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A myoelectric prosthetic arm can replace the missing arm that has been lost due to accident or diseases. This physical impairment limits the motor abilities of human arm. Our project aims to develop a cost effective arm using surface EMG electrodes. The muscle signals are collected using a sensor, processed and given to a microcontroller to rotate the servo motors accordingly. The magnitude of voltage signal decides the servo motor to be operated.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2019 Powered hand Prostheses with many degrees of freedom are moving from research in to the market for prosthetics. In order to make use of the prostheses full functionality, it is essential to study efficient ways of high dimensional myoelectric control and add some more features to it. The signal taken from the normal hand is given to the servos to make prostheses. This make it more efficient, and real time monitoring allows us to locate and diagnose the patient when he is in need. The development of Telematics prosthetic module using the Global Positioning System (GPS) and Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) modem is undertaken with the aim of enabling to locate the user (patient) with easy and in a convenient manner. The system will provide the patient to track remotely through the mobile network. This paper describes the development of the Telematics module hardware prototype. Especially, the system will utilize GPS to obtain a patient location and transmit it using GSM modem to the family or doctor number through the mobile network. The proposed system will also be able to identify the accident of patient. Our analysis indicates the visual feedback, control accuracy benefits from filters that reject high EMG amplitudes. In summary, we conclude the findings on myoelectric control principles, virtual tasks can be transferred to real life prosthetic applications.
As the technology around us is attaining a fast pace, we are working towards extending this fast growing technology to help people with half amputation by attempting to make a prototype which will enable the amputees to lead a normal life. Myoelectric Arm is a prosthetic aid which will help the amputee in grasping objects. A prosthetic is an artificial part of the functional human body which is life less and does not support any mechanical movement. This device will bring this prosthetic into function by using myo-electrical energy as the source. This is done primarily by attaching the servo motor to the prosthetic, and then servo is initiated by the patient's own muscle contractions or by the muscle twitch. The biggest challenge is myo-electric signals. The electric current generated by these muscle contractions is then amplified by means of an E-shield which can support an Arduino microcontroller and with the help of supporting and storage batteries to control the terminal device. Such an arrangement is referred to as a myoelectrical control system. The main objective of the project is to make a cost effective, sophisticated, miniaturized and an appealing prototype of a myo-electric arm with long duration of time and battery life, which enables amputees to feel completed and use both their limbs normally as they did earlier.
Artificial Organs, 2011
Modern hand and wrist prostheses afford a high level of mechanical sophistication, but the ability to control them in an intuitive and repeatable manner lags. Commercially available systems using surface electromyographic (EMG) or myoelectric control can supply at best two degrees of freedom (DOF), most often sequentially controlled. This limitation is partially due to the nature of surface-recorded EMG, for which the signal contains components from multiple muscle sources. We report here on the development of an implantable myoelectric sensor using EMG sensors that can be chronically implanted into an amputee's residual muscles. Because sensing occurs at the source of muscle contraction, a single principal component of EMG is detected by each sensor, corresponding to intent to move a particular effector. This system can potentially provide independent signal sources for control of individual effectors within a limb prosthesis. The use of implanted devices supports inter-day signal repeatability. We report on efforts in preparation for human clinical trials, including animal testing, and a first-inhuman proof of principle demonstration where the subject was able to intuitively and simultaneously control two DOF in a hand and wrist prosthesis.
Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics, 2018
Introduction: A cost-effective myoelectric prosthetic hand for wrist amputees is in need for developing countries. Instead of manipulating all the fingers, which would be complex, expensive and demanding on battery power, we took an approach to make the design simple but moderately usable. Methods and Materials: Since a sizable number of tasks can be done by controlling the thumb only, we anticipate that it would be an efficient design where the user will control only the thumb using EMG (electromyogram) signal. The shape of the hand is such that it will let the user hold small objects, like a pen. A mannequin's hand was used as the structure and after specific modification, the necessary circuitry was set up. Surface electrodes were used to acquire the EMG signals which were then amplified using a bioelectric amplifier, specifically designed and developed for this purpose. A microcontroller-based interface detects EMG and controls the DC gear motor that moves the thumb. R e s u l t s : The thumb of the developed unit responded to contraction of the arm muscles as desired. The user can control the thumb using their EMG signal and write holding a pen. A box and blocks trial was conducted where on an average the user was able to move 6.6 blocks per minute. Conclusions: The design is moderately usable but needs some minor improvements before practical use.
Iğdır üniversitesi fen bilimleri enstitüsü dergisi, 2022
This study presents a low cost, two-channel, on-off type, constant speed myo-electric controlled prosthetic hand project as an educational tool for Biomedical/Control/Mechatronic Engineering. Surface Electromyogram (sEMG) signals were recorded from the muscles of flexor carpi ulnaris and extensor digitorium on the forearm. Signal conditioning of these signals is performed in the analog stages of the system, before passing it on to a microcontroller for further filtering and implementation of control. The control logic is simplified to represent the muscles as being active or inactive, resulting in a very simple on/off control based on the two signals. The on/off control signals are used to drive a myo-electric controlled prosthetic hand-powered by a hobby RC servo motor. A printed circuit board has been designed for the analog stages of the system, and a simple Arduino Microcontroller is used for the digital stages. Other commercial off-the-shelf components were used to keep the cost of the hardware and the software components as low as possible. This project was used as a teaching aid for the final year undergraduate students to demonstrate the use of simple myo-electric signal processing and control techniques.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2015
Background-Advanced motorized prosthetic devices are currently controlled by EMG signals generated by residual muscles and recorded by surface electrodes on the skin. These surface recordings are often inconsistent and unreliable, leading to high prosthetic abandonment rates for individuals with upper limb amputation. Surface electrodes are limited because of poor skin contact, socket rotation, residual limb sweating, and their ability to only record signals from superficial muscles, whose function frequently does not relate to the intended prosthetic function. More sophisticated prosthetic devices require a stable and reliable interface between the user and robotic hand to improve upper limb prosthetic function.
Acta Polytechnica, 2014
This paper describes new methods and systems designed for application in upper extremity prostheses. An artificial upper limb with this system is a robot arm controlled by EMG signals and a set of sensors. The new multi-sensor system is based on ultrasonic sensors, infrared sensors, Hall-effect sensors, a CO<sub>2</sub> sensor and a relative humidity sensor. The multi-sensor system is used to update a 3D map of objects in the robot’s environment, or it directly sends information about the environment to the control system of the myoelectric arm. Occupancy grid mapping is used to build a 3D map of the robot’s environment. The multi-sensor system can identify the distance of objects in 3D space, and the information from the system is used in a 3D map to identify potential collisions or a potentially dangerous environment, which could damage the prosthesis or the user. Information from the sensors and from the 3D map is evaluated using a fuzzy expert system. The control sys...
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2006
This paper presents a new methodology in amputation surgery that is dedicated to patients who intend to use a myoelectric forearm prosthesis. The control signals for a myoelectric prosthesis are the surface EMG signals. In the case of an amputation stump, these signals are weak and difficult to use for effective control, due to the amputation methodology and the lack of activity after amputation. The proposed method aims the osteomyoplastic suturing of the muscles in circumferentially offset positions in order to obtain clear myoelectric signals, non-overlapping and with less correlated information. Following the surgery, a specific training is used, based on a biofeedback device, in order to help the patient to gradually obtain better control of stump’s muscles. The proposed methodology was evaluated experimentally at CMH, in a stump retouch surgery (on a patient who lost his hand almost 20 years ago), allowing comparison of the signals before surgery with ones after surgery and al...
Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies 71/3, 2023
Terhi Utriainen & Päivi Salmesvuori (eds) Finnish Women Making Religion. Between Ancestors and Angels. Palgrave Macmillan., 2014
Filologia e Linguística Portuguesa, 2020
Frontiers in Psychology, 2023
International Journal of Research, 2017
Mercat de l'art, col·leccionisme i museus, 2019, 2020
Scrinia Slavonica, 2021
European Journal of Life Writing, 2022
Философия в медицинском вузе как инструмент интеграции и прагматизации академических знаний студентов / В. Н. Александровская, В. Е. Папков, И. Ф. Муханова, Л. В. Волошинская // Мат. VIII Межд. мед. форума НАУКА ПОБЕЖДАТЬ...БОЛЕЗНЬ / Университетская клиника, Т. 2. Донецк: ФГБОУ ВО ДонГМУ. С. 31, 2024
The Lancet Global Health, 2020
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain, 2021
Journal of Textile Design Research and Practice, 2016
MDM Policy & Practice, 2017
The Malaysian journal of medical sciences : MJMS, 2011
New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development, 2014