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Concrete mix design by the ACI method requires various material properties as the input. The effect of variation of these input parameters on mix proportions has been studied here, with reference to strength attainment in few cases. The sensitivity of the mix has been expressed by volume ratios of fine aggregate to coarse aggregate and cement to fine aggregate. It is found that inter-particle voids of coarse aggregates, a function of gradation, plays a significant role in the prediction of mix proportions. The study reveals that ACI method fails to rationally predict the proportion of the ingredients when coarse aggregates of higher voids is used in making the concrete. In such cases, the amount of fine aggregate is over estimated. This over estimation leads to a higher surface area to be covered by the same amount of cement, which is determined without any reference to aggregate grading. As a result, the mix fails to attain the design strength. Test results have confirmed these fin...
In this paper a comparison of mix design procedures of IS method - Concrete mix proportioning guidelines (Bureau of Indian Standards-I.S.10262- 2009), BS method ( BS EN 206-1 and its complementary standards BS 8500 parts 1& 2) and, ACI method (ACI 211, 211.1-91, reapproved -2002) is presented and combining the test results of these methods, “function equations based design of normal concrete mixes” is proposed.
Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering
Concrete is a low-maintenance composite material that is primarily composed of cementitious material, water and gravel. It is often used construction material not only in Bangladesh but also across the world. The design of the concrete mix is a critical determinant of the qualities of the concrete. The fundamental ideas and comparative research of certain prominent concrete mix design methods from a qualitative perspective are presented in this work. Two types of concrete mix designs are used which are ACI 211.1-91 (2002) Standard and British Standard (1997) in this paper. Several factors have been determined in this study to choose between the ACI and British Standard. These approaches rely heavily on graphs, tables and bar charts with arbitrary values. The nominal maximum size of coarse aggregate, water to cement ratio (w/c), slump value and the % passing of fine aggregates are used here to change the amount of materials. Differentiating between these strategies allows for a bette...
The American Concrete Institute 211-92 mix design proportioning method (ACI method) for normal concrete was compared with two other counterparts which included the British DOE Mix design proportioning method (DOE method) and the Indian Standard mix design proportioning method-IS 10262-82 (IS method) in order to evaluate the method that gave the best workability, cost efficiency, and met the targeted mean compressive strength (TMCS) within 28 days curing. The quality of the materials used for the proportioning of the fresh concrete was adequately evaluated using ASTM standards to ensure good quality control and integrity. 75 concrete samples were cast using 100X100X100 metallic cubic molds and the compressive strength for 7, 14, 21, and 28 days were obtained after the cubes were cured in water. The following comparative study was done; compressive strength vs. water cement ratio, compressive strength vs. cement content, compressive strength vs. workability, compressive strength vs. aggregate cement ratio, compressive strength vs. fine aggregate content, compressive strength vs. coarse aggregate content and cost analysis. The ACI method and IS methods were easier to proportion compared to the DOE method which was cumbersome. The compressive strength of the ACI method and IS methods met the TMCS but the DOE method did not meet the TMCS for the M15, M20, M25, M30, and M40 grades of concrete. The ACI method was more cost-effective than the IS method. The ACI method was cheaper than the IS method by; 14.94%, 12.18%, 12.55%, 12.93% and 4.10% for the M15, M20, M25, M30 and M40 concrete grades respectively. The ACI method was thus, recommended as first choice proportioning method for the group studied. (Keywords: ACI method, aggregate cement ratio, DOE method, IS method, normal concrete)
As the demand of the concrete is increasing day by day and it has become the largest consumption material now a days. The constituents of the concrete are selected on the basis of availability, economic, feasibility of the work for which it is to be used. But sometimes the requirements of the material is altered (i.e. aggregate) due to various reasons, so in that case to maintain the particular standards, it is must to know the best method in terms of strength and economy. There are various methods for concrete designing which are being adopted by different countries i.e. Bureau of Indian standard method, British mix method, United States bureau of reclamation. So therefore, similarities and differences between the design mixes should be studied, as these will help in selecting the best method for different condition. These methods are mostly based on empirical relations, charts, graphs, and tables developed through extensive experiments and investigations using locally available materials. The main objective of present work is to compare different methods of concrete mix design for economy, locally available material and also for the properties of concrete with different aggregates.
High A comprehensive and rational design of a concrete mix is extremely complex as it is controlled by numerous factors which depend upon the properties and source of the materials, besides the methods of preparation, compaction, placement and curing of concrete and the requirements of the construction job. When these factors are incorporated in the design of a concrete mix, the task of selecting proportions of ingredients becomes difficult and in most cases inaccuracies in the required properties of concrete result, which are corrected by trial and error procedures. In order to optimize concrete mix design the effects of the three most important parameters influencing the strength and workability of concrete, viz., water-cement ratio, coarse-to-total aggregate ratio, and aggregate-cement ratio is to be investigated . Instead of the traditional method of keeping all other factors constant and varying one factor at a time, to determine its effects, a Factorial Experimental Design can...
Determination of ingredients of aggregate mixes is discussed as an important part of concrete mix design. Different types of "ideal" aggregate grading curves are presented in the work. Analytic and numerical methods of aggregate mix design are proposed. A concrete mix design method is used taking into account granulation parameters of aggregates. The task of concrete mix optimization implies selecting the most suitable concrete aggregates from the Data Base. The following properties are to be optimized: cost of raw materials, quality of aggregate packing, water and cement consumption. Computer programs for aggregate and concrete mix design as well as for concrete mix optimization have been worked out.
The current research caters for the possibility of arriving at a system for designing concrete mixes easily using available materials locally by specified wide ranges of pre-requisites of three main prescribed properties to cover a good variety of practical mixes, which are water, water-cement ratio and total aggregate-cement ratio. Using these three properties, a tri-linear form was constructed by graphical technique manner based on absolute volume approach. This approach defines as a summation of absolute volume for each of these three materials individually water, cement and aggregate should be equal to the absolute volume of whole concrete mixture based on these altogether. A quad-form area which includes a wide range of mixes can be formed from this representation. This area should achieve all the prescribed properties aforementioned. Artificial neural network concept used in this study also to build easily and quickly system which can be translated into Excel sheet. This system predict proportions of concrete mixture and the compressive strength using the results designed by the quad-form area method in addition to the data from literature around 500 mixes based on local materials used in Iraq. Six input parameters (water to cement ratio, the slump, % of fine to total aggregate content, maximum aggregate size, fineness modulus of fine aggregate and the compressive strength) were used in this system to get the outputs. In addition, nine input parameters ((water, cement, sand and gravel contents) and the properties of the mix (Fineness modulus, W/C ratio, the slump, % of fine to total aggregate and the M.A.S)) were used as basis of compressive strength model. The algorithm of this system aimed to reduce the high number of trail mixes error as well as saving the labors, cost and time. Results indicated that the concrete mix design and the compressive strength model can be predicted accurately by using graphical perspective and the ANN approach.
Structural Engineering Digest, 2021
Concrete is the 2nd largest consumable material after water. Concrete is a 3 to 4 phase composite material consisting of sand, stone, water, and cement as a binder but the new generation concrete is produced as a 5 to 7 phase material with the addition of admixtures (both chemical and mineral) and other micro/nano llers. The addition of extra phases has brought huge changes in concreting practices like water reduction, cement reduction, cost reduction, workability enhancement, strength enhancement, and last but not least – durability enhancement of the concrete structures. Also, considering the recent banning of natural sources of the aggregates both ne (sand) and coarse (stones) in India these extra phases/dimensions could substitute the natural resources in a big way. But our Indian standard especially IS: 456 are still lagging in strongly promoting these extra phases as has been the practices followed in other countries. Our Paper discusses the various editions of IS: 456 down the years.
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