Basics Of Programming

Java Programming Basics

AI-generated Abstract

This assignment discusses the fundamentals of programming, focusing on developing a Banking software system and a Prime Number Finder. The document explores essential programming principles, various programming languages, the advantages and disadvantages of Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), and compares different programming paradigms like procedural, object-oriented, and event-driven programming. Additionally, it highlights coding standards relevant to the industry and reflects on the author's experiences in completing the assignment with teamwork.

1 Programming Table of Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................ 4 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 5 LO 01: Define Basic Algorithm to Carry out an Operation an Outline the Process of Programming an Application. ................................................................................................. 7 Task 01 1.2: Define Basic Algorithms to Carry Out an Operation and Outline the Process of Programming an Application. ........................................................................................................... 7 FlowChart......................................................................................................................................... 8 ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 Algorithm ......................................................................................................................................... 9 Task 01 1.1 Define basic algorithms to carry out an operation and outline the process of programming an application. ......................................................................................................... 10 ...................................................................................................................................................... 11 Implement of code in java program, show the comments for the code ........................................... 20 ...................................................................................................................................................... 21 Code 01 .......................................................................................................................................... 25 LO 02: Explain the Characteristics of Procedural, Object Oriented and Event – Driven Programming, Conduct an Analysis of a Suitable Integrated Development. ...........................26 Part 03: Explanation about Procedural, Object – Oriented and Event – Driven Paradigms. ............. 26 Paradigms ...................................................................................................................................... 26 Some of the main Paradigms are:...................................................................................................... 26 Relationship between Programming Paradigms and Programming Languages ................................ 26 Procedural Paradigms .................................................................................................................... 27 Examples of Procedural Paradigm Languages: .................................................................................. 27 Advantages and Disadvantages of Procedural Paradigm .................................................................. 28 Features of Procedural Paradigm ...................................................................................................... 28 A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 2 Programming Object – Oriented Paradigms .......................................................................................................... 29 Examples of Object – Oriented Paradigm Languages ........................................................................ 29 Features of Object – Oriented paradigm ........................................................................................... 29 Advantages Object – Oriented Paradigms ......................................................................................... 30 Disadvantages Object – Oriented Paradigms .................................................................................... 30 Event – Driven Paradigms ............................................................................................................... 31 Examples of Event – Driven Paradigm Languages ............................................................................. 31 Features of Event – Driven Paradigm ................................................................................................ 31 Advantages of Event – Driven Paradigms .......................................................................................... 32 Disadvantages of Event – Driven Paradigms ..................................................................................... 32 Part 04: Brief Explanation About IDEs and Their Features. .............................................................. 33 Integrated Development Environment (IDE) ................................................................................... 33 Some common features of IDE .......................................................................................................... 33 Some Specific Features of Some IDEs ................................................................................................ 34 Advantages of IDE .............................................................................................................................. 34 Disadvantages of IDE ......................................................................................................................... 34 Examples of Some IDEs ...................................................................................................................... 35 Eclipse ............................................................................................................................................ 35 Features of Eclipse ............................................................................................................................. 36 Installation of Eclipse ......................................................................................................................... 37 Intellij IDEA .................................................................................................................................... 46 Features of Intellij Idea ...................................................................................................................... 46 NetBeans ....................................................................................................................................... 54 Features of NetBeans ........................................................................................................................ 54 LO 03: Implementation of Basic Algorithms in code Using an IDE ...........................................63 Part 05: ................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Part 06: Coding Standards using research about relevant coding standards currently used in the Industries. ...................................................................................................................................... 68 Coding Standards ........................................................................................................................... 68 Coding ............................................................................................................................................ 69 Coding Standards ........................................................................................................................... 69 Issues to consider when creating coding standards .......................................................................... 70 Process of Approach Coding Standards ............................................................................................. 70 The purpose of Coding Standards...................................................................................................... 70 Benefits of Coding Standards ............................................................................................................ 70 Coding Standard in Team................................................................................................................... 71 Coding Standard in Individual ............................................................................................................ 72 Part 07: Select two members as Testers and Debuggers ................................................................ 73 Comments By The Testers of My Banking System of Cargill’s ........................................................... 74 CONCLUSION .........................................................................................................................75 A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 3 Programming Table Of Figures Figure 1:Paradigms ....................................................................................................................... 26 Figure 1:Procedural Paradigm ...................................................................................................... 28 Figure 3:O-O Paradigm................................................................................................................. 30 Figure 4:Event - Driven Paradigms .............................................................................................. 32 Figure 5:Download Link of Eclipse .............................................................................................. 37 Figure 6:Welcome page of Eclipse ............................................................................................... 38 A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 4 Programming ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my gratitude to my assessor Mr. Sabashan for the useful comments, examples and engagement through the learning process. The success and the final outcome of this assignment required a lot of guidance and example from assessor and I am extremely fortunate to have got this all along the completion of my assignment work. I am really thankful to Mr. Sabashan for giving this opportunity to do this assignment and my classmates make the way to learn properly. I am really grateful because I managed to complete this assignment within the time given by my lecturer. This assignment cannot be completed without the effort and co-operation from my class mates. They help me in my confuse and spend some time with me to make me clear. A. Nirojan A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 5 Programming INTRODUCTION A program is a sequence of instructions that tell a computer how to do a task. In this assignment, I have required to develop Banking software system and the Prime Number Finder before that I have to understand the principals of programming and what are the most famous programming languages? In addition, IDEs advantages and disadvantages. We are going to earn the thing how to implement a algorithms by using a IDE and testing debugging. And able to design programming solution. Implement the solution, designing the algorithm. Finally, I have prepared the documentation for the feedback, comments and as well as testing and maintenance plan for the developed system. A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 6 Programming LO 01 A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 7 Programming LO 01: Define Basic Algorithm to Carry out an Operation an Outline the Process of Programming an Application. Task 01 1.2: Define Basic Algorithms to Carry Out an Operation and Outline the Process of Programming an Application. Prime number is a whole number greater than 1 whose only factors are 1 and itself. A factor is a whole number that can be divided evenly into another number. Eg: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, and it continues. Zero and one does not consider as prime numbers and 2 is the only number act as even and prime. First, we will look at the pseudocode to find the prime number. Int number, int i = 2, Var=0 Read number For (i =2; i<=n, i=i+1) { if(number%i==0) { storVar=storVar+1 } } if (storVar==2) Print(“Prime Number” Else Print(“Not a prime Number”) } A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 8 Programming FlowChart Start Read the number, i Number%i ==0 Print “Not a prime number” Number%number=0 Print “Prime Number” End A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 9 Programming Algorithm Step 1: Start Step 2: Read the number and Read i Step 3: if the number divisible by i equal to zero Step 4: Print “Not a Prime Number” Step 5: If number divide by number equal to zero Step 6: Print “Prime Number” Step 7: Stop A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 10 Programming Task 01 1.1 Define basic algorithms to carry out an operation and outline the process of programming an application. Slides 2:Introduction Slides 1:Contents A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 11 Programming Slides 4:Java Slide Slides 3:About Java A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 12 Programming Slides 6:Examples Java Slides 5:Main Components A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 13 Programming Slides 7:Flowcharts Slides 8:Flow Charts A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 14 Programming Slides 9:Flowcharts A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 15 Programming Slides 11:Flowcharts Example Slides 10:Pseudocodes A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 16 Programming Slides 13:Pseudocodes Slides 12:Pseudocodes A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 17 Programming Slides 15:Algorithms Slides 14:Algorithms A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 18 Programming Slides 16:Algorithms Example A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 19 Programming LO 02 A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 20 Programming Implement of code in java program, show the comments for the code § When I enter the number 2, the answer in positive. Screenshot 1:Positive Output A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 21 Programming § When I enter number 4, The answer is negative, It is not a prime number Screenshot 2:Negative Output A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 22 Programming § When I press “y” the program is continuously running. Screenshot 3:Yes or No Press Yes A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 23 Programming § When I press the “n” the program is stopped Screenshot 4:Yes or No Press No A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 24 Programming package; // the package where the codes located import java.util.Scanner; // user input method public class PrimeNum { //main class public static final Boolean flag = null; //boolean method static because we call that till end public static void main(String[]args) { //main method String y; do{ //use to execute block of statements Scanner scan = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter Your Number : "); //main display option int number = scan.nextInt(); if (number<10) { System.out.println(number+ " is one degit number"); //if the number is one digit output will this one } else if (number <100) { System.out.println(number+ " is Two degits numbers");//if the number is two digit output will this one } else if (number < 1000) { System.out.println(number+" is Three degits numbers"); //if the number is three digit output will this one } else if (number < 10000) { System.out.println(number+" is Four degits numbers"); //if the number is four digit output will this one } else { System.out.println("Sorry only Scan 4 degits numbers!");//if the number is five digit output will this one } System.out.println(""); if (number<0) { System.out.println("Number Must Be Positive"); // if user enter negative or 0 output will this one }else{ Boolean flag=Boolean.TRUE; for (int i=2; i<number; i++) { if (number%i==0) { flag=Boolean.FALSE; break; }} if(flag==Boolean.FALSE) { System.out.println("Your Input " +number+ " Is Not A Prime Number");//if the number is not prime output will this one }else{ System.out.println("Your Input " +number+ " Is A Prime Number");//if the number is prime output will this one }} System.out.println(""); System.out.println("Do You Want To Continue (Y/N)?"); //select the option if continue press y, quit press n.; }while(y.equals("y"));//user press y it will continue }} A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 25 Programming Code 01 import java.util.Scanner; public class PrimPro { public static void main (String args []) { int number, l, count = 0; Scanner scan = new Scanner(; System.out.print("Enter the Number : "); number = scan.nextInt(); for (l = 2; i < number; i++) { if (number % l == 0) { count++; break; } } if (count == 0) { System.out.print(“Your Number is a Prime Number"); } else { System.out.print("Your Number is a Prime Number"); This code is copy from internet for the evaluation test for achieving same result so both are giving same result. A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 26 Programming LO 02: Explain the Characteristics of Procedural, Object Oriented and Event – Driven Programming, Conduct an Analysis of a Suitable Integrated Development. Part 03: Explanation about Procedural, Object – Oriented and Event – Driven Paradigms. Paradigms A paradigm is a way of doing something (like programming), not a concrete thing like a language. Programming languages are based on their features and they are classified into paradigms. Now a day’s computer languages are categorized according to the approach they use to solve the problems and a paradigm is a way which a computer language looks at the problem to be solved. In this module, we are going to know about three paradigms. Some of the main Paradigms are: § Procedural Paradigms § Object – Oriented Paradigms § Event – Driven Paradigms Relationship between Programming Paradigms and Programming Languages A Programming is an approach to programming a computer based on a mathematical theory or a set of principles and a programming language is a tool for developing executable models for a class of problem domains. Figure 1:Paradigms A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 27 Programming Procedural Paradigms Focus of procedural programming is to break down a programming task into a collection of variables, data structures and subroutines. And this is very good for small scale projects. The first and most simplistic programming paradigm is procedural programming and it start from an input. In procedural programming also focuses on the idea that all algorithms are executed with functions and data that the developer has access to and is able to change. Procedural programming works by telling to computer what to do and how to do it. There are no particular languages for procedural paradigm we can use the procedural paradigm to create program with the help of above languages no only these languages and also there are many languages to use in procedural paradigm. Examples of Procedural Paradigm Languages: § BASIC - It is a short for beginner’s all-purpose symbolic instruction code. § COBOL – It is a compiled English like computer programming designed for business use. § PASCAL - High – level programming language developed by niklaus wirth. § FORTON – Forton is one of the first programming language created in 1954 by IBM team members. § C – It is a high-level programming language in 1972 and the major program written In C is Unix operating system. A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 28 Programming Advantages and Disadvantages of Procedural Paradigm ¨ Advantage - Produce programs that run quickly and use system resources efficiently. ¨ Advantage – Can avoid or reduce symptom of spaghetti code (many go to or jump statements). ¨ Disadvantage - Does not fit gracefully with certain types of problems. ¨ Disadvantage - Forces programmers to view problems as series of steps. Features of Procedural Paradigm § Top Down Design § Limited Code reuse § Complex Code § Global Data focused Figure 2:Procedural Paradigm A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 29 Programming Object – Oriented Paradigms Object – Oriented programming paradigm based is the latest in the software development and the most adopted one in the developing projects of today world. Paradigm means organizing principle of a program. It is an approach to programming. Examples of Object – Oriented Paradigm Languages • • • • • C++ Java C# Perl Ruby on Rails Features of Object – Oriented paradigm • Data is hidden and cannot be accesses by external function. • Object may communicate with each other through methods. • Method that operates on the data of an object is tied together in data structure. • Programs are divided into what are known as objects. • Delegation • Single and Multi-Inheritance • Polymorphism. A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 30 Programming Advantages Object – Oriented Paradigms • Works well on small projects. • Promising new technology. • Object – Oriented higher reuse levels. Disadvantages Object – Oriented Paradigms § Modeling the problem with objects can be tricky. § Explosion of class Library / Framework. § Everything is an object often fails in practice. Figure 3:O-O Paradigm A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 31 Programming Event – Driven Paradigms Event – driven paradigm is a computer program paradigm and it used the occurrence of events to determine control flow of program. Event – driven style programming is supported to all programming languages but they are having different ways to implement. It’s easy to implement in languages that provide high level abstractions such as closures, besides, for programming languages like Adobe Flash and they are specifically tailored for triggering program code by events. In event driven programming an (Event Loop) plays a major role and these loops are used to keep testing the user interface to detect anything happened. Examples of Event – Driven Paradigm Languages v C# v C++ v Java v JavaScript v Objective C Features of Event – Driven Paradigm v Service Oriented – Used to write programs that made for services and it does not slow down the computer. v Time Driven – It’s run on time trigger for example windows update is the example of time driven. v Event Handlers – It could be a button that when user click A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 32 Programming Advantages of Event – Driven Paradigms v It allows for more interactive programs v It allows sensors and other hardware to easily interact with software. Disadvantages of Event – Driven Paradigms v For small programs, it’s Complex v Hard to Control v Time consuming to get event loops and event handlers running. Figure 4:Event - Driven Paradigms A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 33 Programming Part 04: Brief Explanation About IDEs and Their Features. Integrated Development Environment (IDE) An integrated development environment (IDE) could be a software system suite that consolidates basic tools needed to write down and check software system. And an IDE is giving opportunity to programmers to write backbones and GUI of software. Integrated development environments area unit designed to maximize computer programmer productivity by providing integrated elements with similar user interfaces. IDEs present a single program within which all development is completed. This program typically provides several options for authoring, modifying, compiling, deploying and debugging software system. Before day, developers wrote their programs in text editors. they'd write associate degreed save an application in a text editor; then run the compiler, paying attention of the error messages; then return to the text editor to revise the code. Turbo Pascal launched the idea of an integrated development environment, many believe Microsoft’s Visual Basic (VB), launched in 1991, was the first real IDE and it develop on older BASIC language which is popular language in 1980s. An IDE normally consists of a source code editor, build automation tools and debugger. IDEs offer a central interface featuring all the tools a developer needs. Some common features of IDE • Code editor: This feature could be a text editor designed for writing and editing of source codes. Source code editors are distinguished from text editors as a result of they enhance modify the writing and editing of code. • Compiler: This tool is transforms the source codes written in a very human readable/writable language into a type workable by a pc. • Debugger: This tool is employed throughout testing to help rectify application programs. Build automation tools and these tools automatize common developer tasks. • Resource management: IDE able to manage the resources like library or header files. once making applications, languages frequently rely on positive sources, like library or header files, ides should be able to management these resources. A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 34 Programming Some Specific Features of Some IDEs • Class browser: This tool is employed to examine and reference the properties of an object - oriented category hierarchy. • Object browser: This feature is employed to look at the objects instantiated in a running application. • Class hierarchy: This tool permits the computer programmer to see the structure of object – oriented programming tools. Advantages of IDE • Faster setup: Without an IDE interface, developers would want to pay time to configure multiple development tools. With the applying integration of associate IDE, developers have a similar set of capabilities in one place, without the need for perpetually switch the tools. • Using an IDE will save a lot of effort in writing a program. • Easy to manage projects – In an IDE we can easily manage our project like a folder option. • Less time and effort. • Standardization - The IDE interface standardizes the development process, which helps developers work together more smoothly and helps new hires get up to speed more quickly. Disadvantages of IDE • Learning curve. • Some IDEs are hard and not being a good tool for learners – If you are a beginner of coding environment and you use a difficult IDE so you can’t understand the tools, coding’s and anything. • Will not fix bad code, practices or design - IDE will now not eliminate performance or overall performance problems for your application. A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 35 Programming Examples of Some IDEs • Eclipse • Intellij IDEA • NetBeans • Xcode In these IDEs, I’m going to select NetBeans, Intellij IDEA, Eclipse to state features. Eclipse Eclipse is famous for our Java Integrated Development Environment (IDE) released in 2001. We can easily combine language support and other features into any of our default packages. This platform has been designed from the ground up for building integrated web and application development tooling. By design, the platform does not provide a great deal of end user functionality by itself. It provides a common user interface (UI) model for working with tools and it is designed to run on multiple operating systems while providing robust integration with each underlying OS. Plugins can program to the Eclipse portable APIs and run unchanged on any of the supported operating systems. Eclipse is an Integrated Development Environment in which we can create Java Projects, Android Projects. or practice Programs. It gives us intelligence, compile time errors before run the programs. These are some examples of Programming languages Java, JavaScript, C, PHP, C++ develop using Eclipse. If we want some plugins users can extend its abilities by installing plugins written for the Eclipse Platform. Eclipse has the larger plugin library. Although there are plenty of excellent plugins, make sure you are choosing reliable third-party plugins and staying on top of updates. A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 36 Programming Features of Eclipse § Workbench – It is Eclipse’s graphical user interface § UI Monitoring – User interface lags take developers out of the flow tried to fix problems debugging is just got a lot easier as Eclipse now ships with UI Responsiveness. § C/C++ Monitoring – Easier to launch applications it means deploy the C/C++ applications from eclipse directly to the Docker container. § JDT Improvements - quick fixes for creating method references from lambda expressions, quick fixes for inferring lambda parameter. A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 37 Programming Installation of Eclipse Note: Installation of Eclipse in all operating system is same and only the compiler installations are little bit difference. Step 01: If we want to download Eclipse IDE for java development we need to download Java Development Kit file because for all languages we use in Eclipse want the complier of that language to run the source code. The compiler is the special program that processes statements written in particular programming language and turns them into machine language or the code the computer uses to understand. Step 02: After that download Eclipse using the link: And it will download as a zip file format after that unzip and click to install it. Figure 5:Download Link of Eclipse A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 38 Programming Step 03: After the installation process, when we open the eclipse it require the where to save our creative projects we want to set that. Figure 6:Welcome page of Eclipse ScreenShot 5:Select location of Save A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 39 Programming Step 04: Create a new project on Eclipse ScreenShot 7:File Menu of Eclipse IDE ScreenShot 6:Create new project A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 40 Programming Step 05: Edit menu of Eclipse ScreenShot 8:Edit menu of Eclipse Step 06: Source menu of Eclipse ScreenShot 9:Eclipse Source menu A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 41 Programming Step 07: Refactor menu of Eclipse ScreenShot 10:Refactor menu of Eclipse IDE Step 08: Navigate menu of Eclipse ScreenShot 11:Navigate menu of Eclipse A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 42 Programming Step 09: Search menu of Eclipse IDE ScreenShot 12:Search menu of Eclipse Step 10: Project menu of Eclipse IDE ScreenShot 13:Project menu of Eclipse IDE A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 43 Programming Step 11: Run menu on Eclipse IDE ScreenShot 14:Run menu of Eclipse IDE Step 12: Window menu of Eclipse IDE ScreenShot 15:Window menu of Eclipse IDE A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 44 Programming Step 13: Help menu of Eclipse IDE ScreenShot 16:Help menu of Eclipse IDE Step 14: Sample Java program on Eclipse ScreenShot 17:Sample java program on Eclipse IDE A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 45 Programming Step 15: Sample program Result In Eclipse IDE. Screenshot 18:Sample program output on Eclipse IDE A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 46 Programming Intellij IDEA Intellij Idea is an intelligent java IDE that provides a robust combination of development tools. It is developed by Jet Brains and it is formerly known as Intellij. The first version of Intellij Idea was released in January 2001 and it is the one of the first available java IDE with advanced code navigation and code refactoring. Intellij Idea was written in java programming language and it is run on operating systems such as Windows, macOs, Linux. Intellij Idea is continuously extended by users and third parties via plugins and it supports for Java EE, Spring/Hibernate and other technology stacks. Features of Intellij Idea § Intelligent Coding Assistance – A smart editor that recognize java, HTML/XHTML, XML, CSS, Ruby and Java Script, supports frameworks like rails and GWT provides an environment for creating cutting edge code. § Code Analysis – Dynamic code analyzer with more than 600 inspections performs on the fly code analysis and detects all common syntax errors, plus all other errors. § Web & Enterprise Development Support – Supports XML, HTML, JSF technologies and languages. § Compiling – Intellij Idea support multiple java compilers like javac, jikes, eclipse and compile projects using favorite compiler. A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 47 Programming Screenshot 19:File Menu Of Intellij Idea IDE Screenshot 20:Edit Menu Of Intellij Idea IDE A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 48 Programming Screenshot 21:View Menu Of Intellij Idea IDE Screenshot 22:Vavigation Menu Of Intellij Idea IDE A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 49 Programming Screenshot 23:Code Menu Of Intellij Idea IDE Screenshot 24:Analyze Menu Of Intellij Idea IDE A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 50 Programming Screenshot 25:Refactor Menu Of Intellij Idea IDE Screenshot 26:Build Menu Of Intellij Idea IDE A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 51 Programming Screenshot 27:Run Menu Of Intellij Idea IDE Screenshot 28:Tools Menu Of Intellij Idea IDE A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 52 Programming Screenshot 29:VCS Menu Of Intellij Idea IDE Screenshot 30:Window Menu Of Intellij Idea IDE A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 53 Programming Screenshot 31:Help Menu Of Intellij Idea IDE A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 54 Programming NetBeans NetBeans is a free, open source, Integrated development environment (IDE) that enables to develop desktop, mobile and web applications. NetBeans supports various languages like Java, HTML, PHP, C++. In 2000, NetBeans was made as open source by Sun Microsystems and to now with over 18 million downloads and over 800000 participating developers worldwide. NetBeans IDE module include NetBeans profiler, a Graphical User Interface design tool and JavaScript Editor. It runs on Windows, macOs, Linux and Solaris and it is now owned and developed by oracle corporation. Features of NetBeans § Write Bug Free Code – The cost of buggy code is increases and it remains un fixed. NetBeans provides static analysis tools, especially integration with the widely used Find Bugs tool. § Support for multi Languages – NetBeans Ide offers superior for C/C++ and PHP developers by providing comprehensive editors and tools for their related frameworks. § Cross Platform Support – NetBeans will install in all operating systems support Java from Windows to Linux to MacOs Systems. A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 55 Programming Screenshot 32:File Menu of NetBeans IDE Screenshot 33:Edit Menu of NetBeans IDE A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 56 Programming Screenshot 34:View Menu of NetBeans IDE Screenshot 35:Navigate Menu of NetBeans IDE A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 57 Programming Screenshot 36:Source Menu of NetBeans IDE Screenshot 37:Refactor Menu of NetBeans IDE A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 58 Programming Screenshot 38:Run Menu of NetBeans IDE Screenshot 39:Debug Menu of NetBeans IDE A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 59 Programming Screenshot 40:Profile Menu of NetBeans IDE Screenshot 41:Team Menu of NetBeans IDE A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 60 Programming Screenshot 42:Tools Menu of NetBeans IDE Screenshot 43:Window Menu of NetBeans IDE A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 61 Programming Screenshot 44:Help Menu of NetBeans IDE Screenshot 45:Sample Program of NetBeans IDE A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 62 Programming \ LO 03 LO 04 A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 63 Programming LO 03: Implementation of Basic Algorithms in code Using an IDE LO 04: Determine the Debugging Process and Explain the Importance of a Coding Standard. Part 05: Bitbucket: package; // import java.util.Scanner; public class BankAcc { public double SavingsBalance = 0; public double CurrentBalance = 0; public static BankAcc BA; public Scanner scan; public static void main(String[] args) { BA = new BankAcc(); BA.scan = new Scanner(; int Password = 1234; System.out.println("Welcome To The Banking System Of Cargills Bank"); System.out.println(""); System.out.println("Please Enter Your Code Number :"); if (BA.scan.nextInt() == Password) { System.out.println("Choose Your Account Type\n"); System.out.println("Press 1 For Current Account"); System.out.println("Press 2 For Savings Account"); int amt = BA.scan.nextInt(); switch (amt) { case 1: System.out.println("Welcome to Current Account\n------------------------------------"); System.out.println("Enter Your Current Balance Amount : "); BA.CurrentBalance = BA.scan.nextDouble(); A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 64 Programming BA.Account(BA.CurrentBalance); break; case 2: System.out.println("Welcome to Savings Account\n------------------------------------"); System.out.println("Enter Your Savings Balance Amount : "); BA.SavingsBalance = BA.scan.nextDouble(); BA.Account(BA.SavingsBalance); break; } } else { System.out.println("Wrong password"); } } public void Account(double val) { Scanner scan=new Scanner(; double withdraw; int nod; int now; double dep = 0; double trans = 0; int changep; int acctnm; String acct; String y; do { BA.Print(); int num = scan.nextInt(); switch (num) { case 1: System.out.println("Balance : " + val); System.out.println(" "); break; case 2: do { System.out.println("How Many Times You Want To WithDraw"); now = scan.nextInt(); if(now>5 || now<0) { System.out.println("Invalid Entry Please Re - Enter"); } } while (now>5 || now<0); A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 65 Programming do { for (int w = 1; w<=now; w++) { System.out.println("Enter Your Withdrawal Amount " +w); withdraw = scan.nextDouble(); if (withdraw<0) { System.out.println("Withdrawal Balance Should Be More Than Zero Please Re - Enter"); } val = val - withdraw; } System.out.println("Please Collect Your WithDrawal Amounts"); } while(dep<0); break; case 3: System.out.println("Enter Your Old Password"); String Pass =; String tempPass1 = "1234"; if (Pass == tempPass1) { System.out.println("Type Your New Password"); String NewPass =; System.out.println("Retype Your New Password"); String RetypePass =; if (NewPass == RetypePass) { Pass = NewPass; System.out.println("Your Password Has Been Successfully Changed "); System.out.println(" "); } } break; case 4: do { System.out.println("How many Time You Want To Deposit"); nod = scan.nextInt(); if (nod > 5 || nod < 0) { System.out.println("Invalid Entry Please Re Enter"); } } while (nod > 5 || nod < 0); do { A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 66 Programming for (int d = 1; d <= nod; d++) { System.out.println("Enter your depoit Amount" + d); dep = scan.nextDouble(); if (dep < 0) { System.out.println("Deposit Balance Should Be More Than Zero Please Re - Enter"); } val = val + dep; } System.out.println("Your Money Has been Sucefully Deposited"); } while (dep < 0); break; case 5: System.out.println("Enter The 5 Digit Account Number Your Want to Transfer Money"); acctnm = scan.nextInt(); if (String.valueOf(acctnm).length() == 5) { System.out.println("Enter The Amount You Want To Transfer"); trans = scan.nextDouble(); val = val - trans; System.out.println("Your Transaction Was Successful"); } else { System.out.println("This Account Account Number Is Not Valid "); } case 6: } System.out.println("Do You Want To Continue y/n : ");; } while (y.equals("y")); System.out.println("Thank you for Banking "); } public void Print() { System.out.println("Press 1 for check balance"); System.out.println("Press 2 for Withdraw"); System.out.println("Press 3 for Change Password"); System.out.println("Press 4 for Deposit"); System.out.println("Press 5 for Transaction"); System.out.println("Press 6 for Exit "); A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 67 Programming System.out.println(""); System.out.println("Cḩoose Your Method You Want To Execute"); } } A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 68 Programming Part 06: Coding Standards using research about relevant coding standards currently used in the Industries. Coding Standards A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 69 Programming Coding Coding is basically a computer language used to develop apps, websites and software’s. Without the coding, there is no modern technology. Coding tells the computer what to do. • Goal is to implement the design in best possible and possible manner. • Coding affects testing and maintenance. • Goal should not be to reduce coding cost, but testing and maintenance cost make the job of tester and maintainer easier. Coding Standards A main goal of a programmer is to write a simple code which is easy to understand and read programs with few bugs. In this world, anybody can write the code in a short period of programming experience, most of the programmers are write working the code but they don’t know that’s a good code or not. The coding standards are the guideline for style and documentations and we need to write the code that saves the time and someone else to understand it. For good codes, there are some features like • • • A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 Reliable Maintainable Efficient 70 Programming A proper coding standard defines the style of the source code including this and a standard is defined for each and every programming languages so, we want follow the standard code is easy to read. • Indentation • Bracket Placements • Comments • Declaring Points If onboarding junior developers or managing a team of veteran coding warriors, coding standards are independent, documented, broadly understood and achievable. Coding conventions are specially designed to produce high quality code and have been formally adopted they then become as coding standards. Issues to consider when creating coding standards • Prioritize the long term – The principle should be able to standup for 3 to 4 years. • Make decision making values – Principles are the main thing of developer to approach code. Process of Approach Coding Standards • Choose one Language – the company may use different languages like C#, JavaScript, PHP and other languages. • Balance theory and practice – For our easy we want to write comments in clear English with minimal slang and used to provide used. • Set a length limit - A 100-page coding standard document, and won’t encourage developers to open the document. The purpose of Coding Standards If we follow standards of coding then we will develop a maintainable and reliable applications and without coding standard all developers will use their own methods for coding and it will become as a big thread to developer and user. The main reasons for commonly upcoming software problems are inconsistencies, bugs and error in logic. These problems are a rise from poor coding practices. Flow issue, user interaction, code reusability and server response and some examples of arise when we code without coding standards. Benefits of Coding Standards A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 71 Programming § Increase the efficiency of the code – Establishing coding standards enables the teams to detect early or prevent them entirely and this enhances the efficiency throughout the software process. § Correction of Bugs – A source code makes it easy to locate and correct bugs in the software. § Standard / Foundation – When a team uses coding standard then the coding will standard and the future teams easy to understand that and leading is easier maintenance. § Reduce costs and the risk of project failure – The 70 percentage of IT projects leads to failure due to improper coding standards and proper standards leads to reduce costs and problems that often lead to failures and cancellations. Programmers inject one error for every 10 lines of code they write. § Enable Code Reuse – Coding Standards enable developers to write cleaner and justification, more robust code and create individual unite of code that can be reused in other modules or in future projects. The implementation of coding standards will enable software industries to deliver a higher quality of software in a good manner of cost effective and efficient. Using coding standards you can automate the prevention of errors throughout the software life. Coding Standard in Team Coding standards are need to be onerous that is first find out what is work for the organization and stick to it. Everyone has different opinion but at end of discussion members must agree to follow the standards of coding. While working as team on a large project, minor coding variances can quickly become major inconsistencies. So, implementing Standardized coding is an important part of professional development to avoid later confusions. A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 72 Programming Because all software’s are not maintained by the original teams and if original team follows the standards then another team will feel comfort when using that code because it seems like your team project. Coding Standard in Individual When you are an individual coder and develop programs websites and etc. So you must follow the coding standards to become as a professional and well known coder. While working as a individual we want to work hard and follow the coding standards. A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 73 Programming Part 07: Select two members as Testers and Debuggers Screenshot 47:Debugging and Testing Reply By Mathunujan Screenshot 46:Debugging and Testing Reply by Sanjsigan A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 74 Programming Comments By The Testers of My Banking System of Cargill’s I selected Mr. Mathunujan and Mr. Sanjsigan as testers for my Cargill’s Banking System based on java coding. After finishing my coding, I committed and push to bit bucket with the help of source tree and send my bit bucket coding link by email to them, they checked the program, and they found some errors in my coding. Mr. Mathunujan’s tells that when he goes through menus and select some deposit amount and after check balance but the balance after depositing is not updated that’s the error he found in my coding. After correct my coding’s according to Mr. Mathunujan’s suggestion and push it to bit bucket and done second test with Mr. Sanjsigan and I send the bit bucket link via email and he tested and reply me his suggestions like in my coding the number of times withdrawal is 5 but in my coding, there is only one withdrawal time so, he tells me to change to 5 times of withdrawal. When the user enters to my Cargill’s banking system user want to enter the password 1234 to enter the system. But the password will store in a database to read different passwords of different customers but I set 1234 as password for all customers but they can change it. I tried my maximum level to short out the errors from my coding. Finally, I uploaded (committed and pushed) my finalized code in bit bucket and I attached the link in Part 05. By clicking, it you can check my coding and I attached a compact disc in my assignment, which is, includes my coding for Cargill’s Banking System and find prime numbers. A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 75 Programming CONCLUSION Really, I am so happy in completing this assignment because I have learned a lot by doing this assignment and also, whatever the things I missed to understand in the lecturers now with the help of assignment I have understood. And also, now I have the confident in the basic of algorithms, flowchart, pseudocode, and implementation of algorithms in an integrated development environment (IDE). I gain some knowledge about the programming paradigms like object oriented paradigm, procedural paradigm and event – driven paradigms. In this assignment, we have analyzed about the IDE that why we use that, advantages, disadvantages and feature of that after that I got a cleared knowledge about the IDE. In the assignment brief 3 I got a deep knowledge about the programming language Java by doing Banking system with deposits, withdrawals and I got a cleared knowledge about the debugging of software. Mainly I have analysis some feedback from my class mate and the seniors it was wonderful because they found me some mistakes on my assignment. It was good experience. A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01 76 Programming References Anon., 2018. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 09 2018]. Anon., 2018. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 09 2018]. Anon., 2018. [Online] Available at: 3293289000&usg=AFQjCNFSunDEFUkFIwhfjcK49CWn-kutqg [Accessed 16 09 2018]., 2018. [Online] Available at: ming [Accessed 18 09 2018]. site, w., 2018. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 19 09 2018]. Udemy, 2018. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 18 09 2018]. A. Nirojan J/IT/18/12/01