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2019, International Journal of Applied and Advanced Scientific Research (IJAASR)…
6 pages
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Consciousness is considered as a fundamental property of the universe in quantum theories of consciousness. We consider our physical universe as appeared by the phase-like transition of the energy waves, unfolded from 10 dimensions. The human brain and its mental aspects are associated with classical brain physiology and are also part of a quantum physical universe. We consider the whole universe being multi-dimensional, of (4 + D)-dimensional Friedmann-Robertson-Walker-type (FRW), with complex scale factor “R + i RI”, where “R” is the scale factor corresponding to the usual 4-dimensional universe, and “i RI” is that of D-dimensional space-time. It is found that for D = 6 (i.e. in 10 dimensions), the Wheeler-DeWitt equation is symmetric under the exchange RI ↔ R. Mathematically, when D = 6, it is RI = R and the physical universe starts. The universe starts with the symmetry breaking of group SU(11). We assume that the extra-dimensions “D” are associated with a mental-consciousness or that of the individual mind-consciousness is (partly) an expression of a universal mind-consciousness through holonomic communication with quantum fields. “Consciousness” is created by the electromagnetic force in the framework of SU(6) U(1), whereas “mind” is created by the framework of SU(2) U(1). The human brain is conceived as an interfacing organ that not only produces mind and consciousness, but also receives information. The brain or parts of it are conceived as an “interference hologram” of incoming data and already existing ones (a “personal universe”), equivalent to the subject’s memory. If properly analyzed, information about the outer world can be distilled, with the analyzer being cerebral electrophysiology.
Brain Sciences, 2021
The concept of wholeness or oneness refers to not only humans, but also all of creation. Similarly, consciousness may not wholly exist inside the human brain. One consciousness could permeate the whole universe as limitless energy; thus, human consciousness can be regarded as limited or partial in character. According to the limited consciousness concept, humans perceive projected waves or wave-vortices as a waveless item. Therefore, human limited consciousness collapses the wave function or energy of particles; accordingly, we are only able to perceive them as particles. With this “limited concept”, the wave-vortex or wave movement comes into review, which also seems to have a limited concept, i.e., the limited projected wave concept. Notably, this wave-vortex seems to embrace photonic light, as well as electricity and anything in between them, which gives a sense of dimension to our brain. These elements of limited projected wave-vortex and limitless energy (consciousness) may coe...
The Unified Field of Consciousness
We are living a special moment in the scientific evolution of our civilization, with the emergence of a fantastic integral holoinformational quantum-holographic cosmovision [3], developing a “magic” world, as Arthur Clark said, where we will not diferentiate technology from magic. Our civilization is discovering and making reverse engineering from everything that evolved in this Cosmos. We will be creators not only of stem-cells and nanobots but also of stars and galaxies. This new integral cosmovision is more wide than the quantum-relativistic paradigm that emerged in the beginning of the XX century. The foundation of this new paradigmatic transformation connecting all levels of the universe is the phenomenon of non-local information [1] interconnecting all self-organizing universal systems in this cosmos. The Quantum Field Theory developed by Umesawa [1] with its concept of non-local information connecting everything in the universe from quantum physics-chemistry, quantum biology and quantum mind, through quantum consciousness and quantum cosmology fine tuned [2] for the emergence of life show us that human evolution and the emergence of mind and consciousness are the inevitable consequence of a inteligente informational universe. This holoinformational intelligent self-organizing field is continuously emerging from a plenum (not a vacuum) that permeates all the cosmos, full of quantum information and energy popping out of nothing every billion of trillionth of a second. This quantum field plenum is a kind of cosmic DNA scattering “in-formation” (active information with meaning that forms the reality) through all the universe, creating galaxies and supernovas with thermonuclear furnaces generating atoms of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen the basis of all life forms. The fine tuned biosignature of this non-local informational field is so fundamental for the cosmic evolution and the emergence of life that it must be seen as a cosmic organizational principle with a “status” equal to matter, energy and space-time, and as we shall see, also consciousness.
A detailed account of the theory of consciousness has been presented that firstly examines the 3D Earth mainstream science theories of consciousness based upon the notion that consciousness is created in, and is process by, the brain. It is elucidated that these theories lack adequacy in describing the phenomenon of consciousness mainly due to the fact they neither explain the phenomenon of consciousness being associated with a unified individuated entity that is commonly referred to as the ‘Self’ or ‘Soul,’ nor the fact of Principle of Free Will and Sovereignty, the most fundamental aspect or Right of our existence, equally holding us to the doctrine of self-responsibility and self-accountability by which we are judged and viewed within our human society. And, although other desperate attempts have been made, for example, by concocting the concept of “microtubules” as very minutes protein structures found in all cells being responsible for our conscious awareness, conducting thoughts, or in other words, the ‘Soul’ or the ‘Self,' yet, the fact remains that such protein structures are first of all found all over the body and even in in simple single celled organisms such as amoeba, as well as the fact that such a theory still fails to answer the fundamental question of how subjective experiences and thought processes arise, particularly that it is clinically observed that drugs that can damage the structure of “microtubules” have no effect on consciousness. Thus, non of the brains-based theories or the theory based upon “microtubules” can explain the concept of Self or Soul. The author has previously explored the theory of consciousness with reference to quantum mechanics with the overall conclusion that consciousness is a non-local phenomenon that originates from what is commonly referred to as the God-SOURCE, an Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent source that epitomizes a gigantic fountain or reservoir composed of infinite frequential energy that initially exists as a giant Scalar or Stationary wave capable of vibrating longitudinally withing the positive and negative infinity of time, a phenomenon that is commonly referred to as the NOW moment, disseminating ITS quanta of energy into what is initially a Void or Abyss, transforming it to a well ORDERED edifice of may be referred to as 356 DISCRETE space-time dimensions that form ITS body as the absolute macrocosm and what the author refers to as the Neural Network of God. Accordingly, without redundant duplication of what was presented in the aforementioned previous works in which the author concludes consciousness observation is what gives rise to ‘manifestation,’ by virtue of what quantum mechanics views as collapse of a ‘wave function’ when “measurement” is conducted, the author herein reaffirms that our consciousness is a ‘local’ quantum phenomenon that emanates from the said non-local SOURCE, which epitomizes ITS self-similar fractilized holographic aspect, giving rise to the concept of a ‘local’ soul, essentially being an offspring of the God-SOURCE, in which through the dissemination of ITS quanta of energy as to create us, breaks down the perpetual NOW moment into DISCRETE intervals of time represented as (bidirectional) vectors connecting us (and our Twin Soul) to God, about which our (or God’s) local quanta of energy divided into two parts, sequentially torsionally vibrate in time, simultaneously spinning in a counterclockwise-clockwise and clockwise-counterclockwise (our Twin) manner, simultaneously and symbiotically, fulfilling what the author has introduced as the ‘Dualism Principle of Creation.’ Finally, this paper concentrates on the overall or the Cosmic aspect of the phenomenon of consciousness, deferring further details with regard to the details of our nature of quantum consciousness or what the author also refers to as sentient vibration about the Neural Network of God, in companion paper(s).
Unified Field Mechanics, 2015
Our brain is not a " stand alone " information processing organ: it acts as a central part of our integral nervous system with recurrent information exchange with the entire organism and the cosmos. In this study, the brain is conceived to be embedded in a holographic structured field that interacts with resonant sensitive structures in the various cell types in our body. In order to explain earlier reported ultra-rapid brain responses and effective operation of the meta-stable neural system, a field-receptive mental workspace is proposed to be communicating with the brain. Our integral nervous system is seen as a dedicated neural transmission and multi-cavity network that, in a non-dual manner, interacts with the proposed supervening meta-cognitive domain. Among others, it is integrating discrete patterns of eigen-frequencies of photonic/solitonic waves, thereby continuously updating a time-symmetric global memory space of the individual. Its toroidal organization allows the coupling of gravitational, dark energy, zero-point energy field (ZPE) as well as earth magnetic fields energies and transmits wave information into brain tissue, that thereby is instrumental in high speed conscious and subconscious information processing. We propose that the supposed field-receptive workspace, in a mutual interaction with the whole nervous system, generates self-consciousness and is conceived as operating from a 4 th spatial dimension (hyper-sphere). Its functional structure is adequately defined by the geometry of the torus, that is envisioned as a basic unit (operator) of space-time. The latter is instrumental in collecting the pattern of discrete soliton frequencies that provided an algorithm for coherent life processes, as earlier identified by us. It is postulated that consciousness in the entire universe arises through, scale invariant, nested toroidal coupling of various energy fields, that may include quantum error correction. In the brain of the human species, this takes the form of the proposed holographic workspace, that collects active information in a " brain event horizon " , representing an internal and fully integral model of the self. This brain-supervening workspace is equipped to convert integrated coherent wave energies into attractor type/standing waves that guide the related cortical template to a higher coordination of reflection and action as well as network synchronicity, as required for conscious states. In relation to its scale-invariant global character, we find support for a universal information matrix, that was extensively described earlier, as a supposed implicate order as well as in a spectrum of space-time theories in current physics. The presence of a field-receptive resonant workspace, associated with, but not reducible to, our brain, may provide an interpretation framework for widely reported, but poorly understood transpersonal conscious states and algorithmic origin of life. It also points out the deep connection of mankind with the cosmos and our major responsibility for the future of our planet.
The Frontiers Collection, 2006
The conscious brain poses the most serious unsolved problem for science at the beginning of the third millennium. Not only is the whole basis of subjective conscious experience lacking adequate physical explanation, but the relationship between causality and intentionally willed action remains equally obscure. We explore a model resolving major features of the so-called 'hard problem in consciousness research' through cosmic subject-object complementarity. The model combines transactional quantum theory, with chaotic and fractal dynamics as a basis for a direct relationship between phase coherence in global brain states and anticipatory boundary conditions in quantum systems, complementing these with key features of conscious perception, and intentional will. The aim is to discover unusual physical properties of excitable cells which may form a basis for the evolutionary selection of subjective consciousness, because the physics involved in its emergence permits anticipatory choices which strongly favour survival. 1: Subject-Object Complementarity and the Hard Problem In "The Puzzle of Conscious Experience" David Chalmers (1995) summarizes some of the main points of his deÞnition of the now renowned 'hard problem in consciousness research'. He contrasts with the hard problem what he calls the 'easy' problems such as: 'How can a human subject discriminate sensory stimuli and react to them appropriately?' 'How does the brain integrate information from many different sources and use this information to control behaviour?' 'How is it that subjects can verbalize their internal states?' Each of these deal broadly with problems of consciousness, but in ways which could in principle be resolved by straightforward functional explanations. The 'hard problem', by contrast, is the question of how physical processes in the brain give rise to subjective experience. This puzzle involves the inner aspects of thought and perception and the way things feel for the subject-all of them subjective experiences known only to the participant. This is much harder to resolve because trying to compare brain states, which are in principle objective and replicable, with subjective experiences, which, however rich for the experiencer, are unavailable to an external observer, pose a severe problem of qualitative difference, which seems almost unbridgeable. Chalmers rejects any simple resort to neuroscience explanations about brain states in solving the hard problem. He notes for example that the 40 Hz oscillations made famous by Crick and Koch (1992) and others, which might provide an explanation for the coherent binding together of different brain regions, for example visual and auditory into one attended perception, may explain how the brain integrates different processing tasks (an easy problem) but don't explain how any of these modes evoke the subjective conscious experiences of vision and sound. Likewise he rejects philosophical explanations such as Daniel Dennett's (1991) 'multiple drafts' theory of consciousness as an explanation of 'how we produce verbal reports on our internal states' (an easy problem) which tells us very little about why there should be a subjective experience behind these reports. Even when we proceed to theories which attempt to use new types of physics to bridge this chasm, Chalmers remains sceptical: "Some have suggested that to solve the hard problem, we need to bring in new tools of physical explanation: nonlinear dynamics, say, or new discoveries in neuroscience, or quantum mechanics. But these ideas suffer from exactly the same difÞculty. Consider a proposal from Stuart R. Hameroff of the University of Arizona and Roger Penrose of the University of Oxford. They hold that consciousness arises from quantum-physical processes taking place in microtubules, which are protein structures inside neurons. It is possible (if not likely) that such a hypothesis will lead to an explanation of how the brain makes decisions or even how it proves mathematical theorems, as Hameroff and Penrose suggest. But even if it does, the theory is silent about how these processes might give rise to conscious experience. Indeed, the same problem arises with any theory of consciousness based only on physical processing." Following on to examine the trend in cosmology and uniÞed Þeld theories, Chalmers speculates that conscious experience may be a fundamental feature cosmologically: "If the existence of consciousness cannot be derived from physical laws, a theory of physics is not a true theory of everything. So a Þnal theory must contain an additional fundamental component. Toward this end, I propose that conscious experience be considered a fundamental feature, irreducible to anything more basic."
This article represents a transdisciplinary theory that attempts, in a nonmathematical way, to reconcile some contemporary concepts of physics with a novel theory of the mind. It represents a thought experiment that consolidates complexity by melding certain unifying natural science concepts into a coherent reality. The foundations of quantum mechanics and the cosmological mysteries of dark energy, dark matter, and normal matter non-dogmatically explained may be accessible to individuals other than those immersed in mathematical formulas. Through reasoning and models, terms are defined and illustrations provided, further clarifying concepts. In this theory, consciousness represents dynamic differences that come to an end. It exists through interdependent relationships between dark energy, focal points of dark matter (FPDMs), and normal matter with associated states of mind: pure awareness, pure mental state, and mental images state, respectively. Consciousness enables the emergence of an observing ego, a viewpoint that defines conscious events but which is not consciousness in and of itself. For topics described throughout the article, there is a mental and physical aspect that through relationship produces change that makes a difference. In this way, the reader, an 'observing ego,' with a human cognitive viewpoint, may bridge the 'gap' connecting the mental and physical domains. Although the theory can be developed mathematically in more detail, the main emphasis is to provide an intriguing explanation of how physics melds with 'mind,' thus laying the foundation for future explorations into how this theoretical framework of the mind reciprocates with other areas of science.
Academia Green Energy, 2024
In recent times, research on the energy efficiency of solar vehicles has gained momentum. A significant component of the mentioned efficiency is the vehicle's resistance to airflow. From this perspective, the aim of this study is to investigate the effect of manufacturing defects on the aerodynamic performance of solar vehicles. Changes in airflow due to these deficiencies can significantly affect energy consumption of vehicle. In this study, Solaris 11 (S11) solar vehicle is analysed in four scenarios. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis of computer-aided design (CAD) version, CAD version with manufacturing defects, with license plate, and both manufacturing defects and license plate. Analysis are conducted with a commercial CFD solver ANSYS-Fluent. In conclusion; when accounting for manufacturing defects, the variation in power consumption of the solar car increased by 24,55% to 29,09%. This increase is found to cause a reduction in the vehicle's range by 18,31 km to 37 km. Power consumption of vehicle is calculated as 236,9W for the CAD model and 309,2W for the model that has manufacturing defects at 60 km/h respectively. In the same manner, power consumption values are calculated as 1692, 164W and 2214W, respectively.
Na een periode van heropbouw in de jaren vijftig stelt men in de lange jaren zestig (1960-1975) het gezag steeds sterker ter discussie. Schrijvers contesteren bijvoorbeeld de centrale kenmerken van het romangenre: ze boren taboethema’s aan en verstoren continuïteit, fictionaliteit en narrativiteit. De auteurs die de narrativiteit van proza op de helling plaatsen, gebruiken vaak kenmerken die aan poëzie worden toegeschreven: ze gebruiken veel metaforen, ongrammaticale constructies en ritmische patronen, focussen op de perceptie van de spreker of verwijzen minimaal naar een buitentalige werkelijkheid. Prozateksten met zulke kenmerken kunnen sterk van elkaar verschillen en toch vertonen ze een opvallende verwantschap: ze verhouden zich op de een of andere manier tot het lyrische. Vanuit die opvatting onderzoekt dit proefschrift Nederlandstalig lyrisch proza aan de hand van vijf uiteenlopende gevalstudies: Lucienne Stassaerts ‘De jonkvrouw met de spade’ (1964), Marcel van Maeles Kraaman...
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