Journal of Hydrology 212–213 (1998) 1–21
Biospheric Aspects of the Hydrological Cycle
R.W.A. Hutjes a,*, P. Kabat a, S.W. Running b, W.J. Shuttleworth c, C. Field d, B. Bass e,
M.A.F. da Silva Dias f, R. Avissar g, A. Becker h, M. Claussen h, A.J. Dolman a,
R.A. Feddes i, M. Fosberg j, Y. Fukushima k, J.H.C. Gash l, L. Guenni m, H. Hoff j,
P.G. Jarvis m, I. Kayane n, A.N. Krenke o, Changming Liu p, M. Meybeck q, C.A. Nobre r,
L. Oyebande s, A. Pitman t, R.A. Pielke Sr. u, M. Raupach v, B. Saugier w, E.D. Schulze x,
P.J. Sellers y, J.D. Tenhunen z, R. Valentini aa, R.L. Victoria ab, C.J. Vörösmarty ac
DLO Winand Staring Centre for Integrated Land, Soil and Water Research, PO Box 125, NL 6700 AC, Wageningen, Netherlands
School of Forestry, University of Montana, Missoula, USA
Department of Hydrology and Water Resources, University of Arizona, Tuscon, USA
Department of Plant Biology, Carnegie Institution, Stanford, USA
Environment Canada, Downsview, Canada
Department of Astronomy and Geophysics, University of São Paolo, São Pãolo, Brazil
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Germany
Agricultural University, Department of Water Resources Management, Wageningen, Netherlands
BAHC Core Project Office, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Germany
Institute for Hydrospheric Atmospheric Sciences, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan
Institute of Hydrology, Wallingford, UK
Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela
Institute of Geoscience, Tsukuba University, Tsukuba, Japan
Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Institute of Agricultural Modernisation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shijiazhuang, People’s Republic of China
Université de Paris, Paris, France
INPE Center for Weather Prediction and Climate Studies, Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil
Hydrology Laboratory, University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria
Macquarie University, North Ryde, Australia
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA
Centre for Environmental Mechanics, CSIRO, Canberra, Australia
Lab d’Ecologie Vegetale, Université de Paris, Paris, France
Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany
NASA Goddard Spacer Flight Center, USA
Department of Plant Ecology, University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany
Universita della Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy
CENA, University of São Paolo, Piracicaba, Brazil
University of New Hampshire, Durham, USA
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 131-317474744;
1 31-317424812; e-mail:
0022-1694/98/$ - see front matter q 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S0022-169 4(98)00255-8
R.W.A. Hutjes et al. / Journal of Hydrology 212–213 (1998) 1–21
The Core Project Biospheric Aspects of the Hydrological Cycle (BAHC) of the International Geosphere Biosphere
Programme (IGBP) addresses the biospheric aspects of the hydrological cycle through experiments and modelling of energy,
water, carbon dioxide and sediment fluxes in the soil-vegetation-atmosphere system at a variety of spatial and temporal scales.
Active regulation of water, energy and carbon dioxide fluxes by the vegetation make it an important factor in regulating the
Earth’s hydrological cycle and in the formation of the climate. Consequently, human induced conversion of vegetation cover is
an important driver for climate change.
A number of recent studies, discussed in this paper, emphasise the importance of the terrestrial biosphere for the climate
system. Initially, these studies demonstrate the influence of the land surface on tropical weather and climate, revealing the
mechanisms, acting at various scales, that connect increasing temperatures and decreasing rainfall to large-scale deforestation
and other forms of land degradation. More recently, the significance of the land surface processes for water cycle and for
weather and climate in temperate and boreal zones was demonstrated.
In addition the terrestrial biosphere plays a significant role in the carbon dioxide fluxes and in global carbon balance. Recent
work suggests that many ecosystems both in the tropics and in temperate zones may act as a substantial sink for carbon dioxide,
though the temporal variability of this sink strength is yet unclear. Further, carbon dioxide uptake and evaporation by vegetation
are intrinsically coupled, leading to links and feedbacks between land surface and climate that are hardly explored yet.
Earth’s vegetation cover and its changes owing to human impact have a profound influence on a lateral redistribution of water
and transported constituents, such as nutrients and sediments, and acts therefore as an important moderator of Earth’s biogeochemical cycles. In the BAHC science programme, the importance of studying the influence of climate and human activities on
mobilisation and river-borne transport of constituents is explicitly articulated. The terrestrial water and associated material
cycles are studied as highly dynamic in space and time, and reflect a complex interplay among climatic forcing, topography,
land cover and vegetation dynamics.
Despite a large progress in our understanding of how the terrestrial biosphere interacts with Earth’s and climate system and
with the terrestrial part of its hydrological cycle, a number of basic issues still remain unresolved. Limited to the scope of
BAHC, the paper briefly assesses the present status and identifies the most important outstanding issues, which require further
research. Two, arguably most important outstanding issues are identified: a limited understanding of natural variability,
especially with respect to seasonal to inter-annual cycles, and of a complex ecosystem behaviour resulting from multiple
feedbacks and multiple coupled biogeochemical cycles within the overall climate system. This leads to two major challenges
for the future science agenda related to global change research. First, there is a need for a strong multidisciplinary integration of
research efforts in both modelling and experiments, the latter extending to inter-annual timescales. Second, the ever increasing
complexity in characterisation and modelling of the climate system, which is mainly owing to incorporation of the biosphere’s
and human feedbacks, may call for a new approach in global change impact studies. Methodologies need to be developed to
identify risks to, and vulnerability of environmental systems, taking into account all important interactions between atmospheric, ecological and hydrological processes at relevant scales. With respect to the influence of climate and human activities
on mobilisation and river-borne transport of constituents, the main issues for the future are related to declining availability and
quality of ground data for quantity and quality of water discharge.
Such assessments presented in this paper, in combination with community wide science evaluation, has lead to an update of
the science agenda for BAHC, a summary of which is provided in the appendix. q 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights
Keywords: Hydrological cycle; Terrestrial biosphere; Global carbon balance; Natural variabilty; Biogeochemical cycle
1. Introduction
About a decade ago the International Council of
Scientific Unions established the International
Geosphere Biosphere programme (IGBP, 1990).
One of its core projects is Biospheric Aspects of the
Hydrological Cycle (BAHC) (IGBP, 1993). BAHC
was created to address the interactions between the
vegetation and the physical processes of the hydrological cycle. The basic science agenda defined for
BAHC involves:
• Determination of the biospheric controls on the
hydrological cycle through experiments and
R.W.A. Hutjes et al. / Journal of Hydrology 212–213 (1998) 1–21
Fig. 1. Diagram showing the structure of IGBP core project
Biospheric Aspects of the Hydrological Cycle, primarily based on
modelling of energy and water fluxes in the soilvegetation-atmosphere system at all spatial and
temporal scales;
• Development of appropriate data sets that describe
the interactions between the terrestrial biosphere
and the physical earth system, and that can be
used for testing and validation of model simulations of these interactions.
Through the active regulation of water and energy
fluxes the terrestrial biosphere has an important influence on climate. A modification of the terrestrial
biosphere, i.e. large-scale changes in land cover and
land use, may lead to changes in climate. The relative
importance of this particular driver of climate change
is increasingly being recognised (Pielke et al., 1998;
Kabat and Hutjes, 1998). Land cover change as a
driver for climate change works in addition to, and
interacts with climate change resulting from the
alteration of the Earth’s radiation balance, caused by
increased concentrations of greenhouse gases. Recent
modelling studies suggest that major land cover
changes in the past may have exacerbated, or even
caused, the observed modifications of regional
climate, which so far was ascribed to the greenhouse
effect. Examples of such well-documented cases are
the increased drought risks in the Mediterranean and
the Sahel following removal of vegetation by forest
clearing and over-exploitation respectively (Reale and
Dirmeyer, 1998; Xue and Shukla, 1993). Current land
cover changes, like tropical deforestation, are taking
place at a much higher rate than ever occurred in the
past. These may not only influence climate directly,
through the water and energy cycles, but as the
process of conversion often includes biomass burning,
they also add substantially to carbon dioxide emissions. Deforestation is the second major global source
of atmospheric CO2 after emission of carbon by fossil
fuel combustion (Houghton et al., 1996). Conversely,
as growing vegetation acts also as a sink of carbon
dioxide, land management in the form of afforestation
has recently been proposed to become a new policy
instrument to mitigate, i.e. temporise, further
increases in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere
(Steffen et al., 1998).
The Earth’s vegetation cover and its modification
owing to human impact have also a profound influence on a lateral redistribution of water and transported constituents, such as nutrients and sediments,
and acts therefore as an important moderator of the
Earth’s biogeochemical cycles. Large-scale land use
changes, such as deforestation in the past, in combination with river regulation and with increasing levels
of agriculture and industrial pollution, have produced
a severe distortion of natural hydrographs and altered
material transport (Vörösmarty et al., 1997a; Vörösmarty et al., 1997b; Humborg et al., 1997). Regional
changes in the delivery of land-based constituents
collectively appear to have imparted a biogeochemical signal at continental and global scales. For example, it was estimated that riverine transports of
inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus have increased
several fold over last 150–200 years (Meybeck and
Helmer, 1989;Howarth et al., 1996). While these
changes are accelerating, the basic monitoring of
hydrological fluxes, through data provided by observational networks for discharge and water quality,
remains insufficient and fragmented. It is therefore
not surprising that we lack accurate quantitative estimate of continental to global-scale runoff, riverine
constituent flux and the major factors that control
Research on the impact of mankind on land cover
and land use as an important driver of past, present
and future climate change deserves a high priority.
The BAHC programme seeks to foster and co-ordinate this particular research agenda and to identify the
most progress-limiting issues as a basis for new, often
multi-disciplinary research lines. This is an ongoing
process, which also requires the programme itself to
R.W.A. Hutjes et al. / Journal of Hydrology 212–213 (1998) 1–21
Fig. 2. Full suite of land surface (including ecological and biogeochemical) hydrology and atmosphere interactions active at various time scales
(see text for further explanation).
evolve. Initially, the BAHC programme was structured around four foci. These foci form a thematic
structure based on a progression of time and spatial
scales (see Fig. 1):
1. plot scale research on fundamental soil–vegetation–atmosphere interactions (Focus 1);
2. aspects of scaling and aggregation to regional
scales as defined by the grid size of the mesoscale
and global circulation models (GCM) (Focus 2);
3. long-term (seasonal to decadal) dynamics of
coupling between biosphere, hydrology and
climate (Focus 3); and
4. development of methods to disaggregate output of
GCMs in a dynamically, physically and biologically consistent way to scales more appropriate
for assessments of the impacts of global change
on natural and man made ecosystems (Focus 4).
The First Open Science conference of BAHC,
convened as part of the EGS XX General Assembly
in Hamburg, 1995, presented an overview of results,
and new plans of a large number of research initiatives, contributing to several Foci’s of the BAHC
research agenda. A selection of the papers presented
at the conference was compiled in this volume and structured around the four BAHC research Foci’s. The
conference provided an important contribution to a
process of evaluation and refocusing of the BAHC
science agenda. This process is near completion and it
has resulted in a BAHC new science programme
(Kabat, 1998) that seeks a higher level of integration.
In the following section a number of recent studies
that demonstrate the role and importance of the terrestrial biosphere in the functioning of the climate
system are discussed. This is followed by a brief
assessment of the present status and major
deficiencies in our current understanding, as far as
these fall within what BAHC considers its realm.
R.W.A. Hutjes et al. / Journal of Hydrology 212–213 (1998) 1–21
Fig. 3. Schematic representation of various interactions between
land surface and atmosphere. Three basic interaction mechanisms
are depicted: (a) dotted lines, through the radiation balance; (b)
broken lines, through energy partitioning and (c) continuous lines,
through turbulence and wind convergence. Symbols: a , albedo; Qn,
net radiation; H, sensible and l E, latent heat fluxes; z0, aerodynamic roughness length; u*, friction velocity; Ra, aerodynamic
resistance; Rs, surface resistance; and Ts, surface temperature. See
text for further explanation.
This assessment is structured around the original four
BAHC foci, and the conclusions are formulated in
terms of an updated science implementation plan for
BAHC, of which an outline is given in the appendix. At
the same time, this assessment also provides a context
for the papers included in present volume. An outline
of a strategy to fill in the most pressing remaining gaps
in our knowledge, as well as of a strategy to make
optimal use of the existing knowledge base in support
of policy formulations, concludes the paper.
several inter-linked mechanisms. Vegetation actively
controls the evaporation through its internal physiology; which results in opening of the stomata in
response to environmental conditions affecting photosynthesis, such as the temperature, humidity, radiation, CO2 concentration and soil moisture. The
stomata respond rather quickly to a change in environmental conditions and a characteristic time scale for
the coupling with the atmosphere is typically 0.01–
1 h (strong coupling). More passively, through its
albedo and structure, vegetation also affects other
terms of terrestrial energy balance, as well as the
wind dynamics. Although the coupling between the
surface characteristics, like the vegetation structure
and the atmosphere, is a very fast turbulent process
(typical time scales of seconds to hours), a significant
change in albedo would typically follow the seasonal
evolution of the vegetation (moderate coupling with
time scales of a week to a year). Finally, the vegetation moderates the biogeochemical and hydrological
cycles by changing the pools and the fluxes of nutrients, sediments and by its interference with a lateral
redistribution of water and transported constituents.
Vegetation and soils exchange large quantities of
carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases with the
atmosphere, thereby influencing the overall radiation
balance of the earth. The coupling of biogeochemical
and soil chemical processes with the atmosphere is
expected to be most significant at very long time
scales (one to several hundreds years), but arguably,
this coupling mechanism may be a most crucial
component of the system, when investigating climatic
and global change signals.
2. The coupling between the biosphere, atmosphere
and the hydrological cycle
2.1. The impact of land surface on climate: energy and
water links
The processes within the terrestrial biosphere,
atmosphere and the hydrological cycle are intrinsically coupled (see Fig. 2). The coupling mechanism
in the biosphere–atmosphere system is non-linear and
in all cases, bi- or multi-directional, which means that
an individual component of the system is both under
the influence of, as well as impacting upon, the
remaining parts of the system. The strength of the
coupling varies with the characteristic time scales,
which range from seconds to millennia.
The vegetation interacts with atmosphere by
In Fig. 3, a schematic representation of various
feedbacks between land surface and atmosphere is
given for the three typical land surface characteristics:
albedo, soil moisture and the aerodynamic roughness
length, which is related to the height of the vegetation
In each loop, positive and negative feedbacks
occur, which means that the overall effect on for
example the rainfall will be a trade-off between
these feedbacks. For instance, an increase in albedo,
resulting from a land cover change, will lead to a
R.W.A. Hutjes et al. / Journal of Hydrology 212–213 (1998) 1–21
Fig. 4. Sensitivity of global rainfall patterns to expansion of all the worlds deserts. Shown are rainfall anomalies of a ‘double desert’run as
percentage of the control run. Results are from the last eight years out of a 10 year intergration with the Center for Ocean Land Atmosphere
studies (COLA) GCM. Land surface is parameterised with the SsiB model. For the ‘double-desert’ case all ‘arid steppe’ (shrubs with bare soil)
grid cells of the control were replaced by desert (bare soil) and some of the surrounding grid cells were replaced by ‘arid steppe’ (from Dirmeyer
and Shukla, 1996)
decrease of radiation absorption by the land surface,
which in its turn will cause a decrease in latent and
sensible heat fluxes to the atmosphere. This will
further result in a decrease of cloudiness, less convergence and finally in lower rainfall. Lower rainfall
means a decrease in surface soil moisture, which
contributes to a further increase of the surface albedo
(positive feedback). Lower cloudiness will also lead
to an increase of incoming radiation, and owing to
more available radiative energy at the surface, indirectly to an increase of latent and sensible heat fluxes
(negative feedback).
Over the past 20 years a number of studies have
build a strong evidence on the effects of land
R.W.A. Hutjes et al. / Journal of Hydrology 212–213 (1998) 1–21
degradation on the Sahelian climate. Most of these
studies were of the ‘force response’ type, where the
response of climate to prescribed changes in land
cover or to modifications of the land surface parameters, was analysed. In earlier studies, only the effect
of changing a single land surface parameter was
investigated, demonstrating that increases in albedo
(Charney, 1975; Charney et al., 1977; Sud and
Fennessey, 1982), decreases in soil moisture (Walker
and Rowntree, 1977) and decreases in aerodynamic
roughness (Sud et al., 1988), may lead to a substantial
decline of rainfall in the area. Progress since then
consisted mostly of increasingly realistic land surface
parameterisations (for a review see Sellers et al.,
1996b), in combination with more realistic land
cover (change) scenarios. Unlike the earlier work
these studies could well simulate the observed decadal
rainfall anomalies in the Sahel (e.g. Xue and Shukla,
1993). Regional reductions of surface evaporation and
moisture flux convergence, increased subsidence and
shifts in the summer monsoon belt, were identified as
the main large-scale causes of observed rainfall reductions.
These large-scale studies revealed another interesting aspect of land surface climate forcing. In many
studies teleconnections were observed, with climate
changes not being limited to the area of land use
change alone, but also manifesting itself well away
in areas not (yet) disturbed. In a recent study Reale
and Shukla (1998) show how Mediterranean deforestation in the Roman era led to a sharp reduction in
rainfall over the Iberian Peninsula and Northwest
Africa. However, also south of the Sahara, where
land degradation occurred only two millennia later,
experienced lower rainfall during the Roman period.
At this scale the oceans play an important role, and the
relative strength of forcing of land surface versus sea
surface temperatures was subject to some studies.
These suggest that in the Sahel, sea surface temperatures dominate at the seasonal to inter-annual time
scale, and the land surface at the decadal time scale,
(e.g.Rowell et al., 1995).
At the mesoscale, patterns in land cover and soil
moisture also become important (Mahfouf et al.,
1988; see also Avissar, 1998). Thermal anomalies in
a landscape (brought about by vegetation and/or soil
moisture anomalies) may trigger thermal circulations,
in turn triggering convection and leading to rainfall. In
semi-arid regions this mechanism may lead to
preferred and seasonally persistent rainfall patterns
(Taylor, 1998), as evaporation is highly dependent
on strongly inhomogeneous antecedent rainfall. This
is a form of land surface atmosphere feedback which
occurs at a much smaller scale then previously
thought, and therefore needs to be included in future
regional studies of climate and global change.
The general conclusions from these studies for the
Sahel — reduction in rainfall after major vegetation
clearing, both local and at larger scales — were
confirmed for a number of other semi-arid to arid
areas of the world (e.g.Xue, 1995), see Fig. 4 (from
Dirmeyer and Shukla, 1996).
Several studies were conducted on the potential
impact of deforestation in the wet tropics. One of
the first studies for the Amazon (Henderson-Sellers
and Hornitz, 1984) predicted a 15–20 mm per
month decrease in rainfall following a complete
removal of tropical rainforest and its replacement by
pasture. The GCM used in this study had no specific
representation of the tropical forest, but the authors
approximated rainforest vegetation by changing the
albedo, the roughness length and the water holding
capacity of a two-layer bucket soil model. Dickinson
and Henderson-Sellers (1988) repeated the study with
a more detailed description of the land surface. The
improved land surface scheme performed better for
evaporation than the older scheme, especially with
respect to the diurnal cycle during both wet and dry
season. However, evaporation was poor when
compared against the measurements of Shuttleworth
(1988). These and subsequent measurements (Gash et
al., 1996) were used to improve the land surface
description coupled to the Hadley GCM (Lean and
Rowntree, 1996), which again predicted a roughly
30 mm/month decrease in rainfall following complete
conversion of forest to pasture. However, recent
mesoscale studies with realistic, partial forest conversion suggested that with limited, relatively dispersed
deforestation rainfall reduction is much less severe
and the rainfall might even increase, at least temporarily (IGBP, 1998). This is probably because of
enhanced triggering of convection by contrasts in
surface energy partitioning (forest vs. pasture), that
occur in this particular area at a length scale similar
to that at which convection is generated (see also
Avissar and Liu, 1996; or Avissar, 1998).
R.W.A. Hutjes et al. / Journal of Hydrology 212–213 (1998) 1–21
There are two reasons that may explain why much
of this work focuses on the tropics. First, at present
land use changes occur mostly, and at unprecedented
rates in the tropics, though in the past changes of
similar magnitude occurred in other parts of the
globe (Mediterranean, Central US, East and South
Asia). The second reason is that at higher latitudes
advection, i.e. frontal systems, dominate weather
formation, and as such were a priori believed to
mask any influence of the land surface. However, a
number of more recent studies suggest that also under
mid- and high-latitude conditions the land surface can
play a strong role in weather formation. Improvements in prescribing seasonal vegetation dynamics
(Dirmeyer, 1994), as well as using better land surface
(soil) schemes (Pielke et al., 1996; Xue et al., 1996;
Betts et al., 1996) improved weather prediction in the
central US. Also, studies on anthropogenic land cover
changes in the same region suggested marked influences on (near surface) climate (Copeland et al., 1996)
and storm formation (Pielke et al., 1996). Tentative
results by Van der Hurk (personal communication)
indicate that also in Europe, at least in summer, land
surface forcing of weather is significant. There are
also indications of significant effects of land surface
forcing at even higher latitudes. Betts and Ball (1997)
showed how improvements in snow–albedo relationships, and in parameterising the influence of moss
cover on soil evaporation enhanced the predictive
capabilities of the ECMWF model.
2.2. Land surface–climate interactions: carbon and
biogeochemical links
Vegetation and soils play an important role as a
store of carbon, while at the same time exchanging
large quantities with the atmosphere. The world’s
forests alone, representing about two-thirds of the
total terrestrial carbon, contain about as much carbon
as the atmosphere. The global rate of deforestation is
15–17 × 10 6 ha per year (Dixon et al., 1994;FAO,
1995) of which most is within the tropics and about
half is in South America. Dixon et al. (1994)
converted this areal loss into a mass of 0.9 Gt C per
year, although some authors have estimated a much
higher figure (Schimel, 1995). This makes deforestation the second major global source of atmospheric
CO2, after emission of carbon by fossil fuel
combustion, comparable to the sink strength of the
total terrestrial vegetation (Houghton, 1996).
The terrestrial biosphere exchanges large quantities
of carbon with the atmosphere. Growing vegetation
absorbs carbon dioxide for photosynthesis, the rate of
which is strongly determined by available light, and
soils release carbon dioxide through heterotrophic
respiration, which is regulated mostly by temperature
and soil wetness. These two fluxes are each more than
an order of magnitude larger than the emission of
carbon by fossil fuel combustion ( , 60 Gt/yr
versus , 6 Gt/yr). However, the net balance of
these two processes, the net terrestrial absorption of
carbon, amounts to roughly 1–2 Gt/yr (Steffen et
al.,1998). This net balance is difficult to assess,
owing to a large temporal variability of both uptake
and release processes in response to the variability of
weather and climate, and as a result of large variety of
ecosystems found on earth. Several recent studies
have elucidated the processes that regulate uptake
and release of CO2 at the annual to inter-annual time
scale. Also, the changes in the global signal of seasonal CO2 concentrations (Keeling et al., 1996) show the
sensitivity of climate variability and the consequences
for source/sink relations of the biosphere (Walker et
al., 1997). Studies using the NOAA flask network
suggest that a significant portion of the uptake of the
terrestrial biosphere is located at mid-latitudes
(Denning et al., 1995). In this context, the tower
flux data of EUROFLUX suggest that mid-latitude
forests take up carbon at annual rates of 1–5 t/ha/yr
(Valentini, 1998). However, also (primary) tropical
forests may sequester carbon as recent, relative
short-term Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE) measurements in Amazonia indicate (Grace et al., 1995). Still,
for the global carbon balance, the uncertainty
involved in the stocks and fluxes of carbon in the
tropics is significant (Schimel, 1995).
A complicating factor in the biospheric control of
climate is that the uptake of carbon dioxide by plants
is strongly coupled to their regulation of evaporation.
This coupling is based on the regulation of stomatal
conductance of plants as a function of (amongst
others) their photosynthesis rate (see also Cox et al.,
1998). Many recent studies indicate that increased
carbon dioxide concentrations, resulting from fossil
fuel combustion, may ‘fertilise’ plants in the sense
that they grow more efficient while using less water
R.W.A. Hutjes et al. / Journal of Hydrology 212–213 (1998) 1–21
Table 1
Comparison of radiative and physiological effects of doubled carbon dioxide on climate. Shown are changes in evapotranspiration, precipitation
and surface air temperature averaged over the last ten years of 30 year GCM integrations, comparing current vs. doubled CO2 conditions. Three
cases are compared: (R) simulation of the effects of CO2 increase on the radiation balance of the earth (the ‘classical’greenhouse effect); (PV)
the effects of CO2 increase on plant photosynthesis and surface conductance, allowing for down-regulation of maximum photosynthesis rates in
response to prolonged exposure of elevated CO2; and (RPV) simulation with the two effects combined. Shown are the effects in the tropics
(14.48S–14.48N) where they are most pronounced. Adapted from (Sellers, 1996a)
Evapotranspiration (%)
Preciptation (%)
Surface air temperature (8C)
2 4.2
2 0.8
2 0.2
(Walker et al., 1998). This fertilisation could feedback
on climate in two opposing ways.
On the one hand it was argued that this fertilisation
may lead to a stronger sink strength, thereby mitigating atmospheric carbon dioxide increase and thus
global warming. However, Schimel (1998) recently
questioned the possibility for a larger uptake of CO2
by the biosphere under higher CO2 concentrations and
a warmer climate, because that would also mean at
least a doubling of nitrogen fluxes into ecosystems.
Current nitrogen deposition trends do not indicate
such increases, suggesting that future C-cycling will
probably be more limited by nitrogen.
On the other hand, as growth becomes limited by
other factors than water, vegetation may sustain
current growth rates at the expense of less water.
Less evaporation implies smaller amounts of water
are returned to the atmosphere, and at same time a
larger fraction of the sun’s radiative energy is
converted to warming the air. In a recent study, taking
account of this effect in climate change prediction
resulted in increased global warming rates comparable to ones owing to the conventional greenhouse
effect, see Table 1 (from Sellers, 1996a). Though far
from generally accepted, this result clearly suggests
how the interplay between terrestrial vegetation,
carbon dioxide emissions and the climate may alter
our perception about the drivers of climate change.
Therefore, it is of utmost importance to integrate
the different biogeochemical cycles in a new generation of models, in which vegetation will be allowed to
evolve, grow and die following seasonal and interannual cycle’s part of the climate, and interacting
with the bio-geo-chemical cycles in the system. Yet,
this new level of complexity may present us with
major surprises. Modelling results show for example
how the seasonality of vegetation affects the precipitation and temperature patterns at regional scales
(Pielke, 1997), feeding back on LAI development.
This suggests that feedbacks between terrestrial vegetation and the atmosphere amplify initial stochastic
variability at the seasonal time scale. Also at much
longer time scales feedbacks between vegetation and
the climate system could amplify climatic changes.
Some model studies suggests that the last glacial
inception (e.g. de Noblet et al., 1996) and the warming
during the mid-Holocene (e.g. Claussen and Gayler,
1997) are driven by changes in the Earth’s orbit, but
they are amplified by vegetation–atmosphere interaction. Alternatively, vegetation-atmosphere models
were found to converge to a single stable combination
of climate and vegetation belts, irrespective of initial
vegetation distribution in some eras, whereas in other
eras differences in initial vegetation distribution lead
to different stable states (Claussen, 1997a; Claussen,
3. Biospheric controls of land surface–atmosphere
interactions: progress and remaining issues
3.1. Plot scale processes
From a global change perspective three general
variants of Soil Vegetation Atmosphere Transfer
(SVAT) models can be identified, all sharing a
common set of core biophysical processes. The particular application of these variants determines the level
of detail necessary to describe the core processes dealing with atmospheric and radiative transfer, soil
moisture dynamics and its lateral redistribution, and
canopy physiology and vegetation dynamics. SVATs
R.W.A. Hutjes et al. / Journal of Hydrology 212–213 (1998) 1–21
intended for incorporation in GCMs and numerical
weather prediction models (NWPMs) basically focus
on a correct representation of radiative energy
exchange at the earth’ surface and its partitioning
into latent and sensible atmospheric heat fluxes.
Hydrology oriented SVATs are similar in their
emphasis of energy and water exchange, but require
a detailed understanding of soil moisture and runoff
dynamics to predict correctly the hydrological routing
and river discharges. Vegetation oriented SVATs put
more emphasis on plant physiology and phenology to
simulate ecosystem productivity and biogeochemical
cycling. Besides these broad classes a wide range of
SVATs were developed for more derived and/or
geographically specific purposes. Arguably, the level
of complexity of SVATs is determined by its intended
applicability at a specific spatial and temporal scale.
As the spatial scale increases a larger number of
different ecosystems have to be described. This can
be done either in a lumped fashion, employing a single
parameterisation using effective, aggregated parameters, or in a distributed fashion using multiple parameter sets, or even seperate sub-models for each
ecosystem (described later; also Avissar (1998)
presents a discussion of such strategies). As the
temporal scale increases the interactions between
each of the basic components become more important
to a point where all need to be explicitly modelled and
coupled to each other. This aspect has made the
current generation of land surface models to be
more integrated descriptions of surface energy
balance, photosynthesis, soil moisture and nutrient
status. In particular, three areas currently attract
most attention: ‘greening’ of SVATs through incorporation of more realistic plant physiology, ‘wetting’
of SVATs by improving on the wet hydrology parameterisations, and ‘generalisation’ by validation
against long-term, inter-annual data sets from diverse
Incorporation of carbon dynamics and vegetation
physiology is motivated by a number of reasons.
Arguably, better estimates of conductance can be
achieved, with fewer empirical parameters, through
the coupling of stomatal functioning and photosynthetic assimilation rates. From this coupling it also
follows that vegetation is likely to respond directly
to elevated CO2 levels by increases in productivity
combined with a higher water-use efficiency, thereby
enhancing the radiative climate response (Sellers,
1996a), as discussed in the previous section. In turn
these changes may affect vegetation structure and
functioning, and it is a matter of efficiency and consistency to use the same framework for modelling both
the energy balance, and photosynthesis, and long-term
plant structural and carbon dynamics. A number of
papers in this volume fall in this area of research
(Cienciala et al., 1998; Cox et al., 1998; Soegaard
and Thorgeirsson, 1998).
Studies in the context of the Project for Intercomparison of Land surface Parameterisation Schemes,
PILPS, (Pitman and Henderson-Sellers, 1998) have
shown a large variability in the ability of land surface
parameterisations to simulate soil moisture. Analysing 14 different model codes currently in use in
climate models, Wetzel et al. (1996) found that for
all models runoff was systematically underestimated.
They also found large differences between the various
models. Further, incorporation of more physically
based soil parameterisations led GCM and NWPM
simulations to drift towards too dry climates. Thus,
despite a great sensitivity of current climate and
weather forecasts on soil moisture, the parameterisations of soil moisture and root water uptake are probably the weaker part of these models. As such, this
remains an important area for future initiatives
(covered by BAHC key theme two, see appendix).
A number of papers in the present volume fall in
this area (Yang et al., 1998; Callies et al., 1998).
In the past, much developmental work on SVATs
was based on observational data from one, or at best a
few sites, spanning relatively short time periods.
Large-scale applications of SVATs however, require
validation and testing against long-term data sets,
covering time scales from diurnal to multi-annual,
from sites representative of the major biomes in the
world. Observational techniques (e.g.Moncrieff et al.,
1994) have now developed to the point where this
need can be met by the establishment of long-term
continuous flux measurement networks (Baldocchi
et al., 1996). The so-called FLUXNET project (see
BAHC key theme 1, appendix) co-ordinates the effort
by encouraging standardisation, as far as appropriate,
of observational techniques, sensors, calibration and
auxiliary observations, as well as archiving of data in
common accessible databases, and co-ordination of
analysis efforts. Currently a large number of sites
R.W.A. Hutjes et al. / Journal of Hydrology 212–213 (1998) 1–21
are, or soon will be operational in Europe, the Americas, Australia and Asia.
A number of recent SVAT intercomparison
projects, like PILPS (Henderson-Sellers et al., 1996;
Pitman and Henderson-Sellers, 1998), IGBP-GAIM’s
Global Net Primary Productivity model intercomparison (Prince et al., 1995), and the Global Soil Wetness
Index Project of GEWEX-ISLSCP (Dirmeyer et al.,
1998), proved crucial in these developments. They
identified both the most critical and/or most redundant
processes and parameters. These projects developed a
rational framework for data handling, model intercomparison and communication, that includes checks of
internal consistency of the models against basic energy
and mass closure, and perhaps more importantly, identifying the main areas of uncertainty in the current
generation of SVAT models.
A recent joint BAHC, ISLSCP, PILPS, GCTE
workshop (Dolman and Dickinson, 1998) capitalised
on these projects by addressing issues of parameterisation and data availability, with the general aim of
setting out and prioritising lines for future development. Two issues were identified as crucial in
virtually any SVAT component: the level of complexity required, and the necessity of treating the heterogeneity of the land surface (discussed later).
Improvement of SVATs generally was accompanied
by an increase in complexity. This raises problems in
both the use of these models to represent large heterogeneous areas, as well as the methods and data required
to test and calibrate these models. Thus, the need was
identified for a more systematic study to define an
optimal level of complexity of SVATs (BAHC key
theme 3, see appendix, is a response to this need).
3.2. Landscape heterogeneity
Real landscapes exhibit considerable heterogeneity
at scales below the resolution of large-scale atmospheric models. This heterogeneity has aspects of
topography, variation between and in vegetation
types, and of variability in soil physical properties.
It is important to understand when and how the
presence of unresolved heterogeneity requires recognition in any aggregate representation. Aggregation
here refers to a form of spatial averaging and involves
two lines of research. When modelling spatially variable processes aggregation seeks to optimise the grid
size such that the resolution is fine enough to leave
results unaffected by unresolved variability, yet
coarse enough to allow efficient simulations. From a
data perspective it searches for an adequate spatial
resolution of measurements, requiring an assessment
of the effects of resolution on the accuracy of remotely
sensed data and derivatives.
Land–atmosphere interactions and the issues of
effective, aggregate representation of sub-grid variability were addressed in a series of large-scale field
experiments (LSE) which were effectively conceived
by the BAHC- and ISLSCP/GEWEX research
communities. Examples of these are HAPEXMOBILHY (André et al., 1986), FIFE (Sellers et al.,
1992) EFEDA (Bolle et al., 1993), HAPEX-Sahel
(Goutorbe et al., 1994; Goutorbe et al., 1997),
BOREAS (Sellers et al., 1995), NOPEX (Halldin et
al., 1998) and many others. These projects each
produced a wealth of data, and were the breeding
ground for significant progress in many aspects of
observational methodology and model development,
not only from the large-scale perspective but also for
plot-scale processes.
The progress made in the field of aggregation was
assessed during the Tuscon Aggregation Workshop
(Michaud and Shuttleworth, 1997). It was concluded
that (under particular circumstances) relatively simple
aggregation techniques can be used in large-scale
modelling over flat terrain. Simple aggregation rules
for above ground surface properties were shown to
provide surface fluxes within 10% of fluxes simulated
by models resolving the full patch scale heterogeneity.
However, dealing with the often very fine scale
heterogeneity in soil hydraulic properties, soil moisture dynamics and root water uptake remains problematic (Kabat et al., 1997). In the past much effort was
concentrated on vertical processes, and only recently
the representation of lateral redistribution of soil
moisture in large-scale models gains more attention
(e.g. Becker, 1995). The effects of surface heterogeneity at the mesoscale is an area of continued research
efforts. Surface induced mesoscale circulations
require rather complex parameterisations that may
involve a more direct coupling between SVAT and
atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) models, a
challenge taken up by BAHC key theme three (see
The regional energy balance proved to be
R.W.A. Hutjes et al. / Journal of Hydrology 212–213 (1998) 1–21
insensitive to gentle topography, provided vegetation
and soil moisture are uniform (Raupach and Finnigan,
1997). The representation of intensive topography and
the strongly correlated variation in vegetation and soil
(-moisture) in large-scale models requires an even
more integrated approach to the problem than
previous LSEs. BAHC key theme 7 was formulated
in response to this need.
Remotely sensed irradiances are relatively insensitive to unresolved variability. At the pixel level, both
more directly derived variables (e.g. surface temperature), and simple indices that relate to plant physiological parameters (e.g. NDVI), seem to represent
effective values representative of sub pixel variation
(Moran et al., 1997). Mapping of more derived hydrometeorological variables through remote sensing is an
area of very active research (examples in this volume:
Prince et al., 1998; Bastiaansen et al., 1998;
Schmugge, 1998). As many derived products are
non-linearly dependent on primary observables (e.g.
sensible heat flux on surface temperature), they are
more sensitive to unresolved variability. A better
mutual integration of SVAT models with remote
sensing algorithms, and the combined use of multiple
sensor types, short-wave, thermal and microwave,
seems promising in this respect.
3.3. The largest scales
Dealing with truly global environmental change
issues requires extension of understanding, and thus
of data and models, to larger spatial and temporal
scales than those discussed in the two previous
sections. At the same time this necessitates a new
level of integration as more processes that can be
treated more or less independently at small, especially
temporal scales, interact strongly in the long run.
Examples are biospheric controls on the surface
energy balance through processes with increasingly
longer ‘memories’ like soil moisture, nutrient availability and ambient carbon dioxide levels. In this
context BAHC focussed in the past on three themes:
global mapping of biome types, modelling of dynamic
vegetation–climate interactions, and integration at
catchment levels.
Various initiatives aimed at producing global vegetation maps were implemented. The central problem
is to map a continuous species distribution onto
discrete classes, based on structural and/or functional
criteria. Practical considerations (data availability)
limit the number of classes that can be represented
in land surface parameterisations for global models.
In response to this limitation, attempts are being made
to map continuous distributions of characteristics
rather than discrete classes of biomes. An example
of the effects of one approach versus the other is
given by Martin (1998). Such continuous parameter
maps instead of explicit classifications, are also more
consistent with efforts to produce global aggregated
land surface parameter maps (see new BAHC key
theme 8, appendix)
A recent BAHC-ISLSCP workshop on ‘Land
Surface Data in Climate and Weather Models’,
confirmed the importance of earth and its land masses
for weather and climate, a role that is also increasingly
recognised by major weather forecasting and climate
prediction groups (Kabat and Hutjes, 1998). The
review given in the previous sections of this paper
are largely based on that workshop.
The atmospheric modelling community increasingly takes notice of the impact of vegetation and its
distribution and changes on climate. Contrarily,
climate change impact studies implicitly focuses on
the uni-directional effect of climate on natural and
man made vegetations (as an example, see Kergoat,
1998). The BAHC-ISLSCP workshop on ‘Bi-directional Ecosystem Atmosphere Interactions’ (Field
and Avissar, 1998) reviewed very recent attempts to
couple climate and vegetation redistribution in a truly
bi-directional way. Though the analyses are currently
rather limited, the importance of bi-directional
coupling was well recognised and its further development will be fostered by BAHC key theme 5 (see
Impact studies of changes in climate and land cover
on water resources, extreme events like floods and
droughts, and land degradation through erosion and
export of mineral and organic nutrients are all interlinked and may be studied through the behaviour of
river drainage basins. The changing nature of river
systems owing to human interventions is an important
component of the global change debate.
However, the development of large-scale river
process models is impeded by too large uncertainties
in current estimates of riverine fluxes of water
and waterborne materials (e.g. Meybeck, 1994).
R.W.A. Hutjes et al. / Journal of Hydrology 212–213 (1998) 1–21
Fig. 5. Two alternative ways of downscaling GCM output: (a) dynamic downscaling in which the GCM provides the boundary conditions for
higher resolution models; (b) stochastic downscaling, in which statistical relations between observed large-scale weather phenomena and near
surface meteorology are applied to modelled large-scale patterns.
Short-term progress could be made by a combination
of several alternative modelling approaches, spatially
explicit biophysical datasets, and improved river
monitoring systems. A suitable river typology could
permit extrapolation from data-rich catchments to
larger domains. Also with respect to the internal
dynamics of river systems new efforts are needed.
These should be directed towards coupling of (largely
existing) process-based models describing material
erosion, transport, transformations and deposition
along the entire continuum of river systems. The
issue of feedbacks from changes of river systems on
biogeochemical cycling, climate forcing, water
resources need also be addressed in this integrated
way. In both dynamics and feedback studies shortterm emphasis should be on case studies at the regional scale. BAHC key theme 6 will address such issues.
3.4. Downscaling
Simulating ecohydrological impacts of climate
change requires climate data at appropriate spatial
and temporal scales. These data should, at least in a
statistical sense, represent a series of individual
weather events. The organisation of weather events
is characterised by mesoscale atmospheric motions
with typical sizes from a few to a hundred kilometres,
and lifetimes ranging from hours to about a day. These
scales are not resolved by GCMs, and not even by the
observational network for large parts of the globe.
GCMs may only reproduce, in a statistical sense,
large-scale circulations in the order of a thousand kilometres and with lifetimes of multiple days.
Developing methods to provide forcing data at high
spatial and temporal resolution for climate change
impact studies involves a number of research components. The first is the spatial-temporal analysis, interpolation and simulation of current, observed weather
data. This provides part of the basis for the second
component: the downscaling of GCM output. Both
these issues were initially addressed mainly through
statistical approaches. More recently, dynamical
approaches are gaining increasing attention (see Fig.
5). Providing a physical basis for either stochastic
and/or dynamic downscaling is central to a third
Stochastic methods were developed and used to
simulate weather variables at sites remote from monitoring stations, and/or for the analysis of extreme
events under different weather types. This involves
analysis of space–time covariance structures of associated weather anomalies. Spline techniques can be
used to interpolate the parameters of such probability
distributions at monthly time scales. Objective analysis seems more appropriate at the daily time scale. In
more sophisticated approaches these probability
distributions are conditioned on a classification of
large-scale atmospheric flow (examples are Guenni
and Hutchinson, 1998; Reiner and Lettenmaier,
1998; Wilby, 1998).
The latter approach is also being used in stochastic
downscaling of GCM output, where the weather
pattern classification can be based on a suitable set
R.W.A. Hutjes et al. / Journal of Hydrology 212–213 (1998) 1–21
of predictor variables. Such predictor sets can include
both free atmosphere variables (e.g. geopotential
heights) and/or surface patterns (e.g. sea level pressure) (Karl et al., 1990). The basic assumption of this
method, and one often criticised, is the invariance of
the stochastic parameters under changed climates.
This might be overcome with dynamical downscaling.
Progress in modelling techniques and computing
power over the last decade has enabled nesting of
higher resolution models in particular areas of interest
within GCMs. Coupling between the scales can be
either one way, the GCM forcing the nested model,
or bi-directional (Giorgi and Mearns, 1991; Russo
and Zack, 1994).
This physical coupling across scales ultimately
provides the basis for both stochastic and dynamic
approaches. Dynamics of the general circulation interact with synoptic scale processes, which in turn relate
to convective scale processes that through boundary
layer processes interact with the land surface. The bidirectional exchange of energy and mass between
each of these scales is a current focal point of research
(as example see Hantel and Acs, 1998). At each scale
jump the variance in the low-resolution product can be
reconstructed using the high-resolution physical
boundary conditions from the next level.
Downscaling plays an important role in translating
global climate change scenarios to more regional risk
assessments in support of policy formulations.
However, a principally different approach might be
needed as the much needed integration of more and
more coupled, strongly interacting processes and biogeo-chemical feedbacks, may ultimately render
climate prediction virtually impossible. Instead of
impact research driven by climate change scenarios,
it might be better to study susceptibility and vulnerability of different functions of the Earth system
(water resources, ecosystem resilience, etc.) as part
of a fully coupled earth system. Such a new strategy
for ‘vulnerability’ assessment will be further developed under BAHC crosscutting theme B (see appendix).
4. Conclusions
This paper briefly reviewed the role and importance
of the land surface, i.e. terrestrial ecosystems, in
climate formation. The land surface exerts its influence on climate through two major mechanisms: on
the one hand through modification of the surface
radiation balance, surface energy partitioning
(evaporation) and wind fields and on the other hand
through its exchange with the atmosphere of radiatively active (trace) gases, most notably carbon dioxide. Though the importance of this role gains
increasing recognition by the climate and operational
weather prediction communities, it receives little
attention (at least until recently) in the policy debates
around climate change. Illustrative of this neglect is
absence of the issue in the ‘Summary for policy
makers’ of the latest consensus report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Houghton et
al., 1996). The relative importance of biospheric
controls on climate increases because of the unprecedented rate of land cover conversions (deforestation,
desertification, large-scale drainage or irrigation, etc.)
of recent decades. It further increased because of the
role land cover conversions (afforestation) have
acquired in policies mitigating further carbon dioxide
increases by fossil fuel combustion since the Kyoto
negotiations on the Framework Convention on
Climate Change.
A number of recent sensitivity studies have shown
the effects large-scale land cover conversion can have
on weather and climate. Plant physiological control of
evaporation affects surface energy partitioning and as
a result boundary layer temperature, humidity and
growth. In turn this can affect rainfall through its
effects on the formation of clouds and on the triggering of convection. Ultimately it may also affect synoptic phenomena as the seasonal movements in polar
and inter-tropical fronts. Thereby land surface anomalies exert their influence well beyond the region in
which they occur. This influence occurs on practically
all spatial and time scales, affecting both individual
storm events as well as climate transitions following
the last glaciation. It occurs at all latitudes, from
tropics to sub-polar regions, and both in the continental interiors, as well as at their more marine influenced
Contrarily terrestrial ecosystems exchange huge
quantities of carbon dioxide with the atmosphere.
Small perturbations in either uptake for photosynthesis, or release through heterotrophic respiration
easily offset any scenarios for emissions from fossil
R.W.A. Hutjes et al. / Journal of Hydrology 212–213 (1998) 1–21
fuel combustion. Many mature ‘ecosystems’ at
various latitudes were found to sequester carbon.
However, given the limited time frame of such observations it is unclear whether their current sink strength
is anomalous, resulting from short-term (inter-annual)
climate variability, or more persistent in response to
long-term environmental changes. The physiological
response of vegetation to increased carbon dioxide
levels is strongly coupled with nutrient availability.
Given enough water and nutrients vegetation may
grow faster, thus sequestering more carbon. Limited
by nutrients it may grow while using less water
thereby enhancing global warming owing to increased
greenhouse gas levels. The role of adaptive strategies
of ecosystems in response to a changing environment,
migration or genetic adaptation has not been explored
in any quantitative sense.
Arguably, the two weakest issues in all these works
are deficiencies in our understanding of natural variability at seasonal to inter-annual time scales, and of
complex behaviour resulting from multiple feedbacks
and multiple coupled biogeochemical cycles. The first
is the result of the fact that most past experimental
studies of land surface–atmosphere interactions were
performed in campaign mode sampling a single
season, or at best a few more in an intermittent fashion.
The second results from the fact that most research in
these fields was in the form of ‘force response‘ studies,
observing or modelling the response of one system to
changes in another. However, it becomes more and
more widely recognised that the fundamental properties of the climate system, such as response mechanisms, regulation ability and adaptability, do not depend
on the capacity of separate subsystems, or on a unidirectional driving of one component on the other.
Rather, the earth system behaves as a dynamic entity,
consisting of coupled, strongly interacting processes
and biogeochemical cycles.
These challenges have two major implications for
the future science agenda related to global change.
One is the need for a strong multi-disciplinary integration of research efforts in both modelling and
experiments, extending the latter to longer time
frames. The other is the need for a new approach in
global change impact studies.
To increase our understanding of the behaviour of
complete ecosystems requires concurrent and colocated efforts from various disciplines. A good
example is the currently implemented Large-Scale
Biosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA, Nobre et
al., 1996). It differs from previous large-scale land
surface experiments (Feddes et al., 1998) by its
thematic integration, including components focussing
on meteorology and hydrology, but also on carbon,
biogeochemistry, atmospheric chemistry and on the
socio-economic drivers of environmental change in
that particular region. Also it takes a long-term
perspective with many observations being made
continuously for multiple years. BAHC will further
promote this type of research as part of its crosscutting
theme A.
Increased understanding of complex systems does
not guarantee we can also predict their fate. Climate
change may become virtually unpredictable after
inclusion in our models of all possible terrestrial and
bio-geo-chemical feedbacks, with their additional
non-linearities and thresholds. This would require an
entirely new approach to climate change (impact)
studies, focusing less on global means, trends and
predictions, but more on regional rates, thresholds
and resulting risks and options. Methodologies to
assess risks and vulnerability need to be developed
that take account of interactions and feedbacks
between atmospheric, ecological and hydrological
processes at different spatial and temporal scales. In
the context of water resources this is the central issue
in BAHC cross cutting theme B (see appendix).
Having identified the ‘weak spots’ in the earth system
in this way we will be better equipped to develop
scenarios of future environmental change, and analyse
them for threats.
Appendix A. Future structure of IGBP core
project Biospheric Aspects of the Hydrological
To select from the huge societal demand for data,
knowledge, scientific partnerships and policy advises,
those issues that BAHC considers within its realm
requires a filter. The same filter should serve as a
tool to condense the output of a loosely defined
research community, into focused products BAHC
can justifiably claim to have played a role in. The
following integrating question is central to the revised
mission of BAHC:
R.W.A. Hutjes et al. / Journal of Hydrology 212–213 (1998) 1–21
How do changes in biospheric processes interact
with global and regional climates, hydrological
processes and water resources, when driven by
changes in atmospheric composition and land cover?
In order to achieve greater integration both within
BAHC, and between BAHC and other co-ordinating
programmes, its organisational structure will depart
from loosening the original four foci division and
put more emphasis on concrete tasks that often transcend scientific and programmatic boundaries. These
considerations lead to the formulation of eight key
themes that form the core of BAHC research. In addition, two integrative themes were formulated. Details
of agendas, deliverables and responsible persons can
be found in the new BAHC Science Implementation
Plan to be published soon.
The eight key themes are:
1. Energy, water and carbon fluxes at the patch scale
— FLUXNET. This theme addresses the role of
terrestrial ecosystems in regulating biosphere
atmosphere exchanges of energy and mass. It
focuses on long-term measurements of carbon
dioxide, water and energy, and sometimes trace
gas fluxes, in order to provide new insights on
annual and inter-annual variability of biosphere–
atmosphere exchange processes. Therefore, a longterm carbon and water flux monitoring network,
FLUXNET, will be implemented and co-ordinated,
with sites in the most relevant biomes across the
globe (Baldocchi et al., 1996).
2. Evaluation of the role of below ground processes.
Major anomalies in soil moisture affect the simulation of water and energy fluxes (Shukla and Mintz,
1982). However, the required accuracy of simulated soil moisture (in terms of quantity and spatial
pattern) in climate models is unclear. Addressing
this issue may help in prioritising the development
of e.g. vertical vs. horizontal moisture transport.
There is also a gap between the meaning of soil
moisture in climate models and definitions of soil
moisture that can be measured in the field. Related
to this is the aggregation problem of soil hydraulic
characteristics. Although still problematic, such
issues were addressed for liquid soil moisture.
However, the influence of frozen soil moisture
received much less attention. In this contexts two
issues will be addressed in this key theme: the
parameterisation and monitoring of global-scale
soil hydrology, and the parameterisation of root
water uptake and the global mapping of root characteristics.
3. Parameterisation of land–atmosphere interactions. Despite large progress in SVAT modelling,
there are still a number of basic problems in the
parameterisation of the atmosphere exchange
physics. Most SVAT models treat the surface as
heterogeneous, accounting for bare soil, snow,
vegetation and open water. Of the many components of SVAT models the modelling, especially at
longer than seasonal time scales, of runoff, moisture availability (see previous theme) and vegetation physiology are arguably key issues. In
addition, the heterogeneity as such is still an
issue, as variability in vegetation and soil types
interact with variability in precipitation to create
large variations in energy fluxes. At the most basic
level this key theme attempts to identify critical
areas in SVAT modelling, evaluate performance
and thus lead to improvement.
4. Land use climate interactions at the regional scale.
Land cover and land use, and especially changes
therein, interact at seasonal to multi-annual time
scales and at more regional spatial scales. In this
context a number of issues need to be explored.
First, the strength of this direct coupling between
land surface and climate at these relatively small
scales need to be assessed for those regions where
land use change is, or was strongest. Second, we
have to understand how these regional, short-term
interactions teleconnect to other regions and how
they accumulate to more global modifications of
climate. The role of slower, ‘memory-carrying’
aspects like soil moisture store, nutrient availability, etc. need more attention. The actual magnitude
of stomatal control in response to weather and
carbon dioxide enrichment needs better quantification, in combination with concurrent biogeochemical and ecosystem structural responses.
5. Global vegetation–climate interactions. The
fundamental properties of the climate system,
such as response mechanisms, regulation ability
and adaptability, do not depend on the capacity
of separate subsystems, or on a uni-directional
driving of components on the other. Rather, the
entire system behaves as a dynamic totality
R.W.A. Hutjes et al. / Journal of Hydrology 212–213 (1998) 1–21
consisting of coupled, strongly interacting
processes. Therefore, BAHC will foster models
that explicitly include the (bi-directional) interaction between global terrestrial vegetation and
climate. Four issues need to be addressed. First,
the strength of feedbacks within the entire climate
system needs to be explored to assess the role of
terrestrial vegetation in the climate system.
Second, some vegetation–atmosphere models
converge to a single stable combination of climate
and vegetation belts, irrespective of initial vegetation distribution in some eras, whereas in other eras
differences in initial vegetation distribution lead to
different stable states (Claussen, 1997a; Claussen,
1997b). However, other models do not support this
result and further analyses and model studies are
needed to explore this problem. Third, a systematic
investigation has to be undertaken to identify and
explore the existence of hot spots in global vegetation–climate interactions. Fourth, the possibility
that feedbacks between terrestrial vegetation and
the climate system tend to amplify climatic
changes owing to external forcing needs further
6. Influence of climate change and human activities
on mobilisation and transport through riverine
systems. During the last 18 000 years the architecture of river systems and the rates of fluvial water
and material transports have changed dramatically.
Causes are (a) climate and sea level variability, (b)
human alteration of water fluxes and the mobilisation and transport of constituents from terrestrial
ecosystems through land use conversion and channel modification. This key theme will analyse the
key controlling factors that define the transport of
water, particulate and dissolved material through
river systems in the past, under contemporary
conditions and into the future. Both current and
selected past river basins should be mapped and
characterised in a typological framework. This
typology can then be used in conjunction with
models and multi-regression techniques to identify
key controlling factors. These models can be calibrated and validated using river discharge and
water quality data sets from existing monitoring
programmes such as WMO and GEMS/Water.
7. Mountain hydrology and ecology. This theme
addresses the need to understand mountain
ecohydrological processes in the different mountain regions in the world. These processes are particularly diverse and sensitive to environmental
change, and some related characteristics can be
used as indicators of change, in connection with
ecological and other indicators. Strategies for
development should be derived which lead to
sustainability and minimise adverse impacts of
change. These issues are addressed in the recently
introduced IGBP/IHDP Initiative on ‘Global
Change Research in Mountain Regions‘ (IGBP,
1997). In this framework BAHC will focus on
identification and long-term investigation of
hydrological, including cryospheric, indicators of
global environmental change, and on regional scale
modelling framework for mesoscale studies along
transects across different large mountain ranges
and in associated complex mountain river basins.
Also, attention will be given to small-scale studies
of hydrological processes along altitudinal gradients. These should connect with studies in small
mountain headwater basins, and to development of
an integrated approach to analyse strategies for
sustainable development in mountain regions
taking, into account different scenarios of land
use/cover and climate change.
8. Development of global data sets. Global, consistent
parameter fields describing the land surface, i.e.
vegetation and soils, are invaluable to those using
large-scale meteorological, climatological, hydrological and/or ecological models. Several initiatives (WCRP-ISLSCP, IGBP-DIS) therefore
aimed at producing such data sets for use in atmospheric or hydrologic models. The added value
comes in the common reference these data sets
provide against which to compare and test all
kinds of (sub-) models. BAHC will play an active
role in the conceptual design, production, and validation of global data sets of those parameters most
relevant to its mission. Most of the key themes
described before are either users of, or contributors
to such data bases. More specifically, BAHC will
contribute to the production of global aggregated
land cover parameter data sets, and of global aggregated soil parameter data sets. Linked to the latter
is the production of aggregated soil moisture time
series for selected areas (centred on areas of
completed LSEs). The design and production of a
R.W.A. Hutjes et al. / Journal of Hydrology 212–213 (1998) 1–21
global river inventory is a major component of key
theme 6.
The two crosscutting themes are:
A. Design, prioritise and implement integrated
terrestrial system experiments. A number of
large-scale land surface experiments (LSE) were
conducted over the past decade (Feddes et al.,
1998). Most LSEs were conducted in campaign
mode, covering at best a full growing season,
and focussed on hydrometeorological (aggregation) issues in the land surface–atmosphere interactions. More recent experiments (BOREAS,
Sellers et al., 1995) already extended their time
frame as also more ecological aspects grew in
importance. Currently in its implementation
phase, the Large-Scale Biosphere Experiment in
Amazonia (LBA, Nobre et al., 1996) is the example of the culmination of this trend to increase
integration and extend observational time scales.
BAHC has a clear role in the design, prioritisation
and implementation of present and future ‘integrated terrestrial system experiments’ (ITSE).
Therefore, BAHC will foster linkages and integration between co-located studies initiated from
different, limited, disciplinary or programmatic
perspectives. As initiatives are many, there is a
clear need for prioritising ITSEs in consultation
with both policy and scientific communities.
Bringing together human, capital and funding
resources to implement ITSEs is also a non-trivial
task that requires dedicated attention in cases
where BAHC relevant science forms a major part
of such an ITSE.
B. Scenario development and risk/vulnerability
analysis. A change in global climate such as in
the spatial and temporal distribution of precipitation and temperature, or significant changes in land
use, will undoubtedly affect water. However,
policy needs associated with global change are
regional, are associated with risk, extremes, rates,
thresholds and options. In contrast, scientists have
emphasised global-scale changes, and resultant
impacts in terms of means, trends and predictions
(Bernabo, 1997). BAHC will address these issues
by developing methodologies to assess risks and
vulnerability with an explicit focus on fresh water
resources (quality and quantity), that take account
of interactions and feedbacks between atmospheric, ecological and hydrological processes at
different spatial and temporal scales. Having identified the weak spots in the water system, BAHC
will then develop scenarios of future environmental change, and analyse them for threats. Amongst
others, this involves the development of high-resolution climate data.
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