Hetram Sharma*.et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 8, Issue 1, ( Part –III ) January 2018, pp.05-09
“Road Safety Audit: Challenges And Remedies”
Hetram Sharma*, Dr Sheetal Agarwal**
*(Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engg. JECRC Foundation, Sitapura, Jaipur
** (Assosiate Professor Department of Civil Engg. KITE Sitapura, Jaipur
Corresponding Author: Hetram Sharma*
The Road Safety Audit (RSA) is a technique to investigate the road crashes potential and safety performance in
the provision of new road planning’s, rehabilitation, improvements and maintenance in existing road network.
This investigates the road infrastructure deficiencies that may influence crashes occurrence and suggests the
guidelines for appropriate improvement measures. The present study aimed to evaluate the Road Safety
deficiencies and improvements on existing road network. NH-12 ((Durgapura Bus Stand to India Gate) (total
length= 10.500Km)), for present study the accident data were collected at identified road stretch and black spots
namely India Gate, Haldighati Marg and Pinjrapole Goshala were indentified. The road safety deficiencies such
as improper intersection designing’s width of carriage way low maintenance of road markings, road sign,
unauthorized median openings, unavailability of Bus-Stops, confusing behavior of Pedestrian etc., were
oberserved at identified location. It was found that the public transport system including mini bus and low floor
bus shared a major part of carriageway width and creating the traffic hazards to the other fast moving vehicles.
Further, Improper vehicle tuning movements and unauthorized median openings at road intersections, were also
responsible for accidental crash.
Keywords: Road safety audit, Road safety improvement, Human factors, Freeway road inspection
India has 34 lakh km of road network and is
the second largest in the world. India have 79243 km
National Highway which is 1.7% of total length of
road which carries about 40% of road traffic
(Source: www.nhai.org). It is observed that the road
traffic is growing at an annual rate of 7-10 percent,
with the vehicle population growing rate at 12
percent per year (Katiyari and Ghodmare, 2014).
During past two decades, the life style of middle
class population of India has been changed,
drastically. Increasing, traffic demand, directly
causes the unpredictable road safety challenges an
Indian road network.(Singh, A.P., etal.,(2011)). The
road safety management system is poor in India.
Inadequate road design, and low awareness of
knowledge of traffic rules, traffic control and
policing (enforcement) are major responsible factors
for the accidents.(Katiyari and Ghodmare; 2011).
Road safety audit is a technique to evaluate
the accidental probability and safety performance in
road network planning. (Dhemla, etal., 2015). The
road safety audit identifies the safety principles for
designing of new or rehabilitated road sections,
which prevents the frequent accident and reduce the
severity of road accident.
To study the various roads traffic characteristics and
road traffic crash data at identified road stretch. (NH-
12 Durgapura Bus Stand (9/800) to India Gate
(20/300) Sitapura Tonk Road, Jaipur)
1) Identification of Black-Spots and road safety
deficiencies at selected road stretch.
2) To check and analyze the RSA performance
Indicators at road section.
3) Incorporation of Road Safety measures in
existing road layout.
Jaipur-Jabalpur National Highway (NH-12)
serves two states i.e. Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh.
It starts from Jaipur as its eastern terminal and ends at
Jabalpur as its western terminal. The total length of
the highway is 886 kilometers out of which400
kilometers are covered within the boundary of
Rajasthan. In this 400Km spell a road stretch from
9/800 to km 20/300 of NH-12 was selected for the
present study. The identified road section passes
through the Durgapura area of Jaipur city which is
densely populated. The vehicular population has
increased drastically in the recent years in this area.
Due to the presence of the Sitapura Industrial Area
and Pratap Nagar residential colony, the vehicular
traffic on this road from Airport fly over to Chokhidhani fly over has increased drastically. During the
can 2 decades huge numbers of educational
institutions have also come up in this area.
The detailed route map and location map of the
identified study road section is shown in figure
3.1and 3.2, respectively. These National Highway is
DOI: 10.9790/9622-0801030509
Hetram Sharma*.et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 8, Issue 1, ( Part –III ) January 2018, pp.05-09
maintained and operated by National Highway
Authority of India (NHAI) under the Ministry of road
Transport and Highways (MoRTH).Which is in the
residential & industrial part of city.
The third sub-division is assessment of the
availability of public facilities. It suggests the
provision of Bus-Stops, and designated space for
route information map of each Bus shelter. The
fourth sub-division incorporates the road side parking
facilities. The fifth sub-division focuses on the Road
way design. It included the lane width, shoulders,
medians and other cross sectional features in
accordance with standard design.
guidelines given in the standard checklist (IRC: SP:
80:2010) the following major road deficiencies were
observed at the identified road stretch.
(a) The kerb height of footpath should be at least
100-150mm as per IRC guidelines.
Figure: 1 Durgapura Bus stand to India Gate
Road Safety Audit (RSA) is carried out as
per on the guidelines given in IRC: SP: 88-2010
(Road Safety Manual). The procedure includes three
key players such as: Client, Designer, Auditor and
the Road User.
The Road Safety Audit is based on standard checklist
developed in IRC: SP: 88-2010(RSM).
checklists cover planning, alignment, cross section,
junction, link road, traffic sign, road marking, road
lighting, road side hazards, road side furniture,
vulnerable road users, cross-drainage structure etc.
The Road Safety auditor visits the sites for
identifying the deficiencies from safety angle of the
safety stretch suggests the remedial measures. The
auditor checks the planning, vulnerable road users
signs, markings and lighting also road side hazards, if
any.(IRC:SP: 88-2010)
The standard checklist prescribed in IRC: SP
88-2010,Road Safety Manual has three sections in
standards checklist. The topics listed in first section
covers the more common elements of design and
practice. It includes the brief description of identified
location with the details of existing roadway
segment. The second section deals with the details of
the existing roadway segment. It highlighted the type
of vehicles frequently used on existing road section,
also covered the accidental status during last three
years at identified road stretch. The third section
checklist has five sub-divisions. The first subdivision covers the pedestrian facilities on the study
location. It focuses on the safe use of road layout by
pedestrian. It covers availability of footpath, presence
of guard rails and pedestrian crossing, respectively.
The second sub-division deals with the availability
the bicycle facilities.
Figure: 2 Discontinue kerb at footpath
Figure 2 showed that the footpath was not properly
present at the site further the kerb was also not
present continuously.
(b) Figure 3 showed that although zebra marking for
Pedestrian crossing was present at the site but due to
poor maintenance it was faded and was not clearly
Figure: 3 Faded Zebra Crossing at Kubhamarg
No proper sign board for Pedestrian crossing was
present near the zebra crossing. Further, individual
traffic signal time was also absent in traffic signals.
This directly develops the confusing behavior among
DOI: 10.9790/9622-0801030509
Hetram Sharma*.et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 8, Issue 1, ( Part –III ) January 2018, pp.05-09
Pedestrians and created conflicts points specially at
(c) Figure 4.3 showed that the
although guard rails were present on median But, the
wide, or irregular openings in guard rail with no
proper road sign, created a lot of problems. Due to
wide openings in guard rail, the two wheeler and
bicyclist could cross the road in both directions.
Further, wider openings leads to free movement of
cattle in both direction.
Figure: 5 Absence of Bus Stop at Sanganer Booking
Figure: 6 Absence of Bus Stop at Sector-3 Pratap
(f) No independent parking space was provided on
road side therefore, the vehicles parked randomly on
road side and covered a very wide area of the road
Figure: 4 Irregular opening of Guard Rail at Kalyan
(d) Figure 5 to Figure 6 showed that the Bus - Stop
locations were also not present orderly. As per IRC
guidelines, the Bus Stops should be 50m apart from
each other. It was observed that only Three BusStops were present on the selected road length of
10.500Km. Due to lack of availability of Bus-Stops,
Roadways Buses as well as private Buses stopped
randomly. Further, people also waited for public
transport system on road side and created lot of
congestion problems on road side.
Figure: 7 Randomly Vehicle Parked at Goshala
(g) Figure 8 showed that the drainage system was
also insufficient and inadequate. It was not covered,
properly at many places which directly turned in to a
major accidental creating situation among
DOI: 10.9790/9622-0801030509
Hetram Sharma*.et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 8, Issue 1, ( Part –III ) January 2018, pp.05-09
Figure: 8 The Drainage System are Inadequate at
Taruchhaya Nagar
Road Safety Improvements And Recommendation
1. The identified location surrounded by
institutional & Industrial area, the footpath
should be provided with at least 2.5m wide as
per IRC guidelines.
2. The zebra crossing can be 3m-5m wide for safe
pedestrian crossing.
3. The sign post related with speed, gap in median,
narrow bridge, fly over, etc should be placed at
every point.
4. The table top surface should be provided on
pedestrian crossing at mid-block crossings.
5. Installation of delineation devices such as lane
markings, guide posts, chevrons lines, to
facilitate and guide traffic movement.
6. Treatment of road side hazards trees. ditches,
other fixed objectives
7. Installation and up gradation of median barriers,
edge barriers, at turning roads and refuse island.
8. Provision for augmentation of adequate
pedestrian facility(crossing, urban and rural
footways, safety zones)
9. General
10. Incorporation of safety features in the design and
construction of new road schemes.
11. 11 Parking area are n‟t present at many location.
Therefore to avoid enchochment networks.
Vendors etc. the non vending should be marked
at road side. The separate “Vending Zones”
12. Should be developed by Jaipur Nagar Nigam.
13. Road side safety barriers should be installed
wherever required
14. The pedestrian pathway should be clearly
marked to avoid conflict points
15. All unauthorized median opening should be
closed immediately
16. Footpath and pedestrian accessibility condition
like pavement type, height of footpath,
availability of crossing etc are not in the proper
condition. They need to be repair immediately.
Road Safety deals with the development and
management of road infrastructure, provision of safer
vehicles, legislation and law enforcement and urban
land use planning etc. The major objective of the
RSA is to minimize the risk of accidents occurring in
the future. The present study focused on the
investigation of road safety deficiencies and level of
service on an identified road stretch Durgapura Bus
Stand to India Gate. The area was by mixed land use
showed drastic increase of vehicular traffic as well as
road accident during last five years. It was observed
that the, availability of bus shelter was very poor,
which directly increased the random of public
transport system on the road network. Future the due
to lack of road markings and traffic signs on selected
road sketch the, turning behavior of vehicles was also
very irregular and confusing, which was very much
prone to road accidents.
To avoid the conflicts points, detailed BusShelter designing was proposed, which is
incorporating the turning movements of the vehicles.
It was observed that by improving the road
infrastructure, the not only the conflict points can be
reduced, but the road can be improved which directly
improved the road safety conditions on the selected
road stretch, as well.
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International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) is UGC approved
Journal with Sl. No. 4525, Journal no. 47088. Indexed in Cross Ref, Index Copernicus (ICV
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Hetram Sharma*.Road Safety Audit: Challenges And Remedies”.” International Journal of
Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), vol. 08, no. 01, 2018, pp. 05–09.
DOI: 10.9790/9622-0801030509