Conference topics: BUILDINGS-DESIGN
Shade Maps for Climatically-Aware Urban Design in Tel Aviv-Yafo
Or Aleksandrowicz
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
Shachar Zur
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
Yonatan Lebendiger
PLANET – Planning Connected Cities
Yoav Lerman
PLANET – Planning Connected Cities
Keywords: urban climate, solar radiation, urban forest, space syntax
Tel Aviv is a coastal city of hot and humid climate, exposed to relatively high levels of solar
radiation. Such climatic conditions make direct solar radiation a crucial element that negatively
affects outdoor thermal comfort between April and October and thus the use of streets and public
spaces for a variety of outdoor activities (Shashua-Bar et al., 2009; Shashua-Bar et al., 2011;
Hiemstra et al., 2017). Our study, commissioned by Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality, developed a new
methodology for the evaluation of microclimatic conditions across the city, focusing on the
provision of outdoor shade as a central component of urban design. Based on an urbanscale 2.5D
GIS mapping of buildings, ground surfaces, and tree canopies, we employed a high-resolution
calculation of solar exposure of streets and open spaces (public and private) covering the entire
city. The calculation produced a comprehensive "shade map" for Tel Aviv-Yafo, showing the
cumulative daily exposure to solar radiation at ground level during summer. Analysis of the shade
maps enabled to relate building and tree morphologies to outdoor shading on both district and street
levels, unfolding a "hierarchy of shade" across the city. For prioritizing the intervention of local
planning authorities in improving poor shade conditions or conserving effectively-shaded
locations, we then employed space syntax analysis techniques. The spatial analysis produced a
classification of streets and urban hot spots according to their potential pedestrian attraction. By
juxtaposing the climatic and spatial analyses, we were able to provide the Municipality with
recommendations for targeted intensification of shade in locations where the discrepancy between
pedestrian movement and lack of shade was the most pronounced. At the same time, we were also
able to identify exemplary, well-shaded central streets and open spaces, thus enabling the
municipality planners to initiate a "shade conservation" program for the entire city.
Tel Aviv-Yafo is a Mediterranean coastal city of hot and humid climate, exposed to relatively high
levels of solar radiation (about 3300 annual sun hours, average daily solar insolation of 5 kWh/m2).
In recent years, the city's urban area has been going through rapid development and expansion that
is believed to continue in an increasing rate. Unless managed properly, this process may exacerbate
the climatic conditions in the city, and especially the tendency of air temperatures in streets and
open spaces to rise much above temperature levels outside the urban area. The magnitude of this
phenomenon, which is sometimes referred to as the "urban heat island" (UHI), results from the
Cyprus Network of Urban Morphology_1 st Regional Conference_16 -18 May 2018
physical configuration of the city (its topography, spatial morphology, building density, and open
space configuration), as well as the materials used for the construction of buildings, pavements,
and roads, the flow of air through the street network, and human activities such as transportation
and industry (Santamouris, 2001; Gartland, 2008; Erell et al., 2011).
The overheating of urban streets and open spaces, which has been long documented also in Tel
Aviv (Saaroni et al., 2000; Sofer & Potchter, 2005; Rotem-Mindali et al., 2015), has many negative
effects, including higher outdoor thermal discomfort rates during the hot season, increased heat
stress and morbidity and mortality rates, and deteriorated air quality (Kleerekoper et al., 2012).
Climate change is expected to worsen all these effects. While the rise in air temperatures has
certainly a negative effect on microclimatic conditions during the hot season, in Tel Aviv-Yafo (as
well as in other cities of similar climate) the streets' exposure to direct solar radiation has a much
more significant impact on daytime outdoor thermal comfort than air temperatures, at least between
the beginning of April and the end of October (Shashua-Bar et al., 2009; Shashua-Bar et al., 2011;
Hiemstra et al., 2017). This highlights the importance of shade provision in streets and open public
spaces, since shade-oriented urban design is expected to result in a substantial lowering of outdoor
thermal discomfort.
This paper reports on an attempt, a first of its kind, for evaluating the microclimatic conditions in
Tel Aviv-Yafo by focusing on the provision of outdoor shade as a central component of urban
design. Based on an urban-scale 2.5D GIS (Geographic Information System) mapping of buildings,
ground surfaces, and tree canopies, we applied a high-resolution calculation of solar exposure of
streets and open spaces (public and private) to the entire city. This type of calculation enabled to
produce shade maps for the entire city, and thus to better understand the interrelations between
street morphology, tree cover, and shade provision. By combining the detailed mapping of shade
with spatial analysis of the city's street network, we were also able to prioritize municipal action
for intensifying and conserving shade, thus providing city planners with a practical tool for
employing concrete policies for climatically-aware urban design.
The creation of a high-resolution shade map for an entire city depends on the quality of geographic
data available for analysis. When proper mapping of terrain, building roofs, and tree canopies
exists, a GIS-based calculation module can be employed to automatically calculate the cumulative
amount of solar radiation received by horizontal surfaces during a given time frame; in our study,
we used the Area Solar Radiation function in ArcMap (ESRI, 2017) to produce the shade maps that
were used for analysis. In ArcMap, the production of such a map is based on a single raster layer
of a geo-referenced Digital Surface Model (DSM). Users are asked to provide latitude details,
calculation dates, and calculation intervals (how many times during the given time frame a
calculation is executed; the lower the interval, the higher is the calculation's accuracy). Compared
to current simulation tools of urban microclimate, this calculation method is highly efficient in the
use of computer resources: in our study, the calculation of a city-wide shade map (resolution of 0.5
m per pixel) for an area of about 52 square km took 72 hours of continuous calculation on a single
Intel core i5 computer.
We produced shade maps based on two separate DSMs, one that contains the heights of the terrain,
building roofs, and tree canopies, and the other composed only of terrain and building roofs
heights. This division enabled to evaluate the partial contribution of tree canopies to the provision
of outdoor shade. While using a "tree-free" DSM with the Area Solar Radiation function is quite
straightforward, the inclusion of tree canopies presents a challenge. The algorithm calculates solar
Cyprus Network of Urban Morphology_1st Regional Conference_16 -18 May 2018
Conference topics: BUILDINGS-DESIGN
radiation levels on horizontal surfaces: pavements, roads, building roofs, but also tree canopies.
Since we were interested in street-level solar exposure, we thus could not use the results as they
were, since the algorithm did not calculate solar radiation under the tree canopies but rather straight
on them. Therefore, and for the sake of simplification, we assumed that exposure levels right under
the tree canopies (in the area under the canopy's horizontal projection) equals zero, though in actual
conditions the value is slightly higher because of the changing solar incidence angles during the
day. While this simplification slightly underestimates street-level solar exposure, it was essential
for producing a comprehensive analysis for the entire urban area of Tel Aviv-Yafo in a reasonable
calculation time.
The geographic data we received from the Tel Aviv-Yafo municipality was a shapefile of all
building roofs in the city (updated to the year 2009), as well as a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) in
a resolution of 10 m per pixel. Based on these files, we created a combined DSM (terrain and
building roof heightmap) in a 0.5 m per pixel resolution. Since a tree canopy heightmap for Tel
Aviv-Yafo is still unavailable, we used a current orthophoto of the city, processed it through the
image classification tools available in ArcMap, and then manually tweaked the processed raster
file to accurately trace all tree canopies on a resolution of 0.5 m per pixel. This method has an
inherent inaccuracy in respect to canopy height: since the traditional photogrammetric methods of
calculating canopy height from orthophotos is highly resource-intensive, we decided to assume that
all tree canopies in the city end 6 m above ground, which corresponds well to the local tree pruning
Based on these data sets, we produced two shade maps (with and without calculating the effect of
tree canopies) for the entire city of Tel Aviv-Yafo. The maps showed the cumulative solar
insolation of horizontal surfaces during several key dates that cover the summer period: 21 June
(northern hemisphere summer solstice), 21 September (equinox), and 6 August (halfway between
21 June and 21 September). Calculation was executed in intervals of 0.5 hour during the entire 24hour period. These maps were then statistically analysed in ArcMap on the district and street
segment levels.
The first part of analysing the results was a district-level analysis. We based the analysis on a
division of the urban area to 125 spatially and morphologically-distinct zones. For each zone, we
calculated the following variables:
1. Average Urban Shade (AUS) index: the value of 1 minus the ratio between the average
solar radiation received at ground level in the entire zone and the maximum average solar
insolation of the same area. The higher the AUS value, the higher is the amount of direct
solar radiation deflected without reaching the ground.
2. Urban Tree Cover (UTC) index: the ratio between the horizontal projection of all canopies
in a zone and the zone's total area. The higher the value, the higher is the tree cover.
3. Urban Tree Shade Efficacy (UTSE) index: weighting a zone's AUS value by the UTC
value (AUSUTC) in a way that gives indication for the efficient use of trees in the provision
of shade. The higher the value, the more efficient is the use of trees for shading. A zone
that highly relies on trees for street level shading is deemed less efficient in its use of trees,
since it does not exploit well the potential of street shading by buildings. In other words,
low efficacy represents a higher "price" of shade, resulting from the costs of maintaining
the urban forest (planting, watering, pruning, etc.).
Cyprus Network of Urban Morphology_1 st Regional Conference_16 -18 May 2018
The second part of the statistical analysis focused on shading provision in street segments (a single
street segment is a part of a street extending between two intersections). Based on a shapefile of
the city's streets received from the Tel Aviv-Yafo municipality, we first manually divided all the
city's streets into distinct segments, and then filtered the city-scale shade maps to include only solar
radiation values in those segments (in the original shade maps there was no distinction between
streets and privately-owned open areas). For each street segment in the city, we then calculated the
average cumulative daily solar exposure (on the pavements and road). In addition, for each street
segment we calculated two variables:
1. Average Street Segment Shade (ASSS) index: the value of 1 minus the ratio between the
calculated amount of solar radiation received at street level and the maximum solar
insolation of the entire street segment area (pavements and road). The higher the ASSS
value, the higher is the amount of direct solar radiation deflected without reaching the
2. Street Tree Cover (STC) index: the ratio between the horizontal projection of all tree
canopies in a street segment and the segment's total area. The higher the value, the higher
is the tree cover.
While street segment analysis can reveal how many street segments substantially lack shade, when
the number of these segments is high, it is of little help for planners who wish to adopt a
comprehensive intervention strategy on street shade enhancement. The problem lies in the limited
financial means that can be allocated for intensifying or conserving shade (through trees or artificial
shading structures alike): with no structured method for grading the need for intervention, it is hard
to determine which street segments require intervention more than others.
While it is possible to grade the need for shade based only on the ASSS index (the lower the value,
the higher is the need), this type of grading makes almost no sense when a large number of street
segments suffer from substantial lack of shade (for example, according to our analysis, in Tel AvivYafo the ASSS index of more than 1,450 street segments is less than 0.2). Spatial analysis,
however, can be applied to overcome the limitations of solar analysis, through the creation of a
grading system that is based on the centrality of certain street segments. This method enabled us to
produce a clear hierarchy for intervention.
The spatial analysis method that was adopted in this study followed the configurational approach,
which enables to reveal inherent patterns of centrality in an urban street network, through the
application of the space syntax methodology of spatial analysis. Space syntax indices were proven
in numerous studies to be associated with diverse urban phenomena and especially with pedestrian
movement and viability of urban centres (Hillier, 1996; Karimi, 2012; Lerman et al., 2014). One
of the central concepts of space syntax is the integration index, which describes the centrality of a
certain street segment relative to the analysed street network. This index can be calculated for the
entire network or only for parts of it (limited by a certain metric radius), reflecting regional and
local computations.
Studies on pedestrian movement patterns have found a relatively high correlation between actual
movement and the integration index at radii of 1,000 to 2,000 m in Israeli cities (Lerman et al.,
2014; Lerman & Lebendiger, 2017). Other studies have found that an integration index at a regional
radius of 7,500 m can be associated with conurbation centralities and the creation of regional
business districts (Serra & Pinho, 2013).
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Conference topics: BUILDINGS-DESIGN
In this study, the spatial analysis was used to calculate centrality (integration) indices at local and
regional scales to evaluate the probability of pedestrian movement to pass through each street
segment and to locate central business districts, where a relatively high pedestrian movement of
office workers is likely to occur during daytime. The potential for local movement was deduced
from integration indices at 8 different radii: 250 m, 500 m, 750 m, 1,000 m, 1,250 m, 1,500 m,
1,750 m, and 2,000 m. The potential for regional agglomerations was deduced from integration
indices at 6 different radii: 2,500 m, 3,000 m, 4,000 m, 5,000 m, 6,000 m, and 7,500 m. The space
syntax indices calculations were performed using depthmapX software (Varoudis, 2014).
Following the calculation of the integration values, a spatial "prominence score" was calculated for
each street segment. This value, calculated separately for the local and regional levels of analysis,
reflected the relative centrality of each segment in the entire urban network. When the integration
value of a segment in a certain radius was in the upper quintile of integration values of all segments,
the segment received one "prominence" point. For local movement, a maximum "prominence
score" was therefore a value of 8 (reflecting the integration value at 8 local radii), and for regional
movements – 6 (reflecting the integration value at 6 regional radii). The higher the score, the higher
is the segment's centrality at the local and regional levels. Based on this calculation method, two
maps of pedestrian movement potentials (local and regional) were created, showing only the
segments that received a "prominence score" greater than 2.
In the last stage of analysis, segments appearing in the movement potential maps were filtered
according to their ASSS values. We used two filtering thresholds:
1. Street segments where ASSS values are below 0.2.
2. Street segments where ASSS values are above 0.6.
The filtering process created two new shade maps: the first showing the city's most central street
segments that require shade intensification, the second showing the most central street segments in
which shade levels should be protected (what can be described as streets designated for "shade
conservation"). This filtering process thus highlighted a limited set of street segments that require
the immediate intervention of the planning authorities. The degree of importance among the
highlighted segments was reflected by the segment's "prominence score" and not by its ASSS
After analysing the raw shade maps of the three calculated dates, it was evident that in terms of
urban shade values there is only a small difference between the results produced for 21 June
(summer solstice) and 6 August. In terms of the daily sun path and solar insolation, 6 August is
also similar to 6 May. Therefore, it can be argued that the results of 6 August, which were used for
further analysis, give a good indication for the microclimatic conditions during a longer period,
which extends from May to August and covers the main months of extreme summer conditions.
Urban shade analysis on the district level (Figure 1a) showed a clear distinction between different
parts of the city. Tel Aviv-Yafo's historic core, whose layout and parcellation dates mainly to the
1920s, 1930s, and 1940s, showed a relative high AUS values of 0.52-0.64. The part of the historic
core that is referred to as "Geddes Plan", which was mainly built during the 1930s and 1940s
according to a masterplan conceived by Patrick Geddes, showed almost the highest AUS value
(0.64) in the entire city. Many of the zones in the southern part of the city showed much lower AUS
values (between 0.3 and 0.48). In a sharp contrast, the northern parts of the city showed much
Cyprus Network of Urban Morphology_1 st Regional Conference_16 -18 May 2018
higher AUS values (0.53-0.67). Some of the lowest AUS values were calculated in the main city
parks, reflecting their design as vast grass-covered open spaces with only a small number of trees.
Comparison of these results with the shade map that was produced without calculating the effect
of trees (Figure 1b) and to the urban tree canopy map (Figure 2a) showed that the reason for the
discrepancy between the AUS values of the northern and southern parts of the city mainly lies in
the substantially higher tree cover ratio of the northern parts. Interestingly, the historic core of the
city produced much higher AUS values while maintaining a similar tree cover as that of the
southern parts. This result should be attributed to the relatively dense urban fabric of the historic
core (in terms of total floor to zone area ratio), which is much different from that of the less dense
northern and southern parts of the city. In terms of the tree efficacy index (UTSE, Figure 2b), the
results showed that the historic core makes the most efficient use of its tree cover, since it combines
it with a relatively dense built urban fabric, while the northern neighbourhoods, where tree cover
is high and building density is relatively low, are the worst performing districts in terms of tree
cover efficacy.
Figure 1. Average Urban Shade (AUS) index for 6 August of morphologically-uniform zones in
Tel Aviv-Yafo, including (a) and excluding (b) the shading effect of trees
Cyprus Network of Urban Morphology_1 st Regional Conference_16 -18 May 2018
Conference topics: BUILDINGS-DESIGN
Figure 2. a) Urban Tree Cover (UTC) index of morphologically-uniform zones in Tel Aviv-Yafo;
b) Urban Tree Shade Efficacy (UTSE) index for 6 August of the same zones
Results of the street segments analysis largely support the general conclusions of the district-level
results (Figure 3a). Many of the streets in the historic core, and especially in the area of Geddes
Plan, are relatively well shaded, as well as streets in some of the neighbourhoods in northern Tel
Aviv-Yafo. Street orientation also has a clear effect on street-level solar exposure: streets aligned
to the north-south axis are relatively better shaded than streets aligned to the east-west axis. This
effect is a result of the typical characteristics of the sun path during summer (low solar angle from
the east and west, high solar angle from the south), and is largely attributed to shading from
buildings. However, in streets aligned to the east-west axis, a dense array of trees can keep solar
exposure levels relatively low, as some of the streets in the historic core show. At the same time, it
should be noted that almost all the city's main shopping streets and roads are highly exposed to
solar radiation, in parts because of relatively low levels of STC (below 20%).
Cyprus Network of Urban Morphology_1 st Regional Conference_16 -18 May 2018
Figure 3. a) Street segments in Tel Aviv-Yafo with Average Street Segment Shade (ASSS) index
below 0.2 and above 0.6 for 6 August; b) Locally highly-integrated street segments in Tel AvivYafo with a prominence score greater than 2; c) Regionally highly-integrated street segments in
Tel Aviv-Yafo with a prominence score greater than 2
Figure 4. a) A combined map of Tel Aviv-Yafo showing the most central street segments that
require shade intensification (red palette) and shade conservation (green palette); b) Street Tree
Cover (STC) rates for all street segments in Tel Aviv-Yafo
The spatial analysis that was applied to the street network of Tel Aviv-Yafo revealed two distinct
centrality regimes in the city (Figures 3b and 3c). The most locally integrated zones, where
probably the most walkable streets are located, are those of the historic cores of Tel Aviv and Yafo
Cyprus Network of Urban Morphology_1 st Regional Conference_16 -18 May 2018
Conference topics: BUILDINGS-DESIGN
(Jaffa). The most regionally integrated segments are located in the arterial roads of Tel Aviv and
in the new Central Business District on the eastern edge of the historic core. While several of these
roads are major motorized roads, others have the potential to become major pedestrian
thoroughfares catering to different types of road users.
Combining the results of average solar exposure in street segments and the spatial analysis
produced maps that highlighted streets with acute lack of summer shade or exemplary levels of
summer shade provision (Figure 4a). Interestingly, the number of exemplary shaded street
segments was small; most of them were located within the historic core of the city in streets rich in
tree cover (Figure 4b). As for the lack of shade, the combined map highlighted several long streets
outside the historic core (especially in the southern part of the city) as being relatively central but
highly deficient in shade provision. A bit surprising was the considerable number of central northsouth streets that were highlighted as deficient; this can be attributed to the lack of densely built
urban fabric along these streets, in addition to a substantial lack of tree cover (Figure 4b).
In Tel Aviv-Yafo, street-level exposure to solar radiation is a key element affecting outdoor thermal
comfort, much more than other climatic variables (outdoor air temperatures, relative humidity, and
air flow speed). The relative impact of solar insolation of streets is such that only by calculating its
magnitude we can obtain a reliable impression of outdoor comfort levels resulting from the specific
characteristics of the built fabric and the urban forest. Unlike microclimatic simulation tools, which
still cannot produce high-resolution results on a city scale because of their resource-intensive
calculation methods, the methodology presented here is relatively simple to employ for an entire
city. This is the result of the reduction of the microclimatic question to a single variable (solar
exposure) whose values are affected only by the geometrical properties of the city.
This paper demonstrates the advantages of the suggested methodology in mapping a "hierarchy of
shade" across an entire city. In Tel Aviv-Yafo, the analysis showed that the historic core of the
city, which was built according to masterplans from the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s, is highly efficient
in combining relatively dense street morphology and trees for the production of high levels of street
shade. It also showed that later masterplans failed to reproduce such conditions, and that the newer
neighbourhoods of the city are highly dependent on trees for shade provision. This makes the "cost"
of shade outside the historic core much higher than within it.
Another aspect of the proposed methodology is the application of spatial analysis in prioritizing
actions for better microclimatic design. Thus, an "hierarchy of shade", when combined with a
"spatial hierarchy" of a city, can support concrete actions by planning authorities, either in
improving current conditions or in conserving some of their exemplary aspects. In Tel Aviv-Yafo,
this combined method highlighted a number of central streets that required immediate action, most
of them in the southern part of the city in which tree cover is much lower than in other parts of the
city. It also highlighted the exemplary street design of several main streets within the historic core
that may need to receive an official protection for maintaining their favourable microclimatic
The authors would like to thank Rinat Millo-Steinlauf, Uriel Babczik, Qasem Salalha, Avital
Marmelstein-Fox, and Idan Hauz of Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality, as well as Prof. Shamay Assif of
the Technion, for their help and support.
Cyprus Network of Urban Morphology_1 st Regional Conference_16 -18 May 2018
The study was funded by the Conservation Department at the Tel Aviv-Yafo municipality.
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