Int | AR is an annual publication by the editors in chief: Markus Berger + Liliane Wong, and the
Department of Interior Architecture, Rhode Island School of Design.
Members of the Advisory Board:
-Heinrich Hermann, Head of the Advisory Board
-Friedrich St Florian, FAIA, Professor of Architecture Emeritus, RISD; Principal, Friedrich St. Florian Architects, Providence, RI.
-Uta Hassler, Chair of Historic Building Research and Conservation, ETH Zurich.
Restoration Economy
Manufaktura in Łódó
Barbara Camocini and Agnese Rebaglio
Flying Tea Rooms
On Search for Identity in Saudi Arabia
Caroline Jaeger-Klein
Learning from Old Xining
The Adaptation of Urban Form
James Patterson-Waterston
Lucilla Zanolari Bottelli
The Old Carries the New
The Museum of Slovenian Film Actors in Divaca
Carole Aizenstark
Sustainability as information
Caterina Tiazzoldi
Lessons from Developed Economies
Tiziano Aglieri Rinella
Reinterpreting Tal Chappar
Black Buck Sanctuary in Northwest India
Revathi Kamath, Maitri Dore, Ambika Kamath
Economics and Authenticity
The Case of Singapore’s Chinatown
Lawrence Chin & Chen Binjuan
Footprints of Industrial Giants
Voices of a New Generation in Haifa
Dafna Fisher-Gewirtzman
Legacy of the Cold War
Richard Neutra in Pakistan
Arif Belgaumi
Luanda’s New Frontier
The Peri-Urban Growth in Angola
Célia Macedo
MYU Bar, Beirut; Photo essay
Paul Kaloustian
Project info and Author bios
-Brian Kernaghan, Professor of Interior Architecture Emeritus, RISD.
-Dietrich Neumann, Royce Family Professor for the History of Modern Architecture and Urban Studies at Brown University;
President, Society of Architectural Historians.
-Theordore H M Prudon, Professor of Historic Preservation, Columbia University; President of Docomomo USA.
-August Sarnitz, Professor of History of Architecture, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
-Wilfried Wang, O’Neil Ford Centennial Professor in Architecture, University of Texas, Austin; Hoidn Wang Partner, Berlin.
Layout_ Dinah Fried, Patricia Lomando, Caitlin Santone
Cover Design_ Patricia Lomando, Caitlin Santone
Cover Photo_ Paul Kaloustian
Inner Cover Photos_ Clara Halston, Nick Dufresne
Inspired by “making of Int | AR”, class ‘2011_ Cheryle Cranbourne, Boback Firoozbakht, Christina Hermanns, Daniel Laster,
Susan Nugraha Oey, Laith Obeidat, Susannah Stopford, Parima Sukosi, Peeraya Suphasidh
Printed by DES PRINTING, Providence
Int | AR Journal welcomes responses to articles in this issue and submissions of essays or projects for
publication in future issues. All submitted materials are subject to editorial review. Please address feedback, inquiries,
and other material to the Editors, Int | AR Journal, Department of Interior Architecture,
Rhode Island School of Design, Two College Street, Providence, RI 02903,
Luanda’s New Frontier
The Peri-Urban Growth in Angola
Célia Macedo
Angola currently faces an almost impossible mission of
opposed to the earlier confusing arrangement of appar-
healing its territory and people from the wounds left
ently fragile settlements. Over the years, these thriving
behind by nearly three decades of violent conflict. Since
cities became points of attraction to many thousands
peace was first installed in 2002, Angola and its entire
of people arriving from Europe as well as from differ-
population have been under the world’s gaze, a fact
ent parts of Angola, generally seeking a better life. The
that has highlighted the many issues and obstacles fac-
demographic patterns, mainly characterized by rural-
ing this sub-Saharan country. In order to address such
urban movements, were further enhanced during civil
challenges a general reconstruction strategy, which
war, subsequent to the independence from Portugal in
particularly emphasizes the need to mitigate the lack
1975. This caused further densification in the existing
of housing and related social problems, has been put
urban fabric, and the physical expansion of Angola’s
in place. Understanding and rehabilitating the country’s
major cities until exhaustion. Today Angola is a coun-
built environment, particularly within urban areas, rep-
try of deep social inequalities, where one of the most
resents a paramount but much needed task to rebuild
expensive cities in the world is built side by side with
Angola as a whole. The complexity of this task is further
endless sprawl of informal occupation and extreme
enhanced by the many difficulties currently affecting
poverty. With urban development not showing signs
the poorer fringe of the population - those who have
of stabilizing, the issues associated with lack of hous-
been failing to sustainably accompany the emerging
ing and urban-poverty are a difficult reality for many. In
economic development of Angola.
a time when sustainable development is a global issue,
As far as the evolution of the urban built environ-
the question of how Angola will be able to mitigate the
ment is concerned, Angola’s background does not dif-
acute housing shortage arises as one in urgent need of
fer significantly from that of other former colonies in
an answer.
Sub-Saharan Africa. Whilst under a colonial rule which
endured for roughly five centuries, Angola was subject
Peri-urban growth in Angola, the example of
to a profound reinterpretation of the essence of its built
environment, regardless of the country’s established
The capital of Angola - Luanda - embodies the typical
architectural traditions. New concepts of space, mainly
example of the demographic patterns and urban devel-
influenced by acclaimed European models, were grad-
opment described above. Following its creation in the
ually introduced all over the country but especially in
mid 16th century, up until the mid 20th century, Luanda
urban areas. Entire cities were thus designed and built
was characterized by a reduced resident population and
from scratch, composed of massive buildings framed by
low economic activity. As described by Amaral (1983),
large avenues and orthogonally organized streets, as
the environment of 19th century Luanda was one of a
Musseque Chicala
city well adapted to its context, displaying a morpho-
Today, although numbers are solely based on estimates,
logical and functional balance with its surroundings. The
Luanda’s population already reached approximately 3.2
built environment was mostly composed of an array of
million. This results in a high demand for housing, ser-
adobe and wattle-and-daub houses, often built side by
vices and infrastructure.
side with Baroque churches.
As Fonte (2007) explains, during the colonial period
The explosive growth of Luanda would only take
of Angola, architecture and urbanism generally reflected
place after the Second World War to then gain further
the policies in place at the time, a fact that clearly influ-
momentum with the industrialization of Angola. In
enced the early planning and laying out of Luanda. The
subsequent years the growing development of Luanda
city revealed distinct layers or types of occupation, in
would sustain a continuous rising trend, thus contribut-
which location and morphology of buildings were
ing to the redefinition of the city’s identity. The cityscape
fundamental variables. Given that these were mostly
of Luanda quickly revealed all the signs of a common
determined by occupants’ social status, one could find
western modern city where high-rise buildings, concrete,
for example the planned area made by Europeans for
steel, and glazing emerged to play the principal role.
Europeans to occupy, other planned areas of the city
This prosperous period, however, also had its short-
occupied by a mixed race population, and finally the
comings. One of the obvious consequences of the grow-
indigenous bairros, planned by Europeans but to be
ing prosperity was the rapid increase of the inhabitant
occupied by indigenous population.
population. Despite lack of current census data, this ris-
Most of the unqualified work force of Luanda, how-
ing trend was registered until the last general population
ever, was sourced from one area that was not contem-
census carried out in Angola in 1970, where Luanda’s
plated in urban plans: the informal bairros surrounding
resident population increased dramatically from 50,588
the main city. These areas, also designated as musseques,
in 1930 to 475,328 people in 1970 (Amaral,1983).
housed those who either could not afford, or were not
Top 19th century view of Luanda
Bottom View of a musseque
considered sufficiently civilized, to inhabit any of the
room rectangular house, and the façades began to incor-
planned areas of the “cement city”. The existence of
porate more windows than previously. Overall, the build-
areas of informal huts scattered throughout the out-
ing envelope was altered into something that accommo-
skirts of Luanda date back to its origins and their physi-
dated elements of both modern and indigenous forms
cal expansion has been developing in parallel with the
of construction. Therefore, despite the growing use of
growth of the city, up until the present date. The mas-
materials such as metal sheets or asbestos for the roofs;
sive growth of peri-urban Luanda is mainly attributed to
concrete blocks, fired bricks or timber for the walls and
continuous fluxes of rural-urban internal migrations or
cement for the floor, one could still find references to
displacements of African population, nevertheless, over
indigenous construction in the musseques. This view is
the years the musseques also provided shelter for poor
further supported by the data provided by the 1970s
population with different origins and backgrounds. This
census which reveal that the majority of houses in the
meant that having a weak economic condition became
musseques had wattle and daub walls (Monteiro,1973).
the main feature of the musseques’ resident population,
The complicity between the main city and its spa-
rather than a racial one.
tial surroundings where the musseques developed was,
and still is, a major decision factor in choosing the build-
Building and inhabiting the musseques: adapting
ing technology for one’s dwelling. As Trindade (2000)
to a life of uncertainty
remarks, at times it was difficult to distinguish accurately
The built environment in the musseques has developed
where the city ended and the musseque started. The
under unique circumstances. Up until the 19th century
constant swelling of the city limits put extra pressure on
the outskirts of Luanda were mostly used as agricultural
the musseques’ population, who reacted to the authori-
land. However, as the city expanded, clusters of settle-
ties’ claim of land for urban development by moving and
ments developed in stages to accommodate the vari-
rapidly building shelter elsewhere, usually further away
ous waves of migrants seeking a better life in Luanda.
from the city. In this respect, Monteiro (1973) concludes
With respect to the nature of the dwellings, unlike the
that the preference for certain construction techniques
main city, in which European concepts of architectural
and building materials in the musseques would depend
and urban space were gradually introduced, construc-
on various aspects, namely cost, availability and flexibil-
tion activities in the musseques during the 20th century
ity of use. Further to this, the temporary or permanent
tended to be associated with absence of planning and
occupation, as well as the dynamic social structure of
infrastructure and, therefore, with self-building activi-
the household - which repeatedly required additions
ties. These were areas frequently described as dense
and/or modifications to the core structure of the build-
labyrinths of wattle and daub huts which spontaneously
ing - would also define the type of dwelling to be con-
occupied any piece of land available. Moreover, given
structed. This could, for example, make the difference
the diverse ethnic backgrounds of its inhabitants, the
between using stone, cement blocks (permanent mate-
buildings frequently resembled traditional rural dwell-
rials) or earth and timber (temporary and/or demount-
ings found elsewhere in Angola.
able structures).
The proximity to the cement city, coupled with a later
The uncertainty with regard to the ownership of land
influx of a Portuguese poor population, eventually pro-
combined with the precarious nature of the dwellings,
vided the perfect environment for the metamorphosis
lack of infrastructures and urban management, meant
of the musseques’ fabric. This assimilation of European
that the musseques have always been very susceptible
architectural features extended not only to the building
to disasters. Fires, floods, landslides and other naturally
form of the dwellings but also to the building materi-
occurring disasters frequently wiped out considerable
als and technologies adopted. As illustrated in Redinha
areas of houses. For this reason, the design and imple-
(1964) and Thyssen’s (1966) studies of the Angolan
mentation of a rehabilitation strategy of such areas is
indigenous house, the single room circular plan house,
currently considered to be an absolute priority, as shall
for example, was abandoned in favour of the multiple
be explained in due course.
Currently, probably more than ever, there seems to
letter to the Executive Director of the UN-HABITAT, con-
the musseques is the main objective. However, while
able future for the musseques and its inhabitants
exist an agreement on the urgency of providing Angolan
demning the choice of Luanda as the location for the
such plans do not come into practice, people have been
According to the UN-HABITAT more than 80% of
population with the right to housing and a decent qual-
celebrations, arguing that it constituted an ‘insult to the
developing creative solutions to adapt existing dwell-
Angola’s population lives in slum areas, many of those
ity of life. In 2004, extreme poverty was acknowledged
injury committed against Angola’s thousand affected by
ings to meet constantly changing needs. A building in a
based in the peripheries of Luanda. Moreover, the capi-
by the government as a serious issue in Angola, as can
forced evictions’ (Amnesty International, 2008, p.3).
tal has grown to more than four times the second largest
be found in the document Strategy for Combating
Life in the musseques today: building a sustain-
restrained plot of land can easily change configuration
Nonetheless, the progress on the construction of
to accommodate a growing family, create private areas
city in Angola, and estimates indicate that it accounts
Poverty (República de Angola, 2004). Herein, the reduc-
houses since the launch of the National Urbanism and
to rent out, or incorporate a small business accessible
for about a quarter of the country’s total population
tion of poverty and improvement of people’s quality of
Housing Programme has been frequently reported as
through the elevation facing the road. Houses in the
(UN-HABITAT, 2010). The poor conditions experienced
life is set as a goal to achieve in a near future, which
successful through local and international news agen-
musseques thus grow organically, expand horizontally
in the musseques today have not undergone dramatic
necessarily entails action at the level of the building sec-
cies. Additionally, despite the accusations of forced
and/or vertically, usually according to peoples’ financial
improvements over the last years. In fact, apart from
tor. Thus, the government hopes to improve the overall
evictions, the rehousing process of some of the people
means. This dynamics has been possible partially thanks
the few musseques existing inside the actual city, which
conditions of the musseques and degraded buildings of
whose houses had been demolished between 2004
to the wide availability of prefabricated building materi-
did not have further room to grow, the settlements in
urban areas, mainly through urban requalification pro-
and 2006 is expected to start in September 2011, as
als such as cement blocks or metal sheet roofing, which
the periphery continue to expand outwards, increas-
grammes. Such programmes would range from provid-
recently announced by the government. The intention of
have clearly outgrown traditional building practices in
ing the distance between the city and the musseques.
ing infrastructures to existing degraded areas, to design
eliminating the musseques entails, yet again, profound
popularity and appear to be the way forward when it
In addition to the spreading out of existing areas, new
and building of whole new parts of the city. The latter
changes and adaptations from the low-income popula-
comes to informal settlements in Luanda.
musseques were even created after the independence.
would include construction of social housing to accom-
tion, who so many times throughout Angola’s history
The Constitutional Law of Angola’s article 85th
This is the case with the musseque Rocha Pinto which,
modate and relocate the poorest fringe of population
had to readjust to new realities and paradigms, building
states that ‘every citizen has the right to appropriate
as stated in Trindade (2000), has a population of roughly
- particularly the homeless and displaced. In line with this
new homes, livelihoods, social and economic structures
housing and to a decent quality of life. It carries on by
900 thousand people and, due to the distance to the
target, in 2008, the Government launched the National
from scratch. Reusing existing housing does not seem to
declaring that the state has the responsibility to ‘pro-
city, has achieved nearly self-sufficiency by incorporating
Urbanism and Housing Programme, with a very ambi-
be included in any plan or strategy, which rather prefer
mote the social and economic conditions to ensure the
basic services within its limits.
tious goal of building 1 million houses before the end
looking at more radical solutions, whereby eliminating
right to housing and quality of life’ (Assembleia Nacional
Since the colonial period, efforts have been made
of 2012, from which 115 thousand will be provided by
towards finding the most adequate solution to tackle
the government, 120 thousand by the private sector, 80
both the acute housing shortage as well as the problems
thousand by cooperatives and 685 thousand will be con-
resulting from the almost total lack of infrastructure
structed through self-help building activities.
in the musseques. Nevertheless, according to Amaral
The programme is still ongoing and, therefore, the
(1968), these urban planning experiments were not
amount of information available remains rather scarce.
always very successful, since they often failed to consider
Nevertheless, questions have been raised regarding how
natural and human environments. An example provided
the 1 million houses goal is being pursued and, espe-
by the same author was the inadequacy of the building’s
cially, as to its effectiveness amongst the poor popula-
design to people’s cultural context, ignoring for example
tion of the informal settlements. International organiza-
the importance of the outside space to cook or social-
tions such as Amnesty International have reported that,
in order to clear land for the construction of new hous-
Furthermore, many of the buildings were struc-
turally unsound and formed monotonous streets were
ing developments, continuous evictions of thousands
landscape was scarce. As a result, valuable lessons were
of families have been taking place in the periphery of
learnt regarding the need to have an in-depth knowl-
Angolan cities. Furthermore, as Amnesty International
edge, of both the site and the inhabitants, in potential
adds, this has been done without any ‘prior notification,
upgrading programmes. Spaces where communities can
information or consultation, legal protection, adequate
thrive and live harmoniously, where family life can evolve
alternative accommodation or an effective remedy’
and be respected, creation of a diversity of spaces and
(Amnesty International, 2008, p.1) which, in the view of
houses which can be flexible and adaptable enough to
the organization, constitutes a clear violation of human
accommodate different needs in different periods of
rights. In order to highlight such issues, during the cel-
people’s lives, were aspects recommended as primary
ebrations of the World Habitat Day in 2008, which took
for any successful urban intervention in the musseques.
place in Luanda, Amnesty International directed an open
Kids playing in musseque Chicala
– Comissão Constitucional, 2010). Although, apparently,
urban periphery is an incredibly complex reality and,
the country is heading towards this direction, it is clear
therefore, any intervention or proposed upgrading pro-
Redinha, J. (1964). A habitação tradicional angolana; aspectos da sua
that there is still much work to be carried out, in order to
gramme necessarily requires the action of studies, which
Amaral, I. (1968). Luanda: (estudo de geografia urbana). Lisboa:
Ministério do Ultramar
sustainably mitigate the housing shortages in Angola. In
should be conducted by a multidisciplinary team, given
Amaral, I. (1983). Luanda e os seus “muceques” problemas da geografia
República de Angola (2004) Estratégia de combate à pobreza Reinserção Social, Reabilitação e Reconstrução e Estabilização Económica.
this respect, the way that built environment is conceptu-
the different nature of the many issues inherent to the
urbana. Finisterra - Centro de Estudos Geográficos Portugal XVIII (36),
alized may indeed play a significant role in assisting the
periphery of Luanda (economic, social, technical, juridi-
Thissen, L. (1966). A habitação entre alguns povos do médio-Cuango
poor population achieving a better quality of life. The
cal, financial, etc). Regrettably, this situation has not
Amnesty International (2008) Joint letter for Executive Director of
UN-HABIAT. London: Amnesty International International Secretariat .
Available at:
familiarity with self-help building of the informal settle-
changed over the last years and the musseques still lack
thorough studies and research.
Considering all the aforementioned, if on the one
hand it is a reality that the musseques are lacking
even the most basic infrastructures and are, therefore,
in urgent need of an intervention; on the other hand
one has to wonder whether a radical solution based on
demolishing the existing to rebuild according to western
models is the most adequate one for this particular context. The flexibility and adaptability which characterizes
these informal settlements, despite reflecting a sustainable practice, is also often regarded as a sign of insecurity. For this reason, it is likely that people are open
to embrace a new style of living which will necessarily
include a new approach towards the built environment.
caso de Luanda. Lisboa: Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas.
ments seems to have been picked up and is now being
Assembleia Nacional Comissão Constitucional (2010) Constitiução da
República de Angola – Projecto Final. Luanda: Assembleia Nacional
Comissão Constitucional
utilised as an important tool of the National Housing
Programme. Self-building kits have been made available for the low-income population, who, according to
the Government, will also be able to benefit from special financial schemes to buy or rent houses. As stated
above, the programme is still ongoing, however, according to recent statements that consider the possibility of
surpassing the goal of 1 million houses, the country’s
reconstruction process mentioned in the beginning of
this paper appears to be taking place in Angola. One
will have to wait until 2012 to determine the immediate
success as well as the sustainability of the programme.
More importantly, it is fundamental to assess its effects
A deep understanding of the social characteristics
in areas such as the musseques, where the most press-
of these informal settlements as well as of their social,
ing issues exist.
Fonte, M. M. (2007). Unpublished PhD thesis - Urbanismo e arquitectura
em Angola - de Norton de Matos à Revolução. Faculdade de Arquitectura.
Lisbon: Universidade Técnica de Lisboa.
Monteiro, R. L. (1973). A família nos musseques de Luanda: subsídios para
evolução. Luanda: Centro de Informação e Turismo de Angola.
Luanda: Ministério do Planeamento Direcção de Estudos e Planeamento
(Angola). Luanda: Instituto de Investigacão Científica de Angola.
Trindade, A. J. P. (2000). O fenómeno urbano na Africa subsahariana: o
UN-HABITAT (2003). Slums of the world: the face of urban poverty in the
new millennium? Nairobi, Kenya, United Nations Human Settlements
Programme (UN-HABITAT).
UN-HABITAT & UNEP (2010). The state of African cities 2010 governance,
inequality and urban land markets. Nairobi: UN-HABITAT.
o seu estudo. Luanda, Fundo de Acção Social no Trabalho em Angola.
economic and environmental contexts may prove to be
In 1983, we were reminded by Amaral (1983) that
a fundamental tool to orient towards a sustainability
the research focused on the evolution of the musseques’
agenda of any future policy or upgrading plan for the
environment is very scarce. He further adds that the
informal peri-urban settlements in Luanda.
Left Wide availability of prefabricated building
materials in the musseques
Middle Eliminating the musseques entails
profound changes for the low- income popoulation
Right Self-building kits in the musseques
project credits and Information
Restoration Economy
name of project_MANUFAKTURA location_Łódz,
ó Poland name of design firm_Sud Architectes (Lyon) Virgile
& Stone Company (Imagination Group, London) names of key architects/designers involved_Sud Architectes
+ André Mrowiec Marciniak & Witasiak OTH / Bovis J. Lutomski name of owner_Horyzont (APSYS International,
Paris) name of contractor_Mitex, Budumex name of photographer_Manufaktura archives + Marcin Romansk
(Fabryki Muzeum) year completed_2006 cost of construction_280,000,000 USD website address of
design,, V+SM.html
name of project_ANDEL’S HOTEL location_ Łódz,
ó Poland name of design firm_Jestico & Whiles (concept:
public space, rooms) OP ARCHITEKTEN (other areas, detailed design) names of key architects/designers involved_Jestico + Whiles Wojciech Popławski (Main Architect) Andrzej Orlinski name of contractor_PORR Polska
S.A. name of owner_UBM / WARIMPEX year completed_2006 – 2009 (project) / 2007 -2009 (construction)
website address of design
Flying Tea Rooms
name of research team_Dr. Vittoria Capresi (Urban Analysis), Dr. Petra Gruber (Building Structure and Bionics),
Dr. Ulrike Herbig (Photogrammetry and Recordings of Architecture), Prof. Caroline Jaeger-Klein (History of Architecture), Prof. Erich Lehner (Architecture of non-Western traditions), DI. Irmengard Mayer (Building Research and
3D-Laserscanning), Prof. Hermann Mueckler (Social Anthropology) and Arch. DI. Gudrun Styhler-Aydin (Building
Research) name of photographer_Andrea Rieger-Jandl department_Department for the History of Architecture and Building Archaeology (Architekturgeschichte Bauforschung) UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY VIENNA /
AUSTRIA website address of
Learning from Old Xining
location_Xining, Qinghai Province, People’s Republic of China graphic Illustration_James Patterson-Waterston
acknowledgements_The paper addresses a piece of ongoing research into the adaptation of the urban form of
the city of Xining. Already the research is demonstrating engineering and environmental value in the existing city
grid and building layout, while further fieldwork is due to take place in early 2012.
name of project_Multi functional complex Le Terrazze: Hotel, residence, shopping mall, SPA, offices, bar and
restaurant name of design firm_Studio Marco Piva names of key architects_Studio Marco Piva location_
Carità di Villorba-Treviso, Italy year completed_2011 name of photographer_Andrea Martiradonna
Reinterpreting Tal Chappar
name of project_Tal Chappar Sanctuary location_Chappar Village, District Churu, Rajasthan, India name of
design firm_Kamath Design Studio names of key architects/designers involved in project_Revathi Kamath,
Shruti Soni, Satandra, Jaskirat Sangra name of owner_Forest Department, Rajasthan name of contractor_
Bhageetath Prajajapat Suratgarh name of head mason_Karni Ram name of photographer_Sooraj Singh Poonia,
Mangi Lal Gupta, Ayodh Kamath year completed_September 2010 acknowledgements_Sooraj Singh Poonia and
T.C. Gupta provided many of the photographs; Ayodh Kamath organized the images.
Economics and Authenticity
location_Kreta Ayer, Chinatown, Republic of Singapore name of photographer_Lawrence Chin names
of researchers_Lawrence Chin & Chen Binjuan department_Department of Real Estate, National University of
Singapore graphic_Dinah Fried
Footprints of Industrial Giants
images_Karen Doviner, Yigal Tartakowsky and Michal Morad acknowledgements_I would like to thank architect
Alon Zohar, my partner in studio, for his inspiring comments and his time and effort devoted to advance our
students. I would like to thank our students for their cooperation and enthusiastic spirit, for the hard work and
excellent performance. In particular I would like to thank the students whose work is presented in this paper: Yigal
Tartakowsky, Michal Morad and Karen Doviner.
location_Guangdong (Canton) Province, People’s Republic of China name of photographer_Lucilla Zanolari
Bottelli survey year_February 2010 acknowledgements_The survery was a joint partnership between the
Department of Architecture at Politecnico di Milano and the Huiyang Municipality.
Legacy of the Cold War
The Old Carries the New
Luanda’s New Frontier
name of project_The Museum of Slovenian Film Actors name of architects_Matjaž Bolcina, Ernest Milcinovic,
Teja Savelli name of client_Community of Divaca with the Ministry of Culture location_Kraška cesta 25, 6215
Divaca, Slovenia site area: 6000m2 built area_476m2 completion date_ 2010 construction company_
Kraški zidar d.d. structural engineering_Edo Wallner electrical_Aleš Mrkun HVAC_Jana Kotar acoustics_
Saša Galonja project manager for the Community of Divaca_Mateja Maganja project supervisor_Nataša
Ðukic Vasic heritage supervisor_Eda Belingar construction cost_2,030 million euros ($2,795 million) made
possible by Norway grants name of photographer_Miran Kambic
images_Celia Macedo acknowledgements_This article arises from the research the author is currently carrying
out for her PhD thesis, which looks at the sustainability of the use of earthen building technologies in the periurban areas of Angola. The research is being supervised by Prof. Ray Ogden, Dr. Bousmaha Baiche and Prof. David
Sanderson. This project was awarded an Individual Doctoral Grant from FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia)
– Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Portugal.
Sustainability as Information
name of project_The Rubber Tyre School, ARCò covered surface_350 square meters, 2,200 tyres
construction time_15 days address_road n°1, between Jerusalem and Jerico, Al Akhmar year_2009
construction_Vento di Terra image permission_Valerio Marazzi for ARCò name of project_Recyling Plant,
Senegal image permission_LVIA name of project_Project Formal Modulation for acoustic performances
image permission_Caterina Tiazzoldi and Chris Whitelaw, the Non Linear Solutions Unit, GSAAP Columbia
University and Nicholas Tixier, Ecole d’architecture de Grenoble acknowledgements_Alessandro Bobba (LVIA),
Chiara Rigotti (Architects without Frontiers - Burkina Faso), Giorgia Dalby (Architects without Frontiers – Italy)
Gloria Pasero (Politecnico di Torino), Heather Leson (Ushaidi), Lia Curcio Massimo Annibale Rossi (Vento di Terra)
(LVIA), Pierre Alain Croset (Politecnico di Torino), Sara Williams (Columbia University), Stefano Pensa (Politecnico
di Torino + ETH Zurich), Rocco Curto (Politecnico di Torino), Valeria Cottino (Architects without Frontiers – Italy)
name of photographers_Arif Belgaumi, Lucien Hervé
name of project_MYU Bar location_Gouraud street, Gemayze, Beirut, Lebanon name of design firm_PAUL
KALOUSTIAN ARCHITECT name of key architect_Paul Kaloustian name of photographer_Paul Kaloustian
owner_Joe Mourani contrator_Khater engineering cost_225.000$ total area_140m2 date of completion_
2006 (due to the 2006 war the project was delayed, the bar opened as soon as the war ended) lighting_cold
cathode lights and candles sound system_ alcons audio furniture_custom designed - manufactured by ARDECO
amatouri website address of design
Carole Aizenstark’s interest in adaptive reuse has its roots in
Paris where she was born and raised. She holds a Master’s in
Interior Design from Florida International University and works
as a design professional in Miami.
Arif Belgaumi is a registered architect and heads his own
practice in Karachi, Pakistan. He holds an MArch from the
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia USA. He is a member
of the adjunct faculty of the Department of Architecture
at the Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture, Karachi
where he teaches Design. Prior to establishing his practice in
Karachi he worked for architectural offices in the US
and Pakistan. In addition, he writes occasional articles on
urban and environmental issues in a local newspaper.
Lucilla Zanolari Bottelli, architect, has always studied
different cultures by attending schools in Switzerland, Italy,
USA, Spain, China in her formative years. She graduated in
Architecture in 2004 from Politecnico di Milano, with a thesis
on visual perception as a design tool. Her experiences abroad
and her professional background have led Lucilla into interior
and furniture design. She lives in Milan and collaborates as
an assistant lecturer at Politecnico di Milano in Architecture
and Design Faculties, while completing her PhD in Interior
Design and Exhibition at Politecnico di Milano, Department of
Lawrence Chin & Chin Binjuan Dr. Lawrence Chin is the
Director of the Real Estate Career Centre in the Department
of Real Estate at the National University of Singapore. He
graduated with a BSc (Estate Management) with honours
from the University of Singapore and holds a PhD in Business
Administration from the University of Georgia, USA. He is a
town councillor with the Tanjong Pagar Town Council. Ms.
Chen Binjuan holds a BSc (Real Estate) degree with honours.
Barbara Camocini, Architect and Ph.D in Interior Architecture and Exhibition Design, is an adjunct professor and temporary research fellow at INDACO Department – Lab.I.R.Int
- Politecnico di Milano. Her research work focuses on the
effects of adaptive re-use upon urban evolution and living
and working interiors. She also takes part, as an expert, in
conferences and jury of competitions within the international
programme for the development of the Baltic Sea Region. In
2003 she was a consultant in the City of Culture project led
by David Chipperfield Architects, for the conversion of the
former Ansaldo factory of Milan into a museum complex.
Dafna Fisher-Gewirtzman is a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty
of Architecture & Town Planning at the Technion in Israel.
Dafna teaches and coordinates architectural design and Interior architecture design studios focusing on recycling/regenerating and adaptive reuse in architecture.
Her research focus is in the field of visual analysis, quantitative methods and tools on subjective human response. She
has published many papers in leading professional journals
and presented her work in many international conferences.
She has received much recognition and is the recipient for the
UNESCO fellowship. In addition to her academic activities, she
is a practicing architect. Her work has been published in local
professional journals.
Revathi Kamath is an architect and planner based in New
Delhi, India, and a partner in Kamath Design Studio. The
Kamath Design Studio has designed over 300 buildings, each
informed by an explicitly environmental agenda. Their work
is a creative synthesis of attitudes and technologies into an
aesthetic habitat and way of life.
Maitri Dore is a final-year student of architecture at the
Kamla Raheja Vidyanidhi Institute for Architecture, Mumbai
Ambika Kamath is a first-year graduate student in the Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology at Harvard
Ayodh Kamath is a partner in Kamath Design Studio.
Ayodh has a BArch degree from the Sushant School of Art &
Architecture, and a SMArchS degree from the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology.
Caroline Jaeger-Klein is Associate Professor for History of
Architecture at Vienna University of Technology as well as at
UBT Prishtina in Kosovo. After university studies in Austria
and the United States, she wrote her PhD on Austrian Architecture of the 19th and 20th centuries. In addition to her
theoretical focus, she continued teaching design courses on
building in a historical context, her master thesis topic. For
the moment, she is leading a research study on current Austrian school buildings as well as on Traditional Architecture of
Saudi Arabia. She is national expert-in-court and member of
Célia Macedo studied architecture as her first degree at Universidade Lusíada of Lisbon in Portugal. Following some years
of professional experience in architectural practices, both in
Portugal and the UK, she graduated from Oxford Brookes
University with an MSc in Energy Efficient and Sustainable
Building in 2009. At the moment, Célia is doing research on
the informal settlements of Luanda (Angola) for her PhD in
Architecture at Oxford Brookes University, UK.
Agnese Rebaglio is a researcher at the INDACO Department
- Industrial Design, Arts, Communication and Fashion - of
Politecnico di Milano, Phd in Interior Architecture. She is part
of the faculty of the Interior Design Course at the Design
School, Politecnico di Milano. She is part of the research team
“DHOC”, Design for Hospitable City. Their research aims to
design interior and exterior urban spaces, to set up new kind
of hospitality in the contemporary city, through temporary,
diffused services, new quality for public spaces, innovative
models of re-use of disused spaces.
Caterina Tiazzoldi is an Adjunct Professor at the Graduate
School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation at Columbia
University and visiting Researcher at the Politecnico di Torino
- DIPRADI where she presented her PhD thesis on the topic of
Nonlinear Design Strategies. She is the principal of the architecture firm by Nuova Ordentra and co-founder
and director of the research lab Nonlinear Solutions Unit at
the GSAPP, Columbia University NY. Her work won several
awards and has been published in several books, magazines
and national newspapers.
James Patterson-Waterston is an MPhil researcher in
Environmental Design in Architecture at the University of
Cambridge. His research focuses on the ‘sustainable design’
of new urban areas designated within the Chinese Western Development Plan. Before starting his MPhil in 2010,
he worked as an architectural and urban designer in the
Shenzhen, China office of Ove Arup & Partners. He currently
works as a planning and development consultant at Happold
Consulting in London. His main research interests are urban
planning, environmental design and the role of social anthropology in the study of the built environment. He is affiliated
to MIASU (Mongolian and Inner Asian Studies Unit) within the
University of Cambridge.
Paul Kaloustian received his masters degree (M.ARCH II)
from Harvard Graduate School of Design in 2000, worked as
a design architect at Herzog and de Meuron in 2001, PAUL
KALOUSTIAN ARCHITECT was established in 2002 in Beirut,
Lebanon. Paul Kaloustian is a visiting instructor at the American
University of Beirut (AUB).
Tiziano Aglieri Rinella, architect, is an assistant professor
at the Faculty of Arts of IULM University in Milan. He holds a
Ph.D. in architecture (in co-tutoring between the Universities
of Palermo and Geneva) and was a scholarship holder of Le
Corbusier Foundation in Paris. He collaborates with UNESCO,
being involved in projects in the middle east. Currently, his
research is focused on new trends of hospitality and wellness design. He has published Hotel Design - Fondamenti
di progettazione alberghiera, (edited by PLANETHOTEL.NET,
Marsilio, Venice, 2011).
Ernesto Aparicio is a Senior Critic in the Graphic Design Department at RISD. He earned his BA at the Escuela de Bellas
Artes, Universidad de la Plata, Buenos Aires and did his Post
Graduate Studies in Graphic Design at the Ecole des Art Decoratifs, Paris. Prior to moving to the US he served as Art Director
for Editions du Seuil in Paris, while maintaining his own Graphic
Design practice, Aparicio Design Inc. Best known for his work
in the world of publishing, his work has also included corporate
identities, annual reports, publications and way-finding for corporations and institutions in France, Japan, and the US. He has
recently been named Creative Director for the New York design
firm, DFA.
Markus Berger is an Assistant Professor and Graduate Program
Director in the Department of Interior Architecture at RISD. He
holds an MArch (Diplomingenieur für Architektur) from the
Technische Universität Wien, Austria and is a registered architect
(SBA) in the Netherlands. Prior to coming to the US he practiced as an architect and taught in Austria, India, Pakistan and
with UN Studio in the Netherlands. He co-founded and co-edits
Int|AR and currently also heads his own design studio in Providence, InsideOut Design.
Maya Marx is an Adjunct Faculty member in the Department of
Interior Architecture at RISD where she received her Master’s degree in 2008, with honors distinction. She holds a B.A., summa
cum laude, in Studio Art, Sculpture from Brandeis University. She
is a designer and writer based in Amherst, Massachusetts and an
Associate Editor of the Int|AR Journal.
Liliane Wong is Professor and Head of the Department of Interior Architecture at RISD. She received her MArch from Harvard
University and a B.A. in Mathematics from Vassar College. She
is a registered Architect and has practiced in the Boston area
including in her firm, MWA. She co-founded and co-edits the
Int|AR Journal.