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Folder em Inglês - Mapa e Cronologia
This is the original English text that was translated into Georgian for the teaching document of this name.
A History of Research into Ancient Egyptian Culture conducted in Southeast Europe, 2015
The basic aim of the Croato-Aegyptica (CA) database project is to select relevant material which represents the Egyptian cultural heritage in Croatia from both institutions and private collections (c. 4000–5000 artifacts). From its initial phase in 2003 around 3000 artifacts were analyzed and inserted into our CA database. In the next phase (2015–2018), the online digital catalogue, as the final product, will include all Egyptian museum and private collections in Croatia from the Predynastic periods until the Arab conquest of Egypt in the 7th century AD. The plan is to implement CA database into the Global Egyptian Museum which is carried out under the aegis of the International Committee for Egyptology (CIPEG) and the Center for Documentation of Cultural & Natural Heritage of Egypt (Cultnat).
Current research in Egyptology. Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Symposium, University of Liverpool, 2011
This is the first presentation of the 600 objects of the Egyptian collection on display at the Accademia dei Concordi in Rovigo, Italy. The project of study was achieved with the publication of the whole group of artifacts, published for the first time in the official (and only) catalogue edited by me and Mr. Musso in 2012.
Resource guide to selected publications and online materials on Ancient Egypt, including some neighbours, from Prehistory through the Roman-Byzantine periods (aimed mainly at students & public, but useful to other researchers), 2021
ABSTRACT: Preface to the Guide: Focus and limitations: The compilation of this guide began in Spring 2007 as a series of check lists and book requests for the somewhat small collection of Egyptological and related works in M. H. Sterne library at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. During the development of several courses on Ancient Egypt, the Ancient Near East, and other areas spanning Prehistory through to the Roman period (and later), the collection grew, and continues to expand, and began to require a research paper guide for students enrolled in courses dealing with these geographic areas and time periods. The nature of the prime cliental, namely undergraduate to MA students in a North American setting, in conjunction with limited funding, has steered –of necessity– the building of both Sterne library’s collections and this guide towards mostly English-language sources, less expensive works, and more easily available and more recent publications. Overall aims: In order to maximize student and public research usage of the existing, albeit still limited, collections, I have since compiled and incorporated selected journal articles, book chapters, encyclopedia entries, and other book titles from Sterne Library’s physical holdings (i.e., non-electronic sources) into diverse categories of research topics/subjects. In addition, every effort has been made to add a full listing of electronic sources (including links) available to researchers of the geographic and temporal areas covered by this guide (i.e., mainly Prehistoric to Roman period Egypt). The guide also provides general assistance for more serious/professional scholars (i.e., a quick reference to key articles, chapters, and volumes), but remains a tool aimed at English-speaking undergraduate-MA students and the public, focusing on Sterne’s holdings (note: other emerging Egyptological libraries will also approximate Sterne’s holdings). Design and usage: An attempt has been made to obtain sources spanning all aspects of Ancient Egypt and related areas, which have in-turn influenced the subdivision of the guide into general works, time periods, and diverse subject areas. Some of these categories have grown sufficiently large to merit further subdivision, such as the New Kingdom section, which has a general list of sources, materials regarding individual rulers, and a few affiliated topics of interest (Exodus; Sea Peoples). I have attempted to place each source (i.e., books; book chapters; encyclopedia entries; journal articles) under each pertinent topic category that it covers, but naturally I may have missed some categories, while there may be other complementary and broader works that cover such topics elsewhere. A list of the pertinent call number ranges has been placed at the end of the guide (see table of contents) to assist in the merits of additional shelf-browsing. Beyond the guide: Naturally there are numerous significant Egyptological sources outside Sterne Library’s holdings (including electronic links: e.g., JSTOR) that might be retrieved via interlibrary loan. Sterne Library’s current Egyptological resources, however, are sufficient to introduce most areas of Egyptological research, and enable the researcher to consult the endnotes/footnotes and bibliographic data listed in recent books, articles, and encyclopedia entries to compile a list of further resources that may either be accessed via interlibrary loan, or possibly by visiting directly a neighbouring professional Egyptological library: e.g., the instructor (UAB); Atlanta (Emory University); Memphis (Memphis State University). The collections in other Birmingham and Alabama libraries have online links via Sterne Library’s website, and offer many duplicate and different Egyptological works that are often accessible to the public/students: e.g., Birmingham Public Library, Gorgas Library (UA). Naturally, I encourage students, faculty, and public researchers to see me for further assistance with this guide and their research topics. Gregory Mumford (UAB) Update: 15 Jan., 2021 PLEASE NOTE: This resource has received substantial updates in pertinent sections within the guide. Some additional sorting of various articles/entries is still required, but these articles can be found, unsorted, at the end of the guide (e.g., articles from KMT, JSSEA, EA, etc., listed chronologically and by issue). I anticipate another update in the following year ...
(Books and papers have been entered in alphabetical order as they were incorporated into the Library, therefore it is a primarily chronological and then alphabetical list)
The formation of the Egyptological Archives and Library of the Università degli Studi di Milano and their main activities until 2009
this report of two phases First report: The state of knowledge in Egyptology from the ancient Egyptian religion, "Symbols and signs" the most important, in the ancient Egyptian language, and the depth of hieroglyphics, in the Hieroglyphs line used style Graphical for recording events on the monuments Religious, and on the walls of temples, tombs, texts carved stone, and colored wooden panels, because of their nature, were considered since ancient system of writing and beautiful art decorative at the same time, like that of the Latin line or Arab. The ancient Egyptian lines key: hieroglyphic lines, and hieratic and demotic.
The Encyclopedia of Ancient History
electronic form only:: NE
One of the smaller but in the same time one of the most interesting Egyptian collections in Croatia is placed in Varaždin. Originally the collection was in the 19th century in the possession of the noble family Pasthory-Varady. In 1920's these artefacts came in the possession of the Museum of the City of Varaždin. There are six artefacts in the collection: one clay cup from late Badari or Naqada I period, one limestone funeral stele of Mery-Mery who was «military scribe, of the Lord of two lands» and «overseer of domain» of Sitamun, the daughter of Amenhotep III, and whole set of four canopic jars from 26th Saite dynasty (reign of Psamtek I). The authors analyse the artefacts from the Museum of the City of Varaždin (history of the collection; basic information of the objects: inventory numbers, material, dimensions, bibliography; description, transliteration and translation with 6 color plates).
Autobusy : technika, eksploatacja, systemy transportowe, 2019
International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2014
Journal of Virology, 2011
Gli eroi di Marce Atie. Gli Etruschi dipingono il mito, 2024
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2020
Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 2018
Amerta Nutrition, 2019
Jurnal Abdi Insani, 2024