together with the phases of the method, a
representation of the informal specification of the domain (A), an example of a
domain model (B), an excerpt of a model transformation coded in the ATL
transformation language (C) and a screenshot of the final tool generated (D).
Domain and
Generation of
the tool
Use of the
Figure 1. Application of the development method proposed
Bravo, C., Redondo, M.A., Ortega, M., Verdejo, M.F. (2006): “Collaborative environments for
the learning of design: A model and a case study in Domotics” Computers and Education,
46 (2) (Elsevier), pp. 152-173.
Favre, J.M. (2004): “Towards a Basic Theory to Model Model Driven Engineering” In:
Proceedings of Workshop on Software Model Engineering, WISME 2004.
Gallardo, J., Bravo, C., Redondo, M.A. (2007): “An ontological approach for developing domainindependent groupware” In: Proceedings of WETICE 2007, IEEE Computer Society, 2007,
pp. 206-207.
Gallardo, J., Molina, A.I., Bravo, C., Redondo, M.A., Collazos, C. (2008): “Comparative study of
tools for collaborative task modelling: an empirical and heuristic-based evaluation” In:
Groupware: Design, Implementation and Use, LNCS 5411, (Springer) pp. 340–355.
Collaboration using Avatars vs. Text
Chat – An Experimental Comparison
Andreas Schmeil
Martin J. Eppler
University of Lugano (USI)
University of Lugano (USI)
Keywords. Avatars, virtual environments, experiments, embodiment, collaboration,
group interaction, CSCW, evaluation, text chat
Face to face meetings provide multiple opportunities for knowledge sharing and
decision-making that goes far beyond verbal exchange. Today, however, more
and more collaborative work is accomplished in teams and workgroups who are
scattered across cities, countries, and continents. For such distant settings,
different modes of collaboration have emerged, none of which has yet proven to
be dominant. We believe that three-dimensional, online Multi-User Virtual
Environments (MUVE) are a means that can significantly improve such virtual
collaboration by offering novel and innovative ways of working together, both for
knowledge sharing and decision-making tasks.
With this contribution, we present the design and the expected results of a
controlled experiment in which participants need to share information and make
team decisions, the intervention groups in a 3D Multi-User Virtual Environment,
the control groups in pure text chat. Our analysis then compares these two
conditions and their outcomes.
Experiment Design
We hypothesize that the fact of being embodied as avatars in an immersive 3D
environment will lead to more effective and sustainable knowledge sharing, as
well as to higher participant satisfaction, motivation and recall of shared
knowledge and collaboratively made decisions. The experiment is designed to
measure the added value of collaborating in a MUVE in comparison to
collaboration through simple text chat. These two conditions are systematically
comparable through an observation of both the experimental groups using an
OpenSim virtual environment (a MUVE system similar to Second Life) and the
control groups using pure text chat. The subjects of the experiment are
approximately 70 bachelor and master students, an already high enough number
for the comparison to yield sound and meaningful results, hopefully with
statistically significant findings.
The experiment simulates the kick-off meeting of a fictitious project with a
project team consisting of five professionals. The meeting comprises three tasks:
Participants first need to present themselves to their respective team members – as
they are given no information about each other beforehand. Secondly, they need
to jointly clarify the main goals of the project (as described in a case given to
them). As a final task, the team is then asked to assign project roles to each
member, based on their specific skills and experience (described beforehand in a
personal, written briefing to each participant). This experiment design is intended
to enable collaboration within a project team by distributing knowledge unevenly
among the participants; the team members are thus required to share information
and interact with each other in order to surface so-called transactive knowledge
(knowledge that becomes available through transactions between people), for
solving the latter tasks. Furthermore, the selected three tasks cover three major
elements of collaborative work, namely knowledge sharing, grounding (sense
making), and decision-making.
Measures and Expected Results
The main measured variables are the motivation to work together, the satisfaction
with process and outcome, as well as the accuracy of the group result (i.e., correct
assignment of roles based on the assigned profiles) and the recall of other’s
profiles and made decisions. The former, subjective assessments are measured
through a post-task survey, while the latter, objective measurement of the recall is
measured through a follow-up test, after a 45 minute distraction task. Our
hypothesis is thus that the teams working in the virtual collaboration setting
outperform the teams using chat. In addition we stipulate that these groups selfreport higher levels of motivation and satisfaction than the chat groups.
While for the control groups all collaboration is conducted through text
chat, in the MUVE condition participants can also use spatial information (such
as proximity or distance), personalization (avatar appearance, gestures,
animations), virtual objects (interactive or static), and other means introduced by
3D virtual environments to collaborate with their team members. Through our
experiment, the added value of being represented as customizable avatars in a
configurable three-dimensional virtual environment can be isolated for simple,
team-based knowledge sharing and decision making tasks.
The results of this experiment can also point out key criteria that are relevant
for designing value-adding immersive collaboration experiences. Finally, the
(positive and negative) impact of interactive visual aids and interactive tools and
instruments for remote team collaboration can be better assessed.
COMET: Collaboration in Mobile
Environments by Twisting
Nitesh Goyal
RWTH University, Aachen
Abstract. This paper describes a novel interaction style and vocabulary of physical
deformation based gestures for collocated collaboration with deformable mobile devices.
These gestures include bending and twisting to improve user experience while
collaborating with limited screen estate and device footprint.
Commercial handheld devices often adapt the traditional WIMP interaction
paradigm. Icons and widgets occupy precious screen estate and external input
devices, such as pens, occupy a second hand and are easily misplaced (Schwesig,
C., 2004). (Bergquist J., 1999 & Gellersen H., 2005) further show the necessity of
CSCW in mobility. There have been several ideas on how to physically deform
computers, e.g. (Schwesig, C., 2004; Harrison, B., 1998; Teh, J., 2008;
Michelitsch, G., 2004; Murakami, T., 1994; Sheng, J., 2006; Herkenrath, G.,
2008). However, there is no prior work that refers to using these deformations for
collaboration. Also, the suggested deformations and haptic feedback in the
mentioned works have restricted functionality and cannot model a collaborative
environment adequately. As further mentioned in (Schwesig, C., 2004; Harrison,
B., 1998), WIMP interfaces are not the bestsuited interfaces for such devices. We
show how deformation based gestures could be extended to be used in a
collaborative environment to perform tasks like sharing files, contacts, making
appointments. They do not obstruct existing gestures. Instead, they complement
the existing or previously proposed gestures for text entry, selecting, deselecting,
zooming in/out, and scrolling for standalone devices. These three naturally
mapped gestures are shown in the Table 1 below.
The user bends the handheld
across the two diagonals to
“break” the environment and
choose the desired environment.
The user pulls one part towards
self and pushes the other away
to split the screen. The part
closer to him shows his own
display, while the other part
shows the collaborator’s view.
The user creates a WAVE and
passes it from one end to the
other end in the direction of the
receiver to send the data.
Table 1. The three gestures by physically deforming the handheld device. As shown, the user does
not have to change the grip for performing the tasks. He just has to hold the device in two hands.
Schwesig, C., Poupyrev, I., Mori, E. (2004): ‘Gummi: a bendable computer.’ Proceedings of CHI
2004, ACM, 263270.
Bergquist J., Dahlberg P., et al (1999): ‘Moving out of the meeting room: Exploring support for
mobile meetings’ Proceedings of the Sixth ECSCW, Copenhagen, Denmark, 8198.
Tamaru E., Hasuike K., et al. (2005): ‘Cellular phone as a collaboration tool that empowers and
changes the way of mobile work: focus on three fields of work’ Proceedings of the Ninth
ECSCW, Paris, France, 247–264.
Harrison, B., Fishkin, K., Gujar, A. et al. (1998): ‘Squeeze me, hold me, tilt me! An exploration of
manipulative user interfaces’ Proceedings of CHI 1998, ACM, 1724.
Teh, J., Cheok, A., et al. Huggy Pyjama (2008): ‘A mobile parent and child hugging
communication system.’ Proceedings of IDC 2008, ACM, 250257.
Michelitsch, G., Williams, et al. (2004): ‘Haptic chameleon: a new concept of shape changing user
interface controls with force feedback.’ Ext. Abstracts CHI 2004, ACM, 13051308.
Murakami, T., Nakajima, N. (1994): ‘Direct and intuitive input device for 3d shape deformation.’
Proceedings of CHI 1994, ACM, 465–470.
Sheng, J., Balakrishnan, R., Singh, K. (2006) ‘An interface for virtual 3d sculpting via physical
proxy.’ Proceedings of GRAPHITE 2006, ACM, 213–220.
Herkenrath, G., Karrer , T., Borchers, J. (2008): ‘Twend: twisting and bending as new interaction
gesture in mobile devices.’ Proceedings of CHI 2008, ACM, 38193824.
Towards a groupware environment for
collaborative programming learning
Crescencio Bravo, Fernando Gallego, Jesús Gallardo, Francisco
ESI. Departamento TSI. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (Spain)
{crescencio.bravo, jesus.gallardo, fernando.gallego, francisco.jurado}!
Students of computer programming face diverse difficulties, such as using a
programming language with constructions that they find abstract as well as
unfamiliar but that must be used to solve problems in an effective way (Karsten &
Kaparthi, 1998). They will have to overcome these difficulties in order to acquire
successfully the skills they will need in their professional activity. In answer to
those problems, the aim of the research work reported here is to study the
combination of advanced groupware systems for computer programming,
techniques for analyzing student interaction and collaboration (Bravo et al.,
2008), and intelligent tutoring based on generation of advice and guidance, with
the objective of creating a learner-centred environment based on CSCL principles
and following a learning by doing approach by means of problem solving.
The present systems for collaborative programming, e.g. DPE (Jo & Arnold,
2003), lack a suitable educational approach. There are only a few CSCL
environments for programming learning, e.g. JeCo (Moreno et al., 2004), but they
present limitations with regards to advanced communication, coordination and
awareness tools, and to specific tools for collaborative programming. So far
attempts to turn ECLIPSE into a groupware tool, e.g. Jazz Sangam (Devide et al.,
2008), have not gone beyond incorporating instant messaging, audio and videoconference, control version systems and strongly-coupled collaborative editing.
We deal with these gaps by proposing a groupware environment based on
ECLIPSE that develops the principles and incorporates the techniques mentioned
above. We chose ECLIPSE because it is a real-world IDE, very extended at
academic level and well-established in industry. Moreover it facilitates the
incorporation of new tools through plug-ins. Fig. 1 shows a first prototype of such
an environment, incorporating a session panel showing the member list, a tool for
handwriting on the source code, a structured chat (which offers a set of preestablished communication acts) and a coordination tool for floor control. These
elements incorporate a few awareness elements such us the users’ state and a
semaphore indicating when participation is required in the floor control tool.
The groupware environment presented includes the following tools: (i)
coordination and decision-making tools to harmonize synchronous collaborative
work; (ii) a structured chat; (iii) an audio and video-conference tool; (iv)
awareness tools (tele-pointers, radar views, session panel with participants’ state,
etc.); (v) a collaborative planning tool, to define the problem-solving strategy;
(vi) a handwriting tool for the annotation of programs; and (vii) advanced
collaborative programming tools (editing, compiling and executing), including
collaborative monitoring of variables during debugging and the shared
visualization of compilation errors.
Figure 1. Prototype of collaborative programming learning environment.
Bravo, C., Redondo, M.A., Verdejo, M.F. and Ortega, M. (2008) Framework for Process and
Solution Analysis in Synchronous Collaborative Learning Environments. International
Journal of Human-Computer Studies, vol. 66 (11), pp. 812-832
Devide, J., Meneely, A., Ho, C-w, Williams, L., and Devetisikiotis, M. (2008) Jazz Sangam: A
Real-time Tool for Distributed Pair Programming of a Team Development Platform.
Infrastructure for Research on Collaborative Software Engineering (IReCoSE) workshop at
ACM SIGSOFT Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE), Atlanta, GA
Jo, C.H. and Arnold, A.J. (2003) A portable and Collaborative Distributed Programming
Environment. International Conference on Software Engineering. Las Vegas, USA 198-203
Karsten, R. & Kaparthi, S. (1998) Using dynamic explanations to enhance novice programmer
instruction via the WWW. Computers and Education, Volume 30, Issue 3/4, pp. 195-201
Moreno, A., Myller, N. and Sutinen, E. (2004) JeCo, a Collaborative Learning Tool for
Programming. Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages - Human
Centric Computing (VLHCC'04). Washington DC, USA 261-263
For a Participative Knowledge Management
University of Technology of Troyes
This poster presents the results of two Knowledge Management (KM)
experiments conducted within an industrial project. This industrial project aims at
conceiving a building that must be functional during a long time scale. It thus
relies on diverse sets of knowledge: mechanics, chemistry, numerical calculations,
underground engineering, safety, project management and so on. Several
evaluations of the project showed that knowledge tracking could be improved,
that is, one could more swiftly retrieve and make consistent the documents
justifying the technical decisions regarding the project. One of the responses to
this problem was to create a document base specifically conceived for knowledge
tracking. Three characteristics of the base serve this objective: (1) the base
multiplies the entry points into the documents so that the thematic connections
between them appear more quickly, (2) the documents are standardized so as to
ensure every document meets quality criteria, (3) a base manager must verify each
modification of the documents before integrating it into the base. This base is
therefore very useful to the communities whose practices revolve mainly around
ensuring the global consistency of knowledge within the project. The difficulty is
that this issue is not the main focus of the communities who are asked to write the
content of the base and keep it uptodate. Those communities’ main focus is
indeed to conduct studies aiming at producing very specific pieces of knowledge.
The issue of the global consistency of the knowledge mainly arises when they
write the syntheses that are undertaken for the milestones of the project. Those
syntheses are then an opportunity to put the diverse studies in perspective and to
bring new issues to light. The problem is that the knowledge base implies to
produce additional syntheses in templates which are different from the ones of the
milestone syntheses. The base thus represents a potential disruption for the
communities in charge of conducting the studies. Two recommendations can
therefore be issued: (1) making the form of the knowledge base documents match
the form of the milestone syntheses so as to reduce the overall charge of syntheses
production; (2) cobuilding the base and its functioning with all the communities
involved: those focused on global consistency and those focused on the studies.
In this cobuilding perspective, tools such as wikis are interesting. The
principle of wikis is that (i) every document can be modified by each user, and (ii)
each user has tools to monitor the evolution of each document. The users can thus
negotiate, as problems occur, the rules regulating document management. It was
then decided to test a wiki for the preparation of the Scientific Analysis. This
document is a milestone synthesis gathering all knowledge concerning the
physical phenomena affecting the building. There were mainly two expectations
regarding the use of the wiki: (1) it would expand the participation in the
preparation of the document beyond the department that is directly in charge of it,
and (2) it would enable a better preparation of meetings, thus reducing their
frequency. To achieve those objectives, the wiki was structured so as to make the
participation of everyone as little time consuming as possible. It was first
structured around the “input data” of the Scientific Analysis, and questions were
then identified and put into tables so that each expert could answer them in a box.
The problem was that this preconfiguration considerably reduced the possibilities
of each user to use the wiki for his own needs. The wiki thus faced the same
problem as the knowledge base: it was structured around the interests of a small
part of its potential users. It is indeed worth noting that the Scientific Analysis is
inseparable of other milestone syntheses, notably the Safety Analysis and the
Engineering Dossier. This means the questions raised by the communities in
charge of the Scientific Analysis have direct impacts on the communities in charge
of those two documents and reciprocally. To manage the interactions between
those communities, coordination meetings are regularly organized by the project
management department. In those meetings, the participants have the possibility
to freely reformulate the questions according to their own perspectives. Two
recommendations can therefore be made: (1) the wiki should be structured around
the coordination meetings, that is, around the work of the project management
department; (2) this space should be coconstructed by the diverse communities
involved: the communities in charge of the Scientific Analysis, the Safety
Analysis, the Engineering Dossier and the project management.
The first result of this study is the following: a KM setting needs to reflect the
diverse interests and functioning modes of the communities it is based on. The
knowledge base and the first test on the wiki constitute two counterexamples in
that respect. Two recommendations can therefore be made: (1) relying on the
settings and the structures which already exist, that is, on what has already been
put to the test and satisfies the diverse communities involved; (2) coconstructing
the new settings and the new structures so that they reflect the diverse interests
and forms of functioning of the communities involved.
Co-constructing IT and Healthcare
Tariq Andersen1, Jørgen Bansler2, Pernille Bjørn4, Erling Havn2, Mie
Jensen3, Finn Kensing1, Jonas Moll1, Troels Mønsted2, Kjeld Schmidt5
University of Copenhagen, 2Danish Technical University, 3Copenhagen
University Hospital, 4IT-University of Copenhagen, 5Copenhagen Business School,,,,,,,,
Abstract. The CITH project (Co-constructing IT and Healthcare) is an ongoing 4-year
interdisciplinary research project, which investigates while intervenes in the collaborative
practices involved in disease management of chronic heart patients with an ICD
(Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator).
CITH project
Chronic disease management is one of the major areas within healthcare which is
highly dependent upon continuous collaboration across professional boundaries,
institutions, and geographical locations. Successful chronic disease interventions
usually involve coordinated, multidisciplinary care teams (Wagner 2000). The
aim of the CITH project is to analyze existing collaborative practices amongst
heterogeneous actors who manage ICD patients, with the aim of designing,
developing, and evaluating IT applications and services supporting the work of
both healthcare professionals and patients.
Based on workplace studies (Luff, Hindmarch et al. 2000), we have conducted
observations, artefact analyses, and interviews with healthcare professionals from
the Heart Centre at the Copenhagen University Hospital as well as at two local
hospitals. Moreover, we have conducted interviews with patients in their homes
and participated in educational sessions for ICD patients. As a result, we have
produced observations notes, interview transcripts, documents, video, and
pictures of relevant artefacts and activities. Although this analysis of the existing
work practices is still on-going, the design perspective of the project has also
been initiated, i.e. through workshops with healthcare professionals and patient
groups. These workshops seek to interpret practices and reflect on possible
relevant design solutions for supporting chronic disease management in general
and ICD patients in particular.
As described below CITH follows two paths for analysis and design.
Healthcare professionals’ Collaboration
The healthcare professional path focuses on communication and coordination
practices. One key finding is that while there are established practices for
communication and coordination within each hospital (e.g. among lab
technicians, device representatives, and consulting cardiologists), collaborative
activities across sites (e.g. among GPs, the Heart Centre, and local hospitals) are
sparse and primarily ad hoc. This is, indeed, puzzling in light of the healthcare
professionals’ clear acknowledgement that collaboration across sites beneficially
would improve their work. Currently, we are investigating new opportunities for
collaborations through shared workshops with participants from multiple sites.
ICD Patients
The patient path explores design opportunities to support chronic ICD patients
and their relatives in their homes, as well as strengthening their communication
with various healthcare professionals on two perspectives. They are to understand
and improve communication needs between and at the follow-up consultations.
Key themes grounded in fieldwork studies are; e.g. optimizing
asynchronous dialogue between ICD patients and healthcare professionals,
supporting systematic collection of events and experiences, improving overview
of individual treatment plan including prescribed medication and side effects, and
automated feedback on patient condition leveraging data provided by the ICD.
Luff, P., J. Hindmarch, et al., Eds. (2000). Workplace studies: Recovering work practice and
informing system design. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Wagner, E. (2000). "The role of patient care teams in chronic disease management." British
Medical Journal 320(7234): 569-572.
Pointing Accuracy in Collaborative
Virtual Environments
Nelson Wong and Carl Gutwin
University of Saskatchewan, Canada,
Abstract. Pointing is ubiquitous and important in everyday life, and should also be
important in collaborative virtual environments (CVEs). However, pointing is not well
supported in common CVEs, such as World of Warcraft and Second Life. To better
support pointing in CVEs, we first need to understand the fundamental – how well people
can interpret the direction that another person is pointing. We conducted two studies to
investigate this question. The first identified several ways that people point towards
distant targets, and established that not all pointing requires high accuracy. The second
study looked more closely at how accurately people can produce and interpret the
direction of pointing gestures. We found that although people are more accurate in the
real world, the differences are smaller than expected. Our results show that pointing can
be successful in many situations in CVEs. Ultimately, we want to better support pointing
and find out how pointing can support collaboration in CVEs.
Observations of Distant Pointing
In order to determine issues that are important for pointing in CVEs, we carried
out an observational study to look at the way that people point (and interpret
others’ pointing gestures) in the real world.
We recruited four pairs of participants. They were asked to perform a series of
activities in a fifthfloor room that had large windows overlooking a city. The
activities involved the production and interpretation of pointing gestures. The
referents were things outside the room including different objects (e.g., an
apartment building, a car, or a sign), general areas (e.g., a parking lot containing
many cars), and paths (e.g., a path between two buildings). The targets could be
either directly visible, partially occluded, or completely out of view. The
participants used different communication channels (pointing gesture only,
pointing plus speech, and pointing plus written notes) to indicate the targets.
Our main finding shows that the degree of precision needed for pointing
depends on how difficult it is to describe the target using the available verbal
Interpreting Pointing Direction
In the second study, we investigate people’s ability to interpret the direction of a
pointing gesture. While pointing gestures are complex and have multiple stages,
our focus was on the ‘holding’ state of pointing gestures because it conveys the
most information about direction. The main research questions are how accurately
people could determine what others were pointing at, how accurately people
could point at objects themselves, and how interpretation of pointing direction
differed between the real world and a CVE.
The study had five factors: two task types (production of the pointing gesture
or interpretation of the gesture), two environments (real world and CVE), two
distances (600cm or 300cm to the targets), two fieldofview widths (85° or 120°,
only used in the CVE), and two observing locations (behind or beside, only used
for interpretation tasks).
The study was conducted in two environments. In the realworld setting (a
750cm x 400cm room), a 1024 x 768 projector displayed targets on a 400cm
width wall. The projected area was 300cm x 225cm. The image was horizontally
centred on the wall and 100cm above the ground. In the CVE, we created a room
that replicated the real world setting. Ten participants were asked to product and
interpret pointing gestures toward the targets. Each participant performed 15 trials
per condition (counterbalanced using a Latin square design).
The main result shows that people are more accurate in producing and
interpreting pointing gestures in the real world; however, the differences are
smaller than expected.
Conclusion and Future Work
Pointing is a natural and expressive part of human gestural communication, but
current CVEs do not yet provide good support for pointing. We carried out two
studies. The results suggest that pointing can work well in CVEs.
In future, we will investigate different control mechanisms over different
levels of expressiveness of avatar pointing. We will also observe pointing
activities in more realistic settings in CVEs. In additions, we will explore
situations where pointing in CVEs can enhance collaboration. Our goal is to
improve pointing activities, which in turn improves collaboration in CVEs.
Mobile Social Media for Groups
Lampinen Airi, Lehtinen Vilma, Huotari Kai, Luusua Vesa, Mäntylä
Martti, Sarvas Risto, Seppälä Lassi & Turunen Jani
Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT / Helsinki University of
Technology TKK
Abstract. In this poster, we discuss initial results of ICT use practices in a campus
setting, both in relation to studies and other student activities. Furthermore, we present a
new mobile group-centered social media service developed for campus settings.
Staying in touch with both groups and individuals, and knowing what is sizzling
around, are essential activities in campus life. Communication technologies play a
significant role in these activities (see e.g. Quan-Haase, 2007). In this poster, we
discuss initial results concerning ICT use in a campus setting and present a new
mobile group-centered social media service that is currently in beta phase.
During the academic year 2008-2009, we conducted an exploratory study with
mixed methodology, following a freshman class in a university of technology.
The initial results reveal that the participants preferred a particular medium,
Internet Relay Chat (IRC), despite the availability of hyped social media and IM
services popular among their peers. The medium was considered particularly
important when communicating with fellow students. While our technologysavvy participants were motivated to use IRC with a textual interface in mobile
settings, too, others are likely to prefer a more easy-to-use service with a
graphical user interface. We believe that a possibility to use group communication
tools in a mobile setting would bring added value to the users, especially in
coordinating both social and academic activities on the campus.
Ossi ! Group-centered Mobile Social Media
In the scope of our project, we have developed a mobile group-centered social
media service to be used on campuses. The service, Ossi, is a simple mobile
online social interaction service for high-end mobile phones (e.g., Nokia N95,
N97, iPhone). The service aims at facilitating study activities, creation and
maintenance of social relations and the following of on-going “sizzling” in one’s
study environment. Currently, Ossi is in beta phase - we develop new features
continuously based both on research objectives and end-user feedback. The
service provides facilities for creating social networks and exchanging messages
between users in public and friends-only channels. Functionalities for sharing
location information in status messages and channel posts, and for creating and
managing groups are being developed.
Future Directions
In September 2009, we will launch a large-scale user study with students from
three campuses. We study privacy and publicity management, by focusing on the
use of group features and on the sharing of location information: How and for
what kinds of purposes are different group features adopted? How do users
manage the sharing of information when privacy settings are not available? Once
privacy controls are introduced to the service, we will study their use and their
effects on the use of the service, from the point of view of managing group
relations and of sharing location information. In addition to conducting focus
groups and questionnaires, we will analyze logged usage data. To understand it
properly, we will, additionally, carry out usage scenario experiments in the style
of Razavi & Iverson (2009). The work is a part of a research project that develops
new mobile social media services for urban communities and studies their
adoption and use in everyday life.
We thank everyone who has contributed to the OtaSizzle research project that is
funded by the MIDE program of the Helsinki University of Technology TKK.
Quan-Haase, A. (2007). College Students' Local and Distant Communication: Blending Online
and Offline Media. Information, Communication and Society, 10, 5, 671-693.
Razavi, M. N. & Iverson, L. (2009). Improving Personal Privacy in Social Systems with Peopletagging. In Proceedings of International Conference on Supporting Group Work
(GROUP’09). Sanibel Island, Florida, USA.
Kassi: Everyday Favors in Social Media
Matching Resources by Means of Campussourcing
Suhonen Emmi, Nuutila Esko, Makkonen Juho, Sundberg Ville,
Törmä Seppo, Virolainen Antti & Wiikeri Julia
Helsinki University of Technology TKK, Aalto Mobile Web Research Group
Abstract. Kassi is a social web service for changing favors and borrowing items,
especially in a local community such as a university campus. Kassi will be used in
studying motivation to contribute to collective action in social web services.
Resources People Have
We all have skills that others might not have and we own things that we need only
occasionally. Thus, we have different kinds of resources that we could offer to
others, and at the same time we may lack some resources ourselves. Despite of
this supply and demand of everyday small favors, there are no efficient and
widely used ways of dividing resources among ordinary people. Social web offers
a great opportunity to support this kind of communal action and spirit.
A Web Service to Match Resources
The preceding is the ideological basis of a social web-service called Kassi, which
we have been developing since the summer 2008. Kassi is now in beta phase and
will be released in autumn 2009. Kassi is mainly designed for campus setting,
both in relation to studies and other student activities and also to help students in
their everyday life in general. Currently Kassi allows people to create their own
profiles, where they can write down items they could lend and favors they could
do. These items and favors can then be searched and browsed by other Kassi
users. Users can also add their own listings if they are looking for help that is not
found already or if they have a more specific need or offer in mind.
Motivations to Contribute to Collective Action
For us, Kassi is not only a service, but also a research platform. Some user
research has already been done during the design process, but actual studies on
the use of the service will be done in academic year 2009-2010. The main studies
consider motivations to contribute to collective action. Brzozowski et al. (2009)
have studied how feedback and peer pressure affects the amount of contributions
in enterprise social media. They found that manager and coworker activity
correlated with employees becoming active users. Also, corporate culture may be
a motivational factor for employees. We are going to study similar topics in a
campus setting. Why people participate? What will increase or decrease
participation? How could the systems be designed to encourage positive
participation? Antin (2009) is also addressing a similar topic in his research on
meaning of knowledge and competence in contribution to collective goals.
Studies will be made using interviews, focus groups and questionnaires as well as
monitoring users’ actions in Kassi. Furthermore, two master theses will be
finished in autumn 2009. One considers reputation mechanisms in social media
and the other user-created content classification. The work is a part of the
research project that develops new mobile social media services for urban
communities and studies their adoption and use in everyday life.
We thank everyone who has contributed to the OtaSizzle research project, funded
by the MIDE program of Helsinki University Technology TKK.
Brzozowski, M.J., Sandholm, T. and Hogg, T. (2009). Effects of Feedback and Peer Pressure on
Contributions to Enterprise Social Media. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on
Supporting Group Work (GROUP ’09). Florida, USA.
Antin, Judd (2009). Motivated by Information: Information About Online Collective Action as an
Incentive for Participation In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Supporting Group
Work (GROUP ’09). Florida, USA.
How can we support engineering processes
by marking-up emails
Craig Loftus, Christopher McMahon, Ben Hicks
IdMRC, University of Bath, United Kingdom
Abstract. The authors have identified the inclusion of engineering specific contextual information as a means to improve the usability and re-usability of emails. A proposed system
to introduce such contextual information is presented with the aim to gain the insights of
the CSCW community into aspects of managing the adoption of new collaborative systems
and in selecting or developing the systems to support this contextual information.
The authors have identified the inclusion of engineering specific contextual information as a means to improve the usability and re-usability of emails. A proposed
system to introduce such contextual information is presented with the aim to gain
the insights of the CSCW community into aspects of managing the adoption of new
collaborative systems and in selecting or developing the systems to support this
contextual information.
This research is carried out from the perspective of engineers’ reuse of information in the context of projects involving multiple organisations collaborating over
≈30 year product life-cycles. The primary focus is one of improving the quality of
records of engineering work but the research is carried out with the understanding
that there is a need to provide immediate or short term value to produce an acceptable value proposition for the email authors.
The proposal is to develop a lightweight and flexible engineering vocabulary that describes and provides explicit information about, common engineering activities. A
model for the production of vocabularies to support the specifics and work flows of
particular organisations would also be developed. The vocabulary developed would
focus on supporting the activities carried out by email (and other informal electronic
communication systems) that are not currently supported by discrete tools.
An author would structure their email using predefined common elements, either whilst writing or through a process of retrospective classification. The elements
would be applied to information on the scale of Information Fragments. Darlington et al. (2008) define an Information Fragment as a meaningful sub-part of an
information item without “contextualising information nor conventional form” but
is “meaningful by virtue of the information it contains”. The addition of elements to
information fragments would associate particular concepts or explicit information
representations with those fragments. They would also allow for the addition of
concept specific meta-data. This approach is simply one of marking-up the information using a particular coding scheme, using an approach conceptually similar
and in implementation, to HTML.
The use of elements would act to provide both a guide for the author in writing
an email and allow for richer machine interpretation of the content. The approach
would aim strike a balance maintaining the freedom of the author to create an email
as circumstances and personal preferences require, whilst enforcing a minimum
level of structure and consistency in emails across a group or company.
The creation of a set of domain specific vocabularies will be the primary contribution of this research. The vocabularies will allow for information which will
support use and reuse of engineering information in email and other free form electronic communications mechanisms. The resulting authoring system would act as a
lightweight layer on top of current email clients and would be transparent to clients
that do not support the additional information.
Hicks et al. (2008) identify the migration of informal information into more explicit representations is an established approach to information management. This
proposal would provide an intermediate approach between free form and highly
structured tools by allowing for flexible addition of information and the strictures
of templates.
To add additional information around Information Fragments, it is proposed the system will use a combination of standalone XML data island and Microformats (Khare
and Çelik, 2006) or RDFa (Adida et al., 2008). The latter of which would make use
of standard vocabularies and new domain specific vocabularies.
In terms of the system as described one of principle challenges will be to balance
the long term advantages in reuse, which come at the cost of some extra work on
behalf of the author, with the more immediate advantages of the direct recipient.
Cayzer (2004) speaks to the need to avoid producing cumbersome and overly rigid
Adida, B., M. Birbeck, S. McCarron, and S. Pemberton (2008): ‘RDFa in XHTML: Syntax and
Processing’. W3c recommendation, W3Chu.
Cayzer, S. (2004): ‘Semantic Blogging and Decentralized Knowledge Management’. Communications of the ACM, vol. 47, no. 12, pp. 47–52.
Darlington, M., S. Culley, Y. Zhao, S. Austin, and L. Tang (2008): ‘Defining a Framework for
the Evaluation of Information’. International Journal of Information Quality, vol. 2, no. 2, pp.
Hicks, B., A. Dong, R. Palmer, and H. McAlpine (2008): ‘Organizing and Managing Personal Electronic Files: A Mechanical Engineers Perspective’. ACM Transactions on Information Systems,
vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 23:1–23:40.
Khare, R. and T. Çelik (2006): ‘Microformats: a pragmatic path to the semantic web’. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW’06). New York, NY, USA,
pp. 865–866, ACM.
How can information systems support collaboration
between health-workers involved in shared care across
organizational boundaries?
Vigdis Heimly, Ole Andreas Alsos
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Computer and
Information Science,
Abstract. Information infrastructures can facilitate exchange and sharing of health
information. An upcoming Norwegian health reform in 2009 will have focus on how the
patient can get health services in, or closer to, their homes. The change in the
cooperation processes between primary and specialized care will trigger the need for
better collaboration platforms. ICT-systems that support collaboration between health
workers have been available for more than 10 years, but they are still in limited use.
Some indications of why this process has been so difficult are given as a basis for
development of new systems that can support the health reform. The work is based on a
survey to the Norwegian hospitals in 2008, semi-structured interviews at hospitals and
with GPs, participation in meetings with end users, and available documentation.
ICT-support for shared care
In order to make the treatment chain between primary care and the hospital as
efficient as possible, there is a need to register, communicate, and interpret the
information that is exchanged by all the involved parties. The information can
either be sent as a message, the receiver can actively get access to information
that is stored by the another party, or the sender can actively register information
in a system held by the cooperation partner held by a third party. The selected
technical solution can depend on national legislation, and agreements between the
communicating actors, but core EHR-systems are like to replace message based
solutions in the coming years.
The health worker’s questions
Different alternatives will have implications on the involved health’s workprocesses. How can I make sure that I get access to the right information when I
need it? How can I be aware that new information is present, at how can I make
other parties aware that I have added new content that might be of interest? If the
work processes are changed, and the workload is shared between the health
workers in new ways, how I trust that others support the new changes?
A series of semi-structured interviews with users of existing systems used in
shared care, a survey to the hospitals, participation in meetings with project
managers, and reading of reports and other documentation has provided some
clues to factors that should be paid special attention when new systems are being
designed and developed.
Results and recommendations
Information to be shared need to be suited for the context in question. As an
example, an electronic health record document that was written for internal use at
the hospital is not necessarily usable for the patient, the GP, or the nurse in
homecare. A common understanding of the needs of all the actors who are going
to share the health information should be developed over time, and should also
imply changes in both specifications of data, user interfaces and technical.
New technical solutions need to support all the involved health-workers work
processes to a sufficient degree at all levels. The health-workers in different
organizations also need to get a better understand of the cooperating actor’s work
processes. Extended use of work-exchange where e.g. GPs work with
collaborations issues in part time positions at hospitals can be beneficial for a
better understanding of other actors’ needs. “If I supply content that benefits you,
you should also supply me with content that benefits me.” If this is not possible,
other incentives (as economic) should be considered.
Awareness of when new content is added is important, but should on the other
hand not be to disturbing in the daily work process. As an example, GPs that have
been involved in a Norwegian core medical chart project did not want be
informed immediately when medication was prescribed for their patients by other
doctors, but want to check this on a list at a daily basis.
New technical solutions will facilitate new possibilities for collaborations, but
many of the existing organizational barriers will still remain, and should be
carefully considered when designing new technical solutions. Use of qualitative
research methods can be used to get a better understanding of how future
collaborative support for shared care can be designed and used. Further use of
semi-structured interviews with future users and data analysis based on grounded
theory can be beneficial.
Towards a commitment network
on the Grid Shared Desktop
Germana Nóbrega1 , Fernando Cruz2, Carolina Santana, Jovanini Timo
1 Universidade de Brasília, Brazil, 2 Universidade Católica de Brasília, Brazil,,,
As highlighted by Sampson and Fytros (2008), the concept of Knowledge Management (KM) has been approached from different perspectives, e.g., the organisational and sociological perspective, which addresses key questions such as how one
can create and master knowledge in groups, focusing on social networks and communities of practice. In addition, the authors place Competence Management as an
important research issue within the research framework of KM. Within the business
context, competence maps have been exploited for identifying competence gaps
necessary to deal with companies’ needs (Sicilia, 2006). Identifying such gaps is
an important step for triggering competence development programs within organisations, for instance, in learning communities (e.g. the tenCompetence project1 ).
Competence maps can also be seen as one suitable source of information for
managers to gather employees together in group projects. However, having individual (technical) talent is not a guarantee of performing well together (Rajendran,
2005). Most contemporary problems faced by the organisations and the society are
recalling the paradigm of Complexity and its systemic, complex, and transdisciplinary perspetive (Morin, 1984). This reinforces the need to achieve excellence in
(multi, transdisciplinary) team work.
In an ongoing research project, we are particularly concerned with the above
mentioned issues, and with the question of how technology can support team both
formation and work within an organisation. The main goal of our project is then
to design and to prototype a commitment network as both a conceptual framework
and a compound of computational artifacts capable of supporting knowledge workers - connected under certain criteria - on safely engaging in group work, by taking
into account past accomplished commitments, as well as by identifying incoming
possibilities from the network dynamics. In order to attain this goal, a set of dedicated network services are being provided, retrieving information from three different sources: a Competence Portfolio of each individual in the network, a Cases
Library, which keeps memory of all the previously performed Commitments, and a
Community Profile, maintained to store its current needs and goals. The dynamics of
the Commitment Network emerges from the life-cycle of each single Commitment.
Such life-cycle is the result from adapting mainly the activities supported by each
level from the D EGREE system (Barros and Verdejo, 2000). The phases composing
the resulting Commitment life-cycle are Configuration, Negotiation, Performance,
Analysis, and Synthesis.
From the technology viewpoint, the Commitment Network is being implemented
as a number of Grid services on the top of the AGORA platform2 , within its Grid
Shared Desktop (G SD) service (Dugénie et al., 2006). Thanks to the immanence
principle of G SD, a group can configure in run-time its work environment according to its needs, in terms of tools/services necessary to accomplish the task at hand.
This renders the Commitment Network services both domain and task independent.
Work supported by CNPq (Brazil) under the grant 481602/2007-0.
Barros, B. and M. F. Verdejo (2000): ‘Analysing student interaction processes in order to improve
collaboration: the DEGREE approach’. Int. J. AIED, vol. 11, pp. 221–241.
Dugénie, P., P. Lemoisson, C. Jonquet, M. Crubézy, and C. Laurenço (2006): ‘GSD: a bootstrapping
environment for collaboration’. Advanced Technology for Learning (ATL) Journal, vol. 3, no. 4,
pp. 241–249.
Morin, E. (1984): ‘Science et pratique de la complexité’. In: Actes du colloque de Montpellier.
Paris: La Documentation Française.
Rajendran, M. (2005): ‘Analysis of team effectiveness in software development teams working on
hardware and software environments using Belbin Self-perception Inventory’. Journal of Management Development, vol. 24, no. 8, pp. 738–753.
Sampson, D. and D. Fytros (2008): ‘Competence Models in Technology-enhanced Competencebased Learning’. In: H. H. Adelsberger, Kinshuk, J. M. Pawlowski, and D. Sampson (eds.):
International Handbook on Information Technologies for Education and Training. Springer.
Sicilia, M.-A. (2006): ‘Ontology-based competency management: infrastructure for the knowledge
intensive learning organization’. In: M. D. Lytras and A. Naeve (eds.): Intelligent learning
infrastructure for knowledge intensive organizations: a semantic Web perspective. Idea Group
Inc., pp. 302–324.