published: 02 August 2019
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01765
Editorial: Visual Language
Wendy Sandler 1*, Marianne Gullberg 2* and Carol Padden 3*
Sign Language Research Lab, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel, 2 Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University,
Lund, Sweden, 3 Department of Communication and Center for Research in Language, University of California San Diego,
San Diego, CA, United States
Keywords: sign language, gesture studies, multimodality, iconicity, visual language
Editorial on the Research Topic
Visual Language
Edited and reviewed by:
Manuel Carreiras,
Basque Center on Cognition, Brain
and Language, Spain
Wendy Sandler
Marianne Gullberg
Carol Padden
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Language Sciences,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Psychology
Received: 04 July 2019
Accepted: 15 July 2019
Published: 02 August 2019
Sandler W, Gullberg M and Padden C
(2019) Editorial: Visual Language.
Front. Psychol. 10:1765.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01765
Frontiers in Psychology | www.frontiersin.org
Traditionally, research on human language has taken speech and written language as the main
domains of investigation. Visual aspects of language have therefore long been excluded from study.
However, the advent of technology allowing us to capture and include auditory and visual signals
in the study of language has changed the landscape. There is now a wealth of empirical studies
documenting visual aspects of language, ranging from rich studies of sign languages, the most
highly sophisticated and self-contained visual language systems, to the burgeoning field of gesture
studies, which targets speech-associated gestures, facial expressions, and other bodily movements
related to communicative expressions as new domains of study.
However, despite the large body of work now available documenting visual elements of
language, sign language and gesture are rarely treated together in theoretical discussions of
the human language faculty. Sign language studies often search for linguistic structures that
are derived from spoken language theory. Conversely, gesture researchers refrain from defining
gestures as “linguistic” (although they often insist that they are part of “language”), because
they do not conform to certain properties that linguists consider defining properties, such as
strict compositional structure and syntactic rules. In both cases, definitions and concomitant
exclusions are not necessarily enlightening, since both domains—speech-associated gestures and
sign language—naturally exploit visual expression, and must both be considered in attempting to
arrive at a comprehensive account of the human language faculty. By considering both types of
visual language, the 19 papers in this Frontiers Research Topic volume thus transcend theoretical—
and, we would say, artificial—divides. The collection aims to pave the way for an inherently
multimodal view of language, in which visible actions of the body play a crucial role.
The volume treats four broad topics: (1) the multimodal nature of language; (2) multi modal
representation of meaning; (3) multimodal and multi channel prosody; and (4) acquisition and
development of visual language in children and adults. This division aims to organize the Research
Topic for the reader, although there is some inevitable overlap.
The first topic targets the nature of all language as multimodal, examining the relationships
between speech, gestures, and sign. Visible parts of the body can be engaged in language use in
a range of ways, and the papers in this section illustrate specific language phenomena that are
multimodal. Perniss; Ferrara and Hodge both review evidence to support a multimodal model
of language that accounts for how humans coordinate their semiotic repertoires in crossmodal
and composite ways. These authors draw on fundamental modes of communication, including
depiction, description, and indicating (Clark, 1996, 2016). Both papers also stress the need to
consider the wider context in which utterances are constructed and interpreted, in order to fully
understand how multimodal resources are integrated into language as traditionally defined. Müller
delves deep into the theoretical debates concerning the status of gestures relative to speech, and
addresses the question—are gestures part of language or are they language themselves? She further
August 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 1765
Sandler et al.
Editorial: Visual Language
domains both within and across the languages depending on the
affordances of the main modality. Three further papers focus on
iconicity in sign languages specifically: Lu and Goldin-Meadow
examine depiction in American Sign Language to reveal a
conventional (more lexicalized) and, at the same time, a so-called
embellished (more gesture-like) kind of depiction, explaining
that the preference depends on context and task. Meir and Cohen
investigate metaphors in Israeli Sign Language. They provide a
detailed analysis of the ways in which metaphors in sign language
differ from metaphors in spoken language, and suggest two
principles to account for these differences. They conclude that
all human languages exploit metaphorical expression to convey
vivid sensory images, while the visual and the auditory modalities
impose different constraints on such expression. The fact that
the body is visible while signing determines the ways in which
signers can refer metaphorically to the body for both human and
non-human properties. Finally, in a methodologically oriented
paper, Östling et al. use computer based tools to automatically
process 120,000 videos from 31 sign languages to reveal two
different cross-linguistic patterns of iconicity: the use of two
hands to represent plurality, and of locations on different parts
of the body to represent activities associated with such locations
(e.g., the head with thinking). Computational modeling is a
revealing tool for simulating natural communication and testing
its interpretation. Ravenet et al. describe the challenges involved
in modeling multimodal behavior for so-called Embodied
Conversational Agents (ECAs). They identify elements that
need to be captured regarding speech and gesture in order to
automatically generate multimodal communicative behavior in
successful virtual/robotic conversational partners.
The third topic in the volume is concerned with prosody
that is multimodal (speech and gesture) and multi channel
(manual and non-manual in sign language). Prosody refers to
linguistic cues such as intonation, tone, stress, and rhythm, which
are superimposed on the morphosyntactic language stream.
Both in the domain of sign language and in gesture studies,
empirical studies of the coordination of visual prosodic cues with
the phrases and sentences of language are quite rare (but for
pioneering work, see e.g., Nespor and Sandler, 1999; Sandler,
2010 and Sandler this volume for sign language; McClave,
1994 for gesture). Shattuck-Hufnagel and Ren examine the
precise nature of the temporal relationship between speech
and one type of co-speech gesture in adults, looking at how
non-referential gestures in academic lectures coordinate with
prosodic prominence in speech. The analyses reveal a tight
link between the prosodic structure of spoken utterances and
bodily movements, supporting the claim that a comprehensive
speech production model must generate and align gesture
and speech as part of the same system. Esteve-Gibbert and
Guellaï contextualize and evaluate a range of studies on the
development of the prosodic coordination of speech and gesture
in childhood. Brentari et al. focus on visible prosodic markers
in the manual and non-manual channels of different types of
imperatives in American Sign Language (ASL). They also test
their comprehension by signers of ASL, as well as by signers of
a different sign language (German Sign Language, DGS), and
finally by hearing non-signers. Results show that different speech
discusses the relationship between the speech-gesture ensemble
and sign language, specifically targeting the issue of whether the
systems are fundamentally different in nature, or whether there
is a continuum. Sandler argues for the centrality of the body
in understanding the nature of a central property of language:
compositionality. She details the linguistic functions of different
bodily articulations in the prosodic, lexical, and pragmatic
structure of established sign languages, and their recruitment in
the emergence of new sign languages, illuminating more general
principles of compositionality common to spoken and visual
languages alike. The paper goes on to seek possible evolutionary
roots of communicative compositionality in physical displays
of intense emotions by athletes, and their interpretation.
Dachkovsky et al. focus on the relationship between linguistic
complexity and its expression by the body, in the emergence
of a young sign language, Israeli Sign Language. Drawing
on narratives produced by three generations of signers, the
authors illustrate how the self-organization of bodily articulations
becomes more systematic and reduced as the language becomes
more complex over time. Finally, Liebal and Oña discuss the
search for the roots of human language in a cross-species
comparative approach, and investigate whether precursors to
language may already be present in our closest relatives, the nonhuman primates. They review the debate concerning whether
non-human primates use gestures to “mean” the same as
humans, and present an overview of how different approaches to
visual/gestural vs. vocal communication in non-human primates
lead to different answers.
While the first topic deals with different kinds of structure
conveyed in language, the second broad topic concerns how
meaning can be represented multimodally, and the ways in
which meaningful elements can be quantified and modeled.
The papers in this section address issues such as how the
body, and specifically the hands, can create meaning visually
and kinetically in speech-associated gestures and sign languages.
Mittelberg begins with a discussion of meaning-making in
speech-associated gestures which involves iconicity (a direct
form-meaning correspondence), indexicality (contiguity), and
habit (conventionality). Comparing two ways in which meaning
can be extended in language, metonymy and metaphor, she
argues that metonomy is a more basic principle in gestures and
signs than metaphor. Mittelberg describes metonymy as more
experientially grounded than metaphor, as it highlights a partial
aspect of a larger context of human activity, the activity itself
being expressed within a frame, or a context of experience.
Metonymic gestures are simultaneously indexical and refer to
conventions of human practice. Cooperrider et al. explore a single
gestural form, the so-called epistemic palm up, as a starting point
for examining a network of meanings that appear to be similar
across gesture and sign. These comparisons serve as the basis for
a discussion of the origins of communicative forms, how they
divide into multiple different meanings, and become integrated
into language. In an unusual comparative study across language
modalities, Perlman et al. examine the presence of iconicity in
two signed languages (American Sign Language and British Sign
Language) and two spoken languages (Spanish and English). The
analyses reveal characteristic patterns of iconicity across semantic
Frontiers in Psychology | www.frontiersin.org
August 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 1765
Sandler et al.
Editorial: Visual Language
acts display different patterns, and also, importantly, that the
patterns are sign language-specific.
The fourth topic deals with acquisition and development
of visual language, both in child and adult language learners
considering both sign language and gestures. Janke and Marshall
ask whether speech-associated gestures function as a useful
starting point or scaffold for hearing adults learning sign
language, and whether iconic signs are easier to learn than
less iconic signs, as is often claimed. The results suggest that
adult hearing learners cannot straightforwardly draw on gestures,
whether iconic or not. Instead, the challenge seems to be to
reduce gestural resources and “linguisticize” a small number of
hand shapes to arrive at forms that are part of the grammar
of a sign language. Shield and Meier also examine children’s
and adults’ acquisition of sign language and posit four possible
strategies for learning signs/imitating gestures. They review
evidence from typical and atypical hearing and deaf groups
to reveal different developmental trajectories across typical and
atypical populations. Finally, Graziano and Gullberg focus on the
well-rooted assumption that gesture is mainly a compensatory
device to support speaking difficulties. Analyses of fluent and
disfluent speech from both adult competent speakers of different
languages and child and adult language learners instead suggest
that gestures are integrated with speech such that both modalities
are affected by speech production difficulties. The results thus
support an integrated view of speech and gesture and of a view
of language use as fundamentally multimodal.
In conclusion, the papers in this volume provide new evidence
for the role of visual elements expressed by the body in language.
The volume unifies theoretical and empirical proposals toward a
more comprehensive view of the multimodal nature of language,
in which speech, gestures, and sign are treated on a par. We
hope that the volume will provide additional substance to
Perniss’ conclusion that “[W]e are already on the threshold of a
new paradigm.”
Conflict of Interest Statement: The authors declare that the research was
conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could
be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
All authors listed have made a substantial, direct and
intellectual contribution to the work, and approved it
for publication.
The conceptualization of this volume arose from research project
340140 funded by the European Research Council and led by
WS, called The Grammar of the Body (http://gramby.haifa.ac.
il/). We also acknowledge funding to MG from the Wallenberg
Foundations toward her Wallenberg Scholar grant Embodied
Bilingualism (MAW 2017.0116).
Clark, H. H. (1996). Using language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Clark, H. H. (2016). Depicting as a method of communication. Psychol. Rev. 3,
324–347. doi: 10.1037/rev0000026
McClave, E. (1994). Gestural beats: the rhythm hypothesis. J. Psycholinguist. Res.
23, 45–66.
Nespor, M., and Sandler, W. (1999). Prosody in Israeli Sign Language. Lang. Speech
42, 143–176. doi: 10.1177/00238309990420020201
Sandler, W. (2010). Prosody and syntax in sign language. Trans. Philol. Soc. 108,
298–328. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-968X.2010.01242.x
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August 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 1765