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The dislocated, deterritorialized discourse produced by repatriates from formerly European colonies has remained overlooked in academic scholarship. One such group is the Eurasian “Indo” community that has its roots in the former Dutch... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural SociologySelf and IdentitySoutheast Asian Studies
This research paper entitled "The Scots in Java, 1811-1816: An Episode from the History of the 78th Regiment of Foot (Ross-shire Buffs): The Storming of the Yogyakarta Court / Keraton, 20 June 1812" was written by my late colleague, E.... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryAnthropologyCultural Heritage
The use of 'traditional' medicine, or a combination of biomedical treatment and 'traditional' medicine, is a common phenomenon all over Indonesia. In today’s Indonesian healthcare system 'traditional' and alternative medicine coexist with... more
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      Health PsychologyMedical AnthropologySoutheast Asian StudiesComplementary and Alternative Medicine
Usually in the oil mining area was exploited by oil company that under licensed from the state. Nevertheless on an oil mining field in East Java Province in Indonesia there is people oil mining that exploited and distributed by the... more
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      Border StudiesMigration StudiesJavanese studiesSocial Worker
Kyai Omyang Jimbe minangka arane sawijining keris kang ampuh lan akeh digoleki de-ning para kolektor/pandhemen barang antik, utawa barang kang ana tuah/kasiyate. Saliyane dipercaya duwe kagunan kang minulya kanggo nglancarake rejeki,... more
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      Javanese-Islamic MysticismOld JavaneseJavanese languageJavanese studies
On Wednesday, 4 March 2020, the Ethnographic Museum (Museum Volkenkunde) in Leiden announced that it had discovered the Indonesian freedom fighter, Prince Diponegoro's (1785-1855), long lost heirloom dagger (keris), Kangjeng Kiai... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
Pancasila adalah sebuah pijakan, ruh, semangat, fondasi, dan ideologi Indonesia sebagai sebuah bangsa dan negara. Maka dari itu upaya gerakan radikalisme agama dalam memperjuangkan ideologinya yang berlawanan dengan Pancasila adalah... more
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      Cultural StudiesIslamic StudiesConflict ResolutionJavanese studies
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      Javanese studiesJavanese PhilologyJavaneseJavanese literature
Much of the storytelling in Java is the profession of the puppeteers (dalang; also spelled dhalang) who perform and direct shadow theatre plays (wayang). They improvise their stories in the context which their performance requires. Unless... more
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      HumanitiesJavanese studies
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      AnthropologySoutheast Asian StudiesIndonesian StudiesIndonesia
In memory of Bruno Latour who responded quickly to this paper upon its publication//// This is an experimental essay to reconsider the meaning of animism in the time of science and technology studies when the boundary between human and... more
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      Visual AnthropologyMedia and Cultural StudiesContemporary ArtIndonesian Studies
Cloud computing is the latest distributed computing paradigm and it offers tremendous opportunities to solve large-scale scientific problems. However, it presents various challenges that need to be addressed in order to be efficiently... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringComputer Science
This is the English-language version of the Powerpoint on 'British Naval Power and the Political Situation of Indonesia, 1795-1942: The Netherlands Indies and the Cities of the Archipelago in the Vortex of Global History ' which I... more
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      Military HistoryInternational RelationsIndonesian HistoryMaritime History
This is a paper I wrote for the five-day conference (5-9 October 2020) entitled 'Forum Sejarah dan Jejak Peradaban Mataram Yogyakarta: Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono II “Menggali Warisan Membangun Masa Depan” [History Forum and Tracing... more
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      HistoryPolitical SociologyAnthropologyCulture
Raffles’ reputation as a scholar rests almost solely on a hastily compiled two-volume publication and a collection of surviving artefacts, manuscripts, prints, and drawings now mainly housed at the British Museum, the British Library, and... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesSoutheast AsiaIndonesiaSingapore
This is my introduction to the new (2017) Indonesian edition of Soemarsaid Moertono's classic 'State and Statecraft in Old Java; A Study of the Later Mataram Period, XVI-XIX Century', which was originally published by Cornell University's... more
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      HistoryHistorical AnthropologyHistoriographyIndonesian Studies
Berbagai praktik mistik telah berkembang di kalangan masyarakat Jawa. Kemunculan praktik tersebut sebenarnya dapat dilacak dari konteks sejarah masuknya Islam ke Indonesia, dan Jawa pada khususnya. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk... more
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      Islamic StudiesIslamJavanese-Islamic MysticismJavanese studies
2000 KITLV Uitgeverij Leiden Déwa Rutji De Maleise versie is uitgegeven en vertaald door Poerbatjaraka (1940:35-7, 52-4), de Oud-Javaanse prozaversie door Prijohoetomo (1934:27-139) en het Oud-Javaanse gedicht afkomstig uit Java door... more
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      Comparative LiteratureIndonesian HistoryLiteratureIndonesian Studies
BLURB: Javanese shadow puppetry is a sophisticated dramatic form, often felt to be at the heart of Javanese culture, drawing on classic texts but with important contemporary resonance in fields like religion and politics. How to make... more
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      PhilologyComparative ReligionMythology And FolkloreFolklore
The research attenots to analysis the historical genealogy and press movement and Javanese public sphere in the colonial age, 1915-1950. By focusing the site of Boekhandel Tan Khoen Swie (TKS) in Kediri-East Java during the colonial... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryChinese StudiesChinese Language and Culture
In the second decade of the 20th century a number of Indonesian intellectuals, dancers and artists were collaborating with Dutch organisations and individuals to promote Javanese culture in the Netherlands. Whilst superficially appearing... more
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      Asian StudiesColonialismHistory of Nationalism and Nation-BuildingJavanese studies
This is a personal enquiry into the role of public intellectuals in Indonesia since the mid-18th century, the current problems of Indonesia's tertiary (university) sector, in particular history teaching and research/writing, and the... more
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      HistoryEducationIndonesian HistoryPolitical Culture
Abstrak onstruksi kuasa raja-raja Jawa tidak hanya dibangun atas dasar hegemoni fisik belaka. Wacana dan pengetahuan yang termuat di dalam rima-rima teks sastra bersifat istana sentris dan bermuatan kuasa juga menjadi elemen penting dalam... more
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      HistoryIndonesian HistorySejarahJavanese studies
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      Art HistoryState TheoryLandscape (Art)Sacred Landscape (Archaeology)
Raden Adjeng Kartini (1879 – 1904) was a Javanese princess as well as an Indonesian heroine, who fought for the women’s rights to get a better education. As a noble person or priyai, she had privileges to be educated; while the Javanese... more
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      EducationSocial SciencesIndonesiaFeminism
"Selected proceedings of the “First International Conference on Ethnoastronomy: Indigenous Astronomical and Cosmological Traditions of the World”held at the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 5-9 September 1983." Available on... more
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      ReligionAncient Egyptian ReligionNew Religious MovementsComparative Religion
Feng-shui konsep worldview vernacular terbukti dapat bertahan ribuan tahun hingga sekarang. Tulisan ini bertujuan menelusuri awal konsep fengshui, sehingga dapat dipahami falsafah dasarnya. Analisis ditelusuri secara hermeneutik mengacu... more
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      Ethnic StudiesArchitectureChinese StudiesVernacular Architecture
just enjoy
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    • Javanese studies
Jathilan is one of the names for traditional Javanese trance dance which takes its roots in the most archaic levels of local culture but remains very popular nowadays. It is also described as a horse dance for the horse effigies made of... more
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      Spirit Possession (Anthropology)Javanese studiesKuda Lumping
Kajian kodikologi mengenai naskah Sěrat Menak Sarehas dumugi Menak Sorangan SK 133
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      PhilologyManuscript StudiesCodicologySastra
Kanuragan is a secret ritual initiation tied to local cosmological practices and cults used by the Javanese as a source of self-help on issues related to health, welfare, and protection. At basic levels, the practitioners of kanuragan use... more
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      Social AnthropologyCosmology (Anthropology)JavaInitiation Rituals
B elajar menurut Kamus Umum Bahasa Indonesia adalah berusaha memperoleh kepandaian atau ilmu. Perwujudan dari berusaha adalah berupa kegiatan belajar. Sebagaimana dalam tembang macapat pocung ada nasehat tentang belajar yang pantas kita... more
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    • Javanese studies
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical ScienceIndonesian StudiesJavanese studies
Une nouvelle étude qui modifie ou précise les étapes et les dates de la construction de l'ancienne cathédrale de Maguelone, Hérault, France.
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      Indonesian HistoryRomanesque ArtLombard ArtBuddhist art and architecture
Reading the Bas Reliefs at Borobudur Reading the bas reliefs at Borobudur requires a specific technique. The panels on the wall read from left to right, while those on the balustrade read from right to left, conforming with the... more
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      Javanese studiesCANDI BORUBUR
This article is a preliminary exploration of suluk texts aiming at advancing P.J. Zoetmulder's ideas with respect to the Indic origins of some characters and doctrinal elements in Javanese mystical texts. It will identify possible... more
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      Tantric StudiesIslam in IndonesiaJavanese-Islamic MysticismShaiva Tantra
Bandit Saints of Java examines the phenomenon of saint veneration and local pilgrimage in Java and Madura.
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      Indonesian HistoryAnthropology of PilgrimagePilgrimageIndonesian Studies
When religious affairs in Indonesia (casually glossed as a country with the largest Muslim population) grab international attention that mostly comes down to Islam and attempts of further Islamisation of the Archipelago. However, local... more
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      Performing ArtsMagicCultural PoliticsIndonesia
Masyarakat Jawa ialah mereka yang menggunakan bahasa Jawa sebagai bahasa ibu dan secara geografis mereka dijumpai di Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur. Menurut Magnis, secara sosial masyarakat Jawa dibedakan menjadi tiga, yaitu: wong cilik... more
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    • Javanese studies
bahasa jawa krama
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    • Javanese studies
This is a brief overview of the family history of the celebrated Arab-Javanese painter, Raden Saleh Syarif Bustaman (born Semarang circa 1811-died Bogor 1880), looking in particular at the ways in which his Semarang-based family's... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryArt HistoryIndonesian Studies
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      Programming LanguagesComputer ProgrammingJavanese studies
This short work brings together three articles on the origins of the place name Yogyakarta and its central highway - Jalan Malioboro. Two of these articles (those by Peter Carey and Jacobus (Koos) Noorduyn) appeared in the Archipel... more
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      Indonesian HistoryIndonesian StudiesJavanese studies
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    • Javanese studies
Tugas Mata Kuliah Visi dan Perubahan dalam Masyarakat Jawa, Magister Antropologi UGM, Semester Genap 2014-2015
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      AnthropologyEducationEthnographyJavanese studies
Modul sederhana ini saya buat bagi yang ingin mempelajari aksara jawa, lembar ini hanya bersifat sebagai referensi ringkas saja. lebih lanjut hubungi saya di
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      Languages and LinguisticsScriptsJavanese studies
Invited talk at the Goethe University of Frankfurt, Germany
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      Asian StudiesSoutheast Asian StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsSociolinguistics
Cerita diawali ketika Yadiran merasa sangat jengkel, bahkan sampai misuh-misuh setelah mengetahui bahwa sepatu barunya hilang di masjid kantor yang beberapa hari yang lalu selesai dibangun. Peristiwa yang dialami oleh Yadiran tersebut... more
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      Javanese studiesSasteraFilsafat Jawasastra Jawa
This paper entitled "Raden Saleh, Dipanagara and the Painting of the Capture of Dipanagara at Magelang (28 March 1830)' appeared in the Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society no.262 (pp.1-25) in 1982. It was... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural HistoryArt History
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      ArchitectureHybrid Space (Architecture)Traditional ArchitectureJavanese studies