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WORLD OILSEEDS CONGRESS November 6-7, 2019 Lviv, Ukraine “World Oilseed Congress” is a premier international science, bringing together producers, trade, industry, technology and business focusing on oilseeds. The program will include a plenary session on oilseed production, markets, economics and the policies and regulations governing oil trade. The technical sessions will highlight invited and oral presentations on congress topics. The congress will be green congress basis so as much as less papers will be used and with carrying out our environment. Congress language is ENGLISH. Congress Topics: • All oilseeds (Sunflower, Canola, Peanut, Flax, Sesame, Cottonseed, Castor, Palm, Olive and other oilseeds) production, breeding, agronomy, biotechnology, etc. • World oilseed and oil trade, • Oilseed and Oil chemistry • Oilseed and Oil Industry and sector • Oilseed and Oil equipment • Nutrition and Lipids • Processing and Industrial Applications • Food Applications and Products • Methods and Standards INVITED SPEAKERS Prof Dr Aziz TEKIN, President of Oil Science and Technology Association, Turkey (YABITED), Dean of Engineering Faculty, Ankara University, Turkey, Euro Fed Lipid Board Member Metin YURDAGUL, President of Margarine Producers and Industry Association, Turkey (MUMSAD), Dr. Leonardo VELASCO, Director of IAS-CSIC, Córdoba, Spain, EUCARPIA Oilseed Coordinator Prof. Dr Maria DUCA, Rector of University of National Academy of Sci. Moldova Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nooduan MUANGSAN, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand Prof. Dr. Nurhan T. DUNFORD, Oklahoma State University, USA IMPORTANT DATES Deadlines of Abstract Submission ~ August 1st 2019 Deadlines of Full Paper Submission ~ November 1st 2019 Deadlines for Early Registration ~ May 31st 2019 Congress Dates ~ November 6-7, 2019 Early Registration fee for Academicians & Researchers 125 Euro, Students for 75 Euro Early Registration fee for Industry 200 Euro, Late registration 250 Euro Registration Fee covers attending of all Congress sessions, Congress materials (bag, flash memory, etc.), coffee breaks, lunches, transfers between the congress center and hotels during the Congress (November 6th – 7th), city excursion in November 7th and gala dinner on November 7th. Congress papers will be published in Congress Abstract of Proceeding Book. Additionally, the participants are encouraged to send their full papers that after the Congress are going to be published in indexed International Scientific Journals or Congress Proceeding Book. Abstract submission and registration link is below. You can get more information from our web page. Wait you to attend in our congress… See you in Lviv, Ukraine.. Prof. Dr. Yalcin KAYA Chair of Organizing Committee
International Congress Edible and Oil Seeds which is organized by Trakya University and the International Researchers Association. The congress will be held in Megasaray Westbeach Hotel, Antalya, Turkey, on 31 October - 2 November, 2024 with the support of several national and international partners. The Congress topics will cover Edible and Oil Seeds: Plant Breeding and Genetics, Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology, Biology and Physiology, Genetic Resources, Plant Protection, Agronomy and Production, Animal feeding, Food Science and Nutrients Fats, lipids, and Protein studies, Trade and Economy, Oil crops are rich sources of oils, proteins, minerals, vitamins, and dietary fibers for both human and animal feeding and provide the raw material for the production of biodiesel. Oil crops are soybean, cottonseed, sunflower, canola, rapeseed, peanut, safflower, flax, sesame, coconut, castor, copra, etc.
Acta Botanica Gallica, 1993
In order to meet the growing demands in high-quality agricultural production requires increasing its production, including the production of plant oils. Ukraine occupies an important place in the world for growing oilseeds, the structure of which is initially represented by sunflower, rapeseed, soy, mustard and flax. It is possible to cultivate such valuable oilseeds like castor, false flax, milk thistle, sesame, poppy, amaranth. Different industries, medicine and veterinary increasingly need these crops. Agro-climatic conditions of Ukraine meet the biological needs of oilseeds, and the significant potential for expanding their planted area and range is obvious. However, the potential of manufacturers of oilseeds should not be in imbalance with capacity of processing industry. And today the reform of property relations and decentralization of the administration system of agro-industrial complex led to the destruction of traditional links between agricultural and processing sectors. The existing economic ties are economically inefficient and generate the decline in agricultural production.
Oilseed crops belong to numerous plant families and their seeds are used not only as a source of oil but also as raw materials for various oleo‐chemical industries. The raw materials act as a renewable source of energy and are associated with power generation (Jankowski & Budzynski, 2003). Among various oilseed crops, the preferred ones are soybean, sesame, safflower, sunflower, groundnut, and castor (Weiss, 2000). The crops of sunflower, soybean, and canola offer good management options for irrigation reduction, thus enhancing the benefits of reduced input costs of these oilseed crops (Aiken & Lamm, 2006). There exists a positive correlation between soil water extraction and rooting depth in oilseed crops. The tap root, along with the well‐formed root growth system of safflower, allows this oilseed crop to extract moisture at greater depths from the soil. When safflower water requirements are satisfied with 68.6% and 78.4% water content, the crop provides the yield of 392 kgha−1 after only one turn of irrigation. Safflower yields 762 kgha−1 with two irrigations (Kar et al., 2007). Oilseed crops like soybean, sunflower, and canola are susceptible to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, a fungal pathogen that is responsible for a reduction in the yield of these crops. The application of sulfur as fertilizer on the oilseed crops results in increased concentration of oil as well as protein content of the Brassica seeds (Malhi et al., 2006). For the production of a ton of oilseed, approximately 12 Kg sulfur is required (Ghosh et al., 2000). Some 23.5% of protein content has been observed in canola after the application of 80 kgha−1 of nitrogen but this did not play a significant role in increasing the oil content (Ahmad et al., 2007). There has been an increased risk of blackleg in canola fields when crops are planted adjacent to canola stubble that is six months mature. To avoid serious damage by blackleg in canola fields, it is recommended that the crops should be sown in such a way that there is a distance of at least 500 m from last season’s canola stubble (Marcroft et al., 2004). Among the various oilseed crops, there are some anti‐nutritive compounds such as condensed tannins, inositol phosphates, and glucosinolates, etc. All such anti‐nutritive compounds are responsible for lowering the nutritive value of oilseed crops. In most situations these compounds do not harm the crop plants (Matthaus & Angelini, 2005). Advances in plant technology and the advent of metabolic engineering have enabled the modification of oilseed crops, thus establishing transgenic crop plants. Such transgenic oilseed crops have novel biosynthetic genes taken from noncommercial plants that provide the oilseed plants with good fatty acids (Thelen & Ohlrogge, 2002). To modify the fatty acid content of oilseed crops, the technique of mutagenesis is very important (Velasco & Fernández‐Martínez, 2000). In this way, these modified crops are responsible for the provision of great benefits to human health (Thelen & Ohlrogge, 2002). Various catabolic as well as biosynthetic enzymes have also been shown to play a significant role in the regulation of the fatty acid component of the oilseed crops. Among such biosynthetic and catabolic enzymes, the best characterized ones include KAS (β‐ketoacyl‐ACP synthases), TE (thioesterases), and acyltransferases (Dehesh, 2001). In soils that are tainted with a high cadmium content, that has accumulated due to the application of phosphatic fertilizers, specifically in Australia, the linseed crops accumulated much greater concentrations of cadmium compared to other crop species, such as wheat, canola, lupins, and Indian mustard (Hocking & McLaughlin, 2000). Linseed crops follow a model of simulation termed STICS that ensures the calibrations of linseed are in harmony with water consumption, with the crop yield as well as the nitrogen content of the crop (Flenet et al., 2004). Of GM crops, one of the first to be modified was oilseed rape (Brassica napus), and various concerns were raised regarding pollution of the environment due to oilseed rape pollen contamination of non‐GM crops from GM crops (Rieger et al., 2002).
International Journal of …, 2012
Oilseed crops belong to numerous plant families and their seeds are used not only as a source of oil but also as raw materials for various oleo-chemical industries. The raw materials act as a renewable source of energy and are associated with power generation (Jankowski & Budzynski, 2003). Among various oilseed crops, the preferred ones are soybean, sesame, safflower, sunflower, groundnut, and castor (Weiss, 2000). The crops of sunflower, soybean, and canola offer good management options for irrigation reduction, thus enhancing the benefits of reduced input costs of these oilseed crops (Aiken & Lamm, 2006). There exists a positive correlation between soil water extraction and rooting depth in oilseed crops. The tap root, along with the well-formed root growth system of safflower, allows this oilseed crop to extract moisture at greater depths from the soil. When safflower water requirements are satisfied with 68.6% and 78.4% water content, the crop provides the yield of 392 kgha −1 after only one turn of irrigation. Safflower yields 762 kgha −1 with two irrigations (Kar et al., 2007). Oilseed crops like soybean, sunflower, and canola are susceptible to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, a fungal pathogen that is responsible for a reduction in the yield of these crops. The application of sulfur as fertilizer on the oilseed crops results in increased concentration of oil as well as protein content of the Brassica seeds (Malhi et al., 2006). For the production of a ton of oilseed, approximately 12 Kg sulfur is required (Ghosh et al., 2000). Some 23.5% of protein content has been observed in canola after the application of 80 kgha −1 of nitrogen but this did not play a significant role in increasing the oil content (Ahmad et al., 2007). There has been an increased risk of blackleg in canola fields when crops are planted adjacent to canola stubble that is six months mature. To avoid serious damage by blackleg in canola fields, it is recommended that the crops should be sown in such a way that there is a distance of at least 500 m from last season's canola stubble (Marcroft et al., 2004). Among the various oilseed crops, there are some anti-nutritive compounds such as condensed tannins, inositol phosphates, and glucosinolates, etc. All such anti-nutritive compounds are responsible for lowering the nutritive value of oilseed crops. In most situations these compounds do not harm the crop plants (Matthaus & Angelini, 2005). Advances in plant technology and the advent of metabolic engineering have enabled the modification of oilseed crops, thus establishing transgenic crop plants. Such transgenic oilseed crops have novel biosynthetic genes taken from noncommercial plants that provide the oilseed plants with good fatty acids (Thelen & Ohlrogge, 2002). To modify the fatty acid content
This conference is a premier international science, technology and business forum focusing on sunflower oil. However, a general session will also highlight other vegetable oils. The program will include a plenary session on sunflower oil markets, economics and the policies and regulations governing sunflower oil trade. The technical sessions will highlight invited and volunteer oral presentations. The best presentations and posters for both for academic participants and also students will be selected and awarded in three categories as oil quality, oil process and crop production. The students are strongly encouraged to submit an application for the student poster award also. Three student posters will be selected to receive 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd place monetary awards and a certificate during the conference also. The conference will be green conference basis so as much as less papers will be used and with carrying out our environment. Abstract book will be published in as electronic book in flash memory sticks which will be distributed during the conference. On the other, poster will be prepared electronically and submit via web page and will be exhibited in electronic poster panels. The attendees will have ample opportunities for learning, reconnecting, engaging and networking with colleagues in academia and industry and meet with exhibitors.
Oil crops are one of the most valuable traded agricultural commodities and are probably worth over $100 billion/yr. The current volume of traded vegetable oils is over 70 Mt per year and is predicted to increased to over 100 Mt per year by the year 2010 . This is probably a considerable underestimate of the total volume of oil production since, particularly in developing countries, most vegetable oils are consumed locally, rather than entering into trading networks. Despite the large volume of globally traded vegetable oil, only four major crops, soybean, oil palm, rapeseed, and sunflower contribute about 75% of this production. The domination of the oilseed market by the "big four" oil crops is set to continue for the foreseeable future. Indeed, the establishment of new plantations in South East Asia is predicted to double oil palm production in the next 15 years, making it, by then, the most important source of vegetable oils in the world.
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Györffy István és Boros Lajos szerepe a Turul Szövetség Bolyai Kollégiumának megalakulásában. In Szuly Rita–Kránitz Péter Pál (szerk.): Társadalom térben és időben. Tanulmányok az új- és modernkori Magyarország eszme-, művelődés- és társadalomtörténetéről. Budapest–Piliscsaba, Magyar Napló–Írott ..., 2015
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