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Se exponen las concepciones clásicas de metodología, ciencia, técnica, ciencia básica, aplicada y se analizan desde un paradigma de complejidad. Se plantea al trialismo como una metodología de la investigación jurídico-científica compleja, apta para realizar en los despliegues docentes, investigativos, judiciales, administrativos y científicos una labor completa, auténtica, realista y abarcadora. Se analizan las metodologías propias y pertinentes a cada una de las dimensiones del Derecho, lo que confirma que la ciencia jurídica tenga que justificar la no implementación de alguna de aquellas en su ámbito, so pena de marginar un estudio científico confiable y auténtico.
Journal of Maharishi Vedic Research Institute, 2024
This article is the third of a series on three sections of the book by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, "Maharishi Vedic University: Vedic Knowledge for Everyone", first published in 1994. In these sections, Maharishi systematically develops teaching on consciousness, which, as celebrated later in the book, is described as unprecedented knowledge of the highest significance for the quality of human life. The practical aspect of this knowledge, Maharishi teaches, are the simple, natural techniques of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation program, its advanced techniques, and the Transcendental Meditation-Sidhi Program. Maharishi emphasises that understanding and experience go together in the development of consciousness. Scientific research documenting the comprehensive effectiveness of this program has been published over more than 50 years in refereed journals across the world. Maharishi’s focus in these three sections is on the nature of consciousness. The titles of these sections are: ‘What is Consciousness?’; ‘Consciousness, Existence, Intelligence’; and ‘Evolution of Consciousness’. They have been discussed in a previous article. Together they lay out, from first principles, Maharishi’s teaching of the field of consciousness as the self-referral source of creation, and of the relationship of that ultimate reality to Veda and Vedic Literature. As we have noted in previous articles, the footnotes in this book, and in other books published by Maharishi at this time, have a particular role in the exposition of this teaching. Maharishi has expressed that role, and its relationship to the main text, in this way: "As the theme of my Absolute Theory of Government is Vedic, efforts have been made to put it in a language that can be understood by all and at the same time explain the fine fabrics of knowledge and maintain some Vedic Terms, especially for the Vedic Scholars who are familiar with the procedure of digging deep into the fine fabrics of language. The footnotes explain the deepest principles of administration, the deepest values of the knowledge of administration, which can be completely expressed only in the Language of Natural Law—the Vedic Language." In the three sections that have been our focus, Maharishi included two extended footnotes of particular significance. The first of these footnotes, number 23, has been discussed previously. The second of the footnotes, number 27, arises in the section, ‘Evolution of Consciousness’, where the following paragraph appears: "In its momentum of transformation, the interplay (self-referral dynamism) of Ṛishi, Devatā, Chhandas continues to create sound from sound—from one form of sound to the second more evolved form of sound to the next (third) more evolved form of sound (specific alphabets—vowels and consonants). The evolution of material form commences from the frequencies (vowels and consonants)—speech, through its structured forms, progresses to generate different frequencies and their corresponding material forms." In this paragraph the term ‘self-referral’ is referred to footnote 27. That footnote, which extends over 17 paragraphs, is the subject of this article.
— The study aimed to explore how, if at all, therapists' experiences of their work changed in the wake of engaging in an intensive eight-week mindfulness training program. We used a hermeneutic phenom-enological approach to interview and develop in-depth descriptions of four therapists' experiences in relation to mindfulness and their therapeutic practices. Therapist-participants completed semi-structured interviews before and after the mindfulness program. The results pointed to several common themes indicating changes therapists described after participating in the mindfulness program. Themes on the reported changes were organized into three categories: (1) personal relationship with mindfulness; (2) relationship
Journal for the Study of Spirituality, 2020
Helen Bridgewater. SHC 51 use and develop systems that promote communication. 1 Be able to address the range of communication requirements in own role. 1. Review the range of groups and individuals whose communication needs must be addressed in own job role. As Deputy Manager it is part of my job role to communicate with various groups and individuals either by face to face, meetings, email, telephone or postal correspondence. It is vital that I communicate effectively and in a way that everyone understands. I am responsible for information sharing across a wide range of professionals and family members, including Social Services, Gp's, paramedics, nurses and other health care professions. It is important that I express the health care needs or concerns / symptoms to the relevant people and that any answers to my questions are understood. When dealing with family members I need to show empathy and make them feel included and supported while maintaining a professional attitude. I also need to communicate well with the management team, members of staff and other visitors that I come into contact with on a daily basis. Some of our team members are from different countries and cultures so it is vital that we all learn how to communicate by understanding and learning their differences and by keeping speech formal and not using slang or jargon. I need to ensure that all staff are trained to understand how use the clients individual preferred method of communication. When communicating with clients it is important that I understand the client's needs and recognise any barriers I may face, some of my clients suffer from dementia and often feel frustrated or confused during meetings so it would be better for them to have several short meetings to discuss care plans etc. One of my clients has difficulty in understanding the name of certain foods that are served from the menu, we have implemented a book with pictures of the different meals so he is able to recognise them and make a choice of what he would like to eat that day. We also use a white board to communicate with the clients, the team update it on a daily basis with information such as activities, appointments and other information so that the clients are aware of what is happening that day. 2. Explain how to support effective communication within own job role. In my job role as Deputy Manager it is vital to have good communication skills. I need to communicate well with clients, their families, staff/colleagues and other health care professionals to ensure the best care and needs for my clients. There are several forms of communication that I use on a daily basis including verbal, written, email and telephone. Developing my interpersonal skills allows me to interact positively and communicate effectively with others using non-verbal messages such as tone of voice, facial expressions, gestures and body language. When communicating with staff it is important that they understand what is expected of them and part of my job role is to ensure that all staff are aware and informed of any changes. I use an internal email system to communicate messages to all staff to update them of any significant changes to the care and treatment of the clients. I need to ensure the messages are clear, concise and well written, avoiding spelling mistakes and jargon or slang words to minimise the chance of any misunderstandings. I need to keep the staff well informed of what is happening within the workplace to gain the trust and respect from them, this is usually done through regular staff meetings. I also need to ensure the staff are trained in communication skills to ensure they can interact with the client's individual preferred method of communication and show empathy and understanding of their needs and values without judgement. Sharing information with family members and other health care professionals is also a major part of my job role and this means effective communication between all parties, I need to create an atmosphere of trust by involving everyone in decision making and keeping everyone informed of all details. 3. Analyse the barriers and challenges to communication within own job role.
1 (Program Studi Magister Agroekoteknologi, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh) 2 (Program Studi Magister Agroekoteknologi, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh). Abstract : The aims of the study were to determine the comparison between coffee plant management systems and altitude against pest attacks. This study used a 3 × 2 factorial randomized block design (RBD) with 5 replications, the factors that were tried were. Altitude 3 levels namely, K1: 800-1,000 meters above sea level, K2: 1,000-1,200 meters above sea level, K3: 1,200-1,400 meters above sea level. The management system consists of 2 levels, namely: O: Organic, N: Non-organic. This research was conducted in Aceh Tengah District. This research began from July to September 2016. The height of the place and the management system of coffee plants influence the intensity of PBKo pests and there is an interaction between the height of the place and the management system of coffee plants.
Absract Training (Diklat) is a form of employee development toward achieving the vision and mission of an organization. The process toward achieving vision and mission is inseparable from various challenges such as: technological development, polotic, social, and the demand for good quality service. In order to get the right balance as a result of those challenges, the existence of qualified human resoure that meet the required qualification needs to be taken into account in order to obtain effective work as demanded by either internal and external stakeholder. One of the efforts that can done is by improving the training management. Trainig will be more effective when it is capable of transforming one's attitudes to meet the organization's goals. In accordance to that, there are some stages needed to be done : 1) planning stage which involves needs analysis, setting objectives for the training management development, the material/curriculum, time/duration of training, trainer and method of training, 2) the training which involves setting the committee either in organizing committee, those belong to the training organization and sterring committee, those immediately in charge of the training, 3) evaluation stage can be conducted through the following alternatives::post test, pretest/post test, or multiple pretest/multiplepost test, atau post training action plan. Pendahuluan Reformasi terhadap kualitas pegawai (sumberdaya manusia) merupakan bagian dari reformasi pemerintahan dalam rangka mengarah pada pencapaian good governance. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan melalui sistem manajemen kinerja, yang tidak hanya pada staf akan tetapi menyeluruh dari pegawai jajaran kepemimpinan sampai dengan pegawai pada tingkat operasional. Salah satu aspek dalam manajemen kinerja adalah bagaimana sistem pengembangan pegawai dikelola dalam kemasan pendidikan dan pelatihan supaya benar-benar sesuai dengan fungsinya, yakni mampu memberikan efek positif pada peningkatan kinerja dalam lingkungan organisasinya. Kebutuhan pendidikan dan pelatihan muncul karena adanya masalah-masalah yang mengganggu kinerja organisasi, seperti penurunan prestasi yang mencakup menurunya pelayanan, menurunnya tingkat produksi. Di samping itu perubahan lingkungan organisasi yang penuh ketidakpastian (boundarlys organization) memaksa sebuah organisasi untuk selalu menyesuaikan dan
Neither statistical 'green' nor ethnographic 'brown' European and American styles of archaeoastronomy have so far provided convincing interpretations of the meaning of prehistoric monument alignments. Statistical tests of the null hypothesis never reach the level of meaning, and contemporary ethnographic data cannot be equated with the cultures of prehistory. Gains have been made. Since the 1980's European archaeoastronomy has established rigorous field work methods and scientific procedures that guard against the over-interpretation of prehistoric monument alignments that characterised the discipline in preceding decades. However, the discipline still has to embrace those procedures that can interpret unique prehistoric monuments rather than just regional groups of monuments, and to interpret a growing data base which includes many combined alignments on lunar standstills and the sun's solstices. These hesitations seem to flow from a reticence to provoke an otherwise sceptical archaeology establishment. This paper argues that archaeoastronomy can perform an invaluable function with four-field anthropology (archaeology, social anthropology, biological anthropology and linguistics) as a keystone discipline within such a multi-disciplinary arch. The paper demonstrates such a role through a critique of the present archaeological interpretations of the paradoxical approach of the West Kennet Avenue to the Avebury circle and henge in Wiltshire, England. It finds that the archaeology of cattle-herding monument building cultures and the anthropology of brideprice subverting brideservice can be synthesised with the archaeoastronomy of lunar-solar combined alignments to confirm an emergent model of an elite cattle-owning male-dominated cosmology which both continues and displaces an ancient lunar-governed hunting and gathering ritual system onto a solar timescale.
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REFERENSI ISLAMIKA: Jurnal Studi Islam, 2024
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