Evolution of modern cities and progressing human civilization has led to complex habilitation exploring and depleting natural environment. Dependency of human beings on basic biological systems for life, health and amusement has had an impact on the conservation of ecosystem, climate stability and recovery of natural resources. Waste is a necessary evil and one human's cant run away from. Numerous studies reveal that more than 60% of municipal solid waste generated in the country is disposed in an unscientific manner creating problems to environment and human wellbeing. The aim of the article is to provide a comprehensive review of environmental, social, health and economic impacts of solid waste and provide an overview of opportunities for laying the foundation to healthy living. The study is concluded with few effective solutions for encouraging mankind to work towards a healthy ecosystem .


Modernization, urban development and technological advancements have its own share of disadvantages when it comes to environment. The main cause of concern in today's world is increasing population and the rising demands for resources and materials, which has led to tremendous growth in the amount of waste generated daily. The waste collected by municipal corporations is supposed to be segregated and disposed (Sharholy, 2008). However, due to lack of various resources like economic crunch, manpower shortage and inefficient infrastructure, a fair share of waste finds its way into drains, roads and unauthorized open dumping sites.

Waste is a reality and habitat is synonym with waste. Even though there is a system in place but unfit infrastructure, improper maintenance and work routine, leads to disposal of most of the waste generated in low-lying areas without precautions and functional control. Further, the growth of urban cities and unplanned development adds to the difficulties of effectively handling surplus waste and municipalities are not able to deliver the desired level of public services (Siddiqui,, 2006). These prevailing situations demands attention towards management and disposal practices of waste to avoid adverse effect on human health, general population and surroundings as it can cause serious impact on social wellbeing and surroundings (Giusti, 2009).

Solid waste

Solid waste is one of the most visible forms of pollution affecting human race. The status of solid waste management in India is associated with numerous environmental, social, health and economic shortcomings mainly attributing to political, institutional, technical and financial factors prevailing in the country (ESIA, 2012

Environmentally significant behavior

It is a term used for describing the behavior that brings positive or negative consequences for the environment (Stern, 2000). It has further been argued that that there are two different perspectives to Environmentally significant behavior -Impact oriented/Role of Impact and There is a close relationship between environment and economics. With increase in economic activities, exploitation of natural resources also rises leading to its depletion. Though it is not AARJMD VOLUME (Sankoh,, 2013) A report released by ISWA emphasized on people's participation in solid waste management has two roles to play ( Figure 1) (ISWA, n.d.): Figure 1:Environmetal Significant Behaviour

Figure 1

Role of impact -

The greatest disadvantage of modernization is pollution causing harm to all elements of earth land, air, water, soil and life. Lack of facilities and regulations in India has resulted in degradation of many cities and affected the health of all living beings. Following are some effect that improper disposal of waste has had on welfare of country and its people.

Effect on Environmental Vulnerabilities:

 Surface Water contamination: Improper disposal of waste leads to contamination of water bodies that negatively affect water sources causing water pollution and Leachate. The AARJMD VOLUME identifying suitable land for landfills has also become difficult which in turn is leading to over burdening of existing landfill sites (DeLong, 1993).

Effect on Social and Urban Development:

 Impact on social development -Hard economic conditions have forced many to depend on resources obtained from garbage for their survival. The risk to heath of such people is even more when domestic waste is merged with hazardous waste. It is mainly the waste scavengers and people residing close to dumping sites that are exposed to ill social environment (fighting, violence, increased morbidity, etc.). Such people get lesser attention from government, community, which further deteriorates their social condition.

Attitude of people belonging to better social background, higher income group is profoundly different.

Role of Input -

The solution to the problem of waste lies within every individual of the country. It is most important to understand that controlling waste and implementing healthy waste practices is a group / community activity where every participant is required to put efforts. The solution to the problem of solid waste can be clubbed under two heads -Recycling and Composting.




It is an effective way to handle bio-degradable waste and reduce green house gasses threatening environment and life. It is a simple procedure that can be easily adopted at individual, community or industrial level.

a) Environmental

 Organic Manure and fertilizers -Composting is the process that allows organic materials to degrade naturally and form manure and fertilizers. These manures are excellent substitute for chemical fertilizers are they are free from all harmful chemicals that may alter soil type and food grown over it. Compost also helps in yielding better crop production by maintaining steady soil temperature.  Little investment -Composting is light on pocket and easy to maintain. It reduces the cost of collecting and processing biodegradable material and it is the cheaper option for landfill, which may end up costing more than three times (Eco-Cycle, n.d.)

 Compost market: As organic products are becoming more popular, the demand for organic manure has increased creating a whole new market for chemical free organic food. The use of compost has become progressively important both domestically and internationally. India being an agricultural country has huge potential to convert its green waste into healthy compost.