Daniel 7.19-20.doc

Daniel 7:19-20 Daniel 7:19-Daniel Seeks the Interpretation of the Fourth Beast Review of Daniel 7:1-18 Daniel 7:1 During Belshazzar’s, Babylon’s king, first year, Daniel saw a dream specifically visions in his mind on his bed. Then, he wrote down the dream. He declares the beginning of the account. (Author’s translation) Daniel 7:1 records that during the first year of Belshazzar’s co-regency with his father in 553 B.C. Daniel received prophetic revelation from God in a dream, which the rest of the chapter reveals was concerning the future of planet earth and parallels the prophetic revelation that God gave Nebuchadnezzar as recorded in Daniel chapter 2. Like the revelation Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel here in chapter seven received a prophetic revelation in a dream which was concerning the future of the empires of Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece, Rome, the Revived Form of the Roman Empire and its wicked ruler, who we know from the book of revelation as the Antichrist. This revelation also points to the ascension and session of Jesus Christ at His Father’s right hand as well as the destruction of the final form of the fourth empire by the Lord Jesus Christ and in addition, it speaks of His Messianic Kingdom. Like the prophetic revelation that Nebuchadnezzar received, Daniel also received prophetic revelation regarding the Times of the Gentiles. Nebuchadnezzar’s revelation dealt with the Times of the Gentiles from the perspective of man whereas Daniel’s revelation of the Times of the Gentiles was from God’s perspective. Daniel 7:1 tells the reader that Daniel received a “dream” from God, which emphasizes the unity of this revelation. In this dream, he saw “visions” which emphasizes the successive stages in which the revelation was given to Daniel. “Visions” describes an appearance of something in Daniel’s mind that was a supernatural revelation to communicate a truth to him, not seen as a sensory perception. Visions were often a revelation of the future plans of God, which could involve either judgment or blessing. “Visions” speaks of revelation from God the Holy Spirit with regards to the Father’s will for planet earth. It denotes that God gave Daniel revelation with regards to His future plans for planet earth. Daniel received this revelation from God while he was in a trance. This is distinguished from the possession trance and dreams since it is an altered state of consciousness in which extrasensory audiovisual experiences, which are revelatory in character, are perceived in private by individuals. Here this word denotes that Daniel was in an altered state of consciousness in which God revealed what will take place in the future with regards to planet earth. Theses visions were prophetic in that they tell Daniel about the future of planet earth. They were also symbolic as indicated by the fact that the four kingdoms of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome and the Revived Form of the Roman Empire are represented by wild beasts. These visions were also oracles of assurance since Daniel is assured that God will rule this earth through His Son Jesus Christ which acknowledges that God is sovereign over the earth and sovereign of history. These revelations Daniel received from God regarding the future of planet earth were designed to direct him, the Jews and the Gentiles to submit to God’s will and to teach them and the reader that God’s authority is over every ruler and every nation and over history itself. Therefore, Daniel 7:1 tells us that Daniel received these revelations while he was in a trance or altered state of consciousness in which extrasensory audiovisual experiences, which were revelatory in character, were perceived by the king in the privacy of his own bedroom. Here Daniel was in an altered state of consciousness while God revealed the content and interpretation of the dream to him as well while in the privacy of his own bedroom. Daniel 7:2 Daniel began to speak and said, “I was in a trance like state, staring because of my vision during the night as behold the heaven’s four winds were blowing violently against the great sea.” (Author’s translation) Verse 2 marks the beginning of Daniel’s written account as to what he saw in this revelation he received from God through visions in a dream during the night during the first year of Belshazzar’s reign. He starts of by describing himself as in trance like state staring at this vision in the sense that he could not take his eyes off of this vision. This vision he received was a prophetic, supernatural revelation from God the Holy Spirit with regards to the Father’s will for planet earth. Daniel was in an altered state of consciousness while God revealed His future plans for planet earth while in the privacy of his own bedroom. This vision was impressive and astounding to him. “The four winds of heaven” refer to literal wind in this vision which is symbolic of Satan and his angels causing unrest among the nations of the earth, which results in four great empires, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome which are characterized by evil. The final form of the fourth empire which will take place during Daniel’s Seventieth Week will be the worst since it will produce the Antichrist. Though Satan is deceiving the nations and will continue to do so up until the Second Advent of Jesus Christ which terminates Daniel’s Seventieth Week, God is still sovereign as demonstrated by the fact that God’s kingdom which He will establish through His Son will destroy these other heathen empires at His Son’s Second Advent who will at that time establish His millennial reign upon the earth. The “great sea” here in Daniel 7:2 refers in a literal sense to the Mediterranean Sea since throughout the Old Testament it is identified as such (Numbers 34:6-7; Joshua 1:4; 9:1; 15:12, 47; 23:4; Ezekiel 47:10, 15, 20; 48:28). The Mediterranean was called “the great sea” in the Old Testament because it was situated geographically in the center of the earth and borders on so many large continents. The “great sea” in Daniel 7:2 also has of course a figurative sense referring to the heathen nations of the earth since Daniel 7:3 and 7:17 makes this clear. Both verses reveal that the four great beasts who are identified as four great heathen empires, which history tells are Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome. This would make clear that the great sea refers to unregenerate mankind since these empires are composed of unregenerate men and women. Revelation 17:5 also supports this interpretation (cf. Isaiah 8:6-8; 17:12-13; 57:20; 60:5; Jeremiah. 6:23; 46:7-8; 47:2; Matthew 13:46; Luke 21:25; Revelation 13:1; 17:1; 21:1.). Daniel describes the four winds of heaven blowing violently against the great sea, which is symbolic Satan and his kingdom causing violent conflict among the inhabitants of the nations. This suggests that Satan and his kingdom is the source of the four great heathen empires in history, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome and final form of the Roman Empire which will produce an evil dictator which the book of Revelation identifies as the Antichrist. Daniel 7:3 “Then, four great beasts, one different from the other, came up out from the sea.” (Author’s translation) After seeing in his vision, the four winds of heaven blowing violently against the great, Daniel saw four great beasts, which were different from each other, coming up out from the sea. These four beasts in Daniel chapter seven correspond to the enormous gold statue of a man in Nebuchadnezzar’s vision recorded in Daniel chapter two. Daniel 7:17 tells us that these four great beasts are kings. The ancient Orientals regarded kings and kingdoms synonymously. In Scripture, heathen nations are often depicted by wild beasts in order to express the animal like character of these nations which are unregenerate and deceived by sin and Satan. Here in Daniel chapter seven the Holy Spirit is depicting the unregenerate heathen nations as wild animals in order to convey to the reader God’s viewpoint of these nations. These four beasts in Daniel chapter seven correspond exactly to the four metals in the image of Nebuchadnezzar’s vision in Daniel chapter two. Like the prophecy in Daniel chapter two, the prophecy that appears in Daniel chapter seven also deals with the Times of the Gentiles from God’s perspective. Daniel 7:4 “The first beast was like a lion with eagle’s wings attached to it. I was in a trance like state staring when its wings were torn off. Then it was lifted up from the ground for the purpose of it standing on two feet like a human being. A human mind was also given to it.” (Author’s translation) The first beast symbolizes Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon since it corresponds to the head of gold in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel chapter two, which Daniel identified as being Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon (See Daniel 2:37-38). Further confirmation comes from history itself since both the lion and the eagle were both national symbols of Babylon (See Jeremiah 4:7, 13; Ezekiel 17:3). Nebuchadnezzar is elsewhere compared to both the lion (Je. 4:7; cf. 49:19; 50:44) and the eagle (Ezk. 17:3, 11–12). Cf. v 4 with 4:33–34. New Bible commentary: 21st century edition. 1994 (D. A. Carson, R. T. France, J. A. Motyer & G. J. Wenham, Ed.) (4th ed.) (Da 7:1–14). Leicester, England; Downers Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity Press. Just as gold is the most precious metal on earth so the lion is the king of the wild beasts of the earth. The fact that this first beast was lifted up from the ground and made to stand on two feet like a man and was given a human mind indicates that this refers to the conversion of Nebuchadnezzar after being humbled by God and in particular its speak of him after being disciplined by God for seven years and being restored to power by God (Daniel 4). Though the king became a believer as a result of God miraculously delivering Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego from his power, Nebuchadnezzar was still thinking arrogantly and conducting himself as an unregenerate person in rebellion against God. The discipline broke this arrogant mentality and sinful behavior in rebelling against God. That this description of the first beast in Daniel 7:4 as standing on two feet like a human being and being given a human mind is a reference to Nebuchadnezzar thinking and acting in accordance with the will of God as a believer. This is indicated by the fact that of all four beasts, the first beast was distinguished as having its beast-like character transformed into a human being. Remember, the four beasts all describe the empires of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome as beasts in order to convey God’s viewpoint of these nations. In Scripture, heathen nations are often depicted by wild beasts in order to express the animal like character of these nations which are unregenerate and deceived by sin and Satan. Here in Daniel chapter seven the Holy Spirit is depicting the unregenerate heathen nations as wild animals in order to convey to the reader God’s viewpoint of these nations. Therefore, the fact that these four empires are described as beasts emphasizing their unregenerate character and the first beast was transformed from a wild beast to a human being would indicate that Nebuchadnezzar was not only saved but he was obedient to God and no longer in rebellion against him after being disciplined for seven years. The description of the first beast as being transformed from a wild beast to a human being here in Daniel 7:4 indicates that Nebuchadnezzar after the discipline was loving his neighbor as himself after this discipline in contrast to the kings of these heathen empires which followed Babylon. The tearing off the wings of the first beast would be a reference to the end of the discipline administered to him by God as a believer since the eagle’s wings correspond to the description of Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4:33 when he was disciplined by God for seven years. If you recall, Daniel 4:32 tells the reader that Nebuchadnezzar was driven away from mankind so that his dwelling place was among the beasts of the field. He even ate grass like cattle for seven years until he acknowledged that God was sovereign over him. Daniel 4:33 records that Nebuchadnezzar was driven away from mankind and even habitually ate grass like cattle. Furthermore, he was continually drenched with the dew from heaven until his hair became extremely long like eagle’s feathers likewise his nails like a bird’s claws. This description in Daniel 4:33 would indicate that the eagle’s wings on the first beast speak of Nebuchadnezzar being disciplined and the tearing off the wings would indicate the end of that discipline after seven years. Daniel 7:5 “Next, another beast, a second one, resembling a bear with it raised up to one side with three ribs in its mouth between its teeth. Then, they issued orders to it, ‘Arise, devour much flesh!’” (Author’s translation) The bear symbolizes Medo-Persia since she conquered Babylon according to Daniel chapter five and human history. It corresponds to the silver arms chest of the statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel chapter two. In Daniel 2:39, Daniel informed Nebuchadnezzar that after his kingdom there will arise another kingdom which will be inferior to his kingdom. Since Daniel told the king at the end of Daniel 2:38 that he was the head of gold of the statue in his dream, this second kingdom is represented by the silver arms and chest of the statue. History records that this part of the statue represented the Medo-Persian Empire. It was inferior since it lacked the inner unity of Babylon because the Medes and the Persians, though united, never fused into one people. Daniel chapter five and human history record Medo-Persia conquered Babylon and absorbed this nation into its empire and replaced Babylon as a world-wide empire. In Daniel chapter five, the God of Israel sent a message to Belshazzar through Daniel that his empire was being handed over to the Medes and Persians. This took place that very night. The fact that the bear was raised up on one side refers to the one-side merging of the Median and Persian empires in that over time Persia became more dominant over Media (Daniel 10:13). The three ribs in the mouth of the bear represent the kingdoms of Egypt, Assyria and Babylon, which had preceded the empire, represented by the bear and were conquered by Medo-Persian Empire. Like a bear, the Medo-Persian army was powerful and fierce (Isaiah 13:15-18). The commands to “arise, devour much flesh” indicates that the Medo-Persian empire was under the sovereign authority of God. It implies that God has sovereignly ordained the Medo-Persian Empire continue its conquests over the nations of the earth. These commands portray the Medo-Persian Empire conquering many nations and peoples to extend its domain. Those commanding the bear must refer to the Trinity since the interpretation of the vision indicates that the God of Israel is sovereign over the kingdoms of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome, which are depicted as a lion, bear, leopard and a non-descript beast respectively. Daniel 7:6 “After this, I was staring in a trance like state as behold, another one, was like a leopard with it having four bird’s wings on its back. Also, the beast had four heads. Indeed, governmental dominion was given to it.” (Author’s translation) The leopard represents Greece since it corresponds to the bronze belly and thighs of Nebuchadnezzar’s image in Daniel chapter two and was noted for its speed and cunning in attacking its prey, which characterized Alexander the Great’s conquests that were without precedent in the ancient world. The four wings on this leopard emphasizes a speed beyond its capacity, which characterized Alexander the Great’s lightening fast conquest of the civilized world from Macedonia to Africa and eastward to India. The four heads depict the four-fold division of Alexander’s empire after his death between four of his generals (Daniel 8:8, 22). The fact that governmental dominion was given to this kingdom indicates that it did not achieve its conquests by ordinary means but that it achieved its rapid success because of the God of Israel. This would indicate that Alexander was truly a man of destiny and that God gave him is rapid success so that the world was at his feet by the age of 32. If you recall, Daniel 2:39 records Daniel telling Nebuchadnezzar that after his kingdom there will arise another kingdom which will be inferior to his kingdom. Since Daniel told the king at the end of Daniel 2:38 that he was the head of gold of the statue in his dream, this second kingdom is represented by the silver arms and chest of the statue. History records that this part of the statue represented the Medo-Persian Empire. It was inferior since it lacked the inner unity of Babylon because the Medes and the Persians, though united, never fused into one people. Since the metals of the statue decrease in value but increase in strength, the silver arms and chest of the statue indicate that the character of authority in rulership of the Media-Persian Empire was superior to the third and fourth kingdoms, which history records were Greece and Rome respectively and inferior to only Babylon. However, its power or strength was superior to Babylon but inferior to Greece and Rome. In the second statement that appears in Daniel 2:39, Daniel tells Nebuchadnezzar that after the second empire, there will be a third kingdom of bronze, which will rule the earth. This description makes clear that the second empire is represented by the silver arms and chest of the statue and that the third empire is represented by the bronze belly and thighs of the statue. The bronze belly and thighs of the statue represent Alexander the Great’s Greek Empire since history records that this empire conquered Medo-Persia between 334 and 330 B.C. and absorbed it into its empire. This portrayed in Daniel chapter 8. Alexander the Great began to rule in 336 B.C. He defeated the Persians and conquered many nations while at the same time spreading Greek culture and language throughout these territories. He attempted to follow the Babylonian example, but this led to gross immorality and early death in 323 B.C. at the age of thirty-three. In Daniel 8:5-8, Alexander the Great’s empire is described under the figure of the shaggy goat with a big horn. This horn was followed by four horns according to this passage which represented Alexander’s four generals who divided his empire after he died. To Ptolemy was given Egypt and parts of Asia Minor. Casander was given the territory of Macedonia and Greece. Lysimachus was given Thrace and parts of Asia Minor (western Bithynia, Phrygia, Mycia and Lydia). Seleucus was given the remainder of Alexander’s empire which included Syria, Israel and Mesopotamia. The eastern sections of the Seleucid realm revolted from the central authority in Antioch. However, it was gradually absorbed by the Parthians as far as Mesopotamia. The remainder of the Greek Empire was annexed by Rome after Antiochus the Great was defeated at Magnesia in 190 B.C. Macedon was annexed by Rome in 168 and Greece was permanently subjugated in 146. The Seleucid realms were annexed by Pompey the Great in 63 B.C. Egypt became a Roman province after the Battle of Actium in 31 B.C. Therefore, the Greek empire represented by the bronze belly and thighs in the statue of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream lasted between 250 and 300 years before the Roman Empire defeated it. Since the metals of the statue in Daniel chapter two decrease in value but increase in strength, the bronze belly and thighs of the statue indicate that the character of authority in rulership of Alexander’s Greece was inferior to Media-Persia and Babylon and yet superior to Rome, which is the fourth kingdom. However, its power or strength was superior to Media-Persia and Babylon and inferior only to Rome. Daniel 7:7 “After this, I was continuing to stare in a trance like state because of these night visions as behold, a fourth beast, intimidating, yes even terrifying as well as extremely powerful, possessing two large rows of iron teeth. It devoured as well as crushed. Specifically, it violently crushed the rest with its feet. Indeed, it was characterized as different from all the beasts which were before it in the sense of possessing ten horns.” (Author’s translation) The fourth beast if you notice is not likened to some known animal but rather is non-descript and distinct from the previous three beasts. Daniel describes this fourth beast as intimidating, even terrifying as well as extremely powerful, possessing two large rows of iron teeth. It devoured and crushed. Specifically, it violently crushed the other three beasts. In fact, Daniel says that it was characterized as different from the other three beasts which appeared before it in the sense it possessed ten horns. This fourth beast represents the Roman Empire since it corresponds to the legs of iron in the image that appeared in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel chapter two, which we noted represented the Roman Empire. The mention of this fourth beast possessing large iron teeth and violently crushing the other three beasts characterized the Roman Empire. The Roman armies were known for their iron armor which led some to refer to them as the “Iron Legions” of Rome, emphasizing their strength and invincibility. The Roman armies were also known for violently crushing countries and civilizations enslaving many peoples. Daniel describes this fourth beast as having ten horns, which makes this beast different from the previous three. These ten horns refer to ten kings according to Daniel 7:24. These ten horns correspond to the ten toes of Nebuchadnezzar’s image in Daniel chapter two that referred to the Revived Roman Empire that will consist of a ten nation confederation during Daniel’s Seventieth Week. The ten horns do not represent a fifth kingdom but rather they grow out of the head of the fourth kingdom and are the last development of the fourth beast, which corresponds to the ten toes on the image in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel chapter two. Daniel 2:40 records this fourth kingdom is compared to iron because it would crush and shatter other kingdoms just as iron shatters and crushes all things. This comparison indicates that this fourth kingdom will be more powerful and destructive than the previous three empires which were represented on the statue by the gold head, the silver arms and chest and bronze belly and thighs, which history records as Babylon, Medo-Persia and Greece respectively. This verse also says that this fourth kingdom, which history records as the Roman Empire will crush as well as break in pieces every kingdom it confronts in war just like iron breaks into pieces gold, silver and bronze. The Roman Empire broke into pieces and shattered to pieces more kingdoms and brought them into greater subjection than Babylon, Medo-Persia and Greece. Some modern interpreters have attempted to identify these four kingdoms as Babylon, followed by Media and then Persia and lastly Greece. They do this in order to fit the Book into their view that Daniel was written during the persecution of the Jews by Antiochus Epiphanes in 175-165 B.C. However, in Daniel 8:20, Daniel identifies Media and Persia as a single empire represented by a single animal, which is the ram. This confirms the interpretation that Medo-Persia was the second empire. Furthermore history does not demonstrate that the Median Empire was followed by a Persian Empire. In 65 B.C., the Roman general Pompey conquered Syria and by 30 B.C. Augustus had conquered Egypt and had taken over Jerusalem establishing himself as the first Roman emperor. The Roman Empire deserved its representation as the “iron empire” since it subdued and destroyed the remnants of the preceding empires as well as many other nations. Since the metals of the statue in the vision of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel chapter two decrease in value but increase in strength, the iron lower legs of the statue indicate that the character of the authority in rulership of the Roman Empire was inferior to Alexander’s Greece, Media-Persia and Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon. However, its military power or strength was superior to these three. The feet of the statue in Daniel chapter two and the ten horns of the fourth beast in Daniel chapter seven represent an empire, which has not yet appeared on the pages of history. The Scriptures indicate that it will be an empire, which is connected to the Roman Empire but inferior in character of authority in rulership as well as power or strength. In fact, the Scriptures teach that it will be a Revived Form of the Roman Empire, which will be composed of a ten-nation confederacy which can be described as a United States of Europe. This is all indicated by several factors. First of all, the feet of the image Nebuchadnezzar saw were composed of a mixture of iron and clay. The iron in the feet indicates that the empire represented by the feet is related to the lower legs of the statue, which we noted were composed of iron, which represented the Roman Empire. Also, Daniel does not say that the feet represent a fifth empire, which further indicates that the feet represent an empire which is connected to the Roman Empire. The ten horns mentioned in Daniel 7:24 correspond to the toes in Daniel 2:42 and were ten kingdoms, out of which one horn will arise who will destroy three of the other kingdoms and lead the other seven and persecute believers in Jesus Christ. Daniel 7:26 says that this one horn called the “little horn” will be destroyed by God. Daniel 2:44-45 teaches that this ten nation confederation depicted as ten toes of the feet of the statue will be destroyed by the Second Advent of Christ, which is depicted as a stone cut of the mountain without hands. Daniel 9:26 indicates that this little horn will be a Roman dictator as indicated by the phrase “the people of the prince who is to come.” “The people” were the Romans who destroyed the temple forty years after the death of Christ. “The prince” refers to the little horn, i.e. the Antichrist indicating that the Antichrist will be a Roman. This verse teaches that he will come to power after 483 prophetic years, which ended with the death of Christ on the cross. Daniel 9:27 says that he will make a seven-year treaty with the leaders of Israel, which will begin the final seven prophetic years called the seventieth week and during the middle of this seventieth week after three and a half years, he will break the treaty and stop the sacrifices in the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem and declare himself God. Nothing in history corresponds to the events described during this seventieth week. The Second Advent of Christ has yet to take place. Therefore, a comparison of Daniel 2:44-45 with Daniel 7:24 and 26 as well as Daniel 9:26-27 and Revelation 13 indicates that in the future, the little horn, i.e. the Antichrist will be the head of a ten-nation confederacy since he will be a Roman ruling over other nations which are close in proximity to him. Just as toes on a person’s feet are right beside each other so this ten-nation confederacy will be geographically beside each other. Some commentators have attempted to find a ten-toe state of the statue and the ten horn state of the fourth beast in the fifth and sixth centuries A.D. However, the facts of history do not fulfill the ten toes of the statue. The fact that the feet of this statue in Daniel chapter two are composed of a mixture of iron and clay indicates that the character of the authority in rulership of this yet future Revived Form of the Roman Empire is inferior to Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon, Media-Persia, Alexander’s Greek Empire and Rome since the metals of the statue decrease in value. However, the power of this yet future Revived Form of the Roman Empire under Antichrist will possess some of the strength and power of the Roman Empire but will be very fragile since the metals increase in strength and the feet are connected to the iron legs, which represent Rome. But, the strong yet fragile composition of the feet of the statue indicates that the power and strength of the Revived Form of the Roman Empire is inferior to Rome. The Roman Empire was characterized by division (Western and Eastern) and deterioration since it could never unite the people they conquered to form a united empire and so in that sense the people were a “mixture” and were not united. Just as iron is strong, so the final stage of the Roman Empire will be strong militarily and just as clay is characterized by fragility, so the final stage of the Roman Empire will be characterized by division. Different groups of people will unite to form the final stage of the Roman Empire but they will not adhere completely to one another just as iron and clay cannot adhere completely with each other. Therefore, the final stage of the Roman Empire will consist of a federation of several divisions, which will unite for the sake of military strength but they will not integrate to the extent of losing their ethnic and cultural identities. The ten toes of the image indicated that the final stage of the Roman Empire will consist of a ten-division federation. Daniel 7:23-24 signifies that eventually the Roman Empire will consist of a federation of ten divisions with ten equal rulers (See Revelation 17:12). Since the Roman Empire has never in its history consisted of a ten-division federation with ten equal rulers, we can conclude that this stage of the Empire’s existence will take place in the future during the Tribulation period. Also, Daniel 2:45 records that “in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom,” i.e. the millennial reign of Jesus Christ, which has never taken place in history but is yet future. Therefore, sometime in the future, after the rapture of the church, a revived form of the Roman Empire will be established. The iron of the feet of the statue in Daniel chapter two denotes the strength of this stage of this Revived Form of the Roman Empire during Daniel’s Seventieth Week and the clay denotes its fragility. The mixing of iron with clay represents the attempt to join the two distinct and separate materials into one combined whole as in vain. This weakness extends to both feet of the image; and, correspondingly, the division and fragility. The divided stage of the fourth kingdom will include diverse elements such as race, politics and other interests, which will prevent this stage of the fourth kingdom from achieving true unity. Thus, Daniel describes this divided stage of the fourth kingdom as fragile. That this divided form of the fourth kingdom will never achieve true unity is indicated by Daniel 11:36-45, which records that the world empire led by Antichrist during Daniel’s Seventieth Week will break up as a result of a world-wide civil war. Armies from the south, east, and north will seek to confront Antichrist and challenge his rulership. The iron describes this divided and final stage of the fourth kingdom as possessing some of the character of authority in rulership of the Roman Empire, depicted by the lower legs on the statue. Also, the iron describes this divided and final stage of the fourth kingdom as possessing some of the power or strength of the fourth kingdom, which represents Rome. Daniel 7:8 “I was contemplating in a trance like state because of these horns as behold, another little horn emerged out from among them. Then, the first three originating from the horns was torn out by being in the presence of it. In fact, behold, on this horn, were eyes like a human being’s eyes as well as a mouth speaking boastfully.” (Author’s translation) Daniel continues his description of the fourth beast by telling the reader that a little horn emerged out from among the ten horns of the fourth beast. He then describes the first three of the ten horns were torn out by being in the presence of the little horn. He continues to describe this little horn as possessing eyes and a mouth like a human being. It spoke boastfully with its mouth. The little horn refers to the Antichrist since it is identified with the Revived Roman Empire and in Daniel 7:19-26, he is described as waging war against God’s people up to the time of the Second Advent of Christ, which corresponds to the depiction of the Antichrist in Revelation (Daniel 7:11, 20-26; 8:25; Revelation 13:1-10; 19:20). The Scriptures give the Antichrist many titles and names: (1) “The beast” (Revelation 13:1-2) (2) “The prince that will come” (Daniel 9:26-27) (3) The “man of lawlessness” (2 Thessalonians 2:3-10) (4) The “scarlet beast” (Revelation 17:3) (5) The willful king (Daniel 11:36-40) (6) “The man of sin” (2 Thessalonians 2:3), (7) “The son of perdition” (2 Thessalonians 2:3) (8) The Desolater (Daniel 9:27). He will not appear until the Day of the Lord has begun (2 Thessalonians 2:2) and his manifestation is being hindered by the Restrainer (2 Thessalonians 2:6-7) and this appearance will be preceded by the rapture of the church (2 Thessalonians 2:3). Antichrist will be a Gentile since he arises from the sea according to Revelation 13:1 and since the sea depicts the Gentile nations according to Revelation 17:15, he must be of Gentile origin. He will arise from the Roman Empire, since he is a ruler of the people who destroyed Jerusalem (Dan. 9:26). Antichrist is the head of the last form of Gentile world dominion, for he is like a leopard, a bear, and a lion (Revelation 13:1; compare Daniel 7:7-8, 20,24; Revelation 17:9-11) and as such he is a political leader. Daniel 7:21-22 reveals the following regarding the little horn: (1) He will persecute the saints of the Most High and is thus a person and Daniel 7:24 says that he is a king. (2) He will overcome the nation of Israel and will bring that nation under his authority (Revelation 12:13-17; 17:7). (3) He will be judged by God (Revelation 19:19-20) and Israel will thus enter into her millennial reign. Daniel 7:23 reveals that the little horn will have a world-wide kingdom (Compare Revelation 13:7) and it will be an overwhelming conquest, which anticipates a coming one-world government under a worldwide dictator. Daniel 7:25 corresponds to Revelation 13:1-10 and gives us three more additional facts about the little horn: (1) He will oppose God’s authority as indicated by the phrase “He will speak out against the Most High” (Compare Revelation 13:6). (2) He will oppress born-again Israel as indicated by the statement “wear down the saints of the Highest One”. (3) He will introduce an entirely new era in which he will abandon all previous laws and institute his own system as indicated by the statement “he will intend to make alterations in times in law” (Compare Daniel 11:36-37; 2 Thessalonians 2:4). Daniel 9:26 indicates that this little horn will be a Roman dictator as indicated by the phrase “the people of the prince who is to come.” “The people” were the Romans who destroyed the temple forty years after the death of Christ. “The prince” refers to the little horn, i.e. the Antichrist indicating that the Antichrist will be a Roman. Daniel 9:27 says that Antichrist will pretend to be Israel’s benefactor and make a treaty with her but will turn against her in the mid way point of Daniel’s Seventieth Week and will persecute Israel and occupy Jerusalem for three and a half years. He will make a seven-year treaty with the leaders of Israel, which will begin the final seven prophetic years called the seventieth week and during the middle of this seventieth week after three and a half years, he will break the treaty and stop the sacrifices in the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem and declare himself God. Nothing in history corresponds to the events described during this seventieth week. The Second Advent of Christ has yet to take place. Daniel 7:26 refers to the Supreme Court of Heaven, (God the Father) passing down the decision to remove the little horn’s power, which will take place at the Second Advent of Christ, which terminates Daniel’s Seventieth Week (See Revelation 19:11-20:6). The little horn will seek to prevent Christ’s rule on the earth by attempting to destroy God’s covenant people Israel but his reign will be short, only three and a half years and will be terminated with the Second Advent of Jesus Christ who at that time will establish His millennial reign on earth in fulfillment of God’s covenant promises to Israel. This prophecy concerning the little horn will take place in the future since no such ruler has attained world-wide rulership over a one-world government, no such ruler has subdued three of ten kings who were ruling at once and no such ruler has persecuted Israel for three and a half years and no such ruler has been destroyed by the return of Jesus Christ! Therefore, we can see that toward the end of the Times of the Gentiles, a one world government under a tyrannical dictator will emerge from a ten nation confederacy. This confederacy will emerge out of the old Roman Empire and thus will be a European confederacy. This ten-nation confederacy that will take place in the future will be a revived form of the Roman Empire since it is portrayed in Daniel 2 and 7 as emerging from the fourth kingdom, Rome. So the description of the little horn here in Daniel 7:8 indicates that the Antichrist will start off as an insignificant world ruler among ten other rulers of kingdom but will defeat three of these ten kingdoms and emerge as a world ruler. The eyes of the little horn speak of the faculty of careful observation implying that the Antichrist will be extremely intelligent. The boastful speaking indicates that the Antichrist will be a great speaker who in the judgment of God is arrogant in his words. Daniel 7:9 “I was continuing to stare in a trance like state when thrones were set up. Then, the One Ancient in Days sat. His clothing was white like snow. Also, the hair of His head was like lamb’s wool. His throne was fiery flames. Its wheels were a blazing fire.” (Author’s translation) After describing four great beasts in verses 1-8, which represent the world-empires of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome, the scene shifts in verse 9 where Daniel describes the Father as sitting on His throne in judgment. This indicates that despite the ferocity of these four great world-empires, the Father is sovereign over all of them. This scene in verse 9 reminds the reader that God is still sovereign over the nations of the earth. In fact, He has permitted these four great world-empires to appear in the pages of history. Also, this verse is reminder to the reader that the little horn which speaks of the Antichrist who will rule the final form of the Roman Empire during Daniel’s Seventieth Week is also under the sovereign authority of God. He will be permitted to come to world-power because the Father has sovereignly decided that he will do so. Therefore, we can see that Daniel 7:9 serves as an encouragement to God’s people during the Times of the Gentiles, which will come to an end at the Second Advent of Jesus Christ. God’s wants His people during the dispensations which take place during the Times of the Gentiles to know for certain that He is in control and that none of these tyrannical empires and their rulers can rule without His say so. “The One Ancient in Days” is a reference to the Father. This expression appears only in the book of Daniel (7:9, 12, 22) and is not intended to suggest that God ages. Instead it expresses the qualities of wisdom and venerability which one who is advanced in days would possess. It also speaks of the eternality of God the Father and His authority over every creature and all creation (cf. Job 36:26). This expression “the One Ancient in Days” refers to God the Father since in Daniel 7:13 “one like a Son of Man” came up to the Ancient of Days and was presented before Him. The Ancient of Days is said to give the Son of Man dominion and an eternal kingdom. The Gospels record the incarnate Son of God, Jesus Christ employing the title “Son of Man” with regards to Himself (Matthew 9:6; 11:19; 12:32; 13:37; 17:22; Mark 2:28; 8:31; 10:33; 13:26; Luke 9:22; 11:30; 12:8; 21:27; 24:7; John 3:13; 6:53; 12:23; 13:31). The New Testament teaches that the Father rewarded His Son Jesus Christ with authority over every creature and all of creation and to judge both men and angels (Ephesians 1:20-22; Colossians 1:16-18; Philippians 2:6-11). Thus, “the Ancient of Days” or “the One Ancient in Days” must be a reference to the Father. “His clothing was white like snow” speaks of the holiness of the Father and the statement “the hair of His head was like lamb’s wool” speaks of the Father’s infinite wisdom. In Daniel 7:9, the statements “His throne was fiery flames” and “Its wheels were a blazing fire” both speak of the Father as having the authority to judge His creatures, both men and angels. They speak of judgment because fire in the bible is associated with judgment (Revelation 1:14-15; cf. Exodus 3:2; Deuteronomy 4:24; 2 Thessalonians 1:7-8; 1 Timothy 6:16; Hebrews 12:29). The wheels on the Father’s throne recall the description of the glory of God which Ezekiel saw in Ezekiel 1:4-28. They are symbolic of the fact that God’s execute His judgments swiftly. It also speaks of the fact that His judgment is universal in creation. There is no creature who is not accountable to Him. Daniel 7:10 “A river composed of fire was flowing, yes issuing forth from His presence. A thousand times a thousand were continually rendering worshipful service to Him. In fact, ten thousand times ten thousand were continually standing in His presence. The court convened resulting in scrolls being opened.” (Author’s translation) In Daniel 7:9, Daniel presents to the reader a description of the Ancient of Days, who is the Father whereas here in Daniel 7:10 he presents a description of the scene around the throne of the Ancient of Days, which is composed of four statements. Since this scene appeared to Daniel in a vision, these statements are describing in symbolic terms that the Father is the judge of all His creatures. Thus, they also emphasize in symbolic terms that He is sovereign over all of His creatures and all of His creation. The first statement describes in symbolic terms that the Father issues judgments of nations and people. Men are raised up by God to be a ruler of a nation and they are deposed by the Father as well. Nations rise and fall and this too, is due to the judgments of the Father. The second statement also describes symbolically that the Father receives worshipful service from an innumerable amount of individuals whose identity is not revealed to Daniel. The third statement intensifies and advances up this second statement and describes symbolically that another host of innumerable unidentified individuals are standing around the throne of the Father waiting to render Him worshipful service as well. The fourth and final statement describes the Supreme Court of Heaven being convened resulting scrolls being opened which contain information regarding the evidence against an individual who Daniel 7:11 reveals is the little horn, who we noted is the Antichrist. This evidence against the Antichrist would be the record of his blasphemous actions during Daniel’s Seventieth Week and his persecution and murder of God’s people. Therefore, since Daniel 7:11 speaks of God judging the Antichrist, this scene described in Daniel 7:10 is that of the Father passing judgment against the Antichrist. Also, since Daniel 9:27 and Revelation 13:1-10 make clear that Antichrist will be the leader of ten-nation European confederacy and eventually a world-wide ruler during the Seventieth Week of Daniel, the scene described in Daniel 7:10 is also during the same period of time. Daniel 7:10 is thus describing in symbolic terms a future event that will take place at the end of Daniel’s Seventieth Week in which the Father will pass judgment on the Antichrist which will result in his death and being deposited in the eternal lake of fire. So the scene described in symbolic terms Daniel 7:9-10 is of future events that will take place at the end of Daniel’s Seventieth Week. In fact, these verses are describing symbolically the events will take place which will bring to an end the Times of the Gentiles, which will be followed by Jesus Christ’s judgment of the Jews followed by the Gentiles. At His Second Advent just prior to His millennial reign, the Lord Jesus Christ will first judge Israel when He lands on planet earth. This judgment involves the removal of unregenerate Israel from the earth leaving only regenerate Israel to enter into the Millennial reign of Christ (Ezek. 20:37-38; Zech. 13:8-9; Mal. 3:2-3, 5; Matt. 25:1-30). This will be immediately followed by the Lord Jesus Christ judging the Gentiles, which involves the removal of unregenerate, anti-Semitic Gentiles from the earth (Matt. 25:31-46). Also, since Daniel 7:9-10 records events in symbolic terms which will take place at the end of Daniel’s Seventieth Week, the innumerable unidentified individuals rendering worshipful service to the Father and those standing around His throne waiting to do so must be both regenerate human beings and elect angels. Those who are regenerate human beings would include regenerate Israel from Old Testament dispensations including Daniel’s Seventieth Week. It also would include regenerate Gentiles from every dispensation up to and including Daniel’s Seventieth Week. Lastly, it would also include elect angels as well. Therefore, Daniel 7:9-10 does not describe the Great White Throne Judgment of all unbelievers throughout human history recorded in Revelation 20:11-15 since this takes place after the millennial reign of Christ and Satan’s final rebellion which occurs just after the millennium. The events in Daniel 7:9-10 take place immediately prior to the Second Advent of Christ which terminates Daniel’s Seventieth Week. In fact, Revelation 19:20-21 record Antichrist and the false prophet being thrown into the Lake of Fire. Then, Revelation 20:1-4 records Satan being imprisoned during the millennial reign of Christ. Revelation 20:7-10 records the final rebellion of Satan which takes place after the millennium followed by Satan being cast into the Lake of Fire where the Antichrist and the false prophet are still alive and suffering punishment. Then, Revelation 20:11-15 records the Great White Throne Judgment in which every unregenerate person in history is thrown alive into the eternal lake of fire. So the chronology of these events in Revelation 19-20 indicates quite clearly that Daniel 7:9-10 records in symbolic terms the scene prior to the judgment of Antichrist at the end of Daniel’s Seventieth Week and prior to the Second Advent of Jesus Christ, which brings to completion the Times of the Gentiles. Obviously the Antichrist is unregenerate and like every unregenerate human being exposed to the gospel of Jesus Christ but rejects it in unbelief he will be thrown into the Lake of Fire because of this rejection of Jesus Christ as Savior. Daniel 7:11 “I was continuing to stare in a trance like state at that time because of the sound coming from the boastful words which the horn was making a habit of speaking. I was continuing to stare in a trance like state when the beast was killed. In fact, its body was destroyed. Specifically, it was given over to the consuming fire.” (Author’s translation) Following the vision of the Ancient of Days in verses 9-10, Daniel receives further revelation regarding the little horn and the fourth beast from which he came from. Here in verse 11, Daniel resumes a discussion of the little horn which he left off describing in verse 8. Daniel tells the reader in verse 11 that he was continuing to stare in a trance like state at that time because of the sound coming from the boastful words which the little horn was speaking. This parallels his last statement at the end of verse 8 in which he emphatically state that this little horn had eyes like a human being’s eyes as well as a mouth speaking boastfully. So this would indicate to the reader that verses 9-10 are parenthetical. These verses are also indicating to the reader who is behind the destruction of the fourth beast and the little horn, namely the Ancient of Days. Then, in verse 11, after telling the reader he was continuing to stare in trance like state because of the sound of the boastful words which the little horn was making it a habit of speaking, he describes the destruction of the fourth beast, from which the little horn had originated. Daniel describes the beast being killed. Then emphatically states that its body was burned and specifically it was given over to the consuming fire. Remember that this fourth beast had ten horns from which emerged the little horn. So when this fourth beast is killed and burned with fire, all the horns including the little horn perished as well since they were attached to this fourth beast. The fact that a river of fire was coming out from throne of the Ancient of Days and that the body of this fourth beast was given over to the consuming fire makes clear that the destruction of the fourth beast and the little horn was the direct result of the Ancient of Days judging them. Daniel 7:12 “On the other hand, the rest of the beasts, their governmental dominion was taken away, though for their benefit an extension of life was granted for a period of time, yes an appointed period of time.” (Author’s translation) Daniel contrasts the killing of the fourth beast with the first three beasts whose governmental dominion was taken away by the Ancient of Days, though an extension of life was granted to these beasts for an appointed period of time. Though the first three beasts were permitted to live for an appointed period of time by the Ancient of Days, this does not imply that the first three beasts continued to live after the death of the fourth beast since each beast continued to exist in the beast which followed it. The empires of Babylon, Medo-Persian and Greece which are represented by the first three beasts were absorbed into the Roman Empire represented by the fourth beast. So the kingdoms of Babylon, Medo-Persia and Greece continued to exist in some form in the Roman Empire though they were no longer world-empires. The customs, ideologies, religions and philosophies of Babylon were absorbed into the Medo-Persian Empire when the latter conquered the former. In the same way, the customs, ideologies, religions and philosophies of Medo-Persia were absorbed into the Alexander’s Greece when the latter conquered the former. The customs, ideologies, religions, and philosophies of the Greeks were absorbed into the Roman Empire. The customs, ideologies, religions and philosophies of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome will be found to some extent in the Revived Form of the Roman Empire which will exist during Daniel’s Seventieth Week. Therefore, when the final form of the Roman Empire appears during Daniel’s Seventieth Week in the future, the remnants of Babylon, Medo-Persian and Greece will be destroyed along with it. This corresponds to what we read in Daniel chapter two where the rock struck the iron and clay feet of the statue and not only crushed the iron and clay feet but also the gold head, silver chest and arms, the bronze belly and thighs and the iron lower legs. This not only represents Jesus Christ destroying the Revived Form of the Roman Empire under Antichrist at His Second Advent as well as His millennial kingdom erasing completely any reminder of the kingdoms of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome but it also indicates that remnants of these four kingdoms will be found in the Revived Form of the Roman Empire. That remnants of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome will be found in the Revived Form of the Roman Empire during Daniel’s Seventieth Week under Antichrist is indicated by the fact that the body of the statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream emphasized the continuity and integral relationship of the kingdoms represented in the statue. This means that though one kingdom might pass away, elements of it would be found in the kingdom, which follows it. History records that the Roman Empire and civilization incorporated much of the Greek culture, even identifying their gods with those of the Greeks. Also Persian and Babylonian cults and customs spread throughout the Roman Empire. The Greek language became the language of trade, commerce and government communication in the eastern half of the Roman Empire and even in the city of Rome itself. The fact that the iron lower legs belong to the statue indicates that Rome represented by the iron lower legs would incorporate the language, customs, culture and gods of Babylon, Medo-Persia and Greece. Thus, in a sense these three previous kingdoms in a sense were not completely destroyed. However, Christ’s Second Advent will destroy any remembrance of these former kingdoms as depicted in the rock cut out of a mountain without human hands striking the image on the feet and destroying the entire image. Therefore, the Lord Jesus Christ’s victory over this ten-nation confederacy under Antichrist during Daniel’s Seventieth Week will be total and complete but also it will be total and complete over all these previous Gentile kingdoms. His Second Advent will result in the destruction of any remnants of these previous Gentile world powers. Furthermore, His millennial government will cause these other forms of government to be totally and completely forgotten. So Daniel is telling the reader in Daniel 7:12 that in contrast to the fourth beast representing Rome, the first three beasts representing Babylon, Medo-Persia and Greece will have their world-wide governmental dominion taken away from them one by one and will be permitted to exist in the kingdom which succeeds it as a world-wide empire. In other words, unlike the first three beasts, the fourth beast will not have its world-wide governmental dominion taken away from it and given to another Gentile kingdom and then be permitted to exist in a Gentile kingdom which succeeds it. Thus, the Roman Empire demise will not result in another Gentile power succeeding it and remnants of it will not be absorbed into another world-wide Gentile power as was the case with Babylon, Medo-Persia and Greece. The death of the Roman Empire will bring about the demise of Babylon, Medo-Persia and Greece since remnants of it were absorbed into the Roman Empire. Unlike Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome, the final world-wide Gentile power, the Revived Form of the Roman Empire will be destroyed by Jesus Christ Himself. Therefore, in Daniel chapter two, we read that when the rock struck the feet of the statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, the entire statue was destroyed. This as we noted teaches in symbolic terms that when the Second Advent of Christ destroys Antichrist and the Revived Form of the Roman Empire, all remnants of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome will be destroyed as well. Since Daniel chapter two speaks of the Times of the Gentiles from the human perspective and chapter seven from God’s perspective, we can infer that the destruction of the fourth beast in chapter seven corresponds to the rock striking the feet of the statue in chapter two. In chapter two the destruction of the feet of the statue was followed by the millennial kingdom and in chapter seven the destruction of the fourth beast was followed by millennial kingdom as made clear by the interpretation given to Daniel in Daniel 7:15-27. Daniel 7:13 “I was continuing to stare in a trance like state because of these visions as behold One like a Son of Man was coming upon the clouds of heaven. Specifically, He went up to the One Ancient in Days in the sense that He approached His presence.” (Author’s translation) On the heels of the destruction of the fourth beast and the little horn associated with this beast, Daniel sees a vision of one like a Son of Man coming upon the clouds of heaven, going up to and approaching the presence of the Ancient of Days. This is symbolic of the Lord Jesus Christ and His ascension (Acts 1:9-11; Ephesians 4:10; Hebrews 4:14; 9:24) and session (Ephesians 1:20; Hebrews 1:3) at the right hand of the Father 40 days after His resurrection. The Lord Jesus Christ’s interprets this vision as being a reference to Himself (Matthew 24:30; 24:64; Mark 13:26; 14:62; Luke 21:27). The noun bǎr means “son” but in the sense of a divine being, who does not originate from planet earth. This noun describes the familial relationship with the Ancient of Days. This is indicated by the fact that this person described by Daniel in his vision was coming with the clouds of heaven. This implies deity since the clouds of heaven are often referred to the Old Testament as signifying God’s presence (Exodus 13:21ff. 1 Kings 8:10ff.; Isaiah 19:1; Jeremiah 4:13; Nahum 1:3; Ezekiel 10:4; Psalm 18:10, 12; 97:2-4; 104:3ff.). Leupold writes “the clouds are the mark of both the heavenly and the divine.” Leupold, H.C. Exposition of Daniel; page 308; Baker Book House; Grand Rapids, Michigan; 1949; Reprinted 1969 by Baker Book House Company. The incarnate Son of God Jesus Christ describes Himself as coming with the clouds at His Second Advent (Matthew 24:30; 26:64; Acts 1:11; Revelation 1:7). Lastly, Daniel 7:14 describes this Son of Man as receiving an eternal kingdom from the Ancient of Days and Daniel 7:27 describes this son of man as “the Highest One” whose kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom. Therefore, the noun bǎr, “Son” denotes the divine nature of this person coming upon the clouds of the earth’s atmosphere. The noun bǎr is the object of the preposition k-, which is used as a marker of comparison indicating that it is comparing this person to a son or divine being. It is also in the construct state meaning that it is governing the noun ʾěnāš, which means “man” describing this divine person coming with the clouds of heaven as a human being. Thus, these two words signify that Daniel is describing someone who is both divine and human. The construct state of bǎr indicates a genitive relationship. Specifically, it indicates a type of attributive genitive used in conventional idioms of construct forms with some noun in the genitive case to represent the nature, quality, character or condition of a person. Therefore, this construction indicates that this son, who was a divine person, was a human being as well. This construction could be rendered literally “a son of man” or “human son, a son who is a human being.” Therefore, this expression “Son of Man” indicates that Daniel is describing a person who is both divine and human approaching the Ancient of Days in order to receive an eternal kingdom on the earth. It is speaking of the hypostatic union of Jesus Christ. So this scene in Daniel 7:13 is actually symbolically describing what took place after Jesus Christ’s death, resurrection and ascension. It thus precedes the Second Advent of Christ and His subsequent millennial reign since Daniel 7:14 records the Son of Man receiving an eternal kingdom from the Ancient of Days after coming with the clouds of heaven and entering the presence of the Ancient of Days. Jesus Christ ascended into heaven upon the clouds of heaven and He will return at His Second Advent in the same manner (Acts 1:9-11). Daniel 7:14 “Then, governmental dominion was given to Him as well as honor and in addition sovereignty in order that each and every person belonging to the nations, ethnicities as well as language groups would serve Him. His governmental dominion is an eternal governmental dominion which can never be taken away so that His kingdom is one which can never be destroyed.” (Author’s translation) After one like a Son of Man was coming upon the clouds of heaven and approached the presence of the Ancient of Days, Daniel tells the reader governmental dominion, honor as well as sovereignty was given to the Son of Man by the Ancient of Days. The purpose of which was so that each and every person belonging to the nations, ethnicities and language groups on earth would worshipfully serve Him. Then, Daniel tells the reader that the governmental dominion of the Son of Man is an eternal one which can never be taken away from Him by any of God’s creatures with the result that His kingdom is one which is indestructible. So this vision Daniel received as recorded in Daniel 7:14 teaches us that the Lord’s governmental dominion and kingdom will not only be universal in the sense that each and every person belonging to the nations, ethnicities and language groups on the earth will worshipfully serve Him but it is also eternal in nature. Thus, as Daniel states it is indestructible. The New Testament teaches that the Father rewarded His Son Jesus Christ with authority over every creature and all of creation and to judge both men and angels (Ephesians 1:20-22; Colossians 1:16-18; Philippians 2:6-11). Daniel 7:14 also reveals that God will restore the rulership of the earth to a human being of His own choosing, namely the Lord Jesus Christ, which will fulfill His purpose for mankind. Daniel 7:15 “As for me, Daniel, my soul was distressed in the midst of my body. Specifically, the visions in my mind caused me to be terrified.” (Author’s translation) Daniel shares with the reader the emotional affect that these visions produced in his soul. These visions he received from God the Holy Spirit caused his soul to be distressed because of the four beasts. Daniel 7:19-21 indicates that Daniel was primarily occupied with the ten horns of the fourth beast and specifically the little horn. He sensed that these beasts and the little horn represented some type of evil. The vision of the Ancient of Days and the Son of Man would have caused reverential fear in Daniel since he would have sensed these two subdued to the four beasts and the little horn. These visions would have distressed the soul of Daniel because they were a supernatural revelation from God regarding the future of planet earth. They were revelation regarding the future of his people the Jews as well as the Gentiles. God the Holy Spirit was giving Daniel a composite picture of the future of planet earth and didn’t know it until an elect angel interpreted the vision for him. So in effect, Daniel is telling the reader that he was emotionally and intellectually and spiritually overwhelmed by what he saw in the visions. He did not know what they meant which leads to his asking an elect angel to give him the interpretation of these visions. Daniel 7:16 “I went up to one from those standing nearby in order to request from him the truth regarding all this. Consequently, he spoke to me in order to make known to me the interpretation of these events.” (Author’s translation) The visions which Daniel received as recorded in Daniel 7:2-14 caused him distress in his soul and specifically caused him to be terrified as recorded in Daniel 7:15. This resulted in Daniel seeking an interpretation or the meaning of this vision he received from God. Here in Daniel 7:16, he tells the reader that he went up to an unidentified individual who was from those standing nearby the throne of the Ancient of Days in this vision in order to request the interpretation of the vision. This individual as one of the innumerable individuals standing before the throne of the Ancient of Days who are mentioned as appearing in the vision in Daniel 7:10. Since Daniel 7:9-10 records events in symbolic terms which will take place at the end of Daniel’s Seventieth Week, the innumerable unidentified individuals rendering worshipful service to the Father and those standing around His throne waiting to do so must be both regenerate human beings and elect angels. Those who are regenerate human beings would include regenerate Israel from Old Testament dispensations including Daniel’s Seventieth Week. It also would include regenerate Gentiles from every dispensation up to and including Daniel’s Seventieth Week. Lastly, it would also include elect angels as well. Daniel does not identify for the reader this individual who gave him the interpretation of the vision but it would appear to be the elect-angel Gabriel since he is the one who gives him the interpretation of the visions recorded in Daniel chapter eight (see 8:16, 21). Gabriel also appears to Daniel to give him the prophecy of the seventy weeks in Daniel chapter nine (see 9:21). Daniel 7:17 “ʻThese great beasts which are four in number are four kings who will arise from the earth’s inhabitants.’” (Author’s translation) We must remember that the ancient Orientals regarded kings and kingdoms synonymously. This is made clear to the reader in Daniel 7:23 which records the angel telling Daniel that the fourth beast will be a fourth kingdom on the earth. He does this after telling him here in Daniel 7:17 that the four great beasts represent four kings. Thus, a comparison of these two verses supports the idea that in the mind of Daniel, kings and kingdoms were synonymous. The interpreter’s statements in Daniel 7:17-18 serve as a summary interpretation of the vision, or in other words, they summarize the interpretation for Daniel. Then, in Daniel 7:19-27, in response to Daniel’s request, Gabriel gives more details regarding the fourth beast and the significance of the ten horns and the identity of the little horn. Daniel 7:18 “‘However, the saints belonging to the Most High will receive the kingdom. Indeed, they will possess the kingdom throughout eternity, yes throughout eternity, the ages.’” (Author’s translation) Daniel 7:17-18 summarize the interpretation of the vision which is recorded in Daniel 7:2-14. Here in Daniel 7:17-18, the interpreter of the vision contrasts the temporary and transitory nature of the four kingdoms which originate from sinful humanity with the eternal nature of the kingdom the saints of the Most Highest will receive and possess, whose origin is from God. “The saints belonging to the Most High” refers to elect angels, regenerate Jews and Gentiles from every dispensation and not merely regenerate Israel. This indicates that the church would be among the saints mentioned here in Daniel 7:18 since the Holy Spirit is providing the interpretation of the vision through the angel Gabriel and he would be of course knowledgeable about the church. However, from Daniel’s perspective he would not be thinking of the church since the church age is a mystery dispensation meaning it was not known to Old Testament saints like Daniel. The interpreter of course does not mention the church. The revelation concerning the church age would be provided through the Lord Jesus and His apostles. “The Most High” is a reference to the God of Israel who is identified by the New Testament as Father, Son and Spirit. This title signifies that the God of Israel is superior to the gods the pagans worshipped. It expresses the fact that the God of Israel is the only true God. “The kingdom” is a reference to the millennial reign of Jesus Christ who is represented in the vision by “the Son of Man.” The saints of the Most High are described as receiving the kingdom, which of course is through faith in the God of Israel. Not only are they said to receive the kingdom but they will possess the kingdom through all of eternity. This speaks of course of the eternal nature of the kingdom. “They will possess the kingdom throughout eternity, yes throughout eternity, the ages” implies that these saints have eternal life since they could not possess it forever without eternal life and speaks of the eternality of God’s kingdom. Daniel Seeks the Interpretation of the Fourth Beast Daniel 7:19 “Then I desired to know the exact meaning of the fourth beast, which was different from all the others, exceedingly dreadful, with its teeth of iron and its claws of bronze, and which devoured, crushed and trampled down the remainder with its feet.” (NASB95) “Then I desired to know the exact meaning of the fourth beast” is composed of the temporal adverb ʾěḏǎ∙yin (אֱדַיִן‭) (‬ed-ah‭´‬-yin‭)‬,‭ “‬then‭” ‬which is followed by the first‭ ‬person singular form peʿal‭ (‬Hebrew:‭ ‬qal‭) ‬active‭ ‬perfect‭ ‬form of the verb‭ ‬ṣeḇā(h‭) (‬צְבָה‭) (‬tseb-aw‭´)‬,‭ “‬I desired‭” ‬and then we have the preposition‭ ‬lĕ‭ (‬לְ‭) (‬leh‭) “‬to‭” ‬and its object is‭ ‬the‭ ‬paʿʿel‭ (‬Hebrew:‭ ‬piel‭) ‬active‭ ‬infinitive construct form of the verb‭ ‬yeṣǎḇ‭ (‬יְצַב‭) (‬yets-abe‭´)‬,‭ “‬know the exact meaning‭” ‬which is followed by the preposition‭ ‬ʿǎl‭ (‬עַל‭) (‬al‭)‬,‭ “‬of‭” ‬and its object‭ ‬is the‭ ‬feminine‭ ‬singular‭ ‬form of the noun‭ ‬ḥê∙wā(h‭) (‬חֵיוָה‭) (‬khay-vaw‭´)‬,‭ “‬the beast‭” ‬which is modified by the‭ ‬cardinal number‭ ‬reḇî∙ʿāy‭ (‬רְבִיעָי‭) (‬reb-ee-ah´ee‭)‬,‭ “‬fourth.‭” ʾěḏǎ∙yin The temporal adverb ʾěḏǎ∙yin is a temporal coordinator and means “then” since it shows consecutive events in the narrative. Here it introduces a statement that tells the reader the next event that took place after the angel Gabriel’s statements in verses 17-18. It introduces a statement which presents to the reader Daniel telling the reader that he desired to know the interpretation of the fourth beast since it was different and destroyed the other three beasts before it. Thus, this word denotes that after Gabriel told Daniel that the four beasts represent four kings/kingdoms but the saints of the Most High will possess the kingdom throughout eternity, Daniel requested the interpretation of the fourth beast. ṣeḇā(h) The verb ṣeḇā(h) means “to desire” referring to the function of the will or volition. Here it is used with reference to the function of Daniel’s volition expressing the fact that he “desired” to know the interpretation of the fourth beast. The peʿal (Hebrew: qal stem) stem of the verb is fientive expressing an action. Here it is expressing an action performed by Daniel in desiring to know the specific interpretation of the fourth beast. The perfect conjugation of the verb is constative describing in summary fashion this action taken in the past by Daniel. yeṣǎḇ The verb yeṣǎḇ means “to know the meaning” indicating that Daniel is telling the reader that he desired “to know the meaning of” the fourth beast. The preposition lĕ is prefixed to the infinitive construct form of this verb and governs it. Together, they are used in a complementary sense meaning that they complete the meaning of the verb ṣeḇā(h), “I desired” which would not make sense without this verb. The paʿʿel (Hebrew: piel) stem of the verb is factitive and denotes that Daniel as the subject desired the fourth beast to enter the state of its meaning being made known to him. ʿǎl reḇî·ʿǒy·ṯā(ʾ)ʹ ḥê·weṯāʾʹ The noun ḥê∙wā(h) is in the singular and means “beast, wild animal” in contrast to domesticated animals and refers to the fourth beast since the word is modified by the cardinal number reḇî∙ʿāy which means “fourth” in a sequence. The noun ḥê∙wā(h) is the object of the preposition ʿǎl, which is a marker of reference or specification indicating that the object of this preposition states the sphere in which the verb yeṣǎḇ applies. Thus this prepositional phrase indicates that Daniel expresses to the angel his desire to know the meaning “concerning” the fourth beast. The Uniqueness of the Fourth Beast Daniel 7:19 “Then I desired to know the exact meaning of the fourth beast, which was different from all the others, exceedingly dreadful, with its teeth of iron and its claws of bronze, and which devoured, crushed and trampled down the remainder with its feet.” (NASB95) “Which was different from all the others” is composed of the particle dî (דִּי‭) (‬dee‭)‬,‭ “‬which‭” ‬and then we have the‭ ‬third person feminine‭ ‬singular peʿal‭ (‬Hebrew:‭ ‬qal‭) ‬active perfect form of the verb‭ ‬hǎwā(h‭) (‬הֲוָה‭) (‬hav-aw‭´)‬,‭ “‬was‭” ‬and then we have the feminine‭ ‬singular‭ ‬peʿal‭ (‬Hebrew:‭ ‬qal‭) ‬active participle‭ ‬form of the verb‭ ‬šenā‭(‬h‭) (‬שְׁנָה‭) (‬shen-aw‭´)‬,‭ “‬different‭” ‬and then we have the preposition‭ ‬min‭ (‬מִן‭) (‬min‭) “‬from‭” ‬and‭ ‬is followed by the singular construct form of the noun‭ ‬kōl‭ (‬כֹּל‭) (‬kole‭)‬,‭ “‬all‭” ‬which is‭ ‬modifying the‭ ‬third person feminine plural form of the pronoun‭ ‬ʾin·nûn‭ (‬אִנּוּן‭) (‬in-noon‭´)‬,‭ ‬which‭ (‬מִן‭) (‬min‭)‬,‭ “‬the others.‭” dî The particle dî means “which” since it functions as a relative pronoun referring to the fourth beast. hǎwā(h) The verb hǎwā(h) (הֲוָה‭) (‬hav-aw‭´) ‬means‭ “‬was‭” ‬in the sense of existing in a particular state indicating the fourth beast‭ “‬was‭” ‬different from the other three preceding it.‭ ‬The‭ ‬peʿal‭ (‬Hebrew:‭ ‬qal‭) ‬stem of the verb is stative meaning that the fourth beast‭ “‬existed in the state of being‭” ‬different than the three beasts preceding it.‭ ‬The perfect conjugation of the verb‭ ‬hǎwā(h‭) ‬is stative expressing the same thing as the‭ ‬peʿal‭ ‬stative stem.‭ šenā(h) The verb šenā(h) means “to be different” in the sense of being of another kind or class indicating that this fourth beast was different from the previous three in the sense that it was a different species of beast from the other three since it had ten horns and the other three did not. The peʿal (Hebrew: qal) stem of the verb is stative meaning that the fourth beast “existed in the state of being” different than the three beasts preceding it. The participle form of the verb is functioning as a predicate adjective meaning that it is making the assertion that the fourth beast existed in the state of being different from the three beasts which appeared before it. min kāl hôn   The third person feminine plural form of the pronoun ʾin·nûn means “the others” referring to the first, second and third beasts in Daniel’s vision. The word is modified by the singular construct form of the noun kōl which means “all” referring to the first three beasts in their totality. The noun ḥê∙wā(h) is also the object of the preposition min, which is a marker of comparison indicating that the fourth beast was different in comparison to the first three or it was different from the other three. The Extreme Intimidation of the Fourth Beast Daniel 7:19 “Then I desired to know the exact meaning of the fourth beast, which was different from all the others, exceedingly dreadful, with its teeth of iron and its claws of bronze, and which devoured, crushed and trampled down the remainder with its feet.” (NASB95) “Exceedingly dreadful” is composed of the feminine singular peʿil (Hebrew: qal passive) participle form of the verb deḥǎl (דְּחַל‭) (‬deh-khal‭´)‬,‭ “‬dreadful‭” ‬which is modified by the feminine singular adjective‭ ‬yǎt∙tîr‭ (‬יַתִּיר‭) (‬yat-teer‭´)‬,‭ “‬extremely.‭” deḥǎl The verb deḥǎl means “to be intimidating” and describes the fourth beast which Daniel saw in the vision as inducing fear in him. It also implies that the fourth beast induced a sense of inferiority in the other three beasts. The peʿil (Hebrew: qal passive) stem of the verb is stative expresses a condition or state. Here it denotes that the presence of the fourth beast “existed in a state” of being intimidating to Daniel. The passive voice of the verb means that the subject receives the action of the verb from an expressed or unexpressed agency. Here the subject is Daniel and the expressed agency is the appearance of the fourth beast. Thus, the passive voice denotes that the appearance of the fourth beast caused Daniel to being intimidated. The participle form of the verb is functioning as an attributive participle meaning that it is modifying the expression reḇî·ʿǒy·ṯā(ʾ)ʹ ḥê·weṯāʾʹ, “the fourth beast.” yǎt∙tîr The verb deḥǎl is modified by the adjective tǎq∙qîp̄, which is functioning as an adverb and describes the fourth beast as “extraordinarily” intimidating in the sense that this fourth beast was exceptional or unusual in the sense that it deviated from the three beasts which appeared in the vision before it. Iron Teeth of the Fourth Beast Daniel 7:19 “Then I desired to know the exact meaning of the fourth beast, which was different from all the others, exceedingly dreadful, with its teeth of iron and its claws of bronze, and which devoured, crushed and trampled down the remainder with its feet.” (NASB95) “With its teeth of iron” is composed of the feminine construct form of the dual noun šēn (שֵׁן‭) (‬shane‭)‬,‭ “‬teeth‭” ‬which is modified by the‭ ‬third person feminine singular‭ ‬pronominal‭ ‬suffix‭ ‬hî(ʾ‭) (‬הִיא‭) (‬he‭)‬,‭ “‬it‭” ‬and then we have the followed by the‭ ‬particle‭ ‬dî‭ (‬דִּי‭) (‬dee‭)‬,‭ ‬which is not translated and is followed by the‭ ‬masculine singular noun‭ ‬pǎr∙zěl‭ (‬פַּרְזֶל‭) (‬par-zel‭´)‬,‭ “‬iron.‭” yǎh šin·nǎ dîʹ p̄ǎr·zělʹ The noun šēn means “two rows of teeth” since it is a dual noun referring to two rows of hard bony appendages that are borne on the jaws or in many of the lower vertebrates on other bones in the walls of the mouth or pharynx and serve especially for the prehension of mastication of food and as weapons of offense and defense. It refers to any of various usually hard and sharp processes especially about the mouth of an invertebrate. The noun šēn is modified by the third person feminine singular pronominal suffix hî(ʾ), which means “it” referring of course to the fourth beast. The particle dî means “composed of” since it shows the genitive relationship between the two rows of teeth of the fourth beast and the iron which these teeth were composed of. It is a material genitive which denotes the substance out of which the construct term is constructed. The noun šēn, “two rows of teeth” is in the construct form. This indicates the particle dî is marking iron as the substance which these teeth were composed of. The noun pǎr∙zěl means “iron” and is describing the two rows of teeth which the fourth beast possessed. The Bronze Claws of the Fourth Beast Daniel 7:19 “Then I desired to know the exact meaning of the fourth beast, which was different from all the others, exceedingly dreadful, with its teeth of iron and its claws of bronze, and which devoured, crushed and trampled down the remainder with its feet.” (NASB95) “And its claws of bronze” is composed of the conjunction wa (וְ‭) (‬waw‭)‬,‭ “‬and‭” ‬which is followed by the masculine plural construct form of the noun‭ ‬ṭep̄ǎr‭ (‬טְפַר‭) (‬tef-ar‭´)‬,‭ “‬claws‭” ‬which is modified by the‭ ‬third person feminine singular‭ ‬pronominal‭ ‬suffix‭ ‬hî(ʾ‭) (‬הִיא‭) (‬he‭)‬,‭ “‬it‭” ‬and then we have the‭ ‬particle‭ ‬dî‭ (‬דִּי‭) (‬dee‭)‬,‭ “‬of‭” ‬and is followed by the‭ ‬masculine singular form of the noun‭ ‬neḥāš‭ (‬נְחָשׁ‭) (‬nekh-awsh‭´)‬,‭ “‬bronze.‭” wa The conjunction wa is once again adjunctive meaning that it is introducing a description of the fourth beast which is “in addition to” the previous description. yhṭip̄·rǎʹ dîʹ neḥāšʹ The noun ṭep̄ǎr means “claws” referring to a sharp usually slender and curved nail at the end of a limb of an animal. Here it refers of course to the claws of eth fourth beast. This noun is modified by the third person feminine singular pronominal suffix hî(ʾ), which means “it” referring of course to the fourth beast. The noun neḥāš means “bronze” which is an alloy of copper and tin and describing the composition of the fourth beast’s claws. The particle dî should not be translated since it is simply a marker to show the genitive relationship between the claws of the fourth beast and the bronze these claws were composed of. It is a material genitive which denotes the substance out of which the construct term is constructed. This indicates the particle dî is marking bronze as the substance which the fourth beast’s claws were composed of. The Fourth Beast Destroyed the Other Beasts Daniel 7:19 “Then I desired to know the exact meaning of the fourth beast, which was different from all the others, exceedingly dreadful, with its teeth of iron and its claws of bronze, and which devoured, crushed and trampled down the remainder with its feet.” (NASB95) “Devoured, crushed and trampled down the remainder with its feet” is composed of the feminine singular peʿal (Hebrew: qal) active participle form of the verb ʾǎḵǎl (אֲכַל‭) (‬ak-al‭´)‬,‭ “‬devoured‭” ‬and then we have the feminine singular‭ ‬hafʿel‭ (‬Hebrew:‭ ‬hiphil‭) ‬active‭ ‬participle‭ ‬of the verb‭ ‬deqǎq‭ (‬דְּקַק‭) (‬dek-ak‭´)‬,‭ “‬crushed‭” ‬and‭ ‬then we have the conjunction‭ ‬wa‭ (‬וְ‭) (‬waw‭)‬,‭ “‬and‭” ‬which is followed by‭ ‬the‭ ‬masculine singular form of the noun‭ ‬šeʾār‭ (‬שְׁאָר‭) (‬sheh-awr‭´)‬,‭ “‬the‭ ‬remainder‭” ‬and then we have the preposition‭ ‬b-‭ (‬בְּ־‭) (‬beh‭) ‬and its object is the‭ ‬masculine plural construct form of the noun‭ ‬reḡǎl‭ (‬רְגַל‭) (‬reg-al‭´)‬,‭ “‬feet,‭” ‬which is modified by‭ ‬the‭ ‬third person‭ ‬feminine singular pronominal suffix‭ ‬hî(ʾ‭) (‬הִיא‭) (‬he‭)‬,‭ “‬its‭” ‬and then we have the feminine singular‭ ‬peʿal‭ (‬Hebrew:‭ ‬qal‭) ‬active‭ ‬participle‭ ‬form of the verb‭ ‬rep̄ǎs‭ (‬רְפַס‭) (‬ref-as‭´)‬,‭ “‬trampled down.‭” Asyndeton Daniel under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit is employing the figure of “asyndeton” in order to emphasize the statement here at this point in verse 19. The Holy Spirit uses this figure because He wants the reader to dwell upon this description of the fourth beast since it describes this fourth beast as superior to the other three beasts in that it conquers and destroys the other three. ʾǎḵǎl The verb ʾǎḵǎl literally means “to devour” referring to the consumption of food in a greedy or ravenous manner. It is used with fourth beast as its subject and its object is the other three beasts. Therefore, the verb refers to the fourth beast devouring the other three previous beasts. The peʿal (Hebrew: qal) stem of the verb ʾǎḵǎl is fientive expressing the action of the fourth beast devouring the other three previous beasts. The participle form of the verb functions as a predicate adjective meaning that it is making the assertion that the fourth beast devoured the previous three beasts in Daniel visions. deqǎq The verb deqǎq means “to crush” referring to the fourth beast “crushing” everything in its path. The hafʿel stem (Hebrew: hiphil stem) is intransitive since it does not take a direct object and describes the subject as exhibiting a particular state. Here it denotes the fourth beast as the subject of the verb exhibited the state of crushing everything in its path. The participle form of the verb functions as a predicate adjective meaning that it is making the assertion that the fourth beast crushed everything in its path. wa This time the conjunction wa is epexegetical meaning that it is introducing a statement which explains specifically what Daniel meant by the previous description of the fourth beast that it devoured and crushed. It is introducing a statement which says that the other three beasts were crushed violently by the feet of the fourth beast. Therefore, this conjunction denotes that the fourth beast devoured and crushed, “specifically,” it crushed violently the other three beasts. rep̄ǎs The verb rep̄ǎs means “to trample down, to crush or violently press upon something with vertical pressure, implying complete destruction and ruin. Here the verb’s subject is the fourth beast and its object is the three previous beasts. It indicates that the fourth beast “violently crushed” the other beasts so that they were destroyed and ruined. The peʿal (Hebrew: qal) stem of the verb rep̄ǎs is fientive expressing an action. Here it is expressing the action of the fourth beast violently crushing the other three previous beasts. The participle form of the verb denotes simultaneous action with the verb deqǎq indicating that both occurred at the same instant. It denotes that the actions expressed by these two verbs are occurring at the same time. This indicates that when the fourth beast crushed, it was violently crushing the other three beasts. šeʾār The noun šeʾār means “rest” in the sense of whatever is left as a part of the whole. Here it refers to three of the four beasts. It does not refer to the residue of these three other beasts since this makes no sense to say that the fourth beast violently crushed the residue of these three other beasts because residue is what’s left of something after it has been crushed. Therefore, Daniel is telling the reader that the fourth beast violently crushed so as to destroy the other three beasts in the vision. b h rǎḡ·lǎyʹ The noun reḡǎl means “feet” referring to the feet of the fourth nondescript beast in Daniel’s vision. It is modified by the third person feminine singular pronominal suffix hî(ʾ) which means “its” since it functions as a possessive pronoun referring to the fourth beast. The noun reḡǎl is also the object of the preposition b-, which is a marker of means indicating that this fourth beast violently crushed the other three beasts “with” or “by means of” its feet. Translation of Daniel 7:19 Daniel 7:19 “Then, I desired to know the meaning concerning the fourth beast which was different from all the others, extraordinarily intimidating, its two rows of teeth composed of iron as well as its claws composed of bronze. It devoured as well as crushed. Specifically, it violently crushed the rest with its feet.” Exposition of Daniel 7:19 After the unidentified interpreter informed Daniel that the four beasts in his vision represented four kings/kingdoms but in contrast to these beasts, the saints of the Most High will possess the kingdom throughout eternity, Daniel tells the reader that he desired to know the meaning of the fourth beast. As he did in verse 7, here in verse 19 Daniel presents to the reader a description of the fourth beast. However, verse 19 gives information about the fourth beast, which was not provided in verse 7 while on the other hand, verse 7 provides information which does not appear in verse 19. In both verses, Daniel describes the fourth beast as intimidating. However, unlike verse 7, in verse 19, he states that it was extraordinarily intimidating. In verse 7, he describes the fourth beast as terrifying as well as extremely powerful whereas in verse 19, he does not mention these things, though they could be implied from the information given in verse 19. Then, in verse 7, Daniel describes the fourth beast as possessing two large rows of iron teeth while on the other hand in verse 19, he simply says that this beast possessed two rows of iron teeth but does not mention that they were large. In verse 19, Daniel describes the fourth beast as possessing bronze claws, which he does not mention in verse 7. However, in verse 7, he tells the reader that this fourth beast devoured as well as crushed. Specifically, it violently crushed the rest of the other three beasts with its feet. He uses this exact same language in verse 19 to describe this beast. Lastly, in verse 7, Daniel completes his description of the fourth beast by informing the reader that it was characterized as different from the other three beasts in the sense that it possessed ten horns. On the other hand, in verse 19, he begins his description of the fourth beast by telling the reader that it was different from the other three beasts, but unlike verse 7, he mentions nothing about the horns. However, he mentions the horns in verse 20. Therefore, a comparison of both verses reveals that verse 19 summarizes verse 7 but gives an added detail (bronze claws). However, both verses emphasize that this fourth beast was superior to the three beasts preceding it in that it destroyed the other beasts by violently crushing them with its feet. Of the four beasts, the fourth receives the longest description from Daniel because it was unique from the other beasts and destroyed the other beasts. Daniel 7:19-20 indicates that one of the reasons why Daniel was greatly disturbed by the fourth beast was that it destroyed the others. The other reason he was greatly disturbed by the fourth beast was its ten horns and in particular the little horn which emerged on the fourth beast, which Daniel mentions in verse 20. He was also disturbed and terrified by the fourth beast because in verse 21 he describes the little horn of the fourth beast waging war against the saints and overpowered them. As we noted in Daniel 7:7, this fourth beast represents the Roman Empire since it corresponds to the legs of iron in the image that appeared in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel chapter two, which we noted represented the Roman Empire. The mention of this fourth beast possessing large iron teeth and violently crushing the other three beasts characterized the Roman Empire. The Roman armies were known for their iron armor which led some to refer to them as the “Iron Legions” of Rome, emphasizing their strength and invincibility. The Roman armies were also known for violently crushing countries and civilizations enslaving many peoples. Daniel 2:40 records this fourth kingdom is compared to iron because it would crush and shatter other kingdoms just as iron shatters and crushes all things. This comparison indicates that this fourth kingdom will be more powerful and destructive than the previous three empires which were represented on the statue by the gold head, the silver arms and chest and bronze belly and thighs, which history records as Babylon, Medo-Persia and Greece respectively. This verse also says that this fourth kingdom, which history records as the Roman Empire will crush as well as break in pieces every kingdom it confronts in war just like iron breaks into pieces gold, silver and bronze. The Roman Empire broke into pieces and shattered to pieces more kingdoms and brought them into greater subjection than Babylon, Medo-Persia and Greece. Some modern interpreters have attempted to identify these four kingdoms as Babylon, followed by Media and then Persia and lastly Greece. They do this in order to fit the Book into their view that Daniel was written during the persecution of the Jews by Antiochus Epiphanes in 175-165 B.C. However, in Daniel 8:20, Daniel identifies Media and Persia as a single empire represented by a single animal, which is the ram. This confirms the interpretation that Medo-Persia was the second empire. Furthermore history does not demonstrate that the Median Empire was followed by a Persian Empire. In 65 B.C., the Roman general Pompey conquered Syria and by 30 B.C. Augustus had conquered Egypt and had taken over Jerusalem establishing himself as the first Roman emperor. The Roman Empire deserved its representation as the “iron empire” since it subdued and destroyed the remnants of the preceding empires as well as many other nations. Since the metals of the statue in the vision of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel chapter two decrease in value but increase in strength, the iron lower legs of the statue indicate that the character of the authority in rulership of the Roman Empire was inferior to Alexander’s Greece, Media-Persia and Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon. However, its military power or strength was superior to these three. Daniel 7:20-Daniel Seeks the Interpretation of the Ten Horns and Little Horn of the Fourth Beast Daniel Seeks the Interpretation of the Ten Horns Daniel 7:20 “and the meaning of the ten horns that were on its head and the other horn which came up, and before which three of them fell, namely, that horn which had eyes and a mouth uttering great boasts and which was larger in appearance than its associates.” (NASB95) “And the meaning of the ten horns that were on its head” is composed of the conjunction wa (וְ‭) (‬waw‭)‬,‭ “‬and‭” ‬which is followed by the‭ ‬preposition‭ ‬ʿǎl‭ (‬עַל‭) (‬al‭)‬,‭ “‬of‭” ‬and its object‭ ‬is the masculine plural form‭ ‬noun‭ ‬qě∙rěn‭ (‬קֶרֶן‭) (‬keh‭´‬-ren‭)‬,‭ “‬then horns‭” ‬which is modified by the‭ ‬masculine singular‭ ‬cardinal number‭ ‬ʿǎśǎr‭ (‬עֲשַׂר‭) (‬as-ar‭´)‬,‭ “‬ten‭” ‬and then we have the‭ ‬particle‭ ‬dî‭ (‬דִּי‭) (‬dee‭)‬,‭ “‬that‭” ‬which is followed by the‭ ‬preposition‭ ‬bĕ‭ (‬בְּ‭) (‬beh‭)‬,‭ “‬on‭” ‬and its object is the masculine singular construct form of the noun‭ ‬rē(ʾ)š‭ (‬רֵאשׁ‭) (‬raysh‭)‬,‭ “‬head‭” ‬which is modified by the‭ ‬third person feminine‭ ‬singular‭ ‬pronominal‭ ‬suffix‭ ‬hî(ʾ‭) (‬הִיא‭) (‬he‭)‬,‭ “‬its.‭” wa The conjunction wa means “also” since the word is adjunctive meaning that it is introducing an “additional” request that Daniel made of the interpreter. Ellipsis Daniel under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit is deliberately omitting the following words, though they are clearly implied: (1) first person singular form peʿal (Hebrew: qal) active perfect form of the verb ṣeḇā(h) (צְבָה‭) (‬tseb-aw‭´)‬,‭ “‬I desired‭” (‬2‭) ‬preposition‭ ‬lĕ‭ (‬לְ‭) (‬leh‭) “‬to‭” (‬3‭) ‬paʿʿel‭ (‬Hebrew:‭ ‬piel‭) ‬active‭ ‬infinitive construct form of the verb‭ ‬yeṣǎḇ‭ (‬יְצַב‭) (‬yets-abe‭´)‬,‭ “‬know the exact meaning.‭” ‬These words are taken from verse‭ ‬19.‭ ‬For the sake of the English,‭ ‬we will insert these words,‭ ‬though in the original Aramaic text,‭ ‬they would not be needed.‭ ‬Their omission causes no problem for the reader of the Aramaic text. The verb ṣeḇā(h) means “to desire” and is used with reference to the function of Daniel’s volition expressing the fact that he “desired” to know the interpretation of the fourth beast. The peʿal (Hebrew: qal stem) stem of the verb is fientive expressing an action performed by Daniel in desiring to know the specific interpretation of the ten horns on the head of the fourth beast. The perfect conjugation of the verb is constative describing in summary fashion this action taken in the past by Daniel. The verb yeṣǎḇ means “to know the meaning” indicating that Daniel is telling the reader that he desired “to know the meaning of” the ten horns on the head of the fourth beast. The preposition lĕ is prefixed to the infinitive construct form of this verb and governs it. Together, they are used in a complementary sense meaning that they complete the meaning of the verb ṣeḇā(h), “I desired” which would not make sense without this verb. The paʿʿel (Hebrew: piel) stem of the verb is factitive indicating that Daniel as the subject desired the ten horns on the head of the fourth beast to enter the state of its meaning being made known to him. ʿǎlʿǎśǎrʹ qǎr·nǎy·yā(ʾ)ʹ The noun qě∙rěn is in the plural and means “horns” referring to the horns on the fourth beast. This noun is modified by the cardinal number ʿǎśǎr, which means “ten” indicating the fourth beast possessed ten horns. The noun qě∙rěn is the object of the preposition ʿǎl, which is a marker of reference or specification indicating that the object of this preposition states the sphere in which the verb yeṣǎḇ applies. This indicates that Daniel expresses to the angel his desire to know the meaning “concerning” the ten horns on the head of the fourth beast. dî The particle dî means “which” since it functions as a relative pronoun referring to the ten horns on the head of the fourth beast. Ellipsis Once again, Daniel under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit is employing the figure of ellipsis meaning that he is deliberately omitting the third person masculine singular qal active imperfect form of the verb hǎwā(h) (הֲוָה‭) (‬hav-aw‭´)‬.‭ ‬However it is implied and means‭ “‬were‭” ‬indicating that on the head of the fourth beast‭ “‬were‭” ‬ten horns.‭ ‬The‭ ‬peʿal‭ (‬Hebrew:‭ ‬qal‭) ‬stem of the verb is stative meaning that the fourth beast‭ “‬existed in the state of‭” ‬possessing ten horns.‭ ‬The‭ ‬imperfect form‭ ‬of the verb is‭ ‬stative expressing the same thing.‭ b h rē(ʾ)·šǎʹ The masculine singular construct form of the noun rē(ʾ)š means “head” referring to that part of the physical body containing the brain stem and other essential sensory input parts such as the eyes, mouth, nose and ears. The word is modified by the third person feminine singular pronominal suffix hî(ʾ), which means “its” referring to the fourth beast. The noun rē(ʾ)š is the object of the preposition bĕ, which marks the surface of the head of the fourth beast as being the location of the ten horns. Daniel Seeks Interpretation of Little Horn Daniel 7:20 “and the meaning of the ten horns that were on its head and the other horn which came up, and before which three of them fell, namely, that horn which had eyes and a mouth uttering great boasts and which was larger in appearance than its associates.” (NASB95) “And the other horn which came up” is composed of the conjunction wa (וְ‭) (‬waw‭)‬,‭ “‬and‭” ‬which is followed by the‭ ‬feminine‭ ‬singular form of the‭ ‬adjective‭ ‬ʾā∙ḥǒrān‭ (‬אָחֳרָן‭) (‬okh-or-awn‭´)‬,‭ “‬the other‭” ‬and then we have the‭ ‬particle‭ ‬dî‭ (‬דִּי‭) (‬dee‭)‬,‭ “‬which‭” ‬which is followed by the‭ ‬third person‭ ‬feminine‭ ‬singular‭ ‬peʿal‭ (‬Hebrew:‭ ‬qal‭) ‬active‭ ‬perfect form of the verb‭ ‬selǎq‭ (‬סְלַק‭) (‬sel-eek‭´)‬,‭ “‬came up.‭” wa Once again the conjunction wa is adjunctive meaning that it is introducing an “additional” request that Daniel made of the interpreter. ʾā∙ḥǒrān The adjective ʾā∙ḥǒrān means “the one” since it is functioning as a substantive. Unlike Daniel 7:8 where the word modified the singular form of the noun qě∙rěn, “horn” it is not modifying this word. The substantive use of this adjective ʾā∙ḥǒrān is referring of course to the little horn as indicated by the fact that Daniel identifies the referent of ʾā∙ḥǒrān as having three horns fall in its presence. Most translations insert the singular form of the noun qě∙rěn, “horn” into the translation. However, this is not needed if we render ʾā∙ḥǒrān as a substantive meaning “the one.” dî The particle dî means “which” since it functions as a relative pronoun referring to the little horn whose appearance in Daniel’s vision is recorded in Daniel 7:8. selǎq The verb selǎq means “to come up out of, to emerge from” indicating that the little horn “came up out of” or “emerged” from among the other horns of the fourth beast. The peʿal stem is fientive expressing the action of the little horn coming up out from among the other ten horns of the fourth beast. The perfect conjugation is constative describing in summary fashion this past action. The Three Horns Fell Before Little Horn Daniel 7:20 “and the meaning of the ten horns that were on its head and the other horn which came up, and before which three of them fell, namely, that horn which had eyes and a mouth uttering great boasts and which was larger in appearance than its associates.” (NASB95) “And before which three of them fell” is composed of the conjunction wa (וְ‭) (‬waw‭)‬,‭ “‬and‭” ‬which is followed by the‭ ‬third person‭ ‬masculine plural‭ ‬peʿal‭ (‬Hebrew:‭ ‬qal‭) ‬active perfect form of the verb‭ ‬nep̄ǎl‭ (‬נְפַל‭) (‬nef-al‭´)‬,‭ “‬fell‭” ‬which is followed by the‭ ‬preposition‭ ‬min‭ (‬מִן‭) (‬min‭) ‬which is followed by the‭ ‬preposition‭ ‬qǒḏām‭ (‬קֳדָם‭) (‬kod-awm‭´)‬,‭ “‬before‭” ‬and its object is the‭ ‬third person‭ ‬feminine singular pronominal suffix‭ ‬hî(ʾ‭) (‬הִיא‭) (‬he‭)‬,‭ “‬it‭” ‬which is followed by the feminine‭ ‬singular‭ ‬cardinal‭ ‬number‭ ‬telāṯ‭ (‬תְּלָת‭) (‬tel-ath‭´)‬,‭ “‬three.‭” wa Once again we have the adjunctive use of the conjunction wa meaning that it is introducing a description of the little horn which is “in addition to” the previous one that it emerged on the head of the fourth beast in addition to the ten. min qǒḏā·mǎ yǎh telāṯʹ     The cardinal number telāṯ means “three” referring to three of the ten horns on the head of the fourth beast. The third person feminine singular pronominal suffix hî(ʾ) means “it” referring to the little horn and is the object of the prepositions min and qǒḏām. The former is a marker of agency indicating the agent who causes the action of a passive construction. This indicates that the first three horns of the fourth beast were destroyed “by” the little horn in that he was the causative agent in the destruction of the three horns. The preposition qǒḏām on the other hand indicates that the first three horns of the fourth beast were destroyed by being “in the presence of” of the little horn. nep̄ǎl The verb nep̄ǎl means “to fall” in the sense of being killed or destroyed by physical violence and specifically it refers to suffering defeat militarily resulting in destruction. Thus, this verb indicates that three horns suffered defeat militarily resulting in their destruction by being in the presence of the little horn. This interpretation is indicated by Daniel 7:8 which records Daniel telling the reader that the first three of the ten horns of the fourth beast were torn out by being in the presence of the little horn, which speaks of the three horns being destroyed by the little horn. Therefore, this verb does not mean that these three horns prostrated themselves before the little horn. The peʿal (Hebrew: qal stem) stem of the verb is fientive expressing the action performed by the three horns in that they fell by being in the presence of the little horn in the sense that they were destroyed by physical violence. The perfect conjugation of the verb is constative describing in summary fashion this past action of three horns of the fourth beast falling by violence in the presence of the little horn. The Horn with Eyes and a Mouth Uttering Boasts Daniel 7:20 “and the meaning of the ten horns that were on its head and the other horn which came up, and before which three of them fell, namely, that horn which had eyes and a mouth uttering great boasts and which was larger in appearance than its associates.” (NASB95) “Namely, that horn which had eyes and a mouth uttering great boasts” is composed of the masculine singular form of the noun qě∙rěn (קֶרֶן‭) (‬keh‭´‬-ren‭)‬,‭ “‬horn‭” ‬which is followed by the‭ ‬masculine singular form of the demonstrative pronoun‭ ‬dik∙kēn‭ (‬דִּכֵּן‭) (‬dik-kane‭´)‬,‭ “‬that‭” ‬which is followed by the‭ ‬conjunction‭ ‬wa‭ (‬וְ‭) (‬waw‭)‬,‭ “‬which‭” ‬and then we have the‭ ‬masculine‭ ‬dual‭ ‬form of the noun‭ ‬ʿǎ∙yin‭ (‬עַיִן‭) (‬ah‭´‬-yin‭)‬,‭ “‬eyes‭” ‬which is‭ ‬followed by the preposition‭ ‬k-‭ (‬כְּ־‭) (‬kee‭) “‬like‭” ‬and its object is the‭ ‬masculine‭ ‬dual‭ ‬construct‭ ‬form of the noun‭ ‬ʿǎ∙yin‭ (‬עַיִן‭) (‬ah‭´‬-yin‭)‬,‭ “‬eyes‭” ‬and then we have the‭ ‬preposition‭ ‬lĕ‭ (‬לְ‭) (‬leh‭) ‬and its object is the‭ ‬third‭ ‬person feminine singular‭ ‬pronominal‭ ‬suffix‭ ‬hî(ʾ‭)(‬הִיא‭) (‬he‭)‬,‭ “‬it‭” ‬which is followed by the conjunction‭ ‬wa‭ (‬וְ‭) (‬waw‭)‬,‭ “‬and‭” ‬and then we have the‭ ‬masculine singular form of the noun‭ ‬pǔm‭ (‬פֻּם‭) (‬poom‭)‬,‭ “‬a mouth‭” ‬and then we have the‭ ‬masculine singular‭ ‬paʿʿel‭ (‬Hebrew:‭ ‬piel‭) ‬active participle‭ ‬form of the verb‭ ‬melǎl‭ (‬מְלַל‭) (‬mel-al‭´)‬,‭ “‬uttering‭” ‬which is followed by the feminine plural form of the‭ ‬adjective‭ ‬rǎḇ‭ (‬רַב‭) (‬rab‭)‬,‭ “‬great.‭” wa The conjunction wa is epexegetical meaning that it is introducing a word, which identifies specifically which horn Daniel is referring to with his previous description, in which he describes one horn as destroying three of the ten horns of the fourth beast. qě∙rěn The singular form of the noun qě∙rěn, “horn” is referring of course to the little horn mentioned in Daniel 7:8. It is modified by the demonstrative pronoun dik∙kēn which retains its demonstrative sense and thus should be rendered “that.” It is anaphoric pointing back to the little horn in Daniel 7:8. wa The conjunction wa denotes accompaniment meaning that it is introducing a statement which presents a description of the little horn which goes along with its appearance indicating that Daniel is describing this horn was “with” eyes. ʿǎ∙yin The dual noun ʿǎ∙yin appears twice and in both instances it means “eyes” referring to the organ of sight in the human body. It is of course describing the little horn as possessing eyes like a human being. l ǎhʹ The third person feminine singular pronominal suffix hî(ʾ) is the object of the preposition lĕ, which together are employed as a marker of possession indicating that this little horn “possessed” eyes like a human being. wa This time the conjunction wa is adjunctive meaning that it is introducing a description of the little horn which is “in addition to” the previous description that the little horn possessed eyes like a human being’s eyes. This use of the conjunction indicates that the statement it is introducing is equally astounding and amazing as the first description. pǔm The noun pǔm means “mouth” referring to the part of a human’s body in which food passes into the body and which is bounded externally by the lips and internally by the pharynx and encloses the tongue, gums, and teeth. So in addition to possessing eyes like a human being, the little horn in Daniel’s vision had a mouth as well. melǎl The verb melǎl means “to speak, to talk, to converse” with emphasis upon the content of what is said. Here it indicates that the little horn was speaking arrogant things with its mouth. The paʿʿel stem (Hebrew: piel) of this verb is causative indicating that the little horn was causing arrogant things to be spoken with its mouth. The participle conjugation is describing the little horn as “habitually” or “repeatedly” speaking boastfully. rǎḇ The adjective rǎḇ means “boastfully” since it is functioning as an adverb modifying the verb melǎl indicating that the little horn was speaking boastfully with its mouth. The Greater Significance of the Little Horn Daniel 7:20 “and the meaning of the ten horns that were on its head and the other horn which came up, and before which three of them fell, namely, that horn which had eyes and a mouth uttering great boasts and which was larger in appearance than its associates.” (NASB95) “And which was larger in appearance than its associates” is composed of the conjunction wa (וְ‭) (‬waw‭)‬,‭ “‬and‭” ‬and then we have the masculine singular construct form of the noun‭ ‬ḥězû‭ (‬חֱזוּ‭) (‬khay‭´‬-zev‭)‬,‭ “‬in appearance‭” ‬which is modified by the‭ ‬third‭ ‬person feminine singular‭ ‬pronominal‭ ‬suffix‭ ‬hî(ʾ‭)(‬הִיא‭) (‬he‭)‬,‭ ‬which is not translated and followed by the masculine singular form of the‭ ‬adjective‭ ‬rǎḇ‭ (‬רַב‭) (‬rab‭)‬,‭ “‬larger‭” ‬and then we have the preposition‭ ‬min‭ (‬מִן‭) (‬min‭) “‬than‭” ‬and its object is the feminine plural construct form of the noun‭ ‬ḥǎḇ·rā(h‭) (‬חַבְרָה‭) (‬khab-raw‭´)‬,‭ “‬associates‭” ‬which is modified by the‭ ‬third‭ ‬person feminine singular‭ ‬pronominal‭ ‬suffix‭ ‬hî(ʾ‭)(‬הִיא‭) (‬he‭)‬,‭ “‬its.‭” wa This time the conjunction wa is emphatic since it is advancing upon and intensifying the previous descriptions of the little horn in that it destroyed three of the ten horns of the fourth beast and it possessed a mouth habitually speaking arrogantly. It is introducing a statement which tells the reader that this little horn’s was more distinguished in appearance than the other ten horns. So Daniel goes from describing to the reader this little horn and which description implies that the little horn was more distinguished in appearance than the other ten horns to explicitly telling the reader that this was the case. ḥězû The noun ḥězû means “an appearance” of something which distinguishes it from other objects. Here it is used of the appearance of the little horn which is based upon Daniel’s description in Daniel 7:8 and 20 served to distinguish it from the other ten horns. The word is modified by the third person feminine singular pronominal suffix hî(ʾ), which means “its” referring of course to the little horn. Ellipsis Once again, Daniel under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit is employing the figure of ellipsis meaning that he is deliberately omitting the third person masculine singular qal active imperfect form of the verb hǎwā(h) (הֲוָה‭) (‬hav-aw‭´)‬.‭ ‬However it is implied and means‭ “‬was‭” ‬indicating the appearance of the little‭ “‬was‭” ‬more distinguish than the other ten horns.‭ ‬The‭ ‬peʿal‭ (‬Hebrew:‭ ‬qal‭) ‬stem of the verb is stative meaning that the little horn‭ “‬existed in the state of being‭” ‬more distinguished than the others.‭ ‬The‭ ‬imperfect form‭ ‬of the verb is‭ ‬stative expressing the same thing.‭ rǎḇ The adjective rǎḇ means “more distinguished” and is making the assertion that the appearance of the little horn was “more distinguished” than the other ten horns because it possessed eyes like a human being and a mouth like a human being speaking arrogantly. It does not describe the appearance of the little horn as being “larger” than the other ten horns since there is nothing in the context which indicates that this little horn became larger than the other ten horns. However, the context does support the interpretation that the little horn’s appearance was more distinguished since it possessed human attributes unlike the other ten horns. min ǎhʹ ḥǎḇ·rāṯ The noun ḥǎḇ·rā(h) means “contemporaries” describing the other ten horns as existing at the same time as the little horn. It is modified by the third person feminine singular pronominal suffix hî(ʾ), which means “its” referring of course to the little horn. The noun ḥǎḇ·rā(h) is the object of the preposition min, which is a marker of comparison indicating that the little horn was more distinguished “than” its contemporaries, i.e. the other ten horns on the head of the fourth beast. Translation of Daniel 7:20 Daniel 7:20 “Also, I desired to know the meaning concerning the ten horns which were on its head as well as the one which emerged and in addition three fell by being in the presence of it. Specifically, that horn possessing eyes as well as a mouth making it a habit of speaking boastfully. Indeed, its appearance was more distinguished than its contemporaries.” Exposition of Daniel 7:20 Daniel continues to focus upon the fourth beast by requesting that Gabriel tell him the meaning of the ten horns of this beast as well as the horn which emerged among these ten. Three horns of this fourth beast fell by being in the presence of this horn which emerged among the others. Daniel 7:8 describes this horn which destroyed three others as a “little” horn. As was the case in this verse, here in Daniel 7:20, Daniel describes this little horn as possessing eyes and a mouth speaking boastfully on a habitual basis. He then summarizes the appearance of this little horn as being more distinguished than the other ten horns because it possessed eyes like a human being and a mouth which made it a habit of speaking boastfully. Daniel describes this fourth beast as having ten horns, which makes this beast different from the previous three. These ten horns refer to ten kings according to Daniel 7:24. These ten horns correspond to the ten toes of Nebuchadnezzar’s image in Daniel chapter two that referred to the Revived Roman Empire that will consist of a ten nation confederation which exist during Daniel’s Seventieth Week. The ten horns do not represent a fifth kingdom but rather they grow out of the head of the fourth beast and are the last development of the fourth beast. Daniel 2:40 records this fourth kingdom is compared to iron because it would crush and shatter other kingdoms just as iron shatters and crushes all things. This comparison indicates that this fourth kingdom will be more powerful and destructive than the previous three empires which were represented on the statue by the gold head, the silver arms and chest and bronze belly and thighs, which history records as Babylon, Medo-Persia and Greece respectively. This verse also says that this fourth kingdom, which history records as the Roman Empire will crush as well as break in pieces every kingdom it confronts in war just like iron breaks into pieces gold, silver and bronze. The feet of the statue in Daniel chapter two and the ten horns of the fourth beast in Daniel chapter seven represent an empire, which has not yet appeared on the pages of history. The Scriptures indicate that it will be an empire, which is connected to the Roman Empire but inferior in character of authority in rulership as well as power or strength. In fact, the Scriptures teach that it will be a Revived Form of the Roman Empire, which will be composed of a ten-nation confederacy which can be described as a United States of Europe. This is all indicated by several factors. First of all, the feet of the image Nebuchadnezzar saw were composed of a mixture of iron and clay. The iron in the feet indicates that the empire represented by the feet is related to the lower legs of the statue, which we noted were composed of iron, which represented the Roman Empire. Also, Daniel does not say that the feet represent a fifth empire, which further indicates that the feet represent an empire which is connected to the Roman Empire. The ten horns mentioned in Daniel 7:24 correspond to the toes in Daniel 2:42 and were ten kingdoms, out of which one horn will arise who will destroy three of the other kingdoms and lead the other seven and persecute believers in Jesus Christ. Daniel 7:26 says that this one horn called the “little horn” will be destroyed by God. Daniel 2:44-45 teaches that this ten nation confederation depicted as ten toes of the feet of the statue will be destroyed by the Second Advent of Christ, which is depicted as a stone cut of the mountain without hands. The ten toes of the image indicated that the final stage of the Roman Empire will consist of a ten-division federation. Daniel 7:23-24 signifies that eventually the Roman Empire will consist of a federation of ten divisions with ten equal rulers (See Revelation 17:12). Since the Roman Empire has never in its history consisted of a ten-division federation with ten equal rulers, we can conclude that this stage of the Empire’s existence will take place in the future during the Tribulation period. Also, Daniel 2:45 records that “in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom,” i.e. the millennial reign of Jesus Christ, which has never taken place in history but is yet future. Therefore, sometime in the future, after the rapture of the church, a revived form of the Roman Empire will be established. The empire collapsed in Western Europe in 476 A.D. but will be brought to life again in the form of a ten-division federation that will ultimately give its allegiance to the Antichrist (Revelation 17). The Romans were the last to unite the known world of that day into one great empire, though many have tried since. Charlemagne, Napoleon, Kaiser Wilhelm, Hitler and Mussolini dreamed of it who said he would make the Mediterranean Sea a Roma lake. All failed. Others have attempted to unite the world, such as the World Court and the League of Nations and the United Nations are trying at this very hour to do so. When Antichrist arrives on the scene he will succeed where others failed but in the end this uniting of the world will end in disaster and world war. His kingdom will be a very weak coalition of nations or confederation of nations each delegating power to him. Even though his military power will be awesome, his kingdom will be very weak internally. His military power will give the appearance of inner unity but such will not be the case among these selfish, godless nations who will be deceived by Satan through Antichrist. The iron of the feet of the statue in Daniel chapter two denotes the strength of this stage of this Revived Form of the Roman Empire during Daniel’s Seventieth Week and the clay denotes its fragility. The mixing of iron with clay represents the attempt to join the two distinct and separate materials into one combined whole as in vain. This weakness extends to both feet of the image; and, correspondingly, the division and fragility. The divided stage of the fourth kingdom will include diverse elements such as race, politics and other interests, which will prevent this stage of the fourth kingdom from achieving true unity. Thus, Daniel describes this divided stage of the fourth kingdom as fragile. The iron describes this divided and final stage of the fourth kingdom as possessing some of the character of authority in rulership of the Roman Empire, depicted by the lower legs on the statue. Also, the iron describes this divided and final stage of the fourth kingdom as possessing some of the power or strength of the fourth kingdom, which represents Rome. The description of the little horn and its relationship to the other ten horns of the fourth beast in Daniel 7:19 is slightly different than the description of it in Daniel 7:8. In the latter, Daniel describes this horn as being “little” which he does not do in Daniel 7:20. Though the word “little” is not used in verse 20, the description to follow that three of the horns fell by being in the presence of this horn would indicate that Daniel is speaking of the horn described as “little” in verse 8. In Daniel 7:8 he describes this little horn as emerging from among the other ten horns, whereas in Daniel 7:20, he describes it as simply emerging. Again, it would be implied that the horn emerging in verse 20 is the same horn in verse 8, which is described as emerging from among the other ten horns. In Daniel 7:8, Daniel describes three of the ten horns of the fourth beast being torn out by being in the presence of the little horn, while on the other hand, in Daniel 7:20, he simply describes three horns falling by being in the presence of the little horn. In verse 20, physical violence is being referred when Daniel says that three of the ten horns fell by being in the presence of the little horn, which corresponds to these three being torn out by being in the presence of the little horn. In Daniel 7:8, he describes the little horn as possessing eyes like a human being while in Daniel 7:20 he simply says that it possessed eyes. The statement in verse 8 that the little horn possessed eyes like a human being would indicate that the eyes of the little horn in verse 20 are human, are implied. Lastly, in Daniel 7:8, Daniel tells the reader that the little horn possessed a mouth and was speaking boastfully with it whereas in Daniel 7:20, he tells the reader that the little horn possessed a mouth in which he made it a habit of speaking boastfully with. So in verse 20, the reader is told how often this little horn spoke boastfully with its mouth. So the description of this little horn in Daniel 7:8 and 20 makes clear that it is symbolic of a human being who is a ruler of a kingdom. The little horn refers to the Antichrist since it is identified with the Revived Roman Empire. In Daniel 7:19-26, he is described as waging war against God’s people up to the time of the Second Advent of Christ, which corresponds to the depiction of the Antichrist in Revelation (Daniel 7:11, 20-26; 8:25; Revelation 13:1-10; 19:20). The description of the little horn in Daniel 7:8 and 20 indicates that the Antichrist will start off as an insignificant world ruler among ten other rulers of kingdoms but will defeat three of these ten kingdoms and emerge as a world ruler. The eyes of the little horn speak of the faculty of careful observation implying that the Antichrist will be extremely intelligent. The boastful speaking indicates that the Antichrist will be a great speaker who in the judgment of God is arrogant in his words. In Daniel 7:25, the interpreter tells Daniel that the little horn will speak out against God Himself so when Daniel says that the little horn was speaking boastfully in Daniel 7:8 and 20, it is in relation to God. The Scriptures give the Antichrist many titles and names: (1) “The beast” (Revelation 13:1-2) (2) “The prince that will come” (Daniel 9:26-27) (3) The “man of lawlessness” (2 Thessalonians 2:3-10) (4) The “scarlet beast” (Revelation 17:3) (5) The willful king (Daniel 11:36-40) (6) “The man of sin” (2 Thessalonians 2:3), (7) “The son of perdition” (2 Thessalonians 2:3) (8) The Desolater (Daniel 9:27). He will not appear until the Day of the Lord has begun (2 Thessalonians 2:2) and his manifestation is being hindered by the Restrainer (2 Thessalonians 2:6-7) and this appearance will be preceded by the rapture of the church (2 Thessalonians 2:3). Antichrist will be a Gentile since he arises from the sea according to Revelation 13:1 and since the sea depicts the Gentile nations according to Revelation 17:15, he must be of Gentile origin. He will arise from the Roman Empire, since he is a ruler of the people who destroyed Jerusalem (Dan. 9:26). Antichrist is the head of the last form of Gentile world dominion, for he is like a leopard, a bear, and a lion (Revelation 13:1; compare Daniel 7:7-8, 20, 24; Revelation 17:9-11) and as such he is a political leader. Daniel 7:21-22 reveals the following regarding the little horn: (1) He will persecute the saints of the Most High and is thus a person and Daniel 7:24 says that he is a king. (2) He will overcome the nation of Israel and will bring that nation under his authority (Revelation 12:13-17; 17:7). (3) He will be judged by God (Revelation 19:19-20) and Israel will thus enter into her millennial reign. Daniel 7:23 reveals that the little horn will have a world-wide kingdom (Compare Revelation 13:7) and it will be an overwhelming conquest, which anticipates a coming one-world government under a worldwide dictator. Daniel 7:25 corresponds to Revelation 13:1-10 and gives us three more additional facts about the little horn: (1) He will oppose God’s authority as indicated by the phrase “He will speak out against the Most High” (Compare Revelation 13:6). (2) He will oppress born-again Israel as indicated by the statement “wear down the saints of the Highest One”. (3) He will introduce an entirely new era in which he will abandon all previous laws and institute his own system as indicated by the statement “he will intend to make alterations in times in law” (Compare Daniel 11:36-37; 2 Thessalonians 2:4). Daniel 9:26 indicates that this little horn will be a Roman dictator as indicated by the phrase “the people of the prince who is to come.” “The people” were the Romans who destroyed the temple forty years after the death of Christ. “The prince” refers to the little horn, i.e. the Antichrist indicating that the Antichrist will be a Roman. Daniel 9:27 says that Antichrist will pretend to be Israel’s benefactor and make a treaty with her but will turn against her in the mid way point of Daniel’s Seventieth Week and will persecute Israel and occupy Jerusalem for three and a half years. He will make a seven-year treaty with the leaders of Israel, which will begin the final seven prophetic years called the seventieth week and during the middle of this seventieth week after three and a half years, he will break the treaty and stop the sacrifices in the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem and declare himself God. Nothing in history corresponds to the events described during this seventieth week. The Second Advent of Christ has yet to take place. Daniel 7:26 refers to the Supreme Court of Heaven, (God the Father) passing down the decision to remove the little horn’s power, which will take place at the Second Advent of Christ, which terminates Daniel’s Seventieth Week (See Revelation 19:11-20:6). The little horn will seek to prevent Christ’s rule on the earth by attempting to destroy God’s covenant people Israel but his reign will be short, only three and a half years and will be terminated with the Second Advent of Jesus Christ who at that time will establish His millennial reign on earth in fulfillment of God’s covenant promises to Israel. This prophecy concerning the little horn will take place in the future since no such ruler has attained world-wide rulership over a one-world government, no such ruler has subdued three of ten kings who were ruling at once and no such ruler has persecuted Israel for three and a half years and no such ruler has been destroyed by the return of Jesus Christ! Therefore, we can see that toward the end of the Times of the Gentiles, a one world government under a tyrannical dictator will emerge from a ten nation confederacy. This confederacy will emerge out of the old Roman Empire and thus will be a European confederacy. This ten-nation confederacy that will take place in the future will be a revived form of the Roman Empire since it is portrayed in Daniel 2 and 7 as emerging from the fourth kingdom, Rome. PAGE 47 ã2013 William E. Wenstrom, Jr. Bible Ministries