A Public Enquiry by Thin k City & EcoPlan International
Sustainable Penang
Toward a New Mobility Agenda: 2013 - 2015
An independent expert report on the findings and recommendations of a civil society enquiry based on
collaborative dialogues, symposia, master classes, workshops and supporting public events, with the goal
of forging stronger support for a more sustainable transport agenda to better serve all the people of
Penang . Hosted by Think City and numerous local partners, in cooperation with EcoPlan International.
Phase 1: Brainstorming report and recommendations
eric britton
ecoplan international
Sustainable Penang: Toward a New Mobility Agenda
Sustainable Penang A Thinking Exercise
Final report of 27 Novemberr 2013
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Phase 1. Brainstorming Report and Recommendations
I am grateful to have this chance to express my thanks to the many Penangites and groups
who have so generously helped me in this project since the planning effort got underway in June.
There are far too many to name here, so I shall have to be satisfied with these few words of
appreciation. What I can hope for is that something useful will come out of all our hard work that
will make a contribution to your beautiful city and state. What better way to say thank you?
The perso
ost dire tly respo si le for this issio as Dato’ Professor A ar Fazal i his
role as Chair of Think City, Laureate of the Right Livelihood Award, and leading figure in the Civil
Society movement in Asia. He guided me from the beginning in many ways, making sure that I
understood the long of past efforts to deal with these challenges in Penang over two full decades.
Upon reflection I believe that his most creative advice was to caution me to avoid being
unnecessarily critical, but at the same time honest in my appreciation of the weaker points of the
prese t situatio . It is i porta t, he said, ut Eri I do 't a t you to lose tra k of the fa t that it is
the positive recommendations that are going to ensure there will be follow-up and continuity to all
the ork that is ei g do e hile you are here. I a tryi g hard to follo his ise ou sel.
I was cordially received on a number of occasions by officials and their staffs both at the
level of the State of Penang and the two Municipal councils which are leading the way when it
comes to implementation of many of the ideas that are outlined here. An important part of my
education was supplied by meetings with members of the Penang Transport Council, and in
particular their director Mr. Thean-heng Lim who was especially generous with his time and
knowledge from the initial stages of the planning efforts.
The staff of Think City were also extremely generous with their time and support, especially
Daniel Lim, Duncan Cave and Kartina Mohamed. They put a lot of work and brains into the project
day after day, and were to a good extent the turntable of the entire mission, without whose support
it would never have taken place.
Of particular importance was the active participation of all those who agree to get involved
in the Focus Group sessions that continued on an almost daily basis through the entire three weeks
in Penang. These resources of education for the author and great opportunities to gather from them
their views on problems, priorities and their proposals for actions and remedial measures many of
which appear in Chapter 3 of this report.
Well more than half of the people taking their time to support the project were women, with
considerable expertise in a wide variety of critical areas, strong views and demonstrated leadership
skills. Their continued involvement and leadership is going to be critical to the challenges of a
Sustainable Penang and the major transportation reform program that now needs to be engaged.
Finally, let me in express my warmest thanks to Mr. H. T. Khor who was my guide and
instructor from start to finish. I could not have asked for a better and more generous working
partner. Thank you Khor, thank you all.
Eric Britton, Lyon, 27 November 2013
For comment and public discussion
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Sustainable Penang: Toward a New Mobility Agenda
Table of Contents
A Living Document
Executive Summary
In conclusion
The Project in Brief
The most important single recommendation in this report
The second most important recommendation in this report
Visual Evidence
Introduction: Brainstorming New Mobility
Do we have a problem?
1.2 If so why are we not solving it?
What do we do need to do to make it work?
Rethinking Mobility
Say good-bye to Old Mobility
Ready for change
The role of the car in the city
The Psychopathology of the Owner/Driver
The New Mobility Agenda in brief
The New Mobility Strategy
Strategy 1. Reduce traffic radically.
Strategy 2. Expand non-car mobility services available to all:
Strategy 3. Tighten time frame for action
Strategy 4. Design and Deliver for the Transportation Majority
Strategy 5. Take advantage of frugal economics:
Strategy 6. Build on what we have:
Strategy 7. Do not build yourself into a corner
Strategy 8. Design and deploy packages of measures
Strategy 9. Integrate the car into the new mobility pattern
Final report of 27 Novemberr 2013
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Phase 1. Brainstorming Report and Recommendations
Strategy 10. Full speed ahead with new technology
Strategy 11. Technology agnostics/Performance advocates
. Play the i frastru ture joker
Strategy 13. Design for women
Strategy 14. Outreach and Partnerships
Strategy 15. Environment/Climate Emergency leading the way
Strategy 16. Lead by Example:
Strategy 17. Set High Targets
Strategy 18. . . . And Make Them Known (New Mobility Media Program)
Strategy 19. Reward and Support Innovation
Strategy 20. But above all . . . pick winners!
New Mobility Transition Projects - 2014
Pattern Breaking
Building on a Firm Base
Table of Ideas
Recommended Transport Master Plan Strategy
Vital Underpinnings
Traffic Safety Campaign (with teeth)
UNESCO World Heritage Site
Penang Car Free Days
Target Mobility for Rural Areas
Local consultancy and advisory capability
Gender Parity – Starting with Penang Transport Council
Sustainable Penang New Mobility Grant Awards
Active Transport
Walkable City Projects
Walk to School
Barrier Free George Town
Biking Penang
Contraflow Cycling Lanes
Pedestrian and Cycling Crossings: Democratic Practices
Placemaking in Penang
The Heat?
Adapting Public Transport
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Sustainable Penang: Toward a New Mobility Agenda
On-Board Bus Announcements of Next Stop
CAT Shuttle Bus Service Improvements
BRT Strategies
Accessible public transport
Tour Bus Restrictions in Heritage Site
Security Audits
New Mobility Initiatives
Park + Ride
Taxi Industry Thinking and Talking Project
Strategic support for motorized two wheelers
Trishaw program
Blog of Blogs
University new mobility programs
Carsharing in Penang
A Strategic Parking program for Penang
City within the City (Pulau Tikus)
Leading by Example
Next Steps
Gain greater autonomy
Integrating transportation and city planning
Improving Balance of the transportation modes
The 2014 Oversight Function
Smaller cities partnership project: 2014-2015
2015 international Conference:
Sustainable Penang: Cooperative University program
PS. Did Anyone Mention Climate?
Supporting Project Web Sites
Calendar of main public events and invitational workshops
Key Institutions
D. Table of Ideas
Final report of 27 Novemberr 2013
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Phase 1. Brainstorming Report and Recommendations
The report that follows presents the final version of the Sustainable
Penang project report as of 27 November 2013 and is part of an ongoing
review and finalization process that will continue through early 2014.
The report and the associated materials indicated here are being shared
with close to rwo hundred people who participated actively in the
various focus groups and other key meetings during the three-week
enquiry in Penang, as well as by a certain number of international
colleagues working in the field who have expressed interest in reading
and commenting the report. These comments and contributions will be
factored into the on-line report on a regular basis.
If you wish to join this informal review group, get in touch with the
author at eric.britton@ecoplan.org Tel. +331 5088 0787 or Skype at
For comment and public discussion
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Sustainable Penang: Toward a New Mobility Agenda
At a time when public policy in the transport sector in Penang is badly in need of
new thinking and new approaches, we have attempted in this international project to scan
proven examples and practices worldwide in order to draw them to attention to all of those
concerned with these issues and policy choices in Penang. The report is thus not a how-to
manual but it is intended as an encouragement and stimulus for no less than a major rethink
of Transport Policy and Practice in Penang, from bottom to top. This report and the months
of planning and hard work that went into it was intended from the beginning as a
collaborative brainstorming exercise
Penang is car sick
The underlying reality on the streets and public spaces in
is this: Pe a g’s
transport, mobility and public space arrangements today leave a great deal to be desired,
and are, worse yet, steadily deteriorating day after day. With some but few exceptions, the
policies and measures are mediocre at best and for the most part entirely unsatisfactory,
unfair and underperforming. Moreover, those who suffer most from this are the poor. But
they are far from the only ones. And there is no good reason that it has to be like that.
The grinding situation is one of every day: more cars, more traffic, more congestion,
more pollution, more lost time, more anger, more noise, more isolation, more accidents,
and fewer good affordable options for getting around for the vast majority of the
population. The system is inefficient, and worse it is unjust. But there is worse yet: year
after year they are continuing to deteriorate steadily, almost visibly. The citizens and
taxpayers of Penang deserve better and they are increasingly making their voices heard.
In addition to this – and this is worrying! – your consultant Halcrow after two years
of careful study and with excellent qualifications for the job makes it clear that you are
constrained by major deficiencies in terms of your transport analytic and policy
competences, much as is the case with almost all smaller cities around the world. I hope
you will take you their point as a warning. Your choices of consultants and cooperating
expert sources in the immediate future is going to be most important to the future of your
mobility system and quality of life in both the short and longer term. We can only
encourage you to look for and work with the best
But Penang is not alone
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Phase 1. Brainstorming Report and Recommendations
One bit of good news is that there is virtually nothing that is particularly original
about the circumstances of inattention, inconsistency and decay; these are the same
behaviors, patterns and conditions encountered in the vast majority of cities of all sizes
across the developing world. To you in government and the citizens of Penang all this may
seem unique, but that is far from the case. If we do the sums we can see that you are
something like the 10,000th victim of a worldwide disease, and that symptom by painful
symptom you resemble the rest. Perhaps surprisingly this can be seen as good news.
That is, by now those working at the leading edge of the field, your consultant
Halcrow among them, are entirely familiar with the problems and how to deal with the
asso iated halle ges. It’s all ery straightfor ard. You figure out if you ha e a pro le ,
then you call the doctor, and the doctor tells you that you are sick. But he also tells you
hat edi i e you eed to take to e ell. No it’s ti e to take the edicine
in all this there are very few unknowns. Many other cities and regions have faced
these same challenges in the past and a growing number of them have figured out how to
make this transition. A d if you’re looki g for a lead I a o ly suggest that you look toward
leading cities in Europe who have made the most advances. And while none of them are
perfect, they are several hundred European cities that are doing better with these issues
every day.
So there is no reason why the same cannot be accomplished in Penang. And one
day it will be. The only question is when? When and at what cost to the quality of life of the
people of Penang for all those years lost?
There are long lists of reasons why Penang needs to turn the situation around and
without undue delay. In the 21st century cities compete, and any city which does not offer a
pleasant and efficient place to live and work is going to lose out in the international
competitions. The best and brightest young people will leave such a place and it cannot
expect to compete for new investments, jobs and the creativity of the brightest and best in
the international arena. Quality of life counts! Quality of life takes a hit, and right behind it
the economy starts to suffer. And all of a sudden the best and brightest start to look around
for some other place to live.
So for all these reasons it is time for those driving transport policy and practice in
Penang to start to look hard at what can be done to make it not only a great place to live
and work but also a vigorous competitor for the best. Fortunately, Penang has a number of
real advantages, along with the tools and measures that can now be put to work for this
reconversion effort. It will be a choice.
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Sustainable Penang: Toward a New Mobility Agenda
Penang has real advantages
The good news is that the State has in hand virtually everything needed in order to
prepare, initiate and advance a major sustainable transportation revolution. The money, the
institutional framework, the autonomy, and the ideas and examples needed to make major
improvements, many at very low cost and well within the 2013- 2015 time horizon of the
Halcrow Transport Master Plan.
The Halcrow Plan sets out a number of institutional and technical reforms needed to
improve the performance of all aspects of transport in the state efficiency, environment,
economy, resources, energy, and quality of life for all. Other than a few surprising and
apparently inconsistent references to several major long-term infrastructure projects the
Halcrow reports give you a solid point of departure and it is our strongly expressed
professional view that you should start from there. Their insistence on a three-point
strategy is worth repeating in short here:
1. Better manage the existing highway network;
2. Significantly improve the current public transport systems;
3. Reduce future growth in private vehicle usage through introducing travel demand
management measures
That’s pretty straightfor ard a d represe ts orld-level counsel. In addition, we
strongly recommend that you give full attention to their practical recommendations for the
20135, a d fro there o to the period ho to
. They’ e gi e you a strong start
and now all you have to do is work with it.
It’s ot a
atter of
o ey
It’s ot a atter of o ey. You ha e (or could have) sufficient funds under your
control to make a virtually all of the improvements which are necessary over the course of
the next two years, if you concentrate above all on the management of the transportation
assets you already have — as opposed to as in the past spending heavily on new
construction projects to solve your problems. The priority is not to further expand supply of
inefficiently used infrastructure, but rather to manage and use it better. The Halcrow
Master Plan provides a number of useful guidelines for how to do this.
A major and in many ways unique asset that has proven invaluable in my time in
Penang is that you are blessed with one of the most well developed networks of civil society
and public interest groups in all of Asia. These are huge assets for your transformational
program, and it will be to your great advantage if you work closely with them.
With the collaboration of my colleagues at Think City and all those who have so
generously given of their time and ideas over these last weeks, and particularly the more
than 150 people who generously participated in the Focus Groups, we have come up with
an initial brainstorming list of some forty specific project initiatives which can be done
quickly, and which are entirely under the control of state and local governments. As author I
very much hope you will look at them, and in time through your suggestions and
recommendations help us to expand and improve this open resource inventory.
Final report of 27 Novemberr 2013
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Phase 1. Brainstorming Report and Recommendations
If we think of the world cities as being roughly di ided i to leadi g a d laggi g ,
the truth is that Penang today solidly implanted in the latter category. But so too, and not all
that many years ago, were many of the leading cities that today are showing the way. Most
of them not all that many years ago were also victims of inconsistent, unthought-out,
unimaginative, selfish, undemocratic and inefficient transportation policies themselves. The
lesson is that you do not wake up in the morning and find yourself suddenly having become
a leadi g ity i this respe t. You ha e to roll up your slee es a d get to ork ith a
entirely different set of values and goals.
But for that to occur there needed to be a vision, a strategy, plans and actions of
which individually and collectively started to change the shape of the city and the quality of
everyday life for the people who live and work there but also for visitors who come because
they are eager to see and be in a situation in which an agreeable and sustainable city
environment has been achieved
The key to the success of this project will be in the follow-up to your work following
up on the Halcrow recommendations as well as those set out here in the year ahead. What
you see here is but a first cut of ideas and projects. But it will be in the follow-up, the
adoption of these ideas by local groups and agencies who can turn them into reality that will
make the difference.
In closing I can tell you one thing for sure. And that is that Penang will one day
make all the necessary reforms that today are so badly needed. You will get to it, sooner or
later, e ause that is hat the orld tre d is. That’s hat su essful ities do. “o it is really
a question of time. If you have the vision, the strategy, the energy and the leadership you
can advance the agenda by a decade in just the next year or two of careful applied work.
That will be your choice — no one can do it but yourselves.
Let me in this summary with a comment on a phrase that is posted on your Penang
Transport Council webpage which I really think holds the key to your future. And that is
your oft-repeated slogan, Mo e people, ot ehi les . If you stick to that you are going to
be just fine.
Eric Britton, EcoPlan International. Paris. 29 November 2013
For comment and public discussion
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Sustainable Penang: Toward a New Mobility Agenda
A collaborative brainstorming document prepared by the author to summarize a number of
the outstanding contributions and project ideas that came up during the course of three weeks of
collaboration in Penang with numerous public meetings, focus groups, seminars and other
associated events, the objective of which was to see of working together we could identify a certain
u er of patter reaki g easures a d proje ts that ight e o sidered for i ple e tatio
in Penang over the coming year.
After a very short graphic introduction, the report is divided into three main parts. Chapters
2 and 3 make brief presentations of the overall structure, key principles and orientation of the New
Mobility Agenda -- a collaborative strategy for enlarging the policy debate and bringing in new ideas
and approaches for improving mobility in cities and in the surrounding lower density areas. Readers
will appreciate that this is an especially demanding agenda because it requires not that policymakers
pick out one or several of the proposed strategic pillars for ad hoc action, but that they sign up with
the entire strategic structure. Without such firm underpinnings, policy risks most certainly to be
inconsistent and to lack the necessary continuity for reforming the global system.
Chapters 5 to 8 set out a series of short descriptions of approximately 40 project ideas or
concepts that came up over the course of the discussions with the participating organizations and
individuals representing both the public sector and various branches of civil society and the media.
These descriptions are at this point very brief. Rather they are intended to open up discussions of
thinking about the selected topics which came out of the focus group meetings and meetings with
key government groups over the course of the three weeks. The hope is that some of these ideas –
you may choose to think of them as equivalent of bookmarks in your browser – will in the months
ahead be picked up and adopted by the principle implementing agencies and groups, and supported
by civil society in order to develop a new trend for transport and land use in Penang.
Chapter 9 looks at the vital issues of follow-up and implementation, the critical next step in
this process. The implementation phase is to be led in the first instance by the state authority, the
Penang Transport Council and the two Municipal Councils who have already initiated some new
initiatives which break with the old patterns and choices that favored private car traffic above all. As
can be seen if we look at the streets, there are better ways of organizing transportation in Penang.
The annexes are self-explanatory other perhaps the Table of Ideas, which is a listing of close
to one hundred topics and proposals that were discussed in the various working sessions.
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Phase 1. Brainstorming Report and Recommendations
Organization & Events
From 21 Sept. to 8 Oct. in Penang, a three-week long civil society program consisting of more than
thirty site visits, collaborative dialogues, symposia, master classes, workshops and supporting public
events, with the goal of creating a stronger base of local support in favor of a more sustainable
transport system to better serve the people of George Town and Penang. Hosted by Think City and
numerous local partners, in cooperation with EcoPlan International.
Main events:
• World Car Free Day celebration and special events (Sunday 22 September)
• Sustainable Penang Inaugural University Lecture (20:00-22:00, 24 Sept. at Universiti Sains Malaysia)
• Focus Group Dialogues (Mornings from 23 Sept. Caring Society Complex. Contact us for schedule)
• Municipal Council Peer Dialogues (MPSP on 1 Oct. and MPPP on 2 Oct. 08:00 to 13:00)
• Symposium on State of the Environment in Penang (3 Oct. 08:30 on, Caring Society Complex)
• USM University Master Class series (30 Sept. - 3 Oct. 17:00-19:00 at Universiti Sains Malaysia)
• Media presentations and interviews (print and electronic, including blogs and social media)
• Dialogue: 2015 Penang Conference on Implementing Sustainable Transport in Smaller Asian Cities
• State of Sustainable Penang Message (Saturday, 5 October. Municipal Park Amphitheater)
Hosts and Sponsors:
“ustai a le Pe a g is led joi tly y Dato’ (Dr.) Anwar Fazal, Chairman of the Board of Think City,
Laureate of the Right Livelihood Award and Director, Right Livelihood College, Universiti Sains
Malaysia, with Prof. Eric Britton, Managing Director of EcoPlan International, Founder of World Car
Free Days, Founding Editor of World Streets, Laureate of the Stockholm Environment Prize with
Mayor Enrique Peñalosa of Bogotá, Distinguished Professor of Sustainable Development at the
Institut Supérieur de Gestion. The project is supported by the Center for Global Sustainability Studies
(CGSS), Malaysia, numerous state and local organizations, NGOs, universities, and by a panel of
members of the International Advisory Board of the New Mobility Agenda.
Supporting documentation: http://wp.me/p3GVVk-3c + https://www.dropbox.com/home/Penang
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Sustainable Penang: Toward a New Mobility Agenda
* The call for a State Traffic Safety Campaign with the no-compromise commitment to begin
in 2014 to slash traffic accidents and fatalities by 10% in the year. (See Chapter 5.3 below.)
Why? Precisely because a sharp decrease in traffic accidents will occur only when (a) speeds
are reduced significantly and (b) laws are rigorously and without exception enforced. Basically a
major systemic reform that will demand a high government commitment to protect their citizens.
But it can be done and there is plentiful evidence from other countries and cities showing how.
The policy will have its own desired important effects, but at the same time set off a major
systemic change that will have many significant and positive knock-on effects. Significant accident
reductions will lead to corresponding reductions in emissions, fuel conception, public costs and safer
streets. Safer streets will pave the way for more cycling, walking, public transport, street life and
amenity. And fewer children and motorcyclists with ruined lives.
The necessary measures are entirely within the capacities of State and local government.
The policy will place strong demands on the leaders and all those who must be involved. On the
other hand, you will find strong international support for this program. And there is no reason to
The Streets of Penang
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Phase 1. Brainstorming Report and Recommendations
One does not have to be a genius after spending a few years working with and looking
at transportation projects, programs, processes, accomplishments, shortcomings, and
hypocrisies in many parts of the world, to figure out that the limitations of the policies
behind all this jumble have been a direct function of (1) the kinds of people who are
making the decisions that shape them, and (2) the kinds of people and interests for
whom those decisions are targeted.
One and the same, it turns out — and by way of executive summary let us say that it
boils down to: (a) policy decisions and investments made primarily by males and (b) for
people (mainly males) who either have or desire to have access to their own cars. No
great mystery to that, eh?
The result, as we all know so well, has been a transportation system which pays more
attention to vehicles and their requirements then to the full range of people and their very
different kinds of requirements. This is a worldwide phenomenon which is essentially as
true in Penang as in most other parts of the world.
Among the things that you do overnight to increase the fairness and the effectiveness of
your transportation arrangements would be to make it a matter of the law that all
decisions determining how taxpayer money is invested in the sector should be decided
by councils that respect full gender parity.
My recommendation therefore would be to convert, with no more lost time, 100% of our
planning and decision fora shaping the sector into councils with full gender parity. No
gender parity, means no decision concerning, planning, finance or implementation can
be taken. And then with one stroke, we have just broken a centuries old pattern and
moved into a new era and surely a very different and better future.
Why? Simple . . . because women hold the key to the future of not only sustainable
transportation but also to a sustainable and just world. We have ignored them all too
long and are, if you noticed, suffering for it.
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Sustainable Penang: Toward a New Mobility Agenda
The photographs that appear in these pages have been taken from many
sources, mostly the local media, and are intended to give the foreign
reader who is not directly familiar with the streets of Penang a first feeling
for the day to day reality of the scene. A small window on the streets and
people of Penang. As you will see when you go there the reality has many
facets and the handful of images that appear here are only fragmentary
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Phase 1. Brainstorming Report and Recommendations
1.1 Do we have a problem?
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Sustainable Penang: Toward a New Mobility Agenda
1.2 If so why are we not solving it?
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Phase 1. Brainstorming Report and Recommendations
What do we do need to do to make it work?
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