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After a strong performance in the first half of 2010, real GDP growth in both the EU and the euro area slowed down in the second half of last year. The deceleration was expected and in line with a soft patch in global growth and trade, which reflected the withdrawal of stimulus measures and the fading of positive impulses from the inventory cycle. Within an uncertain and risky business environment and global competition, firms have to manage not only their internal operations but also all the processes and relationships within their value chains. The purpose of this study is to provide insights for the Eurozone crises, particularly the Europe and emergingmarket economies.
International Business Research, 2012
The authors would like to sincerely thank Mercuri Urval, which funded and spearheaded this European study. The talents of the firm's managers were invaluable to compiling a robust study, filled with lessons. This fascinating collaborative work demonstrates how much management culture is enriched by juxtaposing academic knowledge and experience on the ground. 106 difficulties in one financial sector result in weaknesses in other financial sectors (we might just as easily speak of systemic risk). Contamination, on the other hand, occurs when the financial crisis spreads from the financial sector to the real sector. We are well aware that we are currently in the presence of both contagion and contamination. Thus, it is not simply the international financial system that is affected, but also all corporations, in their strategies, in their operations and in all aspects of their management.
With the parallel to the negative effect of the global crisis on the world economy, the economies in the EU started to give negative signals. The member countries such as Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain seeing the first negative effects of the global crisis are ...
The Political Economy of Italy in the Euro, 2017
Economic Themes, 2014
Since the wide spreading of the European Union (EU) crisis begun, the research papers have been providing different definitions such as currency crisis, competitiveness crisis, banking crisis, balance of payment crisis, but the most frequent notion of EU crises is the sovereign debt crisis. In this paper, the researchers agree that the current European crisis can be identified as sovereign debt crises at its surface, but in order to search for solutions of EU problems, we must look deeper into the sources of this crisis. Through this paper, the multiplication of crisis is explained, whereby it is being concluded that one type of crisis led to another, while staying on the point that the Eurozone current crisis is basically a combination of two core crisis: balance of payment crisis and banking crisis. In order to support the hypothesis that sovereign debt crisis is deeply connected with balance of payment crisis, we have analysed the trade and capital flows of European countries. It was discovered that periphery countries mostly financed their current account deficit, trade deficits and public deficit through external borrowing from creditor countries. Further, the periphery countries have been cumulating not only trade deficit in trade activity with other European partners, but also in trade with the rest of the world. The key source of imbalances between the European countries seems to be a different level of competitiveness caused by different level of productivity. As the second face of EU crises, we recognised a banking crisis. We found that sovereign debt crisis and banking crisis are interconnected but banking crisis usually precedes the debt crisis. With the fast growth of international capital flows, financial integration was strongly regionally concentrated and became especially important within the EU. Through the analysis of the international investment position of creditor countries, it was concluded that these countries are more integrated within the euro area through financial flows than through real economic flows. Additionally, it was discovered that creditor countries' banks were among the biggest investors in bonds of periphery countries such as Greece. In other periphery countries such as Ireland, banking crisis and subsequent measures for the rescuing of banking system led to the increase of public debt. In the other countries, banks were faced with solvency problems due to bad debt holdings. Having in mind that we found interconnection of the debt crisis with balance of payment crisis on the one side, and with the banking crisis on the other side, the conclusion is that sovereign debt crisis in the Eurozone is a result of two-core crisis: balance of payment crisis and bank crisis. Reckoning on the European Union history where each crisis usually led to the stronger integration, maybe the current crisis is a step further towards better and deeper integration.
This research output confirms the strength of the approach underpinning the EFIGE project, which is based on the recognition that firms are heterogeneous in the extent and the pattern of their internationalisation, as they are in many other respects. The project provides more, and more precise, evidence of what makes firms successful and therefore also what makes countries successful in the context of globalisation. Internationalisation, however, also makes firms vulnerable to shocks affecting international trade and may transform them into ...
During the last two decades, profound changes in the international division of labour among firms have occurred, with impressive growth in outsourcing, off-shoring of some stages of production and the globalization of intermediates goods markets. This new model of the international division of labour has both initiated an increasing variety of relationships among producers and spurred the development of Global Value Chains. According to some recent research, Global Value Chains have been one of the main transmission mechanisms of the Great Trade Collapse that severely and simultaneously hit all OECD countries in 2009. Pervasive as it has been, it also appears that the impact of the crisis on firms involved in Global Value Chains has been highly heterogeneous. Our paper intends to contribute to this very recent and ongoing debate, providing a description of the effects of the crisis from a perspective that is both countrycomparative, Germany and Italy being the countries taken into consideration, and on firm level, as we pay particular attention to the positioning of the firms along Global Value Chains, i.e., whether intermediate or final firms-and to their strategies. Three are the main conclusions: i) intermediate firms were hit by the crisis more than final firms; ii) among intermediate firms, the ones that carried out innovation activities in the previous period (before 2008) were somewhat sheltered by the effect of crisis; iii) firms' positioning in GVCs and their strategies may help to explain the Italy-Germany performance gap.
The global economic crisis has manifested itself by reducing the development of the business environment and increasing number of bankruptcies, affecting the economy of all states. The crisis initially affected developed countries, but spread rapidly towards emerging areas, including Central and Eastern Europe, the latter being placed in high-risk category, Romania being considered among the riskiest.
EESC Study , 2022
The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic has become the landmark for one of the greatest recessions ever experienced. As such, many Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) were exposed to financial and employment-related losses. However, not all industry sectors suffered same negative rates of income or job disruptions and there is still limited evidence on the matter. In addition, the invasion of Ukraine from Russia has become the trigger for a new wave of economic crisis for all business sectors and sizes. Therefore, the objective of this study is to develop a systematic classification of COVID-19 (and international crisis)-related impacts on SMEs. It also includes an identification of “winning” or “losing” adaptation factors shaping crisis management. To achieve its finalities, the study develops an explanatory framework by generating six categories of “pandemic challenge areas” (Containment Measures, Workforce, Finance, Digitalisation, Public Assistance, European Diversity) and a targeted performance analysis for SMEs in 6 industry sectors (Manufacturing, Construction, I&R, Tourism, Agro-Food, Retail) over an EU-12 sample of countries. Based upon research evidence, the study ultimately proposes a list of policy recommendations for recovery and competitiveness of SMEs alongside four pillars (emergency support, regulation & governance, training & skills and innovation, sustainability & cohesion).
After its launching in 1999 and rather successful decade-long performance, the euro-zone entered in 2010 into its first and extremely profound crisis. The crisis has been dragging on for almost four years and there isstill a lot of work to be done in order to reach a comprehensive and sustainable solution. The main objective of the article is threefold. Firstly, to present the main design failures of the original institutional structure of the euro-zone and its economic governance, secondly, to analyze the process of the euro-zone crisis management from its ad-hoc approach in 2010 to a more systematic approach applied over the recent 3 years, and thirdly, to discuss the key elements for a sustainable resolution of the euro-zone crisis. Looking in a more medium-term perspective, the solution of the euro-zone crisis is associated with an appropriate switch of the policy mix it applies. On the long-run, the resolution of the euro-zone crisis depends on the stabilisation of the public f...
The Academic Research Community Publication, 2021
Crítica y resistencia Legados de Bolívar Echeverría frente a la crisis civilizatoria, 2024
сп. Дзяло, бр. 16, 2020
Buddhist Studies, 2021
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology, 2009
Journal of Politics and Ethics in New Technologies and AI, 2023
International Journal of Organizational Analysis
Schriften der Universität Trier. http://www. uni-trier. de/ …, 2004
Journal of Brand Management, 2019
Academia Oncology, 2024
Crítica y Resistencias. Revista de conflictos sociales latinoamericanos, 2024
Otology & neurotology : official publication of the American Otological Society, American Neurotology Society [and] European Academy of Otology and Neurotology, 2017
Medical Care, 2016
Malaysian Journal of Applied Sciences