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INTRODUCCIÓN "La disciplina trasciende a la inteligencia" Dicho japonés Las Matemáticas, según Penrose (Penrose, 2002), se pueden ver bajo dos prismas: Las matemáticas son un arte, "es el mayor de los artes". Entendiéndose un arte como una forma de abstraer la realidad. La matemática nos permite crear y manipular diferentes tipos de espacios y estos, a su vez, pueden abstraer la realidad. También puede verse como un lenguaje formal, teniendo las matemáticas la capacidad de manipular diferentes espacios, se le permite al científico la utilización de las matemáticas como un lenguaje formal que permite conceptualizar, expresar y manipular fenómenos.
Los enunciados etiquetados con "Observación" se usarán para recoger aclaraciones sobre lenguaje matemático, símbolos y notaciones. El alumno debe E.T.S.I.Informática . 7 aprender a utilizar con corrección el lenguaje matemático, lo que también repercutirá en su evaluación.
Matemáticas para la computación res_resptodoslogica_131009.d Editorial: Alfaomega Grupo Editorial -2 -4.-Respuesta a todos los problemas de Lógica. 4.1.a) Sean p: Vivo en un lugar bajo. q: Se inunda la casa. r: Vivo en un lugar alto. s: Me falta el agua. t: Es zona cara. u: Vivo en la montaña. [p→q]∧[r→(s∨t)]⇒[(t'∧q'∧s)→u] b) Sean P: ESTÁ EN LA SELECCIÓN DE FUT BOL. q: Es buen jugador. r: Tiene una edad menor de 27 años. s: Pertenece al América. t: Es del Morelia.
Academia Materials Science, 2024
Creep is the main degradation mechanism in steel components operating at high temperatures in thermal and nuclear units. Therefore, acquiring creep data during equipment operation is vital for a realistic calculation of the remaining useful life of these units. However, there are severe limitations to obtain sufficient material for standard size specimen fabrication. Therefore, replacing conventional specimens with small-size specimens, which can be fabricated from a limited amount of material, can facilitate the assessment of power-plant components by creep tests without structural damage. This study aims to compare the tensile and creep test results of CrMo ferritic steel using conventional and small-size specimens to assess the effectiveness of using miniaturized specimens for analysis. The results of this study confirm the applicability of miniaturized-specimen creep testing for the reliable estimation of the materials remaining life.
Academia Letters, 2021
Two major reform movements in K-12 mathematics, thus ultimately affecting reforms in collegelevel curricula, were (1) at the turn of the century when uniformity and utility became the focus of higher education and (2) after World War II, also around the launch of Sputnik in 1957. "The problem tying the two eras together and underlying all constraints on reform is that curriculum questions are moral and ethical, while reform efforts have had a technical character" (Stanic & Kilpatrick, 1992, p. 415). Nonetheless, the reform movements in K-12 affected college mathematics because it changed the quality and amount of college-ready students, and it initiated conversations among mathematicians about what should be taught in school mathematics to be prepared for college. The initiation of American graduate schools in the 1890s created an oversupply of Ph.Ds. that led to better quality professors and teachers for the first reform movement of the 20th century. Unfortunately, this was not the case for the second reform movement in the 1960s, when enrollments grew faster than available quality teachers. Collegiate Mathematics Reform in the 1900s One of the most significant "reform efforts [in school mathematics] during this century [has] been the move toward unified and applied mathematics as the century began" (Stanic & Kilpatrick, 1992, p. 407). Aiding this reform movement was an enormous increase in the number of students attending college. "In the 50-year period from 1890 to 1940, the percentage of 14to 17-year-olds attending school increased from less than 10 percent to over 70 percent, while
Theoretical Roman Archaeology Journal
A failure to distinguish archaeology from historiography has led many archaeologists to become over-reliant on the sub-division of British history into periods such as Roman and Anglo-Saxon. Furthermore, the u1UJuestioning use of such normative racial! cultural terms as 'Roman' obscures the view of so~conomic change during the Roman period. This paper discusses the end of the Roman Period as part of a continuum of socia~ political and economic change that refers back at least to the Iron Age and greatly influenced the Anglo-Saxon period. Marxist theory is used to suggest why British society changed so much during the fifth century. The model employed involves three basic revisions to the Marxist explanation of diversity and change: the preeminence of the societal superstructure; greater interaction within and between social classes; and the potential of any individual to promote change.
What We Talk About When We Talk About Hebrew (And Why It Matters to Americans, 2018
Diálogos Revista Electrónica, 2018
Innovation in Economy & Policy Research, 2023
Research in Dance Education, 2020
Toplum ve Ütopya, 2023
Jornal de Pediatria, 2006
Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, 2001
Educación y Biblioteca, 2002
Porto Das Letras, 2022
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2018
Journal of Social and Economics Research, 2023
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2015
BMC Oral Health, 2016