Danielis Sartorii Musicalia Wratislaviensia
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Instytutu Muzykologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego,
Rektora Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
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This publication has been made possible by funding from:
the Institute of Musicology, University of Warsaw,
the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Warsaw
the University of Warsaw Foundation.
Projekt badawczy pt.:
Repertuar muzyczny kościołów i klasztorów Śląska w czasach nowożytnych
Research project entitled:
The Music Repertoire of Silesian Churches and Monasteries in the Modern Era
Tomasz Jeż
Danielis Sartorii
Musicalia Wratislaviensia
Musi c æ
Warszawa 2017
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Sub Lupa
Fontes Musicæ in Polonia, A /I
Fontes Musicæ in Polonia
seria | series A, vol. I
Repertuar muzyczny kościołów i klasztorów Śląska w czasach nowożytnych
The Music Repertoire of Silesian Churches and Monasteries in the Modern Era
Redaktorzy serii | General Editors
Tomasz Jeż, Katarzyna Spurgjasz
Rada Naukowa | Scientific Council
Paweł Gancarczyk, PhD, Hab., Professor at the Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences
Aleksandra Patalas, PhD, Hab., The Jagiellonian University
Danuta Popinigis, PhD, Hab., Professor at the Academy of Music in Gdańsk
Barbara Przybyszewska-Jarmińska, PhD, Hab., Professor at the Institute of Art,
Polish Academy of Sciences
Marcin Szelest, PhD, Hab., Professor at the Academy of Music in Cracow
Ewa Hauptman-Fischer, MA, The University of Warsaw Library (sekretarz | secretary)
Recenzent | Review
Danuta Szlagowska, PhD, Hab.
Redaktor | Editor
Katarzyna Spurgjasz
Na okładce | Cover
Kontrafaktura madrygału Giovanniego Rovetty, Giovinetta fastosa (R 2982, S II/T) wpisana
ręką Daniela Sartoriusa | Contrafactum of the madrigal Giovinetta fastosa (R 2982, S II/T)
by Giovanni Rovetta, entered in the hand of Daniel Sartorius
Wrocław, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka | University Library, sygn. | shelfmark 50752 Muz.
Tłumaczenia | Translations
Tomasz Zymer
Korekta językowa | Proofreading
Halina Stykowska
Skład | Page layout
Weronika Sygowska-Pietrzyk
© 2017 Tomasz Jeż
Instytut Muzykologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Sub Lupa
1. Wstęp
rzedmiotem niniejszej publikacji jest unikatowa w skali światowej kolekcja muzykaliów, zgromadzona w XVII wieku we wrocławskim gimnazjum
św. Elżbiety. Zbiór ten, obejmujący 399 druków muzycznych z lat 1606–1665
oraz 5 podobnie datowanych rękopisów, od wielu lat jest przedmiotem żywego zainteresowania muzykologów i muzyków w wielu krajach świata; jak dotąd nie doczekał się jednak całościowego opracowania. Bogaty repertuar tej
kolekcji (przeszło 8000 utworów) opisany tu więc został w formie katalogu,
poprzedzonego nieco rozleglejszym niż zwykle wstępem historyczno-kulturowym. Mamy nadzieję, że publikacja taka umożliwi podjęcie szerzej zakrojonych studiów nad kulturą muzyczną Wrocławia, środkowoeuropejską recepcją
bezcennej spuścizny włoskiego Seicenta, a także prac nad edycją wybranego
z niej repertuaru oraz przywróceniem go współczesnej kulturze muzycznej za
pomocą koncertów i nagrań.
Omawiany zbiór określa się zwykle mianem kolekcji Daniela Sartoriusa
(1612–1671) – profesora wrocławskiego gimnazjum św. Elżbiety, który sprawował nad tym zasobem pieczę, opatrzył go licznymi adjustacjami, dokonał
też wielu rękopiśmiennych kopii zawartego w nim repertuaru. Po śmierci Sartoriusa jego kolekcja trafiła do słynnej wrocławskiej Bibliotheca Rhedigeriana,
została z nią scalona i – choć nie zatraciła statusu kolekcji wydzielonej pod
względem proweniencji – zaczęła figurować pod bardziej ogólną nazwą całej
biblioteki. Nazwa ta wywodzi się od nazwiska jej fundatora – Thomasa Rehdigera (1540–1576), wrocławskiego patrycjusza i właściciela bogatej kolekcji
książek, rękopisów, monet, drogich kamieni i dzieł sztuki, zapisanych testamentem na rzecz rodzinnego miasta i przeznaczonych do udostępnienia szerszemu gronu zainteresowanych:
„Libros meos, quos ego magno labore et sumptu conquisivi, una cum Numismatibus aureis, argenteis, aeneis, statuis, picturis, et reliquis Bibliothecae
ornamentis minime vulgaribus cupio et volo quam diligentissime Vratislaviae
in uno Conclavi ad id a praedictis duobus heredibus instructo adservari et
omnia in eo suis locis distincte et ordinate disponi: ut illa Bibliotheca cum suis
1. Wstęp
ornamentis non tantum Rhedigerianae Familiae (penes quam perpetuo esse
volo) honori, verum etiam aliis usui et voluptati esse possit”1.
W roku 1589 bibliotekę tę zdeponowano w jednym z pomieszczeń wrocławskiego kościoła św. Elżbiety (Elisabethkirche), a w 1645 r. oficjalnie przekazano ją miastu, tworząc tym samym pierwszą publiczną bibliotekę Wrocławia2.
Z gimnazjum działającym przy kościele św. Elżbiety związany był zresztą sam
Thomas Rehdiger, który w młodości pobierał tam nauki3, a później także Daniel Sartorius, który przez wiele lat był w tej szkole nauczycielem4. Specyficznie
włoski profil kolekcji wiąże się z aktywnością Ambrosiusa Profego (1589–1661)
– wychowanka elżbietańskiego gimnazjum, jego nauczyciela, a następnie – organisty kościoła św. Elżbiety i wydawcy kilku antologii współczesnej muzyki
włoskiej5. Gromadzone przez Profego i Sartoriusa muzykalia tworzyły kolekcję
odrębną wobec biblioteki kościoła św. Elżbiety, służącą najprawdopodobniej
działającemu pod tym samym wezwaniem gimnazjum. Zbiór muzykaliów
Sartoriusa zachowywał swoją odrębność przez kolejne dwieście lat, jako część
Bibliotheca Rhedigeriana. Dopiero w latach 1865–1867, kiedy we Wrocławiu
zakładano nową bibliotekę miejską (Stadtbibliothek), tworzące ją zasoby proweniencyjne były ze sobą łączone i mieszane. Dotyczyło to m.in. zbiorów muzycznych, które w takiej właśnie scalonej formie zostały skatalogowane przez
Emila Bohna (1839–1909)6.
Jednak jeszcze przed połączeniem muzykaliów różnej proweniencji
w całość, wchodzące w skład nowej biblioteki zasoby zostały opisane oddzielnie
przez Siegfrieda Wilhelma Dehna (1799–1858), kustosza zbiorów muzycznych
Cyt. za: Albrecht Wilhelm Jakob Wachler, Thomas Rehdiger und seine Büchersammlung in
Breslau: Ein biographisch-literarischer Versuch, Breslau: Grüson 1828, s. 70–71.
Archiwum Państwowe we Wrocławiu (dalej jako APW), zespół 28: Akta miasta Wrocławia
– dokumenty, 13170 [olim: Priv 296; B. 36].
Aniela Kolbuszewska, Zbiory muzyczne kościoła św. Elżbiety we Wrocławiu, [w:] Z dziejów
wielkomiejskiej fary. Wrocławski kościół św. Elżbiety w świetle historii i zabytków sztuki, red. Mieczysław Zlat, Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego 1996, s. 234.
Hans-Adolf Sander, Beiträge zur Geschichte des lutherischen Gottesdienstes und der Kirchenmusik in Breslau. Die lateinischen Haupt- und Nebengottesdienste im. 16. und 17. Jahrhundert, Breslau: Priebatsch 1937 (Breslauer Studien zur Musikwissenschaft, 1), s. 90.
Reinhold Starke, Ambrosius Profe, „Monatshefte für Musikgeschichte” 34/11 (1902),
s. 189–196; 34/12 (1902), s. 199–215; Adam Adrio, Ambrosius Profe (1589–1661) als Herausgeber
italienischer Musik seiner Zeit, [w:] Festschrift Karl Gustav Fellerer zum sechzigsten Geburtstag
am 7. Juli 1962, red. Heinrich Hüschen, Regensburg: Bosse 1962, s. 20–27.
Bibliographie der Musik-Druckwerke bis 1700 welche in der Stadtbibliothek, der Bibliothek
des Akademischen Instituts für Kirchenmusik und in der Königlichen- und Universitätsbibliothek
zu Breslau aufbewahrt werden, red. Emil Bohn, Berlin: A. Cohn 1883, dalej jako BohnD.
1. Wstęp
Königliche Bibliothek w Berlinie7. Dzięki sporządzonym przezeń katalogom,
możliwe są obecnie studia nad poszczególnymi zbiorami proweniencyjnymi,
co pozwala na uchwycenie specyfiki każdego z nich8. Najobszerniejszą jest
tu Bibliotheca Rhedigeriana, obejmująca w katalogu Dehna 404 jednostki. To
właśnie opisany przez niego stan kolekcji jest przedmiotem niniejszej pracy:
odzwierciedla on bowiem najstarszy obecnie znany jej skład, będąc tym samym cennym źródłem dla badań nad historyczną recepcją i dyspersją repertuaru muzycznego. W odróżnieniu od gromadzonych dla celów ewidentnie
praktycznych bibliotek kapel muzycznych głównych kościołów ewangelickich
(Hauptkirchen) Wrocławia: św. Elżbiety, św. Marii Magdaleny i św. Bernardyna9, Rhedigeriana obejmuje repertuar zbierany w celach dydaktycznych i erudycyjnych. Jest to jednak zbiór o kolosalnym znaczeniu dla kultury muzycznej
XVII wieku, nie tylko w skali lokalnej, ale i europejskiej. Dlatego też opracowanie tej kolekcji udostępniamy czytelnikom, wypełniając przy okazji testament
Thomasa Rehdigera.
Barbara Wiermann, Die Musikaliensammlungen und Musikpflege im Umkreis der St. Elisabethkirche Breslau. Kirchliches und bürgerliches Musikleben im Kontrast, „Schütz-Jahrbuch” 30
(2008), s. 93–109.
Obecnie przechowywane są one w D-Bds (objaśnienia siglów bibliotek zob. wykaz skrótów), Mus. ms. theor. kat. 161–167. Ich treścią są katalogi następujących siedmiu wydzielonych
kolekcji bibliotecznych:
– B 2. (Mus. ms. theor. kat. 161) muzykaliów Królewskiego Akademickiego Instytutu Muzyki
Kościelnej (Königliche Akademische Instituts für Kirchenmusik), pochodzących z zasobów kasowanych klasztorów;
– B 3. (Mus. ms. theor. kat. 162) traktatów teoretyczno-muzycznych z Biblioteki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego;
– B 4. (Mus. ms. theor. kat. 163) muzykaliów z kościoła św. Marii Magdaleny we Wrocławiu;
– B 5. (Mus. ms. theor. kat. 164) muzykaliów ze zbioru Bibliotheca Rhedigeriana;
– B 6. (Mus. ms. theor. kat. 165) muzykaliów z kościoła św. Bernardyna we Wrocławiu;
– B 7. (Mus. ms. theor. kat. 166) muzykaliów z kościoła św. Elżbiety we Wrocławiu;
– B 8. (Mus. ms. theor. kat. 167) muzykaliów z kościoła św. Filipa i Jakuba w Żorach, zdeponowanych wówczas w Königliche Bibliothek w Berlinie.
Ich zawartość opisuje Allen Scott w przygotowywanym obecnie do druku siostrzanym katalogu.
2. Historia zbioru
2.1. Thomas Rehdiger i jego biblioteka
homas Rehdiger urodził się 19 grudnia 1540 roku w Strzeszowie (Striese)
– podwrocławskim majątku swego ojca, Nicolausa I, obywatela miasta
Wrocławia10. Ich nazwisko (zapisywane jako Rudinger, Rudiger, Rüdiger, Rediger, Redinger, Rehdiger, Rhedinger i Rhediger) kojarzone było etymologicznie
z sarną (Reh) widniejącą w herbie, którym pieczętowała się ta bogata rodzina
ziemiańska (Landadel). Dzięki umiejętnie prowadzonemu handlowi z miastami Niemiec i Rzeczpospolitej Nicolaus I zdobył fortunę, a przez małżeństwo
z Anną Morenberg trafił do ścisłej elity wrocławskiego patrycjatu. Żona Nicolausa I Rehdigera była bowiem córką Gregora Morenberga, wpływowego
pisarza miejskiego, który swego czasu wraz ze starszym rady miasta i starostą
krajowym Śląska Johannem Haunoldem ubiegał się o założenie we Wrocławiu
uniwersytetu11. Rehdigerowie kształcili swoich synów we wrocławskim gimnazjum św. Elżbiety, będącym od czasów Wawrzyńca Korwina (rektora tej szkoły
w latach 1497–1503) ważnym ośrodkiem edukacji humanistycznej12. W kręgu
rodziny działały także takie znakomitości jak nadworny lekarz cesarski Johann
Jorg Baecker, Thomas Rehdiger, der Mann und sein Werk. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des
geistigen Lebens im 16. Jahrhundert. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde
der Hohen Philosophischen Fakultät der Schlesischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Breslau,
Breslau: Hochschulverlag 1921.
Akt fundacyjny tej uczelni został podpisany 20 lipca 1505 roku przez króla czeskiego Władysława II Jagiellończyka; fundacji tej jednak nie zatwierdził papież Juliusz II. Gustav Bauch, Aktenstücke zur Geschichte des Breslauer Schulwesens im XVI. Jahrhundert, Breslau: Grass & Barth 1898,
s. 6–8; Gustav Bauch, Geschichte des Breslauer Schulwesens vor der Zeit der Reformation, Breslau:
Ferdinand Hirt 1909 (Codex diplomaticus Silesiae, 25), s. 268–278. O prawdopodobnych przyczynach tej decyzji pisze Carsten Rabe, Alma Mater Leopoldina. Kolleg und Universität der Jesuiten
in Breslau 1638–1811, Köln – Weimar – Wien: Böhlau 1999 (Neue Forschungen zur schlesischen
Geschichte. Eine Schriftenreihe des Historischen Instituts der Universität Stuttgart, 7), s. 45–51.
Gustav Bauch, Beiträge zur Literaturgeschichte des schlesischen Humanismus, „Zeitschrift
des Vereins für Geschichte und Altherthum Schlesiens” 30 (1896), s. 127–164.
2.1. Thomas Rehdiger i jego biblioteka
Krafft (Crato) von Krafftheim13, poeta Petrus Monau (Monavius), botanik Laurentius Scholtz i historyk Nicolaus Henel (Henelius) von Hennenfeld, który
swoją Silesiographię kończył właśnie w Strzeszowie14.
Intelektualne ambicje rodziny najbardziej rozwinął Thomas, urodzony
jako dziewiąte dziecko Anny i Nicolausa I15. Pobierał on naukę we wrocławskim gimnazjum św. Elżbiety, kierowanym wówczas przez Andreasa Winklera
– założyciela jednej z miejskich drukarni16. Kluczową rolę w życiu Thomasa
odegrał Johann Crato, który skierował młodego Rehdigera w roku 1558 na
studia do Wittenbergi, powierzając go opiece naukowej i gościnności samego
Filipa Melanchtona. Po ukończeniu studiów Thomas na krótko wrócił na Śląsk,
skąd jednak szybko wyjechał, rozpoczynając swoje europejskie Wanderjahre.
Dzięki listom polecającym od Johanna Crato trafił do Paryża, gdzie zaprzyjaźnił się z niderlandzkim botanikiem, Charlesem de l’Écluse (Clusius), z którym
pojechał do Orleanu, a potem do Antwerpii i Lowanium. W roku 1563 udał
się do Bourges, gdzie praktykował u prawnika Jacquesa Cujasa (Cujacius);
kilka lat wcześniej pobierał u niego naukę jeden z braci Thomasa, Johannes.
Za Cujasem trafił do Valence, skąd wrócił do Paryża, gdzie odbywał praktykę prawniczą w parlamencie. Tam też spotkał go wysłany doń przez Cratona
Johann Jungschulz (Neodicus), który był przewodnikiem Thomasa Rehdigera
na kolejnym etapie jego podróży, odbywanych po miastach Italii.
Neodicus był już wcześniej cicerone starszego brata Thomasa, Nicolausa II, który również odbywał podobną podróż po Europie. O ile jednak
Nicolaus II Rehdiger obrał drogę swego ojca, angażując się w pomnażanie
majątku rodziny i poszerzanie jej wpływów politycznych we Wrocławiu, dla
Thomasa treścią życia okazały się podróże, kontakty z wybitnymi intelektualistami i pasja kolekcjonerska. Pomimo wielu listów od rodziny, usiłującej
go skłonić do powrotu na Śląsk, Thomas pozostał za granicą i kontynuował
swoje Wanderjahre. Z Padwy, której akademickie życie niezbyt mu przypadło do gustu, podróżował do Wenecji i Bolonii, gdzie nabywał do swojej ko-
Karl A. Siegel, Crato von Krafftheim, Simon Schard und Thomas Rehdiger: Ein Beitrag zur
Gelehrtengeschichte des 16. Jahrhunderts, „Zeitschrift des Vereins für Geschichte Schlesiens” 64
(1930), s. 75–88.
Detlef Haberland, Silesiographia i Breslo-Graphia Nicolausa Henela von Hennenfeld, Wrocław: Biblioteka Uniwersytecka we Wrocławiu 2011, s. 16–18.
Hans-Jürgen von Witzendorff-Rehdiger, Die Rehdiger in Breslau, „Jahrbuch der Schlesischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Breslau” 2 (1957), s. 93–106.
Marta Burbianka, Andrzej Winkler – drukarz wrocławski XVI wieku, „Roczniki Biblioteczne” 4 (1960), s. 329–445, 636–638; Aleksandra Mendykowa, Dzieje książki polskiej na Śląsku,
Wrocław: Ossolineum 1991, s. 55–64.
2. Historia zbioru
lekcji książki, rękopisy, monety, obrazy i wyroby rzemiosła artystycznego.
Zapuszczał się także na południe Italii, odwiedzając Rzym i Neapol; bawił
tam jednak niedługo. W roku 1569 wyjechał z Wenecji do Antwerpii, by jeszcze raz odwiedzić Clusiusa, po czym udał się do Spiry, gdzie odbył praktykę
prawniczą w Sądzie Kameralnym Rzeszy (Reichskammergericht). Następnie
zamieszkał w Kolonii, gdzie jego opiekunem ze strony rodziny był młody
filolog z Nijmegen, Gerhard Falkenberg. W czasie podróży do Heidelbergu
Rehdiger uległ wypadkowi, raniąc prawy łokieć; zastosowana przez lekarza
kuracja doprowadziła do stanu zapalnego, w wyniku którego poważnie zachorował i 5 stycznia 1576 roku zmarł.
Kilka tygodni wcześniej, 18 grudnia 1575 roku, Thomas Rehdiger napisał
jednak testament, w którym powierzył całą swą kolekcję młodszym braciom:
Adamowi i Jacobowi. Zobligował ich do przewiezienia zbioru do Wrocławia
i oddania do użytku publicznego w specjalnie do tego wyznaczonym miejscu.
W roku 1581 zbiór ten znalazł się we Wrocławiu, a 15 marca 1589 roku został zdeponowany w tzw. Auditorium Theologicum, usytuowanym nad jedną
z zakrystii wrocławskiego kościoła św. Elżbiety. Status własności prawnej całej
kolekcji uporządkowany został jednak dopiero 17 marca 1645 roku, kiedy to
za sprawą negocjacji prowadzonych przez Nicolausa Henela von Hennenfeld
Rehdigerowie podpisali z wrocławskim magistratem ugodę, w której zrzekli
się na jego rzecz praw własności do spuścizny Thomasa Rehdigera. Miasto
zobowiązało się zaś do tego, że kolekcja ta zostanie zachowana w niepodzielnej całości w aktualnym miejscu jej przechowywania i będzie nosiła nazwę
Bibliotheca Rhedigeriana, bez względu na późniejsze legaty. Cały zbiór miał być
utrzymywany przez wrocławski magistrat i obsługiwany przez zatrudnionego
przezeń bibliotekarza. Oficjalne otwarcie biblioteki odbyło się 4 października
1661 roku; jej pierwszym bibliotekarzem został Johann Gebhard.
Kolekcja Thomasa Rehdigera w swej pierwotnej postaci nosiła wyraźne piętno osobowości kolekcjonera i jego fascynacji antykiem, renesansem
i reformacją17. Ten niezwykle bogaty zbiór (wyceniany przez współczesnych
na 17 000 florenów18) obejmował około 300 rękopisów autorów klasycznych
(Arystotelesa, Cycerona, Eurypidesa, Homera, Juwenalisa, Lukana, Owidiusza, Plutarcha, Seneki, Ptolemeusza, Terencjusza i Witruwiusza), 6000 książek (z dziedziny literatury, historii, matematyki, medycyny, prawa i teologii),
a także pokaźną kolekcję obrazów, rzeźb, monet i minerałów. Inwentarz tej
Ewa Houszka, Prehistoria wrocławskich muzeów, [w:] Muzea sztuki w dawnym Wrocławiu,
red. Piotr Łukaszewicz, Wrocław: Muzeum Narodowe we Wrocławiu 1998, s. 11–26.
Nicolaus Pol, Jahrbücher der Stadt Breslau, Breslau: Grass & Barth 1823, t. 4, s. 79.
2.2. Kościół i gimnazjum św. Elżbiety we Wrocławiu
kolekcji nigdy nie istniał19; jego rolę pełniła księga akcesyjna donacji dołączanych do pierwotnej kolekcji Rehdigera w latach 1646–174620. Pod koniec XVII
wieku zbiór był już tak liczny, że dla jego pomieszczenia wygospodarowano
drugą salę nad zakrystią kościoła św. Elżbiety, połączoną z Auditorium Theologicum wspólną arkadą. Ze względu na wspomnianą wyżej umowę z roku 1645,
która określała jednolity status całej biblioteki, włączane do niej zasoby traciły
na jej rzecz swe pierwotne nazwy. Dotyczyło to również kolekcji muzykaliów
Daniela Sartoriusa, która po jego śmierci została włączona do zbioru Rhedigeriany i jako jej część jest przedmiotem niniejszego katalogu21.
2.2. Kościół i gimnazjum św. Elżbiety we Wrocławiu
anim przyjrzymy się tej kolekcji bliżej, naszkicujmy pokrótce kontekst,
w którym została ona zgromadzona i przechowywana do lat 60. XIX w. Środowisko to tworzyły dwa ważne ośrodki kulturalne dawnego Wrocławia, instytucjonalnie połączone i wzajemnie ze sobą sprzężone: kościół św. Elżbiety i działające przy nim gimnazjum. Jako pierwszy powstał kościół22: powierzony przez
Henryka III krzyżowcom z czerwoną gwiazdą i konsekrowany w roku 1257. Ceglano-kamienną świątynię w stylu romańskim przebudowano w wieku XIV na
trójnawowy kościół bazylikowy w stylu gotyckim: tak powstała największa wówczas świątynia na Śląsku, dobitnie manifestująca ambicje kulturalne i intelektualne wrocławskiego patrycjatu. Aspiracjom tym służyła również działająca przy
kościele od roku 1293 szkoła, która pod koniec XV wieku stała się kluczowym
centrum niemieckiego humanizmu23. Wśród jego krzewicieli wymienić należy
Za jego historyczny opis posłużyć jednak może w pewnej mierze spektakl dramatyczny MEMoRABILIA | BIBLIotHECæ | PUBLICæ | ELISABEtANæ | WRAtISLAVIENSIS, | à | Fundatore Celeberrimo | REHDIGERIANæ | dictæ, | quæ | A. o. R. M. DC. XCIIX. Die XV Maji, | In Actu
Gymnico | à Studiosâ Gymnasii Elisabetani Juventute | exponi fecit. | Gottlob Krantz | Histor. Eloq. &
Phys. | Prof. & Bibliothecarius. | WRATISLAVIæ, | apud Johannem Georgium Steck, | M.DC. XCIX.
Niektóre z legatów opisuje Johann Ephraim Scheibel, Nachrichten von den Merkwürdigkeiten der Rehdigerischen Bibliothek zu Breslau, Breslau – Hirschberg – Lissa: Johann Friedrich
Korn d.Ä. 1794, s. VInn.
O istniejącym niegdyś Catalogus Rerum Musicarum a Domino Sartorio in Bibliothecam legatarum wspomina Hans-Adolf Sander, Beiträge…, op. cit., s. 90. Podana przez niego sygnatura
„Stadtbibliothek Hs. R 50” jest jednak chyba błędna; rękopis ten do dziś nie został odnaleziony.
Johann Carl Herrmann Schmeidler, Die evangelische Haupt- und Pfarr-Kirche zu St. Elisabet. Denkschrift zur Feier ihres 600jährigen Bestehens im Auftrage des Magistrats zu Breslau aus
den Quellen bearbeitet, Breslau: Verlag Josef Mar und Komp. 1857; Piotr Oszczanowski, Kościół
św. Elżbiety, Wrocław: Wydawnictwo MAK 2002.
Gustav Bauch, Geschichte des Breslauer Schulwesens vor der Zeit der Reformation…, op. cit.,
s. 200–239.
2. Historia zbioru
m.in. absolwentów Akademii Krakowskiej na czele z Wawrzyńcem Korwinem –
uczniem słynnego Konrada Celtisa.
Za spadkobierców humanizmu uznaje się pierwszych działaczy reformacji24, która we Wrocławiu zaczęła się przyjmować już w latach 20. XVI wieku25. Osadzony w roku 1525 na stanowisku proboszcza kościoła św. Elżbiety
Ambrosius Moiban (wychowanek Marcina Lutra) pierwsze reformy wprowadzał stopniowo i ostrożnie, starając się zachować przychylność ówczesnego
biskupa wrocławskiego, Jacoba von Salza. Wydany w tym samym roku przez
miejską oficynę Adama Dyona pierwszy śląski kancjonał ewangelicki (Eyn
gesang Buchlein Geystlicher gese[n]ge Psalme[n]) obfituje zresztą w repertuar
przedreformacyjny, m.in. adaptacje łacińskich pieśni i hymnów26. W 1526 roku
przełożonym szkoły (Schulmeister) św. Elżbiety został znajomy Moibana, wykształcony podobnie jak i on na uniwersytetach w Krakowie i Wittenberdze,
Andreas Winkler; to za jego rektoratu w elżbietańskim gimnazjum nauki pobierał Thomas Rehdiger. O profilu nauki w tej szkole informuje najstarszy wrocławski porządek szkolny (Schulordnung) z roku 152827.
Zgodnie z wytycznymi tego dokumentu personel szkoły tworzyli: Schulmeister, trzech bakałarzy, sygnator i dwóch auditores. W rękach pierwszego
z nich leżała odpowiedzialność za administrację placówki oraz realizowany
w niej proces dydaktyczny i wychowawczy. Jego pracę nadzorowali dwaj doctores; w omawianym dokumencie w tej funkcji wymienieni byli Ambrosius
Moiban – pastor kościoła św. Elżbiety i Johannes Metzler – późniejszy starosta
krajowy (Landeshauptmann) Wrocławia. Współpracownikami przełożonego
szkoły byli bakałarze, opłacani w skali roku dwukrotnie niższą niż on gażą.
Wynagrodzenia z tytułu prowadzenia dydaktyki pobierał również kantor, który w szkole uczył śpiewu, łącząc tę funkcję z nauczaniem innych przedmiotów,
m.in. łaciny czy greki. W kościele kantor odpowiedzialny był za całokształt życia muzycznego i realizacje muzyczne w czasie liturgii28; prowadził też wykoGustav Bauch, Geschichte des Breslauer Schulwesens in der Zeit der Reformation, Breslau:
Ferdinand Hirt 1911 (Codex diplomaticus Silesiae, 26), s. 162.
Georg Kretschmar, Die Reformation in Breslau, Ulm: Unser Weg 1960 (Quellenhefte zur
ostdeutschen u. osteuropäischen Kirchengeschichte, 3/4); Gabriela Wąs, Dzieje Śląska od 1526 do
1806 roku, [w:] Marek Czapliński, Elżbieta Kaszuba, Gabriela Wąs, Rościsław Żerelik, Historia
Śląska, Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego 2002, s. 145–147.
Anna Mańko-Matysiak (red.), Eyn gesang Buchlein Geystlicher gesege Psalme… Najstarszy śląski
śpiewnik kościelny – Wrocław 1525, Wrocław: Centrix 2004, CD-ROM (e-Biblioteka Historyczna, 1).
Gustav Bauch, Aktenstücke…, op. cit., s. 26–31.
Klaus Wolfgang Niemöller, Untersuchungen zu Musikpflege und Musikunterricht an den
deutschen Lateinschulen vom ausgehenden Mittelalter bis zum 1600, Regensburg: Bosse 1969
(Kölner Beiträge zur Musikforschung, 54), s. 4–7.
2.2. Kościół i gimnazjum św. Elżbiety we Wrocławiu
nania muzyki figuralnej w niedziele, wybrane święta roku i przy okazji pogrzebów znaczniejszych mieszczan29. Kantorami kościoła św. Elżbiety byli m.in.:
Erasmus Radewald (w latach 1563–1593), lokalny kompozytor Simon Lyra
(1593–1601), Michael Strigel (1601–1615), Gottfried Wagner (1615–1643)
i Johann Balthasar Karg (1643–1686)30.
Kantorowi podlegał sygnator, odpowiedzialny za dobór repertuaru,
a także wykształcenie i przygotowanie muzyczne wokalistów biorących udział
w liturgii. Z tego tytułu otrzymywał skromne wynagrodzenie, które uzupełniał honorariami za dodatkowe zlecenia. Głównym obowiązkiem sygnatora
było prowadzenie wykonań muzycznych niebędących w gestii kantora; przede
wszystkim repertuaru chorałowego i pieśniowego. Wykonania te powierzane
były zespołowi Chorknaben, który składał się z 12–16 chłopców pochodzących
z ubogich rodzin. Otrzymywali oni bezpłatnie wikt i opierunek oraz darmową
naukę w gimnazjum; w zamian zobowiązywani byli do codziennego śpiewu
w kościele – w dni powszednie podczas nieszporów, w niedziele zaś – podczas
mszy i wygłaszanych tego dnia kazań31. Funkcję sygnatora w kościele św. Elżbiety sprawowali m.in.: Johann Weidner (w latach 1530–1545), Vergilius Haug
(1538–1544), który zasłużył się jako autor pierwszego wrocławskiego podręcznika z zakresu teorii muzyki32, Daniel Bütner (1573–1581), Simon Lyra
(1582–1589) i Eucharius Lemblein (1590–1633).
Pomocnikami sygnatora byli auditores, odpowiedzialni ponadto za
wspomaganie nauczania podstawowego w gimnazjum. Byli oni wyłaniani
z grona tzw. pisarzy (Schreiber) – uczniów starszych klas gimnazjum, wyróżniających się pobożnością i intelektem, kierowanych później często do stanu
duchownego. Za skromnym wynagrodzeniem pisarze ci byli angażowani jako
korepetytorzy (Succrescenten) swoich młodszych kolegów. Z racji jednoczesnego pełnienia regularnych funkcji muzycznych określano ich mianem choralistów (Choralisten). Podobnie jak Chorknaben podlegali oni sygnatorowi;
zobowiązani byli jednak nie tylko do śpiewu chorału, ale i muzyki figural-
Johann Sass, Die kirchenmusikalischen Ämter und Einrichtungen an den drei evangelischen
Haupt- und Pfarrkirchen der Stadt Breslau, Breslau: s.n. 1922, s. 27–28.
Reinhold Starke, Kantoren und organisten der St. Elisabetkirche zu Breslau, „Monatshefte
für Musikgeschichte” 35/3 (1903), s. 41–48; Reinhold Starke, Die orgelwerke der Kirche zu St. Elisabet in Breslau, „Monatshefte für Musikgeschichte” 35/2 (1903), s. 17–29; 35/3 (1903), s. 33–38.
Johann Sass, Die kirchenmusikalischen Ämter…, op. cit., s. 41–42.
ERotEMAtA | MUSICAE PRACtICAE | ad captum puerilem | formata, Virgilio | Haug
au=|tore | tRIMEGIStUS IN | Aſclepio. | Non immerito in hominum coetum Mu-|ſarum chorus
eſt a ſumma diuinitate de-|miſſus, ſcilicet ne terrenus mundus uide-|retur incultior, ſi modulorum
dulcedine | caruiſſet. | VRATISLAVIAE [apud Andream Vinglerum] || M. D. XLI. |. Por. Gustav
Bauch, Geschichte des Breslauer Schulwesens in der Zeit der Reformation…, op. cit., s. 109, 342.
2. Historia zbioru
nej. Przysługiwał im bezpłatny wikt, opieka medyczna, deputat ubraniowy
i skromne uposażenie, uzupełniane przez wynagrodzenia okolicznościowe33.
Ich zespół – wraz z sygnatorem i subsygnatorem (jego zastępcą) – zwykle liczył osiem osób. Skład takiego zespołu aktualizowany był cztery razy do roku,
w wyznaczone dni roku liturgicznego (odpowiednio: Cinerum, Pentecostales,
Crucis i Luciae), otwierające cztery kwartały rozliczeniowe, tzw. angariae. Do
elżbietańskich choralistów trafiali chłopcy nie tylko pochodzący z Wrocławia,
ale również z innych miast Śląska, a także krajów sąsiednich: Marchii, Saksonii, Łużyc, Czech, Moraw, Prus oraz Węgier, co dobitnie świadczy o randze
tego zespołu i zasięgu kulturowego oddziaływania wrocławskiej fary.
Bezpośrednio po stażu w zespole choralistów wielu jego członków trafiało na studia za granicę34. Wyjazdy umożliwiał system stypendiów, przeznaczonych dla tych absolwentów wrocławskich gimnazjów, których dotychczasowe osiągnięcia rokowały sukces dalszej edukacji. Najczęściej kierowano ich na
studia w dziedzinie teologii, prawa lub medycyny; rzadziej zaś: filozofii, filologii, matematyki, muzyki i sztuk pięknych. Proporcje te wynikały z priorytetów
magistratu Wrocławia, który faworyzował kierunki studiów, mogące przynieść
największe korzyści miastu. Zgodnie ze zobowiązaniami umowy stypendialnej
większość stypendystów po okresie studiów znajdywało zatrudnienie we Wrocławiu35. Dotyczyło to głównie absolwentów teologii, którzy obejmowali np.
stanowiska kościelne w kościele św. Elżbiety i nauczycielskie w sąsiadującym
z nim gimnazjum. Absolwenci teologii obejmowali czasem funkcje muzyczne, np. Abraham Ursinus, który w 1605 roku został kantorem wrocławskiego
kościoła św. Bernardyna, Elias Maior, który od roku 1615 był nauczycielem
w Elisabetanum36, Ambrosius Profe, który w 1617 otrzymał kantorat w Jaworze
Johann Sass, Die kirchenmusikalischen Ämter…, op. cit., s. 13–14, 30, 33–39. Dokumentację
finansową tych wynagrodzeń z późniejszych lat znajdujemy w APW, zespół 102: Parafia św. Elżbiety we Wrocławiu, 256 [olim: II. A. No. 34]. Choralistensachen (1634–1792), poszyt k. 18,
fol. 12r–v; oraz 4151 [olim: P. 67b]. Quittungs-Buch der Choralisten 1674–1758.
Odbywane m.in. w Bolonii, Frankfurcie nad Odrą, Halle, Helmstedt, Jenie, Lipsku, Marburgu, Padwie, Rostocku, Tybindze, ale przede wszystkim Wittenberdze. APW, zespół 28, 3941
[olim: P 30,1]. Stipendiaten- und Vocationsbücher; 3944 [olim: P 31], Stipendiaten-Rechnungsbuch; 4777–4863 [olim: P 124,1–95]. Schulenamts- und Stipendiaten-Rechnungen. Por. Claudia
A. Zonta, Schlesische Studenten an italienischen Universitäten. Eine prosopographische Studie zur
frühneuzeitlichen Bildungsgeschichte, Stuttgart: Böhlau 2004.
Wyczerpującą dokumentację późniejszych losów zawodowych stypendystów z lat
1569–1600 podaje Gustav Bauch, Geschichte des Breslauer Schulwesens in der Zeit der Reformation…, op. cit., s. 381–390.
APW, zespół 28, 3944 [olim: P 31], Stipendiaten-Rechnungsbuch, fol. 128v–129r; Martin
Hanke, Vratislavienses Eruditionis Propagatores: Id est, Vratislaviensium Scholarum Praesides,
2.2. Kościół i gimnazjum św. Elżbiety we Wrocławiu
czy Andreas von Höckelshoven, który w 1619 roku został kantorem w kościele
św. Marii Magdaleny we Wrocławiu37.
Szczególnie istotną rolę w życiu muzycznym kościoła św. Elżbiety odgrywali organiści – funkcję tę pełnili m.in.: Melchior Blum (w latach 1514–1527),
Georg Schnabel (1527–1534), Joachim Herbig (1564–1568), Georg Gotthard
(1568–1585), Johannes Ellner (1585–1609), Paul Kader Zawet (1609–1613),
Gregor Beck (1613–1633), Ambrosius Profe (1633–1649), Mathias Rosnipsch
(1649–1653) i Bernhard Beyer (1655–1671). Z zachowanych rachunków wynika, że wynagrodzenia organistów stanowiły kwotę największą wśród honorariów dla muzyków38. Gorzej opłacani byli instrumentaliści, określani jako Adjuvanten (skrzypkowie, wioliści, grający na pozytywie), a także wokaliści, nie
mówiąc już o kalikantach czy dzwonnikach. Z działającymi u św. Elżbiety organistami i kantorami wiąże się sporo rękopisów muzycznych, które zaświadczają o wykonywanym w tym kościele repertuarze. Wśród źródeł ewidentnie
związanych z tym ośrodkiem Barbara Wiermann39 wymienia tabulatury i księgi głosowe ze zbiorów Georga Gottharda (D-Bds Slg Bohn 2, 3, 4, 5, 11 i 35740),
Simona Lyry (Bohn 9, 15, 97, 98 i 106) i Johanna Balthasara Karga (Bohn 130
i 154), a nadto rękopisy: Bohn 1, 6, 8, 18, 53, 100, 154, 154a, 158, 165c, 175
i 202. Przekazywany w tych źródłach repertuar jest bardzo bogaty, jednak stylistycznie zachowawczy, co być może wynikało z gustów elżbietańskich kantorów, ale i warunków akustycznych wrocławskiej fary41.
Długie trwanie tradycji muzyki renesansowej we wrocławskim kościele
św. Elżbiety wiązać się może również ze sposobem przeprowadzania w nim reformacji, który był raczej stopniowym ewoluowaniem niż gwałtownie dokonaną
rewolucją. Wprowadzane w liturgii tego kościoła zmiany nie naruszyły ciągłości
przekazu łacińskiej tradycji musicae figuralis, która do połowy wieku XVII cieszyInspectores, Rectores, Professores, Praeceptores tabulis Chronologicis comprehensi…, Leipzig:
Bauch 1701, s. 23.
Tomasz Jeż, Stypendia wrocławskiej Rady Miejskiej jako instytucja kształcenia kadr muzycznych, [w:] Śląska Republika Uczonych, t. 3, red. Marek Hałub, Anna Mańko-Matysiak, Wrocław:
Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT 2008, s. 155–181.
Por. Tomasz Jeż, Z przeszłości muzycznej wrocławskiego kościoła św. Elżbiety w czasach baroku, „Muzyka” 52/4 (2007), s. 112.
Barbara Wiermann, Die Musikaliensammlungen…, op. cit., s. 104–108.
Richard Charteris, Newly Discovered Music Manuscripts From the Private Collection of Emil
Bohn, Holzgerlingen: Hänssler Verlag, American Institute of Musicology 1999 (Musicological
Studies & Documents, 53).
Barbara Wiermann, Die Entwicklung vokal-instrumentalen Komponierens im protestantischen Deutschland bis zur Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts, Göttingen: Vandenhoek & Ruprecht 2002
(Abhandlungen zur Musikgeschichte. In Verbindungen mit Jürgen Heidrich, Ulrich Konrad und
Hans Joachim Marx, herausgegeben von Martin Staehelin, 14), s. 344.
2. Historia zbioru
ła się tam niesłabnącą popularnością42. Zachowane zostały zasadnicze zręby układu oficjum Mszy świętej i Liturgii Godzin oraz związki liturgii z towarzyszącym
mu od stuleci repertuarem. Potwierdzają to kolejne porządki mszalne43, modyfikujące wprawdzie treść niektórych części liturgii zgodnie z potrzebami luterańskiej teologii, zachowujące jednak związki z dotychczasową tradycją. Zjawisko
to dokumentują także źródła liturgiczne44 i muzyczne45, poświadczające zarazem
pielęgnowanie takich praktyk jak wybrane oficja Liturgii Godzin i tzw. missa sub
aurora (missa matura)46, wielkopiątkowe responsorium tenebrae factae sunt47,
czy utrwalone przez fundację Wawrzyńca Korwina Horae de passione Domini48.
Oczywiście, część repertuaru ulegała pewnym przekształceniom, wynikającym
z wymagań nowej doktryny: wiązały się one np. ze zniemczeniem tekstów łacińskich49 bądź z chrystocentrycznymi kontrafakturami tekstów maryjnych50.
O związkach repertuaru wykonywanego w kościele św. Elżbiety z tradycją łacińskiej muzyki liturgicznej zaświadcza także twórczość lokalnych kompozytorów ewangelickich, takich jak Johann Knöfel, Bartholomeus Gesius czy
Thomas Elsbeth, którzy swoje motety i opracowania cyklów mszalnych często
Tomasz Jeż, Łacińska twórczość muzyczna w ewangelickim Wrocławiu. Problem trwałości tradycji w czasach przemian konfesyjnych, „Barok. Historia – Literatura – Sztuka” 22 (2004), s. 185–205.
Np. Canon ut vocant Missale ex Evangelistis, et Paulo Apostolo Esaja et Daniele Prophetis.
Por. Hans-Adolf Sander, Beiträge…, op. cit., s. 62–67.
Chodzi tu o liturgika z d. wrocławskiej Stadtbibliothek: M 1055, M 1244 (obecnie w zbiorach Biblioteki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego), oraz zaginione dziś M 1242, M 1243, M 1245
i R 506. Por. Wacław Schenk, Rękopisy liturgiczne dawnej Biblioteki Miejskiej we Wrocławiu
(XIII–XV w.), „Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne” 6/3 (1959), s. 77–98.
Np. D-Bds Slg Bohn 92 i 119.
Hans-Adolf Sander, Beiträge…, op. cit., s. 57–62.
Gustav Bauch, Geschichte des Breslauer Schulwesens in der Zeit der Reformation…, op. cit.,
s. 86, 98.
Curſus ſancti | Bonauenture de paſſione domi=|ni cum inuitatorio himnis et can=|ticis Laurentij Coruini: cum | epiſtola et carmine de gra=|tuita dei in nos beneficen=|cia & de fructibus
ex do=|minice paſſionis re=|cordatione proue=|nientibus. Impreſſum Vratiſlauie in officina | Ade
Dyonis. Anno a natiuitate | ſaluatoris noſtri M.D.XXI. Grantley McDonald, Laurentius Corvinus
a renesansowe miasto Wrocław, [w:] Wrocław literacki, red. Marta Kopij, Wojciech Kunicki, Thomas Schulz, Wrocław: Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT 2007, s. 47–62.
Jak np. w kancjonale Valentina Trillera: Ein Schleſiſch ſingebüchlein | aus Göttlicher ſchrift,
von den fürnemſten | Feſten des Jares, und ſonſst von andern geſengen und Pſal=|men, geſtelt auff
viel alte gewönliche melodien, ſo zum | teil vorhin Lateiniſch, zum teil Deutſch, mit Geiſtlichen |
oder auch Weltlichen texten geſungen ſeind, | Durch | Valentinum triller von Gora, Pfar=|herrn
zu Pantenaw in Nimpſchiſschen | Weichbilde. | Pſalm CL. | Alles was odem hat lobe den Herren. |
Gedruckt zu Breſslaw, durch | Criſpinum Scharffenberg. | 1555. |.
Śpiewaną przy okazji pogrzebów antyfonę Salve Regina zaadaptowano np. do postaci Salve
Jesu Christe. Hans-Adolf Sander, Beiträge…, op. cit., s. 31.
2.3. Kolekcja muzykaliów Daniela Sartoriusa
opierali na chorałowych cantus firmus. Podobny repertuar znajdziemy w wymienionych już rękopisach z tego kościoła, zawierających obszerne kolekcje
opracowań lekcji i responsoriów, odpisy motetów „perykopicznych”, magnifikaty-parodie, a nawet najnowszy repertuar łaciński51. Zdecydowane zmiany
w liturgii i jej muzycznej oprawie datować należy od roku 1650, z którego to
pochodzi sporządzone dla kościoła św. Elżbiety nowe Directorium chori52. Dokument ten w zasadniczy sposób zwiększa ilość wykonywanych w czasie liturgii niemieckojęzycznych Lieder i muzyki organowej, co w konsekwencji przyczyniło się do całkowitej eliminacji repertuaru łacińskiego. Do połowy XVII
wieku we wrocławskim kościele św. Elżbiety rozbrzmiewała jednak przede
wszystkim muzyka łacińskiej tradycji renesansowej53.
2.3. Kolekcja muzykaliów Daniela Sartoriusa
a tle repertuaru służącego muzycznej kapeli kościoła św. Elżbiety we
Wrocławiu kolekcja muzykaliów Daniela Sartoriusa jawi się jako wyjątkowo oryginalna. Liczy ona przeszło 400 źródeł muzycznych z lat 1606–1665,
obejmujących przede wszystkim weneckie druki z muzyką włoską wczesnego
baroku. Zawartość całej kolekcji wydaje się być efektem skrupulatnie realizowanej pasji jej kolekcjonerów, którzy na przestrzeni przeszło kilkudziesięciu lat w sposób bardzo systematyczny tworzyli ją w oparciu o najważniejsze
publikacje najnowszej muzyki włoskiej54. Za właściciela tej kolekcji zwyczajowo uważa się Daniela Sartoriusa – profesora elżbietańskiego gimnazjum
w latach 1646–1670. Znaczna część zachowanych w tym zbiorze druków pochodzi jednak sprzed roku 1646, kiedy to Sartorius był uczniem gimnazjum
elżbietańskiego (w latach 1628–1630) i studentem na uniwersytecie w Lipsku
(1631–1636). Od roku 1646 był nauczycielem wrocławskiego Elisabetanum55.
M.in. rękopisy D-Bds Slg Bohn 2, 4, 5, 6, 15, 97, 98 i 106.
Hans-Adolf Sander, Beiträge…, op. cit., s. 76–77.
Fritz Koschinsky, Das protestantische Kirchenorchester im 17. Jahrhundert unter Berücksichtigung des Breslauer Kunstschaffens dieser Zeit, Breslau: H. Hiltmann 1931; Barbara Wiermann, Die Entwicklung…, op. cit., s. 339–349; Allen Scott, Protestant Sacred Music Culture in
Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Breslau, [w:] “Hands-on” Musicology: Essays in Honor of
Jeffery Kite-Powell, red. Allen Scott, Ann Arbor: Steglein Pub. 2012, s. 158–163.
Tomasz Jeż, The Italian Baroque Repertoire in St Elisabeth Church in Wrocław, [w:] Early
Music: Context and Ideas 2., Kraków: Instytut Muzykologii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego 2008,
s. 399–408.
Jako SS. Theol. Stud. podpisał się pod elogią ku czci Godfrieda Raspiusa, zamieszczoną
w druku Chriſtliche Leichpredigt | Vber das troſtſprüchlein des 42. Pſalms […] Leipzig: Gregor
Ritzſch. 1632. Innym śladem jego pobytu w Lipsku jest oDE GERMANICA | Auff | Hochzeitliche
2. Historia zbioru
Jeśli rzeczywiście to on kolekcjonował ten zbiór, mógł to czynić raczej po swoich studiach (w latach 1636–1646), co potwierdzałaby poniższa statystyka:
liczba druków
Fig. 1. Dyspozycja chronologiczna druków muzycznych pochodzących z kolekcji
Daniela Sartoriusa
Nie wiemy jednak, czym się Sartorius zajmował w latach 1636–1646
i czy dysponował wtedy odpowiednimi środkami finansowymi na realizację
dość kosztownej pasji kolekcjonerskiej56. Z powyższego wykazu wynika nadto,
że na czas przed rokiem 1636 datowane jest około 25% całej kolekcji: czy było
jednak prawdopodobne, że Sartorius nabył te druki z tak dużym (nawet 30-letnim) opóźnieniem? Rozwiązanie tego problemu sugeruje aktywność czynnego
w tych latach we Wrocławiu starszego o pokolenie od Sartoriusa Ambrosiusa
Profego – entuzjasty, kolekcjonera i wydawcy muzyki włoskiej57. Jego ojciec,
Ehren-Frewde | Des [...] | Herrn | George Heintzen, | Vornehmen Handelsman | in Hamburg, etc.
| Breutigams | Und | Der [...] | Jungfrawen | Mariae Elisabethae | Des [...] Herrn Edward Beckers |
[...] tochter, etc. | Braut..., Leipzig: Gregor Ritzſch. 1634.
Podobną wątpliwość wysuwa również Barbara Wiermann, Die Entwicklung…, op. cit.,
s. 52, przyp. 86. Jego nazwisko nie figuruje w wykazach śląskich studentów na uniwersytetach
włoskich, por. Claudia A. Zonta, Schlesische Studenten..., op. cit.
Ernst Ludwig Gerber, Neues Historisch-Biographisches Lexikon der tonkünstler (1812–1814),
red. Othmar Wessely, [wyd. faks. Graz 1966], t. 3, s. 770–771; Robert Eitner, Biographisch-bibliographisches Quellen-Lexikon der Musiker und Musikgelehrten der christlichen Zeitrechnung bis
2.3. Kolekcja muzykaliów Daniela Sartoriusa
Daniel (urodzony w 1550 roku w Jaworze) dorobił się majątku jako wytwórca
tkanin i przełożony wrocławskiego cechu sukienników oraz farbiarzy58. Urodzony w 1589 roku Ambrosius odnotowany został w 1609 roku jako choralista w kościele św. Elżbiety59. Jako stypendysta wrocławskiej rady miejskiej
był wysłany na studia teologiczne do Wittenbergi, które odbywał w latach
1612–161560. Po ich ukończeniu wrócił do Wrocławia i na krótko został nauczycielem w gimnazjum św. Elżbiety. Jeszcze w tym samym roku przeniósł
się do rodzinnego Jawora, gdzie objął posadę kantora, organisty i nauczyciela
w przykościelnej szkole. W roku 1619 ożenił się z pochodzącą z kupieckiej rodziny Marią Dietmann, z którą miał czwórkę dzieci.
Zainteresowania Profego nowoczesną muzyką włoską ujawniły się już
w roku 1627, kiedy to wydał swą autorską antologię włoskich madrygałów,
opatrzonych nowymi niemieckimi tekstami o treści religijnej i filozoficznej61.
W zbiorze tym znajdziemy kontrafaktury madrygałów, zaczerpniętych najprawdopodobniej z bardzo popularnych wówczas antologii Gemma musicalis
(158821 i 159020)62 czy Fiori del giardino (159713). W wyniku przeprowadzonej
w roku 1629 rekatolizacji Jawora Profe stracił pracę i zmuszony był wraz z rodziną przenieść się do Wrocławia, gdzie zajął się swoim przedsiębiorstwem
handlowym. Jednak już w roku 1633 został organistą wrocławskiego kościoła
św. Elżbiety; stanowisko to piastował przez kolejne 16 lat. Do aktywności edytorskiej Profe wrócił dopiero w roku 164163, w którym rozpoczął wydawanie
własnej serii wydawniczej Geistlichen Concerten; w tym roku opublikował dwa
zur Mitte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt 1959,
t. 8, s. 73–74; N. Postler, Ein noch unbekanntes Sammelwerk von Ambrosius Profe, „Monatshefte
für Musikgeschichte” 14 (1882), s. 12–14; Reinhold Starke, Ambrosius Profe…, op. cit.; Reinhold
Starke, Kantoren und organisten…, op. cit.
Fritz Feldmann, Die schlesische Kirchenmusik im Wandel der Zeiten, Lübeck: Unser Weg,
1975, s. 70.
APW, zespół 28, 3915 [olim: P 5]. Choralistae Elisabethani, k. 449: Ambrosius Profe Vratisl.
APW, zespół 28, 3944 [olim: P 31]. Stipendiaten-Rechnungsbuch, fol. 131v–132r.
16278 – Extract oder Erster Theil auss dem Musicalischen Interim Ambrosii Profii, darinnen etlicher vornehmer und berühmter Autorum Madrigalien und anmutige Cantiones mit Deutschen Geistlichen und Politischen texten (an statt der Italienischen) unterleget mit 3. 4. 5. 6. und
7. Stimmen, Allen Liebhabern der Edlen Musica, inn- und ausser der Kirchen jederzeit zu gebrauchen, zu gefallen publiciret, Wittenberg: J. Gormann 1627.
Sigla druków muzycznych podajemy według katalogów RISM, zob. wykaz skrótów.
Adam Adrio, Ambrosius Profe…, op. cit., s. 20–27; Jerome Roche, Anthologies and Dissemination of Early Baroque Italian Sacred Music, „Soundings. A Music Journal” 4 (1974), s. 6–14; Wolfram
Steude, Wrocławski organista Ambrosius Profius (1589–1661) jako edytor i wydawca muzyki wokalnej
XVII w., [w:] tradycje Śląskiej Kultury Muzycznej, t. 6. Księga konferencji 5–7 IV 1990, Wrocław 1992,
s. 51–60 (Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Muzycznej we Wrocławiu, 59); Kristin Marie Sponheim, The
2. Historia zbioru
pierwsze jej tomy64; kolejne wydał w latach 1642 i 164665. Ponadto wydał jeszcze trzy antologie, z których dwie zachowały się do naszych czasów66.
Antologie Profego zawierają niemal wyłącznie nowoczesny repertuar
muzyczny kompozytorów włoskich, utrzymany w stylistyce wczesnobarokowej
seconda pratica. Intencją wydawcy była popularyzacja tego typu twórczości,
nie znajdującej wówczas wielkiego zainteresowania w niemieckich kościołach
ewangelickich. Była to propozycja umotywowana racjami nie tyle ekumenicznymi, co estetycznymi: Profego interesowała muzyka zorientowana ideałami
retorycznymi, którą odnalazł we współczesnym repertuarze środowisk katolickich. Dystansując się wobec swej rodzimej tradycji liturgiczno-muzycznej,
wrocławski organista interesował się nie tylko najnowszą muzyką liturgiczną
swych konfesyjnych adwersarzy; szczególną uwagę poświęcił także pisanym
przez nich świeckim madrygałom, które ze swej natury stanowiły przykład
Anthologies of Ambrosius Profe (1589–1661) and the transmission of the Italian Music in Germany,
Diss. Yale University 1995; Barbara Wiermann, Die Entwicklung…, op. cit., s. 48–55.
16412 – Erster Theil Geistlicher Concerten und Harmonien à 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. &c Vocibus...
auss den berühmbsten Italianischen und andern Autoribus, so theils neben ihren eigenen mit noch
mehren, theils auch mit andern Texten beleget, und zu Lobe Gottes und Fortpflanzung der edlen
Music, auff vieler Begehren und Gefallen, colligiret und zum öffentlichen Druck befördert durch
Ambrosium Profium, organisten zu St. Elisabeth in Bresslaw, Leipzig: H. Köler 1641; 16413 –
Ander Theil Geistlicher Concerten und Harmonien, à 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Voc. cum & sine Violinis,
& Basso ad Organa: Aus den berühmbsten Italiänischen und andern Authoribus, so theils neben
ihren eigenen mit noch mehren, theils auch mit andern texten, doch ohne der Authoren Abbruch,
oder an der Composition Veränderung beleget und zum Lobe Gottes und Fortpflanzung der edlen
Music, auff vieler Begehr und Gefallen colligiret, und zum öffentlichen Druck befördert durch Ambrosium Profium, organisten zu St. Elisabeth in Bresslaw, Leipzig: H. Köler 1641.
16424 – Dritter Theil Geistlichen Concerten und Harmonien, A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. etc. Voc. cum &
sine Violinis, & Basso ad organa: Aus den berühmbsten Italiänischen und andern Authoribus, so
theils neben ihren eigenen mit noch mehren, theils auch mit andern texten, doch ohne der Composition einzigen Abbruch beleget und zum Lobe Gottes und Fortpflanzung der edlen Music, auff
vieler Begehr und Gefallen colligiret, und zum öffentlichen Druck befördert durch Ambrosium
Profium, organisten zu St. Elisabeth in Bresslaw, Leipzig: H. Köler 1642; 16464 – Vierdter und
letzter Theil Geistlicher Concerten Aus den berühmsten Italiänischen und andern Authoribus,
so theils mit andern oder auch noch mehren texten beleget, und zum Lobe Gottes in öffentlichen
Kirchen-Versammlungen zu gebrauchen auch zu Gefallen allen Music-Liebhabern colligiret und
publiciret von Ambrosio Profio Organ. zu S. Elisabeth in Bresslaw, Leipzig: T. Ritsch 1646.
16463 – Cunis Solennib. Jesuli Recens-Nati Sacra Genethliaca. Id est, Psalmodiae Epaeneticae. Edit Studio et Sumptib. Ambrosi Profi Elisabetani Vratisl. organoedi, [Legnica]: typis Ligiis
Sartorianis 1646; 16496 – Corollarium geistlicher collectaneorum, berühmter authorum, so zu
denen bisshero unterschiedenen publicirten vier Theilen gehörig und versprochen; Nunmehr sampt
beygefügten Erraten dieselben zu rectificieren, gewähret von Ambrosio Profio Organ. bey der
Kirchen zu S. Elisabeth in Bresslaw..., Leipzig: T. Ritsch 1649. Do naszych czasów nie zachował
się trzeci jego druk, znany jedynie z literatury, Musicalische Moralien.
2.3. Kolekcja muzykaliów Daniela Sartoriusa
muzyki doskonale służącej retorycznej ekspresji tekstu. Kompozycje te mogły
zwrócić uwagę Profego także ze względu na ich walory językowe, wynikłe z inklinacji humanistycznych, niewątpliwie bliskie wychowankowi i nauczycielowi elżbietańskiego gimnazjum, czynnie też zaangażowanemu w kształtowanie
życia muzycznego swojej parafii.
W tej perspektywie nie powinno dziwić, że obok zamieszczonych w jego
antologiach oryginalnych kompozycji religijnych sporą grupę stanowią kontrafaktury włoskich madrygałów, opatrzone niemieckimi (rzadziej: łacińskimi)
tekstami słownymi. O ile autorami kontrafaktur z druku 16278 byli autorzy do
dziś niezidentyfikowani67, to twórcą adaptacji madrygałów z kolejnych jego antologii był prawdopodobnie sam Profe. W wydanych przezeń kontrafakturach
wykorzystał on madrygały takich autorów, jak: Claudio Monteverdi (M 3451,
M 3494 i M 3500), Giovanni Rovetta (R 2985), Marco Scacchi (S 1131) i Francesco Turini (T 1394). Profe dbał o to, by nowy tekst dopasowany był do planu
retorycznego pierwotnej kompozycji, wykorzystywał stosowane tam figury
retoryczne i środki imitazione della natura. Porównując teksty madrygałów
z ich kontrafakturami, można zauważyć między nimi pewne związki treściowo-gramatyczne ujawniające rozległe humanistyczne wykształcenie ich autora
i jego talent filologiczny. W niektórych kontrafakturach odnajdujemy ścisłe
odwzorowanie pierwotnego układu wersyfikacyjnego, zachowanie oryginalnych figur stylistycznych, retorycznego konceptu treści, a nawet stosowanych
tam figur fonicznych68. Dotyczy to także piętnastu kontrafaktur madrygałów
Marca Scacchiego z druku S 1131 zamieszczonych w rękopisie D-Bds Slg Bohn
19769. Rękopis ten – spisany ręką Daniela Sartoriusa – jest wymownym dowodem związków łączących obydwu tych autorów. Autorem kontrafaktur był
jednak prawdopodobnie Profe, czego świadectwem jest wysłany przezeń list
do Marca Scacchiego 4 stycznia 1649 roku. Wrocławski organista informuje
w nim warszawskiego kapelmistrza o tym, że wykonywał jego 5-głosowe madrygały; prosi go też o przysłanie mu innych jeszcze jego utworów, których nie
udało mu się sprowadzić z Wenecji:
Przy kontrafakturach z tego zbioru pojawiają się następujące monogramy: J. E. G. S.; Dn
D. G. M.; Dn. M. A. t.; Dn. J. P.; Dn. C. t.; Dn. I. F.; Dn. M. F.; Dn. M. G.; Dn. D. W.; Dn. D. I. S.
p. m. oraz E. G. S.
Tomasz Jeż, Kontrafaktury madrygałów w antologiach Ambrożego Profiusa, „Muzyka” 47/3
(2002), s. 5–38.
Por. Marco Scacchi: madrygały na zespół wokalny i basso continuo, wyd. Zygmunt M. Szweykowski, [w:] Źródła do Historii Muzyki Polskiej, z. 26, Kraków: Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne
1979; Barbara Przybyszewska-Jarmińska, ocalałe źródła do historii muzyki w Polsce XVII stulecia ze zbiorów Stadtbibliothek we Wrocławiu, „Muzyka” 39/2 (1994), s. 4.
2. Historia zbioru
„…Postquam enim elapso aliquot annorum spatio Madrigalia quinque
Vocum Dominationis tuae ad manus mihi peruenerunt et ego Cantu Musico ea cum alijs expressi, e uestigio Venetias scripsi et mihi Compositiones ac
alia ejusmodi Concerta Dominationis tuae acquirere et transmittenda curare
constitui, sed nihil tamen consecutus sum. Quoniam vero a Monacho quodam
relatum mihi fuit Dominationem Tuam complures Compositiones edidisse ac
inter alia Missas quasdam 4. vocum Typis mandasse, maxime, optarem habere prae caeteris compositiones Dominationis tuae. Siquidem dicitur duo cum
faciunt idem, non est idem. Et quamvis Germanici Authores conentur imitari
Italos, diſsimillima tamen hac in parte est oratio. Rogo igitur amice Dominationem tuam, ut si aliquid compositionis a sola, duabus, tribus, 4, 5, 6 vocibus
superfluum habuerit, mihi communicare ac per bonum istum amicum, qui
semper Warsauiae moratur, transmittere velit, qui certe aequo bonoque animo
pretium pro eis exponent”70.
Madrygały Scacchiego były śpiewane we Wrocławiu prawdopodobnie
już w wersjach niemieckojęzycznych kontrafaktur; sugerować to może zdanie
z powyższego listu Profego, w którym zwierza się on Scacchiemu z trudności
związanych z próbami naśladownictwa stylu muzyki włoskiej przez autorów
niemieckich: problemem okazała się tutaj trudna do przekroczenia granica
języka. Być może dlatego tak wiele utworów z wymienionych wyżej antologii Profego to łacińskie koncerty kościelne takich kompozytorów, jak: Giovan
Battista Alouisi (A 876), Giovanni Giacomo Arrigoni (A 2490), Gasparo Casati (C 1405), Maurizio Cazzati (C 1577), Paolo Cornetti (C 3948), Ignazio Donati (D 3398), Alessandro Grandi (G 3446), Francesco Maria Marini (M 672),
Tarquinio Merula (M 2341), Claudio Monteverdi (M 3446), Giovanni Antonio Rigatti (R 1413), Giovanni Rovetta (R 2971) czy Giovanni Felice Sances
(S 770). Jako że Profe z tych właśnie druków wybierał repertuar do swych antologii, edycje te mogły być jego własnością, zanim przekazał je (wraz z italofilską pasją kolekcjonerską?) swemu młodszemu koledze z Elisabetanum,
Danielowi Sartoriusowi. Być może śladem tej darowizny jest tytuł przedostatniej sygnatury w kolekcji Sartoriusa: to właśnie druk Vierdter und letzter Theil
Geistlicher Concerten Ambrosiusa Profego71.
Marco Scacchi, Iudicium Cribri musici, lettera XVI. Barbara Przybyszewska-Jarmińska,
The Role of Heinrich Schütz and Silesian Musicians in the Dissemination of the Repertoire of the
Polish Royal Chapel led by Marco Scacchi in Silesia, Saxony and Thuringia, „Schütz Jahrbuch” 32
(2010), s. 26–27; Aleksandra Patalas, W kościele, w komnacie i w teatrze. Marco Scacchi. Życie,
muzyka, teoria, Kraków: Musica Iagellonica 2010, s. 389–390.
W poniższym katalogu nr 403 (16464).
2.3. Kolekcja muzykaliów Daniela Sartoriusa
Daniel Sartorius (w pierwotnej, niezlatynizowanej jeszcze wersji nazwiska prawdopodobnie: Schneider) pochodził z Wrocławia72, gdzie w latach
1628–1630 odbywał naukę w tamtejszym gimnazjum św. Elżbiety. W latach
tych sporządził on rękopiśmienną kopię traktatu jezuickiego latynisty, Jacoba
Pontanusa, Progymnasmatum latinitatis, sive dialogorum libri quatuor73, co potwierdza notatka elżbietańskiego bibliotekarza z roku 172274 i sam dukt pisma
skryptora. Na uwagę zasługuje nie tylko zainteresowanie Daniela Sartoriusa
tematyką dramatu łacińskiego, ale również to, że studiował on tę wiedzę z podręcznika jezuickiego autora (co warte odnotowania choćby z racji całkiem żywych w tym czasie na Śląsku konfrontacji konfesyjnych). Dukt pisma Daniela
Sartoriusa odnajdujemy także w jego wpisie do sztambucha Christopha Bremera, datowanym na 11 października 1647, gdzie podpisał się jako Philologiae
29 października tego samego roku Daniel Sartorius figurował już jako
praeceptor in ordine III & IV elżbietańskiego gimnazjum76. Przez pierwsze trzy
lata odbywał on tam rodzaj stażu, który zwieńczyła uroczysta promocja nauczycielska przeprowadzona 6 czerwca 1651 roku77; od 8 czerwca tego roku
Jako Daniel Sartorius Vratislavienſis przedstawiony on jest w druku ulotnym PRæSIDES
| SCHoLARUM VRAtISLAVIENSIUM, [Breslau:] excudebat Formis Chalcographicis Baumannianis Godefridus Gründer [5 czerwca 1651]. PL-WRu OR Yu 770/24. Nie zachowały się
wprawdzie wrocławskie księgi metrykalne z roku jego urodzin (1612); być może był on jednak
tożsamy z osobą odnotowaną jako „Daniel Schneider [geboren am] Ao 1612 der 13 Xbris”, podaną w wykazach miejsc w kościele parafialnym św. Elżbiety (APW 28, 3973 [olim: P 48/5].
Verzeichniss der verkauften Kirchstellen bei St. Elisabeth), fol. 8v. W tej samej kościelnej ławce
(Abseiten der Capellen gegen dem Ring. Banck N. 6. Stelle 4) miejsca wynajmowali inni Schneiderowie, najpewniej członkowie jego najbliższej rodziny: „Godtfrid Schneider Ao 1627 der 8 Aprill,
Friedrich Schneider Ao 1637 der 28 Martij, Hanns Schneider Ao 1640 der 23 Januarij”.
Z dwóch tomów tego rękopisu zachował się tylko tom drugi, datowany na lata 1629 i 1630,
a opisany na oprawie jako Jacobus Pontanus Dialogorum Libri. A Dan. Sartorio Descripti vol. 2.
PL-WRu OR R 467. We wrocławskiej bibliotece znajdują się obecnie dwa egzemplarze druku
Pontanusa z frankfurckiej edycji Johanna Herborda Klossa (1589), sygn. 320736 i 372631.
„11 Juli hat Herr M. Mauritius Castens, Wrat. SS. Ministerii Candidatus verehret: Jacobi Pontani Progymnasmata Dialogus Sacros et Profanos, in 2 Bande in 4to eingebunden welche Herr Dan.
Sartorius Collega Primarius im Gymnasio zu S. Elisabeth in seiner Jugend, auf dem Gymnasio
studierend, in den Jahren 1628. 1629. 1630 mit eigner Hand sehr zart und sauber abgeschrieben”.
PL-WRu OR Akc. 1949/657 (Cat. 59). Pro memoria die der Elisabetanischen Bibliothec gemachten
Verehrungen betreffend, fol. 12v. Por. Brian Brooks, Étienne Nau, Breslau 114 and the early 17thcentury solo violin fantasia, „Early Music” 32/1 (2004), s. 69–70, przypis 24.
PL-WRu OR Akc. 1949/1057, s. 783.
Martin Hanke, Vratislavienses Eruditionis Propagatores…, op. cit., s. 33.
Świadectwem tego wydarzenia jest wspomniany wyżej druk PRAESIDES | SCHoLARUM
2. Historia zbioru
odnotowany był jako praeceptor in ordine II 78; 8 grudnia 1661 roku awansował
zaś jako praeceptor in ordine I 79. Zatrudnienie Sartoriusa dokumentują wypłacane mu regularnie w latach 1647–1667 pensje z tytułu funkcji nauczycielskich: od roku 1648 otrzymywał z kasy miasta wynagrodzenie w wysokości
24 talarów rocznie, płatne w dwóch półrocznych ratach80; niezależnie od tej
pensji pobierał on z tego samego źródła honoraria z tytułu Schreibstunden –
8 talarów rocznie, wypłacane najpierw w czterech kwartalnych ratach81, później zaś – w dwóch półrocznych82. Świadczenia te, przekazywane Sartoriusowi,
udokumentowane są w rachunkach miejskich aż po rok 166783; jego zatrudnienie trwało jednak być może i dłużej, bo dopiero w roku 1670 odnotowany
został jako emeritus84.
Rok później Sartorius zmarł i na jego cześć wydano drukiem zbiór wierszowanych komemoracji, które wyszły spod pióra jego znajomych i współpracowników85. Jedno z epicediów podpisał wspomniany wyżej bibliotekarz
Rhedigeriany Johann Gebhard, którego zresztą promowano na nauczyciela razem z Sartoriusem. Docenił on filologiczną i humanistyczną erudycję swego
przyjaciela i współpracownika, która prowadziła jego zainteresowania w stronę sztuk wyzwolonych86. Zaangażowanie Sartoriusa w dziedzinie artes liberales
odnotował również Martin Hanke, późniejszy rektor Elisabetanum i słynny
wrocławski historyk87. Autor kolejnego epicedium, Melchior Weisse, napisał
zaś: Ingenium cujus Musica turba colit88. W innym wierszu złożonym w hołdzie
zmarłemu nauczycielowi erudycie jeszcze obficiej pojawia się muzyczna metaforyka; tekst ten został podpisany przez ówczesnego kantora elżbietańskiego
kościoła, Johannesa Balthasara Karga:
Martin Hanke, Vratislavienses Eruditionis Propagatores…, op. cit., s. 33.
Martin Hanke, Vratislavienses Eruditionis Propagatores…, op. cit., s. 35.
Po raz pierwszy zostało to poświadczone w dokumencie z 30 III 1649 roku: APW, zespół 28: Schulen Ambts Rechnungen, 4784 [olim: P 124/24], fol. 25r.
Pierwszy raz odnotowane 31 III 1647 roku: APW, zespół 28: Schulen Ambts Rechnungen,
4783 [olim: P 124/23] fol. 24r.
APW, zespół 28, 4792 [olim: P 124/34], fol. 14r (28 X 1661).
APW, zespół 28, 4798 [olim: P 124/40], fol. 12r (24 X 1667).
Martin Hanke, Vratislavienses Eruditionis Propagatores…, op. cit., s. 39.
CL. VIRI, | DANIELIS SARTORII, | Philologi acutisſimi, | De Juventute in Gymnasio |
Vratislaviensium Eliſabetano | bene meriti, | MEMORIæ | ſacra | EPICEDIA || Vratislaviæ, |
In Hæredum BAUMANNIANORUM Typographiâ | exprimebat JOH. CHRISTOPH JACOBI,
Faĉtor. | MDCLXXI. PL-WRu OSD 549007.
Ibid., k. 2r–v.
Ibid., k. 2v–3r.
Ibid., k. 3v.
2.3. Kolekcja muzykaliów Daniela Sartoriusa
„Ut tacitas vidit Curas Rex magnus Olympi
SartorI, quarum non meminiſſe iuvat
Ejus & expedit multos acresque labores,
Tempus ut in requiem promoveatur, ait.
Nec mora: Mors Vicina oculos occludit, & ipſe
Suaviter in Chriſti nomine Salvus obit.
Gratulor hanc fortem SartorI: Janua veræ eſt
(Quam tibi Ferto aperit Janitor ipſe ſuo)
Sic tua mors vitæ. Felix nam pauſa laborum,
Cœli quam ſequitur non peritura quies.
Nulla datur terris, odium hic, contemptus & ira eſt:
Et quo cum certet mens pia ſemper habet.
Noſtra hinc vita nihil, niſi pugna & lerna malorum;
In coelis tandem pax requiesque manet.
O igitur procul hinc tecum avolitemus olympum:
Summa Brabea poli, præmia vera Scholæ.
Sinceri amoris, honoris, & mœroris
conteſtandi ergò facieb.
M. Johann Balthaſar Karg
templi Gymnaſiique Eliſabetani Cantor
& Collega”89
Z powyższych wspomnień nie wynika wprost, by Daniel Sartorius był
wykształconym muzykiem. Nie posiadamy też informacji o jakichkolwiek
stricte muzycznych funkcjach, jakie w swoim życiu pełnił (poza funkcją nauczycielską, która mogła się wiązać z nauczaniem muzyki w Elisabetanum).
Argumentem za prawdopodobieństwem takiej hipotezy są jednak zachowane po nim kolekcje muzykaliów: przede wszystkim stanowiący przedmiot niniejszej pracy imponujących rozmiarów zbiór 399 włoskich druków muzycznych i 5 rękopisów muzycznych, w których pojawiają się zarówno pojedyczne
utwory wpisane ręką Sartoriusa (D-Bds Slg Bohn 113 i 114), jak i dość liczne
poprawki tekstu muzycznego (D-Bds Slg Bohn 11190), znaczące zresztą także
obficie większość źródeł drukowanych. Dowodem muzycznej pasji Daniela
Sartoriusa jest także kilkadziesiąt rękopisów muzycznych, sporządzonych jego
Ibid., k. 4r.
Marcin Szelest, Concerten Adami Harzebsky geschrieben. Problematyka przekazu zbioru
Canzoni e concerti Adama Jarzębskiego, „Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska” 13/2
(2015), s. 9–36.
2. Historia zbioru
ręką i podpisanych monogramem D.S., które z jakichś przyczyn nie weszły
w skład darowizny ich autora na rzecz Rhedigeriany. Są to rękopisy o sygnaturach D-Bds Slg Bohn: 49, 60, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 112, 115, 129d, 129f, 145,
146, 176, 178, 181, 193a, 193d, 197, 201d–f, 215, 219, 234, 240, 241, 281, 283,
290, 310, 315, 326, 327, 332, 340 i 34391. Ze względu na to, że monogram ten
występuje także przy utworach jak dotąd niezidentyfikowanych, można wziąć
pod uwagę hipotezę Bohna, że niektóre z nich mogą być nawet kompozycjami
samego Sartoriusa92.
Weryfikacja tej sugestii wymaga przeprowadzenia kompleksowych
badań nad całym tym repertuarem; jest ona jednak dość prawdopodobna
w przypadku zapisanych w rękopisie D-Bds Slg Bohn 176 kontrafaktur madrygałów Grandiego, Rovetty i Monteverdiego (bazujących na tych samych
kompozycjach, które do swych adaptacji wybrał Ambrosius Profe) czy utworów takich jak Confitebor tibi Domine (D-Bds Slg Bohn 315), czy Missus est
angelus Gabriel (D-Bds Slg Bohn 340)93. Niewątpliwie Daniel Sartorius cieszył
się bezpośrednimi kontaktami ze współczesnymi kompozytorami i muzykami, czego świadectwem jest napisana na jego ślub okolicznościowa kompozycja Andreasa Hammerschmidta94. Sartorius znał też Mattheusa Apellesa von
Löwenstern – kompozytora i autora pieśni; po śmierci Löwensterna Sartorius
dedykował mu panegiryk zamieszczony w zbiorze kilkunastu epicediów95. Bliskie kontakty miał Sartorius oczywiście z muzykami wrocławskiego kościoła
św. Elżbiety; poza wspomnianym już Profiusem wymienić tu trzeba kantora
u św. Elżbiety we Wrocławiu, Johanna Balthasara Karga, na którego ślub Sartorius napisał okolicznościową carmen gratulatorium96.
Emil Bohn, Die musikalischen Handschriften des XVI. und XVII. Jahrhunderts in der
Stadtbibliothek zu Breslau, Breslau: Commissions-Verlag von Julius Hainauer 1890 (dalej jako
BohnH); Barbara Wiermann, Die Musikaliensammlungen…, op. cit., s. 101.
BohnH, s. VII.
Fritz Feldmann, op. cit., s. 75, przyp. 193.
Hochzeitsgesang für Daniel Sartorius: Es ist nicht gut, dass der Mensch allein sei, przechowywana w XIX-wiecznym odpisie D-Bds Slg Winterfeld 53.
Matthæi | merito famam ſervabit | Apellis | Dignum laude Virum | Muſa vetans morier. ||
Super Pientisſimo pariter & beatisſimo Excesſu | Nobilisſimi, Magnifici, Strenui, | Amplisſimiq[ue] ]
Dn. Matthæi Apellis de Löwen=|ſtern in Langenhoff | CæSAREI, & MONSTERBERGA-OLSNENSIS | Conſiliarii Splendidisſimi... | Vratislaviæ | anno Chriſtiano CIϽ IϽ CXLVIII. |
a.d. 3. Idus Aprileis […] EPICEDIA CARMINA. || Vratislaviæ, Typis Baumannianis [1648].
Honeſtisſimis Sponſis, | ERUDItISSIMo VIRo, | M. JOHANNI BALTHASARI | CARGIO, |
In Eliſabethano & Barbarino Templo apud Vratisla-|vienſes chori Muſici Præfeĉto, & in Gymnaſio,
quod | illi vicinum est ædi, Collegæ bene merenti, | atque | PUDICISSIMæ VIRGINI, | ELISABETæ, | SPECtAtISSIMI VIRI | GEORGII WEIRAUCHII | In Libero Baronatu Civitateq[ue]
2.3. Kolekcja muzykaliów Daniela Sartoriusa
Nazwisko Sartoriusa pojawia się także w Schreibkalender wieloletniego
rektora elżbietańskiego gimnazjum, Eliasa Maiora (1587–1669)97. Wraz z innymi nauczycielami Elisabetanum Sartorius towarzyszył Maiorowi w liturgiach we
wrocławskiej farze odprawianych z udziałem musicam harmonicam98, kazaniach
pasyjnych wygłaszanych w tym kościele99 i filialnym kościele św. Barbary100,
a także wystawianych w Wielki Piątek spektaklach pasyjnych organizowanych
przez wrocławskie gimnazjum św. Marii Magdaleny101. Szkolne przedstawienia
dramatyczne oparte na tekstach Terencjusza, Wergiliusza i Erazma z Rotterdamu wystawiał zresztą regularnie i sam Sartorius wraz z uczniami prowadzonej
przez siebie klasy podczas corocznych jej egzaminów102.
Daniel Sartorius – określany w pamiętnikach Maiora jako juvenus doctissimus103 i philologus eximus104 – pojawiał się też na organizowanych przezeń
uroczystościach prywatnych: imieninach, urodzinach i okolicznościowych
convivias105, recreationes in tabula oblonga106, obchodzonych zwykle cum vino
et carminibus107. Częstym gościem Maiora był Ambrosius Profe (prywatnie
brat jego żony, Marii)108, a także inni jego collegae z Elisabetanum: kantor
Johann Balthasar Karg109, organista Bernhard Beyer, pastorzy i autorzy pieśni
kancjonałowych: Johannes Acoluthus110 i Mattheus Apelles von Löwenstern111
oraz sam Daniel Sartorius112. Na imprezach tych często rozbrzmiewała musi-
Milicenſi | Notarii, & in hac Senatorisquoq; | prudentisſimi | Filiæ Unicæ, | MAtRIMoNIUM |
MDCLXVI. XII. Oĉtobris, | ſolenniter ineuntibus, | Auſpicatum & proſperum | optantium | Fautorum, Amicorumq[ue] | CARMINA. || VRAtISLAVIæ, In Hæredum Baumanniorum Typographiâ | EXPRIMEBAT Joh. Chriſtoph. Jacobi [1666].
PL-WRu OR R 2339 – R 2368. Schreibkalender auffs Jahr nach Christi Geburt 1640 [–1669].
PL-WRu OR R 2354, fol. 42r [25 III 1655]; R 2358, fol. 138r [3 X 1659].
PL-WRu OR R 2357, fol. 56r [28 IV 1658]; R 2363, fol. 52r [10 IV 1664].
PL-WRu OR R 2343, fol. 26r [29 IX 1644]; R 2354, fol. 26r [29 IX 1655].
PL-WRu OR R 2354, fol. 154r [4 XI 1655].
PL-WRu OR R 2343, fol. 33v [13 X 1644]; R 2350, fol. 60r [26 IV 1651]; R 2354, fol. 51v
[13 IV 1655]; R 2363, fol. 61v [29 IV 1664].
PL-WRu OR R 2344, fol. 138r [1 X 1645].
PL-WRu OR R 2346, fol. 150v [24 X 1647].
PL-WRu OR R 2348, fol. 7r [10 I 1649].
PL-WRu OR R 2339, fol. 126v [6 IX 1640].
PL-WRu OR R 2339, fol. 103r [20 VII 1640].
Klaus Garber, Das alte Breslau: Kulturgeschichte einer geistigen Metropole, Köln – Weimar
– Wien: Böhlau Verlag 2014, s. 150.
PL-WRu OR R 2348, fol. 101r [22 VII 1649].
PL-WRu OR R 2363, fol. 56r [18 IV 1664].
PL-WRu OR R 2342, fol. 107r [4 VIII 1643].
PL-WRu OR R 2344, fol. 138r [1 X 1645].
2. Historia zbioru
ca vocalis & instrumentalis113, wykonywana przez elżbietańskich gimnazjalistów114. Pojawiali się oni tam pewnie za sprawą swych nauczycieli, m.in. samego Daniela Sartoriusa – właściciela pokaźnej kolekcji muzycznej, obfitującej
w przydatne przy takich okazjach utwory instrumentalne…
Śladami zainteresowań muzycznych Sartoriusa są nie tylko systematycznie kolekcjonowane przezeń muzykalia, skopiowane przez niego kompozycje
muzyczne i opracowane kontrafaktury madrygałów, ale także niezwykle liczne
rękopiśmienne zapiski figurujące w omawianym tu zbiorze druków. Znaczna
ich część obfituje w dopisywane na marginesach drukowanych nut uwagi, sugerujące możliwość używania tych egzemplarzy w praktyce muzycznej. Są to
zarówno dopisywane w nutach znaki akcydencyjne, wyliczenia długości pauz,
korekty błędnie wydrukowanego tekstu muzycznego i słownego, różnego rodzaju uwagi wykonawcze, określenia dynamiki czy tempa, a nawet dopisywane na dołączanych kartkach teksty słowne kontrafaktur niektórych utworów
(Fig. 2). Należy domniemywać, że czas poświęcony przez Sartoriusa na kopiowanie i opracowywanie kolekcjonowanej przezeń muzyki włoskiej miał jakiś
wpływ na życie muzyczne środowiska, z którym autor ten był związany. Dotyczyło to na pewno repertuaru wykonywanego privatim w kręgach humanistycznych elit śląskiej metropolii, wywarło też wpływ na repertuar muzyczny
studiowany i wykonywany w elżbietańskim gimnazjum; miało także niebagatelny wpływ na zróżnicowanie praktyki muzycznej wrocławskich ośrodków
kościelnych, czego świadectwem są pochodzące z tych ośrodków muzykalia.
PL-WRu OR R 2340, fol. 103v [22 VII 1641]; R 2342, fol. 100v [20 VII 1643]; R 2347,
fol. 37r [11 III 1648].
PL-WRu OR R 2358, fol. 100v [20 VII 1645].
2.3. Kolekcja muzykaliów Daniela Sartoriusa
Fig. 2. Kontrafaktura madrygału Giovanniego Rovetty Giovinetta fastosa (R 2982,
S II/T), wpisana ręką Daniela Sartoriusa, PL-WRu 50752 Muz.
2. Historia zbioru
2.4. Późniejsze losy muzycznej kolekcji
Daniela Sartoriusa
ie wiemy, w jaki sposób i na jaką skalę kolekcjonowany przez Daniela
Sartoriusa repertuar był praktycznie wykorzystywany po włączeniu jego
biblioteki do zbiorów Bibliotheca Rhedigeriana. Z uwagi na zdecydowanie
odmienny profil udokumentowanego źródłowo repertuaru kościoła św. Elżbiety115 było to raczej mało prawdopodobne. Potwierdza to zresztą i fakt, że
Sartoriana nie została scalona ze zbiorami służącymi kapeli wrocławskiej fary.
Wydaje się jednak, że wielki wysiłek Daniela Sartoriusa nie był chyba przejawem samej tylko pasji kolekcjonerskiej, ale musiał mieć także jakiś cel pragmatyczny. Skoro dla środowisk humanistycznych priorytetem było możliwie
wszechstronne wykształcenie młodzieży, można przypuszczać, że omawiana
tu kolekcja powstała właśnie dla celów edukacyjnych. Jeśli tak było, zgromadzony przez Daniela Sartoriusa repertuar muzyczny mógł służyć wychowankom elżbietańskiego gimnazjum.
Najstarszym znanym obecnie katalogiem zbioru Sartoriusa jest sporządzony przez Siegfrieda Wilhelma Dehna w roku 1853 opis tej kolekcji, zatytułowany Catalogus der auf der Elisabeth-Bibliothek befindlichen Musicalien
(Rhedigerische Bibliothek) 116. Katalog ten liczy 90 stron, na których zapisano
treść kart tytułowych kolejnych woluminów kolekcji, podaną w postaci skróconej, uproszczonej, a czasem zmodyfikowanej. Niektóre wpisy opatrzone są
uwagami dotyczącymi ilości zachowanych woluminów, nietypowego ich formatu bądź rękopiśmiennej (w przypadkach pięciu jednostek) formy zapisu.
Rekordy katalogu opatrzone są dwoma niezależnymi systemami sygnatur:
pierwszy z nich obejmuje kombinację dwóch (czasem tylko jednej) liter alfabetu łacińskiego, greckiego lub hebrajskiego i umieszczonej pod nimi liczby
arabskiej. O ile litery oznaczać mogły miejsce przechowywania danego druku
na regale bądź półce, to liczby zapisane cyframi arabskimi określały liczbę zachowanych ksiąg głosowych. Drugi system sygnatur pochodzi najprawdopodobniej od samego Dehna: są to nadawane kolejno liczby porządkowe: od 1
do 380, w kilkunastu przypadkach opatrzone dodatkowo indeksem literowym,
który być może określał kolejne tytuły z jednego klocka.
Po włączeniu Bibliotheca Rhedigeriana do wrocławskiej Stadtbibliothek
(1865–1867) druki muzyczne i rękopisy nowo utworzonej biblioteki były przed-
Por. Aniela Kolbuszewska, Katalog rękopisów muzycznych XVIII i XIX wieku Biblioteki
Uniwersyteckiej we Wrocławiu, Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego 2008 (Bibliothecalia Wratislaviensia, 8).
D-Bds Mus. ms. theor. kat. 164.
2.4. Późniejsze losy muzycznej kolekcji Daniela Sartoriusa
miotem zainteresowania bibliotekarza Królewskiego Akademickiego Instytutu Muzyki Kościelnej (Das Königliche Akademische Institut für Kirchenmusik),
Emila Bohna. Opracował on dwa rozległe katalogi zbiorów muzycznych i wydał
je drukiem w latach 1883 i 1890117. Niestety, katalogi te opisywały wrocławskie
muzykalia w formie już ze sobą scalonej, nieuwzględniającej różnych ongiś proweniencji. Znaczącym modyfikacjom uległa zresztą wcześniej sama zawartość
biblioteki: usunięto z niej wiele dubletów i wyprzedano je do innych bibliotek
Królestwa Prus. Przy okazji pozbyto się wielu jednostek uznanych wówczas za
nieprzydatne w nowo powstającej bibliotece, która miała służyć nie tylko badaniom historycznym, ale także praktyce wykonawczej. W jej animowaniu
ważną rolę odegrał zresztą Emil Bohn, który uruchomił we Wrocławiu wraz ze
swoim zespołem śpiewaczym (Bohnsches Gesangverein) serię Koncertów Historycznych118. Przy okazji porządkowania podległych mu zasobów bibliotecznych
dokonywał jednak dość arbitralnej ich selekcji, naruszając homogeniczność jej
historycznej substancji. O ile zabiegi takie jak łączenie ksiąg głosowych różnej
proweniencji w nowe zestawy można jeszcze zrozumieć w perspektywie potrzeb
praktycznych, to usuwanie z niektórych druków oryginalnych pieczęci proweniencyjnych trudno dziś zrozumieć i usprawiedliwić…
Obydwa katalogi Bohna to mimo wszystko prace pomnikowe, których
znaczenie dla historii muzyki trudno nawet i dziś przecenić. Publikacje te uznać
można za swego rodzaju pretekst do uruchomienia we Wrocławiu studiów muzykologicznych. Za ich ojca uważa się Ottona Kinkeldeya, który wykształcił całą
plejadę wybitnych autorów, m.in. Hansa Erdmanna Guckela, autora monografii poświęconej katolickiej muzyce na Śląsku119, ks. Wacława Gieburowskiego,
który doktoryzował się na podstawie rozprawy o traktacie Szydłowity120, czy
Georga Jenscha, twórcy niepublikowanej dysertacji poświęconej historii muzyki we Wrocławiu121. Następcą Kinkeldeya został Max Schneider – pierwszy
profesor utworzonego przy Uniwersytecie Wrocławskim Instytutu Muzycznego
BohnD i BohnH.
Agnieszka Drożdżewska, Życie muzyczne na Uniwersytecie Wrocławskim w XIX i I połowie
XX wieku. Edukacja muzyczna – działalność naukowa – ruch koncertowy, Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego 2012 (Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis, 3381; Musicologica
Wratislaviensia, 7), s. 112–113.
Hans Erdmann Guckel, Katholische Kirchenmusik in Schlesien, Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel
Wacław Gieburowski, Die „Musica Magistri Szydlovitae”, ein polnischer Choraltraktat des
XV. Jahrh. und seine Stellung in der Choraltheorie des Mittelalters, mit Berücksichtigung der Choraltheorie und -Praxis des XV. Jahrh. in Polen, sowie der nachtridentinischen Choralreform, Posen:
St. Adalbert-Druckerei 1915.
Georg Jensch, Musikgeschichte der Stadt Breslau, Breslau: s.n. 1914.
2. Historia zbioru
(Musikalisches Institut bei der Universität Breslau) i autor pracy poświęconej początkom techniki basso continuo122. Schneider zainicjował szeroko zakrojoną akcję katalogowania śląskich zbiorów muzycznych i wychował kolejne pokolenie
badaczy, m.in. Petera Epsteina, autora monografii poświęconej wczesnej monodii włoskiej XVII wieku123, Ernsta Kirscha, który zajął się twórczością Johannesa
Nuciusa124, a przede wszystkim Fritza Feldmanna – autora wielu prac dotyczących historii muzyki dawnego Śląska. W tym samym zakresie badawczym powstawały cytowane już prace Johanna Sassa oraz Hansa-Adolfa Sandera, który
za temat swego doktoratu obrał właśnie muzykalia z kolekcji Sartoriusa125.
W czasie II wojny światowej zbiory Stadtbibliothek były rozdzielone ze
względu na niebezpieczeństwo zniszczenia. Zdeponowano je w kilku podwrocławskich miejscowościach: m.in. Ramułtowice (Ramfeld), Borowa (Bohrau)
i Nowy Kościół (Neukirch)126. Pod koniec wojny wrocławskie rękopisy muzyczne
przewieziono do Moskwy, a stamtąd (większość z nich127) – do berlińskiej Staatsbibliothek, gdzie zostały przez jakiś czas utajnione. Na początku lat 90. XX wieku ujawniono miejsce przechowywania tych zbiorów; obecnie są one dostępne
w Musikabteilung Preußischer Kulturbesitz Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin128. Sposród
druków muzycznych kataklizmy wojenne przetrwało około 70% jednostek, które
8 czerwca 1946 roku przeszły na własność Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej we Wrocławiu, gdzie zostały scalone ze zbiorami d. Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek129. Do
końca roku 2016 zbiory te były przechowywane w budynku d. klasztoru kanoników regularnych NMP na Piasku; od stycznia roku 2017 zostały one przeniesione
do nowego budynku biblioteki przy ul. Fryderyka Joliot-Curie 12.
Max Schneider, Die Anfänge des Basso continuo, Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel 1918.
Peter Epstein, Dichtung und Musik in Monteverdis „Lamento d’Arianna”, „Zeitschrift für
Musikwissenschaft” 10/4 (1927/1928), s. 216–222.
Ernst Kirsch, Von der Persönlichkeit und dem Stil des schlesischen Zisterzienser-Komponisten Johannes Nucius (ca. 1556–1620), Breslau: Preuss & Jünger 1926.
Hans-Adolf Sander, Italienische Meßkompositionen des 17. Jahrhunderts aus der Breslauer
Sammlung des Daniel Sartorius (†1671), Birkeneck: St. Georgsheim 1934.
Barbara Wiermann, Musikaliensammlung…, op. cit., s. 94.
Niektóre woluminy zostały jednak w Moskwie, gdzie są do dziś przechowywane w RUS-Mcm.
Barbara Przybyszewska-Jarmińska, ocalałe źródła…, op. cit., s. 3–10.
Aniela Kolbuszewska, Historische Grundlagen der Musiksammlungen in der Universitätsbibliothek zu Breslau, [w:] Die Musik der Deutschen im osten und ihre Wechselwirkung mit dem
Nachbarn, red. Klaus Wolfgang Niemöller, Helmut Loos, Bonn: Gudrun Schröder Verlag 1994
(Deutsche Musik im osten, 6), s. 297.
3. Repertuar
eśli omawiana kolekcja rzeczywiście była zbierana intencjonalnie, można się
jej przyjrzeć pod kątem utrwalonego w niej repertuaru jako swoistej całości130. Oczywiście, jest to całość w pewnej mierze przypadkowa, bo zależna od
obiektywnych okoliczności towarzyszących tworzeniu kolekcji przez co najmniej parę osób na przestrzeni przeszło pół wieku. Z drugiej jednak strony,
zbiór ten swoją zawartością ujawnia konsekwencję i systematyczność swoich
kolekcjonerów, dbających o jego różnorodność, reprezentatywność i zapewne
także zgodność z ich wyobrażeniami czy lokalnymi zapotrzebowaniami. Profil
muzycznych zainteresowań kolekcjonerów ujawniają dane statystyczne, opisujące badany tu zbiór wedle poniżej opisanych kryteriów. Są to kolejno: miejsca
wydań i nazwiska wydawców druków; kompozytorzy i ośrodki, z którymi byli
oni związani; mecenasi, protektorzy i muzycy, którym dedykowali swoje dzieła
oraz występujące w treści publikacji nazwy gatunkowe.
3.1. Miejsca wydania i wydawcy
pośród 399 druków muzycznych kolekcji Daniela Sartoriusa przeszło 90%
to publikacje weneckie, pochodzące z oficyn Alessandra i Giacoma Vincentich oraz Bartolomea i Francesca Magnich. Fakt ten dobitnie świadczy
o dobrej orientacji kolekcjonerów w europejskim rynku druków muzycznych,
dla którego oficyny weneckie były rzeczywiście ośrodkami kluczowymi. Liczba druków pochodzących z Wenecji w badanym zbiorze jest mimo wszystko nieproporcjonalnie wysoka; wynika to zapewne z intencji kolekcjonerów,
zainteresowanych przede wszystkim muzyką włoską. Podane wyżej proporcje
uzasadniają stylistyczne upodobania Profego i Sartoriusa, których szczególnie
Tomasz Jeż, Die Breslauer Bibliotheca Rhedigeriana als Dokument der Migration des italienischen Stils in Europa, [w:] Migration und Identität. Wanderbewegungen und Kulturkontakte
in der Musikgeschichte, red. Sabine Ehrmann-Herfort, Silke Leopold, Kassel – Basel – London
– New York – Praha: Bärenreiter 2013 (Analecta Musicologica. Veröffentlichungen der Musikgeschichtlichen Abteilung des Deutschen Historischen Instituts in Rom, 49), s. 99–137.
3. Repertuar
interesował repertuar nurtu seconda pratica, publikowany głównie w Wenecji.
Połowa z pozostałych 10% druków Sartoriusa (15 jednostek) to publikacje oficyn działających w Bolonii (Antonio Pisarri, Giacomo Monti), Florencji (Cristofano Marescotti), Rzymie (Giovanni Battista Robletti, Lodovico Grignani,
Paolo Masotti, Vitale Mascardi) i Neapolu (Ottavio Beltrano). Można odnieść
wrażenie, że kolekcjonerzy „podążali śladami” Thomasa Rehdigera, który
większość swojego pobytu w Italii spędził właśnie w tych miastach. Pozostałe
15 druków to wydania niemieckie: z Drezna (Gimel Bergen), Frankfurtu nad
Menem (Balthasar Christoph Wust), Freibergu (Georg Hoffmann), Ingolstadt
(Gregor Haenlin), Lipska (Friedrich Lanckisch, Johann Glück i Timotheus
Ritsch), Ravensburga (Johann Schröter) i Innsbrucka (Johann Gäch). Zauważmy, że nawet na obszarze niemieckojęzycznym kolekcjonerów interesowała
również twórczość ośrodków katolickich; uzasadnieniem takiego stanu rzeczy
były ich stylistyczne upodobania.
3.2. Kompozytorzy i ich ośrodki
decydowana większość jednostek z badanej kolekcji (95%) to tzw. druki imienne, zawierające twórczość tylko jednego kompozytora. Wśród
165 nazwisk sygnujących tę twórczość są to niemal wyłącznie (znowu 95%)
twórcy włoscy; pozostałe 5% (zaledwie 8 nazwisk) to autorzy niemieccy, zainspirowani jednak także włoską stylistyką epoki: Philipp Friedrich Buchner,
Johann Rosenmüller, Johann Hermann Schein, Heinrich Schütz czy Cherubino Waesich. Statystyka ta wyraźnie potwierdza sprecyzowany profil zainteresowań kolekcjonerów i ich italianizującą pasję.
Zgromadzone przez Profego i Sartoriusa druki muzyczne stanowią zbiór
reprezentatywny; jednak liczba druków przypadająca na każdego kompozytora
nie jest stała – zależy ona od ilości opublikowanych dla każdego z nich wydań.
O ile większość pojawiających się tu kompozytorów reprezentowana jest w badanym zbiorze przez jedną bądź dwie edycje, to w przypadku niektórych twórców liczba ta wynosi siedem, a nawet więcej druków. Do uprzywilejowanych
w tym zasobie nazwisk należy tuzin kompozytorów, którzy znaleźli uznanie nie
tylko w oczach współczesnych, ale też zasłużyli na wysoką ocenę historii. Zbieżność ta dowodzi dobrej orientacji wrocławskich kolekcjonerów we współczesnej
im kulturze muzycznej, ich rozległej erudycji, a nadto wypróbowanych gustów.
Najliczniej – bo aż 20 drukami – reprezentowany jest Alessandro Grandi, maestro di cappella weneckiej bazyliki San Marco i kościoła Santa Maria
Maggiore w Bergamo. Na tym ostatnim stanowisku pracował później Maurizio Cazzati, reprezentowany tu przez 16 druków, które pochodzą z czasu,
3.2. Kompozytorzy i ich ośrodki
gdy był kierownikiem kapel kościoła Sant’Andrea w Mantui, Accademia della
Morte w Ferrarze i San Petronio w Bolonii. Kompozytorem 15 druków z omawianej kolekcji był Orazio Tarditi, organista katedry w Arezzo i maestro di
cappella katedry w Faenzie. 14 druków zawiera kompozycje Ignazio Donatiego, który kierował zespołami kapel w Urbino, Casalmaggiore, Ferrarze, Lodi
i Mediolanie. Liczbą 12 druków doceniony został Galeazzo Sabbatini, maestro
di cappella księcia Mirandoli. Po 11 druków mają związani z Wenecją Giovanni Antonio Rigatti – kapelmistrz patriarchy weneckiego, a wcześniej kierownik
kapeli katedry w Udine, i Giovanni Rovetta – maestro di cappella bazyliki San
Marco. Na tym stanowisku Rovetta był bezpośrednim następcą Claudia Monteverdiego, którego 9 druków trafiło w ręce Profego i Sartoriusa. Po 7 druków
mają we wrocławskiej kolekcji Biagio Marini, Tarquinio Merula, Giovanni
Felice Sances – wszyscy trzej przez jakiś czas związani również z ośrodkami
zaalpejskimi: Neuburgiem, Düsseldorfem, Wiedniem i Warszawą. O ile jednak
Sances niemal całe swoje życie spędził na dworze cesarskim w Wiedniu, Marini pełnił również funkcje kapelmistrzowskie w Wenecji (bazylika San Marco)
i Ferrarze (Accademia della Morte), a Merula w Bergamo (S. Maria Maggiore),
Bolonii (katedra) i Cremonie (katedra). W kolekcji Sartoriusa znajdziemy też
7 druków Giovanniego Legrenziego, czynnego w Wenecji, Bergamo (S. Maria
Maggiore) i Ferrarze (Accademia dello Spirito Santo).
Wymienione wyżej druki stanowią czwartą część całej kolekcji Sartoriusa i w sposób dość reprezentatywny charakteryzują cały jej repertuar, wiążący
się głównie z ośrodkami kultury muzycznej miast północnej Italii. Przyjrzyjmy
się jednak również i pozostałej części zbioru, tym razem pod kątem reprezentowanych tu najliczniej miast i czynnych w nich instytucji muzycznych. Pośród
wybranych przez Profego i Sartoriusa kompozytorów często powtarzają się nazwiska twórców działających w Wenecji. Poza wspomnianymi wyżej postaciami
są to muzycy związani z bazyliką San Marco (Dario Castello, Francesco Cavalli, Carlo Filago, Filiberto Laurenzi, Francesco Lucio, Natale Monferrato, Massimiliano Neri), kościołami San Salvatore (Pietro Andrea Ziani), San Sebastiano
(Cherubino Busatti), Santo Stefano (Nicola Gibellini) i San Giorgio Maggiore
(Giovanni Battista Chinelli). Licznie reprezentowani są także muzycy kościołów
Bolonii: San Petronio (Giulio Cesare Arresti, Carlo Donato Cozzoni, Francesco Milani), San Giovanni in Monte (Agostino Filippucci), Chiesa della Carità
(Francesco Maria Grassini) i innych kościołów tego miasta (Lorenzo Agnelli,
Riniero Scarselli, Ottavio Vernizzi, Lucrezia Orsina Vizana).
Z kapelami muzycznymi Ferrary związani byli kapelmistrzowie tamtejszej katedry (Alfonso Mazzoni), kościołów: San Domenico (Giacomo Manara)
i San Giorgio (Francesco Milleville), Accademia dello Spirito Santo (Paolo Cor35
3. Repertuar
netti, Andrea Mattioli) czy Cappella della Morte (Giovanni Ceresini). W Bergamo (bazylika Santa Maria Maggiore) działali Giovanni Cavaccio, Francesco
Rogantini, Pietro Andrea Ziani, w Weronie zaś – Nicolò Fontei, Biagio Gherardi,
Simone Zavaglioli (katedra), Giovanni Giorgio Sparacciari (Sant’Eufemia), Simplicio Todeschi (San Giorgio), Carlo Calzareri i Francesco Rasi. Kilku kompozytorów z badanego zbioru było czynnych w Rzymie, m.in. Giovanni Francesco
Anerio i Stefano Landi (Seminario Romano), Girolamo Frescobaldi (San Pietro
in Vaticano), a nadto Giovanni Antonio Leoni, Giuseppe Tricarico i Loreto Vittori. Zdecydowanie częściej jednak powtarzają się w badanym zasobie nazwy
miast północnowłoskich, takie jak Mediolan (gdzie działali: Serafino Cantone,
Chiara Margarita Cozzolani, Francesco Della Porta), Mantua (Bernardino Alberghetti, Salomone Rossi, Giuseppe Scarani, Francesco Todeschini), Modena
(Sigismondo D’India, Sisto Reina, Marco Uccellini, Giovanni Battista Vacchelli),
Padwa (Leandro Gallerano, Salvatore de Santa Maria, Francesco Petrobelli i Simone Vesi), Vicenza (Gaspare Filippi, Amadio Freddi, Domenico Freschi, Carlo
Grossi) oraz Udine (Orindio Bartolini, Pietro Gamberi, Luigi Pozzi). Lista pozostałych miast obejmuje około 60 ośrodków, przede wszystkim północnej Italii131.
Liczącą się grupę wśród ośrodków kościelnych, z którymi związani byli
kompozytorzy badanego zasobu źródłowego, stanowią muzycy działający w kręgach zakonnych, nierzadko sami będący członkami zakonów: augustianie (Carlo
Bonetti, Stefano Filippini, Nicola Gibellini, Carlo Milanuzzi, Bartolomé de Selma
y Salaverde), benedyktyni (Chiara Margarita Cozzolani, Damiano Nembri, Salvatore de Santa Maria, Gregorius Urbanus), hieronimici (Aurelio Berettari), franciszkanie konwentualni (Giovan Battista Alouisi, Giovanni Antonio Colombi, Leandro
Gallerano, Lodovico Manfredi, Francesco Maria Melvi, Angelo Prosperi, Antonio
Maria Riccio, Sisto Reina, Giacomo Ganassi, Giovanni Battista Vacchelli) i obserwanci (Girolamo da Monte dell’Olmo, Atanasio da Pisticci), kameduli (Romualdo
Honorio, Lucrezia Orsina Vizana, Orazio Tarditi), kanonicy regularni (Riniero
Scarselli, Pietro Andrea Ziani), karmelici (Tommaso Fosconi, Alberto Lazari, Giuseppe Scarani) oraz oliwetanie (Lorenzo Agnelli i Pietro Marcellino Orafi).
Zdecydowana większość kompozytorów odnotowanych w badanej kolekcji działała w ośrodkach muzycznych Półwyspu Apenińskiego. Niektórzy
znajdowali jednak zatrudnienie poza Italią, przede wszystkim na terenie do-
Arezzo, Asola, Asyż, Belluno, Bozolo, Brescia, Capri, Casalmaggiore, Castellarano, Cremona, Fabriano, Faenza, Fiesole, Florencja, Forlì, Gorizia, Imola, Lodi, Loreto, Massa Fiscaglia,
Massa Lombarda, Messyna, Monselice, Montagnana, Monte dell’Olmo, Monteflascone, Monza, Murano, Noto, Novara, Noventa di Piave, Osimo, Piacenza, Pistoia, Pordenone, Rawenna,
Reggio, Rimini, Romanengo, Rovigo, Salò, San Marino, Siena, Treviso, Triest, Urbino, Viadana.
3.2. Kompozytorzy i ich ośrodki
minium habsburskiego: na dworach arcyksiążąt austriackich w Innsbrucku
i Wiedniu (Bartolomé de Selma y Salaverde, Vincenzo Scapitta), u arcybiskupa Salzburga (Carlo Grossi), biskupa Ołomuńca (Giovan Battista Alouisi), ale
przede wszystkim na dworze cesarskim w Wiedniu (Giovanni Giacomo Arrigoni, Giovanni Battista Buonamente, Marco Antonio Ferro i wspomniany
już Giovanni Felice Sances). Obecność tych autorów w zaalpejskich centrach
muzycznych znacząco wpłynęła na proces asymilacji stylu muzyki włoskiej
przez twórców lokalnych, głównie niemieckich. Działali oni m.in. w kapelach
kościołów w Lipsku (Johann Hermann Schein, Johann Rosenmüller) i Wasserburgu (Caspar Endres), w kapelach arcybiskupów Konstancji (Matthias Spiegler) i Moguncji (Daniel Bollius, Philipp Friedrich Buchner), a także na dworach elektorskich: w Dreźnie (Heinrich Schütz) i Berlinie (Adam Jarzębski).
Tych dwóch ostatnich znalazło też zatrudnienie w Polsce: Jarzębski w Warszawie, na dworze królewskim Wazów, a Buchner – w Wiśniczu, u wojewody
krakowskiego Aleksandra Michała Lubomirskiego.
Poza omówionymi wyżej drukami imiennymi w kolekcji Sartoriusa znajdziemy także kilka antologii, zawierających twórczość wielu kompozytorów.
Druki tego typu odgrywają zazwyczaj istotną rolę w procesie transmisji repertuaru muzycznego132; tutaj jest ich jednak zaledwie osiem, co być może świadczy o dojrzałości i erudycji kolekcjonerów, którzy dla tworzenia własnej kolekcji
nie potrzebowali podpowiedzi ze strony wydawców. Zresztą, sami wydawali oni
własne antologie: zarówno Sartorius, kompilujący niemałą liczbę rękopiśmiennych kolekcji wieloautorskich, jak i Profe, drukujący swoje Geistliche Concerten. Czwarty tom tej serii (16464), znacząco wieńczący całą kolekcję Sartoriusa,
zawiera kompozycje autorów północnowłoskich, takich jak: Giovan Battista
Alouisi, Gasparo Casati, Maurizio Cazzati, Ignazio Donati, Alessandro Grandi,
Tarquinio Merula, Giovanni Priuli, Giovanni Antonio Rigatti, Giovanni Rovetta,
Galeazzo Sabbatini, Orazio Tarditi i Francesco Turini. Jest to więc w pewien sposób antologia „wenecka”, nie mniej niż faktycznie wydane w tym mieście druki
Ghirlanda sacra… (16362); Raccolta di motetti a 1. 2. 3. voci di Gasparo Casati et
de diversi altri eccellentissimi autori... (16512), w których pojawiają się m.in. Giovanni Giacomo Arrigoni, Dario Castello, Francesco Cavalli, Giacomo Finetti,
Amadio Freddi, Leandro Gallerano i Claudio Monteverdi.
Daniela Sartoriusa interesowała jednak także twórczość kompozytorów rzymskich, utrwalona w antologii Floridus Canonicus… publikowanej
przez Alessandra Vincentiego w Wenecji (16493; 16494), a także Lodovica
Jerome Roche, Anthologies and Dissemination of Early Baroque Italian Sacred Music,
„Soundings. A Music Journal” 4 (1974), s. 6.
3. Repertuar
Grignaniego w Rzymie (16501). W antologiach tych odnajdujemy całą plejadę muzyków czynnych w kapelach kościołów Wiecznego Miasta: San Pietro in Vaticano (Orazio Benevoli, Virgilio Mazzocchi), Santa Maria Maggiore (Antonio Maria Abbatini, Carlo Cecchelli), San Giovanni (Francesco
Foggia), San Apollinare (Giacomo Carissimi), Il Gesù (Bonifazio Graziani),
Santi Lorenzo e Damaso (Abundio Antonelli), San Luigi de’ Francesi (Stefano Fabri), Chiesa Nuova (Giovanni Francesco Marcorelli), Madonna dei
Monti (Paolo Tarditi), Santo Spirito in Sassia (Giovanni Antonio Carpani,
Nicola Corradi), Santa Maria in Trastevere (Silvestro Durante) i SS. Trinità
di Ponte Sisto (Ignatio Olivati). Pokrewny repertuar przekazuje zresztą wydana nieco wcześniej Scelta di motetti de diversi eccellentissimi autori a 2,
3, 4, e 5 voci... (16471). Obecność tych druków we Wrocławiu potwierdza
zainteresowanie protestanckich elit tego miasta współczesnym repertuarem
muzycznym tworzonym w kręgach katolickich.
Wyrazem podobnej otwartości na obcy konfesyjnie repertuar są druki
określane jako pseudoantologie133. Publikacje te zawierają zazwyczaj kilkanaście utworów jednego autora, których listę uzupełnia kilka kompozycji innego
twórcy. Jeśli nazwiska obydwu kompozytorów pojawiają się na karcie tytułowej druku, intencją wydawcy mogła być chęć promowania twórczości autorów
mniejszej rangi wraz z tymi bardziej znanymi, np. Giulia Cesarego Bianchiego
i Claudia Monteverdiego (16204). Gdy nazwisko twórcy pomniejszej rangi pojawiało się jedynie w spisie treści, mogło chodzić o sprzedaż utworów młodego autora, umieszczanych wśród dzieł twórcy już uznanego (16284 i 16293,
gdzie obok utworów Alessandra Grandiego figurują pojedyncze utwory Alvise
Graniego i Antonia Guerriniego). Znajdujemy jednak również sytuację odwrotną, w której obszerny zbiór twórczości początkującego autora wzbogaca
kompozycja jego nauczyciela (druk 16381, w którym pośród utworów Marcella
Minozziego pojawia się Laudate pueri del Sig. Galeazzo Sabbatini maestro del
Compositore). Niektóre z druków ujawniają związki łączące poszczególnych
kompozytorów, wynikające z ich relacji rodzinnych (bracia Nicodemo i Filippo
Parisi – 164211 albo Giovanni Legrenzi i jego ojciec, Giovanni Maria – L 1610),
przynależności do tego samego zakonu (Girolamo da Monte dell’Olmo, Tomaso da S. Agata – 16363), tej samej kapeli muzycznej (Paul Kienheimer, Johannes Stadlmayr i Vincenzo Scapitta – 16285), bliskości zatrudniających ich
instytucji (Gasparo Casati, Giovanni Paolo Martinengo i Giovanni Francesco
Tagliavacca – 16433) czy kręgu wspólnych znajomych i przyjaciół, których cza133
Paweł Gancarczyk, Muzyka wobec rewolucji druku. Przemiany w kulturze muzycznej
XVI wieku, Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika 2011, s. 64.
3.3. Adresaci dedykacji
sami honorowano dedykacjami na równi z ich mecenasami (Orazio Tarditi,
Maurizio Battaglia – 16475).
3.3. Adresaci dedykacji
o jednak ci ostatni bywali najczęściej adresatami dedykacji dołączanych
do stanowczej większości druków muzycznych. Te konwencjonalnie sformułowane listy polecające potwierdzały istniejącą już relację finansową między
kompozytorem a jego mecenasem czy protektorem; mogły być jednak również
wyrazem starań twórcy o nawiązanie takiej relacji bądź prośbą o dofinansowanie poniesionej już przez wydawcę inwestycji134. Pojawiające się w nagłówku listu
dedykacyjnego oraz na karcie tytułowej druku nazwiska i tytulatury adresatów
dedykacji dokumentują zatem środowiskowy i ekonomiczny kontekst funkcjonowania twórczości muzycznej na pierwszym etapie jej recepcji; zarówno w jej
faktycznej, jak i potencjalnej formie. Odtwarzając historyczny kształt obydwu
tych form recepcji, naszkicujmy mapę środowiskowych odniesień badanego tu
repertuaru, by lepiej go zobaczyć w szerszym, społecznym kontekście.
Większość druków ze zbioru Sartoriusa adresowana jest do hierarchów
kościelnych, co można wiązać nie tylko z historyczną rolą jej reprezentantów
w dziedzinie kształtowania mecenatu muzycznego, ale także z religijną funkcją
znacznej części badanego repertuaru. Z uwagi na dominującą tu twórczość
północnowłoską tylko dwa zbiory dedykowano papieżom (Paweł V – M 3445,
Urban VIII – F 1475). Więcej druków adresowano papieskim urzędnikom:
legatom (Alderano Cybo-Malaspina – U 17, Carlo Pio di Savoia – G 316, Antonio Orsini – M 143) i protonotariuszom (Giovanni Battista Capobianco –
F 1833, Lorenzo Corsi – C 3509; Giulio Cesare Sacchetti – B 1140, Benedetto
Saraceno – Z 102, Bernardo Vitte – R 1418). Częstymi adresatami dedykacji
byli purpuraci: zarówno ci noszący tę godność z nadania politycznego (Antonio Barberini – F 1871, Marzio Ginetti – L 1182, Giovan Carlo de’ Medici
– C 1565, Andrea Baroni Peretti di Montalto – 16204, Giovanni Battista Maria
Pallotta – L 1987, Giangiacomo Teodoro Trivulzio – P 967), jak i rzeczywiści administratorzy diecezji (Federico Borromeo – I 18, Ulderico Carpegna –
U 13, Franz von Dietrichstein – G 3456, Agostino Galamino – C 2029, Cosimo
della Gherardesca – B 1915, Lodovico Gonzaga – T 1389, Giovanni Francesco
Guidi di Bagno – T 922, Carlo Rossetti – M 1410, Desiderio Scaglia – F 1870,
Guidobald von Thun – G 4730).
Ibid., s. 138–148.
3. Repertuar
Podobnie liczną listę tworzą biskupi, przede wszystkim diecezji włoskich: Ankony (Giovanni Luigi Galli – T 194, S 18), Belluno (Giulio Berlendis –
C 1595), Bergamo (Luigi Grimani – M 2342), Camerino (Emilio Bonaventura
Altieri – M 2754), Cremy (Alberto Badoer – C 4362), Forlì (Giacomo Theodoli – F 739, S 921, V 1316), Imoli (Ferdinando Millini M 2341, S 7), Padwy
(Giorgio Cornaro – P 1641, V 1312), Parmy (Carlo Nembrini – F 740, L 1609),
Pesaro (Malatesta Baglioni – S 4), Treviso (Francesco Giustiniani – F 1830)
i Werony (Marco Giustiniani – Z 104), a także diecezji zaalpejskich: Eichstätt
(Marquard von Schenk von Castell – M 670), Hamburga (Friedrich III Oldenburg – S 2291), Lublany (Joseph von Rabatta – M 2227) i Salzburga (Paris von
Lodron – S 1160, Z 101). Niektórzy z nich pełnili jednocześnie władzę świecką,
jako Fürstbischöfe: Konstancji (Johann von Waldburg zu Wolfegg – S 4097),
Moguncji (Johann Schweikhard von Kronberg, Georg Friedrich Greiffenclau
von Vollrads – utwory Daniela Bolliusa, Johann Philipp von Schönborn –
B 4865) oraz Wrocławia (Karol Ferdynand Waza – S 2770).
Adresatami druków muzycznych bywali także niżsi rangą hierarchowie:
archidiakoni i kanonicy, związani z katedrami i kolegiatami w Adrii (M 2757),
Benewencie (16494), Bergamo (M 2340), Gubbio (M 2234), Mediolanie (P 5198),
Padwie (P 1642), Parmie (C 2064), Pesaro (T 222), Rawennie (C 3431), Reggio
(G 3479), Vicenzy (F 733, F 1850); najczęściej podani anonimowo (jedynie z tytulatury), czasem jednak wraz z ich nazwiskami. Imiennie wymieniano częściej
przełożonych i prokuratorów co znaczniejszych kościołów, które stanowiły liczące się ośrodki życia muzycznego: bazyliki San Marco w Wenecji (L 1114, M 3037,
N 402, N 404, R 2971, R 2972) i San Petronio w Bolonii (C 4199, M 2728), katedry w Mediolanie (D 3400) czy kościołów parafialnych w Brugnetto (C 1585),
Noventa di Piave (M 2756) i Wrocławiu (16464).
Poza hierarchami administracji diecezjalnej pokaźną grupę adresatów
druków muzycznych stanowili przełożeni zakonów. Dedykujący im swoje druki kompozytorzy związani byli z niektórymi z tych środowisk jako zatrudnieni
przez nich muzycy bądź członkowie zakonów; w wielu przypadkach podane
w drukach dedykacje poszerzają znane dotąd horyzonty recepcji repertuaru.
Wśród hierarchów zakonnych wymienić należy przełożonych benedyktynów
kongregacji kasyneńskiej, którym swoje druki dedykowali: Giovanni Battista
Chinelli (C 2063, C 2066), Chiara Margharita Cozzolani (C 4362) i Gregorius
Urbanus (U 102). Parę dedykacji otrzymali przełożeni kamedułów (którym
swoje druki dedykowali Alessandro Grandi – G 3454, Romualdo Honorio –
H 6451, Tarquinio Merula – M 2343 i Orazio Tarditi – T 203) oraz oliwetanów
(Lorenzo Agnelli – A 399, Antonio Burlini – B 5021, Biagio Marini – M 665).
Druki dedykowano także przełożonym franciszkanów (Bonaventura Beretta –
3.3. Adresaci dedykacji
B 1994, Gasparo Casati – C 1418, C 1420, Lodovico Manfredi – M 337, Antonio Maria Riccio – R 1282), augustianów-eremitów (Giovanni Giorgio Sparacciari – S 4051), hieronimitów (Aurelio Berettari – B 1995), jezuatów (Pellegrino Possenti – P 5250), kanoników regularnych (Ignazio Donati – D 3402,
Riniero Scarselli – S 1220) i karmelitów (Giovanni Giacomo Arrigoni –16362).
Jeszcze liczniejsze są zbiory dedykowane przeorom i opatom konkretnych klasztorów i konwentów. Dedykacje te świadczą z jednej strony o nieco bardziej precyzyjnie ukierunkowanych staraniach o pozyskanie protektora; z drugiej zaś nawiązują do żywej w tych klasztorach tradycji muzycznej.
Kultywowano ją na szeroką skalę u benedyktynów, m.in. w Leno (gdzie swoje
druki adresowali: Alessandro Grandi – G 3446, Giovanni Antonio Rigatti –
R 1417 i Francesco Turini – T 1394), Mediolanie (Gasparo Casati – C 1405,
Francesco Della Porta – P 5200), Padwie (Salvatore de Santa Maria – S 890),
Rovigo (Alessandro Grandi – G 3444), Wenecji (Damiano Nembri – N 377,
Pietro Andrea Ziani – Z 174), Weronie (Chiara Margarita Cozzolani – C 4361)
i Wiedniu (Giovanni Felice Sances – S 775). Ośrodkami życia muzycznego
były też klasztory kamedułów, przede wszystkim za sprawą Orazia Tarditiego, który wiele swoich druków dedykował opatom klasztorów jego zakonu
w Arezzo (T 185), Forlì (T 195), Fabriano (T 198), Rawennie (T 199), Murano
(T 205) i Florencji (T 201, T 208); ponadto kamedułom z okolic Padwy swoje
zbiory dedykowali Giovanni Rovetta (R 2978) i Alessandro Vincenti (utwory
Claudia Monteverdiego – M 3447). Druki muzyczne otrzymali też augustianie w Ferrarze (G 3462) i Wenecji (ZZ 173), franciszkanie w Padwie (G 158),
kapucyni w Attel (E 681), karmelitanie w Novarze, Cremonie i Romanengo
(C 1425), oliwetanie w Padwie (S 9) i Mediolanie (O 98), serwici w Capodistrii
(R 1412) oraz jezuici w Gorizii (M 2226).
Mecenat muzyczny żeńskich zgromadzeń zakonnych nie był aż tak rozwinięty, choć w badanym zasobie znalazło się kilka druków dedykowanych
przełożonym i siostrom z ich konwentów. Adresatką dwóch dedykacji była Rafaella Aleotti, przeorysza i organistka augustianek San Vito w Ferrarze, której
swoje utwory dedykował Lorenzo Angelli (A 400) i Giovanni Battista Chinelli
(C 2060). Ten ostatni autor musiał znać ferraryjski konwent, skoro pojedyncze utwory tego zbioru zadedykował czterem pochodzącym z niego siostrom.
Śpiewaczką i organistką u kamedułek w Bolonii była Lucrezia Orsina Vizana,
która zbiór swoich Componimenti musicali (V 2261) zadedykowała siostrom
ze swego klasztoru; innemu konwentowi tej reguły w Forlì swoje motety poświęcił Simone Vesi (V 1313). Adresatkami dedykacji druków muzycznych
była także Giulia Maria Vittoria Malvezzi, dominikanka z kościoła Santa Maria Nuova w Bolonii (Giulio Cesare Arresti – A 2484) i Maria Felicja Zbaraska,
3. Repertuar
polska benedyktynka z kościoła Santi Marco e Andrea w podweneckim Murano (Carlo Filago – F 730).
Ważnymi środowiskami kultywowania tradycji muzycznych były też różnego rodzaju konfraternie, bractwa i akademie. Przełożonym i członkom tych
świeckich stowarzyszeń dedykowano wiele zbiorów muzycznych. Działającej
w Ferrarze Arcykonfraterni Ducha Świętego (Accademia dello Spirito Santo) swoje druki dedykował Paolo Cornetti (C 3948), Ignazio Donati (D 3382
i D 3392), Andrea Mattioli (M 1411) i Alfonso Mazzoni (M 1687). Adresatami dedykacji była też Compagnia del Santissimo Sacramento w Ankonie, której zbiory koncertów dedykowali Biagio Gherardi (G 1755) i Angelo Prosperi
(P 5516), Congregazione della Misericordia Maggiore w Bergamo (Francesco
Rogantini – R 1917) czy Veneranda Congregazione di San Polo w Wenecji (Giovanni Rovetta – R 2973). Mecenat muzyczny uprawiały oczywiście liczne w Italii
akademie artystyczne, np. Academia delli Spennati w Faenzy, której swoje druki
dedykował Giovanni Pietro Biandrà (B 2609, B 2610), Accademia degli Ordinati
w Wenecji (Francesco Lucio – L 2903, Luigi Pozzi – P 5308) oraz słynna Accademia Filarmonica w Weronie (Lodovico Bellanda – B 1709).
Adresatami pokaźnej liczby druków byli reprezentanci władzy świeckiej. Ich systematyczny przegląd rozpoczną cesarzowie z dynastii Habsburgów,
których wkład w zaalpejską recepcję muzyki włoskiej trudno przecenić. W badanym zbiorze zachowały się dwa druki Giovanniego Giacoma Arrigoniego
(A 2490) i Giovanniego Battisty Buonamentego (B 4941) dedykowane Ferdynandowi II i jeden – jego cesarskiej małżonce, Eleonorze Gonzadze (Claudio
Monteverdi – M 3446). Ich synowi, Ferdynandowi III, swoje zbiory poświęcili
natomiast: Giovanni Antonio Bertoli (B 2161), Marco Antonio Ferro (F 543),
Claudio Monteverdi (M 3500), Massimiliano Neri (N 403), Piero Marcellino
Orafi (O 99), Giovanni Antonio Rigatti (R 1413), Giuseppe Scarani (S 1167)
i Giovanni Felice Sances (S 769), który inny swój zbiór zadedykował jego żonie, Marii Annie (S 771). Ich z kolei synowi, który objął tron cesarski jako
Leopold I, druki muzyczne poświęcili Maurizio Cazzati (C 1614), Domenico
Minucci (M 2863) i Francesco Petrobelli (P 1645).
Na tle mecenatu dworu wiedeńskiego dedykacje adresowane do królów
są nieliczne: po jednym druku otrzymali Christian IV Oldenburg, król Danii
(Heinrich Schütz – S 2292), Władysław IV Waza, król Polski (Philipp Friedrich
Buchner – B 5863), Jan IV, król Portugalii (Biagio Marini – M 669) i Ludwik XIII,
król Francji (Giovanni Rovetta – R 2966). Dużo liczniejsza jest lista reprezentantów dworów książęcych – w szczególności rodów włoskich, których mecenat
w pierwszej połowie wieku XVII kontynuował świetne tradycje Cinquecenta.
Poza pojedynczymi drukami dedykowanymi nieco mniej zasłużonym na tym
3.3. Adresaci dedykacji
polu rodzinom Calcagni (Galeazzo Sabbatini – S 10), Genesini (Natale Monferrato – M 3036), Mirandola (Galeazzo Sabbatini – S 21), Pepoli (Giovanni Felice
Sances – S 767), Sforza (Cherubino Waesich – W 4) i Simonetta (Giovanni Legrenzi – L 1615) na uwagę zasługują dużo lepiej reprezentowani książęta d’Este:
Francesco I (Benedetto Ferrari – F 265, Ottavio Maria Grandi – G 3479, Giuseppe
Scarani – S 1168), Cesare (Carlo Grossi – G 4728, Giovanni Battista Vacchelli –
V 2), Alfonso IV (Marco Uccellini – U 14, U 15), Anna Beatrice (Giulio Cesare
Arresti – A 2486) oraz Laura i Isabella (Sisto Reina – R 1018 i R 1019).
Na mecanat muzyczny rodziny Gonzagów liczyli: Bernardino Alberghetti
(A 617), Giovanni Giacomo Arrigoni (A 2491), Orfeo Avosani (A 2953), Maurizio
Cazzati (C 1577, C 1582, C 1602), Gaspare Filippi (F 734), Nicolò Fontei (F 1490),
Salomone Rossi (R 2767), Giovanni Felice Sances (S 770), Francesco Todeschini
(T 853) i Marco Ucellini (U 18). Podobnie często dedykacje adresowano do Medyceuszy: wielkich książąt Toskanii – Ferdynanda II (Girolamo Frescobaldi – F 1868)
i Mattiasa (Chiara Margarita Cozzolani – F 4360), księżnej Mantui – Cateriny
(Claudio Monteverdi – M 3498) i Urbino – Claudii (Biagio Gherardi – G 1754)
oraz córki Cosima II – Anny, której dedykowali: Barbara Strozzi (S 6986), Biagio Marini (M 668) i Maurizio Cazzati (C 1618). Jej mąż, Ferdynand Karol von
Habsburg, był z kolei adresatem dedykacji takich autorów, jak: Giovanni Paolo
Almeri (A 869), Carlo Grossi (G 4729), Domenico Minucci (M 2872), Francesco
Della Porta (P 5202) i Pietro Andrea Ziani (Z 175). Znanym mecenasem z rodziny
Habsburgów był także arcyksiążę Leopold Wilhelm, któremu swoje utwory poświęcali Galeazzo Sabbatini (S 15), Giovanni Felice Sances (S 773) i Giovan Battista
Alouisi (A 876). Ten ostatni dwa kolejne swoje druki dedykował Maksymilianowi
von Dietrichstein i jego żonie, Annie Marii von Lichtenstein (A 877, A 878). Zjawiskiem innej skali były natomiast dedykacje dla elektorów Saksonii z rodu Wettynów – Heinricha Schütza (S 2287, S 2295) i Caspara Kittela (K 853).
Adresatami dedykacji byli także książęta noszący tytuł markiza, do których swoje kompozycje adresowali Cherubino Busatti (B 5161), Giuseppe Caruso (C 1388), Maurizio Cazzati (C 1588, C 1589), Giovanni Giuseppe Delafargia
(D 1361), Giovanni Battista da Gagliano (G 103), Giovanni Legrenzi (L 1610,
L 1618) i Luigi Pozzi (P 5309). Baronom sycylijskiej rodziny Deodato – Pietro
i Bartolomeo – swoje druki poświęcał Mario Capuana (C 950 – C 954). Liczne dedykacje otrzymywali także nobile i reprezentanci patrycjatu takich ośrodków miejskich jak Bergamo (C 1587), Fano (D 3398), Ferrara (C 1591), Genua
(P 5196), a przede wszystkim Wenecja, dokąd swoje druki wysyłali Alessandro
Grandi (G 3459), Carlo Grossi (G 4731), Natale Monferrato (M 3034), Domenico Obizzi (O 6), Nicodemo Parisi (P 914), Martino Pesenti (P 1551), Giovanni
Antonio Rigatti (R 1422) i Giovanni Rovetta (R 2985).
3. Repertuar
Europejską dysseminację muzyki włoskiej stymulować mogli także reprezentanci służb dyplomatycznych, np. ambasadorzy Republiki Wenecji na
dworze cesarskim w Wiedniu: Nicolò Sagredo i Battista Nani, którym swoją muzykę dedykowali Giovanni Felice Sances (S 776) i Giovanni Rovetta
(F 2987), przedstawiciel Serenissimy w Niderlandach Francesco Michiel, który
od Filiberta Laurenziego otrzymał jego Arie (L 1115), czy reprezentujący cesarza na dworze papieskim Pawła V Paolo Savelli, protektor Stefana Landiego
(L 530). W pośredniczeniu repertuaru muzycznego mniejszą chyba rolę odegrał personel administracji królewskich i książęcych, który otrzymywał druki
od Orazia Benevolego (16711), Serafina Cantone (C 887), Maurizia Cazzatiego
(C 1578, C 1582) i Ottavia Marii Grandiego (G 3479) oraz dowódcy wojskowi,
którym kompozycje muzyczne dedykowali Giovanni Legrenzi (L 1611), Stefano Pasino (P 968) i Giovanni Picchi (P 2042).
Lokalną recepcję muzyki wspomagali natomiast na pewno burmistrzowie
i członkowie rad miejskich takich ośrodków, jak: Capodistria (Claudio Monteverdi – M 3499), Casalmaggiore (Ignazio Donati – D 3396), Montagnana (Orazio Filiberi – F 732), Rovigo (Francesco Turini – T 1395), Rubbiera (Giovanni
Battista Vacchelli – V 1), San Marino (Francesco Maria Marini – M 672), Triest
(Martino Naimon – N 9), Udine (Giovanni Antonio Rigatti – R 1421), a także
Lipsk (Johann Hermann Schein – S 1385 i Johann Rosenmüller – R 2548) i Wasserburg (Caspar Endres – E 860). Podobną rolę mogli mieć także wojewodowie
krakowscy, Stanisław i Aleksander Michał Lubomirscy, którym swoje motety
dedykowali Francesco Lucio (L 2904) i Philipp Friedrich Buchner (B 4862).
Geograficzne konteksty funkcjonowania studiowanego tu repertuaru
uzupełniają ośrodki, z którymi związani byli muzycy wymienieni w dedykacjach druków bądź poszczególnych utworów. Orindio Gian Maria Bartolini
dedykował np. swoje msze (B 1144) członkom prowadzonej przez siebie kapeli
katedry w Udine, a Maurizio Cazzati – muzykom książat Guastalli, Mantui
i Sabbionety, z którymi sam był związany (C 1582). Podobnie było w przypadku Girolama Casatiego, który adresował swoje motety (C 1425) do Erasma
Costy – maestro di musica w Romanengo, gdzie sam był organistą; analogiczne
dedykacje znajdujemy w druku Giovanniego Rovetty (R 2986) – kapelmistrza
weneckiej Capella Marciana, zbiorze dedykowanym organiście tej bazyliki,
Francesco Cavalliemu, a także publikacji Giovanniego Antonia Rigattiego
(R 1419), adresowanej do Francesca Spady, muzyka tegoż zespołu. Imienne
dedykacje dla muzyków, z którymi instytucjonalnie związani byli kompozytorzy, można znaleźć także w drukach Gaspara Casatiego, dedykowanych muzykom książęcego dworu w Mediolanie (C 1405) i katedry w Novarze (C 1411).
Śladami podobnych związków są dedykacje druków Giovanniego Antonia
3.4. Gatunki i formy muzyczne
Bertoliego dla Francesca Turiniego, organisty katedry w Brescii (B 2163),
Alessandra Della Ciaja – dla Giacoma Carissimiego z rzymskiego Sant’Apollinare (D 1395), Ottavia Marii Grandiego – dla Alfonsa Paganiego z Bolonii
(G 3479), Francesca Petrobellego – dla Giacoma Alcaina z Vicenzy (P 1641)
a Orazia Tarditiego – dla Antonia Paniego z Reggio (T 222).
3.4. Gatunki i formy muzyczne
epertuar kolekcji muzycznej Daniela Sartoriusa wypada także scharakteryzować pod względem pojawiających się w tytułach zbiorów nazw
gatunkowych. Zgodnie z ówczesnymi konwencjami nazwy te są, oczywiście,
dalekie zarówno od ścisłości, jak i jednoznaczności; obrazują jednak dość plastycznie ten aspekt repertuaru, który wiąże się z pełnioną przezeń funkcją.
Spora część druków nosi tytuły wskazujące na zastosowanie liturgiczne
zamieszczonych w nich utworów. Są to przede wszystkim opracowania psalmów
Liturgii Godzin takich kompozytorów, jak: Giovan Battista Alouisi (A 873),
Giovanni Giacomo Arrigoni (A 2491), Bonaventura Beretta (B 1994), Giovanni
Antonio Bertoli (B 2161), Gasparo Casati (C 1420), Chiara Margarita Cozzolani (C 4362), Giovanni Giuseppe Delafargia (D 1361), Ignazio Donati (D 3396),
Giovanni Battista Faccini (F 47), Orazio Filiberi (F 732), Stefano Filippini (F 739,
F 740), Alessandro Grandi (G 3454), Giovanni Legrenzi (L 1619), Biagio Marini (M 668, M 670), Matthaeus Melissa (M 2226), Marcello Minozzi (M 2861),
Domenico Minucci (M 2862, M 2863), Natale Monferrato (M 3034, M 3036),
Damiano Nembri (N 377), Francesco Della Porta (P 5202), Sisto Reina (R 1018,
R 1019), Giovanni Rovetta (R 2963, R 2971, R 2972), Giovanni Felice Sances
(S 773), Giovanni Vincenzo Sarti (S 923), Giovanni Giorgio Sparacciari (S 4051),
Orazio Tarditi (T 195, T 203), Marco Uccellini (U 18) i Simone Vesi (V 1315).
Wymienieni kompozytorzy posługiwali się zazwyczaj tekstami psalmów niedzielnych nieszporów i komplety; fakt ten odnotowują karty tytułowe
tuzina druków z tej grupy, których autorami byli: Giovanni Cavaccio (C 1555),
Maurizio Cazzati (C 1585), Stefano Filippini (F 739), Nicolò Fontei (F 1489),
Giacomo Ganassi (G 324), Biagio Gherardi (G 1755), Giovanni Legrenzi
(L 1618), Biagio Marini (M 669), Francesco Milani (M 2728), Carlo Milanuzzi
(M 2757), Francesco Petrobelli (P 1645) i Orazio Tarditi (T 199). Repertuar
oficjum Liturgii Godzin uzupełniają opracowania antyfon i litanii maryjnych:
Giovan Battista Alouisi (A 877, A 878), Claudio Monteverdi (M 3448), Galeazzo Sabbatini (S 9), Giovanni Felice Sances (S 771 i S 775), Vincenzo Scapitta
(S 1160), Matthias Spiegler (S 4096) oraz hymnów: Maurizio Cazzati (C 1623),
Amadio Freddi (F 1833), Andrea Mattioli (M 1410).
3. Repertuar
Podobnie liczną grupę druków stanowią w omawianym zbiorze cykle
mszalne – analogicznie do psalmów, poszczególne części ordinarium opracowywano w różnych konwencjach stylistycznych, nawiązujących zarówno do
prima (Ignazio Donati – D 3395, Leandro Gallerano – G 158, Romualdo Honorio – H 6451, Martino Naimon – N 9), jak i seconda pratica (Giovanni Battista Chinelli – C 2064, Alessandro Grandi – G 3462, Orazio Tarditi – T 205).
Jeszcze większą różnorodność stylów muzycznych ujawniają druki obejmujące
opracowania liturgii mszalnej i nieszpornej. Idąc śladem wytyczonym przez
Monteverdiego w Selva morale (M 3446), kompozytorzy dążyli do opracowania możliwie wielu różnych tekstów liturgicznych, nadając im adekwatną
do ich treści odmienność stylistyczną. Mogli przy okazji dać wyraz własnej
wszechstronności, obejmującej szeroką panoramę technik kompozytorskich:
od przeimitowanej faktury renesansowego stile antico, przez jej homofonizacje
i falsobordoni aż po wirtuozowskie mododie, tricinia i opracowania in concerto. Wśród najbardziej wszechstronnych autorów, pojawiających się w badanym zasobie, wyliczyć należy takich twórców, jak: Mario Capuana (C 953,
C 954), Gasparo Casati (C 1418), Maurizio Cazzati (C 1577, C 1588, C 1595,
C 1617), Alessandro Grandi (G 3459, G 3461), Tarquinio Merula (M 2342,
M 2343) i Giovanni Antonio Rigatti (R 1413, R 1414, R 1420).
Porównywalne bogactwo rozwiązań fakturalnych drzemie w zbiorach
tytułowanych jako motetti. Termin ten – pojawiający się w ok. 120 drukach
z badanej kolekcji – należy rozumieć nie tylko we współczesnym znaczeniu
tego słowa (gatunek polifonii renesansowej), ale jako określenie funkcji liturgicznej utworów, wykonywanych zwykle loco wybranych części proprium
missae. Zgodnie z typową dla XVII wieku różnorodnością stylistyczną utwory
określane jako motetti mogły oczywiście nawiązywać do konwencji renesansowych; równie dobrze jednak dominować w nich mogła technika koncertująca,
angażująca obok głosów wokalnych rozbudowaną sekcję basso continuo bądź
partie instrumentalne o różnej skali samodzielności. Do kompozytorów ujawniających w badanym zasobie największą różnorodność rozwiązań należą:
Gasparo Casati (C 1411, C 1420), Maurizio Cazzati (C 1582, C 1589, C 1592),
Giovanni Battista Chinelli (C 2063, C 2066), Angelo Conti (C 3509), Ignazio
Donati (D 3382, D 3392, D 3398), Alessandro Grandi (G 3421, G 3426, G 3435,
G 3438, G 3456), Giovanni Franceso Milanta (M 2734), Francesco Della Porta
(P 5196, P 5198, P 5200), Giovanni Antonio Rigatti (R 1412, R 1416), Giovanni
Rovetta (R 2965, R 2967, R 2973, R 2978), Giovanni Felice Sances (S 769, S 770)
i Orazio Tarditi (T 185, T 198). Zjawisko to dotyczy też zbiorów kompozycji
określanych jako cantiones czy concentus, których autorami byli także Girolamo Casati (C 1425), Caspar Endres (E 680) czy Galeazzo Sabbatini (S 4, S 10).
3.4. Gatunki i formy muzyczne
Na bliższe związki z tradycją seconda pratica (niewykluczającą wszakże
odniesień do innych sposobów modelowania faktury) wskazują druki określające zawarte w nich utwory jako concerti. Kompozycje te – pomieszczone
w około 50 drukach z badanej kolekcji – wykazują również zróżnicowanie
stosowanych technik koncertujących, a także ich rozwój, który śledzić można
zarówno w twórczości autorów włoskich (Ignazio Donati – D 3386, D 3390,
Carlo Grossi – G 4728, G 4730, Orazio Tarditi – T 194, T 208, T 210), jak i ich
niemieckich naśladowców (Philipp Friedrich Buchner – B 4862, B 4863; Heinrich Schütz – S 2287, S 2291, S 2292, S 2295; Johann Rosenmüller – R 2548,
R 2549). Nowy język muzyczny tych utworów skłaniał ich kompozytorów
i wydawców do poszukiwania nowych dla nich nazw, tworzonych często za
pomocą określeń konceptualnych: affetti (Barbara Strozzi – S 6986), armonie
(Alberto Lazari – L 1181), delizie (Carlo Milanuzzi – M 2754), fiori (Orazio
Tarditi – T 187), flamme (Caspar Endres – E 681), scherzi (Chiara Margarita
Cozzolani – C 4361), sentimenti (Giovanni Legrenzi – L 1615) czy vaghezze
(Leandro Gallerano). Popularność koncertu kościelnego potwierdzają także
wydawane z tym repertuarem antologie: zarówno włoskie (16362, 16493, 16494,
16501), jak i te zebrane przez Ambrosiusa Profego (16464).
Na pograniczu gatunków religijnych i świeckich sytuować można utwory dramatyczne, orientowane ideałem estetycznym ścisłego podporządkowania muzyki słowu. Za symptomatyczną w tej grupie należy uznać obecność
orfeusza Claudia Monteverdiego (M 3450), Dialoghi rappresentativi Francesca
Rasiego oraz Repraesentatio harmonica Daniela Bolliusa. Do tego samego nurtu zaliczymy kompozycje określane jako cantate et arie a voce sola, których autorami byli: Maurizio Cazzati (C 1591), Alessandro Grandi (G 3472), Filiberto
Laurenzi (L 1115) i Giovanni Felice Sances (S 767), a także zbiory określane jako musiche, zawierające podobny repertuar świecki do wykonania przez
solistę i sekcję basso continuo. Kompozytorami tych zbiorów byli: Lodovico
Bellanda (B 1709), Piero Benedetti, Marco da Gagliano i Jacopo Peri (B 1915),
Benedetto Ferrari (F 265, F 266, F 267), Gaspare Filippi (F 734), Giovanni
Battista da Gagliano (G 100) oraz Giovanni Antonio Rigatti (R 1421, R 1422).
Całkiem reprezentatywną grupę tworzą różnego rodzaju gatunki madrygałowe, które – jak już wiemy – służyły Profemu i Sartoriusowi m.in. do
opracowywania autorskich religijnych kontrafaktur. Zainteresowaniem zbieraczy cieszyły się zbiory m.in. takich kompozytorów jak Alessandro Grandi
(G 3468, G 3470), Claudio Monteverdi (M 3488, M 3500, M 3501), Giovanni
Rovetta (R 2982, R 2985, R 2986) oraz Francesco Turini (T 1389, T 1394). Na
uwagę zasługuje całkiem spory tu udział madrygałów koncertujących (Giovanni Ceresini – C 1699, Martino Pesenti – P 1551, Galeazzo Sabbatini – S 13,
3. Repertuar
S 15, S 18, S 19, S 21), ale także małogłosowych madrigaletti (Giovanni Pietro
Biandrà – B 2609, Salomone Rossi – R 2762, Orazio Tarditi – T 222, Pietro Andrea Ziani – ZZ 174a), oraz lżejszych odmian gatunkowych, pisanych do tekstów w dialektach lokalnych (Ignazio Donati – D 3402, Simone Vesi – V 1316).
Ostatnią grupę repertuaru w badanym zasobie źródłowym stanowią
gatunki muzyki instrumentalnej. Ich bogactwo i różnorodność świadczy
o doskonałej orientacji kolekcjonerów we współczesnych im trendach rozwojowych nowego stylu, rozwijanego na gruncie canzon, sonat i opracowań
gatunków tanecznych. W tej pierwszej podgrupie uwagę zwraca obecność
aż trzech druków canzon Girolama Frescobaldiego (F 1864, F 1868, F 1870),
którego twórczość musiała być znana ambitnemu organiście z nadodrzańskiej
metropolii. Poza utworami organowymi uwagę zwraca kilka kolekcji canzon
przeznaczonych na zespoły instrumentalne: Maurizia Cazzatiego (C 1578),
Tarquinia Meruli (M 2353, M 2354, M 2356), Biagia Mariniego (M 657) i ich
północnowschodnich naśladowców: Cherubina Waesicha (W 4) i Adama Jarzębskiego. Wśród kompozytorów sonat pojawiają się nadto w badanym zbiorze: Giovanni Battista Buonamente (B 4943), Dario Castello (C 1459), Giovanni Battista Fontana (F 1475), Ottavio Maria Grandi (G 3479), Giovanni
Legrenzi (L 1610, L 1619), Biagio Marini (M 663, M 671), Massimiliano Neri
(N 402, N 403) i Marco Uccellini (U 13, U 14, U 17). Kilka druków zawiera
nadto instrumentalne fantazje oraz opracowania tańców włoskich i francuskich (B 4941, B 4944, R 2767, S 2770, T 853, U 15).
3.5. Charakter i specyfika przekazu
e względu na dość reprezentatywny charakter badanej kolekcji niemal
wszystkie powyższe obserwacje można odnieść – toutes proportions gardées – do całości repertuaru tworzonego na Półwyspie Apenińskim w pierwszych sześciu dekadach XVII wieku. Porównanie takie i wynikające zeń wnioski na pewno ucieszyłyby kolekcjonerów całego zasobu… Na koniec należy
jednak jeszcze wspomnieć o tych cechach zbioru Daniela Sartoriusa, które
określają jej differentiae specificae. Do cech tych należy niewątpliwie unikatowy charakter całej kolekcji w skali europejskiej, a także obecność w jej zasobie
pokaźnej liczby druków zachowanych wyłącznie we Wrocławiu135.
Przeszło 25% zebranego zasobu to druki unikalne, niezachowane
obecnie w żadnej innej bibliotece świata. Wśród ponad 100 tych druków
Peter Epstein, Aus Breslauer Bibliotheken und Sammlungen (Musik), „Schlesische Monatshefte” 6 (1929), s. 317–318.
3.5. Charakter i specyfika przekazu
wymieńmy w tym miejscu jedynie kilka najważniejszych, których autorami
są: Dario Castello (Sonate concertate in stil moderno... – C 1459), Giovanni
Battista Chinelli (Il primo libro di motetti a voce sola... – C 2060), Carlo Filago (Sacri concerti a voce sola – F 730), Nicola Gibellini (Motetti a 2. 3. e 4
voci... – G 2008), Filiberto Laurenzi (Arie à una voce per cantarsi nel clavicembalo... – L 1115), Biagio Marini (Sonate, symphonie, canzoni... – M 663,
Compositioni varie per musica di camera a 2, 3, 4 e 5 voci... – M 665, Vespri
a 4 voci da cantarsi nell’organo... – M 669, Lacrime di Davide... – M 670),
Claudio Monteverdi (Salve Regina a 3 voci... – M 3448), Massimiliano Neri
(Sonate e canzone a quatro... – N 402, Sonate da sonarsi con varij stromenti...
– N 403, Motetti a 2 e 3 voci... – N 404), Martino Pesenti (Missae tribus vocibus cum sacris cantionibus... – P 1553), Giuseppe Scarani (Sonate concertate
a 2 e 3 voci... – S 1167) i Pietro Andrea Ziani (Primo libro di canzonette a voce
sola... – ZZ 174a).
Specyfikę prezentowanego tu zbioru charakteryzuje w pewien sposób
pięć dołączonych do niego źródeł rękopiśmiennych (Bohn 111, 113, 114, 129
i 129a–f). Rękopisy te uznać można za swego rodzaju trop, wskazujący na
prawdopodobne ścieżki pozyskania repertuaru druków muzycznych tej kolekcji. Zestawmy znane dotychczas fakty na temat pochodzenia i zawartości
tych rękopisów: pierwszy z nich – Bohn 111 – zawiera kopie 37 kompozycji
instrumentalnych: datowanych na rok 1627 Canzoni e concerti Adama Jarzębskiego, 9 sonat Ottavia Marii Grandiego (pochodzącego z odnotowanego we
wrocławskiej kolekcji druku tego autora G 3479, z 1628 r.) i jednej – Samuela
Scheidta (S 1353, z 1624 r.). Utwory te wpisane zostały ręką Johanna Georga
Becka, muzyka działającego we Frankfurcie nad Menem w latach 1627–1638;
cały zaś rękopis figuruje również w pośmiertnym inwentarzu majątku Becka
jako Concerten Adami Harzebsky geschrieben 2o136.
Frankfurcki muzyk był również głównym kopistą dwóch kolejnych rękopisów – Bohn 113 i Bohn 114. Pierwszy z tych rękopisów stanowi kopię
przykładów muzycznych zaczerpniętych z traktatów teoretycznych poświęconych technice dyminucji, autorstwa czynnych w Mediolanie Riccarda Rognoniego (Passaggi per potersi esercitare nel diminuire… – R 1938) i jego syna,
Francesca (Selva de varii passaggi… – R 1942), który swój zbiór dedykował
królowi Zygmuntowi III Wazie. Niektóre z utworów ze zbioru R 1942 pojawiają się w rękopisie Bohn 114, zawierającym nadto fantazje i ricercary takich autorów, jak: Giovanni Bassano, Nikolaus Bleyer, John Dowland, Ottavio Maria
Brian Brooks, The Emergence of the Violin as a Solo Instrument in Early Seventeenth-Century Germany, Diss. Cornell University 2002, s. 269.
3. Repertuar
Grandi, Mercure d’Orléans i Étienne Nau. Ten ostatni to urodzony w Orleanie
skrzypek, który w roku 1615 immatrykulował się na studia w Lipsku, a później
działał jako tancmistrz na dworze małżonki elektora Palatynatu Fryderyka V,
Elisabeth Stuart, dzięki której w roku 1626 trafił na dwór jej brata, króla Anglii Karola I. We wszystkich wymienionych dotąd rękopisach znajdujemy ślady ręki Daniela Sartoriusa, który w zbiorze Bohn 111 dokonał szeregu korekt
i uzupełnień zapisów dokonanych przez Becka; w rękopisach Bohn 113 i Bohn
114 wpisał zaś samodzielnie kilka utworów. Rękopisy te musiały więc trafić
z Frankfurtu po śmierci Becka (1638) w ręce Sartoriusa, który przynajmniej
od roku 1644 mógł już przebywać we Wrocławiu137.
Charakterystyczny dukt pisma wrocławskiego nauczyciela odnajdujemy
także w dwóch rękopisach zawierających kompozycje Daniela Bolliusa – w latach 1626–1638 kapelmistrza i organisty dworu arcybiskupów-elektorów niedalekiej od Frankfurtu Moguncji. Sprawującemu ten urząd w latach 1604–1626
Johannowi Schweikhardowi von Kronberg Bollius zadedykował utrwalony
w rękopisie Bohn 129 dialog Repraesentatio harmonica conceptionis et nativitatis Sancti Joannis Baptistae, będący rzadkim przykładem recepcji tego gatunku
w krajach niemieckojęzycznych138. Kolejnym biskupem Moguncji był Georg
Friedrich von Greiffenclau (1626–1629), któremu Bollius poświęcił utwory zapisane w rękopisach Bohn 129a, 129b, 129c, 129d, 129e i 129f. Znajdują się tam
dwa koncerty wokalno-instrumentalne oparte na tekstach psalmowych (129b
i 129d), dwa koncerty o funkcji panegirycznej (129e i 129f), łaciński dialog
o treści ewangelicznej (129c, dedykowany na konsekrację tego biskupa) oraz
dwa włoskojęzyczne sonetti o tematyce bożonarodzeniowej, również przeznaczone do wykonania w okolicznościach scenicznych (129a).
Wszystkie pięć rękopisów z badanej kolekcji wykazuje wyraźne wzajemne filiacje repertuarowe i stylistyczne, a ich cechy paleograficzne pozwalają wiązać ich powstanie z jednej strony ze środowiskiem ważnych ośrodków
muzycznych Nadrenii, z drugiej zaś – z samym Danielem Sartoriusem. Chyba
nie jest przypadkiem, że wymienione tu postaci wiąże wyraźnie italianizująca opcja stylistyczna, która doszła do głosu w twórczości instrumentalnej
wczesnego Seicenta: była ona z powodzeniem naśladowana przez Jarzębskiego
i Scheidta, chętnie też kopiowana przez Becka i Sartoriusa. Wymienione nazwiska wiąże także obecność nowoczesnych technik dyminucyjnych, znanych
z traktatów obydwu Rognonich; wyrazem tego jest powtarzający się w tych ręBrian Brooks, Étienne Nau…, op. cit., s. 55–57.
Fritz Noske, Saints and Sinners. The Latin Musical Dialogue in the Seventeenth Century,
Oxford: Oxford University Press 1992, s. 129–130.
3.5. Charakter i specyfika przekazu
kopisach termin viola bastarda, określający nie tylko instrument, ale także specyficzną technikę wykonawczą139. Kolejną zbieżność obserwujemy na gruncie
repertuaru muzyki dramatycznej, z powodzeniem uprawianej przez Daniela
Bolliusa i wykorzystywanej przez Daniela Sartoriusa w praktyce teatralnej prowadzonej przez niego we wrocławskim Elisabetanum.
Za punkt styczny rekonstruowanej tu konstelacji faktów uznać także chyba trzeba Frankfurt nad Menem – ważne centrum życia muzycznego,
krzewionego nie tylko w Katharinen- i Barfüßerkirche, w oficynach wydawniczych i manufakturach instrumentów, ale także na odbywających się tu
regularnie targach książek, które stanowiły kluczowy węzeł handlu drukami
muzycznymi, sprowadzanymi głównie z oficyn włoskich, a eksportowanymi
do różnych centrów muzycznych północnej i wschodniej Europy140. Fakt, że
wszystkie pięć rękopisów ze zbioru Daniela Sartoriusa wiąże się właśnie z tym
miastem (bądź jego bliskimi okolicami), a sam Sartorius przejął te rękopisy po
Becku (być może w latach 1636–1646, kiedy to nie był on odnotowany gdzie
indziej) skłania do przyjęcia hipotezy, która wiąże zgromadzony przez wrocławskich muzyków zespół druków muzycznych ze stolicą europejskiego handlu muzycznego. Jeśli teza ta znajdzie uzasadnienie w koniecznych jeszcze do
przeprowadzenia badaniach źródłowych, być może okaże się, co konkretnie
wiązało ze sobą środowiska muzyczne obydwu metropolii: jednej położonej
nad Menem, a drugiej nad Odrą.
Veronika Gutmann, Viola bastarda – Instrument oder Diminutionspraxis?, „Archiv für
Musikwissenschaft” 35/3 (1978), s. 178–209; Joëlle Morton, Redefining the Viola Bastarda:
a Most Spurious Subject, „The Viola da Gamba Society Journal” 8 (2014), s. 1–64.
Peter Epstein, Die Frankfurter Kapellmusik zur Zeit J. A. Herbst’s, „Archiv für Musikwissenschaft” 6 (1924), s. 73.
4. Katalog
łównym celem niniejszego katalogu jest rekonstrukcja muzycznej części
Bibliotheca Rhedigeriana (a właściwie: Sartoriana) w jej historycznym
zasobie, nie zniekształconym jeszcze XIX-wiecznymi ingerencjami Emila
Bohna i XX-wiecznymi relokacjami. Za punkt odniesienia bierzemy tu najstarszy zachowany katalog tego zbioru, sporządzony w połowie XIX w. przez
Siegfrieda Wilhelma Dehna – niemieckiego bibliotekarza, kuratora oddziału
muzycznego Królewskiej Biblioteki w Berlinie. Działając z ramienia administracji państwa pruskiego, do którego Śląsk należał wówczas już od przeszło
100 lat, Dehn zadbał o zachowanie oryginalnego podziału poszczególnych
kolekcji proweniencyjnych, których odrębność i spójność w późniejszych latach została w znaczący sposób zakłócona. Jak już wspominaliśmy, procedura scalania tych kolekcji poważnie naruszyła homogeniczność historycznej
substancji badanego tu zasobu. Jego dalszej dekonstrukcji dokonały przemieszczenia zbiorów w połowie wieku XX, których następstwem jest aktualny stan zachowania.
Niniejszy katalog odnosi się więc nie tylko do hipotetycznie historycznego zasobu biblioteki, ale także do udokumentowanych później kodyfikacji
jego zbioru, w szczególności do katalogów Emila Bohna oraz rzeczywistości
nam współczesnej, na ile tylko jest ona jawna i dostępna badawczo. Należy pamiętać, że treść niniejszego katalogu – publikowanego w konkretnym
momencie historycznym – może w kolejnych latach ulec pewnym modyfikacjom, jeśli odnajdą się zagubione bądź ukryte obecnie zasoby dawnej wrocławskiej Rhedigeriany. Mając na uwadze dziedzictwo muzyczne śląskiej metropolii zwracam się z uprzejmą prośbą do wszystkich badaczy i podmiotów
instytucjonalnych o wszelkie informacje na temat rozproszonych druków
muzycznych, opatrzonych okrągłymi pieczęciami „v. Rhedigersche Stadtbibliothek zu Breslau” (Fig. 3).
Treść niniejszego katalogu bazuje – w różnych zakresach – na kilku
fundamentalnych repozytoriach zbiorów muzycznych: poza rękopiśmiennym
katalogiem Siegfrieda Dehna są to drukowane katalogi Emila Bohna, Roberta
4. Katalog
Fig. 3. Pieczęć Bibliotheca Rhedigeriana
Eitnera, Claudia Sartoriego i zespołu redaktorów pracujących pod kierunkiem
Emila Vogla (NV) oraz współczesne edycje katalogów serii RISM – zarówno
te wydane w formie drukowanej, jak i bazy danych udostępnione w Internecie,
a także publikowane tam katalogi: Gaspari online (www.bibliotecamusica.it),
Printed Sacred Music Online (www.printed-sacred-music.org) oraz wydany
przez Jeffreya Kurtzmana i Anne Schnoebelen katalog włoskich druków z muzycznymi opracowaniami części oficjów mszalnych i Liturgii Godzin (http://
sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/vol-2/). Bez tych narzędzi niniejszy katalog nie
mógłby powstać: wykorzystuje on bowiem wiele informacji podanych w tych
źródłach. Pochodzące ze wszystkich tych źródeł dane są tu jednak ze sobą scalone, poprawione, ujednolicone, a nadto uzupełnione i zweryfikowane w oparciu o autopsję.
Dla zaprezentowania badanego zasobu w możliwie spójnej formie przyjęto tu metodę kumulatywnego scalania treści wariabilnych, podanych w oryginale czasami w różnych wersjach (więcej o tej metodzie w kolejnym podrozdziale). Procedurę tę stosujemy po to, by lepiej oddać uniwersalny charakter
zasobu, składającego się w zdecydowanej większości z tytułów znanych również z innych bibliotek. Ponieważ jednak głównym celem niniejszego katalogu
jest rekonstrukcja historycznego zasobu Bibliotheca Rhedigeriana, przedmiotem tej pracy jest opisanie konkretnego zespołu druków muzycznych. Specyfikę tego zasobu określają jego cechy unikatowe, stanowiące lokalną konkretyzację europejskiego dziedzictwa kultury muzycznej. Mamy nadzieję, że
treść niniejszej pracy posłuży badaczom zajmującym się muzyką XVII wieku
jako punkt odniesienia dla badań nad kulturą muzyczną nie tylko barokowego
Wrocławia, ale i całego naszego kontynentu.
4. Katalog
4.1. Normy edytorskie
rezentowany tu katalog opisuje historyczną zawartość Bibliotheca Rhedigeriana (Sartoriana) za pomocą rekordów składających się z trzynastu znormalizowanych pól. Są to kolejno:
1. Catalogue number – właściwy dla niniejszego katalogu numer,
nadany w ciągłej numeracji źródeł – samodzielnych jednostek opisu bibliograficznego (przede wszystkim druków, w paru przypadkach rękopisów), podanych wedle kolejności z katalogu Siegfrieda Wilhelma Dehna. Numer ten został
wprowadzony ze względu na to, że stosowana przez tego autora numeracja jest
w paru miejscach nieciągła; odnosi się ona bowiem w kilkunastu przypadkach
do druków ongiś ze sobą współoprawnych, tworzących tzw. klocek. Nadane
przez Dehna numery opatrzone były przezeń w takim przypadku indeksami
literowymi. Ze względu na to, że wszystkie zachowane druki z badanej kolekcji posiadają obecnie nowsze – pochodzące z XIX i XX wieku – samodzielne
oprawy, podana przez niego numeracja jest dziś nieadekwatna; odnotowujemy
ją jednak dla każdego rekordu w polu Provenance.
2. Composer(s). Ze względu na to, że zdecydowana większość badanych tu rekordów to druki imienne (znacznie mniej zaś liczne są tu antologie),
za podstawowe pole rekordu przyjmujemy nazwisko i imię kompozytora (bądź
kompozytorów – w przypadkach druków zawierających utwory co najmniej
dwóch autorów). Nazwiska te i imiona podane zostały w wersji pisowni ustalonej przez NG2 i inne wiarygodne źródła historyczno-muzyczne. Zapis każdego
pola tego rekordu opatrzony jest datami życia kompozytorów, podanymi na
podstawie katalogów RISM, w niektórych przypadkach korygowanymi wedle
najnowszej literatury przedmiotu. Z katalogu RISM przyjmujemy też standard
zapisu przybliżonych lat życia kompozytorów (bądź czasu ich poświadczonej
źródłowo aktywności twórczej), w przypadku gdy dokładne daty ich urodzin
i śmierci nie są znane (zob. wykaz skrótów).
3. Title. Głównym dla całego rekordu polem jest odpis karty tytułowej danej jednostki, podany w znormalizowanej transkrypcji dyplomatycznej. Zachowuje ona oryginalną w źródłach postać tekstu, a więc: jego
układ w wersy (oddane w transkrypcji za pomocą kresek pionowych: |), zastosowany kolor tuszu (domyślnie czarny, niekiedy czerwony), styl czcionki
(wersaliki, minuskuła, kursywa, indeksy), występowanie znaków i motywów
graficznych (znaki typograficzne wydawców, herby mecenasów, inne drukowane bądź wykonane tuszem rysunki, arabeski oraz oddzielające poszczególne grupy tekstu linie poziome transkrybowane tu za pomocą podwójnej
kreski pionowej: ||).
4.1. Normy edytorskie
Podany w tym polu tytuł pozbawiony został (występującej niemal zawsze)
nazwy książki głosowej, której dotyczy. Zapis taki służyć ma lepszej komunikatywności przekazu, podobnie zresztą jak i forma transkrypcji innych zauważonych różnic w treści kart tytułowych poszczególnych głosów. Najistotniejsze
ich warianty sygnalizujemy za pomocą komentarzy w nawiasach kwadratowych,
które pojawiają się również przy odnotowaniu znaczących odstępstw od poprawności językowej. Aby treść oryginalnego tytułu oddać możliwie wiernie, w transkrypcji zachowano wszystkie występujące w oryginale znaki, a więc: występujące tam niekiedy zamiennie litery: ‘u’ i ‘v’, ‘s’ i ‘ſ ’, stosowane z różną konsekwencją
oznaczenia dyftongów: ‘œ’, ‘æ’ i ‘ę’, a także abrewiacje i oryginalne akcenty nad
literami (nawet jeśli ich użycie różni się od współczesnego usus). Ligowane zbitki
spółgłosek ‘ct’ (np. w słowie sanctus) zostały oddane jako ‘ĉt’.
4. Publication. W tym polu odnotowujemy miejsce wydania oraz imię
i nazwisko drukarza, podane w pisowni współczesnej (języka włoskiego bądź
niemieckiego – w zależności od miejsca publikacji bądź nacji wydawcy), a także rok ukazania się druku zapisany w zwyczajowej liczbie złożonej z cyfr arabskich lub podaną zwykle za pomocą cyfr arabskich datę sporządzenia rękopisu.
Uwspółcześnienie tych treści służy ujednoliceniu danych figurujących w źródłach historycznych, podanych tam w bardzo zróżnicowanych formach i konwencjach zapisu, odnotowanych zresztą w poprzednim polu każdego rekordu.
5. Description. Pole to służy opisowi historycznie udokumentowanej
formy zachowania opisywanej jednostki. Czasami jest ona różna od aktualnego
stanu rzeczy, co wynika zazwyczaj z przemieszczeń i rozproszenia zasobu biblioteki w czasie ostatnich 150 lat. Przede wszystkim podana jest tu liczba ksiąg głosowych, jakie pierwotnie składały się na dany tytuł; informacje te podano najczęściej
za katalogiem Bohna (szczególnie wtedy, gdy aktualnie jednostka jest zaginiona),
chyba że wcześniejszy katalog Dehna ujmował tę treść lepiej. Poza historycznie
potwierdzoną liczbą ksiąg głosowych odnotowano tu ich format (najczęściej dla
wszystkich ksiąg ten sam, in quarto – 4o albo in folio – fol.) oraz skrótowe nazwy
głosów podane wedle standardów katalogów RISM (zob. wykaz skrótów).
Kolejnymi elementami tego pola są informacje o niemuzycznych
(głównie słownych) elementach treści jednostki. Pierwszym z nich bywa
dedykacja, umieszczana zazwyczaj na jednej z pierwszych stron druku (jej
numer podajemy za faktyczną w jednostce paginacją). Z treści dedykacji odnotowujemy jej adresata (ale tylko wtedy, jeśli jest nią inna osoba niż mecenas podany na karcie tytułowej), personalia osoby podpisanej pod dedykacją
(jest nią zwykle kompozytor, ale czasami bywa to wydawca bądź posesor,
który kierował materiał do wydawcy), miejsce sporządzenia dedykacji (jedynie tam, gdy jest ona różna od miejsca, w którym druk został wydany, co
4. Katalog
zdarza się dosyć rzadko), a także datę, podaną tu w wersji uwspółcześnionej
i znormalizowanej. Innym stałym elementem niemuzycznym jednostki jest
podany zazwyczaj na jego ostatniej stronie spis treści; w niniejszym polu
odnotowujemy tylko jego obecność; treść tego zapisu jest jednak wykorzystywana również w polu Contents.
Poza tym w niektórych drukach muzycznych spotykamy elementy mniej
typowe: utwory poetyckie, rozmaitej treści przedmowy (avvisi, avvertimenti)
adresowane do czytelników (w szczególności do muzyków), nadto ilustrujące
symbolicznie treść zbioru drzeworyty czy wieńczące niektóre druki kolofony
wydawców. W polu tym odnotowano także pojawiające się w muzycznej części
drukowane oznaczenia temp, dynamiki, ekspresji i inne uwagi wykonawcze;
ich obecność jest cennym świadectwem przemian we współczesnej praktyce
kompozytorskiej tej epoki.
6. Shelfmark. W niniejszym polu podano aktualną sygnaturę egzemplarza danego tytułu, poprzedzoną kodem kraju i siglum biblioteki podanym
wedle standardu RISM (por. wykaz skrótów). W przypadku dubletów odnotowanych przez katalog Dehna wymieniono obydwa ongiś istniejące egzemplarze, pełny opis podając tylko przy egzemplarzu zachowanym we Wrocławiu.
W paru takich przypadkach aktualny zestaw ksiąg głosowych pochodzić może
z kilku pierwotnie różnych partesów, o czym świadczą cechy egzemplarza opisane w kolejnym polu danego rekordu. Odnotowano tu także, jeśli dany egzemplarz druku jest obecnie zaginiony bądź miejsce jego przechowywania jest
jak dotąd nieujawnione. W przypadku gdy jedyny zachowany egzemplarz opisanej przez Dehna jednostki znajduje się poza Wrocławiem, podano stosowne
informacje na temat proweniencji tej jednostki, poświadczone korespondencją z kuratorami bibliotek.
7. Notes on item. W polu tym podano najpierw, czy zachowany we
Wrocławiu egzemplarz jednostki pochodzący z Bibliotheca Rhedigeriana jest
obecnie jedynym jego przekazem. Informacja ta jest w kontekście badanego
repertuaru dość istotna, ponieważ znaczącą część tego zbioru stanowią druki unikatowe w skali światowej. Następnie informujemy o aktualnym stanie
zachowania poszczególnych ksiąg głosowych całego zestawu (nazwy ksiąg
głosowych podajemy wedle norm katalogów RISM, zob. wykaz skrótów). Najczęściej wyliczono brakujące woluminy; w przypadku gdy jest ich więcej, wyliczono tylko nazwy zachowanych ksiąg głosowych. W dalszej kolejności opisano obecny stan zachowania poszczególnych partesów: strony brakujące, bądź
uszkodzone (np. powycinane pieczęcie proweniencyjne). Odnotowano tu też
usterki powstałe na skutek zawilgocenia druków, a także efekty ich naprawy,
wynikające z przeprowadzanych w ostatnich latach konserwacji.
4.1. Normy edytorskie
Szczegółowo wynotowano tu także wszelkiego rodzaju ingerencje rękopiśmienne: zapisane w nutach akcydencje, dopisane ręcznie oznaczenia dynamiki, tempa i sposobu wykonania, wyliczenia długości pauz generalnych,
korekty usterkowo wydrukowanych wysokości niektórych nut, znaki repetycji słów, paginacje stron, kustosze, ręcznie wpisane erraty tekstu muzycznego
i słownego, komentarze dotyczące treści muzycznej, uwagi korygujące kolejność wydrukowanych stron, uzupełnienia brakujących bądź błędnie wydrukowanych incipitów tekstowych. Podano tu także innego rodzaju uzupełnienia treści muzycznej bądź słownej, zrealizowane w formie wklejonych bądź
wsuniętych między strony druku dodatkowych pasków papieru, zawierających
erraty zapisu muzycznego bądź słownego (np. teksty kontrafaktury). Odpisano
także wpisane ołówkiem na kartach tytułowych druków oznaczenia cyfrowe,
będące znakami introligatorskimi, określającymi liczbę porządkową i liczbę
woluminów danego zestawu ksiąg głosowych.
8. Provenance. Pole to odnotowuje najpierw obecność pieczęci
„v. Rhedigersche Bibliothek zu Breslau”, potwierdzających przynależność jednostek do zbioru Bibliotheca Rhedigeriana. Obecność tych pieczęci nie przesądza jednak o przynależności do pierwotnego zasobu opisanego przez Dehna;
zdarzają się bowiem jednostki pozbawione tych pieczęci, a niewątpliwie do
tego zbioru ongiś należące (ich związek z Rhedigerianą potwierdzają niżej podane sygnatury). Czasami mamy do czynienia z sytuacją odwrotną: z jednostkami, które trafiły do Rhedigeriany po dacie sporządzenia badanego katalogu
i jako kolejne nabytki do tego zbioru zostały opatrzone tymi samymi pieczęciami biblioteki, powiększającej swoje zbiory. Te jednostki (nieodnotowane
przez Dehna) nie wchodzą w zakres naszego zainteresowania; pochodzą one
bowiem z kolekcji o innej proweniencji (są to np. jednostki opatrzone dwoma
pieczęciami: biblioteki kościoła św. Marii Magdaleny i Rhedigeriany).
Przekonującym dowodem przynależności konkretnej jednostki do Bibliotheca Rhedigeriana są odnotowane na kartach tytułowych części druków
(niestety, nie wszystkich) dawne sygnatury biblioteczne, znane z katalogu
Dehna. Sygnatury te składają się z dwóch niezależnych grup znaków: pierwszą
stanowi sygnatura biblioteczna złożona z litery (arabskiej, rzymskiej, greckiej
lub hebrajskiej) wskazującej prawdopodobnie na konkretne miejsce przechowywania jednostki (szafy lub regału) oraz wpisanej pod nią cyfry arabskiej,
odnoszącej się najpewniej do liczby woluminów danego zestawu druków. Druga sygnatura znana z katalogu Dehna wyrażona jest kolejną liczbą porządkową
zapisaną cyframi arabskimi (od 1 do 380, w przypadku jednostek współoprawnych opatrzonych dodatkowo indeksem literowym) poprzedzoną niekiedy
skrótem słowa numero (‘N.’ lub ‘Nro’).
4. Katalog
Trzecia podana w tym polu sygnatura pochodzi już z ostatnich dekad XIX
wieku i jest sygnaturą zbiorów muzycznych wrocławskiej Stadtbibliothek podaną za pomocą liczby zapisanej cyframi arabskimi i poprzedzonej skrótem ‘Mus.’ .
Gdy liczba tej sygnatury opatrzona jest indeksem literowym, świadczy to o przynależności danej jednostki do prywatnej kolekcji Emila Bohna, opisanej w katalogu sporządzonym przez wdowę po nim w roku 1909141. Wymienione tu sygnatury
z jakichś przyczyn nie są odnotowywane konsekwentnie we wszystkich jednostkach, co utrudnia jednoznaczne ustalenie przynależności danej jednostki do interesującej nas kolekcji proweniencyjnej. Wszędzie jednak tam, gdzie związek danej
jednostki z kolekcją Rhedigeriany jest przypuszczalnie uzasadniony (czasami wynika to z komentarzy podanych na marginesach katalogu Dehna), niefigurujące
na jego kartach sygnatury podano w nawiasach kwadratowych.
9. Catalogues. Kolejne pole rekordu odnotowuje informacje o danej
jednostce z ogólnie dostępnych katalogów: Eitnera, Bohna, Sartoriego, RISM,
Vogla, Patalas (z podaniem numeru woluminu i strony bądź typowego dla danego katalogu siglum, czy też numeru katalogowego). Podano tu także obecność danego druku w internetowych bazach danych, np.: http://sscm-jscm.
org/instrumenta/vol-2/, www.bibliotecamusica.it, www.printed-sacred-music.
org. W paru przypadkach podano też dodatkowe informacje na temat badanych egzemplarzy, pochodzące z cytowanych wyżej źródeł.
10. Digitized version. W niniejszym polu cytujemy link do publikowanego w Internecie faksymile danej jednostki. Niektóre jednostki badanego zasobu zostały już zeskanowane i upublicznione w wolnym dostępie na platformie
cyfrowej www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl; inne będą tam umieszczone w najbliższym
czasie. W przypadku niektórych jednostek podano w tym polu linki do skanów tych egzemplarzy pochodzących również z innych bibliotek; materiał ten
ma wprawdzie charakter pomocniczy względem przedmiotu naszego katalogu,
odwołanie się do tych źródeł uznaliśmy jednak za zasadne. W tym przypadku
wykorzystano portale cyfrowe różnych bibliotek zawierających i udostępniających publicznie te zbiory, ale także i inne portale o treści jeszcze bardziej uniwersalnej (np.: https://books.google.pl; imslp.org; http://wikivogel.org; http://www.
bibliotecamusica.it). Informacje te podajemy tutaj, mając na uwadze rosnące zainteresowanie badaczy zajmujących się muzyką dawną i jej wykonawców, coraz
częściej poszukujących mało dotąd znanego repertuaru. Jak można zauważyć,
powszechny dostęp do tych materiałów skutkuje bardzo szybko edycjami nutowymi i fonograficznymi (zob. kolejne dwa pola rekordu).
Katalog ten obejmuje 151 muzykaliów z prywatnej kolekcji Emila Bohna, które po jego
śmierci zostały przekazane przez wdowę po nim wrocławskiej Stadtbibliothek.
4.1. Normy edytorskie
11. Modern edition. W niniejszym polu odnotowano tytuły edycji
poszczególnych jednostek bądź wybranych z ich treści kompozycji. Naszym
celem był wybór kilku najbardziej reprezentatywnych edycji: przede wszystkim tych krytycznych, niekiedy uwzględniamy też cieszące się coraz większym
zainteresowaniem wydania faksymilowe. Nie rościmy sobie pretensji do tego,
by zawartość tego pola była kompletna; takie zadanie należy uznać za niemożliwe do realizacji. Oczywiście, pole to wymaga nieustannej aktualizacji z uwagi
na bardzo dynamicznie rozwijający się obecnie rynek wydawniczy.
12. Recording. Podobne selektywne kryteria dotyczą także edycji fonograficznych prezentowanego tutaj materiału. W niniejszym polu odnotowano wybrane, najbardziej reprezentatywne i możliwie najnowsze publikacje
płytowe. Ich liczba – podobnie jak liczba współczesnych edycji – rośnie proporcjonalnie do ilości upublicznianych w Internecie faksymile, więc podane tu
treści mogą być systematycznie uzupełniane.
13. Contents. Ostatnie pole każdego rekordu opisuje zawartość danej
jednostki: wyliczone w numeracji ciągłej kolejne utwory stanowiące jej treść. Dla
realizacji tego zadania posłużono się tu metodą kumulatywnego scalania treści
wariabilnych. Wydaje się ona dość sensownym rozwiązaniem w obliczu materiału źródłowego, którym dysponujemy: są to z jednej strony spisy treści figurujące
na ostatnich stronach każdej z ksiąg głosowych, z drugiej zaś faktycznie utrwalony w danym źródle repertuar. Zazwyczaj każde z tych źródeł inaczej informuje
o zawartości zbioru; wiąże się to nie tylko z tym, że w każdej z ksiąg głosowych
drukowane są jedynie te utwory, w których bierze udział dana partia głosowa
(aparat wykonawczy ulega z biegiem kolejnych dekad XVII wieku znaczącym
modyfikacjom faktury). Wariabilną treść różnych źródeł warunkuje także ich
odmienny charakter i funkcja, jaką miały one pełnić. Entropię treści wzmagają
różnorakie sposoby zapisu tytułów i odmienne metody odnotowywania przynależnego poszczególnym kompozycjom aparatu wykonawczego oraz podanych
czasem wskazówek wykonawczych. Rozmaicie też podawane są inne istotne dla
danego utworu informacje, dotyczące jego kwalifikacji gatunkowej, schematu
architektonicznego czy przeznaczenia liturgicznego. Niektóre tytuły opatrzone
są dodatkowo informacjami na temat ich kompozytorów (w przypadku jednostek zawierających kompozycje kilku twórców), a także autorów tekstów literackich (odnotowujemy je jednak wyłącznie w odniesieniu do specyficznego w tej
dziedzinie repertuaru madrygałowego). Bywają także tytuły opatrywane nazwiskami adresatów indywidualnych dedykacji – z uwagi na znaczenie tych informacji dla historii muzyki uznaliśmy za zasadne szczegółowe ich odnotowanie.
Ilość i zróżnicowany sposób utrwalenia tych danych skłania do przyjęcia w przypadku niniejszego pola metody polegającej na scaleniu możliwie
4. Katalog
wszystkich wymienionych powyżej informacji, pochodzących ze wszystkich
zachowanych ksiąg głosowych. Problemem wynikającym z przyjęcia takiej
metody jest jednak kwestia wyboru wariantu zapisu treści powtarzających się
w różnych miejscach. Dlatego też za punkt wyjścia dla prezentacji zawartości danej jednostki przyjęto księgę basso continuo, zawierającą niemal zawsze
wszystkie kompozycje konkretnej jednostki, podane w najbardziej uporządkowanej kolejności (kolejność utworów w innych księgach głosowych bywa
bowiem różna). Podstawą dla wyliczenia kolejnych kompozycji jest jednak
faktyczna zawartość tego woluminu, nie zaś wieńczący go spis treści, który
czasem też różni się kolejnością, zawartością bądź formą zapisu poszczególnych tytułów. Za jednostki repertuarowe danego druku lub rękopisu przyjęto
samodzielne kompozycje muzyczne: w przypadku utworów wieloczęściowych
(opracowania cyklów ordinarium mszalnego, litanii, motetów, madrygałów
i kantat) podano incipity tekstowe kolejnych ich części, niekiedy wraz z kwalifikatorami formalno-gatunkowymi. Przyjęte w tym polu zasady transkrypcji
tekstu wykorzystują te same normy, które opisano powyżej w polu Title.
Chciałbym w tym miejscu złożyć serdeczne podziękowania dla tych
wszystkich, którzy w ciągu ostatnich kilku lat wspierali moje prace nad zbiorem muzycznym Daniela Sartoriusa. Szczególnie wdzięczny jestem Nicholasowi Bellowi, Dianie Codogni-Łańcuckiej, Luigiemu Collarile, Barbarze Eichner,
Ewie Hauptman-Fischer, Jeffreyowi Kurtzmanowi, Agnieszce Leszczyńskiej,
Martinowi Holmesowi, Michałowi Lewickiemu, Piotrowi Maculewiczowi,
Mirosławowi Ossowskiemu, Szymonowi Paczkowskiemu, Marii Paluszak-Łoś,
Aleksandrze Patalas, Barbarze Przybyszewskiej-Jarmińskiej, Anne Schnoebelen, Allenowi Scottowi, Zbigniewowi Skowronowi, Katarzynie Spurgjasz,
Marcinowi Szelestowi, Danucie Szlagowskiej, Marinie Toffetti, Barbarze Wiermann, Janowi Woronczakowi i Sławomirze Żerańskiej-Kominek.
Warszawa – Wrocław, maj 2017
1. Introduction
he subject of this publication is a unicum on a global scale: a collection of
music-related sources brought together in the 17th century in Wrocław’s
(Breslau’s) Gymnasium Elisabetanum. The collection, which consists of 399
music prints published in 1606–1665 and five manuscripts dated to the same
period, has attracted the keen interest of musicologists and musicians working
in many countries of the world. However, it has never been a subject of a comprehensive monograph. The vast repertoire of works contained in this collection
(more than 8,000 pieces) has been presented here in the form of a catalogue,
preceded by a rather more-detailed-than-usual historical-cultural introduction.
We hope that the present publication will support more comprehensive research
on Wrocław’s musical culture and on the reception of the Italian Seicento heritage in Central Europe, as well as facilitating the future editions of selected repertoire from this collection and restoring this repertoire to contemporary music
life through concert performances and recordings.
The body of music sources in question is usually referred to as the collection of Daniel Sartorius (1612–1671) – professor at Wrocław’ St Elisabeth
Gymnasium, because it was Sartorius who had this collection under his care,
added numerous notes and revisions, and made many handwritten copies of
the repertoire from the collection. After Sartorius’ death, the collection was incorporated into the famous Bibliotheca Rhedigeriana of Wrocław, and came to
be referred to by that wider name, but preserved its separate status with regard
to provenience. The library owes its name to its founder – Thomas Rehdiger
(1540–1576), a Wrocław patrician and owner of a large collection of books,
manuscripts, coins, precious stones and works of art, which he bequeathed in
his last will to his home city, so as to make them accessible to a wide audience:
„Libros meos, quos ego magno labore et sumptu conquisivi, una cum Numismatibus aureis, argenteis, aeneis, statuis, picturis, et reliquis Bibliothecae
ornamentis minime vulgaribus cupio et volo quam diligentissime Vratislaviae
in uno Conclavi ad id a praedictis duobus heredibus instructo adservari et omnia in eo suis locis distincte et ordinate disponi: ut illa Bibliotheca cum suis
1. Introduction
ornamentis non tantum Rhedigerianae Familiae (penes quam perpetuo esse
volo) honori, verum etiam aliis usui et voluptati esse possit”1.
In 1589 the library was deposited in part of Wrocław’s St Elisabeth’s
Church (Elisabethkirche), and in 1645 it was formally donated to the city, through
the establishment of the city’s first public library2. Thomas Rehdiger himself
learnt in his youth in the gymnasium connected with St Elisabeth’s Church3, and
Daniel Sartorius was for many years a teacher at that school4. The distinctly Italian character of the collection is associated with the work of Ambrosius Profe
(1589–1661) – a Gymnasium Elisabetanum graduate and teacher, later – an organist at St Elisabeth’s Church and publisher of several anthologies of contemporary Italian music5. The music sources collected by Profe and Sartorius formed
a collection separate from that of St Elisabeth’s Church Library. Their collection
was most likely meant for the use of the gymnasium of the same name. Sartorius’
music collection retained its separate character for the next two hundred years,
as part of the Bibliotheca Rhedigeriana. It was only in 1865–1867 that – in the
context of the establishment of the new municipal library – the collections were
mixed or merged. This also concerned the music sources, which were merged
and catalogued in this form by Emil Bohn (1839–1909)6.
Nevertheless, before the music sources of varying provenience were incorporated into one whole, the new library’s resources were described separately by Siegfried Wilhelm Dehn (1799–1858), curator of the music collec-
Quoted after: Albrecht Wilhelm Jakob Wachler, Thomas Rehdiger und seine Büchersammlung in Breslau: Ein biographisch-literarischer Versuch, Breslau: Grüson 1828, pp. 70–71.
State Archive in Wrocław (referred to hereinafter as APW), coll. 28: Acts of the City of
Wrocław – Documents, 13170 [olim: Priv 296; B. 36].
Aniela Kolbuszewska, Zbiory muzyczne kościoła św. Elżbiety we Wrocławiu [The Music Collection of St Elisabeth’s Church in Wrocław], [in:] Z dziejów wielkomiejskiej fary. Wrocławski kościół św. Elżbiety w świetle historii i zabytków sztuki [toward a History of a Metropolitan Parish
Church. Wrocław’s St Elisabeth’s Church in the Light of History and Monuments of Art], ed. Mieczysław Zlat, Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego 1996, p. 234.
Hans-Adolf Sander, Beiträge zur Geschichte des lutherischen Gottesdienstes und der Kirchenmusik in Breslau. Die lateinischen Haupt- und Nebengottesdienste im. 16. und 17. Jahrhundert, Breslau: Priebatsch 1937 (Breslauer Studien zur Musikwissenschaft, 1), p. 90.
Reinhold Starke, Ambrosius Profe, “Monatshefte für Musikgeschichte” 34/11 (1902),
pp. 189–196; 34/12 (1902), pp. 199–215; Adam Adrio, Ambrosius Profe (1589–1661) als Herausgeber italienischer Musik seiner Zeit, [in:] Festschrift Karl Gustav Fellerer zum sechzigsten Geburtstag am 7. Juli 1962, ed. Heinrich Hüschen, Regensburg: Bosse 1962, pp. 20–27.
Bibliographie der Musik-Druckwerke bis 1700 welche in der Stadtbibliothek, der Bibliothek
des Akademischen Instituts für Kirchenmusik und in der Königlichen- und Universitätsbibliothek
zu Breslau aufbewahrt werden, ed. Emil Bohn, Berlin: A. Cohn 1883, hereinafter as BohnD.
1. Introduction
tions of the Königliche Bibliothek in Berlin7. Thanks to his catalogues we can
now study the various collections separately and define the specific qualities
of each of them8. The largest of these is the Bibliotheca Rhedigeriana, which
comprises 404 items in Dehn’s catalogue. It is the collection as described in
Dehn’s catalogue that is the subject of this publication. Dehn’s list is the oldest
that we know today, and is therefore a major source for the study of the historical reception and dispersion of the music repertoire. Unlike the collections
that served the practical needs of music ensembles in Wrocław’s major Protestant churches (Hauptkirchen): St Elisabeth’s, St Mary Magdalene’s and St Bernardine’s9, the Rhedigeriana comprise a mixed repertoire assembled for didactic and erudite purposes. It is nevertheless a collection of great importance to
17th-century music culture – not only on the local, but also on the European
scale. It is for this reason that we have decided to follow Thomas Rehdiger’s last
will by familiarising a wide circle of readers with his collection.
Barbara Wiermann, Die Musikaliensammlungen und Musikpflege im Umkreis der St. Elisabethkirche Breslau. Kirchliches und bürgerliches Musikleben im Kontrast, “Schütz-Jahrbuch” 30
(2008), pp. 93–109.
Now kept at D-Bds (library sigla can be found in the List of abbreviations), Mus. ms. theor.
kat. 161–167. They contain the catalogues of the following seven separately distinguished library
– B 2. (Mus. ms. theor. kat. 161) – music sources from the Royal Academic Institute of Church
Music (Königliche Akademische Institut für Kirchenmusik), which originally came from
dissolved monasteries;
– B 3. (Mus. ms. theor. kat. 162) – treatises on music theory from the University of Wrocław
– B 4. (Mus. ms. theor. kat. 163) – music sources from St Mary Magdalene’s Church in Wrocław;
– B 5. (Mus. ms. theor. kat. 164) – music sources from Bibliotheca Rhedigeriana;
– B 6. (Mus. ms. theor. kat. 165) – music sources from St Bernardine’s Church in Wrocław;
– B 7. (Mus. ms. theor. kat. 166) – music sources from St Elisabeth’s Church in Wrocław;
– B 8. (Mus. ms. theor. kat. 167) – music sources from SS Philip and James’s Church in Żory
(Sohrau), deposited at that time in the Königliche Bibliothek in Berlin.
The contents of these collections are described by Allen Scott in a sister catalogue, now in
2. History of the collection
2.1. Thomas Rehdiger and his library
homas Rehdiger was born on 19th December 1540 in Strzeszów (Striese)
– an estate near Wrocław belonging to his father, Nicolaus I, citizen of
Wrocław10. The family name (variously spelt as Rudinger, Rudiger, Rüdiger, Rediger, Redinger, Rehdiger, Rhedinger, and Rhediger) has been associated etymologically with the roe deer (Reh) that is represented in the coat of arms used by
this rich landowner (Landadel) family. Nicolaus I made a fortune thanks to competent trade deals with cities in Germany and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Thanks to his marriage to Anna Morenberg, he also became a member
of the strict elite of Wrocław’s patriciate. Nicolaus I’s wife was a daughter of Gregor Morenberg, the influential city clerk who – together with Johann Haunold,
a senior city councillor and Silesia’s starost – once pursued the aim of founding
a university in Wrocław11. The Rehdigers sent their sons to Wrocław’s Gymnasium Elisabetanum, which from the time of Laurentius Rabe (Corvinus), rector of
the school in 1497–1503, remained a major centre of humanist education12. The
Rehdiger family also maintained close contacts with such celebrities as the EmJorg Baecker, Thomas Rehdiger, der Mann und sein Werk. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des
geistigen Lebens im 16. Jahrhundert. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde
der Hohen Philosophischen Fakultät der Schlesischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Breslau,
Breslau: Hochschulverlag 1921.
The foundation act of the University was signed on 20th July 1505 by the Czech king Vladislaus II Jagiellon; nevertheless, this foundation was not confirmed by Pope Julius II. Gustav
Bauch, Aktenstücke zur Geschichte des Breslauer Schulwesens im XVI. Jahrhundert, Breslau: Grass
& Barth 1898, pp. 6–8; Gustav Bauch, Geschichte des Breslauer Schulwesens vor der Zeit der Reformation, Breslau: Ferdinand Hirt 1909 (Codex diplomaticus Silesiae, 25), pp. 268–278. On the
probable reasons for the Pope’s decision, see: Carsten Rabe, Alma Mater Leopoldina. Kolleg und
Universität der Jesuiten in Breslau 1638–1811, Köln – Weimar – Wien: Böhlau 1999 (Neue Forschungen zur schlesischen Geschichte. Eine Schriftenreihe des Historischen Instituts der Universität
Stuttgart, 7), pp. 45–51.
Gustav Bauch, Beiträge zur Literaturgeschichte des schlesischen Humanismus, “Zeitschrift
des Vereins für Geschichte und Altherthum Schlesiens” 30 (1896), pp. 127–164.
2.1. Thomas Rehdiger and his library
peror’s court physician Johann Krafft (Crato) von Krafftheim13, the poet Petrus
Monau (Monavius), the botanist Laurentius Scholtz and the historian Nicolaus
Henel (Henelius) von Hennenfeld, who completed his Silesiographia in the Rehdigers’ Strzeszów estate14.
The family’s intellectual ambitions found their greatest fulfilment in
Thomas, the ninth child of Anna and Nicolaus I15. Thomas also studied at the
Gymnasium Elisabetanum, then under the directorship of Andreas Winkler,
founder of one of the city’s publishing houses16. A key role in Thomas’s life was
played by Johann Crato, who in 1558 sent young Rehdiger to study in Wittenberg and entrusted him to the intellectual care and hospitality of Philip Melanchton himself. Having completed his studies and after a brief stay in Silesia,
Thomas soon left again, embarking on his European Wanderjahre. Thanks to
letters of recommendation from Johann Crato, he was able to travel to Paris,
where he made friends with the Dutch botanist Charles de l’Écluse (Clusius).
With the latter he visited Orleans, and later Antwerp and Leuven. In 1563 he
came to Bourges to practise with the lawyer Jacques Cujas (Cujacius), with
whom Thomas’s brother Johannes had also trained several years earlier. He
followed Cujas to Valence, from which he returned to Paris, where he started
legal practice in the Parliament. This is where he met Johann Jungschulz (Neodicus), sent to him by Crato, who became Thomas Rehdiger’s guide in the next
stage of his journey – through the cities of Italy.
Neodicus had previously acted as the cicerone of Thomas’s elder brother Nicolaus II, who had undertaken a similar journey across Europe. While
Nicolaus II Rehdiger followed in his father’s footsteps, focusing on increasing the family’s fortune and building its political influence in Wrocław, for
Thomas the essence of life was travelling, contacts with eminent intellectuals
and a collector’s passion. Despite numerous letters from his family, who tried
to persuade him to return to Silesia, Thomas remained abroad and continued
Karl A. Siegel, Crato von Krafftheim, Simon Schard und Thomas Rehdiger: Ein Beitrag zur
Gelehrtengeschichte des 16. Jahrhunderts, “Zeitschrift des Vereins für Geschichte Schlesiens” 64
(1930), pp. 75–88.
Detlef Haberland, Silesiographia i Breslo-Graphia Nicolausa Henela von Hennenfeld [Nicolaus Henel von Hennenfeld’s Silesiographia and Breslo-Graphia], Wrocław: Biblioteka Uniwersytecka we Wrocławiu 2011, pp. 16–18.
Hans-Jürgen von Witzendorff-Rehdiger, Die Rehdiger in Breslau, “Jahrbuch der Schlesischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Breslau” 2 (1957), pp. 93–106.
Marta Burbianka, Andrzej Winkler – drukarz wrocławski XVI wieku [Andreas Winkler –
a 16th-Century Printer from Wrocław], “Roczniki Biblioteczne” 4 (1960), pp. 329–445, 636–638;
Aleksandra Mendykowa, Dzieje książki polskiej na Śląsku [Polish Book History in Silesia], Wrocław: Ossolineum 1991, pp. 55–64.
2. History of the collection
his Wanderjahre. From Padua, whose academic life was not very much to his
liking, he travelled to Venice and Bologna, where he purchased books, manuscripts, coins, paintings and handicraft for his collection. He also ventured into
the South of Italy, to Rome and Naples, but did not stay there for long. In 1569
he left Venice for Antwerp, where he paid another visit to Clusius, and then
travelled on Speyer, where he went into legal practice at the Imperial Chamber
Court (Reichskammergericht). He later resided in Cologne, where his patron
(associated with the family) was Gerhard Falkenberg, a young philologist from
Nijmegen. During his journey to Heidelberg he hurt his right elbow, and the
physician applied a treatment that led to inflammation, serious illness, and
consequently to Thomas Rehdiger’s death on 5th January 1576.
A few weeks before his death, on 18th December 1575, Thomas Rehdiger
drew up his last will, in which he entrusted all his collection to his younger brothers, Adam and Jacob, obliging them to transport it to Wrocław and
make it publicly available in a venue specially designated for that purpose. In
1581, the collection reached Wrocław and on 15th March 1589 it was deposited
in the so-called Auditorium Theologicum, situated above one of the sacristies
of St Elisabeth’s Church. All the same, the legal status of the entire collection
was clarified only on 17th March 1645, when following negotiations conducted
by Nicolaus Henel von Hennenfeld the Rehdiger family signed an agreement
with the city council, renouncing their rights to Thomas Rehdiger’s inheritance
on behalf of the city, while the council undertook to preserve the collection
as one indivisible whole available at its current place of deposition under the
name of Bibliotheca Rhedigeriana, regardless of any later donations added to it.
The collection was to be maintained by the city of Wrocław and taken care of
by a city-employed librarian. The library was officially opened on 4th October
1661, and Johann Gebhard was appointed its first librarian.
In its original form, Thomas Rehdiger’s collection bore a distinct imprint of its original owner’s personality and of his fascination with the Antiquity, the Renaissance and Reformation17. This vast collection (whose value
was estimated by contemporaries at 17,000 florins18) comprised approximately
300 manuscripts of works by classical authors (Aristotle, Cicero, Euripides,
Homer, Juvenal, Lucan, Ovid, Plutarch, Seneca, Ptolemy, Terence and Vitruvius), 6,000 printed books (representing the fields of literature, history, matheEwa Houszka, Prehistoria wrocławskich muzeów [The Pre-History of Wrocław’s Museums],
[in:] Muzea sztuki w dawnym Wrocławiu [Art Museums in Early Wrocław], ed. Piotr Łukaszewicz, Wrocław: Muzeum Narodowe we Wrocławiu 1998, pp. 11–26.
Nicolaus Pol, Jahrbücher der Stadt Breslau, Breslau: Grass & Barth 1823, vol. 4, p. 79.
2.2. St Elisabeth’s Church and Gymnasium in Wrocław
matics, medicine, law and theology) as well as a large collection of paintings,
sculptures, coins and minerals. The collection never had its own inventory19;
this function was therefore fulfilled by the accession index of donations added
to the original Rehdiger collection in 1646–174620. Late in the 17th century,
the collection grew so large that another room, sharing an arcade with the
Auditorium Theologicum, was reserved for it above the sacristy of St Elisabeth’s
Church. Owing to the above mentioned stipulation in the agreement of 1645,
which prescribed a unified status for the whole collection, the resources added
to the original Rhedigeriana lost their original designation. This was also true
of the music sources from Daniel Sartorius’ collection, which after Sartorius’
death were incorporated into the Rhedigeriana and are described in the present catalogue as part of the latter collection21.
2.2. St Elisabeth’s Church and Gymnasium in Wrocław
efore we take a closer look at the collection itself, let us briefly discuss the
context in which it was compiled and later stored till the 1860s. This context consisted of two major, institutionally connected and interrelated cultural
centres of historical Wrocław: St Elisabeth’s Church and its Gymnasium. The
church came first22. It was entrusted by Henry III to the care of the Knights of the
Cross with the Red Star, and consecrated in 1257. This brick-and-stone Romanesque-style edifice was rebuilt in the 14th century as a three-aisled Gothic basilica, which was then Silesia’s largest church, a clear manifesto of the city patriciate’s
cultural and intellectual ambitions. The school attached to the church, opened
in 1293, also served the same aspirations, and in the late 15th century it became
Still, we have a specific historical account of that collection in the form of the dramatic
spectacle entitled MEMoRABILIA | BIBLIotHECæ | PUBLICæ | ELISABEtANæ | WRAtISLAVIENSIS, | à | Fundatore Celeberrimo | REHDIGERIANæ | dictæ, | quæ | A. o. R. M.
DC. XCIIX. Die XV Maji, | In Actu Gymnico | à Studiosâ Gymnasii Elisabetani Juventute | exponi fecit. | Gottlob Krantz | Histor. Eloq. & Phys. | Prof. & Bibliothecarius. | WRATISLAVIæ, |
apud Johannem Georgium Steck, | M.DC. XCIX.
Some of the donations are described by Johann Ephraim Scheibel, Nachrichten von den
Merkwürdigkeiten der Rehdigerischen Bibliothek zu Breslau, Breslau – Hirschberg – Lissa: Johann
Friedrich Korn d.Ä. 1794, pp. VIff.
About the once existing Catalogus Rerum Musicarum a Domino Sartorio in Bibliothecam
legatarum wrote Hans-Adolf Sander, Beiträge…, op. cit., p. 90. The library mark he provides:
“Stadtbibliothek Hs. R 50” is probably wrong; this manuscript has not been found to our day.
Johann Carl Herrmann Schmeidler, Die evangelische Haupt- und Pfarr-Kirche zu St. Elisabet. Denkschrift zur Feier ihres 600jährigen Bestehens im Auftrage des Magistrats zu Breslau aus
den Quellen bearbeitet, Breslau: Verlag Josef Mar und Komp. 1857; Piotr Oszczanowski, Kościół
św. Elżbiety [St Elisabeth’s Church], Wrocław: Wydawnictwo MAK 2002.
2. History of the collection
a key centre of German humanism23, whose propagators included Cracow Academy graduates led by Laurentius Corvinus, pupil of the famous Conrad Celtis.
The first church reformers are also seen as heirs to the humanist legacy24. Reformation began to take root in Wrocław already in the 1520s25. In
1525 Martin Luther’s pupil Ambrosius Moiban became the pastor of St Elisabeth’s Church. He introduced the first reforms gradually and with caution,
trying to win favour with the then Bishop of Wrocław, Jacob von Salza. The
first Protestant hymn book in Silesia (Eyn gesang Buchlein Geystlicher gese[n]ge
Psalme[n]), published by the Wrocław printer Adam Dyon in the same year,
consists largely of pre-Reformation material, including adaptations of Latin
songs and hymns26. In 1526 Andreas Winkler was appointed Schulmeister at
St Elisabeth’s school. He was Moiban’s acquaintance, and – like the latter –
had studied in Cracow and Wittenberg. It was during his tenure that Thomas
Rehdiger studied at St Elisabeth’s Gymnasium. The educational profile of this
school is described in the oldest school ordinance (Schulordnung) surviving
from Wrocław from the year 152827.
In accordance with these school regulations, the school personnel
consisted of: the Schulmeister, three teachers, a signator and two auditores.
The first of these was responsible for administration of the school and for
the didactic-educational process. His work was supervised by two doctores.
The Schulordnung lists Ambrosius Moiban – pastor of St Elisabeth’s and Johannes Metzler – the later governor of Wrocław (Landeshauptmann) – as the
doctores. The school principal collaborated with the teachers, whose annual
salaries were twice lower than his. Also the cantor received remuneration
for teaching singing at the school. He combined his function with providing
instruction in other subjects such as Latin and Greek. At the church, the
cantor was responsible for all musical activity and the musical settings of
Gustav Bauch, Geschichte des Breslauer Schulwesens vor der Zeit der Reformation…, op. cit.,
pp. 200–239.
Gustav Bauch, Geschichte des Breslauer Schulwesens in der Zeit der Reformation, Breslau:
Ferdinand Hirt 1911 (Codex diplomaticus Silesiae, 26), p. 162.
Georg Kretschmar, Die Reformation in Breslau (Quellenhefte zur ostdeutschen u. osteuropäischen Kirchengeschichte, 3/4), Ulm: Unser Weg 1960; Gabriela Wąs, Dzieje Śląska od 1526
do 1806 roku [A History of Silesia 1526–1806], [in:] Marek Czapliński, Elżbieta Kaszuba, Gabriela Wąs, Rościsław Żerelik, Historia Śląska [A History of Silesia], Wrocław: Wydawnictwo
Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego 2002, pp. 145–147.
Anna Mańko-Matysiak (ed.), Eyn gesang Buchlein Geystlicher gesege Psalme… Najstarszy
śląski śpiewnik kościelny – Wrocław 1525 [Silesia’s oldest Church Song Book – Wrocław 1525],
Wrocław: Centrix 2004, CD-ROM (e-Biblioteka Historyczna, 1).
Gustav Bauch, Aktenstücke…, op. cit., pp. 26–31.
2.2. St Elisabeth’s Church and Gymnasium in Wrocław
the liturgy28. He also conducted performances of figural music on Sundays,
selected feast days and on the occasion of the funerals of notable burghers29.
The successive cantors of St Elisabeth’s Church were, among others: Erasmus
Radewald (in 1563–1593), the Wrocław composer Simon Lyra (1593–1601),
Michael Strigel (1601–1615), Gottfried Wagner (1615–1643), and Johann
Balthasar Karg (1643–1686)30.
The signator, subordinate to the cantor, was responsible for the choice
of repertoire, for the training and preparation of singers performing during
the liturgy. For discharging these duties he received a modest remuneration,
supplemented with fees for other special commissions. His main task was to
conduct those music performances that were not reserved for the cantor –
mostly of church chant and songs. These were sung by the Chorknaben, a choir
of 12–16 boys from the poor families, who were given free board and keep, as
well as receiving free education at the gymnasium. In return, they were obliged
to sing in the church every day: on weekdays during vespers, and on Sundays
– during masses and in the context of Sunday sermons31. The post of signator at St Elisabeth’s Church was held by, among others, Johann Weidner (in
1530–1545), Vergilius Haug (1538–1544) – author of Wrocław’s first handbook of music theory32, Daniel Bütner (1573–1581), Simon Lyra (1582–1589),
and Eucharius Lemblein (1590–1633).
The signator was assisted in his work by the auditores, who also took part
in primary education in the gymnasium. The auditores were elected from among
the so-called scribes or Schreiber, that is, senior gymnasium students distinguished by their piety and intellect, later frequently joining the ranks of the clergy. For a modest remuneration, the scribes functioned as tutors (Succrescenten)
Klaus Wolfgang Niemöller, Untersuchungen zu Musikpflege und Musikunterricht an den
deutschen Lateinschulen vom ausgehenden Mittelalter bis zum 1600, Regensburg: Bosse 1969
(Kölner Beiträge zur Musikforschung, 54), pp. 4–7.
Johann Sass, Die kirchenmusikalischen Ämter und Einrichtungen an den drei evangelischen
Haupt- und Pfarrkirchen der Stadt Breslau, Breslau: s.n. 1922, pp. 27–28.
Reinhold Starke, Kantoren und organisten der St. Elisabetkirche zu Breslau, “Monatshefte
für Musikgeschichte” 35/3 (1903), pp. 41–48; Reinhold Starke, Die orgelwerke der Kirche zu
St. Elisabet in Breslau, “Monatshefte für Musikgeschichte” 35/2 (1903), pp. 17–29; 35/3 (1903),
pp. 33–38.
Johann Sass, Die kirchenmusikalischen Ämter…, op. cit., pp. 41–42.
ERotEMAtA | MUSICAE PRACtICAE | ad captum puerilem | formata, Virgilio | Haug
au=|tore | tRIMEGIStUS IN | Aſclepio. | Non immerito in hominum coetum Mu-|ſarum chorus
eſt a ſumma diuinitate de-|miſſus, ſcilicet ne terrenus mundus uide-|retur incultior, ſi modulorum
dulcedine | caruiſſet. | VRATISLAVIAE [apud Andream Vinglerum] || M. D. XLI. |. Cf. Gustav
Bauch, Geschichte des Breslauer Schulwesens in der Zeit der Reformation…, op. cit., pp. 109, 342.
2. History of the collection
for their younger schoolmates. Simultaneously they performed regular musical
functions as chant singers (Choralisten). Similarly as the Chorknaben, they were
subordinated to the signator. They were obliged to sing not only chant melodies, but also figural music. They received free board, medical care, clothes and
a modest remuneration, supplemented with fees for occasional services33. Their
ensemble usually consisted of eight performers, including the signator and subsignator (his deputy) in this number. The choir’s complement was updated four
times a year, on prescribed days of the liturgical year (respectively: Cinerum,
Pentecostales, Crucis and Luciae) which opened the four accounting quarters,
the so-called angariae. The choralists at St Elisabeth’s included boys not only
from Wrocław, but also from other Silesian cities and from the neighbouring
countries: the March, Saxony, Lusatia, Bohemia, Moravia, Prussia and Hungary
– which confirms the high status of this ensemble, as well as the wide range of
cultural impact exerted by the Wrocław parish church.
Directly after their trainee period as choralists, many members of the
ensemble travelled abroad to study34. These travels were made possible by
a scholarship system, directed toward those graduates of Wrocław’s gymnasia
whose hitherto achievements proved that they held promise and should be educated further. In most cases they were sent to study theology, law or medicine,
more rarely also – philosophy, philology, mathematics, music and the fine arts.
These proportions resulted from the Wrocław council’s priorities. The city authorities favoured those disciplines of study that could bring greatest benefits
to the city. The scholarship contracts guaranteed that most scholarship holders
would find employment in Wrocław after their period of studies35. This was
especially true of the theology graduates, who took up clerical posts at St Elisabeth’s Church or became teachers at the adjacent gymnasium. Some theology
graduates also performed musical functions: for instance in 1605 Abraham
Johann Sass, Die kirchenmusikalischen Ämter…, op. cit., pp. 13–14, 30, 33–39. These fees
and remunerations were recorded in later years in APW, coll. 102: St Elisabeth’s Parish in Wrocław, 256 [olim: II. A. No. 34]. Choralistensachen (1634–1792), libellus c. 18, fol. 12r–v; and 4151
[olim: P. 67b]. Quittungs-Buch der Choralisten 1674–1758.
They studied in Bologna, Frankfurt-an-der-Oder,, Halle, Helmstedt, Jena, Leipzig, Marburg, Padua, Rostock, Tübingen, but most of all – in Wittenberg. APW, coll. 28, 3941 [olim:
P 30,1]. Stipendiaten- und Vocationsbücher; 3944 [olim: P 31]. Stipendiaten-Rechnungsbuch;
4777–4863 [olim: P 124,1–95]. Schulenamts- und Stipendiaten-Rechnungen. Cf. Claudia A.
Zonta, Schlesische Studenten an italienischen Universitäten. Eine prosopographische Studie zur
frühneuzeitlichen Bildungsgeschichte, Stuttgart: Böhlau 2004.
A comprehensive study of the future fates of the professional scholarship holders of
1569–1600 can be found in: Gustav Bauch, Geschichte des Breslauer Schulwesens in der Zeit der
Reformation…, op. cit., pp. 381–390.
2.2. St Elisabeth’s Church and Gymnasium in Wrocław
Ursinus became the cantor of St Bernardine’s Church in Wrocław; Elias Maior
was a teacher at the Elisabetanum36 from 1615; Ambrosius Profe was appointed
cantor in Jawor (Jauer) in 1617; Andreas von Höckelshoven became cantor of
St Mary Magdalene’s Church in Wrocław in 161937.
Of special importance to the music life of St Elisabeth’s Church were
its organists, who included: Melchior Blum (in 1514–1527), Georg Schnabel
(1527–1534), Joachim Herbig (1564–1568), Georg Gotthard (1568–1585),
Johannes Ellner (1585–1609), Paul Kader Zawet (1609–1613), Gregor Beck
(1613–1633), Ambrosius Profe (1633–1649), Mathias Rosnipsch (1649–1653),
and Bernhard Beyer (1655–1671). The preserved accounts demonstrate that
the organists’ remuneration constituted the largest sum among musician fees38.
The other instrumentalists (referred to as violinists, violists, positive players) as
well as singers – received less money, not to mention the calcants and bell-ringers. We have a relatively large number of music manuscripts associated with
the organists and cantors at St Elisabeth’s, and can therefore reconstruct part
of the repertoire performed at this church. Sources evidently connected with
this centre of worship in Wrocław include, according to Barbara Wiermann39,
the tablatures and part books from the collections of Georg Gotthard (D-Bds
Slg Bohn 2, 3, 4, 5, 11 and 35740), Simon Lyra (Bohn 9, 15, 97, 98 and 106) and
Johann Balthasar Karg (Bohn 130 and 154), as well as manuscripts: Bohn 1, 6,
8, 18, 53, 100, 154, 154a, 158, 165c, 175 and 202. These sources contain a very
rich repertoire, which is nevertheless stylistically conservative – reflecting the
tastes of the cantors of St Elisabeth and also the acoustic conditions in the
Wrocław parish church41.
APW, coll. 28, 3944 [olim: P 31]. Stipendiaten-Rechnungsbuch, fol. 128v–129r; Martin
Hanke, Vratislavienses Eruditionis Propagatores: Id est, Vratislaviensium Scholarum Praesides,
Inspectores, Rectores, Professores, Praeceptores tabulis Chronologicis comprehensi…, Leipzig:
Bauch 1701, p. 23.
Tomasz Jeż, Stypendia wrocławskiej Rady Miejskiej jako instytucja kształcenia kadr muzycznych [Scholarships of Wrocław City Council as a Means of training Music Personnel], [in:] Śląska
Republika Uczonych [The Silesian Republic of Scholars], vol. 3, ed. Marek Hałub, Anna Mańko-Matysiak, Wrocław: Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT 2008, pp. 155–181.
Cf. Tomasz Jeż, Z przeszłości muzycznej wrocławskiego kościoła św. Elżbiety w czasach baroku [From the Musical Past of Wrocław’s St Elisabeth’s Church], “Muzyka” 52/4 (2007), p. 112.
Barbara Wiermann, Die Musikaliensammlungen…, op. cit., pp. 104–108.
Richard Charteris, Newly Discovered Music Manuscripts From the Private Collection of Emil
Bohn, Holzgerlingen: Hänssler Verlag, American Institute of Musicology 1999 (Musicological
Studies & Documents, 53).
Barbara Wiermann, Die Entwicklung vokal-instrumentalen Komponierens im protestantischen Deutschland bis zur Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts, Göttingen: Vandenhoek & Ruprecht 2002
2. History of the collection
The long preservation of Renaissance music traditions at Wrocław’s
St Elisabeth’s Church may also be associated with the way in which Reformation was introduced there, which was more a gradual evolution that a violent
revolution. The changes in the church’s liturgy did not break the continuity
of the Latin tradition of musica figuralis, which until the mid-17th century
enjoyed undiminished popularity at St Elisabeth’s42. The principal elements
of the office of the Holy Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours were maintained,
as also were the links between liturgy and the repertoire that accompanied it
for centuries. This is confirmed in the successive forms of the ordo Missae43,
which did modify some liturgical contents in accordance with the teaching of
Lutheran theology, but retained links to earlier tradition. This is corroborated
by both liturgical44 and musical45 sources, which also confirm the cultivation
of such practices as offices selected from the Liturgy of the Hours as well as the
so called missa sub aurora (missa matura)46, the Good Friday tenebrae factae
sunt responsories47 and the Horae de passione Domini, celebrated thanks to
Laurentius Corvinus’ foundation48. Naturally, part of the repertoire underwent
transformations resulting from the requirements of the new doctrine, such as
(Abhandlungen zur Musikgeschichte. In Verbindungen mit Jürgen Heidrich, Ulrich Konrad und
Hans Joachim Marx, herausgegeben von Martin Staehelin, 14), p. 344.
Tomasz Jeż, Łacińska twórczość muzyczna w ewangelickim Wrocławiu. Problem trwałości
tradycji w czasach przemian konfesyjnych [Latin-Language Musical Works in Protestant Wrocław. Problems of the Continuity of tradition at a time of Confessional transformations], “Barok.
Historia – Literatura – Sztuka” 22 (2004), pp. 185–205.
E.g. Canon ut vocant Missale ex Evangelistis, et Paulo Apostolo Esaja et Daniele Prophetis.
Cf. Hans-Adolf Sander, Beiträge…, op. cit., pp. 62–67.
The liturgical books from the historical Stadtbibliothek: M 1055, M 1244 (now at the University of Wrocław Library), as well as the now lost M 1242, M 1243, M 1245 and R 506. Cf.
Wacław Schenk, Rękopisy liturgiczne dawnej Biblioteki Miejskiej we Wrocławiu (XIII–XV w.)
[The Liturgical Manuscripts of the Historical City Library of Wrocław, 13th – 15th Centuries],
“Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne” 6/3 (1959), pp. 77–98.
E.g. D-Bds Slg Bohn 92 and 119.
Hans-Adolf Sander, Beiträge…, op. cit., pp. 57–62.
Gustav Bauch, Geschichte des Breslauer Schulwesens in der Zeit der Reformation…, op. cit.,
pp. 86, 98.
Curſus ſancti | Bonauenture de paſſione domi=|ni cum inuitatorio himnis et can=|ticis Laurentij Coruini: cum | epiſtola et carmine de gra=|tuita dei in nos beneficen=|cia & de fructibus
ex do=|minice paſſionis re=|cordatione proue=|nientibus. Impreſſum Vratiſlauie in officina | Ade
Dyonis. Anno a natiuitate | ſaluatoris noſtri M.D.XXI.. Grantley McDonald, Laurentius Corvinus a renesansowe miasto Wrocław [Laurentius Corvinus and the Renaissance Wrocław], [in:]
Wrocław literacki [The Literary Wrocław], ed. Marta Kopij, Wojciech Kunicki, Thomas Schulz,
Wrocław: Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT 2007, pp. 47–62.
2.3. Daniel Sartorius’ music collection
e.g. the Germanisation of Latin texts49 or the introduction of Christocentric
contrafacta replacing Marian texts50.
Links between the repertoire performed at St Elisabeth’s and the Latin
liturgical-musical tradition are also evident in the works of local Protestant
composers, such as Johann Knöfel, Bartholomeus Gesius and Thomas Elsbeth,
who frequently based their motets and mass settings on canti firmi derived
from church chant. We will also find similar repertoire in the manuscripts
from St Elisabeth’s listed above, which contain large sets of lectiones and responsories, copies of ‘pericopic’ motets, parody-settings of Magnificat, as well
as the most recent Latin-language works51. Radical changes in the liturgy and
its musical setting only occurred from 1650 onward. It was in that year that
St Elisabeth’s Church received a new Directorium chori52, which radically increased the number of German-language Lieder and organ pieces performed
during liturgy, which in turn contributed to the complete elimination of Latin-language repertoire. Until the mid-17th century, though, the music heard at
St Elisabeth’s was first and foremost that of the Latin Renaissance tradition53.
2.3. Daniel Sartorius’ music collection
n the context of the repertoire performed by the music ensemble of St Elisabeth’s church in Wrocław, Daniel Sartorius music collection stands out as
strikingly original. It consists of more than 400 music sources from the years
1606–1665, mostly Venetian prints containing early Baroque Italian music.
The contents of the entire collection appear to reflect the collectors’ consistently developed passion and highly systematic effort extending over a period
As in Valentin Triller’s hymn book: Ein Schleſiſch ſingebüchlein | aus Göttlicher ſchrift, von
den fürnemſten | Feſten des Jares, und ſonſst von andern geſengen und Pſal=|men, geſtelt auff viel
alte gewönliche melodien, ſo zum | teil vorhin Lateiniſch, zum teil Deutſch, mit Geiſtlichen | oder
auch Weltlichen texten geſungen ſeind, | Durch | Valentinum triller von Gora, Pfar=|herrn zu Pantenaw in Nimpſchiſschen | Weichbilde. | Pſalm CL. | Alles was odem hat lobe den Herren. | Gedruckt
zu Breſslaw, durch | Criſpinum Scharffenberg. | 1555. |.
The antiphon Salve Regina, sung at funerals, was later set to the text of Salve Jesu Christe.
Hans-Adolf Sander, Beiträge…, op. cit., p. 31.
Including the manuscripts with library sigla D-Bds Slg Bohn 2, 4, 5, 6, 15, 97, 98 and 106.
Hans-Adolf Sander, Beiträge…, op. cit., pp. 76–77.
Fritz Koschinsky, Das protestantische Kirchenorchester im 17. Jahrhundert unter Berücksichtigung des Breslauer Kunstschaffens dieser Zeit, Breslau: H. Hiltmann 1931; Barbara Wiermann, Die Entwicklung…, op. cit., pp. 339–349; Allen Scott, Protestant Sacred Music Culture in
Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Breslau, [in:] “Hands-on” Musicology: Essays in Honor of
Jeffery Kite-Powell, ed. Allen Scott, Ann Arbor: Steglein Pub. 2012, pp. 158–163.
2. History of the collection
of several dozen years, when they took care to acquire the most important recent publications of Italian music54. The collection is traditionally believed to
have originally been owned by Daniel Sartorius, teacher at St Elisabeth’s Gymnasium in 1646–1670. Still, a large proportion of the prints comes from before
1646, from the period when Sartorius was a student at St Elisabeth’s Gymnasium (1628–1630), then at Leipzig University (1631–1636), and before he started
teaching at the Elisabetanum in 164655. If he was really the original owner of this
collection, he most likely obtained these sources in the period following his studies (1636–1646), as confirmed by the statistical data below:
Number of prints
Fig. 1. Chronological distribution of music prints from Daniel Sartorius’ collection
We do not know, however, what Sartorius did in 1636–1646 and whether
he had sufficient funds at his disposal in that period to pursue his rather ex54
Tomasz Jeż, The Italian Baroque Repertoire in St Elisabeth Church in Wrocław, [in:] Early
Music: Context and Ideas 2., Kraków: Instytut Muzykologii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego 2008,
pp. 399–408.
He signed the eulogy in praise of Godfried Raspius as SS. Theol. Stud. The eulogy was printed in the Chriſtliche Leichpredigt | Vber das troſtſprüchlein des 42. Pſalms […] Leipzig: Gregor
Ritzſch. 1632. Another trace of his stay in Leipzig is the oDE GERMANICA | Auff | Hochzeitliche
Ehren-Frewde | Des [...] | Herrn | George Heintzen, | Vornehmen Handelsman | in Hamburg, etc.
| Breutigams | Und | Der [...] | Jungfrawen | Mariae Elisabethae | Des [...] Herrn Edward Beckers |
[...] tochter, etc. | Braut..., Leipzig: Gregor Ritzſch. 1634.
2.3. Daniel Sartorius’ music collection
pensive collector’s passion56. As evident from the table above, c. 25% of the
collection was printed before 1636. Is it possible that Sartorius purchased those
prints so many (even 30) years after their publication? A solution to this problem can be found in the activity of Ambrosius Profe – a Wrocław collector,
music enthusiast and publisher of Italian music57, one generation older than
Sartorius. His father Daniel (born in 1550 in Jawor) made a fortune as a cloth
manufacturer and chairman of the Wrocław cloth makers and dyers’ guild58.
Ambrosius, born in 1589, was listed in 1609 as a choralist at St Elisabeth’s
Church59. He obtained a Wrocław city council scholarship to study theology in Wittenberg (1612–1615)60. On completion of his studies he returned to
Wrocław and briefly held the post of teacher at St Elisabeth’s Gymnasium, but
already in the same year he moved to his home town of Jawor, where he became the cantor, organist and teacher at the church school. In 1619 he married
Maria Dietmann, a merchant’s daughter, who bore him four children.
Profe’s interest in modern Italian music manifested itself already in 1627,
when he published an original anthology of Italian madrigals set to new German
religious and philosophical texts61. This collection consists of contrafacta of madrigals selected most likely from the then extremely popular anthologies Gemma
musicalis (158821 and 159020)62 and Fiori del giardino (159713). As a result of the
re-Catholicisation of Jawor in 1629, Profe lost his job and had to move with his
family to Wrocław, where he ran his trading company. However, already in 1633
Similar suggestion gives also Barbara Wiermann, Die Entwicklung…, op. cit., p. 52, note 86.
His name does not appear in the lists records of the Silesian students of the Italian universities,
see: Claudia A. Zonta, Schlesische Studenten..., op. cit.
Ernst Ludwig Gerber, Neues Historisch-Biographisches Lexikon der tonkünstler (1812–1814),
ed. Othmar Wessely [facs. ed. Graz 1966], vol. 3, s. 770–771; Robert Eitner, Biographisch-bibliographisches Quellen-Lexikon der Musiker und Musikgelehrten der christlichen Zeitrechnung bis
zur Mitte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt 1959,
vol. 8, s. 73–74; N. Postler, Ein noch unbekanntes Sammelwerk von Ambrosius Profe, “Monatshefte für Musikgeschichte” 14 (1882), s. 12–14; Reinhold Starke, Ambrosius Profe…, op. cit.;
Reinhold Starke, Kantoren und organisten…, op. cit.
Fritz Feldmann, Die schlesische Kirchenmusik im Wandel der Zeiten, Lübeck: Unser Weg,
1975, s. 70.
APW, coll. 28, 3915 [olim: P 5]. Choralistae Elisabethani, fol. 449: Ambrosius Profe Vratisl.
APW, coll. 28, 3944 [olim: P 31]. Stipendiaten-Rechnungsbuch, fol. 131v–132r.
16278 – Extract oder Erster Theil auss dem Musicalischen Interim Ambrosii Profii, darinnen etlicher vornehmer und berühmter Autorum Madrigalien und anmutige Cantiones mit Deutschen Geistlichen und Politischen texten (an statt der Italienischen) unterleget mit 3. 4. 5. 6. und
7. Stimmen, Allen Liebhabern der Edlen Musica, inn- und ausser der Kirchen jederzeit zu gebrauchen, zu gefallen publiciret, Wittenberg: J. Gormann 1627.
Sigla of music prints have been quoted after RISM catalogues, see List of abbreviations.
2. History of the collection
he was appointed organist of St Elisabeth’s Church in Wrocław, a post that he held
for the next 16 years. He resumed his publishing activity only in 164163, when the
first two volumes of his own new publishing series of Geistliche Concerten came
out64. The successive volumes appeared in 1642 and 164665. In that period Profe
also published three anthologies, two of which have been preserved to our times66.
His anthologies comprise almost exclusively modern music by Italian
composers in the early Baroque seconda pratica style. The publisher clearly
Adam Adrio, Ambrosius Profe…, op. cit., p. 20–27; Jerome Roche, Anthologies and Dissemination of Early Baroque Italian Sacred Music, “Soundings. A Music Journal” 4 (1974), pp. 6–14;
Wolfram Steude, Wrocławski organista Ambrosius Profius (1589–1661) jako edytor i wydawca
muzyki wokalnej XVII w. [Ambrosius Profius (1589–1661) – an organist from Wrocław and editor
of vocal music of 17th c.], [in:] tradycje Śląskiej Kultury Muzycznej, t. 6. Księga konferencji 5–7
IV 1990, Wrocław 1992, pp. 51–60 (Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Muzycznej we Wrocławiu, 59);
Kristin Marie Sponheim, The Anthologies of Ambrosius Profe (1589–1661) and the transmission
of the Italian Music in Germany, Diss. Yale University 1995; Barbara Wiermann, Die Entwicklung…, op. cit., pp. 48–55.
16412 – Erster Theil Geistlicher Concerten und Harmonien à 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. &c Vocibus...
auss den berühmbsten Italianischen und andern Autoribus, so theils neben ihren eigenen mit noch
mehren, theils auch mit andern Texten beleget, und zu Lobe Gottes und Fortpflanzung der edlen
Music, auff vieler Begehren und Gefallen, colligiret und zum öffentlichen Druck befördert durch
Ambrosium Profium, organisten zu St. Elisabeth in Bresslaw, Leipzig: H. Köler 1641; 16413 –
Ander Theil Geistlicher Concerten und Harmonien, à 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Voc. cum & sine Violinis,
& Basso ad Organa: Aus den berühmbsten Italiänischen und andern Authoribus, so theils neben
ihren eigenen mit noch mehren, theils auch mit andern texten, doch ohne der Authoren Abbruch,
oder an der Composition Veränderung beleget und zum Lobe Gottes und Fortpflanzung der edlen
Music, auff vieler Begehr und Gefallen colligiret, und zum öffentlichen Druck befördert durch Ambrosium Profium, organisten zu St. Elisabeth in Bresslaw, Leipzig: H. Köler 1641.
16424 – Dritter Theil Geistlichen Concerten und Harmonien, A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. etc. Voc. cum &
sine Violinis, & Basso ad organa: Aus den berühmbsten Italiänischen und andern Authoribus, so
theils neben ihren eigenen mit noch mehren, theils auch mit andern texten, doch ohne der Composition einzigen Abbruch beleget und zum Lobe Gottes und Fortpflanzung der edlen Music, auff
vieler Begehr und Gefallen colligiret, und zum öffentlichen Druck befördert durch Ambrosium
Profium, organisten zu St. Elisabeth in Bresslaw, Leipzig: H. Köler 1642; 16464 – Vierdter und
letzter Theil Geistlicher Concerten Aus den berühmsten Italiänischen und andern Authoribus,
so theils mit andern oder auch noch mehren texten beleget, und zum Lobe Gottes in öffentlichen
Kirchen-Versammlungen zu gebrauchen auch zu Gefallen allen Music-Liebhabern colligiret und
publiciret von Ambrosio Profio Organ. zu S. Elisabeth in Bresslaw, Leipzig: T. Ritsch 1646.
16463 – Cunis Solennib. Jesuli Recens-Nati Sacra Genethliaca. Id est, Psalmodiae Epaeneticae. Edit Studio et Sumptib. Ambrosi Profi Elisabetani Vratisl. organoedi, [Legnica]: typis Ligiis
Sartorianis 1646; 16496 – Corollarium geistlicher collectaneorum, berühmter authorum, so zu
denen bisshero unterschiedenen publicirten vier Theilen gehörig und versprochen; Nunmehr sampt
beygefügten Erraten dieselben zu rectificieren, gewähret von Ambrosio Profio Organ. bey der
Kirchen zu S. Elisabeth in Bresslaw..., Leipzig: T. Ritsch 1649. His third anthology, Musicalische
Moralien, has not been preserved to our times and is only known from mentions in sources.
2.3. Daniel Sartorius’ music collection
intended to promote this musical style, which did not attract much interest in
German Protestant churches at that time. His choice of repertoire was motivated not so much by ecumenical as by aesthetic reasons. Profe was looking for
music that reflected the rhetorical ideals, and found it in contemporary Catholic repertoire. While distancing himself from the liturgical-musical traditions
of his own circles, the organist from Wrocław developed an interest in the
latest (and not only) liturgical music cultivated by his confessional adversaries.
He dedicated special attention to the secular madrigals written in the Catholic
world, which were by their very nature an excellent example of music subordinated to the rhetorical presentation of the text. These compositions may also
have attracted Profe’s attention because of their linguistic qualities, which he
could appreciate as an Elisabetanum graduate and teacher with distinct humanist inclinations, actively involved in the music life of his parish.
It should come as no surprise in this context that – apart from original
religious works – Profe’s anthologies contain a considerable number of German-language (more rarely – Latin) contrafacta of Italian madrigals. The 16278
print contains contrafacta by so far unidentified authors67, but in his later anthologies it was probably Profe himself who prepared the madrigal adaptations.
He published contrafacta of madrigals by such authors as Claudio Monteverdi
(M 3451, M 3494 and M 3500), Giovanni Rovetta (R 2985), Marco Scacchi
(S 1131) and Francesco Turini (T 1394). Profe took care to adjust the new texts
to the rhetorical pattern of the original composition, and took advantage of
the rhetorical figures and imitazione della natura present in the original. When
comparing the texts of the original madrigals with those of the contrafacta, we
can observe semantic and grammatical similarities between them, which reflects Profe’s vast humanist background and testifies to his philological talents.
Some contrafacta strictly follow the versification of the original, preserve the
original stylistic figures and the rhetorical concept of the whole, and even the
phonic figures of the Italian texts68. All this is also true of the fifteen contrafacta
of madrigals by Marco Scacchi from print S 1131, contained in manuscript
D-Bds Slg Bohn 19769. Compiled in Daniel Sartorius’ own hand, his manuThe contrafacta from this collection contain the following monograms: J. E. G. S.; Dn D.
G. M.; Dn. M. A. t.; Dn. J. P.; Dn. C. t.; Dn. I. F.; Dn. M. F.; Dn. M. G.; Dn. D. W.; Dn. D. I. S. p.
m. and E. G. S.
Tomasz Jeż, Kontrafaktury madrygałów w antologiach Ambrożego Profiusa [Contrafacta of
Madrigals in Ambrosius Profe’s Anthologies], “Muzyka” 47/3 (2002), pp. 5–38.
Cf. Marco Scacchi: madrygały na zespół wokalny i basso continuo [Marco Scacchi’s Madrigals for Vocal Ensemble and Figured Bass], ed. Zygmunt M. Szweykowski, [in:] Źródła do Historii Muzyki Polskiej [Sources for Polish Music History], vol. 26, Kraków: Polskie Wydawnictwo
2. History of the collection
script bears important testimony to the links between these two musicians.
The contrafacta are probably by Profe himself, which is corroborated by a letter from Profe to Marco Scacchi of 4th January 1649, in which the Wrocław
organist informs the composer in Warsaw that he had performed his 5-part
madrigals and asks the latter to send him more works, those that he did not
manage to import from Venice:
“…Postquam enim elapso aliquot annorum spatio Madrigalia quinque
Vocum Dominationis tuae ad manus mihi peruenerunt et ego Cantu Musico ea cum alijs expressi, e uestigio Venetias scripsi et mihi Compositiones ac
alia ejusmodi Concerta Dominationis tuae acquirere et transmittenda curare
constitui, sed nihil tamen consecutus sum. Quoniam vero a Monacho quodam
relatum mihi fuit Dominationem Tuam complures Compositiones edidisse ac
inter alia Missas quasdam 4. vocum Typis mandasse, maxime, optarem habere
prae caeteris compositiones Dominationis tuae. Siquidem dicitur duo cum
faciunt idem, non est idem. Et quamvis Germanici Authores conentur imitari
Italos, diſsimillima tamen hac in parte est oratio. Rogo igitur amice Dominationem tuam, ut si aliquid compositionis a sola, duabus, tribus, 4, 5, 6 vocibus
superfluum habuerit, mihi communicare ac per bonum istum amicum, qui
semper Warsauiae moratur, transmittere velit, qui certe aequo bonoque animo
pretium pro eis exponent”70.
Scacchi’s madrigals were probably sung in Wrocław already in German
language versions, as suggested by Profe’s statement in the letter quoted above,
where he admits to Scacchi that imitating the Italian music style by German
authors is a difficult task because of the differences between the languages. This
may be the reason why so many compositions in Profe’s anthologies are Latin
sacred concerti by such composers as Giovan Battista Alouisi (A 876), Giovanni Giacomo Arrigoni (A 2490), Gasparo Casati (C 1405), Maurizio Cazzati
(C 1577), Paolo Cornetti (C 3948), Ignazio Donati (D 3398), Alessandro Grandi (G 3446), Francesco Maria Marini (M 672), Tarquinio Merula (M 2341),
Muzyczne – PWM Edition 1979; Barbara Przybyszewska-Jarmińska, ocalałe źródła do historii
muzyki w Polsce XVII stulecia ze zbiorów Stadtbibliothek we Wrocławiu [Surviving Sources for
the History of Music in Poland in the 17th Century from the Collection of Wrocław City Library],
“Muzyka” 39/2 (1994), p. 4.
Marco Scacchi, Iudicium Cribri musici, lettera XVI. Barbara Przybyszewska-Jarmińska,
The Role of Heinrich Schütz and Silesian Musicians in the Dissemination of the Repertoire of the
Polish Royal Chapel Led by Marco Scacchi in Silesia, Saxony and Thuringia, “Schütz Jahrbuch” 32
(2010), pp. 26–27; Aleksandra Patalas, W kościele, w komnacie i w teatrze. Marco Scacchi. Życie,
muzyka, teoria [In the Church, the Court Chamber and the Theatre – Marco Scacchi: Life, Music,
Theory], Kraków: Musica Iagellonica 2010, pp. 389–390.
2.3. Daniel Sartorius’ music collection
Claudio Monteverdi (M 3446), Giovanni Antonio Rigatti (R 1413), Giovanni
Rovetta (R 2971), and Giovanni Felice Sances (S 770). Since Profe selected
material for his anthologies from the listed prints, these editions may well have
belonged to him before he passed them on (along with his passions of a collector and an Italianophile) to Daniel Sartorius, his younger colleague at the
Elisabetanum. One of the traces of this bequest may be found in the title of the
print bearing the penultimate shelf number in Sartorius’ collection: Vierdter
und letzter Theil Geistlicher Concerten by Ambrosius Profe71.
Daniel Sartorius (whose original family name before Latinisation was
most likely Schneider) came from Wrocław72, where in 1628–1630 he studied
at St Elisabeth’s Gymnasium. In that period he made a handwritten copy of the
treatise Progymnasmatum latinitatis, sive dialogorum libri quatuor by the Jesuit
Latinist Jacob Pontanus73, as confirmed by a note made by the Elisabetanum
librarian in 172274 and by an analysis of the scribe’s characteristic ductus. What
deserves scholarly interest is not only Sartorius’ preoccupation with the Latin
drama, but also the fact that he studied that subject from a handbook written
by a Jesuit author (which is notable, given the current clashes between religious confessions in Silesia). Sartorius’ ductus can also be found in an entry
No. 403 (16464) in the present catalogue.
He figures as Daniel Sartorius Vratislavienſis in the occasional print entitled PRæSIDES |
SCHoLARUM VRAtISLAVIENSIUM, [Breslau:] excudebat Formis Chalcographicis Baumannianis Godefridus Gründer [5 VI 1651]. PL-WRu OR Yu 770/24. Wrocław parish registers from
the year of Sartorius’ birth (1612) have not been preserved to our time; however, he may be the
same as “Daniel Schneider [geboren am] Ao 1612 der 13 Xbris”, entered in the list of church pews
at St Elisabeth’s Parish Church (APW coll. 28, 3973 [olim: P 48/5]. Verzeichniss der verkauften
Kirchstellen bei St. Elisabeth), fol. 8v. Other members of the Schneider family – most likely his
closest relatives – had their seats reserved in the same pew (Abseiten der Capellen gegen dem
Ring. Banck N. 6. Stelle 4): “Godtfrid Schneider Ao 1627 der 8 Aprill, Friedrich Schneider Ao 1637
der 28 Martij, Hanns Schneider Ao 1640 der 23 Januarij”.
Of the two volumes of this manuscript, only the second has been preserved. It has been
dated to 1629 and 1630, and described on the cover as Jacobus Pontanus Dialogorum Libri.
A Dan. Sartorio Descripti vol. 2. PL-WRu OR R 467. The Wrocław library holdings currently
include two copies of Pontanus’ print in Johann Herbord Kloss’ Frankfurt edition of 1589, shelf
nos. 320736 and 372631.
“11 Juli hat Herr M. Mauritius Castens, Wrat. SS. Ministerii Candidatus verehret: Jacobi
Pontani Progymnasmata Dialogus Sacros et Profanos, in 2 Bande in 4to eingebunden welche
Herr Dan. Sartorius Collega Primarius im Gymnasio zu S. Elisabeth in seiner Jugend, auf dem
Gymnasio studierend, in den Jahren 1628. 1629. 1630 mit eigner Hand sehr zart und sauber
abgeschrieben”. PL-WRu OR Akc. 1949/657 (Cat. 59). Pro memoria die der Elisabetanischen
Bibliothec gemachten Verehrungen betreffend, fol. 12v. Cf. Brian Brooks, Étienne Nau, Breslau 114
and the early 17th-century solo violin fantasia, “Early Music” 32/1 (2004), pp. 69–70, footnote 24.
2. History of the collection
in Christoph Bremer’s album, dated 11th October 1647, which he signed as
a Philologiae studiosus75.
On 29th October the same year Daniel Sartorius was already listed as
a praeceptor in ordine III & IV at the Elisabetanum76. For the first three years he
underwent a kind of internship, culminating in a solemn promotion to the post
of teacher on 6th June 165177. From 8th June of the same year he was listed as praeceptor in ordine II78; then on 8th December 1661 he was promoted to praeceptor
in ordine I79. His employment is confirmed by the salaries paid to him regularly
in 1647–1667 for the performance of his teaching duties. From 1648 he received
24 thalers a year from the city budget, payable in two semiannual instalments80.
Apart from the salary the city also paid him fees for the so-called Schreibstunden,
amounting to 8 thalers a year, paid originally in quarterly81, later – in half-yearly
instalments82. The municipal accounts confirm the payment of these remunerations to Sartorius until 166783, but his employment may have continued also
later, since in 1670 he was listed as an emeritus84.
When Sartorius died a year later, a collection of versified commemorations written by his acquaintances and colleagues appeared in print85. One of the
epicedia was signed by the already mentioned Rhedigeriana librarian Johann
Gebhard, who had been promoted to the post of teacher on the same occasion
as Sartorius. As Sartorius’ long-time friend, Gebhard praised his Elisabetanum
colleague’s erudition in the fields of philology and humanist knowledge, which
had attracted his attention to the liberal arts86. Sartorius’ commitment to the
artes liberales was also stressed by Martin Hanke, a famous Wrocław historian
PL-WRu OR Akc. 1949/1057, p. 783.
Martin Hanke, Vratislavienses Eruditionis Propagatores…, op. cit., p. 33.
This event is confirmed in the already mentioned print PRAESIDES | SCHoLARUM VRAtISLAVIENSIUM…, op. cit.
Martin Hanke, Vratislavienses Eruditionis Propagatores…, op. cit., p. 33.
Martin Hanke, Vratislavienses Eruditionis Propagatores…, op. cit., p. 35.
As first confirmed in a document of 30th March 1649: APW, coll. 28: Schulen Ambts Rechnungen, 4784 [olim: P 124/24], fol. 25r.
Payment first listed on 31st March 1647: APW, coll. 28: Schulen Ambts Rechnungen, 4783
[olim: P 124/23] fol. 24r.
APW, coll. 28, 4792 [olim: P 124/34], fol. 14r (28th October 1661).
APW, coll. 28, 4798 [olim: P 124/40], fol. 12r (24th October 1667).
Martin Hanke, Vratislavienses Eruditionis Propagatores…, op. cit., p. 39.
CL. VIRI, | DANIELIS SARTORII, | Philologi acutisſimi, | De Juventute in Gymnasio |
Vratislaviensium Eliſabetano | bene meriti, | MEMORIæ | ſacra | EPICEDIA || Vratislaviæ, |
In Hæredum BAUMANNIANORUM Typographiâ | exprimebat JOH. CHRISTOPH JACOBI,
Faĉtor. | MDCLXXI. PL-WRu OSD 549007.
Ibid., fol. 2r–v.
2.3. Daniel Sartorius’ music collection
and later rector of the Elisabetanum87. Melchior Weisse wrote in his epicedium: Ingenium cujus Musica turba colit88. Another poetic homage to the late
erudite and teacher, signed by the then Elisabetanum church cantor Johannes
Balthasar Karg – makes even more ample use of musical metaphors:
“Ut tacitas vidit Curas Rex magnus Olympi
SartorI, quarum non meminiſſe juvat
Ejus & expedit multos acresque labores,
Tempus ut in requiem promoveatur, ait.
Nec mora: Mors Vicina oculos occludit, & ipſe
Suaviter in Chriſti nomine Salvus obit.
Gratulor hanc fortem SartorI: Janua veræ eſt
(Quam tibi Ferto aperit Janitor ipſe ſuo)
Sic tua mors vitæ. Felix nam pauſa laborum,
Cœli quam ſequitur non peritura quies.
Nulla datur terris, odium hîc, contemptus & ira eſt:
Et quo cum certet mens pia ſemper habet.
Noſtra hinc vita nihil, niſi pugna & lerna malorum;
In coelis tandem pax requiesque manet.
O igitur procul hinc tecum avolitemus olympum:
Summa Brabea poli, præmia vera Scholæ.
Sinceri amoris, honoris, & mœroris
conteſtandi ergò facieb.
M. Johann Balthaſar Karg
templi Gymnaſiique Eliſabetani Cantor
& Collega”89
The above-quoted commemorative texts do not directly confirm that
Daniel Sartorius was a qualified musician, nor do we have information about
any strictly musical functions held by this person (apart from teaching at the
Elisabetanum, which may have involved music instruction). Still, his preserved
collections of music sources support the hypothesis that he was actively involved in music performance. First and foremost, the Sartoriana – an impressive collection of 399 Italian music prints and 5 music manuscripts containing
both individual pieces entered in Sartorius’ own hand (D-Bds Slg Bohn 113
Ibid., fol. 2v–3r.
Ibid., fol. 3v.
Ibid., fol. 4r.
2. History of the collection
and 114) and quite numerous corrections of the music notation (D-Bds Slg
Bohn 11190), which are also abundantly present in the majority of the printed
sources. Daniel Sartorius’ musical passion is also confirmed by several dozen
manuscripts compiled in his own hand and signed with the monogram D.S.,
which for some reasons did not become part of his bequest to the Rhedigeriana
(shelf nos. D-Bds Slg Bohn: 49, 60, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 112, 115, 129d,
129f, 145, 146, 176, 178, 181, 193a, 193d, 197, 201d–f, 215, 219, 234, 240, 241,
281, 283, 290, 310, 315, 326, 327, 332, 340 and 34391). Sartorius’ monogram
also marks some pieces of hitherto unidentified authorship, which may support Bohn’s hypothesis that some of them may even have been composed by
Sartorius himself92.
Detailed studies of the whole repertoire would be required in order to
verify Bohn’s suggestion, but we may accept it as quite probable in the case
of the contrafacta of madrigals by Grandi, Rovetta and Monteverdi contained
in manuscript D-Bds Slg Bohn 176 (based on the same compositions that
Ambrosius Profe selected for his own adaptations), as well as such pieces as
Confitebor tibi Domine (D-Bds Slg Bohn 315) and Missus est angelus Gabriel
(D-Bds Slg Bohn 340)93. Daniel Sartorius undoubtedly maintained direct contacts with contemporary composers and musicians, which is confirmed, for
instance, by the fact of Andreas Hammerschmidt writing an occasional piece
for his wedding94. Sartorius was also associated with the composer and song
author Mattheus Apelles von Löwenstern, to whom he dedicated a panegyric written after the latter’s death and contained in a collection of more than
a dozen epicedia95. Naturally, Sartorius also closely collaborated with the musicians of St Elisabeth’s Church in Wrocław. Apart from the already mentioned
Marcin Szelest, Concerten Adami Harzebsky geschrieben. Problematyka przekazu zbioru
Canzoni e concerti Adama Jarzębskiego [Problems of the transmission of Adam Jarzębski’s Canzoni e concerti], “Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska” 13/2 (2015), pp. 9–36.
Emil Bohn, Die musikalischen Handschriften des XVI. und XVII. Jahrhunderts in der Stadtbibliothek zu Breslau, Breslau: Commissions-Verlag von Julius Hainauer 1890 (hereinafter as
BohnH); Barbara Wiermann, Die Musikaliensammlungen…, op. cit., p. 101.
BohnH, p. VII.
Fritz Feldmann, op. cit., p. 75, footnote 193.
Hochzeitsgesang für Daniel Sartorius: Es ist nicht gut, dass der Mensch allein sei, kept in
19th-century copy, D-Bds Slg Winterfeld 53.
Matthæi | merito famam ſervabit | Apellis | Dignum laude Virum | Muſa vetans morier. ||
Super Pientisſimo pariter & beatisſimo Excesſu | Nobilisſimi, Magnifici, Strenui, | Amplisſimiq[ue] ]
Dn. Matthæi Apellis de Löwen=|ſtern in Langenhoff | CæSAREI, & MONSTERBERGA-OLSNENSIS | Conſiliarii Splendidisſimi... | Vratislaviæ | anno Chriſtiano CIϽ IϽ CXLVIII. |
a.d. 3. Idus Aprileis […] EPICEDIA CARMINA. || Vratislaviæ, Typis Baumannianis [1648].
2.3. Daniel Sartorius’ music collection
Profius, these included the cantor of St Elisabeth’s, Johann Balthasar Karg, for
whose wedding Sartorius wrote a carmen gratulatorium96.
Sartorius’ name can also be found in the Schreibkalender of Elias Maior
(1587–1669)97, long-time rector of St Elisabeth’s Gymnasium. Along with other
Elisabetanum teachers, Sartorius accompanied Maior to liturgies at Wrocław’s
parish church celebrated with the participation of musica harmonica98, to passion sermons delivered in that church99 and in St Barbara’s Church, a subsidiary
church to St Elisabeth’s100, as well as to Good Friday passion plays held by the
Wrocław Gymnasium of St Mary Magdalene101. Sartorius himself and students
from his class regularly staged school dramas based on texts by Terence, Virgil
and Erasmus of Rotterdam, performed during the annual exam session102.
Daniel Sartorius – referred to in Maior’s diary as a juvenus doctissimus103
and philologus eximus104 – also participated in private receptions organised by
Maior on the occasion of name days, birthdays, the occasional convivia105 and
recreationes in tabula oblonga106, usually celebrated cum vino et carminibus107.
Maior’s frequent guests also included Ambrosius Profe (privately – brother of his wife Maria)108, as well his other collegae from the Elisabetanum: the
cantor Johann Balthasar Karg109, the organist Bernhard Beyer, pastors and auHoneſtisſimis Sponſis, | ERUDItISSIMo VIRo, | M. JOHANNI BALTHASARI | CARGIO, | In Eliſabethano & Barbarino Templo apud Vratisla-|vienſes chori Muſici Præfeĉto, &
in Gymnaſio, quod | illi vicinum est ædi, Collegæ bene merenti, | atque | PUDICISSIMæ
Baronatu Civitateq[ue] Milicenſi | Notarii, & in hac Senatorisquoq; | prudentisſimi | Filiæ
Unicæ, | MAtRIMoNIUM | MDCLXVI. XII. Oĉtobris, | ſolenniter ineuntibus, | Auſpicatum &
proſperum | optantium | Fautorum, Amicorumq[ue] | CARMINA. || VRAtISLAVIæ, In Hæredum Baumanniorum Typographiâ | EXPRIMEBAT Joh. Chriſtoph. Jacobi [1666].
PL-WRu OR R 2339 – R 2368. Schreibkalender auffs Jahr nach Christi Geburt 1640
PL-WRu OR R 2354, fol. 42r [25 III 1655]; R 2358, fol. 138r [3 X 1659].
PL-WRu OR R 2357, fol. 56r [28 IV 1658]; R 2363, fol. 52r [10 IV 1664].
PL-WRu OR R 2343, fol. 26r [29 IX 1644]; R 2354, fol. 26r [29 IX 1655].
PL-WRu OR R 2354, fol. 154r [4 XI 1655].
PL-WRu OR R 2343, fol. 33v [13 X 1644]; R 2350, fol. 60r [26 IV 1651]; R 2354, fol. 51v
[13 IV 1655]; R 2363, fol. 61v [29 IV 1664].
PL-WRu OR R 2344, fol. 138r [1 X 1645].
PL-WRu OR R 2346, fol. 150v [24 X 1647].
PL-WRu OR R 2348, fol. 7r [10 I 1649].
PL-WRu OR R 2339, fol. 126v [6 IX 1640].
PL-WRu OR R 2339, fol. 103r [20 VII 1640].
Klaus Garber, Das alte Breslau: Kulturgeschichte einer geistigen Metropole, Köln – Weimar
– Wien: Böhlau Verlag 2014, p. 150.
PL-WRu OR R 2348, fol. 101r [22 VII 1649].
2. History of the collection
thors of hymn books: Johannes Acoluthus110 and Mattheus Apelles von Löwenstern111, as well as Daniel Sartorius112 himself. Musica vocalis & instrumentalis113 was frequently performed on these occasions by Elisabetanum students114,
who were probably invited there by their teachers, including Daniel Sartorius
himself – owner of a large music collection abounding in instrumental pieces
suitable for such receptions.
Evidence of Sartorius’ musical interests can be found not only in the
music sources he systematically collected, in the compositions he copied and
the contrafacta of madrigals that he prepared, but also in the very numerous
handwritten notes entered in the prints from the Sartoriana collection. A large
proportion of those volumes abounds in comments added on the margins of
the printed music, which suggests that they may have been used in actual music practice. The notes include accidentals added in the notation, calculations
of rest duration, corrections of misprints in the score and the verbal text, various performance tips, tempo and dynamic indications, as well as the texts of
the contrafacta of some pieces on added sheets (Fig. 2). Presumably the large
amount of time dedicated by Sartorius to copying and editing his collection
of Italian music may have had impact on the music life of the environment
he was active in. This is certainly true of the repertoire performed privatim
in the circles of Wrocław’s humanist elites, but also of the music studied and
performed at St Elisabeth’s Gymnasium. His work also facilitated the diversification of music practice in Wrocław’s churches, as confirmed by the music
sources connected with those churches.
PL-WRu OR R 2363, fol. 56r [18 IV 1664].
PL-WRu OR R 2342, fol. 107r [4 VIII 1643].
PL-WRu OR R 2344, fol. 138r [1 X 1645].
PL-WRu OR R 2340, fol. 103v [22 VII 1641]; R 2342, fol. 100v [20 VII 1643]; R 2347,
fol. 37r [11 III 1648]
PL-WRu OR R 2358, fol. 100v [20 VII 1645].
2.3. Daniel Sartorius’ music collection
Fig. 2. Contrafactum of the madrigal Giovinetta fastosa by Giovanni Rovetta (R 2982,
S II/T), entered in the hand of Daniel Sartorius, PL-WRu 50752 Muz.
2. History of the collection
2.4. The fate of Daniel Sartorius’ music collection
in later years
e do not know today in what ways and to what extent the repertoire assembled by Daniel Sartorius was used in actual music practice after its
incorporation into the Bibliotheca Rhedigeriana. The radically different character
of the repertoire of St Elisabeth’s Church, documented in sources115, suggests
that such use was rather unlikely. This can also be gleaned from the fact that the
Sartoriana was never merged with the music sources used in the parish church.
All the same, Daniel Sartorius enormous effort does not seem to have been exclusively the product of a collector’s passion. It may also have had a pragmatic
purpose. Since for the humanist circles a comprehensive education of the young
generation was a priority, we may hypothesise that the collection had a didactic
purpose and may have served the students of the Elisabetanum.
The oldest surviving catalogue of Sartorius’ collection is Siegfried Wilhelm Dehn’s Catalogus der auf der Elisabeth-Bibliothek befindlichen Musicalien
(Rhedigerische Bibliothek) of 1853116. This 90-page catalogue comprises content
copied from the title pages of volumes from the collection, in abbreviated and
simplified, sometimes also modified form. Some of the entries include comments
concerning the number of surviving volumes, their untypical formats, or handwritten copies (in the case of five entries). The records were subordinated to two
independent shelf marking systems: the first combines two (or sometimes only
one) letter of the Latin, Greek or Hebrew alphabet with an Arabic number that
follows. The letters may have referred to the place of the given print on a shelf or
bookcase, while the Arabic numbers referred to the number of preserved part
books. The second system of cataloguing the collection was most likely designed
by Dehn himself. The volumes are designated by ordinal numbers from 1 to
380, and in about a dozen cases – by an additional letter index which may have
referred to successive titles bound together as an adligat.
After the incorporation of the Bibliotheca Rhedigeriana into Wrocław’s
Stadtbibliothek (1865–1867), the music prints and manuscripts kept in the
newly founded library were studied by Emil Bohn, librarian at the Royal
Academic Institute for Church Music (Das Königliche Akademische Institut für
Kirchenmusik), who prepared two vast catalogues of the music sources and
Cf. Aniela Kolbuszewska, Katalog rękopisów muzycznych XVIII i XIX wieku Biblioteki
Uniwersyteckiej we Wrocławiu [Catalogue of 18th- and 19th-Century Music Manuscripts at the
University of Wrocław Library], Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego 2008 (Bibliothecalia Wratislaviensia, 8).
D-Bds Mus. ms. theor. kat. 164.
2.4. The fate of Daniel Sartorius’ music collection in later years
published them in 1883 and 1890117. Unfortunately these catalogues presented
the music-related sources already as one unified collection, without reference
to their original provenance. The library stock itself had also undergone significant modifications before. Many duplicates were removed and sold to other libraries in the Kingdom of Prussia. Many items considered of no use to the new
library (which was to serve historical research as well as performance practice)
were also disposed of. Emil Bohn himself played a major role in organising
this music life, among others – by launching (with his singers’ ensemble Bohnsches Gesangverein) the series of Historical Concerts in Breslau118. In the context of organising his library collections, however, Bohn made rather arbitrary
choices and divided historical collections. While combining part books of various provenance into new sets is quite understandable for practical reasons,
removing the original provenance marks from some of the prints can hardly
be accepted and justified from today’s perspective.
Nevertheless, both of Bohn’s catalogues are landmark works whose
importance for music history can hardly be overestimated also today. These
publications provided a pretext of sorts for launching musicological studies
in Wrocław. The pioneer of those studies, Otto Kinkeldey, educated a whole
galaxy of eminent scholars, such as Hans Erdmann Guckel (author of a monograph of Catholic music in Silesia119), Father Wacław Gieburowski (whose PhD
dissertation concerned Szydłowita’s treatise120) and Georg Jensch (author of an
unpublished thesis on the history of music in Wrocław121). Kinkeldey’s successor was Max Schneider, the first professor of the Music Institute at the University of Wrocław (Musikalisches Institut bei der Universität Breslau), who
authored a monograph on the beginnings of the figured bass technique122. It
was Schneider who initiated a widespread action of cataloguing Silesian muBohnD and BohnH.
Agnieszka Drożdżewska, Życie muzyczne na Uniwersytecie Wrocławskim w XIX i I połowie
XX wieku. Edukacja muzyczna – działalność naukowa – ruch koncertowy [Music Life at the University of Wrocław in the 19th and the 1st Half of the 20th Century. Music Education – Research
– Concert Life], Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego 2012 (Acta Universitatis
Wratislaviensis, 3381; Musicologica Wratislaviensia, 7), pp. 112–113.
Hans Erdmann Guckel, Katholische Kirchenmusik in Schlesien, Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel
Wacław Gieburowski, Die „Musica Magistri Szydlovitae”, ein polnischer Choraltraktat des
XV. Jahrh. und seine Stellung in der Choraltheorie des Mittelalters, mit Berücksichtigung der Choraltheorie und -Praxis des XV. Jahrh. in Polen, sowie der nachtridentinischen Choralreform, Posen:
St. Adalbert-Druckerei 1915.
Georg Jensch, Musikgeschichte der Stadt Breslau, Breslau: s.n. 1914.
Max Schneider, Die Anfänge des Basso continuo, Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel 1918.
2. History of the collection
sic collections. He also educated a new generation of researchers, including
Peter Epstein (author of a monograph on early Italian 17th-century monody123),
Ernst Kirsch (studying the works of Johannes Nucius124) and, most of all, Fritz
Feldmann, who wrote many texts on music in old Silesia. The already quoted
publications of Johann Sass and Hans-Adolf Sander concerned a similar area
of research, and the latter’s doctorate concerned the music sources from the
The Stadtbibliothek collection was divided during World War II to diminish the threat of it being destroyed. The library stock was deposited in
several places near Wrocław, including Ramułtowice (then Ramfeld), Borowa (Bohrau) and Nowy Kościół (Neukirch)126. Toward the end of the war, the
Wrocław music manuscripts were transported to Moscow, and from there
(most of them) – to Berlin’s Staatsbibliothek127, where their existence was kept
secret for some time. The place of their storage was revealed in the early 1990s,
and they are currently kept at the Musikabteilung Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin128. About 70% of the music prints survived the ravages of war. On 8th June 1946, they became the property of the University of
Wrocław Library in the now Polish Wrocław, and were merged with the collections of the former Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek129. Till the end of 2016
they were kept in the former Monastery of the Canons Regular on Piasek Isle
(Sandinsel). Since January 2017, these sources have been moved to the new
library building at 12, Fryderyk Joliot-Curie St.
Peter Epstein, Dichtung und Musik in Monteverdis “Lamento d’Arianna”, “Zeitschrift für
Musikwissenschaft” 10/4 (1927/1928), pp. 216–222.
Ernst Kirsch, Von der Persönlichkeit und dem Stil des schlesischen Zisterzienser-Komponisten Johannes Nucius (ca. 1556–1620), Breslau: Preuss & Jünger 1926.
Hans-Adolf Sander, Italienische Meßkompositionen des 17. Jahrhunderts aus der Breslauer
Sammlung des Daniel Sartorius (†1671), Birkeneck: St. Georgsheim 1934.
Barbara Wiermann, Musikaliensammlung..., op. cit., p. 94.
Some volumes remained in Moscow, however, and are still kept at RUS-Mcm.
Barbara Przybyszewska-Jarmińska, ocalałe źródła…, op. cit., pp. 3–10.
Aniela Kolbuszewska, Historische Grundlagen der Musiksammlungen in der Universitätsbibliothek zu Breslau, [in:] Die Musik der Deutschen im osten und ihre Wechselwirkung mit dem
Nachbarn, ed. Klaus Wolfgang Niemöller, Helmut Loos, Bonn: Gudrun Schröder Verlag 1994
(Deutsche Musik im osten, 6), p. 297.
3. The repertoire
f the Sartoriana was really collected intentionally (for a specific purpose), we
may consider its repertoire as a kind of whole130. It is, naturally, to some extent
an accidental kind of unity, dependent on the objective circumstances that accompanied the accumulation of music sources by at least two persons over a period of
more than half a century. On the other hand, though, the content of this collection
seems to confirm its founders’ persistent and systematic effort. They took care to
make it diversified, representative, and – most likely – consistent with their own
concepts and/or with local needs. The musical profile of their interests becomes
evident when we study the statistical data, which include (in the order of presentation): places of publication and printer names, composers and the music centres
they worked in, the patrons, protectors and musicians to whom they dedicated
their works, as well as generic designations in the titles of the prints.
3.1. Places of publication and publishers
f the 399 music prints in Daniel Sartorius’ collection, more than 90% are
Venetian prints from the printing houses of Alessandro and Giacomo Vincenti as well as Bartolomeo and Francesco Magni. This selection proves that the
collectors knew the European music print market well. The Venetian printers
indeed played a crucial role in that market. All the same, the number of Venetian prints in the collection is disproportionally high, which most likely reflects
the collectors’ intentional focus on Italian music. Their choices were justified by
their stylistic preferences. They were mostly interested in the seconda pratica repertoire published in Venice. Of the remaining 10% of prints in the Sartoriana,
half (15 items) come from Bologna (from such printers as Antonio Pisarri and
Tomasz Jeż, Die Breslauer Bibliotheca Rhedigeriana als Dokument der Migration des italienischen Stils in Europa, [in:] Migration und Identität. Wanderbewegungen und Kulturkontakte
in der Musikgeschichte, ed. Sabine Ehrmann-Herfort, Silke Leopold, Kassel – Basel – London
– New York – Praha: Bärenreiter 2013 (Analecta Musicologica. Veröffentlichungen der Musikgeschichtlichen Abteilung des Deutschen Historischen Instituts in Rom, 49), pp. 99–137.
3. The repertoire
Giacomo Monti), Florence (Cristofano Marescotti), Rome (Giovanni Battista Robletti, Lodovico Grignani, Paolo Masotti, Vitale Mascardi) and Naples (Ottavio Beltrano). One gets the impression that the collectors “followed in Thomas Rehdiger’s
footsteps”, since during his Italian travels he spent most of his time in those listed
cities. The remaining 15 prints are German editions from Dresden (Gimel Bergen),
Frankfurt-am-Main (Balthasar Christoph Wust), Freiberg (Georg Hoffmann), Ingolstadt (Gregor Haenlin), Leipzig (Friedrich Lanckisch, Johann Glück and Timotheus Ritsch), Ravensburg (Johann Schröter) and Innsbruck (Johann Gäch). Notably, even in the prints from the German-speaking areas the collectors were also
interested in music from Catholic centres, which reflected their stylistic tastes.
3.2. The composers and music centres
he vast majority of items in the Sartoriana (95%) are so-called individual
prints, which contain pieces by one composer only. Of the 165 composer
names, the vast majority (95%) are Italian artists, and the remaining 5% (just
eight names) – German composers inspired by contemporary Italian style, such
as Philipp Friedrich Buchner, Johann Rosenmüller, Johann Hermann Schein,
Heinrich Schütz, and Cherubino Waesich. These statistics clearly confirm the
collectors’ interests and their passion for Italian music.
The music prints collected by Profe and Sartorius are a representative
selection, but the number of prints dedicated to one composer is not stable and
depends on the number of existing printed editions. Most of the composers are
represented by just one or two editions, but in some cases a composer may be
the author of as many as seven or more individual prints. Those abundantly
represented artists are a dozen composers who not only gained recognition
among their contemporaries, but also won a place for themselves in music
history. This choice confirms the Wrocław collectors’ good knowledge of contemporary music culture, their vast erudition and well-tested tastes.
The composer represented in the collection by the largest number of
prints (as many as twenty) is Alessandro Grandi, maestro di cappella of the Venetian St Mark’s Basilica and of the Santa Maria Maggiore Church in Bergamo.
The latter post was also held by Maurizio Cazzati, represented in the Sartoriana
by 16 volumes from the time when he directed the ensembles of Sant’Andrea
in Mantua, Accademia della Morte in Ferrara and San Petronio in Bologna.
15 prints are dedicated to the works of Orazio Tarditi, organist of Arezzo Cathedral and maestro di cappella of Faenza Cathedral. 14 prints contain works by Ignazio Donati, director of ensembles in Urbino, Casalmaggiore, Ferrara, Lodi and
Milan. Galeazzo Sabbatini, maestro di cappella of the Duke of Mirandola, has
3.2. The composers and music centres
twelve individual prints in the Sartoriana; 11 – Giovanni Antonio Rigatti (maestro di cappella of the Patriarch of Venice, previously director of Udine Cathedral ensemble) and Giovanni Rovetta (maestro di cappella at St Mark’s Basilica,
in which post he directly succeeded Claudio Monteverdi, represented by 9 prints
in the collection). Biagio Marini, Tarquinio Merula and Giovanni Felice Sances
(7 prints each) were all associated for some time with the Transalpine centres of
Neuburg, Düsseldorf, Vienna and Warsaw. However, while Sances spent nearly
his entire life at the Emperor’s court in Vienna, Marini also worked for some
time as maestro di cappella of St Mark’s in Venice and in Ferrara (Accademia
della Morte), while Merula was active in Bergamo (S. Maria Maggiore), as well
as in the cathedrals of Bologna and Cremona. Sartorius’ collection also contains
7 prints with music by Giovanni Legrenzi, working in Venice, Bergamo (S. Maria
Maggiore) and Ferrara (Accademia dello Spirito Santo).
The above-listed prints constitute a fourth of the whole collection and are
quite representative of the entire Sartoriana repertoire, connected mainly with
the music culture of Northern Italian cities. We will now look at the remaining
part of the collection, listing the most frequently represented cities and music institutions. The names of composers working in Venice frequently recur in Profe
and Sartorius’ collection. Apart from those listed above, Venetian masters from
the Sartoriana include other musicians associated with St Mark’s Basilica (Dario
Castello, Francesco Cavalli, Carlo Filago, Filiberto Laurenzi, Francesco Lucio,
Natale Monferrato, Massimiliano Neri), the churches of San Salvatore (Pietro
Andrea Ziani), San Sebastiano (Cherubino Busatti), Santo Stefano (Nicola Gibellini) and San Giorgio Maggiore (Giovanni Battista Chinelli). There are also
numerous musicians from the churches of Bologna: San Petronio (Giulio Cesare Arresti, Carlo Donato Cozzoni, Francesco Milani), San Giovanni in Monte
(Agostino Filippucci), Chiesa della Carità (Francesco Maria Grassini) and others
(Lorenzo Agnelli, Riniero Scarselli, Ottavio Vernizzi, Lucrezia Orsina Vizana).
The music ensembles of Ferrara are represented by the maestri di cappella
of Ferrara Cathedral (Alfonso Mazzoni), as well as the churches of San Domenico (Giacomo Manara) and San Giorgio (Francesco Milleville), Accademia dello
Spirito Santo (Paolo Cornetti, Andrea Mattioli) and Cappella della Morte (Giovanni Ceresini). Such composers as Giovanni Cavaccio, Francesco Rogantini
and Pietro Andrea Ziani worked at Bergamo’s Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore,
while Verona is represented by Nicolò Fontei, Biagio Gherardi, Simone Zavaglioli
(the cathedral), Giovanni Giorgio Sparacciari (Sant’Eufemia), Simplicio Todeschi
(San Giorgio), Carlo Calzareri, and Francesco Rasi. Several of the Sartoriana composers were active in Rome; these include Giovanni Francesco Anerio and Stefano
Landi (at the Seminario Romano), Girolamo Frescobaldi (San Pietro in Vaticano),
3. The repertoire
as well as Giovanni Antonio Leoni, Giuseppe Tricarico and Loreto Vittori. However, composers working in Northern Italian cities are much more numerous in
the collection. The latter also included Milan (Serafino Cantone, Chiara Margarita Cozzolani and Francesco Della Porta), Mantua (Bernardino Alberghetti, Salomone Rossi, Giuseppe Scarani and Francesco Todeschini), Modena (Sigismondo
D’India, Sisto Reina, Marco Uccellini and Giovanni Battista Vacchelli), Padua (Leandro Gallerano, Salvatore de Santa Maria, Francesco Petrobelli and Simone Vesi),
Vicenza (Gaspare Filippi, Amadio Freddi, Domenico Freschi, and Carlo Grossi) as
well as Udine (Orindio Bartolini, Pietro Gamberi and Luigi Pozzi). The list comprises about 60 urban centres, situated first and foremost in northern Italy131.
A significant proportion of Sartoriana musicians working in ecclesiastical centres were associated with religious orders, frequently as members of
those orders: Augustinians (Carlo Bonetti, Stefano Filippini, Nicola Gibellini,
Carlo Milanuzzi and Bartolomé de Selma y Salaverde), Benedictines (Chiara
Margarita Cozzolani, Damiano Nembri, Salvatore de Santa Maria and Gregorius Urbanus), Hieronymites (Aurelio Berettari), Conventual Franciscans
(Giovan Battista Alouisi, Giovanni Antonio Colombi, Leandro Gallerano,
Lodovico Manfredi, Francesco Maria Melvi, Angelo Prosperi, Antonio Maria
Riccio, Sisto Reina, Giacomo Ganassi, and Giovanni Battista Vacchelli) as well
as Franciscans of the Strict Observance (Girolamo da Monte dell’Olmo and
Atanasio da Pisticci), the Camaldolese (Romualdo Honorio, Lucrezia Orsina
Vizana and Orazio Tarditi), Canons Regular (Riniero Scarselli and Pietro Andrea Ziani), Carmelites (Tommaso Fosconi, Alberto Lazari and Giuseppe Scarani) and Olivetans (Lorenzo Agnelli and Pietro Marcellino Orafi).
The vast majority of the Sartoriana composers were active in the music
centres of the Italian Peninsula, but some also found employment outside Italy,
especially in the Habsburg domains: at the Courts of the Archdukes of Austria in
Innsbruck and Vienna (Bartolomé de Selma y Salaverde and Vincenzo Scapitta),
the Archbishop of Salzburg (Carlo Grossi), the Bishop of Olomouc (Giovan Battista Alouisi), and first and foremost – at the imperial court in Vienna (Giovanni
Giacomo Arrigoni, Giovanni Battista Buonamente, Marco Antonio Ferro, and
the already mentioned Giovanni Felice Sances). Those composers’ activity in
Transalpine music centres significantly furthered the process of the assimilation
Arezzo, Asola, Assisi, Belluno, Bozolo, Brescia, Capri, Casalmaggiore, Castellarano, Cremona, Fabriano, Faenza, Fiesole, Florence, Forlì, Gorizia, Imola, Lodi, Loreto, Massa Fiscaglia, Massa
Lombarda, Messina, Monselice, Montagnana, Monte dell’Olmo, Monteflascone, Monza, Murano,
Noto, Novara, Noventa di Piave, Osimo, Piacenza, Pistoia, Pordenone, Ravenna, Reggio, Rimini,
Romanengo, Rovigo, Salò, San Marino, Siena, Treviso, Trieste, Urbino, and Viadana.
3.2. The composers and music centres
of Italian-style music by local composers, especially by German artists working,
among others, in the church ensembles of Leipzig (Johann Hermann Schein and
Johann Rosenmüller) and Wasserburg (Caspar Endres), the ensembles of the
Archbishops of Constance (Matthias Spiegler) and Mainz (Daniel Bollius, Philipp Friedrich Buchner), as well as at the electoral courts of Dresden (Heinrich
Schütz) and Berlin (Adam Jarzębski). Two of the latter also found employment
in Poland: Jarzębski at the royal Vasa court in Warsaw, and Buchner – in Wiśnicz, with the Cracow voivode Aleksander Michał Lubomirski.
Apart from the individual prints listed above, Sartorius’ collection also includes several anthologies, each comprising works by several different composers. Such prints usually play a major role in the process of music repertoire transmission132, but in this collection there are only eight of them, which may be seen
as evidence of the collectors’ erudition and profound knowledge of the field, as
they did not need publishers’ ‘prompts’ to choose the music for their collection.
In fact, they created their own anthologies, Sartorius – in the form of manuscript
compilations of works by multiple authors, and Profe – in his printed editions of
Geistliche Concerten. The 4th volume of the latter series (16464), significantly listed as the last but one in Sartorius’ collection, comprises music by such Northern
Italian composers as: Giovan Battista Alouisi, Gasparo Casati, Maurizio Cazzati,
Ignazio Donati, Alessandro Grandi, Tarquinio Merula, Giovanni Priuli, Giovanni Antonio Rigatti, Giovanni Rovetta, Galeazzo Sabbatini, Orazio Tarditi, and
Francesco Turini. It is, therefore, a truly ‘Venetian’ anthology, no less so than the
actual Venetian prints published in that city, such as Ghirlanda sacra… (16362)
and Raccolta di motetti a 1. 2. 3. voci di Gasparo Casati et de diversi altri eccellentissimi autori... (16512), featuring works by, among others, Giovanni Giacomo
Arrigoni, Dario Castello, Francesco Cavalli, Giacomo Finetti, Amadio Freddi,
Leandro Gallerano, and Claudio Monteverdi.
Daniel Sartorius was also interested, however, in the works of Roman composers, such as those contained in the anthology Floridus Canonicus… published
by Alessandro Vincenti in Venice (16493; 16494) and by Lodovico Grignani in
Rome (16501). These anthologies feature a veritable galaxy of musicians working
in the Eternal City’s church ensembles: at San Pietro in Vaticano (Orazio Benevoli and Virgilio Mazzocchi), Santa Maria Maggiore (Antonio Maria Abbatini
and Carlo Cecchelli), San Giovanni (Francesco Foggia), San Apollinare (Giacomo
Carissimi), Il Gesù (Bonifazio Graziani), San Lorenzo e Damaso (Abundio Antonelli), San Luigi de’ Francesi (Stefano Fabri), Chiesa Nuova (Giovanni Francesco
Jerome Roche, Anthologies and Dissemination of Early Baroque Italian Sacred Music,
“Soundings. A Music Journal” 4 (1974), p. 6.
3. The repertoire
Marcorelli), Madonna dei Monti (Paolo Tarditi), Santo Spirito in Sassia (Giovanni
Antonio Carpani and Nicola Corradi), Santa Maria in Trastevere (Silvestro Durante) as well as Santissima Trinità di Ponte Sisto (Ignatio Olivati). A similar repertoire was also published slightly earlier by the same printing house in the Scelta
di motetti de diversi eccellentissimi autori a 2, 3, 4, e 5 voci... (16471). The presence
of all these prints in the Wrocław collection confirms the interest of the Protestant
elites of that city in contemporary Catholic music repertoire.
A similar openness to the repertoire of a different confession is evident in the
so-called pseudo-anthologies133, that is, prints that usually contain about a dozen
works by one composer, supplemented by several pieces by another artist. If the
names of both composers are printed on the title page, we may conjecture that the
publisher’s intention was to promote artists of lesser rank along with those more
famous, e.g. Giulio Cesare Bianchi with Claudio Monteverdi (16204). If the name of
the minor composer was only mentioned in the table of contents, the main purpose
may have been to sell the young artist’s works along with those by an already widely
recognised composer (16284 and 16293, in which music by Alessandro Grandi is
supplemented by individual pieces written by Alvise Grani and Antonio Guerrini).
There are also, however, opposite cases, where a large collection of works by a beginner artist is enriched by adding his teacher’s composition (as in print 16381,
where among many pieces by Marcello Minozzi we also find Laudate pueri del Sig.
Galeazzo Sabbatini maestro del Compositore). Some prints reflect connections between composers, resulting from family relations (as in the case of the brothers
Nicodemo and Filippo Parisi – 164211, or Giovanni Legrenzi and his father, Giovanni Maria – L 1610), membership of the same religious order (Girolamo da Monte
dell’Olmo and Tomaso da S. Agata – 16363), work in the same music ensemble
(Paul Kienheimer, Johannes Stadlmayr and Vincenzo Scapitta – 16285), links between the institutions they worked for (Gasparo Casati, Giovanni Paolo Martinengo and Giovanni Francesco Tagliavacca – 16433), or shared circles of friends and
acquaintances, who sometimes became the dedicatees of such volumes along with
honourable patrons (Orazio Tarditi and Maurizio Battaglia – 16475).
3.3. The dedicatees
t is mostly the patrons, however, who are the dedicatees of the vast majority
of the Sartoriana music prints. The conventional letters of recommendation
Paweł Gancarczyk, Muzyka wobec rewolucji druku. Przemiany w kulturze muzycznej XVI
wieku [Music and the Printing Revolution. transformations of Music Culture in the 16th Century],
Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika 2011, p. 64.
3.3. The dedicatees
either confirm the already existing financial dependence between the composer
and his or her patron – protector, or reflect the composer’s efforts to obtain this
kind of financial support, or contain a request for reimbursement of the already
incurred costs of publication134. The headings of the dedicatory letters and the
title pages of the prints list the names and official titles of the dedicatees, thus
reflecting the social and economic context of music composition at the first stage
of reception: both actual performance and potential acceptance. By reconstructing the historical shape of both these forms of reception, we can map out the
wider social context of the repertoire in question.
Most of the Sartoriana prints are dedicated to church hierarchs, which
may reflect their historical role in music patronage, but also – the religious
functions of a large proportion of the repertoire in this collection. Since most
prints represent Northern Italy, only two of them were dedicated to the Popes
in Rome (Paul V – M 3445, Urban VIII – F 1475). More volumes were addressed to the Pope’s officials: papal legates (Alderano Cybo-Malaspina – U 17,
Carlo Pio di Savoia – G 316, Antonio Orsini – M 143) and apostolic protonotaries (Giovanni Battista Capobianco – F 1833, Lorenzo Corsi – C 3509,
Giulio Cesare Sacchetti – B 1140, Benedetto Saraceno – Z 102, Bernardo Vitte
– R 1418). Cardinals were frequently chosen as dedicatees – both those who
obtained that rank for political reasons (Antonio Barberini – F 1871, Marzio
Ginetti – L 1182, Giovan Carlo de’ Medici – C 1565, Andrea Baroni Peretti di
Montalto – 16204, Giovanni Battista Maria Pallotta – L 1987, Giangiacomo
Teodoro Trivulzio – P 967) and actual diocesan administrators (Federico Borromeo – I 18, Ulderico Carpegna – U 13, Franz von Dietrichstein – G 3456,
Agostino Galamino – C 2029, Cosimo della Gherardesca – B 1915, Lodovico
Gonzaga – T 1389, Giovanni Francesco Guidi di Bagno – T 922, Carlo Rossetti
– M 1410, Desiderio Scaglia – F 1870, Guidobald von Thun – G 4730).
A similarly large group consists of bishops, mostly of Italian dioceses:
Ancona (Giovanni Luigi Galli – T 194, S 18), Belluno (Giulio Berlendis –
C 1595), Bergamo (Luigi Grimani – M 2342), Camerino (Emilio Bonaventura Altieri – M 2754), Crema (Alberto Badoer – C 4362), Forlì (Giacomo
Theodoli – F 739, S 921, V 1316), Imola (Ferdinando Millini M 2341, S 7),
Padua (Giorgio Cornaro – P 1641, V 1312), Parma (Carlo Nembrini – F 740,
L 1609), Pesaro (Malatesta Baglioni – S 4), Treviso (Francesco Giustiniani –
F 1830) and Verona (Marco Giustiniani – Z 104), as well as Transalpine sees:
Eichstätt (Marquard von Schenk von Castell – M 670), Hamburg (Friedrich III
Oldenburg – S 2291), Ljubljana (Joseph von Rabatta – M 2227) and Salzburg
Ibid., pp. 138–148.
3. The repertoire
(Paris von Lodron – S 1160, Z 101). Some of them also held secular power as
the Fürstbischöfe of Constance (Johann von Waldburg zu Wolfegg – S 4097),
Mainz (Johann Schweikhard von Kronberg, Georg Friedrich Greiffenclau von
Vollrads – works by Daniel Bollius, Johann Philipp von Schönborn – B 4865)
and Wrocław (Charles Ferdinand Vasa – S 2770).
Music prints could also be dedicated to lower-ranking hierarchs such as
archdeacons and canons associated with the cathedrals and collegiate churches
in Adria (M 2757), Benevento (16494), Bergamo (M 2340), Gubbio (M 2234),
Milan (P 5198), Padua (P 1642), Parma (C 2064), Pesaro (T 222), Ravenna
(C 3431), Reggio (G 3479), and Vicenza (F 733, F 1850). Most of them are
listed anonymously (only by their title) but we also have some of the names.
The superiors and procurators of major churches (which were also known as
important centres of music life) were more frequently mentioned by name.
These included: the basilicas of St Mark’s in Venice (L 1114, M 3037, N 402,
N 404, R 2971, R 2972) and San Petronio in Bologna (C 4199, M 2728), the
Milan Cathedral (D 3400), as well as parish churches in Brugnetto (C 1585),
Noventa di Piave (M 2756) and Wrocław (16464).
Apart from diocesan administrators, the dedicatees of the Sartoriana
prints included numerous superiors of religious orders. The composers who
dedicated their publications to them were associated with the orders either as
their musical personnel or as members. In many cases, the dedications bring
the reception of this repertoire into a wider perspective. The dedicatees associated with religious orders included the superiors of the Cassinese (Benedictine) Congregation, to whom music was dedicated by such composers as
Giovanni Battista Chinelli (C 2063, C 2066), Chiara Margharita Cozzolani
(C 4362) and Gregorius Urbanus (U 102). Camaldolese superiors are the dedicatees of prints by Alessandro Grandi – G 3454, Romualdo Honorio – H 6451,
Tarquinio Merula – M 2343 and Orazio Tarditi – T 203, Olivetan superiors
– of music by Lorenzo Agnelli – A 399, Antonio Burlini – B 5021 and Biagio
Marini – M 665. Some prints were also dedicated to superiors of the Franciscan order (Bonaventura Beretta – B 1994, Gasparo Casati – C 1418, C 1420,
Lodovico Manfredi – M 337, Antonio Maria Riccio – R 1282), the Eremite Augustinians of Strict Observance (Giovanni Giorgio Sparacciari – S 4051), the
Hieronymites (Aurelio Berettari – B 1995), the Jesuates (Pellegrino Possenti –
P 5250), Canons Regular (Ignazio Donati – D 3402, Riniero Scarselli – S 1220)
and the Carmelites (Giovanni Giacomo Arrigoni – 16362).
Even a greater number of prints were dedicated to the priors and abbots of
specific monasteries and convents. These dedications testify – on the one hand –
to well-thought-out efforts aiming to win the support of a patron; on the other,
3.3. The dedicatees
they reflect the strong music traditions cultivated in those monasteries on a wide
scale, as e.g. at the Benedictine monastery of Leno (to whom music prints were
addressed by Alessandro Grandi – G 3446, Giovanni Antonio Rigatti – R 1417,
and Francesco Turini – T 1394), Milan (Gasparo Casati – C 1405, Francesco
Della Porta – P 5200), Padua (Salvatore de Santa Maria – S 890), Rovigo (Alessandro Grandi – G 3444), Venice (Damiano Nembri – N 377, Pietro Andrea
Ziani – Z 174), Verona (Chiara Margarita Cozzolani – C 4361) and Vienna
(Giovanni Felice Sances – S 775). Other centres of music life included houses of the Camaldolese order. Especially the composer Orazio Tarditi dedicated
many of his prints to the abbots of Camaldolese monasteries in Arezzo (T 185),
Forlì (T 195), Fabriano (T 198), Ravenna (T 199), Murano (T 205) and Florence
(T 201, T 208). The Camaldolese monks from the Padua region had prints dedicated to them by Giovanni Rovetta (R 2978) and Alessandro Vincenti (music
by Claudio Monteverdi, M 3447). Other music prints were dedicated to the Augustinians of Ferrara (G 3462) and Venice (ZZ 173), the Franciscans of Padua
(G 158), the Capuchins of Attel (E 681), the Carmelites of Novara, Cremona and
Romanengo (C 1425), the Olivetans of Padua (S 9) and Milan (O 98), the Servites of Capodistria (R 1412), and the Jesuits of Gorizia (M 2226).
In orders of nuns musical patronage was less developed. Still, the Sartoriana contains several prints dedicated to the convent superiors and nuns.
Two prints bear the name of Rafaella Aleotti, prioress and organist of the Augustinian nuns at Ferrara’s San Vito, to whom Lorenzo Agnelli (A 400) and
Giovanni Battista Chinelli (C 2060) dedicated their music. The latter musician
must have had direct contacts with the convent in Ferrara since he dedicated
four of the pieces to nuns living in that house. Lucrezia Orsina Vizana, a Camaldolese singer and organist from a Bologna convent, dedicated her volume
of Componimenti musicali (V 2261) to nuns from her house. Simone Vesi dedicated his motets (V 1313) to another Camaldolese convent in Forlì. Other
music prints in the Sartoriana were dedicated to Giulia Maria Vittoria Malvezzi, a Dominican nun of Santa Maria Nuova in Bologna (Giulio Cesare Arresti
– A 2484) and Maria Felicja Zbaraska, a Polish Benedictine nun of Santi Marco
e Andrea in Murano near Venice (Carlo Filago – F 730).
Confraternities, sodalities and academies were important for the cultivation of music traditions. Many music prints were dedicated to the superiors and
members of these secular societies. For instance, the Archconfraternity of the
Holy Spirit (Accademia dello Spirito Santo) in Ferrara had music prints dedicated to it by Paolo Cornetti (C 3948), Ignazio Donati (D 3382 and D 3392), Andrea
Mattioli (M 1411) and Alfonso Mazzoni (M 1687). Other collective dedicatees
included the Compagnia del Santissimo Sacramento in Ancona (to which Biagio
3. The repertoire
Gherardi – G 1755 and Angelo Prosperi – P 5516 dedicated their concertos), the
Congregazione della Misericordia Maggiore in Bergamo (Francesco Rogantini
– R 1917), and the Veneranda Congregazione di San Polo in Venice (Giovanni
Rovetta – R 2973). Also the numerous Italian artistic academies were involved in
music patronage: e.g. the Academia delli Spennati in Faenza (dedicatee of prints
by Giovanni Pietro Biandrà – B 2609, B 2610), the Accademia degli Ordinati
in Venice (Francesco Lucio – L 2903, Luigi Pozzi – P 5308) and the renowned
Accademia Filarmonica in Verona (Lodovico Bellanda – B 1709).
Many of the Sartoriana prints are addressed to secular powers. We should
start a systematic survey of those rulers with the Habsburg emperors, whose
contribution to the Transalpine reception of Italian music can hardly be overestimated. The collection includes two prints by Giovanni Giacomo Arrigoni
(A 2490) and Giovanni Battista Buonamente (B 4941) dedicated to Ferdinand II,
and one – to Eleonora Gonzaga, the Emperor’s consort (Claudio Monteverdi –
M 3446). Their son Ferdinand III became the dedicatee of collections by Giovanni Antonio Bertoli (B 2161), Marco Antonio Ferro (F 543), Claudio Monteverdi
(M 3500), Massimiliano Neri (N 403), Piero Marcellino Orafi (O 99), Giovanni
Antonio Rigatti (R 1413), Giuseppe Scarani (S 1167), and Giovanni Felice Sances (S 769). The latter composer was the dedicant of another volume to Ferdinand III’s wife, Maria Anna (S 771). Their son, who was crowned as Emperor
Leopold I, had music prints dedicated to him by Maurizio Cazzati (C 1614),
Domenico Minucci (M 2863) and Francesco Petrobelli (P 1645).
In comparison with the number of prints originating in the patronage
of the Viennese court, those dedicated to kings are not numerous: one volume
dedicated to Christian IV Oldenburg, King of Denmark (Heinrich Schütz –
S 2292), one to Vladislaus IV Vasa, King of Poland (Philipp Friedrich Buchner – B 5863), one to Joao IV, King of Portugal (Biagio Marini – M 669), and
one to Louis XIII, King of France (Giovanni Rovetta – R 2966). The list of
dedicatees from ducal families is much longer – particularly those from Italy, where artistic patronage in the first half of the 17th century continued the
glorious tradition of the Cinquecento. Apart from single volumes dedicated to
families rather less known for their patronage of the arts, such as the Calcagnis
(Galeazzo Sabbatini – S 10), the Genesinis (Natale Monferrato – M 3036), the
Mirandolas (Galeazzo Sabbatini – S 21), the Pepolis (Giovanni Felice Sances –
S 767), the Sforzas (Cherubino Waesich – W 4) and the Simonettas (Giovanni
Legrenzi – L 1615), there is a much larger group of sources dedicated to the
dukes and duchesses of the d’Este family: Francesco I (Benedetto Ferrari –
F 265, Ottavio Maria Grandi – G 3479, Giuseppe Scarani – S 1168), Cesare
(Carlo Grossi – G 4728, Giovanni Battista Vacchelli – V 2), Alfonso IV (Marco
3.3. The dedicatees
Uccellini – U 14, U 15), Anna Beatrice (Giulio Cesare Arresti – A 2486) as well
as Laura and Isabella (Sisto Reina – R 1018 and R 1019).
The Gonzaga family were the dedicatees of music prints by Bernardino Alberghetti (A 617), Giovanni Giacomo Arrigoni (A 2491), Orfeo Avosani
(A 2953), Maurizio Cazzati (C 1577, C 1582, C 1602), Gaspare Filippi (F 734),
Nicolò Fontei (F 1490), Salomone Rossi (R 2767), Giovanni Felice Sances
(S 770), Francesco Todeschini (T 853), and Marco Ucellini (U 18). Dedications to the Medici are likewise numerous: to the Grand Dukes of Tuscany
Ferdinand II (Girolamo Frescobaldi – F 1868) and Mattias (Chiara Margarita
Cozzolani – F 4360), to Caterina, Duchess of Mantua (Claudio Monteverdi –
M 3498) and Claudia, Duchess of Urbino (Biagio Gherardi – G 1754), as well
as to Anna, daughter of Cosimo II, dedicatee of volumes by Barbara Strozzi
(S 6986), Biagio Marini (M 668) and Maurizio Cazzati (C 1618). Anna’s husband, Ferdinand Charles von Habsburg, had prints dedicated to him by such
artists as Giovanni Paolo Almeri (A 869), Carlo Grossi (G 4729), Domenico
Minucci (M 2872), Francesco Della Porta (P 5202), and Pietro Andrea Ziani
(Z 175). A well known Habsburg patron, Archduke Leopold Wilhelm, became
the dedicatee of music by Galeazzo Sabbatini (S 15), Giovanni Felice Sances
(S 773) and Giovan Battista Alouisi (A 876). The latter also dedicated two of
his prints to Maximilian von Dietrichstein and his wife Anna Maria von Lichtenstein (A 877, A 878). Much less numerous are the Sartoriana dedications to
the Electors of Saxony of the House of Wettin by such composers as Heinrich
Schütz (S 2287, S 2295) and Caspar Kittel (K 853).
Dedicatees of works by Cherubino Busatti (B 5161), Giuseppe Caruso
(C 1388), Maurizio Cazzati (C 1588, C 1589), Giovanni Giuseppe Delafargia
(D 1361), Giovanni Battista da Gagliano (G 103), Giovanni Legrenzi (L 1610,
L 1618), and Luigi Pozzi (P 5309) held the title of marquis. The Sicilian barons
of the Deodato family – Pietro and Bartolomeo – are the dedicatees of prints
by Mario Capuana (C 950 – C 954). Many volumes are dedicated to nobles
and patriciate members from such cities as Bergamo (C 1587), Fano (D 3398),
Ferrara (C 1591), Genoa (P 5196), and most of all Venice (Alessandro Grandi – G 3459, Carlo Grossi – G 4731, Natale Monferrato – M 3034, Domenico
Obizzi – O 6, Nicodemo Parisi – P 914, Martino Pesenti – P 1551, Giovanni
Antonio Rigatti – R 1422 and Giovanni Rovetta – R 2985).
The dissemination of Italian music in Europe was stimulated by representatives of diplomatic services, such as the ambassadors of the Republic of Venice to the imperial court of Vienna Nicolò Sagredo and Battista Nani, to whom
music prints were dedicated by Giovanni Felice Sances (S 776) and Giovanni
Rovetta (F 2987), and the representative of the Serenissima in the Netherlands
3. The repertoire
Francesco Michiel, to whom Filiberto Laurenzi presented his Arias (L 1115), as
well as Paolo Savelli, the Emperor’s representative at the court of Pope Paul V,
who was the patron of Stefano Landi (L 530). Royal and ducal administrators
played a less prominent role in the promotion of music repertoires. Such officials
were nevertheless the dedicatees of prints by Orazio Benevoli (16711), Serafino
Cantone (C 887), Maurizio Cazzati (C 1578, C 1582) and Ottavio Maria Grandi
(G 3479). Military commanders had music dedicated to them by Giovanni Legrenzi (L 1611), Stefano Pasino (P 968) and Giovanni Picchi (P 2042).
The local reception of music was undoubtedly largely facilitated by mayors and councillors of such cities and towns as Capodistria (Claudio Monteverdi
– M 3499), Casalmaggiore (Ignazio Donati – D 3396), Montagnana (Orazio Filiberi – F 732), Rovigo (Francesco Turini – T 1395), Rubbiera (Giovanni Battista
Vacchelli – V 1), San Marino (Francesco Maria Marini – M 672), Trieste (Martino Naimon – N 9), Udine (Giovanni Antonio Rigatti – R 1421), as well as Leipzig
(Johann Hermann Schein – S 1385, and Johann Rosenmüller – R 2548) and
Wasserburg (Caspar Endres – E 860). A similar role may have been played by the
Cracow voivodes Stanisław and Aleksander Michał Lubomirski, the dedicatees
of motets by Francesco Lucio (L 2904) and Philipp Friedrich Buchner (B 4862).
The geographic contexts of the repertoire that is the subject of this catalogue are further supplemented by places where the musicians listed in the
dedications of prints or individual pieces lived and worked. Orindio Gian Maria Bartolini dedicated e.g. his masses (B 1144) to members of the cathedral
ensemble that he himself directed in Udine, whereas Maurizio Cazzati – to the
musicians at the ducal courts of Guastalla, Mantua and Sabbioneta, with which
he was associated himself (C 1582). Similarly Girolamo Casati dedicated his
motets (C 1425) to Erasmo Costa – maestro di musica in Romanengo, where
Casati worked as an organist, while Giovanni Rovetta, maestro of the Venetian Capella Marciana, placed in his print (R 2986) a dedication to Francesco
Cavalli, organist in the same Basilica, and Giovanni Antonio Rigatti addressed
his publication (R 1419) to Francesco Spada, musician in the same ensemble.
Names of musicians with whom the composers directly worked in the same institutions can be found in prints by Gasparo Casati, dedicated to musicians of
the ducal court in Milan (C 1405) and the cathedral in Novara (C 1411). Similar personal connections are reflected in the dedications of prints by Giovanni
Antonio Bertoli to Francesco Turini, organist of Brescia Cathedral (B 2163),
Alessandro Della Ciaja – to Giacomo Carissimi of Sant’Apollinare in Rome
(D 1395), Ottavio Maria Grandi – to Alfonso Pagani of Bologna (G 3479),
Francesco Petrobelli – to Giacomo Alcaini of Vicenza (P 1641), and by Orazio
Tarditi – to Antonio Pani of Reggio (T 222).
3.4. Musical forms and genres
3.4. Musical forms and genres
e will now discuss the music genres represented in Daniel Sartorius’ collection. In agreement with the conventions of the time, those names are
far from precise or unequivocal. Still, they quite clearly describe the type of repertoire involved, as well as its functions.
Many of the prints indicate the liturgical function of the music. These include, first and foremost, settings of the Liturgy of the Hours by such composers as Giovan Battista Alouisi (A 873), Giovanni Giacomo Arrigoni (A 2491),
Bonaventura Beretta (B 1994), Giovanni Antonio Bertoli (B 2161), Gasparo
Casati (C 1420), Chiara Margarita Cozzolani (C 4362), Giovanni Giuseppe
Delafargia (D 1361), Ignazio Donati (D 3396), Giovanni Battista Faccini
(F 47), Orazio Filiberi (F 732), Stefano Filippini (F 739, F 740), Alessandro
Grandi (G 3454), Giovanni Legrenzi (L 1619), Biagio Marini (M 668, M 670),
Matthaeus Melissa (M 2226), Marcello Minozzi (M 2861), Domenico Minucci
(M 2862, M 2863), Natale Monferrato (M 3034, M 3036), Damiano Nembri
(N 377), Francesco Della Porta (P 5202), Sisto Reina (R 1018, R 1019), Giovanni Rovetta (R 2963, R 2971, R 2972), Giovanni Felice Sances (S 773), Giovanni
Vincenzo Sarti (S 923), Giovanni Giorgio Sparacciari (S 4051), Orazio Tarditi
(T 195, T 203), Marco Uccellini (U 18), and Simone Vesi (V 1315).
Most of the composers listed above set the texts of the psalms performed
during the Sunday vespers and compline. This information can be found on the
title pages of a dozen music prints from this group, containing works by Giovanni
Cavaccio (C 1555), Maurizio Cazzati (C 1585), Stefano Filippini (F 739), Nicolò
Fontei (F 1489), Giacomo Ganassi (G 324), Biagio Gherardi (G 1755), Giovanni
Legrenzi (L 1618), Biagio Marini (M 669), Francesco Milani (M 2728), Carlo Milanuzzi (M 2757), Francesco Petrobelli (P 1645), and Orazio Tarditi (T 199). The
Office of the Hours is supplemented by musical settings of antiphons and Marian
litanies by Giovan Battista Alouisi (A 877, A 878), Claudio Monteverdi (M 3448),
Galeazzo Sabbatini (S 9), Giovanni Felice Sances (S 771 and S 775), Vincenzo
Scapitta (S 1160) and Matthias Spiegler (S 4096), as well as hymns – by Maurizio
Cazzati (C 1623), Amadio Freddi (F 1833) and Andrea Mattioli (M 1410).
A similar number of Sartoriana publications comprise mass cycles.
Analogically to the psalms, the individual sections of the ordinarium were set
in different stylistic conventions, some drawing on the prima pratica (Ignazio
Donati – D 3395, Leandro Gallerano – G 158, Romualdo Honorio – H 6451,
Martino Naimon – N 9), some – on the seconda pratica (Giovanni Battista
Chinelli – C 2064, Alessandro Grandi – G 3462, Orazio Tarditi – T 205). An
even greater diversity of musical styles can be found in prints that contain
3. The repertoire
both settings of the mass and vespers. Following the model of Monteverdi’s
Selva morale (M 3446), composers aimed to set as many different liturgical
texts as possible, adjusting their style to the textual content. This also provided them with an opportunity to prove their versatility and mastery of a wide
range of composition techniques, from the ‘through-imitated’ textures of the
Renaissance stile antico, through its more homophonic version and falsobordoni, to virtuosic monodies, tricinia and in concerto settings. The most versatile
authors in the Sartoriana collection include Mario Capuana (C 953, C 954),
Gasparo Casati (C 1418), Maurizio Cazzati (C 1577, C 1588, C 1595, C 1617),
Alessandro Grandi (G 3459, G 3461), Tarquinio Merula (M 2342, M 2343),
and Giovanni Antonio Rigatti (R 1413, R 1414, R 1420).
A similar wealth of textural solutions can be found in collections of motetti. This term, found in about 120 prints from Sartorius’ collection, was used not
only in the present-day musicological sense (as a genre of Renaissance polyphony), but also with reference to the liturgical function of works usually performed
instead of selected sections of the proprium missae. In agreement with the typical 17th-century stylistic diversity, works referred to as motetti may have drawn
on Renaissance conventions, but they may just as well have been dominated by
the concertato technique, which – apart from vocal parts – involved a complex
figured bass and sometimes also instrumental parts varying in their degree of
autonomy. Composers who demonstrate the greatest variety of styles in the Sartoriana include: Gasparo Casati (C 1411, C 1420), Maurizio Cazzati (C 1582,
C 1589, C 1592), Giovanni Battista Chinelli (C 2063, C 2066), Angelo Conti
(C 3509), Ignazio Donati (D 3382, D 3392, D 3398), Alessandro Grandi (G 3421,
G 3426, G 3435, G 3438, G 3456), Giovanni Franceso Milanta (M 2734), Francesco Della Porta (P 5196, P 5198, P 5200), Giovanni Antonio Rigatti (R 1412,
R 1416), Giovanni Rovetta (R 2965, R 2967, R 2973, R 2978), Giovanni Felice
Sances (S 769, S 770), and Orazio Tarditi (T 185, T 198). The same was true about
collections of pieces labelled as cantiones or concentus, composed also by Girolamo Casati (C 1425), Caspar Endres (E 680) and Galeazzo Sabbatini (S 4, S 10).
The prints containing works designated as concerti demonstrate closer
links with the seconda pratica (which does not preclude the use of other ways
of shaping the musical texture). Concerti can be found in about 50 different Sartoriana prints. They vary with regard to the concertato technique applied, and
we can trace the development of such techniques in those sources – both in the
works of Italian composers (Ignazio Donati – D 3386, D 3390, Carlo Grossi –
G 4728, G 4730, Orazio Tarditi – T 194, T 208, T 210) and those of their German imitators (Philipp Friedrich Buchner – B 4862, B 4863; Heinrich Schütz –
S 2287, S 2291, S 2292, S 2295; Johann Rosenmüller – R 2548, R 2549). The new
3.4. Musical forms and genres
musical language of these works inspired their composers and publishers to look
for new labels to describe them, often by means of such concepts as affetti (Barbara Strozzi – S 6986), armonie (Alberto Lazari – L 1181), delizie (Carlo Milanuzzi – M 2754), fiori (Orazio Tarditi – T 187), flamme (Caspar Endres – E 681),
scherzi (Chiara Margarita Cozzolani – C 4361), sentimenti (Giovanni Legrenzi
– L 1615) and vaghezze (Leandro Gallerano). The popularity of church concerti
is confirmed by anthologies of such repertoire, those published in Italy (16362,
16493, 16494, 16501), as well as the one compiled by Ambrosius Profe (16464).
Dramatic spectacles, where a strict subordination of music to the word
was the key aesthetic determinant, situate themselves in the borderland between
sacred and secular art. Symptomatic is the presence of Claudio Monteverdi’s
L’orfeo (M 3450), Francesco Rasi’s Dialoghi rappresentativi and Daniel Bollius’
Repraesentatio harmonica. The same dramatic type is also represented by cantate
et arie a voce sola, written by Maurizio Cazzati (C 1591), Alessandro Grandi
(G 3472), Filiberto Laurenzi (L 1115) and Giovanni Felice Sances (S 767), as well
as compilations of musiche, which contain similar secular repertoire to be performed by a soloist and a basso continuo section. Such musiche were composed
by Lodovico Bellanda (B 1709), Piero Benedetti, Marco da Gagliano and Jacopo
Peri (B 1915), Benedetto Ferrari (F 265, F 266, F 267), Gaspare Filippi (F 734),
Giovanni Battista da Gagliano (G 100) and Giovanni Antonio Rigatti (R 1421,
R 1422).
Various madrigal genres are fairly well represented in the Sartoriana.
As already mentioned, they were used by Profe and Sartorius among others
to prepare their own religious contrafacta. The collectors purchased volumes
of music by such composers as, among others: Alessandro Grandi (G 3468,
G 3470), Claudio Monteverdi (M 3488, M 3500, M 3501), Giovanni Rovetta
(R 2982, R 2985, R 2986) and Francesco Turini (T 1389, T 1394). Notable is
the large proportion of madrigali concertati (by Giovanni Ceresini – C 1699,
Martino Pesenti – P 1551, Galeazzo Sabbatini – S 13, S 15, S 18, S 19, S 21),
as well as the madrigaletti, set for a small number of voices (Giovanni Pietro
Biandrà – B 2609, Salomone Rossi – R 2762, Orazio Tarditi – T 222, Pietro Andrea Ziani – ZZ 174a), and lighter genres, with texts in local dialects (Ignazio
Donati – D 3402, Simone Vesi – V 1316).
The last group of sources comprise instrumental music, whose abundance and diversity testifies to the collectors’ thorough familiarity with contemporary trends in the new style, represented by such genres as the canzona,
the sonata and dance forms. There are as many as three printed collections
of canzoni by Girolamo Frescobaldi (F 1864, F 1868, F 1870), whose works
must have been familiar to the ambitious organist from the Silesian metropo103
3. The repertoire
lis. Apart from organ music, there are several collections of canzoni for instrumental ensembles written by Maurizio Cazzati (C 1578), Tarquinio Merula
(M 2353, M 2354, M 2356), Biagio Marini (M 657), as well as their imitators
in North-Eastern Europe: Cherubino Waesich (W 4) and Adam Jarzębski. Sonata composers are represented in the Sartoriana by Giovanni Battista Buonamente (B 4943), Dario Castello (C 1459), Giovanni Battista Fontana (F 1475),
Ottavio Maria Grandi (G 3479), Giovanni Legrenzi (L 1610, L 1619), Biagio
Marini (M 663, M 671), Massimiliano Neri (N 402, N 403), and Marco Uccellini (U 13, U 14, U 17). Several prints also contain instrumental fantasies as
well as settings of Italian and French dances (B 4941, B 4944, R 2767, S 2770,
T 853, and U 15).
3.5. The character and distinctive features
of the collection
he Sartoriana is quite representative of music from the Italian peninsula in
the first six decades of the 17th century, so that all the observations made
above may also be considered true – toutes proportions gardées – of the whole
repertoire. The conclusions from such a comparative study would undoubtedly have pleased the Silesian collectors. Nevertheless, we should also mention
the distinctive features of Daniel Sartorius’ collection, its differentiae specificae.
These certainly include the presence in the Sartoriana of a large number of prints
that have not been preserved anywhere else135.
More than 25% of the collection are unica that cannot be found at
present in any other library in the world. Of these more than one hundred
unique prints we will list here only a few most significant ones: Dario Castello’s Sonate concertate in stil moderno... (C 1459), Giovanni Battista Chinelli’s
Il primo libro di motetti a voce sola... (C 2060), Carlo Filago’s Sacri concerti
a voce sola (F 730), Nicola Gibellini’s Motetti a 2. 3. e 4 voci... (G 2008), Filiberto Laurenzi’s Arie à una voce per cantarsi nel clavicembalo... (L 1115),
Biagio Marini’s Sonate, symphonie, canzoni... (M 663), Compositioni varie per
musica di camera a 2, 3, 4 e 5 voci... (M 665), Vespri a 4 voci da cantarsi nell’organo... (M 669) and Lacrime di Davide... (M 670), Claudio Monteverdi’s Salve
Regina a 3 voci... (M 3448), Massimiliano Neri’s Sonate e canzone a quatro...
(N 402), Sonate da sonarsi con varij stromenti... (N 403) and Motetti a 2 e 3
voci... (N 404), Martino Pesenti’s Missae tribus vocibus cum sacris cantioni135
Peter Epstein, Aus Breslauer Bibliotheken und Sammlungen (Musik), “Schlesische Monatshefte” 6 (1929), pp. 317–318.
3.5. The character and distinctive features of the collection
bus... (P 1553), Giuseppe Scarani’s Sonate concertate a 2 e 3 voci... (S 1167),
and Pietro Andrea Ziani’s Primo libro di canzonette a voce sola... (ZZ 174a).
In a sense, the distinctive features of the Sartoriana are evident in the
five added manuscripts (Bohn 111, 113, 114, 129 and 129a–f), which can be
considered as clues to the probable ways in which the music prints were acquired for this collection. Let us summarise the known facts concerning the
origins and contents of the five manuscripts. The first of them – Bohn 111
– comprises copies of 37 instrumental pieces: Adam Jarzębski’s Canzoni e concerti (dated to 1627), nine sonatas by Ottavio Maria Grandi (from the 1628
print found in the Sartoriana as G 3479) and one by Samuel Scheidt (found in
S 1353, of 1624). These compositions were copied in the hand of Johann Georg
Beck, a musician active in Frankfurt-am-Main in 1627–1638. The manuscript
is actually listed in Beck’s posthumous inventory as Concerten Adami Harzebsky geschrieben 2o136.
The same musician from Frankfurt was also the main scribe of two other
Sartoriana manuscripts: Bohn 113 and Bohn 114. The former contains copies
of music examples selected from theoretical treatises on the diminution technique, written by Milan-based musicians: Riccardo Rognoni (Passaggi per potersi esercitare nel diminuire… – R 1938) and his son Francesco (Selva de varii
passaggi… – R 1942), who dedicated his collection to the Polish king Sigismund III Vasa. Some pieces from R 1942 can also be found in Bohn 114, which
also comprises fantasies and ricercars by such authors as Giovanni Bassano,
Nikolaus Bleyer, John Dowland, Ottavio Maria Grandi, Mercure d’Orléans,
and Étienne Nau. That last composer, a violinist from Orleans, matriculated to
study in Leipzig (1615) and later worked as a dance master at the court of Elisabeth Stuart, wife to Frideric V, Elector Palatine. Thanks to Elisabeth he was
later employed by her brother, Charles I King of England (1626). All the manuscripts listed hitherto also contain elements entered in Daniel Sartorius’ own
hand. He made a number of corrections and additions in Bohn 111, amending
Beck’s notation, while in Bohn 113 and Bohn 114 he entered several pieces on
his own. These manuscripts must have reached Sartorius from Frankfurt after
Beck’s death (1638), and Sartorius stayed in Wrocław from 1644 at the latest137.
The Elisabetanum teacher’s characteristic ductus can also be found in
the two manuscripts containing works by Daniel Bollius – chapelmaster and
organist at the court of archbishop-electors in Mainz (quite close to Frankfurt)
Brian Brooks, The Emergence of the Violin as a Solo Instrument in Early Seventeenth-Century Germany, Diss. Cornell University 2002, p. 269.
Brian Brooks, Étienne Nau…, op. cit., pp. 55–57.
3. The repertoire
in 1626–1638. Bollius dedicated his dialogue Repraesentatio harmonica conceptionis et nativitatis Sancti Joannis Baptistae (found in manuscript Bohn 129
– a rare example of the use of this genre in a German-speaking country) to
Johann Schweikhard von Kronberg, who held the post of archbishop-elector
in 1604–1626138. The next bishop of Mainz, Georg Friedrich von Greiffenclau
(1626–1629), was the dedicatee of Bollius’ works contained in manuscripts
129a, 129b, 129c, 129d, 129e and 129f: two vocal-instrumental concerti based
on psalm texts (129b and 129d), two panegyrical concerti (129e and 129f),
a Latin dialogue on Gospel themes (129c, for that bishop’s consecration), and
two Christmas sonetti with Italian texts, also meant for performance on the
stage (129a).
All the five Sartoriana manuscripts demonstrate distinct mutual affinities with respect to repertoire and style, while their palaeographic features link
them to important music centres of Rhineland on the one hand and to the figure of Daniel Sartorius on the other. It does not seem to be a coincidence that
all the figures listed above shared a distinctly Italianophile stylistic preference,
which found its expression in the instrumental music of the early Seicento and
was then successfully imitated by composers such as Jarzębski and Scheidt, as
well as being copied by both Beck and Sartorius. The common feature of the
listed artists is also the presence of modern diminution techniques in their
works, as known from the treatises by the two Rognonis. The term viola bastarda, which recurs in these manuscripts, describes not only an instrument,
but also a specific performance technique139. Another affinity can be found in
the area of dramatic music, a genre successfully practised by Daniel Bollius
and used by Daniel Sartorius in the Elisabetanum’s school theatre.
All these elements and facts seem to converge on Frankfurt-am-Main
– an important centre of music life, which flourished not only in the Katharinen- and Barfüßerkirchen, but also in printing houses and the workshops of
instrument builders, as well as during the regularly held book fairs, which were
a key event for trade in music prints – imported mostly from Italian printing
houses and exported from Frankfurt to various centres of music life throughout northern and eastern Europe140. The fact that all the five manuscripts from
Fritz Noske, Saints and Sinners. The Latin Musical Dialogue in the Seventeenth Century,
Oxford: Oxford University Press 1992, pp. 129–130.
Veronika Gutmann, Viola bastarda – Instrument oder Diminutionspraxis?, “Archiv für
Musikwissenschaft” 35/3 (1978), pp. 178–209; Joëlle Morton, Redefining the Viola Bastarda:
a Most Spurious Subject, “The Viola da Gamba Society Journal” 8 (2014), pp. 1–64.
Peter Epstein, Die Frankfurter Kapellmusik zur Zeit J. A. Herbst’s, “Archiv für Musikwissenschaft” 6 (1924), p. 73.
3.5. The character and distinctive features of the collection
Daniel Sartorius’ collection are associated with this city (or its close neighbourhood) and that Sartorius himself took those manuscripts over from Beck
(possibly in 1636–1646, a period for which we have no record of his activity
anywhere else) supports the hypothesis that connects the Wrocław musicians’
collection of music prints to the hub of European music trade. If this thesis is
confirmed by source research, we may be able to discover the specific links
between the two metropolies: one on the River Main, the other – on the Oder.
4. The catalogue
he main objective of this catalogue is a reconstruction of the musical component of the Bibliotheca Rhedigeriana (in fact: Sartoriana) in its historical form, before Emil Bohn’s intervention in the 19th-century and before the
20th-century relocations. As our main point of reference, we will use the oldest catalogue of this collection, compiled in the mid-19th century by Siegfried
Wilhelm Dehn, a German librarian and curator of the music department of the
Royal Library (Königliche Bibliothek) in Berlin. Acting on behalf of the Prussian
state, to which Silesia had already belonged for more than a hundred years, Dehn
took care to preserve the original division of the collections of different provenance. In later years, their autonomy and internal coherence was significantly
disrupted. As we have already mentioned, in the process of merging the collections the homogeneity of the historical substance was seriously affected, and
the relocations of the library stocks in the mid-20th century caused their further
disintegration, which resulted in the current state of preservation.
The present catalogue describes not only the hypothetically reconstructed library stock, but also refers to the later codifications of that stock – in particular to Emil Bohn’s catalogues and to our contemporary situation, inasmuch
as information about the sources is now openly available and accessible to the
researcher. It should be remembered that the content of this catalogue, published at one specific historical moment, may undergo some revisions in later
years if the historical resources of the former Wrocław Rhedigeriana which
are now considered lost or kept concealed are ever rediscovered. For the sake
of preserving the musical heritage of the Silesian metropolis, I therefore address all researchers and institutions with a kind request to pass on to me all
information concerning the dispersed music sources bearing the round seal of
“v. Rhedigersche Stadtbibliothek zu Breslau” (Fig. 3).
The present catalogue is based – to a varying degree – on several key repositories of music sources, which include – apart from the handwritten catalogue of Siegfried Dehn – also the printed catalogues of Emil Bohn, Robert
Eitner, Claudio Sartori, and Emil Vogel’s editorial team (NV), the present-day
4. The catalogue
Fig. 3. The seal of the Bibliotheca Rhedigeriana
RISM series catalogues (both printed and made available as online databases), as well as on web pages: Gaspari online (www.bibliotecamusica.it),
Printed Sacred Music Online (www.printed-sacred-music.org) as well as
Jeffrey Kurtzman and Anne Schnoebelen’s catalogue of Italian prints containing musical settings of mass sections and the Liturgy of the Hours
(http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/vol-2/). The present catalogue would
have been impossible without those resources. Still, we have taken care to
unify, amend, consolidate, supplement and personally verify all the data
from the listed catalogues.
In order to present the sources in question in possibly the most coherent form, we have adopted the method of cumulatively incorporating variable
information frequently existing in different versions in the original resources
(more about this method – in the following section of this Introduction). We
have applied this procedure in order better to represent the universal character
of the collection, which consists for the most part of titles also known from
other libraries. Since, however, our main aim is to reconstruct the historical
content of the Bibliotheca Rhedigeriana, we focus on the description of this
specific set of music prints, whose distinctive feature is its unique quality, a local manifestation of the common European music heritage. We hope that the
contents of the present catalogue may be of assistance to researchers focussing
on the 17th century, since they may serve as a point of reference for research on
the music culture not only of the Baroque Wrocław, but of the whole European
4. The catalogue
4.1. Editorial standards
he present catalogue describes the historical contents of the Bibliotheca Rhedigeriana (Sartoriana) in the form of consistent records comprising of thirteen standardised fields, in the following order:
1. Catalogue number. The number in the present catalogue, in accordance with the continuous numbering system of sources viewed as independent items of bibliographic description (mostly prints, plus several manuscripts), presented in the same order as in Siegfried Wilhelm Dehn’s catalogue.
I introduced continuous numbering since the one used by Dehn is inconsistent in several places, referring in about a dozen cases to prints once bound
together into an adligat. Dehn’s numbers were in such cases supplemented by
letter indices. All the surviving Sartoriana prints are now contained in more
recent – 19th and 20th century – bindings, which makes his numbering inadequate. However, Dehn’s catalogue indices have been listed for each of the records in the field for Provenance.
2. Composer(s). The vast majority of the records in question are individual prints; anthologies are much less numerous. Therefore the main field
contains the composer’s name and surname (or composers’ – when the given
print comprises works by at least two authors). The names and surnames have
been spelt as in NG2 and in other reliable historical-musical sources. For each
entry, this record also provides the composers’ life dates based on the RISM
catalogues, and in some cases – corrected in accordance with most recent publications. The notation of the composers’ approximate life dates – if the exact
dates of birth and death are unknown (or of their artistic activity confirmed in
the sources) has also been adopted after RISM.
3. Title. The main field in this record contains a copy of the content
of the title page of the given item in standardised diplomatic transcription. It
preserves the original source form of the text, including: division into lines (reflected by vertical lines in the transcription: |); ink colour (black by default, but
sometimes red); font style (block capitals, small letters, italics, indices); graphic
signs and motives (publishers’ typographic symbols, patrons’ coats of arms, as
well as other printed or ink drawings, arabesque designs or horizontal lines separating different texts sections, transcribed here with a double vertical line: ||).
For the sake of clarity, the title given in this field is quoted without the (nearly always present) name of the specific part book contained in the given volume,
and the variants of title page content in the different part books have been transcribed in a uniform manner, only signalling the most important variants in the
form of commentaries in square brackets, which have also been added when the
4.1. Editorial standards
text significantly diverges from linguistic accuracy. In order faithfully to represent
the original title, in our transcriptions we preserved all the original symbols, such
as the interchangeable use of ‘u’ and ‘v’, ‘s’ and ‘ſ ’, more or less consistent marking
of the diphthongs ‘œ’, ‘æ’ and ‘ę’, as well as abbreviations and original accents above
letters (even when different from contemporary use). Typographic ligatures for the
consonant cluster ‘ct’ (as in sanctus) have been rendered as ‘ĉt’.
4. Publication. This field provides the place of publication, name and
surname of the printer (in contemporary Italian or German spelling, depending on the place of publication or the publisher’s nationality), as well as the year
of appearance in print (traditionally in Arabic numbers) or the date of compiling the manuscript (also usually in Arabic numbers). The modernisation
of these elements has made it possible to unify data from various historical
sources, which frequently represent highly varied forms and spelling conventions (as faithfully copied in the previous field).
5. Description. This field contains a description of the historically
documented form of the preservation of the given item. Sometimes it differs
from the current state of affairs, which is due to the relocation and dispersal
of library collections in the last 150 years. Most importantly, the number of
original part books that made up the given title is listed here. This information
is normally quoted after the Bohn catalogue (especially when the given item
is missing now), except in cases when the earlier Dehn catalogue proves more
accurate. Apart from the historically confirmed number of part books, their
format is specified (for most of the volumes it is either in quarto – 4o or in folio
– fol.) as well as the abbreviated names of the different parts (voices), quoted
in accordance with RISM standards (see List of abbreviations).
The same field also includes information about the non-musical (mostly
verbal) elements of the content of the given unit. The first of these is normally
the dedication, usually found on one of the first pages of the print (the page
number follows the actual pagination of the given item). From the content
of the dedication we have extracted: the addressee (only when it is a person
different from the patron quoted on the title page), the personal data of the
person signed under the dedication (usually the composer, but sometimes also
the publisher or the owner of the material sent to the printing house), the place
of writing the dedication (only in the rather rare cases when it is different from
the place of publication), as well as the (modernised and standardised form of)
the date of dedication. Another regular non-musical component of each item
is its table of contents (usually provided on the last page of the print). In this
field we only noted the presence of such a table, while the whole is represented
in the field for Contents.
4. The catalogue
In some music prints we also encounter less typical elements, such as:
pieces of poetry, various prefaces (avvisi, avvertimenti) addressed to the readers (especially to musicians) as well as woodcuts symbolically illustrating the
content of the given volume or used as decoration in the context of the publishers’ colophons. This field also lists the printed indications of tempo, dynamics, expression, and other performance notes printed in the musical text,
which provide precious evidence of changes in contemporary composition
practice in that period.
6. Shelfmark. This field contains the current shelf mark of the given item
(copy of the given title), preceded by the country code and the library siglum
quoted in accordance with RISM standards (see List of abbreviations). In the case
of duplicates listed in Dehn’s catalogue, both originally existing copies have been
listed, but a full description has been provided only for the copy that is now still
kept in Wrocław. In a few of the cases, the current set of part books may derive
from several different original sets, which is evident from the features of the given copy (described in the following field). Lost copies of prints (or those whose
current place of storage has not been revealed so far) are also listed here. In cases
when the only copy of an item listed by Dehn is currently kept outside Wrocław,
the necessary information about provenance of that item has been provided, as
confirmed in correspondence with the curators of the respective libraries.
7. Notes on item. In this field we can find the information whether
the copy of the Bibliotheca Rhedigeriana item preserved in Wrocław is the only
surviving one. This information is important in the context of the repertoire in
question since a significant proportion of the collection consists of prints unique
on the global scale. Subsequently we provide data concerning the state of preservation of the individual part books from the set (listing the part names in accordance with RISM standards, see List of abbreviations). In the majority of cases the
missing volumes have been listed, but where most of the parts are missing, only
the names of the surviving parts have been provided. Furthermore, we have described the current state of the preservation of part books: missing or damaged
pages (e.g. those with provenance seals cut out), damage caused by humidity and
the effects of mending the volumes (during the recent conservation).
All kinds of handwritten interventions and additions have also been listed: the accidentals added to the notation, handwritten indications of dynamics,
tempo and manner of performance, calculations of the lengths of general pauses,
corrections of some misprinted pitches, indications of word repetition in the
text, pagination, catchwords, handwritten errata of the musical and verbal text,
comments on the musical content, corrections of printed page sequence, as well
as supplementation of missing or misprinted text incipits. Sometimes the mu112
4.1. Editorial standards
sical or verbal content was supplemented on additional strips of paper pasted
or placed between the printed pages. These strips contain errata of the music
notation or of the verbal text (e.g. that of the contrafacta). This field also copies
the numerical bookbinding marks entered in pencil on the title pages, indicating
the number of the given part book and the total number of parts in the given set.
8. Provenance. In this field we normally confirm the presence of the
seal “v. Rhedigersche Bibliothek zu Breslau”, which shows that the given item
was part of the Bibliotheca Rhedigeriana. The presence or absence of such a seal
does not prove, however, that the volume belonged to the original collection as
described by Dehn. There are items which do not bear such a seal, but which
undoubtedly belonged to the collection in the past; the library marks given
below confirm that they were included in the Rhedigeriana. Sometimes we also
deal with the opposite situation; some items were incorporated into the Rhedigeriana after the compilation of the Dehn catalogue and – as new acquisitions
– were marked with the same library seals. These items (not listed by Dehn)
are not part of the present catalogue. They belong to a collection of a different
provenance (for instance, some of them bear two seals: that of St Mary Magdalene’s Church and of the Rhedigeriana).
Convincing proof that the given item was originally part of the Bibliotheca Rhedigeriana can be found in the form of old library mark entered on the title pages of some (though unfortunately not all) prints from the Dehn catalogue.
These shelf marks consist of two sets of symbols. The first is a typical library shelf
mark consisting of an Arabic, Latin, Greek or Hebrew letter which indicated the
shelf or bookcase where the item was stored, and an Arabic number entered underneath, which most likely referred to the number of volumes in the given set of
prints. The second library mark known from the Dehn catalogue is an Arabic ordinal numeral (from 1 to 380, plus an additional letter index for prints bound together into adligats, sometimes preceded by the abbreviation ‘N.’ or ‘Nro’ (for numero).
The third library mark listed in this field is the shelf mark of the Wrocław
Stadtbibliothek music collection, added in the last decades of the 19th century in
the form of an Arabic number preceded by the abbreviation ‘Mus.’ . If the letter
is accompanied by a letter index, the item belonged to Emil Bohn’s private collection, described in a catalogue compiled by his widow in 1909141. The library
marks listed here for reasons unknown were not consistently entered in all the
volumes from the collection, which renders it more difficult unequivocally to
determine that the given item did belong to the Sartoriana collection. Whenever
This catalogue comprises 151 music-related sources from Emil Bohn’s private collection,
bequeathed by his widow to Wrocław’s Stadtbibliothek.
4. The catalogue
we can justifiably claim that the given item belonged to the Rhedigeriana (in
some cases this is evident from marginal notes in the Dehn catalogue), we added
the library marks (missing from the print itself) in square brackets.
9. Catalogues. The next field lists information on the given item
available in the generally accessible catalogues by Eitner, Bohn, Sartori,
RISM, Vogel, and Patalas (including volume and page number, or the siglum typical of the given catalogue, or a catalogue number). This field also
informs about the presence of a given print in internet databases, such as e.g.
http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/vol-2/, www.bibliotecamusica.it, and www.
printed-sacred-music.org. In a few cases we also included additional information on the given copy of the print, contained in the quoted catalogues.
10. Digitized version. This field provides a link to an online facsimile of the given item. Some items from the Sartoriana have already been
scanned and made publicly available in open access on the digital platform
www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl, while others will appear on the same platform in
the nearest future. In the case of some volumes we also provided links to scans
of copies of sources coming from other libraries. This material is only subsidiary to our catalogue, but we decided that a reference to such sources may
prove of assistance. In these cases we made use of the digital websites of different libraries which keep and make such sources publicly available, as well
as of other websites with more general content (e.g.: https://books.google.pl;
imslp.org; http://wikivogel.org; http://www.bibliotecamusica.it). We decided
to add these links because of researchers’ and performers growing interest in
early music. More and more frequently they look for hitherto little known repertoire. Notably, open access to such material soon results in printed editions
and CD releases (see the following two fields of the library record).
11. Modern edition. In this field we have listed the titles of modern
editions of individual or selected compositions from the given volume. We have
aimed to choose a few most representative editions, first and foremost – the
critical ones, but sometimes we also referred to facsimile editions, which enjoy
growing popularity. We do not have the ambition to provide a complete list of
editions, and such a task would undoubtedly be impossible. Naturally, this field
needs constant updating because the publishing market is developing fast.
12. Recording. Similar selective criteria have also been applied to
phonographic releases of the music material in question. This field lists selected, possibly most recent releases, those which have been deemed most representative. As the number of such releases is increasing in proportion to the
growing number of freely accessible online facsimile editions, the content of
this fields needs to be regularly supplemented as well.
4.1. Editorial standards
13. Contents. The last field of each library record describes the contents of each item, listing the music compositions cointained in the volume
(with continuous numbering). For this purpose, we applied the principle of
cumulatively unifying variable information. This appears to be a reasonable
approach to the source material at our disposal. On the one hand we have the
tables of content added on the last pages of each part book, and on the other
hand – the actual music material found in the given volume. In most cases
each of the sources provides different information about the contents of the
given item. This is owing to the fact that each part book only contains those
pieces which include a given part (an in the successive decades of the 17th century scoring and the use of musical forces underwent significant transformations). The variable content of different sources also resulted from their different character and functions. The variant versions of titles and different ways of
noting the scoring information (sometimes with guidelines for performance)
aggravated the entropy of content information. Information pertaining to the
given piece of music – its genre, architecture and liturgical function – was also
variously presented. Some titles were supplied with additional information
concerning composers (in the case of items comprising music by several artists) and authors of literary texts (whom we only list in the case of madrigals,
where specific authorship is relevant). Some titles also contain the names of
individual dedicatees. This kind of information is significant for the study of
music history, and therefore we have copied it in detail.
The large amount of data in this field and the varying ways in which they
appear in the sources has determined our decision to bring together (possibly)
all the information listed above from all the preserved part books. This method also has its problem, related to variant ways of recording the content that
recurs in different places. We have therefore accepted that the basso continuo
book will serve as our point of reference because it nearly always comprises all
the compositions contained in the given item, listed in the most orderly fashion (the sequence of works varies from one part book to another). The basis
for listing the successive compositions has been, however, the actual content
of the given volume, and not its table of contents, where the order, list and way
of recording the individual titles may be different from that in the main body
of the volume. The repertoire items of the given print or manuscript are independent music compositions. In the case of multi-movement works (such as
the settings of the mass ordinary, litanies, motets, madrigals and cantatas) we
have provided the textual incipits of the successive sections, in some cases –
along with references to musical form and genre. The transcription method we
have accepted here follows the same principles as in the field for Title.
4. The catalogue
I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all those who have supported me in recent years in my research on Daniel Sartorius’ music collection.
I owe a special debt of gratitude to: Nicholas Bell, Diana Codogni-Łańcucka,
Luigi Collarile, Barbara Eichner, Ewa Hauptman-Fischer, Jeffrey Kurtzman,
Agnieszka Leszczyńska, Martin Holmes, Michał Lewicki, Piotr Maculewicz,
Mirosław Ossowski, Szymon Paczkowski, Maria Paluszak-Łoś, Aleksandra
Patalas, Barbara Przybyszewska-Jarmińska, Anne Schnoebelen, Allen Scott,
Zbigniew Skowron, Katarzyna Spurgjasz, Marcin Szelest, Danuta Szlagowska, Marina Toffetti, Barbara Wiermann, Jan Woronczak, and Sławomira
Warszawa – Wrocław, May 2017
4.2. Wykaz skrótów | List of abbreviations
4.2. Wykaz skrótów | List of abbreviations
Daty | Dates
– 1600 rok | in the year 1600
– przed rokiem 1600 | before 1600
– około roku 1600 | around 1600
– po roku 1600 | after 1600
– XVI wiek | 16th century
– połowa XVI w. | mid-16th century
– I połowa XVI w. | 1st half of the 16th century
– II połowa XVI w. | 2nd half of the 16th century
– początek XVI w. | early 16th century
– koniec XVI w. | late 16th century
– XVI/XVII w. | turn of the 16th century
Głosy | Parts
1 (2) ch.
– primus (secundus) chorus
– Quinta vox
– Sexta vox
– Septima vox
– Octava vox
– Nona vox
– Altus, Alt
– Bassus, Basso
– basso continuo
– fagot | bassoon
– flet | flute
– organy | organ
– partitura | full score
– ripieno | ripieni
– Soprano, Cantus, Discantus
– Tenor
– puzon | trombone
– Vagans
– skrzypce | violin
– altówka | viola
– violone
4. The catalogue
Inne | Others
ad lib.
– ad libitum
– karta | card
– facsimile
– czynny w latach | active in years
– folio
– recto/verso
– sine data
– sine loco
– Sammlung
– sine nomine
– takt | measure
Sigla archiwów i bibliotek | Archive and library sigla
Archiwum Państwowe we Wrocławiu | Wrocław State Archive
Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, Musikabteilung
Berlin, Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek
Frankfurt am Main, Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg
Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Musikabteilung
Kassel, Universitätsbibliothek
München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Musikabteilung
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département de la Musique
London, The British Library
Oxford, Christ Church Library and Archives
Bologna, Museo internazionale e biblioteca della musica
Kraków, Biblioteka Jagiellońska | Cracow, The Jagiellonian Library
Wrocław, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka, Oddział Zbiorów Muzycznych |
University of Wrocław Library, Music Collections Department
Wrocław, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka, Oddział Rękopisów | University
of Wrocław Library, Manuscripts Department
Wrocław, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka, Oddział Starych Druków | University of Wrocław Library, Early Prints Department
Moskwa, Gosudarstvennyj central’nyj muzej muzykal’noj kul’tury
im. M.I. Glinki | M.I. Glinka National Museum Consortium of Musical Culture
New York Public Library at Lincoln Center, Music Division
4.3. Źródła | Sources
Stanford University, Green Library, Department of Special Collections
Washington, The Library of Congress, Music Division
4.3. Źródła | Sources
Archiwalia i Rękopisy | Archival Records and Manuscripts
APW zespół 28: Akta miasta Wrocławia – dokumenty | Acts of the city of Wrocław –
3915 [olim: P 5]. Choralistae Elisabethani.
3941 [olim: P 30,1]. Stipendiaten- und Vocationsbücher.
3944 [olim: P 31]. Stipendiaten-Rechnungsbuch.
3973 [olim: P 48/5]. fol. 8v: Verzeichniss der verkauften Kirchstellen
bei St. Elisabeth.
4777–4863 [olim: P 124,1–95]. Schulenamts- und Stipendiaten-Rechnungen.
13170 [olim: Priv 296; B. 36].
APW zespół 102: Parafia św. Elżbiety we Wrocławiu | St Elisabeth’s Parish in Wrocław
256 [olim: II. A. No. 34]. Choralistensachen (1634–1792).
4151 [olim: P. 67b]. Quittungs-Buch der Choralisten 1674–1758.
PL-WRu OR Akc. 1949/657 (Cat. 59). Pro memoria die der Elisabetanischen Bibliothec
gemachten Verehrungen betreffend.
PL-WRu OR R 467. Jacobus Pontanus Dialogorum Libri. A Dan. Sartorio Descripti vol. 2.
PL-WRu OR R 2339–2368. Schreibkalender auffs Jahr nach Christi Geburt 1640
D-Bds Mus. ms. theor. kat. 161–167. Katalogi Siegfrieda Wilhelma Dehna | Siegfried
Wilhelm Dehn’s catalogues.
D-Bds Slg Winterfeld 53. Andreas Hammerschmidt, Hochzeitsgesang für Daniel Sartorius: Es ist nicht gut, dass der Mensch allein sei.
Bohn 1 – Tabulatura organowa | keyboard tablature, 16.2d, RUS-Mcm Slg Bohn 1
[olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 1].
Bohn 2 – Tabulatura organowa | keyboard tablature, Georg Gotthard, 1573c, RUS-Mcm
Slg Bohn 2 [olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 2].
Bohn 3 – Tabulatura organowa | keyboard tablature, 16.2d, D-Bds Slg Bohn 3 [olim:
Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 3].
Bohn 4 – Tabulatura organowa | keyboard tablature, Georg Gotthard, 1575c, D-Bds
Slg Bohn 4 [olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 4].
4. The catalogue
Bohn 5 – 6 ksiąg głosowych | 6 partbooks, 16.2d, D-Bds Slg Bohn 5 [olim: Breslau,
Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 5].
Bohn 6 – Tabulatura organowa | keyboard tablature, 1567c, D-Bds Slg Bohn 6 [olim:
Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 6].
Bohn 8 – 5 ksiąg głosowych | 5 partbooks, 16.2d, D-Bds Slg Bohn 8 [olim: Breslau,
Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 8].
Bohn 9 – 6 ksiąg głosowych | 6 partbooks, Simon Lyra Olsnensis, 1580c, D-Bds Slg
Bohn 9 [olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 9].
Bohn 11 – 6 ksiąg głosowych | 6 partbooks, Georg Gotthard, 1583c, D-Bds Slg Bohn 11
[olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 11].
Bohn 15 – 5 ksiąg głosowych | 5 partbooks, Simon Lyra Olsnensis, 16.2d, D-Bds Slg
Bohn 15 [olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 15].
Bohn 18 – Tabulatura organowa | keyboard tablature, 1580c, D-Bds Slg Bohn 18 [olim:
Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 18].
Bohn 49 – 6 partii głosowych | 6 parts, Daniel Sartorius, 17.1d, D-Bds Slg Bohn 49
[olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 49].
Bohn 53 – księga chórowa | choirbook, D-Bds Slg Bohn 53 [olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 53].
Bohn 60 – 4 partie głosowe | 4 parts, Daniel Sartorius, 17.1d, D-Bds Slg Bohn 60 [olim:
Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 60].
Bohn 84 – 6 partii głosowych | 6 parts, Daniel Sartorius, 17.1d, D-Bds Slg Bohn 84
[olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 84].
Bohn 85 – 4 partie głosowe | 4 parts, Daniel Sartorius, 17.1d, D-Bds Slg Bohn 85 [olim:
Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 85].
Bohn 86 – 3 partie głosowe | 3 parts, Daniel Sartorius, 17.1d, D-Bds Slg Bohn 86 [olim:
Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 86].
Bohn 87 – 12 partii głosowych | 12 parts, Daniel Sartorius, 17.1d, D-Bds Slg Bohn 87
[olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 87].
Bohn 88 – 9 partii głosowych | 9 parts, Daniel Sartorius, 17.1d, D-Bds Slg Bohn 88
[olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 88].
Bohn 89 – 10 partii głosowych | 10 parts, Daniel Sartorius, 17.1d, D-Bds Slg Bohn 89
[olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 89].
Bohn 90 – 10 partii głosowych | 10 parts, Daniel Sartorius, 17.1d, D-Bds Slg Bohn 90
[olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 90].
Bohn 92 – 4 księgi głosowe | 4 partbooks, 1562c, D-Bds Slg Bohn 92 [olim: Breslau,
Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 92].
Bohn 97 – 6 ksiąg głosowych | 6 partbooks, Simon Lyra Olsnensis, 1593c, D-Bds Slg
Bohn 97 [olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 97].
4.3. Źródła | Sources
Bohn 98 – 8 ksiąg głosowych | 8 partbooks, Simon Lyra Olsnensis, 1597c, D-Bds Slg
Bohn 98 [olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 98].
Bohn 100 – 6 ksiąg głosowych | 6 partbooks, Michael Kittel, 1600c, D-Bds Slg Bohn
100 [olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 100].
Bohn 106 – 5 ksiąg głosowych | 5 partbooks, Simon Lyra Olsnensis, 1594c, D-Bds Slg
Bohn 106 [olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 106].
Bohn 111 – 5 ksiąg głosowych | 5 partbooks, Johann Georg Beck, 1627c, D-Bds Slg
Bohn 111 [olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 111].
Bohn 112 – partie głosowe | parts, Daniel Sartorius, 17.1d, D-Bds Slg Bohn 112 [olim:
Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 112].
Bohn 113 – pojedynczy wolumin | single volume, 17.1d, D-Bds Slg Bohn 113 [olim:
Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 113].
Bohn 114 – pojedynczy wolumin | single volume, 17.1d, D-Bds Slg Bohn 114 [olim:
Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 114].
Bohn 115 – pojedynczy wolumin | single volume, 17.1d, D-Bds Slg Bohn 115 [olim:
Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 115].
Bohn 119 – pojedynczy wolumin | single volume, D-Bds Slg Bohn 119 [olim: Breslau,
Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 119].
Bohn 129 – pojedynczy wolumin | single volume, D-Bds Slg Bohn 129 [olim: Breslau,
Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 129].
Bohn 129a – 3 partie głosowe | 3 parts, 17.1d, D-Bds Slg Bohn 129a [olim: Breslau,
Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 129a].
Bohn 129b – 10 partii głosowych | 10 parts, 17.1d, D-Bds Slg Bohn 129b [olim: Breslau,
Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 129b].
Bohn 129c – 7 partii głosowych | 7 parts, 17.1d, D-Bds Slg Bohn 129c [olim: Breslau,
Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 129c].
Bohn 129d – 13 partii głosowych | 13 parts, 17.1d, D-Bds Slg Bohn 129d [olim: Breslau,
Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 129d].
Bohn 129e – 9 partii głosowych | 9 parts, 17.1d, D-Bds Slg Bohn 129e [olim: Breslau,
Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 129e].
Bohn 129f – 13 partii głosowych | 13 parts, 17.1d, D-Bds Slg Bohn 129f [olim: Breslau,
Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 129f].
Bohn 130 – 7 partii głosowych | 7 parts, 17.2d, D-Bds Slg Bohn 130 [olim: Breslau,
Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 130].
Bohn 145 – 2 partie głosowe | 2 parts, Daniel Sartorius, 17.1d, D-Bds Slg Bohn 145
[olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 145].
Bohn 146 – 10 partii głosowych | 10 parts, Daniel Sartorius, 17.1d, D-Bds Slg Bohn
146 [olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 146].
4. The catalogue
Bohn 154 – 6 ksiąg głosowych | 6 partbooks, 17.2d, D-Bds Slg Bohn 154 [olim: Breslau,
Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 154].
Bohn 154a – 6 ksiąg głosowych | 6 partbooks, 17.2d, D-Bds Slg Bohn 154a [olim:
Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 154a].
Bohn 158 – 7 ksiąg głosowych | 7 partbooks, D-Bds Slg Bohn 158 [olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 158].
Bohn 165c – księga chórowa | choirbook, D-Bds Slg Bohn 165c [olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 165c].
Bohn 175 – księga chórowa | choirbook, 16.2d, Slg Bohn 175 [olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 175].
Bohn 176 – 4 partie głosowe | 4 parts, Daniel Sartorius, 17.1d, D-Bds Slg Bohn 176
[olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 176].
Bohn 178 – 11 partii głosowych | 11 parts, Daniel Sartorius, 17.1d, D-Bds Slg Bohn
178 [olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 178].
Bohn 181 – 2 partie głosowe | 2 parts, Daniel Sartorius, 17.1d, D-Bds Slg Bohn 181
[olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 181].
Bohn 193a – 6 partii głosowych | 6 parts, Daniel Sartorius, 17.1d, D-Bds Slg Bohn 193a
[olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 193a].
Bohn 193d – 5 partii głosowych | 5 parts, Daniel Sartorius, 17.1d, D-Bds Slg Bohn
193d [olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 193d].
Bohn 197 – 6 partii głosowych | 6 parts, Daniel Sartorius, 17.1d, D-Bds Slg Bohn 197
[olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 197].
Bohn 201d – 21 partii głosowych | 21 parts, 17.sc, D-Bds Slg Bohn 201d [olim: Breslau,
Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 201d].
Bohn 201e – 20 partii głosowych | 20 parts, 17.sc, D-Bds Slg Bohn 201e [olim: Breslau,
Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 201e].
Bohn 201f – 10 partii głosowych | 10 parts, 17.sc, D-Bds Slg Bohn 201f [olim: Breslau,
Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 201f].
Bohn 202 – 13 partii głosowych | 13 parts, 17.1d, D-Bds Slg Bohn 202 [olim: Breslau,
Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 202].
Bohn 215 – 5 partii głosowych | 5 parts, Daniel Sartorius, 17.sc, D-Bds Slg Bohn 215
[olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 215].
Bohn 219 – 4 partie głosowe | 4 parts, Daniel Sartorius, 17.sc, D-Bds Slg Bohn 219
[olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 219].
Bohn 234 – 5 partii głosowych | 5 parts, Daniel Sartorius, 17.sc, D-Bds Slg Bohn 234
[olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 234].
Bohn 240 – 12 partii głosowych | 12 parts, Daniel Sartorius, 17.sc, D-Bds Slg Bohn 240
[olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 240].
4.3. Źródła | Sources
Bohn 241 – 5 partii głosowych | 5 parts, Daniel Sartorius, 17.sc, D-Bds Slg Bohn 241
[olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 241].
Bohn 281 – 4 partie głosowe | 4 parts, Daniel Sartorius, 17.sc, D-Bds Slg Bohn 281
[olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 281].
Bohn 283 – 4 partie głosowe | 4 parts, Daniel Sartorius, 17.sc, D-Bds Slg Bohn 283
[olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 283].
Bohn 290 – 5 partii głosowych | 5 parts, Daniel Sartorius, 17.sc, D-Bds Slg Bohn 290
[olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 290].
Bohn 310 – 13 partii głosowych | 13 parts, Daniel Sartorius, 17.sc, D-Bds Slg Bohn 310
[olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 310].
Bohn 315 – 11 partii głosowych | 11 parts, Daniel Sartorius, 17.sc, D-Bds Slg Bohn 315
[olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 315].
Bohn 326 – 4 partie głosowe | 4 parts, Daniel Sartorius, 17.sc, D-Bds Slg Bohn 326
[olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 326].
Bohn 327 – 4 partie głosowe | 4 parts, Daniel Sartorius, 17.sc, D-Bds Slg Bohn 327
[olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 327].
Bohn 332 – 11 partii głosowych | 11 parts, Daniel Sartorius, 17.sc, D-Bds Slg Bohn 332
[olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 332].
Bohn 340 – 8 partii głosowych | 8 parts, Daniel Sartorius, 17.sc, D-Bds Slg Bohn 340
[olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 340].
Bohn 343 – 12 partii głosowych | 12 parts, Daniel Sartorius, 17.sc, D-Bds Slg Bohn 343
[olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek, Slg Bohn Ms. mus. 343].
Bohn 357 – tabulatura organowa i 6 ksiąg głosowych | keyboard tablature and 6 partbooks, 16.2d, D-Bds Slg Bohn 357 [olim: Breslau, Stadtbibliothek,
Slg Bohn Georg Gotthard, Ms. mus. 357].
Stare druki | Early prints
Chriſtliche Leichpredigt | Vber das troſtſprüchlein des 42. Pſalms […] Leipzig: Gregor
Ritzſch. 1632
CL. VIRI, | DANIELIS SARTORII, | Philologi acutisſimi, | De Juventute in Gymnasio
| Vratislaviensium Eliſabetano | bene meriti, | MEMORIæ | ſacra |
EPICEDIA || Vratislaviæ, | In Hæredum BAUMANNIANORUM
Typographiâ | exprimebat JOH. CHRISTOPH JACOBI, Faĉtor. |
Curſus ſancti | Bonauenture de paſſione domi=|ni cum inuitatorio himnis et can=|ticis
Laurentij Coruini: cum | epiſtola et carmine de gra=|tuita dei in nos
beneficen=|cia & de fructibus ex do=|minice paſſionis re=|cordatione proue=|nientibus. Impreſſum Vratiſlauie in officina | Ade Dyonis.
Anno a natiuitate | ſaluatoris noſtri M.D.XXI.
4. The catalogue
ERotEMAtA | MUSICAE PRACtICAE | ad captum puerilem | formata, Virgilio | Haug
au=|tore | tRIMEGIStUS IN | Aſclepio. | Non immerito in hominum
coetum Mu-|ſarum chorus eſt a ſumma diuinitate de-|miſſus, ſcilicet ne
terrenus mundus uide-|retur incultior, ſi modulorum dulcedine | caruiſſet. | VRATISLAVIAE [apud Andream Vinglerum] || M. D. XLI.
Honeſtisſimis Sponſis, | ERUDItISSIMo VIRo, | M. JOHANNI BALTHASARI | CARGIO, | In Eliſabethano & Barbarino Templo apud Vratisla-|vienſes
chori Muſici Præfeĉto, & in Gymnaſio, quod | illi vicinum est ædi,
In Libero Baronatu Civitateq[ue] Milicenſi | Notarii, & in hac Senatorisquoq; | prudentisſimi | Filiæ Unicæ, | MAtRIMoNIUM |
MDCLXVI. XII. Oĉtobris, | ſolenniter ineuntibus, | Auſpicatum &
proſperum | optantium | Fautorum, Amicorumq[ue] | CARMINA. ||
VRAtISLAVIæ, In Hæredum Baumanniorum Typographiâ |
EXPRIMEBAT Joh. Chriſtoph. Jacobi [1666].
MATTHæI | merito famam ſervabit | Apellis | Dignum laude Virum | Muſa vetans
morier. || Super Pientisſimo pariter & beatisſimo Excesſu | Nobilisſimi,
Magnifici, Strenui, | Amplisſimiq[ue] ] Dn. MATTHæI APELLIS
de Löwen=|ſtern in Langenhoff | CæSAREI, & MONSTERBERGA-OLSNENSIS | Conſiliarii Splendidisſimi... | Vratislaviæ | anno
Chriſtiano CIϽ IϽ CXLVIII. | a.d. 3. Idus Aprileis […] EPICEDIA
CARMINA. || Vratislaviæ, Typis Baumannianis [1648].
MEMoRABILIA | BIBLIotHECæ | PUBLICæ | ELISABEtANæ | WRAtISLAVIENSIS, | à | Fundatore Celeberrimo | REHDIGERIANæ | dictæ, | quæ |
A. o. R. M. DC. XCIIX. Die XV Maji, | In Actu Gymnico | à Studiosâ Gymnasii Elisabetani Juventute | exponi fecit. | Gottlob Krantz |
Histor. Eloq. & Phys. | Prof. & Bibliothecarius. | WRATISLAVIæ, |
apud Johannem Georgium Steck, | M.DC. XCIX.
oDE GERMANICA | Auff | Hochzeitliche Ehren-Frewde | Des [...] | Herrn | George Heintzen, | Vornehmen Handelsman | in Hamburg, etc. | Breutigams | Und
| Der [...] | Jungfrawen | Mariae Elisabethae | Des [...] Herrn Edward
Beckers | [...] tochter, etc. | Braut..., Leipzig: Gregor Ritzſch. 1634.
Ein Schleſiſch ſingebüchlein | aus Göttlicher ſchrift, von den fürnemſten | Feſten des
Jares, und ſonſst von andern geſengen und Pſal=|men, geſtelt auff
viel alte gewönliche melodien, ſo zum | teil vorhin Lateiniſch, zum
teil Deutſch, mit Geiſtlichen | oder auch Weltlichen texten geſungen
ſeind, | Durch | Valentinum triller von Gora, Pfar=|herrn zu Pantenaw in Nimpſchiſschen | Weichbilde. | Pſalm CL. | Alles was odem hat
4.3. Źródła | Sources
lobe den Herren. | Gedruckt zu Breſslaw, durch | Criſpinum Scharffenberg. | 1555. |
PRæSIDES | SCHoLARUM VRAtISLAVIENSIUM, [Breslau:] excudebat Formis
Chalcographicis Baumannianis Godefridus Gründer [5 czerwca
1651 | 5th June 1651]
RISM B/I 16278 – Extract oder Erster Theil auss dem Musicalischen Interim Ambrosii
Profii, darinnen etlicher vornehmer und berühmter Autorum Madrigalien und anmutige Cantiones mit Deutschen Geistlichen und Politischen texten (an statt der Italienischen) unterleget mit 3. 4. 5. 6. und
7. Stimmen, Allen Liebhabern der Edlen Musica, inn- und ausser der
Kirchen jederzeit zu gebrauchen, zu gefallen publiciret, Wittenberg:
J. Gorman 1627.
RISM B/I 16412 – Erster Theil Geistlicher Concerten und Harmonien à 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. &c Vocibus... auss den berühmbsten Italianischen und andern
Autoribus, so theils neben ihren eigenen mit noch mehren, theils auch
mit andern Texten beleget, und zu Lobe Gottes und Fortpflanzung der
edlen Music, auff vieler Begehren und Gefallen, colligiret und zum
öffentlichen Druck befördert durch Ambrosium Profium, organisten
zu St. Elisabeth in Bresslaw, Leipzig: H. Köler 1641
RISM B/I 1641 – Ander Theil Geistlicher Concerten und Harmonien, à 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Voc. cum & sine Violinis, & Basso ad Organa: Aus den berühmbsten
Italiänischen und andern Authoribus, so theils neben ihren eigenen
mit noch mehren, theils auch mit andern texten, doch ohne der Authoren Abbruch, oder an der Composition Veränderung beleget und
zum Lobe Gottes und Fortpflanzung der edlen Music, auff vieler Begehr und Gefallen colligiret, und zum öffentlichen Druck befördert
durch Ambrosium Profium, organisten zu St. Elisabeth in Bresslaw,
Leipzig: H. Köler 1641.
RISM B/I 16424 – Dritter Theil Geistlichen Concerten und Harmonien, A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. etc.
Voc. cum & sine Violinis, & Basso ad organa: Aus den berühmbsten
Italiänischen und andern Authoribus, so theils neben ihren eigenen
mit noch mehren, theils auch mit andern texten, doch ohne der Composition einzigen Abbruch beleget und zum Lobe Gottes und Fortpflanzung der edlen Music, auff vieler Begehr und Gefallen colligiret,
und zum öffentlichen Druck befördert durch Ambrosium Profium, organisten zu St. Elisabeth in Bresslaw, Leipzig: H. Köler 1642.
RISM B/I 16464 – Vierdter und letzter Theil Geistlicher Concerten Aus den berühmsten
Italiänischen und andern Authoribus, so theils mit andern oder auch
4. The catalogue
noch mehren texten beleget, und zum Lobe Gottes in öffentlichen
Kirchen-Versammlungen zu gebrauchen auch zu Gefallen allen Music-Liebhabern colligiret und publiciret von Ambrosio Profio Organ.
zu S. Elisabeth in Bresslaw, Leipzig: T. Ritsch 1646.
RISM B/I 1646 – Cunis Solennib. Jesuli Recens-Nati Sacra Genethliaca. Id est, Psalmodiae Epaeneticae. Edit Studio et Sumptib. Ambrosi Profi Elisabetani
Vratisl. organoedi, [Legnica]: typis Ligiis Sartorianis 1646.
RISM B/I 16496 – Corollarium geistlicher collectaneorum, berühmter authorum, so zu
denen bisshero unterschiedenen publicirten vier Theilen gehörig und
versprochen; Nunmehr sampt beygefügten Erraten dieselben zu rectificieren, gewähret von Ambrosio Profio Organ. bey der Kirchen zu
S. Elisabeth in Bresslaw..., Leipzig: T. Ritsch 1649.
Bibliografia | Bibliography
Katalogi drukowane | Printed catalogues
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der Bibliothek des Akademischen Instituts für Kirchenmusik und in
der Königlichen- und Universitätsbibliothek zu Breslau aufbewahrt
werden, ed. Emil Bohn, Berlin: A. Cohn 1883.
BohnH – Die musikalischen Handschriften des XVI. und XVII. Jahrhunderts in der
Stadtbibliothek zu Breslau, ed. Emil Bohn, Breslau: Hainauer 1890.
DEUMM – Dizionario enciclopedico universale della musica e dei musicisti, ed. Alberto
Basso, Torino: UTET 1983–1990.
EitnerQ – Biographisch-bibliographisches Quellen-Lexikon der Musiker und Musikgelehrten
der christlichen Zeitrechnung bis zur Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts, ed. Robert Eitner, Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlaganstalt 1959.
MGG – Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Allgemeine Enzyklopädie der Musik,
ed. Ludwig Finscher, Kassel – Basel – London – New York – Prag:
Bärenreiter; Stuttgart: Weimer Metzler 1994–2008.
NG2 – The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, ed. Stanley Sadie, London –
New York: Macmillan 2001.
NV – Il Nuovo Vogel. Bibliografia della musica italiana vocale profana pubblicata dal
1500 al 1700, ed. Emil Vogel, Alfred Einstein; François Lesure, Claudio Sartori, Pomezia: Standerini Editore 1977.
PatalasC – Catalogue of early music prints from the collections of the former Preussische
Staatsbibliothek in Berlin, kept at the Jagiellonian Library in Cracow
(Katalog starodruków muzycznych ze zbiorów byłej Pruskiej Bibliote-
Bibliografia | Bibliography
ki Państwowej w Berlinie przechowywanych w Bibliotece Jagiellońskiej
w Krakowie), ed. Aleksandra Patalas, Kraków: Musica Iagellonica 1999.
RISM A/I – Répertoire International des Sources Musicales. A/I: Einzeldrucke vor 1800 (Individual Prints before 1800), Kassel: Bärenreiter 1971–2012, CD-ROM.
RISM B/I – Répertoire International des Sources Musicales. B/I: Recueils imprimés
XVIe-XVIIe siècles, ed. François Lesure, München – Duisburg: Georg
Henle Verlag 1960.
SartoriB – Bibliografia della musica strumentale italiana: stampata in Italia fino al 1700,
ed. Claudio Sartori, Firenze: Leo S. Olschki Editore 1952, 1968.
VogelB – Bibliothek der Gedruckten Weltlichen Vocalmusik Italiens: Aus den Jahren
1500–1700. Enthaltend die Literatur der Frottole, Madrigale, Canzonette, Arien, opern etc., ed. Emil Vogel, Berlin: A. Haack 1892.
Internetowe bazy danych | Internet databases
www.bibliotecamusica.it – Gaspari online
https://books.google.pl – Google books
http://www.catholic-hierarchy.org – The Catholic Hierarchy
imslp.org – IMSLP Petrucci Music Library
http://www.internetculturale.it – Internet Culturale
https://opac.rism.info – katalog rękopisów i druków muzycznych RISM online | RISM
online catalogue of music manuscripts and prints
www.printed-sacred-music.org – Printed Sacred Music Online
http://prints.rism.info – katalog druków RISM online | RISM online catalogue of prints
http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/vol-2/ – Jeffrey Kurtzman and Anne Schnoebelen, A Catalogue of Mass, office and Holy Week Music Printed in Italy: 1516–1770,
“Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music”, Instrumenta, vol. 2 (2014)
www.treccani.it – Treccani, La Cultura Italiana
http://wikivogel.org – WikiVogel
Pozostałe | Other
Adrio Adam, Ambrosius Profe (1589–1661) als Herausgeber italienischer Musik seiner
Zeit, [w: | in:] Festschrift Gustav Fellerer zum sechzigsten Geburtstag
am 7. Juli 1962, red. | ed. Heinrich Hüschen, Regensburg: Bosse 1962,
s. | pp. 20–27.
Baecker Jorg, Thomas Rehdiger, der Mann und sein Werk. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte
des geistigen Lebens im 16. Jahrhundert. Inaugural-Dissertation zur
Erlangung der Doktorwürde der Hohen Philosophischen Fakultät
der Schlesischen Friedrich Wilhelms-Universität zu Breslau, Breslau:
Hochschulverlag 1921.
4. The catalogue
Bauch Gustav, Aktenstücke zur Geschichte des Breslauer Schulwesens im XVI. Jahrhundert, Breslau: Grass & Barth 1898.
Bauch Gustav, Beiträge zur Literaturgeschichte des schlesischen Humanismus, „Zeitschrift des Vereins für Geschichte und Altherthum Schlesiens” 30
(1896), s. | pp. 127–164.
Bauch Gustav, Geschichte des Breslauer Schulwesens vor der Zeit der Reformation,
Breslau: Ferdinand Hirt 1909 (Codex diplomaticus Silesiae, 25).
Bauch Gustav, Geschichte des Breslauer Schulwesens in der Zeit der Reformation,
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Brooks Brian, The Emergence of the Violin as a Solo Instrument in Early SeventeenthCentury Germany, Diss. Cornell University 2002.
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Charteris Richard, Newly Discovered Music Manuscripts From the Private Collection
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2012 (Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis, 3381; Musicologica Wratislaviensia, 7).
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Bibliografia | Bibliography
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4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Composer(s): Rognoni Taeggio, Francesco (1626p†); Rognoni, Riccardo (1550c–1620c)
Title: Selua de varii pasſaggi | secondo l’uso moderno, per cantare e suonare ogni |
sorte de stromenti, divisa in due Parti. Nella prima de quali | si dimostra il modo di
cantar polito, e con gratia, e la ma-|niera di portar le voce accentata, con tremoli, groppi,
trilli, | esclamationi et pasſeggiare di grado in grado, salti di terza, quinta, | sesta, ottava,
et cadenze finali per tutte le parti, con diversi altri | essempi et motetti passeggiati: cosa
ancora utile à Suonatori | per imitare la voce humana. Nella seconda poi si tratta de
| passagi difficili per gl’instromenti, del dar l’arcata, o lireggiare, | portar della lingua,
diminuire di grado in grado, cadenze finali, | essempi con canti diminuiti, con la maniera
di suonare alla | bastarda. Milano, 1620 und 1626 (mit einer lateinischen Inschrift an den
König Sigismund III in Polen) da | Francesco Rognone Taeggio […]
Publication: [–]
Description: A handwritten volume – copy of the prints by Riccardo Rognoni (Passaggi per potersi esercitare nel diminuire terminatamente con ogni sorte d’instrumenti
et anco diversi passaggi per la semplice voce humana. Di Richardo Rogniono espulso di
Val tavegia, Musico del’Eccellentissimo Duca di terranova Governator Generale nello
Stato di Milano per Sua Maestà Cattolica. Con Privilegio, Venezia: Giacomo Vincenti
1592, and its second part Il vero modo di diminuire... Venezia: Giacomo Vincenti 1592
(R 1938), and Francesco Rognoni Taeggio (Selva de varii passaggi secondo l’uso moderno, per cantare, & suonare con ogni sorte de stromenti, divisa in due parti, Milano:
Filippo Lomazzo 1620; R 1942)
Shelfmark: D-Bds Ms. mus. Slg Bohn 113/1–2
Notes on item: On p. 1 below the handwritten copy of the title page – short information about Francesco Rognoni Taeggio in German written in 19.sc, signed Breslau
1830 [Johann Theodor] Mosevius. At the end a schedule of Clavir tuning signed by
Johann Georg Beck, who was the copyist of the whole manuscript. On p. 67r [no. 84 in
the list below] some handwritten supplements by Daniel Sartorius.
Provenance: The volume bears a Rhediger Library stamp. Old shelfmarks: [L | 1.];
[Nro 1.].
Catalogues: BohnH, p. 122; RISM A/I: R 1938, R 1942; SartoriB: 1592f, 1620c,
Digitized version: the print R 1942: http://imslp.org/wiki/File:PMLP474374-passaggi_etc_ricardo_ognoni_parte1.pdf; the print Vero modo: http://imslp.org/wiki/File:PMLP474374-passaggi_etc_ricardo_ognoni_parte2.pdf
Modern edition: Francesco Rognoni Taeggio, Selva de varii passaggi, facs. ed.
Guglielmo Barblan, Bologna: Forni 2001 (Bibliotheca musica Bononiensis. Sezione II,
4. The catalogue
Recording: Francesco & Riccardo Rognoni: Selva de Varij Passaggi, Ensemble d’Allegrezza, Nanneke Schaap, Symphonia 2001 (SY 00176)
[a handwritten copy of:] Selva de varii pasſaggi | secondo l’uso moderno, per
cantare, e suonare con ogni sorte de stromenti, divisa in due parti [...], Milano
[: Filippo Lomazzo] 1620
[14 blank pages]
Modo di portar la voce
Del Tremolo in duoi modi.
Del Gruppo semplice.
[Del Gruppo] Doppio.
Del Tremolo alle Note di semibreue.
Del Trillo ſopra la minima.
Del Trillo ſopra la Semibreue.
Eſclamationj. Del Principiar ſotto la nota
Paſsaggi ſopra le semibreui per Aſcendere. Sancta Maria
Paſsaggi ſopra le semibreui p[er] diſcendere. Ora pro nobis.
Paſsaggi ſopra le Minime Aſcendendo per grado. Sancta Maria
Paſsaggi ſopra le Minime diſcendendo p[er] grado. Ora pro nobis
Paſsaggi Sopra le Semiminime aſcendendo
Paſsaggi ſopra le Semiminime diſcendendo
Paſsaggi ſopra le Crome aſcendendo
Paſsaggi ſopra le Crome Diſcendendo
Cadenze in A la mi re ſi ponno far ancore in G sol re ut per b mole.
Cadenze in e fa ut ſi puoſino fare B fa b. mi. r.
Cadenze in D. Sol. Re.
Cadenze in G. Sol. re ut.
Cadenze in C. ſol. fa ut. puono ſeruir ancora in B. fa. be. mi. r.
Cadenze in E la mi ſi ponno far ancora in A la mi re.
Salti di Terza aſcen[den]do & diſcendendo ſi puono [fare] per tutte le Voci.
Salti di Quarta aſcendendo & diſcendendo
Salti di Quinta aſcendendo & deſcendendo
Salti di Sesta aſcendendo & deſcendendo.
Salti per Ottaua
Fini Diuerſi per diuerſi parti
Semibreui & minime per andar di grado aſcendendo per la Voce del Baſso.
Sancta maria
Semibreui & minime diſcendendo per grado per la parti del Baßo
Cadenze & finali sopra il Baſso
Del modo di portar le Crome. [at the end a short avvertimento]
Modo di paſar da una nota al altra con gratia & affetti hora con auantaggiar la
parola hora stentar le notte come sogliano i ſcielti Cantorj.
Spechio de Eſſempij.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Specchio de Eſſempi.
Spechio de Eſſempi.
Specchio de Eſſempi.
Specchio de Eſſempi.
Spechio de Eſſempi.
Spechio de Eſſempi.
Spechio de Eſſempi.
Specchio de Eſſempi.
[here omitted in ms. three settings of G. P. da Palestrina’s pieces from the print,
pp. 45–49: Motetto del [G. P. da] paleſt[r]ina per il ſoprano ouero tenore (Pulcra
es); Liſteſſo motetto Paſſegiato per il Baſſo da Cantar alla Baſſtarda and Io ſon ferito ahi laſſo Madrigali del [G. P. da] Paleſt[r]ina ridotto in Mottetto Paſſaggiato
per il Soprano (as: Quanti mercenarij)]
Altri Eſſempi.
[9 blank pages; next 9 entries are not present in the print]
Salti di terza ſi pono far dulce Tre voci Più Baſſe le più alti ancora.
Cadenze finali accidentali per far con ogni ſorte de instrumenti. D. Franciſ:co
G. Cadencie in G. sol re. ut.
C. Cadenza in C. ſol fa re
A. Cadenza in A. la mi re.
B. Cadenza in b fa. la, mi.
F. Candenze in f. fa. ut.
D. Cadenze in D. la. ſol. re.
E. Cadenza in E. la. mi.
[here begins a copy of Parte Seconda, with the title page omitted]
Modo di lireggiar ogni ſtromento di Archo.
Modo di Dar la lingua al Corneto ò altro instrumento & di fiato.
Paßagi sopra le semipreui Per aſcendere.
Paſaggi sopra le ſemibreui Per diſcendere
Paſsaggi sopra le semibreui Per Aſcendere
Paſſaggi ſopra le semipreui Per diſcendere.
Paſsagi sopra le Minime Per Aſcendere di grado.
Paſsagi ſopra le Minime Per Diſcendere di grado.
Paſsaggi ſopra le semiminime p[er] aſcendere per grado.
Paſsaggi ſopra le semiminime per Diſcendere de grado.
Cadenze in G sol re ut
Cadenze in C. ſol. fa ut.
Cadenze in B. fa b. mj.
Cadenze in E. fa ut.
D. Cadenza in d. Sol. re.
A. Cadenza in a la mi re
Cadenze in G. ſol. re ŭt.
Cadenze Diuerſe
4. The catalogue
Cadenze per Finalj.
Cadenze p[er] Finalij.
Finali Diuerſi
Spechio de Exempi.
Spechio de Exempi.
Modo di ſeruirſi della nota che ſegue per paſseggiar la prima regola da quaſi
Spechio de exempi.
Spechio de exempi.
Spechio de Exempi.
Spechio de Exempi.
Spechio de Exempi.
[s.t., anonymous diminutions written by Daniel Sartorius]
[here omitted in ms. six pieces from the print, pp. 55–67: Io ſon ferito del [G.P.
da] paleſt[r]ina; Canzon del mortara detta la Porcia; Vestiua [i] colli del [G.P. da]
Palest[r]ina; Susanna D’orlando [di Lasso]... per il Violone ouer trombone alla
Baſtarda; Susanna D’orlando [di Lasso]... Sopra la Viola Baſtarda; Vestiua i colli
[by G.P. da Palestrina] per la viola Baſtarda
Eſſempi Per Sonar alla Bastarda [anonymous piece s.t. from p. 68 of the print]
[8 blank pages]
[here are omitted also the last two pieces from the print, pp. 72–75 by Ottavio
Valera: Sfogava con le ſtelle and tempesta di dolcezza]
[here begins a copy of:] PASSAGGI | per Potersi [essercitare] | Nel Diminuire
terminatamente con ogni sorte | d’Instromenti. | Et Anco Diversi Passaggi per | la
semplice voce humana. | Di Richardo Rogniono | espulso di val tavegia, | Musico
dell’Eccellentissimo Duca di terranova | Governator Generale nello Stato di Milano | per Sua Maestà Cattolica. | Con Privilegio | In Venetia | Appreſso Giacomo
Vincenti MDXCII.
[blank page]
Primo eſempio di far Prattica ſopra l’instromenti. Scala per aſcendere e diſcendere
Seconde, e terze
Seconde, e terze
Terze, e ſeconde
Sopra al medeſimo
Seconde, e quarte, tre contra una
Sopr’al medeſimo
Seconde, tre contra una
Terze, è ſeconde.
Sopra al medeſimo.
Terze e ſeconde
Sopr’al medeſimo.
Seconde, tre contra una
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Sogetto variato
Sopra al medeſimo
Terze, & quarte
Sopra al medeſimo
Sopra il ſoggietto Paſſato.
Sopra al medeſimo
Si poſſono far semicrome ſopr’al medeſimo
Sopr’ all medeſimo
Sopr’ all medeſimo
Sopr’ all medeſimo
sopr’ al medeſimo
Sopra al medeſimo
Sopr’al Medeſimo.
Sopra il medeſimo.
Due Terze, e Quarte, tre Contra una
Seste, e Terze
soper [!] al medeſimo
soper [!] al medeſimo
Seconde, e Terze
il medeſimo
Soper [!] al medeſimo
Soper al medeſimo
sop[er] al medeſimo
Quinte e Quarte.
Seste e Quinte
soper al medeſimo
soper al medeſimo
supr al medeſimo
Sopr al medeſimo Tre Contra vna
Supr al medeſimo Tre Contra vna
Supr al medeſimo Tre Contra vna
Settime e seste
Ottaue, & settime
Sopr al medeſimo
Sopr al medeſimo
Sopr al medeſimo
Sopr al medeſimo
Sopr al medeſimo
Ottaua e Settima
Ritorno per octaua e nona
Sopr al medeſimo
Sopr al medeſimo
Sopr al medeſimo
Sopr al medeſimo. Dieci semicrome Contro vna minima
Sopr al medeſimo
4. The catalogue
Sopr al medeſimo
Sopr al medeſimo
Sopr al medeſimo
Sopr al medeſimo
Sopr al medeſimo
Sopr al medeſimo
Sopr al medeſimo
Sopr al medeſimo
Sopr al medeſimo
Sopr al medeſimo. Tre contra Vna
Sopr al medeſimo
Il fine della Prima Parte
[here begins a handwritten copy of:] IL VERo MoDo | Di Diminuere | Con tutte
le sorte de Stromenti da corde, da fiato, | e ancor per la voce humana. | Di Richardo
Rognono | Espulso di Val tavegia | Musico dell’Eccellentiſsimo Duca di terranova
| Governator Generale nello Stato di Milano | per Sua Maestà Cattolica. | Parte
Seconda | Con Privilegio | In Venetia | Appreſso Giacomo Vincenti MDXCII.
Cadentie maggior.
Queste Cadentie si púo studiare una Cuarta et Quinta più alta et più bassa. Et
per fare la prattica sopra gli Stromenti si faranno una Terza più bassa come
Dopò hauer finite le Cadentie maggior seguita le Cadentie mezane
Sopra’l medesimo
Si possonò fare una Quinta più alta quelle, che uanno all’Ottava. Seguitano le
Cadentie minor.
Il medesimo
De ſemibreve
Semibreue per il riverso
De Minime ascendente
Per discender de Minime
Semiminime ascendenti.
Semiminime descendenti.
Salti di Terza di Semibreve ascendente
Per discender di Terze.
Salti di Terza di Semiminime
Salti de Quarta de Semibreve
Si torna per il riverso
Quarte de Minima ascendente
Quarte descendente
Salti de Semiminime
Per discender
Salti de Quinta de semibreve
Quinta descendente di Semibreve
Quinta de Minima ascendenti
Per discender
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Semiminime ascendenti de Quinte
Per discender
Salti de Sesta ascendente
Salti le Minime
Ottave ascendente di Semibreve e si possono fare una Quarta e Quinta più
Ottave descendente de Semibreve
De Minime ascendenti
Minime descendente Ottave
Tempi spezzati di Semibreve
Tempi spezzati di Semibreve
Seguita per discendere
Diminutioni, che si puó fare sopra il Baſso ò in Ottava Decima Duodecima
ò Quintadecima
Si potrà servire di questi quattro tempi per fine di Madrigali, ò Motetti se il
Baſso finirà in ottava, e se il Soprano finirà per terzadecima ò duodecima facilmente si potrà Diminuire per far un bel fine.
[8 blank pages, at the end a schedule of Clavir tuning]
Composer(s): Bassano, Giovanni (1558–1617); Bleyer, Nikolaus (17.sc); Dowland,
John (1563–1626); Grandi, Ottavio Maria (fl. 1626–1630); Mercure d’Orléans (17.sc);
Nau, Étienne (1596*); Rognoni, Riccardo (1550c–1620a)
Title: Fantasie per il violino
Publication: [–]
Description: One volume in fol., handwritten in instrumental notation.
Shelfmark: D-Bds Ms. mus. Slg Bohn 114
Notes on item: According to Brian Brooks (The Emergence of the Violin as a Solo
Instrument in Early Seventeenth-Century Germany, Diss. Cornell University 2002,
pp. 23–30), the manuscript was compiled by Johann Georg Beck.
Provenance: The volume bears Rhediger Library stamp. Old shelfmarks: [H | 1];
[Nro 2].
Catalogues: BohnH, pp. 122–123; RISM A/I: B 1229, G 3479, R 1938, R 1942; SartoriB: 1592f; Brian Brooks, Étienne Nau, Breslau 114 and the early 17th-century solo
violin fantasia, “Early Music” 32/1 (2004), pp. 51–53.
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
4. The catalogue
Recording: [–]
1. Fantaſia. 1.
2. Fantaſia
3. Cimbel. Von himmel hoch da komm
4. Vatter vnser im himmel reich. Cimbel
[blank page]
5. Richardi Rognoni. Voce sola [Domine quando veneris; written in the hand of
Daniel Sartorius, copied from R 1938, p. 41]
[blank page]
6. Fantaſia [= no. 10]
7. Fantaſia
8. Toccata.
9. Fantaſia in Violin. [Giovanni Bassano, Ricercate passaggi et cadentie per potersi essercitar nel diminuir terminatamente con ogni sorte d’istrumento, Venezia:
Giacomo Vincenti & Ricciardo Amadino 1585 (RISM A/I: B 1229), ricercata
ottava; = no. 24]
10. Fantaſia. [= no. 6]
11. Fantaſia
12. Fantaſia.
13. Ricercar. [= Bohn 115, f. 26]
14. Fantaſia in Violin
15. Toccata. Von Herrn Gärtner, Organisten und Violisten in Nürnberg bekommen. [= Bohn 115, f. 27v]
16. Fantaſia. Auth. Deÿffel
[blank page]
17. Fantaſia. [B 1229, ricercata prima]
18. Ricercata ſeconda. [B 1229, ricercata seconda]
19. Ricercata Terza. [B 1229, ricercata terza]
20. Ricercata Quarta [B 1229, ricercata quarta]
21. Ricercata Quinta. [B 1229, ricercata quinta]
22. Ricercata Sexta. [B 1229, ricercata sesta]
23. Ricercata Septima. [B 1229, ricercata settima]
24. Ricercata Octaua [B 1229, ricercata ottava; = no. 9]
[2 blank pages]
25. Fantaſia
26. Fantaſia [= nos. 35, 43]
27. Fantaſia.
28. Fantaſia
29. Fantaſia
30. Fantaſia
31. Fantaſia
32. Fantaſia
33. Fantaſia
34. Fantaſia
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Fantaſia [= nos. 26, 43]
Fantaſia [= no. 39]
Fantaſia [= no. 37]
[blank page]
Engliß Mars. Nicolai Bleÿers Violiſta bey dem H.V. von Schaumburg
Cappricio della Frantzeſa
Fantaſia [= nos. 26, 35]
[blank page]
Modo di Paſseggiar. Con diuerſe Inuentionj Non regolate al Canto NB. Vestiua i colli del [G. P. da] Palest[r]ina [Francesco Rognoni, RISM A/I: R 1942,
pp. 59–61]
Sonata per vn Violino. NB. [vl part of Ottavio Maria Grandi, Sonate per ogni
sorte di stromenti, op. 2, Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1628, G 3479, no. 1]
Fantaſia Frantz.
Fantaſia Steffan Nau: [at the end of the piece:] Stephan Naw. der Princeſsin zu
Heÿdelberg Dantzmeiſter hatts Componirt.
Bergamaſca. Von Nürnberg bekomen.
Ballett Mercurij. [Mercure d’Orléans]
More Palatino. Cum Variatione.
Echo in Violino ouer Cornetto.
More palatino.
Viel trawren in meinem hertzen [Bass Viol]
Fantaſia. Bass Viol.
Anchor che Col Partire. Viola Bastarda
Currant. [Bass Viol]
Fantasia [Bass Viol]
[s.t.; Bass Viol]
Bergamaſca. [Bass Viol]
[s.t.; Bass Viol]
Ricercar. Auff auff mein Hertze [Bass Viol]
Ricercar. [Bass Viol]
Alamanda. Viola.
[blank page]
[blank page]
Fuga duum Vocum
[30 blank pages]
Paſsomezo G: b mol. Cum variationibus.
[15 blank pages]
[s.t.; Riccardo Rognoni, R 1938, per la Viola bastarda, Anchor che col partire]
[s.t.; Riccardo Rognoni, R 1938, Per la Viola bastarda, Anchor che col partire]
4. The catalogue
[s.t.; Riccardo Rognoni, R 1938, Per la Viola bastarda in altro modo. Unghai
[s.t.; Riccardo Rognoni, R 1938, Facile per la Viola bastarda. Unghai bergie]
[blank page]
Fantasia in Bastard. [Bass Viol]
[blank page]
Solus Cum sola gesetz a A. H. [pavana by John Dowland in keyboard tablature]
[blank 3 pages]
Composer(s): Scarani, Giuseppe (17.sc)
Organista, Muſico della Sereniſsima Republica. | DEDICAtE | ALLA SACRA MAESTA |
PRIMA. | [typographer’s mark] | STAMPA DEL GARDANO. | IN VENETIA. M.DC.
XXX. || Appreſſo Bartholomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Bartolomeo Magni 1630
Description: 4 partbooks in fol.: S I, S II, B, bc. On p. 1 dedication of the composer
dated 25th March 1630. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo and performance
indications: Allegro, Largo, Adaſio, Preſto, affetto, t.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50120 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Complete set of partbooks. Some
handwritten accidentals.
Provenance: All partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [F | 4];
[Nro. 3.]; Mus. 667.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 380; RISM A/I: S 1167; SartoriB: 1630b
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Giuseppe Scarani, 18 Sonate concertate a due e tre voci (Venezia
1630), ed. Doron David Sherwin, Bologna: Ut Orpheus 1998
Recording: Music for strings in the Republic of Venice 1615–1630, Sonatori de la Gioiosa Marca, Divox Antiqua 1998 (CDX-79707)
1. Sonata Prima. A Due Canti.
2. Sonata Seconda. Sopra Il Gazzella. A Due Canti.
3. Sonata Terza. A Due Canti.
4. Sonata Quarta. A Due Canti.
5. Sonata Quinta. A Due Canti.
6. Sonata Seſta. A Due Canti, Sopra Re, mi, fa, ſol, la.
7. Sonata Settima. A Due, Canto, e Baſſo.
8. Sonata Octaua. A Due, Canto, e Baſſo.
9. Sonata Nona. A Due, Canto, e Baſſo.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Sonata Decima. A Due, Canto, e Baſſo.
Sonata Decima prima. A Due, Canto, e Baſſo.
Sonata Decima ſeconda. A Due, Canto, e Baſſo.
Sonata Decima terza. A Tre, Due Canto, e Baſſo.
Sonata Decima quarta. A Tre, Due Canto, e Baſſo.
Sonata Decima quinta. A Tre, Due Canto, e Baſſo.
Sonata Decima ſexta. A Tre, Due Canto, e Baſſo.
Sonata Decima ſettima. A Tre, Due Canto, e Baſſo.
Sonata Decima Ottaua. A Tre Due Canto, e Baſſo, Sopra la Nouella. Và portata
tutta Larghiſsima.
Composer(s): Rasi, Francesco (1574–1621)
Title: DIALOGHI | RAPPRESENTATIVI | Compoſti inſieme con le parole | DAL
Compoſti, & dati in luce. | CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, ||
Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXX. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1620
Description: According to Bohn, one volume in fol., at the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: Unique specimen of the print, no longer preserved; even though NV
gives: Wrocław: PL-WRu.
Notes on item: [–]
Provenance: Old shelfmarks: [A 1]; [Nro 4 (a)]; [Mus. 587].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 324; RISM A/I: not listed; VogelB: II, p. 120; NV 2314
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Dialogo I (Niso, Driade e Fillide): Tu ch’hai l’alba ne lumi. A 1 [prima parte]
– Sann’ homai queste selve. A 1 (seconda parte) – lo che non hebbi al sen. A 1
(terza parte) – E così dolce il duolo. A 1 (quarta parte) – Alma che’ndarno prega. A 1 (quinta parte) – Sia pur la Donna mia. A 1 (sesta parte) – Hor frena’l
duolo. A 1 (settima parte) – Ecco pur, lassa me. A 1 (ottaua parte) – Per chi
veloce. A 1 (Arietta. nona parte) – O del arc’ o degli strali. A 2 (decima parte)
2. Dialogo II (Fileno, Dori, Neera): Tu che dolce apprendesti. A 1 [prima parte]
– Da che rimiro il sole. A 1 (seconda parte) – Senti Doride. A 1 (terza parte) –
Fra l’alme avventurose. A 1 (quarta parte) – Fra quanti mai. A 2 (quinta parte)
– Deh come il cor commove. A 1 (sesta parte) – O del sol messagia, Aurora. A 2
(Canzonetta, settima parte)
3. Dialogo III (Galatea, Amina, Altea): O ciel che volgi intorno. A 1 [prima parte]
– O caduche speranze. A 1 (seconda parte) – O terreno gior. A 1 (terza parte) –
4. The catalogue
O del terreno regno. A 3 (quarta parte) – Si tempti il nostro duolo. A 1 (quinta
parte) – Se’l celeste almo soggiorno. A 3 (sesta parte)
Dialogo IV (Sireno, Fillide e Clori): Prendi la cetra homai. A 1 [prima parte] –
Tu che qual’hor d’intorno. A 1 (seconda parte) – Come augel, che solingo. A 1
(terza parte) – Chi sprezza l’empia sorte. A 2 (quarta parte) – Non più del ben
permesso. A 1 (quinta parte) – Se’l ciel di te pietoso. A 2 (sesta parte) – Come
potrò già mai. A 1 (settima parte) – Qui dov’ i dolci humori. A 1 (ottaua parte)
– Da quel dì. A 2 (nona parte)
Composer(s): Frescobaldi, Girolamo (1583–1643)
coat of arms] IN VENETIA, | Appresso Aleſſandro Vincenti M D C XXXV. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1635
Description: One volume in fol. On an unnumbered page the dedication of the
composer dated 20th August 1635 ALL’EMINENtISSIMo, Et REVERENDISSIMo
SIG. IL SIGNoRE CARDINALE ANtoNIo BARBERINo. On the following page the
preface AL LEttoRE. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50062 Muz.
Notes on item: The central part of the title page damaged; the missing letters pasted
in on substitutory paper sheets. Some tempo indications: Adaſio, Alegro. Some handwritten accidentals.
Provenance: The volume bears Rhediger Library stamp. Old shelfmarks: [L | 1];
[Nro 4 (b)]; Mus. 326b.
Catalogues: BohnD, not listed; RISM A/I: F 1871; SartoriB: 1635a;
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/viewschedatwbca.asp?
path=/cmbm/images/ripro/gaspari/_Z/Z178/ (the specimen from I-Bc)
Modern edition: Girolamo Frescobaldi, Fiori musicali di diverse compositioni, toccate, Kirie, Canzoni, Capricci e Ricercari in partitura a 4: utili per sonatori, ed. Christopher Stembridge, Padova: Armelin 1997
Recording: Girolamo Frescobaldi: Fiori Musicali. 3 organ Masses, Roberto Loreggian,
Schola Gregoriana Scriptoria, Nicola M. Bellinazzo, Brilliant Classics 2009 (BC 94988)
1. Toccata Auanti la Meſſa Della Domenica
2. Kirie Della Domenica
3. Kirie
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Christe Alio modo
Christe Alio modo
Christe Alio modo
Kirie Alio modo
Kirie Alio modo
Kirie Vltimo
Kirie Alio modo
Kirie Alio modo
Canzon Dopo la Piſtola.
Recercar Dopo il Credo.
Tocata Cromaticha Per le leuatione.
Canzon post il Comune.
Tocata Auanti la Meſſa Delli Apoſtoli.
Kyrie delli Apoſtoli.
Canzon Dopo la Pistola.
Tocata Auanti Il Recercar.
Recercar Cromaticho poſt il Credo.
Altro Recercar.
Tocata pe le leuatione [!]
Recercar Con obligo del Baſſo come appare.
Canzon Quarti Toni. Dopo il poſt Comune.
Tocata Auanti la Meſſa della Madonna.
Kyrie della Madonna.
Canzon dopo la Pistola.
Recercar Dopo il Credo.
Tocata Auanti il Recercar.
Recercar Con obligo di Cantare la Quinta parte ſenza Tocarla.
Intendomi chi può che m’intend’io
Tocata per le leuatione.
Bergamaſca. Chi queſta Bergamaſca ſonara non pocho Imparera.
Capricio ſopra la Girolmeta
4. The catalogue
Composer(s): Sabbatini, Galeazzo (1597–1662)
alcune Canzonette Concertate con Inſtromenti, | DI | GALEAZZO SABBATINI |
| Nuouamente compoſti, e dati in Luce | ET A SVA ECCELENZA ILLVSTRISSIMA |
DEDICATI | CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo
Aleſſandro Vincenti. M DC XXXVI. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1636
Description: Set of 6 partbooks: S, S II/A, T, B, vl/b per sonare in 4o and bc in fol. On
the back of the title page in the vocal partbooks – dedication of the composer dated
20th January 1636. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo and dynamic indications: pian, allegro.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50114 Muz., cfr. the doublette, no. 359 in the present catalogue.
Notes on item: B and vl/b partbooks missing. Bc partbook damaged. On p. 39 of
the bc partbook handwritten music errata of the Non è ne mai ſara. In S II/A partbook
some handwritten accidentals. On the title page written in pencil: 444 | VI; 60.
Provenance: All the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: L | 6; [Nro 4 (c)]; Mus. 639.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 347; RISM A/I: S 21, SS 21; VogelB: II, p. 182; NV 2509;
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/viewschedatwbca.asp?
path=/cmbm/images/ripro/gaspari/BB/BB285/ (the specimen from I-Bc)
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Folgori Gioue pur, tuoni, tempeſti A 2. A doi Canti, ò Tenori
2. Viver tra pianti e tra ſoſpiri A 2. A doi Canti, ò Tenori
3. Deh toſto amor, aita. A 2. Canto, & Alto. Dialogo.
4. Felice te, che ſotto fronde ombroſa A 2. Alto, e Tenore
5. Doue n’andrà dolente alma errante A 2. Canto, e Baſſo. Dialogo.
6. Doue, misero me, doue be vad’io A 2. Alto, e Tenore. Recitatiuo.
7. O Filii, ſe’l mio graue ardore. Dialogo A 2. Canto, e Tenore.
8. Amor, che deggio far A 3 Voci. Doi Canti, ò Tenori, e Baſſo.
9. Ah che la donna mia A 3 Voci. Canto, Alto, e Tenore.
10. Mentre langue Maria A 2. & a 3. ſe piace. Canto, Alto, e Baſſo ſe piace.
11. Mentre l’Aquila ſta mirando il ſole A 3. doi Tenori, e Alto.
12. Ch’io mi ſcordi di voi A 3 Voci. Canto, Tenore, e Baſſo
13. Clorinda, hai tu deſio A 4. voci. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
O bella Filli dea A 4 voci. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
Non è, ne mai ſarà maggior beltà A 2 voci. Alto, e Tenore, coi doi Violini, e Baſſo
ſe piace.
Voi vedete il mio mal e gioite crudel A 3. Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo, con doi Violini,
ſe piace. Volendo cantare, con le voci ſole, ſi tralaſciano le ſinfonie
Non ſegua Amor chi ſenza ſorte naſce A 3. Canto, Alto, e Baſſo, con doi Violini,
ſe piace. Volendo cantare, con le voci ſole, ſi tralaſciano li Ritorneli
Bella, e vaga pargoletta, tutta lieta. Ciacona A 6. Doi Canti, ò Tenori, e Baſſo, doi
Violini, e Baſſo da ſonare [or:] viola ſe piace
Quando la donna ſi dimoſtra altiera A 4. C. A. T. B. con doi Violini, e Baſſo per
Inſtromenti, ſe piace [or:] Viola a beneplacito
Composer(s): Grandi, Alessandro (1586–1630)
Title: MOTETTI | A VNA, ET DVE | VOCI | Con Sinfonie d’Iſtromenti Partiti
per cantar, & | ſonar co’l Chittarone | DI ALESSANDRO GRANDI | Vice Maeſtro di
Capella della Sereniſſima Signoria | di Venetia in S. Marco. | Nouamente riſtampati &
corretti. | CON PRIVILEGIO. | Dedicati All’ Illuſtriſſimo, & Reuerendiſſimo Monſignor
| Gio: Franceſco Moroſini Abbate di Leno; | & Canonico di Padoa. | LIBRO PRIMO. |
[typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti M DC XXVI. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1626
Description: According to Bohn, set of 5 partbooks: S I, S II, org in fol., vl I, vl II
in 4o. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: Specimen no longer preserved, cfr. the doublette, no. 173 in the present
Notes on item: [–]
Provenance: Old shelfmarks: [B | 3]; [Nro 4 (d)]; [Mus. 354].
Catalogues: Cfr. no. 173
Digitized version: Cfr. no. 173
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
Contents: Cfr. no. 173
Composer(s): Possenti, Pellegrino (1597–1649)
Title: CONCENTVS | ARMONICI | Duobus, Tribus & Quatuor | Inſtrumentis
POSCENTIO. | CVM PRIVILEGIo. | [typographer’s mark] | SVB SIGNVM GARDANI |
VENETIIS. M.DC.XXVIII. || Appud Bartholomeum Magni. |
4. The catalogue
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1628
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in fol.: I Pars, II Pars, III Pars, org. On p. 1 (in
II Pars partbook on the back of the title page) dedication of the composer REVERENDISSIMo DoMINo D. GENERALI AC REVER.DIS ADMoDVM DEFFINItoRIBUS SANCtI SPIRItVS VENEtIARVM. S. P. D. dated 1st August 1628. At the
end – a list of contents. Some dynamic, tempo and performance indications: p., t.,
piano, adaſio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50099 Muz.
Notes on item: Only I Pars and II Pars partbooks extant.
Provenance: Both extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[E | 4]; [Nro 5]; [Mus. 572].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 313; RISM A/I: P 5250; SartoriB: 1628h;
www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=29676
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. La Dacciana à 2
2. La Benzona à 2
3. La Bartola à 2
4. La Campolonga à 2
5. La Sigurtà à 2
6. La Cornera à 2
7. La Pizzona à 2
8. La Zifrana à 3
9. La Vbalda à 3
10. La Balbi à 3
11. La Poncinella à 3
12. La Coruiona à 3
13. La Sebaſtiana à 3
14. La Bencia à 3
15. La Vedoa à 3
16. La Ronconata à 3
17. La Patauina à 4
18. La Mazza à 4
Composer(s): Grandi, Alessandro (1586–1630)
GRANDI | Nuouamente ristampate, et con ogni diligentia | corrette, et di noua
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
aggiunta accreſciute | CON PRIVILEGIO. [typographer’s mark] || Appreſso Aleſsandro
Vincenti. M DC XX. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1620
Description: According to Bohn, one volume in fol., at the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: Specimen no longer preserved; in NV I, p. 801: Un esempl. esisteva nella
Stadtbibliothek di Breslau. Ma pare sia stato distrutto durante l’ultima guerra.
Notes on item: [–]
Provenance: Old shelfmarks: [[ ;]אNro 6]; [Mus. 352].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 158; RISM A/I: not listed; VogelB: I, p. 309; NV 1268
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Amor altri si duol. Cantada [prima parte] – Dolce sprone’ l tuo stral (seconda
parte) – Altra gioia trovar non bramo (terza parte) – Io vorrei mille cor (quarta
parte) – Dunque piov’ in me (quinta parte)
2. Vanne, vattene amor, lunge da questo cor. Cantada [prima parte] – Non puote
alma gentil (seconda parte) – Che sperar poss’io (terza parte) – Oh come sa
tingersi (quarta parte) – Ben anco mi sovien (quinta parte) – Rompend’hor
tanta fè (sesta parte)
3. Udito han pur i dei. Cantada [prima parte] – Hor ecco io veggio (seconda parte) – Quante volte io ti dissi (terza parte) – Quante volte gridai (quarta parte)
– Hor dov’ andrò (quinta parte) – Chi oscurò quelle perle (sesta parte) – Che
tieni ohimè (settima parte) – O passaggio spietato (ottava parte) – Che segui
a tua bellezza (nona parte)
4. Apre l’huomo infelice all’hor che nasce. Sonetto. [prima parte] – Fanciullo, poi
che non più (seconda parte) – Quante poscia sostien (terza parte) – Chiud’al fin
le sue spoglie (quarta parte) [Giambattista Marino]
5. Unite i corpi. Sonetto [prima parte] – Congiunti insieme (seconda parte) – Incontratevi homai (terza parte) – Deh non sieno tra voi (quarta parte)
6. O bella cantatrice. Madrigale
7. In un cerchietto d’oro. Madrigale
8. Falso sembiante. Aria
9. Disgombrasti pur il velo, disvelasti pur il cielo. Aria
10. Ecco la rosa. Aria
11. Non è beltà che con l’età non perd’il suo. Aria
12. Piangesti, pregasti, mio cor. Aria
13. Venite pur, sospiri. Aria
14. Io pur ti priego. Aria
15. Rasciugate per pietate. Aria aggiunta
16. Occhi belli. Aria aggiunta
4. The catalogue
Lusinghera, menzogniera. Aria aggiunta
Hor che temprato raggio. Aria aggiunta
Vientene Lidia mia. Aria aggiunta
Composer(s): Grandi, Ottavio Maria (fl. 1626–1630)
Title: SONATE | Per ogni ſorte di Stromenti à 1. 2. 3. 4. & 6. | Con il Baſſo per
l’Organo. | DEL P. F. OTTAVIOMARIA GRANDI | Organiſta della Cathedrale, &
della Chiesa della | Miracoloſiſsima MADONNA de Serui | di Reggio, e Profeſſore
di Violino. | Opera Seconda. | DEDICAtA. | AL SER.MO PRENCIPE | FRANCESCO
D’ESTE. | [typographer’s mark] | STAMPA DEL GARDANO. | IN VENETIA
M. DC. XXVIII. | Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Bartolomeo Magni 1628
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in fol.: S I/II parte, B/III parte, IV parte, V parte,
org. On p. 2 dedication AL SEREN.Mo SIG.RE PRENCIPE FRANCESCo D’EStE of the
composer dated 1st March 1628. On p. 3 an Italian poem, dedicated to the same patron.
At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo and dynamic indications: adagio, F[orte],
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50067 Muz.
Notes on item: Only B/III parte partbook extant. The partbook damaged in some
places, restored and supplemented with new paper cards. Some handwritten notes in
pencil from the 19th c. On the title page written in pencil: 69 | V.
Provenance: The extant partbook bears Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[D | 5]; [Nro 7]; Mus. 371.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 163; RISM A/I: G 3479; SartoriB: 1628d;
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=27307
Modern edition: Ottavio Maria Grandi, Vier Sonaten für 2 Sopranblockflöten (Violinen), Bass und Basso continuo, ed. Martin Nitz, Wien – München: Doblinger 2004
Recording: [–]
1. Sonata Prima. Per un Violino
2. Sonata Seconda. Per un Violino
3. Sonata Terza. A 2 Soprani
4. Sonata Quarta. A 2 Soprani
5. Sonata Quinta. A 2 Soprani
6. Sonata Sexta. A 2 Soprani
7. Sonata Settima. A 2. Canto, e Baſſo.
8. Sonata Ottaua. A 2. Canto, e Baſſo.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Sonata Nona. A 2. Canto e Baſſo.
Sonata Decima. A 2. Canto e Baſſo.
Sonata Vndecima. A 3. duoi Canti, e Baſſo. Al Molto Illuſtre, & Reuerendiſsimo
Signor Abbate Lodouico Nicolini, Theologo della Cathedrale di Reggio.
Sonata Duodecima. A 3. duoi Canti e Baſſo. Al Molto Illuſtre, & Molto Reuerendo Signore Giulio Scala, Canonico della Cathedrale, e Gentilhuomo del
Sereniſsimo Prencipe di Modona.
Sonata Terza decima. A 3. duoi Canti e Baſſo.
Sonata Quarta decima. A 3. duoi Canti, è Baſſo.
Sonata Quinta decima. A 4. duoi Canti, & duoi Baſsi.
Sonata Seſta decima. A 4. duoi Canti, & duoi Baſsi. Al Illuſtre, & Molto Reuerendo Padre Maeſtro Franceſco Canuti Seruita, Theologo Dell’Eccellentiſsimo Prencipe di Guaſtalla.
Sonata Decima Settima. A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſso. Al Illuſtre Signore
Alfonſo Pagani dal Violino Mio Maeſtro e Muſico Eccelentiſsimo del’Illuſtriſsima Signoria di Bologna.
Sonata Decima Ottaua. A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſso. Al Molto Reuerendo
P. F. Franceſco Piſani Seruita, Padre di Molto Merito.
Sonata Decima nona. A 5. Quattro Tromboni, & vn Violino, e ſi potrà Sonar
queſta parte all’Ottaua Alta, ò decima quinta con vn Stromento acuto mancandoui queſto Trombone. Al Molto Illuſtre, & Molto Reuerendo Signore Paolo
Tinti, Canonico Della Collegiata di S. Proſpero di Reggio.
Sonata Vigeſima. A 6. Tre Violini, & Tre Tromboni. Al Molto Illuſtre Signor
Antonio Aſſaroſi, Virtuoſiſsimo Signore.
Composer(s): Calzareri, Carlo (17.sc)
[a woodcut representing an eagle crowned with the laurels and two coats of arms] |
Opera Prima | [coat of arms] | Stampa del Gardano | IN VENETIA MDCLIII. Apreſſo
Franceſco Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1653
Description: Set of 2 partbooks: Voce in 4o and Part. in fol. On p. 3 dedication of the
composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50310 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Only Voce partbook extant.
Provenance: Old shelfmarks: [M E | 2]; [Nro 8]; [Mus. 197].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 83; RISM A/I: C 270; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
4. The catalogue
1. Omnes gentes plaudite manibus. Per il Sabbato in Albis
2. Cantate Domino plaudite citharis. Per Santa Toſcana.
3. Qui eſcat vox tua. Per la Natiuità della Madona.
4. Paſtores venite videte infantem. Per la Natiuità del Sig.
5. In ſolemnitate cantabat populus Israel. In qual ſi voglia Solenità
6. Læta cæleſtibus perfusa. Per la Reſurretione del Sig.
7. Annis quibus vidimus mala. Per il Sabbato in Albis.
8. Ecce ſponſus venit. Per Santa Franceſca.
9. Audite cæli quæ loquor audiat terra. Per qual ſi voglia ſolennità.
10. Plaudite gentes iubilate populi. Per S. Dominico.
11. O ineſtimabilis dilecti o caritatis. Per il SS. Sacramento
12. Venite gentes currite populi. Per S. Steffano
13. Salue Regina
Composer(s): Marini, Biagio (1594–1663)
Title: SONATE | SYMPHONIE | Canzoni, Paſs’ emezzi, | Baletti, Corenti, | Gagliarde,
| & Retornelli, | A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. & 6. Voci, | Per ogni ſorte d’Inſtrumenti. | Vn Capriccio per
Sonar due Violini Quatro parti. Vn Ecco | per tre Violini, & alcune Sonate Capriccioſe
per Sonar | due e tre parti con il Violino Solo, con altre | curioſe & moderne inuentioni.
| Opera Ottaua | CoN PRIVILEGIo. | DEL SIGNOR BIAGIO MARINI | Accademico
Occulto Gentilhomo | è Maeſtro della Muſica. | DEL SER.mo SIG.r VOLFGANGO
VILLELMO | Conte Palatino del Reno, Duca di Bauiera, | Giugliers, Cleues, & Berg. &c.
| [typographer’s mark] | STAMPA DEL GARDANO | IN VENETIA M DC XXVIIII. ||
Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Bartolomeo Magni 1629
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in fol.: S I, S II, T, B, 5/6, bc. On p. 1 the dedication of the composer to SER.MAE PRINCIPI ISABELLAE CLARAE EVGENIAE HISPANIARVM INFANtI, ARCHIDVCI AVStRIAE, signed Neuburg, 1st October 1626.
At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50089 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Complete set of partbooks. Missing pages:
S I – pp. 45–46; B – pp. 13–14; bc – title page and pp. 3–6, 47–50, 53–54. Some tempo and
dynamic indications: forte, piano, più piano, preſto, tardo. Some handwritten accidentals
and performance signs: t. The specimen underwent conservation in 1972.
Provenance: All partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: C | 6;
[Nro 9]; Mus. 469.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 272–273; RISM A/I: M 663, MM 663; SartoriB: 1629g
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=18796
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Modern edition: Biagio Marini, Sonate, symphonie, canzoni... op. 8 per ogni sorte di
strumenti; opera ottava, facs. ed. Maura Zoni, Milano: Edizioni Suvini Zerboni 2004
(Monumenti musicali italiani, 23)
Recording: Biagio Marini: opus 8 con curiose & moderne inventioni 1629, CordArte,
Raumklang 2004 (RK2306)
1. Sonata Prima A 2. à doi Violini.
2. Sonata Seconda A 2. à doi Violini, ò Cornetti.
3. Sonata Terza A 2. à doi Violini, ò Cornetti.
4. Sonata Quarta A 2. A doi Violini
5. Sonata Quinta A 2. A doi Violini, ò Cornetti.
6. Sonata Sexta A 2. Per doi Flautini ò Cornetti alla quarta.
7. Sonata Septima A 2. Violini è Chitarone ò Arpa doppia. Sopra A voi do vinto il Cor
8. Sonata Octaua A 2. per doi Fagotti ò Tromboni Groſſi.
9. Sonata Nona A 2. per doi Fagotti, ò Tromboni Groſſi.
10. Sonata Decima A 2. Canto [Violino] è Baſſo ad libitum. Si può ſonare anco con
vna parte ſola
11. Sonata Vndecima A 2. Violino è Fagotto. Canto, è Baſſo
12. Sonata Duodecima A 2. Canto, è Baſſo ad libitum. Si può Sonare con vna parte
ſola cioe Violino ò Trombone [Canto Solo]
13. Sonata 13 Senza Cadenza A 2. A doi Violini, ò Cornetti
14. Capriccio per decima quarta A 2. Per ſonar quattro parti con doi Violini
15. Sinfonia Prima A 3. Doi Canti [Violini], e Baſso [Chitarone, ò altro Baſſo]
16. Sinfonia Seconda A 3. Doi Canti [Violini] è Baſſo
17. Sinfonia Terza A 3. Doi Cornetti, e Trombone
18. Sinfonia Quarta A 3. Doi Cornetti è Trombone
19. Sinfonia Quinta A 3. Doi Violini, e Baſſo
20. Sonata ſopra la Monica A 3. Doi Violini, Baſſetto ò Viola da gamba [ò altro
21. Balletto Primo A 3. Doi Violini, e Baſso ò Chitarone [ò altro Iſtromento ſimile]
22. Balletto Secondo, & Corrente A 3. Doi Violini, e Baſso ò Chitarone [ò altro
Iſtromento ſimile]
23. Balletto Terzo, & Corrente A 3. Doi Violini, e Baſso ò Chitarone [ò altro Iſtromento ſimile]
24. Balletto quarto, & Corrente A 3. Doi Violini, e Baſso ò Chitarone [ò altro Iſtromento ſimile]
25. Balletto Quinto alla Alemana, & Corrente Todeſco A 3. Doi Violini, e Baſso
ò Chitarone [ò altro Iſtromento ſimile]
26. Balletto Seſto Alemano, & Corente Todeſco A 3. Doi Violini, e Baſso ò Chitarone [ò altro Iſtromento ſimile]
27. Balletto Settimo Alemano, & Corrente A 3. Doi Violini, e Baſso ò Chitarone
[ò altro Iſtromento ſimile]
28. Balletto Ottauo alla Polacca, & Corente A 3. Doi Violini, e Baſso ò Chitarone
[ò altro Iſtromento ſimile]
4. The catalogue
Corrente Nona alla Franceſe. A 3. Doi Violini, e Baſso ò Chitarone [ò altro
Iſtromento ſimile]
Corrente decima alla Franceſe. A 3. Doi Violini, e Baſso ò Chitarone [ò altro
Iſtromento ſimile]
Corrente vndecima alla Franceſe A 3. Doi Violini, e Baſso ò Chitarone [ò altro
Iſtromento ſimile]
Corrente duodecima alla Franceſe A 3.
Gagliarda Prima A 3. Doi Violini e Chitarone ò Arpa doppia
Gagliarda Seconda A 3. Doi Violini e Chitarone ò Arpa doppia
Gagliarda Terza A 3. Doi Violini e Chitarone ò Arpa doppia
Gagliarda Quarta A 3. Doi Violini e Chitarone ò Arpa doppia
Ritornello Primo A 3. Doi Violini, e Chitarone ò altri Stromenti
Ritornello Secondo A 3. Doi Violini, e Chitarone ò altri Stromenti
Ritornello Terzo A 3. Doi Violini, e Chitarone ò altri Stromenti
Ritornello Quarto A 3. Doi Violini, e Chitarone ò altri Stromenti
Ritornello Quinto A 3. Doi Violini, e Chitarone ò altri Stromenti
Ritornello Seſto A 3. Doi Violini, e Chitarone ò altri Stromenti
Ritornello Septimo del Tuono A 3. Doi Violini, e Chitarone ò altri Stromenti
Ritornello Ottauo del Tuono A 3. Doi Violini, e Chitarone ò altri Stromenti
Sonata A 3. in Ecco. Con tre Violini. Il Primo Violino deue eſsere viſto, & gli
altri due nò.
Canzon Prima A 4. Per quattro Violini ò Cornetti
Canzon Seconda A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore e Baſso
Canzon Terza à 4 Tromboni. Queſta parte può eſſer Sonata da vn Corneto,
ò Violino al’Octaua
Canzon Quarta à 4. Doi Soprani [Violini, ò Cornetti], e doi Baſsi [Tromboni]
ad libitum. Et ſi può Sonare anco à 2 Soprani Soli.
Canzon Quinta A Quattro. Due Violini e Due Viole Da Gamba
Canzon Sexta A Quatro. Due Cornetti [Soprani], e Due Baſsi [Tromboni] ad
libitum. Et si può sonare due parti solamente cioe li 2. Soprani ouero li 2 Baſsi.
Canzon Septima a doi Chori. Nel primo [coro] due Canti e Baſſo ad libitum, nel
Secondo doi Tromb. A 6 è 5. ad libitum tralaſciando il Baſo del primo Choro.
Canzon Ottaua A 6. Doi Soprani [Violini], è Quatro Tromboni
Canzone Nona a doi Chori. A 6 & a 5 tralaſciando la Viola. Nel primo Coro doi
Violini vna Viola è tre Tromboni nel ſecondo [coro] tre Tromb.
Canzon Decima A 6. Doi Canti [Violini], è Quattro Cornetti Tromboni ò Viole
Sonata Prima. Per il Cornetto ò Violino Solo Semplice
Sonata Seconda d’Inuentione. Per il Violino
Sonata Terza. Per il Violino ſolo Variata
Sonata quarta. Per il Violino Per Sonar con due corde
Capriccio. Per Sonar con il violino ſolo tre parti [corde] in modo di Lira
Paſs’ è mezo Concertato in Otto Parti. Doi Violini, e Chitarone ò altro Simile
Sonata per l’Organo. Violino ò Cornetto, Trombone ad Libitum
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Composer(s): Buonamente, Giovanni Battista (1595–1642)
| ET BRANDI | a Tre, due Violini, & Basso di Viola, ò da Brazzo | NUOVAMENTE
Signore, & Padron Colendiſſimo | IL SIGNOR GIO. FRANCESCO CAVAZZA. | Con
licenza de’ Superiori, & Priuilegio. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Apreſſo
Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXVII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1637
Description: Set of 3 partbooks in fol.: S I, S II, B. On p. 2 dedication of Alessandro
Vincenti Pigna dated 3rd December 1637. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo
indications: allegro, adaſio, preſto, graue.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50048 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Only S I partbook extant. Some pages damaged, after conservation refilled with new paper. On the title page written in
pencil: 108 | III.
Provenance: The extant partbook bears Rhediger Library stamp. Old shelfmarks:
[Π | 3]; [Nro 10]; [Mus. 190].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 78–79; RISM A/I: B 4944; SartoriB: 1637d
Digitized version: planned publication
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Canon. Sonata Prima detta la Monteuerde.
2. Sonata Prima detta la Rouetta.
3. Sonata Seconda detta la Videmana.
4. Sonata Terza detta la Cauazza.
5. Sonata Quarta detta la Strozzi.
6. Sonata Quinta detta la Barbera ſopra l’Aria della Romaneſca.
7. Sonata Seſta detta la Vincenti ſopra l’Aria della Scatola.
8. Sonata Settima detta la Mazzoratta.
9. Sonata Ottaua detta la Cauazza.
10. Sonata Nona detta il Romaneſco.
11. Sinfonia Prima detta la Monteuerde – Brando – Gagliarda – La ſua Corrente.
12. Sinfonia Seconda detta la Rouetta – Brando – Gagliarda – La ſua Corrente.
13. Sinfonia Terza detta la Sagreda – Brando – Gagliarda – La ſua Corrente.
14. Sinfonia Quarta detta la Strozzi – Brando – Gagliarda – La ſua Corrente.
4. The catalogue
Sinfonia Quinta detta la Barbera – Brando – Gagliarda – La ſua Corrente.
Sinfonia Seſta detta la Serra – Brando – Gagliarda – La ſua Corrente.
Sinfonia Settima detta la Cauazza – Brando – Gagliarda – La ſua Corrente.
Sinfonia Ottaua detta la Molli – Brando – Gagliarda – La ſua Corrente.
Composer(s): Uccellini, Marco (1603c–1680)
Title: SONATE, SINFONIE, | ET CORRENTI | A 2. a 3. & A 4. Per ſonare con diuersi
Eminentiſsimo, & Reuerendiſsimo Signor | VLDORICO | CONTE DI CARPEGNA
PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſso Aleſſandro Vincenti.
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1639
Description: Set of 3 partbooks in fol.: S I, S II, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the composer dated 1st August 1639. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo indications:
graue, Preſto, Adagio, Allegro.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50136 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Complete set of partbooks, underwent conservation. Some handwritten accidentals. In S II partbook between pp. 2 & 3
pasted a small paper card with a German-language comment concerning the order
of the parts of the later Symphonia sesta. On the title page written in pencil: 517 | III.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[Π | 3]; [Nro 11 (a)]; Mus. 731.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 413; RISM A/I: U 13; SartoriB: 1639b
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: Marco Uccellini: La Bergamasca, Nicholas McGegan, Arcadian Academy, Harmonia Mundi 1993 (HMX 2907066)
1. Sonata Prima à 2. Violino, e Trombone
2. Sonata Seconda à 2. Violino, e Tiorba
3. Sonata Terza à 2. Violini
4. Sonata Quarta à 2. Violini
5. Sonata Quinta à 2. Violini
6. Sonata Seſta à 2. Violini
7. Sonata Settima à 3. Baſſo è 2. Violini
8. Sonata Ottaua à 2. Violini
9. Sonata Nona à 3. Baſſo è 2. Violini
10. Sonata Decima à 2. Violini
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Sonata Vndecima à 4. 2 Violini è 2. Baſſi
Sonata Duodecima à 4. Baſſo, è 3. Violini
Sinfonia Prima
Sinfonia Seconda
Sinfonia Terza
Sinfonia Quarta
Sinfonia Quinta
Sinfonia Seſta
Corrente Prima à 2. Violini
[Corrente] Seconda à 2. Violini
[Corrente] Terza à 2. Violini
[Corrente] Quarta à 2. Violini
[Corrente] Quinta à 2. Violini
[Corrente] Seſta à 2. Violini
Corrente Settima à Violin ſolo
[Corrente] Ottaua à Violin ſolo
[Corrente] Nona à Violin ſolo
[Corrente] Decima à Violin ſolo
[Corrente] Vndecima à Violin ſolo
[Corrente] Duodecima à Violin ſolo
Composer(s): Uccellini, Marco (1603c–1680)
Title: SONATE OVER CANZONI | Da Farſi à Violino Solo, & Baſſo Continuo. |
OPERA QVINTA | DI D. MARCO VCCELLINI | Capo di Muſica Del Sereniſſimo
ROMAGNA. CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA. || Appreſſo
Aleſſandro Vincenti. M.DC.XLIX. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1649
Description: Set of 2 partbooks in fol.: S, Part. On p. 3 dedication of the composer
dated 25th August 1649. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo, dynamic and performance indications: Adagio, allegro, forte, pian, t. Pages 19–23 of Part. partbook are
of a slightly smaller size.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50139 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Some handwritten accidentals. Some damaged page edges of the Part. partbook enforced by paper sheets. On p. 8 of Part. erroneously
given title Sonata Seſta. The highest notes of the Sonata ottaua in S partbook (pp. 21, 23)
printed on the added (2nd, 3rd) lines, have handwritten names of the notes (e, d, f).
Provenance: Both partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: H L |
2; Nro 11 (b); Mus. 734.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 414; RISM A/I: U 17; SartoriB: 1649b
4. The catalogue
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Marco Uccellini, Sonate over canzoni da farsi a violino solo e basso continuo; opera quinta, ed. Piotr Wilk, Lucca: LIM 2002 (Marco Uccellini: opera
omnia, 4)
Recording: [–]
1. Sonata Prima.
2. Sonata Seconda.
3. Sonata Terza.
4. Sonata Quarta.
5. Sonata Quinta.
6. Sonata Seſta.
7. Sonata Settima.
8. Sonata Ottaua.
9. Sonata Nona.
10. Sonata Decima.
11. Sonata Vndecima.
12. Sonata Duodecima.
13. Sonata Decima terza à duoi Violini. Violino per il ſecondo Violino ſi prencipia
al fine, & ſi ſonna ſempre alla rouerſa [the cancer canon notated upside down].
Trombetta ſordina per ſonare con vn Violino Solo.
Composer(s): Legrenzi, Giovanni (1626–1690); Legrenzi, Giovanni Maria (17.sc)
Title: SONATE | A DVE, E TRE | DI GIOVANNI LEGRENZI | Primo Organiſta In
S. MARIA Maggiore di Bergamo, | & Accademico Eccitato. | Dedicate | ALL’ ILL.MO
Bergamo, Signore de Caſtelli Di Pinzano, Buia, | Flagogna, Folgaria, Predemano,
Zuins, Fornelli, &c. | Libro Primo. | Opera Seconda. | [typographer’s mark] | Stampa
del Gardano | IN VENETIA M DCLV. Apreſſo Franceſco Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: stampa dle Gardano, appresso Francesco Magni 1655
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in fol.: vl I, vl II, vlne, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the
composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo indications: allegro, adaggio, largo, preſto. In bc partbook page 17 numbered erroneously as 71.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50086 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Complete set of partbooks. In vl I and
vl II partbooks some handwritten accidentals. In vla partbook erroneously printed
number of voices of La Donata (p. 4), La Foſcari (p. 6), and in La Colloreta (p. 7) handwritten corrections, on p. 20 a single correction of note value.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[M F | 4]; [Nro 12]; Mus. 447.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 245; RISM A/I: L 1610; SartoriB: 1655c
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=112
Modern edition: Giovanni Legrenzi, Sonate a due e tre opus 2, 1655, ed. Stephen
Bonta, Cambridge: Harvard University Press 1984 (The instrumental music of Giovanni Legrenzi; Harvard publications in music, 14)
Recording: Giovanni Legrenzi: trio Sonatas 1655, Parnassi musici, CPO 2003 (777
1. La Cornara. A due violini
2. La Spilimberga. A 2 violini
3. La Frangipana. A 2 violini
4. La Strafolda. A 2 violini
5. La Col’Alta. A 2 violini
6. La Raſpona. A 2 violini
7. La Donata. A 2. Violino, e Violone o Faghotto.
8. La Foſcari. A 2. Violino e Violone, ò Faghotto.
9. La Colloreta. A 2. Violino e Violone, ò Faghotto.
10. La Zabarella. A 3. Due violini e Violone.
11. La Mont’Albana. A 3. Due violini e Violone.
12. La Porcia. A 3. Due violini e violone.
13. La Valuaſona. A 3. Due violini e violone
14. La Querini. A 3. Due violini, e Violone
15. La Torriana. A 3. Due violini, e Violone.
16. La Iuſtiniana. A 3. Due violini, e Violone. Di Giovanni Maria Legrenzi, Padre
17. La Manina. A 3. Due violini, e Violone.
18. La Sauorgnana. A 3. Due violini, e Violone.
Composer(s): Frescobaldi, Girolamo (1583–1643)
RISTAMPATI. | CON PRIVILEGIO, | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, ||
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1628
Description: One volume in fol. On the back of the title page the preface Agli studiosi dell’opera. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50061 Muz.
4. The catalogue
Notes on item: A small section of the title page has been cut out, probably with the
stamp. The specimen underwent conservation in 1973. Some handwritten accidentals.
Provenance: The volume bears Rhediger Library stamp. Old shelfmarks: [ξ | 1];
[Nro 13]; Mus. 325a.
Catalogues: BohnD, not listed; RISM A/I: F 1864; SartoriB: 1628l
Digitized version: [–]
Recording: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
1. Capriccio Primo Sopra Vt, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La.
2. Capriccio Secondo Sopra La, Sol, Fa, Mi, Re, Vt.
3. Capriccio Terzo Sopra il Cvcho.
4. Capriccio Quarto Sopra La, Sol, Fa, Re, Mi.
5. Capriccio Quinto Sopra La Bassa Fiamenga.
6. Capriccio Sesto Sopra La Spagnoletta.
7. Capriccio Settimo Cromatico con ligature al contrario.
8. Capriccio Ottauo di Dvrezze.
9. Capriccio Nono Sopra vn Svggetto
10. Capriccio Decimo di Obligo di cantare la Quinta parte, ſenza toccarla, ſempre
di Obligo del Soggetto ſcritto Si placet.
11. Capriccio Undecimo sopra un sogetto.
12. Capriccio Duodecimo sopra l’aria di Rvggiero.
13. Recercar Primo.
14. Recercar Secondo.
15. Recercar Terzo.
16. Recercar Qvarto Sopra Mi, Re, Fa, Mi.
17. Recercar Qvinto
18. Recercar Seſto Sopra Fa, Fa, Sol, La, Fa.
19. Recercar Settimo Sopra Sol, Mi, Fa, La, Sol
20. Recercar Ottauo, Obligo di non vſcir mai di grado.
21. Recercar Nono con quattro Soggetti.
22. Recercar Decimo Sopra La, Fa, Sol, La, Re.
23. Canzon Prima. Primo Tuono
24. Canzon Seconda. Primo Tuono
25. Canzon Terza. Primo Tuono
26. Canzon Quarta. Seſto Tuono
27. Canzon Quinta. Nono Tuono
Composer(s): Berettari, Aurelio (17.sc)
Congregatione di S. Girolamo di Feſole. [!] | OPERA PRIMA | DEDICATI | AL
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Religione | CON PRIVILEGIO. [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA. | APPRESO
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1654
Description: One volume in fol. On p. 3 dedication of the composer without a date.
At the end – a list of contents. In most of the pieces printed remarks between the
consecutive strophes: Qui ſi ſuona vn poco l’organo. Some dynamic and tempo indications: Forte, F., Piano, P., Allegro.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50018 Muz.
Notes on item: The specimen underwent conservation in 1995. Some pages damaged on the edges, refilled with new paper after conservation.
Provenance: The volume bears Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [M D | 1];
[Nro. 14]; Mus. 149.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 57–58; RISM A/I: B 1996; www.bibliotecamusica.it;
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Obstupescite Cęli ſuper hoc. Pro Natiuitate Domini noſtri Ieſu Chriſti
2. Sicut ceruus deſiderat ad fontes. In quacunque feſtiuitate Sanctę Marię Virginis
3. Quę gaudia quę iubila apparent. Per Aſumptione Sanctiſimę Marię Virginis
4. O summa dulcedo diuinę bonitatis. Pro Santiſſimo Sacramento. In festo Corporis Christi & in eleuatione miſſę
5. Alma Redemptoris mater. In Aduentu
6. Aue Regina Cęlo. Suo tempore
7. Regina Cęli lętare. Tempore paschali
8. Salue Regina. Suo tempore
9. Exultent Angeli. In festo vnius Apostoli
10. Lętare concine. Pro pluribus Apostolis
11. Quis eſt hic ſanctus. Pro vno Martire
12. Audite, & intelligite. Pro pluribus Martiribus
13. O virum inefabilem. Pro vno Confessore in communi
14. O lucem beatiſſimam. Pro virgine in communi
Composer(s): Buonamente, Giovanni Battista (1595–1642)
nel Sacro Conuento di S. FRANCESCO d’Aſſisi | LIBRO SESTO | Nuouamente dato in
4. The catalogue
luce, [in vocal partbooks added:] Con il ſuo Baſſo Continuo, | DEDICATE | Al molto
Illuſtre Signor, & Patron mio Oſſeruandiſſimo, | IL SIGNOR ANTONIO GORETTI |
CON PRIVILEGIO. | [coat of arms] | IN VENETIA, | Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti.
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1636
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in fol.: T, B, 5, vl I, vl II, bc. On the back of the title
pages in the T, B, and vl I partbooks dedication of the composer dated 1st June 1636.
At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50047 Muz.
Notes on item: Vl II partbook missing. Some pages damaged. The specimen underwent conservation in 1973. Some handwritten accidentals.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: W | 6; Nro 15; Mus. 189.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 78; RISM A/I: B 4943; SartoriB: 1636
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=27312
Modern edition: Stanley E. Romanstein, Giovanni Battista Buonamente and instrumental music of the early Baroque, Diss. Univ. of Cincinnati, 1990; Giovanni Battista
Buonamente, Canzonen & Sonaten aus “Libro sesto”, Venedig 1636, ed. Martin Lubenow, Germersheim: Lubenow 2002
Recording: Buonamente. Balli, Sonate & Canzoni, Monica Huggett, Bruce Dickey,
Paul Beier, Galatea, Stradivarius 2003 (STR 33603); Venetian Art 1600. The new instrumental style by G.B. Fontana & G.B. Buonamente, Le Concert Brisé, William Dongois,
Accent 2012 (ACC 24253)
1. Sonata Prima A 2.
2. Sonata Seconda à 2.
3. Sonata Terza à 2.
4. Sonata Quarta a 2.
5. Sonata Quinta à 2. Cornetto, & Violino.
6. Canzone a 2. Canon Violino, e dolzaina ò Baſſo da Brazzo
7. Canzon Prima à 2. Violino, & Baſſo.
8. Canzon Seconda à 2. Violino, & faggotto, ò Baſſo da Brazzo.
9. Sonata Prima à 3. due Violini, e Baſſo da Brazzo, ò faggotto.
10. Sonata Seconda à 3. Violini.
11. Sonata à 3. due Violini, e Baſſo
12. Sonata Prima A 4. Violini.
13. Canzon à 4.
14. Sonata A 2. Violini, & doi Baſſi.
15. Canzon Terza à 4. Viole da Brazzo.
16. Canzon Quarta. A qvattro voci
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Canzon à 4.
Canzon à 4.
Ca[n]zone à 5
Sonata à 5.
Sonata à 6.
Sonata a ſei: doi Violini, ò Cornetti & quattro Tromboni, ò Viole da Brazzo.
Canzon A 6. 4 Tromboni, & 2. Violini.
Composer(s): Benedetti, Pietro (1585c–1649); Gagliano, Marco da (1582–1643);
Peri, Jacopo (1561–1633)
ELEVATI DI FIORENZA | DETTO L’INVAGHITO. | [the cardinal’s coat of arms]
| IN FIoRENZA Apreſso gl’ Heredi di Criſtofano Mareſcotti | Con Licenzia de SS.
Superiori. 1611. |
Publication: Firenze: eredi di Cristofano Marescotti 1611
Description: One volume in fol. On p. 3 dedication of the composer to Cosimo della
Gherardesca dated 12th December 1611. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50016 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Some handwritten accidentals. Some
pages damaged on the edges. The specimen underwent conservation in 1977.
Provenance: The volume bears Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [A D | 1];
[Nro 16]; Mus. 146.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 56; RISM A/I: B 1915; VogelB: I, p. 84; NV 322
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=13664
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. La mia leggiadra Filli, col pianto in perle accolto
2. Qveſta, del mar d’Amor, bella Sirena amoroſo nocchier. Alla Signora Margherita Bicci.
3. Luci ſerene, di gioia piene, luci più belle dell’aure ſtelle
4. Io mi parto, cor mio, io ti laſcio, mia vita
5. Perfidiſsimo volto, ben l’uſata bellezza in te ſi vede [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
6. Cara dolce mia ſpeme, oggi pur m’abbandoni
7. Deh girate, luci amate, pietoſetto quel bel guardo [Isabella Andreini]
8. Voi pur da me partite, anima mia, nè vi duol il partire [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
9. Tu piangeui, mio core, ahi laſſo
10. Dite che v’hò fatt’io, dolciſſimi miei lumi
11. Io mi ſento morir quando non miro colei ch’ è la mia vita
4. The catalogue
Damigella tutta bella, verſa quel bel vino [Gabriello Chiabrera]
Luci ſerene, à dio, fiamme del cor, ſaette ardenti
Ardo sì, ma non t’amo, perfid’e diſpietata [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
Lunga ſtagione io ſpeſi à traher guai [Gabriello Chiabrera]
Chi nudriſce tua ſpeme, cor mio, chi fiamm’accreſce [Gabriello Chiabrera]
Ben di ſguardi tal’hor mi ſi fà dono [Gabriello Chiabrera]
Mirate, in ſul mattin candida ſplende lucidiſſima ſtella [Gabriello Chiabrera]
Non sò chi mi ſaetti ò punga il core [prima parte] – Ben miro gl’occhi tuoi,
fiamme del core (seconda parte)
Bel pastor, dal cui bel guardo ſpira foco. Dialogo di Ninfa, e Paſtore del Signor
Marco da Gagliano Maeſtro della Cappella del Sereniſſimo Gran Duca di Toſcana [Ottavio Rinuccini]
Torna, deh torna, pargoletto mio. Del Signor Iacopo Peri [Ottavio Rinuccini]
Composer(s): Vittori, Loreto (1604c–1670)
della Cappella Pontificia. | DEDICATE | ALLA ILL.MA ET ECCEL.MA | SIGNORA
PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA. || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti.
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1649
Description: One volume in fol. On p. 3 dedication of the composer dated 26th April
1649. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50143 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete volume. Single handwritten accidentals.
Provenance: The volume bears Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [H. K. | 1];
[Nro 17]; Mus. 755.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 424–425; RISM A/I: V 2186; VogelB: II, p. 333; NV 2951
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=14294
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Per l’Affricana riua sen già ſpoſa reale. Lamento della Prencipeſſa di Tuniſi Del
2. Udite le querele d’un diſgraziato amante. L’Amante prigioniero. Del [Francesco]
3. Geloſo Amante, apro mill’occhi e giro e mill’orecchi. Sonetto del [Torquato]
4. Simile a te ſon io, fiume ſonoro. Tu mormorando vai. D’Incerto
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Fiumicello doue vai? Tu l’onde chiare porti al mare. Del [Domenico] Benigni
Su, d’amor ſuoni la tromba, ch’alla vendetta gl’amanti alletta. D’Incerto
Fatto ſegno à duri ſtali, chiud’in ſeno aſpra ferita. Del Autore.
Vola, ſoſpiro alla bella cagion, ch’il cor m’invola. Del medemo [Autore]
Preſſo vn rio di puro argento, genitor d’un freſco fiato. Del medemo [Autore]
Vedermi frà catene e non haver pietà. Del [Francesco] Buti
Torna indietro, ò penſier mio, di volar tropp’alto aſpiri. Del [Domenico] Benigni
Ritornate, antiche pene, a deſtar nouello ardore. Del Autore.
Vola, vola, Luccioletta, vola intorno alla mia Clori. Del Autore.
Doue voli, farfaletta, e non ſai che quel ſplendore. Del medemo [Autore].
Partir mi conuiene e pur ſento, ahi laſſo. Del medemo [Autore].
Satiati pur, crudele, sfoga l’empia tua voglia. Del medemo [Autore].
Quel Turco d’Amore, pirata crudele. Del medemo [Autore].
Inſomma io non ſon più quel ch’ ero un pezzo fà. D’Incerto.
Ma doue, ohimè, traſcorre per deſio di cantar la lingua ardita? Del medemo.
Mi vedrete morir, ſe pietà mi negate, troppo crude a ferir. Del medemo. [Incerto]
Per viuer lieto amando eſpoſi il petto. Del medemo. [Incerto]
Amanti à conſiglio. Se perfido ancide. Del medemo. [Incerto]
Mi predice il Ciel d’vn volto con due ſtelle. Del medemo. [Incerto]
Care, amate pupille, un guardo ſolo volgete in questo ſen. Del medemo. [Incerto]
In amor che ſtrauaganza far ſoavi le catene e tener vane le pene. D’Incerto.
Chi vuol prouare quanto campare un poltron ſa. D’Incerto.
Composer(s): Milleville, Francesco (17.sc)
S. GIORGIO DI FERRARA | Nuouamente compoſte, & date in luce. | CON PRIVILEGIO
| OPERA DECIMA | Dedicate Al Molto Illuſtre Signor Mio Oſſeruan-|diſſimo Il Signor
Borſo Bonacoſſi. | [typographer’s mark] | In Venetia, Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti.
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Alessandro Vincenti 1622
Description: According to Bohn, set of 2 partbooks in fol.: S/T and basso pro organo. On p. 2 dedication of the composer dated 14th June 1622. At the end – a list of
Shelfmark: Specimen no longer preserved.
Notes on item: [–]
Provenance: Old shelfmarks: [A. t. | 2.]; [Nro 18]; [Mus. 502].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 285; RISM A/I: not listed
Digitized version: [–]
4. The catalogue
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
Contents: According to Bohn, the print contained 25 Latin pieces.
Composer(s): Gallerano, Leandro (1630c†)
L’INVOLATO. | Maestro di Capella della Veneranda Arca del Glo-|rioso S. ANTONIO
da Padoa. | VOCE SOLA. | OPERA XV. | DEDICATO. | Al Molto Illustre Signor
Antonio Megliara. | In Venetia, Appresso Alessandro Vincenti 1628. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1628
Description: According to Bohn, Part. in fol. On p. 2 dedication of the composer
dated 15th April 1628. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: Specimen no longer preserved.
Notes on item: [–]
Provenance: Old shelfmarks: [A | X]; [Nro 19]; [Mus. 333].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 143; RISM A/I: not listed
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
Contents: According to Bohn, the print contained 14 Latin pieces.
Composer(s): Castello, Dario (1590c–1658c)
Title: SONATE CONCERTATE | In Stil Moderno, per Sonar nel Organo, | ouero
Spineta con diuerſi Inſtrumenti. | A 2. & 3. Voci, | Con Baſſo Continuo. | LIBRO PRIMO.
| Con Priuilegio. | DI DARIO CASTELLO VENETIANO. | Capo di Compagnia de
Muſichi [!] | d’Inſtrumenti da fiato | In Venetia | [typographer’s mark] | STAMPA DEL
GARDANO. | IN VENETIA M.DC.XXIX. || Appreſſo Bartholomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1629
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in fol.: S I, S II, B, Part. On p. 3 preface Alli benigni
lettori. At the end – a list of contents. Numerous tempo, dynamic and performance
indications: adaſio, preſto, alegra, affetto, ecco, f., p., t.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50050 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Complete set of partbooks. B partbook damaged in many places, underwent conservation. In S I and S II partbooks
some handwritten accidentals. On the title page written in pencil: 4.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[A | 5]; [Nro 20 (a)]; Mus. 216.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 90; RISM A/I: C 1459; SartoriB: 1629e
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Dario Castello, Sonate concertate in stil moderno... libro 1, ed. Rudolf Hofstötter, Ingomar Rainer, Wien: Doblinger 1998 (Wiener Edition alter Musik, 2)
Recording: Dario Castello, 12 Sonate concertanti in stile moderno, Accademia Farnese, Mondo Musica 1998 (MM 96019)
1. Prima Sonata. A Doi Soprani.
2. Seconda Sonata. A Doi Soprani.
3. Terza Sonata. A Doi Soprani.
4. Quarta Sonata. A Doi. Sopran & Trombon ouero Violeta.
5. Quinta Sonata. A Doi. Sopran è Trombon ouero Violeta.
6. Seſta Sonata. A Doi Sopran è Trombon ouero Violeta.
7. Settima Sonata. A Doi Fagotto e Violin.
8. Ottaua Sonata. A Doi. Fagotto & Violin.
9. Nona Sonata. A 3. Doi Violini & Fagotto.
10. Decima Sonata A 3. Doi Violini & Fagotto.
11. Vndecima Sonata. A 3. Doi Violini, & Fagotto.
12. Duodecima Sonata A 3. Doi Violini & Trombon ouero Violeta. All’Illustre
& Molto R. P. F. Giacomo Finetti Maeſtro di Capella della ca Granda di Padri
Minori di Venetia.
Composer(s): Cozzolani, Chiara Margarita (1602–1677)
MARGARITA COZZOLANI | Monaca in Santa Radegonda di Milano. | DEDICATI
Preſidente Generale della Congregatione Caſſinenſe. | OPERA TERZA Con Priuilegio.
| [coat of arms] | IN VENETIA Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. M. DC. XXXXVIII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1648
Description: According to Bohn, set of 2 partbooks in fol.: Voce and Part. On p. 2
dedication of the composer dated 1st September 1648. On pp. 3–4 three Italian sonnets.
At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo and dynamic indications: adagio, allegro, p.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50370 Muz.
Notes on item: One volume in 4o (Voce). The first three and the last page severely
damaged, refilled with new paper after conservation.
Provenance: Old shelfmarks: [H S. | 1]; [Nro 20 (b)]; Mus. 259. In Dehn’s catalogue
there was listed another one specimen of this print: H. S. | 1.; [Nro 152]. Cfr. no. 172 in
the present catalogue.
4. The catalogue
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 106; RISM A/I: C 4361; www.bibliotecamusica.it;
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=22181
Modern edition: Chiara Margarita Cozzolani, Motets, ed. Robert L. Kendrick, Madison (Wisconsin): A-R Editions 1998 (Recent Researches in the Music of the Baroque
Era, 87)
Recording: [–]
1. Alleluja. Cantemus exultemus
2. O Ieſu meus amor
3. Venite qui eſuritis
4. Venite gentes properate populi
5. Venite ad me omnes
6. O quam triſtis eſt anima mea
7. Aue Maria Mater Dei
8. Amate ò populi Mariam
9. Succurre o Diua Clemens
10. Quis mihi det calicem bibere Domini
11. Venite populi accurrite gentes
12. O præclara dies quæ nobis illuxit
Composer(s): Ziani, Pietro Andrea (1616–1684)
Title: MOTETTI | A VOCE SOLA | Da poterſi cantare in Soprano, in Contralto,
in | Tenore, altri in Baſſo e con Violini | Libro Primo Opera Seconda. | DI D. PIETR’
ANDREA ZIANI | Canonico Regolare, Organiſta nella Chieſa | di S. Saluatore di Venetia.
| Dedicati al M.to Ill.re e Reu.mo Padre | D. MODESTO SANTA CROCE | Abbate nella
Congregatione de P. P. Monaci Caſſinenſi. | Con Licenza de Superiori, & Priuilegio.
[typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA M DC XL || Apreſſo Bartolomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1640
Description: Set of 3 partbooks in fol.: vl I, vl II, Part. On p. 2 of the Part. partbook
dedication of the composer dated 20th June 1640. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50911 Muz.
Notes on item: In PL-WRu only vl II partbook extant, damaged, underwent conservation in 1993. In US-NYp has been preserved also the Part. and handwritten
copies of vl I and vl II partbooks, copied by Emil Bohn. In both printed partbooks
some handwritten accidentals and bc numbering.
Provenance: Both extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. The Part. bears
two other stamps: “Doublette der Stadtbibliothek zu Breslau” and “THE NEW YORK
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
R 1880 L”. On the margin written in pencil Wollfheim Sale, June 25, 1929 Flagler. Old
shelfmarks: [B 2 | 4]; [Nro 20 (c)]; [Mus. 775].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 439; RISM A/I: Z 174, ZZ 174; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Omnes gentes plaudite manibus. Soprano ò Tenore
2. Venite ad me omnes. Soprano ò Tenore
3. Regnum mundi. Soprano ò Tenore
4. Iubilate Cęleſtes chori. Soprano ò Tenore
5. Quam pulcri ſunt. Soprano ò Tenore
6. Obſtupeſcite Cęli. Tenore ò Soprano con violini
7. Aue Regina Cęlorum. Canto ò Tenor con violini
8. Gaudeamus omnes. Tenore con violini
9. Audite gentes. Canto ò Tenore con violini
10. Amor Ieſu dulcisſime. Canto ò Tenore con violini
11. Regina Cęli. Alto
12. Beatus vir. Tenore ò Canto
13. Confiteor Deo. Alto
14. Salue Crux pretioſa. Canto ò Tenore
15. Salue Regina. Canto ò Tenore
16. Exurgat Deus. Baſſo
17. Domine Dominus noſter. Canto ò Tenore con violini
18. Alma Redemptoris. Tenore in Baritono con violini
19. Veni ſanĉte ſpiritus. Alto
20. Venite gentes. Tenore con violini
21. Anima Chriſti. Canto ò Tenore
22. Hic eſt vere Martir. Canto ò Tenore
23. Gaudeamus omnes. Alto
24. Domine Deus. Baſſo con violini.
Composer(s): Valvasensi, Lazaro Girolamo (1585–1661); Pino, Dominico (17.sc)
Cantarſi nel Clauicembalo | Chitarone, ouer Organo con | vna voce Sola accuta | ò graue
à compia-|cenza delli | Cantanti | DI DON LAZARO VALVASENSI | DEDICAtI |
ALL’ ILL.MO SIGNOR CESARE | Di Valuaſone Cucagna, Fratta, &c. | opera terza. |
Con Priuilegio. | [typographer’s mark] | STAMPA DEL GARDANO | IN VENETIA
M DC XX. || Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Bartolomeo Magni 1620
4. The catalogue
Description: One volume (Part.) in fol. On the back of the title page – dedication of
the composer dated 15th November 1620 and a short Latin poem. At the end – Breue
Apologia dell’Auttore in fauore de’ moderni Compoſitori and a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50140 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Pp. 1–2 erroneously located at the
end of the volume, handwritten remarks: vide paginam ultimam and vide paginam
primam. On the title page written in pencil: 326 | I.
Provenance: The volume bears Rhediger Library stamp. Old shelfmarks: A. S. | 1.;
N. 21; Mus. 742.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 418; RISM A/I: V 182; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=21591
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. O quam dulcis, & quam ſuavis
2. Alleluia Hęc dies quam fecit Dominus
3. Gaudete omnes lætamini
4. Quid vidiſtis Paſtores
5. Alleluia. Gaudeamus omnes in Domino
6. O quam pulchra es amica mea. Al Molto Illustre Signor Raimondo di Valuaſone
7. Domine ne in furore tuo arguas me
8. Si bona ſuſcepimus
9. Gaudeant Angelij canentes
10. Benedicta ſit Sancta Trinitas
11. Recordare Domine teſtamentum
12. Peccaui super numerum arenæ maris. Alto
13. Gaudent in cęlis animæ Sanctorum
14. Adoramus te Christe
15. Ecce sacerdos magnus
16. Vulneraſti cor meum. All’illuſtre, & Molto Reuerendo Sign. Don Carlo Roſſitis
Pieuano di Spilimbergo
17. O quam metuendus eſt locus iſte
18. Veni sponſa Christi
19. Aue verum Corpus. Di Dominico Pino
20. Prebe mihi cor fili. Del medeſimo [Dominico Pino]
Composer(s): Ferrari, Benedetto (1603c–1681)
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
&c | Con Licenza Di Superiori & Priuilegio. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA.
M DC XXXIII. | Appreſſo Bartholomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1633
Description: According to the catalogue of 1909, one volume in fol. On p. 1 dedication of the composer dated 1st August 1633.
Shelfmark: Specimen no longer preserved; the unique surviving copy is stored in
GB-Och, of different provenance.
Notes on item: [–]
Provenance: Old shelfmarks: [H | 1]; [Nro 22]; [Mus. 301y] (from the private collection of Emil Bohn).
Catalogues: BohnD, not listed; RISM A/I: F 265; VogelB: I, p. 227; NV 935
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Benedetto Ferrari, Musiche varie a voce sola: libri I, II, III: Venezia
1633, 1637, 1641, facs. ed. Firenze: Studio per edizioni scelte 1985, 1998 (Archivum
musicum. La cantata barocca, 22)
Recording: Benedetto Ferrari, Musiche varie a voce sola: libri I, II & III [a selection],
Philippe Jaroussky, Ensemble Artaserse, Ambroisie 2003 (AMB 9932)
1. Amor com’eſſer può che per mia doglia chiuda. Poeſia Del Cau. [Giambattista]
2. Premo il giogo dell’Alpi e ſon premuto, laſſo. Poeſia del Paoli.
3. Cor mio, tu ti naſcondi all’apparir del noſtro amato ſole. Poeſia del Cau. [Giovanni Battista] Guarino.
4. Io disſi al cor: perche’l tuo chiuſo affetto. Poeſia del Cau. [Giambattista] Marino.
5. Ahi traditor ingrato, coſì della tua Lidia. Poeſia D’Incerto
6. Io vorrei vn bel viſo ſempre mirar. Poeſia Dell’Autore.
7. Io ſon amante d’un crin aurato. Poeſia Dell’Autore.
8. Non hà Theti è Giunon pompa più bella. Poeſia Dell’Autore.
9. Hà di fiamme vn abiſſo Etna nel ſeno. Poeſia del Paoli.
10. Già piu volte tremante, per trouar al mio mal rimedio. Poeſia Del Cau. [Giambattista] Marino.
11. Ardo miſera ſì, ma l’ardor mio altri. Poeſia Dell’Autore.
12. Son ruinato, appaſſionato, quel traditor d’amore mi guida. Poeſia d’Incerto.
13. Chi ſegue amor con animo di ſtar allegramente è pazzo. Poeſia d’Incerto.
14. O nata ſol per incantar le genti. Poeſia Dell’Autore.
15. Ahi ſe credete amanti che di ſoſpiri e pianti ſ ’appaghi. Poeſia Dell’Autore.
16. Queſta bella mortal da te deſio. Poeſia dell’Autore.
17. S’io ti ſeguo tu fuggi, rigida ritroſetta. Poeſia d’Incerto.
18. Mentr’io v’adoro e voi m’havete a ſchivo [prima parte] – Perche di voi ſi vago
[seconda parte] – Da voi ſol pende il mio vital ſoſtegno [terza parte]. Poeſia del
Cau. [Giovanni Battista] Guarini.
4. The catalogue
Volgete invano, o peregrini eranti, ver la deſerta Arabia. Poeſia dell’Autore.
Sprezzami, fuggimi, crudel, e non m’amar. Poeſia dell’Autore.
Peregrino penſier, ch’ardito e ſolo traendo ovunque vai. Poeſia Del Cau. [Giambattista] Marino.
Occhi miei, che vedeſte il bell’idolo voſtro. Poeſia d’Incerto.
Non ſia più ver ch’à prezzo di quell’oro falſiſſimo [prima parte] – Non ſia più ver
che per vile teſoro il mar d’amor [seconda parte] – Non ſia più ver che quegli
empi ſplendori Clitia miri [terza parte] – E ſe mai l’empio ſen [quarta parte].
Poeſia Dell’Autore.
Dal dì ch’io rimirai quel belliſſimo volto. Poeſia Dell’Autore.
Coſi bella voi ſete [!], donna. Poeſia d’Incerto.
Piangi tu pur grida e ſoſpira. Poeſia d’Incerto.
Laſſa, che veggio, infelice oue ſono? Poeſia Dell’Autore.
Chi non ſà com’amor, come fortuna ſtrazi vn cor. Poeſia dell’Autore.
Composer(s): Sances, Giovanni Felice (1600c–1679)
Title: CAPRICCI | POETICI | DI GIOAN FELICE SANCES | Muſico della ſacra Ceſarea
Maeſtà di Ferdinando Terzo | A Vna, Doi, è Tre Voci | DEDICATI | ALL’ ILL.mo ET ECC.mo
SIG.r CAV.r NICOLÒ SAGREDO | Ambaſiator Veneto | Apreſſo ſua Maeſtà Ceſarea. |
[typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA M DC XXXXVIIII Alla Stampa del Gardano. |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano 1649
Description: One volume in fol. On p. 2 dedication of the composer without a date.
At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo indications: preſto, adaſio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50115 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete volume. Some handwritten accidentals.
Provenance: The volume bears Rhediger Library stamp. Old shelfmarks: [K. V. | 1];
[Nro 23]; Mus. 654.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 375–376; RISM A/I: S 776; NV 2544; www.bibliotecamusica.it
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=11762
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Chi nel regno almo d’Amore brama l’ore trar. Aria Prima. A 1.
2. Vibrate pur dalle pupille. Aria Seconda. A 1.
3. Ho il cor ferito e morirò. Aria Terza. A 1. [Ferdinando Saracinelli]
4. Deh qual virtude. Aria Quarta. A 1.
5. Amo e ſento nel petto. Aria Quinta. A 1.
6. Perchè vecchia, gli diſſi. Aria ſeſta. A 1.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Chi non ſà coſa ſia Amor, io gliel diro. Cantata Prima. A 1. [prima parte] – Chi
vuol ſaper [seconda parte] – Chi non ſa le ſue [terza parte] – Io vi paleſo il vero
[quarta parte] – Chi di fugirlo [quinta parte] – Coſì lieto e beato [sesta parte]
Hor che chiariſſime. Cantata Seconda. A 1. [prima parte] – D’un crin la porpora [seconda parte]
Son Amante e ſon fedele. Cantata Terza. A 1. [prima parte] – Novi ogetti al occhio [seconda parte] – M’arde e ſtrugge [terza parte] – Non m’impiaghi [quarta
Che ſperaſti, ò mio Cor. Canzonetta A 2. à 2 Soprani [prima parte] – Che queſti
occhi miei [seconda parte] – Non penſar dunque [terza parte]
Ninfa, Ninfa. Dialogo à due. (Paſtor è Ninfa)
Già dell’horrido Moſtro il feroce. L’infortunio d’Angelica, Dialogo à 3 voci. Interlocutori: Teſto, Angelica, e Rugiero.
Composer(s): Cazzati, Maurizio (1616–1678)
CAZZATI | Maeſtro di Cappella dell’Illuſtriſſima Accademia della Morte in Ferrara |
M. DC LI. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1651
Description: One volume in fol. According to Bohn, on p. 3 dedication of Alessandro Vincenti dated 31st October 1651. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo and
dynamic indications: Allegio, Adaſio, allegro, F.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50052 Muz.
Notes on item: Missing pp. 1–30. The specimen underwent conservation in 1991.
Provenance: Old shelfmarks: [K. C. | 2.]; [Nro 24]; Mus. 231.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 95; RISM A/I: C 1594, CC 1594; www.bibliotecamusica.it;
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Venite gentes iubilate populi
2. O placidissimum lumen
3. Quid admiramini gentes. Per un Santo
4. Occurrite caelites
5. Ecce sponsa Christi. Per una Santa
4. The catalogue
Sine arcu & sagitta. Canto o Tenore
Quis conſiſtere poſſet. Canto o Tenore. Della Beata Vergine Maria
Narrate Cęli apostolorum gloriam. Canto o Tenore. Per un Apostolo, o per più
Cariſſimi fratres per multos dies. Della Beata Vergina Maria
O quam glorioſus inter agmina. Canto o Tenore. Per vn Santo Confessore
Poſt Triumfalem virginis passionem. Canto o Tenore. Per una Vergine, e Martire
Domine ad Adiuuandum. Canto o Tenore
Alma Redemptoris mater. Canto o Tenore
Salue Regina. Canto o Tenore
Iesu ſpes mea ecce languet cor meum. Alto
O vos Beati ſpiritus. In Nativitate Domini. Alto
Amor mi dulciſſime cor meum. Alto. Per S. Fraceſcho [!]
Inter sanctas mulieres. Alto. Per una Santa.
Noli flere Maria. Alto. De Resurrectione
Venite gentes iubilate populi. Tenore. In Dedicatione Ecclesię.
O Placidiſſimum lumen. Basso. Del Spirito Santo
Quid admiramini gentes. Basso. Per un Santo
Occurrite cęlites ad vos. Basso. Per Santa Magdalena
Ecce ſponſa Chriſti. Basso. Per vna Santa
Composer(s): Rigatti, Giovanni Antonio (1613c–1648)
M.to ILL.re ET ECC.mo SIG.r | FRANCESCO POZZO | DEDICATE | Con Licenza de
Superiori | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA MDCXXXXI || Appreſſo Bartolomeo
Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1641
Description: One volume in fol. On p. 2 dedication of the composer dated 1st October 1641. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo indications: Adaſio, Allegro.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50106 Muz.
Notes on item: A small section has been cut out of the title page, probably with the
Provenance: The volume bears Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [C. V | 1.];
[Nro 25]; Mus. 609b.
Catalogues: BohnD, not listed; RISM A/I: R 1422; VogelB: II, p. 132; NV 2346;
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=13666
Modern edition: Eleganti Canzoni ed Arie Italiane del Secolo XVII, Saggi Antichi ed
Inediti della Musica Vocale Italiana, ed. Luigi Torchi, Milano: G. Ricordi 1895 (o biondetta lascivetta)
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Recording: [–]
1. Ecco Filli che ritorna la ſtagion de i lieti amori. Cantada A Voce Sola Alla Quarta ò Quinta Baſſa.
2. Valli nemiche al ſol, ſuperbe ruppi, che minacciate. Sonetto. A 1. [Luigi Tansillo]
3. Già più lucido e più caldo, fà entir ſuoi raggi il ſole. Cantada. A 1. [prima parte]
– Ride il Cielo in ſul mattino (seconda parte) – Mormoranti i ruſcelletti (terza
parte) – Sol’ l’April del tuo bel volto (quarta parte) – Mira ò Clori che l’etade
(quinta parte)
4. Lidia, và pur faſtoſa. Aria. A 1.
5. La mia Fillide è brunetta. A 1.
6. Chi riggida mi vede bella ſchiera. Aria. A 1.
7. O biondetta, laſciuetta paſtorella, tutta bella. A 1.
8. Perchè laſci tù d’amarmi, o dolciſſima mia Clori. A 1.
9. Cari labbri rubinetti. A 1.
10. O che vaghi gelſomini lieti a te ſcherzano in ſen. A 1.
11. Chi vuol ſegguir Amore. A 1.
12. Filli ſento vicine l’hore del mio morir. A 1.
13. Filli mia vita, già pien. A 2. Dialogo à Due (Filli, Tirsi)
14. O bella età dell’Oro, quand’era cibo il latte. Coro. A 1. Del Paſtor fido [Giovanni
Battista Guarini]
15. Vccidimi dolore. A 1. Lamento di Iole per la partenza di Alcide.
Composer(s): Selma y Salaverde, Bartolomé de (1580c–1638p)
Title: CANZONI | FANTASIE ET CORRENTI | Da ſuonar ad vna 2. 3. 4. Con Baſſo
Continuo. | DEL P. F. BARTOLOMEO | De Selma e Salauerde Agoſtiniano Spagnolo,
Già | Muſico & Suonator di Fagotto DELL’ AL-|TEZZA SER. DI LEOPOLDO |
Arciducha d’Auſtria di Felice | memoria & d’altri Prencipi | &c. | DEDICATE, | ALL’
Di Vratislauia, Ammi-|niſtratore Generale della Abbatie di Tiniec | & Cernonia &c.
| Nouamente Stampate con Priuilegio. | [the cardinal’s coat of arms] | IN VENETIA
MDCXXXVIII Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1638
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in fol.: I libro, II libro, III libro, IV libro, bc. On p. 2
dedication of the composer dated 1st August 1638. On p. 3 an Italian sonnet by Claudio
Panta. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo, dynamic and performance indications: Preſto, adaſio, pian, forte, Affetti, ſchieto, Battuta allegra ſempre.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50011 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Complete set of partbooks. Some pages
damaged at the edges (esp. of II libro partbook, where most are damaged at the bottom
4. The catalogue
of pages), refilled with new paper after conservation in 1960 and 2015. On p. 74 of I libro,
p. 50 of II libro partbook printed typographer’s marks. Some handwritten accidentals
and title corrections. On the title page written in pencil: 58 | V; L.III.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
Nro 26; Mus. 138.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 53; RISM A/I: S 2770; SartoriB: 1638c
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=114
Modern edition: Bartolomé de Selma y Salaverde, Canzoni, fantasie et correnti:
Venezia 1638, facs. ed., Firenze: Studio per edizioni scelte 1980 (Archivum musicum.
Collana di testi rari, 38); Bartolomé de Selma y Salaverde, XXIII canzon a 2 bassi: für
2 Fagotte oder Posaune und Fagott und Basso continuo, ed. Macario Santiago Kastner,
Mainz: Schott 1971
Recording: Musica barroca española, Montserrat Figueras, Jordi Savall, Ton Koopman, Janneke Van der Meer & others, Philips 1992 (4328222)
1. Canzon Prima Soprano Solo
2. Canzon ſeconda per ſoprano ſolo
3. [Canzon Terza]. Soprano ſolo
4. [Canzon Quarta]. Soprano ſolo
5. Fantaſia Baſſo ſolo
6. Vestiua i Colli paſſeggiato. Baſſo ſolo
7. Suſanna paſſeggiata. Baſſo ſolo. Et quando ſara troppo longa laſciarete alcune
repliche auiſando ai Organiſta le quale repliche ſono al vltimo del madrigal.
8. Fantaſia Baſſo ſolo
9. Fantaſia Baſſo ſolo
10. Fantaſia Baſſo [Per fagotto] ſolo
11. Canzon A 2. Baſſo & Soprano
12. Canzon A 2. Baſſo & Soprano
13. Canzon A 2. Baſſo & Soprano.
14. Canzon A 2. Baſſo & Soprano.
15. Veſtiva i Colli paſſeggiato, A 2 Baſſo & Soprano.
16. Canzon, A 2 Baſſo & Soprano.
17. Canzon, A 2 Baſſo & Soprano.
18. Canzon, A 2 Baſſo & Soprano.
19. Canzon, A 2 Baſſo & Soprano.
20. Canzon, A 2 Baſſo & Soprano.
21. Canzon, A 2 Soprani.
22. Canzon, A 2 Tenori
23. Canzon, A 2 Basſi
24. Corente A 2 Soprano & Baſſo.
25. Corente A 2 Soprano & Baſſo.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Corente A 2 Soprano & Baſſo.
Corente A 2 Soprano & Baſſo.
Corente A 2 Baſſo & Soprano.
Balletto A 2 Soprano & Baſſo.
Balletto A 2 Soprano & Baſſo.
Gagliarda A 2 Baſſo & Soprano.
Canzon A 3 Doi Soprani & Baſſo.
Canzon A 3 Baſſo & Doi Soprani
Canzon A 3 Baſſo & Doi Soprani
Canzon A 3 Doi Soprani & Baſſo
Canzon A 3 Doi Soprani & Baſſo
Canzon A 3 Doi Soprani & Baſſo
Canzon A 3 Soprano Tenore & Baſſo.
Corente A 3 Doi Soprani & Baſſo.
Corente A 3 Doi Soprani & Baſſo.
Corente A 3 Doi Soprani & Baſſo.
Balletto A 3 Doi Soprani & Baſſo.
Corente A 3 doi Soprani & Baſſo.
Corente A 3 doi Soprani & Baſſo.
Corente A 3 doi Soprani & Baſſo.
Canzon A 4. doi Soprani Alto e Baſſo
Canzon A 4. doi Soprani Alto e Baſſo
Canzon A 4. doi Soprani Alto e Baſſo
Canzon A 4. doi Soprani Alto e Baſſo
Canzon A 4
Canzon A 4. a chori, doi Soprani e doi Basſi
Canzon A 4. a chori, doi Soprani e doi Basſi
Corente A 4. doi Soprani Alto e Baſſo
Corente A 4. [ſimile, doi Soprani Alto e Baſſo]
Corente A 4. [ſimile, doi Soprani Alto e Baſſo]
Corente A 4. [ſimile, doi Soprani Alto e Baſſo]
Corente A 4. [ſimile, doi Soprani Alto e Baſſo]
Composer(s): Modiana, Orazio (16/17)
Title: PRIMITIE | DI SACRI CONCERTI | A VOCE SOLA | Con il Baſso per Sonar
l’Organo, Clauicembalo, | Chitarrone, ò altra ſorte di ſtromenti. | DI D. HORATIO
MODIANA | IL PELLEGRINO | Nell’Academia de’ Filomeni di Caſalmaggiore. |
Nouamente compoſte, & date in luce. | CON PRIVILEGIO. | DEDICATE | All’Illustre
Signor Alfier Antonio Noliami da Viadana | [typographer’s mark] | In Venetia, Appreſſo
Aleſsandro Vincenti. 1623. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1623
Description: One volume in fol. According to Bohn, on p. 2 dedication of the composer dated 22nd March 1623. At the end – a list of contents. Some dynamic, tempo and
performance indications: Adaſio, t., P.
4. The catalogue
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50093 Muz.
Notes on item: Missing the first two and the last page. On p. 8 handwritten music
errata in the piece obſecro te Virgo Maria. Some handwritten accidentals.
Provenance: Old shelfmarks: [B. A. | 1.]; [Nro 27]; Mus. 505.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 286; RISM A/I: M 2905; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Anima dilecta & cara. Canto, ò Tenore
2. Sancta Maria ſuccurre miſeris. Canto, ò Tenore Nella feſta della B.V.M.
3. Obſecro te Virgo Maria. Canto, o Tenore. Nella feſta della B.V.M.
4. Dialogo. O mi Ieſu (Prima parte) – O pijſſima Virgo (Seconda Parte)
5. O Cæli Princeps. Canto, ò Tenore, Nella Feſta d’vno Apoſtolo.
6. Hic eſt vere Martir. Canto, ò Tenore Nella feſta d’un Martire
7. Gaudent in Cælis. Canto, ò Tenore Nella feſta de più Martiri
8. Ecce Sacerdos magnus. Canto ò Tenor Nella Feſta d’un Confeſſore Pontefice
9. Beatus vir qui inuentus eſt. Tenor ò Canto ò Baſſo Per B. molle accompagnato
Col Baſſo Continuo Secondo Nella Feſta d’un Confeſſore non Pontefice.
10. Veni Virgo dilecta Sponſa Chriſti. Canto ò Tenore, ò Baſſo Per quadro accompagnato Col Secondo Baſſo Continuo Nella Feſta d’una Vergine.
11. Domine clamaui ad te. Canto ò Tenore Solo
12. Transfige dulciſſime mi Ieſu. Canto, ò Tenore Solo. In ſtile recitatiuo.
13. Iubilate Deo omnis terra. Nella feſta di Natale Canto o Tenore Solo.
14. Ego autem in Domino confido. Alto ò Baſſo All’Ottaua
15. Domine exaudi orationem meam. Canto ò Tenore Solo.
16. Gaudeamus omnes. Nella Feſta di Paſqua. Tenor ò Canto Solo.
17. Veni Creator Spiritus. Hinno in Concerto. Tenor ò Canto.
18. Guſtate & videte. Baritono Solo.
19. Inclina aurem tuam. Baſſo Solo
20. Magnificat del P[rimo] T[uono]. Spezzato à Voce Sola B. ò T. ſolo con doi
verſetti à 2. se piacera
Composer(s): Chinelli, Giovanni Battista (1610–1677)
| CHINELLI | OPERA QVINTA. | Nuouamente compoſta, & data in luce | CON
PRIVILEGIO. | ET DEDICATA | Alla Molto Illuſtre, & Molto Reuerenda Signora
| La Signora | SVOR RAFFAELLA ALEOTTI | Organiſta Eccellentiſſima, & Priora
nel Monaſtero | delle Monache di San VITO di Ferrara. | [typographer’s mark] | IN
VENETIA, | Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. | M D C XXXVII. |
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1637
Description: One volume in fol. On the back of the title page – dedication of the
composer dated 4th October 1637. At the end – a list of contents. Some dynamic and
performance indications: t., forte, piano.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50053 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print.
Provenance: The volume bears Rhediger Library stamp. Old shelfmarks: B. M. | 1.;
Nro 28; Mus. 243.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 99; RISM A/I: C 2060; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Venite gentes adorate Dominum. Canto, ouer Tenore. Alla Molto Illustre et
Molto Reverenda Signora Suor Elleonora Bonlei.
2. Confitebor tibi Domine. Canto ſolo, ouer Tenore. All’iſteſſa
3. O Maria felix serenissima Regina. Canto, ouer Tenore. All’iſteſſa
4. Dulcis amor Ieſu. Canto ſolo. All’iſteſſa
5. Salue Regina. Canto ſolo. Alla Molto Illustre et Molto Reverenda Signora Suor
Cecilia Rizzi
6. Congratulamini mihi. Canto ſolo. All’iſteſſa
7. Ardens eſt cor meum. Canto, ouer Tenore. All’iſteſſa
8. Cantate Domino. Canto ſolo. All’iſteſſa
9. Obſtupiſcite cæli. Alto ſolo. Alla Molto Illustre et Molto Reverenda Signora
Suor Laura Bertazzoli.
10. Confitebor tibi Domine. Alto ſolo. All’iſteſſa
11. O Virgo Maria virginum regina. Alto ſolo. All’iſteſſa
12. Benedicite Deum cæli. Alto ſolo. All’iſteſſa
13. Lætentur Angeli. Baſſo ſolo. Alla Molto Illustre e molto Reverenda Signora Suor
Paola Margarita Naselli.
14. Aue filia summi Patris. Baſſo ſolo
15. Saluum me fac Deus. Baſſo ſolo. All’iſteſſa
16. Exaltabo te Domine. Baſſo ſolo
Composer(s): Manfredi, Lodovico (17.sc)
mark] | VENETIIS || Ex Typographia Alexandri Vincentij. MDCXXXIII. |
4. The catalogue
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1633
Description: One volume in fol. On p. 2 dedication of the editor, father Francisco
Maria Bruno, dated 1st December 1633. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50087 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Some dynamic and performance indications: F., P., t. Some handwritten accidentals, single corrections of pitch. On the title
page written in pencil: 317 | I.
Provenance: The volume bears Rhediger Library stamp. Old shelfmarks: B. N. | 1.;
Nro 29; Mus. 465.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 270; RISM A/I: M 336; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Quemadmodum deſiderat ceruus ad fontes. Canto ò Tenore
2. Domine Dominus noſter quam admirabile eſt nomen tuum. Canto ò Tenore
3. Vna es o Maria. Canto ò Tenore
4. O Ieſu dulcis o Ieſu pie. Canto ò Tenore
5. O mi amantiſſime Ieſu. Canto ò Tenore
6. Vulneraſti cor meum. Canto ò Tenore
7. In te Domine ſperaui. Canto ò Tenore Voce ſola
8. Aue Maria. Alto
9. Vidi ſpecioſam. Alto
10. Conditor Cęli. Tenore ò Soprano
11. Diligam te Domine. Tenore ò ſoprano
12. Veni veni ò ſuauiſſime Ieſu. Tenore ò Soprano
13. O fili care o benigne. Tenore ò Soprano
14. Gaudete omnes et lętamini. Tenore ò Soprano
15. O præcioſum & admirandum. Tenore ò Soprano
16. O altitudo diuitiarum ſapientiæ. Baſſo Voce Sola
17. Congaudete mecum omnes gentes. Baſſo
Composer(s): Donati, Ignazio (1575c–1638)
| OPERA DECIMA QVARTA. | CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN
VENETIA, || Appresſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. M DCXXXVI. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1636
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Description: Set of 2 partbooks in fol.: Parte per cantare and Parte per sonare. On
the back of the title page – dedication of the composer dated 15th October 1627. On
p. 29 of Parte per cantare there are Avertimenti per potere insegnare. At the end – a list
of contents. Some performance indications: t.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50057 Muz.
Notes on item: Only Parte per sonare extant. Some pages damaged, refilled with
paper. Some handwritten accidentals and performance indications. On the title page
written in pencil: 183 | II.
Provenance: The extant partbook bears Rhediger Library stamp. Old shelfmarks:
B. L. | 2.; Nro 30; Mus. 282.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 117–118; RISM A/I: D 3403;
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Ignatio Donati, Paratum cor meum; Peccavi super numerum,
ed. Dennis Collins, Arbroath: Prima la musica! 2011
Recording: [–]
1. Salue Regina. Voce Sola. Canto
2. Exaudiſti Domine orationem serui tui. Voce Sola. Canto
3. Paratum cor meum Deus. Voce Sola. Canto
4. Peccaui ſuper numerum. Voce Sola. Canto
5. Domine ne in furore tuo arguas me. Voce Sola. Alla quarta Baſſa Alto
6. O Altitudo Diuitiarum ſapientiæ. Voce Sola. Alla Quarta Baſſa Alto
7. Ad te Domine leuaui animam meam. Voce Sola. Alla 4 Baſſa mezo ſoprano.
8. Cantate Domino canticum novum. Voce Sola. Canto
9. Audi filia et vide. Canto. A Voce ſola
10. Angelus Domini deſcendit de cælo. Voce ſola. Canto.
11. Surrexit Paſtor bonus. Canto. A voce ſola.
12. Confirma hoc Deus. De ſpiritu ſancto. A voce ſola. Canto.
13. Iesu dulcis memoria. Canto. A voce ſola.
14. Hoc ſignum Crucis. Canto. A voce ſola.
15. Beatus vir qui intelligit. Canto. A voce ſola.
16. Saluum me fac Deus. Baſſo. A voce ſola.
17. Montes, & omnes colles. Baſſo. Voce ſola.
18. Audi popule meus et loquar ad cor tuum. Baſſo. Voce ſola.
19. Domine inclina cælos tuos et descende. Baſſo. A voce ſola.
20. Si bona ſuſcepimus. Voce ſola. Canto, ò Tenore.
21. Vidi turbam magnam. Voce ſola. Canto
22. Hodie nata [2nd version of text: Concepta] eſt Beata Virgo Maria. Voce ſola.
23. Quid agit domine quid ad te recurrit. Voce ſola. Canto. in ecco. Christo. Riſpoſta
del Anima.
4. The catalogue
Pete et agam die et sequar. Voce ſola. Canto
O Anima mea narra mihi. Voce ſola. Canto
Nouum ſidus emicuit candor lucis. Voce ſola. Canto. Per ſanta Clara.
Cantemus Virgini psallite Tutrici clientes. Canto
Composer(s): Neri, Massimiliano (1621c–1670)
Title: SONATE | Da Sonarſi con varij ſtromenti A trè, fino a dodeci. | OPERA
SECONDA | DI MASSIMILIANO NERO | Organiſta della Sereniſſima Republica
di Venetia | De gl’Academici erranti di Brescia l’Affaticato | CONSECRATA | ALLA
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Francesco Magni 1651
Description: According to Bohn set of 7 partbooks in fol.: S I, S II, A, T, B, 5, bc.
On p. 2 dedication of the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents and
the composer’s short commentary concerning the instruments used, as well as the
publisher’s colophon: IN VENEtIA MDCLI Stampa del Gardano. Apresso Francesco
Magni. Some tempo and dynamic indications: adaſio, allegro, allegra, largo, preſto, più
preſto, forte, piano.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50097 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print, underwent conservation in 1973.
Only S I, S II and bc partbooks extant. Bc partbook damaged on edges. Single handwritten pitch corrections.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: K 2 | 7; Nro 31; Mus. 528.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 294; RISM A/I: N 403; SartoriB: 1651b
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=13668
Modern edition: Massimiliano Neri, Sonatas from the Print Venice 1651, ed. Martin
Lubenow, Germersheim: Lubenow 1999
Recording: Venetian Music at the Habsburg Court in the 17th Century, Musica Fiata,
Roland Wilson, Deutsche Harmonia Mundi 1991 (77086-2)
Sonata Prima à trè. Due Violini, è Viola, ò ver fagotto
Sonata Seconda à trè. Due Violini, e fagotto ò ver Viola
Sonata Terza à trè. Due Violini, e viola ò ver fagotto
Sonata Quarta à Quattro. Due Canti, Alto è Baſſo
Sonata Quinta à Quattro. Due Canti, Alto è Baſſo
Sonata Seſta à Cinque Viole. [Due violini, è tre viole da brazzo]
Sonata Settima à Sei Viole. [Due violini è quatro viole da brazzo]
Sonata Ottaua à Sei. Due Cornetti è fagotto, è trè tromboni
Sonata Nona à Sette. Due Canti, Alto, due Tenori, è due Baſſi
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Sonata Decima à Otto. Due violini, violetta è Tiorba, trè flauti è Tiorba
Sonata Vndecima à Noue. Due violini e viola, due Cornetti è fagotto, è trè tromboni
Sonata Duodecima à dieci. Choro Alto è Choro Baſſo. Cinque viole, è Cinque
Sonata Decimaterza à dieci. Quatro Canti, due alti, due Tenori, due Baſſi
Sonata Decimaquarta à Dodeci. Due Cornetti fagotto e tre Tromboni, due violini, viola è Tiorba ò Viola
Sonata Decimaquinta à dodeci. Quatro Canti, due Alti, quattro Tenori, due
baſſi. Alla terza ſi piace.
Composer(s): Fontana, Giovanni Batista (1589c–1631c)
Title: SONATE | A 1. 2. 3. per il Violino, o Cornetto, Fa-|gotto, Chitarone, Violoncino
o | ſimile altro Iſtromento, | Del giá M.to Ill.re Sig.re Gio: BATISTA FONTANA, | nell’
eccellenza di queſta profeſſione Frà | i megliori Ottimo. | DEDICAtE | ALL’ILL.mo
VRBANO VIII [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA M DC XXXXI || Appreſſo
Bartolomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1641
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in fol.: S I, S II, B, Part. On p. 3 dedication of the composer dated 1st May 1641. On p. 39 – a list of contents. Some performance indications: t.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50060 Muz.
Notes on item: Part. partbook missing. Title page of S I and some pages of S II
damaged. On the margins of pp. 11 and 20 of S I partbook notes in pencil: gedr[uckt]
b. Wasielewski. Some handwritten accidentals and calculations of rest lengths. On the
title page written in pencil: 356 | IV.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [B K | 4.]; [Nro 32]; Mus. 315.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 134; RISM A/I: F 1475; SartoriB: 1641b;
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=21056
Modern edition: Giovanni Battista Fontana, Sonate a 1. 2. 3. per il violino, o cornetto, fagotto, chitarrone, violoncino o simile altro strumento (1641), ed. Maura Zoni,
Milano: Edizioni Suvini Zerboni 2007 (Monumenti musicali italiani, 28)
Recording: Venezia 1625: sonate concertate in stile moderno, Maurice Steger & Ensemble, Harmonia Mundi 2009 (HMC 902024)
1. Sonata Prima. Violino Solo ò Cornetto
2. Sonata Seconda. Violino Solo
4. The catalogue
Sonata Terza. Violino Solo.
Sonata quarta à violino Solo.
Sonata Quinta à Violino ſolo.
Sonata Seſta à Violino Solo.
Sonata Settima à doi Violini
Sonata Ottaua. A doi Violini
Sonata Nona. Violino, e Fagotto. Fagotto ò Chitarrone, ò Violonzono: Con Violino ò cornetto.
Sonata Decima. Violino, e Fagotto.
Sonata Vndecima à doi violini.
Sonata Duodecima. A due. Fagotto e Violino.
Sonata Terza decima à 3. Fagotto con due Violini o cornetti.
Sonata Quarta decima. Due Violini e Fagotto
Sonata Quinta decima A due violini e fagotto
Sonata Seſta decima à 3 Violini
Sonata Decima Settima. Fagotto con due Violini.
Sonata Decima Ottava. Fagotto con doi Violini.
Composer(s): Merula, Tarquinio (1595–1665)
OPERA DVODECIMA. | Dedicate all’ Illuſtriſſimo Signore, | IL SIGNOR | GIO.
BATTISTA VISCONTI. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro
Vincenti. M. DC XXXVII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1637
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in fol.: vl I, vl II, vlne, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the
composer dated 1st March 1637. At the end – a list of contents. Single tempo indications: Preſtiſſimo, Largo.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50092 Muz.
Notes on item: Only vl I and bc partbooks extant; in bc partbook missing first and
last pages. Some handwritten accidentals. On p. 3 of vl I partbook handwritten errata:
reperatur. On the title page written in pencil: 339 | IV; f. 52.
Provenance: Both extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[B 2 | 4]; [Nro 33]; Mus. 487.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 279; RISM A/I: M 2353; SartoriB: 1637a
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Tarquinio Merula, Canzoni, overo Sonate concertate per chiesa,
e camera a due, et a tre [1637], facs. ed., Bologna: Forni 1969 (Bibliotheca musica Bononiensis. Sezione IV, 150)
Recording: ostinato, Jordi Savall, Hespèrion XXI, Alia Vox 2001 (AV 9820)
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
1. La Gallina Canzon à 2 Violini.
2. La Pedrina Canzon à 2 Violini.
3. La Carauaggia Canzon à 2 Violini.
4. La Treccha Canzon à 2 Violini.
5. La Polacchina Canzon à 2 Violini.
6. La Loda Canzon à 2 Violini.
7. La Pochetina Canzon à 2 Violini.
8. La Bellina Canzon à 2 Violini.
9. La Ghiſa Canzon à 2 Violini.
10. La Cattarina Canzon à 2 Violini.
11. La Bianca Canzon à 2 Violini.
12. La Ruggiera Canzon à 2 Violini.
13. La Maruta Canzon à 2 Violini, & Violone.
14. La Merula Canzon à 2 Violini, & Violone.
15. L’ Ariſia Canzon à 2 Violini, & Violone.
16. La Dada Canzon à 2 Violini, & Violone.
17. La Pighetta Canzon à 2 Violini, & Violone.
18. Ruggiero à doi Violini, & à 3, col Baſſo
19. Ballo detto Eccardo à doi Violini, & à 3, col Baſſo
20. Chiaccona à doi Violini, & à 3, col Baſſo.
21. L’ Ara Canzona à 3. doi Violini, & Baſſo.
22. La Strada Canzon à 3. doi Violini, & Baſſo.
23. Ballo detto Gennaro à 3. doi Violini, & Baſſo
24. Ballo detto Pollicio à 3. doi Violini, & Baſſo
Composer(s): Donati, Ignazio (1575c–1638)
MAESTRO | Di Capella nel Duomo di Milano. | Da quali quei che deſiderano imparare
à portar la Voce | con gratia, & acquistar diſpoſitione potranno ageuol-|mente da ſe
prendere la maniera di cantar gratioſa-|mente far Scherzi, paſſaggi, & altri leggiadri
affetti. | Dedicati. | Al Molto Illuſtre Sig. Nicolo Caualli da Caſalmaggiore. | OPERA
SETTIMA. | Nouamente corretta, & riſtampa. [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, ||
Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXIV |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1634
Description: One volume in fol. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: Specimen no longer preserved.
Notes on item: [–]
Provenance: Old shelfmarks: [G R | 1]; [Nro 34]; [Mus. 280].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 117; RISM A/I: D 3401; www.bibliotecamusica.it;
4. The catalogue
Digitized version: http://books.google.pl/books?id=MMgsAQAAMAAJ&printsec
=frontcover&hl=pl&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false (the
specimen from US-STu)
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. O Maria Dei genitrix. Voce Sola. Canto ò Tenore
2. Inclina Mater miſericordiæ. Voce Sola. Canto ò Tenore
3. Ego dormio, et cor meum. Voce Sola. Canto ò Tenore
4. O admirabile comercium. Voce Sola. Canto ò Tenore
5. Laudo & glorifico te Domine. Voce Sola. Canto ò Tenore
6. Domine Deus meus. Voce Sola. Tenore ò Canto
7. Ecce crucior. Voce Sola. Tenore ò Canto
8. Ad quem fugiam. Voce Sola. Tenore ò Canto
9. Saluaſti me a deſcendentibus. Voce Sola. Alto
10. Nihil eſt candoris. Voce Sola. Alto, ouer Baſſetto cantandolo all’ottaua baſſa
11. Iam non dicam vos ſeruos. Voce Sola. Alto, ouer Baſſetto
12. O ſalutaris Hoſtia. Voce Sola. Baſſo
13. Voce mea ad Dominum clamaui. Voce Sola. Baſſo
14. Cantate Dominum canticum nouum. Voce Sola. Canto ò Tenore
15. Mundus autem gaudebit. Voce Sola. Canto ò Tenore
16. Petite, & accipietis. Voce Sola. Canto ò Tenore
17. Veni Barbara ſponſa Chriſti. Voce Sola. Canto ò Tenore
18. Quis eſt hic & laudabimus eum. Voce Sola. Canto ò Tenore
19. Bone pulcherrime Domine. Voce Sola. Canto o Tenore
20. Nolite timere. Voce Sola. Canto o Tenore
21. Domine tu es ſpes mea. Voce Sola. Canto o Tenore
Composer(s): Monteverdi, Claudio (1567–1643)
IN MANTOVA. | L’ Anno 1607. Et nuovamente Riſtampata. | [typographer’s mark] |
IN VENETIA M DC X.V. || Appreſſo Ricciardo Amadino. |
Publication: Venezia: Ricciardo Amadino 1615
Description: One volume (Part.) in fol. On unnumbered p. [i] list of Personaggi and
Strumenti. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50095 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete volume, underwent conservation in 1995. Some handwritten accidentals and pitch corrections.
Provenance: The volume bears Rhediger Library stamp. Old shelfmarks: [1 | ;]ה
[Nro 35]; Mus. 512.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 288–289; RISM A/I: M 3450; VogelB: I, p. 518; NV 1949
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=27400
Modern edition: tutte le opere di Claudio Monteverdi, vol. 11, ed. Gian Francesco
Malipiero, Wien: Universal Edition 1930
Recording: Monteverdi: L’orfeo. Anthony Rolfe Johnson, Julianne Baird, Anne Sofie von Otter, Lynne Dawson, Nancy Argenta, Mary Nichols, John Tomlinson, Diana
Montague, Willard White, Nigel Robson, English Baroque Soloists, Monteverdi Choir,
John Eliot Gardiner, Deutsche Grammophon – Archiv 1987 (00028941925022)
1. Prologo la Muſica – Atto Primo – Atto Secondo – Atto Terzo – Atto Quarto –
Atto Quinto
Composer(s): Laurenzi, Filiberto (1619–1659p)
Title: CONCERTI | ET ARIE | A VNA, DVE, E TRE VOCI, | Con Vna Serenata
à 5. e doi Violini, e Chitarrone | DI | FILIBERTO LAVRENZI | DEDICATE | Nella
Commune Allegrezza per l’Illuſtriſsimo, & Eccellentiſsimo Sig. | GIO. DA PESARO
CAVALLIERE | Eletto Procuratore di S. Marco. | CON LICENZA DE’ SVPERIORI. |
[coat of arms] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. M DC XXXXI. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1641
Description: One volume in fol. On p. 3 dedication of the composer dated 20th November 1641. At the end – a list of contents, in different order.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50084 Muz.
Notes on item: Some pasted-over sheets with errata of the text. Some handwritten
accidentals and pitch corrections. The specimen underwent conservation in 1998. On
the title page written in pencil: 299k.
Provenance: The volume bears Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [J | 2];
[Nro 36]; Mus. 438.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 241–242; RISM A/I: L 1114; VogelB: I, p. 361; NV 1483;
SartoriB: 1641d
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Filiberto Laurenzi, Arie a una voce per cantarsi nel clavicembalo o tiorba (composte per) La finta savia, drama di Giulio Strozzi (Venezia 1643) e concerti et arie
a una, due, e tre voci con una serenata a 5 e doi violini, e chitarrone (Venezia 1641), facs. ed.,
Firenze: Studio per edizioni scelte 2000 (Archivum musicum. Musica drammatica, 6)
Recording: [–]
4. The catalogue
1. O di cruda beltà non ſuperbire de quegl’oſtri animati (Prima Parte) – Se dal
guardo ſeren auuenti (Seconda Parte) – Folle, cangia penſier ch’il tempo fugge
(Terza Parte) – Coſì pianſe Fillen in riua all’Arno (Quarta Parte). A 1. Poeſia di
molto Illuſſtre Sig. Bartolomeo Conti
2. Chi può mirar coſtei e poi non dire: ohimè. A 1. Poeſia del Illuſſtriſsimo Sig.
Gio: Battiſta Panneſio
3. Perchè, cruda, ogn’hora più prendi a ſcherno. A 1. Poeſia del molto Illuſſtre Sig.
Franceſco Meloſio. Arietta
4. O cara libertà, torna deh torna à me. A 1 [prima parte] – Ahi dura ſervitù ch’il
piè legaſti [seconda parte] – Doppo che mi legò amor non viddi [terza parte].
Poeſia del Illuſſtriſsimo Sig. Abbate Saccho
5. Nelle pene ch’io ſento più non bramo mercè. Arietta A 1. Tema d’aſpro tormento. Poeſia del molto Illuſſtre Sig. Domenico Benigni.
6. Benchè Filli ogn’hor m’aſſaglia e dagl’occhi i dardi auenti. Arietta A 1.
7. Arman l’arco di due ſguardi ond’io mi moro ſtrali ardenti. Arietta A 1. Poeſia
del molto Illuſſtre Sig. Bartolomeo Conti
8. Non credete, ò vita, o core, che già mai tempo. Arietta A 1. Poeſia del molto
Illuſſtre Sig. Carlo Ludoviſio
9. Così mi laſci, ingrato, coſì per altra donna m’abbandoni (Donna abandonata
dall’amante) Lamento A 1. Poeſia del molto Illuſſtre Sig. Ottauiano Caſtelli
10. O desiri languenti, ch’erget’a l’alma incendio (Vn capitan abbatuto d’amore) Lamento. A 1. Poeſia del molto Illuſſtre Sig. Ottauiano Caſtelli
11. O cara genitrice, deh ditemi, ſe lice. Dialogo A 2. (Amore, e Venere). [Poeſia]
Del molto Illuſſtre Sig. Vincenzo Prouidali
12. Andiamne, madre. Andiamne, figlio. A 2.
13. Amor ſ ’accende di ſdegno e rigore, ma vinto. A 2. [Poeſia] del molto Illuſſtre
Sig. Domenico Benigni
14. Chi ſciolto ſen và da lacci d’Amore A 3. [Poeſia] del molto Illuſſtre Sig. Domenico Benigni
15. Occhi, non più ſtrali ad vn core ſe v’impetra A 3. [Poeſia] del molto Illuſſtre Sig.
Gio. Battiſta Paneſio
16. Guerra non porta al tuo caro penſiero. Serenata à 5 e 2 violini, e Chitarrone fatta nelle feste dell Illmo. & Eccmo. Procurator Giovanni de Peſaro. [Poesia]
Del molto Illuſſtre Sig. Giulio Strozzi. Prologo. Soprano – Paſſacaglio – Ma ſe’l
giorno rimira queſt’occhio oſſequioſo A 1 – Corrente – Bella notte ſerena invita
i meſti e malgraditi amanti A 5 – S’udir non ci correte, o donne belle A 1. Tenore ſolo – Ritornello – S’udir non ci correte, o donne belle, canteremo alle ſtelle
A 5 – Acque tranquille e chia canti A 1. Soprano ſolo – Aure placide e chete,
temprate, aure corteſi, il noſtro ſol A 2. Corrente da capo – Belle riue gradite di
ſì beato lido A 1. Baſſo ſolo – S’udir donna non vuole noſtre pene, canteremo
all’arene A 5 – Donne, a goder non indugiate più. Aria A 1. Soprano ſolo – Arene, acque, aure, cielo a voi canto, a voi parlo. A 1 Alto ſolo – Ritornello – E ſe
ſorde voi pur ſere al mio pianto A 1. Alto – Ritornello – E ſe ſordi voi pur ſere al
mio pianto A 5 – Non più ſuoni, non più canti. Licenza
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Già del sacro Leon degno meſſaggio feſti ſul Tebro. Sonetto A 1. All’Illuſtriſſimo, & Eccellentiſſimo Sig. Giouanni da Peſaro Caualiero, e Procuratore. Poeſia
del molto Illuſtre Sig. Orazio Perſiani [prima parte] – Però del tuo valor douuto
omaggio (Seconda Parte) – Veggio che d’oro un dì cerchiato i crini (Terza Parte)
– Già replica a tuo prò Merone i carmi (Quarta Parte)
Sparite dal core, ſperanze fallaci. Arietta A 1. Poeſia del molto Illuſtre Sig. Domenico Benigni
Chi brama gioire in mezzo al dolore. Arietta A 1. Poeſia del molto Illuſtre Sig.
Agoſtino Pinelli
Sempre dite che morite e ch’il voſtro morir non ha mercede. Arietta A 1. Poeſia
del molto Illuſtre Sig. Baſtiano Baldini
Composer(s): Buchner, Philipp Friedrich (1614–1669)
DEUM | PERINDE LAUDANDUM | atque | Ad hominum animos exhilarandos
Viris, Imperialis Judicii Præto-|ri, Conſulibus & Senatoribus Liberæ Civitatis Imperialis
| Francofurtensis ad Mœnum, &c. | Dominis ſuis Mæcenatibus, peculiari obſervantia
colendis, | dicatum | & conſecratum | à | PHILPPO FRIDERICO BUCHNERO, |
Eminentiſsimi & Reverendiſsimi Principis Electoris Moguntini &c. | Capellæ Magistro |
OPUS QUARTUM, | [the arabesque] | FRANCOFURTI, | In Typographia Balthaſaris
Wuſtii, || Anno M. DC. LXII. |
Publication: Frankfurt am Main: Balthasar Christoph Wust 1662
Description: Set of 7 partbooks in fol.: vl I, vl II, vla da braccio, vla da gamba, fag, b,
bc. On the unnumbered page [I] Epistola Dedicatoria of the composer without a date.
On the next page – a list of contents without page references. Tempo indications for
the successive sections of sonatas: Adagio, Allegro, preſto, Largo. Some dynamic indications: forte, piano, più piano.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50044 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Some pages damaged, refilled with new
paper. In vla da gamba partbook on pp. 6–7 notes in pencil: Sonata IX (omitted in
print) and 1. Fagott (instead of the printed Viola). On the title page written in pencil:
105 | VII.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
N A | 7; Nro 37; Mus. 186.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 77; RISM A/I: B 4865
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=116
4. The catalogue
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: Philipp Friedrich Buchner: Plectrum musicum, Parnassi musici, Bavarian
Chamber Orchestra, CPO 2005 (777132)
1. Sonata I A 2. 2. Violin.
2. Sonata II A 2. 2. Violin.
3. Sonata III A 2. 2. Violin.
4. Sonata IV A 2. 2. Violin.
5. Sonata V A 2. Violin. & Viola da gamba.
6. Sonata VI A 2. Violino & Viola da gamba.
7. Sonata VII A 2. Violin. & Fagotto.
8. Sonata VIII A 2. Violin. & Fagotto.
9. Sonata IX A 2. 2. Fagotto.
10. Sonata X A 3. Violin. Flauto, vel Viola da Braccio, & Viola da gamba.
11. Sonata XI A 3. Violin. Flauto, vel Viola da Braccio, & Viola da gamba.
12. Sonata XII A 3. 2. Violin. & Fagotto.
13. Sonata XIII A 3. 2. Violin. & Fagotto.
14. Sonata XIV A 3. 2. Violin. & Fagotto.
15. Sonata XV A 3. 2. Violin. & Fagotto.
16. Sonata XVI A 3. 2. Violin. & Fagotto.
17. Sonata XVII A 3. 2. Violin. & Fagotto.
18. Sonata XVIII A 3. 2. Violin. & Fagotto.
19. Sonata XIX A 4. 2. Violin. Viola da braccio & Fagotto. plena.
20. Sonata XX A 4. 2. Violin. Viola da braccio & Fagotto. plena.
21. Sonata XXI A 5. 2. Violin. 2 Viole da braccio & Fagott. ad libitum.
22. Sonata XXII A 5. 2. Violin. Viola da braccio, Viola da gamba & Fagotto. plena.
23. Sonata XXIII A 5. 2. Violin. Viola da braccio, Viola da gamba & Fagotto. plena.
24. Sonata XXIV A 5. 2. Violin. Viola da braccio, Viola da gamba & Fagotto. plena.
Composer(s): Laurenzi, Filiberto (1619–1659p)
Title: ARIE | A VNA VOCE | Per Cantarſi nel Clauicembalo ò Tiorba | Del Sig.
FILIBERTO LAVRENZI | RACOLTE [!] | Da Gio. Battiſta Verdizotti, Nel Dramma
della finta sauia | Del Sig. Giulio Strozzi Rapreſentato in queſto | Carneualle nel Teatro
Del’ Illuſtr.mo | Sig. Gio. Grimani. | DEDICAtE | ALL’ILL.MO SIG.R FRANCESCO
MICHIEL | Con Licenza de Superiori & Priuilegio. | [typographer’s mark] | IN
VENETIA MDCXXXXIII || Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1643
Description: One volume in fol. On p. 2 dedication of the editor (Giovanni Battista
Verdizotti) dated 10th February 1643. At the end – two Italian sonnets dedicated to the
composer by Accademico Umorista, Accademico Vigilante and a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50085 Muz.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Some handwritten accidentals, erroneous pagination corrected with pencil.
Provenance: The volume bears Rhediger Library stamp. Old shelfmarks: F R | 1;
Nro 38; Mus. 438d (from the private collection of Emil Bohn).
Catalogues: BohnD, not listed; RISM A/I: L 1115; VogelB: I, pp. 361–362; NV 1482
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Filiberto Laurenzi, Arie a una voce per cantarsi nel clavicembalo o tiorba (composte per) La finta savia, drama di Giulio Strozzi (Venezia 1643) e concerti et arie
a una, due, e tre voci con una serenata a 5 e doi violini, e chitarrone (Venezia 1641), facs. ed.,
Firenze: Studio per edizioni scelte 2000 (Archivum musicum. Musica drammatica, 6)
Recording: [–]
1. Ben ſi vede che fuggiro di marito freddo ſeno. Cantata Dalla Sig. Anna Renzi
[Giulio Strozzi]
2. La ſchiaua, la ritroſa, armata di prudenza. Cantata Dalla Sig. Hanna Valerij
[Giulio Strozzi]
3. In che temp d’amor l’ire e l’orgoglio [prima parte] – Amor queſt’hà di buono fra
le ſue pene acerbe (Seconda Parte)
4. Tant’armi inuenntate horribile e fiere. Cantata Dal famoſo Rabacchio
5. Amara mi trouo, Amor, tua mercè. Cantata Dalla Sig. Anna Renzi
6. Soura il dorſo di Gioue piena d’altra ventura. Cantata Dalla Sig. Hanna Renzi
7. Dalle neui del mio volto che gentil ſpunti la roſa. Cantata Dalla Sig. Hanna Valerij
8. Sul’herba fiorita con rozzo furor. Cantata Dalla Sig. Anna Renzi
9. Stolta Melanto ingnuda, impara hor a ſcherzar. La Sig. Renzi
10. Per far naſcere vn Cirone ch’amaeſtri i fieri Achilli. Cantata Dalla Sig. Anna Renzi
11. Spero, aſpetto e non viene il ſoſpirato bene. Cantata Dalla Sig. Hanna Renzi
12. Trope forze ha la beltà. Cantata Dalla Sig. Hanna Renzi
13. O come in fretta ſon lodando traſcorſo. Cantata Dalla Sig. Stefano Coſta
14. Se mi coglie Amor mio danno. Cantata Dalla Sig. Anna Renzi
15. Noue legge è noue mende vuol far Gioue (Prima Parte) – Vn ſol eſempio io t’apporto
(2. Parte) – Vede ch’il mondo peruerso (Terza Parte). Cantata Dal famoſo Rabacchio
Composer(s): Medico, Giacomo (17.sc)
Title: SVONATE E MOTETTI | A 3. è 4. Voci, con vn canto d’incerto autore à 3. |
& vna Meſſa à 4. voci con 2 violini à beneplacito | DEDICATE | ALL’ ILL.MO ET REV.MO
&c. | DI D. GIACOMO MEDICO | D’Arti Liberali, è di Filoſofia Bacceliero. Opera
Prima. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA M DC LXV. Apreſſo Franceſco Magni
detto Gardano |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1665
4. The catalogue
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in fol.: S I, S II, vl I, vl II, bc. On p. 2 dedication of
the composer without a date.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50090 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Bc partbook missing. The specimen
underwent conservation in 1994. On pp. 3–9, 16 of S I, pp. 3–8, 11 of S II, pp. 3–6, 11–
–12, 15–18 of vl I, pp. 3–10, 12, 14–16, 20 of vl II partbooks the correct titles and page
numbers pasted on errata paper sheets. On pp. 4 & 8 of S I and p. 4 of S II partbooks
a handwritten note: Sinfonia. 8. Some handwritten accidentals. On p. 19 of vl I pasted
music errata on Et in terra, below a handwritten note: Qui tollis.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: N t | 5; Nro 39; Mus. 481.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 277; RISM A/I: M 1736; SartoriB: 1665f;
http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: planned publication
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Sonata Prima. A 2 violini
2. Sonata Seconda. A 2 violini
3. Sonata Terza. A 2 violini
4. Sonata Quarta. A 2 violini
5. Quis mihi det fratrem à 4. 2 Canti è 2 violini
6. Adiuro vos filiæ Ieruſalem à 4. 2 violini è 2 Canti
7. Quam lęta dies iucunda à 4. 2 violini è 2 Canti
8. Sub tuum pręſidium à 4. 2 Alti è 2 violini
9. Salue Regina à 4. 2 Alti è 2 violini ouero Soprani
10. Aue Regina cælorum. 2 canti è 2 violini. Si ſuonano à vicenda delli Canti à 4.
repete tre volte tutte due
11. O magnum Sacramentum à 3. Canto è 2 violini
12. Faſciculus mirrhę à 4. 2 Alti è 2 violini
13. Ave Regina cęlorum A 4. 2 Canti è 2 violini
14. Laudate pueri à 3. due Soprani è Baſſo. Canto di Incerto Autore.
15. Sonata à 3. due violini è viola
16. Sonata à 3. due violini è viola
17. Sonata à 3. due violini è viola
18. Transfige me potentiſſime Iesu à 4. 2 Alti & 2 viole
19. Meſſa à 6. 2 Canti Alto Baſſo è 2 violini (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanctus [in
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Composer(s): Rigatti, Giovanni Antonio (1613c–1648)
Title: MOTETTI | A VOCE SOLA | Per Cantare nell’Organo, Grauecimbalo Tiorba,
| & altro Inſtromento. | LIBRO SECONDO | DI GIO: ANTONIO | RIGATTI |
| CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro
Vincenti. M DC XXXXVII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1647
Description: One volume in fol. On p. 3 dedication of the composer dated 5th December 1646. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50107 Muz.
Notes on item: Numerous dynamic, tempo and performance indications: piano, forte, P., F., adaggio, adaſio, allegro, largo, presto, con affetto, paſſaggio, soaue, t., Va Cantato
graue, sometimes (p. 64) on the pasted paper sheets. On the title page written in pencil:
425a | I.
Provenance: The volume bears Rhediger Library stamp. Old shelfmarks: F G | 2;
Nro 40; Mus. 613.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 335; RISM A/I: R 1419; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. O Iesu meum cor. Soprano, ouero Tenore
2. Nec inuenio? Vbi dilectus meus. Vn Tuono più baſſo, ouero in Tuono. Soprano,
ouero Tenore
3. Florete Flores quaſi lilium. Soprano, ouero Tenore
4. Sonent cytharę. Voce Sola. Soprano, ouero Tenore
5. Beatus vir. A Voce Sola. Soprano, ouero Tenore
6. Audite me diuini fructus. Soprano, ouero Tenore
7. Decantabat populus Iſrael. A Voce Sola. Soprano, ouero Tenore
8. Quaſi cedrus exaltata sum in libano. Soprano, ouero Tenore
9. Fuge mundum quęre Christum. Alto, ouero Traſportato in Soprano, ò Tenore.
Ad inſtanza del Molt’Il.e Molto R. D. Franc. Spada Muſico della Seren. Republica di Ven. in S. Marco
10. Buccinant cornua. Alto, ouero Traſportato in Soprano, ò Tenore
11. Congregati sunt inimici noſtri. Alto, ouero Traſportato in Soprano, ò Tenore
12. Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore. Alto, ouero Traſportato in Soprano,
ò Tenore
13. Congregamini omnes. Alto, ouero Traſportato in Soprano, ò Tenore
14. Audi dulciſſima amica. Tenore
4. The catalogue
Ardet cor meum. Baſſo
Lętamini in Domino. Baſſo
Composer(s): Uccellini, Marco (1603c–1680)
Title: SONATE ARIE, | ET CORRENTI | A 2. e. 3. Per Sonare con diuerſi Inſtromenti
| DI | D. MARCO VCELLINI | DEDICATE | All’ Altezza Sereniſſima | DEL | SIGNOR |
DVCA DI MODONA | CON PRIVILEGIO. | [coat of arms] || IN VENETIA || Appreſſo
Aleſſandro Vincenti. M DC XXXXII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1642
Description: Set of 3 partbooks in fol.: S I, S II, bc. On the back of the title page dedication of the composer dated 7th Febuary 1642. At the end – a list of contents. Some
dynamic and tempo indications: piano, adaſio, adagio, Allegra, Allegro, Graue, Preſto.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50137 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. On p. 22 in bc partbook, before the arias:
Queſt’Arie renderanno maggior armonia ſe il Baſſo Continuo ſara accompagnato col Violone. On p. 8 of S I partbook a handwritten correction of the erroneously printed title of
Sonata Sesta. Between pp. 18 and 19 of S II partbook a pasted small card with commentary on the Sonata Duodecima, written in German (by Ambrosius Profe?). On pp. 20, 21,
36 and 37 of S II partbook note: Voltate presto, which refers to the sonatas printed there,
continued respectively on the subsequent pages. Some handwritten accidentals.
Provenance: All partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: W | 3;
N. 41; Mus. 732.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 413; RISM A/I: U 14; SartoriB: 1642a
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=18104
Modern edition: Marco Uccellini, Aria sopra la Bergamasca (1642) für zwei Violinen
und Basso continuo, ed. Lajos Rovátkay, Wolfenbüttel: Möseler Verlag 1977 (Musica
italiana, 6); Marco Uccellini, Sonata Nr. 18 à 3 “la Buonamenta” (1642) für 2 Violinen,
Violoncello u. Basso continuo, ed. Lajos Rovátkay, Wolfenbüttel: Möseler Verlag 1977;
Marco Uccellini, Zwei Sonaten (Nr.12 & 14) für 3 Violinen und B.c: “La tartaruca” und
“La tarantola”, Venedig 1642, ed. Martin Lubenow, Germersheim: Lubenow 2000
Recording: Marco Uccellini: La Bergamasca, Nicholas McGegan, Arcadian Academy, Harmonia Mundi 1993 (HMX 2907066)
1. Sonata Prima detta la Poggia A 2. Violino, e Tiorba
2. Sonata Seconda detta la Bucefalaſca A 2. Violino, e Trombone
3. Sonata Terza detta la Tamberlana A 2. Violino, e Tiorba
4. Sonata Quarta detta la Trasformata. A Due Violini
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Sonata Quinta detta la Calcagnina. A Due Violini
Sonata Seſta detta la Marcella. A Due Violini
Sonata Settima in Canon detta la Fortunata. A Due Violini
Sonata Ottaua deta la Torella. A Due Violini.
Sonata Nona detta la Reggiana. A Due Violini.
Sonata Decima detta la Rinalda. A Due Violini
Sonata Vndecima detta la Leona. A Due Violini
Sonata Duodecima detta la Tartaruca. Sopra Iſte Confeſſor. In Canone. A tre Violini
Sonata Terzadecima detta l’Abbatina A tre Duoi Violini, e Baſſo
Sonata Quartadecima detta la Tarantola A tre Violini [Duoi Violini e Baſſo]
Sonata Quintadecima detta la Sorella mi fa parlare A tre Duoi Violini. e Baſſo
Sonata Seſtadecima detta la Vendramina A tre Duoi Violini, e Baſſo
Sonata Decimaſettima detta la Cinaglia A tre Duoi Violini, e Baſſo
Sonata Decimaottaua detta la Bonamenta A tre, Duoi Violini e Baſſo
Sonata Decimanona detta la Febre A tre Duoi Violini, e Baſſo
Aria Prima. à 2. Violini, e Baſſo
Aria Seconda Sopra E tanto tempo hormai à 3
Aria Terza Sopra vn Balletto à 3
Aria Quarta Sopra La Ciaccona à 3
Aria Quinta Sopra La Bergamaſca à 3
Aria Seſta Sopra vn Balletto à 3
Aria Settima Sopra il Lantururù à 3
Aria Ottaua Sopra Quest’ è quel loco à 3
Aria Nona. Maritati inſieme la Gallina, e il Cucco fanno vn bel concerto à 3.
Corrente Prima detta la Caſtigliona
Corrente Seconda detta la Donlina
Corrente Terza qual ſi può ſonar anco à Violin ſolo detta l’Inconſtante
Corrente Quarta detta la Cintia
Corrente Quinta detta l’Ardita
Corrente Seſta detta la Corſetta
Corrente Settima detta la Saluia
Corrente Ottaua detta la Taſſona
Corrente Nona detta la Simona
Corrente Decima detta la Balia
Corrente Vndecima detta la Gardina
Corrente Duodecima detta la Briganta
Corrente Terzadecima detta la Banda
Corrente Quartadecima detta la Vecchiazzana
Composer(s): Ferrari, Benedetto (1603c–1681)
4. The catalogue
DI | FERDINANDO III | IMPERATORE | Con licenza de Superiori & Priuilegio. | IN
VENETIA MDCXXXXI | Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1641
Description: One volume in fol. On p. 3 dedication of the composer dated 15th February 1641.
Shelfmark: Specimen no longer preserved; the unique specimen in I-Bc is of different provenance.
Notes on item: [–]
Provenance: Old shelfmarks: [ξ | 1]; [Nro 42]; [Mus. 302b] (from the private collection of Emil Bohn).
Catalogues: BohnD, not listed; RISM A/I: F 267; VogelB: I, p. 228; NV 937;
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Benedetto Ferrari, Musiche varie a voce sola: libri I, II, III: Venezia
1633, 1637, 1641, facs. ed., Firenze: Studio per edizioni scelte 1985, 1998 (Archivum
musicum. La cantata barocca, 22)
Recording: Benedetto Ferrari, Musiche varie a voce sola: libri I, II & III [a selection],
Philippe Jaroussky, Ensemble Artaserse, Ambroisie 2003 (AMB 9932)
1. Udite, amanti, la mia bella donna tutta veſte di bruno
2. Il più fido di me nel gran regno d’amor certo non è
3. Amor tu m’hai pur colto nella tua dura rete
4. M’amò tanto coſtei, che tanto i ſommi dei non amano la ſù
5. Torni al lido il nocchiero che l’amoroſo arciero
6. Donna, ſei coſì bella che non ha’l cielo ſtella ch’agguagli
7. Donna ſ ’il volto t’hanno offeſo gl’anni
8. Al fin del mar d’amore ſcorſi i flutti voraci
9. Donne, non mi credete ſe tallor mi vedete per amor ſpaſimar
10. Una roſa è’l ben mio, di quelle da adorate
11. Amanti io vi ſò dire ch’è meglio aſſai fuggire [prima parte] – Non accade penſare
gioir in amare (seconda parte) – La ſpeme del gioire fondata è ſul martire (terza
parte) – Vi vuol pianti a diluvi per ſpegner i veſuvi (quarta parte) – Credete
à coſtui che per proua può dir (quinta parte) – Donna, ſò chi tu ſei, amor, ſo
i fatti miei (sesta parte)
12. Io v’amo e v’amerò fin ch’amante pietoſa vi vedrò
13. A che bellezza e gratia deſiar nott’e giorno
14. Noi ſiam due luci chiare, mortali ſì, ma belle
15. Avverti, ò cor, ſe del tuo ardor Lilla non ha qualche pietà
16. Deggio amarvi, occhi belli
17. O monumenti apriteui, non vedete ch’io moro
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Composer(s): Uccellini, Marco (1603c–1680)
Title: SONATE, CORRENTI, | Et Arie Da Farſi con diuersi Stromenti sì da Camera, |
come da Chieſa, à vno, à due, & à trè. | OPERA QVARTA. | DI D. MARCO VCCELLINI
| MVSICO, E CAPO DEGL’INSTRUMENTISTI | Del Sereniſſimo Sig. Duca dì Modana
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1645
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in fol.: S I, Parte II, Parte III, bc. On p. 1 dedication
of the composer dated 15th August 1645. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo
and dynamic indications: adagio, preſto, allegro, graue, F., P.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50138 Muz.
Notes on item: Only Parte III and bc partbooks extant. The title page and some
subsequent pages of bc partbook damaged, refilled with new paper. At the very beginning of the scores a short remark: Avertasi che tutte le Correnti di presenti libri vano
[!] sonate presto. Some handwritten accidentals and bc numbering. On the title page
written in pencil: 520 | IV.
Provenance: Both extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
F D | 4; Nro 43; Mus. 733.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 413; RISM A/I: U 15; SartoriB: 1645f; www.bibliotecamusica.it
Digitized version: http://imslp.org/wiki/File:PMLP107780-Uccellini_Sonate_
Modern edition: Marco Uccellini, Sonate, correnti et arie op. 4, facs. ed., Firenze: Studio per edizioni scelte 1984 (Archivum musicum, Collana di testi rari, 59); Marco Uccellini, tre Arie a due Violini, Sonata 16 & 17, tre correnti per violino, ed. Luigi Torchi,
Milano: G. Ricordi, 1908 (L’Arte Musicale in Italia, 7); Marco Uccellini, Zwei Sonaten [18,
21] für zwei Sopranblockflöten (Violinen) und B.c., ed. Martin Nitz, Celle: Moeck 1998
Recording: Marco Uccellini: Works for violin, Hélène Schmitt, Markus Märkl, Karl-Ernst
Schröder, Arno Jochem, Christophorus 2010 (CHR 77315); Marco Uccellini: La Bergamasca, Nicholas McGegan, Arcadian Academy, Harmonia Mundi 1993 (HMX 2907066)
1. Sonata prima a violino ſolo detta la vitoria trionfante
2. Sonata ſeconda a violino ſolo detta la Luciminia contenta
3. Sonata terza a violino ſolo detta la Ebrea marinata
4. Sonata quarta a violino ſolo detta la Hortenſia virtuoſsa
5. Sonata ouero toccata quinta a violino ſolo detta la Laura Rilucente
6. Sonata ouero toccata ſeſta a violino ſolo detta la mia Signora
7. Sonata setima a violino e Baſſo detta La proſperina
8. Sonata ottaua a violino e Baſſo
4. The catalogue
Sonata nona a violino e Baſſo
Sonata decima a violino e Baſſo
Sonata vndecima a violino e Baſſo
Sonata duodecima a violino e Baſſo
Sonata decima terza a violino e Baſſo
Sonata decima quarta a violino e Baſſo
Sonata decima quinta a doi violini detta La Burnagina
Sonata decima ſeſta a doi violini detta La Angela
Sonata decima ſetima a doi violini
Sonata decima ottaua a doi violini
Sonata decima nona a doi violini
Sonata vigeſima a doi violini
Sonata vigeſima prima a doi violini
Sonata vigeſima ſeconda a doi violini
Sonata vigeſima terza a 3 doi violini e Baſſo
Sonata vigeſima quarta a 3 doi violini e Baſſo
Sonata vigeſima quinta a 3 doi violini e Baſſo
Sonata vigeſima ſeſta ſopra allà proſperina a 3 doi violini e Baſſo
Sonata vigeſima ſettima a 3 doi violini e Baſſo
Sonata vigeſima ottaua a 3 doi violini e Baſſo
Sonata vigeſima nona a 3 doi violini e Baſſo
Sonata trigeſima a 3 doi violini e Baſſo
Corrente prima [Il ſecondo ſoprano e aggiunto ad libitum.]
Corrente ſeconda [Il ſecondo ſoprano e aggiunto ad libitum.]
Corrente terza [Il ſecondo ſoprano e aggiunto ad libitum.]
Corrente quarta [Il ſecondo ſoprano e aggiunto ad libitum.]
Corrente quinta [Il ſecondo ſoprano e aggiunto ad libitum.]
Corrente ſeſta [Il ſecondo ſoprano e aggiunto ad libitum.]
Corrente ſettima [Il ſecondo ſoprano e aggiunto ad libitum.]
Corrente ottaua [Il ſecondo ſoprano e aggiunto ad libitum.]
Corrente nona [Il ſecondo ſoprano e aggiunto ad libitum.]
Corrente decima [Il ſecondo ſoprano e aggiunto ad libitum.]
Corrente undecima [Il ſecondo ſoprano e aggiunto ad libitum.]
Corrente duodecima [Il ſecondo ſoprano e aggiunto ad libitum.]
Corrente decima terza [Il ſecondo ſoprano e aggiunto ad libitum.]
Corrente decima quarta [Il ſecondo ſoprano e aggiunto ad libitum.]
Corrente decima quinta [Il ſecondo ſoprano e aggiunto ad libitum.]
Corrente decima ſeſta [Il ſecondo ſoprano e aggiunto ad libitum.]
Corrente decima ſettima [Il ſecondo ſoprano e aggiunto ad libitum.]
Corrente decima ottaua [Il ſecondo ſoprano e aggiunto ad libitum.]
Corrente decima nona [Il ſecondo ſoprano e aggiunto ad libitum.]
Corrente vigeſima [Il ſecondo ſoprano e aggiunto ad libitum.] Queſta Corrente
eſtata [!] fatta in queſto modo per ſeruire ad vn Amico.
Aria prima [Il ſecondo ſoprano e aggiunto ad libitum.]
Aria ſeconda [Il ſecondo ſoprano e aggiunto ad libitum.]
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Aria terza [Il ſecondo ſoprano e aggiunto ad libitum.]
Aria quarta [Il ſecondo ſoprano e aggiunto ad libitum.]
Aria quinta [Il ſecondo ſoprano e aggiunto ad libitum.]
Aria ſeſta [Il ſecondo ſoprano e aggiunto ad libitum.]
Aria ſettima [Il ſecondo ſoprano e aggiunto ad libitum.]
Aria ottaua [Il ſecondo ſoprano e aggiunto ad libitum.]
Aria nona [Il ſecondo ſoprano e aggiunto ad libitum.]
Aria decima [Il ſecondo ſoprano e aggiunto ad libitum.]
Aria vndecima detta il Caporal ſimon [Il ſecondo ſoprano e aggiunto ad libitum.]
Aria duodecima detta Bigaran [Il ſecondo ſoprano e aggiunto ad libitum.]
Aria decima terza ſopra queſta Bella ſirena [Il ſoprano ſoprano e aggiunto ad
Aria decima quarta ſopra la mia pedrina [Il ſecondo ſoprano e aggiunto ad
Aria deci[ma] quinta ſopra la ſcatola da gli agghi [Il ſecondo ſoprano e aggiunto
ad libitum.]
Composer(s): Ferrari, Benedetto (1603c–1681)
| Libro Secondo | DEDICATO ALL’ILL.mo ET ECC.mo SIG. Viceconte | BASILIO
FEILDING || Ambaſciatore del Rè Della Gran Bretagna | Alla Sereniss. Rep. di Venetia.
| Con Licenza de Superiori & Priuilegio. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA
M DC XXXVII || Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1637
Description: One volume in fol. On p. 3 dedication of the composer dated 9th April
1637. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50059 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete volume.
Provenance: The volume bears Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: K | 1;
Nro 44; Mus. 302.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 128; RISM A/I: F 266; VogelB: I, pp. 227–228; NV 936
Digitized version: http://javanese.imslp.info/files/imglnks/usimg/5/56/IMSLP
Modern edition: Benedetto Ferrari, Musiche varie a voce sola: libri I, II, III: Venezia
1633, 1637, 1641, facs. ed., Firenze: Studio per edizioni scelte 1985, 1998 (Archivum
musicum. La cantata barocca, 22)
Recording: Benedetto Ferrari, Musiche varie a voce sola: libri I, II & III [a selection],
Philippe Jaroussky, Ensemble Artaserse, Ambroisie 2003 (AMB 9932)
4. The catalogue
1. Amanti, io ſon ferito e chi ferito m’ha. Poeſia dell’autore
2. Scrivete là dentro a que fogli eterni. Poeſia d’incerto
3. Donna, t’inganni ſe mi credi amante. Poeſia dell’autore
4. O pazza ed inſenſata, ch’un fuggitivo amante ſegui. Poeſia dell’autore
5. Quando prendo ripoſo i miſeri mortali. Poeſia dell’autore
6. Eccovi il cor, o bella, feritel pur. Poeſia dell’autore
7. Chi ſi penſa coſtei? acceder alma fredda e canuta? Poeſia dell’autore
8. Amor, io mi ribello del tuo ſpietato impero. Poeſia dell’autore
9. Il baciarti la fronte è ſciapita dolcezza. Poeſia d’incerto
10. Voglio di vita uſcir, voglio che cadano queſt’oſſa in polve. Poeſia d’incerto
11. Lilla ver la foreſta ſ ’incamina feſtoſa. Poeſia dell’autore
12. In van ſperi, o bella Clori, di ſchermir del tempo i danni. Poeſia d’incerto
13. Cielo, ſia con tua pace, al ſoaue peccato. Poeſia di Gio. Franceſco Buſenello
14. Lingua di donna, mentitrice amara, allor più fere. Poeſia dell’autore
15. Queste pungenti ſpine, che ne boſchi d’abiſſo. Cantata ſpirituale [prima parte]
– Ahi miſerella, aſcolta i tuoi vani diletti (seconda parte) – Stolta che fai? che
penſi? il tuo Gieſù tradito (terza parte) – Coſì dunque vivrai, ſenz’amor, ſenza
duolo (quarta parte). Poeſia di Ottavio Orſucci
16. Amar io ti conſiglio bellezza ſenz’affetto. Dialogo à due (Fileno e Lidia). Poeſia
Composer(s): Bertoli, Giovanni Antonio (1598–1645p)
Sonare col Fagotto ſolo, mà che puonno ſervire ad altri diuerſi | Stromenti, & delle quali
anche le voci poſſono approfittarſi. | DEDICATE | AL MOLTO ILLVSTRE SIGNOR |
PRIVILEGIO. [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, | Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti.
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1645
Description: One volume in fol. On p. 2 dedication of the composer dated 15th
March 1645. On p. 3 preface to the reader. At the end – a list of contents. Some performance indications: t.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50019 Muz.
Notes on item: Last page damaged, refilled with new paper. On the title page written
in pencil: 38; 876 (174–262).
Provenance: The volume bears Rhediger Library stamp. Old shelfmarks: F F | 1; Nro
45; Mus. 151.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 58–59; RISM A/I: B 2163; SartoriB: 1645c
Digitized version: [–]
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Modern edition: Giovanni Antonio Bertoli, Sonata prima für Fagott und Basso continuo, ed. Macario Santiago Kastner, Mainz: Schott 1971; Giovanni Antonio Bertoli,
Drei Sonaten für Fagott (Violoncello) und Basso continuo, ed. William Kaplan, Kassel:
Bärenreiter 1973 (Hortus musicus, 218)
Recording: [–]
Sonata Prima.
Sonata Seconda.
Sonata Terza.
Sonata Quarta.
Sonata Quinta.
Sonata Sesta.
Sonata Settima.
Sonata Ottaua.
Sonata Nona.
Composer(s): Gagliano, Giovanni Battista da (1594–1651)
| Nuovamente compoſte, | date in luce | CON PRIVILEGIO. | [coat of arms, an ink
drawing] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſsandro Vincenti MDCXXIII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1623
Description: One volume in fol. On the back of the title page dedication AL MoLto ILLVStRE SIGNoR. E PAtRoN oSSERVANDISSIMo IL SIG. BACCIo DA SoMMALA by the composer dated 1st June 1623. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50065 Muz.
Notes on item: A small section has been cut out of the title page, probably with the
stamp, refilled with a pasted paper sheet from another specimen of the same print, without
a stamp. Some handwritten accidentals. The specimen underwent conservation in 1997.
Provenance: The volume bears Rhediger Library stamp. Old shelfmarks: A. V.; Nro
46 (a); Mus. 330x (from the private collection of Emil Bohn).
Catalogues: BohnD, not listed; RISM A/I: G 100; NV 1248
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Luci, ſtelle d’Amor, chiare et ardenti A 1.
2. Tempo ben fu, donna ch’amai et adorai la tua beltà A 1.
3. Lampi amoroſi, perche ſdegnoſi girat’il guardo A 1.
4. The catalogue
Gioite, gioite di mille tormenti, o voi che ferite A 1.
Ninfe, prole del Ciel, donne e regine di queſti freſchi A 2.
Pupille arciere, pupille nere, regio albergo d’amore A 1.
Io mi credeua, miſero, io mi credeua, ohimè A 1.
Che più da me chiedete, occhi crudeli? A 1.
Se tù ſei bella, Filli, d’Amarilide non ſia rubella A 2.
All’ombra de gl’allori viddi meſta ſeder la mia Licori A 1.
Non ſdegnar tra i noſtri balli di formar ſoſpiroſe A 1.
Voi, ch’in ſeno Amor prouate, deh le mie gran pene udite A 1.
Filli, aſcoltami, gl’occhi voltami per pietà ch’il mio piangere A 1.
Ah ladra d’Amore, dammi il mio core A 1.
Dormi, dormi, io già non voglio conturbar tuo ſonno ingrato A 1.
Cruda, pur mi laſciaſti, nè di me più rammenti A 1.
Spiegh’i rai ſereni e belli più che mai Febo qui giù A 1.
Ecco che pur s’arriua all’eſtremo di morte orribil ſegno A 2.
È morto il tuo Signore, Anima ſconſolata A 1.
Care, amoroſe piaghe, delle ſtanche mie luci A 2.
Stella del Mare, del Ciel Regina A 1.
Tù languiſci e tu mori, o Giesù mio A 1.
Nato è il Rè d’eterna pace A 1.
Ecco ch’io verſo il ſangue, ecco ch’a morte io vengo A 2.
O notte amata, del dì più bella A 2.
Gioite, ò ſelue, ò colli, udite riſonar voci dolciſſime A 5.
Composer(s): Tarditi, Orazio (1602–1677)
Title: MOTETTI | A VOCE SOLA | Per Cantare nell’Organo, Grauecimbalo Tiorba, |
TERZA | DEDICATI | Al Reuerendiſsimo Padre | DON ODOARDO | BARANARDI |
DA BORGO IN BRESSA | Abbate meritiſsimo della Badia di Val’ di Caſtro, è San’Biagio
di Fa-|briano della Congregatione Camaldolenſe. | CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s
mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. M DC XXXXVI. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1646
Description: Set of 2 partbooks in fol.: Voce and Part. On p. 3 dedication of the
composer dated 7th September 1646. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50134 Muz., cfr. the doublette, no. 174 in the present catalogue
(only Voce partbook), with which this specimen makes a complete set of partbooks.
Notes on item: Only Part. is preserved. In the list of contents the Iubilate Deo title,
omitted in print, was added in hand. Some tempo indications: allegro, adaſio. Some
handwritten accidentals. On the title page written in pencil: 499 | I.
Provenance: The extant partbook bears Rhediger Library stamp. Old shelfmarks:
E Y; Nro 46 (b); Mus. 713.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 406; RISM A/I: T 198; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Illuminans tù mirabiliter. Voce ſola Soprano ò Tenore
2. Exultate iuſti in Domino. Voce ſola Soprano ò Tenore
3. Iubilate Deo cantate & exultate. Voce ſola Soprano.
4. Ieſu mi benigniſſime. Voce ſola Soprano, ò Tenore.
5. Conditor mundi Deus. Voce ſola Soprano.
6. Venite gentes ecce annuncio vobis ſolemnitatem Beati N. Voce ſola Soprano,
ò Tenore.
7. Ecce in terra noſtra apparuerunt flores. Voce ſola Soprano
8. Languet Anima mea amore tuo. Voce ſola Soprano.
9. Feſtinemus aſcendamus ad montem. Voce ſola Soprano
10. Cognoſcam te Domine. Voce ſola Soprano
11. O vos omnes qui tranſitis. Per il giorno di Natale. Voce ſola Soprano.
12. Veni ſancte ſpiritus. Voce Sola Soprano.
13. Alma Redemptoris Mater. Voce ſola Soprano
14. Benedictus es Domine in templo sancto. Alto ſolo ò vero Soprano Sonato alla
quarta Baſſa è coſi tutti li seguenti.
15. Quid mihi eſt in cęlo. Alto ſolo.
16. Surge ſurge propera veni amica mea. Alto ſolo.
17. Terra tremuit. Alto ſolo
18. Sonent citharæ reſonent organa. Alto ſolo.
19. Aue Maris ſtella. Hinno della Beatiſſima Vergine Maria. Soprano ſolo ò Tenore
Composer(s): Bollius, Daniel (1590c–1642c)
JESV CHRIStI | EVANGELIUM | ſecundum Lucam | compoſita | MoDo PAtHEtICo
SIVE RECItAtIVo | distributa | IN DVOS ACTVS, ET SEX SCENAS | adiunctis |
QUINQUE SYMPHoNIIS | loco intermedij. | AVTORE | DANIELE BoLLIo. |
Publication: [–]
Description: Manuscript in fol. – Part.: SSSSATB, cnto I, cnto II, fag, vl I, vl II,
vla bastarda, organo, fl I, fl II, fl III, bc. On p. 2 Personæ Repræsentationis: Isaias Propheta Prologus – Altus, LVCAS Euangeliſta – tenor, GABRIEL Archangelus – Cantus,
ZACHARIAS Sacerdos –Basſus, ELISABEtH Vxor Zachariæ – Cantus, MARIA Virgo
Mater Domini – Cantus, IoANNES Baptiſta – Cantus, PoPVLVS, VICINI & CoGNAtI
4. The catalogue
– Quaternis vocibus, EPILoGVS – octonis vocibus. On p. 3 dedication of the composer
In natalem diem […] Domini Joannis Svicardi Sanctæ Moguntianæ sedis Archiepiscopi
[…] Patroni mei clementissimi […] Deuotiſsimus Seruus & Cliens ab odis & organis
Daniel Bollius mpp.
Shelfmark: D-Bds Ms. mus. Slg Bohn 129
Notes on item: [below the title page:] Ex libris… Archiepiscopi et Electoris Moguntini.
Provenance: The volume bears Rhediger Library stamp. Old shelfmarks: [1 | ;]ס
No. 47. Note in Dehn’s catalogue: handgeschrieben.
Catalogues: BohnH, pp. 127–128
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Daniel Bollius, Symphonia from Repraesentatio harmonica conceptionis et nativitatis Sancti Joannis Baptistae für 3 Blockflöten u. orgel (Cembalo),
ed. Klaus Hofmann, Neuhausen – Stuttgart: Hänssler [1974]; Daniel Bollius, Quarta
Symphonia from Repraesentatio harmonica conceptionis et nativitatis Sancti Joannis
Baptistae für Altblockflöte, Zink (oboe), Violine und Generalbass, ed. Klaus Hofmann,
Magdeburg: Walhall 2012
Recording: [–]
Composer(s): Neri, Massimiliano (1621c–1670)
Title: SONATE E CANZONE | A QVATRO | Da sonarſi con diuerſi ſtromenti in
Chieſa, & in Camera | Con alcune Correnti pure à quatro, che ſi ponno ſonare à tre, | e à
due ancora, laſciando fuori le parti di mezzo. | OPERA PRIMA | DI | MASSIMILIANO
NERI | Degli Academici Erranti di Breſcia | L’Affaticato | CoNSECRAtA | ALL’ ILL.
SIG.r GIOVANNI Procurator, e Caualier. | IN VENETIA M DC XXXX IIII Appreſſo
Bartolomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1644
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in fol.: vl I, vl II, a-vla, vla/fag, bc. On p. 2 dedication
of the composer dated 6th July 1644. At the end – a list of contents. Tempo indications:
adaſio, allegro, Preſto, largo.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50096 Muz.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Vl I partbook missing. Vla/fag partbook damaged, missing title page, other pages damaged and refilled with paper after
conservation. Some handwritten accidentals. On the title page written in pencil: 366 | V.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: F. E. | 5 [Nro 48]; Mus. 527.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 294; RISM A/I: N 402, NN 402; SartoriB: 1644b
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=13670
Modern edition: Massimiliano Neri, Canzon Prima, ed. Paolo A. Rismondo (http://
Recording: [–]
1. Canzone Prima à 3. Ottauo Tuono
2. Canzone Seconda à 3. Decimo Tuono.
3. Canzone Terza à 3. Settimo Tuono.
4. Canzone Quarta à 3. Ottauo Tuono.
5. Canzone Prima à 4. Quinto Tuono.
6. Canzone Seconda à 4. Terzo Tuono
7. Sonata Prima à 4. Ottauo Tuono
8. Sonata Seconda à 4. Secondo Tuono.
9. Corrente Prima. Terzo Tuono.
10. Corrente Seconda. Secondo Tuono
11. Corrente Terza. Secondo Tuono
12. Corrente Quatra. Secondo Tuono
13. Corrente Quinta. Ottauo Tuono
14. Corrente Seſta. Seſto Tuono
Composer(s): Della Ciaja, Alessandro (17.sc)
& Accademico Filomato. | OPERA SECONDA. | Raccolta, e data in Luce dà Filippo
Succhielli. | CON PRIVILEGIO. | [coat of arms] | IN VENETIA. || Appreſſo Aleſſandro
Vincenti. M. DC. L. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1650
Description: One volume in fol. On p. 3 dedication to Signor Don Iacomo Carissimi
Maeſtro di Cappella di Santo Apollinare In Roma dated 15th March 1649, signed by Bastiano Arditi. On the last page – Bastiano Arditi a Lettori and a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50054 Muz.
4. The catalogue
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Some pages damaged, refilled with
paper after conservation. Many handwritten accidentals.
Provenance: The volume bears Rhediger Library stamp. Old shelfmarks: [S G | 1];
[Nro 49]; Mus. 249.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 101; RISM A/I: D 1395; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Feria Quinta. Lamentatione Prima. Incipit Lamentatio Ieremiæ Prophetæ.
Aleph. Quomodo ſedet ſola
2. Feria Quinta. Lamentatione Seconda. Vau. Et egreſſus eſt à filia ſion
3. Feria Quinta. Lamentatione Terza. Iod. Manum ſuam miſit hoſtis ad omnia
4. Feria Seſta. Lamentatione Prima. De lamentatione Ieremiæ Prophetæ. Heth.
Cogitauit Dominus diſſipare murum filiæ ſion
5. Feria Seſta. Lamentatione Seconda. Lamed. Matribus ſuis dicerunt ubi eſt triticum
6. Feria Seſta. Lamentatione Terza. Aleph. Ego vir videns paupertatem meam in virga
7. Sabbato Santo. Lamentatione Prima. De lamentatione Ieremiæ Prophetaæ.
Heth. Miſericordiæ Domini qui non ſumus conſumpti
8. Sabbato Santo. Lamentatione Seconda. Aleph. Quomodo obſcuratum eſt aurum
9. Sabbato Santo. Oratione. Incipit oratio Ieremiæ Prophetæ. Recordare Domine
quid acciderit
10. Ecce venio ad te Domine Deus meus
11. Ad Cęleſtem Ieruſalem cum veniſſet N.
12. O Dulciſſime Domine Ieſu
13. Gaude Mater Eccleſia
14. Diem fauſtam, diem lætam
15. Cognoſcam te Domine cognitor meus
16. Gaudens gaudebo in Domino
17. Quam dileĉta Tabernacula tua Domine
18. Quemadmodum deſiderat ceruus ad fontes
Composer(s): Rossi, Salomone (1570c–1630c); Rubini, Giovanni Francesco (17.sc);
Rubini, Giovanni Battista (16/17)
BRANDI, | E CORRENTE | Per ſonar due Viole da braccio, & vn Chittarrone, |
o altro ſtromento ſimile. | DI SALAMON ROSSI HEBREO | TERZA IMPRESSIONE,
| OPERA DVODECIMA. | DEDICATA | All’ Illuſtriſſ. & Eccell. Signor Patron mio
Colendiſſimo | il Sig. Don FERRANtE GoNZAGA | Prencipe di Guastalla, &c. |
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſso Aleſsandro
Vincenti. M DC XXIII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1623
Description: Set of 3 partbooks in fol.: S I, S II, B. On unnumbered p. [1] dedication
of the composer dated 20th January 1613 [!]. At the end – a list of contents. Some performance and dynamic indications: Ecco, Forte.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50110 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Complete set of partbooks. Underwent
conservation in 1974. In S I and S II partbooks handwritten accidentals. Some pieces
marked with NB note in pencil. On the title page written in pencil: 430 | II.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[G | 3]; [Nro 50]; Mus. 620.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 340–341; RISM A/I: R 2767; SartoriB: 1623a
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=27313
Modern edition: Salomone Rossi: Complete Works, ed. Don Harrán, Neuhausen:
Hänssler 1995–2003; Salomone Rossi, Sonate d-moll detta La moderna (1613): op. 12,
ed. Werner Danckert, Kassel: Bärenreiter 1953 (Hortus musicus, 110); Salomone Rossi,
Il terzo libro de varie sonate, sinfonie, gagliarde, brandi e corrente: per sonar due viole
da braccio & un chittarrone o altro stromento simile; opera duodecima; terza impressione, facs. ed., Köln: Becker 2002; Salomone Rossi, 9 Sinfonie & 7 Corrente à tre, ed.
Allen Garvin, Dallas: Hawthorne Early Music 2013 (http://imslp.org/wiki/Varie_sonate,_sinfonie,_gagliarde,_brandi,_e_corrente,_Libro_3_(Rossi,_Salamone))
Recording: Salomone Rossi: Il terzo Libro de’ varie sonate, sinfonie, gagliarde, brandi
e corrente, Il Ruggiero, Emanuela Marcante, Tactus 2006 (TC 571801); Il Mantovano
Hebreo. Italian madrigals, Hebrew prayers and instrumental music by Salomone Rossi,
Profeti Della Quinta, Linn Records 2013 (CKD 429)
1. Sonata Prima detta la Moderna.
2. Sonata Seconda detta la Caſalaſca.
3. Sonata ſopra l’Aria della Romaneſca.
4. Sonata ſopra l’Aria di Ruggiero.
5. Sonata ſopra Porto celato il mio Nobil penſiero.
6. Sonata in Dialogo. Detta la Viena.
7. Sinfonia Prima
8. Sinfonia Seconda. Detta la Emiglia.
9. Sinfonia Terza detta la Cecchina.
10. Sinfonia Quarta
11. Sinfonia Quinta
12. Sinfonia Seſta
13. Sinfonia Settima
4. The catalogue
Sinfonia Ottaua
Sinfonia Nona
Gagliarda Prima detta la Turca va ſonata a la quarta baſſa.
Gagliarda Seconda detta l’Incognita va ſonata vna terza piu Baſſa di quello ſi
ſona all’alta
Gagliarda Terza detta Siluia.
Gagliarda Quarta detta la Diſperata.
Gagliarda Quinta detta Amor perfetto.
Gagliarda Seſta detta la Turanina
Gagliarda Settima detta l’Herba
Gagliarda Ottaua detta il Verdugale
Brando Primo
Brando Secondo. Aria di Gio. Franceſco Rubini. Fabricate le parti da l’Autore
Brando Terzo. Aria del mediſmo. Fabricate le parti da l’Autore
Correnta Prima
Correnta Seconda
Correnta Terza
Correnta Quarta
Correnta Quinta va sonata vna voce piu alta de l’ordinario
Correnta Seſta
Correnta Settima Aria di Gioan Battista Rubini Fabricate le parti da l’Autore.
Composer(s): Buonamente, Giovanni Battista (1595–1642)
Title: IL | QVARTO LIBRO | DE VARIE SONATE | Sinfonie, Gagliarde, Corrente,
e Brandi Per ſonar | con Due Violini, & vn Baſſo di Viola. | DI GIO. BATTISTA BVONAMENTE | MVSICO DI S. M. CESAREA. | Nouamente dato in luce. | CON PRIVILEGIO.
[typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſso Aleſsandro Vincenti. MDCXXVI. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1626
Description: Set of 3 partbooks in fol.: S I, S II, B. On p. 2 dedication of the composer ALLA SACRA CESAREA REAL MAEStA DELL’INVItISSIMo IMPERAtoR
FERDINANDo SECoNDo dated 20th May 1626. At the end – a list of contents. Some
tempo and dynamic indications: Pian., Forte, Preſto, Adagio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50045 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Complete set of partbooks. In all partbooks some pieces annotated with the NB sign written in pencil. In S I partbook some
pages damaged at the upper edge, refilled with new paper, underwent conservation.
In S II and B partbooks some handwritten accidentals, on p. 36 of S II partbook in
Corrente Prima a small pasted paper slip with music errata.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[K | 3]; [Nro 51]; Mus. 187.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 77–78; RISM A/I: B 4941; SartoriB: 1626d
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=22304
Modern edition: Giovanni Battista Buonamente, Il Quarto Libro de varie sonate,
facs. ed. Marcello Castellani, Firenze: Studio per edizioni scelte 1982 (Archivum musicum. Collana di testi rari, 47); Giovanni Battista Buonamente, Il Quarto Libro de varie
sonate, Sinfonie, Gagliarde, Corrente, e Brandi per sonar con Due Violini, & un Basso di
Viola, ed. Maurizio M. Gavioli, VistaMare 2010 (http://petrucci.mus.auth.gr/imglnks/
Recording: Buonamente. Balli, Sonate & Canzoni, Monica Huggett, Bruce Dickey,
Paul Beier, Galatea, Stradivarius 2003 (STR 33603); Venetian Art 1600. The new instrumental style by G.B. Fontana & G.B. Buonamente, Le Concert Brisé, William Dongois,
Accent 2012 (ACC 24253); Buonamente. L’e’ tanto tempo hormai. Sonatas, canzonas and
sinfonias, Helianthus Ensemble, Laura Pontecorvo, Briliant Classics 2012 (BC 94478)
1. Sonata Prima.
2. Sonata Seconda.
3. Sonata Terza.
4. Sonata Quarta.
5. Sonata Quinta. Sopra Poi che noi rimena.
6. Sonata Seſta. Sopra Rugiero.
7. Sonata Settima. Sopra Bella che mi lieghi.
8. Sonata Ottaua. Sopra la Romaneſca.
9. Sonata Nona. Sopra Questo, è quel luoco.
10. Sonata Decima. Sopra Caualetto zoppo.
11. Sinfonia Prima.
12. Sinfonia Seconda.
13. Sinfonia Terza.
14. Sinfonia Quarta.
15. Sinfonia Quinta.
16. Sinfonia Seſta.
17. Sinfonia Settima.
18. Sinfonia Ottaua.
19. Sinfonia Nona.
20. Sinfonia Decima.
21. Gagliarda Prima.
22. Gagliarda Seconda.
23. Gagliarda Terza.
24. Gagliarda Quarta.
25. Gaglliarda Quinta.
26. Gagliarda Seſta.
27. Gagliarda Settima.
28. Gagliarda Ottaua.
29. Gagliarda Nona.
4. The catalogue
Gaglliarda Decima.
Gaglliarda Vndecima.
Corrente Prima.
Corrente Seconda.
Corrente Terza.
Corrente Quarta.
Corrente Quinta.
Corrente Seſta.
Corrente Settima.
Corrente Ottaua.
Corrente Nona.
Corrente Decima.
Corrente Prima.
Corrente Seconda.
Corrente Terza.
Brando Primo.
Brando Secondo.
Brando Terzo.
Brando Quarto.
Le tanto tempo hormai.
Ballo del Gran Ducca.
Composer(s): Marini, Biagio (1594–1663); Bondioli, Giacinto (1596–1636)
SERENISSIMA | SIGNoRIA DI VENEtIA. | Opera Prima. | Nella quale ſi contiene,
Symfonie, Canzon, Sonate Balletti, | Arie, Brandi, Gagliarde & Corenti, à 1. 2. 3. |
Acomodate da poterſi Suonar con Violini Corneti & con ogni ſorte | de Srumenti [!]
Muſicali. | NOVAMENTE STAMPATI. | [coat of arms] | STAMPA DEL GARDANO |
IN VENETIA M DC XVII || Appreſſo Bartholomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Bartolomeo Magni 1617
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in fol.: S I, S II, B, B principale. On the back of the title
page dedication of the composer to SIGNoRI GIo: MARIA E tHoMASo GIVNtI dated 25th January 1617. At the end of S II and B partbooks – three Italian poems by Pietro
Petrazi and Agostino Tedoldo and a list of contents. Some dynamic indications: F., P.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50088 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. In B princ. partbook missing title page
and some last pages. Numerous handwritten accidentals, pitch corrections and music
errata. On the title page written in pencil: 319 | IV.
Provenance: All partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: I;
[Nro 52]; Mus. 468.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 272; RISM A/I: M 657; SartoriB: 1617c
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Digitized version: http://petrucci.mus.auth.gr/imglnks/usimg/c/c0/IMSLP424563
Modern edition: Biagio Marini, Affetti musicali: Venezia 1617, facs. ed., Firenze: Studio per edizioni scelte 1978 (Archivum musicum. Collana di testi rari, 7); Biagio Marini,
String Sonatas from opus 1 and opus 8, ed. Thomas D. Dunn, Madison (Wisconsin): A-R
Editions 1981, 2000 (Collegium Musicum: Yale University. Second Series, 10)
Recording: Biagio Marini: Affetti musicali op. 1, Il Viaggio Musicale, Chandos Records 2000 (CHAN 0660)
1. Il Zontino Balletto A 3. Doi Violini è Baſſo ad imitation di Viole Groſſe.
2. Il Vendramino Balletto ouero Symfonia A 3. Doi Violini ò Cornetti è Baſſo.
3. Il Monteverde Baletto Alemano A 2. Violino è Baſſo.
4. L’ Albana Simfonia Breue. A 2. Doi Violini ò Cornetti
5. La Candela Simfonia Breue A 2. Violini ò Cornetti.
6. La Zorzi Simfonia Graue A 3. Doi Violini è Baſſo.
7. La Cornera Simfonia A 2. Violini ò Cornetti.
8. La Bocca Simfonia Allegra A 3. Doi Violini è Baſſo.
9. La Martinenga Simfonia A 2. Violini ò Cornetti.
10. La Ponte Sonata A 2. Violino ò Corneto è Baſſo.
11. La Giuſtiniana Simfonia A 3. Doi Violini ò Corneti è Baſſo [or:] Trombone
12. La Bemba Canzone A 2. Violini ò Cornetti in Ecco.
13. La Foſcarina Sonata A 3. Con il Tremolo, Doi Violini ò Corneti è Trombone
ò Fagotto.
14. La Hiacintina Del Molto R. P. F. Hiacinto Bondioli Zio del Autore. Canzone
A 2. Violino ò Corneto è Trombone.
15. La Gambara Simfonia A 3. Doi Violini è Cornetto ò Baſſo:
16. La Marina Canzone A 3. Doi Tromboni è Corneto ò Violino.
17. La Zoppa Simfonia Allegra A 3. Doi Violini è Baſſo.
18. La Orlandina Simfonia Per vn Violino ò Corneto è Baſſo ſe piace.
19. La Gardana Simfonia Per vn Violino ò Corneto Solo.
20. L’ Aguzzona Sonata A 3. Doi Violini è Fagotto.
21. La Soranza Aria A 3. Doi Violini è Baſſo.
22. La Boldiera Aria A 3. Doi Violini è Baſſo.
23. Il Barizone Brando A 3. Doi Violini è Baſſo.
24. Il Boncio Brando A 2: Violino è Baſſo.
25. La Caotorta Gagliarda A 2. Violino è Baſſo.
26. La Martia Corente A 3. Doi Violini è Baſſo.
27. La Vetreſtain Corente A 2. Baſſo è Violino.
Composer(s): Weich, Stephan (17.sc)
Title: MOTETTI | A VNA ET DVE VOCI | Con il Baſſo per l’organo. | DI STEPHANO
4. The catalogue
de Superiori & Priuilegio. | [the arabesque] | JNGoLStADII. | TYPIS GREGORII
HAENLINI || Anno M. DC. XXXI. | [typographer’s mark] |
Publication: Ingolstadt: Gregor Haenlin 1631
Description: One volume in fol. On p. 2 dedication of the composer signed Salzburg, 1st June 1631. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50144 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Single handwritten accidentals and
pitch corrections. The specimen underwent conservation.
Provenance: The volume bears Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: P | 1;
Nro 53; Mus. 765.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 429–430; RISM A/I: W 498
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. O Altitudo diuitiarum ſapientiæ. De S. Trinitate. Cantus ſiue Tenor.
2. Adoramus te, ò Domine Ieſu Chriſte. De Paſſione Chriſti. Cantus ſiue Tenor.
3. Ego dormio & cor meum vigilat. De B. Maria Virgine. Cantus ſiue Tenor.
4. Eſtote fortes in bello. De Apoſtolis. Cantus ſiue Tenor.
5. Audi Domine hymnum & orationem. De omni tempore. Altus.
6. Aperi oculos tuos Domine. Tempore Anguſtiæ. Altus.
7. Aue ſanĉtiſſima Maria. De B. Maria Virgine. Altus.
8. Iſte Sanĉtus, pro lege Dei. De Martyribus. Altus.
9. Exaudi Deus orationem meam. De omni tempore. Tenor.
10. O bone Ieſu. De omni tempore. Tenor.
11. Aue dulciſſima Maria. De B. Maria Virgine. Tenor.
12. Euge ſerue bone & fidelis. De Confeſſoribus. Tenor.
13. Clamaui in toto corde meo. De omni tempore. Baſſus.
14. Cantate Domino canticum nouum. De omni tempore. Baſſus.
15. Vulneraſti cor meum. De B. Maria Virgine. Baſſus.
16. Veni ſponſa Chriſti. De Virginibus. Baſſus.
17. Gaudete omnes & exultate. De omnibus Sanĉtis. Cantus ſiue Tenor.
18. O ſalutaris hoſtia. De Venerabili Sacramento. A 2. Canti ſiue Tenori.
Composer(s): Grandi, Ottavio Maria (fl. 1626–1630); Jarzębski, Adam (1649†);
Scheidt, Samuel (1587–1654)
Title: Canzoni e Concerti. | A due, tre, e Quattro Voci | Cum Baſso Continuo | Di |
Adamo Harzebskÿ: | Polono. | Anno. | M.DC.XXVII.
Publication: [–]
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Description: Set of 5 manuscript partbooks in fol.: Prima Vox, Seconda Vox, Bassus
sive Vox Tertia, bc [two partbooks]. According to Brian Brooks, the copyist of this
manuscript was Johann Georg Beck.
Shelfmark: D-Bds Ms. mus. Slg Bohn 111
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Some dynamic indications: forte, piano, F., P.
Provenance: All the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[4 | [ ;]ּטNro 54]
Catalogues: BohnH, pp. 121–122; RISM A/I: G 3479, S 1353
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Adam Jarzębski, Canzoni e concerti, ed. Wanda Rutkowska, Kraków: PWM 1989 (Monumenta musicae in Polonia, Series A)
Recording: Adam Jarzębski: Canzoni e concerti a due, tre e quattro voci con basso
continuo 1627. Bruce Dickey, Michael Fentross, Alberto Grazzi, Charles Toet, Janneke
Guittart, Marinette Troost, Viola de Hoog, Richte van der Meer, Reiner Zipperling,
Titia de Zwart, Jacques Ogg, Anthony Woodrow, Lucy van Dael, KOS Records 1996
(S1 005/6K)
1. 1. Concerto Primo A. 2. Sopr: e Tenore. Baſso Continuo.
2. [no number given] Concerto Secondo A. 2. Tenore è Soprano. Baſso Continuo.
3. 3. Concerto Terzo. A. 2. Sopr. è Bastarda. Trombone. Baſso Continuo.
4. 4. Concerto Quarto. à 2. Fagotto è Trombone [Baſso Continuo.]
5. 5. Diligam te Domine A. 2. Viola Bastarda. Baſso Continuo.
6. 6. Cantate Domino. A. 2. Sopr: è Tenore. Bastarda. Cum Baſso Continuo – 7.
Seconda Parte. [Baſso Continuo.]
7. 8. In Deo speravit. A. 2. Canto, Bastarda. Baſso Continuo.
8. 9. In te Domine speraui. A. 2. Sopr: è Bastard: Baſso Continuo.
9. 10. Suſanna Videns A. 2. Soprano è Baſso. Bastarda. Baſso Continuo.
10. 11. Venite Exultemus A. 2. Canto e Baſso. Bastarda. Baſso Continuo.
11. 12. Cantate. Joh: Gabrielis. A. 2. Sopra: è Baſso. Bastarda. Baſso Continuo.
12. 13. Corona aurea. Concerto A. 2. Sopran: Baſso Continuo.
13. 14. Noua Caſa. Concerto A. 3. Soprani. Baſso Continuo.
14. 15. Küstrinella. Concerto A. 3. Sopr: è 2. Baſtarda. Baſso Continuo.
15. 16. Sentinella. A. 3. Soprani. Baſso Continuo.
16. 17. Berlineſa. Concerto A. 3. doi Sopr: è Baſso. Baſso Continuo.
17. 18. Chromatica. A. 3. Doi Sopran: è Baſso. Baſso Continuo.
18. 19. Spandesa. Concerto A. 3. Doi Sopr: è Baſso. Baſso Continuo.
19. 20. Könisberga A. 3. Baſsi. Baſso Continuo.
20. 21. Tamburetta A. 3. Sopran: è doi. Bastarda. Baſso Continuo.
21. 22. Bentrouata A. 3. Doi Sopr: è Baſso. [Baſso Continuo]
22. 23. Norimberga. A. 3. Sopr: è doi Bastarda. Baſso Continuo.
4. The catalogue
24. Canzon Prima A. 4.
25. Canzon Seconda A. 4.
26. Canzon Terza A. 4.
27. Canzon Quarta A. 4.
28. Canzon Quinta A. 4.
Samŭel Scheid: Echo a 4 vocibus [RISM A/I: S 1353 – Samuel Scheidt, Pars
secunda tabulaturae. Continens fugarum, psalmorum, cantionum et echus, tocatae, variationes varias et omnimodas, pro quorumvis organistarum captu &
modulo, Hamburg: Michael Hering 1624]
Di Ottavio Maria Grandi. Lib. secondo: Sonata Undecima a 3. Duoi Canti,
e Baſso [RISM A/I: G 3479, no. 11]
Di Ottavio Maria Grandi. Lib. secondo: Sonata Duodecima a 3. Duoi Canti,
e Baſso [G 3479, no. 12]
Ottavio Maria Grandi: Sonata Terza Decima a 3. 2 C. e B. [G 3479, no. 13]
Ott. Mar. Grandi: Sonata Qŭarta Decima a 3. 2 Can: e B. [G 3479, no. 14]
Ottav. Mar. Grandi: Sonata Qŭinta Decima a 4. 2. Canti e 2 Baſsi. [G 3479,
no. 15]
Ottav. Mar. Grandi: Sonata Sesta Decima a 4. 2. 2. Canti e 2 Baſsi. [G 3479,
no. 16]
Ottav. Mar. Grandi: Sonata Decima Settima a 4. C. A. T. e B. [G 3479, no. 17]
Ottav. Mar. Grandi: Sonata Decima Ottaŭa a 4. Can: A. T. e B. [G 3479, no. 18]
Ottav. Mar. Grandi: Sonata Decima Nona a 5. 4 Trombonj et un Violino.
[G 3479, no. 19]
Composer(s): Bellanda, Lodovico (16/17)
poſte in luce. | [coat of arms, ink drawing] | IN VENETIA, || APPRESSO GIACOMO
Publication: Venezia: Giacomo Vincenti 1607
Description: One volume in fol. On the back of the title page dedication of the
composer to SIGNoR ALBERto FABRIANI, Nell’Academia de gli Illuſtri Signori Filarmonici Il Ralluminato dated 1st July 1607. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50012 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Some handwritten accidentals and bc
numbering. On the title page written in pencil: 60 | I.
Provenance: The volume bears Rhediger Library stamp. Old shelfmarks: A E | 1;
N. 55; Mus. 140.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 54–55; RISM A/I: B 1709; NV 292
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=16606
Modern edition: The Eastern Po valley. Songs by Bartolomeo Barbarino, Ludovico Bellanda, Domenico Maria Melli, Marc’Antonio Negri, Francesco Rasi, Francesco
Dognazzi, Amante Franzoni, Benedetto Ferrari and others, ed. Gary Tomlinson, New
York: Garland 1986
Recording: [–]
1. O infauſti habitator del ciec’Averno. Aria d’ottaua A 1. Muſica [should be: Poeſia] dell’Illuſtre Signor Alberto Fabriani.
2. Ahi che l’anima mia ſi ſtrugge langue. A 1. Poeſia dell’iſteſſo [Alberto Fabriani].
3. Degli amanti penſieri ahi che faranno. A 1. Poeſia dell’iſteſſo [Alberto Fabriani].
4. Queſta inuitta guerriera ſpiegato havea d’amor A 1. [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
5. Un bacio ſolo à tante pene, cruda A 1. [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
6. Udite, Amanti, udite marauiglia dolciſſima d’amore A 1. [Giovanni Battista
7. Crudel, perchè fuggiſti doppo che’l cor feriſti? A 1.
8. Vorei, Filli, morire ſol per veder ſ ’amore. Dialogo [A 2]. Tirsi & Filli.
9. Amor, può ſtar inſieme nel ſeno di coſtei. Dialogo [A 2]. Amante & Amore.
[Giovanni Battista Guarini]
10. Deh dimmi, Amor, se l’occhi di Camilla. Dialogo [A 2]. Amante & Amore.
[Giovanni Battista Guarini]
11. O folgoranti lumi, archi del cielo, ſe in voi. A 1. Poeſia dell’Illuſtre Signor Alberto Fabriani.
12. Candido lume degli Iberei Campi, che port’il vanto. A 1. Poeſia dell’Iſteſſo [Alberto Fabriani] ſopra il Gelſomino di Spagna.
13. Strinſi la bianca mano, ahi, quella man di nev’in cui. A 1. Poeſia del Medeſimo
[Alberto Fabriani].
14. Ahi crud’Amor, perché ſopporti ch’io arda per donna. A 1.
15. O sfortunata Dido, mal fiorita d’amant’e di marito. A 1. [Giovanni Battista
16. Qual vezzoſo animal, ch’a te sì lieto hor corre. A 1.
17. Io mi ſento morir quando non miro colei. A 1. [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
18. O del Cielo d’Amor, o di queſto mio cor luce. A 1. Poeſia dell’Illuſtre Signor
Alberto Fabriani
19. Bella Vergine canora, ch’a l’aurora per lo ciel. A 1. Poeſia dell’iſteſſo [Alberto
20. Baciai ma che mi valſe attender frutto. A 1. [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
21. O che ſoaue bacio de la mia donna hebb’io. A 1. [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
22. Al partir del mio Sole pianſi la viſta ſua. A 1. [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
23. Fuggit’Amor perchè dolor a voi darà. A 2. Balletto a Due voci.
24. Poi che queſt’Occhi intenerir non poſſo. A 2. Poeſia dell’Illuſtre Signor Alberto
25. Pungenti dardi, che ſì gagliardi foſti avventati. A 2. Baletto A due.
4. The catalogue
Composer(s): Grandi, Alessandro (1586–1630)
Nouamente Riſtampati. | CON PRIVILEGIO. | DEDICAtI | ALL’ ILL.mo ET REV.mo
SIG.or | MARC’ANTONIO CORNARO | Abbate Primicerio | di S. Marco. |
[typographer’s mark] | STAMPA DEL GARDANO. | IN VENETIA M.DC XXVIII. ||
Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Bartolomeo Magni 1628
Description: One volume in fol. At the end – a list of contents. Some dynamic and
tempo indications: pian, adaſio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50066 Muz., cfr. the doublette, no. 384 in the present catalogue.
Notes on item: Complete volume. Single handwritten accidentals and pitch corrections.
Provenance: The volume bears Rhediger Library stamp. Old shelfmarks: [M | 1];
[Nro 56 (a)]; Mus. 364.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 160; RISM A/I: G 3444; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Tota Pulcra es amica mea
2. Quam Pulcra es ò Maria
3. Gaudeamus omnes & lætemur Hodie
4. Columna es immobilis Lucia [or:] N. Sponsa Chriſti
5. Sanĉte Aloyſi [or:] N. Chriſti Confeſſor
6. O Lampas Eccleſiæ o iubar ſingulare
7. Reſpice Domine in me
8. Faſciculus mirrhę dileĉtus meus mihi
9. Ecce Sacerdos magnus Silueſter [or:] N.
10. In leĉtulo meo per noĉtes queſiui
11. Oſculetur me oſculo oris tui
12. Hodie Virgo Ieſu dileĉta vadit
13. Deus Canticum nouum Cantabo
14. Dixi iniquis nolite inique agete
15. O Intemerata & in æternum Benediĉta
16. Virgo Prudentiſsima quo progrederis
17. O Dulce nomen Ieſus
18. Audite populi Verbum Domini
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Composer(s): Donati, Ignazio (1575c–1638)
PRæFECTI. | SACRI CONCENTVS | Vnis, Binis, ternis, Quaternis, & Quinis vocibus,
| Ad illuſtriſſimum Comitem D. Franciſcum Mariam Saxatellum | ordinis S. Michaelis
Equitem meritiſſimum. | [coat of arms, ink drawing] | VENETIIS, Apud Iacobum
Vincentium. MDCXII. |
Publication: Venezia: Giacomo Vincenti 1612
Description: Set of 5 partbooks: S, A, T, B in 4o and bc in fol. On p. 2 dedication of
the composer dated 10th August 1612. On p. 46 the inner chapter title: Seguita li Motetti
Concertati a Quattro, & Cinque, & à Vna Voca ſola per Cantarſi lontano, & al modo
ordinario, come nelli Avvertimenti ſi à detto. & che anco ſopra ad’ogni Concerto è ſcritto
per intelligenza de’ Cantanti. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50056 Muz.
Notes on item: Only bc partbook extant, not complete, the first two pages and some
other pages damaged on the edges, refilled with paper after conservation in 1973. Together with the doublette, no. 384 in the present catalogue, it forms a set of partbooks,
without partbook A. In Dehn’s catalogue added remark: hiervon ist bloß die orgelstimme vorhanden. Many handwritten accidentals. On the title page written in pencil: 42.
Provenance: The extant partbook bears Rhediger Library stamp. Old shelfmarks:
[J o | 1]; [Nro 56 (b)]; Mus. 271.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 114; RISM A/I: D 3379; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Laudate Dominum in ſanctis eius A 4.
2. Cantantibus organis Caecilia virgo A 4.
3. Veni in hortum meum A 4.
4. Exultate Deo adiutori noſtro A 4.
5. Super flumina Babilonis A 4.
6. Vocauitque Dominus Deus A 4.
7. Laudate Dominum de cælis. A 2, a 3. a 4. ſi placet.
8. Gaudent in cęlis animæ ſanctorum. A 2, a 3. a 4. ſi placet.
9. Anima mea liquefacta eſt. A 2, a 3. a 4. ſi placet.
10. Ecce nunc tempus acceptabile. A 2, a 3. a 4. ſi placet.
11. Hodie completi ſunt dies Pentecoſtes. a 2, 3. 4. ſi placet.
12. O pretioſum et admirandum conuiuium A 2, a 3. a 4. ſi placet.
13. Vidi ſpecioſam ſicut columbam. A doi Baſſi, à 3. a 4. ſi placet.
4. The catalogue
Nativitas tua Dei genetrix. A 2, a 3. a 4. ſi placet.
Hodie Chriſtus natus eſt. A 2. Altus, & Tenor.
Stephanus ſeruus Dei. A 2. Baſſus, & Cantus, aut Tenor.
Stella quam viderant Magi in oriente. A 2. Altus, & Cantus.
Ego ſum qui ſum. A 2. Baſſus, & Tenor. In Reſurrectione Domini.
Chriſtus reſurgens. A 2. A Doi Baſſi.
De ore prudentis procedit mel. A 2. Cantus, & Altus.
Ad te leuaui oculos meos. A 2. Tenori, ouero Soprani.
Ecce ſacerdos magnus. A 2. A Doi Alti.
L’iſteſſo Ecce ſacerdos magnus. A 2. In doi Tenori traſportati ouero Canti. Per
commodità dell’Organiſta.
Petre amas me? A 2. A Doi Baſſi.
Quemadmodum deſiderat ceruus A 2. Altus, & Cantus. In ottaua baſſa. Baſſus,
& Tenor.
Sicut mater conſolatur filios ſuos. A 2. A doi Tenori, ouero Soprano.
Ecce quam bonum. A 2. A due Baſſi.
Tota pulchra es amica mea. A 2. A doi Alti, ouero Tenori Traſportati.
L’iſteſſo Tota pulchra es. A 2. Traſportato per doi Tenori, ouero Canti.
Ecce tu pulchra es amica mea. A 2. Canti, ouero Tenori.
Ego flos campi. A 2. Tenori ouero Canti.
Salue Regina. A 2 Alti in modo d’Echo, ouero a doi Tenori traſportati o Canti.
L’iſteſſa Salue Reg. a 2. Tenori traſportati, ouero Can.
Orietur in diebus eius. A 2. Tenor, e Canto.
Commota eſt et contremuit terra. A 2. A doi Baſſi.
Iubilate Deo omnis terra. A 2. Tenor, e Alto.
Tempus eſt ut revertar ad eum. A 2. Baſſo, e Canto.
Iſti ſunt viri ſancti. A 2. A Doi Baſſi.
Per manus autem Apoſtolorum constitues eos principes A 2. Tenore, e Canto.
Hic eſt vere Martyr. A 2. A Doi Baſſi.
Laudabo aſſidue altiſſimum. A 2. à doi Tenori, ouero Canti in Echo. Baſſo
traſportato alla quarta.
Viri ſancti glorioſum. A 2. Baſſo, & Alto.
Iſti ſunt ſancti qui pro Chriſti amore. A 2. A Doi Tenori, ouero Canti.
O Beatum Pontificem diligebat. A 2. Tenor, e Canto, ouero doi Tenori.
Beati N. dies cuius feſtiuitatem. A 2. Baſſo, e Alto.
Haec eſt virgo ſapiens. A 2. Baſſo, e Canto, ouero Tenore.
Decantabat. A 2. Tenore, & Alto. In Dedicatione Templi.
Quid prodeſt ſtulto habere vanitas. A 4. Primo modo da cantar lontano dal
Organo, come inſegna nell’ultimo delli Auertimenti.
Lætare Ieruſalem et conventum facite. A 4. Nel primo modo.
Iubilate Deo et exultate et pſallite Domino. A 4. Secondo modo per cantar lontano ſe piace.
Benedictus Dominus die quotidie. A 4. Secondo modo per cantar lontano ſe
Beatus vir qui inuentus eſt. A cinque per cantar lontano
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Cantate Domino canticum novum. A Cinque Qui Canta l’Alto ſolo.
Cantate Domino canticum novum laus eius. A 1. Canto, ouero Tenore.
Voce mea ad Dominum clamaui. A 1. Canto, ouero Tenore.
Ego autem in Domino speraui. A 1. Alto.
Usque quo Domine oblivisceris me. A 1. Alto.
Benedictus es Domine doce me. A 1. Tenore, ouero Canto.
Ad te Domine leuaui animam meam. A 1. Tenore, ouero Canto.
Benedictus Deus et Pater Domini nostri. A 1. Basso
Bonum eſt confiteri Domino. A 1. Basso
Composer(s): Landi, Stefano (1586c–1639)
ET ECCELL. | SIGNoR PAoLo SAVELLo | Prencipe d’Albano per S. M. Ceſarea |
Ambaſciatore Straordinario alla | Santita di Noſt. Sig. Paolo | Quinto, è Luogotenente
| Generale di Santa | Chieſa. | [typographer’s mark] | STAMPA DEL GARDANO | IN
VENETIA M DC XX. || Appreſſo Bartholomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Bartolomeo Magni 1620
Description: One volume in fol. On the back of the title page dedication of the
composer signed Rome, 1st June 1620. On p. 3 – a list of contents. In pieces nos. 14–19
guitar tablature indications.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50080 Muz.
Notes on item: Some handwritten accidentals. On the title page written in pencil: 201 | I.
Provenance: The volume bears Rhediger Library stamp. Old shelfmarks: [A K | 1];
[Nro 57]; Mus. 417.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 231; RISM A/I: L 530; VogelB: I, p. 343; NV 1376
Digitized version: http://books.google.pl/books?id=q78sAQAAMAAJ&dq=1620
+inauthor:Landi,+Stefano&as_brr=3&ie=ISO-8859-1&redir_esc=y (the specimen from
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Sincero Amante amai (Prima Parte) – Non ſia mai ver (Seconda Parte) – Qual
più viua raggion (Terza Parte) – Lieta viuete pur (Quarta parte)
2. Altri amor fugga (Prima Stanza) – Io d’eſſer ſuo ſeguace (Seconda Stanza) – Per
qual cagion arder (Terza Stanza) – Sian pur della mia morte a giunger (Quarta
3. Felice chi diſcior tra fiamm’ardenti (Prima Parte) – Ardo è l’ardor nel ſen racchiuggo (Seconda Parte) – Romito Amante in erma valle (Terza Parte) – Freme
è ſtride nel fuoco il caſto alloro (Quarta Parte) – Crudo Amor, empia legge
(Quinta Parte)
4. The catalogue
Labri ſoaui e cari (Prima Parte) – Porpore pretioſe (Seconda Parte) – Rubinetti
viuaci (Terza Parte) – Vſci belli e gemmati (Quarta Parte)
Vezzoſetta è Bella Cloride (Prima Parte) – Queſto temp’amabiliſsimo e d’amor
(Seconda Parte) – Ama Clori hor che fioriſcono le tue guancie (Terza Parte) –
Giouentude è coſa inſtabile (Quarta Parte)
Torna, deh torna homai, più non poss’io privo di te, mio core (Prima Parte)
– Torna, deh torna homai, Clorinda mia (Seconda Parte) – Torna, deh torna
a chi te sol’adora (Terza Parte) – Torna, deh torna e’l tuo fedel avviva (Quarta
Io t’amo e t’amerò, dolce mia vita (Prima Stanza. Romanesca) – Pria dal corpo
farà l’alma partita (Seconda Parte) – La tua beltà, la gratia tua infinita (Terza
Parte) – Habbia tu pari affeto e a la mia fede (Quarta Stanza)
Tal’hor vi porgo prieghi (Prima Parte) – E ſe vi vengo auanti doglioſi atti (Seconda Parte) – Coſì la voſtra aſprezza (Terza Parte) – Però non vince vn core
(Quarta Parte)
Queſta ch’il cor mi fura (Prima Parte) – Se così foſſe pia (Seconda Parte) – Ma
d’altrui duol cotanto (Terza Parte) – Deh perchè ſoffr’amore (Quarte Parte) –
Dunque amoroſa piaga che ſuol porger (Quinta Parte) – Temp’amor nel bel
petto (Sexta Parte)
Occhi, stelle d’amore (Prima Parte) – Luciferi pietoſi (Seconda Parte) – Soli, che
riſplendete (Terza Parte) – Paradiſi beati (Quarta Parte) – Lucidi globi erranti
(Quinta Parte) – Dolci mete diuine del mio deſir altero (Sexta Parte)
Superbi colli è voi sacre ruine (Prima Parte) – Coloſsi, Archi è Theatri (Seconda
Parte) – Che ſe per alcun tempo al tempo guerra (Terza Parte) – Viurommi
dunque tra i martir contento (Quarta Parte) [Guidiccioni]
La terra e’l Ciel con pompe (Prima Parte) – E s’opponean queſte bellezz’a quelle
(Seconda Parte) – Con vago paragon di fiori e stelle (Terza Parte) – La fiorito di
stell’in Sol ardea (Quarta Parte)
Dunque credete ch’io, o vogli’o possa mai, porv’in oblio. Madrigale.
La mia cara Paſtorela. Con lettere per la Chitarra Spagn.
Chi m’affrena, chi mi lega, chi mi nega. Con lettere per la Chitarra Spag.
Augellin che’l tuo amor ſegui. Con lettere per la Chitarra Spagn.
A qualunque animale alberga in terra. Aria da Cantar Seſtine. Con lettere per la
Chitarra Spag.
Lucidiſsimo Sole, a cui raggi lucenti cessan del cor. Canta Vranio Paſtore il fortunato ſuo giorno delle Nozze con la bella Hyelle. Con lettere per la Chitarra Spag.
O giorno auenturoſo. Del Medeſimo Soggetto. Con lettere per la Chitarra Spag.
Se tu mi lasci, perfida, tuo danno. Madrigale
Composer(s): Spiegler, Matthias (1595c–1631p)
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
ET ILL.mo PRINCIPI | CONSTANTIENSI EPISCOPO, &c. | à Sacris Aulicaeq; Muſicae
Praefecto. || RAVENSPVRGI | Typis Ioannis Schröteri, Anno 1631. |
Publication: Ravensburg: Johann Schröter 1631
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, A, T, B, b ad org. On the unnumbered
pp. [3–4] dedication of the composer dated 2nd February 1631. At the end – a list of
contents. Some tempo indications: Preſto.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50132 Muz.
Notes on item: Only S II, T, B ad org partbooks extant. The books have original covers made of old parchment. On p. 61 of bc partbook handwritten errata of the music
of the Alma Redemptoris mater that follows (p. 62). Some handwritten accidentals and
calculations of rest lengths. The specimen underwent conservation in 1994. S II partbook damaged, bound in paper.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [R | 6]; [Nro 58]; Mus. 700. Another specimen of this print, with stamps “Doublette der Stadtbibliothek zu Breslau”, “Ex. Bibl. ad aed. Mar. Magdal.” is currently kept
in PL-Kj, Mus. ant. pract. S 1265.
Catalogues: EitnerQ: IX, p. 226; BohnD, p. 399; RISM A/I: S 4097; PatalasC 1941
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Matthias Spiegler, Canzon à 2 from olor solymaeus nascenti Jesu for cornetto, bassoon & basso continuo, ed. Robert P. Block, London: Musica
Rara 1976; Matthias Spiegler, Canzon a 3 from olor solymaeus nascenti Jesu (1631)
for 2 trumpets, cornetti, oboes or recorders, bassoon (cello or trombone) & basso continuo, ed. Robert P. Block, [s.l.:] Anglo-American Music Publ. 1984; Matthias Spiegler,
o quam tu pulcher es and two canzonas from olor solymaeus nascenti Jesu…, ed. Konrad Ruhland, Magdeburg: Walhall 2004
Recording: [–]
1. Tria sunt munera. A 1. Canto o Tenore ſolo.
2. Veni Ieſu Chriſte. A 1. Canto o Tenore ſolo.
3. Iubilate. A 1. Canto o Tenore ſolo.
4. O Bone Ieſu. A 1. Canto o Tenore ſolo.
5. Ne auertas. A 1. Canto o Tenore ſolo.
6. Vanitas vanitatum. A 1. Canto o Tenore ſolo.
7. O Præclara. A 1. Alto ſolo.
8. Regnum mundi. A 1. Tenore o Canto ſolo.
9. Deus venerunt gentes. A 1. Baſſo ſolo.
10. Eia ades Ieſu. A 2. Canti o Tenori.
11. Fili quid feciſti. A 2. Canti o Tenori.
12. Aue mundi ſpes. A 2. Canti o Tenori.
13. Victimæ paſchali laudes. A 2. Canti.
4. The catalogue
Veni Domine. A 2. Canto e Tenore.
Illuminare. A 2. Canto e Tenore.
Petre amas me. A 2. Canto e Tenore.
Aue Regina. A 2. Canto e Tenore.
Currebant duo. A 2. Canto e Tenore.
Hic eſt præcurſor. A 2. Canto, e Tenore.
Benedicite. A 2. Canto, e Tenore.
Lætare Ieruſalem. A 2. Canto, e Tenore.
Percuſſit Saul mille. A 2. Canto, e Tenore.
Guſtate & videte. A 2. Canto, e Tenore.
Elegit ſibi Dominus. A 2. Canto, e Tenore.
Valde honorandus eſt. A 2. Tenori, o Canti.
Hic eſt verè Martyr. A 2. Tenori, o Canti.
Homo quidam. A 2. Tenori, o Canti.
Sicut mater. A 2. Canto, e Baſſo.
Ecce ſacerdos magnus. A 2. Canto, e Baſſo.
Eſtote fortes. A 2. Baſſi.
Quo progrederis. A 2. Alto e Baſſo.
Spiritus. A 3. Canto Tenore e Baſſo.
Lauda Syon. A 3. Doi Canti e Baſſo.
O Ieſu mi. A 3. Doi Canti e Baſſo.
O Salutaris. A 3. Doi Canti e Baſſo.
O Salutaris. A 3. Canto, Alto e Tenore.
O Bone Ieſu mi. A 3. Canto Tenore e Baſſo.
Si bona ſuſcepimus. A 3. Canto, Tenore. e Baſſo.
Andreas Chriſti famulus. A 3. Canto Tenore e Baſſo.
Cantantibus Organis. A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
Quis ex vobis. A 3. Doi Tenori, e Baſſo.
Amen dico vobis. A 3. Doi Tenori, e Baſſo.
Montes & colles. A 3. Violino, Fagotto e Canto o Tenore Voce.
Aue filia. A 3. Alto, Tenore e Baſſo.
Nondum erant abyſſi. A 3. Doi Baſſi, e Canto.
Surgam & circuibo. A 3. Doi Tenori, e Canto.
Iucundare & lætare. A 3. Doi Canti, e Alto.
Obtulerunt. A 3. Doi Canti, e Tenore.
Hoc in anno. A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore e Baſſo.
O quam tu pulcher es A 4. Doi Violini, Violone, e Canto voce.
Puer natus. A 4. Doi Canti, Tenore, e Baritono.
Canite. A 4. Doi Canti, e Doi Baſſi.
Incipit oratio. A 4. Doi Canti, Baſſo, e Violone ad placitum.
Muro tuo. A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
Tenebræ. A 4. Alto, Baſſo e Doi Tenori.
Alma Redemptoris mater. A 4. Doi Canti, Tenori, e Baſſo.
Canzon à 2 Violini.
Canzon à 2. Cornetino, e Fagotto.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Canzon à 3. Doi Violini ò Cornetini, e Fagotto.
Capriccio à 3. Doi Violini ò Cornetini, e Fagotto.
Composer(s): Rosenmüller, Johann (1619c–1684)
Title: Kern=Sprüche, | Mehrentheils aus heiliger Schrifft Altes | und Neues Testaments,
theils auch aus etlichen alten Kir=|chenlehrern genommen, und in die Music mit 3. 4.
5. 6. und 7. Stim=|men ſamt ihrem Basso Continuo, auff unterschiedliche Arten, mit
und ohne Violen gesetzet | Von | Johann Roſenmüllern. | [coat of arms] | In Verlegung
des AUtoRIS, und bey demſelben | in Leipzig zu finden. || Leipzig: Gedruckt bey
Fried. Lanckiſchen ſel. Erben. 1648. |
Publication: Leipzig: Friedrich Lanckischs Erben 1648
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: I vox, II vox, III/IV/V vox, vl I, vl II, bc. On
pp. 3–5 dedication of the composer to 12 councillors of Leipzig dated 15th October
1648. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: Doublette in D-Mbs with Rhediger Library stamps (D-Mbs 2 Mus. pr.
3508); in Wrocław there is only one specimen that belonged to St Mary Magdalene’s
Church collection: PL-WRu 50108 Muz.
Notes on item: [–]
Provenance: Old shelfmarks: [J C | 6]; [Nro 59 (a)]; [Mus. 617]. All of the partbooks
bear Ex Bibl. ad ded. Mar. Magdal. stamps.
Catalogues: EitnerQ: VIII, p. 314; BohnD, p. 340; RISM A/I: R 2548
Digitized version: http://ks.imslp.info/files/imglnks/usimg/c/c2/IMSLP174491-PMLP
151145-Rosenmuller_kern-sprueche_complete_parts.pdf (the specimen from D-Mbs)
Modern edition: Johann Rosenmüller, Kernsprüche I: (Leipzig 1648); RWV. E 1 – 20,
ed. Michael Heinemann, Konstanze Kremtz, Holger Eichhorn, Köln: Dohr 2012 (Kritische Ausgabe sämtliche Werke, Ser. I: Vokalwerke in Drucken, [1])
Recording: [–]
1. Treiffet ihr Himmel von oben à 3. Canto, & 2 Violin.
2. æterne Deus, clementissime Pater à 3. Canto, & 2 Violin.
3. Das iſt das ewige Leben à 3. Cant. Alt. Tenor
4. O Domine Jeſu Chriſte adoro te à 3. Alt. Tenor, Baß
5. Mater Jeruſalem, civitas ſancta Dei à 4. 2 Cant. & 2. Violin.
6. Hebet eure Augen auff gen Himmel à 4. Cant. Tenor, & 2. Violin.
7. Dancket dem Herren, und prediget à 4. Alt. Tenor, & 2. Violin.
8. O Nomen Jeſu, nomen dulce à 4. Cant. Alt. Tenor. Baſſ.
9. Lieber Herre Gott, wecke uns auff à 4. Canto, & 3. Viole vel Tromboni.
10. Ein Tag in deinen Vorhöfen iſt besser à 5. Cant. Tenor. Baſſ. & 2. Violin.
11. Meine Seele harret nur auff Gott à 5. Alt. Ten. Baſſ. & 2. Violin.
4. The catalogue
Cœli enarrant gloriam Dei à 5. Alt. Ten. Baſſ, & 2. Violin.
Chriſtum lieb haben, ist besser à 5. 2. Ten. Baſſ, & 2. Violin.
Habe deine Luſt an dem Herren à 6. Canto, & 5. Viol.
Die Augen des Herren ſehen auff à 6. Cant. Alt. Ten. Baſſ. & 2. Violin.
In te Domine ſperavi à 6. 2. Cant. 2. Ten. & 2. Violin.
O admirabile commercium à 6. 2. Alt. & 4. Viole vel Tromboni.
Das ist ein köſtlich Ding à 7. Cant. Ten. & 5. Viol.
Daran ist erſchienen die Liebe Gottes à 7. 2. Cant. Alt. Ten. Baſſ. & 2. Violin.
Danckſaget dem Vater à 7. 2. Cant. Alt. Ten. Baſſ. & 2. Violin.
Composer(s): Rosenmüller, Johann (1619c–1684)
Title: Andere Kern= Sprüche, Mehrentheils aus heiliger Schrifft Altes | und Neues
Testaments, theils auch aus etlichen alten | Kirchenlehrern genommen, und in die
Music mit 3. 4. 5. 6. und 7. | Stimmen, ſamt ihrem Baſſo Continuo, auff unterschiedliche
| Arten, mit und ohne Violen gesetzet | Von | Johann Roſenmüllern. | [coat of arms] |
Auff Koſten Zachar. Hertels, Buchführers in Hamburg, | drukts in Leipzig mit Fried.
Lankiſch. Schrifften | CHRISTOPHORUS CELLARIUS, 1652. |
Publication: Hamburg: Zacharias Hertel – Leipzig: Christoph Cellarius 1652, 1653
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: I vox, II vox, III/IV/V vox, vl I, vl II, bc. At the
end – a list of contents. Some tempo and dynamic indications: Adagio, Allegro, Pian.,
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50109 Muz.
Notes on item: Vl II and bc partbooks missing. On the title page written in pencil:
429 | VI. The specimen underwent conservation in 1998.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[L X | 6]; [Nro 59 (b)]; Mus. 618.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 340; RISM A/I: R 2549
Digitized version: http://hz.imslp.info/files/imglnks/usimg/7/71/IMSLP173675PMLP306686-rosenmuller_andere_kern-spruche_354834967.pdf
Modern edition: Johann Rosenmüller, Kernsprüche II: (Leipzig 1653); RWV. E 26
– 45, ed. Michael Heinemann, Konstanze Kremtz, Holger Eichhorn, Köln: Dohr 2013
(Kritische Ausgabe sämtliche Werke, Ser. I: Vokalwerke in Drucken, [2])
Recording: Johann Rosenmüller: Deutsche Geistliche Konzerte, Johann Rosenmüller
Ensemble, Arno Paduch, Christophorus 2000 (CHR 77227)
1. Das ist meine Freude à 3. Canto, & 2. Violini.
2. Vulnera Jesu Christi à 3. Canto vel Tenor, & 2. Violini.
3. Christum ducem, qvi per crucem à 3. Alt. & 2. Violini.
4. Kündlich groß ist das gottſelige Geheimnüß à 3. Alt. Ten. & Baſs.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Die Gnade unsers HERREN Jeſu Chriſti à 4. Cant. Alt. Ten. & Baſs.
Ich hielte mich nicht dafür à 4. Cant. Alt. Ten. & Baſs.
O dives omnium bonarum à 4. Alt, & 3. Viole vel Tromboni.
Domine Deus meus, da cordi meo te deſiderare à 4. 2 Ten. & 2. Violini.
Siehe des Herren Auge à 5. Cant. Ten. Baſs, & 2. Violini.
Ich bin das Brodt des Lebens à 5. Alt. Ten. Baſs, & 2. Violini.
Weil wir wissen, daß der Mensch à 5. Alt. Tenor. Baſs, & 2. Violini.
Herr mein Gott, ich dancke dir à 5. 2. Ten. Baſs, & 2. Violini.
O dulcis Christe, bone Jesu Charitas à 5. Cant. Alt. & 3 Viol. vel Tromboni.
Herr, wenn ich nur dich habe à 6. Cant. & 5 Viol.
Ist Gott für uns à 6. Cant. & 5 Viol.
Warlich, warlich ich sage euch à 6. Cant. Alt. Ten. Baſs, & 2. Violini.
Amo te Deus meus amore magno à 6. 2. Alt. & 4. Viol. vel Tromboni.
Der Name des Herren à 7. 2 Cant. Alt. Ten. Baſs. & 2. Violini.
Also hat Gott die Welt geliebet à 7. 2 Cant. Alt. Ten. Baſs. & 2. Violini.
Siehe an die Wercke Gottes à 7. 2 Cant. Alt. Ten. Baſs. & 2. Violini.
Composer(s): Schütz, Heinrich (1585–1672)
ſind | Deutsche | CONCERTEN | Mit 3, 4. 5. Nehmlich einer, zwo, dreyen | Vocal,
und zweyen Instrumental-Stimmen, | Alß Violinen, oder derogleichen | Sambt
beygefügtem geduppeltem Basso Continuo | Den einen für den organisten, den andern
für den Violon | In die Muſic verſätzt | Durch | Heinrich Schützen, Churfürſtl. Sächß.
Capelmeiſter. | Mit Römiſcher Keyſerl. Majeſt. Freyheit. | M.DC. [coat of arms] XLVII.
| opus Decimum. | Gedruckt zu Dreßden bey Gimel Bergens, Churfürſtl. Sächß. |
Hof=Buchdruckers, Sel. Erben, In Verlegung Johann Klemmens | Hof=Organiſtens
daſelbſt, und Alexander Herings | Organiſten zu Budiſſin. ||
Publication: Dresden: Gimel Bergens Erben 1647
Description: Set of 7 partbooks in 4o: I Vox, II Vox, III Vox, vl I, vl II, b pro vlne,
b pro org. On pp. 1–2 dedication of the composer to Christian IV, King of Denmark
dated 1st May 1647. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50128 Muz.
Notes on item: Only I Vox, II Vox, III Vox partbooks extant. Single handwritten
accidentals. On the title page written in pencil: 485 | VII.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [F. H. | 7]; [Nro 60 (a)]; Mus. 689.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 394; RISM A/I: S 2292, SS 2292
Digitized version: http://imslp.org/wiki/Symphoniae_sacrae_II,_Op.10_%28Sch%
C3%BCtz,_Heinrich%29 (other specimen)
4. The catalogue
Modern edition: Heinrich Schütz, Symphoniae sacrae II, opus 10: twenty-seven sacred concerti for 1 to 3 voices, 2 obbligato instruments and basso continuo, ed. Konrad
Küster, Stuttgart: Carus 2012 (Heinrich Schütz Sämtliche Werke, 11)
Recording: Heinrich Schütz Edition, Capella Augustana, Matteo Messori, Brilliant
Classics 2012 (BC 94361)
1. Concert I. Mein Hertz iſt bereit, Gott à 3. Cantus vel Tenor ſolus, cum duobus
2. Concert II. Singet dem HERREN ein neues Lied à 3. Cantus vel Tenor ſolus,
cum duobus Violinis.
3. Concert III. HERR, unser Herrscher, wie herrlich ist dein Nam à 3. Cantus vel
Tenor ſolus, cum duobus Violinis.
4. Concert IV. Meine Seele erhebt den HERREN à 3. Cantus ſolus, cum duobus
5. Concert V. Der HERR iſt meine Stärke à 3. Cantus vel Tenor ſolus, cum duobus
6. Concert VI. Ich werde nicht ſterben (Erster Theil) – Concert VII. Ich dancke
Dir HERR, von ganzem Herzen (Andre Theil) à 3. Cantus vel Tenor ſolus, cum
duobus Violinis.
7. Concert VIII. Herzlich lieb hab ich Dich o HERR à 3. Altus ſolus, cum duobus
8. Concert IX. Frolocket mit Händen à 3. Tenor ſolus, cum duobus Violinis.
9. Concert X. Lobet den HERRN in ſeinem Heilighthum à 3. Tenor ſolus, cum
duobus Violinis.
10. Concert XI. Hütet euch, daß eure Herzen nicht beſchweret werden à 3. Baſſus
ſolus, cum duobus Violinis.
11. Concert XII. HERR, nun läſſeſt du deinen Diener im Friede fahren à 3. Baſſus
ſolus, cum duobus Violinis.
12. Concert XIII. Was betrübſt du dich, meine Seele à 4. Duo Cantus vel Tenores,
cum duobus Violinis.
13. Concert XIV. Verleih uns Frieden gnädiglich (Erſter Theil) – Concert XV. Gib
unſern Fürſten und aller Obrigkeit. (Anderer Theil) à 4. Duo Cantus vel Tenores, cum duobus Violinis.
14. Concert XVI. Es ſteh GOTT auf à 4. Duo Cantus vel Tenores, cum duobus Violinis.
15. Concert XVII. Wie ein Rubin in feinem Golde leuchtet à 4. Cantus & Altus,
cum duobus Violinis.
16. Concert XVIII. Iß dein Brod mit Freuden à 4. Cantus & Baſſus, cum duobus
17. Concert XIX. Der HERR iſt mein Licht und mein Heyl à 4. Duo Tenores, cum
duobus Violinis.
18. Concert XX. Zweyerley bitte ich HERR, von dir à 4. Duo Tenores, cum duobus
19. Concert XXI. HERR, neige deine Himmel à 4. Duo Baſſi, cum duobus Violinis.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Concert XXII. Von Aufgang der Sonnen à 4. Duo Baſſi, cum duobus Violinis.
Concert XXIII. Lobet den HERRN, alle Heyden à 5. Altus, Tenor & Baſſus, cum
duobus Violinis.
Concert XXIV. Die ſo ihr den HErren fürchtet à 5. Altus, Tenor & Baſſus, cum
duobus Violinis.
Concert XXV. Drey ſchöne Dinge ſeynd à 5. Duo Tenores & Baſſus, cum duobus Violinis.
Concert XXVI. Von GOtt wil ich nicht laſſen à 5. Duo Cantus & Baſſus, cum
duobus Violinis.
Concert XXVII. Freuet euch des HERREN, ihr Gerechten à 5. Altus, Tenor
& Baſſus, cum duobus Violinis.
Composer(s): Schütz, Heinrich (1585–1672)
Title: SYMPHONIARUM SACRARUM | Tertia Pars, | Worinnen zubefinden ſind
| Deutsche | CONCERTEN, | Mit 5. 6. 7. 8. nehmlich, Dreyen, Vieren, | Fünffen, Sechs
Vocal= und zweyen InstrumentalStimmen, | Als Violinen, oder derogleichen, Sambt
etlichen Complementen, | welche aus dem Indice des allhier beygefüghten geduppelten
| Basſi Continui auch erſehen, und nach Beliebung | mitgebraucht werden können,
| In die Music verſetzt | Durch | Heinrich Schützen, | Churfürſtl. Durchl. zu Sachſen
Capellmeiſter. | Mit Römiſcher Kayſerl. Majeſt. Freyheit. | M.DC. [coat of arms] L. | OPUS
Duodecimum. | Gedruckt zu Dreßden in der Churf. Sächſ. Reſidenz Stadt Dreßden.
Publication: Dresden: [Christian & Melchior Bergen] 1650
Description: Set of 12 partbooks in 4o: I Pars, II Pars, III Pars, IV Pars, S, A, T, B,
vl I, vl II, b pro vlne, b ad org. On the 2nd page following the title page dedication of
the composer to Johann Georg Herczog zu Sachsen dated 29th September 1650, on the
following page Appendix addressed to the reader. At the end – a list of contents. Some
dynamic and tempo indications: forte, mezzo pian, pianiſſimo, preſto, præsto, lente.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50129 Muz.
Notes on item: IV Pars, vl II and S partbooks missing. Vl I partbook damaged on edges, refilled with paper. Single handwritten pitch corrections and Bis & Cap. remarks,
correcting the printed notes. In II Pars and III Pars handwritten errata of the lyrics in
Meister, wir wissen; on p. 42 of III Pars added the last verse of the text and notation in
Herr, wie lang willst du mein. Some handwritten dynamic indications: forte.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[K A | 12]; [Nro 60 (b)]; Mus. 690.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 394; RISM A/I: S 2295
Digitized version: http://petrucci.mus.auth.gr/imglnks/usimg/3/3e/IMSLP370352
Modern edition: Heinrich Schütz, Neue Ausgabe sämtlicher Werke, vols. 18–21: Symphoniae Sacrae III (1650), ed. Werner Breig, Kassel: Bärenreiter 1989, 1990, 1996, 2002
4. The catalogue
Recording: Heinrich Schütz Edition, Capella Augustana, Matteo Messori, Brilliant
Classics 2012 (BC 94361)
1. Concert. I. Der HErr iſt mein Hirt à 5. C. A. T. cum Duobus Inſtrumentis
& complemento vocali & Inſtrumentali à 4.
2. Concert. II. Ich hebe meine Augen auf zu den Bergen à 5. A. T. B. cum Duobus
Inſtrumentis & complemento vocali & Inſtrumentali à 4.
3. Concert. III. Wo der HErr nicht das Hauß bauet à 5. C. C. B. cum Duobus
Inſtrumentis & complemento vocali & Inſtrumentali à 4.
4. Concert. IV. Mein Sohn warum haſt du uns das getan? à 5. C. Semic. B. cum
Duobus Inſtrumentis & complemento vocali & Inſtrumentali à 4.
5. Concert. V. O HErr hilf o HErr laß wohl gelingen à 5. C. C. T. cum Duobus
6. Concert. VI. Siehe es erſchien der Engel des HErren à 6. C. T. T. B. cum 2.
Inſtrum. & complemento Vocali & Inſtrum. à 4.
7. Concert. VII. Feget den alten Sauerteig aus à 6. C. A. T. B. cum Duobus Inſtrumentis.
8. Concert. VIII. O ſüſſer JEſu Chriſt, wer an dich recht gedenket à 6. C. C. A. T.
cum 2. Inſtrum. & complem. Vocali & Inſtrum. à 4.
9. Concert. IX. O JEſu ſüß wer dein gedenkt à 6. C. C. T. T. cum Duobus Inſtrumentis.
10. Concert. X. Laſſet uns den Herren, unſern Gott, loben à 6. C. C. T. B. cum 2.
Inſtrumentis & complemento Vocali & Inſtrumentali à 4.
11. Concert. XI. Es ging ein Seemann aus zu ſeen ſeinen ſamen à 7. C. A. T. B. cum
Tribus Inſtrumentis & complemento vocali & Inſtrumentali à 4.
12. Concert. XII. Seyd barmhertzig wie auch euer Vater barmherzig ist à 7. C. A. T.
B. cum Tribus Inſtrumentis & complemento vocali & Inſtrumentali à 4.
13. Concert. XIII. Siehe dieſer wird geſetzt zu einem Fall à 7. C. C. A. T. B. cum
Duobus Inſtrumentis & complemento Vocali & Inſtrumentali à 4.
14. Concert. XIV Vater unſer der du biſt im Himmel à 7. C. Semic. T. T. B. cum
Duobus Inſtrumentis & complemento Vocali & Inſtrumentali, à 4.
15. Concert. XV. Siehe wie fein und lieblich iſt à 8. C. C. A. T. B. cum Tribus Inſtrumentis & complemento Inſtrumentali. à 2.
16. Concert. XVI. Hütet euch daß eure Hertzen nicht beſchweret werden à 8. C. C.
A. T. T. B. cum Duobus Inſtrumentis.
17. Concert. XVII. Meiſter wir wiſſen daß du wahrhaftig biſt à 8. C. C. A. T. B. cum
Tribus Inſtrumentis & complemento Inſtrumentali, à 4.
18. Concert. XVIII. Saul was verfolgſtu mich? à 8. C. C. A. T. B. B. cum Duobus
Inſtrumentis & complemento ab 8. Duobus Choris.
19. Concert. XIX. Herr wie lang wilt du mein ſo gar vergeſſen? à 8. C. C. A. T. T. B.
cum Duobus Inſtrumentis & complemento Inſtrumentali à 3.
20. Concert. XX. Komm heiliger Geiſt Herre GOtt à 8. C. Semic. T. T. Barit. B. cum
Duobus Inſtrumentis & complemento Inſtrumentali ab 8. Duobus Choris.
21. Concert. XXI. Nun danket alle GOTT à 8. C. C. A. T. T. B. cum Duobus Inſtrumentis & complemento Inſtrumentali à 4.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Composer(s): Schütz, Heinrich (1585–1672)
Title: [red ink] Anderer Theil | [black ink] Kleiner | Geistlichen | [red ink]
CONCERTEN | Mit und 5. Stimmen | [black ink] Sambt beygefügtem Basso
Con-|tinuo vor die Orgel. | In die Music verſetzet | Durch [red ink] HEINRICUM
SAGIttARIUM, | [black ink] Churfürſtl. Durchläuscht. zu Sachſſen | Capellmeiſter. |
[red ink: partbook name] | [black ink] Mit Römiſcher Keyſerl. Majeſt. Freyheit. | [red
ink] M.DC. [coat of arms] XXXIX. | [red ink] Gedruckt zu Dreßden in Churfürſtl.
Sächß. Officin, | [black ink] durch Gimel Bergens Seligen Erben. |
Publication: Dresden: Gimel Bergens Erben 1639
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: Primus, Secundus, Tertius, Qvartus, Qvintus/b
ad org. On the back of the title page preface to the reader, on the two following pages
dedication of the composer dem Herrn Friedrichen, Erwehlten zu Ertz- unnd Biſchoffen
der Stiffter Bremen und Vehrden dated 2nd June 1639. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50130 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks, underwent conservation in 1985. Some
tempo and dynamic indications: tarde, celeriter, ſubmiſſe, fortiter, some of them have
handwritten translations added: presto. Single handwritten accidentals. On the title
page written in pencil: 485 | V.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[ | לל5]; [Nro 61]; Mus. 691.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 393–394; RISM A/I: S 2291
Digitized version: http://imslp.org/wiki/File:PMLP100414-Sch%C3%BCtz_-_
Anderer_Theil_kleiner_geistlichen_Concerten_-Primus-.pdf (another one specimen)
Modern edition: Heinrich Schütz, Neue Ausgabe sämtlicher Werke, vol. 10: Kleine
geistliche Konzerte 1636/1639, ed. Wilhelm Ehmann, Hans Hoffmann, Kassel: Bärenreiter 1963
Recording: Heinrich Schütz Edition, Capella Augustana, Matteo Messori, Brilliant
Classics 2012 (BC 94361)
1. Concert I. Ich will den HErren loben allezeit. A 1. Cantus ſolus.
2. Concert II. Was haſt Du verwirket, O Du allerholdſeligſter Knab? A 1. Altus
3. Concert III. O IESV nomen dulce. A 1. Tenor ſolus.
4. Concert IV. O miſericordisſime IESV. A 1. Tenor ſolus.
5. Concert V. Ich liege und ſchlafe und erwache. A 1. Baſſus ſolus.
6. Concert VI. Habe deine Luſt an dem HErren. A 2. Duo Cantus.
7. Concert VII. HErr ich hoffe darauf daß Du so gnädig bist. A 2. Duo Cantus.
8. Concert VIII. Bone IESV verbum Patris. A 2. Duo Cantus.
9. Concert IX. Verbum caro factum eſt. A 2. Duo Cantus.
4. The catalogue
Concert X. Hodie Christus natus eſt. A 2. Cantus & Tenor.
Concert XI. Wann unſre Augen ſchlafen ein cum verſione Latina: Quando ſe
claudunt lumina. A 2. Cantus & Baſſus.
Concert XII. Meiſter, wir haben die ganze Nacht gearbeitet. A 2. Duo Tenores.
Concert XIII. Die Furcht des HErren iſt der Weißheit Anfang. A 2. Duo Tenores.
Concert XIV. Ich beuge meine Knie gegen dem Vater. A 2. Duo Basſi.
Concert XV. Ich bin jung geweſen und bin alt worden. A 2. Duo Basſi.
Concert XVI. HERR wann ich nur Dich habe. A 3. Duo Cantus & Tenor.
Concert XVII. Rorate cœli deſuper & nubes pluant. A 3. Duo Cantus & Baſſus.
Concert XVIII. Joseph, du Sohn David fürchte dich nicht. A 3. Duo Cantus
& Baſſus.
Concert XIX. Ich bin die Aufferſtehung und das Leben. A 3. Duo Tenores
& Baſſus.
Concert XX. Die Seele CHriſti heilige mich. A 3. Altus Tenor & Baſſus.
Concert XXI. Ich ruff zu Dir, HErr JEsu CHrist cum verſione Latina: Te Christe
ſupplex invoco. A 4. Tres Canti & Baritonus.
Concert XXII. Allein GOtt in der Höh sey Ehr. A 4. Duo Cantus & duo
Concert XXIII. Veni Sancte Spiritus, reple tuorum corda fidelium. In Concerto.
A 4. Duo Cantus & duo Tenores.
Concert XXIV. Iſt GOtt für uns wer mag wider uns sein? A 4. Cant. Alt. Ten. Baſ.
Concert XXV. Wer will uns ſcheiden von der Liebe Gottes? A 4. Cant. Alt. Ten. Baſ.
Concert XXVI. Die Stimm des HErren gehet auf den Wassern. A 4. Cant. Alt.
Ten. Baſ.
Concert XXVII. Iubilate DEO omnis terra. A 4. Cant. Alt. Ten. Baſ.
Concert XXVIII. Sey gegrüſſet Maria du Holdselige [org:] Dialogus a 2 vel a 5
cum Symphonia; cum verſione Latina: Ave Maria gratia plena. A 5. Duo Cantus. A. T. B.
Concert XXIX. Was betrübst du dich, meine Seele. A 5. Duo Cantus. A. T. B.
Concert XXX. Quemadmodum deſiderat Cervus. A 5. C. A. T. T. B.
Concert XXXI. Aufer immenſam, Deus, aufer iram. A 5. C. A. T. T. B.
Composer(s): Kittel, Caspar (1603–1639)
Title: ARIEN und CANTATEN | Mit | 1. 2. 3. und 4. Stimmen, | Sambt beygefügtem |
BASSO CONTINUO | In die Muſica uberſetzt | Durch | Caspar Kitteln, Churfürſtl.
Sächß. | Cammer Muſicanten. | OPERETTA PRIMA. | Mit Churf. Sächß. Privilegio. |
Dreſzden, Gedrukct bey Gimel Bergens, Churfürſtl. Sächß. | Hoff Buchdruckers,
ſeligen, nachgelasſener | Wittib und Erben. | In verlegung des Authoris [arabesque] |
Publication: Dresden: Gimel Bergens Erben 1638
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in fol.: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. Aijr the preface An die
noch ungeübten Sänger, on p. Aijv a German poem by Augustus Buchner. In S partbook
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
only the dedication of the composer to Johann Georg Duke of Sachsen and Magdalene Sibylle zu Brandenburg-Bayreuth dated 20th August 1638. At the end – a list of
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50076 Muz.
Notes on item: S and bc partbooks missing. T partbook damaged by humidity.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[F S | 5]; [Nro 62]; Mus. 408.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 227–228; RISM A/I: K 853
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=15482
Modern edition: Caspar Kittel, Arien und Kantaten op. 1; Dresden 1638, ed. Werner Braun, Christine Gevert, Winterthur: Amadeus 2000 (Pratica musicale, 5)
Recording: Caspar Kittel: Arias and Cantatas, René Jacobs, Johanna Stojković, Bernarda Fink, Gerd Türk, Jeremy Ovenden, Martin Snell, Amandine Beyer, Pablo Valetti, Guido Balestracci, Armin Bereuter, Marie Nishiyama, Juan Sebastian Lima, Attilio
Cremonesi, Harmonia Mundi 2010 (HMG 505247)
1. Aria I. Mein Lieb, wie schöne bist doch du. Soprano solo
2. Aria II. Ich bleib’ und bin des Liebsten für und für. Soprano solo
3. Aria III. Coridon der gieng betrübet. Alto solo
4. Aria IV. Wie schöne Füß und auch wie schöne Schuh. Tenore ſolo
5. Aria V. Kombt laſſt uns auſſpatzierem. Sopra l’Aria di Ruggiero. Baſſo ſolo
6. Aria VI. Gleich wie zur Sommerszeit. Sopra la Romaneſca. à 2. Soprani
7. Aria VII. Auff meine Harff. à 2. Soprani
8. Aria VIII. Ihr schwartzen Augen, ihr. à 2. Soprani
9. Aria IX. Ach Liebſte laß und eylen. à 2. Soprani
10. Aria X. Coridon ſprach mit verlangen. à 2. Soprani
11. Aria XI. Jetzund kombt die Nacht herbey. à 2. Tenori. Sopra l’Aria di Rugg.
12. Aria XII. Geht, meine Seufftzer, hin. à 2. Tenori
13. Aria XIII. Nun, o Schönste komm gegangen. à 2. Tenori
14. Aria XIV. Ein ieglich Ding hat seine Zeit. à 2. Tenori
15. Aria XV. Aſterie mag bleiben wer ſie wil. à 2. Canto e Tenore
16. Aria XVI. Wohl dem der ſein Feld kann bawen. à 3. Duo Canti & Baſſo
17. Aria XVII. Als ich nechſt war auſſpatzieret. à 3. Duo Tenori & Baſſo
18. Aria XVIII. Alhier in dieſer wüſten Heyd. à 3. Canto, Tenore, & Baſſo
19. Aria XIX. Derſelbe welcher dieſe Nacht. à 3. Canto, Tenore & Baſſo
20. Aria XX. O du Gott der ſüſſen Schmietzen. à 3. Canto, Tenore & Baſſo
21. Aria XXI. Iſt mein Hertze gleich verliebet. à 4.
22. Aria XXII. Seht meine Seufftzen hin. à 4.
23. Aria XXIII. oime Amor wie schnell hast mich. à 4.
24. Aria XXIV. Die Sonn hat ſich vertrochen. à 4.
25. Aria XXV. Wie offt iſt der Frühling kommen. à 4.
4. The catalogue
Aria XXVI. Wohl dem der weit von hohen dingen. à 4.
Aria XXVII. Wer von Amor wird arreſtirt. à 4.
Aria XXVIII. Laſſet uns ſchauen in Garten. à 4.
Aria XXIX. Meine Frewde, Luſt und Wonne. à 4.
Aria XXX. War iſt es und nachzuſagen. à 4.
Composer(s): Tarditi, Orazio (1602–1677)
| IL P. D. TEODORO SOLDATTI | Abbatte del Monaſterio di S. Michiele di Murano
| Vicario della Prouincia Veneta. | CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN
VENETIA, | Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCL. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1650
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, org. On p. 3 dedication of the composer dated 21st February 1650. At the end – a list of contents and typographer’s mark.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50845 Muz.
Notes on item: Only A partbook extant. On the title page written in pencil: 500 | V.
Provenance: The extant partbook bears Rhediger Library stamp. Old shelfmarks:
[H. W. | 5]; [Nro 63]; Mus. 718.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 407–408; RISM A/I: T 205;
http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it;
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Meſſa A 3. Doi Soprani, è Baſſo (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanctus – Agnus Dei)
2. Meſſa A 4. del Quinto Tuono Concertata (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanctus –
Agnus Dei)
3. Meſſa A 4. Del Secundo Tuono. Concertata (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanctus
– Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Monteverdi, Claudio (1567–1643); Cavalli, Francesco (1602–1676)
Title: [red ink only in S 1 ch. partbook] MESSA | [black ink] A QVATTRO VOCI,
| ET | [red ink] SALMI | [black ink] A Vna, Due, Tre, Quattro, Cinque, Sei, Sette, &
Otto Voci, | Concertati, e Parte da Cappella, & con le Letanie della B. V. | DEL SIGNOR
| [red ink] CLAVDIO MONTEVERDE | [black ink] Gia Maeſtro di Cappella della
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Sereniſſima | Republica di Venetia. | DEDICATI | [red ink] AL R.MO P. D. ODOARDO
| BARANARDI | [black ink] Abbate di Santa Maria delle Carceri della Congregatione |
Camaldolenſe. | [typographer’s mark] | [red ink] IN VENETIA, | [black ink] Appreſſo
Aleſſandro Vincenti. M DC L. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1650
Description: Set of 9 partbooks in fol.: 1 ch.: S, A, T, B; 2 ch.: S, A, T, B; bc. On p. 3
(except for B 2 ch.) dedication of the editor dated 11th December 1649. At the end –
a list of contents and an arabesque. Some dynamic indications: Forte, Pian, F., P.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50645 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. In bc partbook at the top of p. 44 (Lætatus ſum) a printed pasted-over correction with ostinato bass and rubric: Si suona
l’strumento le sudette quatro note sino al Propter fratres meos. Numerous handwritten
accidentals, some indications of text incipits, calculations of rest lengths, and pasted
-over corrections of the music (S 2 ch., p. 14). The specimen underwent conservation
in 1998. On the title page written in pencil: 361 | IX.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[H P | 9]; [Nro 64]; Mus. 516.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 290; RISM A/I: M 3447; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: planned publication:
ripro/gaspari/BB/BB014/ (the specimen from I-Bc)
Modern edition: tutte le opere di Claudio Monteverdi, vol. 16: Musica Religiosa
(III), Parte 2, ed. Gian Francesco Malipiero, Wien: Universal Edition 1942
Recording: Monteverdi. Sacred Vocal Music, Emma Kirkby, Ian Partridge, David
Thomas, The Parley of Instruments, Roy Goodman, Peter Holman, Hyperion 1993
(CDH 55345); Claudio Monteverdi: Messa a quattro voci, e salmi (1650), Consort Ars
Musica, Raffaello Monterosso, Regent Records 1995 (REGFCM101/2)
1. Meſſa A 4. Voci. Da Capella. (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Benediĉtus –
Agnus Dei)
2. Dixit Dominus A 8.
3. Dixit Dominus A 8. Voci. Alla Breue.
4. Confitebor tibi A Voce Sola con Violini.
5. Confitebor tibi A Due Voci, con doi Violini.
6. Beatus vir A 7. Voci, con doi Violini.
7. Laudate pueri A 5. Da Capella. Alla Quarta Baſſa.
4. The catalogue
Laudate Dominum A Baſſo Solo.
Lætatus ſum A 5. Iſtrumenti, & 6. voci. A 2. Sopr. e a Viol.
Lætatus ſum A 5. Voci
Niſi Dominus A 3. Voci, & duoi Violini.
Niſi Dominus ædificauerit. A 6.
Lauda Ieruſalem Dominum A 3.
Lauda Ieruſalem Dominum A 5.
Magnificat A 6. Voci, & due Violini. Del Sig. Franceſco Caualli Organiſta di
S. Marco
Lætaniæ Della Beata Vergine A 6. Voci. Del Sig. Claudio Monteverde.
Composer(s): Uccellini, Marco (1603c–1680)
Title: [red ink, only in S partbook] SALMI | [black ink] A VNA, A TRE, QVATRO,
ET A CINQVE, | [red ink] CONCERTATI | [black ink] Parte con Iſtromenti e parte
Senza con Letanie della Beata | Vergine Concertate à 5. Con Iſtromenti | DI | [red
ink] D. MARCO VCCELLINI | [black ink] Capo dell’Iſtromentiſti Del Sereniſſimo
Sig. Duca di Modana | Et Maeſtro di Cappella della Chatedrale di detta Citta | [red ink]
FERRANDO TERZO | [black ink] Gonzaga Duca di Guaſtalla, Luzzara, Reggiolo, |
Prencipe di Molfetta | [red ink] CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | [red ink]
IN VENETIA. | [black ink] Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti MDC. LIV. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1654
Description: Set of 9 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, vl I, vl II, theorbe/vlne, bc. On
p. 3 (in B partbook on p. 2) dedication of the composer dated 16th March 1654. At the
end – a list of contents and an arabesque.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50860 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks, underwent conservation in 1990. In
A partbook the title page and the last one page missing. Damaged part of theorbe/vlne
partbook. Some dynamic and tempo indications: Allegro, preſto, preſto preſto, piano.
Single handwritten accidentals, calculations of rest lengths, pitch corrections and bc
numbering. On the title page written in pencil: 522 | IX; 144.
Provenance: All partbooks (except A partbook, printed on different kind of paper
and provided with a different cover) bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
L P | 9; [Nro 65 (a)]; Mus. 735.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 414; RISM A/I: U 18, UU 18;
http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it;
Digitized version: planned publication http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Domine ad Adiuuandum Concertato con Iſtrumenti à 5. doi Canti, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
2. Dixit Dominus Concertato con Iſtromenti à 5. doi Canti, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
3. Dixit Dominus Concertato con Iſtrumenti à 5. Canto, Alto, dui Tenori e Baſſo
4. Dixit Dominus Concertato con Iſtrumenti A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo
5. Confitebor tibi Concertato A 3. doi Soprani, e Baſſo
6. Beatus Vir. Concertato à 3. Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo
7. Beatus Vir à Canto ſolo con Iſtrumenti. Al Sig. Marzio Herculeo Muſico celeberimo del Sig. Duca di Modana
8. Laudate pueri Concertato con Iſtrumenti à 3. doi Canti, e Baſſo
9. Laudate pueri Concertato à 3. Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo. Al Sig. Alfonſo Petenari
Muſico celeberimo del Sig. Duca di Guaſtalla
10. Laudate Dominum à Baſſo ſolo con Iſtrumenti Al Sig. Gioseffo Paini Muſico
celeberimo del Sig. Duca di Modana
11. Laudate Dominum Concertato à 3. doi Tenori, e Baſſo
12. Niſi Dominus Concertato A 3. Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo con Iſtrumenti. Al Padre D.
Horatio Tarditi Maeſtro di Capella del Duomo di Faenza e compoſitor di Muſica celeberimo
13. Magnificat Concertato con Iſtrumenti A 5. Canto, Alto, doi Tenori, e Baſſo
14. Lętanie della B. V. Concertato con Iſtromenti A 5. Canto, Alto, dui Tenori,
e Baſſo
Composer(s): Obizzi, Domenico (1611c–1630p)
CANTARSI IN CHITTARONE, CLAVECIMBALO, | ò altre ſorte d’Inſtromenti, con
l’Alfabetto all’Ariette | per la Chitarra alla Spagnola. | NOVAMENTE COMPOSTE, ET
DATE IN LVCE. | LIBRO PRIMO. | OPERA SECONDA. | [typographer’s mark] | IN
VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti MDCXXVII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1627
Description: One volume in 4o. On the back of the title page dedication of the composer to Lorenzo Loredano dated 22nd March 1627. On the following pages an Italian
sonnet by Pietro Michele and Alfabetto ed intavolatura per la Chitarra alla spagnola. At
the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50664 Muz.
Notes on item: Specimen damaged in some places, underwent conservation in
1994, refilled with paper. Some handwritten accidentals. On the title page written in
pencil: 370 | I.
4. The catalogue
Provenance: The volume bears Rhediger Library stamp. Old shelfmarks: XX | 1.;
No 65 (b); Mus. 533.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 296; RISM A/I: O 6; VogelB: II, pp. 26–27; NV 2047
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=14671
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Udite merauiglie, alme d’amor ardenti
2. S’io foſſi vn giorno ardito di dire
3. Ecco che pur baciate, o labra aventuroſe
4. Donna, il dir ch’io non v’ami
5. Occhi miei, pur ſapete
6. Da canori paſſaggi io paſſai
7. Ah Clori, ah rabioſetta
8. Per vn morſo tant’ira? Riſpoſta
9. Laſſo ben m’accorg’io. Sonetto
10. Raddoppia anima mia. Sonetto
11. Ah ſon tradito. Ferito il mio core
12. Aurette Laſciuette, ch’al crin d’oro errate
13. Voi che’l mio mal ſapete
14. Son caduti al fine i fiori
15. Hor che più non mi sfaccio
16. Che ſia dentro al mio core
17. Fillid’è forz’homai
18. Deh conſoli il mio tormento
19. Hor che fatto hà partita
20. Non hà doglia maggiore
21. E pur di nouo, ahi laſſo
22. Hor che vicin mi ſento
23. Mille volte inconſtante
24. Aura, che quì d’intorno
25. E ſi graue il tormento
26. O ſoſpiro amoroſo
27. Rompi, ò mio core, quell’amoroſo laccio
28. Non ti laſcio, Eurilla mia
29. Poiche rotta è la fede
30. Dimmi, Filli mio ben
31. Poi ch’Amor l’aurea ſaetta
32. Vdite, ò ſelve – Hor dite vn poco. Residuo
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Composer(s): Giuliani, Francesco (17.sc)
| Diuiſi Sopra le Quattro Parti Principali della Muſica. | DI FRANCESCO GIVLIANI
| Detto il Cerato D’Arzignano Vicentino. | Con il ſuo Baſſo Continuo per l’organo. |
OPERA SECONDA. | Nouamente Riſtampata. | Con Priuilegio. | CANTO TENOR
ALTO BASSO | [typographer’s mark] | STAMPA DEL GARDANO. | IN VENETIA,
M.DC.XXIX || Appreſſo Bartholomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Bartolomeo Magni 1629
Description: Set of 2 partbooks in 4o: Voce (S/A/T/B), bc. At the end – a list of
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50479 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Some handwritten accidentals and errata
of the erroneously printed accidentals. On the title page written in pencil: 239 | II.
Provenance: Both partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [AH |
2]; [Nro 65 (c)]; Mus. 350.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 156–157; RISM A/I: G 2546; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://publikationen.ub.uni-frankfurt.de/frontdoor/index/index/docId/22401 (the specimen from D-F)
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Sit nomen Domini. Canto Solo.
2. Gaude Virgo Maria. Canto Solo.
3. Aue Virgo Gratioſa. Canto Solo.
4. O Virgo Benediĉta. Canto Solo.
5. Hodie Christus natus eſt. Canto Solo.
6. Percuſsit Saul mille. Canto Solo.
7. Ego flos campi. Canto Solo.
8. O Maria o Porta cęli. Canto Solo.
9. Vulneraſti cor meum. Canto Solo.
10. In conuertendo. Canto Solo.
11. Pulchra es & decora. Alto Solo.
12. Exultate Deo adiutori noſtro. Alto Solo.
13. Hodie Maria Virgo cęlos. Alto Solo.
14. Egredimini & videte. Alto Solo.
15. Sanĉta Maria clemens & pia. Alto Solo.
16. Deſcendi in hortum meum. Alto Solo.
17. Dileĉtus meus loquitur mihi. Alto Solo.
18. Anima mea liquefaĉta eſt. Alto Solo.
4. The catalogue
Cantabo Domino in vita mea. Alto Solo.
O Glorioſa Domina. Alto Solo.
Vox Dileĉti mei. Tenor Solo.
Veni in hortum meum. Tenor Solo.
Ardens eſt cor meum. Tenor Solo.
Indica mihi quem diligit. Tenor Solo.
Veni Sponſa Chriſti. Tenor Solo.
Oſculetur me. Tenor Solo.
Gaudeamus omnes. Tenor Solo.
Aue Dulciſsima Maria. Tenor Solo.
Exultate iuſti in Domino. Tenor Solo.
O Bone Ieſu. Tenor Solo.
Ornauerunt faciem templi. Baſſo Solo.
Saluum me fac Deus. Baſſo Solo.
Exurgat Deus & diſsipentur. Baſſo Solo.
Domine exaudi orationem meam. Baſſo Solo.
O Magnum Sacramentum. Baſſo Solo.
Beati Immaculati in via. Baſſo Solo.
Cantemus Domino Glorioſe. Baſſo Solo.
Iubilate Deo omnis terra. Baſſo Solo.
Quæ eſt iſta. Baſſo Solo.
O quam ſuavis eſt Domine Spiritus tuus. Baſſo Solo.
Composer(s): Capuana, Mario (1647c†)
ORGANVM MODVLANDA | Pro agenda die quadrageſima obitus | PERILLVSTRIS
| PETRI DEODATO | Baronis Feudorum Frigintini, Granpoli, Miſilini, | Tabriæ,
Stafendæ, Et S. Michaelis | CVI DEVS DET REQVIEM | AVCTORE | V. I. D. MARIO
CAPVANA | CVM PRIVILEGIO. | [coat of arms] | VENETIIS || Apud Alexandrum
Vincentium MDCXXXXIIIII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1645
Description: Set of 9 partbooks in 4o: 1 ch.: S, A, T, B; 2 ch.: S, A, T, B; org. On p. 2 an
Italian sonnet by Alessandro Carobene. In all partbooks, preceding the title page there is
an additional page with the name of the partbook and an engraving representing a skull.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50313 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. S 1 ch. and T 1 ch. partbooks missing.
In S 2 ch. partbook p. 11 and the last page missing. B 1 ch., S 2 ch. and B 2 ch. partbooks damaged on the edges, refilled with paper after conservation. On the title page
written in pencil: 117 | IX.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: F P. | 9; [Nro] 66; Mus. 201.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 85; RISM A/I: C 950; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/vol-2/;
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Requiem (Requiem æternam – Kyrie – Dies Irę – Domine Ieſu chriſte – Sanĉtus
– Agnus dei – Lux æterna)
Composer(s): Cavaccio, Giovanni (1556c–1626)
DAVIDICA | DE SALMI DE VESPRI INTIERI | A Quattro Voci | Con l’Organo |
DI GIOVANNI CAVACCIO | Maeſtro di Capella di Santa Maria Maggiore | di
| [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, | Appresso Alessandro Vincenti. MDCXX. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1620
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, b pro org. On the back of the title
page dedication of the composer to Girolamo Roncalli dated 10th November 1620.
At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50329 Muz.
Notes on item: Only A, T (incomplete, title page and pp. 1–4 missing), and B partbooks extant. A partbook damaged on the edges, refilled with paper after conservation. Some handwritten accidentals and dynamic indications: f. In A and B partbooks
some handwritten performance indications in Laudate pueri Secundi toni (tacet). On
the title page written in pencil: 132 | V.
Provenance: A and B partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: C t
| 5; [Nro 67 (a)]; Mus. 220.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 92; RISM A/I: C 1555, CC 1555; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Domine ad adiuuandum
2. Dixit Dominus Sexti Toni.
3. Confitebor tibi Quinti Toni. Alla quarta baſſa
4. Beatus vir Tertij Toni.
4. The catalogue
Laudate pueri Quarti Toni.
Laudate Dominum Sexti Toni.
Lætatus ſum Sexti Toni.
Niſi Dominus Secundi Toni.
Lauda Hieruſalem Oĉtaui Toni.
Credidi propter quod Sexti Toni.
In conuertendo Septimi Toni.
Beati omnes Quinti Toni.
Beatus vir Sexti Toni.
Laudate pueri Secundi Toni. A 2. Chori.
Aue maris ſtella A 4. Con doi Soprani
Magnificat Primi Toni. à 5
Dixit Dominus Quarti Toni. à 5
Nunc dimittis A 6. Tertij Toni. Sine intonatione
Cantemus omnes ad laudem Mariæ. A 6
Composer(s): Arrigoni, Giovanni Giacomo (1597–1675)
Title: CONCERTI | DI CAMERA | A 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. | DI GIACOMO ARRIGONI
| Organiſta della Sacra Ceſarea Maeſtà. | DI FERDINANDO II. | IMPERATORE | Con
Licenza de Superiori. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA MDCXXXV. || Appreſſo
Bartolomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1635
Description: Set of 7 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B/vla, 5/vl I, 6/vl II/vla, bc (marked at
the very beginning as Cembalo). On p. 1 dedication of the composer signed Vienna,
1st January 1635. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50259 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. B partbook damaged, refilled with new
paper after conservation. Some handwritten bc numbering and accidentals, calculations
of rest lengths, pitch corrections and text errata. Some tempo and dynamic indications:
Allegro, adagio, preſto, preſtiſsimo, p., f. On the title page written in pencil: 50 | VII.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
F X | 7; [Nro] 67 (b); Mus. 129.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 50; RISM A/I: A 2490; VogelB: I, p. 42; NV 170; SartoriB: 1635b
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Nò ch’io tornar non voglio A 2. Canto è Baſſo.
2. Una farfalla cupida e vagante. A 2. Tenore & Alto. [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Donne amoroſe e grate. A 2. Tenore & Canto.
Ite, ſoſpiri miei, ite pronti e volate. A 2. Tenori
Vollò ne tuoi begl’occhi ignudo. A 3. Doi Tenori è Baſſo [Giambattista Marino]
Arpie del mar, che da l’eſtreme sponde venite. à 3. Basſi. [Giambattista Marino]
Tu m’amaſti, io t’amai grat. A 3. Alto Tenore è Baſſo.
Fuì tuo ben, tu ben vita. A 3.
Uſami pur orgoglio. A 4. Canto Alto Tenore è Baſſo.
Stelle fulminatrici, ogni cenno, ogni sguardo. A 4. 2. Tenori 2. Basſi.
Se non m’aiti Amor. Dialogo. (Amante) [1. Parte] – Sinfonia – Se nelli ſguardi
ſuoi (2. Parte) – Sinfonia – Vorreì veder almeno (Terza Parte.). A 4. Canto Tenore è 2. violini.
Uſcite, ò gemiti. Ciacona A 4. Tenore 2. violini è viola
Queſt’è pur il mio core. A 5. [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
Ardo, mia vita, ancor com’io solia e sento. A 5. [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
Arciera vezzoſetta con l’arco sol mi caccia. A 6.
Sonata prima. A 6.
Sonata ſeconda. A 6.
Ancor non ſapeu’io bella mia Flora. A 7. [Giambattista Marino]
Ferma il paſſo, o verginella. Sopra il paſſacaglio. A 7.
Non baſtava cor mio. Paſſ ’e mezo. A 8. In questo concerto è neceſario che ſuoni
il Baſſo di Viola poſto nel Seſto Libro.
O Celeſte armonia, che l’orecchio ferendo. A 8
Sonata. A 8
Mentre m’impiaghi et ardi. A 3.
Sonata. A 8
Queſta canora maga forma amoroſo incanto. A 8.
Pompa e freggio de prati. A 9. [Giambattista Marino]
Hor che l’aria e la terra arde e fiammeggia. A 9. [Giambattista Marino]
Paſſa la naue mia tra flutti procelloni. A 9. Sopra la Vergine. Tu es ſtella maris.
Composer(s): Rigatti, Giovanni Antonio (1613c–1648)
Title: MESSA E SALMI | A TRE VOCI, | Con due Violini, & Quattro Parti di
Ripieno | à beneplacito. | DI | GIO: ANTONIO RIGATTI. | Libro Secondo. | CON
PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti.
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1648
Description: Set of 8 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, B; rip.: S/A, T/B; vl I, vl II, bc. On
p. 3 dedication of the composer to ALESSANDRo GALLI MVSICo ECC.mo dated 12th
September 1648. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo and dynamic indications:
adaggio, adaſio, preſto, forte, piano.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50744 Muz.
4. The catalogue
Notes on item: T/B rip. partbook missing. Some handwritten accidentals, calculations of rest lengths and text additions referring to the text incipits: Et incarnatus, Fecit
potentiam. On the title page written in pencil: 426 | VIII.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Underwent conservation in 1998. Old shelfmarks: [H t | 8]; [Nro 67 (c)]; Mus. 615.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 335–336; RISM A/I: R 1420; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Meſſa (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo)
2. Dixit Dominus
3. Confitebor tibi
4. Beatus vir
5. Laudate pueri Dominum
6. Laudate Dominum
7. Lætatus ſum
8. Niſi Dominus
9. Lauda Ieruſalem Dominum
10. Magnificat
Composer(s): Rigatti, Giovanni Antonio (1613c–1648)
Title: MESSA | E SALMI | Parte concertati, à 3. 5. 6. 7. & 8. voci con due | Violini, &
altri Iſtromenti à bene-|placito & parte à 5. á Capella. | DI GIO: ANTONIO RIGATTI
| All’Auguſtiſſimo, & Inuittiſſimo Imperatore | FERDINANDO III | [typographer’s
mark] | IN VENETIA M DC X X X X | Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1640
Description: Set of 11 partbooks in 4o: 1 ch.: S, A, T, B; 2 ch.: S, A, T, B; vl I, vl II, org.
On p. 3 dedication of the composer dated 1st October 1640. At the end – a list of contents (in B 2 ch. before the penultimate piece). Some dynamic and tempo indications:
piano, forte, adaſio, adaſio quanto ſi più, allegro, preſto.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50740 Muz.
Notes on item: Vl II partbook missing. S 1 ch., A 2 ch., T 2 ch. and bc partbooks damaged, refilled with new paper after conservation. Numerous handwritten accidentals
(some erased later), some pitch corrections, calculations of rest lengths and performance indications (tacet). On the title page written in pencil: 419 | XI.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [C M | 11]; [Nro 68]; Mus. 609.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 334; RISM A/I: R 1413; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Giovanni Antonio Rigatti, Messa e salmi, parte concertati, ed. Linda Maria Koldau, Middleton (Wisconsin): A-R Editions 2003 (Recent Researches in the
Music of the Baroque Era, 128)
Recording: Rigatti: A 1640 Venetian Mass, Vancouver Cantata Singers, James Fankhauser, Analekta 1998 (FL23097)
1. Sinfonia auanti il Kyrie à Cinque, & ſi potrà fare anco con doi Violini ſoli Alla
quarta. Si ſuona come ſtà
2. Meſſa A 8. Voci, & due violini & altri Iſtromenti à beneplacito Alla quarta baſſa
(Kyrie. Si ſuona come ſtà – Gloria. Si ſuona come ſtà – Credo. Alla quarta baſſa
– Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
3. Sinfonia auanti il Dixit di Cinque Istromenti. Due violini.
4. Dixit Dominus A 8. Voci, con due Violini, & 3 Viole ouero Tromboni à beneplacito
5. Sinfonia auanti il Dixit
6. Dixit Dominus A 5. Voci, & due Violini con altri Iſtromenti à beneplacito.
7. Confitebor tibi A 3 Voci & doi Violini.
8. Confitebor tibi A Sei Voci, & due Violini con 4 Viole à beneplacito.
9. Beatus vir A 5. da Capella con 3 Iſtrumenti [or:] Due violini
10. Beatus vir à voce ſola con doi Violini ouero à tre voci & due Violini cioè due
Soprani ò Tenori & Baſſo
11. Laudate pueri A 5. Da Capella Alla quarta.
12. Laudate pueri A Voce Sola con due uiolini
13. Laudate pueri à 3 con doi Violini del Seſto traſportato alla terza baſſa
14. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes à ſei Voci, & due Violini del 8 traſportato
15. In exitu Tenore Solo & due Violini.
16. Lætatus ſum A 3 due Soprani, ouero Tenori, & Baſſo con due Violini.
17. Lætatus ſum A 5 da Capella.
18. Niſi Dominus A 5 à Capella alla quarta
19. Niſi Dominus A 3 & due Violini Va detto adaſio quanto ſi può.
20. Lauda Ieruſalem A 5.
21. Lauda Ieruſalem A doi Tenori ouero Soprani con Ritornello di mezo, il verſetto
vltimo à 3 & il gloria à 6, & due violini in concerto
22. Credidi propter quod A 5 à Capella
23. Magnificat à 6 con doi Violini & altri Iſtromenti à beneplacito
24. Salue Regina A 6. Voci.
25. Aue Regina Cęlorum Voce ſola con Cinque Viole Adaſio & ſempre ſoaue. Alla
Sacra Ceſarea Maeſtà dell’Imperatrice Maria d’Auſtria, &c
4. The catalogue
Composer(s): Conti, Angelo (17.sc)
Title: MOTETTI | A Due, Tre, Quattro, Cinque, Sei, & Otto Voci. | Per Concertarſi
nell’Organo, & altri Strumenti. | D’ANGELO CONTI | Opera Prima. | CON
PRIVILEGIO. | [the cardinal’s coat of arms, the drawing in ink] | IN VENETIA, |
Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. M. DC. XXXVIIII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1639
Description: Set of 7 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, 6, bc. On p. 1 dedication of the
composer to MoNSIGNoR LoRENZo CoRSI, Protonotario Apoſtolico dated 24th December 1639. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50363 Muz.
Notes on item: 6 and bc partbooks missing. In S partbook missing the title and some
final pages, some pages damaged on the edges. On p. 8 of T partbook pasted-over
small music text errata. On p. 4 of 5 partbook handwritten correction incipit of the
title o Rex glorie Domine virtutum. Single handwritten accidentals. On the title page
written in pencil: 160 | VII.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [C 2 | 7]; [Nro 69 (a)]; [Mus. 254].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 104; RISM A/I: C 3509; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Gaudeamus omnes in Domino A 2. Canto, è Tenore
2. Exaltabo te Deus meus A 2. Canto, è Tenore
3. Iuſtus germinabit ſicut lilium A 2. Canto, è Tenore.
4. Eſtote fortes in bello A 2. Canto, è Tenore.
5. O Domine Ieſu Chriſte A 2. Alto, è Tenore.
6. Vidi ciuitatem ſanĉtam A 2. Canto, è Tenore.
7. Cantabant ſanĉti canticum verum ante ſedem Dei A 2. Baſſo, è Tenore.
8. Beata es Virgo Maria A 2. Canto, è Tenore.
9. Cantate Domino canticum noum A 2. Due Tenori.
10. Cum perueniſſet Beatus Andreas A 2. Due Tenori.
11. O Beata Trinitas A 2. Canto, è Tenore.
12. O bone Ieſu A 2. Due Canti
13. Quæ eſt iſta quæ proceſſit ſicut ſol A 2. Due Canti, è due Violini
14. Tota pulcra es A 3. Canto Alto, è Tenore
15. Cantemus Domino glorioſe A 3. Alto Tenore, è Baſſo.
16. Quem vidiſtis Paſtores A 3. Canto Tenore, è Baſſo.
17. O Rex glorie Domine virtutum A 3. Due Tenori, è Baſſo.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Aue Virgo gratioſa A 4. Baſſo Tenore Alto, è Canto.
O quam ſuaue eſt nomen tuum Maria A 4. Baſſo Tenore Alto, è Canto.
Crucem tuam adoramus Domine A 4. Baſſo Tenore Alto, è Canto.
O intemerata & in æternum benediĉta A 4. Baſſo Tenore Alto, è Canto.
Venite adoremus & procidamus ante Deum A 5. Baſſo due Tenori Alto, è Canto.
Dileĉtus meus A 5. Baſſo due Tenori Alto, è Canto.
Deus canticum nouum cantabo. A Sei Voci
Congratulamini mihi omnes. A Sei Voci
Aſpicite gentes. A Sei Voci
Vidi ſpecioſam ſicut columbam. A Sei Voci
Magnificate Dominum mecum. A Sei Voci
Lauda Sion Saluatorem. A Sei Voci
Decantabat populus Iſrael. A Otto
Composer(s): Monteverdi, Claudio (1567–1643)
Title: CONCERTO. | SETTIMO LIBRO | DE MADRIGALI | A 1. 2. 3. 4. & Sei Voci,
Con altri | generi de Canti, | DEL SIGNoR | CLAVDIO MONTEVERDE | MAESTRO
DI CAPELLA | Della Serenisſima Republica | Nouamente Riſtampato. | DEDICATO
ALLA | SERENIS.ma MADAMA CATERINA MEDICI | Gonzaga Ducheſſa di Mantoua
di Monferato &c.| [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA M DC XXXXI || Appreſſo
Bartolomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1641
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, bc. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50644 Muz.
Notes on item: T and B partbooks missing. Some handwritten accidentals, bar lines
and calculations of rest lengths. On the title page written in pencil: 360 | VI.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: G D | 6; [Nro] 69b; Mus. 515.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 289–290; RISM A/I: M 3498, MM 3498; VogelB: I, p. 511;
SartoriB: 1619c; NV 1940; www.bibliotecamusica.it
Digitized version: http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b84272400 (the specimen
from F-Pn)
Modern edition: tutte le opere di Claudio Monteverdi, vol. 7, ed. Gian Francesco
Malipiero, Wien: Universal Edition 1927
Recording: Monteverdi: The Complete Madrigal Books, La Venexiana, Claudio Cavina, Glossa 2014 (GCD 920929)
1. Sinfonia.
2. Tempro la cetra. Voce Sola. [Giambattista Marino]
4. The catalogue
Non è di gentil core. A Doi Soprani. [Fabrizio degl’Atti]
A quest’olmo. Madrigale Concertato A 6 Voci Et Iſtromenti. A Doi Violini
& Flauti o Fifaræ [Giambattista Marino]
O come ſei gentile, caro Augellino. A Doi Soprani. [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
Io son pur vezzoſetta. A Doi Soprani.
O viua fiamma, o miei sospiri ardenti. A Doi Soprani. [Alfonso Gesualdo]
Vorrei baciarti, o Filli. A Doi Contralti. [Giambattista Marino]
Dice la mia belliſſima Licori. A Doi Tenori. [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
Ah che non ſi conuiene. A Doi Tenori.
Non vedrò mai le ſtelle. A Doi Tenori.
Ecco vicine, ò bella Tigre. A Doi Tenori. [Claudio Achillini]
Perchè fuggi tra selci. A Doi Tenori. [Giambattista Marino]
Tornate, ò cari baci. A Doi Tenori. [Giambattista Marino]
Soaue libertate. A Doi Tenori. [Gabriello Chriabrera]
S’el voſtro cor, Madonna. A Doi Tenori, & Baſſo. [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
Interrotte ſperanze, eterna fede. A Doi Tenori. [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
Augellin, che la voc’al canti spieghi. A 3. Doi Tenori & Baſſo.
Vaga ſu ſpina aſcoſa. A 3. Doi Tenori & Baſſo. [Gabriello Chiabrera]
Eccomi pronta ai baci. A 3. Doi Tenori & Baſſo. [Giambattista Marino]
Parlo miſer’ò taccio? A 3. Doi Soprani & Baſſo. [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
Tu dormi? Ah crudo core. A 4 Soprano Alto Tenore & Baſſo.
Al lume delle Stelle. A 4. Voci Doi Soprani Tenore è Baſſo. [Torquato Tasso]
Con che ſoavità, labra odorate. Concertato à vna voce & 9. Iſtrumenti [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
Ohimè dou’è il mio ben. Romaneſca A 2 Soprani [Prima Parte] – Dunque ha
potuto ſol (Seconda Parte) – Dunque hà potuto in me (Terza Parte) – Ahi ſciocco mondo (Quarta ed Vltima Parte). [Bernardo Tasso]
Se i languidi miei ſguardi. Lettera amoroſa à voce ſola in genere rapreſentatiuo.
[Claudio Achillini]
Se pur deſtina e vole’l cielo. Partenza amoroſa A Vna Voce In genere rapreſentatiuo.
Chiome d’oro, bel thesoro. Canzoneta à due voci Concertata con doi Violini Chitarone o Spinetta & auanti s’incomincia a Cantare ſi ſuona li preſenti Ritornelli.
Amor che deggio far se non mi giova. Canzoneta A 4 Voci Concertata [Alessandro Striggio jr]
Per monti e per valli. Ballo Concertato con Voci & Iſtromenti à 5. Ballo comincia in Dialogo A 2 Voci. (Tirſi, Clori) – Dolciſſimo Tirſi, già vanno ad unirsi
(Clori) – Su, Clori, mio core, andianne a quel loco (Tirsi) – Sì, Tirsi, mia vita,
ch’a te solo unita (Clori) – Già, Clori gentile, noi siam ne la schiera (Tirsi e Clori) – Balliamo, che’l gregge al suon de l’auena A 5.
Composer(s): Donati, Ignazio (1575c–1638)
Title: MOTETTI | A CINQVE VOCI | IN CONCERTO | Con due ſorti di Letanie
della B. V. & nel fine alcuni Canoni | D’IGNATIO DONATI MAESTRO DI CAPELLA
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
| del’Archiconfraternità, & Accademia dello Spirito | Santo di Ferrara. | Nuouamente in
queſta Terza impreſſione riſtampati & corretti. | All’Illuſtriſſimo Sig. Conte HERoCLE
[!] PEPVLI Caualiere del Redentor | Prencipe di detta Accademia. | [typographer’s
mark] | In Venetia, Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXVI |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1626
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in fol.: S, A, T, B, 5, bc. At the end – a list of contents.
In A partbook on p. 21 there is a note concerning the Canon: Vn tuono più alto ſempre ſi
replica detto Canon, come appare nella ſeconda replica ut ſupra. E perche preſto ſi aggiunge
ad vna certa eſtremità da non poterſi cantar più volendo ſeguir più oltre, la parte prima
che incomincia cantare, ſarrà quella che hà da replicate detto Canon, cioè cominciarlo all’
ottaua Baſſa della nota finale, e coſi ſeguttaranno tutte le parti per ordine.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50384 Muz.
Notes on item: T and B partbooks missing. Single handwritten accidentals. On the
title page written in pencil: 177 | VI.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: G A | 6; N. 70; Mus. 273.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 114–115; RISM A/I: D 3382; www.bibliotecamusica.it;
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Perfecta ſunt in te quæ dicta ſunt tibi Domine
2. Memento ſalutis auctor
3. Dulcis amor Ieſu
4. Tua Ieſu dileĉtio
5. Conſerua me Domine (1. Pars) – Benedicam Dominum quoniam speraui (2. Pars)
6. Verba mea auribus percipe
7. Domine quis habitabit in tabernaculo tuo?
8. Audi Filia Sion
9. O glorioſa Domina (1. Pars) –Tu regis alti Ianua (2. Pars)
10. Poſitus in medio
11. Confitebimur tibi Deus
12. Plange quaſi Virgo plebs mea
13. Aue Regina Cælorum
14. Litaniæ. B. V. Mariæ. (Kyrie eleison – Agnus Dei)
15. Litaniæ Beatæ Mariæ Virginis (Kyrie eleison – Agnus Dei)
16. Benediĉtus qui venit in nomine Domini. Canon à 2. 3. & à 4. da cantarſi in 24.
e più modi. Querite, & inuenietis.
4. The catalogue
Composer(s): Donati, Ignazio (1575c–1638)
DI LODI. | Fatti Sopra il Baſſo Generale di Perfeĉta ſunt in te. | DEDICATI | Al Molto
PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, | Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti.
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1629
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, bc. On the back of the title page
in the vocal partbooks dedication of the composer dated 22nd October 1629. At the
end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50387 Muz.
Notes on item: B partbook missing. The specimen underwent conservation in 1997.
Some handwritten accidentals. On the title page written in pencil: 180 | VI.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: G B | 6.; N. 71; Mus. 276.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 115; RISM A/I: D 3398; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Perfeĉta ſunt in te quæ diĉta ſunt tibi Domine
2. Ad te Domine leuaui (Prima parte. Sopra perfeĉta ſunt in te.) – Vias tuas Domine demonstra mihi (Seconda parte. Sopra Perfeĉta ſunt in te.) – Dulcis & reĉtus
Dominus (Terza parte. Sopra Perfeĉta ſunt in te.) – Reſpice in me et miſerere
mei (Quarta, & vltima parte. Sopra Perfeĉta ſunt in te.)
3. Exaudi Domine exaudi me. Sopra Perfeĉta ſunt in te.
4. Tu gloria Ieruſalem. Sopra Perfeĉta ſunt in te.
5. Eſca dulcis eſca læta. Sopra Perfeĉta ſunt in te. Iacobi Pontani Carmina. In
Sanctiſſimam Euchareſtiam [!].
6. Iubilemus in arca domini. Sopra Perfeĉta ſunt in te.
7. Benedicam Dominum im omni tempore. Sopra Perfeĉta ſunt in te.
8. Ieſu Rex admirabilis. Sopra Perfeĉta ſunt in te.
9. Exaudi pijſſima Maria. Sopra Perfeĉta ſunt in te.
10. Obſecro te Domina sancta Maria. Sopra Perfeĉta ſunt in te.
11. Exultate iuſti in Domino. Sopra Perfeĉta ſunt in te.
12. Quid prodest ſtulto habere divitias. Vltimo Sopra Perfeĉta ſunt in te.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Languet anima mea amore tuo Iesu
Alleluia. Haec dies quam fecit. A 4. & A 5. Voci con vn Violino ſe piace. Sopraniſſimo.
Composer(s): Cazzati, Maurizio (1616–1678)
Title: [red ink only in S partbook] MESSA E SALMI | [black ink] A QVATTRO
VOCI | Con Iſtromenti, & Ripieni à Beneplacito | [red ink] ET ALTRI SALMI | [black
ink] A 1. 2. 3. con gli Iſtromenti obligati | DI | [red ink] MAVRITIO CAZZATI | [black
ink] Maeſtro di Cappella nella Chieſa Di S. Maria | Maggiore di Bergamo | ALL’ILL.mo
ET R.mo SIG:re MON:r | [red ink] GIVLIO BERLENDI | ELETTO DI BELLVNO | [black
ink] OPERA XIV. | [red ink] CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | [red ink] IN
VENETIA. MDC. LIII | [black ink] Apreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1653
Description: Set of 12 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B; rip.: S, A, T, B; vl I, vl II, vlne/
chitarrone, org. On p. 3 dedication of the composer dated 16th June 1653. At the end
– a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50340 Muz.
Notes on item: Only S, B, S rip., T rip. and vlne/chitarrone partbooks extant. S,
S rip. and vlne/chitarrone partbooks damaged on the edges, refilled with paper after
conservation in 1993. Some tempo indications: Adaggio, Allegro, Preſto. Single handwritten accidentals and calculations of rest lengths. On p. 24 of T rip. partbook some
handwritten text errata in Beatus vir. On the title page written in pencil: 144 | XII.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [L W | 12]; [Nro 72]; [Mus. 232].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 95; RISM A/I: C 1595; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Meſſa A 4. con Doi Violini, ò [or:] è Ripieni à Beneplacito. Concertato (Kyrie –
Gloria – Et in terra – Credo. A Cappella)
2. Domine ad adiuuandum à 4 Baſſo Solo, con Doi Violini
3. Domine ad adiuuandum à 4. con quatro Parte di Ripieni, & Doi Violini ſe piace.
4. Dixit Dominus à 4. con Violini è Ripieni ſe piace. Concertato
5. Confitebor tibi à 4. con Violini è Ripieni ſe piace. Concertato
6. Confitebor tibi à 2. Alto e Baſſo. Concertato
7. Beatus vir à 4. con Violini è Ripieni ſe piace. A Capella
4. The catalogue
Laudate pueri à 4. con Violini è Ripieni ſe piace. Concertato
Laudate Dominum omnes gentes à 4. con Violini è Ripieni ſe piace. A Cappella
Lætatus ſum A Baſſo Solo con quatro Iſtromenti
Niſi Dominus à 3. Alto, Tenor, è Baſſo con Doi Violini
Lauda Hieruſalem Dominum A voce Sola. Canto, o Tenore con Doi Violini
Magnificat à 4. con Violini è Ripieni ſe piace. Concertato
Composer(s): Monteverdi, Claudio (1567–1643)
Title: MADRIGALI | GUERRIERI, ET AMOROSI | Con alcuni opuscoli in genere
rappresentativo, che saranno | per brevi episodij fra i canti senza gesto, | LIBRO
OTTAVO | DI CLAVDIO MONTEVERDE | Maeſtro di Capella della Sereniſſima
Republica di Venetia. | DEDICATI | Alla Sacra Ceſarea Maeſtà | DELL’IMPERATOR
| FERDINANDO III. | CON PRIVILEGIO [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA |
Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti M DC XXXVIII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1638
Description: According to Bohn, set of 9 partbooks: S I, A I, A II, T I, T II, B I, B II,
Voce in 4o, bc in fol. On p. 2 dedication of the composer dated 1st September 1638.
On p. 3 preface a chi legge. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: Specimen no longer preserved.
Notes on item: [–]
Provenance: Old shelfmarks: [S 9]; [Nro 73]; [Mus. 513].
Catalogues: EitnerQ: VII, p. 46; BohnD, p. 289; RISM A/I: M 3500; VogelB: I,
pp. 511–513; NV 1941; www.bibliotecamusica.it
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/viewschedatwbca.asp?path=/cmbm/images/ripro/gaspari/BB/BB008/ (the specimen from US-Wc)
Modern edition: tutte le opere di Claudio Monteverdi, vol. 8, ed. Gian Francesco
Malipiero, Wien: Universal Edition 1927
Recording: Monteverdi: The Complete Madrigal Books, La Venexiana, Claudio Cavina, Glossa 2014 (GCD 920929)
Canti guerrieri
1. Sinfonia a doi Violini et una Viola da brazzo
2. Altri canti d’Amor. A 6 Voci con quatro viole e doi violini
3. Hor che’l ciel e la terra (Prima Parte) – Coſì ſuol d’vna chiara fonte (Seconda
Parte). A Sei Voci con doi violini [Francesco Petrarca]
4. Gira il nemico, insidioso amore. A Tre Voci. Alto, Tenore è Baſſo (Prima Parte)
– Nol laſſiamo accostar. Tenor Solo (Seconda Parte) – Armi falſe non son. Alto
Solo (Terza Parte) – Vuol degl’occhi. Baſſo Solo (Quarta Parte) – Non è più tem-
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
po. à 3. voci (Quinta Parte) – Cor mio, non val fuggir. à 3. voci (Seſta, & vltima
parte) [Giulio Strozzi]
5. Se vittorie ſì belle han le guerre d’amor. A doi Tenori
6. Armato il cor d’adamantina fede. A doi Tenori [Ottavio Rinuccini]
7. Ogni Amante è guerrier. A doi Tenori (Prima Parte) – Io che nel’otio nacqui.
Baſſo ſolo (Seconda Parte) – Ma per quell’ampio Egeo. Tenor ſolo (Terza Parte)
– Riedi, ch’al nostro ardir. Doi Tenori e Baſſo (Quarta Parte, à 3)
8. Ardo, avvampo, mi struggo. A otto voci con doi violini
9. Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda, rapreſentativo con quatro viole. Teſto,
Tancredi, Clorinda [Torquato Tasso]
10. Ballo per l’imperatore Ferdinando III. Introduzione al ballo. Entrata con 2 Violini – Volgendo il ciel per l’immortal ſentiero. Tenor ſolo (Poeta) – Movete al
mio bel ſuon le piante snelle. à 5 voci con doi violini – Ei l’anni cinſe. à 5 voci
con doi violini
Canti amorosi
11. Altri canti di Marte. à 6 voci con doi violini (Prima parte) – Duo belli occhi
(Seconda parte) [Giambattista Marino]
12. Vago augelletto, che cantando vai. à 6 & 7 voci con doi violini & vn Contrabaſſo
[Francesco Petrarca]
13. Mentre vaga angioletta a doi Tenori [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
14. Ardo e scoprir, ahi lasso, io non ardiſco a doi Tenori
15. O sia tranquillo il mar a doi Tenori
16. Ninfa che ſcalza il piede. Tenor ſolo (Prima parte) – Qui deh meco t’arreſta.
a doi Tenori (Seconda parte) – Dell’vſate mie corde. à 3 Voci doi Tenori e Baſſo
(Terza & vltima parte)
17. Dolciſſimo uſcignolo, tu chiami. A 5 voci. cantato a voce piena. alla Franceſe
[Giovanni Battista Guarini]
18. Chi vol hauer felice e lieto il core. A 5 voci. cantato a voce piena. alla Franceſe
[Giovanni Battista Guarini]
19. Lamento della ninfa. Non havea Febo ancora à 3. doi Tenori e Baſſo – Amor,
dicea, il ciel mirando à 4. Voci Canto, doi Tenori e Baſſo, rapreſentatiuo – Sì tra
sdegnosi pianti à 3. doi Tenori e Baſſo [Ottavio Rinuccini]
20. Perchè t’en fuggi, ò Fillide? A 3 Voci. Alto Tenore è Baſſo
21. Non partir, ritroſetta A 3 Voci. due Alti e Baſſo
22. Su, su, su paſtorelli vezzoſi, correte A 3 Voci. doi Canti & Alto
23. Il Ballo delle ingrate in genere repreſentatiuo. Amore, Venere è Plutone, Quatro
Ombre d’Inferno. Otto Anime Ingrato che ballano. Cinque Viole da brazzo,
Clauicembalo & Chitarone [Ottavio Rinuccini]
Composer(s): Cazzati, Maurizio (1616–1678)
| Maeſtro di Capella di Camera Dell’Eccellentiſs. Sig. | Duca di Sabioneta, e Prencipe
di Bozolo et c. | DEDICATA | Al Molto Illuſtre, & Molto Reuerendo Signor | D. GIO:
4. The catalogue
FRANCESCO | CARNEVALI | Rettore della Chieſa Parochiale di S. Maria di Brugnet-|
to, e Vicario Foraneo nella Dioceſi di Reggio. | OPERA SETTIMA. | [typographer’s
mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXXVII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1647
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 1 dedication of the composer dated 17th April 1647. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50334 Muz.
Notes on item: S partbook missing. The specimen underwent conservation in 1997.
Some tempo indications: Adaſio, allegro. On the title page written in pencil: 137 | V.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [F t | 5]; [Nro 74]; [Mus. 225].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 93–94; RISM A/I: C 1585;
http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it;
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/viewschedatwbca.asp?
path=/cmbm/images/ripro/gaspari/_X/X261/ (the specimen from I-Bc)
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
Compieta A 4.
1. Et auerte iram tuam a nobis
2. Domine ad adiuuandum me festina
3. Cum inuocarem A 4. Da Capella. ſolo
4. In te Domine ſperaui. Concertato. C.
5. Qui habitat in adiutorio. à Capella.
6. Ecce nunc benedicite Dominum. Concertato
7. Antiphona. Miſerere mihi Domine.
8. Te luciſ ante terminum. A Capella
9. Nunc dimittis. Concertato. à 2
10. Aue Regina Cęlorum. A Cappella.
11. Lętanie della Beata Vergine Maria (Kyrie – Agnus Dei). A 4. C. A. T. e B.
12. Tantum ergo Sacramentum A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
13. Tantum ergo Sacramentum A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo. Se ſi puo cantare
vn Tono più Alto.
Composer(s): Rovetta, Giovanni (1596c–1668)
Title: MADRIGALI CONCERTATI | A. 2. 3. 4. & vno à Sei voci, & due Violini | Con
vn Dialogo nel Fine, & vna Cantata | à voce Sola. | DI GIO. ROVETTA | Vice Maeſtro
di Capella della Serenisſima | Republica. | Libro Primo. Opera Seconda. | Novamente
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Riſtampati. | Con Licenza de Superiori & Priuilegio. | [typographer’s mark] | IN
VENETIA M DC XXXVI. || Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni.|
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1636
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S I/T, S II/T, A, B, bc. At the end – a list of
contents. Some tempo indications: Adaggio, Allegro, preſto.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50752 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique complete set of partbooks. S I/T and A partbooks damaged,
refilled with paper after conservation. Some handwritten accidentals, pitch corrections,
calculations of rest lengths, bar lines and bc numbering. In the partbooks: S II/T (between the pp. 54–55), A (between the pp. 20–21), S II/T (between pp. 34–35), B (between
pp. 30–31) a pasted paper card in 8o with sacred text written by Daniel Sartorius: o rex
Christe redemptor omnium in te speravit cor meum, meum solatium. o veni miserator et
protector noster, o dulce nomen Jesu salva nos, propter sanctum nomen tuum. o dulcis
amor, Jesu, desidero te millies o Jesu mel in ore, suavissima vox dulcis et decora – the contrafactum text of the canzonetta Giovinetta fastosa. In bc partbook on p. 35 a handwritten note: Ritornello. On p. 28 of B partbook the handwritten title Anime, omitted in print.
On p. 36 of S I/T partbook the handwritten supplement of the setting of oue ch’io vada
(Alto omitted in print). On the title page written in pencil: 433 | V.
Provenance: Old shelfmarks: [B | 5]; [Nro 75]; [Mus. 623].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 342; RISM A/I: R 2982; VogelB: II, p. 167; NV 2461
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=18021
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Taccia il Cielo e la terra. Concertato. A ſei Voci, & doi Violini. [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
2. Chi vuol hauer felice e lieto’l core A 2. A Doi Soprani. [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
3. Io mi ſento morir quando non miro A 2. A Doi Soprani. [Giovanni Battista
4. Ardi contento e taci, o di secreto amore. A doi Voci. Tenor, & Baſſo.
5. Vccidetemi pur, bella tiranna. A due voci. Canto e Baſſo.
6. Stanco di lacrimar, a voi rivolgo A 2. A due Tenori.
7. Ohimè chi mi feriſce A 2. A due Tenori.
8. E’ partito il mio bene A 2. A due Tenori. [Giambattista Marino]
9. O rubella d’amor, cruda a l’amante A 2. A due Tenori.
10. Portate, onde correnti, aure volanti. A 2. A due Tenori.
11. Quel neo, ch’appar nel viſo. A 2. A due Tenori.
12. Piangea Donna crudele. A 3 Voci. Alto, Tenor, & Baſſo. [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
13. Quella fede leal, ch’io conſecrai A 3 Voci. Alto, Tenor, & Baſſo.
4. The catalogue
Quante volte giurai ferm’e coſtante A 3 Voci. Alto, Tenor, & Baſſo.
Oue ch’io vada, quel tenace pensier A 3 Voci. Canto, Tenor, & Baſſo.
Sì, mi diceſti, ed io quel dolciſſimo ſì manda nel core. A 3 Voci. due Tenori,
& Baſſo. [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
Pur alfin di mia fè. Canzonetta. A 3. due Tenori & Baſſo con Ritornello a due Violini.
Vdite, Amanti, udite meraviglia A 4. Voci. Canto, Alto, Tenor, & Baſſo. [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
Credetemi voi che non ſentite Amore. A 4. Voci. Canto, Alto, Tenor, & Baſſo.
[Giovanni Battista Guarini]
Anime Pellegrine, che bramate amando A 4. Voci. Canto, Alto, Tenor, & Baſſo.
[Giovanni Battista Guarini]
Giouinetta faſtoſa, delitie hor d’ogni cor. Canzonetta A 4 Voci. Canto, Alto, Tenor, & Baſſo con due Violini.
Alla Crudel Thirena. [only in bc partbook, not listed in tavola]
Viuo in foco Amoroſo A 4. due Soprani e due Violini [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
La geloſia placata. Dialogo: Sinfonia – Rattenete le deſtre. Soprano e Tenore
Choro di 3. Voci, & due Violini.
Laſciate ch’o l’vccida A 2. – O Fortunati Amanti A 3. Dialogo. Licori, Titiro,
Choro & due violini.
Le Lagrime D’Erminia. Ottaue A voce Sola. La bella Erminia (Prima Stanza) –
Tancredi, ò Sanguinoſo (Seconda Stanza) – Amor, priuato di tuoi luci ardente
(Terza ſtanza) – Piaghe che’l Sangue di versar (Quart Stanza) – Morte, ch’a ma
ti tolſe, hor mi concede (Quinta Stanza) [Torquato Tasso]
Composer(s): Monferrato, Natale (1603c–1685)
di Cappella detla [!] Sereniſſima Republica | DEDICATI | AL CLARISSIMO SIGNOR
mark] | IN VENETIA || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti MDC LV. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1655
Description: Set of 2 partbooks in oblong 4o: Parte da cantar, Part. On p. 3 dedication of the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo and
dynamic indications: Piano, Forte, Adagio, Allegro.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50640 Muz.
Notes on item: Only Parte da cantar partbook extant, without the title page. Damaged, refilled with paper after conservation in 1993.
Provenance: Old shelfmarks: [L 2 | 2]; [Nro 76]; Mus. 509.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 288; RISM A/I: M 3041; www.bibliotecamusica.it;
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/viewschedatwbca.asp?
path=/cmbm/images/ripro/gaspari/AA/AA372/ (the specimen from I-Bc)
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Exaltabo te Deus. De Sacramento
2. Glorioſiſſima Maria quam dulcis es. De Beata Vergine
3. Admiramini dilectionis prodigium. De Sacramento
4. Inuentę Crucis feſtum. In feſto inuentionis Sanĉte Crucis
5. Salue Regina
6. Alma Redemptoris mater
7. Aue Regina Cælorum
8. O quam pulchra o Maria. De Beata Vergine
9. O quam ſuauis es bone Ieſu. De Sacramento
10. O Deitas caritate vulnera. De Sacramento
11. Exultate et lętamini. Per vn Sanĉto
12. Quo fugiam miſer. De Sacramento
13. Venite gentes, venite omnes. De Sacramento
14. Venite gentes, venite properate. Per vn Sanĉto
15. Ardet cor meum. De Beata Vergine
16. Ieſu mi Cordis amator. De Sacramento
17. Alma mater ſuccurre. De Beata Vergine
18. Regina Cæli lętare
19. Salue ò Regina mater miſericordię
20. O lętum cor meum. Per vn Sanĉto
21. Grande myſterium. De Sacramento
Composer(s): Filippi, Gaspare (1655†)
PLOVENIS. | GASPAR PHILIPPI in Cathedrali Vicentina | Muſices moderatore D. D.
D. | VENETIIS Apud Franciſcum Magni Anno M DC LI [in Voce partbook added:]
Superiorum permiſſu |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1651
Description: Set of 2 partbooks in oblong 4o: Voce, org. On p. 2 dedication of the
composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo and performance
indications: adaſio, preſto, t.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50430 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Complete set of partbooks. Single
handwritten accidentals and pitch corrections, pagination errata, and t. marks. On the
title page written in pencil: 385 | II.
Provenance: Both partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [K. G
| 2.]; [Nro 77], Mus. 310.
4. The catalogue
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 131; RISM A/I: F 735; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Salue ſalutaris victima. De Santiſſimo.
2. Clamabo ad te Deum meum
3. O bone Iesu o dulcis Iesu
4. Veni piiſſime Iesu
5. Occurrite amici ſuccurrite Sanĉti
6. Ad menſam æternitatis
7. O animæ fortunatæ
8. Quid agis anima mea
9. O care Iesu ſuauiſſime cæleſtium
10. O Iesu ſumma caritas
11. Exurgite populi. De Beata Virgine
12. Eia cor age lingua
13. O vos languentes animæ
14. Rorate cęli roſas & lilia reſplendeant
15. O fælix [!] ò beata ò glorioſa. De aſſumptione B. V.
16. Aue Imperatrix cæleſtis Patriæ
17. Ego ex ore altiſſimi prodiui
18. Gaude & lætare ſion
19. Alma Virgo Maria
20. Eternæ cæli faces. De aſſumptione B. V.
21. Alma Redemptoris mater
22. Aue Regina cælorum
23. Regina cæli lætare
24. Salue Regina
25. Gaudete cæli ſpiritus. De Natiuitate Domini
26. Paruulus filius natus eſt nobis
27. Venite Paſtores currite magi. In Epiphania Domini
28. Ad te mundi Redemptor. De Sanĉta Maria Magdalena
29. Exultate fideles iubilate mortales. De Reſurreĉtione Domini
30. In hac die quam fecit Dominus. De Sanĉtis Apoſtolis, ſeu Martiribus.
31. Iucundiſſima dies es veneranda. De Martire, ſeu Confeſſore.
32. Rideat terra floreant prata. De confeſſore
Composer(s): Almeri, Giovanni Paolo (1629*)
Title: MOTETTI A VOCE SOLA | Di Gio: Paolo Almeri Maſtro di Camera di
Mons[ignor] Illuſtriſſimo Boccapaduli Nuntio in Venetia. | Conſecrati | AL ALTEZZA
SERENISSIMA | DI FERDINANDO CARLO Arciduca d’Auſtria | [coat of arms, ink
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
drawing, pasted over on a square sheet of paper] | Stampa del Gardano. IN VENETIA
MDCLV Apreſſo Franceſco Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Francesco Magni 1655
Description: Set of 2 partbooks in oblong 4o: Voce, Part. On p. 2 dedication of the
composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Some dynamic, tempo and
performance indications: p., adagio, t.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50244 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Voce partbook damaged, refilled and
bound in paper. Numerous handwritten accidentals.
Provenance: Both partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [L Y | 1];
[Nro 78 (a)]; [Mus. 113].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 42; RISM A/I: A 869, AA 869; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Venite currite omnes
2. Amantiſſime Iesu
3. Salue Regina mater miſericordiæ
4. Sapientiam Antonii [or:] N. enarrent populi
5. Alma Redemptoris Mater
6. Regina cæli lætare
7. Salue mater sanĉtiſſima
8. Vidi turbam magnam
9. Caro mea vere est cibus
10. Venite populi properate fideles
11. O felix triumphus
12. O populi ò fideles
13. Omnes gentes omnes populi
14. Lætamini gentes et admiramini
15. O dulce nomen Ieſu
16. Gaude lætare Ieruſalem
17. Omnes populi sitientes venite
Composer(s): Bertoli, Giovanni Antonio (1598c–1645p)
Title: SALMI INTIERI | Che ſi cantano alli Veſpri di tutte le Feſte, e ſolemnità |
dell’Anno, | A CINQVE VOCI | Con il Baſſo Continuo, | DI GIO: ANTONIO BERTOLA,
| DEDICATI | Alla Sacra Ceſarea Maeſtà | DI | FERDINANDO III, | IMPERATORE. |
[typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. M. DC. XXXIX. |
4. The catalogue
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1639
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, bc. On p. 1 dedication of the
composer dated 28th January 1639. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50273 Muz.
Notes on item: A partbook missing. T and 5 partbooks damaged on the edges, refilled with paper after conservation. On p. 10 of bc partbook pasted-over errata of the
music. Some handwritten accidentals. On the title page written in pencil: 67 | VI.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [G M | 6]; [Nro 78 (b)]; Mus. 150.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 58; RISM A/I: B 2161; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Dixit Dominus
2. Confitebor tibi Domine
3. Beatus vir qui timet Dominum
4. Laudate pueri
5. In exitu Iſrael
6. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes
7. Lætatus ſum in his
8. Niſi Dominus edificauerit
9. Lauda Ieruſalem Dominum
10. Credidi propter quod locutus ſum
11. In conuertendo Dominus. Senza Intonatione A 5.
12. Domine probaſti me
13. De profundis clamaui
14. Memento Domine Dauid
15. Beati omnes
16. Confitebor tibi
17. Magnificat
18. Salue Regina à 3. con doi Violini
19. Alma redemptoris mater à 3. con doi Violini. Cornetto e Violone
20. Regina cęli letare à 3. con doi Violini. Cornetto e Violone
21. Ave regina cęlorum à 3. con doi Violini. Cornetto e Violone
Composer(s): Antonelli, Abundio (1575–1629); Battaglia, Lodovico (17.sc?); Benevoli, Orazio (1605–1672); Bonanni, Giovanni Battista (17.sc); Carissimi, Giacomo
(1605–1674); Carrozza, Pasquale (17.sc?); Catalano, Ottavio (1560c–1629); Fabri, Ste258
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
fano (1606c–1658); Foggia, Francesco (1603–1688); Giovannoni, Vincenzo (17.sc?);
Mazzocchi, Virgilio (1597–1646)
Title: SCELTA | DI MOTETTI | De diverſi Eccellentiſſimi Autori | A due, tre, quattro,
e cinque voci, | Da poterſi cantare in diuerſe Feſte dell’Anno ſi per | Monache, come
anco’ per voci ordinarie. | RACCOLTI | DA ANTONIO POGGIOLI | [coat of arms]
| IN ROMA: Per Lodouico Grignani 1647. Con licenza de’ Superiori, | Ad Iſtanza di
Antonio Poggioli all’Inſegna del Martello in Parione. |
Publication: Roma: Lodovico Grignani 1647
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, A, T, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication to
D. ottAVIo SECVSIo SENAtoRE REGIo SECREto Et Regio Conſiliario della nobiliſſima, & fideliſſima Città di Meſſina of Antonio Poggioli dated 29th July 1647. At the
end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50226 Muz.
Notes on item: Only A and T partbooks extant. The specimen underwent conservation in 1997. Some handwritten accidentals and music errata (p. 10 of T partbook).
Provenance: Both extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
K M | 6; Nro 79 (a); Mus. 34.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 372; RISM B/I: 16471; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/viewschedatwbca.asp?
path=/cmbm/images/ripro/gaspari/_V/V158/ (the specimen from I-Bc)
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Beatus N. A 2. due Canti. Del Sig. Franc. Foggia Maeſtro di Cap. in S. Giovanni
in Later[ano]
2. O bone Ieſu. A 2. due Canti. Del Sig. Horatio Beneuoli Maeſtro di Cap. in
S. Pietro in Vaticano
3. Sit gloria Domini in sæculum. A 2. due Canti. Del Sig. Virgilio Mazzocchi già
Maeſtro di Cap. in S. Pietro in Vaticano
4. O dulcissimum MARIæ nomen. A 2. due Canti. Del Giacomo Cariſſimi Maeſtro di Cap. in S. Apollinare
5. In tribulationibus in anguſtijs. A 2. due Canti. Del Sig. Antonelli Maeſtro di
Cap. in S.S. Lorenzo, e Damaso
6. Dulce Ieſu Chriſti. A 2. Alto, e Tenore. Del Sig. Abb. Ottauiano Catalani già
Maeſtro di Cap. dell’Illuſtriſ. Sen. di Meſsina.
7. Avdite omnes, & admiramini. A 2. Canto, e Baſſo. Pasquale Carrozza Muſico
dell’Illuſtrissimo Senato di Meſſina
8. Benedictus Redemptor omnium. A 2. due Canti. Del Medeſimo [Pasquale Carrozza Muſico dell’Illuſtrissimo Senato di Meſſina]
9. Cantate montes cantate colles. A 3. due Canti, e Alto. Del Sig. Francesco Foggia
Maeſtro di Cap. in S. Giouanni in Laterano.
4. The catalogue
Domine quis habitabit in tabernaculo tuo. A. 3. tre Canti. Del Sig. Virgilio Mazzocchi già Maeſtro di Cap. in S. Pietro in Vaticano
Qvis eſt vir beatiſſimus. A 3. tre Canti. Del Sig. Giacomo Cariſſimi Maeſtro di
Cap. in S. Apollinare.
Gaudeant per orbem omnes filij Dei. A 3. tre Canti. Del Sig. Stefano Fabri Maeſtro di Cap. in S. Luigi de Franceſi.
Abſterget Deus A 3. Alto, Ten. e Baſſo. Del Sig. Abb. Ottau. Catalani già Maeſtro
di Cap. dell’Illuſtriſ. Senato di Meſſina.
IESV Rex admirabilis. A 3. Canto, Alto, e Tenore. Del Sig. Dottor D. Gio. Battiſta Bonanni.
O Iſrael quam potens eſt. A 4. due Canti, Alto e Ten. Del Sig. Franc. Foggia
Maeſtro di Cap. in S. Giouanni in Laterano.
Cæli dicite Principes. A 4. Canto, Al. Ten. e Baſ. Del Sig. Stefano Fabri Maeſtro
di Cap. in S. Luigi de Franceſi.
Anulo ſuo ſubharrauit me Dominus meus Ieſus Christus. A 4. quattro Canti.
Del Medeſimo [Stefano Fabri Maeſtro di Cap. in S. Luigi de Franceſi]
Adiuua me dulciſima Virgo Maria. A 4. due Ten. Alt. e Baſ. Del Sig. Lodovico
Battaglia Muſicò dell’Illuſtriſſimo Senato di Meſſina.
O Venerabile Sacramentum. A 5. 2. Canti, Alto, Ten. e Baſ. Del Sig. Stefano
Fabri Maeſtro di Cap. in S. Luigi de Franceſi.
Amore Ieſu langueo. A 5. 2. Canti, Alto, Ten. e Baſ. Del Sig. Vincenzo Giouannoni Organiſta in SS. Lorenzo, e Damaſo.
Adſunt dies triumphales. Aria. A 5. 2. Canti, Alto, Ten. e Baſ. Del Sig. Virgilio
Mazzocchi già Maeſtro di Cap. in S. Pietro in Vaticano
Salue Regina. A 5. 2. Canti, Alto, Ten. e Baſ. Del Medeſimo. [Virgilio Mazzocchi
già Maeſtro di Cap. in S. Pietro in Vaticano]
Composer(s): Urbanus, Gregorius (17.sc)
Title: SACRI ARMONICI | CONCENTUS | Singulis, Binis, Ternis, Quaternis
vocibus concinendi | nec non, & Symphonia tribus inſtrumentis | AVCTORE | R. P. D.
GREGORIO VRBANO ROMANO | Monacho Congregationis Casſinenſis | S. Mariae
Lacromenſis Priore | Nouiter impreſi | Superiorum Permiſſu | CVM PRIVILEGIo |
[coat of arms] | VENETIIS M DC XL || Apud Bartholomeum Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Bartolomeo Magni 1640
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, A/B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the
composer to D. HoRAtIo BARBISoNo Congregationis Casſinen. Generali Pręſidi
without a date. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50862 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. S I partbook missing. Some pages damaged, refilled with paper after conservation in 1990. Single handwritten accidentals.
On the title page written in pencil: 523 | IV.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [G X | 4]; [Nro 79 (b.)]; Mus. 737.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 415; RISM A/I: U 102; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=35658
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Veni Sanĉte ſpiritus. A 1. Cantus
2. Serenisſima Maria. A 1. Altus
3. Qvis dabit mihi pennas. A 1. Tenor
4. Cantemus Domino. A 1. Baſſus
5. Iubilate Deo. A 2. Binis Can. vel Ten.
6. Fulgebunt iuſti. A 2. Binis Can. vel Ten.
7. Cantabant ſanĉti. A 2. Binis Can. vel Ten.
8. Salue Regina Maria. A 2. Binis Can. vel Ten.
9. O quam ſuauis. A 2. Binis Can. vel Ten.
10. Vincenti dabo edere de ligno. A 2. Binis Can. vel Ten.
11. Regina Cęli lętare. A 2. Binis Can. vel Ten.
12. O quam tu pulcher es. A 2. Altus & Cantus
13. Veni ſponſa Christi. A 2. Altus Cantus
14. Eſtote fortes in bello. A 2. Tenor & Tenor
15. Domine quis habitabit. A 2. Cantus & Baſſus
16. Laudate Dominum in ſanĉtis eius. A 2. Cantus & Baſſus
17. In honorem. Dum cęli. A 3. Cantus vel Tenor
18. Domine pręueniſti ſponſam tuam. A 3. Cantus Altus Tenor
19. Surgite cantores cantemus merita Santi N. à 3. Cantus vel Tenor
20. Panis angelicus fit panis hominum à 4
21. La Barbiſona. Sinfonia à 3. Cornetti e Trombone
Composer(s): Riccio, Antonio Maria (17.sc)
Title: MOTECTA | QVæ BINIS, TERNIS, QVATERNIS, | Quiniſque vocibus
| Muſices Magiſtro Ord. Min. Conu. | In Baſilica SS. Duodecim Apoſtolorum de Vrbe,
| Cappellae Moderatore. | [the Franciscan coat of arms] | ROMæ, Typis Ludouici
Grignani. 1644. | SVPERIoRVM PERMISSV. |
Publication: Roma: Lodovico Grignani 1644
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, B, bc. On p. 2 or 3 dedication of the
composer PAtRI Io. BAPtIStAE BERARDICELLo without a date. At the end – a list
4. The catalogue
of contents. Some bc numbering, tempo and dynamic indications: Forte, Piano, Pianiſſimo, Allegro, Adagio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50734 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Complete set of partbooks. The specimen underwent conservation in 1992. Single handwritten accidentals. On the title
page written in pencil: 414 | IV.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[K K | 4]; [Nro 80]; [Mus. 603].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 332; RISM A/I: R 1282; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Tu es Petrus. A 2. Due Canti.
2. Benediĉta filia tua Domino. A 2. Due Canti.
3. Cantate Domino canticum nouum. A 2. Due Alti.
4. Fratres ſi linguis hominum. A 2. Due Alti.
5. Iſti ſunt triumphatores. A 2. Canto, e Alto.
6. O memoriale mortis Domini. A 2. Canto, e Baſſo.
7. O Proles Hiſpaniæ pauor. A 3. Due Canti, e Baſſo.
8. Surge Petre & indue. A 3. Canto, Alto, e Tenore.
9. Miſerere mihi Domine. A 3. Tre Canti.
10. Quem cælorum amplitudo. A 3. Due Canti, e Baſſo.
11. Ecce merces Sanĉtorum [2nd version of text:] Beatorum. A 3. Due Canti, e Baſſo.
12. Filiæ Hieruſalem venite & videte. A 4. Canto, Alto. Ten. e Baſ.
13. Prudentes virgines aptate veſtras lampades. A 4. Canto, Alto. Ten. e Baſſo.
14. Gaudete omnes & lætamini. A 4. Canto, Alto, Ten. e Baßo.
15. Deſcendite ardentes Seraphin. Dialogo di S. Franceſco à 5. 2 Canti, Alto, Tenor,
e Baſſo.
Composer(s): Grandi, Alessandro (1586–1630)
De Concerti à 1. 2. 3. 4. Voci. Con alcune | Cantilene nel fine. | Raccolti da Lunardo
Simonetti Cantor nella | Cappella di S. Marco in Venetia. | Nouamente Riſtampati. |
CoN PRIVILEGIo. | [typographer’s mark] | STAMPA DEL GARDANO | IN VENETIA
M. DC XXXVIII. || Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1638
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50495 Muz.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Notes on item: T partbook missing. Some handwritten accidentals, calculations of
rest lengths and fermatas. On the title page written in pencil: 256 | V.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: | נ5; Nro 81a; Mus. 368.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 162; RISM A/I: G 3442; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Cupio diſſolui et eſſe tecum A Doi Canto, & Tenore ouero à 2. Tenori
2. Anima Chriſti sanctifica me A 2. Doi Tenori, ouero Canti.
3. O nomen Ieſu nomen dulce A 2. Doi Tenori, ò Canti.
4. Qvalis hodie feſtivitas. Dialogo A 2. Canto, & Tenore, ouero à 2. Tenori
5. O me miſerum dolentem A 2. Baſſo, e Alto.
6. Tu pulchra es Maria A 2. Sopr. il Madrigale del medeſimo Non ſa che ſia dolore
ridotto in Motetto da N.
7. Quid miſeri quid faciemus A 3. Canto e Doi Tenori, ouero A 3. Tenori.
8. Benedicta ſit Sancta Trinitas A 3. Alto, Tenor, & Baſſo.
9. O Magnum Sacramentum A 3. Canto, Tenore, & Baſſo, ouero 2. Tenori & Baſſo.
10. Placens mihi factus eſt A 3. Canto Alto & Tenore.
11. Veniat dilectus meus A 4. Canto e Baſſo, & doi Tenori, ouero Baſſo & 3 Tenori.
12. Quam pulchra es. Cantilena A 2. Canti, ouer Tenori.
13. Diem feſtum sancti Hieronymi. Cantilena A 2. Tenori, ouer Canti.
14. O specioſa inter filias. Cantilena A 3. Baſſo 2. Canti ouer Tenori.
15. Gaudeamus omnes in Domino. Cantilena A 3. Doi Canti, & Barituono.
16. Lętamur vox o cæli. Cantilena A 3. Canto, Tenore, & Baſſo, ouero 2 Tenori & Baſſo.
Composer(s): Donati, Ignazio (1575c–1638)
VOCI | Con il Baſso per Sonare nell’Organo. | D’IGNATIO DONATI | MAESTRO
Nuouamente in queſta Terza impreſſione correti, & riſtampati | CON PRIVILEGIO.
| [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſsandro Vincenti. MDCXXVI. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1626
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S I/T, S II/T, A, B, bc. At the end – a list of
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50385 Muz.
Notes on item: A and B partbooks missing. Single handwritten accidentals and calculations of rest lengths. On the title page written in pencil: 178 | V.
4. The catalogue
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: G. P | 5; [Nro] 81b; Mus. 274.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 115; RISM A/I: D 3386, DD 3386; www.bibliotecamusica.it;
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Ignazio Donati, Non vos relinquam orphanos, ed. Jerome Roche,
London: Oxford University Press 1973; Ignazio Donati, In te, Domine, speravi, ed.
Brian Clark, Dundee: Prima la Musica! 2003
Recording: [–]
1. In te Domine ſperaui A 2. Due Canti, ouer Tenori
2. Cantate Deo pſalmum dicite A 2. Due Canti, ò Tenori
3. O dulcis & bone Ieſu A 2. Tenore, e Alto, ouer Baſſo, e Soprano.
4. Egredimini amatores A 2. Tenore, e Alto, ouer Baſſo, e Soprano.
5. In te Domina confido A 2. Canto, e Tenore.
6. O Porta Cæli A 2. A modo di Dialogo. Alto, e Canto ò Tenore, e Baſſo
7. Pulchra facie sed pulchior fide A 2. Due Canti, òuer Tenori [or:] Canto, ouer
Alto commodo, cantandolo all’ottaua baſſa.
8. Beatus Pater Franciſcus A 2. Alto, e Tenore ouer Canto.
9. Dominus ſit vobiſcum A 2. Due Canti, ò Tenori, ouer Alto Commodo.
10. Surge amica mea A 2, & à 3 ſi placet. Canto, ouer Tenore [or:] Doi Canti, ouer
Tenori, & Baſſo
11. Cantemus Domino A 3. Tre Soprani, ouer Tenori.
12. Non vos relinquam orphanos A 3. Tre Soprani, ouer Tenori.
13. Iuſtus es Domine A 3. Canto, Tenore, & Baſſo.
14. Gaude Maria Virgo A 3. Canto, Tenore, e Baſſo
15. Ego diligentes me diligo A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
16. Iſte eſt qui ante Deum A 4. Canto, Alto Tenor, e Baſſo.
17. Adiuro vos filiæ Ieruſalem A 4. A modo di Dialogo. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
18. Venite filij audite me A 4. A modo di Dialogo. Tre Soprani, & vn Tenore.
19. Paratum cor meum Deus A Cinque Voci.
20. O Ieſu mi dulciſſime A 5.
21. Exultate omnes qui diligitis Dominum A Cinque Voci.
Composer(s): Donati, Ignazio (1575c–1638)
Title: MESSE | A QVATTRO | CINQVE, ET SEI VOCI | Parte da Capella, e da
Concerto, | D’IGNATIO DONATI | Maeſtro di Capella della Terra di Caſal Maggiore
| CON PRIVILEGIO. | Nouamente in queſta Quarta impreſsione riſtampati. |
[typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXXV. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1645
Description: Set of 7 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, 6, bc. At the end – a list of contents.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50392 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. B partbook missing. Single handwritten accidentals. On the title page written in pencil: 187 | VII.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: G S | 7; [Nro] 81c; Mus. 283.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 118; RISM A/I: D 3395; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Miſſa Quinti Toni. A 4 (Kyrie – Christe – Kyrie – Gloria – Qui tollis – Credo –
Crucifixus – Sanctus – Benedictus – Agnus Dei)
2. Miſſa Breuis. A 4. & 5. Quinti Toni (Kyrie – Christe – Kyrie – Gloria – Credo –
Crucifixus – Sanctus – Benedictus – Agnus Dei)
3. Miſſa ſine nomine, A 5. & à 6. ſi placet (Kyrie – Christe – Kyrie – Gloria – Qui
tollis – Credo – Crucifixus – Sanctus – Benedictus – Agnus Dei)
4. Miſſa A 5. & à 6. In Concerto (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Crucifixus – Sanctus –
Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Chinelli, Giovanni Battista (1610–1677)
Title: IL TERZO LIBRO | DE MOTETTI | A Due, Tre, e Quattro Voci, | DI GIO:
BATTISTA CHINELLI | OPERA SETTIMA | Nouamente compoſta, & data in
luce | DEDICATA | Al Molto Illuſtre, & Reuerendiſsimo, Padre Don | HORATIO
BARBISONI | Preſidente Generale della Congregatione Caſſinenſe, & | Abbate di San.
Giorgio Maggiore di Venetia. | CON LICENZA DE’ SVPERIORI, ET PRIVILEGIO. |
[typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, | Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXX. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1640
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On the back of the title page
dedication of the composer dated 1st April 1640. At the end – a list of contents. Some
tempo and dynamic indications: adaſio, preſto, allegro, pian, forte.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50351 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. T partbook damaged, refilled with paper
after conservation in 1993. On p. 11 of S partbook some pasted-over text errata. Single
handwritten accidentals. On the title page written in pencil: 154 | V.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
G N | 5; [Nro] 81(d); Mus. 244.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 99; RISM A/I: C 2063; www.bibliotecamusica.it;
4. The catalogue
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. O læta, ò iucunda A 2. Canti ouero Tenori
2. Audite omnes gentes A 2. Canti ouero Tenori
3. Veni columba mea A 2. Canti ò Tenori
4. Deus in nomine tuo salvum me fac A 2. Canto, & Alto
5. O me miſerum surge. Dialogo A 2. Canto, & Alto
6. Benedicite Deum cæli A 2. voci, Canto, & Alto
7. Salue cæli Ianua A 2. voci, Canto, e Tenore
8. Congaudete mecum Dialogo à 2. per la reſſurretione. Alto, e Tenore
9. Surgite gentes acurrite A 2. Canto, e Baſſo
10. Voce mea ad te Domine. Dialogo frà l’anima, e Chriſto à 2. Tenore, e Baſſo
11. O pulcherrimi cælestes spiritus. Dialogo A 3. voci doi Canti, e Baſſo
12. Peccaui ſuper numerum A 3. Canto, Alto, e Tenore
13. O dulcis amor Ieſu, A 3. 2. Canti, e Tenore
14. O mitiſsime Domine A 3. voci C. A. T.
15. Iubilate Deo A 4. con 2. violini ſi placet
Composer(s): Fontei, Nicolò (1609c–1647c)
Title: COMPIETA | E LETANIE | Della Beata Vergine à Cinque | Con ſue Antifone per
ciaſcun tempo dell’Anno à tre, e con alcuni du-|plicati Salmi à tre voci con doi Violini, e
doi Confiteor | ARMONIZATA | DA | NICOLO FONTEI | DEDICATA | All’Illustrissimo,
[typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXX. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1640
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, bc. On p. 2 or 3 dedication of the
composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Some dynamic and tempo
indications: forte, pian, preſto, adagio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50435 Muz.
Notes on item: T partbook missing. The specimen underwent conservation in 1998.
Handwritten calculations of rest lengths and text repetition indications (ij). On the
title page written in pencil: 211 | VI.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[G o | 6]; [Nro 81 (e)]; [Mus. 316].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 134–135; RISM A/I: F 1489; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Iube Domne benedicere. A cinque
2. Et auerte iram tuam. A Cinque
3. Cum inuocarem. A cinque
4. In te Domine ſperaui. A tre doi Tenori, e Baſſo, con doi Violini
5. In te Domine ſperaui. A cinque
6. Qui habitat in adiutorio altiſſimi. A cinque
7. Ecce nunc benedicite. A tre Canto, Tenore, Baſſo, con doi Violini
8. Ecce nunc benedicite. A cinque
9. Te lucis ante terminum. A cinque
10. Nunc dimittis. A cinque
11. Letanie della B.V. A cinque (Kyrie – Agnus Dei)
12. Alma Redemptoris Mater. A tre Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
13. Aue Regina. A tre Canto, Tenore, e Baſſo
14. Regina cæli lætare. A 3. doi Canti, e Tenore
15. Salue Regina. A tre doi Tenori, e Baſſo
16. Confiteor Deo omnipotenti. A doi Tenori
17. Confiteor Deo omnipotenti. A Canto ſolo con doi Violini
Composer(s): Milanuzzi, Carlo (1594c–1647p)
Title: COMPIETA | INTIERA | CONCERTATA | Con le Antifone, e Litanie della
Beatiſs. Vergine Madre di Dio, | DA CANTARSI IN ORGANO, | A VNA, DVE, TRE,
| DEDICATA | Al Reuerendiſsimo Capitolo dell’Auguſtiſsimo Duomo | DELLA
mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXXVII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1647
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: A, T I, T II, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the
composer dated 9th August 1647. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo and dynamic indications: preſto, adagio, piano, forte.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50633 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. T I partbook missing. T II damaged
on the edges, refilled with paper after conservation in 1993. Between pp. 5–6 a small
paper sheet with handwritten errata of the music. Single handwritten calculations of
rest lengths and accidentals. On the title page written in pencil: 344 | V.
4. The catalogue
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [H. H. | 5.]; [Nro 82]; [Mus. 501].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 285; RISM A/I: M 2757; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Iube Domne à 3. Baſſo, e Due Tenori.
2. Fratres ſobrj estote. à 4. Alto, Due Tenori, e Baſſo.
3. Confiteor Deo. Voce ſola. Tenore.
4. Conuerte à 4. Alto, Due Tenori, e Baſſo.
5. Deus in adiutorium. à 3. Due Tenori, e Baſſo.
6. Gloria Patri. à 4. Alto, Due Tenori, e Baſſo.
7. Cum inuocarem. à 3. Due Tenori, e Baſſo.
8. In te Domine ſperaui. à 3. Due Tenori, e Baſſo.
9. In te Domine ſperaui. à 3. Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
10. Qui habitat. à 3. Due Tenori, e Baſſo.
11. Ecce nunc benedicite. à 3. Due Tenori, e Baſſo.
12. Te lucis ante terminum. Hymnus à 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
13. In manus tuas. Voce Sola Tenore.
14. In manus tuas. à 4. Canto, alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
15. Nunc dimittis. à 3. Canto, alto, e Tenore.
16. Alma Redemptoris mater. à 2. Tenore, e Baſſo.
17. Alma Redemptoris mater. à 4. Due Canti, alto, e Baſſo.
18. Aue Regina cælorum. à 3. Due Tenori, e Baſſo.
19. Aue Regina cælorum. à 4. Due Canti, Alto, e Tenore.
20. Regina cęli lętare. à Voce Sola. Baſſo Solo.
21. Regina cęli lętare. Canto, ouero Tenor ſolo.
22. Regina cęli lętare. A 2. Baſſo, e Tenore.
23. Salue Regina. Voce ſola Canto, o Tenore.
24. Salue Regina. à 2. Tenori.
25. Lit[aniæ] B.V. Voce ſola. Canto, o vero Tenore Solo. (Kyrie – Agnus Dei)
26. Lit[aniæ] B.V. A 2. Canto, e Tenore. (Kyrie – Agnus Dei)
27. Lit[aniæ] B.V. A 2. Canto, e Tenore. (Kyrie – Agnus Dei)
28. Littaniæ B.V. A 3. Due Tenori, e Baſſo. (Kyrie – Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Cornetti, Paolo (17.sc)
VOCI, | E parte di eſſi con vno, ò due Violini, e vn Chitarone, ò Fagotto, ò vero |
Violone, con il ſuo Baſſo Continuo per l’Organo, e nel fine le Lę-|tanie della Beata
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Vergine. | OPERA PRIMA | DI PAOLO CORNETTI | ROMANO | Maeſtro di Capella
dell’Archicofraternità, & Accademia dello Spirito Santo di Ferara [!], | DEDICATA,
| All’Illuſtriſsimo, & Eccellentiſsimo, Signor | DON ASCANIO | PIO DI SAVOIA |
Prencipe della Steſſa Accademia. | [coat of arms] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro
Vincenti. M DC XXXVIII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1638
Description: Set of 7 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, 6, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the
composer dated 17th July 1638. At the end – a list of contents. Some dynamic indications: forte, piano.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50366 Muz.
Notes on item: 5 partbook missing. The specimen underwent conservation in 1998.
In bc partbook handwritten corrections of the erroneous number of voices (4 instead
of 5) of Quo progrediar. Handwritten corrections of the erroneous calculations of rest
lengths and accidentals. On the title page written in pencil: 161 | VII.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: L [in catalogue: Q] | 7; [Nro] 83; [Mus. 256].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 104–105; RISM A/I: C 3948; www.bibliotecamusica.it;
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: Venise au siècle d’or. Castello, Grandi, Cornetti, Striggio, John Elwes, Les
Sacqueboutiers de Toulouse, Récidive 2008 (REV 89001)
1. Quam pulchri ſunt greſſus tui filia A 1. Canto ſolo
2. Anima mea A 1. Alto ſolo
3. Florente flores A 1. Tenore ſolo
4. Domine Deus fortis A 1. Baſſo ſolo
5. O Virgo glorioſa A 2. Doi Canti
6. Apparuit tamquam formoſa A 2. Doi Alti
7. O fęlix anima A 2. Doi Tenori
8. Peccaui Domine A 2. Doi Baſſi
9. O suauiſſime panis veræ gratiæ A 2. Canto, e Alto
10. Coronemus Dominicum [!] floribus A 2. Alto, e Tenore
11. Properate omnes ad laudes A 2. Canto, e Tenore
12. Hic eſt vere martir A 2. Canto, e Baſſo
13. Multæ tribulationes A 2. Alto, e Baſſo
14. Exi lucidiſsima A 2. Tenore, e Baſſo
15. Audi amantiſſime Ieſu A 3. Doi Canti, e Baſſo
16. Eia laudemus omnes ſponſam Chriſti dileĉtam Magdalenam A 3. Alto, Tenore,
e Baſſo
17. Ab occidente ſuſcitauit A 4. Canto ſolo, 2. Violini, & il fagotto, ò vero Violone
4. The catalogue
Quam pulcra es A 4. Tenore ſolo con 2. Violini, & il fagotto, ò vero violone
Egredimini omnes et videte A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
Exulta iubila A 4. Alto, e Baſſo, violino e Tiorba.
Quo progrediar A 5. Canto, Alto, doi Tenori, e Baſſo
O Vos omnes qui cęli faĉtorem diligitis A 5. doi Canti, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
Reſonate cęli A 5. 3 Voci: Canto, Alto, e Baſſo & tre Iſtrumenti: doi Violini, Fagotto
Lętaniæ della Beata Vergine A 6. doi Canti, Alto doi Tenori, e Baſſo (Kyrie
eleiſon – Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Merula, Tarquinio (1595–1665)
Title: PEGASO | OPRA [!] MVSICALE | L’VNDECIMA | Oue S’odono Salmi
Motetti, Suonate, e Letaniæ della B. V. | A DVE TRE QVATTRO E CINQVE VOCI
All’Illuſtriſsimo, e Reuerendiſs. Monſig. Veſcouo d’Imola | FERDINANDO
MILLINI | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Apreſso Aleſſandro Vincenti.
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1640
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S I/T I/vl, A/S/B/T/vl/vlne, S II/T, B/A, 5, bc.
On pp. 3–4 of vocal parts an Italian madrigal and sonnet in lode del Signor Caualiere
tarquinio Merula. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50619 Muz.
Notes on item: Only S II/T, A/B and bc partbooks extant. A section was cut out of
the title page of the bc partbook, including probably the stamp mark. S II/T partbook
damaged on edges, refilled with paper after conservation. Single handwritten accidentals, pitch corrections, bar lines, and calculations of rest lengths. On the title page
written in pencil: 335 | VI; 490.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: F. V. | 6; N. 84; Mus. 490.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 280; RISM A/I: M 2341, MM 2341; SartoriB: 1640e;
http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it;
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/viewschedatwbca.asp?
path=/cmbm/images/ripro/gaspari/AA/AA301/ (the specimen from I-Bc)
Modern edition: Tarquinio Merula, Gaudeamus omnes: soprano, violin & continuo,
ed. Brian Clark, Arbroath: Prima la Musica! 2004
Recording: tarquinio Merula: Pegaso, La Galanía, Raquel Andueza, Anima e Corpo
2014 (AEC 004)
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
1. Fvge dilecte mi A 2. doi Canti ouero Tenori
2. Cantate Domino canticum nouum A 2. Canto, & Baſſo
3. Venite comedite panem meum A 2. Canto, & Baſſo
4. Omnes ſitientes venite ad aquas A 2. A doi Tenori
5. O ſalutaris oſtia A 2. Tenori parte per l’ecco
6. Philippe qui videt me A 2. [in bc partbook erroneously: A 4.] Canto, & Tenore
7. Gaudeamus omnes in Domino A 2. Canto & Violino
8. Ecce quam bonum et quam iocundum A 2. Canti, ouero Tenori
9. Canzone. La Veſconta A 2. Violino, & Violone
10. Iubilate Deo omnes terra A 3. doi Tenori, & Baſſo à queſto Canto ne va vna in
giù, & due in sù
11. Beatus vir qui timet Dominum A 3. doi Canti, & Alto ſopra la Romaneſca
12. Quam dileĉta tabernacula tua A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, & Baſſo
13. Lætentur Cæli et exultet terra A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, & Baſſo
14. Confitebor tibi Domine A 5. doi Canti doi Violini e Baſſo Sopra alla Chiacona
15. Laudate pueri Dominum A 5. doi Canti doi Violini, & Baſſo
16. Lætatus ſum A 5. doi Canti doi Violini, & Baſſo ſopra’al Baſſo di tra tutte
17. Lętaniæ concertate A 5. doi Canti Alto Tenore, & Baſſo
Composer(s): Donati, Ignazio (1575c–1638)
Title: MOTETTI | CONCERTATI | A CINQVE, E SEI VOCI | Con Dialoghi, Salmi,
e Letanie della Beata Vergine, | Con il Baſſo Continuo per l’Organo. | D’IGNATIO
DONATI | Maeſtro di Capella della Archiconfraternita, & Accade-|mia dello Spirito
Santo di Ferrara, & dedicati | a Esſi Illuſtrisſimi Signori Accademici. | OPERA SESTA |
Nuouamente riſtampata, & corretta. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Apreſſo
Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXVII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1627
Description: Set of 7 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, 6, bc. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50386 Muz.
Notes on item: T partbook missing. Some handwritten accidentals. Between pp. 6–7
of bc partbook an inserted paper sheet with 2 staves of music notation which supplements the part of Mulier da mihi bibere omitted in print, with handwritten note: NB
secunt 24. tactus. Some handwritten accidentals and calculations of rest lengths. On
the title page written in pencil: 179 | VII.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: F. Q | 7; N. 85; Mus. 275.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 115; RISM A/I: D 3392; www.bibliotecamusica.it;
4. The catalogue
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: Italian music of early Baroque, Musica Antiqua Praha, Pavel Klikar, Supraphon 1992 (11 1816-2931); Per il Santissimo Natale, Maria Cristina Kiehr, Kathelijne Van Laethem, John Elwes, La Fenice, Jean Tubéry, Ricercar 2003 (RIC 237)
1. O Domine ſaluum me fac A 5.
2. Benediĉtus Dominus quoniam mirificauit A 5.
3. Conuertere Domine uſqvequo
4. Ecce confundentur et erubeſcent A 5.
5. Quem dicunt homines A 5.
6. Angelus Gabriel descendit. Dialogo A 3. Del Angelo, e Della Madonna [in score
however: Del Angelo e Madalena] Con la concluſione A 5. Et verbum caro.
7. Mulier da mihi bibere. Dialogo di Chriſto, e Samaritana. A 2. Con la concluſione A 5. Cum veniſſent
8. Domine ſi fuiſſes hic. Dialogo di Marta Chriſto, e Madalena, [in some partbooks:] e Lazaro. A 5.
9. Collegerunt pontifices & Phariſei A 5.
10. In te Domine ſperaui. Salmo A 5. In Concerto ſenza intonatione.
11. Faĉta eſt cum angelo A 6. Tre Soprani, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
12. Hoſtis Herodes impie. Hinno A 6. In Concerto.
13. Confitebor tibi Domine. Salmo A 6. Sexti Toni in Concerto. Senza intonatione
14. Laudate pueri Dominum. A 6. Salmo in Concerto. Senza intonatione.
15. Letanie della Beata Virgine. A 6. In concerto.
Composer(s): Sabbatini, Galeazzo (1597–1662)
Title: SACRE LODI | CONCERTO | A VOCE SOLA C. A. T. B. | Con la parte continua
da ſonare | DI GALEAZZO SABBATINI. | OPERA NONA. | All’Illuſtriſſimo Signor Conte
[typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA || Apreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. M DC XXXX. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1640
Description: Set of 2 partbooks in 4o: Parte per cantare, Parte per sonare. On p. 3
dedication of the composer dated 15th June 1640. At the end – a list of contents. Some
tempo indications: allegro.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50770 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Parte per cantare in two separated volumes (pp. 1–46 and 47–90). Some handwritten accidentals. On the title page written in
pencil: 443 | II.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Provenance: Both partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [;]א
[Nro 86]; Mus. 643.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 348–349; RISM A/I: S 10; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. O quam pulcra eſt caſta generatio. Canto, ò Tenore, ò vero Alto alla quinta baſſa,
ſuponendo le immediate ſeguenti chiaue
2. Salue Regina. Canto, ò Tenore
3. Congregauit Dominus. Canto, ò Tenore, ò vero Alto alla quinta ò Seſta baſſa
ſuponendo le ſeguendi chiaue
4. Dominus poſſedit me in initio. Canto, ò Tenore, ouero Alto alla quinta baſſa
5. O Pretioſum & admirandum Conuiuium. Canto, ò Tenore
6. Gaudeamus dileĉtiſſimi. Canto, ò Tenore, ouero Alto alla quinta baſſa
7. Venite omnes gentes. Canto, ò Tenore
8. Eia fideles venite. Canto, ò Tenore
9. Aue Regina Cælorum. Tenore, ò Canto
10. O Bone Ieſu o Ieſu Fili Mariæ. Alto
11. Ieſum queram in leĉtulo clauſo cordis. Alto
12. Adiuua me Domine Deus. Baſſo
13. Beati quorum remiſte sunt iniquitates. Baſſo
14. Clarifica me bone Ieſu. Baſſo
15. O Patrone ſingularis & amabilis. Baſſo
16. Regina Cæli lætare. Baſſo
Composer(s): Capuana, Mario (1647c†)
MARIO CAPVANA | MAESTRO DI CAPELLA | Dell’Illuſtriſſimo Senato, e Duomo |
DELLA CITTA DI NOTO | Stampati Doppo La Morte Dell’Autore | AD ISTANZA DI
[typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. M. DC. XLIX. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1649
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, A, T, B, bc. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo indications: allegro, a tempo.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50315 Muz.
Notes on item: S I partbook missing. Some handwritten accidentals, pitch corrections, title omitted in print, performance indications (tacet), bar lines, calculations of
4. The catalogue
rest lengths and bc numbering. On p. 23 of bc partbook a short added music score line
at the end of the Mulier quid ploras. On the title page written in pencil: p | 6.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[H. Y. | 6]; [Nro 87]; Mus. 203.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 85; RISM A/I: C 952; www.bibliotecamusica.it;
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Mario Capuana, Mottetti concertati a due, tre, quattro e cinque
voci opera terza, Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti M.DC.XLIX, ed. Livio Girgenti, Firenze:
Olschki 1998 (Musiche rinascimentali siciliane, 18)
Recording: [–]
1. O dulce nomen Ieſu A 2. doi Canti.
2. Veni Cæleſtis amor A 2. Canto, e Alto.
3. Parce mihi Domine A 2. Canto, e Alto.
4. O quam ſuauis eſt caro A 2. Alto, e Tenore.
5. O Beatum Virum A 2. Canto, e Alto. Con due Violini.
6. Ecce panis angelorum A 2. Canto, e Tenore. Con due Violini.
7. Rorate Cœli A 3. Doi Canti, e Tenore.
8. O lux Eccleſiæ A 3. Canto, Alto, è Tenore.
9. Iam lucis orto ſidere A 3. doi Canti e Tenor.
10. Euge Serue bone fidelis A 3. doi Canti, e Baſſo.
11. Abſit mihi gloriari A 3. Canto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
12. Egredimini fidelis patriæ A 3. Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
13. Mulier quid ploras A 4. doi Canti, Alto, e Tenore.
14. Fulgura multiplicat et conturbati sunt A 4. doi Canti, e doi Baſſi.
15. Iuſtus vt Palma florebit A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e B.
16. Gaudent in Cœlis A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
17. Domine quis habitabit A 5. doi Canti, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
18. Beatus vir qui inuentus eſt ſine macula A 5. doi Canti, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
19. Fecit lucem auctor lucis A 5. doi Canti, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
20. Surge filia Principis A 5. doi Canti, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
Composer(s): Pesenti, Martino (1600c–1648)
Clariſsimo Signor, & Patron mio Oſſeruandiſsimo. | IL SIGNOR CLAVDIO PAVLINI
| CON PRIVILEGIO | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro
Vincenti. M DC XXXXVIII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1648
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: T I, T II, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the editor
dated 15th March 1648. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50681 Muz.
Notes on item: Bc partbook missing. The specimen underwent conservation in
1996. Some handwritten text corrections, omitted text incipits, and calculations of rest
lengths. On the title page written in pencil: 380 | IV.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [G C | 4]; [Nro 88]; [Mus. 550].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 304; RISM A/I: P 1556; VogelB: II, pp. 75–76; NV 2199;
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Occhi d’amor rubelli (Prima parte) – Perdona, o bocca amata (Seconda parte)
2. Che più penſi, o mio core (Prima ſtanza) – Nulla il fuggir ti vale (Seconda ſtanza) – Non penſar dunque, o core (Terza ſtanza) à 2
3. Penſier, che notte e dì mi ramenti (Prima ſtanza) – Speme, ch’à tutte l’hore (Seconda ſtanza) – Deſio, che ſempre più mi richiami (Terza Stanza)
4. Occhi ſoavi e cari (Prima Parte) – Ferite pur, ferite (Seconda parte) à 2
5. Donne ſon incoſtante (Prima Parte) – È vitio la coſtanza (Seconda ſtanza) – Io
amo per godere (3. ſtanza) à 2
6. Hor che l’aurora, spargendo fiori (Prima ſtanza) – O vezzosetta, vieni al boſchetto (Seconda Stanza) – O mio martire, volto divino (Terza Stanza) à 2
7. Tu vaneggi, o mio core (Prima Stanza) – Giaccio vn cor e ſaſſo (Seconda Stanza) – Ai pianti et ai ſoſpiri (Terza Stanza) – Di temprar le tuo doglie (Quarta
Stanza) – Dunque in ſeguir coſtei (5. ſtanza) à 2
8. Il mondo è degli Audazzi (Prima ſtanza) – Tu chiami crudelle (Seconda Stanza)
– La donna è un Idol vano (Terza Stanza) à 2
9. Non ha più loco nel mio petto (Prima Parte) – Non più ſereno a me ſembra il
tuo ſeno (Seconda Stanza) – Non è lo sguardo più nel ferirmi un dardo (Terza
Stanza) à 2 [Giulio Rospigliosi]
10. Amor chi ti diè l’ali. Corrente (Prima Parte) – La piaga che tu fai (Seconda
Stanza) – Io son eſempio altrui (Terza Parte) – Hor ceſſino i tuoi vanti (Quarta
ſtanza) à 2
11. Fanciulle godete fin che potete, che se verrà il tempo fier (Prima ſtanza) – Fanciulle godete fin che potete che la beltà (Seconda Stanza) – Fanciulle godete fin
che potete nel vago april (Terza Stanza) à 3
12. Torna il ſereno zefiro (Prima ſtanza) – Io ſoſpirando ſenza riposo (Seconda
Stanza) – Ringiovenito ogn’Arbore (Terza ſtanza) – Diſprigionati e liberi i fiumi
(Quarta stanza) – Amor ſè’l ſole ſtempera le nevi (Quinta ſtanza) à 3
4. The catalogue
Su la ſponda d’un ruſcello (Prima ſtanza) – Lagrimando, un freſco gelo diſtillava il monte (ſeconda parte) – Dove ohimè (terza parte) – O crudele amor,
naſcoſto tu mi ſei. Tutti [quarta ſtanza] à 3
Quando dentro il tuo ſeno (Prima ſtanza) – Quando angelico viſo mira con dolci rai (Seconda ſtanza) – Quando bacciata bocca ti dona (Terza ſtanza) – Lidia,
quando pietoſa tutto’l dolce d’amore (Quarta ſtanza) à 3
Composer(s): Lucio, Francesco (1628c–1658)
LVCIO, | Diſcepolo del Sig. Antonio Rigatti. | OPERA SECONDA | DEDICATI |
Prencipe del Sacro Romano Impero, | Cauallerizzo Maggiore del Regno di Polonia,
e | Gouernatore Generale di Sandomiria, &c. | CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s
mark] | IN VENETIA. || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. M.DC.L. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1650
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer dated 6th September 1650. At the end – a list of contents, in different order in
partbooks. Some tempo indications: adaſio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50592 Muz.
Notes on item: Only S II and bc partbooks extant. The specimen underwent conservation in 1997. On p. 15 of bc partbook handwritten errata of the music. Some handwritten
text incipits omitted in print added. Single handwritten accidentals, calculations of rest
lengths and pitch corrections. On the title page written in pencil: 318 | IV.
Provenance: Both extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[J S | 4]; [Nro 89]; [Mus. 459].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 267; RISM A/I: L 2904; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: planned publication http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Iudica Domine nocentes A 2. Soprani, ouero Tenori.
2. Florete flores lilium A 2. Soprani ouero Tenori.
3. Quaſi Cedrus exaltata ſum 2. Alto, & Tenor.
4. O Ciues A 2. Tenor, & Baſſo.
5. Regina Cęli Lætare A 2. Tenori, ouero Soprani.
6. Ardet cor meum A 2. Tenor, & Baſſo.
7. Reboant ethera timpanis A 3. Alto, Tenor, & Baſſo.
8. In te Domine ſperaui A 3. doi Soprani, & Baritono [in table of contents:] Tenor.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Gaudete & exultate iubilate A 3. Canto, Tenor, & Baſſo.
Concinunt ſupere A 3. Alto, Tenor, & Baſſo.
O quam ſuauis eſt Domine panis de Cęlo A 3. due Tenori, & Baſſo.
O Iocunda dies A 3. Alto, Tenor, & Baſſo.
Audi Iob A 3. Dialogo. Iob, Spiritus malus, Angelus
Ieſu dulcis memoria A 3. Canto, Tenor, & Baſſo.
Quæ noua lumina A 3. doi Soprani, ouero Tenori, & Baſſo. [the piece not listed
in the table of contents of bc partbook; handwritten supplemented there]
Lauda Ieruſalem A 3. doi Tenori, ouero Soprani, & Baſſo. Ad iſtanza del Molto
Reuerendo P. Baſilier Tiſana Muſico Eccel. in S. Marco.
Deus venerunt gentes A 3. Alto, Tenor, & Baſſo.
Composer(s): Arrigoni, Giovanni Giacomo (1597–1675)
Title: SALMI | A TRE VOCI CONCERTATE | Et alquanti con li Repieni ad libitum,
con vn Magni-|ficat A Cinque voci concertate & due violini | DI GIO: GIACOMO
VENETIA MDCLXIII Apreſſo Franceſco Magni |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1663
Description: Set of 8 partbooks in 4o: Concert.: S I, S II, B; rip.: S, A, T, B; org. On
p. 2 dedication of the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Some
tempo and performance indications: preſto, adagio, soli, tutti.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50260 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. T rip. partbook missing. Some handwritten accidentals, pitch corrections, performance indications: t.; con iſtrom., bar lines, custos, and calculations of rest lengths. On the title page written in pencil: B | 8.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [N F | 8]; [Nro 90]; [Mus. 130].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 50; RISM A/I: A 2491; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=22180
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: Giovanni Giacomo Arrigoni: Vespri per la festa di ognissanti, Collegium
Vocale et Instrumentale Nova Ars Cantandi, Antes 1993 (BMCD 901011)
1. Dixit Dominus A 3 con repieni [!]
2. Laudate pueri A 3. due Canti ouero Tenori & Baſſo. con repieni, ſi placet
3. Lętatus ſum A 3.
4. The catalogue
Niſi Dominus A 3. con repieni
Lauda Ieruſalem A 3. due Canti ouero Tenori & Baſſo
Confitebor tibi à Voce ſola Con 4 iſtromenti. Auertendo che ſi potrà cantar il
detto Salmo anco ſenza ſinfonie rimettendo al prudente organiſta il sonar li
Ritornelli a ſuo piacere.
Beatus vir A 3.
Credidi propter quod A 3.
Laudate Dominum A 3. con repieni ſi placet
Magnificat A 5 voci & a 2 violini.
Composer(s): Della Porta, Francesco (1600c–1666)
Title: MOTETTI | A DVE, TRE, QVATTRO, E CINQVE VOCI | Con vn Magnificat,
Litanie della Beata Vergine | à quattro, e cinque, ſi placet, | DI FRANCESCO DELLA
PORTA | Organiſta, & Maeſtro di Capella nella Madonna preſſo | S. Celſo in Milano.
| DEPVTATI | Alla Veneranda Fabrica della Madonna | preſſo S. Celſo. | CON
PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti.
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1648
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, A, T, B, bc. On p. 2 or 3 Latin epigramma. On p. 3 or 4 the list of the Depvtati della Veneranda Fabrica della Madonna preſſo
Santo Celſo in Milano. On p. 4 or 5 dedication of the composer dated 18th September
1648. At the end – a list of contents, in different order. Some dynamic and tempo indications: pian, forte, adaggio, piu preſto.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50702 Muz.
Notes on item: A and bc partbooks missing. The specimen underwent conservation
in 1997. Some handwritten text corrections and accidentals. On the title page written
in pencil: 391 | VI.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [H N | 6]; [Nro 91]; Mus. 566.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 311–312; RISM A/I: P 5198; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Iubilo corde in ſono tubæ à 3. doi Canti, ouer Tenori, è Baſſo
2. Salue Regina pietatis Mater à 2. Canto, ouer Tenor, è Alto
3. Ad te clamat cor meum à 2. Alto, è Soprano, ouer Tenor
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Vbi eras ò bone Ieſu à 2. Canto, ouer Tenor, è Alto
O quam bonus es quam dulcis à 2 Soprani, ouer Tenori
O dulcis & care Ieſu à 2 Soprani, ouer Tenori
Salue Mater à 3. 2. C. è A. ſonando vn’ottaua più baſſo dell’alto seruirà per doi C.
è Baſſo
Obſtupeſcite redempti à 3. Canto, Alto è Tenor
Iubila Cælum iubila terra à 3. doi Soprani, ouer Tenori, è Baſſo
Magnificat à 4, è 5. Terzo Tono. Senz’Intonatione. ſi placet Concertato.
O bone Ieſu ò ſuauis amor à 5. Concertato
Lętanie della Beata Vergine à 4. con la quinta parte à beneplacito
Virgo Salue Mater tota mundi, à 2 Soprani ouer Tenor
Amor mi te anhelo à 2. Canto, ouer Tenor, è Baſſo
Composer(s): Grandi, Alessandro (1586–1630); Croce, Giovanni (1557c–1609)
Title: MESSA | ET SALMI | DI ALESSANDRO GRANDI | A 2. 3. 4. con il Baſſo
Continuo. | & con li Ripieni à Beneplacito. | Raccolta Terza Di Leonardo Simonetti
| Con Licenza de Superiori. & Priuilegio | [typographer’s mark] | STAMPA DEL
GARDANO | IN VENETIA M DC XXXVI || Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Bartolomeo Magni 1636 [S/T
and bc partbooks] 1635 and 1632 [the other voices]
Description: Set of 11 partbooks in 4o: S/T, A, T/B, bc and – according to Bohn
– 6 ripieni, not listed there. At the end – a list of contents. Some dynamic and performance indications: tromb., pian, forte.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50492 Muz.
Notes on item: Only S/T, bc and A rip. partbooks extant. A partbook incomplete,
without the title page. The specimen underwent conservation in 1993. Some handwritten accidentals. On the title page written in pencil: 251 | XI; 18.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [A | 11]; [Nro 92]; Mus. 365.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 160–161; RISM A/I: G 3461, GG 3461; RISM B/I: 16361;
http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Meſſa A 3. ouero à 4. (Kyrie – Sinfonia. Queſta ſinfonia ſi ſonera auanti il Gloria ſe piace. – Gloria. Voce con Tromboni, à 3. Alto ouero il Tenore – Credo Con Tromboni)
2. Dixit Dominus. In Ritornello. Capella A 3.
3. Dixit Dominus A 4. Voce Sola.
4. Confitebor tibi A 3.
4. The catalogue
Beatus Vir A 4.
Laudate Pueri A 3.
Laudate Pueri Sexti Toni. in Ecco. In Ton. di Gio: Croce / ✣ Chiozotto A 4.
Laudate Dominum omnes gentes A 2. Con Tiorba ſi placet. Con Choro di
Tromb. ſi piace
Laudate Pueri. Quarti Toni A 4. Sine Intonatione
Niſi Dominus Cappella Prima A 4. con Tromboni
Beatus vir Capella A 4.
Lætatus ſum. A 4. Concertato.
Lauda Ieruſalem A 3 Senza intonatione.
Composer(s): Rigatti, Giovanni Antonio (1613c–1648)
DI GIO: ANTONIO RIGATTI | DEDICATI | Al Molto Illuſtre Et Reuerendiſſimo
GEROSOLIMITANO | IN PRAGA. | CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN
VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti MDCXXXXVII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1647
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the composer dated 9th December 1647. At the end – a list of contents, in different order in each
partbook. Some tempo and dynamic indications: Largo, adaggio, adaſio, allegro, piano.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50743 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. On p. 25 of bc partbook a pasted-on
paper sheet with music errata. Some handwritten accidentals, bc numbering, calculations of rest lengths, and text incipits omitted in print. On the title page written in
pencil: 424 | IV; 173.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[H G | 4]; [Nro 94]; Mus. 614.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 335; RISM A/I: R 1418; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. O Maria ò Stella maris à 2. Mezo Soprano, & Alto.
2. Florete flores lilium à 2. Canti, ò Tenori. Vn tuono piu baſſo
3. Gaudent in Celis animæ Sanĉtorum à 2. Soprani, ò Tenori.
4. Hæc eſt vera fraternitas à 2. Soprani ò Tenori.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Congratulamini mihi omnes à 2. Canto, & Alto [in partbooks: 2. Soprani
ò Tenori]
O Dulce nomen Ieſu à 3. Alto Tenore, & Baſſo
Gaudens gaudebo in Domino à 2. Canto & Alto
Accedite ad Menſam à 2. Tenore, & Baſſo.
Tantum ergo Sacramentum à 2. Alto, e Tenore.
Domine Deus meus da cordi meo à 2. Alto, e Tenore.
O felix ò lucidiſſima nox à 2. Tenore, ò Canto, & Baſſo. In natiuitate Domini.
Omnes gentes plaudite manibus à 3. Alto Tenore [in partbooks: doi Tenori,
ouero Soprani], & Baſſo.
Surge veni Maria – Tu es ſpes noſtra à 3. Alto Tenore, & Baſſo
Benediĉtus dominus deus meus, à 3. doi Canti ò Tenori, & Baſſo
Lauda Syon Saluatorem à 3. Alto Tenore [in partbooks: doi Tenori, ò Canti],
& Baſſo.
Laudemus Deum Noſtrum à 3. Alto Tenore, & Baſſo.
Aſsumpta eſt Maria – Benediĉta Filia tua Domino à 3. doi Tenori & Baſſo.
Domine ne in furore arguas me à 3. Alto Tenore, & Baſſo
Cantate Domino canticum nouum à 3. Alto Tenore, & Baſſo. Per l’Eſpoſitione
del Sanĉtiſſimo Sacramento
Meſſa Breue à 3. Voci Alto, Tenore, & Baſſo (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo)
Composer(s): Cazzati, Maurizio (1616–1678)
MAVRITIO CAZZATI | Maeſtro di Capella di Camera Dell’ Eccellentiſsimo Signor | Duca
di Sabioneta Prencipe di Bozolo, &c. | DEDICATE | ALL’ ILL.mo SIGNOR | BERNARDO
VERTVA | NOBILE DI BERGAMO. | Opera Ottaua. Con Priuilegio. | [typographer’s
mark] | IN VENETIA. | Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. M.DC.XXXXVIII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1648
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: vl I, vl II, vla, vlne, org. On p. 3 dedication of
the composer dated 10th April 1648. At the end – a list of contents. Numerous tempo
and dynamic indications: Graue, Allegro, Allegro, e Preſto, Adaggio, Piano, Forte.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50335 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Vl I partbook has a different cover. Some
handwritten accidentals. On the title page written in pencil: J | 5.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[H F | 5]; [Nro 93]; Mus. 226;
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 94; RISM A/I: C 1587; SartoriB: 1648; www.bibliotecamusica.it
Digitized version: planned publication
4. The catalogue
Modern edition: Maurizio Cazzati, Il secondo libro delle sonate, a 1, 2, 3, 4 strumenti
e b.c., op. 8: Venezia, 1648, ed. Alessandro Bares, Albese con Cassano: Musedita 2001
Recording: [–]
1. La Vertua. Canzone Prima. à 2. Violini.
2. La Calua. Violino ſolo, ouer Violino, e Baſſo.
3. La Pezzola. Violino ſolo, ouer Violino, e Violone.
4. La Marenza. A 3.
5. La Bonga. A 3.
6. La Galeazza. A 3.
7. La Pepola. A 3.
8. La Bernarda. Canzone à 3. Doi Violini, e Violone.
9. La Lucilla. Canzone à 3. Doi Violini, è Violone.
10. La Malteſe. A 4.
11. La Giroloma. A 4.
12. Simphonia. A 4.
13. Simphonia. A 4.
14. Sonata detta la Vecchia. A 4. Tre Violini, Viola, Trombone è Violone.
Composer(s): Gamberi, Pietro (17.sc)
Title: MESSE E SALMI | A CINQVE CONCERTATI | Con alcuni Salmi A 2. e 3. Con
Violini, | & altri à 4. ſenza iſtrumenti con | quatro Hinni. | DI D. PIETRO GAMBERI
D’VRBINO | Maeſtro di Capella d’Vdine. | Aggiunti per commodità alle Meſſe, e Salmi
à 5 li Ripieni | dal R. D. Girolamo Misſio Organiſta d’Vdine. | DEDICAtI | ALL’ILL.mo
SIG.r NICOLÓ SASSO | OPERA TERZA | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA
M DC XXXXII || Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1642
Description: Set of 10 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, bc; rip.: S, A, T, B. On p. 3 dedication of the composer dated 20th May 1642 [in bc partbook without a date]. At the
end – a list of contents. Some dynamic and setting indications: Forte, piano, Conc.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50454 Muz.
Notes on item: A rip. partbook missing. S rip. partbook severely damaged, refilled
with paper. Some handwritten accidentals, calculations of rest lengths and other corrections. On p. 62 of bc partbook handwritten supplemented intonation of the Magnificat,
missing in print. Between pp. 8–9 and 24–25 of T rip. partbook there is a pasted paper
sheet with handwritten corrections of music. On the title page written in pencil: 228 | X.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [E L | 10]; [Nro 95]; [Mus. 334].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 144; RISM A/I: G 315, GG 315; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Meſſa prima à 5. con li Repieni ſe piace (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus –
Agnus Dei)
2. Meſſa ſeconda à 5. con li Repieni ſe piace (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus –
Agnus Dei)
3. Dixit Dominus Primo à 5. con li Repieni ſe piace
4. Dixit Dominus ſecondo à 5. con li Repieni ſe piace Senza Intonatione
5. Confitebor tibi Domine à 5. Con li Repieni ſe piace Secondi Toni Senza Intonatione Concerto
6. Beatus Vir à 5. Con li Repieni ſe piace
7. Beatus vir à 3. Alto Tenore e Baſſo, con due Violini quali ſono nella parte del
Canto & nel Secondo Tenore
8. Laudate pueri Dominum à 4. Due alti Tenore e Baſſo
9. Laudate pueri Dominum à 5. Con Repieni ſe piace
10. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes à 3.
11. In exitu Iſrael à 5. Concertato. con Repieni ſe piace
12. Lætatus ſum à 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, è Baſſo
13. Lætatus ſum à 2. Alto e Tenore con due Violini quali ſono nella parte del Canto,
& nel Secondo Tenore
14. Memento Domine Dauid à 4 Canto Alto Tenore e Baſſo
15. Lauda Hieruſalem à 5. Con Repieni ſe piace
16. Magnificat à 5. Con Repieni ſe piace
17. Iſte Confeſſor à 3 Alto Tenore è Baſſo & sempre si replica l’istesso Basso & cosi
si sonarano li altri Himni
18. Vrbs Hierusalem à 2 Alto e Tenore
19. Ieſu Corona Virginum à 3 Alto Tenore è Baſſo Si replica l’istesso Basso sempre
20. Aue Maris Stella à 2. Voci Si replica sempre l’istesso Basso
Composer(s): Cecchino, Tommaso (1583c–1644)
Title: CINQVE MESSE | A DVE VOCI | [in S I partbook only:] CON IL SVO BASSO
CONTINVO | Accomodate in modo, che da ogni ſorte di voce diuerſamente | poſſono
eſſer cantate; con li ſuoi auertimenti. | Et Vinti [!] due MOTETTI à Voce Sola per tutte
le parti, cioè Canti, Alti, Tenori, & Baſſi. | Con Otto Sonate per gl’Iſtrumenti, Baſſi, &
Soprani; | & con la Partitura. | DI TOMASO CECCHINO | VERONESE. | OPERA
VIGESIMA TERZA. | Nuouamente compoſta, & data in luce. | CON LICENZA DE’
SVPERIORI, ET PRIVILEGIO. | [coat of arms] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro
Vincenti. MDCXXVIII. |
4. The catalogue
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1628
Description: Set of 3 partbooks in 4o: S/T I, T II, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the composer dated 30th March 1628. At the end – a list of contents and a note to the readers:
tutti li Soprani de le Sonate che ſono in queſt’opera, poſſono eſſer ſonati con l’organo da
vn ſolo Violino ò uero Cornetto, ſenza altro Iſtrumento Baſſo, ſe piace; eccetto l’vltima che
deue eſſer ſonata con due Violini, ò uero vn Violino, & vn Cornetto.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50346 Muz.
Notes on item: T II partbook missing. On the title page written in pencil: E | III.
Provenance: Both extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[B] | 3; [Nro 96]; Mus. 238.
Catalogues: EitnerQ: II, p. 386; BohnD, p. 97; RISM A/I: C 1677; SartoriB: 1628e;
http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Tomaso Cecchino, Drei Sonate für Blockflöte (Sopran, Alt oder tenor) oder andere Melodieinstrumente und Basso continuo, ed. Hugo Ruf, Mainz: Schott
1987 (originalmusik für Blockflöte, 159)
Recording: [–]
1. MESSA Prima. Due Canti, ò Tenori; ò uero Canto, & Tenore; & ſonando alla
quinta alta, ſaranno due Alti (Kyrie – Gloria – Qui tollis – Credo – Crucifixus
– Sanĉtus – Benediĉtus – Agnus Dei)
2. MESSA Seconda. Due Canti, ò Tenori; ò uero Canto, & Tenore; & ſonando alla
quarta alta, ſaranno due Alti (Kyrie – Gloria – Qui tollis – Credo – Crucifixus
– Et in Spiritum ſanĉtum – Sanĉtus – Benediĉtus – Agnus Dei)
3. MESSA Terza. Alto, & Tenore; & ſonando alla quinta alta, cantaranno il Soprano, & l’Alto (Kyrie – Gloria – Qui tollis – Credo – Crucifixus – Et in Spiritum
ſanĉtum – Sanĉtus – Benediĉtus – Agnus Dei)
4. MESSA Quarta. Tenore, ò Canto, & Baſſo; & ſonando alla quarta alta, cantaranno l’Alto, & il Tenore. (Kyrie – Gloria – Qui tollis – Credo – Crucifixus –
Sanĉtus – Benediĉtus – Agnus Dei)
5. MESSA Quinta. Due Tenori, ò Soprani, ò uero Tenore, & Soprano; & ſonando
alla quarta alta, ſaranno due Alti (Kyrie – Gloria – Qui tollis – Credo – Crucifixus – Sanĉtus – Benediĉtus – Agnus Dei)
6. Canticum nouum cantate Domino. Canto, ò Tenore.
7. Vſquequo affligitis animam meam. Canto, ò Tenore.
8. Tu Domine vocaſti me. Canto, ò Tenore.
9. Exultate Deo adiutori noſtro. Canto, ò Tenore.
10. Miſericordias Domini. Canto, ò Tenore.
11. Deus canticum nouum cantabo tibi. Canto, ò Tenore.
12. Exurgat Deus et diſſipentur. Canto, ò Tenore.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
O quam tu pulcra es amica mea. Canto, ò Tenore.
Anima mea liquefaĉta est. Canto, ò Tenore.
Vidi ſpecioſam ſicut columbam. Canto, ò Tenore.
Sicut cedrus exaltata ſum in libano. Canto, ò Tenore.
O quam dulce ò quam ſuaue. Alto.
Cantabo Domino in vita mea pſallam. Alto.
Exaltabo te Domine quoniam ſuſcepiſti me. Alto.
Ieſum omnes agnoſcite. Alto.
Sitiuit anima mea quando venies. Tenore.
Deus exaudi orationem meam. Tenore.
Quam diues es in miſericordia. Tenore.
Ad te de luce vigilantibus. Tenore.
Si bona ſuſcepimus de manu Domini. Basso.
Derelinquat impius viam ſuam. Basso.
Quam pulcra es et quam decora. Basso.
Sonata Prima.
Sonata Seconda.
Sonata Terza.
Sonata Quarta.
Sonata Quinta.
Sonata Seſta.
Sonata Settima.
Sonata Ottaua. Due Violini ouero vn Cornetto, e vn Violino.
Composer(s): Tarditi, Orazio (1602–1677)
| Per Cantare Nell’ Organo, Chitarrone, Arpa, Leuto, | Spinetta, & Altro Stromento
OTTAVA | NOVAMENTE RISTAMPATA | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, ||
Apreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDC XXXX. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1640
Description: One volume in 4o: Part. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50836 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Some handwritten accidentals. On the
title page written in pencil: 509 | I; 426.
Provenance: The volume bears Rhediger Library stamp. Old shelfmarks: [A G | 1];
[Nro 97]; [Mus. 709].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 405; RISM A/I: T 187; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
4. The catalogue
Modern edition: Orazio Tarditi, Celesti fiori musicali… libro secondo, op. 8, facs. ed.
Anne Schnoebelen, New York: Garland 1987 (Solo motets from the seventeenth century,
vol. 1: Venice)
Recording: [–]
1. Plaudite, cantate cimbalis. Voce Sola. Soprano, ò Tenore
2. Iudica me Deus. Voce ſola. Soprano, ò Tenore
3. Domine illuminatio mea. Voce ſola. Soprano, ò Tenore
4. In te ſperaui Domine. Voce ſola. Soprano, ò Tenore
5. Ego diligentes me diligo. Voce ſola. Soprano, ò Tenore
6. O intemerata, & benediĉta. Voce ſola. Soprano, ò Tenore
7. In virtute tua Domine. Voce ſola. Soprano, ò Tenore
8. Transfige dulciſsime Ieſu. Voce ſola. Soprano, ò Tenore
9. Ecce Sacerdos magnus. Voce ſola. Soprano, ò Tenore
10. Iam non dicam vos ſeruos. Voce ſola. Soprano, ò Tenore
11. Audite gentes. Tenore Solo.
12. Exaudi Deus orationem meam. Alto Solo. Al Molto R. P. D. Martiale Prezzato
da Venetia Camerlengo di S. Michele di Murano mio Padron Cariſſimo.
Composer(s): Petrobelli, Francesco (1695†); Facchi, Agostino (1662†)
ALL’ ILL.mo ET REV.mo SIG.re Mons.r GIORGIO | CORNARO Veſcouo di Padoa. | Con
Licenza de Superiori & Priuilegio. | IN VENETIA M DC XXXXIII Apreſſo Bartolameo
Magni | [typographer’s mark] |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1643
Description: Set of 2 partbooks in irregular (220 x 120 mm) oblong 4o: Voce, Part.
On p. 2 dedication of the composer dated 10th July 1643. At the end a list of contents.
Some tempo and dynamic indications: adagio, allegro, pian, preſtiſſimo.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50693 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Voce partbook missing. Some handwritten accidentals and bc numbering. On the title page written in pencil: 387 | II.
Provenance: The extant volume bears Rhediger Library stamp. Old shelfmarks:
[C X]; [Nro 98]; [Mus. 559].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 309; RISM A/I: P 1641; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. O Chriſti vera charitas
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
O sacrum conuiuium
O quam tu pulcher es dileĉte mi
Lętentur cęli et exultet terra
Laudate pueri cantate virgines
Reſonent laudibus orbis
Quam bonus es amantissime Iesu
Salue Serenisſima Regina
Venite Chriſti fideles
Exultent iubilis orbes
Adoro te dulcissime Iesu
Pro te mi Iesu
Aue Sanctisſima Maria
Omnes gentes surgite cum gaudio
Hymnum iucundum semper cantabo. Agostino Facco. Al Molto Ill. Sig. Giacomo Alcaino Baſſo del Domo di Vicenza.
Beatus homo qui Ieſum adorat
Reſonent citharæ increpent timpana
Composer(s): Grandi, Alessandro (1586–1630)
Title: CANTADE | ET ARIE | A VOCE SOLA | Commode da cantarſi nel Clauicembalo,
Chitarrone, & altro | ſimile Stromento, con le Lettere dell’Alfabetto per la | Chitarra
spagnola. | DEL SIGNOR | ALESSANDRO GRANDI | Raccolte, & date in luce da
me Andrea Ziotti. | LIBRO TERZO. | CON PRIVILEGIO. | Dedicato All’Illuſtriſsimo
Signor FRANCESCO DVODO | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENET[IA] || Appreſſo
Aleſsandro Vincenti. [MDCXX]VI. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1626
Description: According to Bohn, one volume in 4o. On p. 2 dedication of the composer dated 31st July 1626. On p. 3 Alfabetto et intavolatura per la Chitarra alla Spagnola. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: Specimen no longer preserved. The unique surviving specimen, stored
in GB-Lbl, according to a handwritten inscription on the title page, was purchased by
Charles Salamon in Rome on 16th April 1855.
Notes on item: [–]
Provenance: Old shelfmarks: [A. B. | 8]; [Nro 100]; [Mus. 353].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 159; RISM A/I: G 3472; VogelB: I, p. 310; NV 1269;
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
4. The catalogue
1. Crud’e proterua nemica d’amore
2. Mai più duro d’Amor sì lunga guerra
3. Troppo, troppo fedele ami chi fugge
4. Superbetta, ſei pur colta
5. Deh vaga mia Clori
6. Amore, io più non ardo. Dal chiaro ciel d’un vio lampeggi [prima parte] –
Amore, io più non ardo (seconda parte se piace)
7. Non può ferir Amor
8. È ſi grave’l tormento che fà provar amore
9. Rompi, mio core, quell’amoroso laccio
10. Al ſeren del tuo volto, nottoletta d’amore
11. Ridete meco, Amanti, hor che donna crudel piange e sospira
12. Empio cor, più non ti credo
13. Io non vò pianger più. Balletto.
14. Sprezzami, bionda, e fuggimi [Francesco Ferranti]
15. Lontan dal tuo bel volto
16. Folle chi crede che quel infido core
17. Gioite, danzate, ridete, cantate
18. Sotto aſpetto ridente d’angelico seren
19. I noſtri voti il ciel pien di pietà
20. Ninfa crudele, s’un tuo fedele la bocca
21. Quand’Amor dentr’un cor prende ricetto
22. Breu’ è la vita, Amor, lunga la speme
23. Conſenti pur è ti pieghi, Lidia. Balletto.
24. Amor, giuſtizia, Amor, io non mi doglio invan. Cantada.
Composer(s): Reina, Sisto (1623c–1664p)
Title: LA PACE DE NVMERI | PVBLICATA | Con l’armonia di Cinque Voci | Nel
Veſpro del Signore nelle Laudi della Beatiſſima Vergine, | nel Tantum ergo, e nell’Hinno
delle Grazie | DA | FRA SISTO REINA Min: Con: Organiſta nel | Nobiliſſimo Tempio
di S. Bortolomeo [!], e Maeſtro | Di Capella Di S. Franceſco. | Opera Ottaua. | D. D. D.
Il Peane Mariano | Ad Inſtanza del Sig. D. Marzio Erculeo | Muſico Del Sereniſſimo Di
Modona | D’Incerto Autore. | IN VENETIA M. DC. LXII. Apreſſo Franceſco Magni detto
Gardano |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1662
Description: Set of 8 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, A, T, B, vl I, vl II, bc. On p. 2 dedication of
the composer dated 1662. On p. 3 a dedicatory Italian sonetto. On p. 4 two Italian sonnets.
At the end – a list of contents in different order and Avviso Dell’Autore à Signori muſici.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50731 Muz.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Notes on item: S I, S II and bc partbooks missing. Vl I partbook damaged on the
edges, refilled with paper after conservation in 1994. Some handwritten accidentals.
On the title page written in pencil: 409 | VIII.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [N E | 8]; [Nro 101]; [Mus. 598].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 328–329; RISM A/I: R 1018, RR 1018; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Domine ad adiuuandum à 3. due Canti è Baſſo.
2. Dixit Dominus à 5. Concertato
3. Confitebor tibi Domine à 5. Concertato
4. Confitebor tibi Domine à 3. due Canti è Baſſo
5. Confitebor tibi Domine à 3. due Canti è Alto, con quattro violini non eſſendoui
tutti quattro ſi potrà ſonare il primo & il terzo Concertato
6. Beatus vir à 5. Concertato
7. Laudate pueri à 5. Concertato
8. Laudate pueri à 2. Canto è Baſſo. con 2 violini
9. Laudate pueri à 3. con due violini
10. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes à 5.
11. In exitu Iſrael à 5.
12. Magnificat à 5.
13. Gaudete gentes A 3 voci. C.A.T. Il Peane Mariano Dedicato Alla viua mem.
dell’Illuſtriſſimo Sig. Aleſſandro Fabrizio Caſati, d’incerto Autore
14. Puer natus eſt nobis Dialogo à 3 per il SS. Natale di N.S.
15. Tantum ergo Sacramentum A voce ſola con due violini ad libitum con Sinfonia
ad libitum
16. Tantum ergo Sacramentum à due Canti e due violini
17. Himno delle gratie. Te Deum laudamus à 5.
18. Le laude di Maria Vergine à 5. (Kyrie eleison – Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Tricarico, Giuseppe (1623–1697)
| DVCI MONTIS NERI | DICATI. | LIBER QVARtVS. | [arabesque] | ROMæ, Ex
Typographia Ludouici Grignani. M.DC.XLIX. || SVPERIoRVM PERMISSV |
Publication: Roma: Lodovico Grignani 1649
4. The catalogue
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, T, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Some dynamic indications: piano.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50855 Muz.
Notes on item: T partbook missing. The specimen underwent conservation in 1994.
Some handwritten accidentals and calculations of rest lengths. On the title page written in pencil: 514 | V.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [K S | 5]; [Nro 102]; Mus. 726.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 411; RISM A/I: T 1214; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. O amantiſſime Ieſu A 2 Canti.
2. Dulces hymnos & pſalmos A 2 Canti.
3. O crux benediĉta A 2 Canti.
4. Beati N. laudemus merita A 2 Canti.
5. Exultantes ad te Virgo A 2 Voci. Canto & Alto.
6. Omnis Arbor A 2 Voci. Alto e Tenore.
7. Reſpice in me A 2 Voci. Canto, e Baſſo.
8. Accipite iucunditatem A 3 Soprani.
9. O cæli iucunditas A 3 voci. 2 Canti, & Alto ò Baſſo, ſi placet.
10. Amo Chriſtum ſponsum meum A 3 Voci. 2 Canti, & Alto.
11. Quid noſtris dulcius A 3 Voci. 2 Canti, e Baſſo.
12. Exurgat Deus A 3 Voci. 2 Canti, e Baſſo.
13. Benedicam Dominum A 3 Voci. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
14. In cæleſtibus regnis A 4 Voci. 2 Canti, Tenore & Baſſo.
15. O pretioſum et admirandum convivium A 4 Voci. Canto, Alto, Tenore,
e Baſſo.
Composer(s): Grandi, Alessandro (1586–1630)
Title: MOTETTI | A CINQUE VOCI, | Con le Letanie della Beata Vergine, |
D’ALESSANDRO GRANDI | Maeſtro di Capella nello Spirito | Santo di Ferrara, |
[typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA M DC XXXX || Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1640
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, bc. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50496 Muz.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Notes on item: Only S and A partbooks extant. The specimen underwent conservation in 1993. Some handwritten calculations of rest lengths. On the title page written
in pencil: 257 | VI; 378.
Provenance: Both extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[6 | ]כand [Nro] 103; Mus. 369.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 162; RISM A/I: G 3430; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Iudica me Deus
2. Iſte cognouit iuſtitiam
3. Sanĉte Sebastiane
4. Quomodo dilexi legem tuam Domine
5. O Bone Iesu Chriſte
6. Exaudi Deus orationem meam
7. Quam pulchra eſt caſta generatio
8. Aue Regina Cęlorum
9. O dulcis & o pia Sacra Virgo Maria
10. Innoua Domine ſigna
11. Quo rubicunda roſa
12. Anima mea liquęfaĉta eſt
13. Verſa eſt in luĉtum cithara mea
14. Qui timetis Dominum
15. Deus miſereatur noſtri A 5. Tenori
16. Litanię B. Marię Virginis. (Kyrie eleiſon – Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Grandi, Alessandro (1586–1630); Guerrini, Antonio (17.sc)
DI ALESSANDRO GRANDI | Maeſtro di Cappella in S. Maria Maggiore di Bergamo. |
Con ogni diligenza riſtampati, & corretti. | LIBRO TERZO. | Con licenza de’ Superiori, &
Priuilegio. | [coat of arms] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXVII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1637
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, vl I, vl II, bc. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50484 Muz.
Notes on item: The specimen underwent conservation in 1993. S II partbook missing. Some handwritten accidentals, pitch corrections and calculations of rest lengths.
Vl II partbook damaged by humidity. On the title page written in pencil: 254 | V; 215.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [5 | [ ;]וNro] 104; Mus. 356.
4. The catalogue
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 161–162; RISM A/I: G 3451, GG 3451; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org; www.bibliotecamusica.it
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Ave mundi spes Maria A 1. Soprano. Con Sinfonia di doi Violini.
2. Quaſi arcus refulgens A 1. Soprano. Con Sinfonia di doi Violini.
3. Hic eſt vere Martyr A 1. Soprano. Con Sinfonia di doi Violini.
4. Gaudete mecum et gratulamini A 1. Soprano Con Sinfonia di doi Violini.
5. Vocem iucunditatis A 1. Soprano. Con Sinfonia di doi Violini.
6. Virgo prudentiſſima A 1. Soprano. Con Sinfonia di doi Violini.
7. Decantabat populus Iſrael A 1. Tenore. Con Sinfonia di doi Violini.
8. Sonent Citharæ pulſentur timpana A 1. Tenore. Con Sinfonia di doi Violini.
9. Aue Maris Stella A 1. Soprano. Con Sinfonia di doi Violini.
10. Regina Cæli lætare A 1. Soprano. Con Sinfonia di doi Violini.
11. Iubila Cælum Reſona mare A 1. Soprano. Con Sinfonia di doi Violini.
12. Veni ſanĉte Spiritus A 1. Alto. Con Sinfonia di doi Violini.
13. Amo Chriſtum qui renouat A 1. Soprano. Con Sinfonia di doi Violini.
14. O magnum Sacramentum A 1. Baſſo. Con Sinfonia di doi Violini. Antonio Guerrini
15. Saluum me fac Deus A 1. Baſſo. Senza Sinfonia
16. Bone Ieſu Verbum Patris A 2. Doi Soprani Senza Sinfonia
17. Ecce Sacerdos magnus A 2. Doi ſoprani. Senza Sinfonia
18. O Beate Benediĉte A 2. Ten. & Sopr. Con ſinfonia di 2. Violi. & Trombone
ouero Viola
19. In dulci iubilo A 4. Doi Soprani, Tenore, & Alto. Senza ſinfonia
20. Audiui vocem A 5. Doi Soprani, Tenore, Alto, e Baſſo. Senza ſinfonia
Composer(s): Rovetta, Giovanni (1596c–1668)
Title: MOTETTI | CONCERTATI | A Due, Tre, Quattro, & Cinque Voci | CON
LE LITANIE DELLA MADONNA, | Et Vna Meſſa Concertata à Voci Pari | DI GIO.
ROVETTA | Vice Maeſtro di Cappella della Sereniſsima Republica | OPERA TERZA.
| NOVAMENTE RISTAMPATA | CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] |
VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. | MDCXXXX. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1640
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. At the end – a list of contents. In
bc part of Ave maris stella commentary: Qui ſi ſuona vn poco con l’organo, & ſerue per
l’auerſetto che ſegue, poi ſi ripiglia da capo, principiando dalla proportione, & coſi l’altre
volte. Some tempo indications: adagio, alegro, preſto.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50755 Muz.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Notes on item: S and T partbooks missing. Bc partbook damaged on edges, B partbook in the centre of the pages, refilled with paper after conservation. Some handwritten bc numbering, calculations of rest lengths and accidentals. In A partbook – a list of
contents handwritten and corrected with the appropriate page numbers. On the title
page written in pencil: 432 | V.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: | ב5; [Nro 105]; [Mus. 626].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 342–343; RISM A/I: R 2965; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Dominus illuminatio mea A due Canti o Tenori.
2. Exultauit cor meum in Dominum A due Canti o Tenori.
3. Alma Redemptoris Mater A due Canti ò Tenori.
4. Nulla ſcientia melior eſt illa A due voci Canto, & Tenor
5. Gaudete fratres in Dominum A due Canti o Tenori.
6. O pretioſum & admirandum conuiuium A due voci Canto ò Tenor, & Baſſo
7. Deus in nomine tuo saluum me fac A due voci Canto ò Tenor, & Baſſo
8. Iubilate Deo omnis terra A due Canto ò Tenor, & Baſſo
9. Dies ſanĉtificatus illuxit nobis A due voci Canto, o Tenore, & Baſſo
10. Surge propera amica mea A due voci Tenor, o Canto, & Baſſo
11. Lauda Sion Saluatorem A due voci Tenor, ò Canto, & Baſſo
12. Ave Regina Cælorum A due voci Tenor, o Canto, & Baſſo
13. Salue Regina A due voci Tenore, & Baſſo
14. Quam pulchra es amica mea A due voci Canto o Tenor & Alto ouero Baſſo
15. Dulcis Chriſte ad te venio A 3. Alto, Tenor, & Baſſo
16. Confitemini Domino A 3. Alto, Tenor, & Baſſo
17. Surgamus ergo cantemus ergo A 3. Alto, Tenor, & Baſſo
18. Ego ſum reſurreĉtio & vita A 3. voci Alto Tenor & Baſſo
19. Regina cæli lætare A 3. voci Alto Tenor, & Baſſo
20. Alma Redemptoris mater A 3. voci Alto, Tenor, & Baſſo
21. Domine in virtute tua A Tre due Tenori, o Canti, & Baſſo.
22. O glorioſa Domina A Tre due Tenori, o Canti, & Baſſo.
23. Ego ſum qui ſum A 3. voci doi Tenori, o Canti, & Baſſo
24. Aue Regina Cælorum A 3. due Tenori, o Canti, & Baſſo
25. Letanie della Madonna A 3. due Tenori, o Canti, & Baſſo
26. Te matrem Dei laudamus A 3. voci Canto Tenor & Baſſo
27. Aue maris Stella A 3. Voci doi Canti o Tenori, & Baſſo
28. Exaltabo te Domine A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, & Baſſo
29. Cantate Domino canticum nouum A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, & Baſſo
30. Anima Chriſti ſanĉtifica me A 4. voci Canto, Alto, Tenor, & Baſſo
4. The catalogue
Per fæminam mors A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, & Baſſo
Salue Regina A 4. voci due Tenori, & due Baſſi
Meſſa Concertata A 4. voci pari Doi Baſſi, & doi Tenori (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo
– Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
In te Domine ſperaui A cinque voci
O Domine Ieſu Chriſte adoro te in cruce pendentem A cinque voci
Salue Regina A cinque voci
Composer(s): Grandi, Alessandro (1586–1630)
| Con il ſuo Baſſo per ſonar nell’Organo. | DI ALESSANDRO GRANDI | Maeſtro
di Capella in Santa Maria | Maggiore di Bergamo. | Nouamente in queſta Quinta
impreſſione, con ogni diligen-|za corretti, & riſtampati. | CON PRIVILEGIO. |
[typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXVIII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1628
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. At the end – a list of contents.
Preceding Heu mihi – a short commentary on the performance: Biſogna auuertire, che
queſta Parte nel mezzo ſi naſconde per reſpoſta d’Ecco.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50488 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Specimen underwent conservation in
1994. Some handwritten accidentals. On the title page written in pencil: 247 | V; 19.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[5 | ;]לN. 106; [Mus. 360].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 160; RISM A/I: G 3426; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. O quam ſuaue eſt nomen tuum Maria A 2. Due Canti.
2. Venite fili audite me A 2. Doi Canti.
3. Vocem iucunditatis annuntiate A 2. Canto & Alto.
4. O ſalutaris hoſtia A 2. Doi mezzi Soprani, & alla quinta baſſa doi Tenori.
5. O quam glorioſum eſt regnum A 2. Doi Alti
6. Lætentur cæli A 2. Doi Tenori
7. Deus in nomine tuo A 2. Due Tenori
8. Non eſt inuentus similis A 2. Due Baſſi
9. O quam dulcis quam suauis A 2. Canto, e Tenore
10. O intemerata et in æternum benedicta A 2. Canto, & Alto
11. Deus miſereatur noſtri A 3. Tre Soprani
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Deus miſereatur noſtri A 3. Tre Baſſi
Saluum fac populum tuum A 3. Canto, Alto, & Tenore
Cantemus Domino glorioſe A 3. Canto, Alto, e Tenore
Salue radix Sanĉta A 3. Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo
O Beata Virgo Maria A 3. Tre Tenori
Date nomini eius magnificantiam A 4. Seconda Parte di Obaudite [me diuini
fruĉtus] del Primo Libro. Baſſo, Alto, & doi Tenori
Sinfonia A 4. Tre Violini, vn Violone, ò Chitarrone. Queſta Sinfonia ſi può fare
nell’oltra ſcritto Motetto alle linee.
Heu mihi quid ploras. Dialogo in Ecco A 4. Baſſo, doi Tenori & Alto.
O bone Ieſu A 4. Alto, Baſſo, & doi Tenori
Magnum hæreditatis A 4. Doi Baſſi, & doi Tenori
Inter veſtibulum et altare A 4. Doi Tenori, Canto, e Baſſo
Composer(s): Sabbatini, Galeazzo (1597–1662)
CONCEPTIBVS | Cum Tribus, Quatuor, Quinque, & Sex Vocibus | CONTEXTæ,
| Per Illuſtri, ac Reuerendiſsimo Domino | D, ISIDORO | BONZANINIO | Sanĉti
Benediĉti Nouelli in Vrbe Patauina Monaſteriij Abbati optime merito, | DICATæ. |
OPVS OPTAVVM [!]. | [typographer’s mark] | VENETIIS, || Apud Alleſſandrum
Vincentium. M D CXXXVIII |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1638
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the editor dated 9th September 1638. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50769 Muz.
Notes on item: Only A, T and bc partbooks extant. Some handwritten performance
indications: t. On the title page written in pencil: 450 | VI.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [6 | [ ;]מNro 107]; Mus. 642.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 348; RISM A/I: S 9; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printedsacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Lętanijs Tribus Vocibus Duo Cantus vel Tenores cum Baſſus (Kyrie eleiſon –
Agnus Dei)
2. Lętanijs Tribus Vocibus Altus, Tenor, & Baſſus (Kyrie eleiſon – Agnus Dei)
3. Lętanijs Quatuor Vocibus C.A.T.B. (Kyrie eleiſon – Agnus Dei)
4. Lętanijs Quinque Vocibus C.A.T.T.B. (Kyrie eleiſon – Agnus Dei)
4. The catalogue
Lętanijs Quinque Vocibus C.A.T.T.B. (Kyrie eleiſon – Agnus Dei)
Lętanijs Quinque Vocibus vel ſex cum Alto ad placutum (Kyrie eleiſon – Agnus
Lętanijs Sex Vocibus C.C.A.T.T.B (Kyrie eleiſon – Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Biandrà, Giovanni Pietro (1633p†)
Title: SACRAE | CANTIONES | Binis Ternis atque Quaternis Vocibus | Decantandæ.
| JOANNE PETRO | De Blandrate Romano in Cattedrali Eccleſia Fauentina | Muſices
Moderatore, & in Spennatorum | Accademia Accademico Zelante | Auctore. | opus
Spennato | Dicatum. | [typographer’s mark] | SVB SIGNVM GARDANI. | VENETIIS
M DC XXVII. || Apud Bartholomeum Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1627
Description: Set of 3 partbooks in 4o: S, B, bc. On p. 2 or 3 dedication of the composer signed Faenza, 1st February 1627. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50289 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks, damaged by humidity, underwent conservation in 1996. Some handwritten accidentals. On the title page written in pencil: 98 | 3; 102.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
A. A. | 3; Nro 108; Mus. 174.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 70; RISM A/I: B 2611, BB 2611; www.bibliotecamusica.it;
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Anima mea liquefacta eſt A 2. Baſſo è Canto.
2. Supplex oro Sanĉtissima Virgo A 2. Baſſo è Tenor.
3. Benediĉta et venerabilis es Virgo Maria A 2. Baſſo è Alto.
4. O Glorioſa Domina A 2. Doi Baſsi.
5. Exaudi Domine præces A 2. Doi Tenori.
6. Benedicite Deum Cęli A 2. Doi Alti.
7. Quam dileĉta tabernacula tua A 2. Doi Canti.
8. En ad te ſuſpiro A 2. Canto è Tenor.
9. Venite audite et narrabo vobis A 2. Canto è Alto.
10. Gaudete omnes et exultate A 2. Doi Canti.
11. Cantabo Domino in vita mia A 2. Doi Canti.
12. Quanti mercenarij in domo Patris mei A 3. Baſſo è doi Canti.
13. O clara luce clarior lucis æternæ A 2. Doi Canti.
14. Iudica Domine nocentes me A 3. Canto Tenor è Baſſo.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Domine quis habitabit à 2. Canto è Baſſo.
Gaude Maria Virgo à 2. Baſſo è Alto.
Saluum me fac A 4. doi Canti Tenor è Baſſo.
Ieſus ſpes pęnitentibus A 4. Canto Tenor Alto è Baſſo.
Composer(s): Santa Maria, Salvatore de (16/17)
QVATVORQVE VOCIBVS CONCINVNTVR | Cum parte graui ad Organum, &
Littanijs B. M. V. Quatuor Vocibus. | AVCTORE | D. SALVATORE DE SANCTA
MARIA | Atheſtino Monacho Caſinenſi, & Monaſterij Sanctę | Giuſtinę Patauinæ
Profeſſo. | LIBER SECVNDVS | [typographer’s mark] | VENETIIS, || Apud Alexandrum
Vincentium. MDCXXVIII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1628
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 2 of the vocal partbooks
a dedication of the composer to Hieronymo Spinello Nobili Patavino Sanctae Iustinae
de Padua Abbati dated 28th April 1628. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50778 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Complete set of partbooks. The specimen underwent conservation in 1992. On p. 13 of bc partbook pasted-on paper errata
of erroneously printed text. Some handwritten accidentals and bc numbering. On the
title page written in pencil: 454 | V; 101.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[D H | 5]; [Nro 109]; [Mus. 648].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 351; RISM A/I: S 890; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Hodie apparuerunt A 1. Canto ſolo
2. Diligam te Domine A 1. Alto ſolo.
3. O admirabile commercium A 1. Tenore ſolo.
4. Congratulamini mihi omnes A 1. Baſſo ſolo.
5. Tua Ieſu dileĉtio A 1. Canto con due Violini.
6. Florete flores A 1. Alto, con due Violini.
7. Patrem noſtrum A 1. Baritono con due Violini.
8. Benedicam Dominum A 1. Baſſo con 2. Violini & ſi poſſono laſciar
9. Caro mea vere eſt cibus A 2. Baſſo, e Canto, ò Tenore
10. Cænantibus illis A 2. Baſſo, e Canto, ò Tenore
11. Anima Chriſti ſanĉtifica me A 2. Baſſo, e Canto, ò Tenore
4. The catalogue
O Sacrum Conuiuium A 2. Baſſo, e Canto, ò Tenore
O Crux ſplendidior cunĉtis Aſtris A 2. Baſſo, Canto, ò Tenore
Tanquam aurum in fornace A 2. Due Baſſi.
Hæc eſt domus Domini A 2. Due Canti, ò Tenori
Ecce aſcendimus Ieroſolimam A 2. Due Canti, ò Tenori
Super omnia ligna cędrorum A 2. Due Canti, ò Tenori
Bonum eſt confiteri Domino A 2. Due Tenori
Qui ſunt iſti qui vt nubes volant A 2. Due Tenori
Paratur nobis menſa Domini A 2. Due Tenori
Princeps Glorioſiſſime A 2 Voci. Alto, e Canto
Conuertimini ad me A Due. Alto, e Canto
Dulciſſima eſt nobis recordatio tui nominis A Tre Voci. Canto, Tenore, e Baſſo
Tranſeamus vſque Bethleem A 3 Voci. Canto, Tenore, e Baſſo
Ecce nos reliquimus omnia A Tre Voci. Due Tenori, e Baſſo
Non poteſt arbor noba fruĉtus malos facere A Tre Voci. Due Tenori, e Baſſo
Sub tuum præſidium A 4 Voci. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
Vbi eſt qui natus eſt Rex Iudeorum A 4 Voci. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
Lettanie della B.M.V. A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo (Kyrie eleiſon – Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Monteverdi, Claudio (1567–1643)
Title: [Salve Regina] no title page in all partbooks
Publication: sine loco, sine data. According to Luigi Collarile (Salve Regina del Sig.
Claudio Monteverdi, facs. ed. Luigi Collarile, Bologna: A. Forni 2011 (Bibliotheca musica Bononiensis. Sezione IV, 105) between 1662 and 1667
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: A, T, B, bc.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50916 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Complete set of partbooks. B partbook damaged on the edges, refilled with paper after conservation in 1998. Single
handwritten accidentals and pitch corrections. On p. 4 of bc partbook short handwritten music errata. On the title page written in pencil: 359 | IV.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[Y | 4]; [Nro 110]; [Mus. 518].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 290; RISM A/I: M 3448; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Salve Regina del Sig. Claudio Monteverdi, facs. ed. Luigi Collarile,
Bologna: A. Forni 2011 (Bibliotheca musica Bononiensis. Sezione IV, 105)
Recording: [–]
1. Salve ò Regina mater ò ſpes noſtra. A 3. Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo. Salve Regina del
Sig. Claudio Monteuerde
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Regina Salue ad te clamamus A 3. doi Tenori, e Baſſo
Regina Mater noſtra Salue A 3. doi Tenori, e Baſſo
Regina cæli lętare A 3. Voci.
Composer(s): Petrobelli, Francesco (1695†)
Title: MOTETTI | A 2. 3. 4. è 5. voci | DI | FRANCESCO PETROBELLI | Maeſtro Di
Capella della Catedrale Di Padoua. | Dedicati | A GL’ ILL.mi ET RR.mi SS.ri CANONICI
| Della medeſima Catedrale. | Opera Seconda | [coat of arms] | IN VENETIA M DC LI
Stampa del Gardano | Apreſſo Franceſco Magni |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Francesco Magni 1651
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo and dynamic indications: allegro, preſto, pian, adaſio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50694 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. S and T partbooks damaged on edges,
refilled with paper after conservation. Some handwritten calculations of rest lengths.
On the title page written in pencil: 381 | V; 175.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [K. H | 5]; [Nro 111]; [Mus. 560].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 309; RISM A/I: P 1642; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. O mi bone Iesu A 2. 2 Canti ò Tenori
2. Adoro te Deus creator A 2. Alto e Baſſo
3. O Maria o dulcis Maria A 2. Canto e Alto
4. Pandite cęlum A 2. Canto e Tenore
5. Aue vera lux dierum. Canto e Baſſo
6. Regina cæli lætare A 2. Alto e Tenore
7. Gaudete iubilate et exultate A 2. 2 Tenori
8. Congregati ſunt inimici nostri A 2. Due Baſſi. Dedicato Al Sig. D. Michiele
Freſchi Baſſo Ecc. Del Domo di Padoua.
9. Benedico te Iesus A 3. Due Canti e Baſſo
10. Currite omnes exultantes A 3. Alto Tenore, e Baſſo
11. Aue Regina cælorum A 3. Alto Tenore e Baſſo
12. Hodie exultet orbis A 3. Due Tenori e Baſſo
13. Salue Regina A 3. Alto Tenore e Baſſo
14. Aue ſalus mundi A 3. Canto Alto e Tenore
4. The catalogue
O fons veri amoris. A 4.
O immaculata et in æternum benedicta. A 4.
O amantiſſime Iesu. A 5.
Ad te virgo mater Dei. A 5.
Composer(s): Tomasi, Biagio (1585c–1640)
Title: MOTECTA | Binis, Ternis, Quaterniſque vocibus concinenda vna cum Litanijs
| B. MARIAE Virginis quattuor vocibus | EMINENTISSIMO PRINCIPI | D. IOANNI
FRANCISCO CARDINALI A BALNEO | Sanctę Ceruiens. Ecclesię Vigilantisſimo
Antiſtiti. | DICATA | AVCTORE | BLASIO DE TOMASIIS | Comaclenſe Terrę Maſſę
Fiſcaleę Archipresbitero & in hac | parte Eiuſdem Eminentisſimi ac Reuerendisſimi in |
Spiritualibus & Temporalibus Vicario &c. | Opus Sextum. | [the cardinals’ coat of arms] |
VENETIIS | ANNO MDCXXXV. || Appud Bartholomeum Magni |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1635
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer Principi Ioanni Francisco de Guidis signed Massa Fiscaglia, 1st September 1635.
At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50852 Muz.
Notes on item: S and A partbooks missing. The specimen underwent conservation
in 1996. On the title page written in pencil: 513 | V.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [D G | 5]; [Nro 112]; Mus. 724.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 409–410; RISM A/I: T 922; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Salue Regina A 2 voci. 2. Soprani ò Tenori
2. Aue Regina Cęlorum A 2. 2. Canti ò Tenori.
3. Regina Cęli lętare A 2. 2. Canti ò Tenori
4. Aue Maria à 2. Tenore e Canto.
5. Trahe me poſt te à 2. Canti ò Tenori
6. Quam pulchri ſunt greſſus tui à 2. Canti ò Tenori.
7. Fulcite me floribus A 2. Canti ò Tenori
8. Egredimini filię Sion A 2. Canto e Alto ò Baſſo e Canto ò Tenore
9. Tota pulcra es amica mea A 2. Canto ò Tenore è Baſſo
10. Trahe me poſt te A 2. Canto ò Tenore è Baſſo
11. Tota pulcra es amica mea A 3. 2 Canti ò Tenori è Baſſo
12. Congratulamini mihi A 3. 2 Canti ò Tenori è Baſſo
13. Alma Redemptoris Mater A 3. Canti ò Tenori è Baſſo
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
O Glorioſa Domina A 3. 2 Canti ò Tenori è Baſſo
Quaſi Cedrus exaltata ſum A Quattro voci.
O Maria Sanctisſima tota pulcra es A 4. voci
Lettanie B. V. A 4. voci (Kyrie – Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Cazzati, Maurizio (1616–1678)
Title: MESSA SALMI | E LETANIE, | DI | MAVRITIO CAZZATI | Maeſtro di Cappella
dell’ Illuſtriſſima Accademia | della morte in Ferrara. | DEDICATI | ALL’ ILL.MO
SIG.OR MARCHESE | FRANCESCO FIASCHI | Marcheſe di Borgo S. Dalmacio,
e Prencipe | di detta Accademia. | OPERA NONA, | CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s
mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. M. DC. XXXXVIII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1648
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the
composer dated 8th December 1648. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo and
dynamic indications: largo, allegro, piano, più piano. In bc partbook of Dixit Dominus
and Confiteor tibi a remark concerning the falsobordone practice: Sopra queste notte
si canta tutto il Salmo. Following Confitebor printed also E ſi può cantare alla quarta,
ò, alla quinta Baſſa. che le parti rieſcera Alto, tenor, è Baſſo.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50336 Muz.
Notes on item: S II partbook missing.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: H [2] | 4; Nro 113; Mus. 227.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 94; RISM A/I: C 1588; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/viewschedatwbca.asp?
path=/cmbm/images/ripro/gaspari/_Y/Y002/ (the specimen from I-Bc)
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Meſſa Concertata à 3. Voci, Doi Canti, è Baſſo. (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo)
2. Dixit Dominus à 3. Doi Canti, ouer Tenori, è Baſſo.
3. Confitebor tibi a 3. Canto, Alto, è Tenore. E ſi può cantare alla quarta, ò quinta
Baſſa, che le parti rieſcerà Alto, Tenor, è Basso
4. Beatus vir à 3. Canto, Alto, è Tenore.
5. Laudate pueri à 3. Doi Tenori, è Baſſo.
6. Laudate Dominum à 3. Doi Tenori, è Baſſo.
7. Magnificat à 3. Doi Canti, ò Tenori, è Baſſo.
8. Lætanie à 2. Canto, è Tenore. Con l’agionta di Alto, è Baſſo, ſe piace à 2. Canto,
è Baſſo. (Kyrie eleiſon – Agnus Dei)
4. The catalogue
Composer(s): Freschi, Domenico (1625c–1710)
Title: MESSA | A 5. e Salmi A 3. e 5. con trè ſtromenti | DI P. DOMENICO FRESCHI
| Maeſtro di Capella della Catedrale di Vicenza | Opera Prima | Dedicata | ALL’ILL.mi
E REV.mi SIG.ri CANONICI | D’ESSA CATEDRALE | [typographer’s mark] | IN
VENETIA M DCLX. Apreſſo Franceſco Magni detto Gardano |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1660
Description: Set of 9 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T I, T II, B, vl I, vl II, violoncino, org. On
p. 2 dedication of the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50446 Muz.
Notes on item: S and bc partbooks missing. T II and vl I partbooks damaged by humidity. The specimen underwent conservation in 1993. Some handwritten accidentals,
text and music errata (bis), bar lines and pitch corrections. On the title page written in
pencil: 218 | IX.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: N D | 9; Nro 114; Mus. 324.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 138; RISM A/I: F 1850; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Meſſa à 5. & trè ſtromenti (Sinfonia – Kyrie – Gloria – Credo)
2. Dixit Dominus à 5. e trè ſtromenti (Sinfonia – Dixit Dominus)
3. Confitebor à 3. e 3 ſtromenti (Sinfonia – Confitebor)
4. Beatus vir à 5. e trè ſtromenti (Sinfonia – Beatus vir)
5. Laudate pueri à 3. è 3 ſtromenti (Sinfonia – Laudate pueri)
6. Laudate Dominum à 5. e 3 ſtromenti (Sinfonia – Laudate Dominum)
7. Magnificat à 5. e 3 ſtromenti
Composer(s): Sabbatini, Galeazzo (1597–1662)
| CONCERTATI | A DVE, TRE, ET QVATTRO, VOCI. | Con la riſpoſta à quattro
voci, e due Violini ad alcuni verſi che incominciano Quando la | Donna ſi diſmoſtra
altiera, Poſti nel terzo de’ Madrigali à 6. Del Sig. Steffano Bernardi. | DEDICATO |
Stiria, Carintia, e Carniola, &c. | OPERA SECONDA | Nouamente Riſtampata, |
[typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXVI. |
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1636
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II/A, T, B, bc. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50764 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. In T partbook part of the page including
stamp mark was cut out; probably the same paper fragment was then pasted in again
after conservation. The specimen underwent conservation in 1992. Single handwritten
accidentals. On the title page written in pencil: 448 | V.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[5 | ;]סN. 115; [Mus. 636].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 347; RISM A/I: S 15, SS 15; NV 2503; www.bibliotecamusica.it
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Stringimi quanto vuoi, bella nemica A 2. Doi Canti, ò Tenori
2. Ohimè miſero, io canto A 2. Doi Canti, ò Tenori
3. Occhi crudi, occhi belli A 2. Canto, è Alto
4. Luſinghero ſoſpiro, ch’eſci dal petto a la mia cruda fera A 2. Doi Alti.
5. Ahi troppo ſei crudele, Clorinda, anima mia A 2. Alto, e Tenore.
6. Ch’io volga mai più gl’occhi a quell’ingrata A 2. Doi Tenori.
7. Tu pur mi fuggi, Clori, ma fuggi quanto sai A 2. Doi Tenori.
8. Ch’io mora, ohimè ch’io mora A 2. Canto, ò Tenore, e Baſſo. [Giambattista Marino]
9. Ecco Filli, cor mio, ecco mi parto ohimè A 3. Canto, Alto, e Tenore.
10. Se gl’occhi voſtr’io miro, donna A 3. Doi Canti, ò Tenori, e Baſſo. [Giambattista
11. Premeuo vn giorno alla mia Filli A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
12. Vanne, meſto ſoſpir, nuntio d’amore A 3. Doi Tenori, e Baſſo.
13. Se gia t’amai, crudele A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo. [Alessandro Gatti]
14. Ecco la Primauera, ecco il novello aprile A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo
15. Quel Auretta che spira A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo
16. Se ben la Donna si dimostra altiera. Riſpoſta alle parole del Sig. [Stefano] Bernardi a 4 voci. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo con doi Violini.
Composer(s): Abbatini, Antonio Maria (1595–1679); Benevoli, Orazio (1605–1672);
Bicilli, Giovanni (1623–1705); Capponi, Giovanni Angelo (1607c–1688); Carissimi,
Giacomo (1605–1674); Carpani, Giovanni Antonio (1638–1672); Cecchelli, Carlo (fl.
1626–1664); Durante, Silvestro (1671p†); Fabri, Stefano (1606c–1658); Foggia, Francesco (1603–1688); Giovannoni, Vincenzo (17.sc); Graziani, Bonifazio (1604–1664);
Margarini, Francesco (17.sc); Santucci, Girolamo (17.sc); Silvestris, Florido de (1600c–
–1673); Tarditi, Paolo (1649p†)
4. The catalogue
Title: R. FLORIDUS | CANONICUS DE SYLVESTRIS | A Barbarano | Has alias
Sacras Cantiones, | Ab Excellentiſſimis Muſices Auctoribus ſuauiſſimis | Modulis |
BINIS, tERNIS, QVAtERNISQUE VoCIBUS | Concinnatas, | In Lucem edendas
Curauit. | [coat of arms] || ROMAE, Expenſis Antonij Poggioli ad ſignum Martelli. ||
Ex Typographia Ludouici Grignani, 1650. Superiorum permiſſu. |
Publication: Roma: Lodovico Grignani 1650
Description: Cfr. the doublette, no. 373 in the present catalogue.
Shelfmark: Specimen no longer preserved. According to Dehn, from this specimen
only S I partbook was preserved, but now missing.
Notes on item: [–]
Provenance: Old shelfmarks: [K N | 5]; [Nro 116].
Catalogues: Cfr. no. 373
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
Contents: Cfr. no. 373
Composer(s): Grandi, Alessandro (1586–1630)
Title: CANTATE | ET ARIE | A VOCE SOLA | Commode da Cantarſi nel Clauicembalo,
Chitarrone, ò altro ſimile | Stromento, con le Lettere dell’Alfabetto, & Intauolatura | per la
Chitarra alla Spagnola. | DEL SIGNOR | ALESSANDRO GRANDI | Maeſtro di Cappella
in Santa Maria Maggiore di Bergamo. | LIBRo QVARto. | RACCOLTE DA GIACOMO
GRANDI SVO FIGLIOLO | Muſico nella detta Cappella. Nouamente compoſte, | date in
luce. | CON LICENZA DE SVPERIORI, ET PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN
VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXIX. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1629
Description: According to the catalogue of 1909, one volume in 4o. On p. 2 dedication of the composer to Antonio Rosa and Paolo Rossi, dated 10th October 1629.
Shelfmark: Specimen no longer preserved.
Notes on item: [–]
Provenance: Old shelfmarks: [L+]; [Nro 117]; [Mus. 364c] (from the private collection of Emil Bohn).
Catalogues: BohnD, not listed; RISM A/I: not listed; NV 1270, where: Esemplari di
cui non si hanno più notizie esistevano a: Breslau (Elisabeth-Bibliothek), Leipzig (Musikbibliothek Peters) e Berlin (Libr. Leo Leipmanssohn, catal. 1896). Cfr. Giulia Giovani,
“old and Rare music and Books on music”: le Cantade ‘ritrovate’ di Alessandro Grandi,
“Studi musicali. Nuova serie” 1 (2010), p. 157.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Rott’ho la fè spietate [prima parte] – Ahi so che spargo (seconda parte) A 1.
2. Arcier ch’armato A 1.
3. Quest’è pur quella notte A 1.
4. Lilla, sorda a miei prieghi A 1.
5. Vientene, o mia crudel A 1.
6. Filli, per altro amante A 1.
7. Vaghe ninfe A 1.
8. Io non bramo la vita A 1.
9. Se brami hormai A 1.
10. Clori, che d’un cor, che sol per te si vive A 1.
11. Lidia, più non ti voglio A 3.
12. Crudel, tu vuoi ch’io mora? Ecco ch’io moro A 3.
13. Mentre sdegnasti amarmi A 1.
14. E che pensavi tu A 1.
15. Quando un’anima havrai A 1.
16. Crudeltà cogl’amanti A 1.
17. Arder innamorato A 1.
18. Fuggiam, fuggiamo A 1.
19. O con ragion A 1.
20. Dal giardino d’amore A 1.
21. A le dolcezze, ai canti A 1.
22. Altro alfin non è amore A 1.
23. Chi sa amar e tacer, mercede accetti A 1.
Composer(s): Cherubino, Nicolo (17.sc)
Title: SACRæ CANTIONES | Quae Binis Ternis Quaterniſq; Vocibus Concinuntur,
| vnà Cum Baſſo ad organum | AVCtoRE | NICOLAO CHERVBINO | Auximano
in Cathedrali Auximanae | Ciuitatis Organiſta. Liber Primus | AD ILLVST.mum AC
Aracęli Auximinę | Ciuitatis Epiſcopum. [the cardinal’s coat of arms] | VENETIIS,
M.DC.XXIX. || Apud Bartolomeum Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1629
Description: Set of 3 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, B ad org. On p. 3 dedication (using
only words beginning with A) dated 1st April 1629 by the composer. At the end – a list
of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50350 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. S I partbook missing.
4. The catalogue
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: F | 3; [Nro 118]; [Mus. 242].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 98–99; RISM A/I: C 2029; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Hæc eſt Virgo Sapiens. A Due Voci. 2 Soprani.
2. Aſſumpta eſt Maria. A Due Voci. 2 Soprani.
3. Transfige Dulciſsime Ieſu. A Due Voci. Alto, e Soprano.
4. Aue Regina Cęlorum. A Due Voci. Alto, e Soprano.
5. O Sacra Sponſa Virgo Scholaſtica. A Due Voci. 2. Alti.
6. Dum aurora. A Due Voci. 2. Alti.
7. Veni Sponſa Chriſti. A Due Voci. 2. Tenori.
8. Venite omnes gentes. A Due Voci. 2. Tenori.
9. Hodie Chriſtus natus eſt. A Due Voci. 2. Tenori.
10. Veni Domine & noli tardare. A Due Voci. 2. Baſsi.
11. Roſa vernans caritatis. A Due Voci. Canto, e Tenore.
12. Lucia Virgo in tua patientia. A Due Voci. Baſſo, e Soprano.
13. Ecce Sacerdos magnus. A Due Voci. Baſſo, e Soprano.
14. O Bone Ieſu o dulciſsime Ieſu. A Due Voci. Alto, e Baſſo.
15. Leuita Laurentius bonum opus operatus eſt. A Due Voci. 2. Tenori
16. Quem vidiſtis Paſtores. A 3. Voci. 3. Soprani
17. Sanĉti & iuſti in Domino gaudete. A 3. Voci. 2. Soprani, e Baſſo.
18. Eſtote fortes in bello. A 3. Voci. 2. Tenori, e Baſſo.
19. Iſte Sanĉtus pro lege Dei. A 3. Voci. Canto, Tenore, e Alto.
20. Amor Ieſu Dulciſsime A 4. Voci. 2. Sop. Alto, e Baſſo.
21. Filię Ieruſalem egredimini & videte. A 4. Voci. 2. Sop. Alto, e Tenore.
Composer(s): Gandino (Gandini), Salvadore (17.sc)
Title: MESSA E SALMI | DELLA B. V. MARIA A 4. è 5. voci | Con due violini parte
obligati, & ad libitum | CONSECRATI | ALLA | SERENIS.MA ALTEZZA | DI HENRIETTA ADELEIDE | Di Sauoia Eletrice del S. R. Imp. è Duccheſſa di Bauiera & c.
| DA D. SALVADOR GANDINO | Opera Quinta. Con Priuilegio. | [typographer’s
mark] | IN VENETIA MDCLVIII Apreſſo Franceſco Magni |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1658
Description: Set of 8 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, A, T, B, vl I, vl II, org. On p. 2 dedication of the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo
indications: adaſio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50457 Muz.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Notes on item: Org partbook missing. A partbook damaged on the edges, refilled after
conservation in 1994. Some handwritten accidentals, note corrections, calculations of
rest lengths, text and music errata (bis; repetatur), in some cases on paper sheets inserted
between the pages (i.e. vl I, pp. 8–9). On the title page written in pencil: 231 | VIII; 328.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [M 2 | 8]; [Nro 119]; [Mus. 337].
Catalogues: EitnerQ: IV, p. 144; BohnD, p. 145; RISM A/I: G 329; http://sscm-jscm.
org/instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Meſſa à 5. voci con due violini (Sinfonia – Kyrie – Gloria – Credo)
2. Dixit Dominus à 5 voci. è due violini
3. Laudate pueri à 4. con violini ſe piace
4. Lætatus ſum à 4. voci
5. Niſi Dominus. voce ſola con due violini
6. Lauda Ieruſalem à 4. voci
7. Magnificat à 5. con violini ſe piace
Composer(s): Monteverdi, Claudio (1567–1643)
Title: SCHERZI | MVSICALI | Cioè Arie, & Madrigali in ſtil [!] recitatiuo, | con vna
Ciaccona A 1. & 2. voci | Del M.to Ill.re & M.to R.do Sig.r Claudio Monteuerde. | Maeſtro di Capella della Sereniss. Repub. | Di Venetia. | Raccolti da Bartholomeo Magni |
& Nouamente ſtampati. | CoN PRIVILEGIo | [typographer’s mark] | STAMPA DEL
GARDANO | IN VENETIA M.DCXXXII. || Appreſſo Bartholomeo Magni.
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Bartolomeo Magni 1632
Description: One volume in 4o. On p. 2 dedication of the editor to Pietro Capello
Digniſſimo Podeſta e Capitanio di Capo d’Iſtria dated 20th June 1632. At the end – a list
of contents. Some dynamic and performance indications: Ecco, Forte.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50642 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. P. 52 erroneously printed twice and
marked in print: Queſta faciata e doppia però voltare carta. Some handwritten accidentals. A section was cut out of the title page including probably the stamp mark; the
missing letters of the title are handwritten there.
Provenance: The volume bears Rhediger Library and Stadtbibliothek Breslau stamps.
Old shelfmarks: t | 1; Nro 120; Mus. 512a (from the private collection of Emil Bohn).
Catalogues: BohnD, not listed; RISM A/I: M 3499; VogelB: I, p. 517; NV 1954
4. The catalogue
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=37023
Modern edition: tutte le opere di Claudio Monteverdi, vol. 10: Canzonette e scherzi
musicali, ed. Gian Francesco Malipiero, Wien: Universal Edition 1929
Recording: Claudio Monteverdi: Scherzi Musicali, Emanuela Galli, La Venexiana,
Claudio Cavina, Glossa 2009 (GCD 920915)
1. Maledetto ſia l’aſpetto à 1
2. Quel ſguardo ſdegnoſetto (Prima Parte) – Armateui, pupille, d’aſpriſſime rigore
(Seconda Parte) – Begli’occhi à l’armi io ui preparo (Terza Parte) à 1
3. Eri già tutta mia à 1
4. Ecco di dolci raggi il Sol armato à 1
5. Io, ch’armato ſin hor d’un duro gelo à 1
6. Et è pur dunque diſhumanato cor anima cruda. con Simfonie à 1
7. Zefiro torna e di soavi accenti. Ciaccona à 2 [Ottavio Rinuccini]
8. Armato il cor d’adamantina fede à 2
Composer(s): Marini, Biagio (1594–1663)
Cinque Voci, e parte con due Violini | DEDICATE | All’Illuſtriſsimo, & Reuerendiſsimo
OLIVETANO | DA BIAGIO MARINI | Gentil’huomo, & Cauagliere del Sereniſs. Palatino
di Noiburg. [!] | OPERA DECIMA TERZA | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, ||
Apreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXXI. [bc partbook: MDCXXXX] |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1641 (bc partbook: 1640)
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S/T/A, T, B, vl I, vl II, bc. On p. 2 of the vocal partbooks dedication of the composer dated 23rd January 1641. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50600 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. The specimen underwent conservation in 1990. Vl I and vl II partbooks missing. Single handwritten accidentals. On p. 11
of T partbook handwritten text and music errata. In B partbook text errata on small
printed paper sheets. On the title page written in pencil: 321 | VI.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: V | 6; Nro 121; Mus. 470.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 273; RISM A/I: M 665; VogelB: I, p. 417; NV 1718
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Biagio Marini, Compositioni varie per musica di camera, opus 13,
ed. Thomas D. Dunn, Middleton (Wisconsin): A-R Editions, 2011 (Recent Researches
in the Music of the Baroque Era, 169)
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Recording: [–]
1. Torna l’inuerno frigido A 2 voci. Due Canti o Tenori.
2. Ecco ch’io manco, o Dori ſpietata A 2. voci. Alto e Tenore. All’ Illuſtriſſimo Sig.
Nicoletto Donato
3. Miratemi, ò begl’occhi A 2 voci. Due Alti o Canti ſonando alla quarta baſſa [or:]
à quinta alta
4. Deh come in un momento A 3. voci. Alto Tenore & Baſſo [Francesco Rasi]
5. Qui, dove il ſol ſerena A 3 voci. Alto Tenore & Baſſo
6. Paſtorella vaga e bella A 4. Canto Baſſo, & due violini
7. Non fuggir, vago augello A 4. Alto e Tenore, e due Violini
8. Ch’io non ſenta per voi tormenti e guai A 4. Alto e Baſſo, e due Violini
9. Hor che Giouanni entro al deſerto A 5. Spirituale. Canto Tenore Baſſo & due Violini
10. Già brutto non ſon io A 5. due Tenori e Baſſo, e due violini
11. Hor ſò come da ſè’l cor si diſgiunge A 5. Alto Tenore e Baſſo, e due Violini
[Francesco Petrarca]
12. Sù l’ali del tempo A 5. Alto Tenore e Baſſo e due Violini
13. Sparſ ’ho in pianto il mio ſangue A 5. Doi Tenori, Baſſo, e due Violini
14. Aure placide e volanti A 5. Canto Tenore e Baſſo, e due Violini
15. Per torbido mare m’ha fatto il penſiero A 5. Alto; Tenore, e Baſſo, e due Violini
16. Io che pianſi al tuo pianto A 5. Due Canti e Baſſo, e due Violini
17. Una fanciulla m’ha rubato il cor A 5. Canto, Tenore e Baſſo, e due Violini
18. A Dio begl’occhi A 7. Due Canti, Alto, Tenore e Baſſo, e due Violini
Composer(s): Frescobaldi, Girolamo (1583–1643)
ROMA | LIBRO PRIMO. | CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA,
|| Appreſſo Aſſandro [!] Vincenti. MDCXXXIV. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1634
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, B I, B II, bc. On p. 2 of the vocal partbooks
dedication of the composer to Desiderio Scaglia dated 10th January 1635. At the end – a list
of contents. Some tempo and dynamic indications: alegro, adagio, preſto, pian, forte.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50448 Muz.
Notes on item: S I partbook missing. B I and bc partbooks damaged on edges, refilled with paper after conservation. S II and B I partbooks incomplete, S II contains only
individual pages, B I missing the first and last pages. Numerous handwritten accidentals, bc numbering, and bar lines. On p. 23 of bc partbook handwritten errata of the
music of Canzon Seconda a 2. On the title page written in pencil: 220 | V.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [W | 5]; [Nro 122]; [Mus. 326].
4. The catalogue
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 139; RISM A/I: F 1870; SartoriB: 1634; www.bibliotecamusica.it
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Girolamo Frescobaldi, Canzoni da sonare a una, due, tre et quattro
con il Basso Continuo. Libro Primo (Venezia 1634), ed. Andrea Friddi, Werner Icking
Music Collection (http://imslp.org/wiki/File:WIMA.ffad-Frescobaldi_Urtext.pdf)
Recording: Girolamo Frescobaldi: Canzoni da sonare, Musica Fiata, Roland Wilson,
Deutsche Harmonia Mundi 1994 (77313)
1. Canzon Prima. Canto ſolo.
2. Canzon Seconda. Canto ſolo.
3. Canzon Terza. Canto ſolo.
4. Canzon Quarta. Canto ſolo.
5. Canzon Prima. Baſſo ſolo.
6. Canzon Seconda. Baſſo ſolo.
7. Canzon Terza. Baſſo ſolo.
8. Canzon Prima. A Due Baſſi.
9. Canzon Seconda. A Due Baſſi.
10. Canzon Terza. A Due Baſſi.
11. Canzon Quarta. A Due Baſſi.
12. Canzon Prima. A 2. Canto e Baſſo.
13. Canzon Seconda. A 2. Canto e Baſſo.
14. Canzon Terza. A 2. Canto e Baſſo.
15. Canzon Quarta. A 2. Canto e Baſſo.
16. Canzon Quinta. A 2. Canto e Baſſo.
17. Canzon Seſta. A 2. Canto e Baſſo
18. Canzon Prima A Due Canti.
19. Canzon Seconda A Due Canti.
20. Canzon Terza A Due Canti.
21. Canzon Quarta A Due Canti.
22. Canzon Prima A 3. Due Baſſi e Canto.
23. Canzon Seconda A 3. Due Baſſi e Canto.
24. Canzon Terza A 3. Due Baſſi e Canto.
25. Canzon Quarta A 3. Due Baſſi e Canto.
26. Canzon Prima A 3. Due Canti e Baſſo.
27. Canzon Seconda A 3. Due Canti e Baſſo.
28. Canzon Terza A 3. Due Canti e Baſſo.
29. Canzon Quarta A 3. Due Canti e Baſſo.
30. Canzon Quinta A 3. Due Canti e Baſſo.
31. Canzon Prima A 4. Due Canti e Due Baſſi.
32. Canzon Seconda A 4. Due Canti e Due Baſſi.
33. Canzon Terza A 4. Due Canti e Due Baſſi.
34. Canzon Quarta A 4. Due Canti e Due Baſſi.
35. Canzon Prima A 4. Canto Alto Tenor Baſſo. Sopra Rugier.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Canzon Seconda A 4. Canto Alto Tenor, e Baſſo. Sopra Romaneſca.
Canzon Terza A 4. Canto Alto Tenor, e Baſſo.
Canzon Quarta A 4. Canto Alto Tenor, e Baſſo.
Canzon Quinta A 4. Canto Alto Tenor, e Baſſo.
Canzon Sesta A 4. Canto Alto Tenor, e Baſſo.
Composer(s): Pesenti, Martino (1600c–1648)
Illuſtre, & Eccellentiſsimo Signor | FRANCESCO POZZO | CON PRIVILEGIO. |
[typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Apreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. M DC XXXXI. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1641
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: T I, T II, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the publisher dated 23rd April 1641. At the end – the composer’s letter to the readers and a list
of contents. Some tempo indications: Adagio, preſto.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50679 Muz.
Notes on item: Only B and bc partbooks extant. Some handwritten tempo indications and calculations of rest lengths. Individual pasted-on paper sheets with text
errata. On the title page written in pencil: 378 | IV. Part of the title page of bc partbook
was cut out, including probably the stamp mark, now pasted on another page without
provenance data.
Provenance: Both extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[X | 4]; [Nro 123]; Mus. 548.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 304; RISM A/I: P 1551; VogelB: II, p. 74; NV 2197; www.
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. In braccio à libertà tutto raccolto à 2. Doi Tenori
2. Ardo, tacito amante à 2. Doi Tenori [Girolamo Preti]
3. Di fiamme acceſo e di catene avvolto à 2. Doi Tenori
4. Duro è filli quel monte à 2. Doi Tenori
5. Non t’inalzar, ſe ben nell’aureo crine à 2. Doi Tenori
6. Clori, tu piangi in vano à 2. Doi Tenori
7. Sotto vn ſilentio tacito e profondo à 2. Tenor e Baſſo
8. Son del bel volto tuo l’ire à 2. Doi Soprani o Tenori [Giambattista Marino]
9. Soura il tenero fianco à 2. Doi Soprani o Tenori [Giambattista Marino]
4. The catalogue
Sì, sì, lo so ben io à 2. Doi Soprani o Tenori
Cieco, irato e fugace [prima stanza] – Invido, tu vorresti (seconda stanza) –
Rompi il posesso a gl’occhi (terza stanza). Canzonetta à 2. Doi Soprani o Tenori
Gioisca pur chi vuole in rimirar nel più fiorito aprile. Corrente à 2. Doi Soprani
o Tenori
O quante volte o quante, al mio bel sole avante à 3. Doi Tenori e Baſſo
Sdegno, tu che ſol puoi, campion audace à 3. Doi Tenori e Baſſo
Aſcolta come freme e qual minaccia pruine à 3. Doi Canti e Alto. Queſta parte
ſi può cantare in Baſſo con vi eſſendo contralto
Non ti doler, mio core à 3. Doi Tenori e Baſſo
E come potrò gir, s’e’l ciel à Tre Tenori
Mentre miraua un giorno Niso di Lidia amante. Canzonetta et Corrente à 3.
Doi Tenori e Baſſo
Composer(s): Sabbatini, Galeazzo (1597–1662)
DA PESARO. | Concertati à due, tre, e quattro voci. | OPERA PRIMA. | Nouamente
riſtampata, & corretta. | Con licenza de’ Superiori, & Priuilegio. | [typographer’s mark]
| In Venetia, Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. 1639. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1639
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, T, B, bc. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50763 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Complete set of partbooks. The specimen underwent conservation in 1992. Single handwritten accidentals. On the title
page written in pencil: 447 | V.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
Y | 5; N. 124; [Mus. 635].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 348; RISM A/I: S 13; VogelB: II, p. 179; NV 2501
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. O begl’occhi di ſole, belle guancie d’aurora A 2. Doi Canti, ò Tenori
2. Parti, dice la lingua, con parole che a pena par A 2. Doi Canti, ò Tenori
3. Fulmina de la bocca un duro no’l mio bene A 2. Doi Canti, ò Tenori
4. Amatemi, ben mio, perchè ſdegna il mio core ogn’altro A 2. Doi Canti, ò Tenori
5. Ardon con puro ardore i begl’occhi lucenti A 2. Doi Canti, ò Tenori
6. Mio cor, tu ami e peni, perchè il bel sol ch’adori A 2. Doi Tenori, ò Canti
7. Ahi tu piangi, mia vita, e piango anch’io A 2. Doi Tenori, ò Canti
8. Ohimè ſarà pur vero ch’io mi possa partire A 2. Alto, e Tenore
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Io ſon pur sì vezzoſa e ſì leggiadra e bella A 2. Baſſo, e Canto, ò Tenore
Dunque credete ch’io v’habbia dato il mio core A 2. Canto, ò Tenore, e Baſſo.
Porta in dito coſtei d’oro la bella fede A 3. Doi Canti, e Baſſo
Caro vezzo d’Amor che m’invita ad amar A 3. Doi Canti e Baſſo [Alessandro
Riede la primavera, torna la bella Clori A 3. Canto, Tenore, e Baſſo [Giambattista Marino]
Eran Ninfe, e pastori uniti con le Gratie A 3. Doi Canti, e Alto, ò all’8 Baſſo,
e doi Canti, ò Tenori [Mutio Manfredi]
Mentre io miraua fiſo della mia donna A 3. Doi Canti, e Tenore [Torquato Tasso]
Donna, io vorrei dir molto, ma la lingua tremante A 3. Doi Canti, ò Tenori,
e Baſſo [Giambattista Marino]
Ahi ahi rigide roſe, fermate ohimè le spine inſidiose A 3. Alto, Tenore [in bc
partbook: Doi Tenore], e Baſſo
Ch’io non v’ami? A 4. Doi Tenori, Canto, e Baſſo
S’io miro il mio bel ſol A 4. Doi Canti, Alto, e Baſſo
Composer(s): Monteverdi, Claudio (1567–1643)
Title: SELVA | [red ink only in S I partbook] MORALE | [black ink] ET | [red ink]
SPIRITVALE | [pag. 3] [black ink] DI | CLAVDIO | MONTEVERDE | Maeſtro
Di Capella della Serenissima | Republica Di Venetia | DEDICAtA | ALLA SACRA
Licenza de Superiori, & Priuilegio. | [typographer’s mark] IN VENETIA M DC XXXXI
|| Appresso Bartolomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1641
Description: Set of 10 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, A I, A/B II, T I, T II, B I, vl I, vl II, bc.
On p. 4 dedication of the composer dated 1st May 1641. At the end – a list of contents.
Some tempo indications: Alquanto preſto.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50643 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Single handwritten accidentals, calculations of rest lengths, text incipits and performance indications. On the title page
written in pencil: 358 | X.
Provenance: All partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [Π | 10];
[Nro 125]; Mus. 514.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 289; RISM A/I: M 3446; NV 1955; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/viewschedatwbca.
asp?path=/cmbm/images/ripro/gaspari/BB/BB013/ (the specimen from I-Bc)
Modern edition: Claudio Monteverdi, Selva morale e spirituale, ed. Denis Stevens,
Cremona: Fondazione Claudio Monteverdi 1998
4. The catalogue
Recording: Claudio Monteverdi: Selva Morale e Spirituale, Cantus Cölln, Concerto
Palatino, Konrad Junghänel, Harmonia Mundi 2011 (HMC 901718)
1. O ciechi, il tanto affaticar che giova. Madrigale morale A 5. voci & due violini
2. Voi ch’aſcoltate in rime sparse in suono. Madrigale morale A 5. voci & due violini [Francesco Petrarca]
3. E’ queſta vita vn lampo, ch’all’apparir dispare A 5. voci
4. Spuntaua il dì quando una roſa ſoura una verde piaggia (Prima Parte) – Ma più
dolce ruggiada che dal Ciel cada (Seconda Parte) – La vagheggiano gl’Alberi
(Terza Parte) – Per valletta ò per Campagna (Quarta Parte) – Ahi, quel ſole
che dianzi in su l’Aurora [or:] Ah d’humana bellezza cui tant’il monfo apprezza
(Quinta, & Vltima Parte). Canzonetta morale A 3. voci
5. Chi vol che m’innamori, mi dica almen. Canzon morale A 3. con due violini
6. Meſſa A 4. Da Capella (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Benediĉtus – Agnus
7. Gloria in excelſis Deo A 7. voci concertata con due violini & quattro viole da
brazzo ouero 4. Tromboni quali anco ſi ponno laſciare ſe occoreſse l’acidente.
8. Crucifixus A quatro voci. Baſſo Tenore Quinto & Alto
9. Et reſurexit A Due Soprani o Tenori con due violini
10. Et iterum venturus eſt A 3 voci & Inſtrumenti. Baſſo & due Contralti Concertato con quatro Tronboni o viole da brazzo quali si ponno anco laſciare il qual
Crucifixus ſeruirà per variatione della Meſſa a quatro pigliando queſto in loco
di quello notato tra li due ſegni
11. Ab ęterno ordinata ſum. Motetto a Voce ſola Baſſo
12. Dixit Dominus Primo A 8 voci concertato con due violini & quattro viole
o Tronboni quali ſe pottaſſe l’accidente anco ſi ponno laſciare
13. Dixit Dominus Secondo à 8 voci concertato con gli ſtesſi iſtromenti del primo
& nel medeſimo modo
14. Confitebor tibi Primo à 3 voci con 5 altre voci ne repieni
15. Confitebor tibi Secondo à 3. voci concertato con due violini
16. Confitebor tibi Terzo alla franceſe à 5 voci qual ſi puo concertare ſe piacerà con
quattro viole da brazzo laſciando a parte del Soprano alla voce ſola
17. Beatus vir Primo à 6. voci concertato con due violini & 3 viole da brazzo ouero
3 Tromboni quali anco ſi ponno laſciare
18. Beatus vir Secondo à 5. voci qual ſi puo cantare ridoppiato & forte o come
19. Laudate pueri Primo concertato A 5. voci con due violini
20. Laudate pueri Secondo à 5. voci con Inſtrumenti
21. Laudate Dominum Primo a 5. voci concertato con due violini & vn choro
a quattro voci qual potraſi e cantare e ſonare con quattro viole o Tronboni &
anco laſciare ſe acadeſſe il biſogno
22. Laudate Dominum Secondo Concertato à 8. voci & due violini
23. Laudate Dominum Terzo A 8. Voci da Capella
24. Credidi propter del Quarto Tuono à 8 voci da Capella
25. Memento Domine Dauid A 8 voci da Capella Quarti Toni
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Sanĉtorum meritis Primo Himnus Comune plurimorum Martirum à voce ſola
& due violini ſopra ad vna medeſima aria – Deus tuorum militum Comune
vnius Martiris Sopra ad vna medeſima aria Con due violini – Iſte Confeſſor
Himnus Comune Confeſſorum Solo
Sanĉtorum meritis Secondo Himnus à voce ſola concertato con due violini
ſopra a la qual aria ſi puo cantare anco altri Hinni pero che ſijno dello ſteſſo
Metro. Vnius Martiris Plurimorum Martirum & Confeſſorum
Iſte Confeſſor A 2. voce ſola concertato con due violini ſopra alla qual ſi puo
cantare parimente Vt queant laxis di S. Gio. Batt. & ſimili. Comune Confeſſorum Sopra la ſteſſa aria ſi potranno cantare ancora del medeſimo Metro
Deus tuorum militum A 3. voci e due violini Himnus con doi violini. Vnius
martiris Sopra la ſteſſa aria ſi potranno cantare ancora Iesu corona Virginum,
Chriſte Redemptor omnium & altri del medeſimo Metro
Magnificat Primo concertato à 8. voci & due violini & quattro viole ouero
quatro Tronboni quali in acidente ſi ponno laſciare
Magnificat Secondo Primo Tuono a quattro voci in genere da Capella
Salue Regina à voce ſola con dentro vn Ecco voce sola concertata con doi
Salue Regina à 2. voci due Tenori o due ſoprani
Salue Regina à 3. voci Alto Baſſo & Tenore o Soprano
Iubilate tota Ciuitas Motetto à voce Sola in Dialogo
Laudate Dominum in ſanctis eius Voce ſola Soprano ò Tenore
Pianto della Madonna à voce ſola Sopra al Lamento d’Arianna. Iam moriar mi
Fili – Mi Ieſu mi ſponſe – Hæc ſunt promiſſa arcangeli Gabrielis – Heu fili non
Composer(s): Lucio, Francesco (1628c–1658)
LODOVICO VIDMAN. | Con Privilegio. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, ||
Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. M.DC.XXXXIX. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1649
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: S, T, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer
dated 26th April 1649. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50591 Muz.
Notes on item: Only S and B partbooks extant. Many handwritten accidentals. On
the title page written in pencil: 312 | IV.
Provenance: Both extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
H. o. | 4; [Nro 126]; [Mus. 458].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 267; RISM A/I: L 2903; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.
4. The catalogue
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. O quam humilis à 2. Soprani.
2. Bonum eſt confiteri Domino à 2. Tenori, ouero Soprani.
3. Confitebor tibi Domine à 2. Canto, ouero Tenor, & Alto.
4. Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore à 2. Tenor, & Baſſo.
5. Ad Dominum cum tribularer clamaui à 2. Alto, & Tenore.
6. Iubilate Deo omnis terra à 2. Canto, ouero Tenore, & Alto.
7. Cur plaudit hodie. Dialogo, à 2. Tenor, & Baſſo.
8. Salue Regina à 2. Canto, & Alto.
9. O nimis cara à 3. Alto, Tenor, & Baſſo.
10. Deus in nomine tuo à 3. Alto, Tenor, & Baſſo.
11. Ecce Sacrum paratum conuiuium à 3. Doi Tenori, ouero Soprani, & Baſſo.
12. Congregati ſunt inimici noſtri à 3. Alto, Tenor, & Baſſo.
13. Surgamus ergo cantemus à 3. Alto, Tenor, & Baſſo.
14. Omnes gentes plaudite manibus à 3. Due Soprani, & Baſſo.
15. Egredimini omnes à 3. Alto, Tenor, & Baſſo.
16. Congratulamini hodie fideles à 3. Alto, Tenor, & Baſſo.
Composer(s): Freddi, Amadio (1570c–1634)
Title: DIVINAE | LAUDES, | Binis, ternis, Quaternisque vocibus | Concinendae. | Cum
Basso ad Organum | Auctore | D. AMADEO FREDDO | In Cathedrali Taruisina | Musicae
Praefecto, | LIBER SECVNDVS. | VENETIIS, MDCXXII. | Apud Bartolomeum Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1622
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication Ill.mo ac Rev.mo
Domino Francisco Ivstiniano Episcopo tarvisino signed Treviso, 29th June 1622. At the
end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50444 Muz.
Notes on item: S I partbook missing. Bc partbook damaged on the edges, refilled
with paper after conservation in 1994.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [D S.] 4; [Nro 127]; [Mus. 322].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 138; RISM A/I: F 1830; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
1. Tu es Petrus A 2. Doi Canti o Tenori
2. Beata es Virgo Maria A 2. Doi Soprani o Tenori
3. Surrexit Paſtor bonus A 2. Doi Canti, ò Tenori
4. O Lux Beata Trinitas A 2. Doi Canti
5. Tu es Paſtor ouium A 2. Doi Alti
6. Iuſtus germinauit A 2. Doi Tenori, ò Canti
7. Omnes Sanĉti A 2. Doi Tenori, ò Canti
8. Exultate Deo A 2. Doi Tenori, ò Canti
9. Verbum caro faĉtum eſt A 2. Doi Tenori, ò Canti
10. Benedicite Dominum A 2. Doi Baſsi
11. Benedicam Dominum A 2. Doi Baſsi
12. Bone Ieſu Verbum Patris A 3. Canto, Tenor, e Baſſo
13. Hic eſt vere Martyr qui pro Chriſti nomine A 3. Canto, Tenor, è Baſſo
14. Glorioſi principes terræ A 3. Tre Soprani
15. Iſti ſunt triumphatores A 3. Tre Tenori
16. Iſti ſunt viri Sanĉti A 3. Tre Baſsi
17. Aue maris ſtella A 4. Doi Soprani Tenor è Baſſo
18. Ieſu corona virginum A 4. Doi Soprani, & doi Tenori
Composer(s): Filiberi, Orazio (17.sc)
Title: SALMI | CONCERTATI | A Tre, Quatro, Cinque Sei, & Otto Voci, | Con Doi
Violini. | DI | HORATIO FILIBERI VERONESE, | Maeſtro di Capella, nel Domo di
DI MONTAGNANA. | CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, ||
Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. M. DC. XXXXIX |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1649
Description: Set of 7 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II/vl II, A, T I, T II/vl I, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer to Signori Depvtati della Magnifica Comunità di Montagnana
dated 20th March 1649. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo indications: Adagio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50427 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Bc partbook damaged on edges, refilled
with paper after conservation in 1995. Some handwritten accidentals, calculations of rest
lengths and text errata. Between pp. 14–15 of S II partbook a small paper sheet inserted
with music errata for Lauda Ierusalem. On the title page written in pencil: 203 | VII.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [H M | 7]; [Nro 128]; [Mus. 307].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 130–131; RISM A/I: F 732; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
4. The catalogue
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Dixit Dominus A 6. Voci, con doi Violini.
2. Confitebor tibi Domine. Salmo A 4. Concertato. Canto, Alto, Tenor è Baſſo.
3. Beatus vir. Salmo A 3. Canto, Alto, è Tenor.
4. Laudate pueri. Salmo A 5. doi Tenori, Baſſo è doi Violini.
5. Laudate Dominum A 3. Doi Soprani, è Baſſo.
6. Lætatus ſum A 4. Canto, Alto, Ten. è Baſſo.
7. Niſi Dominus à 5. doi Ten. Baſſo, è doi Violini.
8. Lauda Ieruſalem A 6. Voci con doi Violini.
9. Magnificat. Salmo [!] A 8. Concertato il Primo Choro.
Composer(s): Pozzi, Luigi (17.sc)
Title: LA CERVA | SAVORGNANA | Stridatrice Di Spirituali Concenti | Consecrata
al nome immortale dell’Illuſtriſſimo Sig. Marchese GIOANNI SAVORGNANO & c.
| Opera Terza di | D. LVIGI POZZI Dottore, & Academico Suentato. | IN VENETIA
M DC L II Apreſſo Franceſco Magni |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1652
Description: Set of 2 partbooks in oblong 4o: Voce, Part. On p. 2 dedication of the
composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo, performance and
dynamic indications: Preſto, allegro, adaggio, piano, pianino, affet.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50709 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Complete set of partbooks. Some handwritten accidentals and pitch corrections. On the title page written in pencil: 398 | II; 11.
Provenance: Both partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [K E | 2];
[Nro 129]; [Mus. 574].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 314; RISM A/I: P 5309; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Domine Deus patrum noſtrorum
2. Adoro te panis vitæ
3. O Deus meus ò dulcis vita animæ
4. Panis candidiſſime panis ſuauiſſime
5. Eia ſurgite eia curite properate ad iubila
6. Currite omnes gentes feſtinate omnes populi
7. Miſera infelix dereliĉta anima miſeranda
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Quid mundus tantis blanditus flagitijs
O quantum tibi debeo bone Iesu
Venite gentes exultate iubilate omnes populi
Domine Deus meus in te ſperaui
Composer(s): Milani, Francesco (16/17)
DI BOLOGNA | Et nell’Academia dei filomuſi il Solitario. | CON PRIVILEGIO. |
[typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXV. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1635
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 2 of the vocal partbooks
a woodcut of San Petronio with the coat of arms and inscription HARMoNICoS DoMINo SEMPER PRoFVNDItE CANtVS. On p. 3 of the vocal partbooks dedication
of the composer Agli Signori Francesco Cospi Presidente Perpetvo in S. Petronio, Federico Fantuzzio, Fvlvio Antonio Maresſcalchi, Marcheſe Girolamo Albergati, ottaviano
Zambeccari, Marcheſe Girolamo Pepoli, Senatori, e Fabricieri digniſſimi dated 6th August
1635. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50629 Muz.
Notes on item: S partbook missing. On p. 44 of T partbook part of the page was cut
out, probably including the stamp mark; an adequate one inserted in the same place.
Single handwritten music errata and calculations of rest lengths. On the title page written in pencil: 342 | V.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: G Y | 5; N. 130 [in bc partbook erroneously: N. 135]; Mus. 497.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 283; RISM A/I: M 2728; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Dixit Dominus. Oĉtaui Toni.
2. Confitebor tibi. Secundi Toni.
3. Beatus vir. Quarti Toni.
4. Laudate pueri. Sexti Toni.
5. Laudate Dominum. Secundi Toni.
6. In exitu Iſrael. Mixti Toni.
7. Lætatus ſum in his. Quarti Toni.
8. Niſi Dominus. Oĉtaui Toni.
4. The catalogue
Lauda Ieruſalem. Tertij Toni.
Credidi propter quod. Septimi Toni.
In conuertendo Dominus. Sexti Toni.
Domine probaſti me. Septimi Toni.
De profundis clamaui. Primi Toni.
Memento Domine Dauid. Sexti Toni.
Beati omnes qui timent. Quinti Toni.
Confitebor tibi. Secundi Toni.
Magnificat. Quarti Toni.
Composer(s): Tarditi, Orazio (1602–1677)
E QVATTRO VOCI | Parte con Violini è parte ſenza | Con vna Meſſa Concertata
à Quattro Voci & vn Laudate | Pueri à Voce Sola Con doi Violini | DI HORATIO
TARDITI | DEDICATI | Al Molto Illuſtre & Reuerendiſſimo Padre Don. | BASTIANO
BENINI | Abbate digniſſimo della Badia degl’Angioli in Fiorenza è | Vicario Generale
della Prouincia di Toſcana. | CON PRIVILEGIO | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA
| Apreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCLII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1652
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer dated 30th August 1652. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50847 Muz.
Notes on item: T partbook missing. S partbook damaged on edges, refilled with
paper after conservation. Missing pp. 13–16 and 21–24 of A partbook. Single handwritten calculations of rest lengths and bc numbering. On the title page written in
pencil: 498 | V.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [M. V. | 5]; [Nro] 131; [Mus. 720].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 408; RISM A/I: T 208; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Plaudant manibus mortales A 2. Canto e Alto è doi Violini
2. Media noĉte clamor magnus A 3. Canto Alto è Baſſo
3. Per Rigidos montes per Inuias valles A 3. Voci Canto Alto è Tenore è doi Violini
4. Meſsa A 4. Concertata Canto, Alto, Tenore, & Baſſo (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo –
Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Dixit Dominus Concertato A 4. ſenza Intonatione Canto, Alto, Tenor, & Baſſo
Laudate Pueri Salmo a Voce Sola. Canto è doi Violini
Credidi propter quod A 3. Voci Canto Alto è Baſſo è doi Violini.
Magnificat Concertato A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, & Baſſo
Composer(s): Fontei, Nicolò (1609c–1647c)
Title: [red ink only in S 1 ch. partbook] MESSA, E SALMI | [black ink] A DIVERSE
ink] Maeſtro di Capella nel Duomo di Verona, | DEDICATI | AL SERENISSIMO | [red
EC. | [red ink] OPERA SESTA. | [coat of arms and typographer’s mark] | [black ink]
IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXXVII |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1647 or 1646 (B 1 ch., S 2 ch., A 2 ch.,
B 2 ch., vl I, vl II, trb II, trb III)
Description: Set of 14 partbooks in 4o: 1 ch.: S, A, T, B; 2 ch.: S, A, T, B; vl I, vl II, trb
I, trb II, trb III, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer dated 7th November 1646. At
the end – a list of contents and the note A gli amatori di mvsica. Occasional dynamic
and tempo indications: forte, piano, Adagio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50436 Muz.
Notes on item: A 1 ch. partbook incomplete, only pp. 15–26 extant. A 1 ch., T 2 ch. and
vl I partbooks damaged on edges, refilled with paper after conservation in 1993. A 2 ch. partbook damaged by humidity. In T 2 ch. partbook the title page is missing. Some handwritten
accidentals, fermatas and calculations of rest lengths, music corrections, and performance
indications (va replicato al segno †; solo). On the title page written in pencil: 212 | XIV; 2.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: F Q | 14; [Nro 132]; [Mus. 317].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 135; RISM A/I: F 1490; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Nicolò Fontei, 5 Psalms and Magnificat from Messa e salmi, Venedig 1647, ed. Günter Thiele, Stuttgart: Cornetto 2008
Recording: [–]
1. Meſſa A 8. Voci, e Due Violini con tre Iſtromen. ſe piace (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo
– Sanctus – Agnus Dei)
2. Domine ad adiuuandum A 8. Voci, e Due Violini con tre inſtromenti ſe piace
3. Dixit Dominus A 8. Voci e Due Violini con tre inſtromenti ſe piace
4. Confitebor tibi A 6. Voci e due Violini con tre Viole ſe piace
5. Beatus vir A 5. Voci e doi violini li pieni ſi radoppiano con voci et inſtromenti.
4. The catalogue
Laudate pueri à Canto ſolo e due Violini con Fagotto ò altro ſimile Istr. ſe piace
Laudate Dominum A due Voci. Canti ò Tenori
Lætatus ſum a 5 pieno e radoppiato in voci, et inſtromenti ſe piace.
Niſi Dominus A 3. Voci e due Violini
Lauda Hieruſalem A 5. Voci e due Violini con tre inſtromenti ſe piace
Memento Domine Dauid A 5. Voci
Credidi propter quod A 8. Voci
In conuertendo Dominus A due Voci. Canto ò Tenore, e Baſſo
Beati omnes A 4
Magnificat A 8. Voci, e due Violini con tre Iſtromenti
Magnificat A 6. Voci. e due Violini
Composer(s): Monferrato, Natale (1603c–1685)
| Vice Maeſtro di Capella della Sereniſſima Republica | Dedicati | ALL’ILL:mo ET ECC.mo
Opera Terza. | [typographer’s mark] | Stampa del Gardano. | IN VENETIA MDCLV.
Apreſſo Franceſco Magni |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Francesco Magni 1655
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the
composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Some dynamic and tempo
indications: piano, adagio, Allegro.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50639 Muz.
Notes on item: Only S I and B partbooks extant. The specimen underwent conservation in 1993. In S I partbook final pages from 65 to the end missing, thus the last
piece and table of contents omitted. Some handwritten calculations of rest lengths and
accidentals. On the title page written in pencil: 352 | IV.
Provenance: Both extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[M. C. | 4]; [Nro 133]; [Mus. 508].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 287; RISM A/I: M 3037; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/viewschedatwbca.asp?
path=/cmbm/images/ripro/gaspari/AA/AA370/ (the specimen from I-Bc)
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Lilia conualium A 2. Due Canti. De Beata Maria
2. Lætentur cęli A 2. Due Canti. De Sac[ramen]to
3. Congratulamini mihi A 2. Canto è Alto. De Beata Maria
4. O cęli gloria A 2. C.A. De Sacramento
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Aduenerunt nobis A 2. Canto è Alto. In quadrageſima
Paraſti in dulcedine A 2. Canto è Baſſo. De Sacramento
Hodie Beata N. de certamine viĉtrix de Agone A 2. Canto è Baſſo. De Sanĉta
Vocem laudis modulemur A 2. Alto & Baſſo. Tempore pacis
Alma Redemptoris mater A 2 Canti. [in partbooks:] C. A.
Aue Regina cælorum A 2. Canto & Alto [in partbooks:] Tenore & Baſſo
Regina cęli lætare A 2. due Tenori
O quam pulchra es Maria A 3. A.T.Baſſo. De Beata Maria
O quam dulce eſt deprecare Mariam A 3. C.A.Baritono. De Beata Maria
Exultate et lætamini fideles A 3. A.T.Baſſo. De Sanĉto
Ad dapes vitæ aſpirent corda A 3. A.T.Baſſo. De Sacramento
O quam ſuauis es bone Ieſu A 3. C.A.Baritono. De Sacramento
O grande miſterium A 3. A.T.Baſſo. De Sacramento
Salue Regina A 3. A.T.Baſſo
Regina cęli lætare A 3. C.T.B.
Composer(s): Leoni, Giovanni Antonio (1651p†)
Title: SONATE | DI VIOLINO | A Voce ſola | DI GIO. ANTONIO LEONI. | Libro
primo, opera terza. | [coat of arms] | IN ROMA: Appreſſo Vitale Maſcardi. M.DC.LII.
| CON LICENZA DE’ SVPERIORI. || Ad Iſtanza di Antonio Poggioli all’Inſegna del |
Martello in Parione. |
Publication: Roma: Vitale Mascardi 1652
Description: Set of 2 partbooks in 4o: vl, Part. On p. 3 dedication of the composer to
Cardinale [Giovanni Battista Maria] Pallotta without a date. On p. 4 l’avvertimento of
the composer a chi legge. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50587 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Incorrect numbering of pieces in both
partbooks. Missing title page in Part. partbook. Single handwritten accidentals, pitch
corrections and NB remarks. On the title page written in pencil: 311 | II; 9. Specimen
underwent conservation in 1983.
Provenance: Both partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [M B | 2];
[Nro 134]; Mus. 454.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 248; RISM A/I: L 1987; SartoriB: 1652b
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=30743
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. SONATA PRIMA. Primo tono.
2. SONATA SECONDA. Primo tono.
4. The catalogue
SONATA TERZA. Primo tono.
SONATA QVARTA. Primo tono.
SONATA QUINTA. Secondo tono.
SONATA SESTA. Secondo tono
SONATA SETTIMA. Secondo tono
SONATA OTTAVA. Secondo tono
SONATA NONA. Secondo tono
SONATA DECIMA. Secondo tono
SONATA XI. Terzo tono
SONATA XII. Terzo tono
SONATA XIII. Terzo tono
SONATA XIV. Terzo tono
SONATA XV. Terzo tono
SONATA XVI. Quarto tono
SONATA XVII. Quarto tono
SONATA XIX. [sic! hereafter incorrect numeration] Quarto tono
SONATA XX. Quarto tono
SONATA XXI. Quarto tono
SONATA XXII. Seſto tono
SONATA XXIII. Seſto tono
SONATA XXIV. Seſto tono
SONATA XXV. Seſto tono
SONATA XXVI. Ottauo tono
SONATA XXVII. Ottauo tono
SONATA XXVIII. Ottauo tono
SONATA XXIX. Ottauo tono
SONATA XXX. Terzo tono
SONATA XXXI [in vl partbook incorrect, as XXX]. Ottauo tono
SONATA XXXII [in vl partbook incorrect, as XXXI]. Terzo tono
Composer(s): Della Porta, Francesco (1600c–1666)
Title: SALMI DA CAPELLA | A QVATRO VOCI | Con altri Salmi à Tre, Quatro,
è Cinque Si placet, Concertati | DI | FRANCESCO DELLA PORTA | Organiſta, &
Maeſtro di Capella nella Madonna preſſo S. Celſo | & di Santo Antonio in Milano
| IN VENETIA || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti MDC LVII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1657
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, A, T, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the
composer dated 9th December 1656. At the end – a list of contents. Single performance,
tempo and dynamic indications: piano, tutti, velociter.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50704 Muz.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. On the title page written in pencil:
393 | VI. The specimen underwent conservation in 1996. Individual handwritten
accidentals and calculations of rest lengths. In tavola of B partbook handwritten
errata Laudate of the wrong title Beatus vir, à 3, C. ò t è doi Violini Quinto tono
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[M W | 6]; [Nro] 135; [Mus. 568].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 312; RISM A/I: P 5202; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Domine ad Adiuuandum me à 4. à Capella Seſto Tono
2. Dixit Dominus à 4. à Capella Seſto Tono
3. Confitebor tibi Domine à 4. à Capella Terzo Tono Senz’intonatione
4. Beatus vir à 4. à Capella Secondo Tono Senz’intonatione
5. Laudate Pueri à 4. à Capella Primo Tono Senz’intontatione
6. Laudate Dominum à 4. à Capella Quinto Tono Senz’intonatione
7. In exitu Iſrael à 4. à Capella Quarto Tono [without intonation]
8. Magnificat à 4. à Capella Quarto Tono
9. Domine ad adiuuandum, à 4. è 5. Concertato Canto Secondo ouer Tenore, in
Concerto, à beneplacito
10. Dixit Dominus, à 4. è 5. Concertato Ottauo Tono ſenz’intonatione
11. Confitebor tibi, à 3. Concertato, Secondo Tono Senz’intonatione à 2 Soprani
ouero, Tenori, è Baſſo
12. Beatus vir, à 3 Canto, ouer Tenor è doi Violini Concertato Terzo Tono Senz’intonatione
13. Laudate Pueri Dominum, à 3. doi Canti, ouer, Tenori, e Baſſo Secondo Tono
Senz’intonatione, Concertato
14. Lætatus ſum, à 4. è 5. Concertato, Ottauo Tono Senz’intonatione
15. Niſi Dominus, à 4. è 5. Concertato, Quinto Tono Senz’intonatione
16. Lauda Ieruſalem, à 3. Canto, ouer Tenore, doi Violini Primo Tono
17. Lauda Ieruſalem, à 4. è 5. Concertato Ottauo Tono Senz’intonatione. Si replica
da capo l’iſteſſo Baſſo
18. Magnificat à 4. è 5. Concertato, Ottauo Tono Senz’intonatione
19. Credidi à 4. è 5. Concertato Secondo Tono Senz’intonatione
Composer(s): Grossi, Carlo (1634c–1688)
Title: CONCERTI | ECCLESIASTICI | Con alcune Suonate à due è tre | DI CARLO
GROSSI | già | Maeſtro di Capella del Duomo di Reggio | Dedicati | AL SERENISSIMO
4. The catalogue
Franceſco Magni |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1657
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo and dynamic indications: largo, preſto, viuo, adaggio, piano, forte.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50499 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. On the title page written in pencil: 264
IV. The specimen underwent conservation in 1994. Single handwritten accidentals.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
M X | 4; N. 136; Mus. 374.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 164; RISM A/I: G 4728; SartoriB: 1657b;
www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: planned publication
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. O immensa Dei caritas. A 2 Canti ò Tenori. Del Santiſſimo
2. Superni ciues occurrite. A 2 Canto e Alto. D’vn Santo ò Santa, comunq[ue] ſi ſia.
3. Quis est iſte. Alto e Tenore. Dialogo trà l’Angelo e l’Huomo, Per S. Pietro.
4. Deh animæ miſere. Canto ò Tenore e Baſſo. D’ogni tempo, e per la quadrageſima
5. O mirabile conuiuium. Canto ò Tenore e Baſſo. Del Santiſſimo
6. O quam dulce quam carum. Alto e Baſſo. Dialogo trà l’anima e Giesù. d’ogni tempo.
7. Huc ad Regem viuentium. A 3. due Canti e Baſſo. Del SS. Natale, & in ogni tempo
8. O magna Chriſti charitas. A 3. Alto Tenore e Baſſo. Del Signore in ogni tempo
9. Suonata à 2 violini. La Felice
10. Suonata à 3 violini e violone. La Mama.
Composer(s): Frescobaldi, Girolamo (1583–1643)
Title: IL PRIMO LIBRO | DELLE CANZONI | Ad vna, due, trè e quattro voci. |
Accomodate, per ſonare ogni ſorte | de ſtromenti | DI GIROLAMO | FRESCOBALDI,
| Organiſta in S. Pietro di Roma. | [coat of arms] | In Roma: Appreſſo Gio. Battiſta Robletti. 1628. || Con Licenza de’ Superiori. |
Publication: Roma: Giovanni Battista Robletti 1628
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, B I, B II, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the
composer to Ferdinando Secondo Gran Dvca di toscana, without a date. At the end –
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
a list of contents. Some tempo indications: Pian, Fort. In the free spaces below the music
staves various woodcuts representing a rose, an eagle, a porcupine, and an arabesque.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50447 Muz.
Notes on item: S II partbook missing. On the title pages written in pencil: 219 V;
1012. Some handwritten accidentals, bar lines and calculations of rest lengths. On
p. 48 of S I partbook a handwritten supplement of the title missing in print: Canzon
terza. On pp. 27 and 41 of bc partbook – handwritten errata of music text.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [K Y | 5]; [Nro 137]; Mus. 325.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 138–139; RISM A/I: F 1868; SartoriB: 1628j;
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=27308
Modern edition: Girolamo Frescobaldi, Il Primo libro delle canzoni a una, due, tre,
e quattro voci, facs. ed., Firenze: Studio per edizioni scelte 1981 (Archivum musicum.
Collana di testi rari, 47)
Recording: Girolamo Frescobaldi: Le Canzoni da Sonare (1628 e 1634), Ensemble
Hypothesis, Leopoldo d’Agostino, Tactus 2007 (TC 580606)
1. Canzon Prima, Canto ſolo. Violino ſolo, ouer Cornetto.
2. Canzon Seconda, Canto ſolo. Violino ſolo, ouer Cornetto.
3. Canzon Terza, Canto ſolo. Violino ſolo, ouer Cornetto. Come ſtà.
4. Canzon Quarta, Canto ſolo. Violino ſolo. Come ſtà.
5. Canzon Prima, Baſſo ſolo.
6. Canzon Seconda, Baſſo ſolo.
7. Canzon Terza, Baſſo ſolo.
8. Canon Quarta, Baſſo ſolo.
9. Canzon Prima, à due Canti. Come ſtà.
10. Canzon Seconda, à due Canti.
11. Canzon Terza, à due Canti.
12. Canzon Quarta, à due Canti. Come ſtà.
13. Canzon Quinta, à due Canti.
14. Canzon Prima, à due Baſsi.
15. Canzon Seconda, à due Baſsi.
16. Canzon Terza, à due Baſsi.
17. Canzon Quarta, à due Baſsi.
18. Canzon Prima à due, Canto, e Baſſo.
19. Canzon Seconda à due, Canto, e Baſſo.
20. Canzon Terza à due, Canto, e Baſſo.
21. Canzon Quarta à due, Canto, e Baſſo.
22. Canzon Quinta à due, Canto, e Baſſo.
23. Canzon Seſta à due, Canto, e Baſſo.
4. The catalogue
Canzon Prima à 3. due Baſsi, e Canto.
Canzon Seconda à 3. due Baſsi, e Canto.
Canzon Terza à 3. due Baſsi, e Canto.
Canzon Quarta à 3. due Baſsi, e Canto.
Canzon Quinta à 3. due Baſsi, e Canto.
Canzon Seſta à 3. due Baſsi, e Canto.
Canzon Prima à 4. due Canti, e due Baſsi.
Canzon Seconda à 4. due Canti, e due Baſsi.
Canzon Terza à 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore e Baſſo.
Canzon Quarta à 4. due Canti, e due Baſsi.
Canzon Quinta à 4. due Canti, e due Baſsi.
Canzon Seſta à 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
Composer(s): Cazzati, Maurizio (1616–1678)
Title: IL PRIMO LIBRO DE | MOTTETI | A voce ſola, con il Pianto di S. Pietro | DI
MAVRITIO CAZZATI | Maſtro di Cappella di Camera dell’ Ecc. Sig. Duca di Sabioneta
Prencipe di Bozolo, & c. | Dedicati | ALL’ ILL.mo & ECC.mo SIG.r FERDINANDO
GONZAGA Prencipe Di Caſtiglione, | e del Sacro Romano Impero. | Opera Quinta.
Con Priuilegio. | IN VENETIA MDC. XXXXVII Alla Stampa del Gardano |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano 1647
Description: One volume in oblong 4o. On p. 2 dedication of the composer dated 1st July
1647. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo indications: allegro, adagio, preſto, Viuace.
Shelfmark: PL-Kj Mus. ant. pract. C 397.
Notes on item: [–]
Provenance: The volume bears Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [K B | 2];
[Nro 138]; [Mus. 224]. The doublette of this print without Rhediger Library stamps, is
stored PL-WRu 50333 Muz.
Catalogues: EitnerQ: II, p. 384; BohnD, p. 93; RISM A/I: C 1582; PatalasC 339;
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Ad menſam tui Dulciſſimi convivii. Canto. Al Sig. Alfonſo Pettinari, Muſico del
Ecc. Di Guaſtalla.
2. Congratulamini mihi. Alto. Al Sig. D. Gieneſio Ghislina
3. Cantabo Domino in vita mea. Al Sig. Giorgio Nicheſola, Muſico del Ecc. Di
4. Conditor Cęli et terræ. Alto. Al Sig. Antonio Graſſini Romano. Muſico Del Ecc.
Di Guaſtalla.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
O ſuper omnes filias dilecta. Al Sig. D. Annibale Anſelmo, Muſico Del Ecc. Di
Non poteſt Chriſte mi ſine cibo. Alto. Al Sig. Franceſco Bottino, Muſico del
A. D. Di Mantoa.
Eia fideles venite lętantes. Al Molto Reu. P. Antonio Maria Viſconti Prouinciale
e Guardiano del Conuento di S. Zeno.
Exurge pſalterium et cithara. Alto. Al Sig. Gio. Battista Storti, Muſica [!] Di
Caſal maggiore.
Anima mea Ieiuna cur langues. Canto. Al Sig. Marc’Antonio Braciroli Canceliere dell’Ecc. Di Sabbioneta.
Diligendus es mi Domine. Alto. Al Sig. D. Gio. Prouenzale Canonico in S. Andrea Di Mantoa.
O vos omnes qui laboratis. Canto. All’Illuſtriſſimo Sig. Franceſco Bulgarini Segretario del A. S. Di Mantoa.
Aue sereniſſima Regina. Alto. Al Sig. Marc’Antonio Braciroli Canceliere
dell’Ecc. Di Sabbioneta.
Egredimini Principes
Salue Regina
Io negar Christo o Dio. Il pianto di S. Pietro. Canto ò Tenore
Composer(s): Manara, Giacomo (17.sc)
S. Domenico di Ferrara | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA MDCLI Apreſſo
Franceſco Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1651
Description: One volume in oblong 4o. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo
and dynamic indications: Adagio, alegro, forte, piano.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50597 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete volume. On the title page written in pencil: 316 I.
Provenance: The volume bears Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [K F | 2];
[Nro 139]; [Mus. 463].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 269–270; RISM A/I: M 268;
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Siſte gradum viatrix anima. Canto ò Tenore
2. O quam fælix quam læta. Canto ò Tenore
3. Iubilate cantate & pſallite. Canto ò Tenore
4. The catalogue
Regina cęli lætare. Canto ò Tenore
Iesu dulcis memoria. Canto ò Tenore
En Virgo parturit. Canto ò Tenore
O glorioſa dies. Canto ò Tenore
Aue mundi gubernatrix. Alto
Exultet cęlum laudibus. Canto ò Tenore
Domine ad adiuuandum. Canto ò Tenore
Surge hilaris gaude iubilans plaude reſonans Eccleſia à 2. Canto è Baſſo.
Composer(s): Pozzi, Luigi (17.sc)
Title: ZODIACO CELESTE | In cui vengono dodici ſegni di Spirituali Concenti, drizati
al meridionale della | GRAN CASA VIDMANA. | Opera Di | D. LVIGI POZZI Dottore,
è Academico Suentato. | Dedicata | ALL’ ILLVSTRISSIMO SIGNOR LODOVICO
VIDMANO, Patritio Veneto, | Conte del Sacro Romano Impero, Ortemburg, Spitool;
Libero Barone | Di S. Paternione & c. | IN VENETIA M DC XXXXX Stampa del Gardano
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Francesco Magni 1650
Description: Set of 2 partbooks in oblong 4o: Voce, Part. On p. 3 dedication of the
composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo, dynamic, and
performance indications: preſto, adaggio, allegro, graue, attenti, affetto, affettuoſo, tutto
affetuoſo, languido, ſpiritoſo, riſoluto, forte, pian.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50708 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Complete set of partbooks. Some
handwritten accidentals. On the title page written in pencil: 397 II.
Provenance: Both partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [K D |
2]; [Nro 140]; Mus. 573.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 313–314; RISM A/I: P 5308; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. O dulcedo ſuauis ſuauitas
2. Venite omnes Chriſti fideles
3. O Sanĉtiſſima Virgo dulciſſima mater
4. O quam ſuauis es bone Ieſu
5. Dulciſſime Redemptor amabilis amator
6. Salue mi Iesu adoro te in Cruce pendentem
7. Salue mater misericordiæ
8. Quid mihi eſt in cęlo
9. Cantemus Domino Saluatori noſtro
10. Salue Regina
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Quo fugiam miſer
Adoro te amo te Ieſu
Composer(s): Grandi, Alessandro (1586–1630)
le Letanie della B. V. à Cinque Voci | & il ſuo Baſso per l’Organo | DI ALESSANDRO
GRANDI | Muſico della Serenisſima Signoria di | Venetia in S. Marco | Nouamente con
ogni diligenza corretti, & riſtampati. | CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN
VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXVI. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1636
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50489 Muz.
Notes on item: S and bc partbooks missing. On the title page written in pencil: 248 V. Single handwritten accidentals. Damaged edges of the pages. A small part was cut out from the
title pages of all the partbooks, probably with the stamp, refilled after conservation in 1994.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [5 | [ ;] ֹוNro 141]; [Mus. 361].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 161; RISM A/I: G 3438; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Dum complerentur dies Pentecoſtes A 2. Doi Soprani
2. Sub tuum præſidium A 2. Doi Soprani
3. Quæ eſt iſta A 2. Doi Soprani
4. Iurauit Dominus A 2. Doi Alti
5. Spiritus Domini repleuit orbem terrarum A 2. Doi Alti
6. Caritas Dei diffuſa eſt A 2. Doi mezzi Soprani ò alla 5. doi Tenori
7. Sanĉta & immaculata virginitas A 2. Alto, e Canto
8. Domine perueniſti sanĉtum tuum A 2. Alto, e Tenore
9. Repleti ſunt omnes Spiritu Sancto A 2. Doi Tenori
10. Da pacem Domine A 2. Doi Tenori
11. Fontes, et omnia quæ mouentur in Aquis A 2. Doi Baſſi
12. In te Domine ſperaui A 2. Doi Baſſi
13. Cæcilia virgo clariſſima A 3. Doi Canti, e Baſſo
14. Cilicio Cæcilia ſua membra donabat A 3. Baſſo, Tenore, & Alto
15. Dum eſſet ſummus Pontifex Silueſter A 3.Tenore, Alto, e Canto
16. Dabit ei Dominus ſedem Dauid A 3.Tre Tenori
4. The catalogue
Anima mea conturbata eſt [prima parte] – En dileĉtus meus (Seconda parte).
A 3. Baſſo, Tenore, e Alto
Beata viſcera Mariæ Virgnis A 4. doi Baſ. & doi Canti, ouero Tenori.
In dedicatione templi decantabat A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, è Baſſo.
O intemerata et in æternum benediĉta A 4. Doi Baſſi, & doi Canti ouer Tenori.
Letaniæ B. V. Mariæ. A 5. (Kyrie – Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Cavalli, Francesco (1602–1676)
Title: [red ink only in S 1 ch. partbook] MVSICHE | SACRE | [black ink]
CONCERNENTI | Meſſa, e Salmi Concertati con Iſtromenti Imni Antifone & |
Sonate, A Due 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 10. e 12. Voci | DI | [red ink] FRANCESCO CAVALLI |
[black ink] Organiſta Della Sereniſſima Republica, in S. Marco. | CONSACRATE | AL
SERENISSIMO | [red ink] GIO. CARLO | [black ink] CARDINAL, DE MEDICI | [red
ink] CON PRIVILEGIO | [black ink: typographer’s mark] | [red ink] IN VENETIA ||
[black ink] Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti MDCLVI. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1656
Description: Set of 12 partbooks in 4o: 1 ch.: S, A, T, B; 2 ch.: S, A, T, B; vl I, vl II,
violoncino, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer dated 2nd October 1656. On p. 4
avviso of the editor alli Signori Virtuoſi. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50330 Muz.
Notes on item: Only S 2 ch., B 2 ch., vl II, and violoncino partbooks extant. On the
title page written in pencil: 133 XII. Some pages damaged on the edges, refilled with
paper after conservation in 1993. On p. 26 of vl II partbook a small pasted paper sheet
with music errata. A single correction of an erroneously printed text incipit. Handwritten accidentals and calculations of rest lengths.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: M t | 12; [Nro 142]; [Mus. 221].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 92–93; RISM A/I: C 1565, CC 1565; SartoriB: 1656a; http://
sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/viewschedatwbca.asp?
path=/cmbm/images/ripro/gaspari/_X/X252/ (the specimen from I-Bc)
Modern edition: Francesco Cavalli, Vier marianische Antiphonen (1656) für 2 bis
5 Singstimmen und orgel (Generalbass), ed. Bruno Stäblein, Regensburg: Pustet 1950;
Francesco Cavalli, Magnificat from “Musiche sacre” 1656, ed. Clifford Bartlett, Huntingdon: King’s Music 1994; Francesco Cavalli, Instrumental pieces from “Musiche sacre” 1656, ed. Brian Clark [et al.], Huntingdon: King’s Music 1996
Recording: Francesco Cavalli: Messa concertata da “Musiche sacre” (1656), Gruppo vocale e strumentale Sine Nomine, Carlo Rebeschini, Rivo Alto 1993 (CRR 8905); Francesco
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Cavalli: Vespro della beata Vergine, Musiche sacre (Venice 1656), Concerto Palatino, Bruce
Dickey, Charles Toet, Harmonia mundi 1995 – Glossa 2012 (GCD 922509)
1. Meſſa à 8. voci, Concertata con due Violini, è Violoncino, Ripieni, & altri Iſtrumenti, ſe piace. Cioè (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus)
2. Dixit Dominus à 8. voci & due Violini, Concertato ſimilmente come di ſopra,
con Ripieni, & Iſtrumenti ſe piace
3. Confitebor tibi à 8. voci, Concertato con due Violini, è Violoncino, ſenza ripieni, è senz’altri Iſtrumenti
4. Beatus vir à 3. Alto, Tenore, è Basso, con Violini, e Violoncino
5. Laudate pueri, à 5. due Soprani Alto Tenore è Baſſo con due Violini, è Violoncino
6. Laudate Dominum à 8. voci, Concertato con due Violini, è Violoncino Ripieni,
& altri Iſtrumenti ſe piace
7. Lætatus ſum à 3. A.T. è B. con due Violini, & tre Viole ſe piace
8. Niſi Dominus à 4. C. A. T. è B. con due Violini, è Violoncino
9. Lauda Hieruſalem à 8. voci, Concertato con due Violini, Violoncino Ripieni, &
altri Iſtrumenti, ſe piace
10. Credidi propter quod, à 5. due ſoprani Alto Tenore è Baſſo con due Violini,
è Violoncino
11. In conuertendo, Concertato, à 5. voci, due Canti, è due Tenori, Baſſo, ſenza
12. Domine probaſti me à 3. C.A. e B. con due Violini, Violoncino
13. Hymno Iſte Confeſor à 2. Soprani con due Violini
14. Hymno Aue maris ſtella à 3. Con Violini
15. Hymno Ieſu Corona Virginum à 3. A.T. e B. con Violini e Violoncino Con Ritornelli
16. Hymno. Exultet orbis à 4. C. A. T. è Baſſo con Violini Con Ritornelli
17. Hymno Deus tuorum militum à 3. Alto Tenore è Baſſo con Violini
18. Magnificat, à 8. voci, Concertato con due Violini, Violoncino, Ripieni, & altri
Iſtrumenti ſe piace
19. Aue Regina à 2. Tenore, e Baſſo
20. Regina Cæli à 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
21. Salue Regina à 4. Alto, due Tenori, è Baſſo Violoncino, ouero Tiorba
22. Alma Redemptoris à 5. Due Canti, Alto Tenore è Baſſo Violoncino ouero Tiorba
23. Canzon A 3. Due Violini, e Violoncino, ouero Tiorba
24. Canzon A 4. Due Violini, Viola, e Violoncino
25. Sonata à 6
26. Canzon à 8.
27. Sonata à 10. A Due Chori
28. Sonata à 12. A Due Chori
Composer(s): Zasa, Paolo (17.sc)
Quattro Voci col Baſſo Continuo, nella quale ſi contiene Mo-|tetti, Canzone, li Salmi
4. The catalogue
Ordinarij, e della Madonna, con il Magnificat, | Intieri, & vna Meſſa à tre Voci, &
à Sette con li Repieni, con l’ac-|compagnamento de doi Violini, tanto valendoſene à Tre
| Voci, come à Sette, e nella Tauola ſi vede | l’Ordine per Cantare. | DI PAVLO ZASA. |
Da Schio Vicentino Rettore della Parochiale di S.S. | Leontio, & Carpoſſoro di Magrè,
e Monte. | Nouamente Compoſta, e data in Luce. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA.
|| Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. M. DC. LI. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1651
Description: Set of 7 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B; rip.: T/S, B/A; bc. On p. 2 dedication
of the composer al Padre Pacifico Moschetto dated 15th February 1651. At the end –
a list of contents. Some tempo indications: graue, allegro.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50906 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print, underwent conservation in 1983.
Only S, B and S rip. partbooks extant. Some handwritten accidentals and calculations
of rest lengths. On the title pages written in pencil: 547 | VII.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: I X | 7; N. 143; Mus. 771.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 436; RISM A/I: Z 103; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Hæc dies A 1. Canto, ò Tenore.
2. O Sacrum & admirabile conuiuium A 1. Canto, ò Tenore.
3. Nos lætantes A 2. Alto, e Tenore
4. Sonata A 2. Canto, e Baſſo
5. Dixit Dominus A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo
6. Confitebor tibi A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo
7. Beatus vir A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo
8. Laudate Pueri A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo
9. Falſo Bordon per Salmi non compreſi A 4
10. Lætatus ſum A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo
11. Niſi Dominus A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo
12. Lauda Ieruſalem A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo
13. Magnificat A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo
14. Meſſa A 3. & A 7. Voci, con doi violini (Kyrie – Sinfonia auanti il primo Kyrie
ſe piace – Sinfonia dopo il Chriſte eleiſon – Gloria – Credo). La qual ſi può
Cantare principalmente à 7, cioè tre parti principale, con quatro Voci di Repieni, è doi Violini, tanto à 7. come à 3. e non volendoſi valere di deti Violini,
ſi paſſerà ſubito col Baſſo Continuo, quanto con le parti, le note, e batude tra
le doi ſtanghette ſerate oue dice Sinfonia alle ſuſſequenti note ſotto il ſegno
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
della | La qual Meſſa si può cantare in ton acuto, alla Quinta baſſa, come anco
à l’ottaua.
Peccantem me quotidie Dialogo à 3. con vn Choro de Ripieno che ſerà à 7. in fine.
Composer(s): Pietragrua (Cranesteyn), Gasparo (17.sc)
Title: MVSICA | SPEDITA, | Cioè Meſſa, Salmi alla Romana per cantarſi alli Veſperi di
| tutto l’anno, con doi Magnificat, le quatro Antifone, | & Falſibordoni Otto, con il Gloria
Intiero, | DI GASPARO PIETRA GRVA | Organiſta nella Inſigne Colleggiata di Santo
Gio: | Battiſta di Monza. | OPERA NONA | LIBRO QVINTO. | CON PRIVILEGIO. |
[typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA. || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. M. DC. LI. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1651
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer al Signor Francesco Recalcato dated 1st April 1651. At the end – a list of contents.
Some tempo and performance indications: adaggio, allegro, deuoto, spiritoſo.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50692 Muz.
Notes on item: T partbook missing. On the title page written in pencil: 167 | V. The
specimen underwent conservation in 1995. Some handwritten accidentals and pitch
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: R | 5; N. 144; [Mus. 558].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 308; RISM A/I: P 2346; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Meſſa detta la Faſtidioſa A 4. (Kirie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Benediĉtus –
Agnus Dei)
2. Domine ad adiuuandum. [not mentioned in tavola]
3. Dixit Dominus A 4. Secondo Tono.
4. Confitebor tibi A 4. Quarto Tono.
5. Beatus vir A 4. Quinto Tono.
6. Laudate Pueri A 4. Terzo Tono.
7. In exitu Iſrael A 4. Oĉtauo Tono.
8. Lætatus ſum A 4. Seſto Tono.
9. Niſi Dominus A 4. Terzo Tono.
10. Lauda Ieruſalem A 4. Oĉtauo Tono.
11. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes A 4. Terzo Tono.
12. Credidi propter quod A 4. Quinto Tono.
4. The catalogue
In conuertendo Dominus A 4. Terzo Tono.
Domine probaſti me A 4. Oĉtauo Tono.
Beati omnes A 4. Oĉtauo Tono.
De profundis clamaui A 4. Quarto Tono.
Memento Domine Dauid A 4. Terzo Tono.
Confitebor tibi Domine A 4. Secondo Tono.
Magnificat A 4. Oĉtauo Tono.
Magnificat A 4. Quinto Tono.
Salue Regina. Antifona A 4.
Alma Redemptoris. Antifona A 4.
Aue Regina. Antifona A 4.
Regina Cæli. Antifona A 4.
Falſibordone. Primo Tono
Falſibordone. Secondo Tono
Falſibordone. Terzo Tono
Falſibordone. Quarto Tono
Falſibordone. Quinto Tono
Falſibordone. Seſto Tono
Falſibordone. Settimo Tono
Falſibordone. Oĉtauo Tono
Composer(s): Turini, Francesco (1589c–1656)
Title: MOTTETI | A VOCE SOLA | DI FRANCESCO TVRINI | Organista del Duomo
di Brescia. | LIBRO SECONDO | DEDICATI | All’Illustre e Molto Reuerendo Signor
[typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, Appresso Alessandro Vincenti. MDCXXXX |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1640
Description: Set of 2 partbooks in 4o: Voce, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the composer
dated 15th April 1640. At the end – a list of contents. Some performance indications: ecco.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50858 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Complete set of partbooks. A small
part has been cut out from the title page of bc partbook, probably with the stamp,
refilled with the corresponding section of another specimen of the same print. Voce
partbook damaged on the edges, refilled after conservation in 1990.
Provenance: Both partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [C U |
2]; Nro 145; Mus. 729.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 412; RISM A/I: T 1393; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
1. Venite filiæ Ieruſalem. Alto, ò vero Soprano ò Tenore Sonando il Baſſo alla
quarta ò alla quinta baſſa, e coſi tutti i ſeguenti in Contralto
2. Venite omnes & videte N.
3. Omnes gentes plaudite manibus. Canto, ò Tenore, ò vero Alto, Sonando il Baſſo
alla quarta ò alla quinta baſſa, e coſi parti ſeguenti in Soprano.
4. Cantate Domino canticum nouum
5. O Salue Sanĉte Carole
6. Dulcis Chriſte ad te venio
7. O quam dulcis & quam ſuauis eſt amor tuus Domine
8. Congaudete mecum omnes
9. Deſidero te millies Ieſu quando venies
10. Venite filię Ieruſalem
11. Ieſu dulcedo cordium
12. O quam tu pulchra es amica mea
13. O felices ò beati qui Mariæ amore ſuccenſi
14. O dulcis Ieſu, ò amabiliſsime
15. O quibus cor diuino ſpiritus ſanĉti ardore caleſcit
16. O dulcis Ieſu, tu es fons pietatis
17. Crux fidelis Arma Ducis Ieſu Chriſti
18. Surgamus ergo cantemus
Composer(s): Grandi, Alessandro (1586–1630); Grani, Alvise (1633†)
Title: IL PRIMO LIBRO | DE MOTETTI | A Due, Tre, Quattro, Cinque, & Otto Voci,
con vna | Meſſa à Quattro Voci | Accommodati per cantarſi nell’ organo, Clauicembalo, |
Chitarrone, ò altro ſimile Stromento | DI ALESSANDRO GRANDI | Maeſtro di Capella
in Santa Maria Maggiore di Bergamo. | Nouamente in queſta Quinta impreſſione con
ogni diligen-|za corretti, & riſtampati. | CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] |
IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXVIII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1628
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S/A 1 ch./T 1 ch., A/T 2 ch., T/T 1 ch./T 2
ch./B 1 ch./ B 2 ch., B/B 2 ch., bc. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50487 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. A/A 1 ch./T 1 ch. partbook damaged. On the
title page written in pencil: 246 III. Some pages damaged on the edges, refilled with paper
after conservation in 1994. Single handwritten accidentals and calculations of rest lengths.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[5 | [ ;]ּזNro 146]; [Mus. 359].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 160; RISM A/I: G 3421; RISM B/I: 16284; http://sscm-jscm.
org/instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
4. The catalogue
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/viewschedatwbca.asp?
path=/cmbm/images/ripro/gaspari/AA/AA021/ (the specimen from I-Bc)
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Hodie nobis de cælo pax vera deſcendit A 2.
2. Ad te de luce vigilantibus A 2.
3. Quam diues es in miſericordia A 2.
4. Exaudi Domine vocem meam A 2.
5. Audiuit Dominus & miſertus eſt mei A 2.
6. In ſemita iudiciorum tuorum Domine A 2.
7. O quam tu pulchra es amica mea A 3.
8. In te ſperaui Domine A 3.
9. Quam dileĉta tabernacula tua Domine A 3.
10. Sicut oculi ſeruorum in manibus dominorum ſuorum A 3.
11. Deus Deus meus in te ſperaui A 3.
12. Que eſt iſta A 3. Di Aluigi Grani.
13. Obaudite me diuini fruĉtus A 4.
14. Vidi ſpetioſam ſicut columbam A 4
15. Congratulamini omnes in Domino A 4.
16. Caro mea vere eſt cibus A 4.
17. Cantabo Domino in vita mea A 4.
18. Hic eſt vere Martyr qui pro Chriſti nomine A 4.
19. Benediĉtus Dominus quoniam deprecationis meæ A 4.
20. Miſſus eſt Gabriel Angelus A 5. Lontano, & aſcoſo.
21. Natiuitas tua Dei genitrix Virgo a 8.
22. MESSA à quattro voci (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Pisticci, Atanasio da (17.sc)
Title: IL TERZO LIBRO | DELLI MOTETTI | A Due & A Tre Voci. | Con la Partitura
per l’Organo | DI F. ATANASIO DA PISTICCI | Minore Oſſeru. | opera Seſta. | Con
Licenza d’Superiori, & Priuilegio. | [coat of arms] | STAMPA DEL GARDANO | IN
VENETIA MDCXXXIII. || Appreſſo Bartholomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: stanza del Gardano, appresso Bartolomeo Magni 1633
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, Part. On p. 2 dedication of the composer to Don Gio: Antonio Di Vera & Figueroa Conte della Roca, dated 20th April 1633.
At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50697 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. On the title page written in pencil:
14 (Part.); 15 (T); 16 (A). Pages damaged on the edges, specimen underwent conservation in 1995. Single handwritten performance indications: solo.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[D. C. | 4]; [Nro 147]; [Mus. 563].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 310; RISM A/I: P 2454; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Atanasio da Pisticci, o quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus, ed.
Gunther Morche, Heidelberg 2008 (http://imslp.org/wiki/File:WIMA.c485-Pisticci.pdf)
Recording: [–]
1. Gaudeamus omnes in Domino A 2. Canto & Alto
2. Sanĉta & immaculata Virginitas A 2. Canto & Alto
3. Congratulamini mihi omnes A 2. Canto & Alto
4. Beatus vir qui inuentus eſt ſine macula A 2. Canto & Alto
5. Os iuſti meditabitur sapientiam A 2. Canto & Alto
6. O quam ſuauis eſt Domine ſpiritus tuus A 2. Canto & Alto
7. Deus qui nos in tantis periculis A 2. Canto & Alto
8. Iuſtus vt palma florebit A 2. Canti ò Tenori
9. Filiæ Ieruſalem venite & videte A 2. Due Alti
10. O Anima mea redempta Chiſti sanguine A 2. Due Tenori
11. O Salutaris Hoſtia A 2. Alto è Tenore
12. Crucis vox hunc alloquitur A 2. Alto e Tenore
13. Veni ſponſa Christi A 2. Alto e Tenore
14. Egredimini filię ſion A 2. Alto e Baſſo
15. Tota pulchra es Maria A 2. Alto e Baſſo
16. Gaudent in Cęlis A 3. Canto Alto & Tenore
17. Hęc eſt vera fraternitas A 3. Canto Alto & Tenore
18. Iſti ſunt qui amitti ſtolis albis A 3. Canto Alto & Tenore
19. Cantemus Domino glorioſe A 3. Alto Tenore & Baſſo
20. Confitemini Domino A 3. Alto Tenore & Baſſo
21. Si quęris miracula A 3. Alto Tenore & Baſſo
22. Venite omnes gentes A 3. Alto Tenore & Baſſo
Composer(s): Casati, Girolamo (1590c–1657p)
CASATO | DICTO FILAGHO | A Nouaria. | In Comunitatis Romanengi Eccleſia
Organiſta. | OPVS PRIMVM. | CVM PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | Venetijs,
Apud Alexandrum Vincentium. 1625 |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1625
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer to Camillo Grazzano dated 15th October 1625. On the following pages seven
Latin epigrams. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo indications: Forte, Piano.
4. The catalogue
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50326 Muz.
Notes on item: T and bc partbooks missing. The specimen damaged on the edges,
refilled after conservation in 1997. Single handwritten accidentals.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [D. P. | 5.]; [Nro 148]; [Mus. 215].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 90; RISM A/I: C 1425; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Girolamo Casati, o quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus, ed. Gunther Morche, Heidelberg 2009 (http://imslp.org/wiki/File:WIMA.ab1c-Casati.pdf)
Recording: [–]
1. Veni dileĉte mi et confige A 1. Canto, ò Tenore
2. Vidi Specioſam sicut columbam A 1. Canto, ò Tenore.
3. Hodie nobis Cęlorum Rex A 1. Canto, ò Tenore
4. Transfige dulciſſime Domine A 1. Canto, ò Tenore.
5. Gaudium mundi nova ſtella A 2. Due Soprani, ò Tenori.
6. Canite tuba in Syon A 2. Due Soprani, ò Tenori
7. Gaudete in Domino A 2. Due Soprani, ò Tenori
8. O quam ſuauis eſt Spiritus tuus A 2. Due Canti, ò Tenori
9. Lapidabant Stephanum A 2. Due Soprani, ò Tenori
10. Gaudeamus & exultemus in ſolemnitate A 2. Canto, & Alto, ò Vero Tenore & Alto
11. Quam pulchra formoſa ſuavis A 2. Canto ò Tenore, & Baſſo ouero Canto, & Alto.
12. Angelus Domini deſcendit de Cælo A 2. Canto & Baſſo.
13. Dominus illuminatio mea. Al M. R. P. Maeſtro Angelo Maria Geneſio Regente digniſimo de Carmelitani in Nouara Patron mio Oſſeruandiſſimo. A 2. Canto, e Baſſo.
14. Congratulamini mihi omnes A 2. Alto, & Canto, ò Te. ò vero B. & C.
15. Ego ex ore Altiſſimi A 3. Baſſo Tenore, & Alto. Al M. R. P. Maeſtro Baſilio Leoni
Priore digniſſimo de Carmelitani nel nobiliſſimo Conuento di Cremona
16. Omnis pulchritudo Domini A 3. Baſſo doi Soprani, ò Tenori
17. Sanĉte N. Chriſti Confeſſor A 3. Alto, Tenore, & Canto.
18. O Bone Ieſu Verbum Patris A 3. Baſſo, Tenore, & Canto
19. Gaudeamus omnes in Domino A 4. Canto, Tenor, Alto, & Baſſo.
20. Modicum & non iam videbitis A 4. Canto, Tenore, Alto, & Baſſo. Al M. R. P.
mio oſſeruandiſſimo Il Sig. D. Eraſmo Coſta Maeſtro di Muſica in Romanengo.
21. Sacris ſolemnijs juncta ſint gaudia A 4. Canto, Tenor, Alto, & Baſſo
22. In leĉtulo meo per noĉtes A 4. Canto, Tenor, Alto, & Baſſo
23. Omnes de Saba venient A 4. Canto, Tenor, Alto, & Baſſo
24. Cantate Domino canticum novum A 4. Baſſo, Tenor, Alto & Canto [in tavola:]
Alto, Tenore, doi Soprani neceſſitata.
25. In ęternum et in sęculum A 4. Canto, Tenore, Alto, & Baſſo. Al M. R. P. M. Eliodoro Oldrouandi Priore digniſſimo de Carmelitani in Romanengo.
26. Veni de Libano sponsa mea A 5. Due Soprani, Tenore, Alto, & Baſſo
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Composer(s): Agnelli, Lorenzo (1610–1674)
MONACO OLIVETANO, | Dedicati | Alla Molto Illuſt.e, Reuerendiſsima Sig.ra Donna
| RAFFAELA ALEOTTI | Ferrareſe Meritiſsima, | Priora nel Monaſterio di S. Vito in
Ferrara, Legiadriſsima Organiſta. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo
Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXVIII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1638
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 2 or p. 3 of the vocal partbooks dedication of the composer dated 9th April 1638 and an Italian sonnet dedicated
All’iſteſſa Signora. At the end – a list of contents and a Latin distichon by the composer.
Single tempo and dynamic indications: allegro, adagio, piano.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50235 Muz.
Notes on item: A and B partbooks missing. Individual pages damaged on the edges,
refilled with paper after conservation in 1994. Single handwritten accidentals and calculations of rest lengths. On the title page written in pencil: 34 V.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [D. D. | 5.]; [Nro 149]; Mus. 103.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 32–33; RISM A/I: A 400; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Lorenzo Agnelli, Solemni cantu celebremus laudes, ed. Gunther Morche, Heidelberg 2011 (http://imslp.org/wiki/File:PMLP556480-Agnelli.pdf)
Recording: Raphaella Aleotti, Le Monache di San Vito, Capella Artemisia, Candace
Smith, Tactus 2007 (TC 570101); Weep and Rejoice. Music for Holy Week from the
convents of the 17th-century Italy, Capella Artemisia, Candace Smith, Brilliant Classics
2014 (BC 94638)
1. Quis es tu qui veniſti Dialogo A 2. Canto, e Baſſo
2. O Domine ò Ieſu Chriſte A 2. Due Canti
3. Ornatam monilibus A 2. Canto, e Tenore
4. Vocem iucunditatis A 2. Tenore, e Baſso
5. Lætentur omnes iubilate cæli A 2. Canto, e Tenore
6. Quaſi cedrus exaltata ſum A 2. Due Canti
7. O vos omnes qui tranſitis per viam A 2. Due Canti
8. Beatus Laurentius A 3. Canto, Alto, e Baſso
9. Solemni cantu celebremus laudes [prima pars] – Iſti ſunt agni [seconda pars].
Nel giorno de Santi Vito, Modeſto, Creſenzia A 3. Canti ouero due Canti, & vn
10. Audi ſuauis Maria A 3. Due Canti, e Tenore.
4. The catalogue
O quam pulchra es A 3. Due Canti, e Baſso.
Amabilis Deus illuſtra animam meam A 3. Due Canti, e Tenore.
Regina cœli lætare A 3. Canto, Tenore, Baſso, & vn Violino ſe piace.
Plateæ tuæ Hieruſalem A 4. Canto, e Tenore, Cornetto, e Fagotto.
Lauda Syon Saluatorem A 4. Due Canti, Violino, e Chitarrone
Intuemini quantus fit iſte qui ingreditur A 4. Due Canti, e due Tenori.
Lætetur Eccleſia A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſso
Caro mea A 5. Voce ſola, e quattro Viole da braccio.
Veni ſponſa Chriſti veni electa A 5. Canto Alto, e Baſso, & tre Stromenti
Lætanie della B. V. M. à. quattro voci, & tre Stromenti ſe piace (Kyrie eleiſon –
Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Sarti, Giovanni Vincenzo (17.sc)
Title: CONCERTI SACRI | A 2, 3, 4, & à ſei Voci Con il Baſſo per l’Organo | DI GIO.
VINCENZO SARTI Da S. Agata | Maeſtro di Capella nel Duomo Di Forli | Dedicati
All’ Illuſt.mo & Reu.mo Monſig. Arciueſcouo Theodoli | Libro quinto, Opera ottaua. |
[coat of arms] | IN VENETIA MDCXXXXIII || Appreſſo Bartolameo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1643
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo indications: preſto.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50785 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Damaged edges of pages, refilled with
paper after conservation in 1983. A partbook missing. T partbook is not complete. On
the title pages written in pencil: 461 | V.
Provenance: Old shelfmarks: [G 2 | 5.]; [Nro 150]; [Mus. 659].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 377; RISM A/I: S 921, SS 921; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Giovanni Vincenzo Sarti, Anima Christi sanctifica me, ed. Gunther
Morche, Heidelberg 2012 (http://imslp.org/wiki/File:PMLP558902-Sarti.pdf)
Recording: [–]
1. Paratum cor meum Deus A 2. Due Canti ò Tenori
2. Anima Chriſti ſanĉtifica me A 2. Canto e Baſſo
3. Exaltate Regem A 2. Due Canti ò Tenori
4. O Virgo felix Sanĉta Maria A 2. Due Canti ò Tenori
5. Ego ſum oſtium dicit Dominus A 2. Due Alti
6. Petite & accipietis A 2. Due Canti ò Tenori
7. O intemerata & in æternum benedicta A 3. Due Canti e Baſſo
8. Iuſtus germinabit ſicut lilium A 3. Alto Tenore è Baſſo
9. Ad Dominum cum tribulare A 3. Due Tenori è Baſſo
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Non vos relinquam A 3. Due Canti e Baſſo
Diligam te Domine fortitudo mea A 3. Due Canti e Baſſo
Iam teneo. Dialogo A 3. Canto Tenore e Baſſo
Afferte mihi oleum. Dialogo A 4. Canto Alto Tenore e Baſſo
Quam pulchra es Maria A 4. Alto Due Tenori e Baſſo
Miſſus eſt Angelus. Dialogo A 4. Canto Alto Tenore e Baſſo
Ego flos campi A 6. 2 Tenori e Baſſo Due violini & vn Trombone.
In cælis hodie A 6. Due Soprani Tenore 2 violini e Trombone.
Composer(s): Grandi, Alessandro (1586–1630)
Title: MADRIGALI | CONCERTATI | A Due, Tre, & Quattro, voci per cantar |
e ſonar nel Clauicembalo, Chitar-|rone, ò altro ſimile ſtromento. | DI ALESSANDRO
GRANDI | Vice Maeſtro di Capella della Sere-|nisſima Signoria di Venetia | In San
Marco. | Nuouamente riſtampati, & corretti. | CON PRIVILEGIO. | LIBRO SECONDO
| OPERA XI. | [typographer’s mark] | [in the vocal partbooks written in italics:] In
Venetia Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. 1623. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1623
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50485 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. On the title pages written in pencil: 241
V; 317. Single handwritten accidentals. The specimen underwent conservation in 1994.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[P | 5]; [Nro 151]; [Mus. 357].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 158; RISM A/I: G 3470, GG 3470; VogelB: I, p. 309; NV
1278; www.bibliotecamusica.it
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Io mi ſento morir, quando non miro colei A 2. Due Tenori [Giovanni Battista
2. Negatemi pur, cruda, de bei voſtr’occhi il ſole A 2. Due Tenori [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
3. Roſe, roſe beate, laſcivette figliole de la terra A 2. Due Tenori [Giovanni Battista
4. Ardemmo inſieme, bella Donna A 2. Canto, e Tenore [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
5. O com’è gran martire a celar duo deſire A 2. Due Canti [Giovanni Battista
6. O ſtelle ardenti, o ſtelle vive d’amor fiammelle A 2. Due Canti
7. Spine care, e ſoaui, che piagando ſanate A 2. Due Canti
4. The catalogue
Dolciſſimi labretti vezzoſi rubinetti A 2. Due Canti
Quell’Aura che ſuſſura fra quelle frondi A 2. Canto, e Tenore
Di voi ben mio, Idolo mio A 2. Canto, e Tenore
Tù parti a pena giunto A 2. Due Canti [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
A qual, tanto d’Amore favorito paſtore. Dialogo A 2. Alto, e Canto
O Donna troppo cruda e troppo bella A 3. Due Tenori, e Baſſo [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
E coſì, pur languendo, me’n vò tra queſte piume A 3. Due Tenori, e Baſſo [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
Io ſenza fede? O fiera, non ha il regno d’Amore A 3. Due Tenori, e Baſſo
Riede la Primavera, torna la bella Clori A 3. Due Tenori, e Baſſo [Giambattista
La mia Clori e brunetta A 3. Due Tenori, e Baſſo [Levio Celiano]
Ardo ſì, ma non t’amo, perfida e diſpietata A 3. Due Tenori, e Baſſo [Giovanni
Battista Guarini]
Ohimè l’antica fiamma, ch’era ſopita, a l’aura d’una sola A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
Horſù Paſtori, ſediam sul prato carco di fiori A 4 [prima parte] – Su, su cantiamo le belle vaghezze A 4 [seconda parte] – Coi gorghi d’oro ceda il Patolo
A 1 [terza parte] – Porta Dorilla il ſol nel guardo A 1 [quarta parte] – Non ha
l’aurora guancie sì belle A 1 [quinta parte] – So ben ch’abbate col bel ſereno A 1
[sesta parte] – Silvia mia vita, Filli gradita A 4 [settima parte] – Su dunque adoriamo le belle vaghezze A 4 [ottaua parte]. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo (Fileno,
Mopso, Elpino, Ergasto).
Composer(s): Cozzolani, Chiara Margarita (1602–1677)
MARGARITA COZZOLANI | Monaca in Santa Radegonda di Milano. | DEDICATI
Preſidente Generale della Congregatione Caſſinenſe. | OPERA TERZA Con Priuilegio.
| [coat of arms] | IN VENETIA Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. M. DC. XXXXVIII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1648
Description: Cfr. no. 25 in the present catalogue
Shelfmark: Specimen no longer preserved.
Notes on item: [–]
Provenance: Old shelfmarks: [H. S. | 1.]; [Nro 152]. Another copy of this print was
listed in Dehn’s catalogue: H S. | 1 and Nro 20 (b). Cfr. no. 25 in the present catalogue.
Catalogues: Cfr. no. 25
Digitized version: Cfr. no. 25
Modern edition: Cfr. no. 25
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Recording: [–]
Contents: Cfr. no. 25
Composer(s): Grandi, Alessandro (1586–1630)
Title: MOTETTI | A VNA, ET DVE | VOCI | Con Sinfonie d’Iſtromenti Partiti
per cantar, & | ſonar co’l Chittarone | DI ALESSANDRO GRANDI | Vice Maeſtro di
Capella della Sereniſſima Signoria | di Venetia in S. Marco. | Nouamente riſtampati &
corretti. | CON PRIVILEGIO. | Dedicati All’Illuſtriſſimo, & Reuerendiſſimo Monſignor
| Gio: Franceſco Moroſini Abbate di Leno; | & Canonico di Padoa. | LIBRO PRIMO. |
[typographer’s mark] | In Venetia, Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti MDC XXVI. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1626
Description: Set of 5 partbooks: S I, S II, bc in fol.; vl I, vl II in 4o. At the end – a list
of contents. In S.W. Dehn’s catalogue there is a note: hierbei sind bloß die Violinen
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50482 Muz., cfr. no longer surviving doublette, no. 7 in the
present catalogue.
Notes on item: Only vl I and vl II partbooks extant, both damaged, underwent conservation in 1994. Some tempo indications: adaſio. In vl I and vl II partbooks on p. 9
and respectively 9–10 the handwritten title Justus [germinabit], supplementing the one
omitted in print.
Provenance: Both extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
B | 2; Nro 153 (d); Mus. 244/III.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 159; RISM A/I: G 3446; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0005/bsb00059753/
images/ (the specimen from D-Mbs)
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Vvlneraſti cor meum à 1. Con doi Violini.
2. O Dulce nomen Ieſu à 1. Con Sinfonia di doi Violini.
3. Lauda Sion Saluatorem à 1. Con Sinfonia di doi Violini.
4. Tota pulcra es à 1. Con Sinfonia di doi Violini.
5. Congratulamini mihi à 1. Con Sinfonia di doi Violini.
6. Memoriam fecit à 1. Con Sinfonia di doi Violini.
7. Transfige dulciſſime Domine à 1. Con Sinfonia di doi Violini.
8. Salue Regina à 1. Con Sinfonia di doi Violini.
9. Iuſtus germinabit sicut lilium à 1. Con Sinfonia a 3. doi Violini, & vn Fagoto
10. O vos omnes qui transitis per viam à 1. Con Sinfonia a 3. Viole
4. The catalogue
Ego flos campi à 1. Senza Sinfonia. In Soprano alla quinta alta.
Bone Ieſu verbum Patris à 2. Canto Primo, ò Tenore. Con Sinfonia di doi Violini.
Lætantes concinunt angelorum turbae. A due voci. Con Sinfonia di doi Violini.
Angele Dei qui custos es mei. A due Tenori.
Benedictus es Domine Deus. A due Canti.
Composer(s): Tarditi, Orazio (1602–1677)
Title: MOTETTI | A VOCE SOLA | Per Cantare nell’ Organo, Grauecimbalo Tiorba,
| DA BORGO IN BRESSA | Abbate meritiſsimo della Badia di Val’ di Caſtro, è San’
Biagio di Fa-|briano della Congregatione Camaldolenſe. | CON PRIVILEGIO. |
[typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXXVI |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1646
Description: Set of 2 partbooks in 4°: Voce, Part. On p. 3 dedication of the composer dated 7th September 1646. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50134 Muz., cfr. the doublette, no. 53 in the present catalogue
(only Part.), with which this specimen forms a complete set of partbooks.
Notes on item: Only Voce partbook survives from this set of partbooks. Cfr. no. 53.
The specimen severely damaged, refilled and bound in new paper. Numerous handwritten accidentals.
Provenance: Old shelfmarks: E Y | 1.; Nro 154. In Dehn’s catalogue a handwritten note:
Stimmen ist bloß Singstimmen vorhanden. Unter N. 46b ist nur Werk [?] vollstimmig.
Catalogues: Cfr. no. 53
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Cfr. no. 53
Recording: Cfr. no. 53
Contents: Cfr. no. 53
Composer(s): Tarditi, Orazio (1602–1677)
Title: [red ink only in S 1 ch.] SALMI | [black ink] A OTTO VOCI | Per Cantare
nell’Organo. | DI | [red ink] HORATIO TARDITI | [black ink] Maeſtro di Capella
del Duomo di Faenza | [red ink] OPERA [black ink] Vigeſima Ottaua. | Dedicata Al
Molt’Illuſtre, & Reuerendiſſimo Padre | [red ink] DON REMIGIO BVCCI | [black ink]
Abbate Generale della Congregatione Camaldolenſe. | [red ink] Con privilegio. | [coat
of arms] | IN VENETIA, || [black ink] Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. M.DC.XXXXIX.
| [typographer’s mark] |
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1649
Description: Set of 9 partbooks in 4o: 1 ch.: S, A, T, B; 2 ch.: S, A, T, B; bc. On p. 3
dedication of the composer dated 24th March 1649. On p. 3 an Italian sonnet all’Auttore by D. Simeone Arditij. At the end – a list of contents. On the title pages written in
pencil: 7 (S 1 ch.); 8 (T 1 ch.); 9 (A 1 ch.); 11 (S 2 ch.); 12 (T 2 ch.).
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50844 Muz.
Notes on item: B 1 ch., A 2 ch. and bc partbooks missing. Damaged pages (esp.
the first and last one) in all partbooks. The specimen underwent conservation. Single
handwritten accidentals. Between pp. 36–37 a paper sheet with handwritten music
errata inserted, referring to the Dixit Dominus that follows.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: H A | 9.; Nro 155; Mus. 717.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 407; RISM A/I: T 203, TT 203; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Domine ad adiuuandum A 8.
2. Dixit Dominus Primo Tuono. Senza Intonatione.
3. Dixit Dominus A 8. Secondo Tuono Senza Intonatione
4. Confitebor tibi A 8. Secondo Tuono
5. Beatus vir A 8. Primo Tuono
6. Laudate Pueri A 8. Senza Intonatione
7. Laudate Dominum Quinto Tuono. Senza Intonatione.
8. In exitu Iſrael A 8. Primo Tuono
9. Lætatus ſum A 8. Secundo Tuono Senza Intonatione
10. Niſi Dominus A 8. Sexto Tuono
11. Lauda Hieruſalem A 8. Secundo Tuono
12. Credidi propter A 8. Secondo Tuono
13. Memento Domine Dauid A 8. Primo Tuono
14. In conuertendo Dominus. Secondo Tuono
15. Domine probaſti me A 8. Settimo Tuono
16. Magnificat A 8. Secondo Tuono Senza Intonatione
17. Dixit Dominus Concertato A 8. Con doi Violini. Doi Soprani, Alto, doi Tenori,
è Baſſo
Composer(s): Grandi, Alessandro (1586–1630)
4. The catalogue
MARIA | MAGGIORE DI BERGAMO. | Raccolti, & nuouamente dati in luce da
Aleſſandro Vincenti, | Et dedicati Al Molto Illuſtre, & Reuerendiſſimo | P. D. AVRELIO
[typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Apreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXX. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1640
Description: Set of 9 partbooks in 4o: 1 ch.: S, A, T, B; 2 ch.: S, A, T, B; bc. At the
end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50497 Muz.
Notes on item: Only B 1 ch., S 2 ch., A 2 ch., and B 2 ch. partbooks extant. On the
title page written in pencil 258 | IX. B 1 ch. partbook severely damaged, underwent
conservation in 1993.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [t | 9]; [Nro 156]; [Mus. 370].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 162–163; RISM A/I: G 3454; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Domine ad adiuuandum A 8
2. Dixit Dominus Primi Toni A 8. ſenza Intonatione
3. Confitebor tibi Domine Secundi Toni
4. Beatus vir qui timet Dominum Tertij Toni
5. Laudate pueri Dominum Quarti Toni
6. Laudate Dominum Sexti Toni
7. In exitu Iſrael de ægypto Proprij Toni
8. Lætatus ſum in quæ Secundi Toni
9. Niſi Dominus Quinti Toni
10. Lauda Ieruſalem Dominum Oĉtaui Toni
11. Credidi propter quod Quarti Toni
12. In conuertendo Domine Secundi Toni
13. Domine probaſti me Primi Toni
14. De profundis clamaui Septimi Toni
15. Beati omnes qui timent Dominum Primi Toni Senza intonatione
16. Memento Domine Dauid Tertij Toni
17. Magnificat Secundi Toni Senza intonatione
18. Dixit Dominus Domino A 10. Otto Voci. & 2. Iſtromenti Cioè Violino, & Trombone ouero Viola Concertata
19. Magnificat A 10. Come il Dixit
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Composer(s): Sances, Giovanni Felice (1600c–1679)
Title: MOTETTI | A vna, due, tre, e quatro voci | DI | GIO: FELICE SANCES |
MVSICO | dell’Auguſtiſſimo, & Inuitiſſimo Imperatore | FERDINANDO III | Dedicati
| A Sua S. C. Maeſtá | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA M DC XXXXI || Appreſſo
Bartolomeo Magni |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1641
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50782 Muz.
Notes on item: Only T and bc partbooks extant. On the title page written in pencil:
459 | V.
Provenance: Both extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[E H | 5]; [Nro 157]; [Mus.] 651.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 375; RISM A/I: S 769; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Giovanni Felice Sances, Motetti a una, due, tre, e quatro voci
(1638), ed. Steven Saunders, Middleton (Wisconsin): A-R Editions 2003 (Recent Researches in the Music of the Baroque Era, 126)
Recording: Giovanni Felice Sances: Dulcis Amor Iesu, Scherzi Musicali, Nicholas
Achten, Ricercar 2010 (RIC 292)
1. Ardet cor meum A 1. Canto Solo
2. Lætamini in Domino A 1. Canto ſolo
3. O quam ſpecioſa A 1. Alto ſolo
4. Quemadmodum deſiderat Ceruus A 1. Alto ſolo
5. Soluatur lingua mea A 1. Tenore ſolo
6. Conditor cæli & terræ A 1. Tenore ſolo
7. Audite me diuini fruĉtus A 1. Baſſo ſolo
8. Dulcis amor Ieſu A 1. Baſſo ſolo
9. Iudica me Deus A 2. A Doi Soprani
10. Domine ne memineris A 2. A Doi Soprani
11. Pſalite Domino qui habitat A 2. A Doi Soprani
12. Vulneraſti cor meum A Doi Canto e Tenore
13. Deus in adiutorium meum intende A Doi Canto e Baſſo
14. Tota pulcra es amica mea A Doi Alto e Tenore
15. Iubilent in cęlis A 2. Doi Tenori
16. Saluum me fac A 2. Doi Tenori
17. Laudemus viros glorioſos A 2. Doi Tenori
18. Plagæ tuæ Domine A 3. Alto Tenore e Baſſo
19. O Crux benediĉta A 3. Alto Tenore e Baſſo
4. The catalogue
O Domine guttæ tui Sanguinis A 3. Alto Tenore e Baſſo
Aue Regina Cælorum A 3. Alto Tenore e Baſſo
O Ieſu mi A 3. Canto e doi Tenori
Magnificemus in cantico A 3. Doi Canti e Baſſo
Iſte Confeſſor A 4. Doi Canti e Doi Violini
Aue Maris Stella A 4. Doi Canti e Doi Violini
O Ieſu mi dulcisſime A 4. Doi Canti Alto e Baſſo
Salue Regina A 4. Canto Alto Tenore e Baſſo
Composer(s): Sances, Giovanni Felice (1600c–1679)
DEL’IMPERATRICE | MARIA D’AVSTRIA &c. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA
M DC XXXX | Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1640
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer dated 1st July 1640. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50781 Muz.
Notes on item: The specimen damaged by humidity, underwent conservation in
1997. A and bc partbooks missing. On the title pages written in pencil: 460 | V. Single
handwritten accidentals.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [E G | 5.]; [Nro 158]; [Mus. 650].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 375; RISM A/I: S 771; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=16612
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Salue Regina à doi Canti o Tenori
2. Alma Redemptoris à doi Baſſo e Tenor ouero Canto
3. Aue Regina cęlorum à doi Alto e Tenore ouero Canto
4. Regina cęli à doi Canti o Tenori
5. Stabat Mater à 3. Doi Canti e Tenore
6. Letanie della B. V. à 3. doi Canti e Tenore. (Kyrie eleiſon – Agnus Dei)
7. Letanie della B. V. à 4. voci Canto Alto Tenor e Baſſo (Kyrie eleiſon – Agnus Dei)
8. Letanie della B. V. à 5. doi Canti Alto Tenor e Baſſo (Kyrie eleiſon – Agnus Dei)
9. Letanie della B. V. à ſei voci. Canto e Alto concertati e 4. Voci da Ripieni (Kyrie
eleiſon – Agnus Dei)
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Letanie della B. V. à 7. Cinque Voci doi Canti Alto Tenor Baſſo e doi Violini
(Kyrie eleiſon – Agnus Dei)
Letanie della B. V. à 8. voci (Kyrie eleiſon – Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Biandrà, Giovanni Pietro (1633p†)
Title: Il Primo Libro De | MADRIGALETTI | Á Vna doi è [!] Tre Voci | DI GIO:
PIETRO BIANDRA | Romano Maestro di Capella nella | Chatedrale [!] di Faenza | &
nell’ Academia | delli Spennati | di della Città il Zelante. | Opera Prima. | DEDICAtI |
ALLI M.ti ILL.ri SIG.ori ACCADEMICI | Spennati. |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Bartolomeo Magni 1626
Description: One volume in 4o. On p. 3 dedication of the composer dated 1st October 1626. At the end – a list of contents and a short letter Alli Signori Virtuoſi. On the
last page the publisher’s colophon: STAMPA DEL GARDANO | [typographer’s mark]
| IN VENETIA M DC XXVI. || Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni. |
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50287 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. On the title page written in pencil: 65;
94. Single handwritten accidentals and pitch corrections.
Provenance: The volume bears Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: E G | 5;
Nro 159; Mus. 172.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 69–70; RISM A/I: B 2609; VogelB: I, pp. 96–97; NV 362
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=13672
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Signor ferma, deh ferma A 1. Canto ſolo
2. Occhi, voi che ſouente fate il mio cor sogetto A 1. Canto ſolo
3. Vieni, o Cęleſte Spirto, empi questo mio core A 1. Alto ſolo
4. Bella come la Luna, eletta come il sol, MARIA A 1. Alto ſolo
5. O Creator del Cielo, che me di nulla feſti A 1. Tenore ſolo
6. Iniquiſsimo Guida, o traditor spietato A 1. Tenore ſolo
7. Locar ſopra l’abiſſi i fondamenti [prima parte] – Dar legge à i mari, e le tempeste
(Seconda Parte) – Signor, fù poco alla tua gran possanza (Terza, & vltima parte)
A 1. Baritono ſolo [Coppetta Beccuti]
8. O miei giorni fugaci, o breue vita A 1. Baritono ſolo [Ottavio Rinuccini]
9. Abiſsi di ſpauent’a tre cauerne A 1. Baſſo ſolo
10. Fiamme amoroſe, che dal petto vſcite del mio Giesù A 2. Canto, è Baſſo.
11. Ti ſeguo ſì, mia vita, ancor ch’afflitto e stanco A 2. Tenori.
12. Ben diſsi, dolce Amore A 2. Canto, e Alto.
4. The catalogue
Ecco il Signor in croce, aſpro mio core A 2. Baſsi.
O della mia Salut’unica ſpeme. A 2. Canto, e Tenore
A piè del duro legno. Canto e Tenore (Prima parte) – E mentre il sangue in caldo rio. Baſſo Solo (Seconda parte) – Perchè non poſs’anch’io qui teco essangue.
Canto Solo (Terza parte) – Deh mira, Figlio, almen nell’ultim’hore à tre. Canto,
Tenore e Baſſo (Quarta parte).
Ahi cor, ſe pur ſei core A 3. doi Canti, e Baſſo [Giambattista Marino]
Se teco nacque eternament’amore tu sei’l più vecchio à 1. Canto. Al Padre
Sempiterno principio senza principio e fine à 1. Canto. Al Figlio
Vivo raggio del Sole, viva fiamma d’amore à 1. Canto. Allo Spirito Santo
O giuſt’ equalitate, unita deitade, o Trinità à 1. Canto. Alla Sanctiſsima Trinità
Non erano gli abiſsi quando che gli occhi à 1. Canto. Nella Predeſtinazione della
Hor ceſsi il pianto, rimbombi il canto. à 1. Tenore. Nella Reſurettione.
Non ha materia e forma, con parole si forma à 1. Canto. Al Santiſsimo Sacramento.
Di Roſe ove d’indora di fiameggiante crine à 1. Tenore. A Santo Franceſco d’Aſciſi.
O velata gratioſa, o benedetta Chiara à 1. Alto. A Santa Chiara.
Qual negletta ſcintilletta à 1. Canto. Della naſcita di Santa Tereſia.
Composer(s): Filago, Carlo (1589–1644)
Title: SACRI CONCERTI | A Voce ſola. | Con la Partitura Per L’organo | DI |
CARLO FILAGO | RODIGINO | Organiſta Della Sereniſſima Republica | di Venetia
In S. Marco. | opera Quarta. Con Licenza de Superiori. | [coat of arms] | IN VENETIA
M DC XXXXII || Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1642
Description: Set of 2 partbooks in 4o: Voce, Part. On p. 3 dedication of the composer
to Maria Felice Sbaraschi Polacha Monacha nel Monasterio di S. Marco, & S. Andrea di
Murano di Venetia dated 16th February 1642. On p. 4 Sonetto alla Medesima, Sonetto
all’Auttore, and Madrigale di Gregorio Ferrari a l’Istesso, on the penultimate page –
a preface to the readers. At the end – a list of contents and the publisher’s colophon.
Some tempo indications: Alegro, Adagio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50426 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Complete set of partbooks. On the
title page written in pencil: 202 | 2. The specimen underwent conservation in 1993.
On pp. 5–8 (Quem vidistis pastores) numerous handwritten corrections of erroneously
printed semiquavers.
Provenance: Both partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [E. K.
| 2]; [Nro 160]; [Mus. 306].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 130; RISM A/I: F 730; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Modern edition: Carlo Filago (Rovigo 1589–Venezia 1644), Sacri concerti a voce
sola (Venezia: B. Magni 1642), ed. M. Luisa Baldassarri, Mariarosa Pollastri, Rovigo:
Conservatorio statale di musica Francesco Venezze 2009
Recording: [–]
1. Quem vidiſtis paſtores.
2. Iſte eſt Ioannes qui ſupra peĉtus Domini
3. O prętioſum & admirandum conuiuium
4. Dulcis amor Ieſu
5. Aue Maria Virgo gratioſiſſima
6. Tota pulchra es amica mea
7. Venite filij audite me
8. Confitemini Domino
9. O Beatum N. cuius anima paradiſum poſidet
10. Ego autem ſum vermis & non homo
11. Aurora lucis rutilat
12. Exurge gloria mea pſalterium
13. O quantum tibi debeo dulciſſime Ieſu Chriſte
14. Introduxit me Rex in cellam vinariam
15. Salue Regina
16. Alma Redemptoris Mater
Composer(s): Rovetta, Giovanni (1596c–1668)
Title: MADRIGALI | CONCERTATI | A Due e Tre, Voci, & altri à Cinque, Sei, &
otto con due violini | Et nel fine vna Cantata à Quattro | LIBRO SECONDO | DI GIO:
ROVETTA | Vice Maeſtro di Capella della Sereniſsima Republica | OPERA SESTA
| DEDICATI | Al Molto Illuſtre, & Eccellentiſsimo Signor | FRANCESCO POZZO
| CON LICENZA DE’ SVPERIORI, ET PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN
VENETIA, || Apreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDC XXXX. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1640
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, A, T, B, bc. On the back cover of the
vocal partbooks dedication of the composer dated 16th March 1640. At the end – a list
of contents. Some tempo and dynamic indications: preſto, pian, forte.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50756 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Pages of T partbook damaged on the edges, refilled with paper after conservation in 1993. On the title pages written in pencil:
536 | VI. Some handwritten accidentals and calculations of rest lengths.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
R [in catalogue: K] | 6; N. 161; [Mus. 627].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 343; RISM A/I: R 2985; VogelB: II, p. 168; NV 2465; www.
4. The catalogue
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Giovanni Rovetta, Madrigali concertati a 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 et nel fine una
cantata à 4, libro secondo, op. 6 (Venice, 1640), ed. John Whenham, University of Birmingham & University of Heidelberg 2007 (http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/schools/
Recording: [–]
1. Voi partite, crudele, ah voi partite A 2. Soprani
2. O quante volte, o quante, invaghito pur io piansi e pena A 2. Soprani
3. Sovra il carro ſtellato in ciel ſorgea la notte [prima parte] – Gridai più volte al
mio canoro duolo (seconda parte) – Quando uſcir Filli con l’amante ancelle
(terza parte). A 2. Tenori ottaue
4. Hor lieto rido e canto A 2. Tenor, e Baſſo
5. Ah, mio bene, tu mori! A 2. Tenor, e Baſſo
6. Lacrimoſa beltà per cui già nott’e dì cotanto sospira A 3. Alto, Tenor, & Baſſo
7. La giovane belliſſima Adriana A 3. Canto, Tenore, & Baſſo
8. La Roſa, riſo d’amor. A 3. Alto, Tenore e Baſſo con ritornello di violino, ſe piace
9. Che coſa è amor? Chi’il ſà? [prima parte] – Chi ſa coſa è beltà, un raggio (Seconda [parte]) – Chi ſà dir coſa è fè (Terza [parte]) Aria A 3. Canto, Tenore e Baſſo.
Con ritornello di violino, ſe piace
10. Tutto lieto cantai, benigno amore A 5. voci. 2 Canti, Alto, Tenore e Baſſo
11. Venga dal ciel migliore virtù A 5. voci e due Violini. 2 Canti, Alto, Tenore e Baſſo
12. A che bramar, a che aventar i dardi in ſegni oſcuri [prima parte] – Quel che
piace [seconda parte] – Tutto languiſce [terza parte] 6 Voci e 2. Violini. 2 Canti,
Alto, 2 Tenori e Baſſo
13. Io torno, amati lumi, al caro oggetto [prima parte] – Voglio tanto pregarvi [seconda parte] – S’un raggio [terza parte] – Dou’è tanta beltà rigor non ſia [quarta
parte] 8 Voci e 2 Violini. Due Canti, Due Alti, Due Tenori e Due Baſſi
14. Spieghi i contenti ſuoi che viue amando. Canto primo (prima ſtanza) – Amor
ſaettami. Canto Secondo (Seconda ſtanza) – O paſſi ſparſi. Tenor (Terza ſtanza) – Altri caro d’amor. Baſſo (Quarta ſtanza) – Felice vedami. Canto Secondo
(Quinta ſtanza) – Io quanto piu ſeguo. Tenore (Seſta ſtanza) – Ite lungi da me.
Baſſi (Settima ſtanza) – Quanto tra lor diſcordano. Canto primo (Ottava ſtanza). Cantata a 4 Voci. 2 Canti, Tenore, e Baſſo
Composer(s): Scarani, Giuseppe (17.sc)
Title: CONCERTI | ECCLESIASTICI | A Due, Tre, Quatro, e cinque voci | con il
Baſſo Continuo. | DI GIVSEPPE SCARANI | Organiſta della Serenisſima Altezza Di
Modona, Reggio. &c. | Libro Primo. Opera Seconda. | Con Licenza de Superiori. |
[typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA M DC XXXXI || Appreſſo Bartolameo Magni |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1641
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S I, S/T II, A, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the
composer dated 1st June 1643. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50795 Muz.
Notes on item: S I partbook missing. Some handwritten accidentals. Some pages
damaged on the edges, refilled with paper after conservation in 1992. On the title page
written in pencil: 467 | V; 17. Single handwritten accidentals and some calculations of
rest lengths.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [λ | 5]; [Nro 162]; [Mus. 668].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 380; RISM A/I: S 1168; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=35889
Modern edition: Giuseppe Scarani, Concerti ecclesiastici a due, tre, quatro, e cinque
voci con il basso continuo, libro primo, opera seconda, facs. ed., Köln: Becker 2002
Recording: [–]
1. Ingredimini omnes A 2. A due Canti ò Tenori.
2. Amor Ieſv dulciſſime A 2. A Due Canti ò Tenori.
3. Exultauit cor meum A 2. A due Canti ò Tenori.
4. Hic eſt vere Martir A 2. A due Canti ò Tenori.
5. Saluum me fac Deus A 2. Alto e Baſſo.
6. Hęc eſt vera fraternitas A 2. Alto e Baſſo.
7. Egredimini & videte A 2. Canto ò Tenore e Baſſo.
8. Gaudete in Domino A 2. Tenore ò Canto e Baſſo.
9. Iudica Domine nocentes me A 2. Doi Tenori ò Canti.
10. Congratulamini mihi omnes A 2. Tenori ò Canti.
11. Dulce nomen Ieſu Chriſti A 2. Alto ò Tenore e Canto
12. Ivbilate Deo omnis terra A 3. Alto Tenor e Baſſo.
13. Peccaui super numerum A 3. Alto Tenor e Baſſo.
14. Transfige mi Domine A 3. Canto Tenore e Baſſo.
15. Chriſtus reſurgens ex mortuis A 3. Due Canti ò Tenori e Baſſo
16. Vulneraſti cor meum A 3. Canto Alto e Tenore.
17. Exurgat Deus A Quattro Voci. Canto Alto Tenore e Baſſo
18. Iſte Sanĉtus A Quattro Voci. Canto Alto Tenore e Baſſo
19. Exultate Deo A Quattro. Alto due Tenori e Baſſo
20. Bone Ieſu verbum Patris A 5 Voci. Alto Tenore Baſſo e due Violini.
21. Viuat pulchra puella Dialogo à 5. Due Canti Alto Tenore e Baſſo
4. The catalogue
Composer(s): Sances, Giovanni Felice (1600c–1679)
Title: SALMI | A 8 Voci Concertati, con la Comodità de ſuoi | Ripieni per chi li
deſideraſſe. | DI GIO: FELICE SANCES | Muſico della S. C. Maeſtà di | Ferdinando
| Arciduca D’Auſtria &c. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA M DC XXXXIII ||
Appreſſo Bartolameo Magni |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1643
Description: Set of 9 partbooks in 4o: 1 ch.: S, A, T, B; 2 ch.: S, A, T, B; bc. On p. 2
dedication of the composer dated 1st June 1643. At the end – the note A Benigni Lettori
e virtuoſi and a list of contents. Some tempo indications: allegro, adaſio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50783 Muz.
Notes on item: T 1 ch. partbook missing. Some pages damaged on the edges, refilled
after conservation. On the title pages written in pencil: 456 | IX; 327. Some handwritten accidentals, calculations of rest lengths, and bc numbering.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: E S | 9]; [Nro 163]; [Mus. 652].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 375; RISM A/I: S 773; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Dixit Dominus A 8.
2. Confitebor tibi Domine
3. Beatus vir
4. Laudate pueri
5. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes
6. In exitu Iſrael
7. Magnificat
8. Lætatus ſum
9. Niſi Dominus
10. Lauda Ieruſalem
11. Credidi propter quod
12. In conuertendo Dominus
13. Beati omnes
14. Regina cæli lætare
15. Viĉtimæ paſchali laudes
16. Stabat mater doloroſa
17. Puer qui natus eſt nobis
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Composer(s): Grandi, Alessandro (1586–1630)
Title: MADRIGALI | CONCERTATI | A Due, Tre, e Quattro voci per Cantar, e |
Sonar nel Clauicembalo, Chitarro-|ne, ò altro ſimile stromento | DI ALESSANDRO
GRANDI | Nuouamente in queſta quarta impreſſione corretti, & riſtampati. | CON
PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti.
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1626
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50486 Muz.
Notes on item: S partbook missing. On the title page written in pencil: 247 V. Single
handwritten accidentals and pitch corrections.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: o | 5; [Nro 164]; [Mus. 358].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 159; RISM A/I: G 3468; VogelB: I, p. 308; NV 1276; www.
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Non ſa che ſia dolore A 2. Tenor, e Canto [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
2. O chiom’erranti, o chiome dorate e inanellate A 2. Doi Tenori [Giambattista
3. Anima diſperata. Dialogo A 2 (Anima, Amore). Doi Tenori
4. O Filli, o Filli, questo pianto amaro A 2. Doi Tenori
5. Udite, lagrimoſi ſpirti d’Averno A 2. Doi Tenori [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
6. Nulla più vago miro A 2. Doi Canti
7. Com’è ſoave coſa, o Fillide gentil. Dialogo A 2. Tenore, e Canto.
8. Io vorrei pur morir A 3. Doi Tenori, e Baſſo
9. Io d’altrui? S’io volessi io non potrei A 3. Doi Tenori, e Baſſo [Giovanni Battista
10. Mira fuggir le stelle e fiorir l’oriente. Tenor ſolo [prima parte] – Odi concento.
Canto ſolo Secondo [seconda parte] – È vaga l’alba e ricca. Baſſo ſolo [terza
parte] – Lingua non è, non è pensier. A 3 [quarta parte] – Et ecco spunta. Canto
ſolo [quinta parte] – L’amoroso pianeta d’un angelico viso. Baſſo ſolo [sesta parte] – Il raggio luminoso di due serene siglia. Tenor ſolo [settima parte] – Lingua
non è, non è pensier. A 3 [ottava parte]. Aria A 3. Canto, Tenore, e Baſſo
11. Già vincitor del verno. Solo [prima parte] – Felice Primavera, tu regina. A 3
[seconda parte] – Tu sei figlia del ſole. A 2 [terza parte] – Ma di che godo A 1
[quarta parte] – Deh laſcia, o Niſa, il pianto. A 1 [quinta parte]. Dialogo A 3.
Canto, Tenore, e Baſſo [Giovanni Vincenzo Macedonio]
4. The catalogue
O dolciſſima morte A 1. Adone [prima parte] – O fanciullo vezzoſo. Venere [seconda parte] – Candidetti miei cigni. Paſtore [terza parte] – Se pur hor teco moria. Adone e Venere [quarta parte] – Coſì cantando in bocca al mio diletto. Venere [quinta parte] – Così cantando. Adone [sesta parte] – Traſanimar mi ſento.
Venere [settima parte] – Taci, bocca pietoſa. Adone [ottava parte] – O che ſoave
inneſto d’anime. Venere e Adone [nona parte] – Ahimè ch’in aſcoltando. Paſtore
[decima parte] – Cantiam dunque, cantiam lo dio d’amore. Tutti [undecima parte]. Dialogo A 3. Canto, Tenore, e Baſſo (Adone, Venere, Pastore)
Non miri il mio bel ſole A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
Riuerenti ſoſpiri A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
Sereniſſime ſtelle A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
Composer(s): Tarditi, Orazio (1602–1677)
le Litanie della Madonna | OPERA VIGESIMA | DI HORATIO TARDITI | CON
PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti.
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1643
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer to Padre D. Hortensio Lazzari da Bagnacavallo dated 19th March 1643. At the
end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50839 Muz.
Notes on item: Only B and bc partbooks extant. On the title page written in pencil:
504 | IV. Single handwritten calculations of rest lengths.
Provenance: Both extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[Z | 4]; [N.] 165; Mus. 712.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 406; RISM A/I: T 195; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Dixit Dominus A 3. Senza Intonatione
2. Dixit Dominus A 3. Quinto Tuono Senza Intonatione Doi Soprani, e Baſſo
3. Confitebor tibi Domine A 3. Senza Intonatione Doi Soprani, e Baſſo
4. Beatus vir A 3. Ottauo Tuono Senza Intonatione
5. Laudate pueri A 3. Quarto Tuono Senza Intonatione Doi Soprani, e Baſſo
6. Laudate pueri A 3. Seſto Tuono Senza Intonatione Doi Soprani, e Baſſo
7. Laudate Dominum A 3. Secondo Tuono Senza Intonatione
8. Niſi Dominus A 3. Quinto Tuono Senza Intonatione Canto Alto, e Baſſo
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Lætatus ſum A 3. Seſto Tuono Senza Intonatione Doi Soprani, e Baſſo
Magnificat A 3. Seſto Tuono Senza Intonatione Doi Soprani, e Baſſo
Lettanie della Beatiſsima Vergine A 3. (Kyrie eleiſon – Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Grandi, Alessandro (1586–1630)
Reuerendo Padre | CHERUBINO SVZZI | Priore Meritiſſimo di S. Andrea di Ferrara. |
[typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, | Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. M DCXXXVII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1637
Description: Set of 9 partbooks in 4o: 1 ch.: S, A, T, B; 2 ch.: S, A, T, B; bc. On p. 2
dedication of the composer dated 8th July 1637. At the end – a list of contents. Some
dynamic indications: forte, piano.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50493 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Some pages damaged on the edges (esp.
S 2 ch. partbook), refilled with paper after conservation in 1993. On the title page
written in pencil: 252 IX.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
Δ | 9; [Nro 166]; [Mus. 366].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 161; RISM A/I: G 3462; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://imslp.org/images/0/0b/PMLP466174-Messe_concertate.
pdf (the specimen from F-Pn)
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Meſſa Prima à 8 (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Benediĉtus – Agnus Dei)
2. Meſſa Seconda à 8 (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Benediĉtus – Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Bettini (Bettino), Girolamo (Geronimo) (1643†)
Title: MESSA E SALMI | Concertati A Cinque voci | DI GIROLAMO BETTINI
MICHEL BVRI Patricio Veroneſe | Et Canonico della Cathedrale. | [typographer’s
mark] | IN VENETIA MDC. XXXXVII Alla Stampa del Gardano |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano 1647
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T I, T II, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of Carlo Calzareri, without a date but soon after the death of the composer. At the end – a list
of contents. Some tempo indications: adagio, preſto.
4. The catalogue
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50283 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print, underwent conservation in 1993.
Complete set of partbooks. On the title page written in pencil: 6. Some handwritten
calculations of rest lengths.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
L D | 6, Nro 167, [Mus. 168].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 68; RISM A/I: B 2479; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Meſſa A 5 (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo)
2. Dixit Dominus A 5.
3. Confitebor tibi Domine A 2. à 2 Canti
4. Confitebor tibi Domine A 5.
5. Beatus vir A 3.
6. Laudate pueri A 3.
7. Niſi Dominus A 5.
8. Lætatus ſum à 5.
9. Magnificat à 5.
10. Ieſu omnes agnoſcite à 2.
Composer(s): Lazari, Alberto (17.sc)
Title: ARMONIE | SPIRITVALI CONCERTATE | A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. & 6. voci Con le
Lettanie della B. | Vergine à 4. & 8. ſi piace, con il Baſſo Continuo | DI F: ALBERTO
LAZARI | Carmelitano, nell’Academia de Sig. Offuſcati di belle | lettere in Cevena,
l’Appannato. | Libro Secondo. opera Seconda. | DEDICAtE | AL EMI.mo ET REV.mo
SIG: CARDINALE GINETTI, | Per la Santa Romana Chieſa Legato a latere, & Pro|tettore della Religione Carmelitana. | [the cardinal’s coat of arms] | IN VENETIA
M DC XXXVII Apreſſo Bartolomeo Magni |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1637
Description: Set of 7 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5/6, 7/8, bc. On p. 3 dedication of
the composer dated 1st December 1636. At the end – a list of contents. Some dynamic
indications: pian, forte.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50575 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. On the title page written in pencil: 303
| VII. The specimen damaged by humidity, underwent conservation in 1994. Single
handwritten accidentals and calculations of rest lengths.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[D. F. | 7]; [Nro 168]; [Mus. 441].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 242–243; RISM A/I: L 1182; www.bibliotecamusica.it;
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Pater peccaui in Cęlum A 1. Canto ò Tenore
2. Salue Sanĉtisſima Maria A 1. Canto ò Tenore. Si proteſta l’autore, che nella variatione de ſeguenti tempi, non intende mouerſi da neccesſità alcuna, ne meno
per inſegnare à neſſuno che à tutti cede, ma ſolo intende compiacere alla richieſta d’vn amico, e per moſtrarſi oſſeruante delle buone regole.
3. Chriſtus reſurgens ex mortuis A 1. Baſſo
4. Gaudete fideles et exultate omnes A 1. Baſſo
5. Virgo Pulcra Virgo Pia A 2. Doi Canti o Tenori
6. Vigilate et surgite fideles A 2. Canto ò Tenore è Baſſo.
7. Diligite iuſtitiam A 2. doi Baſsi.
8. Hic eſt vere Martir A 2. Canto, ò Tenore è Baſſo.
9. Cum toto corde meo quesivi te. Dialogo à 2. Canto e Baſſo (Anima è Chriſto)
10. In ſanĉtitate fulgida A 2. doi Canti ò Tenori.
11. O lingua benediĉta A 2. Alto è Tenore.
12. Quaſi ſtella mattutina A 3. doi Canti ò Tenori e Baſſo
13. Confundantur ſuperbi A 3. Basſi. [In A partbook:] Ad in[s]tanza del M. Ill.
molto Reu. Sig. Fiorello Aguſelli Canonico in Ceſena.
14. Regina mundi dignissima Maria A 4. C.A.T.B.
15. O dulcisſime Domine Iesu Christe A 5. doi Tenori C.A.B.
16. Aue Virgo Sanĉtisſima. Dialogo. quando ſi Cantarà à due ſi tralaſcieranno tutte
le triple. Cantilena A 6. 3. Canti o Tenori B. e T.A.
17. Letanie della Beata Vergine A 4 & a 8. Concertate. (Kyrie eleiſon – Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Lazari, Alberto (17.sc)
Title: ARMONIA SPIRITVALE | A Vna, Due, Tre, & Quattro Voci, con Letanie
della | Beata Vergine, & vna Meſſa Concertata A 3. Voci. DI | F. ALBERTO LAZARI
| Carmelitano Maeſtro di Capella, & Organiſta nella | Collegiata Parochiale dell’
Illuſtre Comunità di Maſſa Lombarda | Et nell’ Academia de’ Signori Spennati di
Faenza il Vigilante | OPERA PRIMA | DEDICATA | Al Molto Illustre Signor | LVCA
Appresso Alessandro Vincenti. MDCXXXV. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1635
4. The catalogue
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the composer dated 25th May 1635. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50574 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. B partbook missing. Some pages damaged on the edges, refilled with paper after conservation in 1992. On the title page
written in pencil: 302 V.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: D E | 5; Nro 169; Mus. 440.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 242; RISM A/I: L 1181; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Amor Ieſu dulciſſime A 1. Canto ò Tenore
2. O Glorioſa Virgo A 1. Canto ò Tenore
3. Quam dileĉta Tabernacula tua A 1. Canto ò Tenore
4. Venite filii A 1. Baſſus ſolus
5. Ego dixi Domine A 1. Baſſo ſolo
6. Salue virgo A 1. Baſſus ſolus
7. O Bone Ieſu A 2. doi Canti ò Tenori
8. Aue Ieſu mitiſſime A 2. due Soprani ò Tenori
9. Quæ eſt iſta A 2. Canto è Tenore
10. Ecce panis Angelorum A 2. Canti e Tenori
11. Saule Saule. Dialogo à 2. Canto ò Tenore e Baſſo
12. O Alberte à 2. Baſſo & Canto In feſto Divi Alberti Confeſſoris
13. Venite filii à 2. Tenor & Cantus
14. Aue decus Angelorum A 2. Canti ò Tenori
15. Dominus illuminatio mea A 2. Baſſo & Canto, ouero Tenore & Altus
16. Quemadmodum deſiderat ceruus A 2. Canto, e Alto, ouero Canto ò Tenore, è Baſſo.
17. Cum complerentur dies pentecoſtes a 2. Baſſo & Canto ouero Tenore
18. Et ecce Terremotus A 2. Baſſo & Canto
19. O vos qui in turribus eſtis a 2. Canti o Tenori
20. In voluntate tua Domine A 3. Canto Tenore e Baſſo
21. Domine ecce nos reliquimus omnia A 3. Baſſo Tenore, e Canto
22. Ecce ſacerdos magnus A 3. due Canti & Baſſo
23. Exultemus, & iubilemus A 3. doi Canti ò Tenori, & Baſſo
24. Deſcendit Angelus Domini A 3. Canto Tenor & Baſſo
25. Gaudium ſumite A 4. Canto Alto Tenor & Baſſo
26. Ciues Apoſtolorum A 4. Canto Alto Tenore & Baſſo
27. Lætamini cum Ieruſalem A 4. Canto Baſſo, e doi T. ouero tre T & Baſſo
28. Maria Mater gratie A 4. Canto doi Tenori, e Baſſo
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Miſſa Quaſi cedrus A 3. Concertata doi Canti o Tenori è Baſſo (Kyrie – Gloria –
Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
Lætanie della Beata Vergine A 3. Concertate doi Canti ò Tenori, è Baſſo (Kyrie
– Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Alouisi (Aloisi, Aloysi, Alovisi), Giovan Battista (1654p†)
Title: VELLVS AVREVM | SACRæ DEIPARæ VIRGNIS Litanijs 4. 5. 6. 7 & 8. |
vocibus decantandis exornatum ac inſignitum. | ILL.mo ET EXCELL.mo PRINCIPI |
| Da Bononia Ord. min: Con: A. A. & T. T. Doĉtore, | nec non Suæ Celſitudinis
Secretario. | Italico, ac Theologo | oPVS SEXtVM. | [typographer’s mark] | VENETIIS.
M DC XXXX | Apud Bartholomeum Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1640
Description: Set of 9 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, A I, A II, T I, T II, B I, B II, bc. On p. 3
dedication of the composer signed Nicolsburg, 2nd August 1640. At the end – a list of
contents and a letter to the reader (Virtuoſo Lettore).
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50247 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Many pages severely damaged on the
edges, refilled after conservation. T I and B II partbooks missing. Individual handwritten text incipits.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [E F | 9]; [Nro 170]; [Mus. 116].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 43; RISM A/I: A 878; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Prime Letanie à Quatro Canti, ò Tenori. (Kyrie eleison – Agnus Dei)
2. Seconde Letanie à Cinque Voci. (Kyrie eleison – Agnus Dei)
3. Terze Letanie à Cinque Voci. (Kyrie eleison – Agnus Dei)
4. Quarte Letanie à Cinque, ò à ſei Voci ſi placet. (Kyrie eleison – Agnus Dei)
5. Quinte Letanie à Cinque, ò ſei Voci ſi placet. (Kyrie eleison – Agnus Dei)
6. Seſte Letanie à ſei Voci. (Kyrie eleison – Agnus Dei)
7. Settime Letanie à ſette Voci, fatte ſopra vna Canzone ſacra Tedeſsca. Aue Maria,
Gegrieſt ſeyeſt Tu von mir. (Kyrie eleison – Agnus Dei)
8. Ottaue Letanie à ſette. Vn Baſſo con duoi Violini & vn Choro à quatro Voci.
(Kyrie eleison – Agnus Dei)
9. None Letanie à Duoi Chori, il Primo de quali è concertato. (Kyrie eleison –
Agnus Dei)
10. Decime Letanie à duoi Chori à voce piena.
4. The catalogue
Composer(s): Schütz, Heinrich (1585–1672)
Title: [red ink only in S I partbook:] SYMPHONIAE | SACRæ | [black ink] HENRICI
SAGITTARII | [red ink] Sereniſſimi Saxonię Electoris Chori Muſici Magiſtri, | [black
ink] Varijs Vocibus & Inſtrumentis accomodatæ. | A 3. 4. 5. 6. | [red ink] Nouiſsime in
Lucem Editę, Superiorum permiſſu, | Et PRIVILEGIo. | [black ink] opus Eccleſiaſticum
Secundum. || SIGNVM [typographer’s mark] GARDANI | [red ink] VENETIIS [black
ink] M.DC.XXIX. || Apud Bartholomaeum Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1629
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S, T, B, vl I, vl II, bc. On pp. 2–3 dedication of
the composer to Electoris Saxonici Filio Primogenito… Dno Ioanni Georgio dated 14th
September 1629. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo and performance indications: allegro, preſto, Inſieme, Solo.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50813 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. The specimen underwent conservation
in 1985. Single handwritten accidentals.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[ | ּׁש6]; [Nro 171]; [Mus. 688].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 392–393; RISM A/I: S 2287; www.printed-sacred-music.
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Heinrich Schütz, Sämtliche Werke, vol. 5: Symphoniae sacrae, ed.
Philipp Spitta, Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel 1887
Recording: Heinrich Schütz: Symphoniae sacrae I – 1629, Concerto Palatino, Accent
1991 (ACC 30078)
1. Paratum cor meum Deus A 3. Soprano ò Tenor Solo con duoi Violini.
2. Exultavit cor meum in Domino A 3. Soprano Solo con 2 Violini.
3. In te Domine ſperaui A 3. Alto Solo con Violino, & Fagotto.
4. Cantabo Domino in vita mea A 3. Tenor Solo con 2 Violini.
5. Venite ad me omnes qui laboratis A 3. Tenor Solo con 2 Violini.
6. Iubilate Deo omnis terra A 3. Baſſo Solo con doi Flautini, ò Violini.
7. Anima mea liquefaĉta eſt (Prima Pars) – Adiuro vos, filiae Jerusalem (Secunda
Pars) A 4. Duoi Tenori, & duoi Fiffari, ò Cornettini.
8. O quam tu Pulchra es, amica mea (Prima Pars) – Veni de Libano, veni, amica
mea (Secunda Pars) A 4. Tenore, è Baritono con duoi Violini.
9. Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore (Prima Pars) – Exquiſivi Dominum et
exaudivit me (Secunda Pars) A 4. Soprano Tenore, Baſſo, & vn Cornetto ò Violino Solo.
10. Fili mi Abſalon A 5. Baſſo Solo con quattro Tromboni.
11. Attendite popule meus legem meam A 5. Baſſo Solo con 4 Tromboni.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Domine labia mea aperies A 5. Soprano & Tenore con vn Violino, Trombone,
& Fagotto.
In leĉtulo per noĉtes (Prima Pars) – Inuenerunt me cuſtodes ciuitatis (Secunda
Pars) A 5. Soprano & Alto, con 3 Fagotti o Viole.
Veni, dileĉte mi, in hortum meum A 6. Due Soprani, & Tenore, con 3. Tromboni.
Buccinate in neomenia tuba (Prima Pars) – Jubilate Deo in chordis (Secunda
Pars) A 6. Doi Tenori, & Baſſo con vn Cornetto Trombetta, & Fagotto.
Composer(s): Minozzi, Marcello (17.sc); Sabbatini, Galeazzo (1597–1662)
e cinque Voci, Con Sinfonia | Et in fine. | Vna Letania della BEATA VERGINE | DI
MARCELLO MINOZZI | Maeſtro di Cappella del Duomo di Carpi. | DEDICATI |
ALLI MOLTO R.R. P.P. DELLA CONGREGne | dell’Oratorio di S. Filippo, Eretta
nella | medeſima Città. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro
Vincenti. MDCXXXVIII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1638
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer dated 6th October 1638. At the end – a list of contents. Some dynamic and tempo
indications: adaſio, forte, allegro.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50634 Muz.
Notes on item: Bc partbook missing. The specimen damaged by humidity, underwent conservation in 1994. On the title page written in pencil: 348 | V; 318. Some
handwritten accidentals and calculations of rest lengths.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: F. W. | 5; [Nro 172]; [Mus. 503].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 285; RISM A/I: M 2861; RISM B/I: 16381; http://sscm-jscm.
org/instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/viewschedatwbca.asp?
path =/cmbm/images/ripro/gaspari/AA/AA359/ (some pages from specimen I-Bc)
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Dixit Dominus A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
2. Confitebor tibi Domine A 3. Canto, Alto, e Baſſo.
3. Beatus vir A 3. doi Canti, e Baſſo.
4. Laudate pueri A 3. doi Canti, e Baſſo.
5. Laudate pueri A 3. del Sig. Galeazzo Sabbatini mæſtro del Compoſitore
6. In exitu Iſrael A 4. Canto, Alto; Tenor, e Baſſo.
7. Lętatus ſum A 3. doi Canti, & Baſſo.
4. The catalogue
Niſi Dominus A 3. Canto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
Credidi propter quod A 3. Canto, Alto, e Baſſo.
Beati omnes A 3. Canto, Tenor, è Baſſo.
Domine probaſti me A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
In conuertendo A 3. Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
De profundis clamaui A 4. Canto, Tenor, e doi Baſſi.
Lauda Hieruſalem A 3. Canto, Tenor, e Baſſo, con doi Violini. A queſto canto, ne
vanno tre [in bc partbook added]: Seminime [!] in giù, & tre insù. & ſe ſi vuole
cantare in tripla, biſogna radoppiare tutte le pauſe, Si può anche cantare ſenza
ſinfonia, laſciando tutte le pauſe doue, e notato ſinfonia.
Magnificat A 5. doi Baſſi, Tenor, Alto, e Canto.
Letanie A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
Composer(s): Casati, Gasparo (1610c–1641); Martinengo, Giovanni Paolo (17.sc)
Maeſtro di Capella nel Duomo di Nouarra. | DEDICATI | Al Molto R. P. Sig. mio Patron
| IN VENETIA, || Apreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXXIII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1643
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the editor dated 19th July 1643. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo indications: Preſto, Adagio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50322 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. On the title page written in pencil: 125 V.
Some handwritten accidentals, calculations of rest lengths and individual corrections
of voice disposition.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[P | 5]; [Nro 173]; [Mus. 211].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 88–89; RISM A/I: C 1411, CC 1411; RISM B/I: 16433;
http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printedsacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://stimmbuecher.digitale-sammlungen.de/view?id=bsb
00078277 (the specimen from D-Mbs, only bc partbook)
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Pater noſter qui es in Cælis A 1. Canto, ouer Tenore
2. Domine ad adiuuandum A 1. Canto, ouer Tenore. Al Sig. Cavalier Gio. Franceſco Tagliavacca Muſico di Camera del Sereniſſimo Sig. Duca di Mantova
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore. Voce ſola A 1. Canto, over Tenore.
O bone Ieſu ò ſuauis amor A 1. Canto, ouer Tenore.
Caro mia vere eſt cibus A 1. Alto ſolo, ouer Canto alla Quinta alta
Fuge, fuge anima mea A 1. Alto ſolo.
Omnes gentes plaudite manibus A 2. Duoi Canti, ouer Tenori.
Bone Ieſu verbum Patris A 2. Duoi Canti, ouer Tenori.
O dulce nomen Ieſu A 2. Duoi Canti, ouer Tenori.
Tota pulcra es amica mea A 2. Duoi Canti, ouer Tenori.
Regina cæli lætare alleluia A 2. Duoi Canti, ouer Tenori.
Exultate iuſti in Domino A 2. Duoi Canti, ouer Tenori.
Magnificate cæli triumphantem N. A 2. Duoi Canti, ouer Tenori. Duoi Soprani
Adoro te laudo te amo te Ieſu A 2. Duoi Soprani Di Gio: Paolo Martinengo
Organiſta nella Catedrale di Pauia.
Congratulamini mihi fideles A 2. Duoi Soprani Di Gio: Paolo Martinengo Organiſta nella Catedrale di Pauia.
Virgo clemens Virgo pia A 2. Canto, & Alto.
Lilia conuallium vernantes roſæ A 2. Canto, & Alto.
Dulcis Chriſte ad te venio A 2. Alto, e Tenore
O Ieſu mea vita A 2. Alto, e Tenore
Gaudete, & exultate A 2. Duoi Tenori
Regina Cæli lætare, gaude A 2. Duoi Tenori
Ecce ſanĉtus N. A 2. Canto, e Baſſo.
Alleluia iubilat Eccleſia canit A 2. Canto, e Baſſo.
Ieſu amor dulciſsime Sponſe amantis animæ A 2. Canto, e Baſſo.
Cantemus Domino Saluatori noſtro A 2. Canto, e Baſſo.
O quam ſuavis, es bone Ieſu A 2. Alto, e Baſſo
Flores, flores quantos flores A 3. Canto Solo, ouer Tenore, con duoi Violini
O dulciſsima Maria tu es porta A 3. Canto ſolo, con duoi Violini
Lætentur Cæli et exultet terra A 3. Canto, Alto, e Tenore
Quantum tibi debeo Domine Deus A 3. Duoi Canti, e Tenore
Beatus vir qui inuentus eſt ſine macula A 3. duoi Tenori, e Baſſo
Salue Regina A 3. duoi Tenori, e Baſſo
Alma Redemptoris A 3. duoi Tenori, e Baſſo
Venite Reges gentium A 4. Duoi Canti, ouer Tenori, con duoi Violini, con Sinfonia
O quam ſpecioſa faĉta eſt tu ſuauis, tu pia Maria. Duoi Tenori, e duoi Violini,
con Sinfonia.
O ſuauis aura Cæli Paraclete A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
Meſſa concertata à 4. voci. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo. Al Molto Reverendo
Padre Agoſtino Prete Baciliere Agoſtiniano, Baſſo, e Vicemaeſtro di Capella nel
Duomo di Novara. (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanctus – Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Donati, Ignazio (1575c–1638); Serra, Antonio (17.sc)
Con il Baſſo per Sonar nell’Organo. | D’IGNATIO DONATI | MAESTRO DI CAPELLA
4. The catalogue
DEL | DOMO DI LODI. | OPERA QVINTA. | Nouamente in queſta Quarta impreſſione
con ogni dili-|genza corretta, & riſtampata. | CON LICENZA DE’ SVPERIORI, ET
PRIVILEGIO. | Dedicati All’Illuſtriſſimo Signor ANTONIO SERRA. | [typographer’s
mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXX. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1630
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, III parte/IV parte, bc. At the end –
a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50388 Muz.
Notes on item: Only S I and S II partbooks extant. On the title page written in pencil: 182 IV. Single handwritten accidentals.
Provenance: Both extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
F Y | 4; N. 174; 278; [Mus. 277].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 116; RISM A/I: D 3390; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Da mihi Domine A 1. Canto, ouer Tenore.
2. Exaudi Domine iuſtitiam meam A 1. Mezzo Soprano ouero Baſſetto.
3. O Magnum miſterium A 1. Canto ouero Tenore. Del Signor Antonio Serra.
4. Hic est Diſcipulus ille A 1. Canto, ouero Tenore.
5. Sicut cedrus exaltata ſum A 2. Due Canti, ouer Tenori.
6. Sanĉta Chriſti parens A 2. Due Alti, ouer Baſſi.
7. Gaudens gaudebo in Domino A 2. Canto, e Baſſo.
8. Sacrificate ſacrificium A 2. Due Canti, ouer Tenori.
9. Egredimini cariſſimi A 2. Alto, e Tenore, ouer Baſſo, e Canto.
10. Ecce aſcendimus Hieroſolimam A 2. Due Canti ouer Tenori.
11. Sono tubæ A 2. Due Canti ouer Tenori.
12. O Crux ſplendidor A 2. Canto, e Baſſo
13. O mundi lampas A 2. In feſto S. Maria Magdalena. Canto ò Tenore, e Baſſo
14. Aue Virginum Gemma Catharina. In feſto S. Catharinæ. A 2. Tenore, e Alto
ò Baſſo, e Soprano.
15. Quæ nam es tu tam decora. Dialogo di S. Lucia, e S. Agata. A 2. Due Soprani,
ò Tenori
16. Viri Galilei quid ſtatis A 3. Canto, Alto, e Baſſo.
17. Obſtupeſcite Cæli A 3. Tre Soprani, ouero Tenori.
18. Congratulamini mihi omnes A 3. Tre Soprani ò Tenori, à modo d’Ecco.
19. Dominus de Cælo proſpexit A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
20. Cum ieiunaſſet Ieſus A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor e, Baſſo in Dialog.
21. Tranſeamus usque Bethleem A 4. Canto, e Tre Tenori. In Dialogo.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Composer(s): Rovetta, Giovanni (1596c–1668)
Title: [red ink only in S I partbook] MESSA, E SALMI | [black ink] Concertati
A Cinque, Sei, Sette, Otto Voci, | E Due Violini. | DI GIOVANNI ROVETTA, | Vice
Maeſtro di Capella | [red ink] DELLA SERENISSIMA REPVBLICA | [black ink] opera
Quarta. | DEDICATA | [red ink] ALLA MAESTA | [black ink] CHRISTIANISSIMA |
[red ink] LVIGI XIII. | [black ink] IL GIVSTO. | Con Priuilegio. | [typographer’s mark]
| [red ink] IN VENETIA, || [black ink] Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. M. DC. XXXIX. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1639
Description: Set of 10 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, A I, T I, T II, B I, B II, vl I, vl II, bc.
On pp. 2–3 dedication of the composer dated 1st March 1639. At the end – a list of
contents. On p. 37 of A I partbook some text errata pasted.
Shelfmark: PL-Kj Mus. ant. pract. R 773
Notes on item: [–]
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[Ξ | 10]; [Nro 175]; [Mus. 624]. The doublette of this print (bc missing) stored PL-WRu
50753 Muz. comes from St Mary Magdalene’s Church in Wrocław.
Catalogues: EitnerQ: VIII, p. 340; BohnD, p. 342; RISM A/I: R 2966; PatalasC 1711;
http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printedsacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Giovanni Rovetta, Messa e salmi concertati op. 4 (1639), Parts 1–2,
ed. Linda Maria Koldau, Middleton (Wisconsin): A-R Editions 2001 (Recent Researches in the Music of the Baroque Era, 109–110)
Recording: Giovanni Rovetta: Vespro solenne. Vêpres vénitiennes pour le naissance de
Louis XIV, Cantus Cölln, Konrad Junghänel, Harmonia Mundi 2001 (HMC 901706)
1. Messa (Kyrie A 5. Voci, & due Viol. – Gloria A ſei Voci, & due Viol. – Credo
A Sette Voci, & due Viol.)
2. Dixit Dominus Primo A Sette Voci, & due Viol. il Baſſo ſecondo [e] Tenor ſecondo Tace
3. Confitebor tibi A Sette Voci, & due Viol. Il Baſſo ſecondo Tace
4. Beatus vir A Otto Voci Senza Violini
5. Laudate pueri Primo A ſei Voci, & due Viol. il Baſſo ſecondo Tace
6. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes A ſei voci, & due Violini il Baſſo ſecondo Tace
7. Credidi propter A Cinque Voci, & due Violini il Baſſo ſecondo [e] Tenor ſecondo Tace
8. Memento Domine Dauid A Sei Voci, & due Violini il Baſſo ſecondo Tace
9. Dixit Dominus Secondo A Sette Voci, & due Viol.
4. The catalogue
Laudate Pueri Secondo A Sei Voci Senza Violini il Baſſo Secondo Tace
Lætatus ſum A Sei Voci, & due Viol. Il Cont’Alto Tace
Niſi Dominus A 5. Voci, & due Viol. Il Baſſo Secondo [e] Soprano Secondo
Lauda Ieruſalem A 6. Voci, & due Violini Il Baſſo Secondo Tace
Magnificat A 8. Voci, & due Violini
Composer(s): Gherardi, Biagio (17.sc)
LEONE | Maeſtro Di Cappella Di Cingoli | DEDICATI | ALLA SERENISSIMA
SIGNORA | DVCHESSA D’VRBINO | OPERA PRIMA | [typographer’s mark] | IN
VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXV. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1635
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 2 of the vocal partbooks
dedication of the composer dated 1st November 1635. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50472 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Complete set of partbooks. On the title page written in pencil: 234 V. The specimen underwent conservation in 1993. Some
handwritten accidentals. On p. 14 of T partbook a handwritten remark: NB: Huic cantilenæ deest principium; missing in print – the beginning of Derelinquat impius.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
D. A. | 5; N. 176; [Mus. 343].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 154; RISM A/I: G 1754; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Biagio Gherardi, o quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus, ed. Gunther Morche, Heidelberg 2008 (http://imslp.org/wiki/File:WIMA.dc00-Gherardi.pdf)
Recording: [–]
1. Confitebor tibi Domine A 2. A due Canti
2. Caro mea A 2. A due Tenori
3. Circuire poſſum Domine A 2. A due Canti
4. Quanta paſſi ſunt tormenta A 2. A due Canti
5. Santi & iuſti in Domino gaudete A 2. A due Canti
6. Regina cœli lætare A 2. A due Canti
7. Salue radix sanĉta A 2. A due Canto è Alto
8. Dum complerentur A 2. A due Alti
9. Ivſtus vt palma florebit A 2. A due Alti
10. Congratulamini mihi A 2. A due Tenore, & Baſſo
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Fontes & omnia quæ mouentur in aquis A 2. A due Baſſi
Domine quinque talenta A 3. A tre Tenori
O sacrum conuiuium. A 3. Canto Alto è Tenore
Tulerunt Dominum A 3. Due Canti è Tenore
O Salutaris hoſtia A 4. Canto Alto Tenore è Baſſo
Derelinquat impius A 4. Canto Alto Tenore è Baſſo
O quam suauis eſt A 4. Canto Alto Tenore è Baſſo
Confitemini Domino A 4. Quattro Canti ò Tenori
O Bone Ieſu verbum patris A 5. A Due Canti Alto Tenore è Baſſo
Filiæ Hieruſalem A 5. A Due Canti Alto Tenore è Baſſo
Composer(s): Avosani, Orfeo (17.sc)
Molt’Illuſtre Communità di Viadana. | OPERA SECONDA. | DEDICATE | ALLA
NEVERS, VMENA, RETHEL, ETC. | CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN
VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXXV. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1645
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer dated 15th March 1645. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50261 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Some handwritten accidentals. On the
title page written in pencil: 307; 54 IV.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
F. L. | 4; N. 177; Mus. 131.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 50; RISM A/I: A 2953; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: planned publication
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Meſſa del Ottauo Tono. Doi Canti, e Baſſo. (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus –
Agnus Dei)
2. Dixit Dominus. Doi Soprani, ò Tenori, e Baſſo.
3. Confitebor tibi. Doi Soprani, ò Tenori, e Baſſo.
4. Beatus vir. Doi Soprani, ò Tenori, e Baſſo.
5. Laudate pueri. Doi Tenori, e Baſſo.
4. The catalogue
Laudate pueri. In altro modo. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
Laudate Dominum. Doi Canti, ò Tenori, e Baſſo.
Magnificat. Doi Soprani, ò Tenori, e Baſſo.
Composer(s): Rovetta, Giovanni (1596c–1668)
Title: SALMI | CONCERTATI | A CINQUE ET SEI VOCI | Et Altri Con Doi Violini,
Con Motetti | á Doi é Tre Voci. | Et alcune Canzoni per Sonar à Tre è quatro | Voci
Con Baſſo Continuo. | DI | GIO: ROVETTA | oPERA PRIMA | Nouamente Riſtampati
Con Priuilegio, | & Licenza de Superiori. || [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA
MDC XXXXI || Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1641
Description: Set of 8 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, vl I, vl II, bc. At the end – a list of
contents. Some tempo and dynamic indications: Adaſio, preſto, forte, piano.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50757 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. On the title pages written in pencil: 437
| VIII. Some handwritten accidentals, calculations of rest lengths and bc numbering.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
Σ | 8; [Nro 178]; [Mus. 628].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 343; RISM A/I: R 2963; SartoriB: 1641e; http://sscm-jscm.
org/instrumenta/vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=14679
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Dixit Dominus Concertato A 5. Voci. Quinto Tuono.
2. Beatus vir Concertato. A 5 Voci. Senza Intonatione. Otauo Tono.
3. Lauda Ieruſalem Dominum Concertato A 5 Voci. Otauo Tuono.
4. Confitebor tibi Domine Alla Terza, & quarta Baſſa. A 5. Voci. Quinto Tono. Per
cantar alla Breve con le parte Radoppiate ſe piace
5. Niſi Dominus A 5 Voci. Seſto Tuono. Per cantar alla Breve con le parte Radoppiate ſe piace
6. Credidi propter quod A 6. Voci. Otauo Tono. Alla Breue.
7. Laudate Pueri Concertato A 5. Voci, & due Violini. Senza Intonatione. Primo Tono
8. Lætatus ſum Concertato A 5. Voci, & due Violini. Senza Intonatione. Otauo [!] Tono
9. Niſi Dominus Concertato A 5. Voci, & due Violini. Senza Intonatione. Otauo
[!] Tono.
10. Beatus vir Concertato A 5. Voci, & due Violini. Senza Intonatione. Oĉtauo Tono.
11. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes Concertato A 5. Voci, & due Violini. Senza
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Magnificat Concertato A 6 Voci, & due Violini. Senza Intonatione Motetti.
Conditor alme ſiderum æterna lux credentium. A due Soprani, & due Violini.
O intemerata & in æternum Benediĉta ſingularis atque incomparabilis Virgo.
A due Basſi, & doi Violini.
Aue Regina Cęlorum A 3. Voci due Tenori, & Baſſo.
Salue Regina A 2 Tenori.
Canzon Prima à 3. Due Violini, & vna Violetta da Brazzo.
Canzon Seconda à 3. Due Violini, ò Cornetti, e Tromb.
Canzon Terza à 4. Due Violini, & due Viole da Brazzo
Canzon Quarta à 4.
Composer(s): Rigatti, Giovanni Antonio (1613c–1648); Lucio, Francesco (1628c–
A Vna, Due, Tre, & Quatro Voci, Parte con Inſtromen-|ti, & Parte ſenza, con tutte le
Antiphone dell’An-|no, che ſi cantano nel fine della Compieta. | DI GIO: ANTONIO
RIGATTI | Maeſtro di Capella di Monſignor Illuſtriſs. & Reuerendiſs. | GIO: FRANCESCO | MOROSINI | Patriarca di Venetia, & Primate della Dalmatia. | Et à Sua Sig.ria
Illusſtriſsima, & Reuerendiſsima Dedicati. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, ||
Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXXVI. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1646
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the composer dated 9th July 1646. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo indications: Adaſio,
allegro, à tempo graue.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50742 Muz.
Notes on item: On the title pages written in pencil: 423 V; 265. On p. 11 of S partbook – handwritten music errata of Cum invocarem. Between pp. 66–67 of bc – an
inserted paper sheet with handwritten errata of Ave Regina. On p. 20 of B partbook
wrong pagination, p. 21 empty. Some handwritten accidentals, calculations of rest
lengths and text incipits. The specimen underwent conservation in 1997.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[E 2 | 5]; [Nro 179]; [Mus. 612].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 335; RISM A/I: R 1417; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/viewschedatwbca.asp?
path=/cmbm/images/ripro/gaspari/BB/BB231/ (the specimen from I-Bc)
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
4. The catalogue
1. Iube Domne. Tenor, ò Canto ſolo
2. Noĉtem quietam. Baſſo ſolo, & con doi Violini à beneplacito.
3. Fratres Sobrij eſtote Tenor ſolo
4. Adiutorium noſtrum in nomine Domini. Baſſo ſolo
5. Confiteor Deo omnipotenti A 2. Canto, & Alto.
6. Sinfonia graue di Viole, e di Viol. auanti il Cum inuocarem
7. Cum inuocarem A Voce ſola, con doi Violini neceſſarij, & doi Viole, à beneplacito
8. Cum Inuocarem A 4. Voci Concertato
9. In te Domine speraui. Primo A 3. Doi Tenori, ò Soprani & Baſſo.
10. In te Domine speraui. A doi con Ritornelli di V.V. & due Viole à beneplacito.
11. Qui habitat in adiutorio Altiſſimi A 4. Concertato. Primo Tuono
12. Ecce nunc benedicite. A 4. Concertato. Primi Toni
13. Ecce nunc benedicite. A Voce ſola con doi Violini Tenor ò Canto Di Franceſco
Lucio da Conegliano Diſcepulo dell Rigati
14. Nunc dimittis. A 4. Concertato Secondi Toni
15. Nunc dimittis. A Voce ſola con due Violini.
16. In manus tuas. Voce ſola Tenor, ò Canto
17. Aue Regina Cælorum. A 3. doi Tenori, ouero Soprani, & Baſſo
18. Alma redemptoris Voce Sola Soprano, ouero Tenore
19. Aue Regina Cælorum Voce ſola Canto, ò Tenore
20. Salue Regina A 5. Voci ſole Canto, Alto, doi Ten. & Baſſo
21. Regina Cæli A Voce ſola Tenor ò Canto Vn tuon più baſſo ſe piace
Composer(s): Reina, Sisto (1623c–1664p)
Title: LA DANZA DELLE VOCI | REGOLATA | Ne Salmi di Terza, e di Compieta
in vn Tedeum, nelle Tanie [!] della | Beatiſſima Vergine à otto voci, altri Salmi,
à voce ſola, à tre, | con li ſuoi violini, le quattro Antifone, di Compieta, à | quattro
voci, e in due Sonate, à quattro violini. | PER MVSICA. | DI SISTO REINA Minore
Conu. e Organiſta | nel nobiliſſimo Tempio di S. Bartolomeo di Modona. | Opera
FARNESI DI PARMA | VENETIA MDCLXIIII. Apreſſo Franceſco Magni detto
Gardano |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1664
Description: Set of 12 partbooks in 4o: 1 ch.: S, A, T, B; 2 ch.: S, A, T, B; vl I, vl II,
vlne, org. On p. 2 dedication of the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo and dynamic indications: adaſio, piano, forte.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50732 Muz.
Notes on item: B 1 ch., T 2 ch., B 2 ch. and vl II partbooks missing. On the title page
written in pencil: 410 | XII. The specimen underwent conservation in 1992. Single
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
handwritten accidentals. On p. 31 of S 1 ch. partbook handwritten errata with the
comment: incluſa abſint.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [N. B. | 12]; [Nro 180]; Mus. 599.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 329; RISM A/I: R 1019, RR 1019; SartoriB: 1664a; http://
sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
Salmi Di Terza à 8.
1. Nunc sanĉte nobis ſpiritus
2. Legem pone mihi Domine
3. Memor eſto
4. Bonitatem feciſti cum ſeruo tuo Domine Compieta
5. Iube domne A 2 Canti e due violini
6. Fratres ſobrij ſolo con violini Compieta à 2 Chori Concertata il pr[imo] ch.
7. Domine ad adiuuandum à 8. concertato il pr[imo] ch.
8. Cum inuocarem à 8. concertato il pr. ch. Con l’intonatione del Primo Tuono
9. In te Domine speraui à 8. concertato il pr. ch. Con l’intonatione del 2. Tuono
10. In te Domine speraui à 3. Due canti e Baſſo
11. Qui habitat in adiutorio à 8. concertato il pr. ch. Con l’intonatione del 3. Tuono
12. Qui habitat in adiutorio à 8. Pieno e breve Senza intonatione
13. Ecce nunc benedicite à 8. concertato il pr. ch. Con l’intonatione del 4. Tuono
14. Ecce nunc benedicite. A voce ſola con due violini
15. Te lucis ante terminum. Hinno à 8. concertato il pr. ch.
16. Nunc dimittis à 8. pieno Con l’intonatione del 6. Tuono
17. Alma Redemptoris A 4.
18. Aue Regina cælorum A 4.
19. Regina cæli lætare à 4.
20. Salue Regina à 4.
21. Te Deum laudamus A 8.
22. Laude [=Litanie] di Maria Vergine à 8. (Kyrie – Agnus Dei)
23. Suonata Piena 4 violini e Violone Detta il ciel lo ſà.
24. Sinfonia Piena 4 violini e Violone Detta La Maſdona. [!]
Composer(s): Donati, Ignazio (1575c–1638)
4. The catalogue
ET PRIVILEGIO. | Dedicate Al Molto Reuerendo Padre | F. CARLO MILANVZII
DA SANTA NATOGLIA | Baccelliere in Sacra Teologia, e Predicatore Agoſtiniano |
Mio Signore, & Padrone Oſſeruandiſſimo. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, ||
Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXX. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1630
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II/T, A, B, 5, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the
composer dated 15th December 1629. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50389 Muz.
Notes on item: Only S I and bc partbooks extant. On the title page written in pencil:
181 VI. Some handwritten accidentals.
Provenance: Both extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[G V | 6]; [Nro 181]; Mus. 278.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 116; RISM A/I: D 3399; VogelB: I, pp. 204–205; NV 844;
www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Vanne meſto ſoſpir. A 2. Canto, e Baſſo.
2. Tù d’altri anima mia? A 2. Canto, e Baſſo.
3. Da te dunque, ben mio, e parto e ſpiro. A 2. Doi Canti, ò Tenori.
4. E tù langui e tù mori, Roſa caduc’e frale. A 2. Due Canti, ò Tenori.
5. Se già t’amai crudele, hora t’odio e diſprezzo. A 2. Due Canti, ò Tenori. [Alessandro Gatti]
6. E tù parti, ben mio, senza pur dirmi a Dio. A 2. Due Tenori, ò Canti
7. Fere ſeluagge, che’n queſte piagge. A 2. Canto, & Alto, ouer Tenore, & Baſſo.
8. Celeſt’Amore, che dentr’al core. A 2. Canto, & Alto, ouer Baſſetto, e Tenore.
9. Se penſate ch’io ſcopr’il mio penſiero a voi. A 2. Baſſo, e Canto. à modo di Dialogo.
10. Spaſmo s’io non ti veggio. A 3. Doi Canti, ò Tenori, e Baſſo. [Giovanni Battista
11. Sentite bella Muſica. Canzon (Prima Parte) – Sentit’artifitioſo e bel terzetto (Seconda Parte) – Sentite com’hor va legat’hor sciolta (Terza Parte) – Hor queſti
fior (Quarta, & vltima Parte) A 3. Doi Canti, ò Tenori, e Baſſo ouer Muſica
12. Fuggirò tant’Amore che scemerà l’ardore (Prima Parte) – Ahimè che col fuggire
mi segue più (Seconda Parte) A 3. Doi Canti, e Baſſo. Ne Carne, è ne Peſce.
13. Com’eſſer può ch’io viva. A 3. Doi Canti, ò Tenori, e Baſſo.
14. Quando che voi ſcriveste, donna gentil, chi vi dettò il tenore. A 4. Canto, Alto,
Tenore, e Baſſo
15. De la tua viſt’amata prodig’o del mio cor (Prima Parte) – Miram’ò mio bel ſol’e
sì vedrai (Seconda Parte) A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Meloni, meloni, a taglio li buoni (Prima Parte) – A taglio, à taglio, seh fate
raguaglio (Seconda Parte) – Che fate, che fate, che voi non comprate (Terza,
& vltima Parte) A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
O anim’amoroſe, che mirate. A 5. In concerto. Canto, doi Tenore, Alto, e Baſſo
Vano è il penſier che di mia mort’havete. A 5. Canto, doi Tenore, Alto, e Baſſo
O voi che m’aſcoltate. A 5. In Concerto. Doi Canti, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
Ahi chi mi fà languire. A 5. In concerto. Canto, doi Tenore, Alto, e Baſſo
Diſperato dolore, ch’ogn’hor morte mi dai. A 5. Non concertato. Canto, doi Tenore, Alto, e Baſſo.
Composer(s): Alberghetti, Bernardino (1600c–1649p)
Title: [red ink only in S I partbook:] MISSARVM | [black ink] OCTO VOCVM |
Canonico in Eccleſia Ducali Abbatiae | Sanctae Barbarae Mantuae, AC | [red ink] SER.MI
ink] Eidem Celſitudini Dicatum. | [typographer’s mark] | [red ink] VENETIIS, || [black
ink] Apud Alexandrum Vincentium M.DC.XLIX. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1649
Description: Set of 9 partbooks in 4o: 1 ch.: S, A, T, B; 2 ch.: S, A, T, B; org. On p. 3
dedication of the composer dated 25th June 1649. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50241 Muz.
Notes on item: A 2 ch. partbook missing. T 2 ch. partbook severely damaged by humidity. The specimen underwent conservation in 1994. Some handwritten accidentals
and pitch corrections. On the title page written in pencil: A 9.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [J K | 9]; [Nro 182]; [Mus. 109].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 37; RISM A/I: A 617; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Miſſa Benediĉta ſit Sanĉta Trinitas (Kyrie. Ad libitum – Chriſte A 6. – Kyrie.
Oĉto vocum – Et in terra – Qui tollis – Credo. Patrem – Crucifixus. Quinque
Vocum. – Et Reſurrexit. Oĉto Vocum. – Sanĉtus. Agnus Dei)
2. Miſſa Nos autem Gloriari oportet (Kyrie. Ad libitum – Chriſte. Sex Vocum. –
Kyrie. Oĉto Vocum – Et in terra – Qui tollis – Credo. Patrem – Crucifixus. Sex
Vocum. – Et iterum. Oĉto Vocum. – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
4. The catalogue
Miſſa Iſte Confeſſor (Kyrie. Ad libitum – Chriſte. Sex Vocum. – Kyrie. Oĉto
Vocum. – Et in terra – Credo. Patrem – Crucifixus. Sex vocum – Et in Spiritum
Sanĉtum. Oĉto Vocum. – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Strozzi, Barbara (1619–1677)
Primo. Opera Quinta. | [the arabesque] | Stampa del Gardano. IN VENETIA MDCLV
Apreſſo Franceſco Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Francesco Magni 1655
Description: Set of 2 partbooks in oblong 4o: Voce, Part. On p. 2 dedication of the
composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Some dynamic and tempo
indications: piano, adaggio, preſto.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50835 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Complete set of partbooks. On the
title pages written in pencil: 497 II; 237. Some handwritten accidentals.
Provenance: Both partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[M. A. | 2.]; [Nro 183]; [Mus. 708].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 404; RISM A/I: S 6986; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: planned publication
Modern edition: Barbara Strozzi, Surgite, surgite Op. 5, ed. Tom O’Drisceoil 2007
Barbara Strozzi, oleum effusum Op. 5, ed. Tom O’Drisceoil 2007 (http://imslp.org/
wiki/File:PMLP52425-Strozzi_-_Oleum_effusum_%28Op_5%29.pdf); Barbara Strozzi,
Erumpebat for alto and continuo, ed. Dennis Collins, Arbroath: Prima la musica! 2011
Recording: [–]
1. Mater ANNA quiſquæ perſonat promis. Per S. ANNA
2. In medio maris contrarius erat ventus. Per S. Pietro
3. Gaude Virgo plena laude. Per la Madonna
4. Salue ſanĉta caro Dei. Per il Santiſſimo
5. Hodie oritur nobis lumen. Per tutti li Confeſſori
6. Erumpebat vndique Fama. Per S. Benedetto
7. O Maria quam pulchra es. Per la Madonna
8. Paraſti in dulcedine. Per il Sacramento
9. Erat Petrus dormiens inter milites. Per S. Pietro
10. Surgite ſurgite. Per il Santiſſimo
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Salue Regina.
Naſcente Maria himnum cantate. Per la Madonna
Oleum effuſum eſt nomen eius. Il SS. Nome di Dio
Iubilemus exultemus diem feſtum. Per S. Antonio
Composer(s): Chinelli, Giovanni Battista (1610–1677)
Title: [red ink only in S I partbook] IL SECONDO | LIBRO DELLE MESSE | [black
ink] Concertate à 3. 4. e 5. Voci, Con duoi | Violini, à beneplacito. | DI | [red ink] GIO:
BATTISTA CHINELLI | [black ink] OPERA OTTAVA. | Nuouamente Stampata. |
della Cathedrale di Parma. | [black ink] CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] |
[red ink] IN VENETIA, || [black ink] Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXXVIII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1648
Description: Set of 8 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, A, T, B, vl I, vl II, bc. On pp. 2–3 dedication of the composer dated 1st August 1648. At the end – a list of contents. Some
tempo indications: adaſio, alegro.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50352 Muz.
Notes on item: S II, A, T and vl I partbooks missing. Of bc partbook only pp. 3–4
and 45–46 extant. In B partbook missing pp. 1–4, and pp. from 37 to the end. Some
tempo indications: adaſio, preſto. Some handwritten accidentals and calculations of
rest lengths. On the title page written in pencil: V 8.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [H. X. | 8]; [Nro 184]; [Mus. 245].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 99–100; RISM A/I: C 2064, CC 2064; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/viewschedatwbca.asp?
path=/cmbm/images/ripro/gaspari/_Y/Y096/ (the specimen from I-Bc)
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Meſſa Prima à 3. voci doi Canti, o Tenori, è B. con duoi Violini ſi placet. (Kyrie
– Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
2. Meſſa Seconda à 3. voci C. A. T. con il B. quarta parte ad libitum duoi Violini ad
Libitum. (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
3. Meſſa Terza à 4. voci. C. A. T. è B. con duoi Violini ſi placet. (Kyrie – Gloria –
Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
4. Meſſa Quarta à 5. voci. con duoi Violini ſi placet. (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo –
Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
4. The catalogue
Composer(s): Waesich, Cherubino (1650†)
LE VIOLE DA GAMBA | Aggiuntoui dui Madrigali à 6. concertati, con | gli ſtrumenti.
Opera Seconda. | [coat of arms, missing in S II and A partbooks] | IN ROMA: Appreſſo
Paolo Maſotti. MDC.XXXII. || Con Licenza de’ Superiori. |
Publication: Roma: Paolo Masotti 1632
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, A, T, B, bc. On the title page of S II,
A, T and bc partbooks above the publisher’s data printed respectively a 3- or 4-part canon (Latet anguis in herba). On p. 2 dedication of the composer to Mario Sforza dated
1st January 1632. At the end – a list of contents, typographer’s mark and a comment of the
composer for the performers. In bc partbook at the end printed Canon qui tribus vocibus
bifariam, & quatuor vno modo, in vtroque vero, per binarium, & ternarium concini poteſt
and the colophon of the publisher. Numerous tempo, dynamic, expression and performance indications: Affetti, Reſiduo, Scherzi, preſto, adagio, piano, p., f., sonate, non sonate.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50896 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print, underwent conservation in 1991.
Complete set of partbooks. In bc partbook missing pp. 7–8, some others are bound in
the wrong order. On the title page written in pencil: 539 | VI. In bc partbook handwritten titles of the pieces omitted in print, in a different order than in the table of contents:
Canzona quinta (p. 3), Canzona Sesta (p. 4), Canzona quarta (p. 6), Canzona decima
quarta (p. 17), Canzona decima quinta (p. 18). Some handwritten accidentals and corrections of pitch, measurement signs: 1 tact., ½, ¼, bar lines and music variants.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[L E | 6]; [Nro 185]; Mus. 763.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 427–428; RISM A/I: W 4, WW 4; VogelB: II, p. 335; NV
2959; SartoriB: 1632
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=708
Modern edition: Cherubino Waesich, Canzoni a cinque da sonarsi con le Viole da
gamba aggiuntovi dui Madrigali a 6 concertati con gli strumenti. opera Seconda (Roma
1632), ed. Florian Grampp, Bologna: Ut Orpheus 2003–2004
Recording: occhi belli, occhi neri. Cantate Romane di Marco Marazzoli, Soledad de
la Rosa, Ensemble Mare Nostrum, Andrea de Carlo, Arcana 2013 (A 370); Seconde
Stravaganze: Venetian & Neapolitan music for viol consort, L’Amoroso, Guido Balestracci, Glossa 2014 (GCD C80010)
1. Canzona Prima A 5.
2. Canzona Seconda A 5.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Canzona Terza A 5.
Canzona Quarta A 5. La Bisbignagola
Canzona Quinta A 5.
Canzona Seſta A 5.
Canzona Settima A 5.
Canzona Ottaua A 5.
Canzona Nona A 5.
Canzona Decima A 5. La Corgna.
Canzona Vndecima A 5. La Mendozza.
Canzona Dodecima A 5.
Canzona Decima Terza A 5.
Canzona Decima Quarta A 5.
Canzona Decima Quinta A 5.
Canzona Decima Seſta A 5.
Ardo per voi, mia vita A 6. Madrigale à ſei con l’iſtromenti
O rubella d’amor. A 6 Madrigale à ſei concertato con l’iſtromenti.
Composer(s): Vesi, Simone (1610c–1667p)
Title: MOTETTI | A VOCE SOLA | DI SIMON VESI | Da Forli Maeſtro di Capella di
Monſignor Illuſtriſſsimo [Giorgio] Cornaro | Veſcouo di Padoua | Dedicati | ALL’ILL.ma
SIG.ra LA SIG.ra D. GIOANA MARIA MANOSOLA | Monacha nel venerando
monaſterio di S. Cattarina di Forli | Opera Terza | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA
MDCLII. Apreſſo Franceſco Magni |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1652
Description: According to the catalogue of 1909, set of 2 partbooks in 4o: Voce,
Part. On p. 2 dedication of the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents
and a short comment: Non hò compoſto motetti in Contr’alto perche ſonando li ſudeti
tranſportati alla quarta ouero alla quinta potrano ſeruir beniſſimo per la voce dell’Alto.
Some tempo indications: adagio, largo.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50881 Muz.
Notes on item: Only Voce partbook extant. A small part was cut out of the title
page, probably with the stamp. The specimen underwent conservation in 1983. Some
handwritten accidentals and note corrections.
Provenance: The extant partbook bears Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[L B | 2.]; [Nro 186]; Mus. 747c (from the private collection of Emil Bohn).
Catalogues: EitnerQ: X, p. 69; BohnD, not listed; RISM A/I: V 1313; www.printedsacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
4. The catalogue
1. Veh vobis viri impij. Canto ſolo o Tenore
2. Domine Deus meus da cordi meo
3. O amator ardentiſſime
4. Heu mihi infelix anima
5. Repleatur os meum
6. Ad te clamat cor meum
7. Benigniſſime Iesu
8. Effulgeat hodie ſplendidior dies
9. Adiuro vos filiæ hiæruſalem [!]
10. O quam glorioſum eſt regnum
11. Dulcis & amabilis Iesu
12. O Maria Virgo Sanĉtiſſima
13. Plaudat Mater eccleſia
14. O Benigniſſima Virgo. Baſſo Solo.
15. Deus æterne & miſericors
16. Le braccia aperte. Lamento della Madona. Ad’inſtanza d’vn’anima deuota
Composer(s): Melissa, Matthaeus (17.sc)
Title: SALMI | CONCERTATI | A 2. 3. 4. 5. voci | DI MATTHEO MELISSA |
Organiſta Del Venerando Colegio Della Compagnia | Di GIESV in Goritia. | Dedicati |
AL MOLTO REV. P. DOMENICO BASELLI | Della medema Compagnia Regente Del
Seminario | VVerdenbergico Meritiſſimo | Opera Quinta. Libro Primo | [typographer’s
mark] | IN VENETIA MDCLII Apreſſo Franceſco Magni |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1652
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, T I/Contra-A, T II, B, bc. On p. 2
dedication of the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo
and performance indications: allegro, affettuoſo.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50614 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. S I and B partbooks missing. The scores in pp. 15–18 S II partbook deleted (2nd version of Laudate pueri). Many handwritten accidentals, some pitch and clef corrections, and in bc partbook – text incipits of
the psalm verses that follow. On the title page written in pencil: 331 | VI. The specimen
underwent conservation in 1993.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [L C. | 6]; [Nro 187]; Mus. 483.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 278; RISM A/I: M 2226; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Recording: [–]
1. Dixit Dominus A 5. Concertato
2. Confitebor tibi A due Dialogo. Canto è Baſſo
3. Beatus vir A 2. [in bc basso ostinato pattern with remark:] Sopra queſte note ſi
canta tutto il Salmo.
4. Laudate pueri à 2. [in bc basso ostinato pattern with remark:] Sopra queſte note
ſi canta tutto il Salmo
5. Laudate Dominum A 3.
6. Magnificat A 5.
7. Sonata à due violini auanti la Salue Regina
8. Salue Regina à 4. CC. VV.
Composer(s): Pasino, Stefano (1679p†)
Title: MOTETTI | A 2. 3. 4. Concertati parte con 2 violini e viola, ſe piace | Aue
Maria à 2 voci, e 3 Inſtromenti. Beatus vir. | Lætatus à 5. fugati anco ſenza Organo. | DI
STEFANO PASINO | Maeſtro di Capella di Salò. | Con vn Pater noſter à 5. dà Capella
ſopra il canto fermo Compo-|ſto à commando dell’Eminentiſſimo Card. Triuultio |
mentre l’autore era ſuo Maeſtro di Capella | Opera Seſta dedicata | ALL. ILL.mo & Ecc.mo
SIG.r PROSPERO Co: d’ARCO SIG.r | di Penedi, Spine, Drena, & Nago Cameriero
di S. M. C. | & Generale del Canone del Rè Cattolico. | [typographer’s mark] | IN
VENETIA MDCLI Stampa del Gardano. | Apreſſo Franceſco Magni |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Francesco Magni 1651
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, A, B, 5, org. On p. 2 dedication of the
composer without a date. On p. 3 an Italian laudatory poem by Gioseffo Cominel. At
the end – a list of contents. Some tempo indications: adaſio, preſto, allegro.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50677 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Complete set of partbooks. On the
title page written in pencil: 377 | VI. The specimen underwent conservation in 1993.
Single handwritten accidentals, pitch corrections and calculations of rest lengths. On
p. 22 of A partbook – handwritten corrections of erroneously printed text.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[K. P | 6.]; [Nro 188]; [Mus. 545].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 302; RISM A/I: P 968; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
4. The catalogue
1. Abite partes A 2. 2 Canti ouero Tenori
2. Cupio diſſolui A 2. 2 Canti ouero Tenori
3. O amici mei A 2. 2 Canti ouero Tenori
4. O feſtiua dies A 2. 2 Canti ouero Tenori
5. Alleluia Cantato pſallam tibi Domine A 2. Canto e Alto [not listed in the table
of contents of bc partbook]
6. Iuſtus eſt Dominus A 2. Canto e Alto
7. Semper laus Deo A 2. Canto e Tenore
8. Cor meum tibi Domine offero A 2. Canto e Baſſo
9. Guſtaui ſuauitatem Ieſu Chriſti A 2. Canto e Baſſo
10. O cæleſtes chori o dulceratæ voces A 3. Due Canti & Alto
11. Dulcis Iesu & dulcior amore A 3. Canto Alto Tenore
12. Venite gentes cantate laudate A 3. Canto Alto Tenore
13. Dimicauit anima mea A 3. Canto Alto e Baſſo
14. Felices & fortunatæ gentes A 3. Alto Tenor e Baſſo
15. Ardeat cor meum à 4. Canto Alto Tenor e Baſſo
16. Currite pueri A 4. Canto Alto Tenor e Baſſo
17. Cantemus iubilemus A 4. Canto Alto Tenor e Baſſo
18. Quis ex vobis A 4. Alto e 2 violini e viola ſe piace
19. Læti triumphate à 4. Tenore con 2 violini & viola ſe piace
20. Gaudebo in te à 4. Alto due violini e viola ſe piace
21. Aue Maria A 4. Alto Tenore con due violini e viola ſe piace
22. Pater noſter à 5. voci da Capella
23. Beatus vir A 5. voci da Capella fugato
24. Lætatus ſum A 5. voci da Capella fugato
Composer(s): Tarditi, Orazio (1602–1677)
Title: CONCERTO | MVSICHE VARIE DA CHIESA | Motteti, Salmi, è Hinni, à Vna
voce Sola, à Due | è Tre, Concertati parte con violini è Tiorba, | e parte ſenza Iſtrumenti
| OPERA XXX | DI | HORATIO TARDITI | Maeſtro Di Cappella Del Duomo Di
Faenza | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA M DC XXXXX Stampa del Gardano |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano 1650
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, B, vl I, vl II, org. On p. 2 dedication
of the composer to Padre D. Antonio Negri […] Camaldolense without a date. At the
end – a list of contents. Single tempo and dynamic indications: piano, adaſio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50846 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. On the title page written in pencil: 506 |
VI; 274. In tavola of org partbook and on p. 18 of B partbook handwritten correction
of the title (Iste confessor instead of erroneously printed Ut queant laxis). Single handwritten accidentals and calculations of rest lengths.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[K Q | 6.]; [Nro 189]; Mus. 719.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 408; RISM A/I: T 206; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Domine ad adiuuandum A 3. Canto ſolo con 2 violini è Tiorba.
2. Domine ad adiuuandum. Canto ſolo con due violini è Tiorba.
3. Exultate celeſtes chori congaudete. Canto ſolo Con Violini è Tiorba.
4. Ego ſum panis viuus. Canto ſolo con 2 violini è Tiorba
5. Deus tuorum militum. Canto ſolo con 2 violini, Violone ò Tiorba
6. Salue Regina. Canto ſolo con due violini è Tiorba
7. Aue maris ſtella. Voce ſola con 2 Violini è Tiorba.
8. Pange lingua. Canto ſolo con 2 violini è Tiorba
9. Confitebor tibi Domine. Canto ſolo con 3 Iſtrumenti
10. Beatus vir qui timet. Canto ſolo con due violini è Tiorba
11. Laudate pueri. Canto ſolo con due violini è Trombone.
12. Iſte Confeſſor. Hinno A 2 Soprani e due violini, Trombone ò Violone
13. Ieſu care Ieſu pie A 2 Canti & due violini è violone, Tiorba ò Violone.
14. Niſi Dominus A 2 Canto e Alto Senza intonatione
15. Exultate iuſti exultate in Domino A 2 Canto e Tenore
16. Non vos me elegiſtis A 2. Canto è Alto
17. Obaudite vocem laudis A 2. Alto è Baſſo
18. Iubilate Deo A 2. Alto e Baſſo
19. Ieſu Corona Virginum A 3. Con 2 violini è Tiorba
20. Laudate pueri Dominum A 3. Con 2 violini è Tiorba.
21. Niſi Dominus A 3. Con due violini è tiorba
22. Laudate pueri Dominum A 3 voci è 2 Iſtrumenti
23. De profundis A 3. Canto Alto è Baſſo
Composer(s): Sarti, Giovanni Vincenzo (17.sc)
Title: SALMI | A 3 Voci Concertati, Con vn Dixit, Magnificat, e | Meſſa à 4 voci in
Concerto, Con il | Baſſo per l’Organo. | DI | GIO. VINCENZO SARTI | Maeſtro Di
Cappella nella Metropoli Di Rauenna | Dedicati | ALL’ ILL.ma E MOLTO REV.da SIG.ra
| LA SIG. SVOR GIOVANNA MARIA ATTENDOLI | Opera Decima. | [typographer’s
mark] | IN VENETIA M DC XXXXVIII Alla Stampa del Gardano |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano 1648
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents.
4. The catalogue
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50786 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. S partbook missing. On the title page
written in pencil: 462 | V.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [K R | 5]; [Nro 190]; Mus. 660.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 377; RISM A/I: S 923, SS 923; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Dixit Dominus A 3. Due Tenori e Baſſo
2. Confitebor tibi A 3. Alto Tenore e Baſſo
3. Beatus vir A 3. Alto Tenore e Baſſo
4. Laudate pueri A 3. Due Canti o Tenori e Baſſo
5. Laudate Dominum A 3. Alto Tenore e Baſſo
6. Lætatus ſum A 3. Due Canti ò Tenori e Baſſo
7. Niſi Dominus A 3. Alto Tenore e Baſſo
8. Lauda Ieruſalem A 3. Due Canti ò Tenori e Baſſo
9. Magnificat A 3. Due Canti ò Tenori e Baſſo Primi Toni Con Intonat.
10. Dixit Dominus à 4. voci Canto Alto Tenore e Baſſo
11. Magnificat à 4. voci Canto Alto Tenore e Baſſo
12. Meſſa à 4. voci Canto Alto Tenore e Baſſo (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus –
Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Vesi, Simone (1610c–1667p)
Title: MOTETTI | E SALMI | A Voce Sola Concertati con Iſtromenti, & in | fine
le Lettanie della Madona à 4. | DI SIMON VESI | Da Forli, Maeſtro Di Capella Del
Illuſtriſſimo e Reueren-|diſſimo Sig. Georgio Cornaro Veſcouo di | Padoua Conte di
Pioue di Sacco &c. | & All’Iſteſſo Ill.mo Sig. Dedicati | Opera Seconda. | [typographer’s
mark] | IN VENETIA MDC. XXXXVIII Alla Stampa del Gardano |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano 1648
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: Parte Cantante, vl I, vl II, vla/fag, Part. On p. 3
dedication of the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo
and dynamic indications: adaſio, allegro, preſto, pian, forte.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50880 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks; missing pages in Part. Some handwritten
accidentals. On pp. 28 and 29 of vl II partbook a handwritten note: Gloria. On the title
page written in pencil: 530 | V. The specimen underwent conservation in 1993.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[K o | 5]; [Nro 191]; [Mus. 747].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 420–421; RISM A/I: V 1312, VV 1312; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/viewschedatwbca.asp?
path=/cmbm/images/ripro/gaspari/CC/CC100/ (the specimen from I-Bc)
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Audite gentes quam magna fecit Dominus. Soprano con due violini
2. Omnes gentes plaudite manibus. Soprano con violini
3. Cæli ciues occurrite. Soprano con violini
4. Spargite flores fundite roſas. Soprano con violini
5. Iſte Confeſſor Domini. Soprano o Tenore con violini
6. Ante occulos tuos Domine. Oratio. Soprano Solo Oratorio SS. Domini noſtri
Vrbani VIII.
7. Venite gentes properate. Alto con violini Con Sinfonia de violini
8. Egredimini amatores & videte sponsum formoſum. Alto Solo con violini Con
Sinfonia de violini
9. Aue Iesu Chriſte rex benediĉte. Baſſo Solo con due violini Con Sinfonia de violini
10. O lumen cęli o ſplendor gloriæ. Baſſo Solo con violini Salmi Con Inſtromenti
11. Laudate pueri. Soprano Solo con 6 Iſtromenti
12. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes. Alto Solo con 6 Iſtromenti
13. Niſi Dominus. Tenor Solo con 6 Iſtromenti
14. Letanie à 4. voci Ad honore della Beatiſſima Vergine del Fuoco Di Forli (Kyrie
– Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Grandi, Alessandro (1586–1630)
VOCI | Con il Baſso Continuo per ſonar nell’Organo. | DI ALESSANDRO GRANDI |
Nouamente in questa Quinta impreſſione con | ogni diligenza coretti, & riſtampati. | Con
licenza de’ Superiori, & Priuilegio. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, Appreſſo
Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXVIII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1628
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50490 Muz.
Notes on item: Only A and B partbooks extant. On the title page written in pencil:
249 | V. The specimen underwent conservation in 1994. Single handwritten calculations of rest lengths.
4. The catalogue
Provenance: Both extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
| ר5; [Nro 192]; [Mus. 362].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 160; RISM A/I: G 3435; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Alessandro Grandi, Drei konzertierenden Motetten zu vier Stimmen
mit Generalbaß (Deus qui nos in tantis periculis; Plorabo die ac noĉte; Aue Regina Cælorum), ed. Friedrich Blume, Wolfenbüttel: Möseler Verlag, [1936] (Das Chorwerk, 40)
Recording: [–]
1. Hæc eſt arbor digniſſima A 2. Doi Soprani.
2. Saluum me fac Domine A 2. Doi Soprani
3. O quam glorioſa faĉta es A 2. Doi Soprani.
4. Bone Ieſu Verbum Patris A 2. Doi Soprani
5. Surge propera. Dialogo (Sponſus, Sponſa) A 2. Baſſo, e Soprano.
6. O Crux Aue ſpes vnica A 2. Doi Soprani
7. Hic eſt præcurſor dilectus A 2. Doi Soprani.
8. Exulta, & lætare terra A 2. Baſſo, e Soprano
9. O Sacrum conuiuium A 2. Alto, e Soprano
10. Gloria Patri qui creavit A 3. Canto Alto, e Tenore
11. Hymnum cantemus A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
12. Hæc eſt Virgo ſapiens A 3. Doi Tenori, e Baſſo
13. Deus qui nos in tantis periculis A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
14. Plorabo die ac noĉte A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo
15. Aue Regina Cælorum A 4. Quattro Soprani
16. Diligam te Domine fortitudo mea A 4. A doi Baſſi, & a 4. ſi placet doi Baſſi, &
doi Soprani
17. Faĉtum eſt ſilentium in cælo A 7. Baſſo Tenor, Alto, e Soprano, doi Violini, &
Composer(s): Faccini, Giovanni Battista (17.sc)
Title: SALMI | CONCERTATI | A Tre Quatro Voci. Con il Baſſo Continuo | DI D.
| GIOVANNI SAVORGNANO | Nouamente Riſtampati | [typographer’s mark] | IN
VENETIA MDC XXXXIIII || Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1644
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, T I, T II, B, bc. At the end – a list of contents.
Numerous dynamic indications: forte, pian.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50420 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Many handwritten accidentals, rubrics
and corrections. On the title page written in pencil: 196 | V. The specimen underwent
conservation in 1995.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[E. C. | 5]; [Nro 193]; Mus. 301.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 127; RISM A/I: F 47; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/vol-2/;
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Dixit Dominus A 4
2. Confitebor tibi A 4
3. Beatus vir A 4
4. Laudate pueri à 3 Concertato
5. Laudate pueri A 4
6. Lauda Ieruſalem à 4
7. Lætatus ſum A 4
8. De profundis clamaui à 4
9. In conuertendo A 4
10. Credidi propter quod Con ſimfonie de violini
11. Magnificat
Composer(s): Marini, Biagio (1594–1663)
Title: SALMI | Per tutte le Solennità dell’Anno Concertati nel moderno ſtile, | ad vna
Due, e Trè voci con violini e ſenza. | DEL CAV. BIAGIO MARINI | Maeſtro di Capella delli
Caualieri Nell’Accademia | della Morte di Ferrara. | Libro Primo. Opera XVIII. | Conſacrata. | ALLA SERENISSIMA SIGNORA | ARCIDVCHESSA ANNA D’AVSTRIA | Nata
Principeſſa Di Toſcana. | [typographer’s mark] | Stampa del Gardano | IN VENETIA
M DC LIII Apreſſo Franceſco Magni |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Francesco Magni 1653
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S/T, A, B, vl I, vl II, org. On p. 2 an Italian sonnet dedicated al Serenissima. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo and dynamic
indications: piano, forte, preſto, adagio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50601 Muz.
Notes on item: Only B and vl I partbooks extant. Beati omnes has two sets of text.
Single handwritten accidentals. On the title page written in pencil: 322 | VI.
Provenance: Both extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[L t | 6]; [Nro 194]; Mus. 471.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 273; RISM A/I: M 668, MM 668; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
4. The catalogue
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Domine ad adiuuandum A 3. Baſſo è 2 violini
2. Dixit Dominus A Cinque con 2 violini Baſſo Alto Tenore ò Canto
3. Confitebor tibi A 3 voci Baſſo Alto è Tenore ò Canto
4. Beatus vir A 5. Baſſo alto Tenore ò Canto è 2 violini
5. Laudate pueri A due voci. Canto ò Tenore e Baſſo
6. Laudate Dominum omnes A 3. Canto ò Tenore è 2 violini
7. Lætatus ſum A 5. Alto Ten. ò Canto, Baſſo è 2 violini
8. Niſi Dominus A 5. Baſſo Al. Ten. ouero Can. è 2 violini
9. Lauda Ieruſalem A 3. Baſſo è due violini
10. In conuertendo Dominus A 5. Al. Ten. ò Canto è Baſſo con due violini
11. Credidi propter quod A 5. Alto Ten. è Baſſo è 2 violini
12. Beati omnes qui timent Dominum. Queſto Salmo ſerue anco per Motetto, come
ſi vede nel Tenore pigliando le parole di ſotto ſino al Glo. A 3. Tenore ò Canto è 2
13. Magnificat A 5. Al.T.B. è 2 violini
Composer(s): Legrenzi, Giovanni (1626–1690)
| Primo Organiſta in Santa Maria Maggiore, & Accademico | Eccitato di Bergamo |
[typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti MDCLIV |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1654
Description: Set of 7 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, vl I, vl II, bc. On p. 2 or 3 dedication
of the composer dated 25th September 1654. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo indications: allegro, adaggio, piu adagio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50580 Muz.
Notes on item: S, A and T partbooks missing. The specimen underwent conservation in 1994. Some handwritten accidentals, corrections and rubrics. On the title page
written in pencil: 306 | VII.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [L V | 7]; [Nro 195]; [Mus. 446].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 244–245; RISM A/I: L 1609, LL 1609; http://sscm-jscm.
org/instrumenta/vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Recording: Giovanni Legrenzi: Concerti musicali per uso di Chiesa, op. 1. Messa &
Vespro, Riccardo Favero, Oficina Musicum, Dynamic 2010 (CDS 653)
1. Meſſa A 4. Voci, e duoi Violini (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo)
2. Domine ad adiuuandum A 3. Canto, e Due Violini
3. Dixit Dominus A 4. voci e duoi Violini
4. Confitebor tibi A 3. Canto, Alto, e Baſſo
5. Beatus vir A 5. Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo e Due Violini
6. Laudate Pueri Dominum A 3. Doi Canti, e Baſſo
7. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes A 5. Da Capella
8. Magnificat A 4. voci e Doi Violini
Composer(s): Grandi, Alessandro (1586–1630)
ALESSANDRO GRANDI | Maeſtro di Cappella in S. Maria Maggiore di Bergamo |
DEDICATI | All’Eminentiſſimo, & Reuerendiſſimo Prencipe | IL SIGNOR CARDINAL
& Priuilegio. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti.
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1637
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. At the end – a list of contents.
Some tempo and dynamic indications: adaſio, preſto, p., f.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50491 Muz.
Notes on item: S partbook missing. Single handwritten bc numbering. On the title
page written in pencil: 253 | V. The specimen underwent conservation in 1993.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: | ק5; [Nro 196]; [Mus. 363].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 161; RISM A/I: G 3456; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Aperi mihi soror mea A 2. Canto, e Tenore
2. O dulcis Virgo Virginum A 2. Doi Canti
3. O quam glorioſa faĉta es ò Maria A 2. Doi Canti
4. Aue Sanĉtiſſima Maria A 2. Doi Canti
5. Vocem iucunditatis A 2. Doi Canti
4. The catalogue
Quemadmodum deſiderat Ceruus A 2. Canto, e Baſso
Benediĉtus ſit Deus Pater A 2. Canto, e Alto
Laudate iuuenes A 2. Canto, e Alto
Gaudete omnes in Domino A 2. Doi Canti
Ecce ſeruus meus A 2. Canto, e Alto
Veni ſanĉte Spiritus A 2. Canto, e Baſſo
Regina cæli lætare A 3. Canto, mezo Canto, e Alto
O Crux ſplendidior cunĉtis aſtris A 3. Canto, Tenore, e Baſſo
Iucundare & exulta ſatis filia Hieruſalem A 3. Doi Canti, e Baſſo
Quis aſcendet in montem Domini A 3. Doi Canti, e Tenore
Quaſi Cedrus exaltata ſum in Libano A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſso
Domine ne in furore tuo arguas me A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſso
O Porta Cæli A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſso
Quæ eſt iſta quæ aſcendit per deſertum A 5. Doi Canti, Alto, Tenore, e Baſso
Composer(s): Grassini, Francesco Maria (1625c–1661)
Title: MOTETTI | CONCERTATI | A Due, Trè, Quattro, e Cinque voci parte con
inſtromenti, e ſenza | con le Litanie della B. V. nel fine | DI FRANCESCO MARIA
GRASSINI Da Bologna | Maeſtro Di Capella, & Organiſta nella Chieſa | della Carità
di Bologna | Dedicati | ALL’ ILLmo SIG.r Co. ANTONIO MARIA CASTELLI | Balio,
e Priore della religione dè Cauaglieri di S. Stefano. | [typographer’s mark] | Stampa del
Gardano | IN VENETIA M DC LIII Apreſſo Franceſco Magni |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Francesco Magni 1653
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II/A, T, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the
composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo indications: allegro, adagio, preſto.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50498 Muz.
Notes on item: Bc partbook missing. On the title page written in pencil: 261 | V. The
specimen damaged, underwent conservation in 1994. Some handwritten calculations
of rest lengths.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: L R | 5; N. 197; Mus. 372.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 163; RISM A/I: G 3546; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. O quam miſerum eſt A 2. Due Canti
2. O dulcis & bone Iesu ſpes ſuſpirantis A 2. Due Canti
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Ecce Sacerdos magnus A 2. Due Canti
Conuertimini ad me in toto corde veſtro A 2. Due Canti
Omnes gentes plaudite manibus A 2. Canto è Alto
Feſtinate mortales properate fideles A 2. Canto è Baſſo
Valde præclarus es in ſplendore tuo A 2. Alto e Tenore
O quam ſplendeſcens Catharina micas A 3. Canto ſolo con due violini
Verbera carnificum non timuerunt A 3. Due Canti & Baſſo
O Domine Iesu Chriſte quanta eſt miſericordia tua A 3. Canto Alto è Tenore
Gaudeamus iubilemus exultemus omnes A 3. Due Canti & Baſſo
Beatus vir qui inuentus eſt ſine macula A 3. Due Canti è Baſſo
Iubilet lætetur gaudeat exultet ſanĉta mater Eccleſia A 3. Canto Alto è Baſſo
Audite cæli quæ loquor A 3. Due Alti è Baſſo
Sanĉtiſſima Mater Dei pietate pleniſſima A 3. Alto Tenore è Baſſo
Quare fremuerunt gentes A 3. Due Canti è Baſſo
Cariſſimi nolite timere ſi vos mundus affligit A 3. Canto Alto è Baſſo
Salue Regina A 3. Canto Tenore è Baſſo
Iubilate gentes plaudite manibus A 4. Canto ſolo con 3 violini
Exultate Deo adiutori noſtro A 4. Alto è Tenore con due violini
Iubilate mortales A 4. Due Canti e due violini
Plaudat nunc organis Maria A 4. 3 Canti è Baſſo
Splendeat [!] Aer A 5. à 3 nel principio cioè vn Soprano e Due violini è nel vltimo con due Soprani è vn Baſſo con gli due violini.
Litaniæ A 5. Due Canti Alto Tenore è Baſſo (Chirie eleiſon – Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Sabbatini, Galeazzo (1597–1662)
| CONTEXTAE. | Duabus, Tribus, Quaternis, Quiniſque Vocibus | Concinnendæ. |
VNA CVM BASSO CONTINVO PRO ORGANO. | Illuſtriſſimo, ac Reuerendiſſimo
Domino | D. MALATESTAE BALEONO | Piſaurenſium Epiſcopo, Betunæ, &c.
Domino Dicatæ. | OPVS TERTIVM | LIBER PRIMVS | Superiorum Permiſſu. |
[typographer’s mark] | VENETIIS, || Apud Alexandrum Vincentium. MDCXXXVII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1637
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, T, B, bc. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50767 Muz.
Notes on item: Only S I and T partbooks extant. On the title page written in pencil:
451 | V; 312. Single handwritten accidentals.
Provenance: Both extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
| ּצ5; N. 198; [Mus. 640].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 348; RISM A/I: S 4, SS 4; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.
Digitized version: [–]
4. The catalogue
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Avdi Maria Virgo A 2. Duo Cantus, aut Tenores
2. Domine Dominus noſter A 2. Duo Cantus, aut Tenores
3. Beatus vir A 2. Duo Cantus, aut Tenores
4. Hoc eſt præceptum meum. Antiphona A 2. Cantus cum Alto
5. Domine ne in furore tuo arguas me A 2. Tenor cum Canto, aut cum Tenore
6. O Bona Crux diu deſiderata A 2. Tenor cum Alto
7. Ieſu Domine pie A 2. Cantus, aut Tenor cum Baſſo
8. O verum Chriſti Corpus A 2. Cantus, aut Tenor cum Baſſo
9. Leua eius ſub capite meo A 2. Cantus, aut Tenor cum Baſſo
10. O dulce nomen Ieſu A 3. Cantus, Altus, & Tenor
11. Cum Palma ad regna peruenerunt ſanĉti. Antiphona A 3. Cantus, Altus, & Tenor
12. Dominus Ieſus in qua noĉte tradebatur A 3. Cantus, Altus, & Baſſus
13. O nomen Ieſu dulce A 3. Altus, Tenor, & Baſsus
14. O clementiſſime Domine A 3. Duo Cantus, aut Tenor, & Baſſus
15. Corpora Sanctorum in pace ſepulta ſunt. Antiphona A 3. Duo Tenor, aut Cantus, & Baſsus
16. Ego dixi vadam ad Mariam A 4. Duo Cantus, Altus, & Tenor
17. Omnes sanĉti quanta paſſi ſunt tormenta. Antiphona A 4. Cantus, Altus, Tenor,
& Baſsus
18. Adoramus te Sanĉtiſſime Ieſu Chriſte A 4. Cantus, Altus, Tenor, & Baſsus
19. Veni eleĉta mea A 5. Duo Cantus, Altus, Tenor, & Baſſus
20. Audi Maria Virgo A 5. Cantus, Altus, duo Tenor, & Baſsus
Composer(s): Rovetta, Giovanni (1596c–1668)
Title: MOTETTI | CONCERTATI | A DVE, E TRE VOCI | Con le Lętanie della
Madona à Quattro | DI GIO: ROVETTA | Vice Maeſtro di Capella della Sereniſſima
Republica. | DEDICATI | All’Illuſtriſsimo Signore | BATTISTA NANI | OPERA
QVINTA | CON PRIVILEGIO. | [coat of arms] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſso Aleſſandro
Vincenti. MDCXXXIX. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1639
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: S, A, B, bc. On p. 3 of the vocal partbooks dedication of the composer dated 14th August 1639. At the end – a list of contents. Some
tempo indications: preſto.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50754 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Bc partbook damaged on the edge, refilled with paper after conservation in 1994. Some handwritten accidentals and bc numbering. On the title page written in pencil: 438 | IV; 311.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
| ּש4; Nro 199; Mus. 625.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 342; RISM A/I: R 2967; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://imslp.org/wiki/File:PMLP71410-Rovetta_Motetti_concertati_
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore A 2. A Doi Soprani, ò Tenori
2. O Ciues ad vos clamito & vox mea A 2. Soprani
3. Aue Regina cælorum A 2. Canti ò Tenori
4. Deus propitius eſto mihi peccatori A 2. Canto ò Tenor. & Alto
5. Domine Deus noſter inditione tua cunĉta ſunt poſita A 2. Alto, e Tenor
6. Egredimini omnes A 2. Tenori ò Canti
7. Conuerte Domine oculos tuos A 2. Tenor, & Baſſo
8. Deteſtare peccator turpiſſimam imaginem A 2. Tenor, & Baſſo
9. Domine oſtende nobis Patrem A 2. Canto, ò Tenor, & Baſſo
10. Regina Cęli Lętare A 2. Canto, ò Tenor, & Baſſo
11. Et ecce noua ego facio A 3. Canto, Tenor, & Baſſo
12. Feſtiuitas eſt hodie sanctæ Mariæ, à 3. due Tenori ò Soprani, & Baſſo
13. Domine Deus meus peccaui à 3. due Tenori ò Soprani, & Baſſo
14. Audite cæli quæ loquor à 3. Alto Tenor, & Baſſo
15. Beatus vir à 3. Alto, Tenor, & Baſſo
16. Omnes gentes canite iubilate à 3. Alto Tenor, & Baſſo
17. Dominator Domine cælorum et terræ à 3. Alto, Tenor, & Baſſo
18. Salue Regina à 3. Alto. Tenor, & Baſſo
19. Alma Redemptoris mater à 3. Alto, Tenor, & Baſſo
20. Letanie à 4. doi Tenori, o Soprani, Alto, & Baſſo
Composer(s): Alouisi (Aloisi, Aloysi, Alovisi), Giovan Battista (1654p†)
Title: CONTEXTVS | Muſicarum proportionum, quo concertuum va-|rietate Binis,
Ternis, Quaternis, Quinis, & | Senis vocibus debitum, ac deuotum red-|dit Aulæ
Cęleſti laudum, precumq; | obſequium. | F. IOANNES BAPTISTA ALOVISIVS |
Minorita Conuent. Art. & Sac. Theologiæ Doĉtor. | Eminentiſſimi ac Excellentiſſimi
Principis & | Cardinalis à Dietrichſtain Theologus, | Secretarius, nec non Muſicę Pręfe|ĉtus. Sereniſſimo Arciduci | Auſtrię LEOPOLDO | GVILIELMO | conſecratus. | Opus
Quartum. | Superiorum permiſu, ac Priuilegio. | [typographer’s mark] | VENETIIS.
M. DC, XXXVII || Apud Bartholomeum Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1637
Description: Set of 7 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, 6, bc. On pp. 2–3 dedication of the
composer signed Vienna, 1st September 1636. At the end – a list of contents, avviso Alli
4. The catalogue
Signori Muſici and (in S partbook) the publisher’s colophon. Some tempo and dynamic
indications: Preſto, adaſio, piano.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50246 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Missing pages in A partbook. Single
handwritten accidentals, calculations of rest lengths, bar lines and bc numbering. In
A partbook missing pp. 7–10 and 14–18 replaced with their handwritten copy, in the
hand of Daniel Sartorius. On the title page written in pencil: 276.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[β | 7]; [Nro 200]; [Mus. 115].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 43; RISM A/I: A 876, AA 876; www.bibliotecamusica.it;
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Domine Deus meus ſuſcipe preces meas A 2. Due Canti, ò Tenori
2. Domine Deus meus da cordi meo A 2. Due Canti, ò Tenori
3. O Domine Ieſu Chriſte A 2. Due Canti, ò Tenori.
4. O magnum myſterium, & admirabile A 2. Due Canti, ò Tenori
5. Lętentur cęli & exultet terra A 2. Due Canti, ò Tenori.
6. Sanĉtisſima cęlorum Imperatrix & Regina A 2. Due Canti, ò Tenori.
7. Exultans iubilat & gaudet A 2. Due Canti, ò Tenori.
8. Paratum cor meum Deus A 2. Canto e Tenore.
9. Stella cęli extirpauit A 2. Alto e Tenore.
10. Ecce ſacerdos magnus A 2. Due Tenori.
11. In te ſperauit cor meum A 2. Canto, ò Tenore, e Baſſo.
12. Inclina Domine A 2. Tenore, e Baſſo.
13. Confitebor tibi Domine A 3. Due Canti, e Baritono.
14. Conſtantes eſtote A 3. Due Canti, o Tenori, e Baſſo.
15. Eripe me Domine ab homine malo A 3. Due Canti, o Tenori, e Baſſo.
16. Dulcisſima Maria Mater & Virgo pia A 3. Canto, Alto, e Baſſo.
17. Quid mihi eſt in Cęlo A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
18. Benignisſime Iesu A 3. Due Tenori, e Baſſo
19. Deleantur de libro viuentium A 4. Due Canti, Tenore, e Baſſo.
20. Exurge Domine Deus meus A 4. Due Canti, Tenore e Baſſo
21. O lęta dies o fęlix dies A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
22. Audite gentes & narrabo vobis A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
23. O Sanĉtisſima Virgo A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
24. En gratulemur hodie A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
25. Exurgat Deus A 5. Due Canti, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
26. O dulcis Virgo Virginum A 5. Due Canti, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
27. Vocem iocunditatis A 5. Due Canti, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Exaltabo te Deus meus Rex A 6. Due Canti, Alto, due Tenori, e Baſſo.
Obſecro Domine vide affliĉtionem noſtram. Dialogo A 6. Due Canti, Al. due
Tenori, e Bas.
Lętanie Della Beata Vergine A 6. Canto ò Tenore, voce ſola, con 5 parti di ripieno che riſponando (Kyrie – Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Possenti, Pellegrino (1597–1649)
Title: CANORA | SAMPOGNA | Compoſta di Sette Canne Muſicali. Prima Canna,
| dalla quale eſcono Madrigali à 2. e 3. Voci, | Canzonete [!] à 2. Voci. Li Soſpiri
d’Ergaſto, | & il Lamento d’Ariana, del Caualier | Marino à Voce sola. | DI PELEGRINO
POSSENTI | Nouamente Riſtampata | CoN PRIVILEGIo. | IN VENETIA.
M.DC.XXVIII. || Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni. | [typographer’s mark] |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1628
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: S I/T I, S II/T II, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the
composer to Padre D. Virginio Diua dated 1st July 1628. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50707 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Missing title page of S I/T I partbook,
other pages damaged, refilled with paper after conservation in 1989. On the title page
written in pencil: 396 | IV.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[V | 4]; [Nro 201]; Mus. 571.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 313; RISM A/I: P 5248; VogelB: II, p. 97; NV 2260
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Fuggimi pur ſe ſai amica de miei guai A 2. Duoi Soprani ò Tenori
2. Che il core à donna io doni a che per lei ſoſpiri A 2.
3. Anime innamorate, ſe quell’incendio interno A 2
4. O belliſsima bocca, o rubini d’amor riccho Theſoro A 2
5. Al foco, al foco al foco, non udite il mio cor A 2
6. Udite e rimirate, o dell’interno meſti ſpirti A 2
7. No, nò, che più non t’amo, dunque mi nieghi ingrata A 2
8. Perdeſti l’occhi, amore, perchè del mio bel ſol mirar voleſti A 2
9. S’a un voſtro dolce ſguardo, ben mio, morir mi fate A 2. Canto, e Tenore.
10. Io parto, Idolo mio. A Dio mia vita A 2
11. O ben mio, dove ſei tu ben mio A 2. Soprano, e Baſſo.
12. Fra queſt’ombre Infernali A 2. Baſſo, e Soprano.
13. Tirsi languia ſi forte d’amor (Prima Parte) – Stelle (Seconda Parte) – O Filli ò Filli
queſte voci eſtreme (Terza Parte). Soſpiro d’Amoroſa Angonia A 2. Soprani, ò Tenori.
4. The catalogue
Dillo tù, Amore, a te il decider tocca. Dialogo A 2 (Amante e Amore)
Vivo foco d’amor. Amante che s’abrugia à 2.
Tra queſti ſaſsi (Prima Parte) – Poiche io ſon ſolo e tu crudel A 1 (Seconda Parte) – Ne faran fede A 1 (Terza Parte) – Deh foſs’io morto, che per voi (Quarta
Parte) – Di ſaſſo in ſaſſo e d’un in altro (Quinta Parte Inſieme). Lamento di
Leandro Paſtore A 2
Chi v’abbraccia cor mio, convien che mora poi A 3. Baſſo, e duoi Sop. ò Ten.
Allo ſcender d’un colle perſi la man tremante A 3.
Mi prometeſti un bacio, hor cruda il nieghi A 3
Deh come in van chiedete d’udir, bella ſirena, il canto A 3. Voci [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
Amo la bella Lilla, ard’il cor e sfavilla (Prima Parte) – S’io la chiamo [or:] prego
(Seconda Parte) – Qual duriſsimo Scoglio (Terza Parte) – Anime ch’abitate l’oſcuriſsimo Auerno (Quarta Parte) – Deh ſe il foco amoroſo (Quinta Parte) – Ma
ſe il mio ben Theſoro (Sesta Parte). Canzonetta à 2. Soprano, ò Ten.
Io non poſſo, mi dice la bella bocca (Prima Parte) – Tu non puoi ah mendace (Seconda [Parte]) – Prova, mio core, prova un ſol (Terza [Parte]) – Cangia
penſiero, o lingua menzogniera (Quarta [Parte]). Canzonetta à 2.
O ſtelle omicide, arciere de cori. Canzonetta à 2
Filli bella e gentile, ſiate corteſe a chi v’ama. Canzonetta à 2
Siate corteſe à chi v’ama e v’adora. Canzonetta à 2 [missing in bc partbook]
Una Dea chiamata Clori nel Fiorito praticello. Canzonetta à 2
Occhi, morte del mio core, quando fiſſo mi mirate. Canzonetta à 2
Clori bella, ma quanto bella [Prima Parte] – Deh volgi a me da quei felici colli
(Seconda [Parte]) – Ahi che mi val che’l Ciel [Terza Parte] – Veſtan la terra pur
(Quarta Parte) – Forſe l’incendio mio [Quinta Parte] – Ditel voi Selue o de mie
triſti amori (Sexta [Parte]) – O di quel Roſignuol [Settima Parte] – Qui tacqui
e mentr’al Ciel [Ottaua Parte]. I Sospiri d’Ergasto à 1 [Giambattista Marino]
Miſera, e chi m’ha tolto il mio dolce compagno. Lamento d’Arianna del Cav.
[Giovanni Battista] Marino. Idillio terzo della ſua Sampogna à 1
Composer(s): Scarselli, Riniero (Raniero) (1609–1665); Sabbatini, Galeazzo (1597–
| Vocibus in Organo concinuntur. | REVERENDISSIMO DOMINO | D. MICHAELI
ANGELO | FONTANAE | Canonicorum Regularium Sanĉti Saluatoris Generali
| Vigilantissimo Dicatarum. | AVCTORE | D. RAYNERIO DE SCARSELLIS |
BONONIENSE | Eiusdem Religionis Canonico. | LIBER PRIMVS. | [typographer’s
mark] | VENETIIS, || Apud Alexandrum Vincentium. MDCXXXVII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1637
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On the back of the title page
dedication of the composer dated 10th May 1637. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50796 Muz.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. A and T partbooks missing. Title page
and pp. 11, 13, 29 of S partbook damaged on the edge, refilled after conservation in
1993. On the title page written in pencil: 468 | V; 282.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [S | 5]; [Nro 202]; [Mus. 669].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 380–381; RISM A/I: S 1220; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=35890
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. O Ieſus amor dulciſſime A 2. due Canti, ò Tenori
2. Plaudite manibus A 2. due Canti, ò Tenori
3. Audi ò care Ieſu A 2. due Canti, ò Tenori
4. Angelus autem Domini A 2. due Canti, ò Tenori
5. Ecce Sacerdos magnus A 2. Baſſo, e Canto, ò Tenore
6. Omnes gentes plaudite manibus A 2. Baſſo, e Canto, ò Tenore
7. O Glorioſa Virginum A 2. Tenore, & Alto
8. Fili, quid feciſti A 3. Baſſo, e due Canti, ò Tenori
9. Audi Redemptor noſter A 3. Canto, Tenore, e Baſso
10. Eſtote fortes A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
11. Quemadmodum A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
12. Conditor Cæli A 3. Alto Tenore e Baſſo Del Sig. Galeazzo Sabbatini Maeſtro
13. Sanĉti mei qui in carne poſiti A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
14. Gaudent in cælis animæ ſanĉtorum A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
15. Meſſa A 4. Can. Al. Ten. e b. Del Signor Galeazzo Sabbatini Maeſtro dell’Auttore. (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanctus – Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Ziani, Pietro Andrea (1616–1684)
Title: FIORI MVSICALI | Raccolti da Bartolomeo Magni nel Giardino | de Madrigali
ILL:re ET REVER.mo | P. D. GIOVANNI POZZO | Abbate meritiſsimo in S. Saluador | Di
Venetia. | [in A, T and bc partbooks added:] oPERA PRIMA | Con Licenza de Superiori &
Priuilegio. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA MDCXL || Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1640
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the editor
dated 1st May 1639. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50910 Muz.
4. The catalogue
Notes on item: B partbook missing. On the title page written in pencil: 343 | V.
Single handwritten accidentals.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [D 2 | 5]; [Nro 203]; [Mus. 774].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 438–439; RISM A/I: Z 173, ZZ 173; VogelB: II, p. 356; NV
3026; www.bibliotecamusica.it
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/viewschedatwbca.asp?
path=/cmbm/images/ripro/gaspari/CC/CC147/ (the specimen from I-Bc)
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: Bella è la donna mia, Vivante, Deutsche Harmonia Mundi 2015
1. Si ch’io vorrei morire, hora ch’io bacio à 2. Doi Soprani.
2. Baciai, ma che mi valſe attender frutto à 2. Canto, è Tenore. [Giovanni Battista
3. Chi vol hauer felice e lieto il core à 2. Tenor, e Baſſo. [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
4. Non hà da quant’il ſol crini indora à 2. Alto, e Baſſo.
5. Ben mio, deh non piangete à 2. Doi Tenori.
6. Non è di gentil core à 2. Canto, è Alto. [Fabrizio degl’Atti]
7. Vanne pur, Lidia, affretta i paſſi altrove à 2. A Doi Tenori.
8. Baci ſoavi e cari, cibi della mia vita à 3. Doi Canti, e Baſſo. [Giovanni Battista
9. Ite Amari ſoſpiri, alla bella cagion à 3. Canto, Tenor, e Baſſo. [Giovanni Battista
10. O misera Dorinda, ov’hai tu poste le tue speranze à 3. Doi Tenori, e Baſſo. [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
11. Mentre Filli dormia, gionſi alla bocca ſua la bocca mia à 3. Doi Canti, e Baſſo.
[Giambattista Marino]
12. E’ partito il mio bene à 3. Canto, Alto, e Baſſo. [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
13. Credetel voi che non ſentite amore à 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo. [Giovanni
Battista Guarini]
14. Perchè fuggi tra ſalci à 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo. [Giambattista Marino]
15. Cor mio, tu ti naſcondi all’apparir del nostr’amato sole à 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore,
e Baſſo. [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
Composer(s): Buchner, Philipp Friedrich (1614–1669)
Muſico dell’ Illuſtriſsimo, & Eccellentiſsimo Signor | Palatino è Generale di Cracouia.
| DEDICATA alla Sacra Real Maeſtà di Polonia, e Suetia | VLADISLAO IV. |
[typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Apreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXXIIII. |
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1644
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the composer
dated 3rd August 1644. At the end – a list of contents. Some dynamic indications: forte, piano.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50301 Muz.
Notes on item: B partbook missing. On the title page written in pencil: R | 5.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [E A | 5]; [Nro 204]; [Mus. 185].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 76–77; RISM A/I: B 4863; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: planned publication
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Gaudens gaudebo in Domino A 2. A doi Canti
2. Triſtis es anima mea vſque ad mortem A 2. A doi Canti
3. Adiuro vos filiæ Ieruſalem A 2. A doi Canti
4. O felix ò læta ò ſanĉta dies A 2. A doi Canto, e Alto
5. Quemadmodum deſiderat ceruus A 2. A doi Canto, e Baſſo. Al Sig. Gio. Federico
Berletta [or:] Borletta, Muſico del Eccel. Sig. Palatino & Generale di Cracouia
6. Velum templi ſciſſum eſt A 2. A doi Alto, e Tenore
7. Audite me divini fruĉtus A 2. A doi Alto, e Tenore
8. Anima Chriſti santifica me A 2. A doi Tenori.
9. Ieſu dulcis memoria A 3. Alto, e doi Violini. Al Sig. Gio. Battista Mealli, Muſico
del Eccel. Sig. Palatino & Generale di Cracouia
10. Beatus N. ingreſſus eſt martir A 3. Canto, Alto, e Baſſo
11. O quales flores habet Paradiſus A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
12. In dedicatione templi decantabat populus laudem A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
13. Ieruſalem surge & exuete A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
14. In conſpeĉtu Angelorum pſallam tibi Domine A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
15. Domine Dominus noster A 4. Baſſo, e tre Inſtromenti.
16. Quid retribues A 4. Canto, Alto, e doi Violini
17. Aſſumpta eſt Maria A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
18. Caro mea vere eſt cibus A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
19. Paſtores quid vidiſtis dicite A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
20. In illo tempore nuptiæ faĉtæ sunt in Cana A 5. Doi Canti, Alto, Tenor e Baſſo.
In dialogo
Composer(s): Rigatti, Giovanni Antonio (1613c–1648)
Title: PRIMO PARTO | De Motetti A 2. 3. 4. voci Con alcune Can-|tilene, con ſuoi
Ripieni á beneplacito | DI GIO. ANTONIO RIGATTI | DEDICAtI | AL MOLTO ILL:re
4. The catalogue
ET M.to REV:do PADRE OSS.mo | Il Padre F. Antonio da Padoua Priore | digniſſimo de
ſerui in Capod’iſtria. | Nouamente Riſtampato. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA
M DC XL || Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1640
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A/S rip./A rip./T rip./B rip., T, B, bc. On
p. 2 dedication of the composer dated 25th March 1640. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50739 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. The last page of T partbook missing.
Single handwritten accidentals. On the title page written in pencil: 418 | V; 205. The
specimen underwent conservation in 1994.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[E B | 5]; [Nro 205]; [Mus. 608].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 334; RISM A/I: R 1412; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.
Digitized version:
ripro/gaspari/BB/BB226/ (the specimen from I-Bc)
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Veni Domine & noli tardare A 2. Canto & Tenore ouero doi Tenori
2. Audite omnes gentes vocem Domini A 2. Canto & Tenore ouero doi Tenori
3. Omnes iubilent & exultent A 2. A doi Canti ouero Tenori
4. Cur plaudit hodie. Dialogo A 2. Alto & Baſſo.
5. Audite vocem Domini A 3. doi Canti ouero Tenori & Baſſo.
6. Salue ò Regina mater A 3. doi Tenori ouer Canti & Baſſo.
7. O Suauisſimum verbum à 4. Canto Alto Tenore & Baſſo.
8. Tota pulcra es amica mea à 4. Canto Alto Tenore & Baſſo.
9. Plaudite manibus. Cantilena à 3. doi Canti ouero Tenori & Baſſo. Con li ſuoi Ripieni
10. Lauda Sion Saluatorem. Cantilena à 3. doi Tenori ouero Canti & Baſſo. Con li
ſuoi Ripieni
11. Iuſtus germinabit ſicut lilius. Cantilena à 3. doi Canti ò Tenori & Baſſo. Con li
ſuoi Ripieni
12. Gaudete omnes. Cantilena à 3. doi ſoprani, & vn Tenore. Con li ſuoi Ripieni
Composer(s): Tarditi, Orazio (1602–1677)
A Doi, Tre, Quattro, è Cinque voci doi de quali | ſon concertati con doi Violini | SALMI
A CINQVE | Doi Concertati con tre voci è doi Violini, è Doi altri à cinque voci ſole
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
| Lettanie della Madonna à cinque voci. | DI HORATIO TARDITI | DEDICATI |
All’Illuſtriſsimo, e Reuerendiſsimo | MONSIGNOR GALLO | VESCOVO D’ANCONA,
| CON PRIVILEGIO | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro
Vincenti. MDCXXXXI. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1641
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the
composer dated 13th September 1641. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50837 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Single handwritten calculations of rest
lengths. On p. 28 of T partbook pasted-over errata of the text. On the title page written
in pencil: 502 | VI; 208.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[C. K. | 6]; [Nro 206]; [Mus. 710].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 405; RISM A/I: T 194; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Salue immaculata Maria A 2. Canto, e Tenore
2. Ad perennis vitæ fontem A 2. Canto, e Tenore
3. O Anima mea ſuſpira arde deſidera A 2. Canto, e Alto. à modo di Dialogo
4. Benediĉtus Dominus quoniam exaudiuit A 2. Canto, e Tenore
5. Salue Regina A 2. Canto, e Alto
6. Ieſu ſalus vita cordis A 2. Doi Soprani
7. O Ieſu bone Ieſu pie A 2. Canto, e Alto
8. Iſte Confeſſor. Hinno A 2. Alto, e Tenore
9. Vna eſt eleĉta inter filias A 3. Canto, Tenore, e Baſſo
10. Ego ex ore altiſſimi prodiui A 3. Canto, Alto, e Baſſo
11. Aue Maris Stella. Hinno della B.V. A 3. Canto Tenore, e Baſſo
12. Adorate ſacramentum A 3. voci concertato con doi Violini Canto, Alto, e Baſſo
13. Plaudat mundus plaudat terra A 3. voci concertato con doi Violini Canto, Alto,
14. Dulce nomen Ieſu A 4. doi Soprani, Alto, e Baſſo
15. Laudate pueri Dominum. Salmo Concertato A 3. voci è 2 Violini Canto, Alto,
e Baſſo
16. Lauda Hieruſalem. Salmo Concertato A 3. voci è doi Violini. Doi Soprani, e Baſſo
17. Dixit Dominus. Salmo Concertato A 5. ſenza Iſtrumenti Canto, Alto, doi Tenori, e Baſſo
18. Littanie della B. Virgine A 5. voci in Concerto. Canto, Alto, doi Tenori, e Baſſo
(Kyrie – Agnus Dei)
4. The catalogue
Cum inuocarem. Salmo Concertato A 5. ſenza Intonatione. Canto, Alto, doi
Tenori, e Baſſo
Composer(s): Donati, Ignazio (1575c–1638)
Title: SALMI | [red ink only in S partbook] BOSCARECCI | CONCERTATI | [black
ink] A Sei Voci, con aggiunta, ſe piace, di altre ſei voci, che | ſeruono per concerto,
& per Ripieno doppio, per can-|tare à più Chori; Con vna Meſſa ſimilmente concer-|
tata, & con il Ripieno, d’un’altra ſimile à sei, già ſtam-|pata; & con il Baſſo principale
per ſonar nell’Organo. | [red ink] D’IGNATIO DONATI | [black ink] Maſtro di Capella
nella Terra di Caſalmaggiore; | L’Auriga nella Academia de filomeni. | Dedicati Alli
Molto Illuſtri Signori del Conſiglio della | medeſima terra. | OPERA NONA. | [red
ink] CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, [black ink] Appreſſo
Aleſſandro Vincenti. 1623. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1623
Description: Set of 13 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, 6, rip.: S/A/vl/cnto, T/trb, A/vl/
cnto, B/trb/fag, 5/trb, 6/vl/cnto, org. On p. 2 dedication of the composer signed Casalmaggiore, 3rd October 1623. On p. 3 Avvertimenti Spettanti Alla Presente opera. At the
end – a list of contents. In bc partbook most of the titles bore setting remarks such as:
Incomincia il Canto. In the Credo of Missa primi toni in some partbooks there is a note
before Et resurrexit section: Qui ſi potrà far la Sinfonia, per Sinfonia ſi potrà ſonar queſta Seſquialtera con quel che ſegue ſenza cantare però quando ci ſaranno gl’Inſtrumenti,
e poi ritornar a dire, & reſurrexit, and after Et resurrexit section: Quando ci ſarà chi canti
il tenore [Alto, Basso] del Ripieno per darli ſodisfatione, ſi potrà laſciarlo cantare il qui
ſotto quarto, Et iterum venturus eſt. ſe però ſarà parte a propoſito & l’haurà nel ſuo libro.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50383 Muz.
Notes on item: S and B/trb/fag partbooks missing. Single handwritten accidentals,
calculations of rest lengths and bar lines. On the title page written in pencil: 176 | XIII.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [C F | 13]; [Nro 207]; Mus. 272.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 114; RISM A/I: D 3396; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/viewschedatwbca.asp?
path=/cmbm/images/ripro/gaspari/_Z/Z071/ (the specimen from I-Bc)
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Domine ad adiuuandum me feſtina A 6. à 7. à 8. a 12. & à 18. Canto, ò Tenore,
per biſogno. Con altre ſei parti di Ripieno di voci & iſtromenti
2. Dixit Dominus Sexti Toni A 6. Sexti Toni
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Confitebor tibi Domine Tertij Toni A 6. 7. 8. 12. & à 18.
Beatus vir Primi Toni A 6. Vt ſvpra.
Laudate pueri Dominum A 6. Vt ſupra Secundi Tuoni
Laudate Dominum omnes gentes A 6. Vt ſupra Sexti Tuoni
In exitu Iſræl de ægipto A 6. Vt ſupra ſuo proprio Tuono. Canto, ouero Tenore
per biſogno
Lætatus ſum in his. Quinti Toni
Niſi Dominus ædificauerit. A 6. Vt ſupra Sexti Toni
Lauda Ieruſalem A 6. Vt ſupra Oĉtaui Toni
Credidi propter quod A 6. Vt ſupra Secundi Toni
Magnificat anima mea A 6. Vt ſupra Sexti Toni
Dixit Dominus Domino meo A 6. Vt ſupra Oĉtauo Tuono
Laudate pueri Dominum A 6. Con li ſoliti Inſtromenti ſe piace.
Magnificat A 6. Vt ſupra Primi Toni
Miſſa Primi Toni A 6. vt ſupra (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
Miſſa Secondi Toni Ripieno doppio di Voci & Iſtromenti Concertati Queſto è il
Ripieno, ſi placet, per la Messa del Secondo Tuono A 5. & à 6. in Concerto che
è poſte nelli libri & nel fine delle Meſſe da Capella ſtampate vltimamente [only
in ripieni partbooks]
Composer(s): Arresti, Giulio Cesare (1619–1701)
Title: MESSE | A TRE Voci, Con Sinfonie, e Ripieni à placito, | Accompagnate
da Motetti, e Concerti | DI GIVLIO CESARE ARRESTI, | Accademico Filomuſi,
detto il ſolleuato. Opera Seconda. | ALL’ ILL.MA SIG.RA | SIG.ra E PATRONA COL.ma
moniſtero di | S. Maria nuoua di Bologna. | [typographer’s mark] | VENETIA
MDCLXIII Apreſſo Franceſco Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1663
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, B, vl I, vl II, bc. On p. 2 dedication of
the composer dated 11th July 1663. The sequences appropriate to the masses are printed
between their Glorias and Credos. In the last mass after the Gloria there is an instrumental Sonata and a Credo [in bc partbook entitled as Caprizzio] ſopra otto note. Al ſuo loco,
alla 4. & alla 3. [based on a basso ostinato scheme]. At the end – a list of contents and
a commentary to the readers concerning another Kyrie reedited here. In bc partbook at
the end a short comment on the added Kyrie. Some tempo indications: adagio, allegro.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50257 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Some handwritten accidentals and calculations of rest lengths. On p. 47 of S II partbook – the handwritten note Ritornello
(printed on the following page). On the title page written in pencil: 52 | VI.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
N. M. | 6; Nro 208a; [Mus. 127].
4. The catalogue
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 49; RISM A/I: A 2484; SartoriB: 1663a; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Giulio Cesare Arresti, Missa de Resurrectione, ed. Anne Schnoebelen, New York: Garland 1997; Giulio Cesare Arresti, two motets for three voices,
ed. Candace Smith & Bruce Dickey, Sala Bolognese: Artemisia 2001 (Music from the
convents of Bologna, 4a)
Recording: Weep and Rejoice. Music for Holy Week from the convents of the 17th-century Italy, Capella Artemisia, Candace Smith, Brilliant Classics 2014 (BC 94638)
1. MISSA De Reſurreĉtione (Sinfonia – Kyrie – Gloria – Credo)
2. Sequentia à 3. 2 Canti e Baſſo. Viĉtimę Paſchali laudes
3. Exultemus lætemur cantemus à 3. due Canti e Baſſo.
4. Quid mihi eſt in cęlo à 3. due Canti e Baſſo
5. MISSA De Spiritu Sanĉto (Sinfonia – Kyrie – Gloria – Credo)
6. Sequentia à 2 Canti con violini Veni Sanĉte Spiritus & emitte cælitus.
7. O fulgorem ò ſplendorem à 3. Due Canti è Baſſo
8. O bonæ Ieſu ò dulcis Ieſu ò suauis Ieſus à 3. Alto, Tenore è Baſſo.
9. MISSA De Communi omnium feſtorum (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo)
10. Sonata à 2 violini
11. Ad cantus ad plauſus à 3, due Canti & Alto
12. O quam ſuaue eloquium tuum mi Ieſu à 3. Alto, Tenore, è Baſſo
13. MESSA A Cinque à Cappella a 5 (Kyrie) [only in bc partbook, printed as a Part.,
after the tavola, not listed there]
Composer(s): Honorio, Romualdo (17.sc)
[typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXXII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1642
Description: Set of 7 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, A, T, B, 5, bc. On p. 3 dedication of
the composer to Padre D. Clemente Mencarelli da Iesi, Abbate, e Procuratore Generale
Camaldolense, dated 27th March 1642. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50526 Muz.
Notes on item: S I partbook missing. On the title page written in pencil: 283 | VII.
Single handwritten accidentals. T partbook damaged, refilled with paper after conservation.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: H B | 7 and Nro 208; Mus. 395.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 182; RISM A/I: H 6451; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Miſſa Secundi Toni Concertata à 5 (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
2. Miſſa Tertij Toni à 5 (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
3. Miſſa Sexti Toni Concertata à 6 (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Tarditi, Orazio (1602–1677)
Title: IL SECONDO LIBRO | DE MOTETTI | Concertati à Vna, Due, Tre, Quattro,
e Cinque Voci | Con vna MESSA, e SALMI à Cinque Voci in Concerto. | DI D.
HORATIO TARDITI | ROMANO | Organiſta del Duomo d’Arezzo | DEDICATI |
Al Molto R.P.D. CLENENTE [!] SALVIATI Fioren-|tino Abbate della Badia di Santa
Maria in grado d’A-|rezzo della Congregatione Camaldolenſe. | NOVAMENTE
RISTAMPATA. | [typographer’s mark and coat of arms] | IN VENETIA || Appreſſo
Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXXII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1642
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, bc. On p. 3 two Italian sonnets by
P. D. Girolamo Bolognese. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50838 Muz.
Notes on item: S partbook missing. On the title page written in pencil: 510 | VI.
The specimen underwent conservation in 1998. Some handwritten accidentals and
calculations of rest lengths.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: H C | 6; [Nro 209]; [Mus. 711].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 405–406; RISM A/I: T 185; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Veniat dileĉtus meus A 1. Canto ſolo
2. Verſa eſt in luĉtum A 1. Tenore ſolo
3. Quid mihi eſt in cælo A 1. Baſſo ſolo
4. Sanĉtiſſima Virgo A 2. A Doi Canti
4. The catalogue
In te ſperauit cor meum A 2. A Doi Tenori
Domine Pater & dominator vitæ meæ. A 2. Canto, e Tenore.
Euge ſerue bone. A 2. Canto, e Tenore. Al Molto R.P.D. Giacinto Paradiſi da
Verona Monaco Camaldolenſe
Fugge dileĉte mi. A 2. A doi Canti.
Angelorum chori. A 2. Alto, e Tenore
Iſti ſunt triumphatores. A 2. Alto, e Tenore
Si ignoras te ò pulcherrima inter mulieres. Dialogo à doi Tenori.
Dum complerentur. A 2. Baſſo, e Canto
In cæleſtibus Regnis. A 2. Baſſo, e Canto
Exultate gaudete iubilate cantate. A 2. Alto, e Tenore
Viſcera mea liquefaĉta ſunt. A doi Alti [or:] Alto, e Tenore
O mi pijſſime & amantiſſime Ieſu. A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
Salue Regina. A 4. Concertato Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
Cum inuocarem. A 4. Ottauo Tuono. Salmo Concertato. Senza Intonatione.
Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
Aue maris ſtella. Himno della B.V. Concertato A 5.
Meſſa Concertata A 5 (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
Domine ad adiuuandum A 5.
Dixit Dominus. Seſto Tuono. Concertato A 5. Senza Intonatione
Confitebor tibi Domine. Primo Tuono. Concertato a 5. Senza Intonatione
Beatus vir qui timet Dominum. Ottauo Tuono. Concertato A 5. Senza Intonatione
Laudate pueri Dominum. Quarto Tuono. Concertato A 5. Senza intonatione
Magnificat. Primo Tuono. Concertato A 5. Senza Intonatione
Composer(s): Orafi, Pietro Marcellino (17.sc)
tre, quattro, e cinque voci | Per | Congregationi, Accademie, Chieſe, Oratorij, e ogn’
altro luogo | di honeſta ricreatione. | Dedicata | ALLA SAGRA CESAREA MAESTA
| DI FERDINANDO III. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA MDCLII Apreſſo
Franceſco Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1652
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, T, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of composer dated 20th May 1652. At the end – a list of contents. Some dynamic and tempo
indications: adagio, preſto, piano.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50666 Muz.
Notes on item: Only S I and S II partbooks extant. On the title page written in pencil: 371 | V; 243. Missing title page of S II partbook. Single handwritten accidentals and
pitch corrections.
Provenance: Both extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[L F | 5]; [Nro 210]; Mus. 536.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 297–298; RISM A/I: O 99; VogelB: II, p. 29; NV 2054; www.
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Vn bacio ſol ſe ſcocca de la divina bocca (Oſculetur me oſculo oriſ ſui) à 2. Due
Canti ò Tenori [Pietro Marcellino Orafi].
2. Io ſon bruna sì, ma bella (Nigra sum ſed formoſa) à 2. Canto ò T. [Pietro Marcellino Orafi]
3. Come ſei pura e bella, anima mia diletta (Quam pulchra es amica mea) à 2.
Canti ò Tenori [Pietro Marcellino Orafi]
4. Soaviſſime roſe, giardinetto d’amore (Sicut viĉta coccinea labia tua, eloquium
tuum dulce) à 2. Canto e Alto [Pietro Marcellino Orafi]
5. Vorrei ſcoprir con giuſt’ardir (Queſivi illum et non inveni) à 2. Due Canti [Pietro Marcellino Orafi]
6. O mia diletta (Veni dileĉta mea) à 2. Canto è Baſſo [Pietro Marcellino Orafi]
7. Per le piagge di Giudea (Egrediamur in agrum) Canzonetta in Dialogo à 2 Alti,
vno de quali è mezzo Soprano [Pietro Marcellino Orafi]
8. Noi ſiam due cuori amanti (Ego dilecto meo, & ad me conuerſio eius) à 2 Tenori
9. Su sù sù ſorgi dalle pianure (Surge propera amica mea. Veni ad montem mirrhæ) à 2.
10. Quando la bella mano alla porta pian piano (Dileĉtus meus miſit manum ſuam) à 2.
11. O ſei pur bella, ſei pur vezzoſetta (Pulchra es & decora; terribilis vt caſtrorum
acies) à 3 [Pietro Marcellino Orafi]
12. Ombra felice e lieta (Sub umbra illius quem deſideraueram ſedi) à 3. C. ò T. pr.
[Pietro Marcellino Orafi]
13. Candido e rubicondo (Dileĉtus meus candidus & rubicundus) à 3.
14. Chi trouaſſe l’amore (Si inueneritis dileĉtum meum) à 3.
15. Interrotti ſoſpiri e tronche (Vocaui & non reſpondit mihi) à 3.
16. Ite le piogge, ſono iti gl’horrori (Iam hyems tranſijt, imber abijt & receſſit) à 4.
[Pietro Marcellino Orafi]
17. Spiriteli vivaci, angioletti beati (Quæ eſt iſta quæ aſcendit ſicut virgula fumi)
à 4. [Pietro Marcellino Orafi]
18. Io dormo e mentre tace ogni zeffir’intorno (Ego dormio, et cor meum vigilat)
à 4. [Pietro Marcellino Orafi]
19. Perchè voi mi chiedete (Sicut fragmen mali punici ſic genę tuę) à 4. [Pietro
Marcellino Orafi]
20. La roſ ’ancor ch’ è tanto vaga, aſconde (Abſque eo quod intrinſecus latet) à 4.
[Pietro Marcellino Orafi]
21. Giuratemi, ſorelle, ſe vedete’l diletto (Adiuro vos filiae hieruſalem) à 5. [Pietro
Marcellino Orafi]
22. Voi ch’ardete d’amore (Egredimini filiæ ſion & videte) A 5. [Pietro Marcellino
4. The catalogue
Composer(s): Magni, Benedetto (fl. 1604–1617)
Title: CONCERTI | A Vna, Due, Tre, Quattro, | & Otto Voci. | DI BENEDETTO
MAGNI. LIBRO TERZO. | Con il Baſſo Continuato per Sonare. | Stampa del Gardano.
IN VENEtIA. 1616. || Appreſſo Bartholomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Bartolomeo Magni 1616
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the composer to Monsignore Antonio orfino V[ice] Legato di Romagna dated 1st August 1616.
At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50596 Muz.
Notes on item: Only S and A partbooks extant. On the title page written in pencil: 315 | V. Handwritten corrections of the erroneous setting of voices. In the tables
of content handwritten remarks suggesting that pieces nos. 29–30 and 33–34 are the
2nd parts of pieces nos. 23–26.
Provenance: Both extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
o A | 5; [Nro] 211; [Mus. 462].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 269; RISM A/I: M 143; www.bibliotecamusica.it
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Cantate Domino Canticum nouum A 1. Soprano
2. O quam glorioſum eſt Regnum A 1. Soprano
3. Intonuit de cœlo Dominus A 1. Soprano
4. Domine Deus meus in te ſperaui A 1. Soprano
5. O prætioſum & admirandum conuiuium A 1. mezzo Soprano
6. Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore A 1. Alto
7. Diligam te Domine fortitudo mea A 1. Alto
8. Ad Dominum cum tribularer clamaui A 1. Alto
9. Lamentabatur Iacob de duobus filijs A 1. mezzo Soprano
10. O Sacrum conuiuium A 1. mezzo Soprano
11. Gaudent in cœlis Animę Sanĉtorum A 2. Duoi Canti ouer Tenori
12. Surrexit Paſtor bonus A 2. Duoi Canti ouero Tenori
13. Aue Regina cœlorum A 2. Duoi Canti ouero Tenori
14. Domine Deus meus exaltaſtis ſuper terram habitationem meam A 2. Duoi Canti ouero Tenori
15. æterna Chriſti munera Apoſtolorum A 2. Canto & Tenore
16. Angeli Archangeli Troni & dominationes A 2. Canto & Tenore
17. Filię Ieruſalem venite & videte Martyres A 2. Canto & Tenore
18. O Salutaris hoſtia A 2. Alto & Tenore
19. Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore A 2. Alto & Tenore
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Bonum eſt confiteri Domino A 2. Alto & Tenore
Dilexi quoniam exaudiet Dominus A 2. Alto & Baritono
Domine exaudi orationem meam A 2. Alto & Baritono
Euge ſerue bone A 3. Due Canti e Baſſo
Iam non dicam vos ſeruos A 3. Canto Alto e Tenore
Ieſu Saluator ſeculi A 3. Canto e Duoi Tenori
Trium puerorum cantemus hymnum A 3. Canto e Duoi Tenori
Memento ſalutis auĉtor A 3. Canto e Duoi Tenori
O Glorioſa Domina A 3. Canto e Duoi Tenori
Miſericordias Domini in æterenum cantabo A 3. Canto e Duoi Tenori
Dominus Illuminatio mea A 3. Duoi Tenori ò Duoi Canti e vn Baſſo
Afferte Domino fillij Dei A 4. Canto Alto Tenore & Baſſo
Te det animam meam A 4. Canto Alto Tenore & Baſſo
Benediĉtus Deus et Pater Domini noſtri Ieſu Chriſti A 4. Canto Alto Tenore & Baſſo
Virginis Proles Opifexque Matris A 4. Soprano mezzo Soprano, & 2. Ten.
Domine quando veneris A 4. Canto doi Tenori & Baſſo
Miſerere mei Deus A 4. Canto Alto Tenore & Baſſo
Parce Domine populo tuo A 4. Canto doi Tenori, & Baſſo
Faĉtus eſt repente de cœlo ſonus 4. Canto Alto Tenore & Baſſo
Omnes gentes plaudite manibus A 8
Egredimini & videte filiæ Syon A 8
Miſerere mei Deus A 8
Exaudi Domine vocem meam A 8
Reſpice in me et miſerere A 8
Eripe me Domine de inimicis meis A 8
Composer(s): Casati, Gasparo (1610c–1641); Chinelli, Giovanni Battista (1610–
–1677); Grancini, Michelangelo (1609c–1669); Merula, Tarquinio (1595–1665);
Monteverdi, Claudio (1567–1643); Treviso, Giovanni Battista (17.sc); Turati, Antonio
Maria (1603–1650)
Title: RACCOLTA | DI MOTETTI A 1. 2. 3. Voci | DI GASPARO CASATI | Et de
diuerſi altri Eccelentiſſimi Autori | Nouamente ſtampata. | [typographer’s mark] | IN
VENETIA MDCLI. Apreſſo Franceſco Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1651
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: S, T, B, bc. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50231 Muz.
Notes on item: Bc partbook missing. Some handwritten accidentals and calculations of rest lengths. The specimen underwent conservation in 1997.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [K L | 4]; [Nro 212]; [Mus. 39].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 374; RISM B/I: 16512; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.
4. The catalogue
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/viewschedatwbca.asp?path
=/cmbm/images/ripro/gaspari/_V/V165/ (the specimen from I-Bc, only some pages)
Modern edition: tutte le opere di Claudio Monteverdi, vol. 16: Musica Religiosa
(III), Parte 2, ed. Gian Francesco Malipiero, Wien: Universal Edition 1942; Gasparo
Casati, Ecce Sanctus Quinidius, ed. Gunter Morche, Heidelberg 2008 (http://imslp.org/
Recording: Monteverdi. Sacred Vocal Music, Emma Kirkby, Ian Partridge, David
Thomas, The Parley of Instruments, Roy Goodman, Peter Holman, Hyperion 1993
(CDH 55345) (CDH55345)
1. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes A 1. Baſſo ſolo. Monteuerde
2. En gratulemur hodie Chriſto regi A 3. Tenore è 2 violini. Monteuerde
3. Quanti mercenarii in domo Patris mei A 1. Baſſo ſolo. Merula
4. O pretioſum & admirandum conuiuium. A 2. Canto e Baſſo. Caſati
5. Cenantibus illis accepit Iesus panem A 2. Tenore e Baſſo. Merula
6. Ecce Sanĉtus N. homo sine querela A 2. Canto è Baſſo. Caſati
7. Quo vadam infelix. Dialogo A 2. Baſſo è Alto. Grancino
8. Tota pulchra es amica mea A 2. due Canti ò Tenori. Turato
9. O anima beata quæ a Deo in excelsis exaltata A 2. due Canti. Grancino
10. Canite Domino canite in citharis A 2. Canto è Baſſo. Chinelli
11. Vox ſuauis voxque dulcis A 3. 2 Canti e Baſſo. Treuiſo
12. Beatus vir A 3. Due Tenori è Baſſo. Caſati
13. Salue Regina A 3. 2 Tenori è Baſſo. Caſati
14. Quam bonus es Deus his A 3. Alto Tenor è Baſſo. Treuiſo
Composer(s): Cozzolani, Chiara Margarita (1602–1677)
in Santa Radegunda di Milano, | DEDICATI | AL SERENISSIMO PRENCIPE |
MATTHIAS | DI TOSCANA | OPERA SECONDA. | [pasted-over woodcut with the
coat of arms] | IN VENETIA || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXXII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1642
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer signed Milano, 25th February 1642. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo
indications: adagio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50369 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Complete set of partbooks. Single
handwritten accidentals. On the title page written in pencil: 164 | V.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
ζ [in Dehn’s catalogue: S] | 5; [Nro] 213; [Mus. 258].
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 106; RISM A/I: C 4360; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Chiara Margarita Cozzolani, Motets, ed. Robert L. Kendrick, Madison (Wisconsin): A-R Editions 1998 (Recent Researches in the Music of the Baroque Era,
87); Chiara Margharita Cozzolani, o quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus, ed. Gunter
Morche, Heidelberg 2009 (http://imslp.org/wiki/File:WIMA.e3b5-Cozzolani.pdf)
Recording: Chiara Margarita Cozzolani: Concerti Sacri (1642), Magnificat, Warren
Stewart, Musica Omnia 2013 (MO 0410)
1. O quam bonum ò quam iocundum A 1. Canto
2. Ecce annuntio vobis gaudium magnum A 1. Canto
3. Concinant linguæ verbum bonum A 1. Alto
4. O Maria tu dulcis tu pia A 1. Alto
5. Surgamus omnes cantemus A 2. Doi Canti
6. Bone Ieſu fons amoris A 2. Doi Canti
7. Colligite pueri flores A 2. Doi Canti ò Tenori
8. O dulcis Ieſu tu es fons pietatis A 2. Doi Canti ò Tenori
9. Aue Mater dileĉtiſſima. Dialogo A 2. Canto, & Alto
10. Regina Cęli lętare A 2. Doi Alti
11. Salue o Regina A 2. Alto, & Tenore
12. O mi Domine. Dialogo A 2. Alto, e Tenore
13. Alma redemptoris mater A 2. Canto, e Baſſo
14. Obſtupeſcite gentes A 2. Alto, e Baſſo
15. O glorioſa Domina A 3. Doi Canti, e Baſſo
16. O quam ſuauis eſt Domine Spiritus tuus A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
17. Aue Regina cęlorum A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
18. Pſallite ſuperi. Dialogo A 4. Doi Canti, & doi Alti
19. Regna terræ A 4. Doi Canti, Alto, e Baſſo.
20. Quid miſeri? Dialogo A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
21. Meſſa A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus –
Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Sabbatini, Galeazzo (1597–1662)
Title: MADRIGALI | CONCERTATI | A CINQVE VOCI | Con alcune Canzoni
Concertate anc’esse diuerſamente con Sinfonie, e Ritornelli, E nel | fine vna Canzonetta
con Voci & Inſtromenti, che si concerta in Tempo imperfet-|to, ò in proportione
minor perfeta [!] cioè ò in numero Binario, ò in | numero Ternario. | DI GALEAZZO
Riſtampati. | DEDICATI. | All’Illuſtriſſimo, & Reuerendiſſimo Monsig. GALLO
Veſcouo | d’Ancona, & Nuntio Apoſtolico appreſſo l’Altezza | Sereniſſima di Sauoia.
4. The catalogue
| CON LICENZA DE’ SVPERIORI, ET PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN
VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXIV. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1634
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, bc. At the end – a list of contents.
On pp. 14–15 of B partbook (Dolce & amata Clori) lines printed below the staves with
the note: Queſte linee dimoſtrano quando ſi deue ſonar il Roſignolo. Similar remarks
in B partbook on pp. 16–17 (Dolorosi sospiri): Volendoſi cantare ſenza Inſtrumenti ſi
tralaſciaranno le pauſe da queſte linee (____) and 22–23 (Arsi di tal ardore): Volendo
lasciare l’instrumenti non ſi conteranno le pauſe compreſe con queſte linee (____).
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50765 Muz.
Notes on item: Only T, B and 5 partbooks extant. In B partbook the first two and
last page missing, other pages damaged and refilled with paper after conservation in
1995. Single handwritten accidentals. On p. 22 of T and pp. 20–21 of 5 partbook handwritten corrections of text incipits (in the hand of Daniel Sartorius?) and comments in
German concerning instrumental ritornelli in this piece (Vita e Morte al cor). On p. 15
of 5 partbook handwritten errata of erroneously printed text. On the title page written
in pencil: 446 | VI.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: Θ | 6; [Nro] 214; [Mus. 637].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 346–347; RISM A/I: S 18, SS 18; VogelB: II, p. 181; NV
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Taci, lingua e tacete occhi A 5. Con due Tenori.
2. Combattean dolcemente Amor A 5. Con doi Tenori.
3. La bella man vi ſtringo A 5. Con due Tenori. [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
4. De la Viola candida e vermiglia A 5. Con due Soprani.
5. Ch’io non v’ami cor mio? A 5. Con due Tenori. [Girolamo Preti]
6. Ferma, crudele e queſti lumi A 5. Con due Tenori
7. Non parto no, cor mio A 5. Con due Tenori.
8. Quel empia man superba A 5. Con due Tenori.
9. Chi dice Amor Tiranno A 5. Con due Soprani.
10. Io amo e nulla chiedo A 5. Con due Soprani.
11. O felice quel giorno A 5. Con due Soprani.
Concerti con Iſtromenti
12. Dolce & amata Clori à 6. Concerto à 3 Voci (Canto, Alto Tenore), e tre Inſtrumenti. due Violini, e Baſſo di Viola ò Chitarrone e Roſignolo di Creta ſe piace.
13. Dolorosi ſoſpiri, uscite a far paleſi i miei martiri. Canzone à 6. Canto, Tenore,
e Baſſo, e 3. Inſtromenti.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Vezzosetta Paſtorella, amoroſetta tutta bella. Canzonetta A 2. Canti, ò Tenori,
doi Violini e Baſſo.
Vita e Morte al cor mi dà tua gran beltà. Canzonetta a 2. Alto, e Canto con doi
Violini e Baſſo.
Arſi di tal ardore. Canzonetta à 5. Canto o Tenore e Baſſo, doi Violini e Baſſo per
Paſtorelle vezzosette. Canzonetta à 6. Che ſi concerta in numero Binario, ò in
numero Ternario, al Binario ſeruono per pauſe li numeri notati ſopra, al Ternario le pauſe nelle righe. Canto, Alto, Tenore, doi Violini e Basso, che si può cantare in doi Tempi. Canzonetta Concertata in doi Tempi ò in numero Binario, &
all’hora andaranno doi minime alla miſura, ò in numero Ternario, & all’hora
andaranno tre minime alla miſura. Nel numero Binario vuol eſſer miſura preſta.
Nel Ternario ſi puo battere in tre ſe piace.
Composer(s): Sabbatini, Galeazzo (1597–1662)
Con alcune Canzoni concertate, e tramezzate diuerſamente | con Sinfonie, e Ritornelli.
| DI GALEAZZO SABBATINI | Maeſtro di Capella di Camera dell’Eccellentiſſimo
| Signor Duca della Mirandola. | OPERA QVINTA. | DE’ MADRIGALI LIBRO
QVARTO. | Nouamente compoſti, e dati in luce. | DEDICATI | All’Illustriſſimo
e Reuerendiſſimo Signor Conte Girolamo | Abbate di Monteuecchio. | CON LICENZA
DE’ SVPERIORI. ET PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, Appreſſo
Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXX. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1630
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S, S II/A, T, B, 5/vl, bc. On p. 2 dedication of
the composer dated 20th April 1630. At the end – a list of contents, in different order.
Single tempo indications: adagio, preſto.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50766 Muz.
Notes on item: Only S II/A, T, B partbooks extant. On the title page written in pencil: 445 | VI. B partbook damaged on the edges, refilled with paper after conservation
in 1993.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: Φ | 6; [Nro] 215; [Mus. 638].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 346; RISM A/I: S 19, SS 19; VogelB: II, p. 181; NV 2507;
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/viewschedatwbca.asp?
path=/cmbm/images/ripro/gaspari/BB/BB284/ (the specimen from I-Bc)
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
4. The catalogue
1. O come dolcemente arde e ſplende Sfauilla A 2. Due Canti, ò Tenori
2. A che tanto piagarmi A 2. Due Canti, ò Tenori
3. Vdite, ò ſelue, i miei crudi martiri A 2. Due Canti, ò Tenori
4. Mira quel peſce, mira come l’esca A 2. Canto, & Alto
5. Ch’io ti lasci d’amare a questi lumi A 2. Canto, ò Tenore, e Baſſo
6. Vna picciola arſura, donna A 2. Canto, ò Tenore, e Baſſo
7. Non credete a donne mai A 3. Canto, Alto, e Baſſo
8. Dite ch’io canti? Io canterò A 3. Due Canti, e Baſſo
9. È sì graue il tormento che fà prouar amore A 3. Alto, con doi Tenori
10. Luci amate, l’alta fiamma il gran foco A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
11. Non fia ver ch’io più t’ami A 3. Doi Tenori, e Baſſo
12. Son Roſe le tue guancie, Filli A 4. Due Canti, Tenore, e Baſſo
13. Filli mi diede vn fiore A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
14. Clori mia bella, ecco le verdi piaggie A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
15. Di Corallo hai le labbra A 4. Canto, due Tenori, e Baſſo
16. Lvci amoroſe e belle A 5. Canto, Alto, duo Tenori, e Baſſo
Con Inſtromenti:
17. Chiome creſpe, chiome d’or A 5. Due Canti, ò Tenori, e due Violini, e Chittarone ò Viola ſe piace
18. Segua i piacer d’amore A 5. Due Tenori, e Baſſo, con due Violini, e Chittarone ſe
19. Io vò cercando un core che non disprezzi amore. A 5. Canto, & Alto. Canzonetta concertata ſe piace con Inſtromenti (due Violini, e Viola) ſe piace
20. Dormi io già non voglio A 5. Canzonetta tramezzata d’vn Violino, e Viola
21. O ſoſpir amoroſo A 5. Canzonetta tramezzata come l’antecedente
22. Io vò cercando vn core che non diſprezzi Amore. Canto, Alto, due Violini,
e Viola. Canzonetta à 2. concertata con Inſtromenti ſe piace
23. Torna, Clori mia bella. A 5. Canto, Tenore e Baſſo. Canzonetta tramezzata
d’Inſtromenti ſe piace.
24. Amar com’io ſolea et arder come ardea. A 5. Canto, Alto e Baſſo. Canzonetta
Concertata, e tramezzata d’Inſtromenti ſe piace.
25. È morto Amor, non regna più pietà. A 5. Canto, Alto e Baſſo Canzonetta Concertata, e tramezzata d’Inſtromenti ſe piace.
Composer(s): Melvi, Francesco Maria (17.sc); Vannarelli, Francesco Antonio (17.sc)
Title: CANTIONES | SACRæ | Binis, Ternis, Quaternis, & Quinis Vocibus
Romano Ordinis Min. Conuent. & eiuſdem | Eccleſiæ Muſices Moderatore. | CVM
PRIVILEGIVM. | [typographer’s mark] | VENETIIS, M. DC. L. || Apud Aleſſandrum
Vincentium |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1650
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, A, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the
composer signed Eugubij, 20th July 1650. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo
and performance indications: adagio, affettuoſo, preſto.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50616 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. S II partbook damaged: title page and
upper parts of many pages missing. Missing title and the last pages of A partbook.
Some handwritten accidentals, calculations of rest lengths and pitch corrections. On
p. 28 of B partbook the handwritten title Venite populi omitted in print. On the title
page written in pencil: 318 | V.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [S Q | 5]; [Nro 216]; Mus. 485.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 278; RISM A/I: M 2234; RISM B/I: 16504;
www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/viewschedatwbca.asp?
path=/cmbm/images/ripro/gaspari/AA/AA291/ (some pages of the specimen from
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Quam magna multitudo A 2. doi Canti.
2. Valde Specioſa [2nd text:] Valde Specioſus A 2. doi Canti.
3. O quam Glorioſum eſt Regnum A 2. doi Canti ò Ten.
4. Si bona ſuſcepimus A 2. doi Canti. Del P. [Francesco Antonio] Vannarelli
5. O Cęleſtis Angelorum Menſa A 2. Alto, è Tenore.
6. Angelus autem Domini deſcendit de Cęlo A 2. doi Canti.
7. Filiæ Hieruſalem venite A 2. doi Tenori.
8. Eſtote fortes in Bello A 2. doi Canti.
9. O amor amorum A 2. doi Canti.
10. Sicut Chriſtus quinque Vulneribus A 2. doi Canti.
11. Reſpice dileĉte Deo A 2. Alto, è Tenore.
12. Cantate cantores, properate paſtores A 2. doi Canti. In Diæ [!] Natiuitatis Domini.
13. Venite gentes conuocate Choros A 3. Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
14. Super muros tuos Hieruſalem A 3. doi Canti, e Baſſo. Del P. [Francesco Antonio] Vannarelli Romano.
15. Aue Virgo fulgens A 3. doi Canti, e Baſſo.
16. Tribulatione Ciuitatum audiuimus A 3. Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo. Del P. [Francesco
Antonio] Vannarelli Romano
17. Salue Regina A 3. doi Canti, e Tenore.
18. Celebrate Populi diem A 3. Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo. Del P. [Francesco Antonio]
Vannarelli Romano
19. Venite filiæ Syon A 3. tre Canti.
20. Domine quinque talenta tradidiſti michi A 3. tre Canti.
4. The catalogue
Euge ſerue Bone A 3. tre Alti.
Fidelis ſeruus & prudens A 3. tre Tenori.
Beatus ille ſeruus A 3. tre Baſſi.
Venite Populi accedite omnes A 4. doi Canti, è doi Violini.
Exultate omnes gentes in Domino A 4. Canto, Tenor, Alto, e Baſſo
Quæ eſt iſta filiæ Hieruſalem. Dialogo A 5. doi Canti, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
(C. Pr., C. Sec., Maria)
Dei Altiſſimi immensa Maieſtas A 5. tre Canti, è doi Violini.
Composer(s): Abbatini, Antonio Maria (1595–1679); Antonelli, Abundio (1575–
–1629); Benevoli, Orazio (1605–1672); Carissimi, Giacomo (1605–1674); Carpani,
Giovanni Antonio (1638–1672); Cecchelli, Carlo (fl. 1626–1664); Durante, Silvestro
(1671p†); Foggia, Francesco (1603–1688); Graziani, Bonifazio (1604–1664); Marcorelli, Giovanni Francesco (17.sc); Mazzocchi, Virgilio (1597–1646); Olivati, Ignazio
(17.sc); Santucci, Girolamo (17.sc); Silvestris, Florido de (1600c–1673); Tarditi, Paolo
(1649p†); Tozzi, Vincenzo (17.sc)
CANTIONES ALIAS SACRAS | ab Excellentiſſimis Auĉtoribus concinnatas |
ſuauiſſimis modulis | BINIS, tERNIS, QUAtERNISQVAE, VoCIBVS | In lucem
edendas curauit. | SVPERIORVM PERMISSV. | [typographer’s mark] | VENETIIS,
M. DC. XLIX. || Apud Aleſſandrum Vincentis. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1649
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, T, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the
composer to Prioribus Populi, et Vniversitatis terræ Barbarani without a date. At the
end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50229 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. B partbook damaged on the edges, refilled with paper after conservation in 1993. Some handwritten accidentals, bc numbering, bar lines and pitch corrections. On pp. 18–19 of bc partbook handwritten text
incipits of parts of o bone Iesu by Bonifazio Graziani that follows in the print.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[S P | 5]; [Nro 217]; [Mus. 37].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 373; RISM B/I: 16493; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org (the specimen of earlier version of the same collection, 16492,
from I-Bc)
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: Giacomo Carissimi: ten Motets, Consortium Carissimi, Vittorio Zanon,
Naxos 2001 (8.555076)
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
1. Anton Maria Abbatini M. di Cap. di S. Maria Maggiore: Dilatatæ ſunt tribulationes cordis meis A 2. due Canti
2. Gio: Franc. Marcorelli M. di Capp. nella Chieſa Noua: Iubilatæ gentes exultate
populi A 2. due Canti
3. Vincenzo Tozzi M. di Capp. dell’Illuſtriſs. Senato di Meſſina: O dulciſſime Ieſu
o ſapientia A 2. Canto, e Baſſo.
4. Gio. Antonio Carpani M. di Capp. in S. Spirito: Suſtinuimus pacem A 2. Canto,
e Baſſo.
5. Virgilio Mazzocchi già M. di Capp. in S. Pietro: Beata es Virgo Maria A 3. Canto, Tenor e Baſſo.
6. Silvestro Durante M. di Capp. in S. Maria in Trastevere: Bellica defixos gloria
A 3. Alto, Tenore e Basso.
7. Horatio Beneuoli M. di Capp. in S. Pietro: Cognoſcam te Domine A 3. due
Canti, e Baſſo
8. Carlo Cecchelli M. di Capp. in S. Maria Maggiore: Ecce Deus noster a 3. Alto,
Tenore e Basso.
9. Franceſco Foggia M. di Capp. in S. Gio. Laterano: Hodie apparuerunt voluptates paradisi A 3. Tenor e due Canti
10. Paolo Tarditi M. di Capp. nella Madonna de’ Monti: Laudabo nomen tuum
Domine A 3. Tenor, e due Canti
11. Bonifacio Gratiani M. di Capp. del Giesù e Seminario Romano: O bone Iesu
A 3. Tenor, e due Canti
12. Giacomo Carissimi M. di Capp. in S. Apollinare: Surgamus, eamus, properamus A 3. Alto, Tenore e Basso.
13. Ignatio Oliuati M. di Capp. nella Trinità di Ponte Sisto: Inclyti Martyres
N. sacra A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor e Baſſo.
14. Girolamo Santucci M. di Capp. in S. Lucia del Gonfalone: Laudibus excelſis
iubilemus omnes A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor e Baſſo.
15. Abundio Antonelli M. di Capp. in S. Lorenzo in Damaso: O ſacrum conuiuium
A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor e Baſſo
16. D. Florido Basso in S. Spirito: Aue dulcis, ſalue pia A 4. due Canti, Alto,
e Tenor
Composer(s): Della Porta, Francesco (1600c–1666)
della Beata Vergine A 4. in fine, | DI FRANCESCO DELLA PORTA | Organiſta, &
Maeſtro di Capella nella Madonna preſſo | S. Celſo in Milano. | LIBRO PRIMO |
OPERA SECONDA. | DEDICATA | All’Illuſtriſsimo Signor, & Patron Collendiſsimo
[typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXXV. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1645
4. The catalogue
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer dated 15th June 1645. At the end – a list of contents, in different order than in the
partbooks. Some dynamic and tempo indications: preſto, piano, adaggio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50701 Muz.
Notes on item: B partbook missing. T partbook damaged on the edges, refilled with
paper after conservation in 1995. On the title page written in pencil: 340 | V. Single
handwritten accidentals and calculations of rest lengths.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: F. o. | 5.; [Nro 218]; Mus. 565.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 311; RISM A/I: P 5196; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Pulcra es & decora ſuauis & formoſa Virgo Maria A 2. A Due Canti, ò Tenori.
2. Lætamini cum Maria. A 2. A Due Canti, ò Tenori.
3. Suſpiro ad te Domine A 2. A Due Canti, ò Tenori.
4. Ardet cor meum & anima mea languet in te A 2. Canto Alto [or:] Alto, e Tenor.
5. O Anima redempta Ieſu [or:] Chriſti ſanguine. A 2. Canto, e Baſſo.
6. Cantemus virginis. A 2. Canto, e Baſſo.
7. Aue mundi gubernatrix A 2. Alto, e Baſſo.
8. O Intemerata Saluatoris Mater A 3. Canto, Alto, e Tenore.
9. Ecce amata dies A 3. Canto, Alto, e Tenore.
10. O dulciſsime Ieſu A 3. Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
11. Sanĉtiſsima cęlorum imperatrix A 3. Canto. Alto, e Tenor.
12. Sub tuum præſidium A 3. Doi Soprani, e Alto. ſonando vn ottaua piu baſſo del’
Alto ſeruira per doi C. e Baſſo
13. O fęlix ò lęta triumphus A 3. Doi Canti e Baſſo.
14. O quam ſuauis ò quam amabilis es Maria A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore e Baſſo.
15. Salue Regina A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
16. Domine Ieſu Chriſte A 4. à Capella.
17. Amauit eum Dominus A 4. à capella.
18. Ego ſum panis uiuus A 4.
19. Sicut ceruus desiderat ad fontes aquarum A 5. da Capella
20. Letanie della Beata Vergine A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
Composer(s): Cazzati, Maurizio (1616–1678)
Capella dell’Illuſtriſſima Accademia | della Morte in Ferrara. | DEDICATE | ALL’ILL.mo
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Opera Vndecima. | CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, ||
Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. M.DC.XXXXIX. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1649
Description: One volume in 4o: On p. 3 dedication of the composer dated 15th February 1649. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo indications: allegro, largo, adagio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50338 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Single handwritten accidentals. On
the title page written in pencil: 141 | I. The specimen underwent conservation in 1997.
Provenance: The volume bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [H Q | 1.];
[Nro 219]; [Mus. 229].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 94–95; RISM A/I: C 1591; VogelB: I, pp. 154–155; NV 528
Digitized version:
Modern edition: Maurizio Cazzati, Amor Costante, ed. Jonas Demelt (http://imslp.
Recording: [–]
1. Non vi fidate, donne, di questi finti amanti. Cantata (Amor Bugiardo). Poeſia
del Signor Girolamo Porti.
2. Lvſinghiera bellezza (Prima Parte) – Qveſta quand’io la miro per scherno (Seconda Parte) – In tanto io mi disfacio (Terza, & vltima Parte.). Aria. Poeſia
dell’Illuſtriſſimo Signor Marcheſe Franceſco Eſtenſe Taſſoni.
3. Folle, è ben chi per beltà. Aria. Poeſia dell’Illuſtriſſimo Signor Abbate Pio di
4. Ah, ah, rider mi fate. Cantata. Poeſia del Signor Girolamo Porti.
5. Pria la luce fugirò. Cantata. Poeſia Dell’Illuſtriſſimo Signor Franceſco Bulgarini
Segretario Dell’Altezza Sereniſſima di Mantoua.
6. Amanti, l’età vola. Cantata. Poeſia del Detto. [Francesco Bulgarini]
7. Fieriſſime pene (Prima Parte) – Da vn petto che langue (Seconda Parte). Cantata. Poeſia del Detto [Francesco Bulgarini]
8. Nel Ciel d’Amor (Prima Parte) – Ma ſi turbi (Seconda Parte) – Fra cotante angoſcie (Terza & vltima parte). Aria (Amor Coſtante). Poeſia del Detto [Francesco Bulgarini]
9. Ad Amor chi l’alma affida (Prima Parte) – Fiero duol che mi tormenti (Seconda
Parte) – Non potrà mai voglia (Terza & vltima parte). Aria. Poeſia del Detto.
[Francesco Bulgarini]
10. Naſce in vn hora vn fiore (Prima Parte) – L’huomo ch’al mondo naſce (Seconda
Parte) – Gioie, è Tesori (Terza & Vltima Parte). Aria spirituale. Poeſia del Detto.
[Francesco Bulgarini]
4. The catalogue
Pietà grida e mercede (Prima Parte) – Soggiunge il cor (Seconda Parte) – Speme
vana (Terza, & vltima Parte). Cantata. Poeſia del Detto. [Francesco Bulgarini]
Ti giurai la mia fede (Prima parte) – Ti donai queſto core (Seconda Parte). Baſſo
ſolo. (Amor Coſtante) Poeſia del Signor Girolamo Porti.
Composer(s): Cazzati, Maurizio (1616–1678)
Title: MOTETTI | A DVE VOCI | di | MAVRITIO CAZZATI | Maeſtro di Capella
dell’Illuſtriſſima Accademia | della Morte in Ferrara; | DEDICATI, | ALL’ILL.MO
ET ECC.MO SIG.R | D. CARLO VARANI | Di Camerino, Cameriero di Sua Maeſtà
Ceſarea, | è Prencipe del Sacro Romano Impero. | OPERA DECIMA. | CON
PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti.
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1648
Description: Set of 3 partbooks in 4o: S I/T I, S II/T II, bc. On p. 3 dedication of
the composer dated 24th December 1648. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo
indications: allegro, largo, adaſio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50337 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Single handwritten accidentals.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[H] K | 3; [Nro 220]; Mus. 228.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 94; RISM A/I: C 1589; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://imslp.org/images/a/a5/PMLP490094-Cazzati_-_Voice_1.
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. O quam pulcra & caſta es, à 2. Canti, ò Tenori.
2. Dulcis Amor Ieſu, à 2. Canti, ò Tenori.
3. O Regina Cęli porta, à 2. Canto, è Alto.
4. O Anima mea ſuſpira, à 2. Canto, è Alto.
5. Magnificat anima mea Mariam, à 2. Canto, è Alto.
6. Cantemus, iubilemus omnes, à 2. Canto, è Tenore.
7. O Crux Nobilitata Palma, à 2. Alto, è Tenore.
8. Aue Dulciſſima Maria, à 2. Alto, è Tenore.
9. Gaudete, & exultate, à 2. Alto, è Tenore.
10. O Vere, & care Ieſu, à 2. Alto, è Tenore. Sopra il Madrigale Vorei [!] Gelindo
11. Quæ eſt iſta. Dialogo à 2. Canto, è Baſſo.
12. Veni Maria. à 2. Alto, è Baſſo.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Composer(s): Capuana, Mario (1647c†)
MARIO CAPVANA | Maeſtro di Capella Dell’Illuſtriſſimo Senato, e Duomo | Della
Città di Noto, Stampate doppo | la Morte dell’Autore, | AD ISTANZA DI DON. |
[typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA. || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. M. DC. L |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1650
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, A, T, B, bc. At the end – a list of contents. Single tempo indications: preſto.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50317 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. S I and bc partbooks missing. The specimen underwent conservation in 1993. On the title page written in pencil: N | 6.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [J M | 6]; [Nro 221]; [Mus. 205].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 86; RISM A/I: C 954; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: planned publication
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. MESSA A 4 (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
2. O Salutare Conuiuium. A 4. C. A. T. e B.
3. Confitebor tibi Domine. A 3. C. A. e B.
4. Pange lingua. A 5. doi C. A. T. e B. – In ſupreme noctæ cenæ. [2 pars] – Tantum
ergo Sacramentum [3 pars]
5. Pange lingua. A 4. C. A. T. e B.
Composer(s): Angelini Romano (17.sc)
Title: CONCERTI, | A DVE, TRE, QVATRO, E CINQVE | Alcuni con doi Violini. |
DEL ANGELINI ROMANO | Maeſtro di Cappella della Beatiſſima Vergine | del Soccorſo,
[typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. M. DC. L. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1650
4. The catalogue
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, B, vl I, vl II, bc. On p. 2 dedication of
the composer dated 25th August 1650. At the end – a list of contents. Single dynamic
and tempo indications: piano, forte, adagio, allegro.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50255 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. B partbook missing. Numerous handwritten accidentals.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: t [L] | 6; [Nro 222 (a)]; [Mus. 125].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 47; RISM A/I: A 1216; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Angelus Domini deſcendit de Cęlo A 2. Due Canti.
2. Tempus eſt ut reuertar ad cum qui me miſit A 2. Due Canti, Con Simphon. [or:]
Con Violini.
3. Exultet omnium turba fidelium A 2. Due Alti, Con Simphon. [or:] con Violini.
4. Ite procul vitiorum agmina præcipitate in profundum A 2. Due Canti, Con
Simphon. [or:] con Violini. Per la Dedicatione della Chieſa, e per ogni tēpo.
5. N. [2nd version of text:] Nicolaus gaudete ſidera cęleſti A 2. Due Tenori.
6. Domine Deus meus A 2. Due Canti.
7. Quid timidi eſtis ò peccatores A 2. Due Canti.
8. Filiæ Ieruſalem A 2. Canto, e Baſſo.
9. Gaudete iubilate & exultate A 3. Due Tenori, e Baſſo.
10. Venite currite fideles omnes A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
11. Minentur turbines conſpirent fulmina A 3. Due Alti, e Tenore. Per la Dediaction [!] della Chieſa, e per ogni tempo.
12. Sanĉti tui Domine A 3. Due Canti, è Baſſo.
13. Conuertimini populi A 3. Alto, Tenore, è Baſſo.
14. Veni Sanĉte Spiritus A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, è Baſſo.
15. Quæ lampas. Per il Sanĉtiſſimo Natale. A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
16. Ieſu Rex admirabilis A 5. Due Canti, Alto, Ten. è Baſſo. Concerto.
Composer(s): Filippi, Gaspare (1655†)
Capella della Catedrale di Vicenza | ALL’A. SERENISSIMA | DI FERDINANDO
CARLO | Arciduca d’Auſtria, Duca Di Stiria, Carintia, e Carniola, Lantgrauio | in
Alſatia, Marcheſe di Borgogna, Conte del Tirolo, &c. | [typographer’s mark] | Stampa
del Gardano | IN VENETIA M DC LIII Apreſſo Franceſco Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Francesco Magni 1653
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Description: Set of 9 partbooks in 4o: 1 ch.: S, A, T, B; 2 ch.: S, A, T, B; bc. On p. 2
dedication of the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50431 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. T 2 ch. partbook missing. Single
handwritten accidentals and calculations of rest lengths. On the title page written in
pencil: 206 | IX. S 2 ch. partbook damaged on edges, refilled with paper after conservation in 1993.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: L Q | 9; Nro 222b; [Mus. 311].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 131–132; RISM A/I: F 736; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Domine ad adiuuandum
Pſalmi de Dominica
2. Dixit Dominus
3. Confitebor tibi
4. Beatus vir à 3.
5. Laudate pueri
6. In exitu Iſrael
7. Magnificat
Pſalmi de Beata Maria
8. Dixit Dominus
9. Laudate pueri Quatuor vocibus
10. Lætatus ſum Oĉto vocibus à 3
11. Niſi Dominus. Quatuor vocibus.
12. Lauda Ieruſalem Oĉto vocibus
13. Magnificat
Pſalmi breues totius Anni
14. Dixit Dominus Primi Tuoni
15. Confitebor tibi Secundi Tuoni
16. Beatus vir Tertij Tuoni
17. Laudate pueri Quarti Tuoni
18. Laudate Dominum Quinti Tuoni
19. In exitu Iſrael Miſti Tuoni
20. Lætatus ſum Oĉtaui Tuoni
21. Niſi Dominus Primi Tuoni
22. Lauda Ieruſalem Secundi Tuoni
23. Credidi propter quod Quarti Tuoni
24. In conuertendo Oĉtaui Tuoni
4. The catalogue
Domine probaſti me Tertij Tuoni
De profundis clamaui
Memento Domine Dauid Quinti Tuoni
Beati omnes Septimi Tuoni
Confitebor Angelorum Oĉtaui Tuoni
Eripe me Domine Quinti Tuoni
Magnificat Sexti Tuoni
Magnificat ſine intonatione
Composer(s): Cozzolani, Chiara Margarita (1602–1677)
Title: [red ink only in S I partbook] SALMI | [black ink] A OTTO VOCI | [red
ink] CONCERTATI | [black ink] ET DVE MAGNIFICAT A OTTO | Con vn Laudate
Pueri A 4. Voci, & doi Violini, & vn Laudate Dominum | omnes gentes A Voce Sola, &
doi Violini, | [red ink] MOTETTI, ET DIALOGHI | [black ink] A Due, Tre, Quattro,
e Cinque voci, | [red ink] DI DONNA CHIARA MARGARITA | COZZOLANI. |
[black ink] Opera Terza. | DEDICATI | [red ink] ALL’ILL.MO E REVER.MO | [black
DI CREMA. | [black ink] CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | [red ink] IN
VENETIA, || [black ink] Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. M DC L. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1650
Description: Set of 9 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, A I, A II, T I, T II, B I, B II, bc. On
p. 3 dedication of the composer dated 24th March 1650. At the end – a list of contents.
Some tempo indications: adagio, preſto.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50371 Muz.
Notes on item: T I partbook missing. S I partbook incomplete, missing title page
and the last page. S I, S II and A II partbooks damaged on the edges, refilled with paper after conservation. Single handwritten accidentals, calculations of rest lengths and
pitch corrections. On the title page written in pencil: 165 | IX.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [H S | 9]; [Nro 223]; Mus. 260.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 106; RISM A/I: C 4362; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/viewschedatwbca.asp?
path=/cmbm/images/ripro/gaspari/_Z/Z032/ (the specimen from I-Bc)
Modern edition: Chiara Margarita Cozzolani, Motets, ed. Robert L. Kendrick, Madison (Wisconsin): A-R Editions 1998 (Recent Researches in the Music of the Baroque
Era, 87)
Recording: Chiara Margarita Cozzolani: Salmi a otto voci concertati (1650), Magnificat, Warren Stewart, Musica Omnia 2010 (MO 0401)
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
1. Deus in adiutorium A 8.
2. Dixit Dominus A 8.
3. Confitebor tibi Domine A 8.
4. Beatus vir A 8. In forma di Dialogo.
5. Laudate pueri A 8.
6. Lætatus ſum A 8.
7. Niſi Dominus ædificauerit A 8.
8. Magnificat A 8.
9. Magnificat A 8.
10. Laudate pueri A 6. doi Tenori, doi Canti, & doi Violini.
11. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes. A Voce Sola, con doi Violini.
12. O quam bonus es o quam ſuauis A 2. Canti. Si Lodano le Piaghe di Chriſto, & le
Mamelle della Madona.
13. Venimus in altitudinem maris A 2. Canti.
14. Quis audiuit vnquam tale vidit A 3. Doi Canti, e Baſſo.
15. Venite ſodales mortales A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
16. Gloria in Altiſſimis Deo A 4. Doi Canti, Alto, e Tenore Dialogo frà gli Angeli,
e Paſtori, nella Natiuità di Noſtro Signore. (Angeli, Paſtori)
17. Maria Magdalena ſtabat ad monumentum A 4. Canto, Doi Alti, e Tenore Dialogo frà la Madalena, & gli Angeli, nella Reſurreĉtione di Noſtro Signore.
18. Tu dulcis, ò bone Ieſu ad conſolandum A 4. Doi Alto, & doi Tenori.
19. O Cæli ciues o Angeli Dialogo A 5. Tre Canti, & doi Tenori.
Composer(s): Allevi, Giuseppe (1603c–1670)
Title: [red ink only in S partbook] COMPOSITIONI | SACRE | [black ink] A DVE,
TRE, QVATTRO, VOCI, | Con il Baſſo per l’Organo | DI | [red ink] GIVSEPPE
ALLEVI DETTO PIACENZA | [black ink] Maeſtro di Cappella nel Duomo di Piacenza
| DEDICATE | All’Illuſtriſſimo è Reuerendiſſimo Monſignor | [red ink] GIVSEPPE
GIAN DE-MARIA | [black ink] VESCOVO DI PIACENZA E CONTE &c. | [red ink]
CON PRIVILEGIO | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA || [black ink] Appreſſo
Aleſſandro Vincenti MDCLIV. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1654
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T/S II, B, bc. On pp. 2–3 dedication of the
composer dated 27th July 1654. At the end – a list of contents. On p. 20 of bc partbook
single printed and pasted errata of the music text.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50243 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Single handwritten accidentals, bar lines
and calculations of rest lengths. On the title page written in pencil: 40 | V.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[L S | 5]; Nro 224; [Mus. 112].
4. The catalogue
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 42; RISM A/I: A 863; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Giuseppe Allevi, Dilexi quoniam exaudiet Dominus, ed. Gunther
Morche, Heidelberg 2011 (http://imslp.org/wiki/File:PMLP556486-Allevi.pdf)
Recording: [–]
1. Sic proclamat paradiſus A 2. Due Canti
2. Iam fluit manna cęlicum A 2. Due Canti
3. O læta lętitia A 2. Due Canti
4. O quam metuendus eſt A 2. Due Canti
5. Gemmate ò fontes A 2. Canto, e Alto
6. Hodie mortales hodie fideles dies lætissima A 2. Canto e Alto
7. O dulcis, ò cara quam felix & lęta eſt hodie dies A 2. Canto e Tenore
8. Quo tendis anima. Dialogo, A 2. Alto, e Tenore
9. O anima iam veni. Dialogo, A 2. Canto, e Baſſo
10. Cur tot letitię? Cur tanta gaudia? A 2. Alto, e Baſſo
11. Affluite fontes. Dialogo. A 3. Due Canti, e Alto
12. Exultent Cęli cardines A 3. Canto, Alto, Baſſo
13. Saluete vulnera Chriſti A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
14. Plaudite manibus A 3. Due Canti e Baſſo
15. Quę eſt iſta A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
16. Dilexi quoniam exaudiet Dominus A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
17. O cęlites ò vos qui ſidera A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
18. Plangite mortales omnes A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
19. Pulſate timpanis organis buccinate A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
20. Venite gentes venite hilares A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo. Per S. Antonio di
Composer(s): Benevoli, Orazio (1605–1672); Bonetti, Carlo (17.sc); Carissimi,
Giacomo (1605–1674); Carpani, Giovanni Antonio (1638–1672); Cecchelli, Carlo
(fl. 1626–1664); Corradi, Nicola (17.sc); Durante, Silvestro (1671p†); Fabri, Stefano
(1606c–1658); Foggia, Francesco (1603–1688); Graziani, Bonifazio (1604–1664); Leardini, Alessandro (17.sc); Olivati, Ignazio (17sc.); Silvestris, Florido de (1600c–1673)
VERBA | A Celeberrimis Muſices Auĉtoribus | BINIS, TERNIS, QVATERNISQVAE,
VOCIBVS | Suauiſſimis modulis Concinnata. | Curauit in lucem edendas. |
SVPERIoRVM PERMISSV. | [typographer’s mark] | VENETIIS, M. DC. XLIX. || Apud
Aleſſandrum Vincentium. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1649
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the editor
to D. Josepho Capasso Canonico Beneventiano without a date. At the end – a list of
contents. Some dynamic indications: forte, piano.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50228 Muz.
Notes on item: B partbook missing. T partbook damaged on the edges. The specimen underwent conservation in 1993. Single handwritten accidentals and calculations
of rest lengths.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [S N | 5]; [Nro 225]; [Mus. 36].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 373; RISM B/I: 16494; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.
Digitized version:
ripro/gaspari/_V/V161/ (the specimen from I-Bc)
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Silueŝtro Durante M. di Capp. in S. Maria in Traſteuere: Cantate Domino Canticum nouum A 2. Due canti.
2. Franceſco Foggia M. di Capp. in S. Gio: Laterano: Terribili ſonitu ſonuerunt
inſurgentes A 2. A due Canti.
3. Carlo Cecchelli M. di Capp. in S. Maria Maggiore: Adeſt nobis Cęlorum Domina A 3. Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
4. Horatio Beneuoli M. di Capp. in S. Pietro in Vaticano: Fortitudo mea & laus
mea Dominus A 3. due Canti, e Baſſo.
5. Carlo Bonetti: Intenderunt arcum inſipientes peccatores A 3. Alto, Tenor,
e Baſſo.
6. Bonifatio Gratiani M. di Capp. nel Giesù e Semin. Rom.: Media noĉte clamor
magnus factus eſt A 3. Canto, Alto, e Tenore.
7. Iacomo Cariſſimi M. di Capp. in S. Apollinare: Præualuerunt in nos inimici
noſtri A 3. Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
8. Carlo Cecchelli M. di Capp. in S. Maria Maggiore: Per rigidos Montes A 3. due
Canti, e Baſſo.
9. Silueſtro Durante M. di Capp. in S. Maria in Traſteuere: Quæ eſt iſta A 3. due
Canti, e Baſſo.
10. Bonifacio Gratiani M. di Capp. nel Giesù e Semin. Rom.: Reſonate iubilate A 3.
due Canti, e Tenor.
11. Stefano Fabri M. di Capp. in S. Luigi di Franceſi: Si Deus pro nobis A 3. due
Canti, e Baſſo.
12. D. Nicola Corradi Baſſo in S. Spirito: Superni Regis Regiam A 3. Baſſo, con due
4. The catalogue
Aleſſandro Leardini Muſico dell’Illuſtr. Sig. Caualier Sforza: Miſerator Dominus A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
Ignatio Oliuati M. di Cap. nella Trinità di Ponte Siſto: O Salutaris Hoſtia A 4.
Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
Gio. Antonio Carpani M. di Cap. in S. Spirito in Saſſia: Venite Eccleſiarum
Principes A 4. doi Canti, Alto, e Tenor.
D. Florido Baſſo nella Cap. di S. Spirito in Saſſia: Plaudant laudibus A 4. due
Canti, Alto, e Tenor.
Composer(s): Capuana, Mario (1647c†)
MARIO CAPVANA | Maeſtro di Capella Dell’Illuſtriſſimo Senato, e Duomo | Della Città di
Noto, Stampate doppo | la Morte dell’Autore, | AD ISTANZA DI DON. | BARTOLOMEO
DEODATO | BARONE DI FRIGINTINI. | OPERA QVARTA. | [a woodcut representing
the skull] | IN VENETIA. || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. M. DC. L. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1650
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. At the end – a list of contents.
Single dynamic indications: forte, piano.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50316 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Single handwritten accidentals, pitch
corrections and bar lines. The specimen underwent conservation in 1996.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[S] o | 5.; [Nro 226]; [Mus. 204].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 85–86; RISM A/I: C 953; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Messe da requiem di Mario Capuana (1650) e Bonaventura Rubino
(1653), ed. Luciano Buono, Nicolò Maccavino, Gianfranco Nicoletti, Palermo: Mnemes – Alfieri e Ranieri Pub. 1999
Recording: Mario Capuana, Bonaventura Rubino: Requiem, Chœur de Chambre de
Namur, Leonardo García Alarcón, Ricercar 2015 (RIC 353)
1. Requiem A 4.
2. Meſſa A 4. (Kyrie – Requiem – Dies iræ – Domine Iesu Chriſte – Sanĉtus –
Agnus Dei – Lux æterna)
3. Ehi mihi Domine quia peccaui A 3. doi Soprani, ò Tenori.
4. Et auerte iram a nobis A 4.
5. Cum inuocarem A 4.
6. In te Domine speraui A 4.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Qui habitat in adiutorium A 4.
Ecce nunc benedicite Dominum A 4.
Te lucis ante terminum A 4.
Præſta pater piissime A 4. Per annum.
Ieſu tibi ſit gloria A 4. In Natiuitate Domini.
Nunc dimittis A 4.
Nunc dimittis A 3. C.A. e B.
Aue Regina A 5. doi Canti, A.T. e B.
Composer(s): Tarditi, Orazio (1602–1677)
Title: [red ink only in S partbook:] MESSE | [black ink] A CINQVE VOCI |
CONCERTATE | Parte con Iſtrumenti, e parte ſenza. | [red ink] CON ALCVNI SALMI
| [black ink] A Tre, à Quattro, a à Cinque Concertati, | con Iſtrumenti, e ſenza. | DI |
[red ink] HORATIO TARDITI | [black ink] Maeſtro di Capella del Duomo di Faenza.
| Opera Vigeſima Settima. | [red ink] CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN
VENETIA, || [black ink] Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXXVIII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1648
Description: Set of 9 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, vl I, vl II, vlne/theorbe, bc. On
p. 3 dedication of the composer to P. D. Grisostomo Lvcherini Abbate meritiſſimo della
Badia de gli Angioli di Fiorenza dated 20th July 1648. At the end – a list of contents.
Single dynamic indications: piano.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50842 Muz.
Notes on item: Only S, B, vl I, vl II, vlne/theorbe partbooks extant. Some handwritten calculations of rest lengths. On the title page written in pencil: 508 | IX; 392. The
specimen underwent conservation in 1998.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: H V | 9; Nro 227; Mus. 716.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 407; RISM A/I: T 201, TT 201; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Meſſa à Cinque Concertata di Diuerſi Tuoni (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus
– Agnus Dei)
2. Meſſa à Cinque In Concerto del Seſto Tuono (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus
– Agnus Dei)
3. Meſſa in Concerto. A 5. Voci, è doi Violini, è Trombone. C.A.doi Ten.è B. (Kyrie
– Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
4. The catalogue
Dixit Dominus à 5. in Concerto Canto, Alto, doi Tenori è Baſſo
Magnificat à 5. Secondo Tuono Senza Intonatione
Dixit Dominus à 4. Con tre Iſtrumenti Doi Violini, è Trombone ò Tiorba
Confitebor tibi à 3. Doi Soprani, e Baſſo
Beatus vir à 3. Voci, è tre Iſtrumenti
Composer(s): Sparacciari, Giovanni Giorgio (1574–1630p)
GIORGIVM | SPARACCIARIVM | A Monte Cauſario, in ædibus Diuę Euphemię de
Verona | Organorum pulſatorem, | TRIBVS CVM BASSO AD ORGANVM | Modulata
Vocibus, Ac | Adm: Reu: Patri, Patri Magiſtro ZILIO Mauroceno | Ordinis Eremitarum
Sanĉti Auguſtini in Cęnobio Diuę | Euphemię de Verona Vicario Generali vigilantiſ|ſimo, grati animi cauſa dicata. | OPVS SECVNDVM. | Nunc primùm in lucem æditum.
| [typographer’s mark] | VENETIIS, || Apud Alexandrum Vincentium. MDCXXVIII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1628
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, B, bc. On pp. 2–3 dedication of the
composer dated 20th April 1628. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50821 Muz.
Notes on item: S II partbook missing. Single handwritten accidentals and calculations of rest lengths. The specimen underwent conservation in 1995. On the title page
written in pencil: 492 | IV; 412.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [C K | 4]; [Nro 228]; [Mus.] 698.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 398; RISM A/I: S 4051; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Dixit Dominus. Primi Toni. Sine intonatione
2. Confitebor tibi. Sexti Toni. Sine intonatione
3. Beatus vir qui timet. Oĉtaui Toni. Sine intonatione
4. Laudate pueri Dominum. Secundi Toni. Sine intonatione
5. Laudate Dominum. Oĉtaui Toni. Sine intonatione
6. Magnificat. Sexti Toni. Sine intonatione
7. Credidi propter quod. Secundi Toni. Sine intonatione
8. De profundis clamaui. Quarti Toni. Sine intonatione
9. Lætatus ſum. Tertij Toni. Sine intonatione
10. Niſi Dominus. Quinti Toni. Sine intonatione
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Lauda Ieruſalem. Sexti Toni. Sine intonatione
Magnificat. Oĉtaui Toni. Sine intonatione
Composer(s): Grandi, Alessandro (1586–1630)
RISTAMPATI. | DEDICATI | Alli Molto Illuſtri miei Signori Oſſeruandiſſimi | Il Molto
Reuerendo Signor Don Pietro Canonico, | & il Signor Paolo Fratelli Morandi. | [typographer’s
mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXVII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1637
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, B, bc. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50494 Muz.
Notes on item: Only S I and S II partbooks extant. In S I partbook of Nisi Dominus:
Queſta Parte può ſeruire per tenore, facendo il Salmo vn tono baſſo. On the title page
written in pencil: 258 | IV; 410. The specimen underwent conservation in 1993.
Provenance: Both extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
| מ4; [Nro] 229; Mus. 367.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 162; RISM A/I: G 3459; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/viewschedatwbca.asp?
path=/cmbm/images/ripro/gaspari/AA/AA049/ (the specimen of the earlier edition
of the print from 1630, G 3458, from I-Bc)
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. MISSA (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanctus – Agnus Dei)
2. Dixit Dominus
3. Confitebor tibi Domine
4. Beatus vir qui timet Dominum
5. Laudate pueri Dominum
6. Lætatus ſum in his
7. Niſi Dominus ædificauerit
8. Lauda Hieruſalem Dominum
9. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes
10. Magnificat
Composer(s): Alouisi (Aloisi, Aloysi, Alovisi), Giovan Battista (1654p†)
Title: [red ink only in S partbook] CORONA | STELLARVM DVODECIM | [black
ink] Antiphonis [red ink] BEATæ VIRGINIS [black ink] Ter duĉtis Binis, | Ternis, &
4. The catalogue
Quaternis vocibus ſtylo muſico pro-|mendis, contexta, Gemmiſq; Encomiorum, | quę
in litanijs ei tribuuntur, adornata, | quam adorabundus | [red ink] Glorioſiſſimo Capiti
MARIæ Lauretanę Nicolſpurgenſi | [black ink] oFFERt | F.IOANNES BAPTISTA
ALOVISIVS | De Bononia ord. Min. Conu. Art. et S. Theol. Doctor, | nec non Illuſtrisſimi
et Excel. Principis ac Domini, | [red ink] D. MAXIMILIANI A DIETRICHSTAIN |
[black ink] Secretarius | Sub felicisſimis Auſpiciis | [red ink] ILL.mę & Excel.mę Principiſſę
& Dominę | D. ANNæ MARIæ DE LIECHTISTAIN | Diĉti Excel.mi Principis Coniugis
meritisſimę | [black ink] opus Quintum cum Priuilegio | [partbook name in red ink] |
[picture of Madonna with the Child] | [red ink] VENETIIS MDCXXXVII |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Bartolomeo Magni 1637
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On pp. 2–3 dedication of the
composer signed Nicolſpurg, 2nd February [without year]. At the end – a list of contents
and the publisher’s colophon: StAMPA DEL GARDANo | Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50245 Muz.
Notes on item: T partbook missing. Some tempo indications: allegro, adaſio. On the
title page written in pencil: 42 V.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [C N | 5]; [Nro 230]; [Mus. 114].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 42–43; RISM A/I: A 877; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
A Veſperis Sabbati ante Dominicam primam Aduentus, vſque ad Purificationem incluſiue.
1. Alma Redemptoris Mater. A Due Canti, ò Tenori
2. Alma Redemptoris Mater. A Tre. Canto, Alto, è Baſſo.
3. Alma Redemptoris Mater. A Quattro. Canto, Alto, Tenore, è Baſſo.
Poſt Purificationem, id eſt à fine Completorij illius diei, vſque ad Feriam Quintam in
Cęna Domini.
4. Aue Regina Cęlorum. A Due. A Doi Tenori.
5. Aue Regina Cęlorum. A Tre. Doi Canti, ò Tenori, è Baſſo.
6. Aue Regina Cęlorum. A Quattro. Canto, Alto, Tenor, è Baſſo.
A Completorio Sabbati Sanĉti, vſque ad Nonam Sabbati poſt Pentecoſten incluſiue.
7. Regina Cęli lętare. A Doi Canti, ò Tenori.
8. Regina Cęli lętare. A Tre Canti, o Tenori.
9. Regina Cęli lętare. A Quattro. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
A Primis Veſperis Feſti Trinitatis, vſque ad Nonam Sabbati ante Aduentum
10. Salue Regina. A Doi. Canto, ouero Tenore, è Baſſo.
11. Salue Regina. A Tre. Canto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Salve Regina. A Quattro. Canto, Alto, Tenore, è Baſſo.
Letanie Della B. V. A Sei voci. Due Canti Concertati, è Quattro per Choro che
riſponde. (Kyrie – Agnus Dei)
Sub tuum pręſidium Antiphona A ſei voci nell’iſteſſo modo. Due Canti Concertati, è Quattro per Choro che riſponde.
Composer(s): Orafi (Oraffi), Pietro Marcellino (17.sc)
Title: CONCERTI | DA CHIESA | A 1. 2. 3. 4. e 5. voci | DI | D. PIETRO MARCELLINO
S. Vittore di Milano | Con Licenza de Superiori | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA
MDCXXXX || Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1640
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer dated 1st August 1640. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50665 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. T partbook missing, A partbook incomplete. Single handwritten accidentals and bar lines. On the title page written in
pencil: 371 | V; 192. A partbook damaged on the edges, refilled with paper after conservation in 1990.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [C o | 5.]; [Nro 231]; [Mus. 535].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 297; RISM A/I: O 98, OO 98; SartoriB: 1640b; www.printedsacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Omnes gentes plaudite manibus A 1. Alto ſolo
2. Ornatam monilibus A 1. Canto o Tenor ſolo
3. Adiuro vos filię hieruſalem A 1. Alto o Canto ouero T.
4. Deus qui diligentibus te A 1. Baſſo Solo
5. Letabitur deſerta A 2. Canto ò Tenor e violino
6. Beata Dei genitrix Maria A 2. Canti ò Tenori
7. Cum iucunditate feſtiuitatem Beatę Marię celebremus A 2. Canti ò Tenori
8. O Beate Bernarde A 2. Canti ò Tenori
9. Beatus Laurentius A 2. Canti ò Tenori
10. Obaudite me A 2. Alto e Tenore
11. Locus iſte Sanĉtus eſt A 2. Alti
12. Confitemini Domino A 2. Tenor e Baſſo
4. The catalogue
Exultate Deo adiutori noſtro A 2. Basſi
Audite Cęli quę loquor A 3. Alto è due Violini
Nihil opertum quos non reueletur A 3. Canto Alto e Tenore
Surgite venite qui timetis Dominum A 3. Due Tenori e Baſſo
Domine quid faciendo A 3. Canto Alto e Baſſo
Domine in virtute tua A 4. Alto Baſſo Violon e Trombone
Ibunt populi multi A 4. Canto Alto Tenore e Baſſo.
Canzon à 4.
Hic eſt vere martir A 5. Canto Alto Due Tenori e Baſſo
Composer(s): Zasa, Paolo (17.sc)
& Reu.mo Prencipe Monſignor PARIS | Conte di Lodrone Arciueſcouo di Salsburg,
Le-|gato nato della Santa Sede Apoſtolica, Pren-|cipe del Sacro Romano Imperio
& c. | A vna, doi, tre, & quatro voci, con il Baſſo Continuo, nella quale | ſi contiene
Motetti, Canzone, li Salmi ordinarij con il Magnifi-|cat; & in fine vna Meſſa à 12, à 8,
& anco à 4, & nella | Tauola ſi vede l’ordine per cantarla. | DI PAVLO ZASA | Da Schio
Vicentino Rettore della Parochiale di S. S. Leontio, | & Carpoffaro di Magrè & Monte.
| Nouamente Compoſta, & data in Luce | Con Licenza de Superiori & Priuilegio. | [coat
of arms] | IN VENETIA 1640 Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1640
Description: Set of 7 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, S/T rip., A/B rip., org. On p. 2 dedication of the composer dated 1st May 1639. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50904 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. T and B partbook missing. In S, S/T
rip., and A/B rip. partbooks damaged pages on the edges, refilled with paper after conservation. On p. 20 of org partbook handwritten supplemented word omitted in print
(Sanctificemus before omnes nos fideles). On the title page written in pencil: 548 | VII.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [C P | 7 ]; [Nro 232]; Mus. 771/I
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 435; RISM A/I: Z 101, ZZ 101; SartoriB: 1640a; http://sscm
-jscm.org/instrumenta/vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Canite laudem dicite hymnum A 1. Canto ò Tenore
2. Non deſpicias me A 1. Canto ò Tenore
3. Aue Regina Cęlorum A 1. Canto ò Tenore
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Verbum ſanĉtum & obseruandum A 1. Canto ò Alto. Sonando vna 4 alto, cioè
G. in C.
Iubilate Deo omnis terra A 2. Doi Canti ò Tenori.
O Bone Iesu adoro te A 2. Doi Canti ò Tenori.
Hoc eſt pręceptum meum A 2. Alto e Canto ò Tenore
Audi Virgo Sanĉtisſima A 2. Baſſo e Canto ò Tenore
Canzone A 2. Doi Canti.
Sonata A 2. Baſſo e Canto.
Petre amas me. Dialogo A 3. Tenore Canto & Baſſo.
Tu Domine qui cunĉta creaſti A 3. Alto e doi Canti ò Tenori
Sanĉtificemus omnes nos fideles A 4. Tenore Canto Alto e Baſſo
Dixit Dominus A 3. Doi Canti ò Tenori e Baſſo
Confitebor tibi Domine A 4. Tenore Canto Alto e Baſſo
Beatus vir A 2. Doi Basſi
Laudate Pueri A 3. Doi Canti ò Tenori e Baſſo
Magnificat A 4. Alto Canto Tenore è Baſſo
Silente omnes attendite & orate (Introduĉtio ad Miſſam – Sinfonia ad libitum)
Meſſa La qual Meſſa ſi dourà cantare con queſto ordine. Principalmente e à tre
chori concertata, qual anco ſi puo cantare à otto, laſciando il terzo choro, cioè
quatro voci, & quatro inſtromenti, quali laſciando ancora ſi puo perfettamente
cantare à quattro voci ſole, & il tutto ſia à maggior commodo de Cantori. (Kyrie
– Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Rigatti, Giovanni Antonio (1613c–1648)
Title: MESSA E SALMI | ARIOSI A TRE VOCI | Concertati, & parte Con li | Ripieni
à beneplacito | DI GIO: ANTONIO RIGATI | Nouamente Riſtampati | Con Priuilegio |
[typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA M DC XXXXIII || Appreſſo Bartolameo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1643
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: T I, T II, B, S/A rip., T/B rip., bc. At the end
– a list of contents. Some dynamic and tempo indications: piano, forte, preſto, adaſio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50741 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Handwritten calculations of rest lengths
and text incipits. On the title page written in pencil: 421 | VI. The specimen underwent
conservation in 1997.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[E D | 6]; [Nro 233]; [Mus. 611].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 334–335; RISM A/I: R 1414; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
4. The catalogue
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Meſſa A 3 (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo)
2. Dixit Dominus. Tutti
3. Confitebor tibi Domine A 3.
4. Beatus vir qui timet A 3.
5. Laudate pueri Dominum. Tutti
6. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes A 3.
7. Lętatus ſum in his A 3.
8. Niſi Dominus A 3.
9. Lauda Ieruſalem A 3.
10. Magnificat
11. Salue Regina A 2. Tenor & Baſſo. Adaſio & affetuoſa piu che ſi può
Composer(s): Cazzati, Maurizio (1616–1678)
Title: CANZONI | A 3. Doi Violini, é Violone, col ſuo | Baſſo Continuo. é nel fiue [!]
vn | Confitebor & vn Leta-|tus, à 3 Voci. | DI MAVRITIO CAZZATTI | DEDICAtE
| All’Molto Ill. Sig. mio Sig. Oſſ. il Sig. Franceſco | Bulgarini Canceliere di Camera
dell’Al-|tezza Serenisſima di Mantoua. | opera Seconda. | [typographer’s mark] | IN
VENETIA M DC XXXXII || Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1642
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: vl I, vl II, vlne, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the
composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Numerous tempo and dynamic indications: Allegro, Largo, Grave, Adaggio, Piano, Preſto, Forte.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50332 Muz.
Notes on item: Vl II and bc partbooks missing. Single handwritten accidentals. On the
title page written in pencil: 136 | IV; 35. The specimen underwent conservation in 1996.
Provenance: Both extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[E. E. | 4.]; [Nro 234]; [Mus. 223].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 93; RISM A/I: C 1578; SartoriB: 1642e; http://sscm-jscm.
org/instrumenta/vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. La Gonzaga. Canzone Prima
2. La Turca. Canzone Seconda
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
La Mauritia. Canzone Terza. Si replica alla ſeſquialtera ſe piace
La Greca. Canzone Quarta
La Soda. Canzone quinta
La Fatorina. Canzone Seſta
L’ Altiera. Canzone Settima
La Falcona. Canzone Ottaua
Confitebor tibi A 3. Voci, Doi Tenori è Baſſo
Lætatus ſum A 3. Canto Alto è Baſſo
Composer(s): Marini, Francesco Maria (1610–1639p)
| Maeſtro di Cappella. | DELLA REPVBLICA DI S. MARINO | Concertati A 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. voci & con Inſtrumenti. | Nouamente Stampati. | Libro Primo | CoN LICENZA
Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1637
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer A Gl’Ill.mi Signori Signori e patroni miei colendissimi Li Sig.ri Capitani e Conſiglieri
della Republica di S. Marino dated 1st August 1637. At the end – a list of contents. Single
dynamic and tempo indications: piano, forte, adagio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50605 Muz.
Notes on item: Only T and B partbooks extant. T partbook damaged on the edges,
refilled with paper after conservation. On the title page written in pencil: 320 | V.
Provenance: Both extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[C L | 5]; [Nro 235]; [Mus. 475].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 274; RISM A/I: M 672, MM 672; www.bibliotecamusica.it;
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Venite gentes A 2. Doi Canti ò Tenori.
2. Euge ſerue bone A 2. Doi Canti ò Tenori.
3. Nos autem gloriari oportet A 2. Doi Alti
4. O admirabile Comercium A 2. Doi Alti
5. Alma Redemptoris Mater A 2. Doi Tenori
6. Faĉtum eſt ſilentium in cęlo A 2. Canto e Tenore.
7. Quando natus eſt A 2. Canto e Tenore.
8. Sicut lilium inter ſpinas A 2. Canto e Baſſo.
4. The catalogue
Tu es Petrus A 2. Canto e Baſſo.
O Titani montis. Dialogo à 2. Canto e Baſſo
Omnia quę feciſti A 2. Alto e Tenore
Salue Regina A 2. Alto e Tenore
Ave Regina cęlorum A 2. Alto e Tenore
Beatus Marianus A 2. Alto e Tenore
Regina Cęli lętare A 2. Alto e Baſſo
Anima mea liquefaĉta et A 3. Canto Alto e Baſſo.
Magnum hęreditatis miſterium A 3. Canto Alto e Baſſo.
O vos omnes A 3. Alto Tenore e Baſſo
Saluum me fac Deus A 3. Alto e doi Tenori
Ego autem A 3. Alto e doi Tenori
Quem vidiſtis paſtores A 3. Alto e doi Tenori
Caro mea A 3. Alto ſolo con doi violini
Omnes gentes plaudite A 4. Doi Canti e doi violini
Iesu dulcis memoria A 5. Alto e 4. Inſtrumenti d’arco
Beatus vir A 5. Canto Alto doi Tenori e Baſſo
Anima mea A 6. doi Soprani e Baſſo con doi violini, e Baſſo di viola
O Crux benediĉta A 7. C. A. T. B. doi violini e B. di viola
Composer(s): Cossoni, Carlo Donato (1623–1700)
Title: MOTETTI | A Due, e Tre voci, con le Letanie della B. V. Maria à 3. | Conſagrati
all’immortalità del nome | DELL’ILL.mo SIG.r MARCHESE | ALESSANDRO
BOLOGNA. | Dà CARLO DONATO COSSONI Primo Orga-|niſta in detta Baſilica.
| Opera Prima. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA MDCLXV. Apreſſo Franceſco
Magni detto Gardano |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1665
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: S, A, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the composer
without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo indications: adagio, preſto,
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50368 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Bc partbook damaged on the edges, refilled with paper. Single handwritten accidentals, correction of music text and calculations of rest lengths. On the title page written in pencil: 162 | IV.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
N Q | 4; N. 236; Mus. 257.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 105; RISM A/I: C 4199; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.
Digitized version: [–]
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. O ſuauis animarum vulnerator bone Ieſu A 2. Due Soprani
2. O ſuperi ò cęlites. Dialogo A 2. Due Soprani. Per la Madonna Santiſſima.
3. Alas expandite venite deſcendite A 2. Canto è Alto. Pro quodlibet Sanĉto vel
4. Funde funde voces A 2. Canto è Baſſo
5. Muſa voces muſa melos. Dialogo A 2. Canto è Baſſo. Per ogni ſolennità
6. Putruerunt & corruptę ſunt cicatrices meę. Dialogo A 2. Canto è Baſſo. Per SS.
Coſ. e Dam. e per più martiri. E per vn Sanĉto. [In 2nd part two parallel versions of text]
7. O quę monſtra ò quę prodigia. Dialogo A 2. Tenor è Baſſo. Per la Pentecoſte
8. Dum clamo reſpiro A 3. Alto Tenore e Baſſo
9. Morior miſera A 3. Due Canti e Baſſo
10. O Maria mare dulce A 3. Alto Tenore e Baſſo. Per la B. V. M.
11. O Amor o dolor A 3. Alto Tenore e Baſſo
12. Quas tibi reddemus. Dialogo Di Tobia A 3. Canto Alto e Baſſo. Per l’Angelo
13. Ad lacrimas oculi. Dialogo A 3. 2 Canti è Baſſo. Per qual ſi voglia Santo ò Santa
[with two parallel versions of text]
14. Letanie della B. V. Maria à 3
Composer(s): Melissa, Matthaeus (17.sc)
Title: MESSA E SALMI | BREVI & Arioſi con le Litanie della B. Vergine | à 3.
voci Concertati | & altri Salmetti nel fine à voce ſola con violini | DI D. MATTEO
MELISSA | Maeſtro di Cappella nel Duomo di Goritia | CONSECRATI | ALL’ECC.za
M DCLXV. Apreſſo Franceſco Magni detto Gardano |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1665
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the
composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Single dynamic, tempo and
performance indications: allegro, piano, preſto, adagio tremolo.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50615 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Only S I partbook extant. Single
handwritten accidentals. On the title page written in pencil: 532 | IV.
Provenance: The extant partbook bears Rhediger Library stamp. Old shelfmarks:
N R | 4.; N. 237; Mus. 484.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 278; RISM A/I: M 2227; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
4. The catalogue
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Meſſa (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo)
2. Dixit Dominus
3. Confitebor tibi Domine
4. Beatus vir
5. Laudate pueri
6. Laudate Dominum
7. Lætatus ſum
8. Niſi Dominus
9. Lauda Ieruſalem
10. Magnificat
11. Litanie
Salmi à voce ſola con violini
12. Confitebor tibi Domine
13. Credidi propter quod
14. In conuertendo
Composer(s): Grossi, Carlo (1634c–1688)
| DI CARLO GROSSI | Maeſtro di Capella. Accademico Olimpico | Dedicati |
SALZBVRGH’ | Legato Nato della Sede Apoſtolica. | Opera Terza. | [typographer’s
mark] | IN VENETIA MDCLVIIII Apreſſo Franceſco Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1659
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: S, S/T, A/B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the composer
without a date. At the end – a list of contents, in B partbook – a short letter to the readers.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50500 Muz.
Notes on item: Bc partbook missing. Some handwritten accidentals and calculations of rest lengths. On the title page written in pencil: 265 | IV. The specimen underwent conservation in 1994.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: N S | 4.; N. 238; [Mus. 375].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 164; RISM A/I: G 4730, GG 4730; www.printed-sacredmusic.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Recording: [–]
1. Salue Santiſſima Maria. Della B. V. in ogni tempo. A 2. due Canti ò Tenori
2. Quis eſt locus iſte. d’vn Santo ò Santa. Dialogo. A 2. due Canti, ò Canto è Tenore
3. O quam laudabile & quam iucundum eſt d’vn Santo ò Santa [with two appropriate versions of the text]. A 2. Alto è Canto
4. Regina cęli lætare A 2. Canto & Alto
5. O anima peccatrix. Dialogo della B.V. in ogni tempo A 2. Canto è Alto
6. Quid miramini ò Ciues. Della B. V. e d’vn Santo ò Santa [with two appropriate
versions of the text]. A 2. Alto è Tenore
7. O Porta cęli. della B.V. in ogni tempo A 2. Canto, ò Tenore è Baſſo.
8. Arma arma. Peccator lugens, & querens miſericordiam à Dei. Dialogo d’ogni
tempo A 2. Canto, ò Ten. e Baſſo.
9. Languentibus in purgatorio. Per l’anime de Purgatorio A 3. C. A. è T.
10. Gaudete & exultate. Dialogo della B. V. e d’vn Santo ò Santa [with two appropriate versions of the text] A 3. 2 Canti ò Tenori è Baſſo.
11. O candidum virginitatis lilium. della B. V. e di S. Antonio da Padoua [with two
appropriate versions of the text] A 3. 2 Canti ò Tenori è Baſſo
12. Benedicite Deum cęli. delli Arcangeli, è d’vn Santo. [with two appropriate versions of the text] A 3. A. T. è B.
13. Bellum calcate maĉtate pugnate. della Concettione, della B. V. in ogni tempo.
e dal Santiſſimo Natale. [with two appropriate versions of the text] A 3. 2 Canti
ò Tenori è Baſſo.
14. Salue mortalium amor. Del Signore in ogni tempo A 3. 2 Canti ò Tenori e Baſſo.
Composer(s): Filippini, Stefano (1616–1690)
DETTO L’ARGENTINA AGOSTINIANO | Maeſtro di Cappella in S. Gio. Euangeliſta
di Rimini | Opera Terza. | [the cardinal’s coat of arms] | Stampa del Gardano | IN
VENETIA M DC L V. Apreſſo Franceſco Magni |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Francesco Magni 1655
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, A, T, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the
composer to Giacomo Arciueſcouo Theodoli Veſcouo di Forli dated 1st August 1655. At
the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50432 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. A partbook missing. T partbook damaged, refilled with paper. Single handwritten accidentals and pitch corrections. On the
title page written in pencil: 207 | VI; 369. The specimen underwent conservation in 1993.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: M. G. | 6.; N. 239; [Mus. 312].
4. The catalogue
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 132; RISM A/I: F 739; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Dixit Dominus à cinque voci Primo Tuono. Due Canti A. T. e Baſſo.
2. Confitebor tibi Domine A 5. Concertato. Due Canti A. T. e Baſſo.
3. Confitebor tibi Domine A 3. A. T. B. con due violini.
4. Beatus vir A Quattro voci. C. A. T. e Baſſo
5. Beatus vir à cinque voci. Due Canti A. T. e Baſſo
6. Laudate pueri A 5. Due Canti A. T. e Baſſo
7. Laudate Dominum A 4. Voci. C.A.T.B.
8. Magnificat à cinque voci Due Canti A.T.B.
Composer(s): Gibellini, Nicola (17.sc)
Norcia Agoſtiniano | Maeſtro di Capella in S. Stefano di Venetia. | Libro Primo. Opera
| Da Norcia del medemo ordine. | [typographer’s mark] | Stampa del Gardano | IN
VENETIA M DC LV Apreſſo Franceſco Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Francesco Magni 1655
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, A, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the
composer dated 1st August 1628. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo indications: adagio, allegro, preſto.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50476 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Bc partbook missing. Some handwritten accidentals and calculations of rest lengths. On the title page written in pencil:
236 | V; 368.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [M R | 5]; [Nro 240]; [Mus. 347].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 155; RISM A/I: G 2008; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Quare ſuſpiras anima. Dialogo A 2. Canto è Alto. Anima quæ Deum amat,
præter Deum cunĉta deſpicit.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Ad riſum ad cantum. A 3. Due Canti è Baſſo. Animæ in Deum ſumma fęlicitas
Vale fletus vale planĉtus A 3. Due Canti è Baſſo. Iuſti meſtitia vertetur in gaudium
Surgite loricam induite A 3. Due Canti è Baſſo. Pugnet pro Chriſto qui vult
triumphare cum Chriſto
Sanĉti mei qui in carne poſisti certamen habuiſtis mercedem laboris A 3. Due
Canti è Baſſo. Merces Amantis amor
Iam venit hora mea. Dialogo A 4. Aſcenſus Chriſti Amoris fuit deſcenſus
O pulcherrima mulier. Dialogo A 4. (Serpente, Eua, & Adamo, con il choro).
Pomi guſtus fuit Adami luĉtus
Composer(s): Gamberini, Michelangelo (17.sc)
MICHELANGELO GAMBERINI DA CAGLI | Maeſtro di Capella dell’Inſigne
Collegiata di | S. Venanzo di Fabriano | DEDICATI | ALL’ EM:mo E REV:mo SIG.r
CARDINALE | CARLO PIO | Legato dello Stato d’Vrbino. | Libro Primo. | [coat of
arms] | Stampa del Gardano | IN VENETIA MDCLV. Apreſſo Franceſco Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Francesco Magni 1655
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, III parte/IV parte, org. On p. 2 dedication of the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Some dynamic
and tempo indications: piano, preſto.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50455 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Complete set of partbooks. Single
handwritten accidentals and calculations of rest lengths. On the title page written in
pencil: 229 | IV; 226.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[M Q | 4.]; [Nro 241]; [Mus. 335].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 144; RISM A/I: G 316; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Pſallite Domino in cithara & voce A 2. A due Canti
2. Angelis ſuis mandauit de te Deus A 2. Canto e Baſſo
3. Deus laudem meam ne tacueris A 2. A due Tenori
4. Regnum mundi & omnes ornatum ſæculi A 2. Canto e Alto
5. Valete deliciæ, valete diuitiæ A 2. A due Canti
6. Surgite cum gaudio A 2. A due Canti
4. The catalogue
Regina cęli lætare A 2. A due Canti
Salue Regina A 2. A Due Canti e Baſſo.
Florete flores A 3. Due Canti e Tenore
Cantate Domino canticum nouum A 3. Due Canti e Baſſo.
Omnes gentes plaudite manibus A 3. Due Canti e Baſſo.
Gaude Maria Virgo A 3 Canti
Currite populi A 3. Due Canti è Alto.
O quam metuendus eſt A 3. Soprano, mezzo Soprano, e Tenore
Eia milites Chriſti A 3 Canti
Gaudens gaudebo in Domino A 4. Due Canti, Alto, e Baſſo.
Dominus illuminatio mea A 4. Due Canti e due Alti
O Sacramentum pietatis A 4. Due Canti, Alto e Tenore
Laudate Dominum in sanĉtis eius A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
Eſtote fortes in bello A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
Composer(s): Tarditi, Orazio (1602–1677)
Title: HORATII | TARDITI | Cathedralis Eccleſię Fauentię Muſices Perfecti | SACRI
CONCERTVS | DVOBVS ET TRIBVS VOCIBVS | opus trigeſimum Quintum |
Eminentiſſimo ac Reuerendiſſimo Principi | CAROLO ROSSETTO | S.R.E. Cardinali
Ampliſſimo Fauentiæ Epiſcopo Vigilantiſſimo | CVM PRIVILEGIVM | [typographer’s
mark] | VENETIIS || Apud Aleſſandrum Vincentium MDCLV. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1655
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: S, A, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the composer dated 1655. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo and dynamic indications:
Adagio, Allegro, Piano.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50848 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Some handwritten accidentals and calculations of rest lengths. The title page of B partbook damaged on the edges, refilled with
paper. On the title page written in pencil: 503 | IV; 219.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[M P | 4]; [Nro 242]; [Mus. 721].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 408; RISM A/I: T 210, TT 210; www.bibliotecamusica.it;
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Confuge Anima mea à 2. Canto, e Alto
2. Mortales Adę filij à 2. Canto, e Alto
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Salue Regina à 2. Alto e Baſſo
Miſera infelix à 2. Canto, e Alto
O Anima peccatrix à 2. Alto, e Baſſo. Dialogo
Quid mundus à 2. Alto, e Baſſo
Omnes gentes plaudite manibus à 2. Canto, e Alto
Languet Anima mea pro te à 2. Canto, e Alto
Celi cantate gaudete flores florete à 2. Soprani
Cognoſce Anima mea à 2. Alto, e Baſſo. A modo di Dialogo
Cantabo Reginę ſiderum à 3. Canto, Alto, e Baſſo
O Bone Iesù à 3. Doi Soprani, e Baſſo
Adeſte turba celitum à 3. Canto, Alto, e Baſſo
Cernis panem cernis vinum à 3. Canto, Alto, e Baſſo
Surgite gentes currite populi à 3. Canto, Alto, e Baſſo
Composer(s): Legrenzi, Giovanni (1626–1690)
Title: [red ink only in S partbook] HARMONIA | [black ink] D’AFFETTI DEVOTI |
A DVE, TRE, E, QVATRO VOCI | [red ink] CONSAGRATA | [black ink] All’Altezza
Sereniſſima del Signor Prencipe | [red ink] ALESSANDRO FARNESI | [black ink] DI
PARMA | [red ink] DA GIOVANNI LEGRENZI | [black ink] Primo Organiſta di S. Maria
Maggiore di Bergamo | Et Accademico Eccitato | [red ink] LIBRO PRIMO, OPERA TERZA.
| [coat of arms] | IN VENETIA || [black ink] Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti MDCLV. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1655
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer dated 15th October 1655. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo indications:
Adaggio, Allegro, Largo, Piu Adaggio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50581 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Single handwritten accidentals. On the
title page written in pencil: 307 | V. A partbook damaged on the edges, refilled with
paper after conservation in 1994.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[M. o. | 5.]; [Nro 243]; [Mus. 448].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 245; RISM A/I: L 1611, LL 1611; www.bibliotecamusica.it;
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/viewschedatwbca.asp?
path=/cmbm/images/ripro/gaspari/AA/AA176/ (the specimen from I-Bc)
Modern edition: Giovanni Legrenzi, Quam amarum a 2 canti; dialogo delle due
Marie, ed. Jolando Scarpa, Magdeburg: Walhall 2011
Recording: Weep and Rejoice. Music for Holy Week from the convents of the 17th-century Italy, Capella Artemisia, Candace Smith, Brilliant Classics 2014 (BC 94638)
4. The catalogue
1. Hodie collętantur Cęli à 2. Canti
2. Quam amarum eſt Maria à 2. Canti. Dialogo delle due Marie
3. Occurrite Celeſtes à 2. Alto, e Tenore
4. Cadite montes. Dialogo à 2. Canto, e Baſſo
5. Venite fideles à 3. Canto, Alto, e Tenore
6. Humili voce à 3. Duoi Canti, e Baſſo
7. O Sanĉtissimum ò ineffabile conuiuium à 3. Canto, Alto, e Baſſo
8. Quid timetis Paſtores à 3. Canto, Alto, e Baſſo
9. Ecce fideles à 3. Canto, Tenore, e Baſſo
10. Salue Regina à 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
11. Albeſcite flores à 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
12. Venite omnes à 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
13. Obſtupeſcite, obmuteſcite Angeli à 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
14. Adoramus te Sanĉtiſſimā Cruce à 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
Composer(s): Filippini, Stefano (1616–1690)
Title: SALMI | A Trè voci con due violini Con il Dixit, | e Magnificat à Cinque
AGOSTINIANO | Maeſtro di Cappella in S. Gio. Euangeliſta di Rimini | Opera Quarta.
| [the cardinal’s coat of arms] | IN VENETIA M DC L V Apreſſo Francesco Magni |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1655
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, A, T, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the
composer to Monsignor Carlo Nembrini Veſcouo di Parma without a date. At the end
– a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50433 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. B partbook missing. S II partbook damaged on the edges, refilled with paper after conservation in 1993. Some handwritten accidentals, calculations of rest lengths and text incipits. On the title page written in pencil: 208 | VI.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [M. H. | 6]; [Nro 244]; [Mus. 313].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 132; RISM A/I: F 740; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Dixit Dominus A 5 voci Due Canti Alto T. e Baſſo
2. Laudate pueri A 3 voci due Alti e Canto con due violini
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Laudate pueri A 3 voci C.A.T. con due violini
Letatus ſum A 3 voci Due Canti è Baſſo con due violini
Niſi Dominus à 3 voci A. T. e Baſſo con doi violini
Lauda Ieruſalem Primo à 3 voci C.A.T. con due violini
Lauda Ieruſalem Secondo due Canti e B. con due violini
Magnificat à 5 voci due Canti A. T. B.
Composer(s): Todeschi, Simplicio (1600c*)
RISTAMPATI. | OPERA QVARTA. | Con Licenza de’ Superiori, & Priuilegio. |
[typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. M.DC.XXXVII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1637
Description: Set of 3 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, b. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50850 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Complete set of partbooks. Single
handwritten accidentals. On the title page written in pencil: 511 | III; 161. The specimen underwent conservation in 1994.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[E X | 3]; [Nro 245]; [Mus. 722].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 409; RISM A/I: T 851; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Jubilate cælestes chori & exultate A 2. Doi Canti, ò Tenori
2. Hodie apparuerunt deiltiæ Paradiſi A 2. Canto, & Alto
3. Cantate Domino canticum nouum A 2. Alto, & Canto
4. Confundantur omnes qui adorant ſcuptilia A 2. Doi Tenori
5. Angelus Domini deſcendit de cælo A 2. Doi Alti, ò Tenori alla Quinta
6. Nolite me conſiderare quod fuſca ſim A 2. Doi Canti, ò Tenori
7. Cæli enarrant gloriam Dei A 2. Doi Tenori
8. Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore A 2. Alto, & Canto
9. Veni dileĉta mea veni A 2. Doi Canti, ò Tenori
10. Conſolamini & congratulamini mihi omnes A 2. Alto & Canto
11. O Glorioſa Domina excelſa ſuper ſydera A 2. Alto & Canto
12. In leĉtulo meo per noĉtes A 2. Alto & Canto
13. Regna terræ cantate Deo A 2. Alto & Canto
14. Crux fidelis inter omnes A 2. Doi Canti
4. The catalogue
Gaudete omnes & exultate A 2. Doi Tenori
Lætentur cæli & exultet terra A 2. Alto, & Canto
O quam pulchra es. Dialogo A 2. Canto & Alto
Surge formoſa A 2. Doi Canti, ò Tenori
Præparate [!] corda veſtra Domino A 2. Doi Alti, ò Tenori
Exaltabo te Domine quoniam ſuſcepiſti A 2. Doi Tenori
Super flumina Babilonis A 2. Doi Tenori
Domine quis habitabit A 2. Doi Tenori
Iubilate Deo omnis terra A 2. Doi Canti, ò Tenori
Virgo Maria dulcis & pia A 2. Baſſo, e Tenore
Benediĉtus Deus Alleluia A 2. Alto, e Tenore
Composer(s): Monteverdi, Claudio (1567–1643)
CLAVDIO MONTEVERDE | Gia Maeſtro di Cappella della Sereniſſima Republica |
di Venetia. | DEDICATE All’Illustriſſimo Signor mio Patron Colendiſſimo | IL SIG.R
mark] | IN VENETIA || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCLI. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1651
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: S, T, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the editor dated
27th June 1651. At the end – a list of contents and a short text to the readers.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50646 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Some handwritten accidentals. On the
title page written in pencil: 362 | IV.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[K X]; [Nro 246]; Mus. 517.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 290; RISM A/I: M 3501, MM 3501; VogelB: I, pp. 514–515;
NV 1942; www.bibliotecamusica.it
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/viewschedatwbca.asp?
path=/cmbm/images/ripro/gaspari/BB/BB009/ (the specimen from I-Bc)
Modern edition: tutte le opere di Claudio Monteverdi, vol. 9: Madrigali e canzonette a due et tre voci, libro nono, ed. Gian Francesco Malipiero, Wien: Universal Edition
[1927]; Claudio Monteverdi, Madrigali e canzonette, libro nono; ed. Anna Maria Monterosso Vacchelli, Cremona: Fondazione Claudio Monteverdi 1983
Recording: Monteverdi: Primo & Nono Libri dei madrigali, La Venexiana, Claudio
Cavina, Glossa 2006 (GCD 920921)
1. Bel Paſtor, dal cui bel guardo A 2. Canto, ò Tenore [Ottavio Rinuccini]
2. Zefiro torna e di suavi accenti A 2. A doi Tenori [Ottavio Rinuccini]
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Se vittorie ſi belle han le guerre d’amore A 2. A doi Tenori
Armato il cor d’adamantina fede A 2. A doi Tenori [Ottavio Rinuccini]
Ardo, e ſcoprir, ahi laſſo A 2. A doi Tenori
O sia tranquill’il mare A 2. A doi Tenori
Alcun non mi conſigli [prima parte] – Perchè lo stral di morte [seconda parte] A 3.
Di far ſempre gioire [prima parte] – A voi disciolti cori [seconda parte] A 3.
Quando dentro al tuo ſeno [prima parte] – Quando quel vago viſo [seconda
parte] – Quando donna honorata [terza parte] A 3.
Non voglio amare per non penare [prima parte] – Chi viue amando [seconda
parte] – Fuggir vogl’io quest’empio [terza parte] A 3.
Come dolce hoggi l’auretta spira lusingha [prima parte] – Gl’amoretti l’aura
fanno (seconda parte) – Ride il boſco, brilla il prato (terza parte) – Entri pur nel
noſtro petto (quarta parte) A 3.
Alle danze, alle gioie [prima parte] – Alle gemme, alle perle [seconda parte] –
Alle tazze, ai chriſtalli [terza parte] A 3
Perchè ſe m’odiaui [prima parte] – Chi ſà ch’una volta [seconda parte] – Nò,
ch’io non voglio [terza parte] A 3.
Si, ch’io v’amo occhi vaghi [prima parte] – Si, ch’io ſpero [seconda parte] – Si,
ch’ardete, occhi lieti [terza parte] A 3.
Sù sù sù Pastorelli vezzosi [prima parte] – Sù sù sù Augelletti canori [seconda
parte] – Sù sù sù fonticelli loquaci [terza parte] A 3.
O mio bene, o mia vita [prima parte] – O belli occhi, o bei rai [seconda parte]
– O mio core, o mia face [terza parte] A 3.
Composer(s): Sances, Giovanni Felice (1600c–1679)
Title: ANTIPHONæ | SACRæ | BEATæ MARIæ VIRGINIS | Per totum Annum
vna voce decantandæ | AVCTORE | IOANNE FELICE SANCES | Sac: Cæſ: Maieſtatis
Ferdinandi Tertij Imperatoris | Muſico | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA
M. DC. XXXXVIII Alla Stampa del Gardano. |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano 1648
Description: Set of 2 partbooks in 4o: Voce, Part. On p. 2 dedication of the composer to
Antonio Spindler Celeberrimi M[o]N[aste]Rij Ad Scotos Abbati without a date. At the end –
a list of contents and commercial information about the editor’s bookshop in Venice. Some
tempo and dynamic indications: adaſio, adaſio adaſio, adaſio ſempre, allegro, forte.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50784 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Complete set of partbooks. Some
handwritten accidentals. Voce partbook damaged on the edges, refilled with paper
after conservation in 1983. On the title page written in pencil: 458 | II.
Provenance: Both partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[K. t. | 2]; [Nro 247]; [Mus. 653].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 375; RISM A/I: S 775; www.printed-sacred-music.org
4. The catalogue
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Salue Regina Prima
2. Salue Regina Seconda
3. Salue Regina Terza
4. Salue Regina Quarta
5. Salue Regina Quinta in Baſſo
6. Alma Redemptoris Prima
7. Alma Redemptoris Seconda
8. Alma Redemptoris Terza
9. Alma Redemptoris Quarta
10. Alma Redemptoris Quinta in Baſſo
11. Aue Regina cęlorum Prima
12. Aue Regina cęlorum Seconda
13. Aue Regina cęlorum Terza
14. Aue Regina cęlorum Quarta
15. Aue Regina cęlorum Quinta in Baſſo
16. Regina Cęli Prima
17. Regine cęli Seconda
18. Regina cęli Terza
19. Regina cęli Quarta
20. Regina cęli Quinta in Baſſo
21. O Domina gloriæ In Baſſo
22. Motetto Della Glo. B. V. Ad inſtanza del Sig. Carlo Benedetto Riccioni Muſico
di Sua Maeſtà Ceſarea
23. O dulcis Virgo virginum. Motetto Secondo della Glo. B. V. Ad inſtanza del medeſimo [Carlo Benedetto Riccioni]
Composer(s): Milanta, Giovanni Francesco (1607–1651p)
Title: IL SECONDO | LIBRO DE | MOTETTI | A Due, Tre, Quattro, e Cinque,
Voci, con Violini, & le Le-|tanie, à quattro, della B. V. M. & in fine quattro | Tantum
ergo Sacramentum. | DI GIO: FRANCESCO MILANTA | Da Parma Maeſtro di
Capella, & Organiſta nella Real Fortezza d’Aſola | Dominio della Sereniſſima Signoria
DELL’ILLVSTRISSIMO | SIGNOR MARCO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA. ||
Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. M. DC. LI. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1651
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer dated 28th May 1651. At the end – a list of contents. Some dynamic and tempo
indications: adagio, piano, forte, preſto.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50630 Muz.
Notes on item: S partbook missing. On the title page written in pencil: 343 | V. Some
handwritten accidentals and calculations of rest lengths. On p. 28 of A and T partbooks above Domine ad adiuvandum a handwritten note: NB Deest Bassus Continuus
et 4. Voces. Below the table of contents of bc partbook a handwritten note: NB: Domine
ad adiuuandum, deest. The specimen underwent conservation in 1998.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [K W | 5]; [Nro 248]; [Mus. 498].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 283–284; RISM A/I: M 2734; www.bibliotecamusica.it;
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Salue Regina A 2. Canto, & Tenore, & non altrimente doi Tenori
2. Aue Regina Cęlorum A 2. Canti, ò Tenori, ouero doi Alti, Sonando la Chiaue
del Baſſo, cioè quella di C. ſol, fa, vt, alla quarta baſſa.
3. Regina Cęli A 2. doi Canti, & si può Cantare con doi Alti, Sonando la Chiaue
del’ Baſſo.
4. O fęlix homo A 2. Canti, ò Tenori, ouero doi Alti, Sonando la Chiaue del Baſſo,
vt ſupra.
5. Audi ò Maria noſtras cum canticis preces A 2. Baſſo, & Canto
6. Dulcis amor Ieſu A 2. Alto, & Canto
7. Iudica me Deus, & diſcerne cauſam meam A 2. Canto, e Baſſo
8. Numquid quem diligit anima mea A 3. Tenore, Alto, e Canto
9. Beatus vir qui inuentus eſt ſine macula A 3. Canto, Alto, & Baſſo in Tenore non
riuſcirà coſi bene.
10. O Beata, & Benediĉta, & Glorioſa Trinitas A 3. Baſſo, con doi Violini, il Secondo
Violino ad libitum.
11. Exultate & gaudete A 4. doi Canti, con doi Violini
12. O felix Carole A 4. doi Tenori, con doi Violini. Motetto Più deuoto, che dotto
13. Iubilate gentes & exultate omnes A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
14. Lætaniæ A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo,
15. Lætare cor meum A 5. doi Canti, e Barritono, con doi Violini.
16. Domine ad adiuuandum me A 6. Voci con doi Violini [not listed in bc partbook]
17. Tantum ergo Sacramentum A 3. Barritone. Tenoro, & Canto. Riuſciranno meglio ſenza battuta con li ſuoi Ritornelli
18. Tantum ergo Sacramentum. Canto, & Baſſo.
19. Tantum ergo Sacramentum A 5. Tenori, ò Canti in Ecco.
20. Tantum ergo Sacramentum A 3. Barritone. Tenore & Canto.
4. The catalogue
Composer(s): Rogantini, Francesco (17.sc)
ECCLESIASTICI | A Vna, Due, Tre, e Quatro Voci | Con Due, Meſſe, Deus in Adiutorium,
Falſibordoni, | Magnificat, & Letanie Della B. V. | DI FRANCESCO ROGANTINI |
| A GL’ILLVSTRISSIMI SIGNORI | Li Signori Patrone, Miniſtro. & Presidenti | Della
Veneranda Miſericordia | DI BERGAMO. | CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark]
| IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXXIIII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1644
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer dated 15th May 1644. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50745 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. T partbook damaged on the edges. Single
accidentals and calculations of rest lengths. On the title page written in pencil: 427 | VI.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
F M | 5; N. 249; [Mus. 616].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 339; RISM A/I: R 1917; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Quam pulchræ ſunt & quam ſuaues mammę tuę A 1. Canto, Solo ouer Tenore
2. O quam felix & Beata virgo prudens A 1. Canto Solo, ouer Tenore
3. O Maria quam pulchra es A 1. Canto Solo, o Tenore
4. O dulcis o care Ieſu A 1. Alto Solo.
5. Aue dulciſſima Maria A 1. Baſſo Solo.
6. Lætamini cum Ieruſalem A 2. Canti, ò Tenori
7. Ego ſum panis viuus A 2. Alto, e Tenore.
8. Luce, ſerena lucet animę ſanĉte A 2. Doi Canti, ò Tenori.
9. Quando natus es ineffabiliter ex Virgine A 2. Canto e Baſſo
10. Alta immenſa & cara A 2. Doi Canti ouer Tenori
11. Virgo glorioſa ſemper euangelium Chriſti gerebat in peĉtore ſuo A 3. Canto,
Alto, e Tenore
12. Hymnum cantate Domino A 3. Canto, Alto e Baſſo.
13. Clamaui in toto corde meo A 3. Doi Canti, ò Doi Tenori, è Baſſo
14. O felix ſuperne plantationis roſarum A 4
15. Hodie Chriſtus natus eſt A 4.
16. O quam ſuauis eſt Domine ſpiritus tuus A 4.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Meſſa à 3. Doi Canti ò Doi Tenori, è Baſſo (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus –
Agnus Dei)
Meſſa breue A 4. (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
Domine ad adiuuandum A 4.
Falſibordono Primo tuono A 4.
Falſibordono Secondo tuono A 4.
Falſibordono Terzo tuono A 4.
Falſibordono Quarto tuono A 4.
Falſibordono Quinto tuono A 4.
Falſibordono Seſto tuono A 4.
Falſibordono Settimo tuono A 4.
Falſibordono Ottauo tuono A 4.
Magnificat A 4. quinto tuono
Letanie della Madonna A 4. (Kyrie – Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Tarditi, Orazio (1602–1677); Battaglia, Maurizio (17.sc)
Concertate Per Cantare nel Cimbalo, Spinetta, Tiorba, | ò altro Simile Inſtrumento. | DI
HORATIO TARDITI | DEDICATE | Dall’Auttore à diuerſi ſuoi AMICI è PADRONI,
come | ſi vede in faccia di ciaſcheduna di Eſſe. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA.
|| Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXXVII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1647
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the
composer dated 11th January 1646. At the end – a list of contents. Some dynamic and
tempo indications: piano, forte, preſto, adaſio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50840 Muz.
Notes on item: B partbook missing. Single handwritten accidentals. On the title
page written in pencil: 501 | IV; 84.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [E V. | 4.]; [Nro 250]; Mus. 714.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 406–407; RISM A/I: T 222, TT 222; RISM B/I: 16475;
VogelB: I, p. 238; NV 2704; www.bibliotecamusica.it
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Per oſtentar ſua fede ſotto candido amanto à 2. Canto, e Alto. Al Sig. Antonio
Pani, Maeſtro di Capella di Reggio.
2. Per doglia infinita ch’importa ſ ’io moro à 2. Doi Soprani. Al Sig. Franceſco
4. The catalogue
Toglietemi la vita, amoroſi deſiri à 2. Canto, è Alto. Al Sig. Carlo Cauina.
Imparate, ò folli amanti, che tacete i voſtri ardori à 2. Doi Soprani. Al Signor
Capitano Terentio Montani.
Porgetemi riſtoro, o del cielo d’amor ſerene ſtelle à 2. Canto, e Alto. Al Signor
Carlo Stefano Arduini, Arcidiacono di Peſaro.
Gia per l’onde altre e funeſte à 2. Canto, e Alto. Al Signor Mauritio Battaglia.
Lilla, vorrei ſaper da te d’un certo dubbio à 2. Canto, e Alto. Al Signor Pier Luigi
Tu dormi, ahimè tu dormi à 2. Doi Soprani. Al Signor Nicolò Carlo Montani,
Canonico di Peſaro.
Filli, non mi credete ſe talhor mi vedete à 2. Doi Soprani. A Curtio Reſſio. (Prima Parte) – O quanto v’ingannate (Seconda Parte) à 2. Al Signor Antonio Maria Manara.
Da tanto tempo in qua come poſſibil è? à 2. Canto, e Baſſo. Al Signor Giuliano
Piccolomini Fedeli. (Prima Parte) – Penando notte e dì ſe guſto al fin à 2. Al Signor Fidentio Cantù detto il Zeuio. (Seconda Parte) – Cola preſſo Corfù (Terza
Parte) à 2. Al Signor Don Gio Battiſta Barcellini
Periſce ohime à 2. Canto, e Baſſo. Al Signor Sidſeppes [!] Signoretti
Coſtante il Ciel mi fè et è conſtante ancor à 2. Canto, e Baſſo. Al Signor Paolo
Se mia lingua vi giura ch’io non amo à 3. Canto, Alto, e Baſſo. Al Signor Hortenſio Laureggi.
Sparite dal core, ſperanze fallaci à 3. Canto, Alto, e Baſſo. A Don Romualdo
Honorij. [Domenico Benigni]
Diſperati, ſoccorſo, infelici, pietà à 3. Canto, Alto, e Baſſo. Al Signor Simone Arditi
[prima parte] – Udiſte Amanti (Seconda Parte) à 3. Al Medeſimo. [Simone Arditi]
Amanti, chi non può oſtinato rigor toſto placar à 3. Canto, Alto, e Baſſo. Al
Signor Matthia Roſſi.
Nò, ch’io non voglio amar chi mi diſprezza à 3. Canto, Alto, e Baſſo. Al Signor
Fabritio Laudenſi.
Chi vol’ eſſer amante, non tema la morte à 3. Canto, Alto, e Baſſo. Alli Signori
M. C. R. G. M. G. M. M. C. A. M. T. V. A.
Il ciel per me non giura à 3. A Doi Alto, e Tenor. Musica del Sig. Mauritio Battaglia, Scolaro dell’Auttore.
Pietoſi, allontanate, diſperato, ſeguitemi à 3. Doi Soprani, e Baſſo. Al Sig. Don
Giuſeppe Maria da Cerreto.
Viver non poſſo più ſotto il giogo d’amor à 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo. Al Sig. Mauritio Battaglia.
Composer(s): Milanuzzi, Carlo (1594c–1647p)
Title: HORTVS SACER | DELICIARVM, | Ex quo Flores, & Fruĉtus per voces,
tum ſingulas, tum binas, | tum ternas ad auditum accomodati; colleguntur ſuauiſſimi
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
vocibus decantandis in Organo. | AVCTORE | F. CAROLO MILANVZIO | A SANCTA
TERTIVS | Opus decimum nonum, nunc primum in lucem ęditum. | CVM PRIVILEGIO.
| [typographer’s mark] | VENETIIS. Apud Alexandrum Vincentium. MDCXXXVI. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1636
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: S/T I, T II, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the
composer to æmilio de Alteriis Patricio Romano Epiſcopo Camerini dated 1st July 1636.
At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50631 Muz.
Notes on item: Oonly S/T and bc partbooks extant. Bc partbook severely damaged,
underwent conservation in 1994. On p. 9 of bc partbook handwritten errata of music
text. On the title page written in pencil: 345 | IV; 403.
Provenance: Both extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[E W | 4.]; [Nro 251]; [Mus. 499].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 284; RISM A/I: M 2754; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Deus meus ad te de luce vigilo A 1. Canto ſolo
2. Veni Creator ſpiritus mentes tuorum viſita A 1. Canto ſolo
3. Ego diligentes me diligo et qui mane vigilant ad me A 1. Alto ſolo
4. Deus noſter refugium et virtus, adiutor in tribulationibus A 1. Alto ſolo
5. O quam humilis o quam pius eſt manſuetus A 1. Tenor ſolo
6. In toto corde meo o exquiſiui te Deus in toto corde meo A 1. Tenore ſolo.
7. Salue Regina Mater miſericordiæ A 1. Baſſo ſolo
8. O dulcis, ò clemens o pia o Sanĉtiſſima Maria A 1. Baſſo Solo
9. Bonum eſt confiteri Domino et pſallere nomini tuo Altiſſime A 1. Baſſo Solo.
10. Iſte Sanĉtus pro lege Dei ſui certauit uſque ad mortem A 1. Baſſo Solo.
11. Deus canticum nouum cantabo tibi Alleluia A 2. Due Canti, ò Tenori
12. O Sacroſanĉta et imaculata Oſtia A 2. A due Canti, o Tenori.
13. O lumen Ecleſiæ Beate Pater Auguſtine A 2. Alto, e Tenore
14. O bone Ieſu o dulcis Amor qui pro nobis vere paſſus A 2. Due Tenori
15. O quam magna eſt miſericordia tua Deus A 2. A doi Tenori
16. O quam dulce et quam iucundum eſt nomen tuum A 2. A Doi Tenori.
17. Veni ad liberandum nos Domine Deus virtutum A 2. Canto, ò Tenore, è Baſſo
18. Exaudi Domine Dirige Fili mi vocem tuam ad me A 2. In Dialog. Tenore,
e Baſſo Introduĉtio ad Veſperas. Sanĉti Stephani
19. Deus qui vides corda Hominum et eorum præces exaudis. Introduĉtio ad
Veſperas A 2. Tenore, e Baſſo. In Dialogo.
4. The catalogue
O Flos Cęleſtis Patriæ o Maria Sanĉtiſſima [with parallel text version devoted to
S. Nicolas] A 2. Canto, ò Tenore, è Baſſo.
Aue Virgo gratioſa ſtella ſole clarior Mater Deo A 2. Canto, o Tenor, e Baſſo.
O quam iucunda eſt Sanĉtorum habitatio A 2. Tenore, è Baſſo
O dulcis, ò Sanĉtiſſima Maria A 2. Canto, ò Tenore, e Baſſo
Benediĉtus Deus et Pater Domini noſtri IESV Chriſti A 2. Tenore, e Baſſo
O Beate Maure Sanĉte Chriſti Sacerdos A 2. Due Baſſi
Miſſa Breuis A 2. Due Tenori (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Benediĉtus –
Agnus Dei)
Venite Filij audite me timor in Domini docebo vos A 3. Due Tenori, e Baſſo
Domine quis habitabit qui ingreditur ſine macula A 3. Dialogo Alto, Tenore,
e Baſſo
Alter Alterius onera portate et ſic adimplebitis legem Chriſti A 3. Due Tenori,
e Baſſo
Litaniæ Beatæ Virginis A 3. Due Tenori, e Baſſo (Kyrie – Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Rovetta, Giovanni (1596c–1668)
Title: [red ink only in S partbook] MOTETTI | [black ink] CONCERTATI | A DVE,
E TRE VOCI | [red ink] LIBRO TERZO | [black ink] DEL SIGNOR | [red ink] GIO:
ROVETTA | [black ink] Maeſtro di Capella della Sereniſsima Republica, | RACCOLTI
| [red ink] DA GIO. BATTISTA VOLPE | [black ink] ET DEDICATI | Al Molto Illustre,
& Reuerendiſs. Sig. Signore & Patrone | COLLENDISSIMO | MONSIGNORE | [red
DVCALE, | Arciprete della Veneranda Congregatione di S. Polo, | [red ink] OPERA
DECIMA | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA || [black ink] Appreſſo Aleſſandro
Vincenti, MDCXXXXVII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1647
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: S, A, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of Giovanni
Battista Volpe dated 15th February 1647. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50761 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. A partbook damaged on the edges, refilled with paper after conservation in 1994. Some handwritten accidentals, pitch corrections, calculations of rest lengths and bc numbering. On the title page written in
pencil: 441 | IV; 414.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
E Q | 4; N. 252; [Mus. 632].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 344; RISM A/I: R 2973; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/viewschedatwbca.asp?
path=/cmbm/images/ripro/gaspari/BB/BB270/ (the specimen from I-Bc)
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Bonum est confiteri Domino A 2. Due Soprani.
2. Paratum cor meum Deus A 2. Due Soprani.
3. Dominus illuminatio mea A 2. Due Soprani.
4. O dies o iocunditas o amor o vita A 2. Canto, e Tenor.
5. O pulchra cęli atria A 2. Due Soprani.
6. O Domine Deus omnipotens A 2. Alto, e Tenor.
7. Regina cęli laetare A 2. Alto, e Tenor.
8. Alma redemptoris mater A 2. Alto, e Tenor.
9. Aperi Domine os meum A 2. Tenor, & Baſſo.
10. Audite hęc omnes A 2. Tenor, & Baſſo
11. Tribularer, ſi neſcirem misericordias tuas A 2. Tenor, & Baſſo.
12. Domine non ſecundum peccata nostra A 2. Tenor, & Baſſo
13. Gaudete omnes quia cum inimici Dei A 3. Canto, Tenor, & Baſſo.
14. Ecce Dominus poſuit menſam A 3. Alto, Tenor, & Baritono
15. Videte filiæ Sion et admiramini A 3. Alto, Tenor, & Baſſo.
16. Attendite universi populi A 3. Alto, Tenor, & Baſſo.
17. Exultet iam angelica turba coelorum A 3. Alto, Tenor, & Baſſo
18. Eruĉtavit cor meum A 3. Due Tenori, & Baſſo.
19. Salve Regina A 3. Due Tenori, & Baſſo
20. Salve Regina A 3. Alto, & doi Violini, con tre Viole à beneplacito.
Composer(s): Delafargia, Giovanni Giuseppe (17.sc)
Title: SALMI | Veſpertini Concertati à 3 voci ſenza intonatione | DI GIV. GIVSEPPE
Delafargia | Maſtro di Capella in Caſtellarano | DEDICAtI | All’ Illuſtriſſimo & Eccelentiſſimo
Signor D. Filippo Franceſco | D’eſte Marcheſe di Lanzo e Vale di Borgomanero Con|te di
Cortolona e del Vicariato di Belzoioſo | Signore delle Saline di Tarentaſa | e di Lucento Gran
Comendatore | di Sauoia. | Nouamente Stampati & dati in luce. | [typographer’s mark] | IN
VENETIA M DC XXXXIII || Appreſſo Bartolameo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1643
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: S, T, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the composer
dated 1st July 1643. At the end – a note Al Lettore and a list of contents. Single dynamic
and tempo indications: piano, forte, adaſio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50374 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Complete set of partbooks. Some
handwritten accidentals. Between pp. 10–11 a pasted sheet of paper with handwritten
errata of the music text omitted in the print. On the title page written in pencil: 166 |
IV. The specimen underwent conservation in 1992.
4. The catalogue
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[E R | 4.]; [Nro 253]; [Mus. 263].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 109–110; RISM A/I: D 1361; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Dixit Dominus A 3. Seſto Tuono
2. Confitebor tibi Quarto Tuono
3. Beatus vir Ottauo Tuono
4. Laudate pueri Secondo Tuono
5. In exitu Iſrael Miſto Tuono
6. Laudate Dominum Quinto Tuono
7. Lætatus ſum Terzo Tuono
8. Niſi Dominus Primo Tuono
9. Magnificat Secondo Tuono
Composer(s): Vacchelli, Giovanni Battista (1625c–1667p); Vacchelli, N. (17.sc)
Quatro Voci. Con il Baſſo Per l’Organo | DI GIO: BATTISTA VACHELLI | DA
RVBBIERA. | Minore Conuentuale | ORGANISTA | Delli Molto Ill. Sig. Della
ET PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro
Vincenti. MDCXXXXVI. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1646
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the composer Alli molto illustri Signori Patroni della Communita di Rubbiera dated 15th December
1646. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50868 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Some handwritten accidentals and pitch
corrections. The bc partbook damaged on the edges, refilled with paper after conservation in 1994. On the title page written in pencil: 525 | V.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[E S | 5]; [Nro 254]; [Mus. 740].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 417; RISM A/I: V 1, VV 1; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.
Digitized version: [–]
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Iuſtorum Animę A 2. Due Canti, o Tenori.
2. Vocē iucunditatis A 2. Tenor, e Baſſo.
3. Surge illuminare A 2. Tenor, e Baſſo.
4. Dulcis Amor Ieſu A 2. Alto, e Tenore.
5. Elegit te Dominus A 2. Canto, e Baſſo.
6. O glorioſa Domina A 2. Due Tenori.
7. Audite gentes A 2. Canto, e Baſſo.
8. Anima Chriſti A 2. Alto, e Tenore.
9. Et ecce terremotus A 2. Due Baſſi
10. Amen dico vobis A 2. Tenore, e Violino.
11. Surge propera amica mea à 2. e à 3 Due Cantì, e Baſſo ſe piace.
12. Veni ſanĉte ſpiritus A 3. Due Tenori, e Baſſo.
13. O lingua benediĉta A 3. Due Canti, e Baſſo.
14. O Panis vitę A 3. Canto, Tenore, e Baſſo. del Padre del Autore
15. O admirabile commerciū A 3. Due Tenori, e Baſſo.
16. In voluntate tua domine A 3. Due Canti, e Baſſo
17. Salue Regina A 3. Due Canti, e Baſſo
18. Si quis venit ad me A 3. Due Canti, e Baſſo.
19. Clamauerūt iuſti A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
20. Adiuro vos filię A 4. dialogo. Tre Soprani, e Contralto.
21. Caro mea uere eſt cibus A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
22. Ego flos campi A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
Composer(s): Laurenzi, Filiberto (1619–1659p)
[copperplate of Holy Virgin Mary with a Child from Loreto] | VENETIIS, || Apud
Alexandrum Vincentium. MDCXXXXIV. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1644
Description: Set of 2 partbooks in 4o: Voce, Part. On p. 2 a copperplate representing
Filibertvs de Lavrentiis ætatis Ann. XXIIII. On p. 3 dedication of the composer Lavretanæ Virgini without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Some dynamic indications:
piano, forte.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50573 Muz.
Notes on item: Part. incomplete: missing last pages. Some handwritten accidentals, bc
numbering and pitch corrections. On the title page written in pencil: 301 | II.
4. The catalogue
Provenance: Both partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [E t.];
[Nro 255]; [Mus. 439].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 242; RISM A/I: L 1116, LL 1116; www.bibliotecamusica.it;
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Filiberto Laurenzi, Spiritualium cantionum… liber primus, op. 3,
facs. ed. Anne Schnoebelen, New York: Garland 1987 (Solo motets from the seventeenth
century, vol. 1: Venice)
Recording: [–]
1. Veni sanĉte Spiritus. Canto ſolo. Da ſonarſi vn Tono più baſſo ſe piacera
2. Egredimini lętantes. Motetto à Voce ſola da ſonarſi alla Terza ſe piacerà
3. Beatus qui intelligit. Motetto à voce ſola da ſonarſi vn Tono più baſo [!] ſe piace
4. O Crux benediĉta. A voce Sola.
5. In Paſchate reſurreĉtionis. A voce Sola.
6. Plorate filiæ dileĉte Sion. A voce Sola.
7. Miſericordias Domini in æternum cantemus. A Voce Sola
8. Triumphalis beatæ N. Dies. Baſſo Solo ouer Baritono; da ſonarſi vn Tono più
baſſo ſe piace.
9. Fulget dies iſta. Alto. Da ſonarſi ſe piace vn Tono più baſſo
10. Flabit ſpiritus eius et fluent aquæ. Mezzo Soprano ouer Canto, alla 4. baſſa ò 5. Alta
11. Regina cęli lętare. Alto, ouero Canto Sonando alla Quinta Alta.
12. Salue Regina. Da ſonarſi alla Terza ſi piacerà
Composer(s): Sabbatini, Galeazzo (1597–1662)
SABBATINO | CONTEXTARVM | Binis, Ternis, Quaternis, Quiniſq. Vocibus | Ad
Illuſtriſsimo, ac Reuerendiſsimo Domino | D. FERDINANDO MELLINO | IMOLEN
EPISCOPO. | [typographer’s mark] | VENETIIS, || Apud Alexandrum Vincentium.
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1637
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II/A, T, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the
composer dated 1st November 1637. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50768 Muz.
Notes on item: Only S II/A and B partbooks extant. Some handwritten accidentals
and calculations of rest lengths.
Provenance: Both extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[S 5 | [ ;]ּרNro 256]; [Mus. 641].
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 348; RISM A/I: S 7; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. O glorioſa & immaculata Maria A 2. Cantus cum Canto
2. In tribulatione clamaui A 2. Duobus Cant. vel Ten.
3. Regina Cæli lætare A 2. Cantus, cum Semicanto
4. Quando natus es ineffabiliter ex Virgine A 2. Cantus, & Altus
5. Iſte eſt qui ante Deum A 2. Cantus cum Alto
6. Memento rerum Conditor A 2. Tenor cum Alto
7. Congregauit Dominus aquas A 2. Altus, & Tenor
8. Amare deſidero A 2. Baſſus cum Canto, vel Ten.
9. Salue meum ſalutare A 2. Baſſus cum Cant. vel Ten.
10. Sanĉta, & immaculata Virginitas A 3. Cantus, Altus, & Tenor
11. Derelinquat impius viam ſuam A 3. Cantus, Altus, & Tenor
12. Domina quis habitabit in Aula Domini A 3. Cantus cum duobus Ten.
13. Emendemus in melius A 3. Cantus, Altus, & Tenor
14. Germinauit radix Ieſſe A 3. Cantus, Altus, & Baſſus
15. Beatus vir A 3. Altus, Tenor, & Baſsus
16. Ego clamaui quoniam exaudiſti Quatuor vocibus. Cantus, Altus, Tenor, & Baſſus
17. Exurge Domine Quatuor vocibus. Cantus, Altus, Tenor, & Baſſus
18. Ego ſum panis vivus Quatuor vocibus. Cantus, Altus, Tenor, & Baſſus
19. Super flumina Babylonis Quatuor vocibus. Cantus, duo Tenor, & Baſsus
20. Feſtiuitas tua Quinque Voc. Cantus, Altus, duo Tenor, & Baſſ.
21. O magnum myſterium Quinque Voc. Duo Cantus, Altus, Tenor, & Baſſus
22. Laudate pueri Dominum Pſalmus cum Quatuor Voc. Cantus, duo Tenor, & Baſsus
23. Te Deum laudamus Quinque Voc. Cantus, Altus, duo Tenor, & Baſsus
Composer(s): Casati, Gasparo (1610c–1641)
di S. Franceſco. | AVTTORE | GASPARO CASATTI [!] | DEDICATI | Al Molto Ill.
& Molto Reu. Padre mio Oſſ. il Padre Maeſtro | COLVMBANI MAIOCHI | DEL
TERZO ORDINE DI S. FRANCESCO | Maeſtro di Sacra Theologia, & Cuſtode Meri|tiſsimo della Prouintia di Milano. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo
Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXXIIII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1644
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, bc. On p. 3 dedication of Michel’Angiolo Turriani dated 15th November 1644. At the end – a list of contents.
4. The catalogue
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50323 Muz.
Notes on item: S partbook missing. Some handwritten fermatas. On the title page
written in pencil: 126 | VI.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: F. C. | 6.; [Nro 257]; Mus. 212.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 89; RISM A/I: C 1418; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Meſſa Concertata A 4. e 5. ſe piace (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
2. Domine ad adiuuandum
3. Dixit Dominus
4. Confitebor tibi Domine
5. Laudate pueri
6. Lætatus ſum. Senza Intonatione
7. Niſi Dominus. Senza Intonatione
8. Lauda Ieruſalem Dominum
9. In exitu Iſrael [in bc partbook added:] Sopra la Cuſina. [based on basso ostinato
10. Magnificat anima mea Dominum
11. O quam bonum o quam iucundum. Motetto A 5
Composer(s): Nembri, Damiano (1584–1649)
Title: BREVIS ET FACILIS | PSALMORVM | Quattuor vocibus modulatio |
AVCtoRE | D. DAMIANO NEMBRIO | Caſinati Monacho. | Cum Priuilegio. | [the
cardinal’s coat of arms] | VENETIIS. M DC X X X XI || Apud Bartholomeum Magni |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1641
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the composer to D. Aloysio Sqvadrono Diui Georgij Maiori Venetiarum Abbate without a date.
At the end – a list of contents and in the vocal partbooks also Auertimento à Lettori.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50658 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Some handwritten accidentals, calculations of rest lengths and bc numbering. On the title page written in pencil: 365 | V.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[F K | 5]; [Nro 258]; [Mus. 526].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 293; RISM A/I: N 377, NN 377; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Dixit Dominus
2. Laudate Pueri
3. Lætatus ſum
4. Niſi Dominus
5. Lauda Hieruſalem
6. Magnificat A 4
Composer(s): Mattioli, Andrea (1620c–1679)
Title: HINNI SACRI | CONCERTATI | A Vna, Due, Tre, Cinque, e Sei Voci, Con
Inſtromenti, | è ſenza, come ſi ſignifica doppo la Tauola, | DI | ANDREA MATTHIOLI
| Manſionario nella Cathedrale, di S. Caſſano d’Imola | e Maeſtro di Capella, | OPERA
SECONDA. | DEDICATA | All’Eminentiſsimo, e Reuerendiſsimo, Sig. Cardinale |
|| Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXXVI. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1646
Description: Set of 7 partbooks in 4o: A, T I, T II, B, vl I, vl II, bc. On pp. 2–3 dedication of the composer dated 27th June 1646. At the end – a list of contents and a short
avviso to the performers. Some tempo indications: Allegro, preſto.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50607 Muz.
Notes on item: A and vl II partbooks missing. Single handwritten accidentals. Bc
partbook incomplete: missing title page, p. 1 damaged, refilled with paper after conservation in 1997. On the title page written in pencil: 326 | VII.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: F N | 4; [Nro] 259; [Mus. 478].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 276; RISM A/I: M 1410; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Crudelis Herodes. Per la Epifania. A 2. Tenori, con 2. Violini
2. Salutis humanæ ſator. Per la Aſcenſione. A 2. voci. Tenor, e Baſſo, con Violini
3. Veni Creator ſpiritus. Per la Pentecoſte. A 3 voci. Ten. Al. e Baſſo e doi violini
4. Pange lingua A 2. Tenor, e doi violini
4. The catalogue
Vt queant laxis. In Naĉt. [!] S. Io: Baptiſta. A Doi Tenori, con Violini
Aue maris Stella. Per la Madonna. A 3. Canto, Alto, e Tenore con Violini
Placare Chriſte. In feſto omnium Sanĉtorum. Alto ſolo, con Inſtrumenti
Vos ſæculorum. In feſto Apoſtolorum. Tenore ſolo, con 2 violini
Deus tuorum militum. Per vn Martire. Baſſo ſolo, con doi violini
Sanĉtorum meritis. Per più Martiri. A 2. Tenori con violini
Iſte confeſſor. Per i confeſſori Voce sola con le viole
Ieſu Corona Virginum A 2. Tenori, con doi Violini
Decora lux. In feſto S.S. Petri, & Pauli A 5. voci con violini ſe piace
Ieſu Redemptor omnium. In Natiuitate domini, & In Circumſsione [!] A 6. con
3. Violini ſe piace
Composer(s): Scapitta, Vincenzo (1593–1656)
A VALENTIA, | Serenissimi Archiducis LEOPOLDI Austriæ Musico, | ac honoris
Sacellano. | OPVS TERTIVM | Nunc primùm in lucem ditum. | De licentia Superiorum,
& cum Priuilegio. | [coat of arms] | VENETIIS, Apud Alexandrum Vincentium. 1629. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1629
Description: Set of 10 partbooks in 4o: 1 ch.: S, A, T, B; 2 ch.: S, A, T, B; Parte di Ripieno, b ad org. On p. 2 dedication of the composer to Leopoldo, Principi Potentissimo;
Archidvci Serenissimo without a date. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50794 Muz.
Notes on item: T 1 ch. partbook missing. Numerous handwritten accidentals, some
calculations of rest lengths. A 2 ch. and B 2 ch. partbooks damaged, refilled with paper
after conservation in 1983. On the title page written in pencil: 465 | X; 384.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [H D | 10]; [Nro 260]; Mus. 666.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 379–380; RISM A/I: S 1161; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=35888
&from= &dirids=1&ver_id=&lp=1&QI=
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Meſſa detta la Lottiera à 8. (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
2. Meſſa Tota pulchra es à 8. (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
3. Meſſa detta la Scarmigliona à 5. Con 5. Rip. ſi piace A 10 (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Meſſa Sopra Altro non è il mio cor à 5. con 4. Ripieni (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo –
Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Casati, Gasparo (1610c–1641); Leonarda, Isabella (1620–1704)
CASATI | Maeſtro Di Capella nel Duomo | Di Nouara. | Opera Terza. Con Priuilegio. |
[typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA M DC XXXXII || Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1642
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, A, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the
composer Al Rev.mo Padre D. Sebastiano Contarini Abbate di Santo Ambroggio Maggiore di Milano, e Conte di Campione Limonta, e Ciuenna, &c. without a date. At the end
– a list of contents. Some tempo indications: Preſto, adaggio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50321 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. S II partbook severely damaged on the
edges, refilled with paper after conservation in 1997. Some handwritten accidentals
and calculations of rest lengths. On the title page written in pencil: L | 5.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[E N | 5.]; [Nro 261]; [Mus. 210].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 88; RISM A/I: C 1405; RISM B/I: 16422;
www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/scripts/gaspari/scheda.asp?id
=6078 (the specimen from I-Bc)
Modern edition: Gasparo Casati, o Angele cur homines tam bene creatos non defendis? Dialogo, ed. Gunter Morche, Heidelberg 2010 (http://imslp.org/images/a/a3/
Recording: Codex Caioni: un jour de noce en transylvanie, Ensemble XVIII-21, Le
Baroque Nomade, Jean-Christoph Frisch, Arion 2008
1. O felix felicitas. Dialogo à 2. Doi Canti, ò Tenori.
2. Exultate Deo adiutori noſtro à 2. Doi Canti ò Tenori
3. Natus eſt Ieſus à 2. A due Canti.
4. Svrgite cum gaudio à 2. Canti ò Tenori
5. Iſti ſunt triumphatores à 2. Canto, & Alto
6. Dic mihi ò bone Ieſu. Dialogo à 2. Canto & Tenore.
7. Salue Regina à 2. Alti
8. Trahe poſt te cor meum. Dialogo à 2. Alto e Tenore. Al Sig. Antonio Piantanida
Muſico nella Regia e Ducal Corte di Milano.
9. Salue Mater miſericordię à 2. Alto, e Tenore.
10. Quam lætam hodie videbo. Dialogo à 2. Alto e Tenore.
4. The catalogue
Ah Domine Iesu à 2. Della M. Reu. Signora Iſabella Leonarda Vergine nella
Congregatione Di S. Orſola di Novara.
Sic ergo anima animę. Dialogo à 2. Dell’Iſteſſa. [Isabella Leonarda]
Caro mea vere eſt cibus à 2. Canto, e Baſſo.
Peccator vbi es. Dialogo à 2. Alto e Baſſo. Al M. R. P. F. Agoſtino Preto Baciliere
Agoſtiniano, e Priore in S. Gio. e Paolo di Nouara.
Currite Paſtores in Bethlehem à 3. Doi Canti & Alto
Salue Mater Saluatoris à 3. Doi Canti & Baſſo.
Amor Iesu amantissime à 3. Canto, Alto, e Tenore.
Venite gentes venite ad montes à 3. Canto, Alto, e Tenore. Al Sig. Paolo Antonio
Peſtagallo Muſico nella Regia, e Ducal Corte di Milano.
O Angele cur homines tam bene creatos. Dialogo à 3. Canto Alto, e Baſſo (Demonio, Angelo, & Huomo)
Salue mi Iesu à 3. Doi Canti, e Tenore.
Panis candidisſime à 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
Iſte Sanĉtus Sebastianus à 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore à 4. Canto, doi Alti, e Tenore
Exaltabo te Domine à 4. C. A. T. B.
Quid vidiſtis ò Magi. Dialogo à 4. (Angelo, è tre Magi.)
Veni Sanĉte Spiritus à 4
O glorioſa Domina à 4
Composer(s): Cazzati, Maurizio (1616–1678)
XXIII. | DI | MAVRITIO CAZZATI | Maſtro di Capella in S. Petronio di Bologna: |
Et Accademico Eccitato. | [the ornament and the basket with flowers] | IN BOLOGNA:
MDCLX. || Per Antonio Piſarri. Con Licenza dè Superiori. |
Publication: Bologna: Antonio Pisarri 1660
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer dated 1st August 1660. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo indications:
adagio, allegro, preſto, largo.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50342 Muz.
Notes on item: B partbook missing. On the title page written in pencil: 147 | V; 394.
Some handwritten accidentals and calculations of rest lengths.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [N W | 5.]; [Nro 262]; Mus. 234.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 96; RISM A/I: C 1614; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Recording: [–]
1. Ad feſtum uenite A 2 Canti ouero Alti ſonando alla quinta baſſa. Per vn Santo,
ouero Santa [in 2nd part of the piece two apropriate versions of text]
2. Hęc dies A 2 Canti ouero due Alti ſonando alla quarta, ò quinta baſſa & Organo.
Per il giorno di Reſſuretione, e per altri tempi.
3. Fideles Animæ admiramini A 2. Canto, e Baſſo. Per qual ſi voglia ſolenità.
4. Venite fideles festinate cantantes A 2. Canto, e Tenore. Per vn Santo.
5. Venite gentes laudate Deum A 2. Canto, e Baſſo. Per la Feſta di S. PIETRO.
6. Ad cantus ad melos A 2. Alti, ouero Canti ſonando alla quarta alta. Per la Naſcita di N. N.
7. Crucior in hac flamma. Dialogo A 2. Alto, e Baſſo (ANGELO, e ANIMA). Per
ogni tempo.
8. Quę eſt iſta A 3. Doi Canti, e Alto ouero doi Tenori, e Baſſo. Della B. V.
9. Ad hanc ſacram ſolemnitatem A 3. C. A. e T. ouero A. T. B. ſonando alla quinta
baſſa. Per vn Sacerdote nouello e per qual ſi voglia Solenità
10. Audite gentes quæ loquor A 3. A. T., e B. Ouero, C. A. T. ſonando alla quarta
alta. Per un Santo.
11. Arma fideles A 3 A. T., B. ouero C. A. e T. ſonando alla quarta alta. Per un
12. Vivat læta triumphalis prodigiosa sacra A 3. A. T. e B. ouero C. A. e T. ſonando
alla quarta alta. Per l’Epiphania, e per un sacerdote novello
13. Animæ Amantes venite ad epulas A 3 A. T, e B ouero C. A., e T. ſonando alla
quarta alta. Del SANTISSIMO
14. Siccine te Domine vulneratum aspicio A 3. A. T., B. ouero C. A., e T. ſonando
alla quarta alta. Della Paſſione ò per il SANTISSIMO.
15. Gaudeamus omnes A 4. C. A. T., e B. Della B. V.
16. Ecce panis angelorum A 4 da Capella. C. A. T., e B. Per il SANTISSIMO.
Composer(s): Casati, Gasparo (1610c–1641); Trabattone, Bartolomeo (1635c–1675)
Title: SCIELTA | D’Arioſi Salmi, con ſuoi violini, Vaghi Motteti à 2. 3. 4. voci
| Raccolta da Fra Michel Angilo [!] Turriani del Terzo or-|dine di S. Franceſco.
Organiſta, & Maeſtro di | Capella nella Colleggiata di Terraforte | Authore | GASPARO
CASATI | Dedicata | Al Molto Illuſtre e Reuerendiſſimo Padre Signore Padrone Col.mo
| Maeſtro Marco Antonio Bottone Bologneſe Vicario Ge|nerale Apoſtolico del Terzo
Ordine di S. Franceſco | Nouamente Stampata | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA
M DC XXXXV. Alla Stampa del Gardano. |
Publication: Venezia: stampa dle Gardano 1645
Description: Set of 7 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, vl I, vl II, bc. On p. 2 dedication of
the editor without a date. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50325 Muz.
4. The catalogue
Notes on item: A and T partbooks missing. Some handwritten accidentals, pitch
corrections, errata of music text (both in staves and on pasted paper sheets), fermatas,
calculations of rest lengths and incipits missing in printed text. On the title page written in pencil: 128 | VII. The specimen underwent conservation in 1996.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [F B | 7]; [Nro 263]; [Mus.] 214.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 89–90; RISM A/I: C 1420; RISM B/I: 16454; http://sscmjscm.org/instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://stimmbuecher.digitale-sammlungen.de/view?id=bsb
00072952 (the specimen from D-Mbs, S partbook only)
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Meſſa à 4. voci è due violini (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
2. Domine ad adiuuandum voce sola è due violini
3. Dixit Dominus à 3. Due Tenori è Baſſo è due violini
4. Laudate pueri à 3. Alto Tenore è Baſſo è due violini
5. Beatus vir à 3. due Tenori è Baſſo è due violini
6. Laudate Dominum à 3. due Tenori è Baſſo è due violini
7. Magnificat à 5. voci
8. Magnificat à 3. voci è due violini. Del Sig. [Bartolomeo] Trabatone [!]
9. Salue virga Ieſſe à 2. Alti
10. Virgo pia fons amoris à 2.
11. Si quis eſt indigens à 3.
12. Beatus vir. Dialogo à 3.
13. Salue Regina à 3.
Composer(s): Mussi, Giulio (16/17)
GIVLIO MVSSI | DA LODI | Maeſtro di Capella dell’Illustre Comunità | Di Pordenon
| OPERA QVINTA. | Con il Baſſo Continuo per Sonar | Et nel fine vna Toccata in
Ecco à Doi Soprani. | Nouamente riſtampate, & corette. | CON PRIVILEGIO. |
[typographer’s mark] | In Venetia, Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. 1625. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1625
Description: Set of 3 partbooks in 4o: S, B, bc. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50651 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. S partbook missing. Some handwritten accidentals and bc numbering. On p. 14 of bc partbook – handwritten errata of the
music text in L’Astea. On the title page written in pencil: 363 | III.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Provenance: Both extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[B B | 3]; [Nro 264]; Mus. 523.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 292; RISM A/I: M 8226; SartoriB: 1625d; www.bibliotecamusica.it
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/viewschedatwbca.
asp?path=/cmbm/images/ripro/gaspari/BB/BB026/ (earlier edition of this print, RISM
A/I: M 8225; the specimen from I-Bc)
Modern edition: Giulio Mussi, Il primo libro delle canzoni da sonare a due voci
e basso continuo (Venezia, 1620), ed. Andrea Bornstein, Bologna: Ut Orpheus 1995;
Giulio Mussi, Il Primo libro delle canzoni, opera quinta, Magdeburg: Edition Walhall
Recording: Harmonia Caelestis: Caprice & Conceit in Seicento Italy, Charivari
Agréable, Kah-Ming Ng, Signum Classics 2005 (SIGCD049)
1. La Richiera. Baſſo, e Canto
2. La Spelada. Baſſo, e Canto
3. La Brunetta. Baſſo, e Canto
4. La Mantica. Baſſo, e Canto
5. La Gregoris. Baſſo, e Canto
6. La Ferra. Baſſo, e Canto
7. La Franceschinis. Baſſo, e Canto
8. La Crescendola. Baſſo, e Canto
9. La Fontana. Baſſo, e Canto
10. La Pinala. Baſſo, e Canto
11. La Fanzaga. Doi Canti
12. L’Aſtea. Doi Canti
13. La Bandina. Doi Baſſi
14. La Meduna. Doi Baſſi
15. L’Amaltea. Doi Canti in Ecco. Doi Violini o Cornetti in Ecco.
16. La Pedana. Baſſo, e Canto.
Composer(s): Busatti, Cherubino (fl. 1644c)
Title: COMPAGO | Eccleſiaſticorum Moteĉtorum | Vnius vocis modulatione
confeĉta | PER | Fratrem Cherubinum Busatum | DIVI SEBASTIANI, | Huiuſcę inclytę
Vrbis, alumnum, | & in eadem Eccleſia | Organicum exercentem ſtudium, | ab in
eadem | auguſtisſimis auſpicijs | Illuſtrisſimi, Pręstantisſimi Domini | HIERONIIMI
CONTARENI | Felicisſimam Patrij Bertuccij memoriam pręſeferentis | fulgentisſima
nobilitate Veneta decorati | Dicata. | opus tertium. | De Superiorum Licentia Cum
Priuilegio. | [coat of arms] | VENETIIS M DC XXXX. Apud Bartholomeum Magni. ||
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1640
4. The catalogue
Description: Set of 2 partbooks in 4o: Voce, Part. On p. 3 dedication of the composer
dated 1st April 1640. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50308 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. On the title page written in pencil: 112
| II. The specimen underwent conservation in 1996. Single handwritten accidentals.
Provenance: Both partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [B D |
2.]; [Nro 265]; [Mus. 195].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 81; RISM A/I: B 5100; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: Cantate Deo. A voce sola, in dialogo, Marco Beasley, Accordone, Guido
Morini, Alpha 2013 (ALPHA 535)
1. Magnum miſterium grande Sacramentum. In Die Natiuitatis Domini
2. Surrexit paſtor bonus. Tempore Paſchali
3. Quid video quid aſpicio. In Solemnitate Pentecoſtes & per annum in Solemnitatibus Domini
4. Accurrite mortales et properate. In Solemnitate Corporis Chriſti & in oſtenſione Sanĉtismi [!] ad Miſſam
5. O quantum tibi debeo dulciſsime Ieſu Chriſte. Per totum Annum
6. Quò tenditis peccatores. De Beata Maria Virgine per totum Annum.
7. Ardet cor meum et anima mea languet. Ad B. Virginem per totum Annum
8. O quam glorioſum eſt regnum. In feſto omnium Sanĉtorum
9. O verum mundi lumen. Comune Apoſtolorum
10. Gaude Martir glorioſe. Commune Martirum
11. Hodie eſt dies glorioſus sancte N. Commune Confeſſorum
12. Chori dileĉti Virginum. Commune Virginum.
13. Salue Regina
14. Alma Redemptoris mater. Alto al ſuo loco, Canto alla quinta alta, Tenor alla
quarta baſſa.
15. Aue Regina Cęlorum
16. Regina Cęli lętare
Composer(s): Donati, Ignazio (1575c–1638)
A QVATTRO, VOCI | Con vna Meſſa à tre, & à quattro, Concertata, | D’IGNATIO
DA ME ALESSANDRO VINCENTI | DEDICATI | Al Molt’Illuſtre, & Reuerendiſs.
Signore, Sig. Patron Collendiſs. | IL PADRE D. DOMENICO NASSINI | Generale
della Congregazione de Canonici Secolari | Di S. GIORGIO d’Alga | OPERA DECIMA
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
TERZA | CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo
Aleſſandro Vincenti, MDCXXXVI. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1636
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, Parte III, Parte IV, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the editor dated 28th August 1636. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50391 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. In bc partbook missing the first and last
pages with the table of contents; pp. 1–2 printed at the end of partbook. Some handwritten accidentals, bc numbering and calculations of rest lengths. On the title page written
in pencil: 186 | V; 402. The specimen underwent conservation in 1993.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[S A | 5]; [Nro 266]; [Mus. 281].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 117; RISM A/I: D 3402; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Salue Regina A 2. doi Canti ò Tenori
2. Languet anima mea A 2. doi Canti
3. O dileĉte, dileĉte mi A 2. doi Tenori
4. O Glorioſa domina A 2. doi Canti
5. O dulciſſime Ieſu. Dialogo A 2. Canto, e Tenore (La Madonna, e Chriſto)
6. Gaudebunt labia mea A 2. doi Canti overo Tenori
7. Probaſti nos deus A 2. Basso, e Tenore ouer Canto
8. O Pijſſime Pater concede mihi A 2. Canto, e Baſſo
9. De ore prudentis procedit mel A 2. Canto, e Baſſo
10. Quis eſt iſte [printed with parallel setting of alternative version of text: Qui ſunt
iſti] A 2. Canto, e Baſſo. Per vn Confeſſore, & più Martiri.
11. Ego flos campi A 2. doi Canti, o Tenori.
12. Congratulamini mihi omnes A 2. Canto, & Alto, ouer Baſſetto
13. Confitebor tibi domine rex A 2. Canto, & Alto, ouer Baſſetto
14. Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore A 2. Canto, & Alto, ouer Baſſetto
15. Audiui vocem angelorum multorum A 2. Canto, & Alto, over Baſſetto
16. Haec eſt vera fraternitas A 2. doi Canti
17. O dulciſſime Domine vera ſpes vera lux & vita A 3. Canto, Tenore, e Baſſo
18. O Virgo ſacratiſſima Maria A 3. Canto, Alto, è Baſſo
19. Maria, & Marta A 3. Canto, Tenore, è Baſſo
20. Domine Ieſu Chriſte A 3. doi Canti, & Alto, ouer Baſſetto. Per Santa Cecilia
21. Veni ſponſa Chriſti A 3. doi Canti, & Alto, ouer Baſſetto
22. Laudate Dominum de cælis A 3. doi Canti, & Alto, ouer Baſſetto
4. The catalogue
Quoniam fortitudo mea & refugium meū es tu A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo
Quæ eſt iſta. A 4. Soprani, ò Tenori.
Meſſa Concertata A 3. & à 4. ſi placet (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Vernizzi, Ottavio (1569–1649)
CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro
Vincenti. M. DC. XXXXVIII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1648
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer dated 24th October 1648. At the end – a list of contents. Some dynamic and tempo
indications: forte, piano, preſto.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50878 Muz.
Notes on item: Bc partbook missing. Some handwritten accidentals and calculations of rest lengths. On the title page written in pencil: 528 | V.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [S B | 5]; [Nro 267]; [Mus. 745].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 420; RISM A/I: V 1297; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Ottavio Vernizzi, Concerti spirituali a due, tre, e quatro voci, facs.
ed., Köln: Becker 2002
Recording: [–]
1. O dulcis amor à 2. Canto è Alto
2. Iuſtus germinabit à 2. Tenor è Baſſo
3. Aurora lucis rutilat à 2. Alto è Tenor
4. Surrexit Dominus de ſepulchro à 2. Canti.
5. Trahe poſt te cor meum à 2. Alto è Tenor. Dialogo
6. Dic mihi ò bone Iesù à 2. Canto è Tenor. Dialogo
7. Ortus concluſus à 2. Canto è Alto.
8. Amor Ieſu amantiſſime à 2. Canti. miſura larga tutto.
9. O felix felicitas ſuauis æterna tranquillitas à 2. Canti
10. Media noĉte clamor faĉtus eſt à 2. Canto è Alto
11. Sic ergo anima animæ Dialogo à 2. Alto è Tenor
12. Surgite cum gaudio à 2. Canti ò Tenori
13. Tribus miraculis ornatum Sanĉtum diem à 2. doi Canti ò Tenori
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Venite gentes ad montem mirrhæ à 3. doi Canti ò Tenori è Baſſo.
Iuſtus germinabit ſicut lilium à 3. Canto Tenor è Alto
Ecce annuntio vobis gaudium magnum à 3. Canti ò Tenori
Pannis [!] candidiſſime à 3. Canto Tenor è Baſſo.
Salue Mater Saluatoris à 3. doi Canti è Baſſo.
Veni Sanĉte Spiritus à 4. doi Canti Tenor è Baſſo
Salue Regina à 4. Canto Tenor Alto è Baſſo
Salue Salutaris viĉtima à 4. Canto Tenor Alto è Baſſo
O glorioſa domina à 4. Canto Tenor Alto è Baſſo
O dulciſſime Ieſu à 4. Canto Tenor Alto è Baſſo
Exaltabo te Domine à 4. Canto Tenor Alto è Baſſo
Aue Regina Cęlorum à 4. doi Canti Alto è Baſſo
Regina Cęli à 4. doi Canti Tenor è Alto
Audite gentes à 4. Canto Tenor Alto è Baſſo
O Sacrum conuiuium à 4. Canto Tenor Alto è Baſſo
Ecce agnes magna Virgo à 4. Canto Tenor Alto è Baſſo
Regina Cęli à 4. doi Canti Tenor è Alto
Caro mea à 4. doi Canti Tenor è Baſſo
Composer(s): Rovetta, Giovanni (1596c–1668)
Title: [red ink only in S 1 ch. partbook] SALMI | [black ink] A OTTO VOCI | [red
ink] DI GIO: ROVETTA | [black ink] Maeſtro di Capella della Sereniſsima Republica,
| [red ink] OPERA OTTAVA | [black ink] DEDICATI | All’Illuſtriſsimi, & Eccellentiſsimi Signori | [red ink] PROCVRATORI | DELLA CHIESA DI S. MARCO. | [black
ink] CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | [red ink] IN VENETIA, || [black ink]
Apreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXXIIII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1644
Description: Set of 9 partbooks in 4o: 1 ch.: S, A, T, B; 2 ch.: S, A, T, B; bc. On p. 3
of the vocal partbooks dedication of the composer dated 1st October 1644. At the end
– a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50759 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Some handwritten accidentals and bc
numbering. A 1 ch. and S 2 ch. damaged on the edges, refilled with paper after conservation in 1994. On the title page written in pencil: 434 | IX; 88.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[E M | 9]; [Nro 268]; [Mus. 630].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 343–344; RISM A/I: R 2972; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
4. The catalogue
Recording: [–]
1. Dixit Dominus Ottauo Tuono
2. Confitebor tibi Domine A 8. Secondo Tuono
3. Beatus vir A 8. Terzo Tuono
4. Laudate pueri Dominum A 8. Primi Toni
5. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes A 8. Quarti Toni
6. In exitu Iſrael A 8. Mixti Toni
7. Lætatus ſum A 8. Sexti Toni
8. Niſi Dominus A 8. Seſto Tuono
9. Lauda Ieruſalem A 8. Secondo Tuono
10. Lauda anima mea Dominum A 8. Ottaui Toni
11. Laudate Dominum quoniam bonus A 8. Sexti Toni
12. Credidi propter quod A 8. Sexti Toni
13. In conuertendo Dominus A 8. Ottaui toni
14. Domine probaſti me A 8. Quinti Toni
15. De profundis clamaui A 8. Quarti Toni
16. Memento Domine Dauid Quinti Toni
17. Beati omnes Ottaui Toni
18. Magnificat A 8. Dominum Terzi Toni
Composer(s): Vesi, Simone (1610c–1667p)
Title: MESSA E SALMI | A 6. voci Concertate & due violini | DI SIMON VESI Da
Forli | Capellano nel Duomo Di Padoua | Dedicati | ALL’EMINENTISSIMO ET REV.mo
PRENCIPE | IL SIG. CARDINALE ROSSETTI | Veſcouo di Faenza. | [the cardinal’s
coat of arms] | IN VENETIA MDC. XXXXVI Alla Stampa del Gardano |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano 1646
Description: Set of 9 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, A, T I, T II, B, vl I, vl II, bc. On pp. 2–3
dedication of the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Some dynamic and tempo indications: pian, forte, adaſio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50879 Muz.
Notes on item: Vl I partbook missing. In bc partbook last page missing. Some handwritten accidentals, calculations of rest lengths and bc numbering. On the title page
written in pencil: 329 | IX. The specimen underwent conservation in 1994.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [S. S. | 9]; [Nro 269]; [Mus. 746].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 420; RISM A/I: V 1311; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Recording: [–]
1. Meſſa à 6 voce, e 2. Violini (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Crucifixus – Sanĉtus –
Agnus Dei)
2. Dixit Dominus à 6 voce, è 2. violini
3. Confitebor tibi A 3. voci
4. Beatus vir à 4. è 2 violini
5. Laudate pueri A 4. voce è 4 Iſtromenti
6. Laudate Dominum A 6. voce e 2 violini ſe piace
7. Credidi propter quod A 3. voci è 2 violini
8. Lauda Ieruſalem A 3. è 2 violini
9. Magnificat A 6. voce, è 2 violini
10. Salue Regina Soprano ſolo Con 6. Iſtromenti
Composer(s): Bartolini, Francesco (17.sc)
DEDICATI | All’Eminentiss.mo Reuerendiss.mo Sig. CARD.le | GIVLIO SACCHETTI
| VESCOVO DI FANO. | [the cardinal’s coat of arms ] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo
Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXIII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1633
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, T, B, bc. On p. 2 of the vocal partbooks
dedication of the composer dated 15th October 1633. On p. 3 of the vocal partbooks
an Italian poem. At the end – a list of contents. From p. 13 of B partbook erroneously
printed page numbering.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50265 Muz.
Notes on item: S II and T partbooks missing. On p. 8 of B partbook – handwritten
music text errata at the end of Cum complerentur. Single handwritten accidentals. On
the title page written in pencil: 57 | II.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: S F | 5; [Nro] 270; Mus. 136.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 53; RISM A/I: B 1140; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: planned publication
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Qvis aſcendit in montem A 2. Due Canti, ò Ten.
4. The catalogue
Ego ſum panis vitæ A 2. Canto, ò Tenor è Baſſo
Quaſi Stella matutina A 2. Due Canti, ò Ten. A Genio dell’Ecc. Organiſta di
S. Pietro di Roma Girolamo Freſcobaldi
O Sacrum conuiuium A 2. Due Canti ò Tenori. Al Reu. Padre Filotet Lamberi
Abbate Oliuet. Di S. Michael in Boſco di Bologna.
Eſtote fortes in bello A 2. Due Canti, ò Tenori
Lauda Syon Saluatorem A 2. Due Canti ò Tenori. A requiſitione dell’Illus.
E Reueren. Benedetto Landi Veſcouo di Foſſombrone.
Bone Paſtor panis vere A 2. Due Canti ò Tenori. All’Iſteſſo [Benedetto Landi]
Illus. di Foſſombrone
Adiuro vos filiæ Ieruſalem. In forma di dialogo. A Due Canti ò Tenori & mezo
ſoprano ò Baritono
Virgo prudentiſſima A 2. Due Canti ò Ten. & mezo ſoprano, ò Baritono. A Compiacenza di Franc. Ritti Arciprete della Collegiata della Terra d’Otricoli.
Surrexit Dominus A 2. Due Canti ò Tenor & mezo ſoprano, ò Baritono. A richieſta del Sig. Canonico Maffeo da Narni
Domine oſtende A 2. Canto & mezo ſoprano, ò Tenor o Baritono.
Collaudamus venerantes A 2. Canto ò Ten. & mezo ſoprano, ò Baritono.
Iam non dicam vos seruos A 2. Canto & mezo ſoprano, ò Tenor o Baritono.
Stella quam viderant A 2. Canti ò Tenori & mezo ſoprano, ò Baritono
Nos autem gloriari oportet A 2. Baſſo, e Tenore ò Canto.
Cum complerentur dies Pentecostes A 2. Due Baſſi Il primo Baſſo è nel Tenor
Quaſi cedrus exaltata ſum in libano A 2. Due Baſſi Il primo Baſſo è nel Tenor
Egredimini filiæ Syon A 3 o 4. Can. & mezo ſoprano, Tenor è Bas. ſe piace. All’Ec.
Maeſtro di Capella del Duomo di Milano mio ſingolare padrone Ignatio Donati.
Tu es Petrvs A 3. Ten. Alt. e Baſſo. A ſodisfazione di Pietro Aloiſi Canonico &
Arciprete della Terra di Beluedere.
Ecce Sacerdos magnus A 4. Canto Alto Ten. Baſſo. Nell’Ingreſſo di Sua Eminenza al Veſcouado
Tota pulchra es A 4. Canto Alto Ten. Baſſo
Quæ eſt iſta A 4. C. A. T. B.
Stetit Angelus A 4. C. A. T. B. A richieſta di Mon. Ant. Braganti Pron. Apoſt. &
Arcip. della Terra di S. Angelo in Vado
Vidi Dominum ſedentem A 5. C.A. dve Tenori e B. Al Sig. Pietro Petrucci Nobile di Fano, & Prencipe de Muſici.
O Beatum incendium A 5. C.A. dve T. e B.
Lętanie della B. V. A 3. & 4 ſe piace. Due Canti ò Ten. è Baſſo & Al. (Kyrie –
Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Manfredi, Lodovico (17.sc)
VOCI. | DI | F. LODOVICO MANFREDI | Da Guaſtalla, Minore Oſs. | LIBRO
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
| Teologo, Predicatore Generale, già due volte Prouinciale, & hora Diffinito-|re attuale
dall’Alma Prouincia di Bologna de’ Minori Oſſeruanti. | OPERA TERZA, | CON [coat of
arms] PRIVILEGIO. | IN VENETIA, | Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. M DC XXXVIII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1638
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the composer dated 26th May 1638. At the end – a list of contents, in different order in the vocal
and bc partbooks.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50599 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. B partbook missing. Bc partbook severely damaged on the edges, refilled with paper after conservation. Some handwritten
accidentals and calculations of rest lengths. On the title page written in pencil: 317 | V.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [D K | 5.]; [Nro 271]; [Mus. 466].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 270; RISM A/I: M 337; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. O quales flores habet paradisus A 1. Soprano ò Tenore
2. Tota pulchra es amica mea A 1. Tenore ò Soprano
3. O Sacrum conuiuium A 1. Alto
4. Sicut lilium inter spinas A 4. Alto con doi Violini, & anco con vn Chitarrone,
ò violone ſe piace
5. Quid retribuam amanti Christo A 3. Canto, ò Ten. con Violino e chitarone
o violone
6. Egredimini & videre Reginā veſtrā A 4. Canto ò Ten. con doi Viol. e chitarone
o violone
7. O Glorioſa A 4. Canto ò Ten. con doi Viol. e chitarone o violone
8. Iudica Domine nocentes A 2. Doi Soprano ò Ten.
9. Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore A 2. Doi Soprano ò Ten.
10. O intemerata & in æternum benediĉta A 2. Canto ò Tenore, & Alto.
11. Qualis eſt dileĉta noſtra ò cariſsimi. Dialogo A 2. Canto ò Ten. e Baſſo
12. Meſſa Concertata A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo (Chirie – Gloria – Credo –
Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
13. Letanie della B. V. A 5. Canto, Alto, doi Tenori, e Baſso
Composer(s): Mazzoni, Alfonso (17.sc)
Title: MOTECTA | Binis, Ternis, Quaternisque Vocibus decantanda | Vna cum Litanijs
Beatæ Mariæ Virginis, | ALFONSI MAZZONI | BENEFICIATI, | Ac Muſicæ Pręfecti
4. The catalogue
in Catedrali | Nec non | Venerabilis Societatis, ac Illuſtriſſimæ Academiæ | Spiritus
Sancti Ferrariæ, | OPVS PRIMVM. | SVPERIORVM PERMISSV. | [typographer’s
mark] | VENETIIS, || Apud Alexandrum Vincentium. M DC XXXX. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1640
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer
Canonicis Ecclesiae Catedralis Ferrariae dated 1st December 1639. At the end – a list of
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50610 Muz.
Notes on item: T partbook missing. Single handwritten accidentals, pitch corrections, calculations of rest lengths and text incipits. On the title page written in pencil:
329 | V; 376.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [D L | 5.]; [Nro 272]; Mus. 480.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 277; RISM A/I: M 1687; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. O intemerata & in æternum benediĉta Virgo A 2. Due Canti
2. Domine quis habitat A 2. Tenore, e Baſſo
3. Benediĉta & venerabilis es Virgo Maria A 2. Canto, e Alto
4. Omnes gentes plaudite manibus A 2. Canto, e Tenore
5. Vidi ſpecioſam ſicut columbam A 2. Canto, e Baſſo
6. Multæ filiæ congregauerunt diuitias A 2. Due Canti
7. Caro mea vere eſt cibus A 2. Canto, e Baſſo, ouero Alto
8. Magnum conuiuium & omni ſuauitate repletum. Dialogo A 2. Canto, e Baſſo
9. Audi filia & vide quia concupiuit Rex A 2. Alto, e Baſſo
10. Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore A 2. Alto, & Violino
11. Beatus vir qui inuentus eſt A 3. Canto, Alto, Tenore
12. Ego clamaui quoniam exaudiſti me Deus A 3. Doi Canti, e Baſſo
13. O Sacrum conuiuium A 3. Doi Canti, e Baſſo
14. Cum perambularet Dominus A 3. Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo. In feſto S: Andreę Apoſtoli
15. Vexilla Regis prodeunt A 3. Due Violini, & Baſſo
16. Lauda Sion Saluatorem A 3. Tre Soprani
17. Prudentes Virgines. Dialogo Delle Vergini A 4. Canto, doi Tenori, e Baſſo
18. Salue ſanĉta parens A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
19. A Solis ortu cardine A 4. Canto, Baſſo, Violino, & Fagotto
20. Iam Chriſtus aſtra aſcenderat A 4. Canto, Baſſo, Violino, & Fagotto. In Die Pentecoſtes
21. Laudate pueri Dominum A 3. Doi Canti, e Baſſo
22. Lætaniæ A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo (Kyrie eleiſon – Agnus Dei)
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Composer(s): Buchner, Philipp Friedrich (1614–1669)
Muſico dell’ Illuſtriſimo, & Eccellentiſſimo Signor | Palatino, e Generale di Cracouia.
in Luce | CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] || IN VENETIA, | Appreſſo
Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXXII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1642
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, A, T, B, bc. On p. 1 or 2 dedication of
the composer to Stanislao Lvbomirski Conte di Viſnic, Palatino, e Generale di Cracouia,
Supremo Gouernatore di Zator, di Spiſu, di Viepolonnie, Etc. Signor, e Patron mio Colendiſsimo dated 9th November 1642. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50300 Muz.
Notes on item: S I partbook missing. Some handwritten accidentals and calculations of rest lengths. On the title page written in pencil: S | 6.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [D M | 6.]; [Nro 273]; [Mus. 184].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 76; RISM A/I: B 4862; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: planned publication
Modern edition: Philipp Friedrich Buchner, Weihnachtskantate “o quanta in coelis
laetitia” für Soli, Chor u. Continuo (Concerti ecclesiastici, 1642), ed. Adam Gottron,
Kassel: Bärenreiter 1979
Recording: [–]
1. Tibi laus tibi gloria A 2. Doi Canti
2. O vos omnes A 2. Doi Canti
3. Si quis diligit me A 2. Canto, e mezzo Soprano
4. Sicut lilium inter spinas A 2. Canto, e Tenore
5. Heu mihi Domine A 2. Alto, e Tenore
6. O Bone Ieſu A 2. Tenore, e Baſſo
7. Cantate Domino canticum nouum A 2. Doi Baſſi
8. Oſtende nobis Domine miſericordiam tuam A 3. Canto, Alto, e Tenore
9. Qui diligitis Dominum A 3. Doi Canti, e Baſſo
10. Iubilate Deo omnis terra A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
11. Surge propera amica mea A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
12. Domine exaudi orationem meam A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
13. Peccantem me quotidie A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
14. Venite gentes cantemus A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
4. The catalogue
Deus miſereatur noſtri A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
Paratum cor meum Deus A 5. Doi Canti, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
O quanta in Cælis lætitia A 5. Doi Canti, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore A 5. Doi Canti, Alto, Tenore,
e Baſſo
Domine Ieſu Chriſte A 5. Doi Canti, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
Iuſtus vt palma florebit A 5. Doi Canti, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
Composer(s): D’India, Sigismondo (1580c–1629)
PRINCIPIS MAVRITII | CARDINALIS SABAVDIæ | Nunc primum in lucem æditus.
| [typographer’s mark] | VENETIIS, Apud Alexandrum Vincentium. MDCXXVII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1627
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 2 of the vocal partbooks
dedication of the composer to Federico Cardinali Boromeo Archiepyscopo Mediolanensi
dated 8th April 1627. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50529 Muz.
Notes on item: A partbook missing. Some handwritten accidentals and clef changes. On
the title page written in pencil: 174 | V; 143. The specimen underwent conservation in 1997.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: J E | 5.; [Nro] 274; Mus. 402.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 221–222; RISM A/I: I 18; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015057523501;
view=1up;seq=11 (the specimen from GB-Och)
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. In principio creauit Deus Cælum. A 4
2. Hodie Chriſtus natus eſt. In die Natiuitatis Domini.
3. Exaudi Deus orationem meam
4. Domine Deus meus
5. Gaude Maria Virgo. In omnibus Solemnitatibus B. Virginis Mariæ.
6. Angelus Domini deſcendit. In die Reſurreĉtionis Domini.
7. Domine preueniſti eum. In Natali vnius Martiris.
8. Iste cognouit iuſtitiam. In feſto Vnius Confeſſoris.
9. Exaudi Domine vocem meam
10. Ad te Domine leuaui animam meam
11. Transfige Domine Ieſu Chriſte. In Eleuatione Domini.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Istorum eſt Regnum Cælorum. In Natali Plurimorum Martyrum.
Aſſumpta eſt Maria in Cælum. In feſto Aſſumptionis B.V.M.
Tradent enim vos. In Natali Apoſtolorum, & Euangeliſtarum.
Heu mihi Domine (Prima pars) – O Rex meus & Deus meus (Secunda pars)
Circumdederunt me (Prima pars) – O Domine libera animam meam (Secunda
Deus meus reſpice in me
Beati immaculati in via
Veni Sponſa Chriſti. In Natali Virginum & Martirum.
Sanĉta Maria ora pro nobis. Canon.
Composer(s): Parisi, Nicodemo (17.sc); Parisi, Filippo (17.sc)
Title: MESSA E SALMI | CONCERTATI | A 5 Voci facili da cantarſi | DI NICCODEMO
PARISI | Da Piſtoia Organiſta in detta Cattedrale. Rac-|colti da Filippo Pariſi ſuo
Fratello, con | l’aggiunta di due ſue Compoſitioni | vn Beatus vir à 3 voci concer-|tato,
& vn Lętatus ſum à 5 | voci pieno duplicato. | DEDICAtI | ALL’ILL.mo SIG.r ALVISE
COCCO | Nobile Veneto. | Opera Seconda. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA
M DC XXXXII Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1642
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, bc. On p. 2 dedication of Filippo
Parisi dated 6th September 1642. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50675 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. S and B partbooks missing. A partbook damaged, refilled with paper. On the title page written in pencil: 375 | VI.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [D. o. | 6.]; [Nro 275]; Mus. 543.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 302; RISM A/I: P 914; RISM B/I: 164211; http://sscm-jscm.
org/instrumenta/vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Dixit Dominus. Primi Toni.
2. Confitebor Secondi Toni.
3. Beatus vir. Quinti Toni.
4. Beatus vir à 3 Voci. Di Filippo Pariſi
5. Laudate Pueri. Sine Intonatione.
6. Niſi Dominus. Ottaui Toni.
7. Lætatus ſum. Sine intonatione.
8. Lætatus ſum A 5. Pieno. Di D. Filippo Pariſi.
4. The catalogue
Lauda Ieruſalem. Secondi Toni.
In conuertendo. Quinti Toni.
Credidi propter quod. Terzi Toni.
Laudate Dominum. Seſti Toni.
De profundis clamaui. Primi Toni.
Magnificat. Sine Intonatione.
Meſſa Concertata A 5 (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Pasino, Stefano (1679p†)
Title: MESSE | A Quatro da Concerto, e Capella, & per | li Defunti. La prima delle
quale da | Cōcerto puo cātarſi con vn Iſtrumento | acuto, & à 4. 3. & 2. | DI STEFANO
PASINO | Detto Ghizzolo da Breſcia. | Organiſta della Magnifica Comunità Di
Lonato. | Opera Quarta. | DEDICAtA | ALL’EMINENTISSIMO SIGNORE | Il Signore
Cardinale Teodoro Triultio [!] | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA M DC XXXXII
|| Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1642
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50676 Muz.
Notes on item: S partbook missing. Single handwritten text incipits. On the title
page written in pencil: 376 | V. The specimen underwent conservation in 1992.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [D N | 5]; [Nro 276]; [Mus. 544].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 302; RISM A/I: P 967; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Meſſa A 2. 3. 4. Con un Iſtrumento ſe piace da Concerto à 2. 3. 4 Parte ad arbitrio
se piace per cantar la Meſſa à 4. (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
2. Meſſa A 4. Da Concerto. (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
3. Meſſa Vt re mi fa ſol la A 4. da Capella (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus –
Agnus Dei)
4. Meſſa Per li Defunti A 4. (Kyrie eleiſon – Dies irę – Domine Iesv Chriſte –
Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei – Lux aeterna – Requiem aeternam)
Composer(s): Fosconi, Tommaso (17.sc); Fosconi, Andrea (17.sc)
Title: VARIA MOTECTA | Ad ſacras Dei laudes decantandas binis, | ternis, quaternis,
& quinternis voci-|bus accommodata, vna cum | baſſo ad Organum, | PATRIS THOME
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
FOSCONI | Carmelitę, Rauennatenſis, in Eminentiſſimi, | ac Reuerendiſſimi Cardinalis
Cap-|poni metropolitana Archie-|piſcopali Eccleſia Mu-|ſicę Magiſtri. | [typographer’s
mark] | VENETIIS. M DC XXXXII || Apud Bartholomeum Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1642
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the
composer to Gregorio tonino … inter Archipresbyteros Dioecesis Imolensis non ultimo
atque Vicario foraneo without a date. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50437 Muz.
Notes on item: S and T partbooks missing. Some handwritten accidentals. The specimen underwent conservation in 1994. On the title page written in pencil: 213 | VI.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: D P. | 6; Nro 277; Mus. 318
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 135; RISM A/I: F 1543; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Ego dixi in vacuum laboraui A 2. Due Canti
2. Tradent enim vos A 2. Baſſo e Canto
3. O Doĉtor optime Eccleſię A 2. Alto e Canto
4. Corde & animo Christo canamus A 2. Alto e Canto
5. Veni Domine Iesu Christe A 2. Alto e Tenore
6. O beate Laurenti A 2. Baſſo e Canto
7. In ieiunio & fletu orabant ſacerdotes A 2. Canto e Baſſo
8. Sanĉte N. Chriſti Confeſſor A 2. Due Canti. Per vn Confeſſore
9. Exaltabo te Domine A 2. à 2 Tenori
10. Rogabo Patrem et alium Paraclitum dabit vobis A 2. à 2 Alti
11. Angelus Domini deſcendit A 2. Alto e Canto
12. Quam pulcra es & quam decora A 2. Canto e Baſſo
13. Sicut lilium A 3. Due Canti e Tenor. Di D. Andrea Fuſchoni
14. Ad te Domine leuaui A 3. Doi Alti e Baſſo
15. Aue verum Chriſti corpus A 3. Canto Alto e Baſſo
16. Gaudeat orbis terrarum A 3. Due Canti e Baſſo
17. Iesu dulcis memoria. In Dialogo A 4. Canto Alto Tenor e Baſſo
18. In cęleſtibus regnis Sanĉtorum habitatio A 4. Doi Canti ouero T. e 2 Basſi
19. Viri Galilei qui ſtatis aſpicientes in Cęlum A 4. Due Canti e Due Basſi
20. Puer qui natus eſt nobis A 4. Canto Alto Tenor e Baſſo
21. Viĉtime Paſchali laudes A 5
22. Gaudeant cęli exultent Sanĉti A 5. In aduentus
23. Quem vidiſtis Paſtores A 5
4. The catalogue
Composer(s): Colombi, Giovanni Antonio (17.sc)
Title: SYNTAXIS ARMONICA | In qua plures concentus duabus, tribus, vel qua-|
tuor vocibus canendis continentur | Vna cum regula ad Organum. | AVCtoRE |
Fratre IO: ANTONIO De Columbis Rauennatę Ord: Min: | Con. S. Franciſci Muſices
profeſſore, ac Magiſtro. | opus Quartum. | Per Illuſtri, ac Reuerendiſſimo D. D.
Pomponio Spreto, Sanĉtę | Rauennatis Eccleſię Canonico, & pro Eminentiſſimo |
Cardinali Capponio eiuſdem Archiepiſcopo, | Principe, &c. in Vrbe Ferraria Vicario.
| Dicatum. | [typographer’s mark] | VENETIIS DC XXXXIII || Apud Bartholameum
Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1643
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, T, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the
composer dated 10th June 1643. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50361 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. T and B partbooks missing. Some
handwritten accidentals. On the title page written in pencil: 159 | V. The specimen
underwent conservation in 1993.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [D 2 | 5]; [Nro 278]; Mus. 252.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 103; RISM A/I: C 3431, CC 3431; www.printed-sacredmusic.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Gaudent in cælis animæ ſanĉtorum A 2. Due Canti
2. Iſti ſunt ſanĉti A 2. Due Canti
3. Hodie cęleſti ſponſo iunĉta eſt eccleſia A 2. Due Canti
4. Hęc dies A 2. Due Canti
5. Qualis eſt dileĉta noſtra carisſimi A 2. Due Canti
6. O Patriarcha pauperum A 2. Due Canti
7. Veni Sanĉte Spiritus A 2. Due Canti
8. Ego dileĉto meo A 2. Canto e Baſſo
9. Iſte eſt qui ante Deum magnas virtutes operatus eſt A 2. Canto e Baſſo
10. O Sacrum conuiuium A 2. Canto e Baſſo
11. Congratulamini mihi A 2. Canto e Baſſo
12. Veni ſponſa Chriſti A 2. Canto e Baſſo
13. Ecce tu pulcra es A 2. Due Alti
14. Filię Ieruſalem cęleſtes A 2. Alto e Tenore
15. Noli me derelinquere A 2. Alto e Tenore
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Quales nam vobis A 2. Alto e tenore
O lingua benediĉta A 3. Canto Alto & Tenore
Confitemini Domino A 3. Baſſo Alto e Canto
Alleluia Cantate Domino canticum nouum A 3. Due Canti & Baſſo
Euge ſerue bone A 3. Baſſo Tenore & Canto
Quam pulcra es à 4 A 4. Baſſo Tenore Alto & Canto
Egredimini & videte A 4. Baſſo Tenore Alto & Canto
Letamini in Domino A 4. Baſſo Tenore Alto & Canto
Iſte ſanĉtus pro lege Dei A 4. Baſſo Tenore Alto & Canto
Exaudiſti Domine orationem ſerui tui A 4. Baſſo Tenore Alto & Canto
Aue verum corpus A 4. Baſſo Tenore Alto & Canto
Noli æmulari A 4. Baſſo Tenore Alto & Canto
Composer(s): Beretta, Bonaventura (17.sc)
| Notis Muſicis decantans | QVOS VIRO OPPRIME | R. P. Fratri | FRANCISCO
ZANOTTO | Patauino Ordinis Min. Con. Sacræ Theologi Doĉtori, & Prouincię
D. Antonii | Min. Prouinciali Vigilantiſſimo Integerrimo Optimo. | DICANDOS |
R. P. Fratri | BONAVENTVRæ | BERETTæ | Saronenſi eiuſdem Ord. Muſicis Magiſtro,
& in Antoniano Templo Organico. Suggerit. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, |
Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. M DC XXXV. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1635
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 2 of the vocal partbooks
dedication of the composer dated 28th June 1635. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50271 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. B partbook damaged on the edges, refilled with paper. Some handwritten accidentals, calculations of rest lengths and pitch
corrections. On the title page written in pencil: Q | 5.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[D. R. | 5.]; [Nro 279]; [Mus.] 148.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 57; RISM A/I: B 1994; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: planned publication
Modern edition: Bonaventura Beretta, Clio Sacra. Davidicos psalmos vespertinis
horis adscriptos notis musicis decantans, Venezia 1635, ed. Roberto de Thierry, Ivano
Bettin, Padova: Centro Studi Antoniani 2010 (Corpus Musicum Franciscanum, 23)
Recording: [–]
4. The catalogue
1. Dixit Dominus A 2. Voci Baſſo, & Canto
2. Confitebor tibi Domine A 2. Canti o Tenori
3. Beatus vir A 2. Baſſo e Canto
4. Laudate pueri Dominum A 2. Canti o Tenori
5. Lætatus ſum A 2. Canti o Tenori
6. Niſi Dominus A 2. Canto e Baſſo
7. Lauda Ieruſalem A 2. Canti o Tenori
8. Credidi propter quod A 2. Canti o Tenori
9. In conuertendo Dominus A 2. Canto e Baſſo
10. Magnificat A 2. Baſſo e Canto o Tenore
11. Domine ad adiuuandum A 4. Voci
12. Dixit Dominus A 4. Voci
13. Confitebor tibi A 4. Voci
14. Beatus vir A 4. Voci
15. Laudate pueri A 4. Voci
16. Laudate Dominum A 4. Voci
17. Magnificat A 4. Voci
Composer(s): Honorio, Romualdo (17.sc)
Title: CONCERTI | A Doi Tre è Quattro Voci Con alcuni Salmi | A Quattro e 5. Voci.
| DEL P. DON ROMVALDO HONORII | Monaco Camaldoleſe. | Libro Primo. | DEDICATI | AL M.TO ILL.RE ET REV.MO P. D. | GREGORIO CECCOLINI. | Con Priuilegio. |
[typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. M. DC. XXXVIII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1638
Description: According to Bohn, set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S I, A, T, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the composer signed Faenza, 25th October 1638. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: Specimen no longer preserved. The unique copy noted in CH-Zz is of
different provenance.
Notes on item: [–]
Provenance: Old shelfmarks: [G F | 5.]; [Nro 280]; [Mus. 394].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 181–182; RISM A/I: H 6450; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Exultemus in Domino A 2. Due Canti, ò Tenori
2. In hac Sacra Solemnitate A 2. Due Canti, ò Tenori
3. Surrexit Paſtor bonus A 2. Due Canti, ò Tenori
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Iam non dicam vos ſeruos A 2. Due Canti, ò Tenori
Adorent Sacramentum A 2. Due Canti, ò Tenori
Sanĉtiſſima Cęlorum A 2. Due Canti, ò Tenori
Salue verbi Sacra parens A 2. Canto, e Alto
Pacem relinquo A 2. à Due Alti
Chriſtus reſurgens ex mortuis A 2. Due Alti
Hodie Chriſtus natus eſt A 2. Canto, e Baſſo
Cum complerentur dies Pentecoſtes A 2. Canto, e Baſſo
Et ecce terremotus A 2. Due Baſſi
Domine incline Celos tuos A 2. Due Baſſi
Cantabo Domino A 3. Canto Alto, e Baſſo
O bone Ieſu A 3. Due Canti, e Baſſo
Triumphum Martiris à 3. Due Tenori, e Baſſo
Ego dormiui a 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo
Cantate Domino à 4. Allegro Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo
Benedicam Dominum à 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo
Magi videntes ſtellam à 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo
Aue verum corpus à 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo
Confitebor tibi A 3. Due Canti, e Baſſo
Beatus vir A 3. Due Canti, e Baſſo
Laudate pueri A 3. Due Canti, e Baſſo
Laudate pueri A 5. Alto Tenor, e Baſſo con doi Violini, ouero dui Canti, o Tenori
che replicano Laudate, e queſto Salmo ſia cantato preſto
Composer(s): Merula, Tarquinio (1595–1665)
Title: IL SECONDO LIBRO | DELLE | Canzoni da ſuonare, à trè, Duoi Violini, &
S. Maria Maggiore di Bergamo. | CON IL BASSO GENERALE. | OPERA NONA: |
CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro
Vincenti. MDCXXXIX. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1639
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, B, bc. At the end – a list of contents.
Some tempo and performance indications: Preſto, Largo, tremolo, allegro.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50617 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. S I partbook incomplete. Some handwritten accidentals, pitch corrections and calculations of rest lengths. On the title page
written in pencil: 334 | IV; 364.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
G E | 4; [Nro 281]; [Mus. 488].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 279–280; RISM A/I: M 2354, MM 2354; SartoriB: 1639c;
4. The catalogue
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Canzon Prima detta la Vincenza.
2. Canzon Seconda detta la Gonzaga.
3. Canzon Terza detta la Benaglia.
4. Canzon Quarta detta la Caleppa.
5. Canzon Quinta detta la Corſina.
6. Canzon Sesta detta la Veſconta.
7. Canzon Settima detta la Merula.
8. Canzon Ottaua detta la Dalida.
9. Canzon Nona detta la Cancelliera.
10. Canzon Decima detta la Malombra.
11. Canzon Undecima detta la Fontana.
12. Canzon Duodecima detta la Villana.
Composer(s): Naimon, Martino (17.sc)
Title: MESSE | A CINQVE VOCI | Concertate Col Baſſo per L’Organo | DI MARTINO NAIMON | DA TRIESTE | Nell’iſteſſa Nobilissima Cathedrale Maſtro | de Capella.
| DEDICAtE | All’Iſteſſa Illuſtriſſima & Nobiliſſima Comunità. | [typographer’s mark]
| IN VENETIA M DC XXXXII | Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1642
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the
composer to Gio: Georgio Lib. Baron d’Herberſtain dated 15th June 1642. At the end –
a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50652 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. A and B partbooks missing. On the title
page written in pencil: 364 | VI; 363. The specimen underwent conservation in 1993.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: G G | 6; N. 282; Mus. 524.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 293; RISM A/I: N 9; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/vol-2/;
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Meſſa A 5. (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Meſſa Del Secondo Tuono. (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
Meſſa Del Ottauo Tuono. (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Tarditi, Orazio (1602–1677)
Title: PSALMI | AD COMPLETORIVM | Et Litanie Beatiſsimæ Virginis | QVATVOR
VOCIBVS | Cum quatuor Antifonis eiuſdem Virginis Sanĉtiſsimæ | Tribus vocibus. |
Adiunĉto in fine Pſalmo In te Domine ſperaui, & Himno Te lucis ante | terminum
ad voces, & Inſtrumenta | Omnia ad Organi concertum accomodata. | AVCTORE |
HORATIO TARDITO | ROMANO | Monaco Congregationis Camaldulenſis, & nobiliſ-|
simæ Abbatiæ Claſsis de Rauenna Profeſſo. | OPVS VIGESIMVM QVARTVM. |
[typographer’s mark] | VENETIIS, || Apud Aleſſandrum Vincentium. MDCXXXXVII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1647
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer to D. Livio Catto a Ravenna Abbati meritissimo Abbatiæ Sanĉtæ Mariæ de Vrano
Congregationis Camaldulensis dated 21st March 1647 and the Latin poem Ad auctorem
incerti. At the end – a list of contents. Some dynamic indications: piano.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50841 Muz.
Notes on item: B partbook missing. A partbook damaged on the edges, refilled with
paper. Single handwritten accidentals, pitch corrections, calculations of rest lengths
and bc numbering. On the title page written in pencil: 507 | V; 362.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: G H | 5; N. 283; [Mus. 715].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 407; RISM A/I: T 199, TT 199; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Iube Domne benedicere A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo
2. Fratres ſobrij eſtote Canto ſolo
3. Confiteor Deo omnipotenti Canta il Tenore ſolo
4. Deus in adiutorium A 4.
5. Cum inuocarem A 4. Concertato. Senza Intonatione.
6. In te Domine ſperaui A 4. Concerto. Ottauo Tuono Senza Intonatione
7. Qui habitat in adiutorio A 4. Ottauo Tuono Senza Intonatione.
8. Ecce nunc benedicite A 4. Seſto Tuono Senza Intonatione
9. Te lucis ante terminum Hinno A 4.
10. Nunc dimittis A 4. Secondo Tuono Senza Intonatione.
11. Letanie della Beatiſſima Vergine. A 4. (Kyrie eleiſon – Agnus Dei)
4. The catalogue
Salue Regina à 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
Alma redemptoris mater A 3. Canto, Alto, Tenore
Aue Regina Cęlorum à 3. Canto, Alto, e Baſſo
Regina cæli letare A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
In te Domine ſperaui. Salmo Concertato à 3 voci è doi Violini Senza Intonat.
Canto, Alto, e Baſſo
Te lucis ante terminum Hinno con 2. Voci Alto, e Can. è 2. Violini
Composer(s): Capuana, Mario (1647c†)
Title: SACRE ARMONIE | A TRE VOCI | Con Baſſo Continuo per ſonar il
Clauicembalo ò altro Stromento | DI | MARIO CAPVANA | MAESTRO DI CAPELLA
| Dell’Illuſtriſſimo Senato, e del Duomo | DELLA CITTA DI NOTO. | OPERA PRIMA.
| NVOVAMENTE RISTAMPATA. | CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN
VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXXVII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1647
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: A, T, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer to Don Bartolomeo Deodato Barone di Frigintini dated 27th June 1647. At the end
– a list of contents. Some tempo and dynamic indications: forte, pian, allegro, preſto,
preſto aſſai, largo, a tempo.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50314 Muz.
Notes on item: A partbook missing. Some handwritten accidentals, bar lines, calculations of rest lengths. On the title page written in pencil: 118 | IV; 360. The specimen
underwent conservation in 1994.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: G J | 4.; N.o 284; [Mus. 202].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 85; RISM A/I: C 951; VogelB: I, p. 138; NV 488; www.
bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Seluaggie fiere o voi. A 3. Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
2. Deh non partir, Maria. A 3. Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
3. Io piango. Udite o selve. A 3. Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
4. E come poſſo viuere. A 3. Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
5. Ah doue ſe’n và quel miſero cor. A 3. Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
6. O che ardore, o che ſplendore. A 3. Canto, Alto, e Tenore.
7. Deh mira, mio core, che ſpira ſvenato. A 3. Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
8. O che feſte, ò che giubili. A 3. Canto, Alto, e Tenore
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Ite, lagrime amiche, per ſoccorso agli amanti. A 3. Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
Se mai vi fur gradite l’ombre gentili. A 3. Doi Canti, e Baſſo.
Dolce Gesù, tu muori. A 3. Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
Non più ſtrida, non più lamenti. A 3. doi Tenori, e Baſſo.
Chiodi pungenti e ſpine che le membra divine. A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
Deh ſpietato mio core, ove crudel ne vai. A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
Qual pietà, qual affetto punſe il divino petto. A 3. Canto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
Peccai laſſo... che difeſe morendo la mia vita. A 3. doi Tenori, e Baſſo.
Inuido, auaro vel, deh perchè bendi tu gl’occhi. A 3. Canto, Alto, e Baſſo.
Ahi che doglia, ahi che ſtrazio. A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
Dolente cor che fai? A 1. Tenore ſolo – Hor piangete e ſperate voi che pietà.
Echo col coro a 4 per lo fine. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo
Caro dolce Signor Gesù A 4. doi Canti, Tenore, e Baſſo
Le tue guancie hor. A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo. con due Violini
Composer(s): Picchi, Giovanni (16/17)
Title: [in I Parte partbook red ink:] CANZONI | DA SONAR CON OGNI SORTE
D’ISTROMENTI | [black ink] A Due, Tre, Quattro, Sei & Otto Voci, | [in the vocal
partbooks added:] con il suo Baſſo Continuo. | [red ink] DI GIOVANNI PICCHI |
[black ink] Organiſta della Caſa Granda | di Venetia. | Nouamente compoſte & date
in luce. | [red ink] CON PRIVILEGIO | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, | [black
ink] Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. 1625. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1625
Description: Set of 9 partbooks in 4o: I Parte, II Parte, III Parte, IV Parte, V Parte,
VI Parte, VII Parte, VIII Parte, bc. On p. 3 of the vocal partbooks dedication of the
composer to Prenzipe D. Verginio orsinio sopra intendente generale della fantaria Italiana della Serenissima Republica dated 20th December 1624. At the end – a list of contents. Numerous dynamic and tempo indications: pian, forte, preſto.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50691 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Single handwritten accidentals, pitch corrections and calculations of rest lengths. On the title page written in pencil: 386 | IX; 89.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
G K | 9; [Nro] 285; Mus. 557.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 308; RISM A/I: P 2042; SartoriB: 1625b; www.bibliotecamusica.it
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Giovanni Picchi, Canzoni da sonar con ogni sorte d’istromenti, Venezia 1625, facs. ed. Marcello Castellani, Firenze: Studio per edizioni scelte 1979 (Archivum
musicum. Collana di testi rari, 38); Canzon I, IV and V in: Giovanni Picchi, Three sonatas (1625) for two soprano instruments and continuo, ed. Bernard Thomas, London: Pro
4. The catalogue
Musica Ed. 2000 (Chamber music of the seventeenth century, 22); Sonata IX, Canzon X
and Sonata XVI in: Acht frühbarocke Sonaten und Canzonen: für 1–6 Melodieinstrumente
und Basso continuo, ed. Siegbert Rampe, Celle: Moeck 1992; Giovanni Picchi, Canzon
decimanona a 8 from Canzoni da sonar, London: Pro Musica Ed. 1995
Recording: Capriccio Stravagante vol. 2, Jane Rogers, Jakob Lindberg, Robert Wooley,
His Majestys Sagbutts & Cornetts, Purcell Quartet, Chandos 2001 (CHAN 0670); Music
for strings in the Republic of Venice 1615–1630, Sonatori de la Gioiosa Marca, Divox Antiqua 1998 (CDX-79707); Castello & Co: Venetian sonatas for winds and strings from the
17th century, Caecilia-Concert, Challenge Classics 2012 (CC 72547)
1. Canzon Prima. A 2. Doi Violini ò Cornetti
2. Canzon Seconda. A 2. Violino, ò Cornetto & Fagotto
3. Canzon Terza. A 2. Trombone & Violino
4. Canzon Quarta. A 2. Doi Violini, ò Cornetti
5. Canzon Quinta. A 2. Doi Violini, ò Cornetti
6. Sonata Seſta. A 2. Trombone, e Violino
7. Canzon Settima. A 3. Doi Violini, & Trombone
8. Canzon Ottaua. A 3. Doi Violini, & Trombone
9. Sonata Nona. A 3. Doi Violini, & Flauto
10. Canzon Decima. A 4. Doi Tromboni, & doi Flauti
11. Canzon Vndecima. A 4. Doi Tromboni, & doi Cornetti
12. Canzon Duodecima. A 4. Doi Tromboni, & doi Violini
13. Canzon Decima Terza. A 4. Doi Tromboni, & doi Cornetti
14. Canzon Decima Quarta. A 6. Quattro Tromboni, & doi Violini ò Cornetti
15. Canzon Decima Quinta. A 6. Quattro Tromboni, & doi Violini
16. Sonata Decima Seſta. A 6. Doi Violini, doi Flauti, Trombon, e Fagotto.
17. Canzon Decima Settima. A 8. A Doi Chori
18. Canzon Decima Ottaua. A 8. A Doi Chori
19. Canzon Decima Nona. A 8. A Doi Chori.
Composer(s): Rovetta, Giovanni (1596c–1668)
TERZO | DEL SIGNOR | GIO: ROVETTA | Maeſtro di Capella della Sereniſsima
Illuſtre Signor, & Padron mio Oſſer.mo IL Sig. | FRANCESCO CAVALLI | ORGANISTA
DI S. MARCO. | CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo
Aleſſandro Vincenti. M DC XXXXV. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1645
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, B, bc. On pp. 2–3 dedication of Giovanni Battista Volpe dated 10th June 1645. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50760 Muz.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Notes on item: S I partbook missing. Single handwritten accidentals and calculations of rest lengths. B partbook incomplete, damaged on the edges, refilled after conservation in 1994. On the title page written in pencil: 442 | IV.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [D S | 4]; [Nro 286]; [Mus. 631].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 344; RISM A/I: R 2986, RR 2986; VogelB: II, p. 169; NV
2466; www.bibliotecamusica.it
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Giovanni Rovetta, Madrigali concertati a dve, tre e qvattro voci:
libro terzo, facs. ed., Köln: Becker 2007
Recording: [–]
1. S’auien ch’in piaggia aprica à 2. Canto, e Baſſo.
2. Con quel vago augellin, ch’in chiuſa gabbia tiene in mio ben à 2. Canto, e Baſſo.
3. Qual’hor Florinda per baciar mi porge à 2. Canto, e Baſſo.
4. Vaga e cruda, è coſtei, che ſ ’io l’adoro [prima parte] – Lasso e debbo adorar
(seconda parte) – Così misero ogn’hor parlo (terza parte) à 2. Tenor, e Baſſo.
5. Prodiga oue non dei, a che in van tanto baci à 2. Doi Soprani.
6. Ardi tù, Eurilla ma tù di sdegno à 2. Doi Soprani.
7. Quanto di me più fortunate ſete à 2. Doi Soprani.
8. Soauiſsime Roſe, giardinetto d’amore à 2. Alto, e Canto [Pietro Marcellino Orafi]
9. Eran le voſtre lagrime nel viſo, donna à 2. Due Tenori.
10. Sdegnato amor, che’l tuo gelato petto à 2. Due Tenori.
11. Dorme colà ſu freſch’e molli herbette à 3. Canto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
12. Se vuoi pur che ſian ſpine queſti del volto mio à 3. Canto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
13. Vedi il lampo. Ecco diſerra l’alto dio fulminante à 3. Canto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
14. Mio ben, mentre porgeſti quelle tue dolci a queſte labra mie à 3. Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
15. Spiritelli incoſtanti à 3. Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
16. Son fatto tempio de la dea d’amore à 3. Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
17. O mie fatali ſtelle, luci del maggior lume à 3. Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
18. Sono in bellezza e Roma e Lilla eguali à 3. Doi Tenori, e Baſſo.
19. Queſta riua tempeſtata, odorata. Canzonetta à 3. Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo.
20. D’uſcir da crudo impaccio. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
21. O quanto lieto io torno à 3. Doi Tenori, e Alto, e Baſſo. (Tirſi e Choro di Ninfe)
Composer(s): Agnelli, Lorenzo (1610–1674)
OLIVETANO | Nella Prouincia di Romagna. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, ||
Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXVII. |
4. The catalogue
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1637
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50234 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Single handwritten accidentals. On the
title page written in pencil: 33 | V; 102.
Provenance: All the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: G L
| 5; [Nro 287]; [Mus. 102].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 32; RISM A/I: A 399; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Dixit Dominus. Sine intonatione.
2. Confitebor tibi Domine. Sine intonatione.
3. Beatus vir. Sine intonatione.
4. Laudate pueri Dominum. Sine intonatione.
5. Credidi propter quod locutus ſum. Sine intonatione.
6. Domine probaſti me. Sine intonatione
7. Lauda Ieruſalem Dominum. Oĉtaui Toni. Sine intonatione
8. Confitebor tibi Domine. Secundi Toni.
9. Beati omnes qui timent Dominum. Sine intonatione
10. Lætatus ſum in his. Sine intonatione.
11. Niſi Dominus. Sine intonatione.
12. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes. [in bc partbook only:] Si ſuona ſempre
l’iſteſſo replicandolo [basso ostitnato pattern]
13. De profundis. Sine intonatione.
14. Memento Domine Dauid. Oĉtaui Toni.
15. Magnificat. Oĉtaui Toni.
16. Miſſa ſopra l’aria Tante pene, e tanti guai. (Kyrie – Gloria – Qui tollis – Credo –
Crucifixus – Et iterum – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
17. Dulcis Ieſu qui amabilis eſt gratia tua A 2. Canto, e Baſſo
18. Diligam te Domine fortitudo mea A 2. Tenori ò Soprani
19. Panis ſanĉte panis viue panis mundo ò bone Ieſu A 3. doi Canti, e Baſſo
20. Aue Maria gratia plena A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
Composer(s): Freddi, Amadio (1570c–1634)
Title: HINNI | NOVI CONCERTATI | A 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Voci con doi ſtromenti acuti | &
vno graue per le Sinfonie. | DI AMADIO FREDDI | Maeſtro di Capella Del Duomo di
Vicenza. | DEDICATI | Al Molto Illuſtre & Reuerendisſimo Monſignor Gio. Battiſta |
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Cappo Bianco. Dottore dell’vna è l’altra legge, | Canonico Penitentiero & Protonotario
| Apoſtolico. | Opera IX. Con Priuilegio. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA
M DC XXXXII || Appreſſo Bartolameo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1642
Description: Set of 8 partbooks in 4o: S, T I, T II, B, vl I, vl II, trb/fag, org. At the
end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50445 Muz.
Notes on item: B partbook missing. T I partbook damaged on the edges, refilled
with paper after conservation in 1974 and 1994. In bc partbook last page missing. On
the title page written in pencil: 217 | VIII; 202.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [D S | 8.]; [Nro 288]; [Mus. 323].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 138; RISM A/I: F 1833; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: planned publication
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. In Natiuitate & in Circunciſione Domini. Ieſu Redemptor omnium.
2. In Epiphania Domini. Crudelis Herodes.
3. In Aſcenſione Domini. Salutis humanæ Sator.
4. In Pentecoſte. Veni Creator Spiritus.
5. In feſto Trinitatis. Iam ſol recedit igneus.
6. In feſto Corporis Chriſti. Pange lingua.
7. In feſto Sanĉti Ioannis Baptiſtæ. Vt queant laxis.
8. In feſto S. Apoſtolorum Petri & Pauli. Decora lux.
9. In Conuerſione Sanĉti Pauli. Egregie Doĉtor.
10. In Transfiguratione Domini. Quicumque Chriſtum queritis.
11. In feſtiuitatibus Beatæ Mariæ. Aue Maris ſtella.
12. In feſto omnium Sanĉtorum. Placare Chriſte.
13. Commune Apoſtolorum. Exultet orbis gaudijs.
14. In feſto Apoſtolorum Tempore Paſchali. Triſtes erant Apoſtoli.
15. Commune vnius Martiris. Deus tuorum militum.
16. Commune Plurimorum Martirum. Sanĉtorum meritis.
17. Commune Martirum Tempore Paſchali. Rex glorioſe Martirum.
18. Commune Confeſſorum. Iſte Confeſſor.
19. Commune Virginum. Iesu Corona Virginum.
20. Commune non Virginum nec Martirum. Fortem virili peĉtore.
21. Commune Dedicationis Eccleſiæ. Cęleſtis vrbs Ieruſalem.
4. The catalogue
Composer(s): Filippi, Gaspare (1655†)
Title: [red ink in S partbook] CONCERTI | ECCLESIASTICI | [black ink] Per le
Solennità Principali dell’Anno | A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. voci. | DI GASPARE FILIPPI | [red ink]
Maeſtro di Capella della Cathedrale | Di Vicenza. | [black ink] LIBRo PRIMo | [red
ink] ALL’ ILL.mi E Reu.mi Signori Canonici | della Cathedrale di Vicenza. | [black ink]
Con Licenza de Superiori & Privilegio. | [typographer’s mark] | [red ink] IN VENETIA
M DC XXXVII || [black ink] Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1637
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer dated 1st June 1637. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50428 Muz.
Notes on item: B partbook missing. On the title page written in pencil: 204 | V; 359.
The specimen underwent conservation in 1995.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: D t | 5; Nro 289; [Mus. 308].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 131; RISM A/I: F 733; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Gasparo Filippi, Magi videntes stellam dixerunt ad invicem, ed. Gunther Morche, Heidelberg 2010 (http://imslp.org/wiki/File:PMLP557828-Filippi.pdf)
Recording: [–]
1. Audite gentes quæ loquor A 1. Baſſo Solo
2. Venite & videte opera Domini A 1. Baſſo Solo
3. Lauda anima mea Dominum A 1. [Tenor]
4. Confitemini Domino A 1. [Tenor]
5. Gaudebunt labia mea A 1. [Canto]
6. Egredimini amatores A 1. [Canto]
7. Salue Regina A 1. [Canto]
8. In te Domine ſperaui A 1. [Alto]
9. Diligam te Domine A 1. [Alto]
10. Celebremus cum iubilo A 2. Canti.
11. Beatus vir qui inventus est sine macula A 2. Canti.
12. Canite tuba iubilate A 2. Canti.
13. Omnis pulcritudo Domini exaltata A 2. Canto e Baſſo.
14. O Rex glorię Domine A 2. Tenore e Baſſo.
15. Hodie Chriſtus natus eſt A 2. Basſi.
16. Bonum eſt confiteri in Domino A 2. Baſſo e Baritono.
17. Qualis eſt mater dulcissima A 2. Tenore & Alto.
18. Quid ad me petis A 2. Canto & Alto.
19. O amantisſime Iesu A 2. Tenori
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
O magnum Sacramentum A 2. Tenori
Domine qui operati ſunt A 3. Alto Tenore e Baſſo
O Sacrum conuiuium A 3. Alto Tenor e Baſſo
Intuens in Cęlum A 3. Alto Tenore, e Baſſo.
Surge gaude lętare Hierusalem A 3. Due Tenori e Baſſo.
Hodie Completi ſunt dies Pentecostes A 3. Alto Tenore, e Baſſo.
Dies Sanĉtificatus A 3. Doi Tenori, e Baſſo.
Vidi turbam magnam A 3. Basſi
Magi videntes ſtellam A 3. Basſi
Congratulamini mihi A 4 voci pari
Gaudeamus iubilemus A 4.
Benediĉta quem sine tactu pudoris A 4.
Beatus Vincentius A 5.
Composer(s): Merula, Tarquinio (1595–1665)
Title: [red ink only in S partbook] ARPA DAVIDICA | [black ink] Con artificioſa
inuentione compoſta, la quale | Da tre, e quattro voci contraputinzata [!] obligata à non più
viſte maniere | con inſolita vaghezza riſuona. | [red ink] SALMI ET MESSA CONCERTATI
| [black ink] Con alcuni Canoni nel fine | [red ink] DEL CAVALIER MERVLA | [black ink]
Accademico Filomuſo di Bologna: | Maſtro di Capella, & Organiſta nel Duomo. | [red ink]
OPERA DECIMA SESTA | [black ink] DEDICATA | All’Illuſtriſsimo, e Reuerendiſsimo
Signor | [red ink] LVIGI GRIMANI | [black ink] VESCOVO DI BERGAMO CONTE
ETC. | CON LICENZA DE’ SVPERIORI, ET PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | [red
ink] IN VENETIA, || [black ink] Appreſso Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXX. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1640
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: S, T, B, bc. On p. 2 of the vocal partbooks dedication of the composer dated 8th January 1640. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50620 Muz.
Notes on item: B partbook missing. The order of pages in T and bc partbooks changed.
In bc partbook pp. 9–15 missing. On the title page written in pencil: 337 | IV; 111.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [D V. | 4.]; [Nro 290]; [Mus. 491].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 280; RISM A/I: M 2342; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/viewschedatwbca.asp?
path=/cmbm/images/ripro/gaspari/AA/AA302/ (the specimen from I-Bc)
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: tarquinio Merula: Arpa Davidica, Nova Ars Cantandi, Giovanni Acciai,
Archiv 2015 (481 2250 AH)
4. The catalogue
1. Domine ad adiuuandum A 3. Canto, Tenor, e Baſſo
2. Dixit Dominus A 3. Canto, Tenore, & Baſſo.
3. Confitebor tibi Domine A 3. Canto, Tenore, & Baſſo.
4. Beatus vir A 3. Canto, Tenore, & Baſſo.
5. Laudate pueri A 3. Canto, Tenore, & Baſſo.
6. Lætatus ſum A 3. Canto, Tenor, e Baſſo
7. Niſi Dominus A 3. Canto, Tenor, e Baſſo
8. Lauda Ieruſalem A 3. Canto, Tenor, e Baſſo
9. Magnificat A 3. Canto, Tenore, & Baſſo
10. Credidi propter quod à 3. & à 4. Canto, Tenore, & Baſſo. Alto ſe piace. Queſto
Salmo ſi potrà cantare à 4. aggiongendo il preſente Alto, il quale ogni quattro
pauſe, canterà l’infraſcritte note ſino al fine.
11. In conuertendo Dominus A 3. Canto, Tenore, & Baſſo. Obligo di far queſto
Salmo ſopra à D. la ſol re.
12. [only bc partbook, not listed in tavola] Iſte confeſſor Domini A 3. & A 4. Canto,
Tenore, & Baſſo. Alto ſe piace. A beneplacito ſi potrà cantare il preſente Hinno,
aggiongendo il Contralto, mentre ſi canta il Salmo.
13. Laudate Dominum à 3. & à 4. Canto, Tenore, & Baſſo. Alto ſe piace. Salmo ſopra
Iſte Confeſſor
14. Meſſa Concertata A 3. Canto, Tenore, e Baſſo. Sopra l’Aria del Gran Duca. (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei) [in bc partbook the basso ostinato
pattern with a remark:] Si replica queſto Baſſo Sopra il Kyrie, Gloria, Credo,
Sanctus, & Agnus.
15. [only in bc partbook] Canon. Si aſcendero in cęlum tu illic es.
Ad Diapaſon, ad Diateſſeron
Ad Diapaſon Diateſſeron remiſſum,
Inverſo ordine.
Ad Diapaſon, ad Diateſſeron
Ad Diapaſon Diateſſeron intenſum.
Si deſcendero in infernum ades
Ad Diapaſon Diapente, ad Diapente,
Ad Diapaſon cum tono remiſſum
Ex opoſito
Ad Diapaſon Diapente, ad Diapente
Ad Diapaſon cum tono intenſum
Composer(s): Sances, Giovanni Felice (1600c–1679)
| GIO: FELICE SANCES | Commode da Cantarſi ſoura Spinetta, Tiorba, Arpa, | ò
altro ſimile Inſtrumento | Con due Canzonette à Due, & vna Arietta à Tre voci nel
fine | DEDICATE | All’Illuſtriſſimo Signor e Patron mio Colendiſſimo | IL SIGNOR
[typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXVI. |
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1636
Description: According to the catalogue of 1909, one volume in 4o. On p. 2 dedication of the composer dated 1st November 1636. On p. 3 Alfabetto per la Chitarra alla
Spagnola and two Scalla di Muſica. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50779 Muz.
Notes on item: Single handwritten accidentals.
Provenance: The volume bears Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [D W | 1];
[Nro 291]; [Mus. 648v] (from the private collection of Emil Bohn).
Catalogues: BohnD, not listed; RISM A/I: S 767, SS 767; VogelB: II, p. 91; NV
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=18105
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: Giovanni Felice Sances: Complete Arias 1636, Bud Roach, Musica Omnia
2014 (MO 0611)
1. Non ſia chi mi riprenda. Cantata à 1
2. Doue n’andrò che non mi ſegua Amor. Aria Prima à 1.
3. Gia che non ſon Adone, Ganimede ò Narciso à 1
4. Lagrime tutte amare, che verſa il mio dolor à 1
5. Amanti, Amor è vn gioco à 1
6. Chi non sà coſa ſia Amor io gl’el dirò. Aria à 1
7. Che pietà ſperar ſi può da bellezza menzognera. à 1
8. Superbetta, la mia vita con amor così favella à 1
9. O perduti diletti, fiamme dell’idol mio care à 1
10. Pietoſi allontanateui, diſperati ſeguitemi à 1
11. Chieſi vn baccio, e mel negaſti. Aria à 1
12. Occhi miei cari, volgete pur in me voſtro ſplendore à 1
13. Rapitemi, feritemi, teneriſſime, lucidiſſime, tiranette pupillette à 1
14. Il mio cocente ardore, crudel, perchè ſcherſisti e’l mio ſincero core à 1
15. Se mille facelle ſopporto nel core à 1
16. S’a ſoſpir finti, s’a mentiti pianti à 1
17. Fuggi, mio cor, l’eſca del dolce ſguardo. Aria à 1
18. Da più profondi orrori. Lamento. Cantata à 1 (Proſerpina Geloſa)
19. Chi nel regno almo d’Amore brama l’ore trar serene. Aria A Doi Voci
20. Viuer tra pianti, e tra ſoſpiri. A Doi Voci
21. Ohimè ſon coſe che ben si sentono A 2
22. Fuggite ò pianti, tornate ò canti. Arietta A 3
23. Amar non voglio un cor di scoglio A 3.
4. The catalogue
Composer(s): Ziani, Pietro Andrea (1616–1684)
Title: PRIMO LIBRO | DI | CANZONETTE | A VOCE SOLA | Da poterſi Cantare nel
Clauicembalo, Spinetta, Tiorba, | e nella Chitarra Spagnuola, | DI PIETRO ANDREA
ZIANI | Organiſta nella Chieſa di S. Saluatore di Venetia, | DEDICATE | Al Molt’
Illuſtre, e Reuerendiſsimo P. D. | LVIGI BORSA | NOBILE PADOVANO | Abbate de
Monaci di Praglia. | OPERA TERZA. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Apreſſo
Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXXI. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1641
Description: One volume in 4o. On the back of the title page dedication of the composer dated 20th March 1641; on the following page Alfabetto per la chitarra alla spagnola. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50912 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. A small part was cut out of the title
page, probably with the stamp, refilled with paper. Single handwritten accidentals. The
specimen underwent conservation in 1993.
Provenance: The volume bears Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [D X | 1];
[Nro 292]; Mus. 775b (from the private collection of Emil Bohn).
Catalogues: BohnD, not listed; RISM A/I: ZZ 174a; VogelB: II, p. 357; NV 3024,
however without a list of contents but with the following note: Un esempl. esisteva nella
Elisabeth-Bibl. di Breslau.
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Non diſperate Amanti
2. Il tuo sdegno più non curo (Prima Parte) – Son diſciolte le Catene (Seconda
Parte) – Tu mi sdegni (Vltima parte)
3. Giouinetta mal contenta
4. O voi già poſſeduti
5. Si lontana Amor m’addita
6. Chiome belliſſime m’incatenate
7. Nel ſuo regno amor
8. Già nel ciel rare diſciolgono l’alme ſtelle
9. O felice o beato chi viue in libertà
10. Son ferito ſon morto
11. Ochietti gratioſi qual hor a me ſplendete
12. Pupillette che volgete (Prima Parte) – Voi per core hà la mia vita (Seconda Parte) – Si piagate ſi mie belle care dolci gratioſe brune ſtelle (Vltima Parte)
13. Ritornello – Poiche il crudel deſtin. Lamento (Prima Parte) – Ritornello vt
ſupra – Godi ch’al tuo rigor (Sec. Parte) – Ritornello vt ſupra – Non è già mio
deſir (Terza Parte) – Ritornello vt ſupra – Chieggo che perdonar (Vlt. Parte)
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Composer(s): Rigatti, Giovanni Antonio (1613c–1648)
Title: MVSICHE | CONCERTATE | Cioe Madrigali A. 2. 3. 4. | Con Baſſo Continuo.
| DI GIO: ANTONIO RIGATTI | Maeſtro di Capella di Vdine | Libro Primo. Opera
II. | Con Licenza de Superiori & Priuilegio. | [typographer’s mark] | STAMPA DEL
GARDANO | IN VENETIA M DC XXXVI || Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Bartolomeo Magni 1636
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer All’ Ill.ma Convocatione della città di Vdine dated 20th March 1636. At the end – a list
of contents. Some tempo indications: adaſio, allegro.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50738 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Complete set of partbooks. Single
handwritten accidentals, calculations of rest lengths and pitch corrections. On the title
page written in pencil: 417 | I; 81. The specimen underwent conservation in 1989.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[D Y | 5]; [Nro 293]; [Mus. 607].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 333; RISM A/I: R 1421; VogelB: II, p. 131; NV 2345
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=18572
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Ah Clori, ah rabioſetta A 2. Due Canti
2. Occhi miei, pur ſapete A 2. Due Canti
3. Vdite merauiglia, alme d’amor ardenti A 2. Baſſo & Tenore
4. S’io fosſi vn giorno ardito A 2. Alto & Tenore
5. O tu ch’hai coſi care le mie lagrime amare A 2. Due Tenori
6. O miſera Dorinda, ov’hai tu poſte le tue ſperanze A 2. Baſſo & Tenore. [in bc
partbook:] Va ſonato adaſio. [in T and B partbooks:] Queſto Madrigale va Cantato affettuoſo. [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
7. Baccia, Lidio gentile, ch’a te nula ſi nega A 2. Due Soprani
8. Le più belle zittelle del contado noi ſiam A 2. Due Soprani [Giovanni Battista
9. Viuo in foco Amoroſo A 3. Alto Tenore e Baſſo [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
10. Ecco che pur baciate, ò labra aventuroſe A 3. Doi Tenori & Baſſo
11. Tu ti dogli io mi dolgo A 3. Tenore Alto & Baſſo
12. Parto e non moro e voi pur ſete la mia vita A 4. Canto Alto Tenore, & Baſſo
13. Felice chi vi mira, ma più felice chi per voi ſoſpira A 4. Canto Alto Tenore,
& Baſſo [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
14. O Dio, Fillide, infedelle mi chiami. Canzonetta A 4.
15. O dolcezza incredibile. Romaneſca A 2. A Due Soprani ò Tenori
4. The catalogue
Composer(s): Rovetta, Giovanni (1596c–1668)
Title: [red ink only in S partbook] SALMI | [black ink] A [red ink] TRE ET
QVATTRO VOCI | [black ink] Aggiontoui vn Laudate pueri A 2. & Laudate Dominum
omnes gentes | A voce ſola, & nel fine vn Kyrie, Gloria, & Credo pur à tre voci; | Tutto
Concertato con doi Violini, ò altri Iſtromenti Alti | [red ink] DI GIO: ROVETTA |
[black ink] Vice Maeſtro di Capella della Sereniſsima Republica. | [red ink] OPERA
SETTIMA. | [black ink] CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | [red ink] IN
VENETIA; || [black ink] Apreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXXII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1642
Description: Set of 7 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, vl I, vl II, bc. On p. 2 dedication
of the composer to Gio: da Pesaro, Cavalier, Procurator di S. Marco dated 1st January
1642. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo and dynamic indications: adagio,
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50758 Muz.
Notes on item: T partbook missing. B partbook damaged on the edges, refilled with
paper after conservation in 1994. Some handwritten accidentals, bc numbering, fermatas, bar lines, calculations of rest lengths, pitch corrections, text incipits and other
notes: Sinfonia. On p. 25 of A partbook – handwritten errata of music in Laudate Dominum. On the title page written in pencil: 439 | VII; 384.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: Ψ | 7; [Nro] 294; [Mus. 629].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 343; RISM A/I: R 2971, RR 2971; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Dixit Dominus Primo A 6. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo, & due Violini
2. Confitebor A 5. Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo, & due Violini
3. Beatus vir A 5. Canto, Tenor, e Baſſo, & due Violini. [in bc partbook the basso
ostinato pattern with remark:] Si replica ſempre l’iſteſſo, & ſerue à tutto il
4. Laudate pueri Primo A 6. Alto due Ten. Baſſo. & due Violini
5. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes A 6. Canto, Alto, Tenor, Baſſo. & due Violini
ſe piace
6. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes A 3. Voce Sola Alto, & due Violini
7. Dixit Dominus Secondo A 5. Canto, Alto, Tenor, & due Violini
8. Laudate pueri Secondo A 4. Canto, e Tenor, & due Violini
9. Lætatus ſum A 5. Canto, Ten. Baſſo. & due Violini
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Niſi Dominus A 6. Due Baſſi, due Tenori, & due Violini [in bc partbook the
basso ostinato pattern with remark:] Si replica fino al fine del verſetto, & poi ſi
fà il Ritornello qui ſotto quel pur và replicato, & coſi ogni verſetto.
Lauda Ieruſalem A 3. Voci, e 2. Iſtrumenti. Baſſo, due Tenori, & due Violini
Magnificat A 6. Canto, Alto, Tenor, Baſſo & due Violini
Kyrie A 5. Canto, Tenor, e Baſſo, & due Violini
Gloria A 5. Canto, Tenor, e Baſſo, & due Viol.
Credo A 5. Canto, Tenor, e Baſſo, & due Viol.
Composer(s): Cazzati, Maurizio (1616–1678)
Title: SALMI E MESSA | A Cinque Voci, e Doi Violini Con Leta-|tanie [!] della
Madonna à quatro | e Doi Violini. | DI MAVRITIO CAZZATTI | Organiſta e Maeſtro
Di Cappella Dell’in-|ſigne & Collegiata Chieſa di | S. Andrea di Mantoua. | DEDICAtI |
& Prencipe di Molfetta | oPERA PRIMA | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA
M DC XXXXI | Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1641
Description: Set of 8 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, vl I, vl II, bc. On p. 3 dedication
of composer signed Mantova, 15th March 1641. At the end – a list of contents. Some
tempo and dynamic indications: Adaggio, Preſto, Piano, Forte.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50331 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Single handwritten fermatas. The vl II
partbook damaged on the edges, refilled with paper after conservation in 1994. On the
title page written in pencil: 135 | VIII.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
M | 8; [Nro] 295; [Mus. 222].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 93; RISM A/I: C 1577; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Domine ad adiuuandum
2. Dixit Dominus
3. Confitebor tibi
4. Beatus vir T. Q. C. B. A.
5. Laudate Pueri Dominum
6. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes
7. Magnificat
4. The catalogue
Meſſa Concertata (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo)
Lætanie della Beatisſima Vergine. A 6 (Kyrie eleiſon – Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Bianchi, Giulio Cesare (16/17); Losio, Cipriano (16/17); Monteverdi,
Claudio (1567–1643)
Title: SECONDO LIBRO | DE MOTETTI. | In lode della Glorioſisſima Vergine MARIA
Noſtra Signora. | A’Vna, Due, Tre, Quattro, e Cinque Voci, & Vna MESSA, A’Quattro, |
[in vocal partbooks added:] Con il Baſſo Generale, | DI | GIVLIO CESARE BIANCHI.
| Con le Letanie à Sei Voci del Sig. Claudio Monteuerde | Nella Tauola poi, ci sono alcuni
auertimenti, intorno al loro eſsere | Concertati in diuerſe maniere, ſecondo la commodità
| delle Parti. | DEDICATI | ALL’ILL.mo, E REV.mo SIG. CARDINAL MONTALTO. | [the
cardinal’s coat of arms] | In Venetia, Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXX. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1620
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, bc. On p. 2 of the vocal partbooks
the dedication Alla gran’ madre di Dio sempre vergine, on p. 3 dedication of the composer to cardinal Montalto signed Cremona, 17th April 1620. On p. 2 of bc partbook
Avisamento alli Sig.ri organisti. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50284 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Single handwritten fermatas. On the title
page written in pencil: 96 | VI; 411.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
A N | 6; [Nro] 296; Mus. 169.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 69; RISM B/I: 16204; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Claudio Monteverdi, Lauretanische Litanei für sechs Stimmen und
Basso continuo, ed. Rudolf Ewerhart, Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Härtel 1996
Recording: [–]
1. Aue Sanĉtiſſima Maria A 1. Canto, ouer’ Tenore.
2. Beata es Virgo Maria A Vna, è à Due Voci ſi placet. Canto, ò Tenor’ ſolo, ouer’
Canto, e Baſso, ò Tenor, e Baſso.
3. Neſciens Mater Virgo A Due Voci. Canto, ouer’ Tenor, e Baſso. Del Molto Reverendo Padre Maeſtro Cipriano Loſio.
4. Sanĉta, & immaculata Virginitas A 2. a due Tenori, o a due Canti, o a vn Tenor,
e vn Cāto.
5. O Glorioſa Domina. A 3 voci. A due Cāti, ò a due Tenori, e Baſso ſi placet.
ò à vn Ca. Te. e Baſ.
6. Anima mea liquefaĉta est. A due voci, è à tre ſi placet. a due Cāti, ò à due Ten
e Baſso ſi placet. ò à vn Ca. Ten. e Baſ.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Tota pulchra es Maria A 3. à due Cāti, ò a due Tenori, e Baſso ſi placet. ò à vn
Ca. Te. e Baſ.
Beata es Virgo Maria A 4. Canto, ouer’ Tenore, Alto, Tenor, e Baſso
Veni Mater Chriſti A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſso. Alla Quinta, ò ver’alla
Quarta Baſſa.
Hodie Maria Virgo Cælos aſcendit A 4. Canto, ouer’ Tenore, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo
Aue Sanĉtiſſima Maria A 4. Canto, ouer’ Tenore, Alto, Tenor, e Baſso
Alma Redemptoris Mater A 4. Canto, ouer’ Tenore, Alto, Tenor, e Baſso
Aue Regina Cælorum A 4. Canto, ouer’ Tenore, Alto, Tenor, e Baſso
Salue Regina A 4. Canto, ouer’ Tenore, Alto, Tenor, e Baſso
Aue Filia Dei Patris A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo
Letanie della B. V. Del Sig. Claudio Monteuerde, à 6. doi Cāti, Alto, doi Tenori,
e Baſ.
Gaudeamus omnes. Introito della Meſsa della Glorioſiſsima Vergine Maria,
à 4. voci. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſso
Meſſa della B. V. Maria. à 4. voci. Canto, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo (Kyrie – Gloria –
Credo – Crucifixus – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
Conceptio tua Dei Genitrix Virgo A 5. Serue per tutte le Solenità della B. V. Due
Canti, o due Tenori, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo
Regina Cæli A 5. Due Canti, o due Tenori, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo
Sub tuum præſidium A 5. Due Canti, Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo
Gaude Maria, gaude A 5. Canto, Alto, due Tenori, ouer Canti, e Baſſo
Composer(s): Vitali, Filippo (1590c–1653)
CANTI | A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. & 6. Voci. | LIBRO PRIMO. | CoN LICENZA DE’ SVPERIoRI.
| [coat of arms] | IN VENETIA M. DC. XXIX. || Appreſſo Bartholomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1629
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, Part. On p. 3 dedication of the
composer to Giovanni Romena signed Firenze, 1st April 1629. At the end – a list of
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50886 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Single handwritten accidentals. On the
title page written in pencil: 533 | VI. The specimen underwent conservation in 1997.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
A. o. | 6; [Nro] 297; [Mus. 754].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 424; RISM A/I: V 2136; VogelB: II, p. 327; NV 2941; www.
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=15346
4. The catalogue
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Qual viue amante più di me beato A 3. Duoi Tenori o Canti e Baſſo.
2. Riede la primavera, torna la bella Clori A 3. Duoi Tenori e Baſſo. [Giambattista
3. Crudel, perchè mi fuggi A 3. Duoi Tenori o Canti e Baſſo. [Giovanni Battista
4. Un ſol bacio ti dono e ti lamenti A 3. Duoi Tenori e Baſſo.
5. Sempre crudele, el fine della tua crudeltà non vedrò pria. A 2. A duoi Tenori.
6. T’amo, mia vita. A 2. A Duoi Tenori o Canti. [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
7. Qvesto tepido fonte A 4. Soprano Alto Tenore e Baſſo
8. Miſero e pur convien, occhi crudeli. Lettera amorosa in genere rappreſentatiuo.
Voce ſola e ſi canta ſenza battuta, A 1. Canto o Tenore. [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
9. O quante volte in van, cor mio, ti chiamo à 1 (Prima parte) – O quante volte
ſoſpiro e bramo (Seconda Parte) – E ſol deſio te ſol adoro (Terza Parte) – Torna
deh torna’ me dolce ben (Quarta Parte). Aria ſopra la Romaneſca [Giovanni
Battista Guarini]
10. Spiran rugiada e fiori à 5. Concertato
11. Di marmo ſete voi, donna, ai colpi d’amore à 5. Concertato [Giambattista Marino]
12. Intenerite voi, lagrime mie à 5. Concertato [Ottavio Rinuccini]
13. Soſpir soſpirato di foco à 5. Concertato
14. Tutt’eri foco, amore à 5. [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
15. Se pur e ver che la città à 6. Concertato.
Composer(s): Bonetti, Carlo (1614c–1694c)
Title: MOTTECTA | 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 11. Cum Litanijs duodecim vocibus | Auĉtore
Magiſtro F. CAROLO BONETTO Augu-|ſtiniano In Alma æde Lauretana Muſicę
| Summi Pontificis, ac Sanĉtę Apoſtolicę Sedis Camera-|rio Almę eiuſdem Domus
Lauretanæ Pro-|teĉtori, ac Gubernatori Perpetuo | Dicata. | [free space for the coat of
arms, in this specimen not pasted-over] | VENETIIS M.DC.LXII Apud Franciſcum
Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1662
Description: Set of 9 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, A/T, B, 5, 6, 7, 8, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo and
dynamic indications: piano, forte, allegro, preſto.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50292 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. 5 partbook missing. Pages of most
partbooks damaged on the edges, refilled with paper after conservation in 1993. Many
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
handwritten accidentals, clefs, pitch corrections, text incipits (A partbook, p. 101), calculations of rest lengths and music corrections (pp. 66 and 170 of bc partbook: repetatur; bis). In T and bc partbooks paper sheets with two-stave errata of the music text on
p. 69 (o vos omnes) and p. 122 (Ad cantus); now inserted separately. In bc partbook the
pages printed without pagination; handwritten numbers supplemented. Some pieces
in table of contents with no page references. In 8 partbook last page missing. On the
title page written in pencil: 100 | IX; 20.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [N C | 9]; [Nro 298]; [Mus. 178].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 72–73; RISM A/I: B 3466, BB 3466; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Quid eſt ò ciues quid eſt ò fideles A 1. Canto ſolo
2. Iacebam in tenebris & umbra mortis A 1. Alto ſolo ò Canto
3. Regina cęli letare A 1. Barittono ſolo
4. Salue Regina A 1. Alto ſolo ò Canto
5. Rorate nubes A 2. due Canti
6. Leua eius A 2. due Baſſi
7. Miſſus eſt Gabriel A 2. Due Canti
8. Sacerdos in æternum A 2. due Canti
9. Angelus autem Domini. Antifona Prima A 2. due Canti
10. Reſpondens autem Angelus A 2. due Alti
11. O vos omnes A 2. Canti. Ninna della Mad[onna] à Gieſù Chriſto
12. O Chriſti ſeguaces A 3. due Canti è Baſſo
13. Ad celeſtem Ieruſalem A 3. Baſſi
14. Vos qui ſtatis A 3. Alto Tenor e Canto
15. Hæc eſt leta A 3. Due Canti & Alto
16. Qualis hodie A 3. Due Alti è Tenore
17. Quid prodeſt ſtulto A 3. Alto Ten. & Baſſo
18. Exultate gentes A 3. Due Canti è Baſſo
19. Et ecce terremotus A 3. 3 Baſſi
20. Alma Redemptoris A 3. tre Canti
21. Regina cæli A 3. due Alti e Tenore
22. Salue Regina A 3. tre Soprani
23. Hodie colleĉtantur A 3. Baſſo e due Tenori o due Canti
24. Exaltate Regem A 4 Baſſi in die Aſcenſionis Domini
25. De fruĉtu ventris A 4 Baſſi In die Natiuitatis Domini
26. Cum iucunditate A 3 Canti & Alto Antifona 5
27. Corde & animo A 4 Baſſi
4. The catalogue
Salue Regina A 4 Baſſi
Domus mea A 5. 2 canti Al. Tenore e Baſſo
O pupule niue candidior. Canzonetta à 5, e 6. ſi piace Per la notte di Natale
Regina cæli A 5. 2 canti Alto Ten. e Baſſo
Cantantem audite A 5. 2 canti Al. Ten. e Baſſo. Iudicium Salomonis (Mater vera,
Pſeud. Mater, Salomon)
Aue Regina cælorum A 5. 3 Canti Alto e Tenore
Io triumphe A 5. 2 canti Alto Ten. e Baſſo
Iurauit Dominus A 6. 4 Canti e 2 Baſſi
Natiuitas glorioſæ Virginis Mariæ A 6. 3 canti e 3 Baſſi
Venite ad cantus A 8. Concertato
Ingredimini omnes & gratulamini A 8. ò 12
Aue Regina cælorum A 8. Concerta il Sop. primo ſolo
Diem feſtum cellebrate A 9.
O cor meum quo vagaris A 9.
Exultet terra A 9. Concertato
Sidereus angelorum A 9. Concertato
Aue maris ſtella A 9 è 12
Ad cantus ad plauſus A 11. Choro d’Angeli à 3. Al. e 2 c. separati dal pr. e II Ch.
Letanie a 3 chori A 12 alla 4 (Kyrie eleiſon – Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Grossi, Carlo (1634c–1688)
Title: ARMONIOSI ACCENTI | Cioè | MESSE | A 4, & a Cinque voci, con’iſtromenti
obligati e Secon-|do Choro, ò ripieni ad libitum, | Salmi à due, à trè, à quattro, à ſei,
& à otto voci, parte con | iſtromenti, e ripieni, e parte ſenza, | con | Le Litanie breui,
della Beata Vergine, à otto voci. | DI CARLO GROSSI | Maeſtro di Capella della
Santiſſima Coronata, e dell’Illuſtriſſima | Accademia Olimpica di Vicenza. | Opera
Publication: [Venezia: Francesco Magni 1657]
Description: Set of 11 partbooks in 4o: 1 ch.: S, A, T, B; 2 ch.: S, A, T, B; vl I, vl II, bc.
On p. 2 dedication of the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents and
short Auertimento to the Signori Maeſtri di Capella.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50501 Muz.
Notes on item: S 1 ch. and B 1 ch. partbooks missing. S 2 ch. and vl II partbooks
damaged, refilled after conservation in 1993. Handwritten accidentals, calculations of
rest lengths and pitch corrections. On the title page written in pencil: 265 | XI; 271.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [M Y | 11]; [Nro 299]; [Mus. 376].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 164; RISM A/I: G 4729; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Meſſa à quattro voci & quattro iſtromenti, & Secondo Ch. Capriccio Guerriero
(Kyrie – Gloria – Credo)
2. Kyrie & Gloria A cinque voci e due violini, con ripieni
3. Domine ad adiuuandum A 4. voci, con iſtromenti, e ripieni ad libitum
4. Dixit Dominus à 4. voci, e quattro iſtromenti, e ripieni
5. Confitebor tibi A 3 voci due Canti e Baſſo
6. Beatus vir A 2. voci Canto, e Baſſo, con cinque ſtromenti
7. Laudate pueri A 6. voci, à capella con ripieni
8. Laudate Dominum A 8. voci pieno
9. Magnificat à 4 voci, quattro iſtromenti e ripieni
10. Letanie della B. V. corenti A 8 voci Breuiſſime
Composer(s): Biandrà, Giovanni Pietro (1633p†)
Title: MADRIGALI | A Quatro e 5. Voci Con Baſſo Continuo | DI GIO. PIETRO
BIANDRA | Romano, Maeſtro della Academia | delli Spennati di Faenza | detto il Zelante.
[typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA MDCXXVI. || Appreſſo Bartolameo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1626
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, bc. On p. 1 dedication of the
composer to Giulio Paci, Prencipe del’Academia Delli spennati Musici di Faenza signed
Faenza, 1st May 1626. On p. 2 preface Alli Sig. Virtuoſi and a woodcut representing an
owl. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50288 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Complete set of partbooks. Single
handwritten accidentals and pitch corrections. On the title page written in pencil: 93 |
VI. The specimen underwent conservation in 1993.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: L | 6; N. 300; [Mus. 173].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 70; RISM A/I: B 2610; VogelB: I, p. 96; NV 363
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Cor mio, non languir più à 5 [not listed in the table of contents]
4. The catalogue
Perchè taci, cor mio? à 4
Somiglia frond’à cui (Prima Parte) – Hor arde, hor gela (Seconda Parte) à 4.
2 Baſsi e 2. Canti
Io ardo, io moro à 4 [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
Crud’Amarilli, che col nome ancora (Prima parte) – Ma grideran per me (Seconda Parte) – Parlerà nel mio volto (Terza Parte) à 5 [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
Ecco la cieca, eccola giust’apunto (Prima Parte) – Ascoltatemi voi (Seconda Parte)
– Ma che sarà di me (Terza Parte) – Cieco Amor, non ti cred’io (Quarta Parte) –
Ma voi giocate troppo (Quinta Parte) – Ma tu pur perfido e cieco (Seſta Parte) – In
buona fè, Licori (Settima Parte) – Sciolto cor fà piè fugace (Ottaua parte) – O fuſti
ſuelta, maledetta pianta (Nona & vltima Parte) à 5 [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
Una farfalla cupida e vagante. Reſpoſta al Sig. Domenico Brunetto à 5 [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
Coralletti vermigli à 5
Laſcia le pecorelle. Reſpoſta al ſig. Ignatio Donati à 5
Mille nodi amoroſi legan ſoavemente due leggiadretti sposi à 5 [Ansaldo Cebà]
Dov’hai tu nido, amore. Reſpoſta al Angelo Peracini à 5 [Giovanni Battista
Ah ben fu di colei grave l’errore (Prima Parte) – Ciechi mortali (Seconda Parte)
à 5 [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
Composer(s): Scapitta, Vincenzo (1593–1656); Kienheimer, Paul (17.1d); Porro,
Giovanni Giacomo (1590c–1656); Stadlmayr, Johann (1575c–1648)
Title: VAGHI FIORI | DI MARIA VERGINE | Cioè le quatro Antifone che ſi
Cantano da Santa Chieſa doppoi la diuini | Vffici, nelle quatro parti dell’anno ad
eſſa B. V. come, Salue Regina. | Alma Redemptoris. Regina Cęli. & Aue Regina
Cęlorum. | A 2. 3. & 4. Voci. Con le Littaniæ dell’iſteſſa. B. V. | & vn Laudate
Dominum omnes gentes à 4. | poſte in Muſica à Conſolatione | de ſuoi deuoti.
d’honore del Sereniſsimo Leopoldo | Arciduca d’Auſtria &c. | DEDICAtI. [in
della Santa | Sede Apoſtolica. | OPERA SECONDA. | [typographer’s mark] | IN
VENETIA M. DC. XXVIII. || Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1628
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the composer signed Innsbruck, 11th November 1628. On p. 3 three Italian sonnets. At the end
– a list of contents. Some tempo and dynamic indications: piano, preſto.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50793 Muz.
Notes on item: S partbook missing. Single handwritten accidentals. On the title
page written in pencil: 464 | V. The specimen underwent conservation in 1992.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: A. M. | 5; [Nro] 301; Mus. 665.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 379; RISM A/I: S 1160; RISM B/I: 16285; http://sscm-jscm.
org/instrumenta/vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=34249
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Salue Regina A 2. Canto, e Baſſo ouer Baritono
2. Salue Regina A 2. A duoi Tenori
3. Salue Regina A 2. doi Canti ò T. Del Illuſtre Signor Giacomo Porro Maeſtro di
Capella in San Lorenzo in Damaſo di Roma
4. Regina Cęli A 2. B. ouer Baritono, e Canto
5. Regina Cęli A 2. doi Tenori. Sopra Auenturoſa Roſa. dell’Autore.
6. Regina Cęli A 2. doi Canti, ò T. Del Illuſtre Signor Giacomo Porro Maeſtro di
Capella in San Lorenzo in Damaſo di Roma.
7. Aue Regina Cęlorum A 2. doi Tenori.
8. Alma Redemptoris Mater A 2. Alto è Ten.
9. Aue Regina Cęlorum A 2. Alto, e Ten.
10. Regina Cęli A 2. Alto, è Tenore
11. Salue Regina A 2. Tenori. Del Illuſtre Signor Paulo Khinheimer Corn.ta
& Camerd.r del Sereniſſimo Leopoldo.
12. Salue Regina A 3. A. T. e B.
13. Aue Regina Cęlorum A 3. doi Canti, è Baſſo.
14. Alma Redemptoris A 3. Canto, A. è Ten.
15. Regina Cęli A 3. doi Canti, e Baſſo.
16. Salue Regina A 4. C.A.T. è B.
17. Aue Regina Cęlorum A 4. Quatro Soprani. Del Illuſtre Signor Gio: Stadelmair
Maeſtro di Cappella del Sereniſſimo Leopoldo
18. Regina Cęli A 4. C.A.T. e B.
19. Aue Regina Cęlorum A 4. C.A.T. e B.
20. Alma Redemptoris Mater A 4. C.A.T. e B.
21. Litaniæ della Madonna Quatuor Vocibus C.A.T. e B.
22. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes C.A.T. e B. [before this setting added:] Quia
reſpexit humilitatem ancillæ ſuæ
Composer(s): Ziani, Pietro Andrea (1616–1684)
Title: SACRæ LAVDES, | COMPLECTENTES | Tertiam, Miſſam Pſalmoſquę
Dominicales Quinque | Vocibus, & duobus inſtrumentis partim | neceſſarijs & partim
ad libitum | Decantandę. | AVCTORE D. PETRO ANDREA ZIANI VENETO | Sanĉtę
4. The catalogue
MARIæ Maioris Bergomi [!], Muſices Pręfeĉto | Dicatę | AD SERENISSIMVM |
Sextum. | [typographer’s mark] | VENETIIS MDCLX. Apud Franciſcum Magni |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1660
Description: Set of 8 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, vl I, vl II, bc. On p. 2 the dedication of the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents and a short avviso
to the reader. Some tempo indications: adaſio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50913 Muz.
Notes on item: 5, vl I and bc partbooks missing. Single handwritten accidentals and
calculations of rest lengths. The specimen underwent conservation in 1995. On the
title page written in pencil: C | 8.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [N G | 8.]; [Nro 302]; [Mus. 776].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 439; RISM A/I: Z 175, ZZ 175; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Domine ad adiuuandum. A 5 voci, & due violini
2. Nunc Sanĉte nobis Spiritus
3. Legem pone Tertij Toni
4. Memor eſto
5. Bonitatem feciſti
6. Messa à 4. vel à 5. con 2 violini ad libit. (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus –
Agnus Dei)
7. Dixit Dominus A 5. Del 2. alla terza
8. Confitebor tibi cum duobus inſtrumentis necceſſarijs Primi Toni
9. Beatus vir cum duobus inſtrumentis necceſſarijs A 5. con violini
10. Laudate pueri cum duobus inſtrumentis necceſſarijs A 5. con due violini
11. Laudate Dominum Concertato
12. In exitu Iſrael
13. Magnificat A 5. con violini
Composer(s): Petrobelli, Francesco (1695†)
Title: PSALMI | FRANCISCI PETROBELLI | In Cathedrali Patauina Muſices
Moderatoris | SACRA CæSARæ [!] | MAIESTATI | LEOPOLDI I. IMP: AVG: | D. |
[typographer’s mark] | VENETIIS M DC LXII Apud Franciſcum Magni |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1662
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Description: Set of 7 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, vl I, vl II, bc. On p. 3 dedication of
the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents and a short avviso. Some
dynamic and tempo indications: pian, forte, largo, allegro.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50695 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Some handwritten accidentals, clefs, calculations of rest lengths, music text errata and pitch corrections. On the title page
written in pencil: 382 | VII. The specimen underwent conservation in 1998.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[N H | 7]; [Nro 303]; [Mus. 561].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 309; RISM A/I: P 1645; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Dixit Dominus A 4. con ripieni ſe piace.
2. Confitebor tibi à 3.
3. Beatus vir à 4.
4. Laudate pueri à 4.
5. Laudate Dominum A 3. con ripieni ſe piace.
6. Lætatus ſum à 3.
7. Niſi Dominus à 2.
8. Lauda Ieruſalem à 3.
9. Magnificat à 4. Con ripieni ſe piace.
Composer(s): Minucci, Domenico (17.sc)
Title: IL PRIMO LIBRO DE [in bc partbook without: DE] | SALMI | A 5. Da
concertarſi con tre voci, e due violini | DI DOMENICO MINVCCI | Maſtro di Capella
nella Cattedrale di Aſolo di Triuiſana | Dedicati | ALL’A. S. R. | DI FERDINANDO
CARLO | Arciduca d’Auſtria, Duca di Borgogna, Stiria, Carintia, Carniola, |
e VVirtemberg, Landgrauio d’Alſatia, Conte del Tirolo &c. | [typographer’s mark] |
IN VENETIA MDCLVIIII Apreſſo Franceſco Magni |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1659
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: T I, T II, B, vl I, vl II, bc. On p. 2 dedication of
the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50635 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. T I, B and vl I partbooks missing.
Some handwritten accidentals, fermatas and pitch corrections. On p. 39 of T II part515
4. The catalogue
book a handwritten note: ſicut lo: tacet. On the title page written in pencil: 349 | VI. The
specimen underwent conservation in 1997.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [N K | 6]; [Nro 304]; [Mus. 504 I].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 285–286; RISM A/I: M 2862; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Dixit Dominus
2. Confitebor tibi
3. Beatus vir
4. Laudate pueri
5. Credidi propter quod
6. In conuertendo
7. Niſi Dominus
8. Magnificat
Composer(s): Minucci, Domenico (17.sc)
Title: IL SECONDO LIBRO DE | SALMI | A 5. in fuga con vna Meſſa da morto, &
altre compo-|ſitioni del medeſmo genere fugato, e veloce | DI DOMENICO MINVCCI
| Maeſtro di Muſica nella Cattedrale d’Aſolo di Triuiſana | Dedicati | ALLA CESAREA
Apreſſo Franceſco Magni |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1662
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the
composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50636 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. A partbook missing, B partbook incomplete: missing the first and last pages. Numerous pages damaged, refilled after conservation in 1995. Some handwritten accidentals, clefs, custos, pitch corrections and
music text errata (bis). On the title page written in pencil: 350 | VI; 134.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [N S | 6]; [Nro 305]; [Mus. 504 II].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 286; RISM A/I: M 2863, MM 2863; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Dixit Dominus
2. Confitebor tibi
3. Beatus vir
4. Laudate pueri
5. Laudate Dominum
6. In exitu Iſrael
7. Magnificat
8. Credo
9. Meſſa da morti (Introit – Kyrie – Dies irae – Offertorium – Sanĉtus – Agnus
Dei – Communio)
Composer(s): Sances, Giovanni Felice (1600c–1679)
Dell’Augusſtisſimo & Inuittisſimo Imperatore | FERDINANDO III | Dedicati | Alla Sacra
Ceſarea Maestá Dell’Imperatrice | ELEONORA | Con Licenza de Superiori & Priuilegio.
| [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA M DC XXXVIII || Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1638
Description: Set of 2 partbooks in 4o: Parte cantante, Part. On p. 2 dedication of the
composer signed Vienna, 1st June 1638. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo
indications: Preſto.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50780 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Single handwritten accidentals and pitch
corrections. Part. incomplete: last pages missing, the partbook damaged on the edges,
refilled with paper after conservation in 1983. On the title page written in pencil: 457 | II.
Provenance: Both partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [B E |
2.]; [Nro 306]; [Mus. 649].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 374–375; RISM A/I: S 770; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/viewschedatwbca.asp?
path=/cmbm/images/ripro/gaspari/BB/BB298/ (the specimen from I-Bc)
Modern edition: Giovanni Felice Sances, Motetti a voce sola (1638), facs. ed. Anne
Schnoebelen, New York: Garland 1988 (Solo motets from the seventeenth century,
vol. 8: Rome I); Claudio Saracini & Giovanni Felice Sances, Stabat Mater für Sopran
und Basso continuo, ed. Jörg Jacobi, Bremen: Edition Baroque 2015
Recording: Cantate Deo. A voce sola, in dialogo, Marco Beasley, Accordone, Guido
Morini, Alpha 2013 (ALPHA 535)
4. The catalogue
1. Audite me diuini fructus. Canto Solo.
2. Domine Deus meus. Canto Solo.
3. Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore. Canto Solo.
4. O Bone Iesu o dulcisſime Iesu. Canto Solo.
5. O Domine Iesu Chriſte tu aſcendis in Cęlum. Alto Solo.
6. Lettamini [!] omnes exultate & dicite. Alto Solo.
7. O Maria Dei Genitrix. Alto Solo.
8. Querite Dominum. Alto Solo.
9. O Deus meus vnica ſpes. Tenor Solo.
10. Soluatur lingua mea. Tenor Solo.
11. Domine quid multiplicati ſunt. Tenor Solo.
12. Venite ad me omnes. Tenor Solo.
13. O vos omnes qui a Deo gratias intercedere cupitis. Basso Solo.
14. Dominus poſſedit me. Basso Solo.
15. Iesu dulcis memoria. Basso Solo.
16. Bonum eſt confiteri Domino. Basso Solo.
17. Stabat mater dolorosa. Pianto Della Madonna. Canto Solo.
Composer(s): Casati, Gasparo (1610c–1641)
TERZO ORDINE DI S. FRANCESCO | Organiſta, & Maeſtro di Capella nella colleggiata
di Terra Forti | AVTORE | GASPARO CASATI | DEDICATI | Al Molto Ill. e Molto
R. P. mio Sempre Oſſeruandiſs. Il P. Maeſtro | GIO: MARIA PVLLONE | Maſtro di Sacra
Theologia, & Prouinciale meritiſsimo Nel | Terzo Ordine di S. Franceſco, nel Stato di Milano
| [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA | Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXXV. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1645
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of Michel’
Angelo Turriani dated 20th January 1636. On p. 2 or 3 dedication of the editor dated 7th
February 1645. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50324 Muz.
Notes on item: Only B partbook extant. On the title page written in pencil: 127 | V.
Provenance: The extant partbook bears Rhediger Library stamp. Old shelfmarks:
[B Y | 5]; [Nro 307]; [Mus. 213].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 89; RISM A/I: C 1419; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.
Digitized version: http://stimmbuecher.digitale-sammlungen.de/view?id=bsb
00094165 (the specimen from D-Mbs, bc partbook only)
Modern edition: [–]
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Recording: [–]
1. O quam ſuauis es Domine ſpiritus tuus A 1. Canto.
2. Aſſurgite de vineis A 1. Canto
3. Sic ergo bone Ieſu A 1. Canto
4. Veni Amor veni Ieſus A 1. Canto ò Tenore
5. Quo fugiam miſer A 1. Canto
6. O fons veri amoris A 1. Alto
7. O Virgines, ò ſponſe Syon A 1. Canto
8. O Sacroſanĉta et immaculata oſtia A 1. Canto
9. Ecce dies lętitiæ iubilate fideles A 1. Canto ò Tenore
10. O Amor amantiſsime Ieſu A 1. Canto
11. Pſallam in organis in cimbalis A 1. Canto
12. Quis eſt hic cuius feſtum gaudens celebrat Eccleſia. A 2. Baſſo, e Canto.
13. O Dulcedo ſuauis o suauitas dulcis A 2. Alto, e Baſſo
14. Venite gentes ad Mariam A 2. Alto, e Baſſo
15. Quam dileĉta tabernacula. A 2. Canto, e Baſſo.
16. Hęc dies A 2. Doi Canti
17. Vox ſuauisque dulcis A 3. Doi Canti, e Baſſo.
18. Florete flores quasi lilium A 3. Doi Canti, ò Tenori, e Baſſo.
19. Dulciſsime Redemptor amabilis A 3. Canto, Alto e Baſſo.
20. Salue Siluarum vita mundi A 3. Canto, Alto, Tenore.
21. O Sanĉtiſima virgo Mater. A 4.
22. Conuenite congregamini A 4.
23. O Quam pulcra es, 4. e 5. ſe piace
Composer(s): Pesenti, Martino (1600c–1648)
| VNA, BINIS, AC TERNIS VOCIBVS | Vnà cum Baſſo ad Organum | MARTINI
CVM PRIVILEGIIS. | [coat of arms] | VENETIIS | Apud Alexandrum Vincentium.
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1643
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: T I, T II, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the composer Mariæ cælorum Reginæ without a date. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50680 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Complete set of partbooks. Bc
partbook damaged on the edges, refilled with paper after conservation. Single
handwritten accidentals. Between pp. 4–5 an inserted paper sheet with handwritten music text errata of Credo from Missa prima. On the title page written in pencil: 379 | IV; 385.
4. The catalogue
Provenance: All partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: C C | 4;
N. 308; [Mus. 549].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 304; RISM A/I: P 1553; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. MISSA Prima à 3. cum duobus Tenoribus, & Baſſo. (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo –
Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
2. MISSA Secunda à 3. cum duobus Tenoribus, & Baſſo. (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo
– Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
3. Aue Dolciſſima Maria. cum Soprano unico.
4. O admirabile conuiuium. cum Soprano unico.
5. Veni Domine in cor meum A 2. cum duobus Supranis. [!]
6. In te Domine ſperaui A 2. cum Suprano & Baſſo.
7. Tota pulchra es. A 3. cum Duobus Supranis [!], & Baſſo.
8. Ecce panis Angelorum A 3. cum duobus Tenoribus & Baſſo.
Composer(s): Gagliano, Giovanni Battista da (1594–1651); Gagliano, Marco da
Concertarſi nell’Organo, & altri Strumenti | DI GIO: BATTISTA | DA GAGLIANO |
Muſico del Sereniſsimo Gran Duca di Toſcana | DEDICATI | All’ Illuſtriſſimo Signor
mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXXIII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1643
Description: Set of 7 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, 6, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the
composer dated 25th February 1643. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50452 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Single handwritten accidentals, calculations of rest lengths, and text incipits omitted in print. On the title page written in
pencil: 225 | VIII; 166.
Provenance: All the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [o E
| 7]; [Nro 309]; Mus. 331.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 142–143; RISM A/I: G 103, GG 103; www.printed-sacredmusic.org
Digitized version: [–]
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Hymnum cantate nobis Alleluia A 6
2. Vna eſt Columba mea A 6
3. Exultent iuſti in conſpeĉtu Dei A 6
4. Audivi vocem A 6
5. Surge propera amica mea A 6
6. Sanĉti & iuſti in Domino gaudete A 6
7. Veni ſponſa Chriſti A 6
8. Vidi ſpecioſam ſicut Columbam A 6
9. Peccantem me quotidie A 6
10. Crux fidelis A 6
11. Congaudete mecum omnes populi A 6
12. Gaudent in cęlis A 6
13. Laudem Domino A 6
14. Dum exiret Iacob de terra ſua A 6
15. Laudans exultet A 8
16. Mirabilis Deus in ſanĉtis ſuis A 8
17. Lauda Sion A 8. M. Marco da Gagliano Maeſtro di Capella del Ser. Gran Duca
di Toſcana.
18. Exultate gaudete A 8.
19. Venite Virgines A 8.
20. Cantate Domino A 8.
Composer(s): Battiferri, Luigi (1600p–1681c)
Title: MESSA ET SALMI | CONCERTATI | A TRE VOCI | Cioè Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo,
con Motetti, Lętanie, & | Salue Regina à Due, & Tre Voci. | DI | LVIGI BATTIFERRI |
DA SASCORBARA | Maeſtro di Cappella nella Città di Sant’Angelo Inuado. | OPERA
SECONDA. | CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA || Appreſſo
Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXXII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1642
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: A, T, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer
to Ascanio Cantio dated 25th May 1642. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo
indications: adaſio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50267 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Single handwritten accidentals. On the
title page written in pencil: 59 | IV; 167. The specimen underwent conservation in 1997.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[C D | 4]; [Nro 310]; [Mus. 139].
4. The catalogue
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 54; RISM A/I: B 1289; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: planned publication
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Meſſa A 3. Voci Concertata (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
2. Dixit Dominus. Senza Intonatione
3. Confitebor tibi. Senza Intonatione
4. Beatus vir. Senza Intonatione
5. Laudate pueri. Senza Intonatione
6. Laudate Dominum. Senza Intonatione
7. Lætatus ſum. Senza Intonatione
8. Niſi Dominus. Senza Intonatione
9. Lauda Hieruſalem [in tavolas of all partbooks last book corrected with a pasted
over paper sheet]. Senza Intonatione
10. Magnificat. Senza Intonatione
11. Surgite gentes currite populi. A 2. Canti, ò 2. Tenor
12. O nomen Ieſu dulce pie. A 3. Baſſo con 2. Canti ò Tenori
13. Audite cæli audiat terra. Motetto à 3. voci
14. Lætanie della Madonna A 3. Voci (Kyrie eleiſon – Agnus Dei)
15. Salue Regina A 2. Canti
Composer(s): Milanuzzi, Carlo (1594c–1647p)
VAGHI, ET ARIOSI DA CANTARSI | IN ORGANO | Aggiuntoui due Violini per
alcuni di eſsi Salmi à beneplacito. | DI CARLO MILANVZII DA SANTA NATOGLIA
| Maeſtro di Capella, & Organiſta nella Chieſa Arcipreſbi-|terale di S. MAVRO Martire
PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Apreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti.
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1643
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S/T I, S/T II, B, vl I, vl II, bc. On p. 3 dedication
of the composer to Giurati, Priori, Gvardiani, e Gastaldi Della Chieſa Arcipresbiterale del
Glorioſo Sacerdote S. Mavro Martire, & alla Spettabile Vniuerſità di Nouenta di Piaue dated 12th June 1648. At the end – a list of contents and an avviso a’ cortesissimi S.S. Mvsici.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50632 Muz.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Notes on item: Vl I and bc partbooks missing. Single handwritten accidentals and
pitch corrections. On the title page written in pencil: 346 | VI; 328. The specimen underwent conservation in 1997.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [C S | 6]; [Nro 311]; [Mus. 500].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 284–285; RISM A/I: M 2756; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/viewschedatwbca.asp?
path=/cmbm/images/ripro/gaspari/AA/AA335/ (the specimen from I-Bc)
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Domine ad adiuuandum. Voce ſola Canto, ò Tenor ſolo
2. Dixit Dominus A 2. Tenori
3. Confitebor tibi Domine A 2. Canto ouero Tenore, e Baſſo
4. Beatus vir A 2. Alto, e Tenore. ouero Ten. e Baſſo, traſportato alla quarta baſſa
5. Laudate pueri A 2. Soprani, ò Tenori
6. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes A 2. Alto, e Ten. ouero Tenore e Baſſo traſportato alla quarta
7. Lætatus ſum A 2. Canto, ò Tenore, e Baſſo
8. Lauda Ieruſalem A 2. Tenore, e Baſſo ouero Tenor, & Alto
9. De profundis clamaui A 2. Alto, e Tenore, ouero Ten. e Baſſo alla quarta
10. Magnificat A 2. Tenori
11. Dixit Dominus A 5. Due Canti, ò Tenori e Baſſo con due Viol.
12. Confitebor tibi Domine A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
13. Beatus vir A 5. Alto, Tenor e Baſſo con due Violini
14. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes A 5. Alto, Tenor e Baſſo con due Viol.
15. Laudate pueri A 5. Alto, Tenore e Baſſo con 2. Viol.
16. Laudate pueri A 3. Due Canti, & Alto. Paſſegiato
17. Laudate pueri A 3. Due Tenori, e Baſſo
18. Credidi propter quod A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
19. Niſi Dominus A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
20. Magnificat. Vt uiuat ſemper Ieſus A 3. due Canti, ò Ten. e Baſſo
Composer(s): Zasa, Paolo (17.sc)
Quatro voci, con il Baſſo Continuo, nella qua-|le ſi contiene Motetti, Canzone, vna
Meſſa, li Salmi or-|dinarij & della Madonna con il Magnificat, | & nella Tauola ſi vede
l’ordine | per cantare | DI PAVLO ZASA | Da Schio Vicentino Rettore della Parochiale
de S. S. Leontio, & | Carpoffaro di Magrè, & monte | Nouamente compoſta, & data in
luce | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA M DC. XXXXV. Alla Stampa del Gardano |
4. The catalogue
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano 1645
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer to Monſignor Benedetto Saraceno Protonotario Apoſtolico dated 15th December
1645. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo indications: allegro, preſto, graue,
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50905 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Only B and bc partbooks extant,
B partbook damaged, esp. the title page and the last page, refilled with paper. On the
title page written in pencil: 549 | V.
Provenance: Both extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[A Y | 5.]; [Nro 312]; [Mus. 771/II].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 435–436; RISM A/I: Z 102, ZZ 102; SartoriB: 1645g; http://
sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Reſſonent [!] Organa. A voce Sola. Per ogni feſta della Madonna, e de Santi,
ò Sante
2. O Iesu amo te. A voce Sola. Canto ò Tenore
3. Salue Regina A 2. Canto, ò Tenore, e Tenore
4. Ego dormio. Dialogo A 2. Alto, e Tenore
5. Canzon A 2. Due Violini
6. Accedite populi A 3. Canto, ò Tenore e due violini. Motetto, ouero Introduttione alla Meſſa ò Veſpero, & chi valer ſe ne vole come Introduttione, ſi terminerà col Kyrie eleiſon, ouero Dixit Dominus Domino meo. Et volendoſene
ſeruire per Motetto, quando ariuati ſarete alla parola, CANTEMVS, tralaſſarete
le parolle della Introduttione, ſerate fra le doplicate ſtanghette, & ſubito paſſarete a l’Alleluia ſino al fine. Il quale anco ſi può cantare à voce ſola, tanto per
introduttione, con l’ordine predeto, come per Motetto, laſſando li due Violini,
& le Simfonie, col ſubito paſſar alla prima nota. soto queſto ſegno ✣ oue ſerà la
parolla ſuſſequente.
7. Meſſa à 4. Concertata, qual ſi può cantare anco à 2. Baſſo, Canto, Alto e Tenore,
la qual ſi puo perfettamente à due voci pari, cioe Canto in Tenore, e Tenore, laſciando il Baſſo, e l’Alto, eſſendo compoſta con queſto particolar oggieto
per commodo maggiore, e ſodisfatione de cantori. (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo –
Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
8. Dixit Dominus A 4. Baſſo, Canto, Alto, e Tenore
9. Confitebor tibi A 4. Baſſo, Canto, Alto, e Tenore
10. Beatus vir A 4. Baſſo, Canto, Alto, e Tenore
11. Laudate pueri A 4. Baſſo, Canto, Alto, e Tenore
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Lætatus ſum A 4. Baſſo, Canto, Alto, e Tenore
Niſi Dominus A 4. Baſſo, Canto, Alto, e Tenore
Lauda Ieruſalem A 4. Baſſo, Canto, Alto, e Tenore
Magnificat A 4. Baſſo, Canto, Alto, e Tenore
Composer(s): Rossi, Salomone (1570c–1630c)
Title: MADRIGALETTI | A DVE VOCI | Per Cantar à Doi Soprani, ouero | Tenori.
| Con il Baſſo Continuo per ſonar | DI SALOMON ROSSI | HEBREO | OPERA
TERZADECIMA | Nuouamente compoſta, & data in luce. | Con licenza de’ Superiori,
& Priuilegio. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, | Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti.
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1628
Description: Set of 3 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the composer to Paolo Emilio Gonzaga dated 3rd January 1628. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50747 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print, though according to Vogel there was
another specimen of this print in Berlin. Complete set of partbooks. On the title page
written in pencil: 431 | III; 72.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[A W | 3.]; [Nro 313]; Mus. 621.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 341; RISM A/I: R 2762; VogelB: II, pp. 164–165; NV 2443
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Salamone Rossi, Complete Works, ed. Don Harrán, Neuhausen:
Hänssler 1995–2003; Salamone Rossi, Madrigaletti a dve voci per cantar à doi soprani,
ouero tenori con il basso continuo per sonar: opera terzadecima; nuouamente composta,
& data in luce (1628), facs. ed., Köln: Becker 2005
Recording: Salomone Rossi: Madrigaletti op. XIII. Sei madrigali a voce sola e tiorba,
L’Aura Soave, Diego Cantalupi, Tactus 2000 (TC 571802)
1. Temer Donna non dei A 2. [Giambattista Marino]
2. Riede la Primavera A 2. [Giambattista Marino]
3. Volò nei tuoi begl’occhi A 2. [Giambattista Marino]
4. Poi che mori diceſti, ben mi fora il morir A 2.
5. Hò ſì nell’alma impreſſo A 2.
6. Non è queſt’il ben mio A 2.
7. S’io paleſo il mio focomale A 2.
8. Alma de l’alma mia, com’in me ſpiri A 2.
9. Meſſager di Speranza, amato ſì degli occhi miei A 2. [Gabriello Chiabrera]
10. Ahi ben ti veggio, ingrata A 2.
4. The catalogue
Voi dite ch’io ſon ghiaccio, donna A 2.
Vago augelletto, che cantando vai (Prima parte) – Io non ſò ſe le parti ſarian pari
(Seconda Parte.) A 2. [Francesco Petrarca]
Gradita libertà pur ricovrato (Prima parte) – Feliciſſimo dì (Seconda Parte) –
Donna priva di fè (Terza parte.) A 2.
Pargoletta, che non ſai il valor de’ tuoi begl’occhi A 2.
Vuò fugir lontan da te (Prima parte.) – Tu credevi fors’all’hor ch’io ti mirai (Seconda Parte.) – L’occhi tuoi mi ſaettar (Terza Parte.) – Volgi pur da me il penſier
(Quarta Parte.) A 2.
Tra mill’e mille belle à 3
Fillide vuol ch’io l’ami à 3
Zeffiro torna e di ſoavi accenti (Prima parte) – Sorge più vaga in ciel (Seconda
parte) A 2. & à 3. Con il Baſſo ſi placet [Ottavio Rinuccini]
Composer(s): Gualtieri, Antonio (1580c–1650)
GVALTIERI | Maeſtro di Capella della Colleggia-|ta, & delle ſette Chieſe di | Monſelice.
| OPERA OTTAVA. | Nouamente compoſta, & data in luce. | CON PRIVILEGIO. |
[typographer’s mark] | In Venetia, Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. 1625. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1625
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, III parte, bc. On p. 3 dedication of
the composer to Francesco Duodo dated 20th September 1625. At the end – a list of
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50504 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Only S II and bc partbooks extant;
NV informs that Un esempl. compl. esisteva nella Stadtbibliothek di Breslau. On the title
page written in pencil: 268 | IV. The specimen underwent conservation in 1994.
Provenance: Both extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[B W | 4.]; [Nro 314]; [Mus. 378].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 165; RISM A/I: G 4796; VogelB: I, p. 315; NV 1297
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Falſa, falſa Sirena à 1. Tenore solo. [Bernardo Volpini]
2. Donna, ſiam rei di morte à 1. Tenore solo.
3. O Peregrina vaga à 1. Tenore solo.
4. Garula Rondinella ch’a lo spuntar à 1. Canto solo.
5. Io son ferito, ahi laſſo à 2. Due Tenori.
6. E tu parti, ben mio, ſenza dirmi a dio à 2. Due Tenori.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Qual’hor vi miro et odo ardo, mio bene à 2. Due Tenori.
Pargoletto Cupido, che con le tue quadrella nel penſiero à 2. Canto & Tenore.
Amorosa Celinda, un bacio ſol il tuo fedel ti chiede à 2. Canto & Tenore.
Folle Filli, infedele, getto al mare à 2. Doi Tenori.
Naſcono roſe e fiori e vermiglietti à 2. Due Tenori.
Colgi vaga roſa, leggiadra verginella à 2. Due Canti.
Vezzoſa pargoletta, che doni e togli baci à 2. Due Canti.
Ritorna, o cor, ritorna del mio tesoro à 2. Due Canti.
Leggiadra mi dicea dolce cantando à 3. Basso, Tenore, e Canto.
Ahi quanti ſcorgo, ahi quanti in me rivali amanti à 3. Basso e due Tenori.
Bacio ſoave e caro à 3. Basso e due Canti.
Più non chiedo, non miro à 3. Tenore e due Canti.
Composer(s): Ganassi, Giacomo (17.sc)
CANTICA DVO | BEATAE MARIAE VIRGINIS, | Ac aliæ copioſæ cantiones, cum
parte Organica | quatuor Muſicis vocibus explicata. | AVCTORE | FRATRE IACOBO
GANASSO | TARVISINO, | Ex Franciſcana Minorum Conuentualium Religione, | In
D. MARIAE Aſylienſis Muſicæ Præfeĉto. | [typographer’s mark] | VENETIIS, || Apud
Alexandrum Vincentium. MDCXXXVII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1637
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the composer to Avrelio Ganzarino Asiliensi ordinis Min. Conv. artium, & Sacrae Theologiae
Doctori without a date. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50456 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Single handwritten accidentals. On the
title page written in pencil: 230 | V; 280.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[C S | 5]; [Nro 315]; Mus. 336. Another specimen of this print, stored in PL-Kj Mus.
ant. pract. G 178, is from St Mary Magdalene’s Church in Wrocław.
Catalogues: EitnerQ: IV, p. 150; BohnD, pp. 144–145; RISM A/I: G 324; PatalasC 778;
SartoriB: 1637e; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it;
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Giacomo Ganassi, 13 canzoni strumentali a due e a quattro strumenti con il basso per l’organo: estratte da Vespertina Psalmodia in totius anni solemnitates. Venezia: 1637, ed. Alessandro Bares, Albese con Cassano: Musedita 2005
Recording: Flos florum. Italian Vespers in Bohemia c. 1650, The Prague Chamber
Singers, Supraphon 1999 (819014-2 231)
4. The catalogue
1. Deus in adiutorium meum – Domine ad adiuuandum
2. Dixit Dominus Domino meo. Sexti Toni.
3. Confitebor tibi Domine. Primi Toni.
4. Beatus vir qui timet Dominum. Quinti Toni.
5. Laudate pueri Dominum. Secundi Toni.
6. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes. Sexti Toni.
7. In exitu Iſrael de ægypto. Mixti Toni.
8. Lætatus ſum in his. Sexti Toni.
9. Niſi Dominus. Quinti Toni.
10. Lauda Ieruſalem Dominum. Primi Toni.
11. Credidi propter quod locutus ſum. Mixti Toni.
12. In conuertendo. Tertii Toni.
13. Domine probaſti me. Primi Toni.
14. De profundis. Secundi Toni.
15. Memento Domine Dauid. Tertij Toni.
16. Beati omnes. Septimi Toni.
17. Confitebor Angelorum. Oĉtaui Toni.
18. Magnificat. Primi Toni.
19. Magnificat. Sexti Toni.
20. Cantate omnes et in psalmis et organis. A 4.
21. Viĉtime Paſchali laudes. A 4. Voci. Sequentia in Dominica Reſurreĉtionis
22. Veni ſanĉte Spiritus. A 4. Voci. Sequentia. In die Pentecoſtes.
23. Lauda Sion Saluatorem. à 4 Voci. Sequentia in Feſto Corporis Chriſti.
24. Regina cæli à 4
25. Salue Regina A 4.
26. Aue Regina cælorum. A Quattro
27. Litaniæ A 4. (Kyrie eleiſon – Agnus Dei)
28. Vanitas vanitatum
29. Canzon prima A 4.
30. Canzon ſeconda à 4.
31. Canzon Terza A 4.
32. Canzon quarta. à 4.
33. Canzon quinta A 4.
34. Canzon Prima A 2. Violino, & Trombone
35. Canzon Seconda A 2. Violino, & Trombone
36. Canzon Terza. A 2. Violino, & Trombone.
37. Canzon Prima. A 2. Violino, & Violetta.
38. Canzon Seconda à 2. Violino, & Violetta.
39. Canzon Terza à 2. Violino, & Violetta.
40. Canzon quarta à 2. Violino, & Violetta.
41. Canzon quinta à 2. Violino, & Violetta.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Composer(s): Ceresini, Giovanni (1584–1659p)
SIG. ROBERTO CANONICO. | OPERA QVARTA | Nuouamente compoſta, & data in
luce. | Con licenza de’ Superiori, & Priuilegio. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA,
|| Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. | MDCXXVII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1627
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On pp. 2–3 of the vocal partbooks dedication of the composer dated 15th May 1627. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50347 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Complete set of partbooks. Single
handwritten accidentals and calculations of rest lengths. On the title page written in
pencil: 151 | V.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
B Y | 5.; n. 316; Mus. 239.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 97–98; RISM A/I: C 1699; VogelB: I, p. 162; NV 547
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=14669
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Qveſte doglioſe ſtille, Inchioſtri nò, ma pianti A 2. Tenore, e Baſſo. [Giambattista Marino]
2. Simulacro d’Amor bocca di Nume A 2. Due Canti.
3. O vago Roſſignuolo A 2. Canto e Tenore. [Giambattista Marino]
4. Tu piagni empia? Tu preghi? A 2. Due Tenori. [Giambattista Marino]
5. E coſì pur vegliando A 2. Due Canti.
6. Vorrei baciarti, o Filli, ma non ſo prima ove A 2. Tenor, e Baſſo. [Giambattista
7. Qual’hor, labra ſoaui A 2. Canto, e Tenore. [Giambattista Marino]
8. Tornate, o cari baci A 2. Canto, e Tenore [Giambattista Marino]
9. Feriteui, ferite, viprette mordaci, dolci guerrere ardite A 2. Due Tenori. [Giambattista Marino]
10. Al deſio troppo ingordo A 2. Due Canti [Giambattista Marino]
11. O tronchi innamorati, o ſaſsi che ſeguite queſta fera A 2. Tenore, e Baſſo [Giambattista Marino]
12. Nel cor ſiede la vita A 2. Due Canti.
13. L’occulto mio dolor A 2. Canto, e Tenore
14. Se con ſì fiera voglia A 2. Due Tenori
4. The catalogue
In quel gelato core la face hai ſpenta, amore A 2. Due Canti. [Giambattista Marino]
Soſpirato mio bene A 3. Due Tenori, e Baſſo
Io ſenza fede? A 3. Due Canti, e Baſſo
Foſs’io quel roſſignuolo A 3. Due Canti, e Baſſo [Giambattista Marino]
Se la ſpeme no’l nutre A 4. Canto Tenore, Alto, e Baſſo.
Si ch’io vorrei morire A 4. Canto, Tenore, Alto, e Baſſo.
Io disleale? Ahi cruda, voi negate la fede A 4. Canto Tenore, Alto, e Baſſo. [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
Composer(s): Legrenzi, Giovanni (1626–1690)
Title: COMPIETE | Con le Lettanie & Antifone Della B. V. à 5. voci | DI GIOVANNI
LEGRENZI | Maeſtro di Cappella dell’Illustriſſima Accademia dello | Spirito Santo
BENTIVOGLIO | Opera VII | [only in B partbook: typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA
M. DC. LXII. Apreſſo Francesco Magni detto Gardano. |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1662
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the
composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo indications:
preſto, adaggio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50584 Muz.
Notes on item: Bc partbook missing. A partbook damaged, refilled with paper after
conservation in 1993. Single handwritten accidentals. On the title page written in pencil: 308 | VI; 152.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: o E | 6; [Nro 317]; [Mus. 451].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 246; RISM A/I: L 1618; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/viewschedatwbca.asp?
path=/cmbm/images/ripro/gaspari/AA/AA180/ (the specimen from I-Bc)
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Iube domne A 5
2. Fratres ſobrij estote
3. Confiteor Deo omnipotenti
4. Conuerte nos Deus
5. Domine ad adiuuandum
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Cum inuocarem
In te Domine ſperaui
Qui habitat in adiutorio
Ecce nunc benedicite
Te lucis ante terminum
In manus tuas
Nunc dimittis
Letanie. Kyrie eleiſon
Alma Redemptoris mater
Aue Regina
Regina cęli lętare
Salue Regina
Composer(s): Zavaglioli, Simone (17.sc)
pleniore, Muſicisq; Inſtrumentis; Partim verò ſine Inſtrumentis decantandæ, | SIMONIS
ZAVALIOLI | Veronenſis, Cathedralis Veronę Muſices Magiſtri, | Illuſtriſsimo, &
Nec non | Per Illuſtri, ac Reuerendiſsimo D. D. eiuſdem Vrbis Canonicorum Capitulo
Dicatę. | OPVS PRIMVM. | [only in the vocal partbooks:] CVM PRIVILEGIIS. |
[typographer’s mark] | VENETIIS || Apud Aleſſandrum Vincentium. MDCXXXXI. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1641
Description: Set of 8 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T I, T II, B, vl I, vl II, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50907 Muz.
Notes on item: T I and B partbooks missing. S, A, T II and bc partbook damaged on
edges, refilled with paper after conservation. Some pasted-over printed paper sheets with
music text errata (bc, p. 9). On the title page written in pencil: 548 | VIII.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [B H | 8.]; [Nro 318]; [Mus. 772].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 436; RISM A/I: Z 104, ZZ 104; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Meſſa da Capella à 4. (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Benediĉtus – Agnus Dei)
2. Meſſa à 4. di Concerto con 2 violini ſe piace (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus
– Agnus Dei)
4. The catalogue
Meſſa à 5. di Concerto con 2 violini (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus
Motetti da Capella A 4.
4. Sanĉta Dei Genitrix ora pro nobis
5. Ad te Domine
6. Perfice greſſus me os vt non moueantur veſtigia mea
7. Adoramus te Chriſte et benedicimus tibi
Motetti Concertati
8. Ieſu ſumma benignitas A 2. Canto, & Alto
9. Suſcepimus Deus miſericordiam tuam A 2. Alto e Tenor
10. Bonum eſt confiteri Domino A 3. doi Canti, e Baſſo
11. O glorioſa Domina A 3. Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo
12. Congratulamini mihi omnes A 5. A.T. 2 violini e Trombon o Fagoto 3 Inſtrumenti
13. Confitemini Domino A 5. con 2. Violini C.A. 2. T. e Baſſo
Composer(s): Rigatti, Giovanni Antonio (1613c–1648)
Molto Illuſtri Signori & Patroni Collendiſſimi, Li Signori Accademici | di S. Lorenzo
nella Città de Lodi. | Con Licenza de ſuperiori & Priuilegio. | [typographer’s mark] | IN
VENETIA MDCXXXXIII Apreſſo Bartolameo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1643
Description: According to Bohn, set of 2 partbooks in oblong 4o: Voce, Part. On p. 3
dedication of the composer dated 1st July 1643. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: Specimen no longer preserved.
Notes on item: [–]
Provenance: Old shelfmarks: [C W | 2]; [Nro 319]; [Mus. 610].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 334; RISM A/I: R 1416; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/viewschedatwbca.asp?
path=/cmbm/images/ripro/gaspari/BB/BB229/ (the specimen from I-Bc)
Modern edition: Giovanni Antonio Rigatti, Celesti fiori: Italian motets of the seventeenth century for one or several voices and basso continuo, ed. Dennis Collins, Arbroath: Prima la musica! 2009
Recording: Stabat Mater. Motets to the Virgin Mary, Philippe Jaroussky, Ensemble
Artaserse, Erato 2010 (93907)
1. Bonum eſt confiteri
2. Egredimini amatores
3. Quaſi cedrus exaltata ſum
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Iubilate gaudete
Salue Regina Imperatrix Maria
O ſtella Cæli
Iubilent in cælis
Gaudete & exultate
Himnum iucunditatis cantemus
Salue Regina
O magnum Sacramentum
Conſolamini popule meus
Alma Redemptoris mater
Aue Regina Cęlorum
Regina Cæli lætare
Iuſtus germinabit ſicut lilium
Laudate Dominum in ſanctis eius
O dulcissima Virgo
Sancti tui Domine florebunt
Surge columba mea & veni
In voluntate tua Domine
Anima miſeranda quę offendit
Surgamus cantemus
Composer(s): Vizana (Vizzana), Lucrezia Orsina (1590–1662)
di | Santa | CHRISTINA DI BOLOGNA | Della Congregatione | CAMALDOLENSE.
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1622
Description: Set of 3 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the composer to the nuns of the composer’s convent dated 25th November 1622. At the end – a list
of contents, typographer’s mark and the colophon: Nella Stamparia del Gardano | IN
VENEtIA Appreſſo Bartholomeo Magni MDCXXIII.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50887 Muz.
Notes on item: S II partbook missing. On the title page written in pencil: 537 | III;
309. Single handwritten accidentals. The specimen underwent conservation in 1997.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [C H | 3.]; [Nro 320]; [Mus. 756].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 425; RISM A/I: V 2261; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/viewschedatwbca.asp?
path=/cmbm/images/ripro/gaspari/BB/BB063/ (the specimen from I-Bc)
4. The catalogue
Modern edition: Lucrezia Orsina Vizana, Componimenti musicali de motteti concertati a una e piu voci, facs. ed., Köln: Becker 2002
Recording: Canti nel Chiostro. Musiche nei monasteri femminili del ‘600 a Bologna,
Cappella Artemisia, Candace Smith, Tactus 2005 (TC 600001); Songs of ecstasy and
devotion from a 17th century Italian convent. Lucrezia Vizzana: Componimenti Musicali
(1623), Catherine King, Musica Secreta, Linn Records 1999 (CKD 071); Soror mea,
sponsa mea. Il Cantico dei Cantici nei conventi italiani tra Cinquecento e Seicento, Cappella Artemisia, Candace Smith, Tactus 2005 (TC 560002)
1. Exurgat Deus & diſsipentur. A Voce Sola.
2. Sonet vox tua in auribus cordis mei. A Voce Sola
3. Aue Stella matutina. A Voce Sola.
4. O ſi ſciret ſtultus mundus. A Voce Sola.
5. Domine ne in furore tuo arguas me. A Voce Sola.
6. Præbe mihi amantiſsime Domine. A Voce Sola.
7. Vſquequo obliuiſceris me. A Voce Sola.
8. O magnum miſterium. A Voce Sola.
9. Confiteantur tibi Domine. A Voce Sola.
10. Veni dulciſsime Domine. A Voce Sola.
11. Omnes gentes cantate Domino. A doi Voci Soprani o Tenori.
12. Amo Chriſtum in cuius thalamo introibo. A doi Voci Soprani o Tenori.
13. Omnes gentes plaudite. A doi Voci Soprani o Tenori.
14. Ornauerunt faciem templi. A doi Voci Soprani o Tenori.
15. Domine quid multiplicati ſunt. A doi Voci Soprani o Tenori.
16. Paratum cor meum Deus. A doi Voci Soprani o Tenori.
17. Filij Syon exultate. A doi Voci Soprani o Tenori.
18. O inuiĉtiſsima Christi martir. A doi Voci Soprani o Tenori.
19. Domine Dominus noſter. A tre Voci.
20. Proteĉtor noſter magnus coram Domino. A Quattro Voci.
Composer(s): Gallerano, Leandro (1630c†)
Voces haud simili diſcretas ſono Muſica concordes | Arte Compoſuit | F. LEANDER
GALLERANVS | BRIXENSIS | Minorita Con. In Conuentù S. Antonij de Padua
Muſices, | & Muſicis Præfectus. | OPVS DECIMVMTERTIVM | D. ANTONIO in
æternum deuotionis monumentum Venerandae | Arcæ Præſidentibus in ſingularis
obſeruantiæ | pignus conſecratæ. | [woodcut emblem of St. Anthony de Padua] |
VENETIIS, Apud Alexandrum Vincentium. M DC XXVIII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1628
Description: Set of 7 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, 6, bc. On p. 2 dedication to Sanctissimo Patri Antonio de Padva ac adm. Reu. Patribus, atque Illuſtriſſimis Dominis Ipſius Ven.
Arcae Præſidentibus Patronis dated 10th December 1627. At the end – a list of contents.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50453 Muz.
Notes on item: B and 5 partbooks missing. Single handwritten accidentals. On the
title page written in pencil: 227 | VII; 289. The specimen underwent conservation in
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [B C | 7]; [Nro 321]; [Mus. 332].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 143; RISM A/I: G 158; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Meſſa Recordare mei Domine (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
2. Miſſa Dicea Dameta (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
3. Miſſa Concertata (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Prosperi, Angelo (17.sc)
Title: PRIMO LIBRO MOTETTI | Sacri à voce ſola da cantarſi nel Organo, | ó in altro
dell’Ordine di Minori Conuentuali di S. Franceſco | Opera Prima | [a heart-shaped
woodcut representing the Holy Virgin Mary with child and a small church below] | In
VENETIA MDCXL || Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1640
Description: Set of 2 partbooks in 4o: S, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the composer
Deiparæ Virgini Almæ Mariæ without a date. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50721 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Complete set of partbooks. Single
handwritten accidentals. On the title page written in pencil: 403 | 2; 298. The specimen
underwent conservation in 1996.
Provenance: Both partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: B R |
2.; [Nro] 322; Mus. 584.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 322; RISM A/I: P 5515; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
4. The catalogue
1. Sanĉta Maria ſuccurre miſeris. Canto ò Tenore
2. Surge propera Amica mea. Canto ò Tenore
3. O glorioſa Domina Maria. Canto ò Tenore.
4. O quam pulchra es Amica mea. Canto ò Tenore
5. Gaudeamus omnes in Domino. Canto ò Tenore
6. Gaudebunt labia mea. Canto ò Tenore
7. Alleluia. Gaudeamus omnes cantantes iubilantes. Canto ò Tenore
8. Iubilate cantate exultate & pſallite. Canto ò Tenore. per S. Michele Archangelo.
9. Franciſcus vir Catholicus. Alto ò Baſſo. Per il Serafico Padre S. Franceſco d’Aſiſi.
10. O Doĉtor ęgregie [!]. Canto ò Tenore. Per S. Girolamo D. della Chieſa.
11. Induit Dominus. Alto ò Baſſo. Per S. Antonio da Padoua.
12. Salue ſponſa Dei. Canto ò Tenore. Per S. Chiara.
13. Hodie cum gaudio. Canto ò Tenore. Per S. Cecilia V. e Martire.
14. Sumite Pſalterium. Canto ò Tenore. Per il giorno di Paſqua di Reſurrettione.
Composer(s): Prosperi, Angelo (17.sc)
Title: IL SECONDO LIBRO DE | MOTETTI | Sacri à voce ſola da cantarſi nel’Organo,
ò in altro | ſimile iſtrumento, di varij, e vaghi affetti, e paſſ-|aggi ornati, quali
faciliſſimamente ſi can-| tano per eſſere arioſi, e diletteuoli, | e compoſti conforme allo
| ſtile moderno. | AVttoRE | IL PADRE FRAT’ ANGELO PROSPERI | Da Falarone
Minore Conuentuale di S. Franceſco. | opera Seconda. | [typographer’s mark] | IN
VENETIA MDCXXXX || Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1640
Description: Set of 2 partbooks in 4o: S, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer to
Sig. Gouernatore, e Fratelli della Venerabile Compagnia del Santissimo Sacramento…
d’Ancona, dated 24th October 1640. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50722 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Only S partbook extant. On the title
page written in pencil: 404 | II; 300. The specimen underwent conservation in 1990.
Provenance: The extant partbook bears Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
B Y | 2.; [Nro] 323; [Mus. 585].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 323; RISM A/I: P 5516; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Domine probaſti me. Baſſo
2. Principes perſecuti ſunt me. Baſſo
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Gaudent in Celis Animę ſanĉtorum. Baſſo
Tota pulchra es Maria. Baſſo
Ego ſum panis vitę. Tenore
Ecce ego mittos vos ſicut oues in medio luporum. Tenore
Cum complerentur dies Pentecoſtes. Tenore
Virgo prudentisſima. Tenore
Domus mea. Alto
Ecce ſacerdos magnus. Alto
Hodie nobis Cęlorum Rex. Alto
Vocauit nos Deus vocatione ſua. Alto
Sanĉta Virgo Virginum & mater caſtisſima. Canto
O flos cæleſtis patriæ. Canto. Per S. Bonauentura Dottore della Cheſa [!]
Roſa vernans charitatis. Canto. Per S. Lodouico Veſcouo.
Veni ſponſa Christi. Canto
Composer(s): Monte dell’Olmo, Girolamo da (17.sc); S. Agata, Tomaso da (17.sc)
Title: APPLAVSI | ECCLESIASTICI | Motetti A Voce ſola con il Baſſo Con-|tinuo per
l’Organo. Di | F. GIROLAMO DA MONTE DELL’OLMO | Minore Oſſeruante. Libro
Primo | Et alcuni del P. F. Tomaſo da S. Agata del | medeſimo ordine. | Con Licenza de
Superiori & Priuilegio. | DEDICAtI | Alli Molto Illuſtri Signori Priori, e Com-|munità
dell’iſteſſa Terra. | [typographer’s mark] | STAMPA DEL GARDANO | IN VENETIA
M DC XXXVI || Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Bartolomeo Magni 1636
Description: Set of 2 partbooks in 4o: Cantore, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer dated 1st April 1637. At the end – a list of contents and an avviso Alli Corteſi Lettori,
e Signori Cantori.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50478 Muz.
Notes on item: Only bc partbook extant, damaged, underwent conservation in
1995. The title page and last page missing.
Provenance: The extant partbook bears Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[B G | 2.]; [Nro 324]; Mus. 348.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 156; RISM A/I: G 2516, GG 2516; RISM B/I: 16363; www.bibliotecamusica.it (later edition of this print, G 2517; 16371); www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Os meum aperui. Canto ò Tenore
2. Audi Maria. Canto ò Tenore
4. The catalogue
Cantate almę matri Marię. Canto ò Tenore.
Lętemur & exultemus. Canto ò Tenore
Hęc eſt Virgo ſapiens. Canto ò Tenore.
Aue Maris ſtella. Canto ò Tenore.
Beatus Pater Franciſcus. Canto ò Tenore.
Exaudi Domine. Canto ò Tenore
Cantemus Deo. Canto ò Tenore
Mirificauit Dominus. Canto ò Tenore
Omni tempore. Canto ò Tenore
Cantate Domino. Alto ò Baritono
Domine Deus virtutum. Alto
Salue Sanĉte Paſtor Carole. Tenore.
Audite omnes gentes. Tenore
Deus qui vnigenitum. Tenore
Glorioſus Deus. Tenore
Elegit te Dominus. Tenore
Panis angelicus. Tenore.
Guſtate & videte. Tenore.
Inter tot ſocios cur Thoma es perfigus. Tenore
Pate faĉtę ſunt ianuę cęli. Tenore
Ego dormiui & somnum cępi. Tenore.
Surrexit Paſtor bonus. Tenore
Saluator mundi ſalua nos. Baritono
Deus qui corda fidelium. Baſſo.
Vota populi tui Domine. Baſſo
O quam metuendus eſt. Baritono.
O felix ò lucidisſima nox. Baſſo
O Altitudo diuitiarum. Baſſo
F. Tomaso da Santa Agata: Angele Dei qui cuſtos es Canto
F. Tomaso da Santa Agata: Egredimini & videte. Alto
F. Tomaso da Santa Agata: Corde & animo. Canto.
F. Tomaso da Santa Agata: Stella cęli extirpauit. Canto.
F. Tomaso da Santa Agata: Cęlorum candor ſplenduit. Baſſo.
F. Tomaso da Santa Agata: O clara luce clarior. Canto
F. Tomaso da Santa Agata: O vos omnes qui tranſitis per viam. Canto
F. Tomaso da Santa Agata: Quis dabit capiti meo. Tenore
Composer(s): Monte dell’Olmo, Girolamo da (17.sc)
Title: SACRI AFFETI [!] | Motetti A voce ſola. Con il Baſſo | Continuo per l’Organo.
| DI F. GIROLAMO DA MONTE DELL’OLMO | Minore Oſſeruante. | Raccolti e dati
in luce da Giacinto Giliucci d’Offida. | DEDICATI | Alli Molto Illuſtri e Molto R. R. S.
S. Canonici, | e Capitolo della Collegiata inſigne, Chieſa | Matrice di detta Terra. | Libro
Secondo. | Con Licenza de Superiori & Priuilegio. | [typographer’s mark] | STAMPA DEL
GARDANO | IN VENETIA MDCXXXVII || Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni. |
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Bartolomeo Magni 1637
Description: Set of 2 partbooks in 4o: Parte cantante, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the
composer signed Offida, 29th March 1637. At the end – a list of contents and an avviso
of the composer Alli gentili Lettori, e Corteſi Cantori.
Shelfmark: Specimen no longer preserved, the unique surviving specimen preserved in GB-Och is of different provenance.
Notes on item: [–]
Provenance: Old shelfmarks: [B V | 2.]; [Nro 325]; [Mus. 349].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 156; RISM A/I: G 2518; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Omne quodcunques facitis. Canto ò Tenore.
2. Gaudeamus omnes in Domino. Canto ò Tenore.
3. O mi Iesv dulcisſime. Canto ò Tenore. Sopra à N. Madrigale del P. fra Luca
Agoſtiniano d’Offida Musico.
4. Tota pulcra es Maria. Canto ò Tenore.
5. O Chriſti Confeſſor Beate Auguſtine. Canto ò Tenore.
6. Salua nos Domine. Canto ò Tenore.
7. Vnica ſpes hominum. Canto ò Tenore.
8. O Chriſti fideles. Canto ò Tenore.
9. Audite Cęli. Canto ò Tenore.
10. In perenni cęleſti collegio. Canto ò Tenore
11. Te Deum laudamus. Canto ò Tenore.
12. Alleluia hęc dies quam fecit Dominus. Canto ò Tenore.
13. Salue Salus mundi. Tenore.
14. Omnia tempus habent. Tenore
15. Omni cuſtodia cuſtodi cor tuum. Tenore
16. Gloria in excelſis Deo. Tenore
17. Verbum caro faĉtum eſt. Tenore
18. Veni Creator Spiritus. Tenore
19. Dominus regnavit exultet terra. Alto ò Baritono
20. Cantabo Domino in vita mea. Alto ò Baritono.
21. Iſte Sanĉtus pro lege Dei. Baſſo
22. Clamauerunt iuſti & Dominus exaudiuit. Baritono.
Composer(s): Vesi, Simone (1610c–1667p)
Title: LE MASCHERATE | DI SIMON VESI Da Forli | Maſtro di Capella di Monſignor [Giorgio] Cornaro Veſcouo di Padoua | A 2. 3. 4. con due violini ſe piace | Dedi539
4. The catalogue
cate | ALL’ILLVSTRISSIMO SIGNOR | ANDREA MANTOVA | [typographer’s mark]
| IN VENETIA MDCLX. Apreſſo Franceſco Magni detto Gardano |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1660
Description: Set of 7 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, vl I, vl II, bc. On p. 2 dedication of
the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo indications:
preſto, adagio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50883 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. A partbook missing. In T partbook
opening pages missing. On the title page written in pencil: 531 | VII. Some handwritten accidentals, music corrections, pitch corrections, calculations of rest lengths and
text incipits; in bc partbook some handwritten notes: Ritor[nello]. A small part was cut
out of the title page of bc partbook, probably with the stamp. The specimen underwent
conservation in 1994.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: o. F. | 7.; [Nro] 326; [Mus. 749].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 421; RISM A/I: V 1316, VV 1316; VogelB: II, p. 311; NV 2894
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Io ch’albergo sourano. Dialogo A 2. Canti ò Tenori e 2 violini (Honore, Lascivia)
2. Se di tre forſe nati mirar la copia. Maſscherata Prima. d’vna Ruffiana, Corteggiano, e Aſtrologo. A 3. C. A. Baritono con due violini.
3. Siam tre poveri Italiani. Maſcherata 2. dell’apeſtati. A 3. Due TT. è B. con violini. Per
rapreſentar la ditta Maſcherata fara bene andar con le crociole, chi con vna, e chi con
due, mettendoſi bollettini ſu la faccia e con vna ſcufia di veſſiccha, con vn berettino
di ſopra, e quando dirano radono le done ſenza ferri, cauarſi il berettino di ſopra per
moſtrar che ſono ſenza peli. riuſcirà per meglio la Maſcherata in Carro fingendo eſſer
in letto in tutto poi ſi rimette alla prudenza, di chi la deuono rappreſentare.
4. Star rinchiuſo in ſua cittade. Maſcherata 3. de Vagabondi A 3. A.T.B. e due violini
5. Mai ſi trova alcun contento. Maſcherata 4. De Cacciatori. Vn Cacciator, Peſscador, & vccellador A 3. A.T.B. con due violini
6. Olà che fate, non bevete? Maſcherata 5. de’ Baccanti à 3. A.T.B., è due violini
7. Il gioco. Maſcherata 6. d’vn Corteggiano, Crapulone e Giocatore A 4. Due Tenori C. B. con violini
8. Chi di ſentir deſia ſtrauaganze. Maſcherata 7. le donne menano per il naſo
gl’huomeni A 4. ouer a più voci ſe piace, con 2 violini. Queſta Maſcherata ſi
può cantar con quattro huomini, e 4 done che tutti cantino nelli ripieni, e nei
concerti cantar hor vna parte hor l’altre
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Composer(s): Alouisi (Aloisi, Aloysi, Alovisi), Giovan Battista (1654p†); Gallerano,
Leandro (1630c†)
Title: CELESTIS | PARNASVS | In quo nouem Muſæ, Tum duæ, tum tres, tum quatuor,
ſimul | concertantes concinunt. | DEO LAVDES, VIRGINI ENCOMIA, | SANCTISQVE
Primum. Tertium impreſſum. | [typographer’s mark] VENETIIS. MDCXLIIII || Apud
Bartholomeum Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1644
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50248 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Single handwritten accidentals and pitch
corrections. On the title page written in pencil: 45 | V.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[L o | 5.]; [Nro 327]; [Mus. 117].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 43–44; RISM A/I: A 873; SartoriB: 1644f; www.printedsacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Peccaui super numerum à 2. Canti ò Tenori
2. Transfige amabilis Iesu à 2. Due Canti ò Tenori
3. Salue Chriſti Sanĉta parens à 2. Due Canti ò Tenori
4. O bone Iesu à 2. A Due Canti ò Tenori
5. Bone Iesu verbum Patris à 2. A Due Canti ò Tenori
6. In puritate cordis mei à 2. Canto è Tenore
7. O bone Iesu à 2. Canto è Tenore
8. Laudate nomen Domini à 2. 2 Tenori
9. In voluntate tua Domine à 2. Canto ò Tenore è Baſſo
10. O quam ſunt dulcia à 2. Tenore e Baſſo
11. O dulcis & bone Iesu à 3. Canto & due Tenori
12. O dies infelices à 3. Due Canti ouer Tenori è Baſſo
13. Recordare Domine à 3. Canto Tenore è Baſſo. Al M. R. Padre il P. Maeſtro Gio.
Euangeliſta Giunchi Da Bologna
14. Salue Virga Ieſſe florida à 3. Alto Tenor è Baſſo
15. Tu pulchra es Maria à 3. Due Tenori è Baſſo
16. Quemadmodum deſiderat ceruus à 3. Due Violini è Tenore
17. Impetum inimicorum non timui à 4. Canto Alto Tenore & Baſſo.
18. Cantate Domino canticum nouum à 4. Canto Alto Tenore & Baſſo.
19. Dulcisſima Chriſti Mater à 4. Canto Alto Tenore & Baſſo.
4. The catalogue
In Domino confido à 4. 2 Canti Tenore è Baſſo. Di Leandro Gallerano Maeſtro
di Capella Del Santo in Padoa
Attolite portas à 4. Canto due Tenori è Baſſo
O Glorioſa Domina à 4. Due violini e due Tenori
La Bonella. Canzone à 4.
Litanię B. V. M.
Composer(s): Chinelli, Giovanni Battista (1610–1677)
Cantilene nel Fine à tre voci con Violini | Et altri ſtromenti ad Libitum. | DI |
Reuerendiſſimo Padre Il Padre D. | ANGELO MARIA | ARCIONI | Procurator
Generale della Congregatione Caſsinenſe | CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark]
| IN VENETIA || Apreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDC. LII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1652
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, A, T, B, bc. On pp. 2–3 dedication of
the composer dated 22nd April 1652. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo and
dynamic indications: adaſio, forte, pian, preſto.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50353 Muz.
Notes on item: S II and bc partbooks missing. Some handwritten accidentals, pitch
corrections and calculations of rest lengths. Handwritten errata of the tavola in B partbook. T and B partbooks damaged on the edges, refilled with paper after conservation
in 1993. On the title page written in pencil: 156 | VI; 353.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [L K]; [Nro 328]; [Mus. 246].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 100; RISM A/I: C 2066; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Currite gentes A 2. Due Canti ouero Tenori
2. Venite canite laudes dicite A 2. Due Canti ouero Tenori.
3. O Domina A 2. Canto e Tenore
4. Saluum me fac A 2. Alto e Tenore
5. Eia Anima. Dialogo A 2. Alto e Tenore
6. Audi Toma. Dialogo A 2. Alto e Tenore
7. Canite Domino in Cithara A 2. Canto e Baſſo
8. Collaudate nomen sanĉtum A 2. Canto e Baſſo
9. Laus tibi honor A 2. Alto e Baſſo
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
O vere mirabilis altitudo A 3. Due Canti, ò Tenori e Baſſo
Salue Regina A 3. Canto, Tenor e Baſſo
Quid ſuperbis. Dialogo A 3. due Tenori, e Baſſo
Egredimini Filię ſion A 3. Voci con Inſtrumenti. Alto, Tenor, e Baſſo, con doi
Pſallite Domino in Cithara. Cantilena A 3. Voci con Inſtrumenti. doi Tenori,
e Baſſo con Inſtrumenti e Ripieni ad Libitum.
Cantate Virgines pſallite martires. Cantillena A 3. Voci con Inſtrumenti. Canto,
Tenor, e Baſſo con Ripieni ad Libitum
Quid ſtatis A 3. Voci con Inſtrumenti. Canto, Alto, e Tenore, con Sinfonie [with
two parallel text settings]
Composer(s): Mattioli, Andrea (1620c–1679)
| ANDREA MATTIOLI | Maeſtro di Cappella dell’Illuſtriſſima Accademia del Spirito
| Santo in Ferrara | OPERA TERZA | DEDICATA | All’Illuſtriſſimo, & Eccellentiſſimo
Signor Marcheſe | CORNELIO BENTIVOGLIO | Principe della ſteſſa Accademia.
| CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA. || Apreſſo Aleſſandro
Vincenti MDCLIII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1653
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T I, T II, B, bc. On p. 1 or 2 dedication
of the composer dated 30th January 1653. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo
indications: preſto.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50608 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Some handwritten accidentals, bc numbering, pitch corrections, calculations of rest lengths and clefs. On the title page written in pencil: 327 | VI; 352.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[L L | 6]; [Nro 329]; [Mus. 479].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 276; RISM A/I: M 1411; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Meſſa A 5. in Concerto (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo A 5. à Capella)
2. Domine ad adiuuandum me A 3. C.A. e T.
3. Dixit Dominus A 5. In Concerto
4. Confitebor tibi A 3. Voci C. T. e B.
4. The catalogue
Beatus vir A 3. A. T. e B.
Laudate pueri A 4. C. A. T. e B.
Laudate Dominum A 5. à Capella
In exitu Iſrael A 5. In Concerto
Magnificat A 5. In Concerto
Composer(s): Turini, Francesco (1589c–1656)
Title: MESSE | DA CAPELLA | A quatro, e cinque Voci Con | il Baſſo Continuo
| Libro Primo. | DI FRANCESCO TVRINI | Organiſta del Domo di Breſcia. |
DEDICAtE | ALL’ILL.mo SIG.r PIETRO MORESINI | Podeſtà, e Capitanio di
Rouigo. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA M DC XXXXIII | Appreſſo
Bartolameo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1643
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, bc. On p. 3 dedication of Giovanni Battista Bozzoni dated 8th February 1643. At the end – a list of contents and a short
note of Gio. Battista Bozzoni to the readers.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50859 Muz.
Notes on item: S partbook missing. On the title page close to the typographer’s mark
a handwritten exlibris: Di Angolo Marangoni. Single handwritten pitch correction. In bc
partbook last pages missing. On the title page written in pencil: 518 | VI.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [L N | 6]; [Nro 330]; [Mus. 730].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 412; RISM A/I: T 1395, TT 1395; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Meſſa Prima in Canon A 4. (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
2. Meſſa Seconda A 4. (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
3. Meſſa Terza in Tripla A 5. (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
4. Meſſa Quarta. A 5. (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Turini, Francesco (1589c–1656)
Title: MADRIGALI | A VNA, DVE, TRE, VOCI | Con alcune Sonate à due, & à
tre. | LIBRo PRIMo. | DI FRANCESCO TVRINI | Organiſta del Duomo di Breſcia.
| DEDICAtI | AL ILL.mo ET REV.mo SIGNOR IL SIGNOR | LODOVICO GONZAGA | MARCHESE, VESCOVO D’ALBA. | Nouamente Riſtampati. | [typographer’s
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
mark] | STAMPA DEL GARDANO. | IN VENETIA Appreſſo Bartholomeo Magni.
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Bartolomeo Magni 1624
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: T I, T II, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the
composer dated 15th February 1621. At the end – a list of contents. Some dynamic
indications: pian, forte.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50856 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Single handwritten accidentals. On the
title page written in pencil: 515 | IV; 30.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
C Q | 4.; No. 331; [Mus. 727].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 411–412; RISM A/I: T 1389; VogelB: II, p. 261; NV 2770;
SartoriB: 1624f; www.bibliotecamusica.it
Digitized version: http://data.onb.ac.at/rec/AC08550631 (the specimen from
Modern edition: Francesco Turini, Madrigali libro primo, ed. Rudolf Hofstötter,
Ingomar Rainer, Wien: Doblinger 2002 (Wiener Edition alter Musik, 18)
Recording: The Contest of Apollo and Pan, Tassilo Erhardt, Ben Sansom, Sally Holman, Steven Devine, Chandos 2009 (CHAN 0756)
1. Quel viuo ardor che’l tuo bel viſo accoglie. A 1. Tenore Solo
2. È partito il mio bene [prima parte] – O Dio, quel dolce a Dio (Seconda Parte).
A 2. A Doi Tenori [Giambattista Marino]
3. Amoroſetti fiori, che far ſolete hor ghirlandette A 2. A Doi Canti
4. Doue, ah doue t’en vai, unico del mio cor dolce conforto? A 2. A doi Tenori
5. Chi vuol hauer felice e lieto il core A 2. A doi Tenori [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
6. Perchè piangi Paſtore? Dialogo. A 2. Canto, e Tenore [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
7. Lvci belle e ſpietate, gli ſguardi che girate A 2. Alto, e Tenore
8. O Miſera Dorinda, ove hai tu poſte le tue ſperanze? A 2. Canto, e Baſſo [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
9. Amor, com’eſſer può che per mia doglia A 2. Tenore, e Baſſo. [Giambattista
10. Hor che trà gl’odorati boſchetti A 3. Canto, Tenore, e Baſſo
11. Fugace bellezza, che deſti nei cori fieriſsimi ardori A 6. A Trè voci, e Trè Iſtromenti
12. Vezzoſe aurette, i cui leggiadri errori ornando il ciel. Gagliarda à 5. A due voci,
e trè Iſtromenti ſe piace.
13. Tuo danno ſia ſe mi laſciaſti A 1. Aria. Canto ſolo
14. Sonata. A doi Violini
15. Sinfonia A 3.
16. Gagliarda A 3.
4. The catalogue
È tanto tempo hormai. Sonata A 3.
Il Coriſino. Sonata A 3
Composer(s): Legrenzi, Giovanni (1626–1690)
Title: SENTIMENTI | DEVOTI | Eſpreſſi con la Muſica di due, e tre voci | Da GIO:
LEGRENZI Maeſtro di Capella nell’Illuſtriſſima | accademia del Spirito Santo di Ferrara.
Libro Secondo | Opera Seſta. || IN VENETIA MDCLX. Apreſſo Franceſco Magni detto
Gardano |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1660
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: I parte, II parte, III parte, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Tempo indications:
adagio, piu preſto, preſto, allegro, largo.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50583 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Single handwritten accidentals. On the
title page written in pencil: 304 | IV; 229. The specimen underwent conservation in 1997.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
o G | 4.; N. 332; [Mus. 450].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 245–246; RISM A/I: L 1615; www.bibliotecamusica.it;
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=11770
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. O vos inſipientes mortales A 2. 2 Canti
2. Avdite gentes et intelligite populi A 2. 2 Canti
3. Alma Redemptoris mater A 2. 2 Canti
4. Aue Regina cęlorum A 2. Canto è Alto
5. Memoriam fecit mirabilium ſuorum A 2. Alto è Tenore
6. Exultemus omnes et lætemur A 2. Canto e Tenore
7. O quam bonum et quam dulce A 2. Alto e Basso
8. Peccaui nimis in vita mia. Dialogo A 2. T. e Basso
9. Rorate cęli deſuper A 3. C.A. e T. ouero alla 5. A.T. e B.
10. Alma Redemptoris mater A 3. C.A. e T. ouero alla 5. A.T. e B.
11. Gaudeat terra A 3. Due Canti è Alto ò due Tenori e Baſſo
12. Letetur cęlum A 3. C.T. e B.
13. Expergiſſimini mortales A 3. A.T. e B.
14. Veni Sanĉte Spiritus A 3. A.T. e B.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Qui non renuntiat. Dialogo A 3. Due Tenori e Baſſo.
Exultate iuſti in Domino A 3. A.T. e B.
Composer(s): Marini, Biagio (1594–1663)
Title: [red ink only in S partbook] VESPERI | [black ink] PER Tutte le Feſtiuità
dell’anno. A Quatro voci. | Da cantarſi in CAPELLA E nell’Organo. | Dedicati | [red
Portogallo & c. | [black ink] Libro Secondo. Opera XX | DEL CAVALIER BIAGIO
MARINI | [typographer’s mark] | Stampa del Gardano | IN VENETIA M DC LIIII
Apreſſo Franceſco Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Francesco Magni 1654
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50602 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. B and bc partbooks missing. Some handwritten corrections, accidentals and dynamic indications: piano. On p. 37 of S partbook
handwritten errata of music text in De profundis. According to Bohn, in bc partbook on
pp. 13–16 and 33–36 there were some handwritten corrections. T partbook damaged on
the edges, refilled with paper. On the title page written in pencil: 323 | V; 400.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [M. N. | 5]; [Nro 333]; [Mus. 472].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 273; RISM A/I: M 669; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Dixit Dominus A 4. Primo Tuono. Traſportato vn tuono piu alto. ſine intonat.
2. Confitebor tibi Secundi Toni. Sine intonatione.
3. Beatus vir Quarti Toni. ſine intonatione.
4. Laudate pueri Oĉtaui Toni. Sine intonatione.
5. Laudate Dominum Oĉtaui Toni
6. In exitu Iſrael. Mixti Toni. ſine intonatione.
7. Lætatus ſum Oĉtaui Toni. ſine intonatione.
8. Niſi Dominus Quarti Toni. ſine intonatione.
9. Lauda Ieruſalem Dominum. Oĉtaui Toni
10. Credidi propter quod Tertij Toni. ſine intonatione.
11. In conuertendo Dominus Quinti Toni. ſine intonatione.
4. The catalogue
Domine probaſti me Primi Toni. ſine intonatione.
De profundis clamaui Tertij Toni. ſine intonatione.
Memento Domine Dauid. Primi Toni. ſine intonatione.
Beati omnes Sexti Toni. vn tuono più alto ſe piace. ſine intonatione.
Confitebor tibi Domine. Settimo tuono. Traſportato vn tuono più alto. ſine intonat.
Magnificat Tertij Toni. ſine intonatione.
Magnificat Secondo Seſti toni
Composer(s): Vacchelli, Giovanni Battista (1625c–1667p)
della morte del final di Modona | L’Accademico Naufragante | Libro primo. Opera
IN VENETIA M DC LXIIII Appreſſo Franceſco Magni detto Gardano. | [typographer’s
mark] |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1664
Description: Set of 2 partbooks in oblong 4o: Voce, Part. On p. 2 dedication of the
composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo indications:
graue, adaſio, preſto.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50869 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Numerous handwritten accidentals. On
the title page written in pencil: 524 | II; 93. Part. partbook damaged on the edges, refilled with paper after conservation in 1994.
Provenance: Both extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
No. 2 | 2; [Nro] 334; [Mus. 741].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 417; RISM A/I: V 2, VV 2; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Viĉtoria. Currite populi. Alto. Per tutti i Santi
2. Venite & videte opera Domini. Alto. Per tutti i tempi
3. De profundis. Alto. Per la Madona
4. Salue Regina. Canto. Per l’iſteſſa [Madonna]
5. Regina cęli lętare. Canto. Per l’iſteſſa [Madonna]
6. Parate tormenta cateruas parate. Canto. Per vn martire
7. Ad gaudia lętantes. Canto. Per il Santiſſimo
8. Venite gentes accurrite populi. Canto. Per la natiuità del Sig[nore]
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Domine Iesu Chriſte. Tenor. Per il Sig[nore]
Aue maris stella. Canto. Per la Madonna
Aue Regina. Alto. Per l’iſteſſa [Madonna]
O dulciſſime Ieſu. Baſſo. Per il Signore
Silete orbes obſtupeſcite cęlites. Baſſo. Per vn Santo
Salue Regina. Baſſo. Per la Madonna.
Composer(s): Rovetta, Giovanni (1596c–1668)
Title: [In S partbook red ink:] MOTETTI | [black ink] A DVE, TRE, E QVATTRO
| DEL SIGNOR | [red ink] GIO: ROVETTA | [black ink] Maeſtro di Capella della
Sereniſſima Repubblica | DEDICATI | Al Molto Reuerendo P.D. | [red ink] BATTISTA
CONTI | [black ink] Dottor in Sacra Teologia Prior Digniſſimo | di Santa Maria
dalle Carceri. | LIBRo QVARto. | [red ink] OPERA VNDECIMA | [black ink] CON
PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | [red ink] IN VENETIA || [black ink] Appreſſo
Aleſſandro Vincenti M.DC.L. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1650
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: S, A, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the editor
dated 10th May 1650. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo and dynamic indications: Preſto, adagio, Allegro, tardo, piano.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50762 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Some handwritten accidentals, bc numbering, calculations of rest lengths, pitch corrections and music text errata. On the title
page written in pencil: 440 | IV; 399. The specimen underwent conservation in 1997.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [J t | 4.]; [Nro 335]; [Mus. 633].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 344; RISM A/I: R 2978; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Giovanni Rovetta, Iniquos odio habui, ed. Gunther Morche, Heidelberg 2011 (http://imslp.org/wiki/File:PMLP558872-Rovetta.pdf); Giovanni Rovetta, Quare fremuerunt gentes, ed. Gunther Morche, Heidelberg 2012 (http://www.
Recording: [–]
1. Ad te leuaui oculos meos A 2. Soprani.
2. Iniquos odio habui A 2. Soprani.
3. Salue Regina A 2. Canto, & Alto.
4. Puer natus eſt nobis A 2. Alti.
5. Regina Cęli lętare A 2. Alti.
6. Accurite filiæ ſion A 2. Alto, Tenore.
4. The catalogue
Triumphalis Beati Martyris N. dies A 2. Alto, e Tenore.
Alma Redemptoris Mater A 2. Alto e Tenore.
Salue, o Auguſtiſſimum. A 2. Tenori
Adeste populi læti concinite A 2. Tenori.
Exultate Deo adiutori noſtro A 2. Baſſo, e Soprano.
Fundamenta eius in montibus A 2. Canto, & Baſſo.
Aue Regina Cęlorum A 2. Canto, & Baſſo.
Cantate Domino canticum nouum A 3. A. T. e Baritono.
O Domine Deus A 3. Alto, T. & B.
Quam dileĉta Tabernacula tua A 3. A. T. & B.
Quare fremuerunt gentes A 3. Alto, Tenor & Baſſo.
Viuit Dominus & Benediĉtus Deus meus A 3. Due T. & B.
Domine Dominus noſter A 3. Due T. & B.
Cantemus omnes A 3. Due Tenori, & Baſſo.
Magnus Dominus A 4. A Voci pari.
Afferte Domino A 4. Canto, A. & B.
Composer(s): Todeschini, Francesco (17.sc)
Title: CORRENTI, | GAGLIARDE, | BALLETTI, | Et Arie, à Quattro da Sonare con
Quattro Viole Cioè Due | Violini, | Viola, e Baſſo, e si poſſono Sonare à Tre, | a Due,
laſciando fuori le parti di mezzo. | OPERA PRIMA. | DI FRANCESCO TODESCHINI
| Muſico, & Suonatore di Violino & di Violone del Sere-|niſſimo CARLO Secondo,
Duca di Mantoua, | di Monferato, Niuers, Vmena, e Rethel, &c. | DEDICATA ALLA
MEDESIMA | ALTEZZA. | CON PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA.
|| Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. M.DC.L. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1650
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: vl I, vl II, vla, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the
composer dated 8th April 1650. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50851 Muz.
Notes on item: Bc partbook missing. Some handwritten accidentals. On the title
page written in pencil: 512 | IV; 32. The specimen underwent conservation in 1996.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [J R | 4.]; [Nro 336]; Mus. 723.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 409; RISM A/I: T 853; SartoriB: 1650b
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Francesco Todeschini, Correnti, gagliarde, balletti et arie; a quattro viole ovvero due violini, viola e basso e si possono sonare a tre, a due lasciando fuori le
parti di mezzo, op. 1, Venezia 1650, ed. Cristiano Contadin, Monica Pelliciari, Stuttgart:
Cornetto 2003
Recording: [–]
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
1. Corrente Prima.
2. Corrente Seconda.
3. Corrente Terza.
4. Corrente Quarta.
5. Corrente Quinta.
6. Corrente Seſta.
7. Corrente Settima.
8. Corrente Ottaua.
9. Corrente Nona.
10. Corrente Decima.
11. Corrente Vndecima.
12. Corrente Duodecima.
13. Corrente Decima Terza.
14. Corrente Decima Quarta.
15. Gagliarda Prima.
16. Gagliarda Seconda.
17. Gagliarda Terza.
18. Gagliarda Quarta.
19. Gagliarda Quinta.
20. Gagliarda Seſta.
21. Gagliarda Settima.
22. Gagliarda Ottaua.
23. Gagliarda Nona.
24. Gagliarda Decima.
25. Gagliarda Vndecima.
26. Gagliarda Duodecima.
27. Balletto Primo.
28. Balletto Secondo.
29. Balletto Terzo.
30. Balletto Quarto.
31. Balletto Quinto.
32. Balletto Seſto.
33. Aria Prima.
34. Aria Seconda.
35. Aria Terza.
36. Aria Quarta.
37. Aria Quinta.
38. Aria Seſta.
39. Aria Settima.
40. Capriccio Primo da Sonare à Baſſo Solo, e col Violino Se piace.
41. Capriccio Secondo da Sonare à Baſſo Solo, & col Violino Se piace.
4. The catalogue
Composer(s): Sabbatini, Galeazzo (1597–1662)
alcune Canzonette Concertate con Inſtromenti, | DI | GALEAZZO SABBATINI
Nuouamente compoſti, e dati in Luce | ET A SVA ECCELLENZA ILLVSTRISSIMA |
DEDICATI | CON PRIUILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo
Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXVI. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1636
Description: Specimen no longer preserved, cfr. the doublette, no. 6 in the present
catalogue. In Dehn’s catalogue added remark: sind fast neuen [?] Stimmen.
Notes on item: [–]
Provenance: Old shelfmarks: [6 | [ ;]ֿפNro 337].
Catalogues: Cfr. no. 6
Digitized version: Cfr. no. 6
Modern edition: Cfr. no. 6
Recording: Cfr. no. 6
Contents: Cfr. no. 6
Composer(s): Donati, Ignazio (1575c–1638)
MILANO. | oPERA DVoDECIMA, | Meſſa Prima à 4. | Meſſa Seconda à 4. | Meſſa
Terza breue à 4. a voce piena, & a voce para. | Meſſa Quarta breue à 4. a voce piena,
& a voce para, | Meſſa Quinta à 5. | Meſſa Seſta pro defunĉtis à 4. a voce piena,
& a voce para, | con la quinta parte, ſi placet. | CON PRIVILEGIO, | DEDICATA
| ALL’ILLVSTRISS: ET REVERENDISS: SIG:RI | Gouernatori di queſta Veneranda
Fabrica. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti.
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1633
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, bc. On p. 2 of the vocal partbooks dedication of the composer signed Milano, 8th August 1633. At the end – a list
of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50390 Muz.
Notes on item: T partbook missing. Some handwritten accidentals. On the title page
written in pencil: 183 | VI; 393. S partbook damaged on the edges, refilled with paper
after conservation in 1994.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: G t | 6; [Nro] 338; [Mus. 279].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 116; RISM A/I: D 3400; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Miſſa ſine Nomine à 4. Meſſa Prima (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Benediĉtus – Agnus Dei)
2. Miſſa brevis à 4. Meſſa Seconda (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanctus – Benediĉtus
– Agnus Dei)
3. Miſſa brevis à 4. Voce piena. A 4. voce para Meſſa Terza breve (Kyrie – Gloria –
Credo – Sanĉtus – Benediĉtus – Agnus Dei)
4. Miſſa brevis à 4. come ſtà, a 4. voci para. Meſſa Quarta à 4. a Voce piena, &
a voce para (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Benediĉtus – Agnus Dei)
5. Miſſa à 5. Meſſa Quinta (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus – Benediĉtus – Agnus
6. Meſſa da Morto à 4. & 5. a voce piena, & a voce para Meſſa Seſta pro defunĉtis à 4.
A voce piena, & a voce para, con la Quinta parte, ſi placet (Requiem æternam done
eis domine – Kyrie eleiſon – Chriſte eleiſon – Kyrie eleiſon – Dies iræ – Domine Ieſu
Chriſte – Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei – Lux æterna – Responsorio Alla Nouareſa Libera
me domine – Kyrie eleison – Subvenite – Suſcipientes animam eius – Offerentes
eam – Si bona suſcepimus – Libera me domine – Kyrie eleiſon – Requiescant in
pace) [this last piece not included in bc partbook, nor in its table of contents]
Composer(s): Tarditi, Orazio (1602–1677)
Title: MOTETTI | A Voce Sola. | Il Quarto Libro. | Per Cantar nell’Organo, Cimbalo
Tiorba è altro Iſtromento. | DI | HORATIO TARDITI | Maeſtro Di Cappella del’
DA PESARO | IN VENETIA MDC. XXXXVIII Alla Stampa del Gardano. |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano 1648
Description: Set of 2 partbooks in oblong 4o: Voce, Part. On p. 3 dedication of the
composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Some dynamic and tempo
indications: adaſio, allegro, piano.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50843 Muz.
Notes on item: Only Voce partbook extant. Single handwritten accidentals and calculations of rest lengths. The specimen underwent conservation in 1989.
Provenance: The extant volume bears Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[L G | 2]; [Nro 339 (a)]; [Mus. 716a].
4. The catalogue
Catalogues: BohnD, not listed; RISM A/I: T 202, TT 202; www.bibliotecamusica.it;
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Cantabo Domino in vita mea. Canto Solo
2. Egredimini celestes habitatores. Voce Sola Soprano.
3. Deſcende dileĉte mi in hortum. Voce Sola Soprano
4. Exultate & letamini fideles. Voce Sola Soprano.
5. Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore. Voce Sola Soprano.
6. Dulcis & ſuauiſſime Iesù. Voce Sola Soprano.
7. O anima mea suspira. Voce Sola Soprano.
8. O quam mirabilia ſunt opera tua Deus. Voce Sola Soprano.
9. Hodie Beata N. de certamine. Voce Sola Soprano.
10. Iubilate Deo gentes. Voce Sola Soprano.
11. Salue Regina. Voce Sola Soprano.
Composer(s): Vesi, Simone (1610c–1667p)
Title: SALMI | CONCERTATI À 3. 4. 5. & a 6. con ſtromenti | con il Secondo Choro
ad libitum. | DI SIMON VESI Da Forli | Maſtro di Capella Di Monſignor [Giorgio]
Cornaro Veſcouo Di Padoua. | Dedicati | ALL’ ILL.mo ET REV.mo MONSIGNOR |
| IN VENETIA M DCLVI Apreſſo Franceſco Magni |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1656
Description: Set of 11 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, A I, A II, T I, T II, B I, B II, vl I, vl II,
bc. On p. 2 dedication of the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50882 Muz.
Notes on item: A I partbook missing; vl I partbook incomplete: first 4 pages missing; B I partbook damaged on edges, refilled with paper after conservation. Some
handwritten accidentals, pitch corrections and calculations of rest lengths, some presented in a more descriptive way: Pauſæ 57 (S I, p. 31), notes: repetatur (vl II, p. 29). On
the title page written in pencil: 532 | XI; 346.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: M S | 11.; Nro 339 (b); Mus. 748.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 421; RISM A/I: V 1315, VV 1315; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Recording: [–]
1. Domine ad adiuuandum A 2. Soprani ò Tenori con 6 ſtromenti
2. Dixit Dominus A 6. Concertato Due Canti A. 2 Ten. è Baſſo, con 2 vv. con il Sec.
ch. a Capella ad libitum
3. Confitebor tibi A 3. C.A.T. e trè Iſtromenti, la violetta ad libitum
4. Confitebor tibi A 4. & à 8. Concertato C.A.T.B. e 2 vv. con il Sec. ch. a Capella
ad libitum
5. Beatus vir A 3. C.A.T. e trè ſtromenti, la violetta ad libitum
6. Beatus vir A 5. & a 9. due CC.A.T.B. e 2 vv. con il Sec. ch. a Capella ad libitum
7. Laudate pueri A 6. due C.C.A. 2 TT. e B. e 2 vv. con il Sec. ch. a Capella ad libitum
8. Laudate Dominum A 4. & a 8. Concertato C.A.T.B. 2 vv. ſe piace, & Sec. ch.
A Capella a bene placito
9. Lætatus ſum A 5. & A 9. Parte a capella e parte Concertato C.A. 2 TT. e B. con
il Sec. ch. a Capella ad libitum
10. Niſi Dominus A 3. A.T.B. e 2 violini
11. Lauda Ieruſalem A 5. & A 9. due CC.A.T.B. e 2 vv. con il Sec. ch. a Capella ad
12. Credidi propter quod A 4. & à 8. C.A.T.B. con 2 vv. ſe piace & il Sec. ch. a Capella ad libitum
13. In conuertendo A 3. C.T.B. e 2 violini
14. De profundis clamaui A 3. B.T.A. con 2 violini ouero violette Volendo ſeruirſene per morti ſi laſcia il Gloria & ſi viene al Requiem
15. Magnificat A 6. due C.C.A. 2 TT.B. con 2 violini, ouero violette con il Sec. ch.
A Capella ad libitum
Composer(s): Merula, Tarquinio (1595–1665)
A QVATRO | Con Iſtromenti & Senza | DEL CAVALIER MERVLA | Organiſta, & Maeſtro
di Cappella per la Fabrica | nel Duomo di Cremona. | OPERA XVIII. | DEDICATA
| Al molto Illuſtre & Reuerendiſſimo Padre, | D. EVANGELISTA | COMMENDVLI |
Generale de Monaci di S. Girolamo | CON PRIVILEGIO | [typographer’s mark] | IN
VENETIA || Apreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MD CLII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1652
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S/vl, A/vl, T/vl, B, bc. On pp. 2–3 dedication of
the composer dated 20th July 1652. At the end – a list of contents and a short avviso to
Signori Cantori. Some tempo and dynamic indications: Allegro, Largo, forte, piano.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50622 Muz.
Notes on item: T/vl and B partbooks missing; A/vl partbook severely damaged on the
edges, refilled with paper after conservation. On the title page written in pencil: 333 | V; 381.
4. The catalogue
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [M J | 5.]; [Nro 340]; [Mus. 493].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 281; RISM A/I: M 2343; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/viewschedatwbca.asp?
path=/cmbm/images/ripro/gaspari/AA/AA304/ (the specimen from I-Bc)
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Domine ad Adiuuandum A 3. voci Concertato Canto, Alto, & Baſſo
2. Dixit Dominus Concertato ſenza intonazione A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, & Baſſo
3. Confitebor tibi Concertato ſenza intonazione A 3. Canto, Alto, & Baſſo
4. Beatus vir Concertato ſenza intonazione A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, & Baſſo
5. Laudate pueri Concertato ſenza intonazione A 3. Canto, con doi Violini
6. Laudate Dominum Concertato ſenza intonazione A 3. Canto, Tenore, & Baſſo
7. In exitu Iſrael Concertato ſenza intonazione A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, & Baſſo
8. Memento Domine Dauid del Primo Tuono Concertato A 3. Alto, Tenore, & Baſſo
9. Lætatus ſum Concertato ſenza intonazione A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, & Baſſo
10. Niſi Dominus Concertato ſenza intonazione A 3. Alto, con doi Violini
11. Lauda Ieruſalem Concertato ſenza intonazione A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, & Baſſo
12. Credidi propter quod Concertato ſenza intonazione A 3. Baſſo con doi Violini
13. In conuertendo Concertato ſenza intonazione A 3. Canto, Alto, Tenore
14. Domine probaſti me del primo Tuono non Concertato A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, & Baſſo
15. Magnificat Concertato ſenza intonazione A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, & Baſſo
16. Meſſa Concertata A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, & Baſſo (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo –
Sanĉtus – Benediĉtus – Agnus Dei)
Composer(s): Gherardi, Biagio (17.sc)
Title: COMPIETE | Concertate à 3. 4. 5. e 6 voci & alcuni Salmi con Inſtromenti |
DI D. BIAGIO GHERARDI | Maeſtro di Cappella nel Duomo di Verona | Dedicate |
ALLI MOLTO ILL.ri SIG.ri LI SIG.ri Gouernatori, e Frattelli | Della Ven. Compagnia
del Santiſſimo Sacramento d’Ancona | Opera Seconda. | [typographer’s mark] | IN
VENETIA M DC XXXXX Stampa del Gardano |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano 1650
Description: Set of 7 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, A, T, B, 6, bc. On p. 2 dedication of
the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50473 Muz.
Notes on item: T and bc partbooks missing. Single handwritten accidentals, calculations of rest lengths. On the title page written in pencil: 233 | VII. The specimen
underwent conservation in 1996.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [K S | 7]; [Nro 341]; [Mus. 344].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 154; RISM A/I: G 1755; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Cum invocarem à 4. 2 Canti Alti e Baſſo
2. In te Domine ſperaui à 3. Alla quarta.
3. In te Domine ſperaui à 4. Canto Alto Tenore e Baſſo.
4. In te Domine ſperaui à 6.
5. In te Domine ſperaui à 6. 3 voci e 3 Inſtrumenti.
6. Qui habitat in adiutorium à 5.
7. Ecce nunc benedicite Dominum à 3. Due Canti è Baſſo.
8. Ecce nunc benedicite Dominum à 4.
9. Ecce nunc benedicite Dominum à 6. Alla quarta.
10. Nunc dimittis à 3.
11. Nunc dimittis à 4.
12. Nunc dimittis à 4. Alla 4.
13. Nunc dimittis à 3. Canto con due violini.
14. Nunc dimittis à 6. 3 voci e tre Inſtrumenti.
Composer(s): Monferrato, Natale (1603c–1685)
Title: SALMI | A Otto voci, à due Chori | Con li due Tenori che concertano vno per
Choro. | DI D. NATALE MONFERRATO | Vice Maeſtro della Sereniſſima Republica di
| Opera Seconda. | [coat of arms] | Stampa del Gardano | IN VENETIA M DC LIII
Apreſſo Franceſco Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Francesco Magni 1653
Description: Set of 9 partbooks in 4o: 1 ch.: S, A, T, B; 2 ch.: S, A, T, B; bc. On p. 2
dedication of the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50638 Muz.
Notes on item: A 2 ch. and B 2 ch. partbooks missing. Single handwritten pitch corrections. In T 1 ch. partbook first five and some final pages missing. On the title page
written in pencil: 353 | IX; 147.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [L J | 9]; [Nro 342]; [Mus. 507].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 287; RISM A/I: M 3035, MM 3035; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
4. The catalogue
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Dixit Dominus
2. Confitebor tibi Domine
3. Beatus vir
4. Laudate pueri
5. Lætatus ſum
6. Niſi Dominus
7. Lauda Ieruſalem
8. Credidi propter quod
9. In conuertendo
10. Domine probaſti me
11. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes
12. Memento Domine Dauid
13. In exitu Iſrael
14. Beati omnes qui timent Dominum
15. De profundis clamaui
16. Magnificat
Composer(s): Marini, Biagio (1594–1663)
Title: LACRIME DI DAVIDE | SPARSE NEL | [red ink] MISERERE | [black ink]
Concertato in diuerſi modi A due Tre Quatro e più voci | Cō due violini a beneplacito
Litanie de Santi abbreuiate, | Motetti, e Tantū ergo Sacramentum. | OPERA XXI.
| Conſacrata | [red ink] ALL’ILL.mo ET EMINENTIS.mo SIG.re | MONSIGNOR
MARQVARDO | Veſcouo d’Aiſtett, Prencipe del S. R. Impero. | [black ink] Dal
Caualier Biagio Marini | [woodcut representing King David with harp] | IN VENETIA
M DC L V Apreſſo Franceſco Magni |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1655
Description: Set of 7 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, vl I, vl II, bc. On p. 2 dedication of
the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50603 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Complete set of partbooks. Between
pp. 4–5 of the S partbook there is a pasted paper sheet with a handwritten correction of the
erroneously printed line with text vincas cum iudicaris. On p. 9 a handwritten correction
of the title (secondo instead of stead of printed terzo). In some places indications of tacet
or repetatur (vl I, p. 10). Some handwritten accidentals, custos, and pitch corrections. On
p. 19 of B partbook inclusa absunto marking at the words “redde mihi laetitiam”. On the
title page written in pencil: 324 | VII; 189. The specimen underwent conservation in 1998.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[MM | 7]; [Nro 343]; [Mus. 473].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 273–274; RISM A/I: M 670; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=27317
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Miſerere mei Deus Primo. A due & à tre voci
2. Miſerere mei Deus Secondo. A 4. e 5. voci cioè a Al. a Ten. È Baſſo, à beneplacito.
3. Miſerere mei Deus Terzo, à 6. C.A.T.B. è 2 violini à beneplacito. (Sinfonia da
replicarſi a piacimento – Miſerere)
4. Miſerere mei Deus Quarto, à 6. Can. Al. Ten. Baſſo è due violini (Sinfonia da
replicarſi à beneplacito – Ad te piiſſime Deus. Introdutione à due Canto è Baſſo
– Miſerere)
5. Letanie de Santi. à 4 voci è 2 violini ſe piace. (Kyrie – Agnus Dei)
6. Tantum ergo Sacramentum à 4. voci C. A. T. B. è 2 violini à beneplacito con
ſinfonia ſi placet (Sinfonia ſe piace – Tantum ergo – Sinfonia vt ſupra)
7. O dulciſſime Iesu creator A 3 voci. Alto Tenore è Baſſo.
8. O Pretioſum & admirabile Sacramentum A 5. Tenore due Contralti è 2 violini
a beneplacito.
Composer(s): Neri, Massimiliano (1621c–1670)
Organiſta nella Sereniſſima Ducale Di S. Marco | De gl’Accademici erranti Di Breſcia |
Opera Terza. | VENETIA MDCLXIIII Apreſſo Franceſco Magni detto Gardano |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1664
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: S, A, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the composer
to Procuratori di … Chiesa Ducale di S. Marco, without a date. At the end – a list of
contents. Some tempo indications: largo, allegro.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50659 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Only A and bc partbooks extant. Single
handwritten accidentals, and pitch corrections. On the title page written in pencil: 368 | IV.
Provenance: Both extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
N o | 4.; [Nro 344]; Mus. 529.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 294; RISM A/I: N 404; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
4. The catalogue
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Accedite fideles A 2. Canto è Baſſo. De Sacramento
2. Ad chariſmata A 2. Canto è Alto. De Sacramento
3. Dignare me A 2. 2 Canti. De Maria Vir.
4. Exultent Angeli A 2. 2 Canti. De Sanĉta
5. Currite ciues A 2. Canto è Alto. De Sanĉto
6. Mirabilis Dominus A 2. Tenor è Baſſo. In Natiuitate Dom.
7. Occurrant cęlites A 2. Alto è Baſſo. In Aſcenſione Dom.
8. Montes Iſrael A 2. Alto è Baſſo. In Aduentu
9. Qui Saluator eſt A 2. Canto è Baſſo. In omni tempore
10. Regina cęli lętare A 2. Alto è Tenore
11. Aue Regina cęlorum A 2. Tenor è Baſſo
12. Venite & adorate A 3. Due Canti è Baſſo De Sacramento
13. Ad preces ò ciues A 3. Alto Tenor è Baſſo. De V. M. contro infideles
14. Plaudite fideles A 3. Alto Tenor è Baſſo. Prò duobus martiribus
15. O Magi Reges incliti A 3. Alto Tenor è Baſſo. De Epiphania
16. Exultemus & lętemur A 3. Canto Tenor è Baſſo. In reſurreĉtione Chriſti
17. Exultet terra A 3. Canto Alto è Baſſo. In feſto Trinitatis
18. Aue verum Corpus A 3. Canto Alto è Baſſo. In feſto Corporis Chriſti.
Composer(s): Filippi, Gaspare (1655†)
Title: MVSICHE | DI GASPARE FILIPPI | Maeſtro di Capella della Catedrale di
Vicenza | Academico Olimpico Dedicate | ALL’A. SER.MA | DI CARLO II | Duca di
Mantoua, Monferrato, Niuers, Vmena, Rethel, ec. | IN VENETIA MDCXXXXVIIII
Alla Stampa del Gardano. |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano 1649
Description: Set of 12 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, A, T I, T II, B, vl I, vl II, a-vla, t-vla,
b-vla, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Some dynamic and tempo indications: adaſio, pian, preſto.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50429 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. S I, S II and bc partbooks missing.
B partbook incomplete: pp. 5–40 missing. Single handwritten accidentals, calculations
of rest lengths, and notes: Ritornello tace (T I, p. 9), etc. Ritornello (t-vla, p. 5). On the
title page written in pencil: 205 | XII. The specimen underwent conservation in 1993.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [L H | 12]; [Nro 345]; Mus. 309.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 131; RISM A/I: F 734, FF 734; VogelB: I, p. 238; NV 986;
SartoriB: 1649d
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Digitized version: planned publication
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Arbore eccelſo che coi tronchi d’oro A 1. Tenore. Arbore della Sereniſſima Caſa
2. Per molte età la gloria vedova viſſe à 6. Per la Naſcita di S.A.S. à 6 voci, 2 violini
e 2 viole
3. È vicina la notte e pur è chiaro il dì à 2. Due Tenori
4. O che vaghi gelſomini lieti a te ſcherzano in ſen à 2. Tenore e Baſſo
5. Alme a voi à 2. Due Canti
6. Poi ch’il fabro geloſo con inviſibil rete à 3. B. T. e A.
7. Queſta candida mano è ſtromento d’amor à 3. B. T. e A.
8. Amor, chi più beato vive già mai di me à 3. B. e 2 T.
9. Freme irato Nettuno à 3. Baſſo, Tenore e Alto
10. Pera chi di natura à 4. Baſſo, Tenore, Alto e Canto con due violini e due viole
11. In solitario piano di fiori adorno. Erminia piangente à 4. B. 2 T. e C, con 2 violini e 2 viole
12. Lucido Dio, ch’io la quadriga d’oro. Ruggiero innamorato d’Alcina à 4. 2 C.,
A. e T. con due violini e tre viole
13. Clori mentre contempli rivolta al ſol le ſue bellezze ſante à 6 [Guido Casoni]
14. Del mar che bagna a Lilibeo le piante à 6
15. Amore il mio tormento e la mia fede à 6
16. Fanciulla in prima inghirlandò di fiori à 6 [Giambattista Marino]
17. O riſtoro del mondo à 6 con due violini e 4 viole
MADRIGALI A 5. Senza violini
18. Ohimè, l’antica fiamma ch’era ſopita à 5 [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
19. E coſì à poco à poco torno farfalla à 5 [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
20. Ahi come a un vago ſol corteſe à 5 [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
21. Cintia, tu parti, ah ſì. à 5
22. Scopriti, bella mano à 5
23. Filli, laſcia l’orgoglio à 5
24. Ti vezzeggia coſtei, ma non ti brama à 5
25. Un amoroso dono chieſe Lidio a Licori à 5
26. Questa notte ſognai di ſcoprirti, cor mio à 5
27. O prodighi di fiamme e di pietate avari à 5
28. Dorme Cupido à 5
29. Aure belle, di fiamme che colà ven volate à 5
30. Sonada Prima à 3
31. Sonada Seconda à 3
32. Sonada Terza à 3
33. Sonada Quarta à 4
4. The catalogue
Sonada Quinta à 4
Sonada Sesta à 4
Sonada Settima à 4
Sonada Ottava à 5
Sonada Nona à 5
Composer(s): Turini, Francesco (1589c–1656)
Baſſo Continuo duplicato per vn Chitarrone | ò ſimil Iſtromento. | LIBRO TERZO | DI
compoſti, & dati in luce. | CON LICENZA DE’ SVPERIORI, ET PRIVILEGIO. |
Dedicati All’Illustriſſimo, e Reuerendiſſimo Signore Abbatte | GIO. FRANCESCO
MOROSINI. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA, || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti.
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1629
Description: Set of 7 partbooks in 4o: S, T, B, vl I, vl II, chitarrone, bc. On p. 2
of the vocal and vl II partbooks dedication of the composer dated 10th July 1629.
On p. 2 of the chitarrone partbook an Avvertimento ai lettori. At the end – a list of
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50857 Muz.
Notes on item: S and vl I partbooks missing. On the title pages written in pencil:
516 | VII. On p. 17 of T partbook handwritten deletion of the last three staves, with
remark: Abesto. Single handwritten calculations of rest lengths.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [H E | 7]; [Nro 346]; [Mus. 728].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 412; RISM A/I: T 1394; VogelB: II, p. 260; NV 2773; www.
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotecamusica.it/cmbm/viewschedatwbca.asp?
path=/cmbm/images/ripro/gaspari/CC/CC055/ (the specimen from I-Bc)
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Vien la mia Donna A 5.
2. Lidia t’inganni A 3.
3. Con che ſoauità, labra odorate [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
4. Tall’hor vi porgo prieghi A 3. Canto, Tenore, Baſſo
5. In vna verde piaggia a la cruda selvaggia [Giacomo Litegato]
6. Sincero amante amai gran tempo in vano A 3. Canto, Tenore, Baſſo
7. Mentre, vaga Angioletta, ogni anima gentil [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Torna, deh torna homai, più non poss’io privo di te, cor mio
Oue ch’io vada, quel tenace pensier che m’innamora
Ch’io t’ami più, crudel
Fia mai quel dì, ch’amor vicini e sciolti [Giovanni Battista Guarini]
Vanne, vattene Amor, lunge da questo cor A 3.
Composer(s): Merula, Tarquinio (1595–1665)
Title: [red ink only in S 1 ch. partbook] CONCERTO | DECIMO QVINTO, | [black
ink] Nel quale, Si contiene, Meſſe, Salmi di più ſorti, Concertati | in diuerſi modi,
con Inſtromenti, & ſenza. A doi, | tre, quatro, cinque, ſei, ſette, otto, & dodeci. | DEL
| Maeſtro di Capella, & Organiſta Del Duomo | di Bergamo. | DEDICATO | [red ink]
ink] Con Priuilegio. | [typographer’s mark] | [red ink] IN VENETIA, || [black ink]
Appreſso Aleſſandro Vincenti. [red ink] MDCXXXIX |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1639
Description: Set of 13 partbooks in 4o: 1 ch.: S I, S II, A, T, B; 2 ch.: S, A, T, B; vl I,
vl II, vlne, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer without a date. At the end – a list of
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50618 Muz.
Notes on item: S II 1 ch., T 2 ch., vl II and vlne partbooks missing. On the title page
written in pencil: 338 | XIII; 201. S 2 ch. partbook damaged, refilled with paper after
conservation in 1994.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [F A | 13]; [Nro 347]; Mus. 489.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 280; RISM A/I: M 2340; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://stimmbuecher.digitale-sammlungen.de/view?id=bsb
00088102 (the specimen from D-Mbs, B 1 ch. partbook only)
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Meſſa Prima A 5. Concertata. Con Ripieni à 8. & 12. ſi placet. (Kyrie – Gloria –
2. Meſſa Seconda A 5. à 8. & à 12. Concertata Con Ripieni ſe piace. (Kyrie – Gloria
– Credo)
3. Domine ad adiuuandum A 2. Canto, & Alto.
4. Domine ad adiuuandum A 2. Alto & Tenore.
4. The catalogue
Dixit Dominus. Concertato A 5. à 8. & à 12. ſi placet. Senza Intonatione.
Confitebor tibi A 4. & à 5. doi Violini, Alto, Tenore, & Violone ſi placet.
Beatus vir A 5. Tutto pieno.
Laudate pueri A 3. à 4. & à 5. ſi placet. Baſſo, & doi Canti.
Lętatus ſum A 4. & à 5. doi Violini, Alto, & Tenore. Violone ſe placet.
Niſi Dominus A 5. Canto, Tenore, Baſſo, & doi Violini. Senza Intonatione.
Lauda Ieruſalem A 9. à 10. & à 14. Ripieno ſi placet
Magnificat A 5. à 8. & à 12. ſi placet. Senza Intonatione
Composer(s): Cazzati, Maurizio (1616–1678)
| Maeſtro di Cappella Dell’Illuſtriſſima Accademia | della Morte in Ferrara. | DEDICATI
PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA. || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti.
M. DC. L. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1650
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer dated 20th December 1650. At the end – a list of contents. Some dynamic and
tempo indications: allegro, adaſio, piano.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50339 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Single pitch corrections. On the title page
written in pencil: U | 5. The specimen underwent conservation in 1997.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[J. V. | 5.]; [Nro 348]; [Mus. 230].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 95; RISM A/I: C 1592; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Viĉtoria plaudite coelestis gaudete A 2. doi Canti, ò Tenori, ouero A 2. Contralti, ſonando alla quarta Alte, ò alla quinta Baſſa. Per vn Santo.
2. Ecce ignis de Cęlo venit A 2. Canto, è Tenore, ouer due Tenori.
3. Quis est hic vir Beatissimus. Dialogo A 2. Alto, è Tenore.
4. Alma Redemptoris mater A 2. Alto, è Tenore.
5. Puer natus est nobis A 2. Alto, è Tenore.
6. Gaudent omnes plaudunt quem citharis A 2. Alto, è Baſſo.
7. Aue dulce lignum A 2. Alto, è Baſſo.
8. Benedic anima mea Deo A 3. tre Canti, ò Tenori.
9. Surgite iubilate et canite. Voce ſola. Canto, o Tenor. Introdutione del Regina Cęli.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Regina Cęli A 3. C. A. è T. con vna introdutione auanti. Si canta Prima l’introducione.
Peccantem me quotidie A 3. doi Canti, ò Tenori, è Baſſo
O quam pulcra es Maria A 3. doi Canti, ò Tenori, è Baſſo
O Dulciſſime Ieſu A 3. Canto, e doi Tenori.
O Glorioſa Virginum A 3. Canto, Alto, è Baſſo.
Salue Regina A 3. Canto, Alto, è Baſſo.
O quam dulce et quam suave A 3. Canto, Tenor, è Baſſo
Puer qui natus eſt hodie A 3. doi Alti, è Tenori.
O vos populi A 3. Alto, Tenor, è Baſſo.
O Bona crux A 3. Alto, Tenor, è Baſſo.
O Dulciſſima Maria A 3. Alto, Tenor, è Baſſo.
Bone Sanĉte Iesu dulcis A 3. Alto, Tenor, è Baſſo.
Regina Cęli lętare A 3. Alto, Tenor, è Baſſo.
Canite Spiritus Angeli psallite A 4. doi Canti, Alto, è Tenore. Per Santa Magdalena.
O Sacroſanĉta sine quo nihil A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, è Baſſo. In Feſto Santiſſime Trinitatis.
Salue Regina A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, è Baſſo.
Gaude virgo Maria A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, è Baſſo.
Alma Redemptoris mater A 4. Alto, è Baſſo, con doi Violini
Composer(s): Della Porta, Francesco (1600c–1666)
Title: MOTETTI | A DVE, TRE, QVATTRO, | E CINQVE VOCI. | Con vna Meſſa,
& Salmi, à 4. 5. ſi placet. | DI FRANCESCO DELLA PORTA | Organiſta, & Maeſtro di
Capella nella Madonna preſſo S. Celſo, | & di Santo Antonio in Milano. | LIBRO TERZO.
| OPERA QVARTA. | DEDICATI | All’Illuſtriſſimo, e Reuerendiſſimo P. D. D. | ATTILIO
PIETRA | SANTA DE CONTI | dì Cantù; Preſidente Generale in Italia della Congregatione
Ciſter-|cienſe, Abbate di S. Ambrogio Maggiore di Milano, e Conte | del Sacro Impero, | di
Campione, Limonta Ciuenna, | Dottore di S. Teologia, e Qualificatore | del S. Vffitio di
Roma. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. M. DC. LI. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1651
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, A, T, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the
composer dated 25th August 1651. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo indications: preſto, adaggio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50703 Muz.
Notes on item: T partbook missing. Single handwritten calculations of rest lengths
and music errata (A partbook, p. 44: bis). On the title page written in pencil: 392 | VI.
The specimen underwent conservation in 1998.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [J. W | 6.]; [Nro 349]; [Mus. 567].
4. The catalogue
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 312; RISM A/I: P 5200; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: planned publication
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Adeſte gentes A 2. Soprani ouer Tenori.
2. O amantiſſime Ieſu. Dialogo. A 2. Soprani ouer Tenori.
3. Lætamini citò cum gaudio omnes A 2. Alto è Baſſo.
4. O Maria vera caritas A 2. Canto, ouer Tenore, è Alto.
5. Guſtate aliquando A 2. Canto, ouer Tenor, è Baſſo.
6. Aue Maris Stella A 2. Canto, è Baſſo.
7. Quis noſtris conſonans A 2. Canto, ouer Tenore, è Baſſo.
8. Surge Stella Iacob A 3. doi Canti, è Baſſo, ouer Tenori.
9. Regina Cæli A 3. doi Canti, ouer Tenori, è Baſſo.
10. Surgite cęlites feſtinate A 3. Voci. doi Soprani ouer Tenori è Baſſo.
11. Salue Regina A 3. doi Soprani, ouer Tenori, è Baſſo.
12. Deh animæ miseræ A 3. Soprani, ouer Tenori.
13. O Maria intaĉta Mater A 3. Canto, Alto, è Tenor à 4 è 5. ſi placet
14. Audite mortales A 3. doi Soprani, è Baſſo
15. O Amantiſſime Ieſu A 3. Alto, Tenore, è Baſſo
16. Lætentur omnes A 4. e 5. ſi placet
17. O Maria Virgo Mater Caſtiſſima A 4. con la quinta parte à beneplacito
18. Meſſa A 4. con la quinta parte à beneplacito (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo – Sanĉtus
– Agnus Dei)
19. Dixit Dominus A 4. è 5. ſi placet Concertato Ottauo Tono Senza Intonatione.
20. Laudate Pueri Dominum A 3. Canto ſolo, ouer Tenore, con doi Violini Terzo
Tono Senza Intonatione.
21. Magnificat A 4. Concertato con la quinta parte à beneplacito Quinto Tono Senza Intonatione.
22. Sanĉta Maria libera nos. Canon A 4.
Composer(s): Abbatini, Antonio Maria (1595–1679); Benevoli, Orazio (1605–1672);
Bicilli, Giovanni (1623–1705); Capponi, Giovanni Angelo (1607c–1688); Carissimi,
Giacomo (1605–1674); Carpani, Giovanni Antonio (1638–1672); Cecchelli, Carlo
(fl. 1626–1664); Durante, Silvestro (1671p†); Fabri, Stefano (1606c–1658); Foggia,
Francesco (1603–1688); Giovannoni, Vincenzo (17.sc); Graziani, Bonifazio (1604–
1664); Margarini, Francesco (17.sc); Santucci, Girolamo (17.sc); Silvestris, Florido de
(1600c–1673); Tarditi, Paolo (1649p†)
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Title: R. FLORIDUS | CANONICUS DE SYLVESTRIS | A Barbarano | Has alias
Sacras Cantiones, | Ab Excellentiſſimis Muſices Auctoribus ſuauiſſimis | Modulis |
BINIS, tERNIS, QVAtERNISQUE VoCIBUS | Concinnatas, | In Lucem edendas
Curauit. | [coat of arms] || ROMAE, Expenſis Antonij Poggioli ad ſignum Martelli. ||
Ex Typographia Ludouici Grignani, 1650. Superiorum permiſſu. |
Publication: Roma: Lodovico Grignani 1650
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, A, B, bc. On pp. 3–4 dedication Dominae Gvid’Ascaniæ Vrsæ of the composer signed without a date. At the end – a list of
contents, in different order.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50230 Muz.
Notes on item: A partbook missing. Cfr. no longer surviving doublette, no. 136 in
the present catalogue. The specimen underwent conservation in 1997. Some dynamic
indications: Piano, Forte. Some handwritten accidentals.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [K N |] 5; [Nro 350]; [Mus. 38].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 374; RISM B/I: 16501; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Iuravit Dominus A 2. due Canti [in bc partbook: C. e B]. Del Sig. Gio. Antonio
Carpani M. di Capp. in S. Spirito.
2. Linguæ ardentes apparuerunt A 2. due Canti. Del Sig. Ant. Maria Abbatini M.
di Cap. in S. Maria Magg[iore]
3. Nigra ſum ſed formoſa A 2. due Canti. Del Sig. Iacomo Cariſſimi M. di Capp. in
S. Appolinare.
4. Qui deſcendunt mare in nauibus A 2. Canto, e Baſſo. Del Sig. Horatio Beneuoli
M. di Capp. in S. Pietro.
5. Aperuit portas Cœli Deus A 3. due Canti, e Tenore. Del Sig. Bonifatio Gratiani
M. di Capp. nel Giesù, e Sem[inario] Rom[ano]
6. Congregatæ ſunt gentes A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo. Del Sig. Siluestro Durante M.
di Capp. in S. Maria in Traſteuere.
7. Dicite laudem A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo. Del Sig. Carlo Cecchelli M. di Capp. di
S. Maria Magg[iore]
8. Deus vitam meam nuntiaui tibi A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo. Del Sig. Angelo Capponi.
9. Exaltate iuſti in Domino A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo. Del Sig. Girolamo Santucci
M. di Capp. in S. Lucia del Conf.
10. Iſte Sanĉtus pro lege Dei A 3. due Canti, e Tenore. Del. Sig. Francesco Foggia M.
di Capp. in S. Gio. Lat.
4. The catalogue
Quam dileĉta tabernacula tua A 3. due Canti, e Baſſo. Del Sig. Stefano Fabri M.
di Capp. in S. Luigi de’ Franceſi.
Surge Aquilo & veni Auſter A 3. due Canti, e Baſſo. Del Sig. Francesco Margarini M. d. Cap. in S. Tomaſſo dell’ Ingleſi.
Agite ò plantas A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſ. Del Sig. Vincenzo Giovannoni
M di Capp. in S. Lorenzo in Dam. Sonate alla terza.
O dulce nomen Ieſu A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſ. Del Sig. Giovanni Bicilli
M. di Cap. nella Chiesa Noua.
Venite omnes gentes A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſ. Del Sig. Paolo Tarditi M.
di Cap. nella Madonna de’ Monti
Anima noſtra quare amas bonum. A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſ. Di D. Florido Baſſo in S. Spirito.
Composer(s): Bartolini, Orindio Gian Maria (1580p–1640)
Title: MESSE | CONCERTATE | A Otto voci & Meſſa per li Morti con vn | Motetto,
& il Te Deum Laudamus, | con il Baſſo continuo per | L’Organo | D’ORINDIO
BARTOLINI SENESE | Maeſtro di Capella nel Duomo della Illuſt.ma Città | Di Vdene, &
Accademico Suentato | detto lo Strepitoſo. | CHE IN tEStIMoNIo | DELLA PRoPRIA
Con Priuilegio. | [partbook name divided by typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA
M DC XXXIII || Appreſſo Bartholomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1633
Description: Set of 9 partbooks in 4o: 1 ch.: S, A, T, B; 2 ch.: S, A, T, B; bc. At the
end – a list of contents. Some dynamic indications: piano, forte.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50266 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Only S 1 ch., A 1 ch., B 2 ch. and bc
partbooks extant. Single handwritten accidentals, calculations of rest lengths and text
errata. On the title page written in pencil: 56 | IX; 395.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: G W | 9; [Nro 351]; Mus. 137.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 53; RISM A/I: B 1144; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Meſſa Primo Tuono Concertata il primo Choro (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo –
Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
2. Meſſa Secondo Tuono Concertata il Choro Baſſo (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo –
Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei)
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Meſſa per li Morti (Requiem æternam – Kyrie – Dies iræ – Domine Ieſu Chriſte
–Sanĉtus – Agnus Dei – Lux æterna)
Orabant Sacerdotes. Motetto per li Morti A 8
Te Deum Laudamus.
Composer(s): Busatti, Cherubino (1644c)
| DEDICATE | All’Illuſtriſsimo, & Eccellentiſsimo Signor, | MARCHESE | OTTAVIO
mark] | IN VENETIA, || Apreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. MDCXXXXIIII. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1644
Description: One volume in 4o. On p. 2 dedication of the editor dated 15th August
1644. On p. 3 Alfabetto per la Chitarra alla Spagnola. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50309 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Single handwritten accidentals. On
the title page written in pencil: 113 | I; 427.
Provenance: The volume bears Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: F S. | 1.;
N. 352; [Mus. 196].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 81–82; RISM A/I: B 5101; VogelB: I, p. 122; NV 443; www.
Digitized version: planned publication
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Vaghe chiome allettatrici col bel ſen d’amor, v’adoro
2. Soſpiri tormentoſi del mar de la mia ſpene
3. La ſpeme à vn cuor amante è buona, ma chi ſpera
4. Care Aurette, che ſpirate tra queſte ombre
5. Non perch’io taccia è lieve il mio tormento
6. Non sà, che ſia gradir, chi vuol de le ſue pene
7. Donne, che vi penſate col voſtro ſtar altere
8. Amor, non più ferir, non più marir, troppo langue
9. Ch’io t’ami e ſegua più?
10. Chi mi porge conſiglio, amanti?
11. Amor tiranno, lungi dal core vanne al malanno
12. Mitigate il rigor, lumi feroci
13. E morta la pietà, non c’è più fedeltà
4. The catalogue
Composer(s): Legrenzi, Giovanni (1626–1690)
Title: SALMI | A Cinque, Trè voci, e due violini | DI GIOVANNI LEGRENZI
| Maeſtro Di Capella dell’Illuſtriſſima Accademia Dello Spirito | Santo In Ferrara. |
Quinta. | [the cardinal’s coat of arms] | IN VENETIA MDCLVII Apreſſo Franceſco
Magni |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1657
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S, T, B, vl I, vl II, bc. On p. 2 dedication of
the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo indications:
preſto, adaggio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50582 Muz.
Notes on item: T partbook missing. Some handwritten accidentals, pitch corrections, clefs, text incipits and notes (bc, p. 59: NB). On the title page written in pencil:
305 | VI; 449; 45.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: N L | 6; [Nro 353]; [Mus. 449].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 245; RISM A/I: L 1614; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=110
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: Laudate Dominum: Sacred Music from San Marco, Complesso Vocale
e Strumentale Antonio Lotti, Newton Classics 2012 (8802129)
1. Domine ad adiuuandum A 5. Alto, due Tenori, & due violini
2. Dixit Dominus A 5. Canto, Tenore, Baſſo & due violini
3. Confitebor tibi A 5. Canto, Alto, Tenore & due violini
4. Beatus vir A 5. Alto, Tenore, Baſſo, e due violini
5. Laudate pueri A 5. Canto, Alto, Baſſo, e due violini
6. Laudate Dominum A 5. Due Canti, e Baſſo, & due violini
7. Lætatus ſum A 5. Alto, Tenor, Baſſo, e due violini
8. Niſi Dominus A 5. Due Tenori, Baſſo, e due violini
9. Lauda Ieruſalem A 5. Trè Soprani, & due violini
10. Credidi propter quod A 5. Alto, Tenor, Baſſo, e due violini
11. In conuertendo A 5. Due Soprani, Tenore, e due violini
12. Beati omnes A 5. Due Canti, e Baſſo, con due violini
13. Magnificat A 5. Canto, Tenore, Baſſo, e due violini
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Composer(s): Merula, Tarquinio (1595–1665)
| IN VENETIA. || Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. M.DC LI. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1651
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: vl I, vl II, vlne, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the
composer dated 8th April 1651. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo indications:
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50621 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Some handwritten notes: repetatur; bis
(vlne, p. 37). On the title page written in pencil: 336 | IV; 40.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[J Y | 4.]; [Nro 354]; Mus. 492.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 281; RISM A/I: M 2356; SartoriB: 1651a;
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=11768
Modern edition: Tarquinio Merula, Canzoni da suonare a doi & a tre: libro quarto;
op. 17, Venezia 1651, ed. Alessandro Bares, Albese con Cassano: Musedita 2004
Recording: Verso Venezia. Castello, Merula, Legrenzi: Sonate e Canzoni, Pallade Musica, ATMA Classique 2014 (ACD2 2697)
1. Canzon Prima. L’Ariberta. A doi Violini.
2. Canzon Seconda. La Canoſſa. A doi Violini.
3. Canzon Terza. La Bulgarina. A doi Violini.
4. Canzon Quarta. L’Appiana. A doi Violini.
5. Canzon Quinta. La Ferrara. A doi Violini.
6. Canzon Seſta. La Illica. A doi Violini.
7. Canzon Settima. La Roſſa. A doi Violini.
8. Canzon Oĉtaua. La Speltina. A doi Violini.
9. Canzon Nona. La Calzolara. A doi Violini.
10. Canzon Decima. La Bolla. A 2. Violino, & Baſſo.
11. Canzon Decima prima. La Miradoro. A 2. Violino, & Baſſo.
12. Canzon Decima ſeconda. La Scarinza. A 2. Violino, & Violone.
13. Canzon Decima terza. La Noce. A 2. Violino, & Violone.
14. Canzon Decima quarta. La Cappellina. A 2. Violino, & Violone.
15. Canzon Decima quinta. La Tinta. A 2. Violino, & Violone.
16. Canzon Decima ſeſta. La Berlaſina. A 2. Violino, & Violone.
4. The catalogue
Canzon Decima ſettima. La Monteuerda. A 2. Violino, & Violone.
Canzon Decima ottaua. La Cauagliera. A 3. doi Violini, & Violone.
Canzon Decima nona. La Puſterla. A 3. doi Violini, & Violone.
Canzon Vigeſima. La Loda. A 3. doi Violini, & Violone.
Canzon Vigeſima prima. L’Anſelma. A 3. doi Violini, & Violone.
Canzon Vigeſima ſeconda. La Lugarina. A 3. doi Violini, & Violone.
Canzon Vigeſima terza. La Lanzona. A 3. doi Violini, & Violone.
Canzon Vigeſima quarta. La Valcharenga. A 3. doi Violini, & Violone. Sopra
à Donna Mortale.
25. Canzon Vigeſima quinta. La Brena. A 3. doi Violini, & Violone. Sopra à Nò nò,
per Camera.
26. Sonata Prima. Vigeſima ſeſta. La Sartoria. A 3. doi Violini, & Violone. per
27. Sonata Seconda. Vigeſima ſettima. A 3. doi Violini, & Violone. Per Camera.
28. Sonata Terza. Vigeſima oĉtaua. A 3. doi Violini, & Violone. per Camera.
Sinfonie di tutti gli tuoni A 3. doi Violini, & Violone.
29. [Sinfonia di] Primo Tuono.
30. [Sinfonia di] Secondo Tuono.
31. [Sinfonia di] Terzo Tuono.
32. [Sinfonia di] Quarto Tuono.
33. [Sinfonia di] Quinto Tuono.
34. [Sinfonia di] Seſto Tuono.
35. [Sinfonia di] Settimo Tuono.
36. [Sinfonia di] Ottauo Tuono.
Composer(s): Monteverdi, Claudio (1567–1643)
CVM NONNVLLIS SACRIS CONCENTIBVS, | ad Sacella ſiue Principum Cubicula
accommodata. | OPERA | A CLAVDIo MoNtEVERDE | nuper effeĉta | AC BEATISS.
PAVLO V. PONT. MAX. CONSECRATA. [coat of arms] | Venetijs, Apud Ricciardum
Amadinum. || M D C X. |
Publication: Venezia: Ricciardo Amadino 1610
Description: Set of 8 partbooks: S, A, T, B, 5, 6, 7 in 4o; bc in fol. On p. 3 dedication
of the composer dated 1st September 1610. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50094 Muz.
Notes on item: Only S, A, T, and bc partbooks extant. S partbook damaged on
the edges, refilled with paper after conservation in 1957, 1965, 1974, and 1994. In T
and bc partbooks some handwritten variants or diminutions in free staves and above
them. Some handwritten accidentals, calculations of rest lengths, and text incipits. On
pp. 29–35 of S partbook a handwritten Christological German contrafactum text (Jesu
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Du Heiland, erbarm dich unser) of Sonata sopra sancta Maria, written by Ambrosius
Profe (?). On the title page written in pencil: 356 | VIII.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [8 | [ ;]ּמNro 355]; Mus 511.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 288; RISM A/I: M 3445, MM 3445; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=40855
Modern edition: tutte le opere di Claudio Monteverdi, vol. 14: Musica Religiosa
(I), ed. Gian Francesco Malipiero, Wien: Universal Edition 1932; Claudio Monteverdi,
Vespro della Beata Vergine, Vespers (1610), ed. Jeffrey Kurtzman, Oxford: Oxford University Press 1999
Recording: Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine 1610, New London Consort, Philip Pickett, Decca 2012 (00028947839491)
1. Miſſa In illo tempore à 6 Missa da capella a ſei voci, fatta sopra il motetto in illo
tempore del Gomberti le fughe del quale ſono queſte [ten music motives] (Kyrie
– Gloria – Credo – Sanctus – Agnus Dei)
Veſpro della B. Vergine da concerto, compoſto ſopra canti fermi.
2. Domine ad adiuuandum à 6. Sex vocib. & sex Inſtrumentis, ſi placet
3. Dixit Dominus A 6 voci. & 6. Inſtrumenti Li Ritornelli ſi ponno ſonar, & anco
tralaſciar ſecondo il volere
4. Nigra ſum. Motetto ad vna voce
5. Laudate pueri Dominum à 8 voci ſole nel Organo
6. Pulchra es A due voci
7. Lætatus ſum a ſei voci
8. Duo Seraphim A due voci
9. Niſi Dominus A dieci voci
10. Audi coelum Prima ad vna voce ſola, poi nella fine à ſei voci
11. Lauda Ieruſalem A Sette voci
12. Sonata ſopra Santa Maria Ora pro nobis
13. Aue maris ſtella Hinno à 8
14. Magnificat à Sette voci, & Sei inſtrumenti
15. Magnificat A 6. voci
Composer(s): Marini, Biagio (1594–1663)
Title: PER OGNI SORTE D’ISTROMENTO | MVSICALE | Diuerſi generi di Sonate
da Chieſa, e da Camera, | A Due, Trè, & à quattro. | Con l’Alfabeto alle più proprie, per
la Chitarra | alla Spagnola a beneplacito. | Libro Terzo. | Opera XXII. | Conſacrata |
4. The catalogue
Reno, Duca di Baviera &c. | Dal Caualier Biagio Marini. | [typographer’s mark] | IN
VENETIA MDCLV. Appreſſo Franceſco Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1655
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: vl I, vl II, vla/b, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the
composer dated 1st September 1655. At the end – a list of contents. Some dynamic and
tempo indications: Dolcemente, piano, forte, Allegro, Graue.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50604 Muz.
Notes on item: Vl I partbook missing. Some handwritten accidentals, pitch corrections, calculations of rest lengths and notes: seconda parte (bc, p. 22; vl II, p. 23),
Violino secondo (vl II, title page). On the title page written in pencil: 325 | IV.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [M L | 4]; [Nro 356]; [Mus. 474].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 274; RISM A/I: M 671; SartoriB: 1655a;
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Biagio Marini, Sonate da chiesa e da camera: a due, tre e a quattro:
libro terzo, opera XXII: Venezia 1655, facs. ed. Marcello Castellani, Firenze: Studio per
edizioni scelte 1979, 2000 (Archivum musicum. Collana di testi rari, 18); Biagio Marini, Per ogni sorte d’stromento. Sonate da Chiesa e da Camera..., ed. Johann Tufvesson
Recording: L’Anima ritrovata. Musica per i violini degli Amati, L’ Aura Soave, MVC
Cremona (MVC/005-019)
1. Balletto primo à 3. la viola a beneplacito
2. Balletto Secondo. A 3. & à 4. la viola a beneplacito (Entrata – Balletto – Gagliarda – Corrente)
3. Balletto Terzo. A 3. & a quattro la viola a beneplacito
4. Balletto Quarto Allemano. à 3. & a quattro. la viola a beneplacito
5. Zarabanda prima A 3 & a quattro come ſopra
6. Zarabanda Seconda A 3 & a quattro come ſopra
7. Zarabanda Terza A 3 & a quattro come ſopra
8. Zarabanda Quarta A 3 & a quattro come ſopra
9. Corrente prima. A 3 & a quattro come ſopra.
10. Corrente Seconda. A 3 & a quattro come ſopra.
11. Corrente Terza. A 3 & a quattro come ſopra.
12. Corrente quarta. A 3 & a quattro come ſopra.
13. Sinfonia primo Tuono. A 3 & a quattro come ſopra
14. Sinfonia Secondo Tuono. A 3 & a quattro come ſopra
15. Sinfonia Terzo Tuono. A 3 & a quattro come ſopra
16. Sinfonia Quarto Tuono. A 3 & a quattro come ſopra
17. Sinfonia Quinto Tuono A 3 & a quattro come ſopra
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Sinfonia Seſto Tuono A 3 & a quattro come ſopra
Sonata Per due violini ò Cornetti
Sonata A 2. Baſſo è Violino ò Cornetto
Sonata prima. A 3. Due violini è Baſſo. Sopra fuggi dolente
Sonata Seconda. A 3. Baſſo e due viol.
Sonata Terza. Per 3 violini
Sonata A 4. Due violini, viola è Baſſo
Paſſacalio A 4. & a trè tralaſciando la viola.
Composer(s): Ferro, Marco Antonio (1662†)
Conte Palatino Ceſareo & Muſico | di Cammera [!] di Sua Maeſtà Ceſarea. | Opera
Prima. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA MDCXXXXVIIII Alla Stampa del
Gardano. |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano 1649
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: vl I, vl II, vla da braccio, vla da gamba, bc. On
p. 3 dedication of the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Some
dynamic and tempo indications: piano, p., f., adagio, preſto, preſtiſſimo.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50422 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Bc partbook missing. Single handwritten accidentals, and pitch corrections. On the title page written in pencil: 200 | V.
Vl II partbook severely damaged, refilled with paper after conservation in 1992.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [L A | 5.]; [Nro 357]; Mus. 303.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 128; RISM A/I: F 543; SartoriB: 1649e
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Marco Antonio Ferro, Sonaten 1649, facs. ed. Martin Lubenow, Germersheim: Lubenow 1995–2003; Marco Antonio Ferro, Sonate a due, tre & a quattro:
Venezia, 1649; ed. Hans-Jakob Bollinger, Albese con Cassano: Musedita 2005
Recording: Kammermusik am Hofe Kaiser Leopolds I, Concerto Castello, Bruce Dickey, EMI Classics 2000 (8 26535 2); Sinfonie di viole. Liquide Perle, Sirius Viols, Deutsche Harmonia Mundi 2013 (DHM 5413072)
1. Sonata Prima à 2. Violino & Viola da gamba, ouero violino e Tiorba, Viola
da gamba ò Tiorba.
2. Sonata 2. à 2. violino & viola da gamba, ouero violino e Tiorba
3. Sonata 3. à 3. violino, Violetta da braccio & viola da gamba ouero due violini
e Tiorba.
4. The catalogue
Sonata 4. à 3. Violino, Viola da braccio & viola da gamba ouero due violini
e Tiorba.
Sonata 5. à 3. Violino, Tenore da gamba, e Viola da gamba ouero Cornetto
Trombone e Tiorba.
Sonata 6. à 3. Violino Tenore da gamba, & viola da gamba.
Sonata 7. à 4. Due violini violetta da braccio & viola da gamba ouero due cornetti violetta da braccio e fagotto.
Sonata 8. à 4. Due violini violetta da braccio & viola da gamba ouero due cornetti Trombone e fagotto.
Sonata 9. à 4 viole.
Sonata 10. à 4. Viole, ouero due violini, violetta da braccio e Tiorba.
Sonata 11. à 4. Due violini violetta da braccio & viola da gamba ouero due cornetti Trombone e fagotto.
Sonata 12. à 4. Due violini violetta da braccio & viola da gamba ouero due cornetti violetta da braccio e Tiorba.
Composer(s): Casati, Gasparo (1610c–1641)
Title: SACRI CONCENTI | A Voce Sola Con la Partitura | DI GASPARO CASATI
| Maeſtro di Capella nel Duomo di Nouara | Con Licenza de Superiori & Priuilegio |
VENETIA M DC XXXXI Appreſſo Bartolomeo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Bartolomeo Magni 1641
Description: Set of 2 partbooks in oblong 4o: Voce, Part. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo and dynamic indications: Preſto, piano, adaggio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50320 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Single handwritten accidentals.
Provenance: Both partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [B F
| 2]; [Nro 358]; [Mus. 209].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 88; RISM A/I: C 1408, CC 1408; www.bibliotecamusica.it;
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Gasparo Casati, Sacri concenti a voce sola… op. 2, Venice 1641,
facs. ed. Anne Schnoebelen, New York: Garland 1987 (Solo motets from the seventeenth
century, vol. 4: Novara I)
Recording: [–]
1. O mira, ò magna, ò noua, ò rara
2. O Conuiuium pietatis Sacramentum charitatis
3. O quam ſuauis eſt Domine panis de Cęlo pręſtitus
4. Aue Ieſu Christe verbum Patris
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
O felix, o lucidiſsima nox
Tota pulchra es amica mea
Anima Chriſti sanĉtifica me
Deſcende dileĉte mi in hortum
Supra dorſum meum fabricauerunt peccatores
Feſtinemus aſcendamus in montes
O Thabor ò ſplendor ęternę glorię
O nimis cara Deo
Congratulamini mihi fideles
Salue tremendum cunĉtis
Veni Sanĉte Spiritus
Salue Regina Imperatrix Maria
Gaudete et exultate. Al Sig. D. Andrea Piſani Contralto Gratioſisſimo nel Duomo di Nouara.
O Domine Deus, ò delitioſisſimum principium meum
Himnum iocunditatis cantemus. Al Signor Paolo Antonio Peſtagallo Muſico
Ecc. nell’inſigne Chieſa della Roſa di Milano.
Beatus qui inteligit quid ſit amare Iesum
Anima miſeranda quę offendis Deum tuum
Aue potentisſima, aue ſapientisſima
Gloriosum Marię Virginis diem feſtum celebremus
O iocunda dies ò feſtiua dies
Composer(s): Arrigoni, Giovanni Giacomo (1597–1675); Barbarino, Bartolomeo
(1640p†); Berti, Giovanni Pietro (1638†); Bondioli, Giacinto (1596–1636); Caprioli, Giovanni Paolo (1571–1630); Castello, Dario (1590c–1658c); Cavalli, Francesco
(1602–1676); Finetti, Giacomo (1575c–1631); Freddi, Amadio (1570c–1634); Gallerano, Leandro (1630c†); Grandi, Alessandro (1586–1630); Locatello, Gasparo (1550c–
–1625); Martinengo, Giulio Cesare (1564/1568–1613); Massiccio, Giovanni (fl. 1620c);
Milanuzzi, Carlo (1594c–1647p); Monteverdi, Claudio (1567–1643); Obizzi, Domenico (1611c–1630p); Picchi, Giovanni (16/17); Pozzo, Giovanni (16/17); Priuli, Giovanni (1575c–1626); Rovetta, Giovanni (1596c–1668); Rovetto, Vido (16/17); Sabino,
Giovanni Maria (1588–1649); Scorzuto, Giovanni Maria (17.sc); Simonetti, Leonardo
(16/17); Spongia, Francesco (1561–1641); Stella, Andrea (16/17)
Title: GHIRLANDA SACRA | SCIELTA | Da Diuerſi Eccelentiſsimi Compoſitori
de varij Motetti | A Voce Sola. Libro Primo. Opera Seconda. | PER LEONARDO
SIMONETTI | Muſico nella Capella del Sereniſsimo Prencipe | Di Venetia in S. Marco.
| Nouamente [typographer’s mark] Stampata | IN VENETIA M.DC.XXXVI |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Bartolomeo Magni 1636
Description: Set of 2 partbooks in oblong 4o: S, Part. On p. 3 dedication of the composer Al Molto Rev.do P. M. Leonardo Priuli Provinciale di terra Santa et Commissario
Generale del Monastero de i Reuerendi Padri Carmelitani di Venetia without a date. At
4. The catalogue
the end – a list of contents. On the last page – the colophon of the publisher: Stampa
del Gardano. In Venetia M.DC.XXXVI. Appresso Bartolomeo Magni.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50222 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Single handwritten accidentals, pitch
corrections, custos, and text incipits.
Provenance: Both partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [B G |
2]; [Nro 359]; [Mus. 30].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 370; RISM B/I: 16362; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Ecce sacrum paratum. Del Molto Illuſtre Signor Claudio Monteuerde Maeſtro
di Capella della Sereniſsima Signoria di Venetia
2. Currite populi pſalite timpanis. Del Molto Illuſtre Signor Claudio Monteuerde
3. O quam pulchra es amica mea. Del Illuſtre Signor Claudio Monteuerde
4. Salue Regina. Del Illuſtre Sig. Claudio Monteuerde.
5. Inter natos mulierum. Del Sig. Gio. Priuli Maeſtro di Capella di S. M. C.
6. O Maria quam pulchra es. Del Sig. Giouanni Rouetta.
7. O quam tu Pulchra es. Del Signor Aleſſandro Grandi.
8. Hodie apparuerunt delitie Paradiſi. Del Sig. Zan Pietro Berti Organiſta di
S. Marco in Venetia.
9. Aue dulciſsima Maria. Del Sig. Gio. Priuli M. di Capella di S. M. C.
10. In leĉtulo per noĉtes. Del Molto Reuerendo P. D. Gio. Paolo Caprioli Abbate di
11. Congratulationi mihi omnes. Del Molto Reuerendo P. D. Gio. Paolo Caprioli
Abbate di Candiana.
12. Quam Pulchra es Spetiosa. Alla quarta Baſſa. Del Sig. Aleſſandro Grandi.
13. Cantabo Domino in vita mea. Del Signor Aleſſandro Grandi.
14. Exaudi me Domine. Del Signor Aleſſandro Grandi.
15. Domine quis habitabit. Del Molto Reverendo Signor P. Giacomo Finetti Maeſtro di Capella nella gran Caſa di Venetia.
16. Exultate Deo. Del Signor Dario Caſtello.
17. Vulneraſti cor meum. Del Signor D. Franceſco Vſper.
18. Nativitas tua Dei Genitrix. In omnibus Feſtiuitatibus. Del Reuerendo D. Franceſco Vſper.
19. Gaudete omnes & exultate. Del R. D. Vido Rouetto Arciprete di S. Angelo Detto
il Falſetto da Pioue.
20. Salue Chriſte Fili ſummi Patris. Del Signor Giouanni Picchi.
21. Cognoſcam te Domine. Del Signor Amadio Freddi Maeſtro di Capella nel
Domo di Treuiſo. Tenor Solo.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Salue Regina. Del Signor Amadio Fredi [!]
Veni Sanĉte Spiritus. Del R. Sig. D. Giouanni Pozzo.
Venite ad me omnes. Del Sig. Bartolomeo Barbarino detto il Peſarino.
Jubilate Deo omnis terra. Del Signor Domenico Obizzi.
Audi dulcis amica. Del Signor Bartolomeo Barbarino detto il Peſarino.
Beata es Virgo Maria. Del Molto R. Sig. P. Giacomo Finetti Maeſtro di Capella
nella gran caſa di Venetia.
Accipe dilecte mi. Cantus. Del Signor D. Giouanni Maſsiccio.
Felix namque es Virgo Maria. Tenor. Di D. Gaſparo Locatello Canonico di
S. Marco.
Tota Pulchra es amica mea. Del Signor [Giovanni] Giacomo Ar[r]igoni.
Bone IESV verbum Patris. Del Signor Gio. Giacomo Ar[r]igoni.
Domine IESV Chriſte. Del Signor Gio. Giacomo Ar[r]igoni.
Anima miſeranda. Del R. P. Carlo Milanuzij. Canto ouero Tenore.
O sacrum conuivium. Del Reuerendo D. Gio. Maria Sabino Napolitano.
Crux Fidelis inter omnes. Del Reuerendo D. Gio. Maria Sabino Napolitano.
Ecce panis angelorum. Del Reuerendo D. Gio. Maria Sabino Napolitano.
Repleatur os meum. Del Reuerendo D. Gio. Maria Sabino Napolitano.
Regnum Mundi. Del S. Giulio Cesare Martinengo
Cantate Domino. Del Sig. Pietro Franceſco Caletto Bruni Organiſta di S. Gio.
e Paolo di Venetia.
Domine Deus Salutis meę. Del Sig. Gio. Maria Scorzuto Maeſtro di Capella
della Communità di Aſola Treuiſiana.
O bone IESV. Del Sig. Gio. Maria Scorzuto Maeſtro di Capella della Communità di Aſola Treuiſiana.
Gaudeamus omnes. Canto ouer Tenore. Del P. D. Leandro Gallerano.
Ave verum Corpus. Del P. F. Giacinto Bondioli Prior di S. Dominico in Venetia.
Bonum eſt confiteri Domino. Del molto Reuerendo Padre Andrea Stella.
Confitebor tibi Domine. Del molto Reuerendo Padre Andrea Stella.
Composer(s): Grossi, Carlo (1634c–1688)
VENETIA MDCLXIII. Apreſſo Franceſco Magni detto Gardano. |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1663
Description: One volume in oblong 4o. On p. 2 dedication of the composer without
a date. At the end – a list of contents. Some dynamic and tempo indications: p., f, adagio, allegro, graue, viuo, adagio, adaggio.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50502 Muz.
Notes on item: Some handwritten accidentals. On the title page written in pencil:
266 | I.
4. The catalogue
Provenance: The volume bears Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: N Y | 1;
[Nro] 360; Mus. 377.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 164–165; RISM A/I: G 4731; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. O quanta tibi debeo dulciſſime Iesu. Del Signore
2. Accurite ciues accurate omnes. In ogni tempo
3. Quis mihi det vocem. Della Madonna
4. O quam lęta dies. D’vn Santo martire
5. Quare turbata es peccatrix anima. Del Santiſſimo
6. Exultate cęleſtes chori. D’vn Santo. Aria
7. Diſcite viuentes emorimundo. In ogni tempo
8. Gaudete & exultate. D’vn Santo
9. Audite audite cęli. D’vn Santo
10. En homo quę pro te patitur. Del Signore
11. Accede accede quid times Apoſtole Toma. Di S. Tomaſo Apoſtolo
12. Audite & obſtupeſcite. Per l’Annuntiatione & alter feſta dell B.V. e della Natiuità
di N.S.
Composer(s): Donati, Ignazio (1575c–1638)
PRæFECTI. | SACRI CONCENTVS | Vnis, Binis, ternis, Quaternis, & Quinis vocibus,
| Vnà cum parte Organica. | Ad illuſtriſſimum Comitem D. Franciſcum Mariam
Saxatellum | ordinis S. Michaelis Equitem meritiſſimum. | [coat of arms, the drawing in
ink] | VENETIIS, Apud Iacobum Vincentium. MDCXII. |
Publication: Venezia: Giacomo Vincenti 1612
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the composer dated 10th August 1612. On p. 3 a Latin poem and distichon by Francesco Bartolini. On pp. 4–5 two prefaces: IGNAtIo DoNAtI ALLI SIGNoRI LEttoRI and
DICHIARAtIoNE DEL CANtAR LoNtANo dall’organo senza veder la battuta.
At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50056 Muz., cfr. the doublette, no. 64 in the present catalogue.
Notes on item: Only S, T and B partbooks extant. Together with the doublette, no.
64 in the present catalogue, it forms a set of partbooks, without partbook A. Numerous
handwritten accidentals. On the title page written in pencil: 175 V.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [J D | 5.]; [Nro 361]; Mus. 271.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Catalogues: Cfr. no. 64 in the present catalogue
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
Contents: Cfr. no. 64
Composer(s): Cantone, Serafino (1565c–1627)
Title: DEL R.do P. D. | [red ink only in S partbook] SERAFINO CANTONE | [black
ink] Organiſta Nella Chieſa [red ink] Di S. SIMPLICIANO | [black ink] Di Milano. |
[red ink] MOTETTI CONCERTATI | [black ink] Alla Moderna con il Baſſo Continuo. |
[red ink] Libro Quarto. | [black ink] A Doi Tre Quatro, & Cinque Voci. | [red ink] CoN
PRIVILEGIo. | [typographer’s mark] | [black ink] STAMPA DEL GARDANO. | [red
ink] IN VENETIA, MDCXXV. || [black ink] Appreſſo Bartolameo Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano, appresso Bartolomeo Magni 1625
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, A, T, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of
the composer to Francesco Grasso detto il Mariano official Regio nella tesoreria di
S. M. Cattolica dated 1st November 1625. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50311 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Some handwritten accidentals, esp. in bc
partbook. On the title page written in pencil: 115 | VI; 13. The specimen underwent
conservation in 1993.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
A L | 6; N. 362; [Mus. 198].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 83–84; RISM A/I: C 887, CC 887; www.printed-sacredmusic.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Iubilate Deo omnis terra A 2. C.C.
2. De ore prudentis procedit mel A 2. C.C.
3. Veni in hortum meum A 2. C.C.
4. Laudate Dominum in Sanĉtis eius A 2. C.C.
5. Ego flos campi A 2. C.C.
6. Dileĉtus meus deſcendit in hortum meum A 2. C.C.
7. Nigra ſum ſed Formoſa A 2. C.A.
8. Regna terræ cantate A 2. C.T.
9. Beatus vir A 2. A.T.
4. The catalogue
Tota Pulchra es A 2. C.T.
Exultate Deo adiutori noſtro A 2. A.T.
Cantate Domino canticum nouum A 2. C.B.
Congratulamini mihi A 2. C.B.
Iuſtus germinabit ſicut Lilium A 3. C.C.A.
Iſte cognouit iuſtitiam A 3. C.C.T.
Aue Maria dulcis e pia A 3. C.C.B.
Iam non dicam vos ſeruos A 3. A.C.B.
Viri Sanĉti Glorioſum Sanguinem ſuderunt pro Domino A 3. A.A.T.
Gaudens gaudebo in Domino A 3. C.A.T.
Ornauerunt faciem templi A 3. C.A.T.
O Sacrum conuiuium A 3. A.T.B.
Aue Suauiſsima Maria A 4. C.A.T.B.
Beati omnes A 4. C.A.T.B.
Iſti ſunt agni nouelli A 4. C.A.T.B.
Congratulamini mihi A 4. C.A.T.B.
Sanĉta Maria A 4. C.A.T.B.
Quæ eſt iſta A 4. C.A.T.B.
Duo Seraphim A 4. C.C.A.T.
Benedicite omnia opera Domini Domino A 4. C.C.A.T.
Domine rex omnipotens A 5. C.C.A.T.B.
Gaudent in cęlis A 5. C.C.A.T.B.
Composer(s): Arresti, Giulio Cesare (1619–1701)
Title: SONATE | A 2, & a Tre. | Con la parte del Violoncello a beneplacido | Opera
mark] | IN VENETIA MDCLXV. Apreſſo Franceſco Magni detto Gardano. |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1665
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: vl I, vl II, vlc, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the
composer without a date, on p. 3 a preface to studioso lettore. At the end – a list of contents. Some dynamic and tempo indications: adagio, graue, piano, p.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50258 Muz.
Notes on item: Only vl II and vlc partbooks extant. Vl II partbook damaged on
the edges, refilled with paper after conservation. Some handwritten bar numbering in
pencil. On the title page written in pencil: 53 | IV.
Provenance: Both extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
N P | 4.; [Nro 363]; Mus. 128.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 49; RISM A/I: A 2486; SartoriB: 1665e; www.bibliotecamusica.it
Digitized version: [–]
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Sonata Prima. Primo Tono.
2. Sonata Seconda. Secondo Tono.
3. Sonata 3. Terzo Tono.
4. Sonata 4. Quarto Tono.
5. Sonata 5. Quinto Tono.
6. Sonata 6. Seſto Tono.
7. Sonata 7. Settimo Tono.
8. Sonata 8. Ottauo Tono. A 2. Violino è Violoncello à vicenda
9. Sonata 9. Nono Tono.
10. Sonata X. Decimo Tono.
11. Sonata XI. XI Tono
12. Sonata XII. XII. Tono
Composer(s): Cazzati, Maurizio (1616–1678)
Title: SVONATE | A DVE VIOLINI | Col ſuo Baſſo Continuo per l’Organo, & vn altro
à beneplacito | per Tiorba, ò Violone | DI | MAVRITIO CAZZATI | Maeſtro di Capella
in S. Maria Maggiore di Bergamo | Conſagrate | ALL’IMMORTALITA DELL’ALTEZZA
Decima Ottaua | Con Priuileggio. | [typographer’s mark] | IN VENETIA MDCLVI.
Apreſſo Franceſco Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1656
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: vl I, vl II, vlne/theorbe, bc. On p. 3 dedication
of the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo indications: allegro, graue, preſto, largo, viuace.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50341 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. Only bc partbook extant. On the title
page written in pencil: S | 4. The specimen underwent conservation in 1993.
Provenance: The extant partbook bears Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[M K | 4.]; [Nro 364]; Mus. 233.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 95–96; RISM A/I: C 1602; SartoriB: 1656c
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Maurizio Cazzati, Sonate D-Moll: für zwei Violinen, Violoncello (Gambe) und Cembalo (orgel): op. 18 Nr. 9, ed. Werner Danckert, Kassel: Bärenreiter 1933
Recording: Maurizio Cazzati: Sonates pour deux violons & continuo opus XVIII, Ensemble Mensa Sonora, Jean Maillet, Arion – Pierre Vérany 1997
4. The catalogue
1. La Ferdinanda. Sonata Prima.
2. La Varana. Sonata Seconda.
3. La Bulgarina. Sonata Terza.
4. La Calcagnina. Sonata Quarta.
5. La Fiaſca. Sonata Quinta.
6. La Giralda. Sonata Sesta.
7. La Roſſella. Sonata Settima.
8. La Canoſſa. Sonata Ottaua.
9. La Martinenga. Sonata Nona.
10. La Bentiuoglia. Sonata Decima.
11. La Beuilacqua. Sonata Undecima.
12. La Strozza. Sonata Duodecima.
13. Capriccio ſopra ſedeci note.
Composer(s): Legrenzi, Giovanni (1626–1690)
Title: SONATE | A Due, Tre, Cinque, e Sei Iſtromenti | DI D. GIO: LEGRENZI |
Maeſtro di Capella dell’ Illuſtriſſima accademia dello | Spirito Santo di Ferrara. |
Libro 3. Opera Ottaua. | VENETIA MDCLXIII Apreſſo Franceſco Magni. |
Publication: Venezia: Francesco Magni 1663
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: vl I, vl II, vl III, vl IV, vla da braccio, bc. On p. 3
dedication of the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo
indications: adagio, preſto, largo.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50585 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Single handwritten accidentals, pitch
corrections, custos, clefs, and text corrections. On the title page written in pencil: 309 |
VI; 120. The specimen underwent conservation in 1997.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
N N | 6.; [Nro 365]; [Mus.] 452.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 246; RISM A/I: L 1619; SartoriB: 1663b
Digitized version: planned publication
Modern edition: Giovanni Legrenzi, Sonate da chiesa: op. 4 – op. 8, ed. Albert Seay,
Paris: Heugel 1968
Recording: The trio Sonata in 17th-Century Italy, London Baroque, BIS 2012 (BIS
1795); Giovanni Legrenzi: Sonate & Balletti, Sonatori de la Gioiosa Marca, Newton
Classics 2012 (8802134); Verso Venezia. Castello, Merula, Legrenzi: Sonate e Canzoni,
Pallade Musica, ATMA Classique 2014 (ACD2 2697)
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
1. La Bentiuoglia. Sonata à 2 violini.
2. La Pia. Sonata à 2 violini
3. La Moſta. Sonata à 2 violini
4. L’ Obizza. Sonata à 2 Violino e Viola
5. La Roſſetta. Sonata à 3. Due violini è Violone
6. La Beuilacqua. Sonata à 3. Due violini, e Violone.
7. La Bonacoſſa. Sonata à 3. Due violini è Violone.
8. La Boiarda. Sonata à 3. Due violini è Violone.
9. La Squarzona. Sonata à 5. Quattro violini, e Violone.
10. La Cremona. Sonata à 5. Quattro violini, e Violone.
11. La Fugazza. Sonata à 5. Due Violini, A. T. e B.
12. La Marinona. Sonata à 5. Due Violini, A. T. e B.
13. La Buſcha. Sonata à 6. Due violini e Violone 2 CC. e faghotto.
14. La Baſadonna. Sonata à Sei.
15. La Galini. Sonata à 3. Violino, e Viola da brazzo ò fagotto.
16. La Criſpa. Sonata à 2 Violino, e Violone.
Composer(s): Cazzati, Maurizio (1616–1678)
XXIV | DI | MAVRIZIO CAZZATI | Maeſtro di Capella in S. Petronio di Bologna:
& | Accademico Eccitato. | con priuilegio. | [typographer’s mark] | IN BOLOGNA:
MDCLX. || Per Antonio Piſarri. Con Licenza Dè Superiori. |
Publication: Bologna: Antonio Pisarri 1660
Description: Set of 11 partbooks in 4o: A, T, B; S ad lib.; rip.: A, T, B; vl I, vl II, vlne/
theorbe, bc. In some partbooks on pp. 2–3 dedication of the composer signed Bologna,
10th December 1660. At the end – a list of contents and a short avviso ai lettori.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50343 Muz.
Notes on item: S ad lib., B rip. and vl II partbooks missing. Single handwritten accidentals, custos, and performance notes: Ritornello tacet (A rip., p. 2). On the title
page written in pencil: 145 | XI; 294. The vlne/theorbe partbook damaged on the edges,
refilled with paper after conservation in 1994.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: o H | 11; N.o 366 (a); [Mus. 235].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 96; RISM A/I: C 1617, CC 1617; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
4. The catalogue
Recording: [–]
1. Meſſa Concertata A 3. A. T. e B. con Violini, e Ripieni ſe piace (Kyrie – Gloria –
Credo – Sanĉtus & Agnus Dei)
2. Domine ad adiuuandum A 3. Concertato con Violini e 4 parti di Ripieni a beneplacito
3. Dixit Dominus A 3. A.T., e B. con Violini e 4 Parti di Ripieni ſe piace
4. Confitebor tibi. Canto ſolo ouero Tenore con doi Violini
5. Beatus vir A 3. A.T., e B. con Violini, e Ripieni ſe Piace
6. Laudate pueri A 3. C.A. e T. ouero A.T. e B. ſonando alla 4 o 5 Baſſa
7. Laudate Dominum A 3. da Capela, con Violini e Ripieni ſe piace
8. In exitu Iſrael A 3. A.T. e B. con Violini, & 4 Parti di Ripieni ſe Piace
9. Magnificat A 3. A.T. e B. con Violini, e Ripieni ſe piace
Composer(s): Monferrato, Natale (1603c–1685)
Title: SALMI | CONCERTATI | A Cinque, ſei, & otto voci, con violini & ſenza | DI
D. NADAL MONFERRATO | Vice Maeſtro Di Capella della Sereniſſima Republica
Opera Prima. Nouamente ſtampata | [coat of arms] | IN VENETIA MDC, XXXXVII
Alla Stampa del Gardano. |
Publication: Venezia: stampa del Gardano 1647
Description: Set of 11 partbooks in 4o: 1 ch.: S, A, T, B; 2 ch.: S, A, T, B; vl I, vl II,
bc. On p. 2 dedication of the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50637 Muz.
Notes on item: A 2 ch., B 1 ch. and bc partbooks missing. Single handwritten accidentals and calculations of rest lengths. On the title page written in pencil: 355 | XI.
S 1 ch. partbook damaged on the edges, refilled with paper after conservation in 1990.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: J H | 11; [Nro 366 (b)]; [Mus. 506].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 287; RISM A/I: M 3034; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Dixit Dominus à 8.
2. Confitebor à 5. 2 Canti 2 Tenori è Baſſo
3. Beatus vir à 5. Canto Alto due Tenori è Baſſo
4. Laudate pueri à 5. 4 Soprani, ouero 2 Sop. 2. Tenori & Alto
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Letatus ſum à 8.
Letatus à 5. 2 Canti 2 Tenori è Baſſo
Niſi Dominus à 5. Canto Alto 2 Tenori è Baſſo
Lauda Ieruſalem à 5. 2 Canti Alto Tenor è Baſſo
Dixit Dominus à 8. voci & due violini
Laudate pueri à 8. Sei voci & due violini
Beatus vir à 8. & due violini, con 2 Tenori è Baſſo che concerta
Laudate pueri à 8. 6 voci & due violini
Magnificat à 8. Sei voci, & due violini
Composer(s): Anerio, Giovanni Francesco (1567c–1630)
Præfeĉti. | Moteĉtorum ſingulis, binis, ternis, quaternis, | quinis, ſenisque vocibus. |
LIBER SECVNDVS. | Nuper editus. | [typographer’s mark] | Venetijs, Apud Ricciardum
Amadinum. || M D C XII. |
Publication: Venezia: Ricciardo Amadino 1612
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: S, T, B, bc. At the end – a list of contents, in
different order.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50254 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Bc partbook damaged on the edges, refilled with paper after conservation. Single handwritten accidentals, and text incipits.
On p. 31 of S partbook music text errata of Duo Seraphim. On the title page written in
pencil: 48 | IV; 259.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
o B | 4; Nro 367; Mus 124.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 47; RISM A/I: A 1098; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Ecce vos omnes accendentes. A 1. Canto ſolo.
2. Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore. A 1. Alto ſolo.
3. O præcioſum et admirandum conuiuium. A 1. Tenore ſolo.
4. Exultate Deo adiutori noſtro. A 1. Tenore ſolo.
5. Puellæ ſaltanti imperauit mater. A 1. Tenore ſolo.
6. Guſtate, & videte quoniam ſuauis. A 1. Baſſo ſolo.
7. Domine Deus meus exaltaſti ſuper terram A 1. Baſſo ſolo.
8. Sicut lilium inter ſpinas (Prima parte) – Surge amica mea et ueni (Seconda
parte) A 2. Canto, & Tenore.
4. The catalogue
Orauit Salomon ad Dominum. A 2. Canto, & Tenore.
Domine Deus, qui conteris. A 2. Canto, & Tenore.
O Doĉtor optime. A 2. Canto, & Tenore.
Dies ſanĉtificatus illuxit nobis. A 2. Canto, & Tenore.
Pone me ut signaculum. A 2. Canto, & Tenore.
Orabant Apoſtoli dicentes tu Domine. A 2. Canto, & Tenore.
Iſtorum eſt enim regnum caelorum. A 2. Canto, & Baſſo.
Salue Sanĉte Pater. A 2. Canto, & Baſſo.
Repleatur os meum. A 2. Canto, & Baſſo.
Spiritus Sanĉtus procedens. A 2. Canto, & Baſſo.
Surgens Ieſus Dominus noster. A 2. Canto, & Baſſo.
In nomine Ieſu. A 2. a doi Canti.
O ſacrum conuiuium. A 2. a doi Canti.
Benedicite Dominum omnes angeli eius. A 2. A due Tenori.
Caro mea vere est cibus. A 2. A due Tenori.
Iuſtus germinabit sicut lilium. A 2. A due Baſſi.
Mihi autem. A 2. Baſſi [omitted in table of contents]
Gaudete in Domino. A 3. Due Canti, e Tenore.
De ore prudentis. A 3. Canto, Alto, e Tenore.
O quam ſuauis eſt. A 3. Doi Canti, & Baſſo.
Iam quod quæſiui. A 3. Doi Canti, & Baſſo.
Iuſtus cor ſuum tradidit. A 3. A tre Tenori.
Panis Angelicus. A 4. Due Canti, & doi Baſſi.
Congratulamini mihi. A 4. Due Canti, Alto, & Tenore.
Ecce quam bonum. A 4. Due Canti, Alto, & Tenore.
Duo Seraphim clamabant. A 4. Due Canti, Alto, & Tenore.
Popule meus quid feci tibi. A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
Impletis diebus purgationis Mariae. A 5.
Dixerunt Diſcipuli ad beatum Thomasus. A 5.
Magi ab Oriente venerunt. A 6.
Composer(s): Cazzati, Maurizio (1616–1678)
CAZZATI | Maſtro di Cpella [!] in S.Petronio di Bologna: & Accademico Eccitato. |
CON PRIVILEGIO. || In Bologna Per Antonio Piſarri. Con licenza de ſuperiori. |
Publication: Bologna: Antonio Pisarri 1661
Description: Set of 2 partbooks in oblong 4o: Voce, Part. On pp. 2–3 dedication of
composer dated 30th March 1661. At the end – a list of contents. Tempo indications:
Largo, Preſto, alegro, Adagio, Adaggio, Preſto preſto, Viuace.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50344 Muz.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Single handwritten accidentals, custos,
text errata, and pitch corrections. On the title page written in pencil: 148 | II; 90.
Provenance: Both partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: o D |
2.; [Nro] 368; [Mus. 236].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 96; RISM A/I: C 1618; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Vbi es bone Iesu. Del Sanctiſsimo, e per ogni Tempo. Canto.
2. Hodie Chriſtus vocat & clamat. Per qualſivoglia Santa. Canto.
3. Aue Sacratiſsima Maria Virgo. Della Beata Vergine. Canto.
4. O vos omnes qui habitatis terram. Per vn Santo. Canto.
5. O Beatiſsima Virgo. Della B. V. Alto.
6. Iubila gaude lætare cor meum. Del Santiſs. e per ogni Tempo. Alto.
7. O Dies triumphalis decora. Per qualſivoglia Santo. Alto.
8. O quantum candida. Per vna Santa. Alto.
9. O quam pulcra es Maria. Della Beata Vergine. Tenore.
10. Sub ſpecie panis quomodo mortalibus. Del Santiſſimo. Tenore.
11. Exultent cæli lætetur terra. Per vn Santo. Tenore.
12. Amantes audite nouum genus Amoris. Per vna Santa, ò Santo, e per il Santiſsimo, e ſerue per ogni tempo. Tenore.
13. Et quando Domine ſufficienter diligam. Per il Santiſsimo, e per ogni Tempo. Basso.
14. O Lucidiſsima dies ò admiranda ſolemnitas. Per vn Santo, e per ogni Tempo.
15. Currite omnes properate feſtinate ad Mariam. Della B. V. Basso.
16. Salue nobile lignum vitæ. Della Santiſſima Croce, e per il Santiſſimo. Basso.
Composer(s): Caruso, Giuseppe (17.sc)
Quattro, Cinque, e Sei Voci. | Co’l Baſſo Continuo per l’Organo. | Di Giuſeppe Caruſo
organiſta, e Maeſtro di Cappella del Illuſtriſſimo Signor | Marcheſe di Spaccaforno, Gran
Siniſcalco per ſua Maeſtà | Cattolica nel Regno di Sicilia, & c. | Opera Seconda | Dedicata
all’iſteſſo Illuſtriſſimo Signor Marcheſe ſuo Signore. | [coat of arms] | IN NAPOLI: Per
Ottauio Beltrano. 1634. Con licenza de’ Superiori. |
Publication: Napoli: Ottavio Beltrano 1634
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, bc. On pp. 3–4 dedication of the
composer to Don Antonio Statella e Caruso, Marchese di Spaccaforno without a date.
At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo indications: preſto.
4. The catalogue
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50318 Muz.
Notes on item: Unique specimen of the print. T partbook missing. In A partbook
missing title page. A partbook damaged on the edges, refilled after conservation in
1993. Some handwritten pitch corrections, text errata, and calculations of rest lengths.
On the title page written in pencil: M | 6.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [A 2 | 6.]; [Nro 369]; [Mus. 207].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 87; RISM A/I: C 1388; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Giuseppe Caruso, Haec est dies quam fecit Dominus, ed. Gunter Morche, Heidelberg 2009 (http://imslp.org/wiki/File:WIMA.453b-Caruso-2.pdf); Giuseppe
Caruso, Lauda Sion Salvatorem, ed. Gunter Morche, Heidelberg 2009 (http://imslp.org/
wiki/File:WIMA.7194-Caruso-3.pdf); Giuseppe Caruso, o quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus, ed. Gunter Morche, Heidelberg 2009 (http://imslp.org/wiki/File:WIMA.0389Caruso.pdf); Giuseppe Caruso, Quem vidistis pastores, ed. Gunter Morche, Heidelberg
2009 (http://imslp.org/wiki/File:WIMA.e354-Caruso-1.pdf)
Recording: [–]
1. Transfige dulciſsime Domine. A 2. Alto, e Tenore.
2. O ſacrum conuiuium. A 2. A due Canti, ò Tenori.
3. Deus, qui nobis sub sacramento. A 2. A due Canti, ó Tenori.
4. Homo quidam fecit cænam magnam. A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo
5. O quam ſuauis eſt Domine Spiritus tuus. A 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
6. Viue ter felix modo gens amica (Prima parte) – Ille qui vaſtis dominatur vndis
(Seconda parte) – Ille quem Virgo peperit (Terza parte) – Viue ter felix animumque paſce (Quarta, & vltima parte). A 3. Canto, Alto, e Tenore.
7. Gaudent innumeris ſidera canticis (Prima parte) – Plaudit cælicolum, terraque
ferculo (Seconda parte) – Noĉtis iam recolens vltima ocula (Terza parte) A 3.
Canto, Alto, e Baſſo.
8. Ego ſum panis viuus. A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
9. Lauda Sion Saluatorem. A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo. Sopra la Paſſacaglia.
10. Quantum potes: Lauda Sion Saluatorem. Tenore ſolo.
11. Laudis thema ſpecialis. A 3. Canto, Alto, e Tenore.
12. Sit laus plena, ſit ſonora, A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
13. Hæc eſt dies. Per il giorno di Paſqua. A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo. Sopra la
Ciaccona. Per il giorno di Paſcha.
14. Pange lingua glorioſi. A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo. Si canta alla Proceſſione
alternatiuamente co’l Choro.
15. Cænantibus illis accepie. A 5. Canto, Alto, due Tenori, e Baſſo.
16. Paraſti in dulcedine tua. A 5. Due Canti, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
17. Quem vidiſtis Paſtores [Prima Parte] – Natum vidimus. Paſtorale [Seconda
Parte] Si può anco concertare con due violini, ſonando la parte dell’Alto, e del
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
ſecondo Tenore per ottaua ſopra. A 5. per il dì di Natale. Canto. Alto, due Tenori, e Baſſo. ò tre Tenori, Alto, e Baſſo.
Cibauit nos Dominus. A 6. Soprano, mezzo Canto, Alto, due Tenori, e Baſſo.
Ecce ſpina. Dialogo A 2. Canto, e Tenore. con le riſpoſte in Eccho. Sopra l’aria
della Pauaniglia, di Santa Roſalea.
Composer(s): Burlini, Antonio (1577–1623)
Title: FIORI | DI CONCERTI | SPIRITVALI | A Vna, Due, Tre, e Quattro Voci, [in vocal
partbooks two more verses added:] col BASSO Continuo per | l’Organo, & altro ſimile
iſtrumento | Commodi per li cantori che ſeguitano il moderno ſtile, e molto vtile | per quelli
che deſiderano impararlo | DI DON ANTONIO BVRLINI | DA ROVIGO | Organiſta
di Monteoliueto Maggiore | di Siena. | Nouamente compoŝti, & dati in luce. | CON
PRIVILEGIO. | [typographer’s mark] | In Venetia, Appreſso Giacomo Vincenti. MDCXII. |
Publication: Venezia: Giacomo Vincenti 1612
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: I Parte, II Parte, III Parte, bc. On p. 3 of the
vocal partbooks dedication of the composer to R.mo Padre Generale della Congregatione olivetana il Padre Don Lorenzo Salvi Pervgino signed Monte Oliveto Maggiore,
1st March 1612. In bc partbook two avvisi: Avertimento alli organisti and Avertimento
per li concerti. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50307 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Single handwritten accidentals and text
errata. On the title page written in pencil: 111 | IV; 239. The specimen underwent
conservation in 1997.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
o C | 4.; [Nro] 370; [Mus. 194].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 80–81; RISM A/I: B 5021, BB 5021; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Antonio Burlini, Corona aurea super caput eius, ed. Gunter Morche, Heidelberg 2012 (http://imslp.org/wiki/File:PMLP557007-Burlini-5.pdf); Antonio Burlini, Levavi oculos meos in montes, ed. Gunter Morche, Heidelberg 2012 (http://
Recording: [–]
1. Leuaui oculos meos. Voce ſola. Alto ſolo, ò Tenore
2. Cantabo Domino. Voce ſola. Alto
3. Confitebor tibi Domine. Voce ſola. Alto
4. Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore. Voce ſola. Tenore
5. Beata es Virgo Maria. Voce ſola. Canto
4. The catalogue
Regali ex progenie. A due voci. Due Alti
Si bona ſuſcepimus. A due voci. Alto, e Tenore
Iſti ſunt triumphatores, & amici Dei. A due voci. Due Ten. Ouero Canti
Beatus vir qui in lege Domini meditatur. A due voci. Baſſo, e Canto
Ecce Sacerdos magnus. A due voci. Due Alti
Ad Dominum cum tribularer. Due Tenori, ouero Canti
Sicut mater conſolauit filios. A due voci. Baſſo e Canto
Magnificat Secundi Toni. A due voci. Due Tenori, ouero Canti Secondo Tuono
Filiæ Hieruſalem venite & videte. A due voci. Due Canti, ouero Ten.
De ore prudentis. A tre voci. Tre Tenori
Stola iucunditatis. A tre voci. Baſſo, e due Canti
Iſte ſanĉtus pro lege Dei ſui. A tre voci. Baſſo, e due Canti
Magnificat Sexti Toni. A tre voci. Baſſo, e due Tenori
Quàm dileĉta tabernacula tua. A 4. Alto, Tenore, e due Canti
Corona aurea ſuper caput eius. A quattro. Baſſo, Tenore, Alto, e Canto
Veniens à Libano. A quattro. Baſſo, Tenore, e due Canti. Al molto R.P.D. Secondo Lancilloti Canceliere Oliuetano
Ecce vicit Leo de tribu Iuda. A quattro. Due Baſſi, Alto, e Canto
Composer(s): Filippucci, Agostino (1621–1679)
Title: MESSA, E SALMI | PER VN VESPRO | A cinque Voci con due Violini, e Ripieni
| DI AGoStINo FILIPPVCCI | Maeſtro di Capella di S. Gio. in Monte, & Organiſta
della | Madonna di Galiera di Bologna; | DEDICATI | Al Reuerendiſsimo Padre Abbate
| D. HONORATO | MONTECALVI | Diffinitore Perpetuo della Congregatione |
Lateraneſe. | oPERA PRIMA. | [typographer’s mark] || In Bologna: per Giacomo
Monti. 1665. Con licenza de’ Superiori. |
Publication: Bologna: Giacomo Monti 1665
Description: Set of 13 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, A, T, B; rip.: S I, S II, A, T, B; vl I, vl
II, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer without a date. On p. 4 an avviso to Diſcreto
Lettore. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50434 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Some handwritten accidentals, pitch corrections, custos, text incipits, and rubrics showing the Magnificat verses that follow
(in all partbooks). On the title page written in pencil: 209 | XIII; 314.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[N U | 13]; [Nro 371]; [Mus. 314].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 132; RISM A/I: F 752; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Recording: [–]
1. Meſſa à 5. con due Violini. C.C.A.T. e B. (Kyrie – Gloria – Credo)
2. Domine ad adiuuandum à 5. con due Violini
3. Dixit Dominus à 5. con due Violini
4. Confitebor tibi à 3. due Canti, e Baſſo con Violini
5. Beatus vir à 3. Alto, Tenore, è Baſſo
6. Laudate pueri à 5. con Violini ad Libitum
7. Laudate Dominum Alto ſolo con Violini
8. Magnificat a 5. con Violini
Composer(s): Cazzati, Maurizio (1616–1678)
Title: HINNI PER TVTTO L’ANNO | A Voce ſola, con Violini à Beneplacito. |
S. Petronio di Bologna: | & Accademico Eccitato. | Opera Vigeſimanona Con priuileggio. |
[typographer’s mark] | IN BOLOGNA: MDCLXII. || Per Antonio Piſarri. | Con licenza de’
Superiori. ||
Publication: Bologna: Antonio Pisarri 1662
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: Parte che canta, vl I, vl II, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the composer dated 23rd June 1662. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50345 Muz.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks. Some handwritten accidentals, text and
pitch corrections, calculations of rest lengths, also in a more descriptive form (Sanctor[um meritis] pausæ 28. – p. 14 of both vl I and vl II partbooks). On the title page
written in pencil: F | 4. The specimen underwent conservation in 1997.
Provenance: All of the partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
[N X | 4.]; [Nro 372]; [Mus. 237].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 97; RISM A/I: C 1623; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/
vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=22179
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Creator alme ſiderum. In Dominicis Aduentus Domini. Canto, ò Tenore
2. Ieſu Redemptor omnium. In Natiuitate, & Circumciſione Domini. Canto, ò Tenore
3. Saluete flores Martirum. In feſto S.S. Innocentium. Canto, ò Tenore
4. Crudelis Herodes. In Epiphania. Canto ò Tenore
4. The catalogue
Audi Benigne Conditor. In Dominicis Quadragesima. Canto, ò Tenore
Vexilla Regis prodeunt. In feſto inuentionis ſanĉtiſſime Crucis & in Dominica
Paſſionis. Canto, ò Tenore
Triſtes erant Apoſtoli. In Feſto Apoſtolorum Tempore Paſchali. Canto, ò Tenore
Aue maris ſtella. In omnibus feſtiuitatibus B. Mariæ Virginis. Canto, ò Tenore
Sanĉtorum meritis inclita. In Natali plurimorum Martirum. Canto, ò Tenore
Quicumque Chriſtum quæritis. In feſto Transfigurationis Domini. Canto, ò Tenore
Ad Regias agni. In Dominicis Tempore Paſchali. Canto, ò Tenore
Vt queant laxis. In Natiuitate S. Ioanes Baptiſtæ. Canto, ò Tenore: Sopra queſto
Hinno ſi può anco cantare L’iſte Confeſſor
Cuſtodes hominum psallimus. In feſto S.S. Angelorum Cuſtodum. Canto, ò Tenore
Lucis creator optime. In Dominicis per Annum. Alto
Egregie Doĉtor Patriæ. In Conuerſione S. Pauli. Alto
Salutis humanæ Sator. In Aſcenſione Domini. Alto
Veni Creator Spiritus. In feſto Pentecoſtes. Alto
Iam ſol recedit igneus. In feſto Sanĉtiſſime Trinitatis. Alto
Exultet orbis gaudiis. In natali Apoſtolorum & Euangeliſtarum
Deus tuorum militum. In Natali vnius Martyris & in commvne plurimorum
Martirum tempore Paſchali. Alto
Rex glorioſe martyrum. In Comune plurimor: Martir: Tempore Paſchali. Alto
Iſte confeſſor Domini. In Natali Confeſſorum. Alto
Ieſu corona Virginum. In natali Virg: & Mart: Alto
Fortem virili pectore. In natali S. Martyris tantum & nec Virg: nec mart: Alto
Placare, Chriſte, servulis. In feſto omnium Sanĉtorum. Alto
Pange lingua gloriosi. In feſto Corporis Chriſti. Baſſo. Sopra queſto Himno ſi
può cantare Magne pater Auguſtine
Pater ſuperni luminis. In Feſto S. Mariæ Magdalenæ. Baſſo
Quodcunque in orbem nexibus. In Feſto Cathedre S. Petri. Baſſo
Miris modis repente liber. In feſto S. Petri ad Vincula. Baſſo
Decora lux æternitatis. In feſto Sanĉtorum Apoſtolorum Petri & Pauli. Baſſo
Te ſplendor et virtus Patris. In Dedicatione & Apparitione S. Michaelis. Baſſo
Celeſtis vrbs Ierusalem. In Dedicatione Eccleſiæ. Baſſo
Iſte confeſſor Domini. In Natali Confeſſor. Baſſo
Composer(s): Fiamengo, Francesco (17.sc)
Title: PASTORALI CONCENTI | AL PRESEPE | Co’l Reſponſorij della ſacra notte
del Natale di N. S. | A DVE, TRE, QVATTRO, CINQVE, E SEI VOCI, | co’l Baſſo
Continuo, | DEL DOTTOR | DON FRANCESCO FIAMENGO. | Opera Terza. |
Dedicata alla Molto Illuſtre Signora Donna Franceſca Secuſio, | & Intrigliolo. | [coat of
arms] | IN VENETIA, Appreſſo Aleſſandro Vincenti. 1637. | Con licenza de’ Superiori. |
Publication: Venezia: Alessandro Vincenti 1637
Description: Set of 7 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, 6, bc. On p. 2 dedication of the
composer signed Messina, 1st May 1637. At the end – a list of contents.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50423 Muz.
Notes on item: T partbook missing. On the title page written in pencil: 201 | VII.
The specimen underwent conservation in 1992.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [C Y | 7.]; [Nro 373]; Mus. 304.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 128–129; RISM A/I: F 1598; SartoriB: 1637c; VogelB: II, p. 236;
NV 979; http://sscm-jscm.org/instrumenta/vol-2/; www.printed-sacred-music.org
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. Non fuggir. Caro, e rubello mio. A 2. A Due Canti.
2. Vien pargoletto. Alberga in queſto petto. A 2. A due Canti.
3. Mentre fan di ſe ſteſſe ghirlandette. A 2. Voci Alto, e Tenore.
4. O che bella pietate. A 2. Voci Alto, e Tenore.
5. Voi ſarete al mio core. A 2. A due Tenori.
6. Caro preſepe. A 2. A due Tenori.
7. Correte, anime belle. Aria à 3. Voci Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
8. Sù, sù, andiamo. Aria à 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
9. Le bellezze che sfauillano. Aria à 3. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
10. Vaga, lucente, e bella. Aria à 3 Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
11. Fiorir ſu vaghe ſponde. A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
12. Gloria à Dio nell’altezze. A 4. Canto, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
13. Sonata paſtorale. A 4. Due Violini, Viola, e Trombone, ò Leuto.
14. Ite paſtori alcun di voi non laſce. A 5. Voci, Due Canti, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
15. Ditene, ò buon paſtori. Dialogo A 5. Due Canti, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
16. Amoroſo Signore, Pietoſo Redentore. Nenia al Bambino Giesù A 5. Due Canti,
Alto,Tenore, e Baſſo.
17. O nouella inaudita. A 6. Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo Due violini, e viola.
18. Non veggion queſti monti. Dialogo A 6. Voci. Due Canti, Alto, due Tenori,
e Baſſo.
19. Nell’apparir del ſempiterno Sole. Dialogo A 6. 2. Canti, 2. Alti, Tenore e Baſſo.
20. Reſponſorio primo del primo Notturno. Hodie nobis cælorum Rex A 6. Voci.
Due Canti, Alto, Due Tenori, e Baſſo.
21. Reſponſorio ſecondo del primo Notturno. Hodie nobis de cælorum rex A 2.
A due Canti.
22. Reſponſorio terzo del primo Notturno. Quem vidiſtis paſtores. A 4. Voci Alto,
Due Tenori, e Baſſo.
23. Reſponſorio primo del ſecondo Notturno. O Magnum myſterium. A due Tenori.
24. Reſponſorio ſecondo del ſecondo Notturno. Beata Dei genitrix. A 3. Voci Due
Canti, e Baſſo.
4. The catalogue
Reſponſorio terzo del ſecondo Notturno. Sanĉta, & immaculata Virginitas. A 5.
Voci Due Canti, Alto, Tenore, e Baſſo.
Reſponſorio primo del terzo Notturno. Beata viſcera Mariæ. A 3. Voci Alto,
Ten. e Baſſo.
Reſponſorio ſecondo del terzo Notturno. Verbum caro faĉtum eſt. A 6. Voci
Due Canti, Alto, due Tenori e Baſſo.
Composer(s): Endres, Caspar (1674†)
AVTHORE CASPARO ENDRES, CIVITA-|tis Waſſerburgenſis Organico. || [The
woodcut representing Christ the King] | OENIPONTI, || Apud Joannem Gächium.
Publication: Innsbruck: Johann Gäch 1638
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: Vox I, Vox II, Vox III, bc. On p. 3 dedication
of the composer to Martin, abbot of the Attel monastery, signed Wasserburg, 6th April
1628. At the end – a list of contents. Some dynamic indications: Forte, Piano.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50409 Muz.
Notes on item: Bc partbook missing. On the title page written in pencil: 174 | IV; 57.
The specimen underwent conservation in 1998.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: E P | 4; N.o 374; Mus. 294.
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 123; RISM A/I: E 681
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. I. Aue Virgo Mater Christi A 2. Canti.
2. II. Aue Maria gratia plena A 2. Canti.
3. III. O mediatrix Domina A 2. Canti.
4. IV. Quis eſt, qui vult venire A 2. Canto è Baſſo.
5. V. O Virgo sapiens A 2. Canti:
6. VI. Dum eſſet rex A 2. Canto è Baſſo.
7. VII. O Maria mater Christi A 3. 2. Canti è Baſſo.
8. VIII. O Alma virgo Maria A 3. 2. Canti è Baſſo, vel à 5 cum Alto & Ten: pro
9. IX. Ecce fidelis ſeruus A 3. 2. Canti è Baſſo.
10. X. Laudemus & collaudemus A 3. 2. Canti è Baſſo.
11. XI. Tranſite ad me omnes A 3. 2. Canti è Baſſo.
12. XII. Ad quem respiciam A 3. 2. Canti è Baſſo.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Composer(s): Endres, Caspar (1674†)
Title: CONCENTUS MVSICI | Binis, Ternis, Quaternis, Quinis Vocibus. | DEO
WASSERBVRGENSIBVS, | JACOBO Praecipuo Tutelari, &c. | Ac Dominis ſuis |
name] | OENIPONTI, | Apud Joannem Gächium, || Anno M.DC.XXXVII. |
Publication: Innsbruck: Johann Gäch 1637
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: Vox I, Vox II, Vox III, bc. On pp. 3–4 dedication of the composer signed Wasserburg, 31st March 1627. At the end – a list of contents. Some tempo indications: Allegro.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50408 Muz.
Notes on item: Vox II partbook missing. Single handwritten accidentals. On the title
page written in pencil: 143 | V; 56. The specimen underwent conservation in 1998.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: E o | 5; [Nro. 375]; [Mus. 293].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 123; RISM A/I: E 680
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. I. O dulciſſime Domine: A 2. Canto: è Ten: ô doi Ten:
2. II. Domine in virtute tua: A 2. Can: è Tenore. Fuga.
3. III. O splendor cœli: A 2. Can: ô Ten:
4. IV. Deliciæ meæ eſſe cum Chriſto: Dialogo A 2. Can: ò Ten: è Baſſo.
5. V. Cælorum candor ſplenduit: A 2. Can: ò Ten:
6. VI. Amo Chriſtum in cuius thalamum introibo: A 2. Can: ò Ten:
7. VII. Nigra ſum ſed formoſa: Dialogo A 2. Can: ò Tenor: è Baſſo.
8. VIII. Gratulemur hodie Chriſto Regi jucundius: A 2. Canti.
9. IX. Cor meum hæſit vbi Ieſus vult mea vita: A 2. Canti.
10. X. Cantate gentes plaudit populi: A 3. 2 Can: è Baſſo.
11. XI. Hic eſt verè martyr: A 3: C. T. è Baſſo.
12. XII. Quis eſt iſte: A 3. Doi Canti è Baſſo.
13. XIII. Sitibundus anhelo: A 3. 2 Can: è Baſſo. Dedicatum Reuerendiſſimo ac
Ampliſſimo Domino, Domino Martino Celeberrimi Monaſterij Aëttl, Abbati
Vigilantiſſimo, Digniſſimo
14. XIV. Hoc eſt præceptum meum: A 3. 2 Can: è Baſſ.
15. XV. Ad te de luce clamo: A 4. C: A: T: B:
16. XVI. Euehor deſolatus: A 4. C: A: T: B:
17. XVII. Egredimini filiæ Sion: A 4. 3 Can: è Baſſo.
4. The catalogue
XVIII. Alleluia Reges de Saba veniunt: A 4. Can: 2 Te: è B:
XIX. Laudes canimus tibi virgo Maria: A 5. 2. Can: A: Ten: è B:
XX. O bone Jesu: A 5. C: C: A: T: B:
Composer(s): Spiegler, Matthias (1595c–1631p)
Title: S.A.N.C.T.A | M.A.R.I.A | O.R.A P.R.O | N.O.B.I.S. | CANTIONUM TOTIDEM,
aedem Choro atq; Organo Conſtantiae | Praefecto. || RAVENSPVRGI | Ex Officina
Joannis Schrôteri. || Anno Chriſtiano M.DC.XXIV. |
Publication: Ravensburg: Johann Schröter 1624
Description: Set of 4 partbooks in 4o: Pars I, Pars II, Pars III, bc. On p. 2 dedication
Mariae olim gloriosè in Coelum Assumptae hodie Constantiensium Sodalitatis Praesidi
of the composer without a date. At the end – a list of contents; in Pars I and bc partbooks the note: Cantiones, quas vides praesentes, sub finem anni M.DC.XXIV. inceptae,
absolutae sunt octavo Martij, Anno M.DC.XXV.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50822 Muz.
Notes on item: Pars II partbook missing. Some handwritten accidentals, calculations of rest lengths, and pitch corrections.
Provenance: All of the extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [Q | 4.]; [Nro 376]; [Mus. 699].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 399; RISM A/I: S 4096, SS 4096
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
1. I. Sicut cedrus exaltata ſum in Libano à 3. 2. Cantus cum Tenor.
2. II. Aue Virgo gratiosa à 3. 2. Cantus cum Tenor.
3. III. Nigra ſum ſed formoſa à 3. C. A. T.
4. IV. Capite nobis paruulas uulpes capite nobis à 3. C. A. T.
5. V. Tranſite ad me omnes à 3. 2. C. & B.
6. VI. Anima mea te deſiderauit ô Maria à 3. 2. C. & B.
7. VII. Multæ filiæ congregauerunt diuitias à 3. A. T. B.
8. IIX. Aſpice in nos Maria à 3 A. T. B.
9. IX. Rigabo filij hortum meum à 3. 2. C. & A.
10. X. Ingredere Virgo amabilis à 3. 2. C. & A.
11. XI. Ab initio & ante ſæcula à 3. C. & 2. B.
12. XII. Oculi tui ſicut columbæ à 3. C. & 2. B.
13. XIII. Ramos meos extendi quaſi Terebinthus à 3. C. A. T.
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
XIV. Amica mea inter filias à 3. C. A. T.
XV. Placui Altiſſimo genui Deum à 3. 2. C. & T.
XVI. Reuertere Sunamitis à 3. C. C. & T.
XVII. Oleum effuſum nomen tuum à 3. A. & T. T.
XVIII. Nimis honorata eſt Maria virgo à 3. A. & T. T.
XIX. Omnia poma noua & vetera à 3. C. & B. B.
XX. Benediĉta Sanĉta Maria à 3. C. & B. B.
XXI. In leĉtulo à 3. C. T. B.
XX. Sub tuum pręſidium. à 3. C. T. B.
Composer(s): Schein, Johann Hermann (1586–1630)
Title: FONTANA D’ISRAEL. | ISRAELIS BRÜNLEIN | Auserleſener Krafft Sprüchlin
| Altes und Newen Teſtaments | Von 5. und 6. Stimmen | ſambt dem General Baſs, | auf
eine ſonderbar An-|mutihe Italian Madrigaliſche Manier, | Sowol für ſich allein mit
lebendiger Stim, | und Instrumenten Als auch in die Orgel, | Clavicimbel bequemlich
zugebrauchen, | Mit fleiß Componirt | Von | Johan Hermano Schein | Mit Churf. Sächß.
Privilegio | Und in Vorlegung des Autoris. | ANNO [coat of arms with the I.H.S.
monogram] MDCXXIII. |
Publication: Leipzig: Johann Hermann Schein – Johann Glück 1623
Description: Set of 6 partbooks in 4o: S I, S II, A, T, B, bc. On p. 3 dedication of the
composer to the mayor and the city council of Leipzig dated 1st January 1623. At the
end – a list of contents. On last page of T partbook – the colophon of the publisher:
Leipzig: Gedruckt bey Johann Glück, on p. 2 errata.
Shelfmark: The specimen kept today in D-Kub 4° Mus. 277 [1-6], purchased in 1980.
Notes on item: Complete set of partbooks.
Provenance: All partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks: [6 | ;]ּת
[Nro 377]; [Mus. 681].
Catalogues: BohnD, p. 387; RISM A/I: S 1385, SS 1385
Digitized version: http://orka.bibliothek.uni-kassel.de/viewer/image/1411636413042
/1/ (the specimen from Rhediger Library, now in D-Kub)
Modern edition: Johann Hermann Schein, Neue Ausgabe sämtlicher Werke, vol. 1:
Israelsbrünnlein 1623, ed. Adam Adrio, Kassel – Basel – Paris – London – New York:
Bärenreiter, 1963
Recording: Johann Hermann Schein: Fontana d’Israel, Rheinische Cantorei, Hermann Max, Capriccio 1990 (C10290-91)
1. O HErr, ich bin dein Knecht
2. Freue dich des Weibes deiner Jugend
3. Die mit Tränen säen
4. The catalogue
Ich laſſe dich nicht
Dennoch bleibe ich ſtets an dir
Wende dich, HErr, und sei mir gnadig
Zion ſpricht: Der HErr hat mich verlassen
Ich bin jung geweſen, und alt geworden
Der HErr denket an uns
Da Jacob vollendet hatte die Gebot
Lieblich und ſchöne ſein iſt nichtſ
Iſt nicht Ephraim mein teurer Sohn
Sihe an die Werk Gottes
Ich frewe mich in HErren
Unſer Leben wäret ſiebenzig Jahr
Ihr Heiligen, lobſinget dem HErren
Herr, laß meine Klage für dich kommen
Sihe, nach Troſt war mir ſehr bange
Ach HErr, ach meiner ſchone
Drei ſchöne Dinge ſind
Was betrübſtu du dich meine Seele
Wem ein tugendſam Weib beſcheret iſt
O HErr Jeſu Chriſte, doch nicht vorüber gehe
Ich bin die Wurzel des Geſchlechtes David
Lehre unſ bedenken, daß wir ſterben müſſen
Nu danket alle Gott
Composer(s): Schütz, Heinrich (1585–1672)
Title: CANTIONES SACRæ | QVATUOR VOCUM | Cum Baſſo ad Organum.
| AUTHORE | HENRICO SAGITTARIO | Sereniſsimi Eleĉtoris Saxoniæ | Capellæ
Magiſtro. | [partbook name] | [coat of arms of the Duchy of Saxony] | FRIBERGæ
HERMUNDURoRUM | typis Georgii Hoffmanni | Anno 1625. |
Publication: Freiberg: Georg Hoffmann 1625
Description: Set of 5 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, org. In the times of Emil Bohn org
already missing. On pp. 3–5 dedication of the composer Domino Joanni Ulrico, Principi ac Domino in Crumau & Eggenberg signed Dresden, 1st January 1625. On pp. 6–9
five dedicatory Latin epigrams. At the end – a list of contents.
Shelfmark: PL-WRu 50812 Muz.
Notes on item: Only A and B partbooks extant. Title page of B partbook damaged.
On the title page written in pencil: 4; 876 (184–262).
Provenance: Both extant partbooks bear Rhediger Library stamps. Old shelfmarks:
R | 5; Nro 378; Mus. 687.
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 391–392; RISM A/I: S 2279, SS 2279; http://sscm-jscm.org/
instrumenta/vol-2/; www.bibliotecamusica.it; www.printed-sacred-music.org
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
Digitized version: http://imslp.org/images/3/31/PMLP136195-354836439.pdf (the
specimen from D-Dl)
Modern edition: Heinrich Schütz, Sämtliche Werke, vol. 4: Cantiones sacrae, ed.
Philipp Spitta, Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel 1887
Recording: Heinrich Schütz: Cantiones Sacrae, Weser-Renaissance, Manfred Cordes,
CPO 1996 (999 402-5)
1. I. O bone, o dulcis, o benigne Jesu (Prima Pars) – II. Et ne deſpicias humiliter te
petentem (Secunda Pars)
2. III. Deus misereatur nostri, et benedicat nobis
3. IV. Quid commiſiſti, o dulciſſime puer? (Prima Pars) – V. Ego ſum tui plaga
doloris (Secunda Pars) – VI. Ego enim inique egi (Tertia Pars) – VII. Quo, nate
Dei, quo tua deſcendit humilitas (Quarta Pars) – VIII. Calicem ſalutaris accipiam (Quinta & ultima Pars)
4. IX. Verba mea auribus percipe, Domine (Prima Pars) – X. Quoniam ad te clamabo, Domine (Secunda Pars)
5. XI. Ego dormio, et cor meum vigilat (Prima Pars) – XII. Vulneraſti cor meum,
filia chariſſima (Secunda Pars)
6. XIII. Heu mihi, Domine, quia peccavi nimis
7. XIV. In te, Domine, ſperavi
8. XV. Dulciſsime et benigniſsime Chriſte
9. XVI. Sicut Moſes ſerpentem in deſerto exaltabit
10. XVII. Spes mea, Christe Deus, hominum tu dulcis amator
11. XVIII. Turbabor, ſed non pertubabor
12. XIX. Ad Dominum cum tribularer clamavi (Prima Pars) – XX. Quid detur tibi
aut quid apponatur tibi (Secunda Pars)
13. XXI. Aſpice Pater piiſſimum filium (Prima Pars) – XXII. Nonne hic eſt, mi Domine, innocens ille (Secunda Pars) – XXIII. Reduc, Domine Deus meus, oculos
majeſtatis (Tertia Pars)
14. XXIV. Supereminet omnem ſcientiam, o bone Jeſu (Prima Pars) – XXV. Pro hoc
magno myſterio pietatis (Secunda Pars)
15. XXVI. Domine, non eſt exaltatum cor meum (Prima Pars) – XXVII. Si non humiliter ſentiebam (Secunda Pars) – XXVIII. Speret Iſraël in Domino (Tertia Pars)
16. XXIX. Cantate Domino canticum novum
17. XXX. Inter brachia Salvatoris mei
18. XXXI. Veni, rogo in cor meum
19. XXXII. Ecce advocatus meus apud te, Deum patrem
20. XXXIII. Domine, ne in furore tuo arguas me (Prima Pars) – XXXIV. Quoniam
non eſt in morte qui memor ſit tui (Secunda Pars) – XXXV. Diſcedite a me omnes qui operamini (Tertia Pars)
21. XXXVI. Oculi omnium in te ſperant, Domine (Prima Pars) – XXXVII. Pater
noſter, qui es in cœlis (Secunda Pars) – XXXVIII. Domine Deus, pater cœlestis,
benedic nobis (Tertia Pars)
4. The catalogue
XXXIX. Confitemini Domino, quoniam ipſe bonus (Prima Pars) – Pater noſter
(Secunda Pars. Repetatur ut supra) – XL. Gratias agimus tibi, Domine Deus
Pater (Tertia Pars)
Composer(s): Alouisi (Aloisi, Aloysi, Alovisi), Giovan Battista (1654p†); Bernardi,
Stefano (1585c–1636); Casati, Gasparo (1610c–1641); Cazzati, Maurizio (1616–1678);
Cornetti, Paolo (17.sc); Cremonese, Ambrosio (17.sc); Donati, Ignazio (1575c–1638);
Grandi, Alessandro (1586–1630); Honorio, Romualdo (17.sc); Marini, Francisco Maria (17.sc); Merula, Tarquinio (1595–1665); Priuli, Giovanni (1575c–1626); Rigatti,
Giovanni Antonio (1613c–1648); Rovetta, Giovanni (1596c–1668); Sabbatini, Galeazzo (1597–1662); Scacchi, Marco (1602–1685); Schütz, Heinrich (1585–1672); Sessa
d’Aranda (1618c*); Tarditi, Orazio (1602–1677); Turini, Francesco (1589c–1656)
Profe, Ambrosius (1589–1661), ed.
Title: [red ink only in T partbook:] Vierdter und letzter Theil | [black ink] Geistlicher
| [red ink] CoNCERtEN, | Aus den berühmbſten Italiäniſchen | [black ink] und
andern Authoribus, ſo theils mit andern, oder | auch noch mehren Texten beleget,
und zum Lobe GOttes, | in öffentlichen Kirchen=Verſammlungen zu gebrauchen,
auch zu | Gefallen allen Muſic=Liebhabern, colligiret | und | publiciret | Von | [red
ink] AMBRoSIo PRoFIo, organ. zu St. Eli=|[black ink] ſabeth in Breßlaw. | [red ink
partbook name] | [black ink] Pſal. 104. | Cantabo DoMINo in vitâ meâ, pſallam DEo
| meo quam diu fuero. | Leipzig: | [red ink] In Verlegung des AUCtoRIS | [black ink]
Gedruckt bey tIMotHEo Ritßchen, | Im Jahr Christi 1646. |
Publication: Leipzig: Timotheus Ritsch 1646
Description: Set of 9 partbooks in 4o: S, A, T, B, 5, 6, vl I, vl II, bc. On pp. 2–7 dedication of the composer Praesidibus und wolverordneten Kirchen=Vätern, derer Evangeliſchen Kirchen in Breßlaw dated 29th September 1646. On the following pages – four
Latin poems and a list of contents. At the end of S partbook – printed errata.
Shelfmark: Specimen no longer preserved. In Wrocław another specimen, from
St Mary Magdalene’s Church collection, has been preserved: PL-WRu 50224 Muz.
Notes on item: [–]
Provenance: The extant specimen of this print comes from St Mary Magdalene’s
Church in Wrocław; all the partbooks bear stamps “Ex. Bibl. ad aed. Mar. Magdal.”. The
specimen from Rhedigeriana is missing. Old shelfmarks: [Θ | 18]; [Nro 379]; [Mus. 33].
Catalogues: BohnD, pp. 371–372; RISM B/I: 16464
Digitized version: http://dfg-viewer.de/show/?set[mets]=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.
3A31-33243 (the specimen from D-KA)
Modern edition: [–]
Recording: [–]
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
1. Veni Sancte Spiritus. A 4. C.A.T.B. Caſpari Caſati.
2. Laudate pueri Dominum Primum. A 4. C.T.2.Violin. Johan. Rovetta.
3. Deleantur de libro viventium. A 4. C.C.T.B. Johan. Aloviſius.
4. Omnes Sanĉti qvanta paſſi ſunt tormenta. A 4. C.A.T.B. Galeatii Sabbatini.
5. Qvaſi Cedrus exaltata ſum in Libano. A 4. C.A.T.B. Alexandri Grandi.
6. Magnificat. A 4. C.A.T.B. Horatii tarditi.
7. Nun dancket alle Gott. [2nd text: Me Paſtor Dominus regit] A 4. C.A.T.B. Seſſa
d’Aranda. [both texts are contrafacta of his madrigal Ful vincer]
8. Miſſa. A 4. C.A.T.B. Galeatio Sabbatini. (Kyrie – Gloria)
9. All unſer elendes Leben. A 4. C.A.T.B. Ambroſio Cremoneſe. [a contrafactum of
his madrigal Io moro]
10. Ego dormivi & ſoporatus ſum. A 4. C.A.T.B. Romualdi Honorii.
11. Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore. A 4. C.A.T.B. Romualdi Honorii.
12. Laudate pueri Dominum Secundum. A 4. C.A.T.B. Galeatius Sabbatinus.
13. Laudate Dominum de cœlis tertium (I. Pars) – Laudate (II. Pars) – Qvia ipſe
dixit (III. Pars) – Dracones (IV. Pars) – Laudate (V. Pars) – Vos, vos ſævæ Beſtiæ
(VI. Pars) – Reges terræ (VII. Pars) – Juvenes atqve virgines (VIII. Pars). Cantada di 4 voci. C.A.T.B. Johan. Rovettæ. [a contrafactum of his madrigal Spieghi
i contenti suoi]
14. Langvet anima mea. A 5. C.A.T.T.B. Ignatii Donati
15. Ecce qvam bonum A 5. C.T.B.2.Viol. Franciſci turini. [a contrafactum of his
madrigal ove ch’io vada]
16. In montes elevo vultum & animam. [2nd text: Ah Chriſte unica dileĉta] A 5.
C.T.B.2.Viol. Franciſci turini. [both texts are contrafacta of his madrigal Ch’io
t’ami più crudel]
17. Niſi Deus nobiscum. A 5. C.T.B.2.Viol. Franciſci turini. [a contrafactum of his
madrigal Vanne vattene amor]
18. Gaude Jeruſalem, lætare Sion [2nd text: Exaltabo te Rex, & Deus meus]. A 5.
A.T.B.2.Viol. Johan. Rovetta. [both texts are contrafacta of his madrigal Roſa riſo]
19. Beatus vir. A 5. C.C.B.2.Viol. Item T.ſolo.2.Viol. Anton. Rigatti.
20. Laudate pueri Quartum. A 5. C.A.B.2.Viol. Antonii Rigatti.
21. Qvo progrediar amantiſſime. A 5. C.A.T.T.B. Pauli Cornetti.
22. O bone Jeſu Chriſte. A 5. C.A.T.T.B. Alexandri Grandi.
23. Iſte cognovit juſtitiam. A 5. C.A.T.T.B. Ejusdem. [Alexandri Grandi]
24. Laudate pueri Dominum Quintum. A 5. C.C.B. 2 Viol. [another setting added
below:] in C.B. & Qvinta. tarqvinii Merulæ.
25. Herr gib Friede dem Lande. A 5. C.C.A.T.B. Marci Scacchi. [a contrafactum of
his madrigal Voi volete ch’io mora]
26. Wie gut iſt auff den Allerhöchſten bauen. [2nd text:] Ad te Deus. A 5. C.A.T.T.B.
Ejusdem [Marci Scacchi, both texts are contrafacta of his madrigal Vezzose aurette]
27. Herr höre meine Stimme. A 5. C.C.A.T.B. Ejusdem [a contrafactum of madrigal
by Marco Scacchi o come sei gentile]
28. Jeſu dulcis memoria. A 5. A ſolo. 4.Viol. [another setting added below:] In
C.A.T.B. & 5. Franciſci Marini.
4. The catalogue
Beatus vir. A 5. C.T.B. 2.Viol. Johan. Rovettæ.
Verbum Patri coævum. A 5. C.T.B. 2.Viol. Franciſci turini. [a contrafactum of
his madrigal Mentre vaga Angioletta]
Dixit Dominus Domino meo. A. 6. C.A.T.B.2.Viol. Johan Rovettæ.
Deſcendens Spiritus ab arce cœli. [2nd text:] Gleich wie Regen und Schnee.
A 6. C.C.A.T.2.B. Johan. Priuli. [both texts are contrafacta of his madrigal Come
Laudate pueri Dominum Sextum. A. 6. A.T.T.B.2.Viol. Johan. Rovettæ.
Anima mea inter æterna dulcedine. A 6. C.C.B.3.Viol. [another setting added
below:] in C.B.5.6. & Violinis. Franciſci Marini.
Ave Regnator cœlorum. A 6. C ſolo [another setting added below:] in C.B.5.6.
& Violinis. Antonii Rigatti.
Non habemus vinum. A 6. C.A.T.3.B. Stephani Bernardi.
Exaltabo te Domine. A 6. C.C.A.T.T.B. Johan. Aloviſii.
O du allerſüſſeſter. A 7. C.C.A.T.B.2.Viol. Heinrich Schütz.
Jeſum viri senes, juvenes. A 7. C.C.A.T.B.2.Viol. Johan. Rovettæ. [a contrafactum of his madrigal Venga dal ciel]
Deus in adjutorium. A 7. C.A.T.T.B.2.Viol. Mauritii Caz[z]ati.
Laudate Dominum omnes gentes Septimum. A 7. C.A.T.T.B.2.Viol. Ejusdem
[Maurizio Cazzati]
Magnificat. A 7. C.A.T.T.B.2.Viol. Ejusdem [Maurizio Cazzati]
Ah Chriſte mi. A 8. C.C.A.T.T.B.2.Viol. Johan. Rovettæ. [a contrafactum of his
madrigal A che bramar]
Lætatus ſum. A 8. C.C.A.T.B.B.2.Viol. Johan. Rovettæ.
Magnificat. A 14. 8.Voc.2.Viol.4.Tromboni. Johan. Rovettæ.
Beatus vir qui timet. Tenor â ſolà voce. con 2. Viol. Ant. Rigatti.
Composer(s): Bollius, Daniel (1590c–1642c)
Title: Concerten, Motetten, Psalmen von Daniel Bollius
Publication: [–]
Description: see below
Shelfmark: D-Bds Ms. mus. Slg Bohn 129a-f
Notes on item: see below
Provenance: Old shelfmarks: [Z Z]; [Nro 380].
Catalogues: BohnH 129a, 129b, 129c, 129d, 129e, 129f
Digitized version: [–]
Modern edition: Daniel Bollius, Ausgewählte Werke, ed. Michael Fuerst, Musikedition Chelycus 2010 (http://www.chelycus.com/downloads/Noten_Daniel_Bollius_
Recording: [–]
4.4. Bibliotheca Sartoriana
129a. Set of 4 partbooks in fol.: S I/T, S II/T, B, bc
DVE SONETI | Nel Santiſsimo Nascimento di nostro Signore e Reden-|tore GIESV
CHRISTO composti | & | Al. [...] Sig. GEORGIO FEDERICO | Arciuescouo della
Santa Sede di Magonza […] Vescouo di | Vormatia […] dedicati | Di […] Diuotiſsimo
& Obligatiſsimo Servidore | Daniele Bollio. mppia.
1. Soneto Primo, nel nascimento di Christo, choro d’Angeli, ouero à 3 Soprani. Ite
pastori, alcun di voi non lasce
2. Soneto Secondo nel nascimento di Christo, choro di Pastori ouero a due Tenori
e Baſso. Felice notte ond’a voi nasce il giorno. a 2 Tenori e Basso
129b. Set of 10 partbooks in fol.: S I, S II, A I, A II, T, cor I, cor II, fag, theorbe/lute, bc
PSALMVS | CXXXVIII | Concertatus. 9.vo. Auctore | Daniele Bollio. Ecce nunc benedicite Dominum
129c. Set of 7 partbooks in fol.: S I, S II, B, cor, fag, theorbe/lute, bc
SACRo DIE | CONSECRATIONIS | Reverendissimi atque | Illvstrissimi Principis
ac Do-|mini Domini Georgÿ Friderici Sanctæ | Moguntinæ Sedis Archiepiſcopi […]
Epiſcopi Wormatiensis […] Deuotiſsimus Seruus & Cliens | Ab Odis & Organis |
Daniel Bollius. Mppia
Sacro Die | Aſsumptione B. MARIæ | Virginis | DIALoGVS | Harmonicus | Auctore |
DANIELE BoLLIo. Intrauit Jesus in quoddam castellum
129d. Set of 13 partbooks in fol.: S, A, T, B, fag I, fag II, fag III, theorbe, bc; [written by
Daniel Sartorius:] fag I, fag II, bc I, bc II
PSALMVS | LXXXVIII | Concertatus | 8 vocibus | Auctore | Daniele Bollio. Misericordias
Domini in æternum cantabo
129e. Set of 9 partbooks in fol.: S I, S II, A I, A II, T I, T II, B I, B II, bc
IN NAtALEM DIEM | Illmi Principis ac Dni, Dni, GEoRGII | FRIDERICI Stae Moguntinæ
sedis Archiepiscopi | […] Episcopi Wormatiensis […] | Devotiſsimus Servus | & Cliens |
Ab odis & organis | Daniel Bollius mppia
Concertus octonis vocibus de Sancto Georgio Martyre. O Georgi miles Christi
129f. Set of 13 partbooks in fol.: 1 ch.: cor I, cor II, baritone; 2 ch.: S I, S II, theorba;
3 ch.: Contra-A I, Contra-A II, B; 4 ch.: T I, T II, fag, bc [written by Daniel Sartorius]
HYMNVS | SS. PP. | Ambroſij & Auguſtini. Quem adgratulaturus | REVERENDISSIMO
Patriæ | Sacroſanctæ Moguntinæ ſedis ArchiEpiſcopo [...] Epiſcopo Wormatiensi | [...]
offerabat [...] Deuotissimus Seruus & Cliens | Ab Odis & Organis | Daniel Bollius.
Te Deum laudamus a 12
5. Indeksy | Indices
5.1. Indeks osób | Index of names
Abbatini, Antonio Maria 38, 93, 303–304,
418–419, 566–568
Acciai, Giovanni 499
Achillini, Claudio 246
Achten, Nicholas 349
Acoluthus → Akolut, Johannes
Adrio, Adam 6, 19, 62, 76, 127, 599
Agnelli, Lorenzo 35, 36, 40, 41, 91, 92, 96, 97,
341–342, 495–496
Agostino, Leopoldo d’ 327
Aguselli, Fiorello 361
Akolut (Acoluthus), Johannes 27, 84
Albergati, Girolamo 319
Alberghetti, Bernardino 36, 43, 92, 99,
Alcaino, Giacomo 45, 100, 287
Aldobrandini Pamphili, Olimpia, księżna
Rossano | duchess of Rossano 164
Aleotti, Raffaella (Vittoria) 41, 97, 178, 341
Alessandro I Pico, duca della Mirandola 43,
98, 146, 415, 552
Alfonso IV d’Este, duca di Modena 43, 98,
194, 197
Allevi, Giuseppe 427–428
Almeri, Giovanni Paolo 43, 99, 256–257
Aloisi, Pietro 478
Alouisi, Giovan Battista 22, 36, 37, 43, 45, 78,
92, 93, 99, 101, 363, 395–396, 433–435,
541–542, 602–604
Altieri, Emilio Bonaventura, biskup Camerino
| bishop of Camerino 40, 95, 457
Amadino, Ricciardo 140, 186, 572, 587
Andreini, Isabella 163
Andueza, Raquel 270
Anerio, Giovanni Francesco 36, 91, 587–588
Angelini Romano 423–424
Angelucci, Nicola 444
Anna Beatrice d’Este, duchessa della
Mirandola 43, 99, 582
Anna de’ Medici, arcyksiężna austriacka |
archduchess of Further Austria 43, 99,
378, 389, 588
Anselmo, Annibale 329
Antonelli, Abundio 38, 93, 258–260,
Antonio da Padova 402
Antonio da Venezia 366
Antonio I Statella e Caruso, marchese di
Spaccaforno 589
Apelles von Löwenstern, Mattheus 26, 27,
82, 84, 124
Arcione, Angelo Maria 542
Arco, Prospero d’ 383
Arditi, Bastiano 205
Arditi, Simone 347, 456
Arduini, Carlo Stefano 456
Argenta, Nancy 187
Aristotle → Aristoteles
Arresti, Giulio Cesare 35, 41, 43, 91, 97, 99,
405–406, 582–583
Arrigoni, Giovanni Giacomo 22, 37, 41,
42, 43, 45, 78, 92, 93, 96, 98, 99, 101,
240–241, 277–278, 577–579
Aristoteles | Arystoteles 10, 66
Assaroli, Antonio 151
Attendoli, Giovanna Maria 385
Atti, Fabrizio degl’ 246, 400
Avosani, Orfeo 43, 99, 371–372
Baccio da Sommala 201
Badoer, Alberto, biskup Cremy | bishop of
Crema 40, 95, 426
5.1. Indeks osób | Index of names
Baecker, Jorg 8, 64, 127
Baglioni, Malatesta, biskup Pesaro | bishop of
Pesaro 40, 95, 393
Baird, Julianne 187
Baldassarri, M. Luisa 353
Baldini, Sebastiano 189
Balestracci, Guido 231, 380
Baranardi, Odoardo 202, 233, 346
Barbarino, Bartolomeo 215, 577–579
Barberini, Antonio, kardynał | cardinal 39,
95, 144, 508
Barberini, Maffeo (Urban VIII, papież | pope)
39, 95, 183, 387
Barbisoni, Orazio 260, 265
Barblan, Guglielmo 133
Barcellini, Giovanni Battista 456
Bares, Alessandro 282, 527, 571
Baroni Peretti di Montalto, Andrea, kardynał |
cardinal 39, 95, 506
Bartlett, Clifford 332
Bartolini, Francesco 477–478, 580
Bartolini, Orindio Gian Maria 36, 44, 92, 100,
Basadona, Antonio 584
Baselli, Domenico 382
Bassano, Giovanni 49, 105, 139–140
Basso, Alberto 126
Battaglia, Lodovico 258–260
Battaglia, Maurizio 39, 94, 455–456
Battiferri, Luigi 521–522
Bauch, Gustav 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 64, 68,
69, 70, 72, 128
Beasley, Marco 472, 517
Beccuti, Coppetta 351
Beck, Gregor 15, 71
Beck, Johann Georg 49–51, 105–107, 121,
133, 139, 213
Becker, Bernd Christoph 18, 74
Becker, Maria Elisabeth 18, 74, 124
Beier, Paul 162, 209
Bell, Nicholas 60, 116
Bellanda, Lodovico 42, 47, 98, 103, 214–215
Bellinazzo, Nicola M. 144
Beltrano, Ottavio 34, 90, 589
Benedetti, Claudio 167
Benedetti, Pietro 47, 103, 163–164,
Benevoli, Orazio 38, 44, 93, 100, 258–260,
303–304, 418–419, 428–430, 566–568
Benigni, Domenico 165, 188, 189, 456
Benini, Bastiano 320
Bentivoglio, Cornelio 543
Bentivoglio, Ippolito 530
Berardicelli, Giovan Battista 261
Beretta, Bonaventura 40, 45, 96, 101, 487–
Berettari, Aurelio 36, 41, 92, 96, 160–161
Bereuter, Armin 231
Bergen, Christian 227
Bergen, Gimel 34, 90, 225, 229, 230
Bergen, Melchior 227
Berlendis, Giulio, biskup Belluno | bishop of
Belluno 40, 95, 249
Berletta (Borletta), Giovanni Federico 401
Bernardi, Stefano 302–303, 602–604
Bertazzoli, Laura 179
Berti, Giovanni Paolo 577–579
Bertoli, Giovanni Antonio 42, 44–45, 98,
100, 101, 200–201, 257–258
Bettin, Ivano 487
Bettini, Girolamo 359–360
Beyer, Amandine 231
Beyer, Bernhard 15, 27, 71, 83
Bianchi, Giulio Cesare 38, 94, 506–507
Biandrà, Giovanni Pietro 42, 48, 98, 103,
296–297, 351–352, 511–512
Biava, Giovanni Domenico 254
Bicci, Margherita 163
Bicilli, Giovanni 303–304, 566–568
Bleyer, Nikolaus 49, 105, 139, 141
Block, Robert P. 221
Blum, Melchior 15, 71
Blume, Friedrich 388
Boccapaduli, Francesco 256
Bohn, Emil 6, 15, 26, 31, 49, 50, 52, 55, 58,
62, 71, 82, 86, 87, 105, 106, 108, 111, 113,
114, 119–123, 126, 128, 133, 139, 143,
147, 149, 165, 166, 167, 168, 171, 173,
177, 182, 191, 196, 201, 204, 213, 250,
279, 287, 307, 381, 488, 501, 502, 532,
547, 600, 604, 605
Bollinger, Hans-Jakob 575
Bollius, Daniel 37, 40, 47, 50–51, 93, 96, 103,
105, 106, 203–204, 604–605
Bonacossi, Borso 165
Bonanni, Giovanni Battista 258–260
Bonaventure, St | Bonawentura, św. →
Fidanza, Giovanni
Bondioli, Giacinto 210–211, 577–579
Bonetti, Carlo 36, 92, 428–430, 508–510
Bonini, Pietro 495
5. Indeksy | Indices
Bonlei, Elleonora 179
Bonta, Stephen 159
Bonzanini, Isidoro 295
Borghese, Camillo (Paweł V, papież | Paul V,
pope) 39, 44, 95, 100, 219, 572
Borghesi, Pietro Vincenzo 296
Bornstein, Andrea 471
Borromeo, Federico, kardynał, arcybiskup
Mediolanu | cardinal, archbishop of
Milan 39, 95, 482
Borsa, Luigi 502
Bottino, Francesco 329
Bottone, Marco Antonio 469
Bozzoni, Giovanni Battista 544
Braciroli, Marc’Antonio 329
Braganti, Antonio 478
Braun, Werner 231
Breig, Werner 227
Bremer, Christoph 23, 80
Brooks, Brian 23, 49, 50, 79, 105, 128, 139,
Brunelli, Pier Luigi 456
Bruno, Francesco Maria 180
Bucci, Remigio 346
Buchner, Augustus 230
Buchner, Philipp Friedrich 34, 37, 42, 44, 47,
90, 93, 98, 100, 102, 189–190, 400–401,
Bulgarini, Francesco 329, 421, 422, 438
Buonamente, Giovanni Battista 37, 42, 48, 92,
98, 104, 155–156, 161–163, 208–210
Buono, Luciano 430
Burbianka, Marta 9, 65, 128
Buri, Michel 359
Burlini, Antonio 40, 96, 591–592
Busatti, Cherubino 35, 43, 91, 99, 471–472,
Busenello, Giovanni Francesco 200
Buti, Francesco 165
Bütner, Daniel 13, 69
Canuti, Francesco 151
Capasso, Giuseppe 429
Capello, Pietro 307
Capobianco, Giovanni Battista 39, 95,
Capponi, Giovanni Angelo 303–304, 566–
Capponi, Luigi, kardynał, arcybiskup
Rawenny | cardinal, archbishop of
Ravenna 485, 486
Caprioli, Giovanni Paolo 577–579
Capuana, Mario 43, 46, 99, 102, 238–239,
273–274, 423, 430–431, 492–493
Cargius → Karg, Johann Balthasar
Carissimi, Giacomo 38, 45, 93, 100, 205,
258–260, 303–304, 418–419, 428–430,
Carlo, Andrea de 380
Carlo da Varano, duca di Camerino 422
Carlo del Greco, duca di Montenero 289
Carlo Emanuele II, duca di Savoia 585
Carlo II di Gonzaga-Nevers, duca di Mantova
e Monferrato 277, 321, 371, 377, 550,
560, 583
Carnevali, Giovanni Francesco 252
Carobene, Alessandro 238
Carpani, Giovanni Antonio 38, 94, 303–304,
418–419, 428–430, 566–568
Carpegna, Ulderico, kardynał, biskup Todi |
cardinal, bishop of Todi 39, 95, 156
Carrozza, Pasquale 258–260
Caruso, Giuseppe 43, 99, 589–590
Casati, Alessandro Fabrizio 289
Casati, Gasparo 22, 37, 38, 41, 44, 45, 46, 78,
93, 94, 96, 97, 100, 101, 102, 366–367,
411–412, 463–464, 467–470, 518–519,
576–577, 602–604
Casati, Girolamo 44, 46, 100, 102, 339–340
Casoni, Guido 561
Castellani, Marcello 209, 493, 574
Castelli, Antonio Maria 392
Castelli, Ottaviano 188
Castello, Dario 35, 37, 48, 49, 91, 93, 104,
166–167, 269, 494, 571, 577–579, 584
Casten, Mauritius 23, 79
Catalano, Ottavio 258–260
Caterina de’ Medici Gonzaga, duchessa di
Mantova 43, 99, 245
Catto, Livio 491
Cavaccio, Giovanni 36, 45, 91, 101, 239–240
Caccia di Mandello, Paolo 575
Calcagni, Francesco 43, 98, 272
Calzareri, Carlo 36, 91, 151–152, 359
Canani, Lodovico 564
Canonico, Roberto 529
Cantalupi, Diego 525
Cantio, Ascanio 521
Cantone, Serafino 36, 44, 92, 100, 581–582
Cant, Fidenzio 456
5.1. Indeks osób | Index of names
Cavalli, Francesco 35, 37, 44, 91, 93, 100,
232–234, 332–333, 494, 577–579
Cavalli, Nicolo 185
Cavazza, Giovanni Francesco 155
Cavina, Claudio 245, 308, 450, 456
Cazzati, Maurizio 22, 34, 37, 42, 43, 44, 45,
46, 47, 48, 78, 90, 93, 98, 99, 100, 101,
102, 103, 104, 173–174, 249–250, 251–
252, 281–282, 301, 328–329, 420–422,
438–439, 468–469, 505–506, 564–565,
583–584, 585–586, 588–589, 593–594,
Cebà, Ansaldo 512
Cecchelli, Carlo 38, 93, 303–304, 418–419,
428–430, 566–568
Cecchino, Tomaso 283–285
Ceccolini, Gregorio 488
Celiano, Levio 344
Cellarius, Christoph 224
Celtis → Pickel, Konrad
Centurione, Cristoforo 419
Ceresini, Giovanni 36, 47, 91, 103, 529–530
Cerreto, Giuseppe Maria da 456
Cesare d’Este, duca di Modena e Reggio 43,
98, 326, 548
Charles I King of England 50, 105
Charteris, Richard 15, 71, 128
Cherubino, Nicolo 305–306
Chiabrera, Gabriello 164, 246, 525
Chinelli, Giovanni Battista 35, 40, 41, 46, 49,
91, 96, 97, 101, 102, 104, 178–179, 265
–266, 379, 411–412, 542–543
Christian IV Oldenburg, król Danii | king of
Denmark 42, 98, 225
Cicero, Marcus Tullius 10, 66
Claudia de’ Medici, duchessa di Urbino 43,
Clark, Brian 264, 270, 332
Clusius → Écluse, Charles de l’
Cocco, Alvise 483
Codogni-Łańcucka, Diana 60, 116
Collarile, Luigi 60, 116, 298
Collins, Dennis 180, 378, 532
Colombi, Giovanni Antonio 36, 92, 486–487
Cominel, Giuseppe 383
Commenduli, Evangelista 555
Contadin, Cristiano 550
Contarini, Alessandro 313
Contarini, Girolamo 471
Contarini, Sebastiano 467
Conti, Angelo 46, 102, 244–245
Conti, Bartolomeo 188
Conti, Battista 549
Cordes, Manfred 601
Cornaro Piscopia, Elena Lucrezia 579
Cornaro, Giacomo 322
Cornaro, Giorgio, biskup Padwy | bishop of
Padua 40, 95, 286, 381, 386, 539, 554
Cornaro, Giovanni 452
Cornaro, Marc’Antonio 216
Cornetti, Paolo 22, 35–36, 42, 78, 91, 97,
268–269, 602–604
Corradi, Nicola 38, 94, 428–430
Corsi, Lorenzo 39, 95, 244
Corvinus → Korwin, Wawrzyniec
Cosimo II de’ Medici, granduca di Toscana
43, 99
Cospi, Francesco 319
Cospi, Tommaso 474
Cossoni, Carlo Donato 440–441
Costa, Erasmo 44, 100, 340
Costa, Stefano 191
Cozzolani, Chiara Margarita 36, 40, 41, 43,
45, 47, 92, 96, 97, 99, 101, 103, 167–168,
344–345, 412–413, 426
Cozzoni, Carlo Donato 35, 91
Cranesteyn → Pietragrua, Gasparo
Crato → Krafft von Krafftheim, Johann
Cremonese, Ambrosio 602–604
Cremonesi, Attilio 231
Croce, Giovanni 279–280
Cujacius → Cujas, Jacques
Cujas (Cujacius), Jacques 9, 65
Cybo-Malaspina, Alderano, kardynał |
cardinal 39, 95, 157
Cyceron → Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Czapliński, Marek 12, 68, 132
Dael, Lucy van 213
Danckert, Werner 207, 583
Dawson, Lynne 187
Dehn, Siegfried Wilhelm 6, 30, 52, 54–58,
62, 86, 108, 110–114, 119, 167, 204, 217,
304, 344, 345, 346, 412, 552
Delafargia, Giovanni Giuseppe 43, 45, 99,
101, 459–460
Della Ciaja, Alessandro 45, 100, 205
Della Porta, Francesco 36, 41, 43, 45, 46,
92, 97, 99, 101, 102, 278–279, 324–325,
419–420, 565–566
5. Indeksy | Indices
Della Rovere, Giuliano (Juliusz II, papież |
Julius II, pope) 8, 64
Demelt, Jonas 421
Deodato, Bartolomeo, barone di Frigintini
43, 99, 273, 423, 430, 492
Deodato, Pietro, barone di Frigintini 43, 99, 238
Devine, Steven 545
Deÿffel, N. 140
Dickey, Bruce 162, 209, 213, 332, 406, 575
Dietmann, Maria → Profe, Maria
Dietrichstein, Franz Seraph von, arcybiskup
Ołomuńca | archbishop of Olomouc 39,
95, 391
Dietrichstein, Maximilian | Maksymilian von
43, 99, 363, 434
D’India, Sigismondo 36, 92, 482–483
Diva, Virginio 397
Dognazzi, Francesco 215
Donati, Ignazio 22, 35, 37, 41, 42, 44, 45,
46, 47, 48, 78, 90, 93, 96, 97, 100, 101,
102, 103, 180–182, 185–186, 217–219,
246–249, 263–265, 271–272, 367–368,
375–377, 404–405, 472–474, 478, 512,
552–553, 580–581, 602–604
Donato, Nicoletto 309
Dongois, William 162, 209
Dowland, John 49, 105, 139, 142
Drożdżewska, Agnieszka 31, 87, 128
Dunn, Thomas D. 211, 308
Duodo, Francesco 287, 526
Durante, Silvestro 38, 94, 303–304, 418–419,
428–430, 566–568
Dyon, Adam 12, 16, 68, 72, 123
Erasmus of Rotterdam | Erazm z Rotterdamu
→ Geerts, Geert
Erculei, Marzio 235, 288
Erhard, Tassilo 545
Estense Tassoni, Francesco 421
Euripides | Eurypides 10, 66
Ewerhart, Rudolf 506
Fabri, Stefano 38, 93, 258–260, 303–304,
428–430, 566–568
Fabriani, Alberto 214, 215
Facchi, Agostino 286–287
Faccini, Giovanni Battista 45, 101, 388–389
Fachenetti, Alessandro 440
Falkenberg, Gerhard 10, 66
Fankhauser, James 243
Fantuzzio, Federico 319
Farnese, Alessandro 447
Farnese, Isabella 374
Favero, Riccardo 391
Feilding, Basilio 199
Feldmann, Fritz 19, 26, 32, 75, 82, 88, 128
Fellerer, Karl Gustav 6, 62, 127
Fentross, Michael 213
Ferdynand | Ferdinand II Habsburg, cesarz
rzymsko-niemiecki | Holy Roman
Emperor 42, 98, 240
Ferdynand | Ferdinand III Habsburg, cesarz
rzymsko-niemiecki | Holy Roman
Emperor 42, 98, 142, 172, 182, 196, 208,
242, 250, 257, 349, 356, 408, 451, 517, 575
Ferdynand Karol | Ferdinand Charles
Habsburg, arcyksiążę austriacki |
archduke of Austria 43, 99, 256, 324, 424,
510, 514, 515
Ferdinando I Gonzaga, marchese di
Castiglione 328
Ferdinando II de’ Medici, granduca di
Toscana 43, 99, 326
Ferrante III Gonzaga, duca di Guastalla 44,
100, 206, 234, 505
Ferranti, Francesco 288
Ferrari, Benedetto 43, 47, 98, 103, 170–172,
195–196, 199–200, 215
Ferrari, Gregorio 352
Ferro, Marco Antonio 37, 42, 92, 98, 575–576
Fiamengo, Francesco 594–596
Fiaschi, Francesco 301
Fidanza, Giovanni (Bonawentura, św. |
Bonaventure, St) 16, 72, 123
Écluse (Clusius), Charles de l’ 9, 10, 65, 66
Eggenberg, Hans Ulrich von, książę
Krumlowa | duke of Krumlov 600
Ehmann, Wilhelm 229
Ehrmann-Herfort, Sabine 33, 89, 129
Eichhorn, Holger 223, 224
Eichner, Barbara 60, 116
Einstein, Alfred 126
Eitner, Robert 18, 52–53, 58, 75, 108, 114,
126, 128
Ellner, Johannes 15, 71
Elsbeth, Thomas 16, 73
Elwes, John 269, 272
Endres, Caspar 37, 44, 46, 47, 93, 100, 102,
103, 596–598
Epstein, Peter 32, 48, 51, 88, 104, 106, 128
5.1. Indeks osób | Index of names
Galvani, Marcello 161
Gamberi, Pietro 36, 92, 282–283
Gamberini, Michelangelo 445–446
Ganassi, Giacomo 36, 45, 92, 101, 527–528
Gancarczyk, Paweł 4, 38, 94, 128
Gandino, Salvadore 306–307
Ganzarino, Aurelio 527
Garber, Klaus 27, 83, 128
García Alarcón, Leonardo 430
Gardiner, John Eliot 187
Garvin, Allen 207
Gatti, Alessandro 303, 376
Gavioli, Maurizio M. 209
Gäch, Johann 34, 90, 596, 597
Gärtner, N. 140
Gebhard, Johann 10, 24, 66, 80
Geerts, Geert 27, 83
Genesio, Angelo Maria 340
Gerber, Ernst Ludwig 18, 75, 129
Gesius, Bartholomeus 16, 73
Gesualdo, Alfonso 246
Gevert, Christine 231
Gherardesca, Cosimo della, kardynał |
cardinal 39, 95, 163
Gherardi, Biagio 36, 42, 43, 45, 91, 97–98, 99,
101, 370–371, 556–557
Ghislina, Genesio 328
Gibellini, Nicola 35, 36, 49, 91, 92, 104,
Gieburowski, Wacław 31, 87, 129
Giliucci, Giacinto 538
Ginetti, Marzio, kardynał | cardinal 39, 95, 360
Giorgio da Pesaro 187
Giovan Antonio de’ Vera & Figueroa, conte
della Rocca 338
Giovani, Giulia 304
Giovanni da Pesaro 188, 504
Giovanni VII Dolfin, patriarcha Akwilei |
patriarch of Aquileia 191
Giovannoni, Vincenzo 259–260, 303–304,
Girgenti, Livio 274
Girolamo da Monte dell’Olmo 36, 38, 92, 94,
Giuliani, Francesco 237–238
Giunchi, Giovanni Evangelista 541
Giunti, Giovanni Maria 210
Giunti, Tommaso 210
Giustiniani, Francesco, biskup Treviso |
bishop of Treviso 40, 95, 316
Figueras, Montserrat 176
Filago, Carlo 35, 42, 49, 91, 97, 104, 352–353
Filiberi, Orazio 44, 45, 100, 101, 317–318
Filippi, Gaspare 36, 43, 47, 92, 99, 103, 255–
256, 424–425, 498–499, 560–562
Filippini, Stefano 36, 45, 92, 101, 443–444,
Filippo Francesco d’Este, marchese di Lanzo
43, 459
Filippucci, Agostino 35, 91, 592–593
Finetti, Giacomo 37, 93, 167, 577–579
Fink, Bernarda 231
Finscher, Ludwig 126
Foggia, Francesco 38, 93, 259–260, 303–304,
418–419, 428–430, 566–568
Fontana, Giovanni Battista 48, 104, 162,
183–184, 209
Fontana, Michelangelo 398
Fontei, Nicolò 36, 43, 45, 91, 99, 101, 266–
267, 321–322
Fosconi, Andrea 484–485
Fosconi, Tommaso 36, 92, 484–485
Francesco I d’Este, duca di Modena & Reggio
150, 170, 354
Franzoni, Amante 215
Freddi, Amadio 36, 37, 45, 92, 93, 101, 316–
317, 496–497, 577–579
Fregosi, Domenico 266
Freschi, Domenico 36, 92, 302
Freschi, Michele 299
Frescobaldi, Girolamo 36, 43, 48, 91, 99, 103,
144–145, 159–160, 309–311, 326–328,
Friddi, Andrea 310
Frisch, Jean-Christoph 467
Fryderyk | Friedrich V Wittelsbach 50, 106
Fuerst, Michael 604
Gagliano, Giovanni Battista da 43, 47, 99,
103, 201–202, 520–521
Gagliano, Marco da 47, 103, 163–164,
Galamino, Agostino, kardynał, biskup Osimo
| cardinal, bishop of Osimo 39, 95, 305
Gallerano, Leandro 36, 37, 46, 47, 92, 93, 101,
103, 166, 534–535, 541–542, 577–579
Galli, Alessandro 241
Galli, Emanuela 308
Galli, Giovanni Luigi, biskup Ankony |
bishop of Ancona 40, 95, 403, 413
5. Indeksy | Indices
Gründer, Gottfried 23, 79, 125
Gualtieri, Antonio 526–527
Guarini, Giovanni Battista 163, 164, 171,
175, 215, 240, 241, 246, 251, 253, 254,
343, 344, 357, 398, 400, 414, 503, 508,
512, 530, 545, 561, 562, 563
Guckel, Hans Erdmann 31, 87, 129
Guerrini, Antonio 38, 94, 291–292
Guidi di Bagno, Giovanni Francesco,
kardynał, biskup Cervii | cardinal, bishop
of Cervia 39, 95, 300
Guidiccioni, Giovanni 220
Guittart, Janneke 213
Guglientio, Bonaventura 151
Gutmann, Veronika 51, 106, 129
Giustiniani, Marco, biskup Werony | bishop
of Verona 40, 95, 531
Glisenti, Aventino 336
Glück, Johann 34, 90, 599
Gonzaga, Eleonora, cesarzowa rzymskoniemiecka | Holy Roman Empress 42, 98,
313, 517
Gonzaga, Lodovico, biskup Alby | bishop of
Alba 39, 95, 544
Gonzaga, Ottavio 569
Gonzaga, Paolo Emilio 525
Goodman, Roy 233, 412
Goretti, Antonio 162
Gormann, Johannes 19, 75, 125
Gotthard, Georg 15, 71, 119, 120, 123
Gottron, Adam 481
Grampp, Florian 380
Grancini, Michelangelo 411–412
Grandi, Alessandro 22, 26, 34, 37, 38, 40, 41,
43, 45, 46, 47, 49, 78, 82, 90, 93, 94, 96, 97,
99, 101, 102, 103, 104, 147, 148–150, 216,
262–263, 269, 279–280, 287–288, 290–292,
294–295, 304–305, 331–332, 337–338,
343–344, 345–346, 347–348, 357–359, 387
–388, 391–392, 433, 577–579, 602–604
Grandi, Giacomo 304
Grandi, Ottavio Maria 43, 44, 45, 48, 49–50,
98, 100, 103, 104, 105, 139, 141, 150–151,
Grani, Alvise 38, 94, 337–338
Grassini, Antonio 328
Grassini, Francesco Maria 35, 91, 392–393
Grasso, Francesco 581
Graziani, Bonifazio 38, 93, 303–304, 418–
419, 428–430, 566–568
Grazzano, Camillo 339
Grazzi, Alberto 213
Gregori, Francesco 455
Gregorio, Giovanni Battista 421
Greiffenclau von Vollrads, Georg Friedrich,
arcybiskup Moguncji | archbishop of
Mainz 40, 50, 96, 106, 605
Grignani, Lodovico 34, 37–38, 90, 93, 259,
261, 289, 304, 567
Grimani, Giovanni 190
Grimani, Luigi, biskup Bergamo | bishop of
Bergamo 40, 95, 499
Grossi, Carlo 36, 43, 47, 92, 98, 99, 102, 325–
326, 442–443, 510–511, 579–580
Grösser (Maior) Elias 14, 27, 71, 83
Haberland, Detlef 9, 65, 129
Habsburg, Maria Anna 42, 98, 243, 350
Hadersleben, Friedrich, administrator
diecezji Bremy | diocesan administrator
of Bremen 229
Haenlin, Gregor 34, 90, 212
Hainauer, Julius 26, 82
Hałub, Marek 15, 71, 129
Hammerschmidt, Andreas 26, 82, 119
Hanke, Martin 14, 23, 24, 71, 80, 129
Harrán, Don 207, 525
Haug, Vergilius 13, 69, 124
Haunold, Johann 8, 64
Hauptman-Fischer, Ewa 4, 60, 116
Heidrich, Jürgen 15, 72, 132
Heinemann, Michael 223, 224
Heinz, Georg 18, 74, 124
Henel (Henelius) von Hennenfeld, Nicolaus
9, 10, 65, 66, 129
Henelius → Henel von Hennenfeld, Nicolaus
Henriette Adelaide of Savoia, księżna
bawarska | duchess of Bavaria 306
Henryk III Biały, książę wrocławski | Henry
the White, duke of Wrocław 11, 67
Herberstein, Georg Siegmund von 490
Herbig, Joachim 15, 71
Herbst, Johann Andreas 51, 106, 128
Herculeo, Mario 235
Hering, Alexander 225
Hering, Michael 214
Hertel, Zacharias 224
Hirt, Ferdinand 8, 12, 64, 68, 128
Höckelshoven, Andreas von 15, 71
Hoffmann, Georg 34, 90, 600
5.1. Indeks osób | Index of names
Hoffmann, Hans 229
Hofmann, Klaus 204
Hofstötter, Rudolf 167, 545
Holman, Peter 233, 412
Holmes, Martin 60, 116
Homan, Sally 545
Homer 10, 66
Honorio, Romualdo 36, 40, 46, 92, 96, 101,
406–407, 456, 488–489, 602–604
Hoog, Viola de 213
Houszka, Ewa 10, 66, 129
Huggett, Monica 162, 209
Hüschen, Heinrich 6, 62, 127
Kastner, Macario Santiago 176, 201
Kaszuba, Elżbieta 12, 68, 132
Kendrick, Robert L. 168, 413, 426
Kiehr, Maria Cristina 272
Kienheimer, Paul 38, 94, 512–513
King, Catherine 534
Kinkeldey, Otto 31, 87
Kirkby, Emma 233, 412
Kirsch, Ernst 32, 88, 130
Kite-Powell, Jeffery 17, 73, 131–132
Kittel, Caspar 43, 99, 230–232
Kittel, Michael 121
Klemmens, Johann 225
Klikar, Pavel 272
Kloss, Johann Herbord 23, 79
Knöfel, Johann 16, 73
Kolbuszewska, Aniela 6, 30, 32, 62, 86, 88, 130
Koldau, Linda Maria 243, 369
Konrad, Ulrich 15, 72, 132
Koopman, Ton 176
Kopij, Marta 16, 72, 130
Korn, Johann Friedrich 11, 67, 131
Korwin (Corvinus), Wawrzyniec 8, 12, 16,
64, 68, 72, 123, 130
Koschinsky, Fritz 17, 73, 130
Köler, Henning 20, 76, 125
Krafft (Crato) von Krafftheim, Johann 9, 65,
Krantz, Gottlob 11, 67, 124
Kremtz, Konstanze 223, 224
Kretschmar, Georg 12, 68, 130
Kunicki, Wojciech 16, 72, 130
Kurtzman, Jeffrey 53, 60, 109, 116, 127, 573
Küster, Konrad 226
Isabella Clara Eugenia Habsburg,
arcyksiężna austriacka | archduchess of
Austria 152
Isabella d’Este, duchessa di Parma 43, 99
Iuvenalis, Decimus Iunius 10, 66
Jacobi, Johann Christian 24, 27, 80, 83, 123,
Jacobi, Jörg 517
Jacobs, René 231
Jan IV → João IV o Restaurador
Jaroussky, Philippe 171, 196, 199, 532
Jarzębski, Adam 25, 37, 48, 49, 50, 82, 93, 104,
105, 106, 132, 212–214,
Jensch, Georg 31, 87, 129
Jeż, Tomasz 3, 4, 15, 16, 17, 21, 33, 71, 72, 74,
77, 89, 129, 130
João IV o Restaurador, król Portugalii | king of
Portugal 42, 98, 547
Jochem, Arno 197
Johann Georg I Wettin, elektor Saksonii |
prince-elector of Saxony 43, 99, 227, 231,
Johnson, Anthony Rolfe 187
Julius II, pope → della Rovere, Giuliano
Juliusz II, papież → della Rovere, Giuliano
Junghänel, Konrad 314, 369
Jungschulz (Neodicus), Johann 9, 65
Juvenal | Juwenalis → Iuvenalis, Decimus
Laethem, Katelijne Van 272
Lamberi, Filotet 478
Lanckisch, Friedrich 34, 90, 223
Landi, Benedetto, biskup Fossombrone |
bishop of Fossombrone 478
Landi, Stefano 36, 44, 91, 100, 219–220
Lasso, Orlando di 136
Laudensi, Fabrizio 456
Laura Martinozzi d’Este, duchessa di Modena
e Reggio 43, 99, 288
Laureggio, Hortensio 456
Laurenzi, Filiberto 35, 44, 47, 49, 91, 100,
103, 104, 187–189, 190–191, 461–462
Lazari, Alberto 36, 47, 92, 103, 360–363
Lazzari, Hortensio 358
Kah-Ming Ng 471
Kaplan, William 201
Karg (Cargius), Johann Balthasar 13, 15, 24,
25, 26, 27, 69, 71, 81, 82, 83, 124
Karol I Stuart → Charles I King of England
5. Indeksy | Indices
Leardini, Alessandro 428–430
Legrenzi, Giovanni 35, 38, 43, 44, 45, 47,
48, 91, 94, 98, 99, 100, 101, 103, 104,
158–159, 390–391, 447–448, 530–531,
546–547, 570, 571, 584–585
Legrenzi, Giovanni Maria 38, 94, 99, 158–159
Leipmanssohn, Leo 304
Lemblein, Eucharius 13, 69
Leonarda, Isabella 43, 99, 467–468
Leoni, Basilio 340
Leoni, Giovanni Antonio 36, 92, 323
Leopold I Habsburg, cesarz rzymskoniemiecki | Holy Roman Emperor 42, 98,
468, 514, 516, 575
Leopold V Habsburg, arcyksiążę austriacki |
archduke of Austria 466, 512–513
Leopold Wilhelm Habsburg, arcyksiążę
austriacki | archduke of Austria 43, 99,
175, 302, 395
Leopold, Silke 33, 89, 129
Lesure, François 126, 127
Leszczyńska, Agnieszka 60, 116
Lewicki, Michał 60, 116
Lichtenstein, Anna Maria von 43, 99, 434
Lima, Juan Sebastian 231
Lindberg, Jakob 494
Litegato, Giacomo 562
Locatello, Gasparo 577–579
Lodron, Paris von, arcybiskup Salzburga |
archbishop of Salzburg 40, 96, 436, 512
Lomazzo, Filippo 133, 134
Loos, Helmut 32, 88, 130
Loredano, Lorenzo 235
Loreggian, Roberto 144
Losio, Cipriano 506–507
Louis XIII Bourbon, król Francji | king of
France 42, 98, 369
Lubenow, Martin 162, 182, 194, 575
Lubomirski, Aleksander Michał 37, 44, 93,
100, 276
Lubomirski, Stanisław 44, 100, 481
Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus 10, 66
Lucherini, Crisostomo 431
Lucio, Francesco 35, 42, 44, 91, 98, 100,
276–277, 315–316, 373–374
Ludovisio, Carlo 188
Ludwik XIII → Louis XIII Bourbon
Lukan → Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus
Luther, Martin 12, 68
Lyra, Simon olsnensis 13, 15, 69, 71, 120, 121
Łukaszewicz, Piotr 10, 66, 129
Maccavino, Nicolò 430
Macedonio, Giovanni Vincenzo 357
Macolino, Alessandro 478
Maculewicz, Piotr 60, 116
Maffeo da Narni 478
Magdalene Sibylle von BrandenburgBayreuth 231
Magni, Bartolomeo 33, 89, 142, 147–148,
150, 152, 166, 168, 169, 171, 174, 175,
183, 190, 196, 199, 204, 210, 216, 219,
237, 240, 242, 245, 253, 260, 262, 279,
282, 286, 290, 296, 300, 305, 307, 313,
316, 338, 342, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353,
354, 356, 360, 363, 364, 388, 395, 397,
399, 402, 410, 434, 435, 436, 437, 438,
439, 459, 464, 467, 471, 483, 484, 485,
486, 490, 497, 498, 503, 505, 507, 512,
517, 530, 532, 533, 535, 536, 537, 538–
539, 541, 544–545, 568, 576, 577–580,
Magni, Benedetto 410–411
Magni, Francesco 33, 89, 151, 158, 182, 191,
255, 257, 277, 288, 299, 302, 306, 318,
322, 326, 329, 330, 371, 374, 377, 381,
382, 383, 389, 392, 405, 408, 411, 424,
440, 441, 442, 443, 444, 445, 448, 508,
514, 515, 516, 540, 546, 547, 548, 554,
557, 558, 559, 570, 574, 579, 582, 583, 584
Maillet, Jean 583
Maiochi, Columbano 463
Maior → Grösser, Elias
Malipiero, Gian Francesco 187, 233, 245,
250, 308, 412, 450, 573
Malvezzi, Giulia Maria Vittoria 41, 97, 405
Manara, Antonio Maria 456
Manara, Giacomo 35, 91, 329–330
Manfredi, Lodovico 36, 41, 92, 96, 179,
Manfredi, Mutio 313
Manosola, Giovanna Maria 381
Mantova, Andrea 540
Mańko-Matysiak, Anna 12, 15, 68, 71, 129, 130
Marangoni, Angelo 544
Marazzoli, Marco 380
Marcante, Emanuela 207
Marcorelli, Giovanni Francesco 38, 93–94,
Marescalchi, Fulvio Antonio 319
5.1. Indeks osób | Index of names
489–490, 499–500, 555–556, 563–564,
571–572, 584, 602–604
Messori, Matteo 226, 228, 229
Metzler, Johannes 12, 68
Michele, Pietro 235
Michiel, Francesco 44, 100, 190
Milani, Francesco 35, 45, 91, 101, 319–320
Milanta, Giovanni Francesco 46, 102,
Milanuzzi, Carlo 36, 45, 47, 92, 101, 103,
267–268, 376, 456–458, 522–523,
Milleville, Francesco 35, 91, 165–166,
Millini, Ferdinando, biskup Imoli | bishop of
Imola 40, 95, 270, 462
Minozzi, Marcello 38, 45, 94, 101, 365–366
Minucci, Domenico 42, 43, 45, 98, 99, 101,
Missio, Girolamo 282
Modiana, Orazio 177–178
Moiban, Ambrosius 12, 68
Monau (Monavius), Petrus 9, 65
Monavius → Monau, Petrus
Monferrato, Natale 35, 43, 45, 91, 98, 99, 101,
254–255, 322–323, 557–558, 586–587
Montague, Diana 187
Montalto, Alessandro Damasceni Peretti di,
kardynał, biskup Albano | cardinal, bishop
of Albano 506
Montani, Nicolo Carlo 456
Montani, Terentio 456
Monte, Cerbone dal 520
Montecalvi, Honorato 592
Monteverdi, Claudio 21, 22, 26, 32, 35, 37,
38, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 77, 79,
82, 88, 91, 93, 94, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101,
102, 103, 104, 128, 186–187, 232–234,
245–246, 250–251, 298–299, 307–308,
313–315, 411–412, 450–451, 506–507,
572–573, 577–579
Monterosso Vacchelli, Anna Maria 450
Monterosso, Raffaello 233
Monti, Giacomo 34, 90, 592
Morandi, Paulo 433
Morche, Gunter 339, 340, 341, 342, 370, 412,
413, 428, 467, 498, 549, 590, 591
Morenberg, Anna 8, 64
Morenberg, Gregor 8, 64
Morini, Guido 472, 517
Morosini, Giovanni Francesco, patriarcha
Marescotti, Cristofano 34, 90, 163
Margarini, Francesco 303–304, 566–568
Marini, Biagio 35, 40, 42, 43, 45, 48, 49,
78, 91, 96, 98, 99, 101, 104, 152–154,
210–211, 308–309, 389–390, 547–548,
558–559, 573–575
Marini, Francesco Maria 22, 44, 78, 100,
439–440, 602–604
Marino, Giambattista 149, 171, 172, 241,
245, 246, 251, 253, 303, 311, 313, 344,
352, 357, 397, 398, 400, 508, 525, 529,
530, 545, 561
Mario II Sforza 43, 98, 380
Martinengo, Giovanni Paolo 38, 94, 366–367,
Marx, Hans Joachim 15, 72, 132
Mascardi, Vitale 34, 90, 323
Masotti, Paolo 34, 90, 380
Massiccio, Giovanni 577–579
Mattias de’ Medici, granduca di Toscana 43,
99, 412
Mattioli, Andrea 36, 42, 45, 91, 97, 101,
465–466, 543–544
Maurizio di Savoia, kardynał | cardinal 482
Mauroceno, Zilio 432
Max, Hermann 599
Mazzocchi, Virgilio 38, 93, 259–260, 418–
Mazzoni, Alfonso 35, 42, 91, 97, 479–480
Märkl, Markus 197
McDonald, Grantley 16, 72, 130
McGegan, Nicholas 156, 194, 197
Mealli, Giovanni Battista 401
Medici, Giovan Carlo de’, kardynał | cardinal
39, 95, 332
Medici, Paolo 456
Medico, Giacomo 191–192
Meer, Richte van der 213
Megliara, Antonio 166
Melanchton → Schwartzerd, Philipp
Melissa, Matthaeus 45, 101, 382–383,
Melli, Domenico Maria 215
Melosio, Francesco 164, 188
Melvi, Francesco Maria 36, 92, 416–417
Mencarelli, Clemente 406
Mendykowa, Aleksandra 9, 65, 130
Mercure d’Orléans 50, 105, 139, 141
Merula, Tarquinio 22, 35, 37, 40, 46, 78, 91,
93, 96, 102, 104, 184–185, 270, 411–412,
5. Indeksy | Indices
Ovenden, Jeremy 231
Ovidius Naso, Publius 10, 66
owidiusz → Ovidius Naso, Publius
Wenecji | patriarch of Venice 147, 345,
373, 562
Morosini, Pietro 544
Morton, Joëlle 51, 106, 130
Moschetto, Pacifico 334
Mosevius, Johann Theodor 133
Mussi, Giulio 470–471
Paci, Giulio 511
Paczkowski, Szymon 60, 116
Paduch, Arno 224
Pagani, Alfonso 45, 100, 151
Paini, Gioseffo 235
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da 135, 136,
Pallotta, Giovanni Battista Maria, kardynał |
cardinal 39, 95, 323
Paluszak-Łoś, Maria 60, 116
Pani, Antonio 45, 100, 455
Pannesio, Giovanni Battista 188
Panta, Claudio 175
Paradisi, Giacinto 408
Parisi, Filippo 38, 43, 94, 483–484
Parisi, Nicodemo 38, 43, 94, 99, 483–484
Partridge, Ian 233, 412
Pasino, Stefano 44, 100, 383–384, 484
Patalas, Aleksandra 4, 22, 58, 60, 78, 114, 116,
126–127, 130
Paul V, pope → Borghese, Camillo
Paulini, Claudio 274
Paweł V, papież → Borghese, Camillo
Pelliciari, Monica 550
Pepoli, Ercole 247
Pepoli, Girolamo 319
Pepoli, Odoardo 43, 98, 500
Peracini, Angelo 512
Peri, Jacopo 47, 103, 163–164
Persiani, Orazio 189
Pesenti, Martino 43, 47, 49, 99, 103, 104,
274–276, 311–312, 519–520
Pestagalli, Paolo Antonio 468, 577
Petenari, Alfonso 235
Petrarca, Francesco 250, 251, 309, 314, 526
Petrazi, Pietro 210
Petrobelli, Francesco 36, 42, 45, 92, 98, 100,
101, 286–287, 299–300, 514–515
Petrucci, Pietro 248, 478
Pettinari, Alfonso 328
Piantanida, Antonio 467
Picchi, Giovanni 44, 100, 493–494, 577–579
Piccolomini Fedeli, Giuliano 456, 553
Pickel (Celtis), Konrad 12, 68
Pickett, Philip 573
Pietragrua (Cranesteyn) Gasparo 335–336
Naimon, Martino 44, 46, 100, 101, 490–491
Nani, Battista 44, 99, 394,
Naselli, Paola Margarita 179
Nassini, Domenico 472
Nau, Étienne 50, 105, 128, 139, 141
Negri, Marco Antonio 215, 384
Nembri, Damiano 36, 41, 45, 92, 97, 101,
Nembrini, Carlo, biskup Parmy | bishop of
Parma 40, 95, 390, 448
Neodicus → Jungschulz, Johann
Neri, Massimiliano 35, 42, 48, 49, 91, 98,
104, 182–183, 204–205, 559–560
Nichesola, Giorgio 328
Nichols, Mary 187
Nicoletti, Gianfranco 430
Nicolini, Lodovico 151
Niemöller, Klaus Wolfgang 12, 32, 69, 88,
Nishiyama, Marie 231
Nitz, Martin 150, 197
Noliami, Antonio 177
Noske, Fritz 50, 106, 130
Nucius, Johannes 32, 88, 130
Obizzi, Domenico 43, 99, 235–236, 577–579
O’Drisceoil, Tom 378
Ogg, Jacques 213
Oldenburg, Friedrich III, arcybiskup
Hamburga i Bremy | archbishop of
Hamburg-Bremen 40, 95
Oldrovandi, Eliodoro 340
Olivati, Ignatio 38, 94, 418–419, 428–430
Orafi, Pietro Marcellino 36, 42, 92, 98, 408–
409, 435–436, 495
Orologio, Gerolamo 450
Orsini, Antonio 39, 95, 410
Orsini, Virginio 493
Orsucci, Ottavio 200
Ossowski, Mirosław 60, 116
Oszczanowski, Piotr 11, 67, 130
Otter, Anne Sofie von 187
5.1. Indeks osób | Index of names
Ptolemeusz | Ptolemy → Ptolemaeus, Claudius
Publius Vergilius Maro 27, 83
Pulloni, Giovanni Maria 518
Pietrasanta, Attilio 565
Pigna, Alessandro Vincenti 155
Pindemonte, Aurora 151
Pinelli, Agostino 189
Pino, Dominico 169–170
Pio di Savoia, Ascanio 269, 421
Pio di Savoia, Carlo, kardynał, biskup Ferrary
| cardinal, bishop of Ferrara 39, 95, 570
Pisani, Andrea 577
Pisani, Francesco 151
Pisarri, Antonio 34, 89, 468, 585, 588, 593
Pisticci, Atanasio da 36, 92, 338–339
Plutarch 10, 66
Poggioli, Antonio 259, 304, 323, 567
Pol, Nicolaus 10, 66, 131
Policanti, Aurelio 348
Pollastri, Mariarosa 353
Pomelli, Giovanni 458
Pontanus → Spanmüller, Jacob
Pontecorvo, Laura 209
Ponzone, Nicolò, conte di Castelponzone 571
Popinigis, Danuta 4
Porro, Giovanni Giacomo 512–513
Porta, Francesco della → Della Porta,
Porti, Girolamo 421, 422
Possenti, Pellegrino 41, 96, 147–148, 397–
Postler, N. 19, 75, 131
Pozzi, Luigi 36, 42, 43, 92, 98, 99, 318–319,
Pozzo, Francesco 174, 311, 353, 586, 587
Pozzo, Giovanni 399, 577–579
Preti, Girolamo 414
Prezzato, Martiale 286
Priuli, Giovanni 37, 93, 577–579, 602–604
Priuli, Leonardo 577
Profe (Profius), Ambrosius 6, 14, 15, 18–22,
26, 27, 33, 34, 35, 37, 47, 62, 71, 75, 77–
79, 82–83, 91, 93, 103, 125–126, 127, 129,
131, 132, 194, 573, 602–604
Profe, Daniel 19, 75
Profe (Dietmann), Maria 19, 27, 75, 83
Profius → Profe, Ambrosius
Prosperi, Angelo 36, 42, 92, 98, 535–537
Provedale, Vincenzo 188
Provenzale, Giovanni 329
Przybyszewska-Jarmińska, Barbara 4, 21, 22,
32, 60, 78, 88, 116, 131
Ptolemaeus, Claudius 10, 66
Rabacchio (Corbacchio), castrato 191
Rabatta, Joseph von, biskup Lublany | bishop
of Ljubljana 40, 95, 441
Rabe, Carsten 8, 64, 131
Rabe, Laurentius → Korwin, Wawrzyniec
Radetti, Pietro 423
Radewald, Erasmus 13, 69
Rainer, Ingomar 167, 545
Rampe, Siegbert 494
Rasi, Francesco 36, 47, 91, 103, 143–144,
215, 309
Raspius, Godfried 17, 74
Rebeschini, Carlo 332
Recalcati, Francesco 335
Rehdiger, Adam 10, 66
Rehdiger, Anna 9, 65
Rehdiger, Jacob 10, 66
Rehdiger, Johannes 9, 65
Rehdiger, Nicolaus I 8, 9, 64, 65
Rehdiger, Nicolaus II 9, 65
Rehdiger, Thomas 5, 6, 7, 8–12, 34, 61, 62,
63, 64–68, 90, 128
Reina, Sisto 36, 43, 45, 92, 99, 101, 288–289,
Renzi, Anna 191
Riccio, Antonio Maria 36, 41, 92, 96, 261–
Riccioni, Carlo Benedetto 452
Rigatti, Giovanni Antonio 22, 35, 37, 41, 42,
43, 44, 46, 47, 79, 91, 93, 97, 98, 99, 100,
102, 103, 174–175, 193–194, 241–243,
276, 280–281, 373–374, 401–402, 437–
438, 503, 532–533, 602–604
Rinaldi, Giovanni Battista 376
Rinuccini, Ottavio 164, 251, 308, 351, 450,
451, 508, 526
Rismondo, Paolo A. 205
Ritsch, Gregor 17, 18, 74, 123, 124
Ritsch, Timotheus 20, 34, 76, 90, 126, 602
Ritti, Francesco 478
Rizzi, Cecilia 179
Roach, Bud 501
Robletti, Giovanni Battista 34, 90, 326
Robson, Nigel 187
Roche, Jerome 19, 37, 76, 93, 131, 264
Rogantini, Francesco 36, 42, 91, 98, 454–455
5. Indeksy | Indices
Rogers, Jane 494
Rognoni Taeggio, Francesco 49, 50, 105, 106,
Rognoni, Riccardo 49, 50, 105, 106, 133–139,
Romanstein, Stanley E. 162
Romena, Giovanni 507
Roncalli, Girolamo 239
Rosa, Antonio 304
Roscioli, Giovanni Maria 183
Rosselli Genesini, Giovanni Battista 43, 98,
Rosenmüller, Johann 34, 37, 44, 47, 90, 93,
100, 102, 223–225
Rosnipsch, Mathias 15, 71
Rospigliosi, Giulio 275
Rossetti, Carlo, kardynał, arcybiskup Faenzy
| cardinal, archbishop of Faenza 39, 446,
465, 476
Rossi, Matthia 456
Rossi, Salomone 36, 43, 48, 92, 99, 103,
206–208, 525–526
Rossitis, Carlo 170
Rovátkay, Lajos 194
Rovetta, Giovanni 4, 21, 22, 26, 27, 35, 37, 41,
42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 77, 79, 82, 85, 91, 93,
97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 252–254,
292–294, 353–354, 369–370, 372–373,
394–395, 458–459, 475–476, 494–495,
504–505, 549–550, 577–579, 602–604
Rovetto, Vido 577–579
Rubini, Giovanni Battista 206, 208
Rubini, Giovanni Francesco 206, 208
Rubino, Bonaventura 430
Ruhland, Konrad 221
Ruf, Hugo 284
Rutkowska, Wanda 213
Salvi, Lorenzo 591
Salviati Fiorentino, Clemente 407
Salza, Jacob von, biskup wrocławski | bishop
of Breslau 12, 68
Sampieri, Carlo Antonio 593
Sances, Giovanni Felice 22, 35, 37, 41, 42,
43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 79, 91, 92, 97, 98, 99,
101, 102, 103, 172–173, 349–351, 356,
451–452, 500–501, 517–518
Sander, Hans-Adolf 6, 11, 16, 17, 32, 62, 67,
72, 73, 88, 131
Sansom, Ben 545
Santa Croce, Modesto 168
Santa Maria, Salvatore de 36, 41, 92, 97,
Santucci, Girolamo 303–304, 418–419,
Saraceno, Benedetto 39, 95, 524
Saracinelli, Ferdinando 172
Saracini, Claudio 517
Sarti, Giovanni Vincenzo 45, 101, 342–343,
Sartori, Claudio 53, 58, 108, 114, 126, 127
Sartorius (Schneider?), Daniel 1, 3, 4, 5, 6,
11, 17–37, 39, 45, 47, 48, 50–51, 60, 61,
62, 67, 73–86, 89, 91, 93, 101, 102, 103,
104–107, 116, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123,
131, 133, 140, 253, 396, 414
Sartorius, Nicolaus 20, 76, 126
Sass, Johann 13, 14, 69, 70, 88, 131
Sasso, Nicolò 282
Saunders, Steven 349
Savall, Jordi 176, 184
Savelli, Paolo 44, 100, 219
Savorgnano, Giovanni Carlo 158, 318, 388
Saxatello, Francesco Maria 217, 580
Scacchi, Marco 21–22, 77–78, 130, 131,
Scaglia, Desiderio, kardynał, biskup Como |
cardinal, bishop of Como 39, 95, 309
Scaglia, Valeriano 308
Scala, Giulio 151
Scapitta, Vincenzo 37, 38, 45, 92, 94, 101,
466–467, 512–513
Scarani, Giuseppe 36, 42, 43, 49, 92, 98, 105,
142–143, 354–353
Scarpa, Jolando 447
Scarselli, Riniero 35, 36, 41, 91, 92, 96,
Schaap, Nanneke 134
Sabbatini, Galeazzo 35, 37, 38, 43, 45, 46, 47, 90,
93, 94, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103, 146–147, 272–
273, 295–296, 302–303, 312–313, 365–366,
393–394, 398–399, 413–416, 462–463, 552,
Sabino, Giovanni Maria 577–579
Sacchetti, Giulio Cesare, kardynał, biskup
Fano | cardinal, bishop of Fano 39, 95,
Sadie, Stanley 126
Sagredo, Nicolò 44, 99, 172
Salamon, Charles 287
5.1. Indeks osób | Index of names
Simonetta, Gerolamo 43, 98, 546
Simonetti, Leonardo 262, 279, 577–579
Skowron, Zbigniew 60, 116
Smith, Candace 341, 406, 447, 534
Snell, Martin 231
Soldato, Teodoro del 232
Soranzo, Giacomo 204
Spada, Francesco 44, 100, 193
Spanmüller (Pontanus), Jacob 23, 79, 119,
Sparacciari, Giovanni Giorgio 36, 41, 91, 96,
101, 432–433
Spiegler, Matthias 37, 45, 93, 101, 220–223,
Spindler von Hofegg, Anton 451
Spinello, Girolamo 297
Spitta, Philipp 364, 601
Spongia (Usper), Francesco 577–579
Sponheim, Kristin Marie 19, 76, 132
Spreto, Pomponio 486
Spurgjasz, Katarzyna 4, 60, 116
Squadroni, Aloisio 464
Stadlmayr, Johannes 38, 94, 512–513
Staehelin, Martin 15, 72, 132
Starke, Reinhold 6, 13, 19, 62, 69, 75, 132
Stäblein, Bruno 332
Steck, Johann Friedrich 11, 67, 124
Steger, Maurice 183
Stella, Andrea 577–579
Stembridge, Christopher 144
Steude, Wolfram 19, 76, 132
Stevens, Denis 313
Stewart, Warren 413, 426
Storti, Giovanni Battista 329
Strigel, Michael 13, 69
Striggio, Alessanro jr 246, 269
Strozzi, Barbara 43, 47, 99, 103, 378–379
Strozzi, Giulio 187, 188, 190, 191, 251
Stuart, Elisabeth 50, 105
Stykowska, Halina 4
Succhielli, Filippo 205
Suzzi, Cherubino 359
Sygowska-Pietrzyk, Weronika 4
Szelest, Marcin 4, 25, 60, 82, 116, 132
Szlagowska, Danuta 4, 60, 116
Szweykowski, Zygmunt M. 21, 77, 131
Schard, Simon 9, 65, 132
Scharffenberger, Crispin 16, 73, 125
Scheibel, Johann Ephraim 11, 67, 131
Scheidt, Samuel 49, 50, 105, 106, 212–214
Schein, Johann Hermann 34, 37, 44, 90, 93,
100, 599–600
Schenk von Castell, Marquard von, biskup
Eichstätt | bishop of Eichstätt 40, 95, 558
Schenk, Wacław 16, 72, 131
Schmeidler, Johann Carl Herrmann 11, 67, 131
Schmitt, Hélène 197
Schnabel, Georg 15, 71
Schneider (Sartorius), Daniel 23, 79
Schneider, Friedrich 23, 79
Schneider, Gottfried 23, 79
Schneider, Hans 23, 79
Schneider, Max 31–32, 87, 131
Schnoebelen, Anne 53, 60, 109, 116, 127, 286,
406, 462, 517, 576
Scholtz, Laurentius 9, 65
Schönborn, Johann Philipp von, arcybiskup
Moguncji | archbishop of Mainz 40, 96,
Schröder, Karl-Ernst 197
Schröter, Johann 34, 90, 221, 598
Schulz, Thomas 16, 72
Schütz, Heinrich 22, 34, 37, 42, 43, 47, 78, 90,
93, 98, 99, 102, 131, 225–230, 364–365,
Schwartzerd (Melanchton), Philipp 9, 65
Schweikhard von Kronberg, Johann,
arcybiskup Moguncji | archbishop of
Mainz 40, 50, 96, 106, 204
Scorzuto, Giovanni Maria 577–579
Scott, Allen 7, 17, 60, 63, 73, 116, 131
Seay, Albert 584
Secusio, Francesca 594
Secusio, Ottavio 259
Selma y Salaverde, Bartolomé de 36, 37, 92,
Seneca, Lucius Annaeus 10, 66
Seneka → Seneca, Lucius Annaeus
Serena, Baldisera 180
Serra, Antonio 367–368
Sessa d’Aranda 602–604
Sherwin, Doron David 142
Siegel, Karl A. 9, 65, 132
Signoretti, Giuseppe 456
Silvestris, Florido de 303–304, 418–419, 428–
430, 566–568
Tagliavacca, Giovanni Francesco 38–39, 94, 366
Tansillo, Luigi 175
Tarditi, Orazio 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 45, 46,
5. Indeksy | Indices
47, 48, 90, 92, 93, 94, 96, 97, 100, 101,
102, 103, 202–203, 232, 235, 285–286,
320–321, 346–347, 358–359, 384–385,
402–404, 407–408, 431–432, 446–447,
455–456, 491–492, 553–554, 602–604
Tarditi, Paolo 38, 303–304, 418–419, 566–568
Tasso, Bernardo 246
Tasso, Torquato 164, 246, 251, 254, 313
Tedeschi, Luca Antonio 361
Tedoldo, Agostino 210
terence | terencjusz → Terentius Afer, Publius
Terentius Afer, Publius 10, 27, 66, 82
Tessera, Francesco 435
Theodoli, Giacomo, arcybiskup Forlì |
archbishop of Forlì 40, 95, 342, 443, 554
Thiele, Günter 321
Thierry, Roberto de 487
Thomas, Bernard 493
Thomas, David 233, 412
Thun, Guidobald von, arcybiskup Salzburga |
archbishop of Salzburg 39, 40, 95, 442
Tinti, Paolo 151
Tisana, Basilier 277
Todeschi, Simplicio 36, 91, 449–450
Todeschini, Francesco 36, 43, 92, 99, 550–
Toet, Charles 213, 333
Toffetti, Marina 60, 116
Tomasi, Biagio 300–301
Tomaso da S. Agata 38, 94, 537–538
Tomlinson, Gary 215
Tomlinson, John 187
Tonino, Gregorio 485
Torchi, Luigi 174, 197
Tozzi, Vincenzo 418–419
Trabattone, Bartolomeo 469–470
Treviso, Giovanni Battista 411–412
Tricarico, Giuseppe 36, 92, 289–290
Triller, Valentin 16, 73, 124
Trivulzio, Giangiacomo Teodoro, kardynał |
cardinal 39, 95, 383, 484
Troost, Marinette 213
Tubéry, Jean 272
Tufvesson, Johann 574
Turati, Antonio Maria 411–412
Turini, Francesco 21, 37, 41, 44, 45, 47, 77,
93, 97, 100, 103, 200, 336–337, 544–546,
562–563, 602–604
Turriani, Michel’Angiolo 463, 469, 518
Türk, Gerd 231
Uccelini, Marco 36, 43, 45, 48, 92, 98–99,
101, 104, 156–158, 194–195, 197–199,
Urban VIII, papież | pope → Barberini,
Urbanus, Gregorius 36, 40, 92, 96, 260–261
Ursa, Guid’Ascanio 567
Ursinus, Abraham 14, 70–71
Usper → Spongia, Francesco
Vacchelli, Giovanni Battista 36, 43, 44, 92,
98, 100, 460–461, 548–549
Vacchelli, N., ojciec Giovanniego Battisty |
father of Giovanni Battista 460–461
Valera, Ottavio 136
Valeria, Anna 191
Valetti, Pablo 231
Valvasensi, Lazaro Girolamo 169–170
Valvasone, Cesare di 169
Valvasone, Raimondo di 170
Van der Meer, Janneke 176
Vannarelli, Francesco Antonio 416–417
Vasa, Charles Ferdinand → Waza, Karol
Verany, Pierre 583
Verdizotti, Giovanni Battista 190
Vergil → Publius Vergilius Maro
Vernizzi, Ottavio 35, 91, 474–475
Vertova, Bernardo 281
Vesi, Simone 36, 41, 45, 48, 92, 97, 101, 103,
381–382, 386–387, 476–477, 539–540,
Vettore Tasca, Tomaso di 193
Viava, Domenico 173
Vidman, Lodovico 315, 330
Vincenti, Alessandro 33, 37, 41, 89, 93, 97,
143, 144, 146, 147, 149, 155, 156, 157,
159, 161, 162, 164, 165, 166, 167, 173,
177, 178, 179, 180, 184, 185, 187, 193,
194, 197, 200, 201, 202, 205, 207, 208,
214, 232, 233, 234, 235, 238, 239, 241,
244, 247, 248, 249, 250, 252, 254, 258,
263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 269, 270, 271,
272, 273, 274, 276, 278, 280, 281, 283–
284, 285, 287, 291, 292, 294, 295, 297,
301, 302–303, 304, 308, 309, 311, 312,
315, 317, 319, 320, 321, 324, 331, 332,
334, 335, 336, 337, 339, 341, 343, 344,
345, 346, 347, 348, 353, 357, 358, 359,
361, 365, 366, 368, 369, 370, 371, 373,
5.1. Indeks osób | Index of names
375, 376, 377, 379, 389, 391, 393, 394,
398, 400, 403, 404, 406, 407, 412, 414,
415, 416, 418, 419, 421, 422–423, 426,
427, 428, 430, 431, 432, 433, 446, 447,
449, 450, 452, 454, 457, 458, 460, 461,
462, 463, 465, 466, 470, 472–473, 474,
475, 477, 479, 480, 481, 482, 487, 488,
489, 491, 492, 493, 494, 499, 500–501,
502, 504, 506, 518, 519, 520, 521, 522,
525, 526, 527, 529, 531, 534, 542, 543,
549, 550, 552, 555, 562, 563, 565, 569,
571, 594
Vincenti, Giacomo 33, 89, 133, 136, 140, 217,
580, 591
Visconti, Antonio Maria 329
Visconti, Giovanni Battista 184
Vitali, Filippo 507–508
Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus 10, 66
Vitte, Bernardo 39, 95, 280
Vittori, Loreto 36, 92, 164–165
Vizana (Vizzana), Lucrezia Orsina 35, 36, 41,
91, 92, 97, 533–534
Vogel, Emil 53, 58, 108, 114, 126, 127, 525
Volpe, Giovanni Battista 458, 494
Volpini, Bernardo 526
White, Willard 187
Wiermann, Barbara 7, 15, 17, 18, 20, 26, 32,
60, 63, 71, 73, 75, 76, 82, 88, 116, 132
Wilk, Piotr 158
Wilson, Roland 182, 310
Winkler, Andreas 9, 12, 13, 65, 68, 124, 128
Witruwiusz → Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus
Witzendorff-Rehdiger, Hans-Jürgen von 9,
65, 132
Władysław II Jagiellończyk, król czeski |
Vladislaus II Jagiellon, king of Bohemia
8, 64
Władysław IV Waza, król Polski | Vladislaus IV
Vasa, king of Poland 42, 98, 400
Wolfgang Wilhelm von Pfalz-Neuburg 152
Woodrow, Anthony 213
Wooley, Robert 494
Woronczak, Jan 60, 116
Wust, Balthasar Christoph 34, 90, 189
Zambeccari, Ottaviano 319
Zandemaria, Giuseppe, biskup Piacenzy |
bishop of Piacenza 427
Zanon, Vittorio 418
Zanotti, Francesco 487
Zasa, Paolo 333–335, 436–437, 523–525
Zavaglioli, Simone 36, 91, 531–532
Zawet, Paul Kader 15, 71
Zbaraska, Maria Felicja 41, 97, 353
Ziani, Pietro Andrea 35, 36, 41, 43, 48, 49,
91, 92, 97, 99, 103, 105, 168–169, 399–
400, 502, 513–514
Ziotti, Andrea 287
Zipperling, Reiner 213
Zlat, Mieczysław 6, 62, 130
Zoni, Maura 153, 183
Zonta, Claudia A. 14, 18, 70, 75, 132
Zwart, Titia de 213
Zygmunt III Wasa, król Polski | Sigismund III
Vasa, king of Poland 49, 105, 133
Zymer, Tomasz 4
Wachler, Albrecht Wilhelm Jakob 6, 62, 132
Waesich, Cherubino 34, 43, 48, 90, 98, 104,
Wagner, Gottfried 13, 69
Waldburg zu Wolfegg, Johann von, biskup
Konstancji | bishop of Constance 40, 96,
Waza, Karol Ferdynand, biskup wrocławski |
bishop of Breslau 40, 96, 175
Wąs, Gabriela 12, 68, 132
Weich, Stephan 211
Weidner, Johann 13, 69
Weirauch, Elisabeth 26, 83, 124
Weirauch, Georg 26, 83, 124
Weisse, Melchior 24, 81
Wergiliusz → Publius Vergilius Maro
Wessely, Othmar 18, 75, 129
Whenham, John 354
Żerańska-Kominek, Sławomira 60, 116
Żerelik, Rościsław 12, 68, 132
5. Indeksy | Indices
5.2. Indeks nazw miejscowych | Index of place names
363, 365, 373, 379, 380, 387, 392,
400, 402, 404, 405, 406, 412, 415,
426, 429, 433, 434, 440, 447, 450,
467, 468, 471, 474, 478, 479, 499,
522, 530, 532, 533, 534, 541, 556,
563, 585, 588, 592, 593
Bolonia → Bologna
Bonn 32, 88, 130
Borowa 32, 88
Bourges 9, 65
Bozolo 36, 92, 251, 281, 328
Bremen 229
Brescia 36, 45, 92, 100, 166, 182, 200,
336, 484, 534, 544, 559, 562
Breslau → Wrocław
Bressa 202, 346
Brugnetto 40, 96, 252
Budziszyn → Bautzen
Adria 40, 96, 267
Akwileja → Aquileia
Albese con Cassano 282, 527, 571, 575
Ancona 40, 42, 95, 97, 403, 413, 536, 556
Ankona → Ancona
Ann Arbor 17, 73, 132
Antwerp → Antwerpen
Antwerpen 9, 10, 65, 66
Antwerpia → Antwerpen
Aquileia 191
Arbroath 181, 270, 378, 532
Arezzo 35, 36, 41, 90, 92, 97, 407
Asola 36, 92, 452
Asolo 515, 516, 579
Assisi 36, 92, 161
Asyż → Assisi
Attel 41, 97, 596
Bagnacavallo 358
Barbarano Vicentino 304, 418, 428, 567
Basel 33, 89, 126, 129, 599
Bautzen 225
Bazylea → Basel
Belluno 36, 40, 92, 95, 249
Benevento 40, 96, 429
Benewent → Benevento
Bergamo 34, 35, 36, 40, 42, 43, 90, 91, 95, 96,
98, 99, 158, 239, 249, 281, 291, 294, 304,
337, 348, 390, 391, 433, 447, 454, 489,
514, 563, 583
Berlin 6, 7, 32, 37, 52, 62, 63, 86, 88, 93, 108,
118, 126–127, 304, 525
Bernstadt → Bierutów
Birkeneck 32, 88, 131
Birmingham 354
Bohrau → Borowa
Bologna 9, 14, 34, 35, 40, 41, 45, 66, 70, 89,
90, 91, 96, 97, 100, 118, 133, 142, 144,
146, 151, 184, 196, 233, 252, 254, 259,
270, 298, 301, 313, 319, 322, 332, 338,
Cagli 445
Cambridge 159
Camerino 40, 95, 422
Candiana 578
Capodistria → Koper
Capri 36, 92, 365
Casalmaggiore 35, 36, 44, 90, 92, 100, 177,
185, 263, 264, 329, 404
Castellarano 36, 92, 459
Castelleone 370
Celle 197, 494
Cesena 361, 529
Cingoli 370
Cologne → Köln
Conegliano 374
Constance → Konstanz
Cracow → Kraków
Crema 40, 95, 426
Cremona 35, 36, 41, 91, 92, 97, 313, 340, 450,
506, 555
Czerwińsk 175
5.2. Indeks nazw miejscowych | Index of place names
Danzig → Gdańsk
Dresden 34, 37, 90, 93, 118, 225, 227, 229,
230, 231, 600
Drezno → Dresden
Duisburg 127
Dundee 264
Düsseldorf 35, 91, 601
Heidelberg 10, 66, 339, 340, 341, 342, 354,
370, 412, 413, 428, 467, 498, 549, 590, 591
Helmstedt 14, 70
Hirschberg → Jelenia Góra
Holzgerlingen 15, 71, 128
Huntingdon 332
Iesi 406
Imola 36, 40, 92, 95, 270, 462, 465, 485
Ingolstadt 34, 90, 212
Innsbruck 34, 37, 90, 92, 510, 512, 596, 597
Eichstätt 40, 95, 558
Fabriano 36, 41, 92, 97, 202, 346, 445
Faenza 35, 36, 42, 90, 92, 98, 296, 346, 351,
361, 377, 384, 431, 446, 465, 476, 488, 511,
Fano 43, 99, 248, 477, 478
Ferrara 35, 41, 42, 43, 90, 91, 97, 99, 165, 173,
178, 247, 269, 271, 290, 301, 329, 341, 359,
389, 420–422, 480, 486, 529, 530, 543, 546,
564, 570, 584
Fiesole 36, 92, 160
Firenze 34, 36, 41, 90, 92, 97, 127, 163, 171,
176, 187, 191, 196, 197, 199, 209, 211, 239,
274, 320, 327, 431, 493, 507, 574
Florence | Florencja → Firenze
Forlì 36, 40, 41, 92, 95, 97, 342, 381, 386, 387,
443, 554
Fossombrone 478
Frankfurt am Main 23, 34, 49–51, 79, 90, 105,
106, 118, 128, 189, 237
Frankfurt an der Oder 14, 70
Frankfurt nad Menem → Frankfurt am Main
Frankfurt nad odrą → Frankfurt an der
Freiberg 34, 90, 600
Jauer → Jawor
Jawor 14, 19, 71, 75
Jelenia Góra 11, 67, 131
Jena 14, 70
Karlsruhe 118, 602
Kassel 33, 89, 118, 126, 127, 129, 201, 207,
227, 229, 481, 583, 599
Kolonia → Köln
Konstancja → Konstanz
Konstanz 37, 40, 93, 96, 221, 598
Koper 41, 44, 97, 100, 307, 402
Köln 8, 10, 27, 64, 66, 83, 128, 131, 207, 223,
224, 355, 474, 495, 525, 534
Kraków 4, 11, 12, 17, 21, 22, 37, 44, 68, 74, 77,
78, 93, 118, 126–127, 129, 130, 131, 213,
328, 369, 401, 481, 527
Krumlov 600
Legnica 20, 76, 126
Leipzig 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 31, 32, 34, 37, 44,
50, 70, 71, 74, 76, 87, 90, 93, 100, 105,
123, 124, 125–126, 129, 131, 223, 224,
304, 364, 599, 601, 602
Leno 41, 97, 147, 345
Leszno 11, 67, 131
Leuven 9, 65
Liegnitz → Legnica
Lipsk → Leipzig
Lissa → Leszno
Ljubljana 40, 95,
Lodi 35, 36, 90, 92, 248, 368, 375, 470, 532
Lonato 484
London 33, 89, 118, 126, 129, 221, 264, 287,
493, 494, 599
Londyn → London
Loreto 36, 92, 461, 508
Lowanium → Leuven
Gallipoli 289
Gdańsk 4
Genova 43, 99, 419
Genoa | Genua → Genova
Germersheim 162, 182, 194, 575
Getynga → Göttingen
Gorizia 36, 41, 92, 97, 382, 441
Göttingen 15, 71, 132
Graz 19, 75, 128, 129
Guastalla 44, 100, 151, 206, 234, 235, 328–
329, 478, 505
Gubbio 40, 96, 416, 417
Halle 14, 70
Hamburg 18, 40, 74, 95, 124, 214, 224
5. Indeksy | Indices
Lubeka → Lübeck
Lublana → Ljubljana
Lucca 158
Lübeck 19, 75, 128
Neapol → Napoli
Neuburg 35, 91, 152, 308
Neuhausen 204, 207, 525
Neukirch → Nowy Kościół
New York 33, 89, 118, 126, 129, 168, 215,
286, 406, 462, 517, 576, 599
Nicolsburg → Mikulov
Niepołomice 481
Nijmegen 10, 66
Norcia 444
Noto 36, 92, 273, 423, 430
Novara 36, 41, 44, 92, 97, 100, 339–340, 366–
367, 467–468, 575
Noventa di Piave 36, 40, 92, 96, 522
Nowy Jork → New York
Nowy Kościół 32, 88
Nürnberg 140, 141
Madison (Wisconsin) 168, 211, 413, 426
Magdeburg 204, 221, 447, 471
Magrè & Monte 334, 436, 523
Mainz 37, 40, 50, 93, 96, 105, 106, 176, 201,
204, 284, 605
Mantova 35, 36, 43, 44, 90, 92, 99, 100, 186,
277, 321, 329, 354, 366, 371, 377, 421, 438,
505, 583
Mantua → Mantova
Marburg 14, 70
Markdorf 220
Massa Fiscaglia 36, 92, 300
Massa Lombarda 36, 92, 361
Mediolan → Milano
Messina 36, 92, 259, 260, 419, 594
Messyna → Messina
Middleton (Wisconsin) 243, 308, 349, 369
Mikulov 363, 434
Milan → Milano
Milano 35, 36, 40, 41, 44, 49, 90, 92, 96, 97,
100, 105, 133, 134, 136, 138, 153, 167, 174,
180, 183, 185, 197, 278, 324, 344, 412, 419,
435, 463, 467, 468, 472, 482, 518, 552, 565,
577, 581
Milicz 27, 83, 124
Militsch → Milicz
Modena 36, 92, 150, 157, 170, 194, 197, 234,
374, 548
Moguncja → Mainz
Monselice 36, 92, 526
Montagnana 36, 44, 92, 100, 317
Monte dell’Olmo 36, 38, 92, 94, 537, 538
Monteflascone 36, 92, 261
Monte Oliveto Maggiore 591
Montevecchio 415
Monza 36, 92, 335
Moscow → Moskwa
Moskwa 32, 88, 118, 119
Murano 36, 41, 42, 92, 97, 232, 285–286, 352
München 118, 127, 150, 223, 345, 366, 470,
518, 563
Offida 538, 539
Olomouc 37, 92
ołomuniec → Olomouc
Orciano 321
orlean → Orléans
Orléans 9, 65, 105
Osimo 36, 92, 305
Otricoli 478
Oxford 50, 106, 118, 130, 171, 264, 482, 539,
Padova 9, 14, 36, 40, 41, 66, 70, 92, 95, 96,
97, 144, 147, 166, 286, 295, 297, 299, 345,
381, 386, 443, 448, 487, 534, 536, 539,
540, 554
Padua | Padwa → Padova
Palermo 430
Panthenau → Pątnów
Paris 9, 65, 118, 245, 359, 584, 599
Parma 40, 95, 96, 374, 379, 390, 447, 452
Paryż → Paris
Pavia 367
Pątnów 16, 73, 124
Pesaro 40, 95, 96, 187, 189, 312, 393, 439,
456, 504, 553
Piacenza 36, 92, 427
Pistoia 36, 92, 483
Pomezia 126
Posen → Poznań
Pordenone 36, 92, 470
Poznań 31, 87, 129
Praga | Prague → Praha
Naples → Napoli
Napoli 10, 34, 66, 90, 579, 589
Narni 478
5.2. Indeks nazw miejscowych | Index of place names
triest → Trieste
Trieste 36, 44, 92, 100, 490
Tübingen 14, 70
tybinga → Tübingen
Tyniec 175
Praha 33, 89, 126, 129, 280
Ramfeld → Ramułtowice
Ramułtowice 32, 88
Ratyzbona → Regensburg
Ravenna 36, 40, 41, 92, 96, 97, 385, 485, 486,
Ravensburg 34, 90, 221, 598
Rawenna → Ravenna
Regensburg 6, 12, 62, 69, 127, 130, 332
Reggio 36, 40, 45, 92, 96, 100, 150–151, 170,
252, 288, 325, 455
Rimini 36, 92, 443, 448
Roma 10, 33, 34, 36, 38, 45, 66, 89, 90, 91,
93, 100, 129, 144, 159, 205, 219, 259–260,
261, 287, 289, 296, 304, 309, 323, 326,
380, 416, 478, 513, 565, 567, 587
Romanengo 36, 41, 44, 92, 97, 100, 339–340
Rom | Rome → Roma
Rostock 14, 70
Rovigo 36, 41, 44, 92, 97, 100, 352–353, 423,
544, 591
Rubbiera 44, 100, 460
Rzym → Roma
Udine 35, 36, 44, 91, 92, 100, 282, 503, 568
Ulm 12, 68, 130
Urbino 35, 36, 43, 90, 92, 99, 217, 370, 445,
Vado 478
Val Taleggio 133, 138
Valence 9, 65
Valenza 466, 512
Venezia 9, 10, 21, 22, 33, 34, 35, 37, 40, 41,
42, 43, 44, 66, 73, 89, 90, 91, 93, 96, 97, 98,
99, 100, 133, 136, 140, 142–144, 146–152,
155–159, 161, 162, 164–169, 171–175,
177–180, 182–187, 190–193, 194, 196,
197, 199–202, 204, 205, 207, 208, 210, 214,
216, 217, 219, 232–235, 237–242, 244, 245,
247–250, 252–255, 257, 258, 260, 262–267,
269–274, 276–292, 294–296, 299–309,
311–313, 315–322, 324, 326, 328–332,
334–339, 341–354, 356–361, 363–366,
368–374, 377–379, 381–395, 397–408,
410–412, 414–416, 418–419, 421–424,
426–428, 430–452, 454–455, 457–467,
469–471, 473–477, 479–508, 510–512,
514–527, 529–550, 552–560, 562–565,
568–572, 574–584, 586–587, 591, 594
Venice → Venezia
Verona 36, 40, 41, 42, 91, 95, 97, 98, 167, 283,
317, 321, 344, 348, 359, 408, 432, 449,
531, 556
Viadana 36, 92, 177, 371
Vicenza 36, 40, 45, 92, 96, 100, 237, 255, 287,
302, 424, 496, 498, 510, 560
Vienna → Wien
Sabbioneta 44, 100, 251, 281, 328–329
Sala Bolognese 406
Salò 36, 92, 383
Salzburg 37, 40, 92, 95, 212, 436, 442, 512
San Marino 36, 44, 92, 100, 439
Schaumburg 141
Schio 334, 436, 523
Siena 36, 92, 205, 568, 591
Sorau → Żary
Speyer 10, 66
Spilimbergo 170
Spira → Speyer
Stanford 119, 186
Stembridge, Christopher 144
Striese → Strzeszów
Strzeszów 8, 9, 64, 65
Stuttgart 8, 14, 64, 70, 126, 131, 132, 204,
226, 321, 550
Warsaw → Warszawa
Warszawa 2, 3, 4, 21, 35, 37, 60, 78, 91, 93,
Washington 119
Wasserburg 37, 44, 93, 100, 596, 597
Weimar 8, 27, 64, 83, 128, 131
Wenecja → Venezia
Werona → Verona
Wiedeń → Wien
Terranova 133, 136, 138
Todi 156
Torino 126
Toruń 38, 94, 128
Toulouse 269
Treviso 36, 40, 92, 95, 316, 527, 578, 579
5. Indeksy | Indices
Wien 8, 27, 35, 37, 41, 44, 64, 83, 91, 92, 97,
98, 99, 128, 131, 150, 167, 187, 233, 240,
245, 250, 308, 395, 412, 450, 451, 517,
545, 573
Wiesbaden 506
Winterthur 231
Wiśnicz 37, 93, 276, 481
Wittenberg 9, 10, 14, 19, 65, 68, 70, 75, 125
Wittenberga → Wittenberg
Wolfenbüttel 194, 388
Wrocław 1, 3, 5–17, 19, 20, 22–26, 29, 30, 31,
32, 38, 40, 48, 50, 56, 58, 60, 61–73, 75,
76, 78–82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 90, 94,
96, 109, 112, 113, 116, 118, 119–123, 124,
125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132,
Zator 481
Zürich 118, 488
Żory 7, 63
Table of contents
1. Wstęp | Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 | 61
2. Historia zbioru | History of the collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8 | 64
2.1. Thomas Rehdiger i jego biblioteka | Thomas Rehdiger and his library . 8 | 64
2.2. Kościół i gimnazjum św. Elżbiety we Wrocławiu | St Elisabeth’s
Church and Gymnasium in Wrocław . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 | 67
2.3. Kolekcja muzykaliów Daniela Sartoriusa | Daniel Sartorius’
music collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 | 73
2.4. Późniejsze losy muzycznej kolekcji Daniela Sartoriusa | The fate
of Daniel Sartorius’ music collection in later years . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 | 86
3. Repertuar | The repertoire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 | 89
Miejsca wydania i wydawcy | Places of publication and publishers . . . .
Kompozytorzy i ich ośrodki | The composers and music centres . . . . .
Adresaci dedykacji | The dedicatees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gatunki i formy muzyczne | Musical forms and genres . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Charakter i specyfika przekazu | The character and distinctive
features of the collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
33 | 89
34 | 90
39 | 94
45 | 101
48 | 104
4. Katalog | The catalogue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 | 108
Normy edytorskie | Editorial standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 | 110
Wykaz skrótów | List of abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Źródła | Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Bibliotheca Sartoriana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
5. Indeksy | Indices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.1. Indeks osób | Index of names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2. Indeks nazw miejscowych | Index of place names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .