Postpositions that create time pattern in Azerbaijani language
The article studies the postpositions, which create time pattern in the Azerbaijani language. It is possible to refer to the postpositions in the Azerbaijani language that create time patterns like əvvəl, qabaq, sonra, bəri (before, prior, after, since). Time postpositions of Azerbaijani language express common time context; since the time is of different styles, these postpositions cannot always replace each other. Therefore, these attachments are not synonymous with each other.
Keywords: linguistics, postposition, time pattern, grammatical meaning
Postpositions əvvəl, qabaq, sonra, bəri (before, prior, later, since) in Azerbaijani language can be referred to postposition that form the time patterns. These postpositions are presented as "isolated postpositions from different speech parts". Even some linguists note that these words have features of main parts of speech and taking them out of postposition section respectively, studied them as the main parts of the speech [1, 96-97]. N.Abbasov writes in this regard: "The postpositions have historically lost their independence of independent speech parts. They had been formed as a result of the transition to auxiliary position. The availability of postpositions like bəri, qabaq, əvvəl (since, prior, before, etc), which haven’t lost its the lexical meaning and links with independent part of speech in our language shows that these are new postpositions historically, and the process of transformation of independent words into postpositions continues in our days, too. So, the morphological affinity of words like əvvəl, başqa və s. (before, another, and so on) is determined according to their place in sentence "[2, 158].
In fact, since the process of separating these postpositions from the main speech parts is not complete, they do not differ from the words they isolated from, both phonetically and lexically. The difference between them is due to functional-grammatical feature. It is known that the given words are included in the adverbs as the main part of the speech and each has a corresponding lexical-semantic meaning. Only the words “əvvəl” and “qabaq” (before and prior) are adverbs that can be replaced as adverbs. The word “sonra” (later) also refers to the meaning that is opposite to these words. The word “bəri” (since) generally, does not have a time concept and refers to the meaning of place, space. The combination of these words under the name of time is based on the functional-grammatical basis. Thus, the first two connect the event to the beginning, and the other two to the later. The combination of these under one heading is the creation in general the time content pattern in the word they attached to.
In general, unlike other languages, postpositions in our language cannot describe the small details of time or other meaning patterns. There are languages in which postposition can express small different meaning patterns of time. For example, in Kalmykia and Mongolia the derbet language uses separate postpositions for each small time concept [3]. According to researchers, 35 postposition models are used in Khanty language to express very rich time relations [4, 50].
Time postpositions in Azerbaijani language express common time conception; since time is of various style, these postpositions cannot always replace each other. Therefore, not all four can be considered synonymous with one another. However, the words “əvvəl” (before) and “qabaq” (prior) are in certain synonymous relations and this synonymy is linked to semantic closeness of these words in the adverb version. Both of these words relate the occurrence of events to the past in terms of the lexical-semantic meaning. But today they cannot replace one another in full form; they are required to be used with plural suffix in order they are to be used as synonym: Əvvəllər (qabaqlar) kənd cavanlarının bu hərəkətinə bəraət qazandırmazdılar (M.İbrahimov). Previously (in the past), this action of the village youth wouldn’t be justified (M. Ibrahimov).
As you can see, these words cannot be used in the place of others without the suffix of plural. At this point, the meaning will be changed. For example, if we compare sentences “Əvvəl heç kim buna inanmamışdı” (Initially nobody believed it) and “Qabaq heç kim buna inanmamışdı” ("In the past nobody believed it) we can see that the whole information is different. If the word “əvvəl” (before) means a time starting from the time of the main event to beginning, but not so far time, the word “qabaq” "prior" has the meaning of the word “qədim” (ancient). Because of this meaning difference, they cannot replace each other in their simple forms - after accepting the suffix -lar, since the time concept in both words referring to past becomes more abstract they can replace each other. In this regard, “əvvəl” "before" and “qabaq” (prior) postpositions isolated from those words can be used in place of other in any situation. For example: Tamaşadan əvvəl(qabaq) heç kim fikir söyləmək istəmirdi (Anar);.No one wanted to express a view before the play (Anar); Bu hadisə olmamışdan qabaq(əvvəl) onları bir yerdə görən olmamışdı (Mir Cəlal); Prior to this event, nobody saw them together (Mir Jalal).
We cannot say the same thing about “sonra”(after) and “bəri”(since) postpositions, which can replace each other as a postposition in sentence. Thus words isolated by these postpositions have different meanings; The word “sonra”(after) is the adverbial modifier of time and word “bəri” (since) is adverbial modifier of time space. However, it should be taken into consideration that although the word “bəri” (since) is presented as a adverb of place in the linguistic literature, there are also directional patterns in the semantics of this word, or more precisely, express the pattern of a content of from far to near. Since this content of direction is abstract it forms different patterns when it comes to contact with different words.
When it is used with time meaning lexical unit, it serves to indicate the time that aimed after relevant time point. From this point of view, both the “sonra” (after) and “bəri” (since) postpositions create the time concept in terms of both semantics and general grammatical meanings and can substitute each other as synonyms. But the difference in their initial semantics does not allow them to be absolutely synonymous. For example: Cavad gedəndən sonra ananın üzü gülməmişdi; Cavad gedəndən sonra gəlin də bu evdə qala bilmədi (H.İbrahimov).After Javad went, her face did not laugh; After Javad's departure, the bride could not stay in this house (H. Ibrahimov).
Since the phrase “Cavad gedəndən sonra” (after Javad went) used in same grammatical function in these two different sentences has no same semantic content, the possibility of being replaced by a “sonra” (later) postposition with synonym “bəri” postposition is not the same. Thus, in the first sentence, if there were a possibility to replace “sonra” (after) postposition with “bəri” postposition, but in the second sentence it is impossible.
One noteworthy aspect related to relations of these postpositions is that when they are used with words in prepositional it can also express the space conception in the spoken language. At that these postpositions express not the close meanings but on the contrary, refers to the opposite meaning. For example: Raykomun binasından bəri Əlləzoğlunun evi idi (İ.Hüseynov). Before the building of executive power there was Allazoglu's house (I.Huseynov).
The postposition in this sentence expresses the direction from the main space towards speaking person. If we replace the “bəri” (from) postposition to “sonra” (after) postposition, it will still form the direction content, but the semantic pattern is completely different; thus at that point, not the space from exact space towards speaking one, but the opposite direction is given: Raykomun binasından sonra Əlləzoğlunun evi idi. The home of Allazoglu was next to the building of region executive office.
Note that postpositions are related to space conception as to creation and functionality origin. This idea can be found in most relevant linguistic works. But later the concept of time was also included here. In this respect, the participation of spatial postpositions in many cases in creation of time patterns has a natural process character [5].
In the contemporary Azerbaijani language, the fact that the postpositions forming the spatial content create time patterns also draws our attention. While creating postpositions “kimi, qədər, -can2. –dək” create space-direction meaning, it is added to time meaningful nouns or word combinations, creates a certain pattern of time. These postpositions are synonymous with each other in that meaning. For example: Səhər açılana kimi (qədər, -can, -dək) bütün anlaşılmazlıqlar aradan götürüləcək (M.İbrahimov). All disputes will be eliminated until morning comes. (M. Ibrahimov).
As you can see, the words presented as time postpositions have the time context in their potential and, therefore, independently in which word or word combination it is attached, it forms the time meaning patterns in them. And the postpositions given here cannot, in fact, combine with any word to create a time pattern, because in their potential, or more precisely, in the historical context of the isolated words there is the meaning of space. Since the concept of space here exists at the boundary level, this boundary affects the meaning of meaningful nouns when postposition attached to it, but it forms the time boundary.
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