The Two Brothers: an enlightening study of
ancient Egyptian teeth
Roger Forshaw1
Key points
Investigating ancient dentitions can
assist archaeologists and historians in
reconstructing the past.
Summarises some of the techniques
available to investigate ancient teeth.
Presents a review of the developmental
abnormalities of gemination and fusion,
also known as ‘double teeth’.
Explains why teeth are often the
tissue of choice for molecular (DNA)
The ‘Two Brothers’, two 4,000-year-old Egyptian mummies, were discovered buried alongside each other in an ancient
Egyptian tomb in 1907, and were later relocated to the Manchester Museum. The hieroglyphic inscriptions on the coffins
indicate that the mummies, Nakht-Ankh and Khnum-Nakht, were brothers but when the mummies were unwrapped
and investigated in 1908, the skeletal morphologies were found to be quite different, suggesting an absence of family
relationship. In 2017, their teeth were re-examined and, similar to most ancient Egyptian teeth, they display evidence of
excessive tooth wear but there is little indication of carious lesions. Khnum-Nakht presents the rare developmental disorder
of fusion of the left maxillary incisor and gemination of the right incisor, probably the earliest recorded instance of this
irregularity. Analysis of the DNA from their molar teeth has been able to shed some light on the longstanding question of
the kinship of the Two Brothers.
Early in 2018, the media showed considerable
interest in the results of the recent DNA
investigations into the Two Brothers, two
ancient Egyptian mummies that form part of
the collection at the Manchester Museum. Over
the last century, the two mummified bodies,
Khnum-Nakht and Nakht-Ankh, have been
the subject of a number of detailed studies,
including investigations of their teeth and
skeletal morphology. More recently, their teeth
have been re-examined and DNA obtained
from their molar teeth has been sequenced in
an attempt to resolve the perplexing question of
a possible familial relationship between them.
Honorary Lecturer, KNH Centre, Faculty of Biology,
Medicine and Health, University of Manchester,
Manchester, UK.
Correspondence to: Roger Forshaw
Refereed Paper.
Accepted 20 November 2018
Historical background and early
was one of the earliest full-scale scientific
investigations carried out on mummies.2
Discovery of the tomb
Skeletal investigation
The mummies were discovered in 1907, interred
alongside each other, in an undisturbed Middle
Kingdom (1985–1773 BC) tomb at Deir Rifeh,
a village 250 miles south of Cairo (Fig. 1). The
tomb was found by an Egyptian workman
called Erfal, working under the supervision
of the eminent British Egyptologists, Flinders
Petrie and his associate Ernest Mackay. The
complete contents of the tomb, including their
coffins and grave goods, were transferred to
Manchester in 1908, and remained intact as
a group rather than being divided among
different museum collections, as was usual at
that time.1
Upon arrival in Manchester, the mummies
were unwrapped by the UK’s first female
Egyptologist, Margaret Murray, who was also
the first curator of the Egyptian collection at the
Manchester Museum (Fig. 2). In an important
development in scientific study, Margaret
Murray assembled a multi-disciplinary team
of researchers to examine their bodies in what
John Cameron, a medical member of
the team, undertook the anatomical and
pathological examination. He concluded that
Nakht-Ankh was at least 60 when he died, and
with the average life expectancy in ancient
Egypt being around 35, Nakht-Ankh had
experienced a relatively long life.3 KhnumNakht, on the other hand, probably died in his
forties. Stature for both of the mummies was
estimated at about 1.6 metres and they both
displayed evidence of osteoarthritis in the
vertebrae. The teeth were briefly commented
on, particularly the fused left maxillary
incisors of Khnum-Nakht which was likened
at the time to a ‘huge tusk’.
The skulls were found to be strikingly
different, with that of Khnum-Nakht being
markedly prognathous and Nakht-Ankh
orthognathous. The protrusive nature of
the maxilla and mandible of Khnum-Nakht
resulted in the conclusion that he was of
black African descent, possibly Nubian. This
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to British Dental Association 2019
divergence in skeletal morphology was found
to apply to many of the other anatomical
features evident in the skulls (Fig. 3). The
shape and size of the calvarium, and the
dimension of the zygomatic bones, orbits and
nasal cavities were all recorded as displaying
a marked metric variation. This almost
complete lack of resemblance also extended
to the other bones of the skeleton and led to
the conclusion that it was unlikely that they
were directly related. Cameron commented
that: ‘these differences are so pronounced that
it is almost impossible to convince oneself
that they belong to the same race, far less to
the same family’. In the 1970s, radiological
examinations of the skeletons, unavailable
at the time of the original investigation,
were undertaken together with facial
reconstructions, which again highlighted the
variation in cranial morphology.4
Inheritance plays a significant role in the
determination of craniofacial morphology.
The conclusion is based on cephalometric
and anthropometric comparisons between
identical and fraternal twins, among siblings,
and between parents and their offspring.5,6
These familial studies of craniofacial shape
show a moderate to high degree of heritability
for a substantial set of craniofacial traits,
including facial height and width, while local
facial features such as the orbits, nose, jaw, and
teeth demonstrate a high heritability.7,8,9 Cranial
form is a complex interaction of intrinsic
(such as hormones and genetic) and extrinsic
(mainly environmental and mechanical)
factors.10 Taking into account the dental
developmental anomalies, as described later
in this article, it is quite likely that the cranial
development of one or both individuals may
have been perturbed, leading to pronounced
differences in adult cranial form. Therefore, the
influence of inheritance on craniofacial traits
cannot, by itself, be used to assess a familial
relationship, as was suggested at the time of
the 1908 investigation.
Hieroglyphic evidence
The hieroglyphic inscriptions on the coffins
indicate that the mother of Khnum-Nakht
and Nakht-Ankh was named Khnum-Aa
and that they were the sons of an unnamed
local governor. There is a variation in the way
the patrilineal descent is specified for both
sons, in that both the father and grandfather
of Khnum-Nakht are identified as local
governors, whereas the text states that only
Nakht-Ankh’s father held that position.1 This
Fig. 1 The ‘Two Brothers’ inner ‘body’ coffins – Khnum-Nakht (left) and Nakht-Ankh (right).
They were interred along-side each other without wives and offspring suggesting that neither
were married. Reproduced with permission from the Manchester Museum, University of
Fig. 2 Margaret Murray and her team unwrapping the mummy of Khnum-Nakht in the
chemistry lecture theatre, the University of Manchester, 6 May 1908. Reproduced with
permission from the Manchester Museum, University of Manchester
slight variation in inscriptional evidence,
together with the anatomical divergence,
has been interpreted as an absence of family
relationship and has led to the conclusion that
either their mother had had two husbands or
that one or both of the sons were adopted.
The original examination had concluded that
Nakht-Ankh was aged about 60 when he died
and Khnum-Ankh approximately 40, although
today it is recognised that the determination
of age in adults by traditional morphological
methods is often imprecise.11,12
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to British Dental Association 2019
DNA studies
Fig. 3 Skulls of the Two Brothers, Nakht-Ankh (left) and Khnum-Nakht (right). Reproduced with
permission from Manchester University Press
More recently they have been the subject
of two separate DNA investigations, in an
attempt to revisit this question of possible
familial relationship. Both investigations
were able to obtain mitochondrial DNA
from the surviving desiccated soft tissue
of the two mummies. Mitochondrial DNA
specifies whether individuals share the same
haplotype. If they have the same mother, or
same grandmother on the maternal side, they
will have the same haplotype, whereas if they
have different mothers then they are likely to
have different haplotypes. The two analyses
produced conflicting results with the 2005
research by Smyth13 indicating a probability
of a maternal relationship, whereas the 2014
analysis by Matheson et al.14 found no apparent
evidence of a maternal relationship.
The 2017 investigations of the
teeth of the Two Brothers
Fig. 4 Teeth of Khnum-Nakht showing extensive tooth wear. Reproduced with permission from
the Manchester Museum, University of Manchester
The body coffins of the Two Brothers have
different coloured faces with that of Nakht-Ankh
being painted black, while Khnum-Nakht’s face
has a yellowish-white colour. If these colours were
actually intended to indicate their skin tones,
then it would appear that the bodies were placed
in the wrong coffins, as it is Khnum-Nakht who
was identified by his cranial features as being of
African descent. However, there is no supporting
evidence from other burials to suggest that
coffins of non-royal persons ever represented
the individual physical characteristics of the
owner. One explanation is that the black face on
Nakht-Ankh’s coffin was intended to symbolise
the appearance of the god Osiris, whom the dead
owner had now become. Osiris is frequently
shown with a black or green face to indicate that
he represented the black, fertile soil of Egypt and
the annual rebirth of the vegetation.1
In 2017, the teeth were re-examined by the
author and the latest DNA technique, nextgeneration sequencing (NGS), was utilised
by Konstantina Drosou of the Manchester
Institute of Biotechnology in the latest
investigation of kinship of the Two Brothers.
An examination of ancient teeth is
particularly important in archaeological studies
as it can provide considerable information
related to the lifestyle and dietary habits of our
ancestors. Visual and radiological studies can
identify palaeopathological lesions useful in
identifying dietary patterns. Plant microfossils
and non-dietary debris are able to be isolated
from calculus and can be identified using light
microscopy, again providing dietary evidence
as well as cultural and environmental data.
More recent analytical techniques, such as
stable isotope analysis, can assist in tracing the
geographic origins and migrations of peoples. In
addition, there are a number of anthropological
questions that can potentially be addressed by
DNA analysis, such as the determination of
sex when conventional identification methods
are impossible, as well as the origin, familial
relationships and movements of populations.15
Teeth present
Khnum-Nakht possessed a full dentition during
life, but a number of teeth have since been lost in
post-mortem handling. For Nakht-Ankh, apart
from the right maxillary lateral incisor all of the
teeth were present during life, although again a
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to British Dental Association 2019
number have since fallen from their sockets. The
extensive loss of labial and buccal bone around
the socket of this missing lateral incisor and its
adjacent teeth suggest that its premature loss
may be due to trauma, perhaps an accident or
interpersonal violence.
Tooth wear
Similar to most ancient Egyptian teeth, those
of the Two Brothers show excessive wear, a
condition caused by the consumption of a
coarse diet throughout their lives (Fig. 4). This
widespread condition has been demonstrated
in the majority of ancient Egyptian dentitions
throughout the dynastic period.16,17,18,19,20 It has
often been categorised as attrition, but analysis
of the problem reveals that attrition was not
the sole agent responsible for the loss of tooth
tissue. Adulteration of the food by significant
numbers of inorganic particles resulted in an
additional element of abrasion. This particulate
matter was found mainly in the bread, the
staple food of the ancient Egyptians, and was
present largely as a result of contamination of
the grain by wind-blown sand. Other factors
such as the use of flint-tooth sickle harvesting
tools, grinding corn with soft sandstone
implements, and baking the bread on the
outside of stone ovens would have caused
further extrinsic fragments to infiltrate the
grain and bread.
Rather than attrition, tooth wear with
components of both attrition and abrasion is
perhaps a better definition for this condition.21
The tooth wear increased with the age of the
individual and varied from a slight polishing
of the cusps to almost complete loss of crown
structure. Often it was so extensive it occurred
at a faster rate than the odontoblasts were able
to lay down secondary dentine, resulting in
pulpal exposure, necrosis of the pulp and
subsequent apical infection.20
Only one small carious occlusal cavity is
evident in the right mandibular third molar
of Nakht-Ankh, while the teeth of KhnumNakht are caries free. The lack of caries is a
common finding in the extant dentitions from
ancient Egypt and other early societies. This is
due to the lack of fermentable carbohydrates in
ancient diets coupled with the fibrous abrasive
nature of the food, which would have tended
to inhibit the retention of plaque on the tooth
surface and thus reduce its susceptibility to
carious attack.22 Tooth wear was also a factor
since occlusal wear would have eliminated pits
Fig. 5 a) Skull of Khnum-Nakht. The central incisors display the rare developmental
abnormality of fusion (right) and gemination (left) within the same arch; b) Close-up of the
central incisors of Khnum-Nakht. Reproduced with permission from the Manchester Museum,
University of Manchester
and fissures, while interproximal wear would
have produced flattened tooth contacts, both
creating a more difficult environment for
plaque and caries to proliferate in.19
Developmental defects
The maxillary central incisors of KhnumNakht are abnormally large with the left incisor
displaying a vertical groove extending from the
incisal edge to the root apex (Fig. 5). The teeth
demonstrate the rare developmental disorder
of fusion of the left incisor and gemination of
the right incisor. This instance of gemination
and fusion within the same individual, dating
back nearly 4,000 years, is the earliest known
recorded example of such an anomaly.
Gemination and fusion are developmental
anomalies of tooth shape, which affect both the
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to British Dental Association 2019
Fig. 6 Occlusal radiograph of the maxillary teeth of Khnum-Nakht. The left central incisor
is fused with a supernumary tooth and the lateral incisor is instanding due to lack of space
within the dental arch. The right central incisor is geminated. Reproduced with permission from
Manchester University Press
permanent and primary dentitions.21,23,24,25,26
Gemination is recognised as an unsuccessful
attempt by a single tooth germ to divide by
invagination during the proliferative stage of
dental development. This results in a large
single tooth whose appearance varies from
a groove or depression to two crowns joined
together, indicating the abortive attempt of the
teeth to be completely separate. Geminated
teeth have a single pulp chamber and usually
a large single root and root canal, as is the case
with Khnum-Nakht (Fig. 6).
Fusion is a union of two separate tooth
germs at some stage in their development
and is suggested to be the result of some
physical force or pressure. The fusion may be
partial or total, depending upon the stage of
tooth development at the time of union, and
so one tooth may be present with only one
pulp chamber and a merging of dentine and/
or enamel, as in gemination, or there may be
two separate pulp chambers with two roots
or two canals in a single root. In the case of
Khnum-Nakht, the left central incisor shows
separate pulp chambers and separate roots.
Fusion can occur between teeth of the same
dentition or mixed dentitions, and between
normal and supernumerary teeth. 27,28
Supernumerary teeth are often atypical and
so fusion between a supernumerary and a
normal tooth will generally show differences
in the two halves of the joined crown,
whereas in examples of gemination the two
halves of the joined crown are commonly
mirror images, as with Khnum-Nakht.
Despite the considerable number of cases
reported in the literature, the differential
diagnosis between these abnormalities
can on occasions be difficult, particularly
when supernumerary teeth are present,
and so diagnosis requires careful visual and
radiographic examination.29,30
When fusion occurs, the total number of
teeth in the dental arch will be reduced unless
a supernumerary tooth is involved. With
Khnum-Nakht, the maxillary left central
incisor has fused with a supernumerary tooth
and the left lateral incisor is palatally displaced
due to lack of space within the dental arch;
resulting in no reduction in the number of
teeth. Gemination by definition will not reduce
the number of teeth present.
The exact causes of these abnormalities
are uncertain but gemination is believed to
be the result of a disturbance in epithelialmesenchymal interactions which can
markedly disturb tooth development. It is
suggested that this may be caused by local
metabolic interferences occurring during
morphodifferentiation of the tooth germ.
Severity of the anomaly depends on the stage
of formation of the involved teeth.31 With
fusion, the influence of pressure or physical
forces producing close contact between two
tooth germs during their development can be
a factor.29,30 As the aetiology remains unclear,
to avoid any confusion, some authors prefer to
use the term ‘double teeth’ which describes the
appearance with no implication regarding the
cause of this condition.21,32
These dental abnormalities are more frequent
in the anterior region of the permanent
dentition. They do not show a sex predilection
but genetic predisposition and racial
differences have been cited as contributing
factors in both gemination and fusion.24,25,29
While the incidence varies in individual
reports, for single examples it appears to be
approximately 0.5% in the primary dentition
and 0.1% in the permanent dentition. Bilateral
presentation of these conditions is even less
common, with prevalence estimated at
0.02–0.05% for both dentitions.25,33,34 In both
primary and permanent dentitions, fused
or geminated teeth may cause functional,
aesthetic, caries, periodontal and orthodontic
problems.35 Apart from the Two Brothers, there
appears to be no other documented instance
of this double developmental abnormality in
ancient specimens.
Ancient DNA investigation
Teeth are an excellent source of DNA as they
are well preserved in the archaeological record,
usually surviving long after their supporting
structures have deteriorated. Due to their
unique composition and location within the
mandible and maxilla they are largely shielded
from the environmental and physical conditions
that act to accelerate the processes of postmortem decomposition and DNA decay.36,37
DNA extracted from teeth and particularly the
cementum of the teeth, where concentrations
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to British Dental Association 2019
are higher,38,39,40 is less prone to contamination
than DNA extracted from bones.41
A recent technique to emerge in this
field, next-generation sequencing, enables
hundreds of thousands of short sequences
of ancient DNA to be obtained in a single
study. This method has increased the amount
of DNA sequence data available for analysis
from ancient material by several orders of
magnitude, and so is now considered far
more reliable than earlier techniques such as
the polymerase chain reaction.42,43 In NGS,
the technique involves extracting DNA from
teeth and then, following hybridisation capture
of the mitochondrial and Y chromosome
fractions, the DNA is sequenced.44
In the 2017 analysis, molar teeth that were
reasonably firmly attached to the surrounding
alveolar bone were selected. This ensured that
they belonged to the same individual, and
had probably not been previously removed
from their sockets, so reducing the risk of
contamination. Careful digital manipulation
was used to remove the teeth in order to
minimise damage to the surrounding bone.
Earlier methods to extract DNA from teeth
involved the milling and crushing of teeth, a
process which destroyed the morphologicallyinformative crown and so rendered them of
little or no further use to other investigators,
while also damaging rare archaeological
resources.45,46 The method chosen for this study
involved obtaining cementum and dentine
from the root of the tooth by the ‘reverse
root canal technique’, which because of its
minimally destructive nature preserved the
crown intact.41,47,48 Increasing sizes of hand files
were introduced through the apical foramina
into the pulp chambers, a process which was
able to obtain 50–70 mg of hard tooth tissue.
The sample obtained by this technique is free
from enamel which would have had a diluting
effect, as being an acellular material contains
no DNA. In addition, the high concentrations
of minerals in enamel, particularly calcium,
may have complicated the extraction process.49
During all these procedures of sampling,
tooth preparation and DNA extraction,
recommended laboratory and analytical
standards were followed to ensure reliable
DNA acquisition and detection.44
The mitochondrial results indicate that both
Nakht-Ankh and Khnum-Nakht belong to
mitochondrial haplotype M1a1, suggesting a
maternal relatedness, consistent with a shared
mother or a more distant kinship relationship
such as cousins or uncle-nephew. However,
the M1a1 haplotype is estimated to have been
present in around 6–7% of the population in
ancient Egypt,50,51 so there is a small possibility
that the two individuals inherited the same
haplotype entirely by chance. Nevertheless, the
relatedness, as indicated by the DNA results, is
consistent with the common maternal name
as documented in the inscriptional evidence.
The results of the Y chromosome sequences
were less complete but showed variations
between the two mummies, suggesting that
Nakht-Ankh and Khnum-Nakht had different
The results of the examination of the teeth
of two ancient Egyptian mummies carried
out at the Manchester Museum and the
Manchester Institute of Biotechnology
indicated not only extensive tooth wear
and a lack of carious lesions, common
findings in ancient Egyptian teeth, but also
the extremely rare double developmental
disorder of gemination and fusion; perhaps
the earliest recorded example of such an
abnormality. In addition, ancient DNA
was successfully extracted from their
molar teeth, the first analysis of Egyptian
mummies to successfully use the typing
of both mitochondrial DNA, which comes
from the mother, and Y chromosomal DNA
from the father. The DNA results thus add
weight to the ancient inscriptional evidence
supporting a familial relationship between
the Two Brothers.
After a number of scientific studies and
considerable speculation, ancient teeth have
been able to furnish further information on
the kinship of these two ancient Egyptians
who lived some four thousand years ago in
the Nile valley, a quandary that has perplexed
Egyptologists for over a hundred years.
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