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Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauhmana perbaikan sumber daya manusia, petani sebagai subyek utama dalam sektor pertanian, harus memperoleh pengetahuan pengelolaan tanah, untuk hasil dan keuntungan yang maksimal. Mengelola tanah merupakan investasi pertanian yang dapat meningkatkan investasi dibidang lain. Investasi dengan pembelian alat dan mesin pertanian yang modern, akan mempermudah petani mengelola tanah sekaligus meminimalisir waktu untuk mengolah hasil pertanian. Metode dalam kajian ini menggunakan System Literature Review (SLR), dengan mengkaji beberapa sumber yang digunakan sebagai bahan dalam mencari dan mendapatkan literatur meliputi, artikel, media elektronik, website resmi pemerintah, report resmi dari organisasi internasional, dan sumber relevan lainnya. Sumber-sumber tersebut dijadikan dasar sebagai bahan untuk menganalisis dan menarik sebuah kesimpulan dalam membuat hasil kajian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, pertanian adalah sektor penopang keta...
Talenta Conference Series: Energy and Engineering (EE), 2019
Pertanian menjadi salah satu sektor perekonomian penyumbang PDB negara. Beragam potensi dan keragaman sektor pertanian menjadi potensi kekuatan untuk dikembangkan secara berkesinambungan. Akan tetapi, potensi dan keragaman sumber daya tersebut masih menghadapi berbagai kendala dan permasalahan, seperti iklim, produksi, pasca panen, serta pemasaran. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi berbagai permasalahan dan kendala dengan menggunakan pendekatan yang bersifat holistik dan partisipatif. Proses analisis dimulai dengan memvisualisasikan Big Picture Mapping pada proses produksi hulu hingga hilir untuk mengidentifikasi permasalahan dan kendala memalui proses dialog dan diskusi sepanjang rantai pasok pertanian berdasarkan konsep value co-creation. Pendekatan yang digunakan untuk menggali informasi yaitu dengan metode participatory action research yang melibatkan partisipasi dari peneliti, praktisi dan pemangku kebijakan sektor pertanian. Sektor perta...
JSEP (Journal of Social and Agricultural Economics)
An increase will follow the increase in population in an area in the rate of increase in the labor force. This will develop problems caused by the lack of functioning of various sectors so that the readiness of employment opportunities is not commensurate with the population growth rate. With the agricultural sector, people can get food as their basic need. The potential of the agricultural sector can be seen from the value of exports, the area of agricultural land, and the wages of the agricultural sector. The purpose of this study is "Analyze the Potential of the Agricultural Sector and Its Effect on Labor Absorption in Aceh Province". This study uses multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the estimation results, it is found that the value of exports, the area of agricultural land, and the wages of the agricultural sector have a positive and significant effect on employment in Aceh Province. This means that any increase in the value of agricultural exports, th...
. Agriculture is a leading sector in Aceh economy, showed by the large number of people who work in agricultural areas. This sector contribute the high number of gross domestic product (GDP) to Aceh Province. The problems appear when the growth of community do not followed by the growth of employment. This will cause the increasing of unemployment rate in Aceh Province.This study analyzed the development of agricultural employment and labor productivity in Aceh Province. The analysis was also conducted to calculate the influence of employment to GDP in agricultural sector. Time series data were used from 2003 to 2012 with a simple linear regression method.The results showed the significantly decreasing of agricultural employment by 16.635 people per year and the increasing of agricultural labor productivity by IDR 11.699.353/ year. The employment has a significant influence to GDP in agricultural sector but it has a negative relationship. The additional increasing of employment wil...
Sepa, 2024
Marginal land is a critical land that is less promising. This study aims to identify and analyze the potential of marginal land to anticipate future food availability and to review the constraints faced by marginal land. The methods used is literature study and comparative study. A literature study was conducted to obtain a theoretical basis on the standard of agricultural research centers on marginal lands, while a comparative study was conducted to obtain an overview of agricultural research on marginal lands in Indonesia. The results showed that marginal land had various cultivation potentials such as rice, corn, oil palm, sweet potatoes, and peanuts. The potential of the livestock sector and the tourism sector can also be a potential choice for exploiting the potential of marginal land. The potential for marginal land in the future is expected to be used as a more productive land as an alternative in preparing food availability in the future. So that food and ecosystem stability is maintained. Socioeconomic aspects that are considered in the management of marginal land include agro-economy, production, marketing, and institutions. Meanwhile, the constraints on the utilization of marginal land are, among others, prone to high erosion rates, low fertility levels, limited capital, limited facilities and infrastructure, and high rates of crop failure.
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis, 2016
This research aims to find the impact of sharia finance toward the value-added of agricultural products in Indonesia, by using the data from 2005 until 2011. The OLS method was used to findcausal relationship among the variables, i.e. the value-added of agricultural products, manufacture products, and sharia finance. The result showed that sharia finance had positive significant impact on the value-added of agricultural products; meanwhile value-added of manufacture product had negative significant impact on the value-added of agricultural products. This is an evidence the important role of sharia finance in boosting agricultural value-added in the long-run, as well as for other industries.
Jurnal Ilmiah Maju, 2021
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis potensi komoditas unggulan sektor pertanian dan penyebaran komoditas unggulan di setiap kecamatan yang ada di kabupaten mamuju. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan teknik observasi dan mendokumentasikan kegiatan pembangunan bidang pertanian. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder, yaitu data tentang dokumentasi kinerja bidang pertanian di Kabupaten Mamuju. Metode analisis Location Quotient (LQ) digunakan untuk mengetahui potensi komoditas unggulan sektor pertanian. Analisis koefisien lokalita digunakan untuk mengetahui karakteristik penyebaran komoditas sektor pertanian di kabupaten mamuju. Berdasarkan hasil Analisis Koefisien Lokalita secara keseluruhan diketahui tidak ada yang mencapai nilai diatas satu. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa semua komoditas-komoditas dari sub sektor pada sektor pertanian tersebar disemua kecamatan dan tidak ada terkonsentrasi di satu kecamatan.
In the era of regional autonomy, local governments are obliged to plan and control regional economic conditions based on objective conditions. The agricultural sector is a sector that plays an important role in national development. Development planners must maintain superior commodities in the agricultural sector, so that the regional economy can be developed. In addition, the importance of implementing appropriate regional development planning so that it will become a guideline and be able to direct development towards the achievement of objectives made on the basis of commodity bases and the potential base of leading regional agricultural sector. The implementation of regional economic development based on leading commodities in the agricultural sector will be easier to carry out by referring to the results of a study of the potential superior regions. Local governments must also pay attention to nonsuperior commodities so that they become a subsystem in developing leading agricultural commodities. This study uses the Location Quotient analysis, to find out which commodities are superior in the agricultural sector. The results showed that the leading commodities in the game sector were (1). Food crops consist of (Peanuts, Lading rice and Lowland rice), (2). Vegetable plants consist of (shallots, large chili, tomatoes, cucumbers and cayenne peppers), (3). Fruit plants consist of adri (Soursop, avocado papaya and large grapefruit), (4). and estate crops consist of (Kapok, areca nut and coconut).
This study aims to identify agricultural superior commodities and priorities for the development of the commodity each sub-district of West Aceh district. The methods used for reaching these goals are the analysis method Loqation Quatient (LQ) and Shift Share Analysis (SSA). The data used are secondary data. The results showed that the leading commodity first development priority is as follows: food crops sub-sector is the durian, langsium, orange, guava,water quava, banana and jackfruit. Subsector plantation crop is rubber. Livestock sub-sector is domestic poultry, cow and buffalo. Fishery sub-sector is tilapia and catfish.
This paper is aimed at estimating the economic significance of agricultural sector in Bengkulu economies which is focussed on food crops and farm estate sector. Both sectors have contributed approximately 30 percent of Bengkulu GRDP at current price. The estimates are produced using data contained in the Input-Output Tables of Bengkulu 2000 from the Office of Central Bearau of Statistics that has been updated into 2005 by Sukiyono, et al (2009). The data was used in Input-Output models to produce estimates of production and income effects associated with the agricultural sectors which is focussed on food crops and farm estate sector. The framework employed differs from that employed in economic impact analysis in that economic significance analysis primarily seeks the contribution of an existing industry as opposed to the impact of a "stimulus" in a particular industry or in several industries. As other studies, the usual approach of comparing what the economy would be with and without the industries whose contributions are to be assessed is applied in this study. The results show that food crops sector is able to generate flow on ouput effect on other sectors aproximately 33 percent from total output effects of this sectors. The economic significance of this sector is also shown by income effect in which every 1 unit of food crops income has an effect on other sector income aproximately 0.33. Both impacts are lower than those of farm estate sector. Farm estate sector is able to generate 0.51 and 0.45 percent effect of output and income respectively.
Studies in systems, decision and control, 2018
RHUL - MN1205 - Chapter 1 Summary, 2020
Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 2012
Comptabilité - Contrôle - Audit, 2006
Applied Ontology, 2018
National Journal of Community Medicine, 2013
International journal of Atharva, 2024
Ecography, 2005
Modern Management Review, 2019
Estilo Libre (ed. Biblos), 2023
Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 2003
Medical Case reports and Reviews, 2019