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2018, 4th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and System Engineering, ICEESE2018
5 pages
1 file
Auto-reclose relay is an important relay used to reenergize a line after the line was tripped by main protection relay due to fault occurrence. Failure of auto-reclose relay to reenergize the line will make power can't be transmitted through the line and power system will be in stress condition. Knowledge of auto-reclose protection scheme is quite difficult to be understood and only few power system software has auto-reclose model for power system study and the software are costly. This research is about modelling auto-reclose relay and its' scheme using Matlab Simulink. The developed model has been developed with some limitations to simplify the modelling process and the results gained show the capability of Matlab Simulink software to be used to model the scheme for education and research purpose.
In this research, a three-phase over current relay was designed to protect the power system accompanied with the fault a high electrical current to large values lead to the destruction of electrical equipment in the power system. The research had the study of adding a load to the end of the line as (Over Load) and the fault in power system. Relays are being utilized for secure, reliable and convenient operation of power system. The over-current relay is widely used in the power system for protection of short circuit or wrong setting of system to the prespecified value. Erroneous setting of over-current relay in the power system causes difficulties in sending the trip signal. This paper presents the modelling of an overcurrent relay in Sim Power Systems (MATLAB/Simulink 2014). The overcurrent relay has the features of instantaneous, Definite Time and inverse definite minimum time (IDMT) characteristics. When a current in a part of a power system exceeds a pre-set value either due to a fault or a large overload the relay will isolate the part through sending trip signal to a circuit breaker. The overcurrent relays must have high reliability and accuracy to detect any fault currents present and determine the operation time. So, it must be connected carefully in the power system. Therefore, it is important to accredit the setting of power protection equipment. For This paper describes modelling of over-current relay logic to protect distribution system using MATLAB/Simulink package. Sim Power System toolbox was used for detailed modelling of Over-Current relay, transmission line and fault simulation.
— In this paper the concept of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was implemented in constructing an Adaptive Single Phase AR (ASPAR) relay. The heart of this relay is an ANN trained to discriminate healthy system, permanent fault, transient fault and extinguishing of the secondary arc. Thus issuing right decisions. The proposed ANN method is trained only to recognize single phase to ground fault types (both transient and permanent) simulated on TL Model between Baijie Thermal Power Station and Mosul Super Grid Sub-Station 400Kv from Iraqi North Regional Grids (INRG).
Electrical power system is one of the more complex and important systems ever built by human civilization. The role of electrical power system in the development, sustenance and expansion of the economic activity of modern societies is of the first order of importance. However, power system sometimes fail due to adverse environment and aging of equipment when the failures happen, protection of power system acquires a vital significance to minimize the damages and to keep the operation of the system safe. Numerical relays are result of the application of microprocessor technology in the protection industry. These relays are in an extensive use in modern protection schemes, and are very active area of research. Modelling of numerical relays provides a valuable source of information for manufacturers, utility engineers, educators and trainers.
2012 IEEE International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference, 2012
In today’s demanding business environment, modeling the power system has become necessary in order for utilities to make the right decision when it embarks on any form of asset expansion. Modeling allows the proposed system to be checked for any potential problems, such as mal-operation and incompatibility. The Siemens 7UT6 differential protection relay is used for power transformer differential protection and is capable of protecting transformers of any vector group. This paper covers the steps of modeling the 7UT6 relay and the application of the modeled relay in testing a protection system. A demonstration tripping of vector group D11 will be shown and the fault currents discussed. Graphs showing the phase voltages and currents will be inspected.
Power Distribution Networks have been operated in an easy and simple unidirectional way. Therefore, no automatism even remote control technology was applied to Ring Main Units or Sectionalizer close to the load in the distribution network. However, increase in load demand has led to instability in system which ultimately resulted into outages in power system. This paper presents the SIMULINK modeling of a control circuit of autorecloser which is one of the most important equipment in smart grid. The modeled control circuit is synchronized with circuit breaker in such a way that after occurrence of fault, breaker recloses automatically without any human interference. The other important aspect of smart grid is to make power system self sufficient. The importance of having Decentralized Generation at Medium voltage and Low voltage level is explained. Whenever transient fault occurs in the system at distribution level, autorecloser avoids outage for longer duration. However, if the fau...
2003 IEEE Bologna Power Tech Conference Proceedings,, 2003
Power system protection relays have changed significantly during the last ten years. Processor based designs are now highly reliable integrated protection, control and monitoring systems that significantly outperform the suite of relays and control equipment from the electromechanical and static era. Technological advances and utility restructuring ensures protection remains an immensely challenging field, especially for young IT literate electrical power engineers.
2012 Proceedings of the 35th International Convention MIPRO, 2012
Modelling and simulation software developed for analysing protective relaying applications and relay design concepts in power distribution is described in the paper. The intention was to develop an open system that is easy to use and allows simple future expansions. Easy to use presumes that the software should be suitable for teaching purposes. This is achieved by introducing new libraries of signal sources and relay elements developed in the MATLAB/SIMULINK environment. Combined with the SIMULINK/SimPowerSystems, the mentioned libraries enable a variety of studies aimed at better understanding protective relay design approaches and procedures and related applications in power system.
Academia Biology, 2023
Maintaining biodiversity over time is paramount to the functioning of coral reef ecosystems. Species abundance and richness change over time, but overall biodiversity supports ecosystem functions and services. A decrease in biodiversity can detrimentally impact reefs; phase shifts have the potential to fundamentally alter the dominance of stony corals and structure of reef communities. SCUBA diver photography can form important baseline information on both species- and taxa-level diversity trends on less-accessible reefs over decades. Historic photographs can be analyzed to form a complimentary timeline with more formal monitoring and sampling via benthic transects, point intercept, and visual surveys. This timeline may be especially important to understand long-term trends and subtle changes associated with climate change. An assessment of changes in reef benthos was carried out, combining scientific surveys with recreational underwater photographs from SCUBA divers beginning in 1980 to 2015. Reefs that were consistently visited in the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park, The Bahamas were targeted for collecting photographs cataloged by date and dive site. The photography image database provided an exceptional opportunity to study key benthic species from 2,073 slides and 337 1-meter quadrats collected at five dive sites from 1980 to 2010. Changes in reef biodiversity with a focus on cnidarians, sponges, and annelids were evaluated with diversity indices and multivariate analyses using diver photos and more recently, 1-meter quadrat surveys, to evaluate community changes over time on deep (<−10 m) platform margin reefs.
Recently discovered "old" paper that I am posting as it touches on the central themes that have run through my work on Iamblichus and theurgy.
Geghard Scientific Analytical Foundation, 2024
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Revista Debates Insubmissos, 2023
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Jurnal Pendidikan Tambusai, 2024
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 1993
BMC Genomics, 2021
Problems of Education in the 21st Century
Journal of psychology and political science, 2024
BMJ Case Reports, 2018
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