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This course might be thought of “advanced catechesis,” with a focus on prayer and the spiritual life, also known as “orthopraxis.” After a detailed exposition of the quintessential Christian prayer – the Our Father – we will discuss several key aspects to Orthodox Christian spiritual life: personal and liturgical prayer, the Jesus Prayer and the Psalms, fasting and almsgiving, the liturgical calendar, “dryness” and boredom (the withdrawal of grace), Confession and Holy Communion, spiritual discipleship, and a brief overview of the spiritual tradition of the Philokalia. Parallel to the lectures, there will be a series of reading assignments that will constitute a small survey of some key spiritual texts.
Asia Journal of Theology, 2019
Kult_Online, 2018
What is the relation between the Christian Orthodox tradition and people's everyday lives? The volume, Praying with the Senses: Contemporary Orthodox Christian Spirituality in Practice, edited by anthropologist Sonja Luehrmann, aims to "describe the workings of prayer in a tradition where hierarchies and prescriptions matter but where they are deployed through flexible and highly personal relationships" (p.12). In doing so, the authors of the chapters argue that living 'the perfect Orthodox' life is made both possible and difficult through the everyday interactions that people develop during their prayers. Hence, what people hear, see, and say even when they privately pray can be considered continuous relational milieux for negotiating and determining the 'right' ethical norms of the Christian Orthodox tradition.
Orthodox like to cite the famous adage of Evagrius of Pontus: "If you are a theologian, you will pray truly; and if you pray truly, you will be a
The Prayer of the Russian Righteous: A Sociological Interpretation, 2021
The mysticism of the Orthodox Church provides spiritual fulfillment of man in three stages: purification, enlightenment or knowledge, and perfection or union with God. Purification is the removal of passions and their replacement with virtues. For example, the philokalic texts, which are a collection of texts written by 25 Holy Fathers, form a true handbook containing various themes, but all of them educate on “the love of divine beauty” or “the love of virtue”, as the etymology of the chosen title for the compilation. Of these, the study of the mind and its dynamics is a predilection for most authors, some of whom have offered real treatises on this subject. This study limits the presentation of some Church Fathers who have spoken of this argument. The mind is a place where good and evil thought stake on a continuous struggle that positively or negatively influences human behaviour and closeness to God. For this reason, man’s special attention is needed on the mind, that is, a permanent nepsis.
This paper makes a brief overview of orthodox spirituality in the 20th century. Some of the themes which are specific to this spirituality are presented-the prayer of the heart or submittal to a spiritual father and a few of the most important orthodox,,spiritual masters" and theologians are mentioned. Dumitru Stániloae, Vladimir Losslgr or Kallistos 'Ware are some of the representatives for the latter category, while abbot Siluan of Mount Athos is given as convincing example of the first category. Siluan had disciples who have continued his tradition of spiritual guidance, be they in the west, or in the mairüy orthodox coun-A. tries of Eastern Europe (such as Romania). But his influence has gone \z beyond the borders of orthodoxy. This fact testifies for the ecumenical relevance of orthodox spirituality in the contemporar¡r world. As closure I also mention two hazards one may incur in approaching this type of spirituality: on the one hand relatiüty, and on the other, s¡mcretism.
ISEC Conference, 2021
ISEC Fifth Annual Conference Prayer in Eastern Christian Tradition December 17, 2021
International Journal of Practical Theology, 2017
This study explores the Orthodox vision of theology as holistic, where liturgical and sacramental life on the one hand, and social action and commitment on the other hand are inextricably connected. Theology appears as an inseparable whole and therefore, all theology is implicitly practical/pastoral. The study approaches the Orthodox response to the western perspective of pastoral theology as engagement of the entire community of the Church. The concept of theosis is presented as “engine” and ultimate goal of Orthodox practical/pastoral theology. The study emphasises the fundamental importance of liturgical, eucharistic and sacramental life in the life of the Orthodox Church. It also addresses the concepts of withdrawn “inner life” and monasticism, which evidence the tension between the rejection of the world on the one hand and social “incarnational” involvement on the other.
The Jahangirnagar University Journal of International Relations, 2015
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2017
El Pez y la Flecha. Revista de Investigaciones Literarias, 4:9, 2024
European Journal of Political Theory, 2012
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 1993
Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia, 2014
ACS Energy Letters, 2018
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2011
Heart, Lung and Circulation, 2011