Boundary Stones from Roman Dalmatia – Some Recent Discoveries

International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy (2012, Berlin)

Boundary Stones from Roman Dalmatia – Some Recent Discoveries (3) Votive inscription dedicated to Juppiter (Iovi / T. Plotius / [---) erroneously interpreted as a boundary inscription) Photo courtesy of T. Brajković Gradski muzej Šibenik (4) Boundary stone carved in natural bedrock (Sal(tus) te(rritorii) Tar(ionae)) from Blizna (nr. 33) Drawing after Babić, 1996: Fig. 2) (1) Unpublished boundary stone from Šibenik mentioning P. Cornelius Dolabella (nr. 36) Photo courtesy of T. Brajković (Gradski muzej Šibenik) As the authors have learned included in the present corpus. seems, he determined (2) Boundary stone carved in natural bedrock (Fines Nedite[nsis]) from Lacmanovići (nr. 5) about some yet unpublished Fines of the saltus territorii boundaries (perhaps, ex ne[gotio Photo and drawing courtesy of M. Ćurković (Zavičajni muzej Benkovac) boundary stones and as their (castelli) Tarionae have, however, finali?]), while M. Satrius C[---] study progressed, it become only been indeed recorded in two executed them in situ. natural to look into the entire inscriptions carved in natural Unfortunately, it can not be corpus of such monuments from bedrock (Fig. 4 and nos. 32-33). defined between which parties the Roman province of Dalmatia These are the first monuments the boundaries were set with this (Fig. 5). Compared to the state of mentioning Tariona, castellum that inscription, because their names research as published in 1974 by was previously known solely were carved in those parts of the J.J. Wilkes, the corpus grew by its from the literary evidence (Plin. inscription that are presently third: up to 1974 there were 27 of n. h., 3, 141: (...) Dein Tariotarum missing. them, and afterwards there were antiqua regio et castellum Tariona, Following the River Krka (Titius nine additional discoveries. Six promunturium Diomedis vel, ut alii, flumens) upstream from Šibenik of these were published (Babić paeninsula Hyllis (...)), confirming is the territory of the legionary 1996; Čače 2003; Zaninović 1985), its placement precisely at the camp Burnum that had its prata while the remaining three are to paeninsula Hyllis. Both marked with boundary stones. be published by the authors of inscriptions were made in the One was known for some time this poster. second decade of the 1st century now (nr. 13), while the other was On the other hand, there is one AD, when P. Cornelius Dolabella found few decades ago (nr. 31). Latin inscription that was was the governor of Dalmatia. The camp itself and a part of its interpreted by its publisher as a Another boundary stone set up territory are at the right river boundary stone (Catani 2008: 80 during his governorship is one bank, but the prata stretched f. sic: Salto(ru)m F(inis) / found long time ago in the city of across the river, at least for 15 km Tariot(arum)), despite the fact that Šibenik (nr. 36; Fig. 1). eastwards, towards Uzdolje it is a votive inscription of the Unfortunately, the monument is south of Knin, where both commonest kind (Fig. 3:), so, heavily damaged so most of its inscriptions were found at mere consequently, it has not been text is difficult to interpret As it 2 km distance. (5) Distribution of boundary stones in Roman Dalmatia. (Geographic background based on images from Google Earth and Further west from the River three (or four) belonging to their have been colony Iader itself, Krka, inscriptions mention border with Nedites. Two of which would be the first boundary settlements between these (nos. 7-8) most probably boundary monument regarding several Liburnian communities. should be regarded as solely this Roman town; the other This is the region with the one. Several years ago, two party might have been ancient greatest concentration of such fragments of a similar boundary Aenona. Another, quite tempting monuments within the Roman inscription (nr. 35) were found in idea comes to mind that A[---] (6) Boundary stone recently found in Zadar (ancient Iader) Dalmatia. Fines inter Asseriates et Novigrad. might stand for A[ugusti] (Geographic background based on images from Google Earth and Alverites are recorded in three The most recent discovery of denoting a border of an imperial almost identical inscriptions, Dalmatian boundary stones has estate. Other solutions should two of which are recent finds been the one from the territory also be investigated, while (nos. 29-30). One of the recently of the Roman colony of Iader. It archaeological investigations published boundary was found in Diklo (Fig. 6) would be more then welcome in inscriptions records boundaries perhaps in its original position hope of helping deciphering the E. Catani, 2008. Arheološko-povijesne bilješke o Castellum Tariona u rimsko doba, of Asseriates with another or not very far from it. The last lines of the inscription, Vjesnik za arheologiju i povijest dalmatinsku, 101, Split, 2008, 75–86. community - Corinienses (nr. boundary settlement recorded in which would consequently 28). this inscription was determined improve our understanding of J.J. Wilkes, 1974. Boundary Stones in Roman Dalmatia. I. The Inscriptions, Arheološki The latter were mentioned in by Dolabella, but the names of spatial organisation of the vestnik, 25, Ljubljana, 1974, 258-274. several other boundary parties involved are heavily territory of colonia Iader. inscriptions, among which are damaged. One of them might Bibliography I. Babić, 1996. Dva međašna natpisa namjesnika Publija Kornelija Dolabele iz trogirske Zagore, Arheološki radovi i rasprave, 12, Zagreb, 1996, 57–70. S. Čače, 2003. Aserija u antičkim pisanim izvorima, Asseria, 1, Zadar, 2003, 7-43. M. Zaninović, 1985. Prata legionis u Kosovom polju kraj Knina s osvrtom na teritorij Tilurija, Opuscula archaeologica, 10, Zagreb, 1985, 63-79. Anamarija Kurilić, Department of History, University in Zadar, Josipa Baraka, Department of Archaeology, University in Zadar,