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Hak Cipta © 2014 pada Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Dilindungi Undang-Undang MILIK NEGARA TIDAK DIPERDAGANGKAN Disklaimer: Buku ini merupakan buku guru yang dipersiapkan Pemerintah dalam rangka implementasi Kurikulum 2013. Buku guru ini disusun dan ditelaah oleh berbagai pihak di bawah koordinasi Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, dan dipergunakan dalam tahap awal penerapan Kurikulum 2013. Buku ini merupakan "dokumen hidup" yang senantiasa diperbaiki, diperbaharui, dan dimutakhirkan sesuai dengan dinamika kebutuhan dan perubahan zaman. Masukan dari berbagai kalangan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas buku ini. Katalog Dalam Terbitan (KDT) Indonesia. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Bahasa Inggris : buku guru / Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.--Jakarta : Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2014. viii, 184 hlm. : ilus. ; 25 cm. Untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas X ISBN 978-602-282-484-8 (jilid lengkap) ISBN 978-602-282-485-5 (jilid 1) iii Bahasa Inggris
KI 1 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya KI 2 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia KI 3 : Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah. KI 4 : Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan
REVISI maret 2016 ... buku guru bahasa inggris SMK
Buku guru fisika ini merupakan buku kurikulum 2013
Aktifitas ini memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk memperkenalkan diri sendiri kepada orang yang baru dikenalnya. Hal ini memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk berlatih memaparkan jati diri secara lisan.
Karena siswa berbicara bersama-sama, siswa akan dapat mengungkapkan jati dirinya dengan lebih santai dan tidak tertekan karena tidak merasa diperhatikan dan diawasi teman lain. -She can reach the mall very easily.
-She can go to the mall by a commuter train or a bus. -She can also go to the mall very easily by her own car. 5 Other activities that she likes and doesn't like -She doesn't like reading but she loves drawing and painting. 6 She wants Alia to write to her.
-She wants her to respond to her email quickly.
Dengan menggunakan e-dictionary, G bisa mendapatkan bunyi pelafalan kata-kata yang dilatihkan.
Guru juga dapat meminta siswa untuk mengubah katakata tersebut dalam kelompok kata yang berbeda.
Guru dapat memberikan contoh pronunciation secara langsung atau dengan memutar software yang cocok. 6. In 1874 the Sultan's Palace was captured by the Dutch 7. Cut Nyak Dhien swore to destroy Dutch because her husband was killed when fighting to reclaim VI mukim. 8. Cut Nyak Dhien's marriage to Teuku Umar boosted the morale of Aceh armies. 9. Teuku Umar surrenderred to Dutch in 1893 to save his armies, to get weapons and ammunition, and to betray the Dutch later. 10. Teuku Umar was killed in a surprised attack on him in Meulaboh after the Dutch sent a spy to Aceh. 11. An Acehnese woman should respond to the death of her family member in a war by not crying and feeling sorry. She should let him go. 12. Cut NyakDhien suffered from nearsightedness and arthritis as she got older. 13. After Cut Nyak Dhien was captured, Cut Gambang escaped and continued the resistance of Achenese people to Dutch colonization. 14. Yes, her myopia slowly healed when he was in Banda Aceh. 15. The Dutch exiled her to Sumedang because they were afraid she would mobilize the resistance of Aceh people. 16. Jawaban terserah S. Had I lived close to Cut Nyak Dhien, I would have …… (V3) ……………………
Guru juga dapat meminta siswa untuk mengubah katakata tersebut dalam kelompok kata yang berbeda.
Guru dapat memberikan contoh pronunciation secara langsung atau dengan memutar software yang cocok.
Text 2:
1 Saidah was happy to receive Alia's letter.
-Saidah wants to be Alia's pen friend.
2 Saidah tells Alia about her school and family.
-She's a sixteen-year-old school student from Johor Bahru in Malaysia. -She attends an Islamic boarding school just outside Kuala Lumpur.
-Her family live in KL.
-Her eldest sister is a medical doctor and will get married soon. -Her younger brother is an elementary school student in KL but he often writes to her via email.
Contoh kalimat dengan kata-kata dari vocabulary builder:
1. There are many kinds of rides in the amusement park, for example ferris wheel and roller coaster. 2. Last week, we went hiking in the mountain near my grandma's house. 3. The visitors have to buy a ticket before entering the park. 4. We could see several yachts out on the sea. 5. Ramayana is one of the biggest department store in my town.
Dan seterusnya.
• What would you like to do on the long weekend? • Would you like to join me to learn baking cookies?
• I would like to bake cookies with Riri.
• Will you go fishing?
• We will also try to make ginger cookies. I am going to …
• Are you going to bake choco chips cookies like the last time?
• My dad and I are going to go fishing. • We are going to practice baking cookies. I would rather
• Would you rather stay at home or go fishing?
• I would rather stay at home than go fishing. How nice of you to say that.
I must congratulate you on your success in returning the company back to your family.
Thank you very much for saying so. 3. Dinda is good-looking. She's not too tall, with fair skin and wavy black hair that she often puts in a ponytail. 4. She likes to wear jeans, casual t-shirts and sneakers. 5. Her favourite t-shirts are those in bright colours like pink, light green and orange. 6. She is always cheerful. She is also very friendly and likes to make friends with anyone. Like many other girls, she is also talkative. She likes to share about her thoughts and feelings to her friends. 7. Because she's cheerful and friendly. 8. When she doesn't get what she wants, she acts like a child and stamps her feet. 9. Dinda loves drawing, especially manga characters. 10. The writer is really glad to have a best friend like Dinda. To identify the person or thing being described I have a lot of friends in my school, but Dinda has been my best friend since junior high school. We don't study in the same class, but we meet at school everyday during recess and after school. I first met her at junior high school orientation and we've been friends ever since.
To describe the characteristic features of the person or thing Dinda is good-looking. She's not too tall, with fair skin and wavy black hair that she often puts in a ponytail. At school, of course she wears uniform. Other than that, she likes to wear jeans, casual t-shirts and sneakers. Her favourite t-shirts are those in bright colours like pink, light green and orange. She is always cheerful. She is also very friendly and likes to make friends with anyone. Like many other girls, she is also talkative. She likes to share about her thoughts and feelings to her friends. I think that's why many friends enjoy her company. However, she can be a bit childish sometimes. For example, when she doesn't get what she wants, she acts like a child and stamps her feet.
Dinda loves drawing, especially manga characters. She always has a sketchbook with her everywhere she goes. She would spend some time to draw manga characters from her imagination. Her sketches are amazingly great. Sebelum mendrill guru perlu memastikan bahwa pronunciationnya benar.
Listen to me and repeat after me carefully.
(For the sound of the pronunciations of the words, see e-dictionary like Longman -Dictionary of Contemporary English).
The answer to the question before the text depends on the students' answers, such as interesting, boring, important place, and so forth. All answers are correct as long as the students can give the reason. Camp Leaky is located in the Tanjung Puting National Park. 5. Visitors can reach Camp Leaky by taking a small boat or perahu klotok. 6. Ex-captive orang utans means that the orang utans once were caught by human beings and lived with them for some time. 7. The major means of transportation to Camp Leaky is a small boat. This boat also serves as 'hotel' in which tourists sleep, cook, and eat there, and enjoy the sight and sound of the jungle. 8. (The answer depends on the students' opinion. All answers are correct depending on their reasons). 9. (The answer depends on the students' opinion. All answers are correct depending on their reasons). 10 (The answer depends on the students' opinion. All answers are correct depending on their reasons).
American stone lake droplets corns ants orchids monkey book snout morning girl woman waves Task 4 An example of the answers: 1. a big black backpack to bring clothes 2. comfortable white sneakers to wear because there will be a lot of walk 3. a little yellow flashlight to use in darkness when there is no electric light 4. a sharp small knife to cut and peel fruit 5. a good and light camera to take pictures 6. a plastic raincoat to wear in rainy days 7. some mosquito repellent to protect us from mosquito bites 8. a practical small diary to record our impression during the visit
If you go to Batu city in East Java, do not forget to visit Cuban Rondo. Cuban Rondo is a must-see waterfall because of its spectacular scenery. The first amazing natural charm to enjoy is the huge greenish rock. The gigantic rock and its vegetation that surrounds the waterfall soar high into the sky. The top of the rock bends inward so that when we stand close to the waterfall, we will feel as if we were inside of a gigantic cave or a giant bowl. The greatness of the nature will make you feel very small and praise God.
The second scenery to enjoy is the waterfall itself. From the top of the soaring rock, a huge amount of water continuously falls down, splashes on the large black stones at the bottom of the waterfall, and forms a shallow small lake and stream. The water in the lake and stream is crystal clear and icy cold. The wind that blows the falling water and the splash produce millions of tiny droplets of water. The wind can blow your boat (an irrelevant sentence). The droplets cover the small lake and visitors in mist. Yes, you will get wet. But you can go to the mall (another irrelevant sentence). When the sunlight shines through the cold tiny droplets, you will see rainbows on the earth, not in the sky, that seems close enough to you. The scenery is breathtaking.
End the trip with something that can warm you up. In the rest area, you can buy roasted sweet corns. If that is not enough, you can also buy hot delicious drinks and hot meatball soup. When you go home, leave nothing in the area but your footsteps and bring home only your unforgettable memory about the beautiful Cuban Rondo Waterfall. Six of them are described here.
The writer describes six of them.
Waterproof clothing and sandals are provided.
Niagara Falls personnel provides Waterproof clothing and sandals.
A trip at night when the Falls are illuminated in a rainbow of color is really amazing.
A trip at night when Niagara Falls personnel illuminates the falls in a rainbow of color is really amazing.
Audience members are given the priviledge to discover the thundering Falls.
The staff gives audience members the priviledge to discover the thundering Falls.
Free multi-language headsets are made available.
The staff makes Free multi-language headsets available. Parker Pearson goes on to explain that the houses near Durrington Walls were probably occupied at certain times of the year when people gathered for the summer and winter solstices (the longest and shortest days of the year) to celebrate certain religious ceremonies. And in fact, large amounts of pottery and animal bones have been found near Durrington, suggesting that this site was used as a place for eating and drinking. In contrast, very little pottery has been found in Stonehenge. In addition, almost no human remains have been found at Durrington, but a number of graves have been uncovered at Stonehenge.
Paths from Stonehenge and Durrington Walls to the nearby River Avon also suggest that the two sites were linked. At certain times of the year, most of the dead would have been carried down the road from Durrington and put in the river. Later, remains of the society's rulers would have been brought down the river, carried up the long avenue, and deposited at Stonehenge.
Parker Pearson further suggests that Durrington Walls is related to the living, whereas Stonehenge is to the dead. This can be seen from the remains found in the two places: pottery and animal bones in Durrington Walls, but many graves in Stonehenge. The close relationship between the two can also be seen from the paths to River Avon, where the dead were put.
Dear friends, OSIS will arrange a trip to Borobudur Temple. Departure time is October 27, for three days and four nights. Contribution for each participant is 150,000 rupiahs including transportation, meals, and hotel. If you are interested to join, please register by 20 October to the organizing committee either by email to or sms to 0850502134.
Task 1.
Please be informed that Riza Regional Games 2013 will be on May 5 -12, 2013 at Malang City.
Please pay your 2nd semester contributions on or before April 30, 2013.
All checks will be paid to the order of Riza's Club with account # 02051527.
Thank you for your attention.
The announcement from The Management of Riza's Club informs all members of the club about Riza Regional Games 2013. This will be held from May 5 to May 12, 2013 at Malang City. The members have to pay the 2nd semester contributions on or before April 30, 2013 through checks to the account # 02051527.
I have a lot of friends in my school, but Dinda has been my best friend since junior high school. We don't study in the same class, but we meet at school everyday during recess and after school. I first met her at junior high school orientation and we've been friends ever since.
Dinda is good-looking. She's not too tall, with fair skin and wavy black hair that she often puts in a ponytail. At school, she wears the uniform. Other than that, she likes to wear jeans, casual t-shirts and sneakers. Her favourite t-shirts are those in bright colours like pink, light green and orange. She is always cheerful. She is also very friendly and likes to make friends with anyone. Like many other girls, she is also talkative. She likes to share her thoughts and feelings to her friends. I think that's why many friends enjoy her company. However, she can be a bit childish sometimes. For example, when she doesn't get what she wants, she acts like a child and stamps her feet.
Dinda loves drawing, especially the manga characters. She always has a sketchbook with her everywhere she goes. She would spend some time to draw the manga characters from her imagination. Her sketches are amazingly great. I'm really glad to have a best friend like Dinda.
Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.
Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks. 3. Dinda is good-looking. She's not too tall, with fair skin and wavy black hair that she often puts in a ponytail. 4. She likes to wear jeans, casual t-shirts and sneakers. 5. Her favourite t-shirts are those in bright colours like pink, light green and orange. 6. She is always cheerful. She is also very friendly and likes to make friends with anyone. Like many other girls, she is also talkative. She likes to share about her thoughts and feelings to her friends. 7. Because she's cheerful and friendly. 8. When she doesn't get what she wants, she acts like a child and stamps her feet. 9. Dinda loves drawing, especially manga characters. 10. The writer is really glad to have a best friend like Dinda. On that bright and sunny Saturday morning, the radio station was full of Afganisme (that's how Afgan's fans are called). They sat on the chairs prepared inside the radio station's lobby. Some stood in rows in the front yard of the radio station. A spot inside a lobby was prepared with a mini stage for Afgan's singing performance and a table for Afgan to sign Afganisme's memorabilia. Finally, after about 40 or 50 minutes wait, Afgan showed up from inside the radio station. He smiled and waved to all Afganisme who had been waiting excitedly saying, "Good morning. How are you all?". The crowd went crazy, the shouts sounded like a mix of "Fine, thank you" and screams of Afgan's name. Then, he started the event by singing his hit single "Dia dia dia". Afganisme went even crazier, they sang along with him throughout the song. Of course, I did too. I couldn't take my eyes off this amazing singer who had released three albums. When he finished with the song, the host announced that it was time for autographing the memorabilia. I prepared my CDs and began to stand in the line. When I arrived at the table, I was speechless. It was unreal just seeing him that close. I thought it was really cool seeing him like that because he really just felt like a normal person, which was awesome. It was Monday afternoon. I was tidying up my room when I heard the bell of the ice cream vendor. I called him and went out to buy the ice cream. My cousin, Didi, was watching TV. His face looked unhappy. I wanted to cheer him up so I bought him the ice cream too. We enjoyed the ice cream together. Suddenly he asked me where I got the money from. I told him I didn't know. The money was just in the wallet. I thought that the money was mine because I sometimes forgot that I had money, or where I kept my money. Didi said that the money was his. He grabbed my wallet and took an ID card from it. He showed me his student ID card. Hey, it's Didi's wallet. I didn't know that. I was sorry that I had spent some of the money for the ice cream. But luckily, Didi didn't get angry. His face even looked happy. He opened his wallet and gave me some. Didi, I love you man. pertanyaan, "What will you guess?" "What will you mention when you guess? " "Who will the winner be?" -Guru mengajak siswa mencoba melakukan permainan sekali saja.
May 31 is being charged with treason, but government officials have not explained the charges. 2. Bali is renowned for its beauty. It is called Goddes Island. 3. The guerrilla army would avoid any confrontation with large units of enemy troops, but seek and eliminate small groups of soldiers to minimize losses. 4. In the past, the aristocratic class ruled the society. Their words were listened, followed and applied by people. 5. During the earthquake, the troops are busy helping people to move. They evacuate women, old people and children to the prepared shelter. 6. When people go to holy war, their intention is not to get wealth or worldly materials. They do it for the sake of God. 7. The hijeckers finally surrender to the police but they have three demands to fulfill. 8. One may not betray his/her own country. If s/he does that , s/he should get a harsh punishment. 9. After a long investigation, he was declared that she was innocent. 10. The man got four years' imprisonment for assaulting a police officer. The punishment was given to make him feel a deep regret for having done such a cruel behavior. Upon returning back from a long journey to Europe, she reclaimed her ownership of the pretty house next to the lake. 12. He died as a martyr in the war againts Dutch colonization. 13. "No more tears!" she said to herself after realizing that the man she loves and she expects to come back was a bandit. 14. he can't resist the temptation to pickpocket every time he is in the mall. 15. As an exile, she cannot return back to her own town.
Introductory paragraph At once Grandfather and Grandmother began to prepare for Issumboshi's trip. Issumboshi was ready.
Issumboshi went on the trip with a big wish in a small body. At last Issumboshi reached the capital city and anchored under the bridge. Then he climbed up to the railing and viewed the town.
There was a fine palace over there. At long last Issumboshi arrived at the palace. He wanted to meet the feudal lord. He wanted to become a retainer. The king wondered whether Issumboshi's small body could do anything. Kanchil, the small and clever mousedeer, had many enemies in the forest. Fortunately, he was quick-witted, so that every time his life was threatened, he managed to escape.
One of his greatest enemies was Crocodile, who lived in the river that bordered the forest. Many times Crocodile had tried to capture Kanchil. Crocodile was big, but he was not very clever. Kanchil was able to trick him every time.
One day it was very hot. There was no wind at all to refresh the thirsty plants and trees of the forest. It was in the middle of the dry season. For many weeks no rain had fallen, so the little creeks where the small animals used to drink had dried up. Kanchil was walking alone in the forest. He was very thirsty. He had walked a long way, looking for a brook where he could quench his thirst.
… … … The news that Malin has become rich ran fast in the town. 6. She ran to the beach to meet the new rich merchant 7. Because Malin denied that she was her mother and he yelled at her. 8. She cursed Malin Kundang that he would turn into a stone if he didn't apologize to her. 9. A thunderstorm came in the quiet sea, wrecking his huge ship. He was thrown out to a small island and turned into a stone. 10. The moral of the story is that we have to respect our parents, especially our mother. : a person who invented a particular process or device or who invents things as an occupation.
: the action of inventing something, typically a process or device. 3. airplane : a powered flying vehicle with fixed wings and a weight greater than that of the air it displaces 4. tool : a device or implement, esp. one held in the hand, used to carry out a particular function. 5. inspiration : the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, esp. to do something creative. 6. helicopter : a type of aircraft that derives both lift and propulsion from one or two sets of horizontally revolving overhead rotors. It is capable of moving vertically and horizontally, the direction of motion being controlled by the pitch of the rotor blades. 7. rubber band : a loop of stretchy rubber for holding things together.
: showing curiosity or concern about something or someone; having a feeling of interest. kites : a toy consisting of a light frame with thin material stretched over it, flown in the wind at the end of a long string. 10. experiment : a scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact. 11. breeze : a gentle wind. 12. soften : make or become less hard. 13. crash : (of an aircraft) fall from the sky and violently hit the land or sea. 14. flight : the action or process of flying through the air. 15. glider : a light aircraft that is designed to fly for long periods without using an engine. 16. design : a plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a building, garment, or other object before it is built or made
Past tense digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu kejadian yang bermula dan berakhir pada waktu lampau.
Present perfect digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kejadian yang bermula di waktu lampau dan berlanjut hingga sekarang.
When you're down and troubled And you need a helping hand And nothing, nothing is going right Close your eyes and think of me And soon I will be there To brighten up even your darkest night You just call out my name
Read the text carefully, and then answer the comprehension questions.
Psychologists have found a battery of scientifically based strategies that could help improve ss' scores if they are practiced in examinations. Some of them are presented below.
Test yourself: Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis report that testing yourself on what you've just learnt helps embed it in your brain. In the journal Psychological Science, the scientists describe how they took two groups of ss and asked one to read a prose passage once, then test their knowledge of it up to three times. The other group was asked to re-read the passage up to three times. In an exam a week later, the self-testers recalled 61 per cent of the passage, compared with 40 per cent by the re-readers.
Use your imaginations: While revising, try to remember the classroom scene when you were taught a topic. This engages other parts of the brain -your imagination and visual sense -which can come to your exam when you're trying to recall facts. It also adds a bit of fun. You can even try emulating your teacher's movements. It sounds mad, but ss who mimic the gestures of teachers while learning maths learn new strategies more quickly than those who don't.
Listen to music: University of California psychologists have found that listening to music can improve academic performance. In one study, university ss scored higher marks after listening to a Mozart piano sonata than they did when they were tested after sitting in silence. Investigators believe that the complex structure and rhythms of classical music can also help by coordinating the parts of the brain that control rational and creative thought. But rock music may have a similar effect, say the researchers.
Night Nerves: The night before an exam can be hard. Don't start revising completely new areas -it will just make you panic. Instead, stick to key points and summaries. Actually, it's far more important to go to bed
Tell your friends about your favorite teacher. Use the following questions to help you.
-What is your teacher's name? -What subject does he/she teach? -Why do you like his/her teaching best?
Materials and Structures, 2005
Final version available in Intercultural Pragmatics 21(3): 379-402, 2024
Energy and Sustainability III, 2011, 2004
Expresiones políticas, materiales y simbólicas de los procesos reformistas “liberales en Iberoamérica” durante el siglo XIX, 2024
Proceedings of the VikingPLoP 2017 Conference on Pattern Languages of Program - VikingPLoP, 2017
Journal of Applied Science and Environmental Management, 2024
„Anuarul Muzeului Marinei Române – 2015”, tom XVIII, Editura Muzeului Marinei Române, Constanţa, 2015, p. 344-357, 2015
Bulletin of Ain Shams Center of Papyrological Studies and Inscriptions ' 2012, part I, pp. 19-35 , 2012
Cancer medicine, 2018
Review of Scientific Instruments, 2008