Recent papers in Repentance
At the heart of James B. Torrance’s theological project was a concern to demonstrate the importance of an evangelical account of repentance, over against a legal account. This was a concern that he inherited from John Calvin, who stood as... more
This Book Review was published in Nov/Dec 2021
New Calvinism is a theological movement that has significantly impacted evangelical Christianity and has served to weaken the influence of dispensationalism. New Calvinism portrays itself as the flagship of Reformed theology. Part of the... more
Jeremiah starts this section 1-12 with a lesson about Yahweh and Judah from the potter’s workshop displaying the Potter's Freedon. Apostasy, idolatry, and judgment are the themes of verses 13-17. The choice of those in Judah to forsake... more
Resumo As reações afetivas que os consumidores experimentam em um processo de compra têm a maioria dos seus estudos voltada para a satisfação do consumidor. Contudo, emoções negativas, como o arrependimento, são de extrema importância,... more
Deel 4 van de hertaalde uitgave van Petrus van Mastricht Theoretisch-Praktische Godgeleerdheid. In dit deel gaat het over de verlossing zoals die toegepast wordt aan de zondaar en over de kerk. De volgende onderdelen van de heilsorde... more
In partial fulfillment of the course requirements for "Psalms in Depth," this essay is a post-critical and devotional exegesis of Psalm 51, with an emphasis on the themes of repentance and new creation. In particular, this essay is... more
Maqaam. Station 1. Repentance (al Tawbah) Station 2. Fear (al Khawf) Station 3. Renunciation (al Zuhd) Station 4. Forbearance (al Sabr) Station 5. Gratitude (al Shukr) Station 6. Sincerity ( al ikhlas) Station 7. Reliance ( al tawakkal)... more
What are the major requirements of Salvation? According to biblical salvation army doctrine.
Repentance is considered one of the foundational principles of the gospel. As demonstrated in this article, there is a harmony in how repentance is portrayed in the Old Testament, New Testament, and Book of Mormon. In all three books the... more
The narratives of the Old Testament are rich with characters full and complex. This is one of the geniuses of the authors of Scripture, that though they relate historical events, places and people, they still take time to colour in the... more
Twee maanden na het begin van de coronacrisis heeft de Amerikaanse ds. C.M. McMahon een actuele, bijbelse wake-up call (coronawekker) voor de kerk geschreven. In een tijd waarin weinig meer gerekend wordt met Gods regering en... more
Excerpt of a festscrift presented to St. Luke in the Fields on the occasion of its Bicenntennial Celebration, 2020-2021. Lectures on the Gospel of Luke, the Acts of the Apostles and Beyond Luke. Printed copy available.
This paper focuses on how Philip Melanchthon organized his theology of preaching in the Apology of the Augsburg Confession, the very first defense of the early church reformers’ approach to doctrine against formal papal criticism as... more
It is the premise of this paper to show that if the collective consciousness shifts towards Love, then Love/God will prescribe our Reality. Love's truth says that we are creatures bound together, unique, and interdependent, collectively... more
Throughout the nineteenth century, Maskilic journals increased their publication of anti-Hasidic satires. From the eighteen-sixties onward, this literature came primarily as a response to the revival in the publishing of Hasidic... more
We know we live in a world where people hurt each other, and where armed conflicts are commonplace, recurring quite often even after reaching peace agreements. Nevertheless, we also know we have the abilities to forgive and reconcile... more
The Church of England’s recent study on Christian–Jewish relations, "God’s Unfailing Word" (Dec 2019), calls for Christian repentance about historic antisemitism, turning away from past offences to reshape our future together. One prime... more
The concept of the ‘Day of the Lord’ requires definition in regard to other ‘Days’ in the Hebrew Bible and has proven difficult for scholars to find an agreed approach to, let alone come to a consensus definition. The prophet Joel and its... more
Bible scholars across the theological spectrum have noted the Apostle Paul's scarce use of the word metanoia and related repentance words in his Epistles. Given the prevalence of metanoia in Judaism and the teachings of John the Baptist... more
The righteousness of God (δικαιοσύνη θεοῦ) is revealed in the gospel which brings salvation to everyone who believes in Jesus Christ (Rom 1:16-17). In Romans 3:21-26, Paul explains that this righteousness of God, as witnessed by the Law... more
A Christian theology of nature constructed in Hexaemeron sermons
The signing of the Abraham Accords on September 15, 2020 between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain, as brokered by the United States, was significant historically, and prophetically, as seen by verses from Jeremiah 6. When... more
דיון במשמעות הרעיון החז"לי במקורות שונים במחשבת ישראל.
A Solemn Assembly is a Biblical idea worthy of our consideration. It is a process, provided by God, whereby a people, stand before Him, as accountable to Him, for the sins of their group, their entity, often, a nation. And in such a... more
In 1 Sam 3:18b, Eli responds to a prophetic judgment with the phrase “it is the Lord, may he do what is good in his eyes.” Most commentators understand this response as an example of pious acceptance of divine judgment. The claim of this... more
Schum acher, Meinolf: Sündenschmutz und Herzensreinheit: Studien zur Metaphorik der Sünde in lateinischer und deutscher Literatur des Mittelalters / Meinolf Schumacher. -München : Fink, 1996 (M ünstersche M ittelalter-Schriften ; Bd. 73)... more
This book asks how early Christian monastic writers conceived of, represented, and experienced spiritual direction, and its central argument is that they did so medically. Late antique monastic formation took place through asymmetrical... more
Compilation of Scriptures bearing on The Excellence and Essentialness of The Sovereignty of God Considered Broadly and in Connection With Election unto Salvation in Particular [WITH OCCASIONAL INTERSPERSED COMMENTARY AND SUPPLEMENTAL... more
Este workshop invita los participantes a reflexionar en un aspecto hasta ahora postergado de los estudios de la paz y resolución de conflictos. Existe un fenómeno global, que es la dominación de unos grupos por otros, que tiene un reflejo... more
This study examines the biblical teaching of confession throughout the Old and New Testaments. The various Hebrew and Greek terms are analyzed, and the pertinent passages are surveyed. The scriptural conception of confession involves... more
By first arguing that the apologist's primary role is evangelistic, the thesis of this paper is that the presuppositional method offers the most evangelistically powerful approach to apologetics, and therefore the most biblical.