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—In this study, the operation of water supply (Sachet Water Industry) was studied, modeled and transformed into automatic procedures through hardware and software control mechanisms. Various electronic components such as transistors, resistors, capacitors, relay operational-amplifiers (comparators), Integrated circuit (CD4066) were coupled together through an interface circuit to the parallel port of a personal Computer. Visual Basic 6.0 programming language was used in interfacing the control circuit with the Personal Computer. The overall system is capable of performing the manual and automatic control of the pumping machine and the displaying of the level of water in the reservoir.
International Journal of Research, 2016
In modern technology is largely depends on automation and control system. Automation and control system refers the use of various control systems for operating equipment such as machinery, processes in factories, boilers and heat treating ovens, switching on telephone networks, steering and stabilization of ships, aircraft, automobile and other applications with minimal or reduced human intervention. The greatest advantage of automation and control system is that it saves labor. A water level indicator system is a device that indicates the level of water in a tank or reservoir. It is widely used in industrial applications such as boilers in nuclear power plants and residential applications. The project is to design water level indicator with automatic water pump controlling system. water level sensor has been made for apprehended water level properly. Micro-controller is plighted to restrain the overall system accurately that reduces the control complexity. It takes input through the sensor unit that senses the water level. After taking input , output intends the pump's action (on/off) with respect to current water status of the tank. A display unit indicates the status of pump and water level. The device also monitor the state of level of water whether it is stable, increasing or decreasing with what velocity. It also stores the total time of pump being kept ON. It also keep monitoring whether the pumping is working well or not. While Keeping the motor ON it detects whether the motor pump is working well or not every minutes. If the level is increasing or decreasing in each minutes then the indicator shows the motor pump is working well else after three minutes if the level remains stable then it shows there is a problem in motor. Thus it also monitor the working performance of the pump.
serious problem faced by several cities of the World, with wastage during pumping and distribution identified as a culprit. This paper developed a microcontroller based water pump controller aimed reducing water wastages and pump failures, due to not switching it off immediately when not needed. The control system from which water level of both tanks are observed with simultaneous water pump control is based on existing water level technology using the principle of ultrasound for level sensing. A prototype of the proposed microcontroller based water pump controller was fabricated and tested. This paper provided an improvement on existing water level controllers by its use of calibrated circuit to indicate the water level and use of DC instead of ac power, thereby eliminating risk of electrocution. The developed system is capable of powering a 1HP pump from the input voltage, which can deliver an output current up to 20A. The system will help to eliminate the cost and inefficiency of human interference associated with manual monitoring and controlling of pump, while maximizing the performance and life span of the electric water pump.
This is an Arduino based automatic water level controller and indicator project. Here, we are going to measure the water level by using help of ultrasonic sensors. The ultrasonic sensors use the principle of "echo". When sound waves are transmitted, they after striking any obstacle return. So, by using this principle we can calculate the time of travel for outgoing as well as returning. By calculation we can calculate the distance. Here we use this concept in our project. The motor pump automatically turns ON when the water level is low. Actually there is a lot of drinking water crisis in India and also in other countries. Today we need to preserve water at any cost. In India, we can see many houses as overhead tanks and they keep on overflowing water. It wastes a lot of water as well as electricity. If we do not do anything on this matter than we can face huge scarcity of water. In this project I Am going to implement automatic water level controller so that we no longer ...
An Electric Water Pump Controller and Level Indicator (EWPCLI) has been designed, constructed and tested. The EWPCLI exploits the electrical conductivity of water to give indication of water level in a storage tank and ultimately, the automatic control of the water pump. The EWPCLI employs a number of metallic conductors or probes, each positioned at separate levels along the tank height to act as sensors. Comparators monitor the presence of water at the probes (utilizing the conductivity of ionized water due to its impurities) and give out corresponding digital outputs which are used by the microcontroller to drive digital outputs which turn on visual display LEDs that indicate various water levels in the tank. The microcontroller also controls a switch to turn the water pump on (when water goes below the preset minimum level) or off (when water goes above the chosen maximum level). EWPCLI when tested turned the water pump on or off depending on the water level in the tank as designed. The required visual LEDs were also turned on at the corresponding water level. The system will help to eliminate the cost and inefficiency of human interference associated with monitoring and controlling the pump while maximizing the performance and life span of the electric water pump.
International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 2016
Water scarcity is one of the major problem facing major cities of the world. Major problems regarding that are when either sump or bore well motor is started people forget to switch OFF these motors so water goes waste as well as electricity gets consumed. There is not fix schedule to start and stop motors so there is always problem of unwanted vacancy of water in overhead tank, people are facing such problems at midnight & situation becomes critical. Sumps as well as bore well motor can dry run giving electricity wastage. So overall wastage has been identified as a major culprit; this is one of the motivations for this research, to deploy computing techniques in creating a barrier to wastage in order to not only provide more financial gains and energy saving, but also help the environment and water cycle which in turn ensures that water is saved for our future. This paper presents research in embedding a control system into an automatic water pump controller through the use of diff...
ijetrm journal
The objective of this project is to design an automatic water level control system. It indicates the level of water in the tank and automatically controls it by using PIC microcontroller IC 16F887Aand water level sensor. Seven segment displays show the current water level in the overhead tank. When the underground tank water is empty, motor is turn off and buzzer on. In this condition, display indicator shows the ERROR (E) character. Three digit seven segment displays are used to show different water levels in percentage. Desire water level is stored in the EEPROM memory of PIC 16F887A. The code developed for the PIC is written in the C language. INTRODUCTION Water level controller is equipment used to control the water level in an overhead tank. The level of the water is controlled by using a microcontroller. In this research project, resistors divider is used as water level sensor. The sensors sense the presence of water level in overhead tank and underground tank. This reading information is send to the microcontroller. The micro-controller produces the control signals to drive the motor. If there is no water in the underground tank then microcontroller gives control signal to stop the motor and the character "E" appear on the display indicator. Desire water level is stored in the EEPROM memory of PIC 16F887A microcontroller IC by use of three push button switches. A water-level-controller circuit monitors the level of the overhead tank and spontaneously switches on the water pump whenever the level goes below a specific limit. When the desire water level is reached, motor is turn off. Hence the level of water in an overhead tank can be automatically controlled. The water level controller circuit does not allow the pump to start if the water inside the underground tank is empty. Indicates the level of water and the motor switches off automatically. The tone system attached to the alarm system gives level information as "tank is empty" so that a user can easily recognize the level of the water in the underground tank. The main components used in this equipment are PIC microcontroller, sensor and motor. PIC 16F887A contains a flash program memory which can easily be programmed using a suitable programmer devices. There is no need to erase the memory with an UV light. This makes the development and testing an easy and a relatively quick task [1, 3]. This paper is divided into five sections including this section. In section 2, Basic concept of PIC microcontroller, and Microcontroller Unit (PIC 16F887A) connection, Display devices (LED), Sensor, Interfacing an Electromagnetic Relay with PIC Microcontroller are displayed. Section 3 describes Design and Implementation of water level control system, and Operation Description and Complete Circuit Diagram. Section 4 simulate by using Matlab programming and C program of control implementation. Section 5 includes Results and Discussion of this system.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, 2022
Arduino is an ASCII text file programmable circuit card that will be programmed to sense and manage objects within the physical world. By responding to sensors and inputs, the Arduino is ready to act with an outsized array of outputs equivalent to LEDs, motors, and displays. The ESP8266 is capable of either hosting a degree application or offloading all LAN networking functions from another application processor. A pump is a tool that moves fluids (liquids or gases) by mechanical action. Pumps operate via several energy sources, alongside manual operation, electricity, engines, or wind power. An integrated development setting (IDE) is also a coding system application that provides comprehensive facilities to pc programmers for software package development. Some IDEs, appreciate NetBeans and Eclipse, contain the obligatory compiler, interpreter, or both.
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