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2018, Met andere woorden
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Verschillende musea spreken niet meer van 'slaven' maar van 'tot slaaf gemaakte mensen'. Kan het woord 'slaven' nog wel in de Bijbel? Suzan Sierksma-Agteres meent van wel. Volgens Martin Theile past het zeker niet bij Jezus.
Israël: wortel en doorn: Onderzoek naar de plaats van Israël als religieuze entiteit in het Nederlandse protestantisme na de Tweede Wereldoorlog. [s.n.]. Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim.
Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 2008
john exalto en gert van klinken Bij de productie van dit boek is gebruikgemaakt van papier dat het keurmerk Forest Stewardship Council® (fsc®) draagt. Bij dit papier is het zeker dat de productie niet tot bosvernietiging heeft geleid. Ook is het papier 100% chloor-en zwavelvrij gebleekt.
Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets van deze uitgave mag worden verveelvuldigd en/of openbaar gemaakt door middel van druk, fotokopie, mikrofilm of op welke andere wijze dan ook zonder de voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de uitgever. Voor zover het maken van kopieën uit deze uitgave is toegestaan op grond van artikel 16B Auteurswet 1912 juncto het Besluit van 20 juni 1974, St.b. 351, zoals gewijzigd bij het Besluit van 23 augustus 1985, St.b. 471 en artikel 17 Auteurswet 1912, dient men de daarvoor wettelijk verschuldigde vergoedingen te voldoen aan de Stichting Reprorecht (Postbus 882, 1180 AW Amstelveen). Voor het overnemen van gedeelte(n) uit deze uitgave in bloemlezingen, readers en andere compilatiewerken (artikel 16 Auteurswet 1912) dient men zich tot de uitgever te wenden.
Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 2001
Theological Studies/Teologiese Studies, 2015
Peace and judgement in the gospel according to Luke. Quite rightly Luke is called an evangelist of peace and non-violence. It is recognised in several studies that peace, nonviolence and love for the enemy are integral parts of the message of the Lucan Jesus. Yet this statement cannot be made without criticism. In the gospel of Luke there are many texts in which violence is present, which is incongruent with the message of peace and non-violence. Sometimes there is even violence that is excessive. In many of these texts violence has to do with vengeance in the judgement. In some recent studies the relation of the peace-message of Jesus and the retribution in the judgement is discussed. In this article we first examine the problem of violence in Luke's gospel with the help of Luke 19:9-27. In the vision of Luke the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE is a consequence of the refusal to accept the message of Jesus. To understand this it is necessary to place the fall of Jerusalem in the eschatological timetable of Luke. We see here a certain equivalence between the situation of the contemporaries of Jesus within the gospel and the situation of the intended readers in the last quarter of the first century CE. Moreover we propose to reverse the way the question is put. We do not have to enlighten how it is possible that after the peace-message of Jesus there will be vengeance in the judgement. First there is the announcement of the judgement. After that a delay is announced for the contemporaries of Jesus as well as for the intended readers of Luke's gospel: a year of the Lord's favour. This delay gives room for repentance.
BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review, 2005
In the 1950'sand 1960's, the Roman Catholic priest Han Fortmann (1912-1970) was the first to teach such not uncontroversial topics as the psychology and anthropology of religion at the Catholic University, at Nijmegen. However, through his newspaper articles and his radio broadcasts, his influence reached far beyond Academia. Articulating his own views and doubts on contemporary (Dutch) Catholicism, he became a popular figure, an icon almost of critical Catholicism. As this essay shows, both in his major study, Als Ziende de Onzienlijke (1964-1968) and in subsequent publications, he felt increasingly disenchanted with the cultural and moral-religious vitality of the western world. Consequently, he stressed the need for an exploration of and a dialogue with eastern religions, mainly Hinduism and Buddhism, to regenerate the life and culture of western man, to show him the way from the 'I' to the 'not-I'. His own research seems to have led him to accept that man...
What counts as sociology of religion? The burden of a rich past In 1960, the Dutch journal of the Catholic Social-Ecclesial Institute (Kaski) Sociaal Kompas became Social Compass. This shift rounded off a period now considered as the heyday of Dutch sociology of religion. Ironically, in those years, Catholic sociologists in particular contested the legitimacy of taking religion as an object of sociological study. Each period in the history of sociology of religion appears to present a different face of it due to the interplay between the political field, the religious field, and the academic field, while the self-identification of its practitioners as sociologists of religion is far from self-evident. After 1980, further secularization resulted in a subsequent decline of chairs in sociology of religion. As direct, competitive government funding of academic research gained traction, the social-scientific study of religion continues to be funded. In so far as politicians and religious...
Kind en Adolescent Praktijk, 2008
IEEE engineering management review, 2024
Complutum, 2020
Facta Universtitatis: Law and Politics, 2021
EGA Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica
文艺理论研究/Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art, 2023
Sustainable Cities and Society, 2019
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 1994
Administration and Policy in Mental Health, 1994
International journal of dermatology, 2004
bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory), 2023
It's How You Flip It. Multiple Perspectives on Hip-Hop and Music Education, 2024
Documenta Ophthalmologica, 2014
Spanish journal of palaeontology, 2022