IJoFCS (2017) 1, 36-41
The International Journal of
DOI: 10.5769/J201701004 or http://dx.doi.org/10.5769/J201701004
Criminal law aspects of computer crime
Siniša Franjić1, Semyon Silaev2
(1) University of Croatia, Email: sinisa.franjic@gmail.com
(2) Department for Criminal law and Criminology, Faculty of law, Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, Russian
Federation, Email: usiacki@mail.ru
Abstract: Parallel to the enormous technological advances of the late 20th century in terms of the
strong development of modern information technology, there is also the problem of the use of
computers in various fields of human activity. This issue includes a lot of important issues and it
should be noted that the general impression that the legislation is lagging behind technological
development. This paper discusses the most common forms of computer crime from which it is clear
from the kind of issues encountered legal systems into their national legislation must provide penal
provisions relating to offenses of computer crime.
Keywords: computer crime, computer technology, law
1. Introduction
Concurrently with the great technological
advances of the late 20th century in terms of the
strong development of modern information
technology, there was a problem and the use of
computers in various fields of human activity.
According Krapac (Krapac, 1992., pp. 39), this
issue includes a number of important issues,
namely: the ratio of legislation towards the
development of technology and science, the
issue of human rights which may jeopardize the
application of computers in the collection and
processing of personal data and the protection of
certain issues of legal values in a society from
criminal attacks using the computer. When
considering the use of new technological
solutions in the context of national legislation, the
general impression is that the legislation always
delayed behind technological development. It was
many times in history, so it is still with computer
crime legislation. And when considering why this
is so, it should be remembered that lawyer only a
man who is capable to register observer
delinquent behavior within the new technological
developments and a number of issues that same
technological development opens (Krapac, 1992.,
pp. 41). This means that new technological
developments only after a certain lapse of time
can be regularized.
2. National criminal legislation and
the use of computers
Modern information technology have brought a
number of socially unacceptable behavior that
need to be adequately sanctioned. But to make
any rational attempt criminalization of certain
behavior to be successful, it is necessary to
proceed from several assumptions ((Šimundić
and Franjić, 2009., pp. 37-40):
• tСe notion tСat a certain Рood is a
fundamental social value that requires legal
protection and that the attack on him is the
Paper submitted on: June 26 , 2017
__________________________________________________________ Si iša Fra jić, a d Se yo Silae
behavior with the appropriate amount of
criminal lawlessness
• tСe fact that a crime may provide some
behavior only if it is from the standpoint of
social utility that is necessary. If the protection
of fundamental values can not be achieved by
some other means
• tСat tСe incrimination can acСieve successful
protection of society and man. That the
construction of such a legal protection that
can be achieved in practice
3. The most common forms of
computer crime
They are characterized by the fact that the
unauthorized access can be reached by persons
who he physically can access these by the
persons to be accessed by unauthorized remote
access. The most common forms of computer
abuse are:
3. 1. Unauthorized access to a computer
system (hacking)
Unauthorized access to a computer system are
actions aimed at circumventing checks access to
the system and allow the perpetrator to be
authorized under the guise of serving the services
and resources of the system. Access check is
carried out in two ways, and to identification and
authentication, where the identification means
establishing the identity of the applicant, under
the authorization of the means establishing the
authority of the applicant, and all what he can do
when he approaches to the system. The
consequence of the attack was a violation of the
applications, and service availability.
The perpetrators were people who were given
access to the system which uses the terminals of
other employees or to people via modem to
access the system. They are divided into internal
and external perpetrators.
Internal perpetrators approach achieved mainly
by negligence of other employees while external
perpetrators use various methods to come up
with passwords to access the system.
The perpetrators take care that acts committed by
other people's computer systems or the use of
cloned cell phones remain undiscovered to hide
their mark and disable the others in search of
3. 2. Computer Espionage
Computer espionage is form of manipulation
where the objective is the unauthorized obtaining
of secret data and information stored in the
telecommunications channels. The sale of such
acquired information seeks to acquire unlawful
material gain.
As the perpetrators appear to people in a way
they want to eliminate competition and to get
information that will be able to use in their work.
These are people with a high level of education in
information and telecommunication technology.
Sometimes working alone, sometimes working to
order. When you accidentally get the information,
they offer themselves in the market.
External entities attempt to access the system
unnoticed, bypassing the existing measures of
physical protection. Professionals who have at
their disposal various means, using all the
weaknesses of the system in order to reach the
3. 3. Computer Sabotage
Computer sabotage activities are aimed at
preventing the normal operation of the system or
prevent its use or the use of its resources. This
includes deleting, modifying, damaging data,
damaging programs with the intent to prevent its
further use and operation. Computer sabotage is
particularly dangerous when it happens decline in
economic systems, military and all other
infrastructural facilities.
The perpetrators are people with higher technical
knowledge using sophisticated means and
methods. The most common culprits are hackers,
terrorists, criminals are motivated by greed who
do it for revenge, political and other beliefs.
It is a physical activity that leads to a further
disabling or obstructing the use of a computer.
Criminal law aspects of computer crime ____________________________________________________
3. 4. Computer Fraud
It refers to the various types of data manipulation
due to the acquisition of the illegal gain. By
manipulating comes during input, processing,
storage, and exchange of information within the
individual information system or in the exchange
of information on the Internet. Easy to do, and
difficult to detect because the perpetrators use
someone else's personal information.
The perpetrators are mostly employees of legal
persons authorized to access the computer
Internal perpetrators in the absence of their
colleague careless use of their terminals, and
often it is about former employees who in
revenge (mainly due to the loss of a job) so act.
3. 5. Computer Forgery
There are two types of manipulation. In the first
computer used for counterfeiting other people's
existing documents in digital form, and the other
is a computer used to create such documents
and committed forgery.
The perpetrators have greater knowledge and
use of more sophisticated legal and illegal
equipment that is no longer a critical element
because the technology is becoming cheaper.
With a relatively small expenditure, realized true
Authorized or unauthorized access to the system
in which there are such documents to modify the
existing data, or copy the new document. Use the
scanners to transfer to a computer, programs
which change their content and form, and printers
that print on paper.
3. 6. Software Piracy
Software piracy make unauthorized reproduction
and use of protected software and it is one of the
most widespread forms of computer crime. Digital
format allows easy playback and sharing program
which is a contribution given the lack of legal
The perpetrator has a lot because of this form of
computer crime is not necessary to know any
special equipment. It should be noted that the
perpetrators of software piracy divided into two
groups: the first includes those who work that in
the entertainment reasons, and on the other
those who work for the acquisition of the illegal
material benefits. In other words, in the second
group are the perpetrators who knowingly copy
and distribute protected programs without the
permission of copyright holders and make money
from it.
It takes a little technical knowledge, and it also
contributed the development of modem, but also
the development of the Internet.
3. 7. Harmful and illegal content
This is illegal acts which, with the help of modern
information technologies reproduce, produce and
distribute, and contain various immoral and illegal
content in digital form. Usually there is child
pornography, sadistic, neo-Nazi, chauvinistic,
racist and other similar facilities. The spread is
particularly contributed to the development of
telecommunications facilities.
The perpetrators are mostly people who do not
do anything other than criminal activity. Simple
and accessible modern information equipment
and technology used to streamline managing
their illegal activities.
For committing this crime is not necessary to
have any special technical knowledge.
3. 8. Other Abuse
Under other abuses include all those "traditional"
crimes that can be committed with the help of
modern computer technology. It is its wide use
led to a series of new offenses which is easier to
carry out if it is used in the commission of these
modern information technology. For example, it
may be compulsion, threats, theft, international
terrorism, blackmail, extortion, unauthorized
rendering of medical, trafficking etc.
4. Extended criminal offense
Given the fact that sometimes there computerrelated criminal offenses have the character of a
permanent criminal occupations, ie. Serve their
perpetrators as a very important (and sometimes
even the main) source of maintenance, are often
faced with situations where the same person
__________________________________________________________ Si iša Fra jić, a d Se yo Silae
several times repeated the same thing criminal
offenses against computer systems, programs
and data or created a number of those same.
This leads to the field of prolonged criminal act as
a type of apparent real concurrence, a
fundamental question in the context of this rather
wide issues could be formulated as follows: under
what circumstances each of the taken illegal
actions, but realizes all the essential elements of
a criminal offense, does not require an
independent legal assessment, but a whole
series of these actions can be legally labeled as a
single extended criminal offense. Or, in other
words, what is the scope of application of the
real-homogenous concurrence?
During more than two centuries, extended
criminal offense remains one of the most
complicated and the most controversial criminal
institutions in civil law countries. Leaving aside
the many discussions on the principled criminalpolitical justification and legal constructs and the
content of its individual elements, we can say that
the European criminal legal doctrine, there are
two basic approaches to defining this term.
According to objective concepts, crucial for the
construction of extended criminal offense (except,
of course, the identity of the perpetrators) are the
identity or similarity of crime and their temporal
and spatial correlation; often draws attention to
some additional (variable, variable) conditions for
the existence of extended criminal offense, which
are also largely objective character: the identity of
the injured rights, the identity of the victim,
sameness object works, using the same situation
or the same permanent relationship, and so on. In
contrast, supporters of the subjective concept of
extended criminal offense argue that the most
important cohesive element that justifies the
merging of a number of the same or the same
(and sometimes even variety) offenses into one
of the subjective side, and this is a unique intent
(unique intention), or a single negligence, while
all the objective features of extended criminal
offense only externals events and unique guilt
based on unique motivation of criminal behavior,
and this last one stems from a need, that the
perpetrator tends to settle, which is the goal of its
activities (see Silaev 2013). Deeper analysis of
these two approaches reveals their fundamental
difference in the understanding of the nature of
extended criminal offense: the point of view of
objective theory, it is a single criminal act only in
law, but not in the natural sense, ie. It is one legal
fiction whose purpose is to avoiding application of
the concourse works processual economy; As for
the subjective theory, their core consists in saying
that the real concurrence of the extended criminal
phenomenons, not only in terms of their legal
form, but essentially, or by its socialpsychological
characteristics (see Silaev 2014).
It should be noted that in the penal systems of
different countries in Central and Eastern Europe
the question of extended criminal offense is
handled in a different way. For example, in
Russia and other former Soviet republics
jurisprudence mostly opted for a mixed theory in
which the unique intent is considered mandatory
and very important element of the extended
criminal offense, although it requires certain
objective connection between actions that are
included in its composition. In Poland, the
legislator is firmly confined the extended criminal
offense (prгestępstаo ciąРła) as a form of a
single criminal offense and the extension of
criminal offenses (ciąР prгestępstаo) as a form of
merger of the real: the two legal figures have
almost identical objective characteristics, but
generally vary according to the subjective
content; namely, the existence of extended
criminal offense requires a unique intent (z góry
poагiętв гamiar), аСile its absence turns into a
series of unlawful conduct in the extension of
criminal offenses (Art. 12 and 91 of the Polish
Criminal Code) (see Budyn-Kulik et al 2012; see
Kardas 1999). In contrast, as a result of the last
reform of Croatian criminal law, there was no
legal definition of extended criminal offense,
which found reflection only objective elements of
the institution, while the unique intention is not
used (Art. 52 of the Croatian Criminal Code) (see
Turković and Maršavelski (ur/eds) 2013). As for
Germany, the construction of extended criminal
offense, there was almost deserted since the
early 1990s (see Joecks 2012).
Of course, these differences in determining the
overall idea of extended criminal offense directly
affecting the legal assessment of criminal
activities related to computer technology.
Criminal law aspects of computer crime ____________________________________________________
Take, as an example, software piracy. Leaving
aside a number of issues concerning the
relationship between criminal offenses of
unauthorized use of copyright work (which belong
to, among other things, computer programs), and
changes or damage to computer data, to draw
your attention only on doubts about the
application of the provisions on realhomogenous
concurrence. Suppose someone X engaged in
illegal installation of software on other computers,
consumers pay for such services (of course, such
a price is significantly lower than the licensed
programs). If we accept the objective
understanding of extended criminal offense, then,
to all such activities were carried out on a limited
territory for several days or even weeks could
legally be marked as one extended criminal
offense. It would be another solution, if we are
committed to understanding and legal figures
from a subjective point of view, it would have to
establish that perpetrator, before you performed
the first illegal installation, decided to carry out a
full range of these identical actions (in the
Russian judicial practice as a uniting factor in
such cases often serves the identity of the
consumer of such equipment and the unity of its
agreement with the perpetrator, as well as a
certain unity preparatory actions).
The same situation is with computer fraud.
According to the objective theory, the existence of
extended criminal offense may be enough, for
example, that the perpetrator was purchased for
illegal gain performs a series of time-related
actions, and thereby leverages the same
computer equipment and the same program that
he provide unauthorized access to computer data
and their modification. It will be a different
solution based on a subjective theory: then we
have to establish that the perpetrator is taking a
series of fraudulent acts, having a more or less
detail on the overall objective that must be
objectified in a unique result of all these
undertakings, otherwise there would be a
concurrence of several independent crimes of
computer fraud. Also note that in the post Soviet
jurisprudence, when it comes to the offense in
question "pillage" (ie, theft, robbery, robbery,
fraud, embezzlement and all forms of fraud),
great importance always be accorded, in addition,
union sources criminal enrichment.
All of the above shows once again, how utopian
aspirations for the creation of some universal
mechanisms of criminal justice confronting
computer-related crime: the unification of criminal
anti-social reactions to the appearance of not
enough introducing identical legal descriptions of
relevant offenses in national penal codes, and
even prescribing the same penalties as many
provisions of the general part of criminal law are
also of great importance for the qualification of
socially dangerous acts, including those in the
sphere of computer information. In addition, there
are a lot of question marks human criminal
behaviors that are only partially regulated by the
legislature, and developed case law. It is
therefore not realistic to expect that cyber crime
will receive from the authorized body the same
answer in all parts of the world.
5. Conclusion
Computer crime is a kind of inevitable active
participant in the exponential development of
information or computer technology especially in
the digitized electronic networks in all areas of
life. It differs from the known forms of crime
because of his common facility incorporeal
digitized data, computer main tool of unlawful
activity or purpose of his execution, and the
invisible computer to do a specific area of action
at a distance that in earlier periods was virtually
unthinkable. With the development of information
society, computer crime takes on more complex
forms and expands to the other, "traditional"
areas of crime. Computer crime today is not a
unique phenomenon with clearly visible
manifestations through which it manifests itself, a
specific profile of the perpetrator and the ways in
which it is executed. This gives it a new
dimension, makes it much more dangerous, and
its consequences more harmful and farreaching.
Therefore, it is modern society must oppose with
all available methods and means, including legal
protection is certainly one of the most important.
__________________________________________________________ Si iša Fra jić, a d Se yo Silae
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