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39 pages
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El documento se centra en el peor accidente en la minería a rajo abierto ocurrido en la Mina Chuquicamata, Chile, en mayo de 1994. Este accidente resultó en 10 fallecidos y fue desencadenado por un fallo en la parte superior del talud, provocando un flujo de barro a alta velocidad. Se destaca la importancia de analizar los factores que contribuyeron a este incidente para mejorar la seguridad en actividades mineras a cielo abierto.
ABSTRACTBackgroundDuring the last decades several developed countries reported a decrease in the occurrence of mining injuries. Mining is a very important sector of Colombia’s economy without analyses of injuries and fatalities in mining emergencies.ObjectiveThis study describes the occurrence of mining emergencies in Colombia between 2005 and 2018, and their principal characteristics.MethodsAn ecological study was performed with the mining emergencies registered by the National Mining Agency between 2005 and 2018. The study described the place of occurrence, type of event, legal status and type of mines, mineral extracted, and number of injuries and fatalities. Benford’s law was used to explore the quality of the data.ResultsA total of 1,235 emergencies occurred, with 751 injured workers and 1,364 fatalities. The majority of emergencies were from collapses, polluted air, and explosions, most of which occurred in coal (77.41%), gold (18.06%), and emerald (1.38%) mines. Many emergenc...
International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics : JOSE, 2012
Using data on work accidents and annual mining statistics, the paper studies work-related accidents in the Spanish energetic mining sector in 1999-2008. The following 3 parameters are considered: age, experience and size of the mine (in number of workers) where the accident took place. The main objective of this paper is to show the relationship between different accident indicators: risk index (as an expression of the incidence), average duration index for the age and size of the mine variables (as a measure of the seriousness of an accident), and the gravity index for the various sizes of mines (which measures the seriousness of an accident, too). The conclusions of this study could be useful to develop suitable prevention policies that would contribute towards a decrease in work-related accidents in the Spanish energetic mining industry.
Cadernos de saude publica, 2019
Brumadinho, Minas Gerais State. Friday, January 25th, 2019. At 12h 28min 25s, the tailings dam (B1) of the Córrego do Feijão mine, owned by Vale S.A., ruptures. Immediately thereafter, the company’s president, Fabio Schvartsman, declared “the environmental damage will be much smaller than that of Mariana, but the human tragedy will likely be bigger” 1. On the first day, it was established that 13 million m3 of mining rejects had been released into the environment. After one month of searches, the number of deaths exceeds 300, with 179 located bodies and 131 missing persons. In this specific case, the term “missing” can also represent an attempt to downplay the magnitude of the event, since there is no hope of finding these individuals alive more than a month after the event. Disasters, by nature an definition, are events that result “ a serious interruption of a community or society’s normal functioning, affecting their everyday lives (...) simultaneously [involving] material a...
Dyna (Medellin, Colombia)
The rate for work related accidents in Spanish mining has decreased during recent years. However, the incidence rate per 100,000 workers in the Spanish mining sector in 2007 was significantly higher than the ones reported in the mining industry of other countries. This result implies that studies and research should be carried out in order to reveal the nature of the factors influencing the high incidence rates of the Spanish mining sector. Thus, this article offers features of the 3 most common types of accident of the Spanish mining industry during the period of 2003-2008. For each type of accident, the analysis proceeds as follows: 1) Modeling of the adjusted exponential distribution in terms of workdays lost; 2) Calculation of the risk index adjusted by age group of injured workers; 3) Identification of the 3 main deviations or immediate causes.
reponame:Repositorio Institucional EdocUR, 2020
Abstract Introduction: 1,653 people died and 2,590 were injured as a result of the 1,473 mining emergencies occurred in Colombia between 2005 and 2020; this represents a high rate of severity. Up to three people died in 95% of these mining emergencies. Emergencies due to geomechanical failures are the most frequent – 509 emergencies and 465 deaths – and explosions are the most catastrophic event, as 149 workers died in only five explosions. Explosions and geomechanical failures account for 52.8% of the deaths occurred. Objective: To build a hierarchical model of causation for fatal mining emergencies in Colombia, based on 100 investigations of mining emergencies conducted by the National Mining Agency in the period running from the year 2014 to August, 2020. Materials and Methods: A hierarchical model of causation of fatal mining events in Colombia was built using the ISM - Interpretive Structural Modeling. 31 out of 183 risk factors identified were selected – accounting for 60.6% of the total frequencies (1,460). Results: A hierarchical, 8-level model was obtained. Two of the risk factors are at the root of Causation; four risk factors are immediate causes, and there were 25 indirect causes. The sequence of risk factors in the tree shows how incorrect decisions and unfavorable environmental conditions are influenced by the set of Rules of the Game of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System. Neither are risks inherent to us, nor is human error the cause in which an investigation must conclude – contrariwise, this is the very beginning of it. Conclusion: Injuries and deaths in mining can be prevented. Reading the hierarchical model in a positive sense, it was found that if hazards and risks are identified and evaluated, ventilation and maintenance plans are implemented, risks of critical tasks are managed, and workers are continuously trained on the basis of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System and the leadership and responsibility of the mining employer, so too will mine workers acquire skills in their work, with an adequate perception of risks, the performance of adequate procedures and the establishment of proper supervision systems. Only thus will environmental risks such as landslides or explosive or unbreathable atmospheres be controlled, and workers will make correct decisions to avoid injuries and deaths.
Journal of Safety Research, 2010
The rate for work related accidents in the Spanish mining sector is notably higher than in other countries such as the United States. It produces a very negative impact on the mining industry. This paper is the report of a study on serious and fatal accidents in Spanish mining from 1982-2006. It is based on the reports of 212 accidents (serious or fatal) carried out by the General Management of Energy and Mining of Catalonia (Spain). Method: The high work-related accident rate in the Spanish mining sector makes it necessary to carry out an analysis and research that can shed light on the causes of this high rate; this is the only way that a solution can be found. The study is based on Feyer and Williamson's analysis of accident causes, as they apply to 212 accidents. The types and causes of the accidents are coded according to the coding system used by the Spanish National Institute for Safety and Hygiene in the Workplace, which allows us to identify a series of direct causes and contributing factors in different accidents. Results If all the causes and factors that are present in the accidents are known, we are able to look for appropriate solutions to reduce them as much as possible. In short, we are able to come up with a series of conclusions that expose the weak links in the management of accident prevention in companies. This is helpful in the struggle to reduce work injuries in the Spanish mining sector.
There has been a long history of coal mine accidents and these, usually, involve serious injuries, fatalities, and the destruction of facilities. In the seventies, an explosion killed 28 miners in a Spanish coal mine. This paper gives insight into the main factors of the accident by means of the causation mode, using two well-known alternatives: (1) the method from the Spanish Instituto Nacional de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (INSST), where the causes and circumstances of the accident are classified into immediate causes and basic causes, and (2) the Feyer and Williamson method, where the classification is done using precursor events and contributing factors. The analysis identifies the lessons to be learned from the disaster. Both methods have given very similar results, verifying the goodness of the analysis. Methane emissions due to a variation in the exploitation method, the electrical installation, and a lack of safety procedures and training were the main causes of the accident. These findings explain the real causes of this accident and can be very valuable for the prevention of future accidents.
Journal of Safety Research, 2007
Introduction: Despite significant reductions, the number of injuries and fatalities in mining remains high. A persistent area of concern continues to be equipment-related incidents. Method: Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) and Current Population Survey (CPS) data were used to examine equipment-related injuries over the period 1995-2004. Incidents were reviewed to determine which types of mining equipment were most often involved and to identify and characterize trends. Results: Non-powered hand tools was the equipment category most often involved with non-fatal injuries while off-road ore haulage was the most common source of fatalities. Summary: Younger employees had an elevated risk of injury while workers N 55 years had an elevated risk for fatality. A large majority of incidents involve workers with b 5 years experience. Impact on Industry: Results should increase hazard awareness and enable mine management to select and prioritize problem areas and safety system weaknesses in both underground and surface mining.
Mine and Mine Injuries By definition, a mine is a set of minerals found in the crust of the earth as compounds, and this formation is called ore. Internal and external factors play roles in the transformation of minerals into mines. The ores formed as a result of these factors exist as mineral deposits or mineral strata in underground layers. The USA, China, South Africa, Canada, and Russia lead the world in the possession and production of mineral reserves. Regarding the export values, non-ferrous metals and industrial minerals are considered important. Turkey possesses rich underground mineral resources, and approximately 60 different metals and minerals are extracted. In this respect, 1% of the coal reserves and 0.4% of metallic mineral reserves of the world are in our country, and 72% of the world reserves in terms of boron mine are located within the borders of our country. However, the most common type of mining is coal mining. In addition to coal mining, as another mining area, marble mining also has a great place in open area mining. It was determined in studies that examine mining injuries in Spain and America that the majority of the accidents are human-induced, the fatal accident rates increase as the age of employees increases, the number of accidents decreases as the mine area expands; however, the severity of the accident increases. Acute Injuries and Deaths Due to Mining Accidents The mining industry is among the heavy business areas and is considered to be one of the production areas that require attention regarding occupational safety and employee health. It can cause death or serious injuries as a result of simple mistakes, which might occur in work areas, work machines (e.g. earthmover, etc.), and equipment. Although the true rates of occupational accidents with minor injuries are not known exactly because of insufficient reporting of simple occupational accidents, but mostly serious injuries and deaths are recorded. Mild injuries can be listed as soft tissue lesions, minor burns, and small foreign body aspirations. In some previous studies, deterioration in oral health was reported in miners. Detailed evaluations such as the incidence of minor injuries and the business lines in which they are seen cannot be made sufficiently because of the lack of forensic reporting. Also, the presence of unregistered employees in illegal and small businesses does not allow the recording of work accidents in these businesses in the system.