ISSN 0973 – 9874
Evaluation of Antioxidant Activities of Aqueous Extract of Stem
Bark of Boswellia Ovalifoliolata in Streptozotocin Induced
Diabetic Rats
Department of Biochemistry, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, AP, India.
Department of Biotechnology, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, AP, India.
This study was designed to investigate the antioxidant activity of the aqueous extract of stem bark of
Boswellia ovalifoliolata (AESBBO) in streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetic rats. Oral administration
of aqueous extract at a dose of 200 mg /kg bw/day/ for 40 days significantly decreased hepatic and
renal thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and activity of catalase (CAT). There was a
significant improvement in the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidise
(GPx) and glutathione-s-transferase (GST) in liver and kidney of STZ induced diabetic rats after
treatment with AESBBO when compared with untreated diabetic rats. These results clearly indicate
that aqueous extract of Boswellia ovalifoliolata (AESBBO) possess significant antioxidant effect in
diabetic rats.
Keywords: Antioxidant activity, Boswellia ovalifoliolata, Glibenclamide, Streptozotocin.
and treatment [6]. In the natural system of medicine many
plants have been claimed to be useful for the treatment of
diabetes mellitus. The dependence of large rural population
on medicinal plants for treatment of diabetes is because of
its availability and affordability [7]. In recent years, several
authors evaluated and identified the antidiabetic potential
of traditionally used Indian medicinal plants using
experimental animals. Although a large number of medicinal
plants have been tested for their antidiabetic effects, it
remains to be investigated in several other Indian medicinal
Herbal medicines are the oldest remedies known to
mankind. In the present scenario, the demand for herbal
products is growing exponentially throughout the world
and major pharmaceutical companies are currently
conducting extensive research on plant materials for their
potential medicinal value. In many journals, national and
international, we find an increasing number of research
publications based on herbal drugs. Many analysis-based
studies regarding pharmacological research in India have
been conducted in the past [1].
Excessive oxidative stress is observed in the diabetes
[8]. Oxidative stress is currently suggested as mechanism
underlying diabetes and diabetic complication [9]. During
diabetes, persistent hyperglycemia causes increased
production of free radicals, especially reactive oxygen
species (ROS) for all tissues from glucose auto-oxidation
and protein glycosylation. The increase in the level of ROS
in diabetes could be due to their increased production and
or decreased destruction by non enzymatic and enzymatic
antioxidants. The level of these antioxidants critically
influences the susceptibility of various tissues to oxidative
stress and is associated with the development of
complications in diabetes [10]. Oxidants are generated as a
result of normal intracellular metabolism in mitochondria
and peroxisomes, as well as from a variety of cytosolic
enzyme systems. In addition, a number of external agents
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized by hyper
glycemia resulting due to deficiency of insulin secretion by
pancreas, ineffectiveness of produced insulin, or both [2].
It is the most important non-infective epidemic to hit the
globe in the present millennium. The number of people
suffering from diabetes worldwide is increasing at an
alarming rate. It is predicated that about 366 million people
are likely to be diabetic by the year 2030 [3]. It causes
number of complications like retinopathy, neuropathy, and
peripheral vascular insufficiencies [4]. Hyperglycemia can
be handled initially with oral synthetic agents and insulin
therapy. However, these synthetic agents produce some
serious side effects and are relatively expensive for
developing countries [5]. The toxicity of oral antidiabetic
agents differs widely in clinical manifestations, severity,
October - December 2013
Journal of Pharmacy and Chemistry • Vol.7 • Issue.4
can trigger ROS production. A sophisticated enzymatic
and nonenzymatic antioxidant defence system including
catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and reduced
glutathione (GSH) counteracts and regulates overall ROS
levels to maintain physiological homeostasis. Lowering ROS
levels below the homeostatic set point may interrupt the
physiological role of oxidants in cellular proliferation and
host defence. Similarly, increase in ROS may also be
detrimental and lead to cell death or to acceleration in
ageing and age-related diseases. Traditionally, the
impairment caused by increased ROS is thought to result
from random damage to proteins, lipids and DNA. In
addition to these effects, a rise in ROS levels may also
constitute a stress signal that activates specific redox
sensitive signalling pathways. Once activated, these diverse
signalling pathways may have either damaging or potentially
protective functions [11].
by the Taxonomist of the Herbarium, Department of Botany,
Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh,
India. A voucher specimen (Herbarium Accession Number:
516) has been kept in our library herbarium for future
reference. The stem bark of Boswellia ovalifoliolata was
dried in shade, powdered and the powder was used for the
preparation of different solvent extracts.
Preparation of Aqueous extract
To prepare aqueous extract the SBBO powder (1 kg)
was soaked in distilled water (3 volumes) in a glass jar for
2 days at room temperature and the solvent was filtered.
This was repeated 3 to 4 times until the filtrate gave no
coloration. The filtrate was concentrated under reduced
pressure in the Buchi rotavapour R-200 and finally freeze
dried. The yield of the extract was 26% w/w.
Phytochemical analysis of the aqueous extract
Aqueous extract of SBBO was screened for the
presence of various phytochemical constituents using
standard methods of phytochemical analysis [24].
In, India Ayurvedic medicine has great importance to
treat the diabetes and its complications. Since ancient period,
it gains more popularity due to its less toxic effects and
more efficacious. Many herbs have been shown to have
antidiabetic action in both human and animals [12].
Induction of diabetes
Diabetes was induced in male Wistar albino rats aged
2-3 months (180-200 g body weight) by intraperitoneal
administration of STZ (single dose of 50 mg/kg b.w.)
dissolved in freshly prepared 0.01M citrate buffer, pH 4.5.
After 72 h rats with marked hyperglycemia (FBG 250 mg/
dI) were selected and used for the study [25]. All the animals
were allowed free access to tap water and pellet diet and
maintained at room temperature in plastic cages, as per the
guidelines of Institute Animals Ethics committee. This study
was approved by institutional animal ethics committee vide
Resolution no: 31/2012-2013/(i)/a/CPCSEA/ IAEC/SVU/
CAR-YKP dt. 01-07-2012.
The ethnobotanical information reports about 800
plants that may possess antidiabetic potential [13], Folk
medicine for diabetes from Rayalaseema reports 26 plants
with antidiabetic activity, one such plant is Boswellia
sarrata, which showed antidiabetic effect in diabetic rats
[14,15], other species of this genus Boswellia ovalifoliolata
has wide range of medicinal uses [16], along with
antidiabetic activity [17]. Boswellia ovalifoliolata Bal and
Henry, a member of Burseraceae, is an endemic species
[18], which occurs at an altitudinal range of 250 - 600 m on
Seshachalam hill ranges of Palakonda region of Eastern
Ghats of India. This plant is vernacularly known as Konda
guggilum, Adavi sambrani. The plant is used by tribals to
treat number of medicinal ailments. The plant is over
exploited for its medicinal uses; especially the leaf juice is
used to prevent throat ulcers [19], the gum is used to cure
amoebic dysentery and hydroceal [20]. Stem bark is used
to cure rheumatic pains [21]. Equal mixture of Gum and
stem bark one tea spoon full is given daily with sour milk
on empty stomach for a month to cure stomach ulcers [22].
It is used in synthesizing silver nanoparticles, which can
provide a new platform to this plant making it’s a value
added tree for nanotechnology based medicine in future
[23]. But there are no significant reports on antioxidant
activity of the stem bark of Boswellia ovalifoliolata, hence
this study was taken up for the evaluation of antioxidant
effect of SBBO in STZ induced diabetic rats.
Experimental design
The rats were divided into 5 groups and each group
consisted of 6 rats as given below.
Group 1. Normal untreated rats
Group 2. Normal rats treated with 200mg of AESBBO /
kg bw/ day/ for 40 days
Group 3. Diabetic untreated rats
Group 4. Diabetic rats treated with 200mg of AESBBO /
kg bw/ day/ for 40 days
Group 5. Diabetic rats treated with 20mg glibenclamide /
kg bw/ day / for 40 days
AESBBO or glibenclamide was administered to the
rats every day morning for 40 days by gastric intubation
using oral gavage. All the five groups of rats were sacrificed
on the 41th day after an overnight fast, by anesthetizing
with anaesthetic ether and further by cervical dislocation.
Different tissues including liver and kidney were collected
and immediately frozen until the use, for measurement of
lipid peroxides and activities of antioxidant enzymes.
Materials and Methods
Collection of Plant material
The stems bark of Boswellia ovalifoliolata (SBBO)
Bal and Henry was collected from Tirumala hills, Tirupati,
Andhra Pradesh, India. It was identified and authenticated
October - December 2013
Journal of Pharmacy and Chemistry • Vol.7 • Issue.4
being quenched by the antioxidant systems [32]. There are
convincing experimental and clinical evidences that the
generation of reactive oxygen species is increased in both
types of diabetes and that the onset of diabetes is closely
associated with oxidative stress [33,34]. Free radicals are
formed disproportionately in diabetes by glucose auto
oxidation, polyol pathway and non-enzymatic glycation of
proteins [35].
Analytical procedures
The levels of TBARS in tissues were estimated by the
method of Fraga et al., 1988[26]. CAT activity was assayed
following the method of Sinha., 1972 [27]. SOD activity
was assessed according to the method of Kakkar et al.,
1984 [28]. GPx activity was measured as described by
Rotruck et al., 1973 [29]. GST activity was estimated
according to the method of Habig et al. 1974[30].
STZ - induced hyperglycemia induces free radical
generation which there by leads to DNA damage, protein
degradation, lipid peroxidation and finally culminating into
damage to various organs of the body like liver, kidney,
brain, eyes, enzymes and development of complications of
diabetes mellitus [36]. Implication of oxidative stress in
the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus is suggested not only
by oxygen free radical generation but also due to nonenzymatic protein glycosylation, auto-oxidation of glucose,
impaired antioxidant enzyme, and formation of peroxides
[37,38]. Increased oxidative stress as measured by the index
of lipid peroxidation has been shown to be increased in
both insulin-dependent (IDDM), and non-insulindependent
diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) [39] and it could cause initial
²-cell damage in type I diabetes or impaired insulin
production, release, or function in type II diabetes [40,41].
The increased lipid peroxidation in the diabetic animals
may be due to the observed remarkable increase in the
concentration of TBARS and hydroperoxides (lipid
peroxidative markers) in the liver and kidney of diabetic
rats (Stanely et al,. 2001) [42].
Statistical analysis
The results were expressed as mean ± S.D. The
statistical analysis of results was carried out using one-way
analysis (ANOVA) followed by DMRT.
Phytochemical analysis of Aqueous extract of SBBO
Phytochemical analysis of the aqueous extract of stem
bark of Boswellia ovalifoliolata has shown the presence of
Flavonoids, Saponins, Carbohydrates and Tannins.
Table.1 and table.2 Show the effect of long term
treatment with the AESBBO on lipid peroxides, activities
of CAT, SOD, GPX and GST.
Table.1 and Table.2 show the liver and kidney
(respectively) levels of TBARS, activities of SOD, CAT,
GPx and GST in the normal and experimental groups of
rats. There was a significant increase in the levels of
TBARS, CAT activity and a significant decrease in the
activities of SOD, GPx and GST in both tissues of diabetic
rats compared to those in normals. The treatment with
AESBBO decreased the levels of TBARS, CAT activity
and significantly increased activities of SOD, GPx and GST
in liver and kidney of diabetic rats. Treatment of the 5th
group of rats with glibenclamide resulted in similar changes
in the levels of lipid peroxides and antioxidant enzyme
In our study STZ was used to induce DM in rats rather
than alloxan. At low dose, STZ (50 mg/kg bw) partially
destructs the ²-cells, which secreted insufficient insulin
causing type 2 diabetes [43]. It is widely accepted animal
model and reported to resemble human hyperglycaemic non
ketotic diabetes mellitus [44], is often associated with kidney
hypertrophy which may contribute to end stage renal
damage, hepatotoxicity, oxidative stress and
hypercholesterolemia [45,46].
The use of plant products in the treatment of diabetes
mellitus is becoming advantageous due to the presence of
several bioactive compounds with therapeutic potential. In
recent years, several researchers have studied the worth of
different medicinal plants in controlling DM and delaying
the long term effects of DM. Boswellia ovalifoliolata is
one of the herbs mentioned in all ancient scriptures of
Ayurved. The present study was conducted to evaluate the
beneficial effects of Aqueous extract of stem bark of
Boswellia ovalifoliolata (AESBBO) on lipid peroxidation
and antioxidant status in STZ induced diabetic rats. It has
been stated that STZ diabetic animals may exhibit most of
the diabetic complications mediated through oxidative stress
(Ozturia et al., 1996) [31]. Oxidative stress depicts the
existence of products called free radicals and reactive
oxygen species (ROS) which are formed under normal
physiological conditions but become deleterious when not
October - December 2013
Hypoinsulinaemia in diabetes increases the activity of
the enzyme fatty acyl coenzyme A oxidase, which intiates
²-oxidation of fatty acids, resulting in lipid peroxidation
[47]. Increased lipid peroxidation impairs membrane
function by decreasing membrane fluidity and changing
the activity of membrane-bound enzymes and receptors.
The products of lipid peroxidation are harmful to most
cells in the body and are associated with a variety of
diseases, such as atherosclerosis and brain damage [48].
In the present study, we observed a significant increase
in lipid peroxide levels (TBARS) in the liver and kidney of
diabetic rats compared to normal rats. Administration of
AESBBO or glibenclamide decreased the levels of TBARS
in the liver and kidney of diabetic rats. This shows that
AESBBO might protect the tissues (liver and kidney) against
the cytotoxic action and oxidative stress of streptozotocin.
Journal of Pharmacy and Chemistry • Vol.7 • Issue.4
and glycation of the enzymes in diabetic state [53]. On
long-term treatment of diabetic rats AESBBO had reversed
the activities of these enzymatic antioxidants, This means
that the extracts can reduce the potential glycation of
enzymes or they may reduce the production of reactive
oxygen free radicals and improve the activities of
antioxidant enzymes.
DM is associated with increased formation of free radicals
and decrease in antioxidant potential. Due to these events,
the balance normally present in cells between radical
formation and the protection against them is disturbed [49].
An imbalance of the oxidant / antioxidant defence systems
results in alterations in the activity of antioxidant enzymes,
such as SOD, CAT,GR, GPx, and impaired glutathione
metabolism [50]. The present data indicates that STZinduced diabetes disrupts actions of liver and kidney
antioxidant enzymes. The decreased activities of these result
in accumulation of superoxide (O2), hydrogen peroxide
(H2O2), and hydroxyl radical (OH) that reduce the activity
of these enzymes [51,52].
In our study the activity of CAT was significantly
increased in liver and kidney of diabetic untreated rats.
The possible explanation for the increases in catalase activity
is that it could be a compensatory mechanism to prevent
tissue damage by the increased levels of H2O2 and decreased
levels of GPx,. In diabetes,it is thought that hypoinsulinemia
increases the activity of the enzyme, fatty acyl coenzyme A
oxidase, which initiates ± oxidation of fatty acids, resulting
in increased levels of H2O2. The CAT activity was restored
In our study, the activities of SOD, GPx and GST
were decreased in diabetic rats compared to normal rats,
which could be due to free radical-induced inactivation
Table - 1
Effect of long term treatment with the AESBBO on TBARS levels and
antioxidant enzyme activities in the livers of different experimental animals
F value
Lipid Peroxides
(nmoles MDA/ml)
(U/mg Protein)
(U/ mg protein)
(U/ mg protein)
(U/ mg protein)
16.0±0.68 c
17.4±0.43 d
6.4±0.33 a
13.1±0.59 b
12.0±0.55 b
21.4±0.33 d
24.0±0.40 e
8.7±0.45 a
18.3±0.27 c
16.0±0.55 b
Values are given as mean ± S.D from six rats in each group.
Values not sharing a common superscript letter differ significantly at p< 0.01 (DMRT).
Table – 2
Effect of long term treatment with AESBBO on TBARS levels and
antioxidant enzyme activities in the Kidneys of different experimental animals.
F value
Lipid Peroxides
(nmoles MDA/ml)
(U/mg Protein)
(U/ mg protein)
(U/ mg protein)
(U/ mg protein)
26.58±0.42 d
25.06±0.69 c
9.56±0.48 a
22.86±0.69 b
28.33±0.68 e
Values are given as mean ± S.D from six rats in each group.
Values not sharing a common superscript letter differ significantly at p< 0.01 (DMRT).
October - December 2013
Journal of Pharmacy and Chemistry • Vol.7 • Issue.4
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October - December 2013
Journal of Pharmacy and Chemistry • Vol.7 • Issue.4