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For students, there's a common notion that earphones, iPods, and games are a need during lecture classes. It has been defined that lecture classes are often boring and difficult since teachers are the only ones who speak in it. It also gives a tendency for a student to sleep, daydream and imagine in class which often results in unproductiveness. We can improve the quality of education by using the modified form of lecture which includes other methods like short talks by the students, the case studies and the horseshoe method.
The lecture is still one of the staples of university classrooms. Sometimes this is due to the fact that this is the only pedagogical device with which some professors are familiar. But sometimes this is due to the subject matter at hand or circumstances beyond our control, such as large class sizes or unaccommodating classroom layouts. In these situations, for many of us, the question then becomes if one is forced to lecture, how can one do this in such a way so as to maximize the effectiveness of lecturing?
Philosophia International Journal of Philosophy, 2022
To lecture or not to lecture can be a professional dilemma nowadays. In this piece, I argue that the lecture method remains an essential element in any pedagogical practice. The lecture method is valuable and practical in any teaching approach. It works best if supported or accompanied by more interactive techniques. To develop good lectures, one must know the philosophy, mission, and vision of the educational institution that the educator or teacher belongs to, one's educational or pedagogical philosophy, and care for the learners. Lectures could be made progressively dynamic through reflective teaching or practicing the teach-think-grow habit.
The aim of this paper is to deal with the critical issue of Lecture methodology, its use in language teaching, its frequent use in Pakistani language classrooms in the public colleges, its usefulness or otherwise, its advantages and limitations, its role in language learning or teaching strategy keeping in view the particular scenario of English language classes at Graduation or Post-Graduation level. This paper will not only discuss the viability of Lecture method as a teaching strategy and its possible role in language learning. Theoreticians have suggested numerous arguments in favor and against. Here in this paper the author will present its pedagogical need and the reason behind its adaptation and how far it is faulty for a language classroom. [CITATION: Chaudhry W M. (2014) Teaching English through lecture: a faculty strategy for language classes. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (IJHSSR). 1(1) pp 1-10]
… of the 14th WSEAS international conference …, 2010
This paper presents an alternative to traditional lecture method, that method-oriented student lecture intensified. There are put in contrast the two versions of the lecture, focusing on teaching techniques that involve the student participation in courses. The article also presents the results of inquiries on the extent to which students changed their attitude toward school as a result of use by teacher lecture intensified. Participation in education offers students the opportunity to engage not only in note-taking, but in understanding, learning and intellectual capacity and practical exercises.
Tertiary education usually indicates higher education particular to undergraduate and graduate programs of study, which comes after elementary and high school completion. After the enactment of the Private University Act in 1992, the private universities in Bangladesh recorded a phenomenal growth. Both the sectors are providing a higher education and making a competitive environment. But in practice, some private universities are very weak and some questions are here about the quality of education. May be those universities are using all modern training aids but are the students benefiting? We know prime aim of a teacher is to make his/her listeners understand and for that a flow of communication between these two agents is very vital. A teacher has to be very likely with the capability of making other's understand. On the other hand, listeners have to be responsive. Earlier chalk, black-board etc. were used by the teachers as a training aid. But with the advancement of science and technology, slide projectors came into play, after that overhead projectors and now we are in the age of multimedia projectors. But the question remains about the effectiveness of these advance technologies. Are these advance technologies making students more responsive or making a scope for them to remain silent?
Collegium antropologicum, 2013
Lectures were, still are and seem to remain a dominant form of teaching, despite an increased research and use of other methods of teaching and leverage of technology aimed at improving teaching results and efficiency. Learning, as the result of a lecture, greatly depends on the subject, the competence and abilities of the lecturer as well as on other transient causes. However, lectures also have some intrinsic deficiencies as a teaching method pertinent to their very nature. In order to fully understand the teaching value of lectures and their role and proper use in educational systems, their deficiencies have been studied in a theoretical analysis from the perspective of cognitive learning theories. Fifteen deficiencies have been identified and clustered in three categories based on root causes of deficiencies: synchronicity problems, time constraint and individual student abilities, needs and knowledge. These findings can be used to adjust expected learning outcomes of lectures, ...
Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 2022
The distinction of "understanding" and "explaining", formulated by Karl Jaspers in his "General Psychopathology", has had a lasting effect on psychiatry. As a result, phenomenological, hermeneutic, or psychodynamic approaches have often been accorded only descriptive or epiphenomenal status, while the actual causes of mental illness have been sought in neurobiologically or genetically based explanations. In contrast, this paper defends the explanatory role of understanding and phenomenological approaches. To this end, two levels of explanation are distinguished and shown to be equally justified in principle, namely, motivational explanation at the macro-level and physical explanation at the micro-level. The actual causal role of motivational, i.e., understandable connections is then demonstrated by means of a conception of circular causality, which includes downward causality. Finally, the explanatory role of phenomenological analyses is also shown in psychotic disorders that refuse motivational understanding, using the example of schizophrenic delusion.
This report outlines the investigation into the construction history aspects of part of the ‘Raising the Roof’ project at Oxburgh Hall in Norfolk, undertaken by the National Trust, and supported by a number of external contractors and specialists, and specifically examines the construction of the attic floor frames, and carpenter’s marks, present on the structure.
Science & Education, 2013
A Concorrência Livre na Constituição de 1988 [Free Competition in the 1988 Constitution]. In: Filosofia e Teoria Geral do Direito: Estudos em Homenagem a Tercio Sampaio Ferraz Junior por seu Septuagésimo Aniversário, 2011
Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, 2024
Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura, 2014
La politique et l'âme : Autour de Pierre Manent, 2014
Zeitschrift für Gerontopsychologie und -psychiatrie, 2008
Finding Democracy in Music, 2020
Journal of Accounting Taxing and Auditing (JATA)
Otorrinolaringologica De Castilla Y Leon Cantabria Y La Rioja, 2013
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 2018
Oncogene, 2014
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2021
Revista Brasileira de Educação Médica, 2019
arXiv (Cornell University), 2018
Applied Surface Science, 2014
Behaviour Research and Therapy, 1999
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2001
Paediatrics and International Child Health, 2018